path: root/compiler/GHC/Core.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-02-24 20:59:43 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-02-26 15:10:58 -0500
commit817f93eac4d13f680e8e3e7a25eb403b1864f82e (patch)
treef7014721e49627f15d76f44a5bf663043e35fafc /compiler/GHC/Core.hs
parentb2b49a0aad353201678970c76d8305a5dcb1bfab (diff)
Modules: Core (#13009)
Update haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Core.hs')
1 files changed, 2346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core.hs
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index 0000000000..59556fccc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+-- | GHC.Core holds all the main data types for use by for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler midsection
+module GHC.Core (
+ -- * Main data types
+ Expr(..), Alt, Bind(..), AltCon(..), Arg,
+ Tickish(..), TickishScoping(..), TickishPlacement(..),
+ CoreProgram, CoreExpr, CoreAlt, CoreBind, CoreArg, CoreBndr,
+ TaggedExpr, TaggedAlt, TaggedBind, TaggedArg, TaggedBndr(..), deTagExpr,
+ -- * In/Out type synonyms
+ InId, InBind, InExpr, InAlt, InArg, InType, InKind,
+ InBndr, InVar, InCoercion, InTyVar, InCoVar,
+ OutId, OutBind, OutExpr, OutAlt, OutArg, OutType, OutKind,
+ OutBndr, OutVar, OutCoercion, OutTyVar, OutCoVar, MOutCoercion,
+ -- ** 'Expr' construction
+ mkLet, mkLets, mkLetNonRec, mkLetRec, mkLams,
+ mkApps, mkTyApps, mkCoApps, mkVarApps, mkTyArg,
+ mkIntLit, mkIntLitInt,
+ mkWordLit, mkWordLitWord,
+ mkWord64LitWord64, mkInt64LitInt64,
+ mkCharLit, mkStringLit,
+ mkFloatLit, mkFloatLitFloat,
+ mkDoubleLit, mkDoubleLitDouble,
+ mkConApp, mkConApp2, mkTyBind, mkCoBind,
+ varToCoreExpr, varsToCoreExprs,
+ isId, cmpAltCon, cmpAlt, ltAlt,
+ -- ** Simple 'Expr' access functions and predicates
+ bindersOf, bindersOfBinds, rhssOfBind, rhssOfAlts,
+ collectBinders, collectTyBinders, collectTyAndValBinders,
+ collectNBinders,
+ collectArgs, stripNArgs, collectArgsTicks, flattenBinds,
+ exprToType, exprToCoercion_maybe,
+ applyTypeToArg,
+ isValArg, isTypeArg, isCoArg, isTyCoArg, valArgCount, valBndrCount,
+ isRuntimeArg, isRuntimeVar,
+ -- * Tick-related functions
+ tickishCounts, tickishScoped, tickishScopesLike, tickishFloatable,
+ tickishCanSplit, mkNoCount, mkNoScope,
+ tickishIsCode, tickishPlace,
+ tickishContains,
+ -- * Unfolding data types
+ Unfolding(..), UnfoldingGuidance(..), UnfoldingSource(..),
+ -- ** Constructing 'Unfolding's
+ noUnfolding, bootUnfolding, evaldUnfolding, mkOtherCon,
+ unSaturatedOk, needSaturated, boringCxtOk, boringCxtNotOk,
+ -- ** Predicates and deconstruction on 'Unfolding'
+ unfoldingTemplate, expandUnfolding_maybe,
+ maybeUnfoldingTemplate, otherCons,
+ isValueUnfolding, isEvaldUnfolding, isCheapUnfolding,
+ isExpandableUnfolding, isConLikeUnfolding, isCompulsoryUnfolding,
+ isStableUnfolding, isFragileUnfolding, hasSomeUnfolding,
+ isBootUnfolding,
+ canUnfold, neverUnfoldGuidance, isStableSource,
+ -- * Annotated expression data types
+ AnnExpr, AnnExpr'(..), AnnBind(..), AnnAlt,
+ -- ** Operations on annotated expressions
+ collectAnnArgs, collectAnnArgsTicks,
+ -- ** Operations on annotations
+ deAnnotate, deAnnotate', deAnnAlt, deAnnBind,
+ collectAnnBndrs, collectNAnnBndrs,
+ -- * Orphanhood
+ IsOrphan(..), isOrphan, notOrphan, chooseOrphanAnchor,
+ -- * Core rule data types
+ CoreRule(..), RuleBase,
+ RuleName, RuleFun, IdUnfoldingFun, InScopeEnv,
+ RuleEnv(..), mkRuleEnv, emptyRuleEnv,
+ -- ** Operations on 'CoreRule's
+ ruleArity, ruleName, ruleIdName, ruleActivation,
+ setRuleIdName, ruleModule,
+ isBuiltinRule, isLocalRule, isAutoRule,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import CostCentre
+import VarEnv( InScopeSet )
+import Var
+import Type
+import Coercion
+import Name
+import NameSet
+import NameEnv( NameEnv, emptyNameEnv )
+import Literal
+import DataCon
+import Module
+import BasicTypes
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import UniqSet
+import SrcLoc ( RealSrcSpan, containsSpan )
+import Binary
+import Data.Data hiding (TyCon)
+import Data.Int
+import Data.Word
+infixl 4 `mkApps`, `mkTyApps`, `mkVarApps`, `App`, `mkCoApps`
+-- Left associative, so that we can say (f `mkTyApps` xs `mkVarApps` ys)
+* *
+\subsection{The main data types}
+* *
+These data types are the heart of the compiler
+-- | This is the data type that represents GHCs core intermediate language. Currently
+-- GHC uses System FC <> for this purpose,
+-- which is closely related to the simpler and better known System F <>.
+-- We get from Haskell source to this Core language in a number of stages:
+-- 1. The source code is parsed into an abstract syntax tree, which is represented
+-- by the data type 'GHC.Hs.Expr.HsExpr' with the names being 'RdrName.RdrNames'
+-- 2. This syntax tree is /renamed/, which attaches a 'Unique.Unique' to every 'RdrName.RdrName'
+-- (yielding a 'Name.Name') to disambiguate identifiers which are lexically identical.
+-- For example, this program:
+-- @
+-- f x = let f x = x + 1
+-- in f (x - 2)
+-- @
+-- Would be renamed by having 'Unique's attached so it looked something like this:
+-- @
+-- f_1 x_2 = let f_3 x_4 = x_4 + 1
+-- in f_3 (x_2 - 2)
+-- @
+-- But see Note [Shadowing] below.
+-- 3. The resulting syntax tree undergoes type checking (which also deals with instantiating
+-- type class arguments) to yield a 'GHC.Hs.Expr.HsExpr' type that has 'Id.Id' as it's names.
+-- 4. Finally the syntax tree is /desugared/ from the expressive 'GHC.Hs.Expr.HsExpr' type into
+-- this 'Expr' type, which has far fewer constructors and hence is easier to perform
+-- optimization, analysis and code generation on.
+-- The type parameter @b@ is for the type of binders in the expression tree.
+-- The language consists of the following elements:
+-- * Variables
+-- See Note [Variable occurrences in Core]
+-- * Primitive literals
+-- * Applications: note that the argument may be a 'Type'.
+-- See Note [Core let/app invariant]
+-- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants]
+-- * Lambda abstraction
+-- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants]
+-- * Recursive and non recursive @let@s. Operationally
+-- this corresponds to allocating a thunk for the things
+-- bound and then executing the sub-expression.
+-- See Note [Core letrec invariant]
+-- See Note [Core let/app invariant]
+-- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants]
+-- See Note [Core type and coercion invariant]
+-- * Case expression. Operationally this corresponds to evaluating
+-- the scrutinee (expression examined) to weak head normal form
+-- and then examining at most one level of resulting constructor (i.e. you
+-- cannot do nested pattern matching directly with this).
+-- The binder gets bound to the value of the scrutinee,
+-- and the 'Type' must be that of all the case alternatives
+-- IMPORTANT: see Note [Case expression invariants]
+-- * Cast an expression to a particular type.
+-- This is used to implement @newtype@s (a @newtype@ constructor or
+-- destructor just becomes a 'Cast' in Core) and GADTs.
+-- * Notes. These allow general information to be added to expressions
+-- in the syntax tree
+-- * A type: this should only show up at the top level of an Arg
+-- * A coercion
+{- Note [Why does Case have a 'Type' field?]
+The obvious alternative is
+ exprType (Case scrut bndr alts)
+ | (_,_,rhs1):_ <- alts
+ = exprType rhs1
+But caching the type in the Case constructor
+ exprType (Case scrut bndr ty alts) = ty
+is better for at least three reasons:
+* It works when there are no alternatives (see case invariant 1 above)
+* It might be faster in deeply-nested situations.
+* It might not be quite the same as (exprType rhs) for one
+ of the RHSs in alts. Consider a phantom type synonym
+ type S a = Int
+ and we want to form the case expression
+ case x of { K (a::*) -> (e :: S a) }
+ Then exprType of the RHS is (S a), but we cannot make that be
+ the 'ty' in the Case constructor because 'a' is simply not in
+ scope there. Instead we must expand the synonym to Int before
+ putting it in the Case constructor. See GHC.Core.Utils.mkSingleAltCase.
+ So we'd have to do synonym expansion in exprType which would
+ be inefficient.
+* The type stored in the case is checked with lintInTy. This checks
+ (among other things) that it does not mention any variables that are
+ not in scope. If we did not have the type there, it would be a bit
+ harder for Core Lint to reject case blah of Ex x -> x where
+ data Ex = forall a. Ex a.
+-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
+-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
+data Expr b
+ = Var Id
+ | Lit Literal
+ | App (Expr b) (Arg b)
+ | Lam b (Expr b)
+ | Let (Bind b) (Expr b)
+ | Case (Expr b) b Type [Alt b] -- See Note [Case expression invariants]
+ -- and Note [Why does Case have a 'Type' field?]
+ | Cast (Expr b) Coercion
+ | Tick (Tickish Id) (Expr b)
+ | Type Type
+ | Coercion Coercion
+ deriving Data
+-- | Type synonym for expressions that occur in function argument positions.
+-- Only 'Arg' should contain a 'Type' at top level, general 'Expr' should not
+type Arg b = Expr b
+-- | A case split alternative. Consists of the constructor leading to the alternative,
+-- the variables bound from the constructor, and the expression to be executed given that binding.
+-- The default alternative is @(DEFAULT, [], rhs)@
+-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
+-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
+type Alt b = (AltCon, [b], Expr b)
+-- | A case alternative constructor (i.e. pattern match)
+-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
+-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
+data AltCon
+ = DataAlt DataCon -- ^ A plain data constructor: @case e of { Foo x -> ... }@.
+ -- Invariant: the 'DataCon' is always from a @data@ type, and never from a @newtype@
+ | LitAlt Literal -- ^ A literal: @case e of { 1 -> ... }@
+ -- Invariant: always an *unlifted* literal
+ -- See Note [Literal alternatives]
+ | DEFAULT -- ^ Trivial alternative: @case e of { _ -> ... }@
+ deriving (Eq, Data)
+-- This instance is a bit shady. It can only be used to compare AltCons for
+-- a single type constructor. Fortunately, it seems quite unlikely that we'll
+-- ever need to compare AltCons for different type constructors.
