path: root/compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-03-02 11:43:03 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-03-16 23:53:24 -0400
commit18a346a4b5a02b8c62e8eedb91b35c2d8e754b96 (patch)
tree59121ffd5a46c1987a184db3842a3089f6250d11 /compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
parent818b3c38e7548f4720815f76969238d82c9650f7 (diff)
Modules: Core (#13009)
Update submodule: haddock
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs')
1 files changed, 1833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
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index 0000000000..c8e5a7a4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
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+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+-- FamInstEnv: Type checked family instance declarations
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns, TupleSections,
+ DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+module GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (
+ FamInst(..), FamFlavor(..), famInstAxiom, famInstTyCon, famInstRHS,
+ famInstsRepTyCons, famInstRepTyCon_maybe, dataFamInstRepTyCon,
+ pprFamInst, pprFamInsts,
+ mkImportedFamInst,
+ FamInstEnvs, FamInstEnv, emptyFamInstEnv, emptyFamInstEnvs,
+ extendFamInstEnv, extendFamInstEnvList,
+ famInstEnvElts, famInstEnvSize, familyInstances,
+ -- * CoAxioms
+ mkCoAxBranch, mkBranchedCoAxiom, mkUnbranchedCoAxiom, mkSingleCoAxiom,
+ mkNewTypeCoAxiom,
+ FamInstMatch(..),
+ lookupFamInstEnv, lookupFamInstEnvConflicts, lookupFamInstEnvByTyCon,
+ isDominatedBy, apartnessCheck,
+ -- Injectivity
+ InjectivityCheckResult(..),
+ lookupFamInstEnvInjectivityConflicts, injectiveBranches,
+ -- Normalisation
+ topNormaliseType, topNormaliseType_maybe,
+ normaliseType, normaliseTcApp, normaliseTcArgs,
+ reduceTyFamApp_maybe,
+ -- Flattening
+ flattenTys
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core.Unify
+import GHC.Core.Type as Type
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+import VarSet
+import VarEnv
+import Name
+import UniqDFM
+import Outputable
+import Maybes
+import GHC.Core.Map
+import Unique
+import Util
+import Var
+import SrcLoc
+import FastString
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.List( mapAccumL )
+import Data.Array( Array, assocs )
+* *
+ Type checked family instance heads
+* *
+Note [FamInsts and CoAxioms]
+* CoAxioms and FamInsts are just like
+ DFunIds and ClsInsts
+* A CoAxiom is a System-FC thing: it can relate any two types
+* A FamInst is a Haskell source-language thing, corresponding
+ to a type/data family instance declaration.
+ - The FamInst contains a CoAxiom, which is the evidence
+ for the instance
+ - The LHS of the CoAxiom is always of form F ty1 .. tyn
+ where F is a type family
+data FamInst -- See Note [FamInsts and CoAxioms]
+ = FamInst { fi_axiom :: CoAxiom Unbranched -- The new coercion axiom
+ -- introduced by this family
+ -- instance
+ -- INVARIANT: apart from freshening (see below)
+ -- fi_tvs = cab_tvs of the (single) axiom branch
+ -- fi_cvs = cab_cvs ...ditto...
+ -- fi_tys = cab_lhs ...ditto...
+ -- fi_rhs = cab_rhs ...ditto...
+ , fi_flavor :: FamFlavor
+ -- Everything below here is a redundant,
+ -- cached version of the two things above
+ -- except that the TyVars are freshened
+ , fi_fam :: Name -- Family name
+ -- Used for "rough matching"; same idea as for class instances
+ -- See Note [Rough-match field] in GHC.Core.InstEnv
+ , fi_tcs :: [Maybe Name] -- Top of type args
+ -- INVARIANT: fi_tcs = roughMatchTcs fi_tys
+ -- Used for "proper matching"; ditto
+ , fi_tvs :: [TyVar] -- Template tyvars for full match
+ , fi_cvs :: [CoVar] -- Template covars for full match
+ -- Like ClsInsts, these variables are always fresh
+ -- See Note [Template tyvars are fresh] in GHC.Core.InstEnv
+ , fi_tys :: [Type] -- The LHS type patterns
+ -- May be eta-reduced; see Note [Eta reduction for data families]
+ , fi_rhs :: Type -- the RHS, with its freshened vars
+ }
+data FamFlavor
+ = SynFamilyInst -- A synonym family
+ | DataFamilyInst TyCon -- A data family, with its representation TyCon
+Note [Arity of data families]
+Data family instances might legitimately be over- or under-saturated.
+Under-saturation has two potential causes:
+ U1) Eta reduction. See Note [Eta reduction for data families].
+ U2) When the user has specified a return kind instead of written out patterns.
+ Example:
+ data family Sing (a :: k)
+ data instance Sing :: Bool -> Type
+ The data family tycon Sing has an arity of 2, the k and the a. But
+ the data instance has only one pattern, Bool (standing in for k).
+ This instance is equivalent to `data instance Sing (a :: Bool)`, but
+ without the last pattern, we have an under-saturated data family instance.
+ On its own, this example is not compelling enough to add support for
+ under-saturation, but U1 makes this feature more compelling.
+Over-saturation is also possible:
+ O1) If the data family's return kind is a type variable (see also #12369),
+ an instance might legitimately have more arguments than the family.
+ Example:
+ data family Fix :: (Type -> k) -> k
+ data instance Fix f = MkFix1 (f (Fix f))
+ data instance Fix f x = MkFix2 (f (Fix f x) x)
+ In the first instance here, the k in the data family kind is chosen to
+ be Type. In the second, it's (Type -> Type).
