path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-02-17 16:21:11 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-02-18 20:18:12 -0500
commit1500f0898e85316c7c97a2f759d83278a072ab0e (patch)
tree7246f4905a279679b1c5106ba6989d6e0e637f6b /compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm.hs
parent192caf58ca1fc42806166872260d30bdb34dbace (diff)
Modules: Llvm (#13009)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm.hs')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f84c2901a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeFamilies, ViewPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | This is the top-level module in the LLVM code generator.
+module GHC.CmmToLlvm
+ ( LlvmVersion
+ , llvmVersionList
+ , llvmCodeGen
+ , llvmFixupAsm
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Base
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.CodeGen
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Data
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Ppr
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Mangler
+import GHC.StgToCmm.CgUtils ( fixStgRegisters )
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Ppr
+import BufWrite
+import DynFlags
+import GHC.Platform ( platformArch, Arch(..) )
+import ErrUtils
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import SysTools ( figureLlvmVersion )
+import qualified Stream
+import Control.Monad ( when, forM_ )
+import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, catMaybes )
+import System.IO
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Top-level of the LLVM Code generator
+llvmCodeGen :: DynFlags -> Handle
+ -> Stream.Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
+ -> IO a
+llvmCodeGen dflags h cmm_stream
+ = withTiming dflags (text "LLVM CodeGen") (const ()) $ do
+ bufh <- newBufHandle h
+ -- Pass header
+ showPass dflags "LLVM CodeGen"
+ -- get llvm version, cache for later use
+ mb_ver <- figureLlvmVersion dflags
+ -- warn if unsupported
+ forM_ mb_ver $ \ver -> do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2
+ (text "Using LLVM version:" <+> text (llvmVersionStr ver))
+ let doWarn = wopt Opt_WarnUnsupportedLlvmVersion dflags
+ when (not (llvmVersionSupported ver) && doWarn) $ putMsg dflags $
+ "You are using an unsupported version of LLVM!" $$
+ "Currently only " <> text (llvmVersionStr supportedLlvmVersion) <> " is supported." <+>
+ "System LLVM version: " <> text (llvmVersionStr ver) $$
+ "We will try though..."
+ let isS390X = platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) == ArchS390X
+ let major_ver = head . llvmVersionList $ ver
+ when (isS390X && major_ver < 10 && doWarn) $ putMsg dflags $
+ "Warning: For s390x the GHC calling convention is only supported since LLVM version 10." <+>
+ "You are using LLVM version: " <> text (llvmVersionStr ver)
+ -- run code generation
+ a <- runLlvm dflags (fromMaybe supportedLlvmVersion mb_ver) bufh $
+ llvmCodeGen' (liftStream cmm_stream)
+ bFlush bufh
+ return a
+llvmCodeGen' :: Stream.Stream LlvmM RawCmmGroup a -> LlvmM a
+llvmCodeGen' cmm_stream
+ = do -- Preamble
+ renderLlvm header
+ ghcInternalFunctions
+ cmmMetaLlvmPrelude
+ -- Procedures
+ a <- Stream.consume cmm_stream llvmGroupLlvmGens
+ -- Declare aliases for forward references
+ renderLlvm . pprLlvmData =<< generateExternDecls
+ -- Postamble
+ cmmUsedLlvmGens
+ return a
+ where
+ header :: SDoc
+ header = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ let target = platformMisc_llvmTarget $ platformMisc dflags
+ in text ("target datalayout = \"" ++ getDataLayout dflags target ++ "\"")
+ $+$ text ("target triple = \"" ++ target ++ "\"")
+ getDataLayout :: DynFlags -> String -> String
+ getDataLayout dflags target =
+ case lookup target (llvmTargets $ llvmConfig dflags) of
+ Just (LlvmTarget {lDataLayout=dl}) -> dl
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "Failed to lookup LLVM data layout" $
+ text "Target:" <+> text target $$
+ hang (text "Available targets:") 4
+ (vcat $ map (text . fst) $ llvmTargets $ llvmConfig dflags)
+llvmGroupLlvmGens :: RawCmmGroup -> LlvmM ()
+llvmGroupLlvmGens cmm = do
+ -- Insert functions into map, collect data
+ let split (CmmData s d' ) = return $ Just (s, d')
+ split (CmmProc h l live g) = do
+ -- Set function type
+ let l' = case mapLookup (g_entry g) h of
+ Nothing -> l
+ Just (RawCmmStatics info_lbl _) -> info_lbl
+ lml <- strCLabel_llvm l'
+ funInsert lml =<< llvmFunTy live
+ return Nothing
+ cdata <- fmap catMaybes $ mapM split cmm
+ {-# SCC "llvm_datas_gen" #-}
+ cmmDataLlvmGens cdata
+ {-# SCC "llvm_procs_gen" #-}
+ mapM_ cmmLlvmGen cmm
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Do LLVM code generation on all these Cmms data sections.