+-- The instance adheres to the order described in [Core case invariants]
+instance Ord AltCon where
+ compare (DataAlt con1) (DataAlt con2) =
+ ASSERT( dataConTyCon con1 == dataConTyCon con2 )
+ compare (dataConTag con1) (dataConTag con2)
+ compare (DataAlt _) _ = GT
+ compare _ (DataAlt _) = LT
+ compare (LitAlt l1) (LitAlt l2) = compare l1 l2
+ compare (LitAlt _) DEFAULT = GT
+ compare DEFAULT _ = LT
+-- | Binding, used for top level bindings in a module and local bindings in a @let@.
+-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
+-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
+data Bind b = NonRec b (Expr b)
+ | Rec [(b, (Expr b))]
+ deriving Data
+Note [Shadowing]
+While various passes attempt to rename on-the-fly in a manner that
+avoids "shadowing" (thereby simplifying downstream optimizations),
+neither the simplifier nor any other pass GUARANTEES that shadowing is
+avoided. Thus, all passes SHOULD work fine even in the presence of
+arbitrary shadowing in their inputs.
+In particular, scrutinee variables `x` in expressions of the form
+`Case e x t` are often renamed to variables with a prefix
+"wild_". These "wild" variables may appear in the body of the
+case-expression, and further, may be shadowed within the body.
+So the Unique in a Var is not really unique at all. Still, it's very
+useful to give a constant-time equality/ordering for Vars, and to give
+a key that can be used to make sets of Vars (VarSet), or mappings from
+Vars to other things (VarEnv). Moreover, if you do want to eliminate
+shadowing, you can give a new Unique to an Id without changing its
+printable name, which makes debugging easier.
+Note [Literal alternatives]
+Literal alternatives (LitAlt lit) are always for *un-lifted* literals.
+We have one literal, a literal Integer, that is lifted, and we don't
+allow in a LitAlt, because LitAlt cases don't do any evaluation. Also
+(see #5603) if you say
+ case 3 of
+ S# x -> ...
+ J# _ _ -> ...
+(where S#, J# are the constructors for Integer) we don't want the
+simplifier calling findAlt with argument (LitAlt 3). No no. Integer
+literals are an opaque encoding of an algebraic data type, not of
+an unlifted literal, like all the others.
+Also, we do not permit case analysis with literal patterns on floating-point
+types. See #9238 and Note [Rules for floating-point comparisons] in
+PrelRules for the rationale for this restriction.
+-------------------------- GHC.Core INVARIANTS ---------------------------
+Note [Variable occurrences in Core]
+Variable /occurrences/ are never CoVars, though /bindings/ can be.
+All CoVars appear in Coercions.
+For example
+ \(c :: Age~#Int) (d::Int). d |> (sym c)
+Here 'c' is a CoVar, which is lambda-bound, but it /occurs/ in
+a Coercion, (sym c).
+Note [Core letrec invariant]
+The right hand sides of all top-level and recursive @let@s
+/must/ be of lifted type (see "Type#type_classification" for
+the meaning of /lifted/ vs. /unlifted/).
+There is one exception to this rule, top-level @let@s are
+allowed to bind primitive string literals: see
+Note [Core top-level string literals].
+Note [Core top-level string literals]
+As an exception to the usual rule that top-level binders must be lifted,
+we allow binding primitive string literals (of type Addr#) of type Addr# at the
+top level. This allows us to share string literals earlier in the pipeline and
+crucially allows other optimizations in the Core2Core pipeline to fire.
+ f n = let a::Addr# = "foo"#
+ in \x -> blah
+In order to be able to inline `f`, we would like to float `a` to the top.
+Another option would be to inline `a`, but that would lead to duplicating string
+literals, which we want to avoid. See #8472.
+The solution is simply to allow top-level unlifted binders. We can't allow
+arbitrary unlifted expression at the top-level though, unlifted binders cannot
+be thunks, so we just allow string literals.
+We allow the top-level primitive string literals to be wrapped in Ticks
+in the same way they can be wrapped when nested in an expression.
+CoreToSTG currently discards Ticks around top-level primitive string literals.
+See #14779.
+Also see Note [Compilation plan for top-level string literals].
+Note [Compilation plan for top-level string literals]
+Here is a summary on how top-level string literals are handled by various
+parts of the compilation pipeline.
+* In the source language, there is no way to bind a primitive string literal
+ at the top level.
+* In Core, we have a special rule that permits top-level Addr# bindings. See
+ Note [Core top-level string literals]. Core-to-core passes may introduce
+ new top-level string literals.
+* In STG, top-level string literals are explicitly represented in the syntax
+ tree.
+* A top-level string literal may end up exported from a module. In this case,
+ in the object file, the content of the exported literal is given a label with
+ the _bytes suffix.
+Note [Core let/app invariant]
+The let/app invariant
+ the right hand side of a non-recursive 'Let', and
+ the argument of an 'App',
+ /may/ be of unlifted type, but only if
+ the expression is ok-for-speculation
+ or the 'Let' is for a join point.
+This means that the let can be floated around
+without difficulty. For example, this is OK:
+ y::Int# = x +# 1#
+But this is not, as it may affect termination if the
+expression is floated out:
+ y::Int# = fac 4#
+In this situation you should use @case@ rather than a @let@. The function
+'GHC.Core.Utils.needsCaseBinding' can help you determine which to generate, or
+alternatively use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkCoreLet' rather than this constructor directly,
+which will generate a @case@ if necessary
+The let/app invariant is initially enforced by mkCoreLet and mkCoreApp in
+For discussion of some implications of the let/app invariant primops see
+Note [Checking versus non-checking primops] in PrimOp.
+Note [Case expression invariants]
+Case expressions are one of the more complicated elements of the Core
+language, and come with a number of invariants. All of them should be
+checked by Core Lint.
+1. The list of alternatives may be empty;
+ See Note [Empty case alternatives]
+2. The 'DEFAULT' case alternative must be first in the list,
+ if it occurs at all. Checked in GHC.Core.Lint.checkCaseAlts.
+3. The remaining cases are in order of (strictly) increasing
+ tag (for 'DataAlts') or
+ lit (for 'LitAlts').
+ This makes finding the relevant constructor easy, and makes
+ comparison easier too. Checked in GHC.Core.Lint.checkCaseAlts.
+4. The list of alternatives must be exhaustive. An /exhaustive/ case
+ does not necessarily mention all constructors:
+ @
+ data Foo = Red | Green | Blue
+ ... case x of
+ Red -> True
+ other -> f (case x of
+ Green -> ...
+ Blue -> ... ) ...
+ @
+ The inner case does not need a @Red@ alternative, because @x@
+ can't be @Red@ at that program point.
+ This is not checked by Core Lint -- it's very hard to do so.
+ E.g. suppose that inner case was floated out, thus:
+ let a = case x of
+ Green -> ...
+ Blue -> ... )
+ case x of
+ Red -> True
+ other -> f a
+ Now it's really hard to see that the Green/Blue case is
+ exhaustive. But it is.
+ If you have a case-expression that really /isn't/ exhaustive,
+ we may generate seg-faults. Consider the Green/Blue case
+ above. Since there are only two branches we may generate
+ code that tests for Green, and if not Green simply /assumes/
+ Blue (since, if the case is exhaustive, that's all that
+ remains). Of course, if it's not Blue and we start fetching
+ fields that should be in a Blue constructor, we may die
+ horribly. See also Note [Core Lint guarantee] in GHC.Core.Lint.
+5. Floating-point values must not be scrutinised against literals.
+ See #9238 and Note [Rules for floating-point comparisons]
+ in PrelRules for rationale. Checked in lintCaseExpr;
+ see the call to isFloatingTy.
+6. The 'ty' field of (Case scrut bndr ty alts) is the type of the
+ /entire/ case expression. Checked in lintAltExpr.
+ See also Note [Why does Case have a 'Type' field?].
+7. The type of the scrutinee must be the same as the type
+ of the case binder, obviously. Checked in lintCaseExpr.
+Note [Core type and coercion invariant]
+We allow a /non-recursive/, /non-top-level/ let to bind type and
+coercion variables. These can be very convenient for postponing type
+substitutions until the next run of the simplifier.
+* A type variable binding must have a RHS of (Type ty)
+* A coercion variable binding must have a RHS of (Coercion co)
+ It is possible to have terms that return a coercion, but we use
+ case-binding for those; e.g.
+ case (eq_sel d) of (co :: a ~# b) -> blah
+ where eq_sel :: (a~b) -> (a~#b)
+ Or even even
+ case (df @Int) of (co :: a ~# b) -> blah
+ Which is very exotic, and I think never encountered; but see
+ Note [Equality superclasses in quantified constraints]
+ in TcCanonical
+Note [Core case invariants]
+See Note [Case expression invariants]
+Note [Levity polymorphism invariants]
+The levity-polymorphism invariants are these (as per "Levity Polymorphism",
+PLDI '17):
+* The type of a term-binder must not be levity-polymorphic,
+ unless it is a let(rec)-bound join point
+ (see Note [Invariants on join points])
+* The type of the argument of an App must not be levity-polymorphic.
+A type (t::TYPE r) is "levity polymorphic" if 'r' has any free variables.
+For example
+ \(r::RuntimeRep). \(a::TYPE r). \(x::a). e
+is illegal because x's type has kind (TYPE r), which has 'r' free.
+See Note [Levity polymorphism checking] in GHC.HsToCore.Monad to see where these
+invariants are established for user-written code.
+Note [Core let goal]
+* The simplifier tries to ensure that if the RHS of a let is a constructor
+ application, its arguments are trivial, so that the constructor can be
+ inlined vigorously.
+Note [Type let]
+See #type_let#
+Note [Empty case alternatives]
+The alternatives of a case expression should be exhaustive. But
+this exhaustive list can be empty!
+* A case expression can have empty alternatives if (and only if) the
+ scrutinee is bound to raise an exception or diverge. When do we know
+ this? See Note [Bottoming expressions] in GHC.Core.Utils.
+* The possibility of empty alternatives is one reason we need a type on
+ the case expression: if the alternatives are empty we can't get the
+ type from the alternatives!
+* In the case of empty types (see Note [Bottoming expressions]), say
+ data T
+ we do NOT want to replace
+ case (x::T) of Bool {} --> error Bool "Inaccessible case"
+ because x might raise an exception, and *that*'s what we want to see!
+ (#6067 is an example.) To preserve semantics we'd have to say
+ x `seq` error Bool "Inaccessible case"
+ but the 'seq' is just such a case, so we are back to square 1.
+* We can use the empty-alternative construct to coerce error values from
+ one type to another. For example
+ f :: Int -> Int
+ f n = error "urk"
+ g :: Int -> (# Char, Bool #)
+ g x = case f x of { 0 -> ..., n -> ... }
+ Then if we inline f in g's RHS we get
+ case (error Int "urk") of (# Char, Bool #) { ... }
+ and we can discard the alternatives since the scrutinee is bottom to give
+ case (error Int "urk") of (# Char, Bool #) {}
+ This is nicer than using an unsafe coerce between Int ~ (# Char,Bool #),
+ if for no other reason that we don't need to instantiate the (~) at an
+ unboxed type.