+ However, we require that any over-saturation is eta-reducible. That is,
+ we require that any extra patterns be bare unrepeated type variables;
+ see Note [Eta reduction for data families]. Accordingly, the FamInst
+ is never over-saturated.
+Why can we allow such flexibility for data families but not for type families?
+Because data families can be decomposed -- that is, they are generative and
+injective. A Type family is neither and so always must be applied to all its
+-- Obtain the axiom of a family instance
+famInstAxiom :: FamInst -> CoAxiom Unbranched
+famInstAxiom = fi_axiom
+-- Split the left-hand side of the FamInst
+famInstSplitLHS :: FamInst -> (TyCon, [Type])
+famInstSplitLHS (FamInst { fi_axiom = axiom, fi_tys = lhs })
+ = (coAxiomTyCon axiom, lhs)
+-- Get the RHS of the FamInst
+famInstRHS :: FamInst -> Type
+famInstRHS = fi_rhs
+-- Get the family TyCon of the FamInst
+famInstTyCon :: FamInst -> TyCon
+famInstTyCon = coAxiomTyCon . famInstAxiom
+-- Return the representation TyCons introduced by data family instances, if any
+famInstsRepTyCons :: [FamInst] -> [TyCon]
+famInstsRepTyCons fis = [tc | FamInst { fi_flavor = DataFamilyInst tc } <- fis]
+-- Extracts the TyCon for this *data* (or newtype) instance
+famInstRepTyCon_maybe :: FamInst -> Maybe TyCon
+famInstRepTyCon_maybe fi
+ = case fi_flavor fi of
+ DataFamilyInst tycon -> Just tycon
+ SynFamilyInst -> Nothing
+dataFamInstRepTyCon :: FamInst -> TyCon
+dataFamInstRepTyCon fi
+ = case fi_flavor fi of
+ DataFamilyInst tycon -> tycon
+ SynFamilyInst -> pprPanic "dataFamInstRepTyCon" (ppr fi)
+* *
+ Pretty printing
+* *
+instance NamedThing FamInst where
+ getName = coAxiomName . fi_axiom
+instance Outputable FamInst where
+ ppr = pprFamInst
+pprFamInst :: FamInst -> SDoc
+-- Prints the FamInst as a family instance declaration
+-- NB: This function, FamInstEnv.pprFamInst, is used only for internal,
+-- debug printing. See GHC.Core.Ppr.TyThing.pprFamInst for printing for the user
+pprFamInst (FamInst { fi_flavor = flavor, fi_axiom = ax
+ , fi_tvs = tvs, fi_tys = tys, fi_rhs = rhs })
+ = hang (ppr_tc_sort <+> text "instance"
+ <+> pprCoAxBranchUser (coAxiomTyCon ax) (coAxiomSingleBranch ax))
+ 2 (whenPprDebug debug_stuff)
+ where
+ ppr_tc_sort = case flavor of
+ SynFamilyInst -> text "type"
+ DataFamilyInst tycon
+ | isDataTyCon tycon -> text "data"
+ | isNewTyCon tycon -> text "newtype"
+ | isAbstractTyCon tycon -> text "data"
+ | otherwise -> text "WEIRD" <+> ppr tycon
+ debug_stuff = vcat [ text "Coercion axiom:" <+> ppr ax
+ , text "Tvs:" <+> ppr tvs
+ , text "LHS:" <+> ppr tys
+ , text "RHS:" <+> ppr rhs ]
+pprFamInsts :: [FamInst] -> SDoc
+pprFamInsts finsts = vcat (map pprFamInst finsts)
+Note [Lazy axiom match]
+It is Vitally Important that mkImportedFamInst is *lazy* in its axiom
+parameter. The axiom is loaded lazily, via a forkM, in GHC.IfaceToCore. Sometime
+later, mkImportedFamInst is called using that axiom. However, the axiom
+may itself depend on entities which are not yet loaded as of the time
+of the mkImportedFamInst. Thus, if mkImportedFamInst eagerly looks at the
+axiom, a dependency loop spontaneously appears and GHC hangs. The solution
+is simply for mkImportedFamInst never, ever to look inside of the axiom
+until everything else is good and ready to do so. We can assume that this
+readiness has been achieved when some other code pulls on the axiom in the
+FamInst. Thus, we pattern match on the axiom lazily (in the where clause,
+not in the parameter list) and we assert the consistency of names there
+-- Make a family instance representation from the information found in an
+-- interface file. In particular, we get the rough match info from the iface
+-- (instead of computing it here).
+mkImportedFamInst :: Name -- Name of the family
+ -> [Maybe Name] -- Rough match info
+ -> CoAxiom Unbranched -- Axiom introduced
+ -> FamInst -- Resulting family instance
+mkImportedFamInst fam mb_tcs axiom
+ = FamInst {
+ fi_fam = fam,
+ fi_tcs = mb_tcs,
+ fi_tvs = tvs,
+ fi_cvs = cvs,
+ fi_tys = tys,
+ fi_rhs = rhs,
+ fi_axiom = axiom,
+ fi_flavor = flavor }
+ where
+ -- See Note [Lazy axiom match]
+ ~(CoAxBranch { cab_lhs = tys
+ , cab_tvs = tvs
+ , cab_cvs = cvs
+ , cab_rhs = rhs }) = coAxiomSingleBranch axiom
+ -- Derive the flavor for an imported FamInst rather disgustingly
+ -- Maybe we should store it in the IfaceFamInst?
+ flavor = case splitTyConApp_maybe rhs of
+ Just (tc, _)
+ | Just ax' <- tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe tc
+ , ax' == axiom
+ -> DataFamilyInst tc
+ _ -> SynFamilyInst
+* *
+ FamInstEnv
+* *
+Note [FamInstEnv]
+A FamInstEnv maps a family name to the list of known instances for that family.