+cmmDataLlvmGens :: [(Section,RawCmmStatics)] -> LlvmM ()
+cmmDataLlvmGens statics
+ = do lmdatas <- mapM genLlvmData statics
+ let (concat -> gs, tss) = unzip lmdatas
+ let regGlobal (LMGlobal (LMGlobalVar l ty _ _ _ _) _)
+ = funInsert l ty
+ regGlobal _ = pure ()
+ mapM_ regGlobal gs
+ gss' <- mapM aliasify $ gs
+ renderLlvm $ pprLlvmData (concat gss', concat tss)
+-- | Complete LLVM code generation phase for a single top-level chunk of Cmm.
+cmmLlvmGen ::RawCmmDecl -> LlvmM ()
+cmmLlvmGen cmm@CmmProc{} = do
+ -- rewrite assignments to global regs
+ dflags <- getDynFlag id
+ let fixed_cmm = {-# SCC "llvm_fix_regs" #-} fixStgRegisters dflags cmm
+ dumpIfSetLlvm Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm "Optimised Cmm"
+ FormatCMM (pprCmmGroup [fixed_cmm])
+ -- generate llvm code from cmm
+ llvmBC <- withClearVars $ genLlvmProc fixed_cmm
+ -- pretty print
+ (docs, ivars) <- fmap unzip $ mapM pprLlvmCmmDecl llvmBC
+ -- Output, note down used variables
+ renderLlvm (vcat docs)
+ mapM_ markUsedVar $ concat ivars
+cmmLlvmGen _ = return ()
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Generate meta data nodes
+cmmMetaLlvmPrelude :: LlvmM ()
+cmmMetaLlvmPrelude = do
+ metas <- flip mapM stgTBAA $ \(uniq, name, parent) -> do
+ -- Generate / lookup meta data IDs
+ tbaaId <- getMetaUniqueId
+ setUniqMeta uniq tbaaId
+ parentId <- maybe (return Nothing) getUniqMeta parent
+ -- Build definition
+ return $ MetaUnnamed tbaaId $ MetaStruct $
+ case parentId of
+ Just p -> [ MetaStr name, MetaNode p ]
+ -- As of LLVM 4.0, a node without parents should be rendered as
+ -- just a name on its own. Previously `null` was accepted as the
+ -- name.
+ Nothing -> [ MetaStr name ]
+ renderLlvm $ ppLlvmMetas metas
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Marks variables as used where necessary
+cmmUsedLlvmGens :: LlvmM ()
+cmmUsedLlvmGens = do
+ -- LLVM would discard variables that are internal and not obviously
+ -- used if we didn't provide these hints. This will generate a
+ -- definition of the form
+ --
+ -- @llvm.used = appending global [42 x i8*] [i8* bitcast <var> to i8*, ...]
+ --
+ -- Which is the LLVM way of protecting them against getting removed.
+ ivars <- getUsedVars
+ let cast x = LMBitc (LMStaticPointer (pVarLift x)) i8Ptr
+ ty = (LMArray (length ivars) i8Ptr)
+ usedArray = LMStaticArray (map cast ivars) ty
+ sectName = Just $ fsLit "llvm.metadata"
+ lmUsedVar = LMGlobalVar (fsLit "llvm.used") ty Appending sectName Nothing Constant
+ lmUsed = LMGlobal lmUsedVar (Just usedArray)
+ if null ivars
+ then return ()
+ else renderLlvm $ pprLlvmData ([lmUsed], [])