+* We treat a case expression with empty alternatives as trivial iff
+ its scrutinee is (see GHC.Core.Utils.exprIsTrivial). This is actually
+ important; see Note [Empty case is trivial] in GHC.Core.Utils
+* An empty case is replaced by its scrutinee during the CoreToStg
+ conversion; remember STG is un-typed, so there is no need for
+ the empty case to do the type conversion.
+Note [Join points]
+In Core, a *join point* is a specially tagged function whose only occurrences
+are saturated tail calls. A tail call can appear in these places:
+ 1. In the branches (not the scrutinee) of a case
+ 2. Underneath a let (value or join point)
+ 3. Inside another join point
+We write a join-point declaration as
+ join j @a @b x y = e1 in e2,
+like a let binding but with "join" instead (or "join rec" for "let rec"). Note
+that we put the parameters before the = rather than using lambdas; this is
+because it's relevant how many parameters the join point takes *as a join
+point.* This number is called the *join arity,* distinct from arity because it
+counts types as well as values. Note that a join point may return a lambda! So
+ join j x = x + 1
+is different from
+ join j = \x -> x + 1
+The former has join arity 1, while the latter has join arity 0.
+The identifier for a join point is called a join id or a *label.* An invocation
+is called a *jump.* We write a jump using the jump keyword:
+ jump j 3
+The words *label* and *jump* are evocative of assembly code (or Cmm) for a
+reason: join points are indeed compiled as labeled blocks, and jumps become
+actual jumps (plus argument passing and stack adjustment). There is no closure
+allocated and only a fraction of the function-call overhead. Hence we would
+like as many functions as possible to become join points (see OccurAnal) and
+the type rules for join points ensure we preserve the properties that make them
+In the actual AST, a join point is indicated by the IdDetails of the binder: a
+local value binding gets 'VanillaId' but a join point gets a 'JoinId' with its
+join arity.
+For more details, see the paper:
+ Luke Maurer, Paul Downen, Zena Ariola, and Simon Peyton Jones. "Compiling
+ without continuations." Submitted to PLDI'17.
+Note [Invariants on join points]
+Join points must follow these invariants:
+ 1. All occurrences must be tail calls. Each of these tail calls must pass the
+ same number of arguments, counting both types and values; we call this the
+ "join arity" (to distinguish from regular arity, which only counts values).
+ See Note [Join points are less general than the paper]
+ 2. For join arity n, the right-hand side must begin with at least n lambdas.
+ No ticks, no casts, just lambdas! C.f. GHC.Core.Utils.joinRhsArity.
+ 2a. Moreover, this same constraint applies to any unfolding of
+ the binder. Reason: if we want to push a continuation into
+ the RHS we must push it into the unfolding as well.
+ 2b. The Arity (in the IdInfo) of a join point is the number of value
+ binders in the top n lambdas, where n is the join arity.
+ So arity <= join arity; the former counts only value binders
+ while the latter counts all binders.
+ e.g. Suppose $j has join arity 1
+ let j = \x y. e in case x of { A -> j 1; B -> j 2 }
+ Then its ordinary arity is also 1, not 2.
+ The arity of a join point isn't very important; but short of setting
+ it to zero, it is helpful to have an invariant. E.g. #17294.
+ 3. If the binding is recursive, then all other bindings in the recursive group
+ must also be join points.
+ 4. The binding's type must not be polymorphic in its return type (as defined
+ in Note [The polymorphism rule of join points]).
+However, join points have simpler invariants in other ways
+ 5. A join point can have an unboxed type without the RHS being
+ ok-for-speculation (i.e. drop the let/app invariant)
+ e.g. let j :: Int# = factorial x in ...
+ 6. A join point can have a levity-polymorphic RHS
+ e.g. let j :: r :: TYPE l = fail void# in ...
+ This happened in an intermediate program #13394
+ join j1 x = 1 + x in jump j (jump j x) -- Fails 1: non-tail call
+ join j1' x = 1 + x in if even a
+ then jump j1 a
+ else jump j1 a b -- Fails 1: inconsistent calls
+ join j2 x = flip (+) x in j2 1 2 -- Fails 2: not enough lambdas
+ join j2' x = \y -> x + y in j3 1 -- Passes: extra lams ok
+ join j @a (x :: a) = x -- Fails 4: polymorphic in ret type
+Invariant 1 applies to left-hand sides of rewrite rules, so a rule for a join
+point must have an exact call as its LHS.
+Strictly speaking, invariant 3 is redundant, since a call from inside a lazy
+binding isn't a tail call. Since a let-bound value can't invoke a free join
+point, then, they can't be mutually recursive. (A Core binding group *can*
+include spurious extra bindings if the occurrence analyser hasn't run, so
+invariant 3 does still need to be checked.) For the rigorous definition of
+"tail call", see Section 3 of the paper (Note [Join points]).
+Invariant 4 is subtle; see Note [The polymorphism rule of join points].
+Invariant 6 is to enable code like this:
+ f = \(r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r) (x :: T).
+ join j :: a
+ j = error @r @a "bloop"
+ in case x of
+ A -> j
+ B -> j
+ C -> error @r @a "blurp"
+Core Lint will check these invariants, anticipating that any binder whose
+OccInfo is marked AlwaysTailCalled will become a join point as soon as the
+simplifier (or simpleOptPgm) runs.
+Note [Join points are less general than the paper]
+In the paper "Compiling without continuations", this expression is
+perfectly valid:
+ join { j = \_ -> e }
+ in (case blah of )
+ ( True -> j void# ) arg
+ ( False -> blah )
+assuming 'j' has arity 1. Here the call to 'j' does not look like a
+tail call, but actually everything is fine. See Section 3, "Managing \Delta"
+in the paper.
+In GHC, however, we adopt a slightly more restrictive subset, in which
+join point calls must be tail calls. I think we /could/ loosen it up, but
+in fact the simplifier ensures that we always get tail calls, and it makes
+the back end a bit easier I think. Generally, just less to think about;
+nothing deeper than that.
+Note [The type of a join point]
+A join point has the same type it would have as a function. That is, if it takes
+an Int and a Bool and its body produces a String, its type is `Int -> Bool ->
+String`. Natural as this may seem, it can be awkward. A join point shouldn't be
+thought to "return" in the same sense a function does---a jump is one-way. This
+is crucial for understanding how case-of-case interacts with join points:
+ case (join
+ j :: Int -> Bool -> String
+ j x y = ...
+ in
+ jump j z w) of
+ "" -> True
+ _ -> False
+The simplifier will pull the case into the join point (see Note [Case-of-case
+and join points] in Simplify):
+ join
+ j :: Int -> Bool -> Bool -- changed!
+ j x y = case ... of "" -> True
+ _ -> False
+ in
+ jump j z w
+The body of the join point now returns a Bool, so the label `j` has to have its
+type updated accordingly. Inconvenient though this may be, it has the advantage
+that 'GHC.Core.Utils.exprType' can still return a type for any expression, including
+a jump.
+This differs from the paper (see Note [Invariants on join points]). In the
+paper, we instead give j the type `Int -> Bool -> forall a. a`. Then each jump
+carries the "return type" as a parameter, exactly the way other non-returning
+functions like `error` work:
+ case (join
+ j :: Int -> Bool -> forall a. a
+ j x y = ...
+ in
+ jump j z w @String) of
+ "" -> True
+ _ -> False
+Now we can move the case inward and we only have to change the jump:
+ join
+ j :: Int -> Bool -> forall a. a
+ j x y = case ... of "" -> True
+ _ -> False
+ in
+ jump j z w @Bool
+(Core Lint would still check that the body of the join point has the right type;
+that type would simply not be reflected in the join id.)
+Note [The polymorphism rule of join points]
+Invariant 4 of Note [Invariants on join points] forbids a join point to be
+polymorphic in its return type. That is, if its type is
+ forall a1 ... ak. t1 -> ... -> tn -> r
+where its join arity is k+n, none of the type parameters ai may occur free in r.
+In some way, this falls out of the fact that given
+ join
+ j @a1 ... @ak x1 ... xn = e1
+ in e2
+then all calls to `j` are in tail-call positions of `e`, and expressions in
+tail-call positions in `e` have the same type as `e`.
+Therefore the type of `e1` -- the return type of the join point -- must be the
+same as the type of e2.
+Since the type variables aren't bound in `e2`, its type can't include them, and
+thus neither can the type of `e1`.
+This unfortunately prevents the `go` in the following code from being a
+ iter :: forall a. Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
+ iter @a n f x = go @a n f x
+ where
+ go :: forall a. Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
+ go @a 0 _ x = x
+ go @a n f x = go @a (n-1) f (f x)
+In this case, a static argument transformation would fix that (see
+ticket #14620):
+ iter :: forall a. Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
+ iter @a n f x = go' @a n f x
+ where
+ go' :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
+ go' 0 _ x = x
+ go' n f x = go' (n-1) f (f x)
+In general, loopification could be employed to do that (see #14068.)
+Can we simply drop the requirement, and allow `go` to be a join-point? We
+could, and it would work. But we could not longer apply the case-of-join-point
+transformation universally. This transformation would do:
+ case (join go @a n f x = case n of 0 -> x
+ n -> go @a (n-1) f (f x)
+ in go @Bool n neg True) of
+ True -> e1; False -> e2
+ ===>
+ join go @a n f x = case n of 0 -> case x of True -> e1; False -> e2
+ n -> go @a (n-1) f (f x)
+ in go @Bool n neg True
+but that is ill-typed, as `x` is type `a`, not `Bool`.
+This also justifies why we do not consider the `e` in `e |> co` to be in
+tail position: A cast changes the type, but the type must be the same. But
+operationally, casts are vacuous, so this is a bit unfortunate! See #14610 for
+ideas how to fix this.
+* *
+ In/Out type synonyms
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Many passes apply a substitution, and it's very handy to have type
+ synonyms to remind us whether or not the substitution has been applied -}
+-- Pre-cloning or substitution
+type InBndr = CoreBndr
+type InType = Type
+type InKind = Kind
+type InBind = CoreBind
+type InExpr = CoreExpr
+type InAlt = CoreAlt
+type InArg = CoreArg
+type InCoercion = Coercion
+-- Post-cloning or substitution
+type OutBndr = CoreBndr
+type OutType = Type
+type OutKind = Kind
+type OutCoercion = Coercion
+type OutBind = CoreBind
+type OutExpr = CoreExpr
+type OutAlt = CoreAlt
+type OutArg = CoreArg
+type MOutCoercion = MCoercion
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Ticks
+* *
+-- | Allows attaching extra information to points in expressions
+-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
+-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
+data Tickish id =
+ -- | An @{-# SCC #-}@ profiling annotation, either automatically
+ -- added by the desugarer as a result of -auto-all, or added by
+ -- the user.
+ ProfNote {
+ profNoteCC :: CostCentre, -- ^ the cost centre
+ profNoteCount :: !Bool, -- ^ bump the entry count?
+ profNoteScope :: !Bool -- ^ scopes over the enclosed expression
+ -- (i.e. not just a tick)
+ }
+ -- | A "tick" used by HPC to track the execution of each
+ -- subexpression in the original source code.
+ | HpcTick {
+ tickModule :: Module,
+ tickId :: !Int
+ }
+ -- | A breakpoint for the GHCi debugger. This behaves like an HPC
+ -- tick, but has a list of free variables which will be available
+ -- for inspection in GHCi when the program stops at the breakpoint.