+The same FamInstEnv includes both 'data family' and 'type family' instances.
+Type families are reduced during type inference, but not data families;
+the user explains when to use a data family instance by using constructors
+and pattern matching.
+Nevertheless it is still useful to have data families in the FamInstEnv:
+ - For finding overlaps and conflicts
+ - For finding the representation type...see FamInstEnv.topNormaliseType
+ and its call site in Simplify
+ - In standalone deriving instance Eq (T [Int]) we need to find the
+ representation type for T [Int]
+Note [Varying number of patterns for data family axioms]
+For data families, the number of patterns may vary between instances.
+For example
+ data family T a b
+ data instance T Int a = T1 a | T2
+ data instance T Bool [a] = T3 a
+Then we get a data type for each instance, and an axiom:
+ data TInt a = T1 a | T2
+ data TBoolList a = T3 a
+ axiom ax7 :: T Int ~ TInt -- Eta-reduced
+ axiom ax8 a :: T Bool [a] ~ TBoolList a
+These two axioms for T, one with one pattern, one with two;
+see Note [Eta reduction for data families]
+Note [FamInstEnv determinism]
+We turn FamInstEnvs into a list in some places that don't directly affect
+the ABI. That happens in family consistency checks and when producing output
+for `:info`. Unfortunately that nondeterminism is nonlocal and it's hard
+to tell what it affects without following a chain of functions. It's also
+easy to accidentally make that nondeterminism affect the ABI. Furthermore
+the envs should be relatively small, so it should be free to use deterministic
+maps here. Testing with nofib and validate detected no difference between
+UniqFM and UniqDFM.
+See Note [Deterministic UniqFM].
+type FamInstEnv = UniqDFM FamilyInstEnv -- Maps a family to its instances
+ -- See Note [FamInstEnv]
+ -- See Note [FamInstEnv determinism]
+type FamInstEnvs = (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv)
+ -- External package inst-env, Home-package inst-env
+newtype FamilyInstEnv
+ = FamIE [FamInst] -- The instances for a particular family, in any order
+instance Outputable FamilyInstEnv where
+ ppr (FamIE fs) = text "FamIE" <+> vcat (map ppr fs)
+-- * The fs_tvs are distinct in each FamInst
+-- of a range value of the map (so we can safely unify them)
+emptyFamInstEnvs :: (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv)
+emptyFamInstEnvs = (emptyFamInstEnv, emptyFamInstEnv)
+emptyFamInstEnv :: FamInstEnv
+emptyFamInstEnv = emptyUDFM
+famInstEnvElts :: FamInstEnv -> [FamInst]
+famInstEnvElts fi = [elt | FamIE elts <- eltsUDFM fi, elt <- elts]
+ -- See Note [FamInstEnv determinism]
+famInstEnvSize :: FamInstEnv -> Int
+famInstEnvSize = nonDetFoldUDFM (\(FamIE elt) sum -> sum + length elt) 0
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUDFM here since we're just computing the
+ -- size.
+familyInstances :: (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv) -> TyCon -> [FamInst]
+familyInstances (pkg_fie, home_fie) fam
+ = get home_fie ++ get pkg_fie
+ where
+ get env = case lookupUDFM env fam of
+ Just (FamIE insts) -> insts
+ Nothing -> []
+extendFamInstEnvList :: FamInstEnv -> [FamInst] -> FamInstEnv
+extendFamInstEnvList inst_env fis = foldl' extendFamInstEnv inst_env fis
+extendFamInstEnv :: FamInstEnv -> FamInst -> FamInstEnv
+extendFamInstEnv inst_env
+ ins_item@(FamInst {fi_fam = cls_nm})
+ = addToUDFM_C add inst_env cls_nm (FamIE [ins_item])
+ where
+ add (FamIE items) _ = FamIE (ins_item:items)
+* *
+ Compatibility
+* *
+Note [Apartness]
+In dealing with closed type families, we must be able to check that one type
+will never reduce to another. This check is called /apartness/. The check
+is always between a target (which may be an arbitrary type) and a pattern.
+Here is how we do it:
+apart(target, pattern) = not (unify(flatten(target), pattern))
+where flatten (implemented in flattenTys, below) converts all type-family
+applications into fresh variables. (See Note [Flattening].)
+Note [Compatibility]
+Two patterns are /compatible/ if either of the following conditions hold:
+1) The patterns are apart.
+2) The patterns unify with a substitution S, and their right hand sides
+equal under that substitution.
+For open type families, only compatible instances are allowed. For closed
+type families, the story is slightly more complicated. Consider the following:
+type family F a where
+ F Int = Bool
+ F a = Int
+g :: Show a => a -> F a
+g x = length (show x)
+Should that type-check? No. We need to allow for the possibility that 'a'
+might be Int and therefore 'F a' should be Bool. We can simplify 'F a' to Int
+only when we can be sure that 'a' is not Int.
+To achieve this, after finding a possible match within the equations, we have to
+go back to all previous equations and check that, under the
+substitution induced by the match, other branches are surely apart. (See
+Note [Apartness].) This is similar to what happens with class
+instance selection, when we need to guarantee that there is only a match and
+no unifiers. The exact algorithm is different here because the
+potentially-overlapping group is closed.
+As another example, consider this:
+type family G x where
+ G Int = Bool
+ G a = Double
+type family H y
+-- no instances
+Now, we want to simplify (G (H Char)). We can't, because (H Char) might later
+simplify to be Int. So, (G (H Char)) is stuck, for now.
+While everything above is quite sound, it isn't as expressive as we'd like.
+Consider this:
+type family J a where
+ J Int = Int
+ J a = a
+Can we simplify (J b) to b? Sure we can. Yes, the first equation matches if
+b is instantiated with Int, but the RHSs coincide there, so it's all OK.