+ --
+ -- NB. we must take account of these Ids when (a) counting free variables,
+ -- and (b) substituting (don't substitute for them)
+ | Breakpoint
+ { breakpointId :: !Int
+ , breakpointFVs :: [id] -- ^ the order of this list is important:
+ -- it matches the order of the lists in the
+ -- appropriate entry in GHC.Driver.Types.ModBreaks.
+ --
+ -- Careful about substitution! See
+ -- Note [substTickish] in GHC.Core.Subst.
+ }
+ -- | A source note.
+ --
+ -- Source notes are pure annotations: Their presence should neither
+ -- influence compilation nor execution. The semantics are given by
+ -- causality: The presence of a source note means that a local
+ -- change in the referenced source code span will possibly provoke
+ -- the generated code to change. On the flip-side, the functionality
+ -- of annotated code *must* be invariant against changes to all
+ -- source code *except* the spans referenced in the source notes
+ -- (see "Causality of optimized Haskell" paper for details).
+ --
+ -- Therefore extending the scope of any given source note is always
+ -- valid. Note that it is still undesirable though, as this reduces
+ -- their usefulness for debugging and profiling. Therefore we will
+ -- generally try only to make use of this property where it is
+ -- necessary to enable optimizations.
+ | SourceNote
+ { sourceSpan :: RealSrcSpan -- ^ Source covered
+ , sourceName :: String -- ^ Name for source location
+ -- (uses same names as CCs)
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)
+-- | A "counting tick" (where tickishCounts is True) is one that
+-- counts evaluations in some way. We cannot discard a counting tick,
+-- and the compiler should preserve the number of counting ticks as
+-- far as possible.
+-- However, we still allow the simplifier to increase or decrease
+-- sharing, so in practice the actual number of ticks may vary, except
+-- that we never change the value from zero to non-zero or vice versa.
+tickishCounts :: Tickish id -> Bool
+tickishCounts n@ProfNote{} = profNoteCount n
+tickishCounts HpcTick{} = True
+tickishCounts Breakpoint{} = True
+tickishCounts _ = False
+-- | Specifies the scoping behaviour of ticks. This governs the
+-- behaviour of ticks that care about the covered code and the cost
+-- associated with it. Important for ticks relating to profiling.
+data TickishScoping =
+ -- | No scoping: The tick does not care about what code it
+ -- covers. Transformations can freely move code inside as well as
+ -- outside without any additional annotation obligations
+ NoScope
+ -- | Soft scoping: We want all code that is covered to stay
+ -- covered. Note that this scope type does not forbid
+ -- transformations from happening, as long as all results of
+ -- the transformations are still covered by this tick or a copy of
+ -- it. For example
+ --
+ -- let x = tick<...> (let y = foo in bar) in baz
+ -- ===>
+ -- let x = tick<...> bar; y = tick<...> foo in baz
+ --
+ -- Is a valid transformation as far as "bar" and "foo" is
+ -- concerned, because both still are scoped over by the tick.
+ --
+ -- Note though that one might object to the "let" not being
+ -- covered by the tick any more. However, we are generally lax
+ -- with this - constant costs don't matter too much, and given
+ -- that the "let" was effectively merged we can view it as having
+ -- lost its identity anyway.
+ --
+ -- Also note that this scoping behaviour allows floating a tick
+ -- "upwards" in pretty much any situation. For example:
+ --
+ -- case foo of x -> tick<...> bar
+ -- ==>
+ -- tick<...> case foo of x -> bar
+ --
+ -- While this is always legal, we want to make a best effort to
+ -- only make us of this where it exposes transformation
+ -- opportunities.
+ | SoftScope
+ -- | Cost centre scoping: We don't want any costs to move to other
+ -- cost-centre stacks. This means we not only want no code or cost
+ -- to get moved out of their cost centres, but we also object to
+ -- code getting associated with new cost-centre ticks - or
+ -- changing the order in which they get applied.
+ --
+ -- A rule of thumb is that we don't want any code to gain new
+ -- annotations. However, there are notable exceptions, for
+ -- example:
+ --
+ -- let f = \y -> foo in tick<...> ... (f x) ...
+ -- ==>
+ -- tick<...> ... foo[x/y] ...
+ --
+ -- In-lining lambdas like this is always legal, because inlining a
+ -- function does not change the cost-centre stack when the
+ -- function is called.
+ | CostCentreScope
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Returns the intended scoping rule for a Tickish
+tickishScoped :: Tickish id -> TickishScoping
+tickishScoped n@ProfNote{}
+ | profNoteScope n = CostCentreScope
+ | otherwise = NoScope
+tickishScoped HpcTick{} = NoScope
+tickishScoped Breakpoint{} = CostCentreScope
+ -- Breakpoints are scoped: eventually we're going to do call
+ -- stacks, but also this helps prevent the simplifier from moving
+ -- breakpoints around and changing their result type (see #1531).
+tickishScoped SourceNote{} = SoftScope
+-- | Returns whether the tick scoping rule is at least as permissive
+-- as the given scoping rule.
+tickishScopesLike :: Tickish id -> TickishScoping -> Bool
+tickishScopesLike t scope = tickishScoped t `like` scope
+ where NoScope `like` _ = True
+ _ `like` NoScope = False
+ SoftScope `like` _ = True
+ _ `like` SoftScope = False
+ CostCentreScope `like` _ = True
+-- | Returns @True@ for ticks that can be floated upwards easily even
+-- where it might change execution counts, such as:
+-- Just (tick<...> foo)
+-- ==>
+-- tick<...> (Just foo)
+-- This is a combination of @tickishSoftScope@ and
+-- @tickishCounts@. Note that in principle splittable ticks can become
+-- floatable using @mkNoTick@ -- even though there's currently no
+-- tickish for which that is the case.
+tickishFloatable :: Tickish id -> Bool
+tickishFloatable t = t `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope && not (tickishCounts t)
+-- | Returns @True@ for a tick that is both counting /and/ scoping and
+-- can be split into its (tick, scope) parts using 'mkNoScope' and
+-- 'mkNoTick' respectively.
+tickishCanSplit :: Tickish id -> Bool
+tickishCanSplit ProfNote{profNoteScope = True, profNoteCount = True}
+ = True
+tickishCanSplit _ = False
+mkNoCount :: Tickish id -> Tickish id
+mkNoCount n | not (tickishCounts n) = n
+ | not (tickishCanSplit n) = panic "mkNoCount: Cannot split!"
+mkNoCount n@ProfNote{} = n {profNoteCount = False}
+mkNoCount _ = panic "mkNoCount: Undefined split!"
+mkNoScope :: Tickish id -> Tickish id
+mkNoScope n | tickishScoped n == NoScope = n
+ | not (tickishCanSplit n) = panic "mkNoScope: Cannot split!"
+mkNoScope n@ProfNote{} = n {profNoteScope = False}
+mkNoScope _ = panic "mkNoScope: Undefined split!"
+-- | Return @True@ if this source annotation compiles to some backend
+-- code. Without this flag, the tickish is seen as a simple annotation
+-- that does not have any associated evaluation code.
+-- What this means that we are allowed to disregard the tick if doing
+-- so means that we can skip generating any code in the first place. A
+-- typical example is top-level bindings:
+-- foo = tick<...> \y -> ...
+-- ==>
+-- foo = \y -> tick<...> ...
+-- Here there is just no operational difference between the first and
+-- the second version. Therefore code generation should simply
+-- translate the code as if it found the latter.
+tickishIsCode :: Tickish id -> Bool
+tickishIsCode SourceNote{} = False
+tickishIsCode _tickish = True -- all the rest for now
+-- | Governs the kind of expression that the tick gets placed on when
+-- annotating for example using @mkTick@. If we find that we want to
+-- put a tickish on an expression ruled out here, we try to float it
+-- inwards until we find a suitable expression.
+data TickishPlacement =
+ -- | Place ticks exactly on run-time expressions. We can still
+ -- move the tick through pure compile-time constructs such as
+ -- other ticks, casts or type lambdas. This is the most
+ -- restrictive placement rule for ticks, as all tickishs have in
+ -- common that they want to track runtime processes. The only
+ -- legal placement rule for counting ticks.
+ PlaceRuntime
+ -- | As @PlaceRuntime@, but we float the tick through all
+ -- lambdas. This makes sense where there is little difference
+ -- between annotating the lambda and annotating the lambda's code.
+ | PlaceNonLam
+ -- | In addition to floating through lambdas, cost-centre style
+ -- tickishs can also be moved from constructors, non-function
+ -- variables and literals. For example:
+ --
+ -- let x = scc<...> C (scc<...> y) (scc<...> 3) in ...
+ --
+ -- Neither the constructor application, the variable or the
+ -- literal are likely to have any cost worth mentioning. And even
+ -- if y names a thunk, the call would not care about the
+ -- evaluation context. Therefore removing all annotations in the
+ -- above example is safe.
+ | PlaceCostCentre
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Placement behaviour we want for the ticks
+tickishPlace :: Tickish id -> TickishPlacement
+tickishPlace n@ProfNote{}
+ | profNoteCount n = PlaceRuntime
+ | otherwise = PlaceCostCentre
+tickishPlace HpcTick{} = PlaceRuntime
+tickishPlace Breakpoint{} = PlaceRuntime
+tickishPlace SourceNote{} = PlaceNonLam
+-- | Returns whether one tick "contains" the other one, therefore
+-- making the second tick redundant.
+tickishContains :: Eq b => Tickish b -> Tickish b -> Bool
+tickishContains (SourceNote sp1 n1) (SourceNote sp2 n2)
+ = containsSpan sp1 sp2 && n1 == n2
+ -- compare the String last
+tickishContains t1 t2
+ = t1 == t2
+* *
+ Orphans
+* *
+-- | Is this instance an orphan? If it is not an orphan, contains an 'OccName'
+-- witnessing the instance's non-orphanhood.
+-- See Note [Orphans]
+data IsOrphan
+ = IsOrphan
+ | NotOrphan OccName -- The OccName 'n' witnesses the instance's non-orphanhood
+ -- In that case, the instance is fingerprinted as part
+ -- of the definition of 'n's definition
+ deriving Data
+-- | Returns true if 'IsOrphan' is orphan.
+isOrphan :: IsOrphan -> Bool
+isOrphan IsOrphan = True
+isOrphan _ = False
+-- | Returns true if 'IsOrphan' is not an orphan.
+notOrphan :: IsOrphan -> Bool
+notOrphan NotOrphan{} = True
+notOrphan _ = False
+chooseOrphanAnchor :: NameSet -> IsOrphan
+-- Something (rule, instance) is relate to all the Names in this
+-- list. Choose one of them to be an "anchor" for the orphan. We make
+-- the choice deterministic to avoid gratuitous changes in the ABI
+-- hash (#4012). Specifically, use lexicographic comparison of
+-- OccName rather than comparing Uniques
+-- NB: 'minimum' use Ord, and (Ord OccName) works lexicographically
+chooseOrphanAnchor local_names
+ | isEmptyNameSet local_names = IsOrphan
+ | otherwise = NotOrphan (minimum occs)
+ where
+ occs = map nameOccName $ nonDetEltsUniqSet local_names
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here, see comments above
+instance Binary IsOrphan where
+ put_ bh IsOrphan = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (NotOrphan n) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh n
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> return IsOrphan
+ _ -> do
+ n <- get bh
+ return $ NotOrphan n
+Note [Orphans]
+Class instances, rules, and family instances are divided into orphans
+and non-orphans. Roughly speaking, an instance/rule is an orphan if
+its left hand side mentions nothing defined in this module. Orphan-hood
+has two major consequences
+ * A module that contains orphans is called an "orphan module". If
+ the module being compiled depends (transitively) on an orphan
+ module M, then M.hi is read in regardless of whether M is otherwise
+ needed. This is to ensure that we don't miss any instance decls in
+ M. But it's painful, because it means we need to keep track of all
+ the orphan modules below us.