+So, the rule is this: when looking up a branch in a closed type family, we
+find a branch that matches the target, but then we make sure that the target
+is apart from every previous *incompatible* branch. We don't check the
+branches that are compatible with the matching branch, because they are either
+irrelevant (clause 1 of compatible) or benign (clause 2 of compatible).
+Note [Compatibility of eta-reduced axioms]
+In newtype instances of data families we eta-reduce the axioms,
+See Note [Eta reduction for data families] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv. This means that
+we sometimes need to test compatibility of two axioms that were eta-reduced to
+different degrees, e.g.:
+data family D a b c
+newtype instance D a Int c = DInt (Maybe a)
+ -- D a Int ~ Maybe
+ -- lhs = [a, Int]
+newtype instance D Bool Int Char = DIntChar Float
+ -- D Bool Int Char ~ Float
+ -- lhs = [Bool, Int, Char]
+These are obviously incompatible. We could detect this by saturating
+(eta-expanding) the shorter LHS with fresh tyvars until the lists are of
+equal length, but instead we can just remove the tail of the longer list, as
+those types will simply unify with the freshly introduced tyvars.
+By doing this, in case the LHS are unifiable, the yielded substitution won't
+mention the tyvars that appear in the tail we dropped off, and we might try
+to test equality RHSes of different kinds, but that's fine since this case
+occurs only for data families, where the RHS is a unique tycon and the equality
+fails anyway.
+-- See Note [Compatibility]
+compatibleBranches :: CoAxBranch -> CoAxBranch -> Bool
+compatibleBranches (CoAxBranch { cab_lhs = lhs1, cab_rhs = rhs1 })
+ (CoAxBranch { cab_lhs = lhs2, cab_rhs = rhs2 })
+ = let (commonlhs1, commonlhs2) = zipAndUnzip lhs1 lhs2
+ -- See Note [Compatibility of eta-reduced axioms]
+ in case tcUnifyTysFG (const BindMe) commonlhs1 commonlhs2 of
+ SurelyApart -> True
+ Unifiable subst
+ | Type.substTyAddInScope subst rhs1 `eqType`
+ Type.substTyAddInScope subst rhs2
+ -> True
+ _ -> False
+-- | Result of testing two type family equations for injectiviy.
+data InjectivityCheckResult
+ = InjectivityAccepted
+ -- ^ Either RHSs are distinct or unification of RHSs leads to unification of
+ -- LHSs
+ | InjectivityUnified CoAxBranch CoAxBranch
+ -- ^ RHSs unify but LHSs don't unify under that substitution. Relevant for
+ -- closed type families where equation after unification might be
+ -- overlpapped (in which case it is OK if they don't unify). Constructor
+ -- stores axioms after unification.
+-- | Check whether two type family axioms don't violate injectivity annotation.
+injectiveBranches :: [Bool] -> CoAxBranch -> CoAxBranch
+ -> InjectivityCheckResult
+injectiveBranches injectivity
+ ax1@(CoAxBranch { cab_lhs = lhs1, cab_rhs = rhs1 })
+ ax2@(CoAxBranch { cab_lhs = lhs2, cab_rhs = rhs2 })
+ -- See Note [Verifying injectivity annotation], case 1.
+ = let getInjArgs = filterByList injectivity
+ in case tcUnifyTyWithTFs True rhs1 rhs2 of -- True = two-way pre-unification
+ Nothing -> InjectivityAccepted
+ -- RHS are different, so equations are injective.
+ -- This is case 1A from Note [Verifying injectivity annotation]
+ Just subst -> -- RHS unify under a substitution
+ let lhs1Subst = Type.substTys subst (getInjArgs lhs1)
+ lhs2Subst = Type.substTys subst (getInjArgs lhs2)
+ -- If LHSs are equal under the substitution used for RHSs then this pair
+ -- of equations does not violate injectivity annotation. If LHSs are not
+ -- equal under that substitution then this pair of equations violates
+ -- injectivity annotation, but for closed type families it still might
+ -- be the case that one LHS after substitution is unreachable.
+ in if eqTypes lhs1Subst lhs2Subst -- check case 1B1 from Note.
+ then InjectivityAccepted
+ else InjectivityUnified ( ax1 { cab_lhs = Type.substTys subst lhs1
+ , cab_rhs = Type.substTy subst rhs1 })
+ ( ax2 { cab_lhs = Type.substTys subst lhs2
+ , cab_rhs = Type.substTy subst rhs2 })
+ -- payload of InjectivityUnified used only for check 1B2, only
+ -- for closed type families
+-- takes a CoAxiom with unknown branch incompatibilities and computes
+-- the compatibilities
+-- See Note [Storing compatibility] in GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+computeAxiomIncomps :: [CoAxBranch] -> [CoAxBranch]
+computeAxiomIncomps branches
+ = snd (mapAccumL go [] branches)
+ where
+ go :: [CoAxBranch] -> CoAxBranch -> ([CoAxBranch], CoAxBranch)
+ go prev_brs cur_br
+ = (cur_br : prev_brs, new_br)
+ where
+ new_br = cur_br { cab_incomps = mk_incomps prev_brs cur_br }
+ mk_incomps :: [CoAxBranch] -> CoAxBranch -> [CoAxBranch]
+ mk_incomps prev_brs cur_br
+ = filter (not . compatibleBranches cur_br) prev_brs
+* *
+ Constructing axioms
+ These functions are here because tidyType / tcUnifyTysFG
+ are not available in GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+ Also computeAxiomIncomps is too sophisticated for CoAxiom
+* *
+Note [Tidy axioms when we build them]
+Like types and classes, we build axioms fully quantified over all
+their variables, and tidy them when we build them. For example,
+we print out axioms and don't want to print stuff like
+ F k k a b = ...
+Instead we must tidy those kind variables. See #7524.
+We could instead tidy when we print, but that makes it harder to get
+things like injectivity errors to come out right. Danger of
+ Type family equation violates injectivity annotation.
+ Kind variable ‘k’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side.
+ In the type family equation:
+ PolyKindVars @[k1] @[k2] ('[] @k1) = '[] @k2
+Note [Always number wildcard types in CoAxBranch]
+Consider the following example (from the DataFamilyInstanceLHS test case):
+ data family Sing (a :: k)
+ data instance Sing (_ :: MyKind) where
+ SingA :: Sing A
+ SingB :: Sing B
+If we're not careful during tidying, then when this program is compiled with
+-ddump-types, we'll get the following information:
+ axiom DataFamilyInstanceLHS.D:R:SingMyKind_0 ::
+ Sing _ = DataFamilyInstanceLHS.R:SingMyKind_ _
+It's misleading to have a wildcard type appearing on the RHS like
+that. To avoid this issue, when building a CoAxiom (which is what eventually
+gets printed above), we tidy all the variables in an env that already contains
+'_'. Thus, any variable named '_' will be renamed, giving us the nicer output
+ axiom DataFamilyInstanceLHS.D:R:SingMyKind_0 ::
+ Sing _1 = DataFamilyInstanceLHS.R:SingMyKind_ _1
+Which is at least legal syntax.
+See also Note [CoAxBranch type variables] in GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom; note that we
+are tidying (changing OccNames only), not freshening, in accordance with
+that Note.
+-- all axiom roles are Nominal, as this is only used with type families
+mkCoAxBranch :: [TyVar] -- original, possibly stale, tyvars
+ -> [TyVar] -- Extra eta tyvars
+ -> [CoVar] -- possibly stale covars
+ -> [Type] -- LHS patterns
+ -> Type -- RHS
+ -> [Role]
+ -> SrcSpan
+ -> CoAxBranch
+mkCoAxBranch tvs eta_tvs cvs lhs rhs roles loc
+ = CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs'
+ , cab_eta_tvs = eta_tvs'
+ , cab_cvs = cvs'
+ , cab_lhs = tidyTypes env lhs
+ , cab_roles = roles
+ , cab_rhs = tidyType env rhs
+ , cab_loc = loc
+ , cab_incomps = placeHolderIncomps }
+ where
+ (env1, tvs') = tidyVarBndrs init_tidy_env tvs
+ (env2, eta_tvs') = tidyVarBndrs env1 eta_tvs
+ (env, cvs') = tidyVarBndrs env2 cvs
+ -- See Note [Tidy axioms when we build them]
+ -- See also Note [CoAxBranch type variables] in GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+ init_occ_env = initTidyOccEnv [mkTyVarOcc "_"]
+ init_tidy_env = mkEmptyTidyEnv init_occ_env
+ -- See Note [Always number wildcard types in CoAxBranch]
+-- all of the following code is here to avoid mutual dependencies with
+-- Coercion
+mkBranchedCoAxiom :: Name -> TyCon -> [CoAxBranch] -> CoAxiom Branched
+mkBranchedCoAxiom ax_name fam_tc branches
+ = CoAxiom { co_ax_unique = nameUnique ax_name
+ , co_ax_name = ax_name
+ , co_ax_tc = fam_tc
+ , co_ax_role = Nominal
+ , co_ax_implicit = False
+ , co_ax_branches = manyBranches (computeAxiomIncomps branches) }
+mkUnbranchedCoAxiom :: Name -> TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> CoAxiom Unbranched
+mkUnbranchedCoAxiom ax_name fam_tc branch
+ = CoAxiom { co_ax_unique = nameUnique ax_name
+ , co_ax_name = ax_name
+ , co_ax_tc = fam_tc
+ , co_ax_role = Nominal
+ , co_ax_implicit = False
+ , co_ax_branches = unbranched (branch { cab_incomps = [] }) }
+mkSingleCoAxiom :: Role -> Name
+ -> [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> [CoVar]
+ -> TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
+ -> CoAxiom Unbranched
+-- Make a single-branch CoAxiom, including making the branch itself
+-- Used for both type family (Nominal) and data family (Representational)
+-- axioms, hence passing in the Role
+mkSingleCoAxiom role ax_name tvs eta_tvs cvs fam_tc lhs_tys rhs_ty
+ = CoAxiom { co_ax_unique = nameUnique ax_name
+ , co_ax_name = ax_name
+ , co_ax_tc = fam_tc
+ , co_ax_role = role
+ , co_ax_implicit = False
+ , co_ax_branches = unbranched (branch { cab_incomps = [] }) }
+ where
+ branch = mkCoAxBranch tvs eta_tvs cvs lhs_tys rhs_ty
+ (map (const Nominal) tvs)
+ (getSrcSpan ax_name)
+-- | Create a coercion constructor (axiom) suitable for the given
+-- newtype 'TyCon'. The 'Name' should be that of a new coercion
+-- 'CoAxiom', the 'TyVar's the arguments expected by the @newtype@ and
+-- the type the appropriate right hand side of the @newtype@, with
+-- the free variables a subset of those 'TyVar's.