+ * A non-orphan is not finger-printed separately. Instead, for
+ fingerprinting purposes it is treated as part of the entity it
+ mentions on the LHS. For example
+ data T = T1 | T2
+ instance Eq T where ....
+ The instance (Eq T) is incorporated as part of T's fingerprint.
+ In contrast, orphans are all fingerprinted together in the
+ mi_orph_hash field of the ModIface.
+ See GHC.Iface.Utils.addFingerprints.
+Orphan-hood is computed
+ * For class instances:
+ when we make a ClsInst
+ (because it is needed during instance lookup)
+ * For rules and family instances:
+ when we generate an IfaceRule (GHC.Iface.Utils.coreRuleToIfaceRule)
+ or IfaceFamInst (GHC.Iface.Utils.instanceToIfaceInst)
+* *
+\subsection{Transformation rules}
+* *
+The CoreRule type and its friends are dealt with mainly in GHC.Core.Rules, but
+GHC.Core.FVs, GHC.Core.Subst, GHC.Core.Ppr, GHC.Core.Op.Tidy also inspect the
+-- | Gathers a collection of 'CoreRule's. Maps (the name of) an 'Id' to its rules
+type RuleBase = NameEnv [CoreRule]
+ -- The rules are unordered;
+ -- we sort out any overlaps on lookup
+-- | A full rule environment which we can apply rules from. Like a 'RuleBase',
+-- but it also includes the set of visible orphans we use to filter out orphan
+-- rules which are not visible (even though we can see them...)
+data RuleEnv
+ = RuleEnv { re_base :: RuleBase
+ , re_visible_orphs :: ModuleSet
+ }
+mkRuleEnv :: RuleBase -> [Module] -> RuleEnv
+mkRuleEnv rules vis_orphs = RuleEnv rules (mkModuleSet vis_orphs)
+emptyRuleEnv :: RuleEnv
+emptyRuleEnv = RuleEnv emptyNameEnv emptyModuleSet
+-- | A 'CoreRule' is:
+-- * \"Local\" if the function it is a rule for is defined in the
+-- same module as the rule itself.
+-- * \"Orphan\" if nothing on the LHS is defined in the same module
+-- as the rule itself
+data CoreRule
+ = Rule {
+ ru_name :: RuleName, -- ^ Name of the rule, for communication with the user
+ ru_act :: Activation, -- ^ When the rule is active
+ -- Rough-matching stuff
+ -- see comments with InstEnv.ClsInst( is_cls, is_rough )
+ ru_fn :: Name, -- ^ Name of the 'Id.Id' at the head of this rule
+ ru_rough :: [Maybe Name], -- ^ Name at the head of each argument to the left hand side
+ -- Proper-matching stuff
+ -- see comments with InstEnv.ClsInst( is_tvs, is_tys )
+ ru_bndrs :: [CoreBndr], -- ^ Variables quantified over
+ ru_args :: [CoreExpr], -- ^ Left hand side arguments
+ -- And the right-hand side
+ ru_rhs :: CoreExpr, -- ^ Right hand side of the rule
+ -- Occurrence info is guaranteed correct
+ -- See Note [OccInfo in unfoldings and rules]
+ -- Locality
+ ru_auto :: Bool, -- ^ @True@ <=> this rule is auto-generated
+ -- (notably by Specialise or SpecConstr)
+ -- @False@ <=> generated at the user's behest
+ -- See Note [Trimming auto-rules] in GHC.Iface.Tidy
+ -- for the sole purpose of this field.
+ ru_origin :: !Module, -- ^ 'Module' the rule was defined in, used
+ -- to test if we should see an orphan rule.
+ ru_orphan :: !IsOrphan, -- ^ Whether or not the rule is an orphan.
+ ru_local :: Bool -- ^ @True@ iff the fn at the head of the rule is
+ -- defined in the same module as the rule
+ -- and is not an implicit 'Id' (like a record selector,
+ -- class operation, or data constructor). This
+ -- is different from 'ru_orphan', where a rule
+ -- can avoid being an orphan if *any* Name in
+ -- LHS of the rule was defined in the same
+ -- module as the rule.
+ }
+ -- | Built-in rules are used for constant folding
+ -- and suchlike. They have no free variables.
+ -- A built-in rule is always visible (there is no such thing as
+ -- an orphan built-in rule.)
+ | BuiltinRule {
+ ru_name :: RuleName, -- ^ As above
+ ru_fn :: Name, -- ^ As above
+ ru_nargs :: Int, -- ^ Number of arguments that 'ru_try' consumes,
+ -- if it fires, including type arguments
+ ru_try :: RuleFun
+ -- ^ This function does the rewrite. It given too many
+ -- arguments, it simply discards them; the returned 'CoreExpr'
+ -- is just the rewrite of 'ru_fn' applied to the first 'ru_nargs' args
+ }
+ -- See Note [Extra args in rule matching] in GHC.Core.Rules
+type RuleFun = DynFlags -> InScopeEnv -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> Maybe CoreExpr
+type InScopeEnv = (InScopeSet, IdUnfoldingFun)
+type IdUnfoldingFun = Id -> Unfolding
+-- A function that embodies how to unfold an Id if you need
+-- to do that in the Rule. The reason we need to pass this info in
+-- is that whether an Id is unfoldable depends on the simplifier phase
+isBuiltinRule :: CoreRule -> Bool
+isBuiltinRule (BuiltinRule {}) = True
+isBuiltinRule _ = False
+isAutoRule :: CoreRule -> Bool
+isAutoRule (BuiltinRule {}) = False
+isAutoRule (Rule { ru_auto = is_auto }) = is_auto
+-- | The number of arguments the 'ru_fn' must be applied
+-- to before the rule can match on it
+ruleArity :: CoreRule -> Int
+ruleArity (BuiltinRule {ru_nargs = n}) = n
+ruleArity (Rule {ru_args = args}) = length args
+ruleName :: CoreRule -> RuleName
+ruleName = ru_name
+ruleModule :: CoreRule -> Maybe Module
+ruleModule Rule { ru_origin } = Just ru_origin
+ruleModule BuiltinRule {} = Nothing
+ruleActivation :: CoreRule -> Activation
+ruleActivation (BuiltinRule { }) = AlwaysActive
+ruleActivation (Rule { ru_act = act }) = act
+-- | The 'Name' of the 'Id.Id' at the head of the rule left hand side
+ruleIdName :: CoreRule -> Name
+ruleIdName = ru_fn
+isLocalRule :: CoreRule -> Bool
+isLocalRule = ru_local
+-- | Set the 'Name' of the 'Id.Id' at the head of the rule left hand side
+setRuleIdName :: Name -> CoreRule -> CoreRule
+setRuleIdName nm ru = ru { ru_fn = nm }
+* *
+ Unfoldings
+* *
+The @Unfolding@ type is declared here to avoid numerous loops
+-- | Records the /unfolding/ of an identifier, which is approximately the form the
+-- identifier would have if we substituted its definition in for the identifier.
+-- This type should be treated as abstract everywhere except in GHC.Core.Unfold
+data Unfolding
+ = NoUnfolding -- ^ We have no information about the unfolding.
+ | BootUnfolding -- ^ We have no information about the unfolding, because
+ -- this 'Id' came from an @hi-boot@ file.
+ -- See Note [Inlining and hs-boot files] in GHC.CoreToIface
+ -- for what this is used for.
+ | OtherCon [AltCon] -- ^ It ain't one of these constructors.
+ -- @OtherCon xs@ also indicates that something has been evaluated
+ -- and hence there's no point in re-evaluating it.
+ -- @OtherCon []@ is used even for non-data-type values
+ -- to indicated evaluated-ness. Notably:
+ --
+ -- > data C = C !(Int -> Int)
+ -- > case x of { C f -> ... }
+ --
+ -- Here, @f@ gets an @OtherCon []@ unfolding.
+ | DFunUnfolding { -- The Unfolding of a DFunId
+ -- See Note [DFun unfoldings]
+ -- df = /\ \d1..dn. MkD t1 .. tk
+ -- (op1 d1..dn)
+ -- (op2 d1..dn)
+ df_bndrs :: [Var], -- The bound variables [a1..m],[d1..dn]
+ df_con :: DataCon, -- The dictionary data constructor (never a newtype datacon)
+ df_args :: [CoreExpr] -- Args of the data con: types, superclasses and methods,
+ } -- in positional order
+ | CoreUnfolding { -- An unfolding for an Id with no pragma,
+ -- or perhaps a NOINLINE pragma
+ -- (For NOINLINE, the phase, if any, is in the
+ -- InlinePragInfo for this Id.)
+ uf_tmpl :: CoreExpr, -- Template; occurrence info is correct
+ uf_src :: UnfoldingSource, -- Where the unfolding came from
+ uf_is_top :: Bool, -- True <=> top level binding
+ uf_is_value :: Bool, -- exprIsHNF template (cached); it is ok to discard
+ -- a `seq` on this variable
+ uf_is_conlike :: Bool, -- True <=> applicn of constructor or CONLIKE function
+ -- Cached version of exprIsConLike
+ uf_is_work_free :: Bool, -- True <=> doesn't waste (much) work to expand
+ -- inside an inlining
+ -- Cached version of exprIsCheap
+ uf_expandable :: Bool, -- True <=> can expand in RULE matching
+ -- Cached version of exprIsExpandable
+ uf_guidance :: UnfoldingGuidance -- Tells about the *size* of the template.
+ }
+ -- ^ An unfolding with redundant cached information. Parameters:
+ --
+ -- uf_tmpl: Template used to perform unfolding;
+ -- NB: Occurrence info is guaranteed correct:
+ -- see Note [OccInfo in unfoldings and rules]
+ --
+ -- uf_is_top: Is this a top level binding?
+ --
+ -- uf_is_value: 'exprIsHNF' template (cached); it is ok to discard a 'seq' on
+ -- this variable
+ --
+ -- uf_is_work_free: Does this waste only a little work if we expand it inside an inlining?
+ -- Basically this is a cached version of 'exprIsWorkFree'
+ --
+ -- uf_guidance: Tells us about the /size/ of the unfolding template
+data UnfoldingSource
+ = -- See also Note [Historical note: unfoldings for wrappers]
+ InlineRhs -- The current rhs of the function
+ -- Replace uf_tmpl each time around
+ | InlineStable -- From an INLINE or INLINABLE pragma
+ -- INLINE if guidance is UnfWhen
+ -- INLINABLE if guidance is UnfIfGoodArgs/UnfoldNever
+ -- (well, technically an INLINABLE might be made
+ -- UnfWhen if it was small enough, and then
+ -- it will behave like INLINE outside the current
+ -- module, but that is the way automatic unfoldings
+ -- work so it is consistent with the intended
+ -- meaning of INLINABLE).