+mkNewTypeCoAxiom :: Name -> TyCon -> [TyVar] -> [Role] -> Type -> CoAxiom Unbranched
+mkNewTypeCoAxiom name tycon tvs roles rhs_ty
+ = CoAxiom { co_ax_unique = nameUnique name
+ , co_ax_name = name
+ , co_ax_implicit = True -- See Note [Implicit axioms] in GHC.Core.TyCon
+ , co_ax_role = Representational
+ , co_ax_tc = tycon
+ , co_ax_branches = unbranched (branch { cab_incomps = [] }) }
+ where
+ branch = mkCoAxBranch tvs [] [] (mkTyVarTys tvs) rhs_ty
+ roles (getSrcSpan name)
+* *
+ Looking up a family instance
+* *
+@lookupFamInstEnv@ looks up in a @FamInstEnv@, using a one-way match.
+Multiple matches are only possible in case of type families (not data
+families), and then, it doesn't matter which match we choose (as the
+instances are guaranteed confluent).
+We return the matching family instances and the type instance at which it
+matches. For example, if we lookup 'T [Int]' and have a family instance
+ data instance T [a] = ..
+desugared to
+ data :R42T a = ..
+ coe :Co:R42T a :: T [a] ~ :R42T a
+we return the matching instance '(FamInst{.., fi_tycon = :R42T}, Int)'.
+-- when matching a type family application, we get a FamInst,
+-- and the list of types the axiom should be applied to
+data FamInstMatch = FamInstMatch { fim_instance :: FamInst
+ , fim_tys :: [Type]
+ , fim_cos :: [Coercion]
+ }
+ -- See Note [Over-saturated matches]
+instance Outputable FamInstMatch where
+ ppr (FamInstMatch { fim_instance = inst
+ , fim_tys = tys
+ , fim_cos = cos })
+ = text "match with" <+> parens (ppr inst) <+> ppr tys <+> ppr cos
+lookupFamInstEnvByTyCon :: FamInstEnvs -> TyCon -> [FamInst]
+lookupFamInstEnvByTyCon (pkg_ie, home_ie) fam_tc
+ = get pkg_ie ++ get home_ie
+ where
+ get ie = case lookupUDFM ie fam_tc of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just (FamIE fis) -> fis
+ :: FamInstEnvs
+ -> TyCon -> [Type] -- What we are looking for
+ -> [FamInstMatch] -- Successful matches
+-- Precondition: the tycon is saturated (or over-saturated)
+ = lookup_fam_inst_env match
+ where
+ match _ _ tpl_tys tys = tcMatchTys tpl_tys tys
+ :: FamInstEnvs
+ -> FamInst -- Putative new instance
+ -> [FamInstMatch] -- Conflicting matches (don't look at the fim_tys field)
+-- E.g. when we are about to add
+-- f : type instance F [a] = a->a
+-- we do (lookupFamInstConflicts f [b])
+-- to find conflicting matches
+-- Precondition: the tycon is saturated (or over-saturated)
+lookupFamInstEnvConflicts envs fam_inst@(FamInst { fi_axiom = new_axiom })
+ = lookup_fam_inst_env my_unify envs fam tys
+ where
+ (fam, tys) = famInstSplitLHS fam_inst
+ -- In example above, fam tys' = F [b]
+ my_unify (FamInst { fi_axiom = old_axiom }) tpl_tvs tpl_tys _
+ = ASSERT2( tyCoVarsOfTypes tys `disjointVarSet` tpl_tvs,
+ (ppr fam <+> ppr tys) $$
+ (ppr tpl_tvs <+> ppr tpl_tys) )
+ -- Unification will break badly if the variables overlap
+ -- They shouldn't because we allocate separate uniques for them
+ if compatibleBranches (coAxiomSingleBranch old_axiom) new_branch
+ then Nothing
+ else Just noSubst
+ -- Note [Family instance overlap conflicts]
+ noSubst = panic "lookupFamInstEnvConflicts noSubst"
+ new_branch = coAxiomSingleBranch new_axiom
+-- Type family injectivity checking bits --
+{- Note [Verifying injectivity annotation]
+Injectivity means that the RHS of a type family uniquely determines the LHS (see
+Note [Type inference for type families with injectivity]). The user informs us about
+injectivity using an injectivity annotation and it is GHC's task to verify that
+this annotation is correct w.r.t. type family equations. Whenever we see a new
+equation of a type family we need to make sure that adding this equation to the
+already known equations of a type family does not violate the injectivity annotation
+supplied by the user (see Note [Injectivity annotation]). Of course if the type
+family has no injectivity annotation then no check is required. But if a type
+family has injectivity annotation we need to make sure that the following
+conditions hold:
+1. For each pair of *different* equations of a type family, one of the following
+ conditions holds:
+ A: RHSs are different. (Check done in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv.injectiveBranches)
+ B1: OPEN TYPE FAMILIES: If the RHSs can be unified under some substitution
+ then it must be possible to unify the LHSs under the same substitution.
+ Example:
+ type family FunnyId a = r | r -> a
+ type instance FunnyId Int = Int
+ type instance FunnyId a = a
+ RHSs of these two equations unify under [ a |-> Int ] substitution.
+ Under this substitution LHSs are equal therefore these equations don't
+ violate injectivity annotation. (Check done in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv.injectiveBranches)
+ B2: CLOSED TYPE FAMILIES: If the RHSs can be unified under some
+ substitution then either the LHSs unify under the same substitution or
+ the LHS of the latter equation is overlapped by earlier equations.
+ Example 1:
+ type family SwapIntChar a = r | r -> a where
+ SwapIntChar Int = Char
+ SwapIntChar Char = Int
+ SwapIntChar a = a
+ Say we are checking the last two equations. RHSs unify under [ a |->
+ Int ] substitution but LHSs don't. So we apply the substitution to LHS
+ of last equation and check whether it is overlapped by any of previous
+ equations. Since it is overlapped by the first equation we conclude
+ that pair of last two equations does not violate injectivity
+ annotation. (Check done in TcValidity.checkValidCoAxiom#gather_conflicts)
+ A special case of B is when RHSs unify with an empty substitution ie. they
+ are identical.
+ If any of the above two conditions holds we conclude that the pair of
+ equations does not violate injectivity annotation. But if we find a pair
+ of equations where neither of the above holds we report that this pair
+ violates injectivity annotation because for a given RHS we don't have a
+ unique LHS. (Note that (B) actually implies (A).)
+ Note that we only take into account these LHS patterns that were declared
+ as injective.
+2. If an RHS of a type family equation is a bare type variable then
+ all LHS variables (including implicit kind variables) also have to be bare.
+ In other words, this has to be a sole equation of that type family and it has
+ to cover all possible patterns. So for example this definition will be
+ rejected:
+ type family W1 a = r | r -> a
+ type instance W1 [a] = a
+ If it were accepted we could call `W1 [W1 Int]`, which would reduce to
+ `W1 Int` and then by injectivity we could conclude that `[W1 Int] ~ Int`,
+ which is bogus. Checked FamInst.bareTvInRHSViolated.
+3. If the RHS of a type family equation is a type family application then the type
+ family is rejected as not injective. This is checked by FamInst.isTFHeaded.
+4. If a LHS type variable that is declared as injective is not mentioned in an
+ injective position in the RHS then the type family is rejected as not
+ injective. "Injective position" means either an argument to a type
+ constructor or argument to a type family on injective position.
+ There are subtleties here. See Note [Coverage condition for injective type families]
+ in FamInst.
+Check (1) must be done for all family instances (transitively) imported. Other
+checks (2-4) should be done just for locally written equations, as they are checks
+involving just a single equation, not about interactions. Doing the other checks for
+imported equations led to #17405, as the behavior of check (4) depends on
+-XUndecidableInstances (see Note [Coverage condition for injective type families] in
+FamInst), which may vary between modules.
+See also Note [Injective type families] in GHC.Core.TyCon
+-- | Check whether an open type family equation can be added to already existing
+-- instance environment without causing conflicts with supplied injectivity
+-- annotations. Returns list of conflicting axioms (type instance
+-- declarations).
+ :: [Bool] -- injectivity annotation for this type family instance
+ -- INVARIANT: list contains at least one True value
+ -> FamInstEnvs -- all type instances seens so far
+ -> FamInst -- new type instance that we're checking
+ -> [CoAxBranch] -- conflicting instance declarations
+lookupFamInstEnvInjectivityConflicts injList (pkg_ie, home_ie)
+ fam_inst@(FamInst { fi_axiom = new_axiom })
+ -- See Note [Verifying injectivity annotation]. This function implements
+ -- check (1.B1) for open type families described there.
+ = lookup_inj_fam_conflicts home_ie ++ lookup_inj_fam_conflicts pkg_ie
+ where
+ fam = famInstTyCon fam_inst
+ new_branch = coAxiomSingleBranch new_axiom
+ -- filtering function used by `lookup_inj_fam_conflicts` to check whether
+ -- a pair of equations conflicts with the injectivity annotation.
+ isInjConflict (FamInst { fi_axiom = old_axiom })
+ | InjectivityAccepted <-
+ injectiveBranches injList (coAxiomSingleBranch old_axiom) new_branch
+ = False -- no conflict
+ | otherwise = True
+ lookup_inj_fam_conflicts ie
+ | isOpenFamilyTyCon fam, Just (FamIE insts) <- lookupUDFM ie fam
+ = map (coAxiomSingleBranch . fi_axiom) $
+ filter isInjConflict insts
+ | otherwise = []
+-- Type family overlap checking bits --
+Note [Family instance overlap conflicts]
+- In the case of data family instances, any overlap is fundamentally a
+ conflict (as these instances imply injective type mappings).
+- In the case of type family instances, overlap is admitted as long as
+ the right-hand sides of the overlapping rules coincide under the
+ overlap substitution. eg
+ type instance F a Int = a
+ type instance F Int b = b
+ These two overlap on (F Int Int) but then both RHSs are Int,
+ so all is well. We require that they are syntactically equal;
+ anything else would be difficult to test for at this stage.
+-- Might be a one-way match or a unifier
+type MatchFun = FamInst -- The FamInst template
+ -> TyVarSet -> [Type] -- fi_tvs, fi_tys of that FamInst
+ -> [Type] -- Target to match against
+ -> Maybe TCvSubst
+lookup_fam_inst_env' -- The worker, local to this module
+ :: MatchFun
+ -> FamInstEnv
+ -> TyCon -> [Type] -- What we are looking for
+ -> [FamInstMatch]
+lookup_fam_inst_env' match_fun ie fam match_tys
+ | isOpenFamilyTyCon fam
+ , Just (FamIE insts) <- lookupUDFM ie fam
+ = find insts -- The common case
+ | otherwise = []
+ where
+ find [] = []
+ find (item@(FamInst { fi_tcs = mb_tcs, fi_tvs = tpl_tvs, fi_cvs = tpl_cvs
+ , fi_tys = tpl_tys }) : rest)
+ -- Fast check for no match, uses the "rough match" fields
+ | instanceCantMatch rough_tcs mb_tcs
+ = find rest
+ -- Proper check
+ | Just subst <- match_fun item (mkVarSet tpl_tvs) tpl_tys match_tys1
+ = (FamInstMatch { fim_instance = item
+ , fim_tys = substTyVars subst tpl_tvs `chkAppend` match_tys2
+ , fim_cos = ASSERT( all (isJust . lookupCoVar subst) tpl_cvs )
+ substCoVars subst tpl_cvs
+ })
+ : find rest
+ -- No match => try next
+ | otherwise
+ = find rest
+ where
+ (rough_tcs, match_tys1, match_tys2) = split_tys tpl_tys
+ -- Precondition: the tycon is saturated (or over-saturated)
+ -- Deal with over-saturation
+ -- See Note [Over-saturated matches]
+ split_tys tpl_tys
+ | isTypeFamilyTyCon fam
+ = pre_rough_split_tys
+ | otherwise
+ = let (match_tys1, match_tys2) = splitAtList tpl_tys match_tys
+ rough_tcs = roughMatchTcs match_tys1
+ in (rough_tcs, match_tys1, match_tys2)
+ (pre_match_tys1, pre_match_tys2) = splitAt (tyConArity fam) match_tys
+ pre_rough_split_tys
+ = (roughMatchTcs pre_match_tys1, pre_match_tys1, pre_match_tys2)
+lookup_fam_inst_env -- The worker, local to this module
+ :: MatchFun
+ -> FamInstEnvs
+ -> TyCon -> [Type] -- What we are looking for
+ -> [FamInstMatch] -- Successful matches
+-- Precondition: the tycon is saturated (or over-saturated)
+lookup_fam_inst_env match_fun (pkg_ie, home_ie) fam tys
+ = lookup_fam_inst_env' match_fun home_ie fam tys
+ ++ lookup_fam_inst_env' match_fun pkg_ie fam tys
+Note [Over-saturated matches]
+It's ok to look up an over-saturated type constructor. E.g.