+ --
+ -- uf_tmpl may change, but only as a result of
+ -- gentle simplification, it doesn't get updated
+ -- to the current RHS during compilation as with
+ -- InlineRhs.
+ --
+ -- See Note [InlineStable]
+ | InlineCompulsory -- Something that *has* no binding, so you *must* inline it
+ -- Only a few primop-like things have this property
+ -- (see MkId.hs, calls to mkCompulsoryUnfolding).
+ -- Inline absolutely always, however boring the context.
+-- | 'UnfoldingGuidance' says when unfolding should take place
+data UnfoldingGuidance
+ = UnfWhen { -- Inline without thinking about the *size* of the uf_tmpl
+ -- Used (a) for small *and* cheap unfoldings
+ -- (b) for INLINE functions
+ -- See Note [INLINE for small functions] in GHC.Core.Unfold
+ ug_arity :: Arity, -- Number of value arguments expected
+ ug_unsat_ok :: Bool, -- True <=> ok to inline even if unsaturated
+ ug_boring_ok :: Bool -- True <=> ok to inline even if the context is boring
+ -- So True,True means "always"
+ }
+ | UnfIfGoodArgs { -- Arose from a normal Id; the info here is the
+ -- result of a simple analysis of the RHS
+ ug_args :: [Int], -- Discount if the argument is evaluated.
+ -- (i.e., a simplification will definitely
+ -- be possible). One elt of the list per *value* arg.
+ ug_size :: Int, -- The "size" of the unfolding.
+ ug_res :: Int -- Scrutinee discount: the discount to subtract if the thing is in
+ } -- a context (case (thing args) of ...),
+ -- (where there are the right number of arguments.)
+ | UnfNever -- The RHS is big, so don't inline it
+ deriving (Eq)
+Note [Historical note: unfoldings for wrappers]
+We used to have a nice clever scheme in interface files for
+wrappers. A wrapper's unfolding can be reconstructed from its worker's
+id and its strictness. This decreased .hi file size (sometimes
+significantly, for modules like GHC.Classes with many high-arity w/w
+splits) and had a slight corresponding effect on compile times.
+However, when we added the second demand analysis, this scheme lead to
+some Core lint errors. The second analysis could change the strictness
+signatures, which sometimes resulted in a wrapper's regenerated
+unfolding applying the wrapper to too many arguments.
+Instead of repairing the clever .hi scheme, we abandoned it in favor
+of simplicity. The .hi sizes are usually insignificant (excluding the
++1M for base libraries), and compile time barely increases (~+1% for
+nofib). The nicer upshot is that the UnfoldingSource no longer mentions
+an Id, so, eg, substitutions need not traverse them.
+Note [DFun unfoldings]
+The Arity in a DFunUnfolding is total number of args (type and value)
+that the DFun needs to produce a dictionary. That's not necessarily
+related to the ordinary arity of the dfun Id, esp if the class has
+one method, so the dictionary is represented by a newtype. Example
+ class C a where { op :: a -> Int }
+ instance C a -> C [a] where op xs = op (head xs)
+The instance translates to
+ $dfCList :: forall a. C a => C [a] -- Arity 2!
+ $dfCList = /\a.\d. $copList {a} d |> co
+ $copList :: forall a. C a => [a] -> Int -- Arity 2!
+ $copList = /\a.\d.\xs. op {a} d (head xs)
+Now we might encounter (op (dfCList {ty} d) a1 a2)
+and we want the (op (dfList {ty} d)) rule to fire, because $dfCList
+has all its arguments, even though its (value) arity is 2. That's
+why we record the number of expected arguments in the DFunUnfolding.
+Note that although it's an Arity, it's most convenient for it to give
+the *total* number of arguments, both type and value. See the use
+site in exprIsConApp_maybe.
+-- Constants for the UnfWhen constructor
+needSaturated, unSaturatedOk :: Bool
+needSaturated = False
+unSaturatedOk = True
+boringCxtNotOk, boringCxtOk :: Bool
+boringCxtOk = True
+boringCxtNotOk = False
+noUnfolding :: Unfolding
+-- ^ There is no known 'Unfolding'
+evaldUnfolding :: Unfolding
+-- ^ This unfolding marks the associated thing as being evaluated
+noUnfolding = NoUnfolding
+evaldUnfolding = OtherCon []
+-- | There is no known 'Unfolding', because this came from an
+-- hi-boot file.
+bootUnfolding :: Unfolding
+bootUnfolding = BootUnfolding
+mkOtherCon :: [AltCon] -> Unfolding
+mkOtherCon = OtherCon
+isStableSource :: UnfoldingSource -> Bool
+-- Keep the unfolding template
+isStableSource InlineCompulsory = True
+isStableSource InlineStable = True
+isStableSource InlineRhs = False
+-- | Retrieves the template of an unfolding: panics if none is known
+unfoldingTemplate :: Unfolding -> CoreExpr
+unfoldingTemplate = uf_tmpl
+-- | Retrieves the template of an unfolding if possible
+-- maybeUnfoldingTemplate is used mainly wnen specialising, and we do
+-- want to specialise DFuns, so it's important to return a template
+-- for DFunUnfoldings
+maybeUnfoldingTemplate :: Unfolding -> Maybe CoreExpr
+maybeUnfoldingTemplate (CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = expr })
+ = Just expr
+maybeUnfoldingTemplate (DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_con = con, df_args = args })
+ = Just (mkLams bndrs (mkApps (Var (dataConWorkId con)) args))
+maybeUnfoldingTemplate _
+ = Nothing
+-- | The constructors that the unfolding could never be:
+-- returns @[]@ if no information is available
+otherCons :: Unfolding -> [AltCon]
+otherCons (OtherCon cons) = cons
+otherCons _ = []
+-- | Determines if it is certainly the case that the unfolding will
+-- yield a value (something in HNF): returns @False@ if unsure
+isValueUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+ -- Returns False for OtherCon
+isValueUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_is_value = is_evald }) = is_evald
+isValueUnfolding _ = False
+-- | Determines if it possibly the case that the unfolding will
+-- yield a value. Unlike 'isValueUnfolding' it returns @True@
+-- for 'OtherCon'
+isEvaldUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+ -- Returns True for OtherCon
+isEvaldUnfolding (OtherCon _) = True
+isEvaldUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_is_value = is_evald }) = is_evald
+isEvaldUnfolding _ = False
+-- | @True@ if the unfolding is a constructor application, the application
+-- of a CONLIKE function or 'OtherCon'
+isConLikeUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+isConLikeUnfolding (OtherCon _) = True
+isConLikeUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_is_conlike = con }) = con
+isConLikeUnfolding _ = False
+-- | Is the thing we will unfold into certainly cheap?
+isCheapUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+isCheapUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_is_work_free = is_wf }) = is_wf
+isCheapUnfolding _ = False
+isExpandableUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+isExpandableUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_expandable = is_expable }) = is_expable
+isExpandableUnfolding _ = False
+expandUnfolding_maybe :: Unfolding -> Maybe CoreExpr
+-- Expand an expandable unfolding; this is used in rule matching
+-- See Note [Expanding variables] in GHC.Core.Rules
+-- The key point here is that CONLIKE things can be expanded
+expandUnfolding_maybe (CoreUnfolding { uf_expandable = True, uf_tmpl = rhs }) = Just rhs
+expandUnfolding_maybe _ = Nothing
+isCompulsoryUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+isCompulsoryUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_src = InlineCompulsory }) = True
+isCompulsoryUnfolding _ = False
+isStableUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+-- True of unfoldings that should not be overwritten
+-- by a CoreUnfolding for the RHS of a let-binding
+isStableUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_src = src }) = isStableSource src
+isStableUnfolding (DFunUnfolding {}) = True
+isStableUnfolding _ = False
+-- | Only returns False if there is no unfolding information available at all
+hasSomeUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+hasSomeUnfolding NoUnfolding = False
+hasSomeUnfolding BootUnfolding = False
+hasSomeUnfolding _ = True
+isBootUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+isBootUnfolding BootUnfolding = True
+isBootUnfolding _ = False
+neverUnfoldGuidance :: UnfoldingGuidance -> Bool
+neverUnfoldGuidance UnfNever = True
+neverUnfoldGuidance _ = False
+isFragileUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
+-- An unfolding is fragile if it mentions free variables or
+-- is otherwise subject to change. A robust one can be kept.
+-- See Note [Fragile unfoldings]
+isFragileUnfolding (CoreUnfolding {}) = True
+isFragileUnfolding (DFunUnfolding {}) = True
+isFragileUnfolding _ = False
+ -- NoUnfolding, BootUnfolding, OtherCon are all non-fragile
+canUnfold :: Unfolding -> Bool
+canUnfold (CoreUnfolding { uf_guidance = g }) = not (neverUnfoldGuidance g)
+canUnfold _ = False
+{- Note [Fragile unfoldings]
+An unfolding is "fragile" if it mentions free variables (and hence would
+need substitution) or might be affected by optimisation. The non-fragile
+ones are
+ NoUnfolding, BootUnfolding
+ OtherCon {} If we know this binder (say a lambda binder) will be
+ bound to an evaluated thing, we want to retain that
+ info in simpleOptExpr; see #13077.
+We consider even a StableUnfolding as fragile, because it needs substitution.
+Note [InlineStable]
+When you say
+ {-# INLINE f #-}
+ f x = <rhs>
+you intend that calls (f e) are replaced by <rhs>[e/x] So we
+should capture (\x.<rhs>) in the Unfolding of 'f', and never meddle
+with it. Meanwhile, we can optimise <rhs> to our heart's content,
+leaving the original unfolding intact in Unfolding of 'f'. For example
+ all xs = foldr (&&) True xs
+ any p = all . map p {-# INLINE any #-}
+We optimise any's RHS fully, but leave the InlineRule saying "all . map p",
+which deforests well at the call site.
+So INLINE pragma gives rise to an InlineRule, which captures the original RHS.
+Moreover, it's only used when 'f' is applied to the
+specified number of arguments; that is, the number of argument on
+the LHS of the '=' sign in the original source definition.
+For example, (.) is now defined in the libraries like this
+ {-# INLINE (.) #-}
+ (.) f g = \x -> f (g x)
+so that it'll inline when applied to two arguments. If 'x' appeared
+on the left, thus
+ (.) f g x = f (g x)
+it'd only inline when applied to three arguments. This slightly-experimental
+change was requested by Roman, but it seems to make sense.
+See also Note [Inlining an InlineRule] in GHC.Core.Unfold.
+Note [OccInfo in unfoldings and rules]
+In unfoldings and rules, we guarantee that the template is occ-analysed,
+so that the occurrence info on the binders is correct. This is important,
+because the Simplifier does not re-analyse the template when using it. If
+the occurrence info is wrong
+ - We may get more simplifier iterations than necessary, because
+ once-occ info isn't there
+ - More seriously, we may get an infinite loop if there's a Rec
+ without a loop breaker marked
+* *
+ AltCon
+* *
+-- The Ord is needed for the FiniteMap used in the lookForConstructor
+-- in SimplEnv. If you declared that lookForConstructor *ignores*
+-- constructor-applications with LitArg args, then you could get
+-- rid of this Ord.
+instance Outputable AltCon where
+ ppr (DataAlt dc) = ppr dc
+ ppr (LitAlt lit) = ppr lit
+ ppr DEFAULT = text "__DEFAULT"
+cmpAlt :: (AltCon, a, b) -> (AltCon, a, b) -> Ordering
+cmpAlt (con1, _, _) (con2, _, _) = con1 `cmpAltCon` con2
+ltAlt :: (AltCon, a, b) -> (AltCon, a, b) -> Bool
+ltAlt a1 a2 = (a1 `cmpAlt` a2) == LT
+cmpAltCon :: AltCon -> AltCon -> Ordering
+-- ^ Compares 'AltCon's within a single list of alternatives
+-- DEFAULT comes out smallest, so that sorting by AltCon puts
+-- alternatives in the order required: see Note [Case expression invariants]
+cmpAltCon DEFAULT _ = LT
+cmpAltCon (DataAlt d1) (DataAlt d2) = dataConTag d1 `compare` dataConTag d2
+cmpAltCon (DataAlt _) DEFAULT = GT
+cmpAltCon (LitAlt l1) (LitAlt l2) = l1 `compare` l2
+cmpAltCon (LitAlt _) DEFAULT = GT
+cmpAltCon con1 con2 = WARN( True, text "Comparing incomparable AltCons" <+>
+ ppr con1 <+> ppr con2 )
+ LT
+* *
+\subsection{Useful synonyms}
+* *
+Note [CoreProgram]
+The top level bindings of a program, a CoreProgram, are represented as
+a list of CoreBind
+ * Later bindings in the list can refer to earlier ones, but not vice
+ versa. So this is OK
+ NonRec { x = 4 }
+ Rec { p = ...q...x...
+ ; q = ...p...x }
+ Rec { f = ...p..x..f.. }
+ NonRec { g = ..f..q...x.. }
+ But it would NOT be ok for 'f' to refer to 'g'.
+ * The occurrence analyser does strongly-connected component analysis
+ on each Rec binding, and splits it into a sequence of smaller
+ bindings where possible. So the program typically starts life as a
+ single giant Rec, which is then dependency-analysed into smaller
+ chunks.
+-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
+-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
+type CoreProgram = [CoreBind] -- See Note [CoreProgram]
+-- | The common case for the type of binders and variables when
+-- we are manipulating the Core language within GHC
+type CoreBndr = Var
+-- | Expressions where binders are 'CoreBndr's
+type CoreExpr = Expr CoreBndr
+-- | Argument expressions where binders are 'CoreBndr's
+type CoreArg = Arg CoreBndr
+-- | Binding groups where binders are 'CoreBndr's
+type CoreBind = Bind CoreBndr
+-- | Case alternatives where binders are 'CoreBndr's
+type CoreAlt = Alt CoreBndr
+* *
+* *
+-- | Binders are /tagged/ with a t
+data TaggedBndr t = TB CoreBndr t -- TB for "tagged binder"
+type TaggedBind t = Bind (TaggedBndr t)
+type TaggedExpr t = Expr (TaggedBndr t)
+type TaggedArg t = Arg (TaggedBndr t)
+type TaggedAlt t = Alt (TaggedBndr t)
+instance Outputable b => Outputable (TaggedBndr b) where
+ ppr (TB b l) = char '<' <> ppr b <> comma <> ppr l <> char '>'
+deTagExpr :: TaggedExpr t -> CoreExpr
+deTagExpr (Var v) = Var v
+deTagExpr (Lit l) = Lit l
+deTagExpr (Type ty) = Type ty
+deTagExpr (Coercion co) = Coercion co
+deTagExpr (App e1 e2) = App (deTagExpr e1) (deTagExpr e2)
+deTagExpr (Lam (TB b _) e) = Lam b (deTagExpr e)
+deTagExpr (Let bind body) = Let (deTagBind bind) (deTagExpr body)
+deTagExpr (Case e (TB b _) ty alts) = Case (deTagExpr e) b ty (map deTagAlt alts)
+deTagExpr (Tick t e) = Tick t (deTagExpr e)
+deTagExpr (Cast e co) = Cast (deTagExpr e) co
+deTagBind :: TaggedBind t -> CoreBind
+deTagBind (NonRec (TB b _) rhs) = NonRec b (deTagExpr rhs)
+deTagBind (Rec prs) = Rec [(b, deTagExpr rhs) | (TB b _, rhs) <- prs]
+deTagAlt :: TaggedAlt t -> CoreAlt
+deTagAlt (con, bndrs, rhs) = (con, [b | TB b _ <- bndrs], deTagExpr rhs)
+* *
+\subsection{Core-constructing functions with checking}
+* *
+-- | Apply a list of argument expressions to a function expression in a nested fashion. Prefer to
+-- use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkCoreApps' if possible
+mkApps :: Expr b -> [Arg b] -> Expr b
+-- | Apply a list of type argument expressions to a function expression in a nested fashion
+mkTyApps :: Expr b -> [Type] -> Expr b
+-- | Apply a list of coercion argument expressions to a function expression in a nested fashion
+mkCoApps :: Expr b -> [Coercion] -> Expr b
+-- | Apply a list of type or value variables to a function expression in a nested fashion
+mkVarApps :: Expr b -> [Var] -> Expr b
+-- | Apply a list of argument expressions to a data constructor in a nested fashion. Prefer to
+-- use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkCoreConApps' if possible
+mkConApp :: DataCon -> [Arg b] -> Expr b
+mkApps f args = foldl' App f args
+mkCoApps f args = foldl' (\ e a -> App e (Coercion a)) f args
+mkVarApps f vars = foldl' (\ e a -> App e (varToCoreExpr a)) f vars
+mkConApp con args = mkApps (Var (dataConWorkId con)) args
+mkTyApps f args = foldl' (\ e a -> App e (mkTyArg a)) f args
+mkConApp2 :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [Var] -> Expr b
+mkConApp2 con tys arg_ids = Var (dataConWorkId con)
+ `mkApps` map Type tys
+ `mkApps` map varToCoreExpr arg_ids
+mkTyArg :: Type -> Expr b
+mkTyArg ty
+ | Just co <- isCoercionTy_maybe ty = Coercion co
+ | otherwise = Type ty
+-- | Create a machine integer literal expression of type @Int#@ from an @Integer@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @Int@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkIntExpr'
+mkIntLit :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Expr b
+-- | Create a machine integer literal expression of type @Int#@ from an @Int@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @Int@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkIntExpr'
+mkIntLitInt :: DynFlags -> Int -> Expr b
+mkIntLit dflags n = Lit (mkLitInt dflags n)
+mkIntLitInt dflags n = Lit (mkLitInt dflags (toInteger n))
+-- | Create a machine word literal expression of type @Word#@ from an @Integer@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @Word@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkWordExpr'
+mkWordLit :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Expr b
+-- | Create a machine word literal expression of type @Word#@ from a @Word@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @Word@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkWordExpr'
+mkWordLitWord :: DynFlags -> Word -> Expr b
+mkWordLit dflags w = Lit (mkLitWord dflags w)
+mkWordLitWord dflags w = Lit (mkLitWord dflags (toInteger w))
+mkWord64LitWord64 :: Word64 -> Expr b
+mkWord64LitWord64 w = Lit (mkLitWord64 (toInteger w))
+mkInt64LitInt64 :: Int64 -> Expr b
+mkInt64LitInt64 w = Lit (mkLitInt64 (toInteger w))
+-- | Create a machine character literal expression of type @Char#@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @Char@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkCharExpr'
+mkCharLit :: Char -> Expr b
+-- | Create a machine string literal expression of type @Addr#@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @String@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkStringExpr'
+mkStringLit :: String -> Expr b
+mkCharLit c = Lit (mkLitChar c)
+mkStringLit s = Lit (mkLitString s)
+-- | Create a machine single precision literal expression of type @Float#@ from a @Rational@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @Float@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkFloatExpr'
+mkFloatLit :: Rational -> Expr b
+-- | Create a machine single precision literal expression of type @Float#@ from a @Float@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @Float@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkFloatExpr'
+mkFloatLitFloat :: Float -> Expr b
+mkFloatLit f = Lit (mkLitFloat f)
+mkFloatLitFloat f = Lit (mkLitFloat (toRational f))
+-- | Create a machine double precision literal expression of type @Double#@ from a @Rational@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @Double@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkDoubleExpr'
+mkDoubleLit :: Rational -> Expr b
+-- | Create a machine double precision literal expression of type @Double#@ from a @Double@.
+-- If you want an expression of type @Double@ use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkDoubleExpr'
+mkDoubleLitDouble :: Double -> Expr b
+mkDoubleLit d = Lit (mkLitDouble d)
+mkDoubleLitDouble d = Lit (mkLitDouble (toRational d))
+-- | Bind all supplied binding groups over an expression in a nested let expression. Assumes
+-- that the rhs satisfies the let/app invariant. Prefer to use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkCoreLets' if
+-- possible, which does guarantee the invariant
+mkLets :: [Bind b] -> Expr b -> Expr b
+-- | Bind all supplied binders over an expression in a nested lambda expression. Prefer to
+-- use 'GHC.Core.Make.mkCoreLams' if possible
+mkLams :: [b] -> Expr b -> Expr b
+mkLams binders body = foldr Lam body binders
+mkLets binds body = foldr mkLet body binds
+mkLet :: Bind b -> Expr b -> Expr b
+-- The desugarer sometimes generates an empty Rec group
+-- which Lint rejects, so we kill it off right away
+mkLet (Rec []) body = body
+mkLet bind body = Let bind body
+-- | @mkLetNonRec bndr rhs body@ wraps @body@ in a @let@ binding @bndr@.
+mkLetNonRec :: b -> Expr b -> Expr b -> Expr b
+mkLetNonRec b rhs body = Let (NonRec b rhs) body
+-- | @mkLetRec binds body@ wraps @body@ in a @let rec@ with the given set of
+-- @binds@ if binds is non-empty.
+mkLetRec :: [(b, Expr b)] -> Expr b -> Expr b
+mkLetRec [] body = body
+mkLetRec bs body = Let (Rec bs) body
+-- | Create a binding group where a type variable is bound to a type. Per "GHC.Core#type_let",
+-- this can only be used to bind something in a non-recursive @let@ expression
+mkTyBind :: TyVar -> Type -> CoreBind
+mkTyBind tv ty = NonRec tv (Type ty)
+-- | Create a binding group where a type variable is bound to a type. Per "GHC.Core#type_let",
+-- this can only be used to bind something in a non-recursive @let@ expression
+mkCoBind :: CoVar -> Coercion -> CoreBind
+mkCoBind cv co = NonRec cv (Coercion co)
+-- | Convert a binder into either a 'Var' or 'Type' 'Expr' appropriately
+varToCoreExpr :: CoreBndr -> Expr b
+varToCoreExpr v | isTyVar v = Type (mkTyVarTy v)
+ | isCoVar v = Coercion (mkCoVarCo v)
+ | otherwise = ASSERT( isId v ) Var v
+varsToCoreExprs :: [CoreBndr] -> [Expr b]
+varsToCoreExprs vs = map varToCoreExpr vs
+* *
+ Getting a result type
+* *
+These are defined here to avoid a module loop between GHC.Core.Utils and GHC.Core.FVs
+applyTypeToArg :: Type -> CoreExpr -> Type
+-- ^ Determines the type resulting from applying an expression with given type
+-- to a given argument expression
+applyTypeToArg fun_ty arg = piResultTy fun_ty (exprToType arg)
+-- | If the expression is a 'Type', converts. Otherwise,
+-- panics. NB: This does /not/ convert 'Coercion' to 'CoercionTy'.
+exprToType :: CoreExpr -> Type
+exprToType (Type ty) = ty
+exprToType _bad = pprPanic "exprToType" empty
+-- | If the expression is a 'Coercion', converts.
+exprToCoercion_maybe :: CoreExpr -> Maybe Coercion
+exprToCoercion_maybe (Coercion co) = Just co
+exprToCoercion_maybe _ = Nothing
+* *
+\subsection{Simple access functions}
+* *
+-- | Extract every variable by this group
+bindersOf :: Bind b -> [b]
+-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
+-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
+bindersOf (NonRec binder _) = [binder]
+bindersOf (Rec pairs) = [binder | (binder, _) <- pairs]
+-- | 'bindersOf' applied to a list of binding groups
+bindersOfBinds :: [Bind b] -> [b]
+bindersOfBinds binds = foldr ((++) . bindersOf) [] binds
+rhssOfBind :: Bind b -> [Expr b]
+rhssOfBind (NonRec _ rhs) = [rhs]
+rhssOfBind (Rec pairs) = [rhs | (_,rhs) <- pairs]
+rhssOfAlts :: [Alt b] -> [Expr b]
+rhssOfAlts alts = [e | (_,_,e) <- alts]
+-- | Collapse all the bindings in the supplied groups into a single
+-- list of lhs\/rhs pairs suitable for binding in a 'Rec' binding group
+flattenBinds :: [Bind b] -> [(b, Expr b)]
+flattenBinds (NonRec b r : binds) = (b,r) : flattenBinds binds
+flattenBinds (Rec prs1 : binds) = prs1 ++ flattenBinds binds
+flattenBinds [] = []
+-- | We often want to strip off leading lambdas before getting down to
+-- business. Variants are 'collectTyBinders', 'collectValBinders',
+-- and 'collectTyAndValBinders'
+collectBinders :: Expr b -> ([b], Expr b)
+collectTyBinders :: CoreExpr -> ([TyVar], CoreExpr)
+collectValBinders :: CoreExpr -> ([Id], CoreExpr)
+collectTyAndValBinders :: CoreExpr -> ([TyVar], [Id], CoreExpr)
+-- | Strip off exactly N leading lambdas (type or value). Good for use with
+-- join points.
+collectNBinders :: Int -> Expr b -> ([b], Expr b)
+collectBinders expr
+ = go [] expr
+ where
+ go bs (Lam b e) = go (b:bs) e
+ go bs e = (reverse bs, e)
+collectTyBinders expr
+ = go [] expr
+ where
+ go tvs (Lam b e) | isTyVar b = go (b:tvs) e
+ go tvs e = (reverse tvs, e)
+collectValBinders expr
+ = go [] expr
+ where
+ go ids (Lam b e) | isId b = go (b:ids) e
+ go ids body = (reverse ids, body)
+collectTyAndValBinders expr
+ = (tvs, ids, body)
+ where
+ (tvs, body1) = collectTyBinders expr
+ (ids, body) = collectValBinders body1
+collectNBinders orig_n orig_expr
+ = go orig_n [] orig_expr
+ where
+ go 0 bs expr = (reverse bs, expr)
+ go n bs (Lam b e) = go (n-1) (b:bs) e
+ go _ _ _ = pprPanic "collectNBinders" $ int orig_n
+-- | Takes a nested application expression and returns the function
+-- being applied and the arguments to which it is applied
+collectArgs :: Expr b -> (Expr b, [Arg b])
+collectArgs expr
+ = go expr []
+ where
+ go (App f a) as = go f (a:as)
+ go e as = (e, as)
+-- | Attempt to remove the last N arguments of a function call.
+-- Strip off any ticks or coercions encountered along the way and any
+-- at the end.
+stripNArgs :: Word -> Expr a -> Maybe (Expr a)
+stripNArgs !n (Tick _ e) = stripNArgs n e
+stripNArgs n (Cast f _) = stripNArgs n f
+stripNArgs 0 e = Just e
+stripNArgs n (App f _) = stripNArgs (n - 1) f
+stripNArgs _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Like @collectArgs@, but also collects looks through floatable
+-- ticks if it means that we can find more arguments.
+collectArgsTicks :: (Tickish Id -> Bool) -> Expr b
+ -> (Expr b, [Arg b], [Tickish Id])
+collectArgsTicks skipTick expr
+ = go expr [] []
+ where
+ go (App f a) as ts = go f (a:as) ts
+ go (Tick t e) as ts
+ | skipTick t = go e as (t:ts)
+ go e as ts = (e, as, reverse ts)
+* *
+* *
+At one time we optionally carried type arguments through to runtime.
+@isRuntimeVar v@ returns if (Lam v _) really becomes a lambda at runtime,
+i.e. if type applications are actual lambdas because types are kept around
+at runtime. Similarly isRuntimeArg.
+-- | Will this variable exist at runtime?
+isRuntimeVar :: Var -> Bool
+isRuntimeVar = isId
+-- | Will this argument expression exist at runtime?
+isRuntimeArg :: CoreExpr -> Bool
+isRuntimeArg = isValArg
+-- | Returns @True@ for value arguments, false for type args
+-- NB: coercions are value arguments (zero width, to be sure,
+-- like State#, but still value args).
+isValArg :: Expr b -> Bool
+isValArg e = not (isTypeArg e)
+-- | Returns @True@ iff the expression is a 'Type' or 'Coercion'
+-- expression at its top level
+isTyCoArg :: Expr b -> Bool
+isTyCoArg (Type {}) = True
+isTyCoArg (Coercion {}) = True
+isTyCoArg _ = False
+-- | Returns @True@ iff the expression is a 'Coercion'
+-- expression at its top level
+isCoArg :: Expr b -> Bool
+isCoArg (Coercion {}) = True
+isCoArg _ = False
+-- | Returns @True@ iff the expression is a 'Type' expression at its
+-- top level. Note this does NOT include 'Coercion's.
+isTypeArg :: Expr b -> Bool
+isTypeArg (Type {}) = True
+isTypeArg _ = False
+-- | The number of binders that bind values rather than types
+valBndrCount :: [CoreBndr] -> Int
+valBndrCount = count isId
+-- | The number of argument expressions that are values rather than types at their top level
+valArgCount :: [Arg b] -> Int
+valArgCount = count isValArg
+* *
+\subsection{Annotated core}
+* *
+-- | Annotated core: allows annotation at every node in the tree
+type AnnExpr bndr annot = (annot, AnnExpr' bndr annot)
+-- | A clone of the 'Expr' type but allowing annotation at every tree node
+data AnnExpr' bndr annot
+ = AnnVar Id
+ | AnnLit Literal
+ | AnnLam bndr (AnnExpr bndr annot)
+ | AnnApp (AnnExpr bndr annot) (AnnExpr bndr annot)
+ | AnnCase (AnnExpr bndr annot) bndr Type [AnnAlt bndr annot]
+ | AnnLet (AnnBind bndr annot) (AnnExpr bndr annot)
+ | AnnCast (AnnExpr bndr annot) (annot, Coercion)
+ -- Put an annotation on the (root of) the coercion
+ | AnnTick (Tickish Id) (AnnExpr bndr annot)
+ | AnnType Type
+ | AnnCoercion Coercion
+-- | A clone of the 'Alt' type but allowing annotation at every tree node
+type AnnAlt bndr annot = (AltCon, [bndr], AnnExpr bndr annot)
+-- | A clone of the 'Bind' type but allowing annotation at every tree node
+data AnnBind bndr annot
+ = AnnNonRec bndr (AnnExpr bndr annot)
+ | AnnRec [(bndr, AnnExpr bndr annot)]
+-- | Takes a nested application expression and returns the function
+-- being applied and the arguments to which it is applied
+collectAnnArgs :: AnnExpr b a -> (AnnExpr b a, [AnnExpr b a])
+collectAnnArgs expr
+ = go expr []
+ where
+ go (_, AnnApp f a) as = go f (a:as)
+ go e as = (e, as)
+collectAnnArgsTicks :: (Tickish Var -> Bool) -> AnnExpr b a
+ -> (AnnExpr b a, [AnnExpr b a], [Tickish Var])
+collectAnnArgsTicks tickishOk expr
+ = go expr [] []
+ where
+ go (_, AnnApp f a) as ts = go f (a:as) ts
+ go (_, AnnTick t e) as ts | tickishOk t
+ = go e as (t:ts)
+ go e as ts = (e, as, reverse ts)
+deAnnotate :: AnnExpr bndr annot -> Expr bndr
+deAnnotate (_, e) = deAnnotate' e
+deAnnotate' :: AnnExpr' bndr annot -> Expr bndr
+deAnnotate' (AnnType t) = Type t
+deAnnotate' (AnnCoercion co) = Coercion co
+deAnnotate' (AnnVar v) = Var v
+deAnnotate' (AnnLit lit) = Lit lit
+deAnnotate' (AnnLam binder body) = Lam binder (deAnnotate body)
+deAnnotate' (AnnApp fun arg) = App (deAnnotate fun) (deAnnotate arg)
+deAnnotate' (AnnCast e (_,co)) = Cast (deAnnotate e) co
+deAnnotate' (AnnTick tick body) = Tick tick (deAnnotate body)
+deAnnotate' (AnnLet bind body)
+ = Let (deAnnBind bind) (deAnnotate body)
+deAnnotate' (AnnCase scrut v t alts)
+ = Case (deAnnotate scrut) v t (map deAnnAlt alts)
+deAnnAlt :: AnnAlt bndr annot -> Alt bndr
+deAnnAlt (con,args,rhs) = (con,args,deAnnotate rhs)
+deAnnBind :: AnnBind b annot -> Bind b
+deAnnBind (AnnNonRec var rhs) = NonRec var (deAnnotate rhs)
+deAnnBind (AnnRec pairs) = Rec [(v,deAnnotate rhs) | (v,rhs) <- pairs]
+-- | As 'collectBinders' but for 'AnnExpr' rather than 'Expr'
+collectAnnBndrs :: AnnExpr bndr annot -> ([bndr], AnnExpr bndr annot)
+collectAnnBndrs e
+ = collect [] e
+ where
+ collect bs (_, AnnLam b body) = collect (b:bs) body
+ collect bs body = (reverse bs, body)
+-- | As 'collectNBinders' but for 'AnnExpr' rather than 'Expr'
+collectNAnnBndrs :: Int -> AnnExpr bndr annot -> ([bndr], AnnExpr bndr annot)
+collectNAnnBndrs orig_n e
+ = collect orig_n [] e
+ where
+ collect 0 bs body = (reverse bs, body)
+ collect n bs (_, AnnLam b body) = collect (n-1) (b:bs) body
+ collect _ _ _ = pprPanic "collectNBinders" $ int orig_n