+ type family F a :: * -> *
+ type instance F (a,b) = Either (a->b)
+The type instance gives rise to a newtype TyCon (at a higher kind
+which you can't do in Haskell!):
+ newtype FPair a b = FP (Either (a->b))
+Then looking up (F (Int,Bool) Char) will return a FamInstMatch
+ (FPair, [Int,Bool,Char])
+The "extra" type argument [Char] just stays on the end.
+We handle data families and type families separately here:
+ * For type families, all instances of a type family must have the
+ same arity, so we can precompute the split between the match_tys
+ and the overflow tys. This is done in pre_rough_split_tys.
+ * For data family instances, though, we need to re-split for each
+ instance, because the breakdown might be different for each
+ instance. Why? Because of eta reduction; see
+ Note [Eta reduction for data families].
+-- checks if one LHS is dominated by a list of other branches
+-- in other words, if an application would match the first LHS, it is guaranteed
+-- to match at least one of the others. The RHSs are ignored.
+-- This algorithm is conservative:
+-- True -> the LHS is definitely covered by the others
+-- False -> no information
+-- It is currently (Oct 2012) used only for generating errors for
+-- inaccessible branches. If these errors go unreported, no harm done.
+-- This is defined here to avoid a dependency from CoAxiom to Unify
+isDominatedBy :: CoAxBranch -> [CoAxBranch] -> Bool
+isDominatedBy branch branches
+ = or $ map match branches
+ where
+ lhs = coAxBranchLHS branch
+ match (CoAxBranch { cab_lhs = tys })
+ = isJust $ tcMatchTys tys lhs
+* *
+ Choosing an axiom application
+* *
+The lookupFamInstEnv function does a nice job for *open* type families,
+but we also need to handle closed ones when normalising a type:
+reduceTyFamApp_maybe :: FamInstEnvs
+ -> Role -- Desired role of result coercion
+ -> TyCon -> [Type]
+ -> Maybe (Coercion, Type)
+-- Attempt to do a *one-step* reduction of a type-family application
+-- but *not* newtypes
+-- Works on type-synonym families always; data-families only if
+-- the role we seek is representational
+-- It does *not* normalise the type arguments first, so this may not
+-- go as far as you want. If you want normalised type arguments,
+-- use normaliseTcArgs first.
+-- The TyCon can be oversaturated.
+-- Works on both open and closed families
+-- Always returns a *homogeneous* coercion -- type family reductions are always
+-- homogeneous
+reduceTyFamApp_maybe envs role tc tys
+ | Phantom <- role
+ = Nothing
+ | case role of
+ Representational -> isOpenFamilyTyCon tc
+ _ -> isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+ -- If we seek a representational coercion
+ -- (e.g. the call in topNormaliseType_maybe) then we can
+ -- unwrap data families as well as type-synonym families;
+ -- otherwise only type-synonym families
+ , FamInstMatch { fim_instance = FamInst { fi_axiom = ax }
+ , fim_tys = inst_tys
+ , fim_cos = inst_cos } : _ <- lookupFamInstEnv envs tc tys
+ -- NB: Allow multiple matches because of compatible overlap
+ = let co = mkUnbranchedAxInstCo role ax inst_tys inst_cos
+ ty = coercionRKind co
+ in Just (co, ty)
+ | Just ax <- isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe tc
+ , Just (ind, inst_tys, inst_cos) <- chooseBranch ax tys
+ = let co = mkAxInstCo role ax ind inst_tys inst_cos
+ ty = coercionRKind co
+ in Just (co, ty)
+ | Just ax <- isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe tc
+ , Just (coax,ts,ty) <- sfMatchFam ax tys
+ = let co = mkAxiomRuleCo coax (zipWith mkReflCo (coaxrAsmpRoles coax) ts)
+ in Just (co, ty)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+-- The axiom can be oversaturated. (Closed families only.)
+chooseBranch :: CoAxiom Branched -> [Type]
+ -> Maybe (BranchIndex, [Type], [Coercion]) -- found match, with args
+chooseBranch axiom tys
+ = do { let num_pats = coAxiomNumPats axiom
+ (target_tys, extra_tys) = splitAt num_pats tys
+ branches = coAxiomBranches axiom
+ ; (ind, inst_tys, inst_cos)
+ <- findBranch (unMkBranches branches) target_tys
+ ; return ( ind, inst_tys `chkAppend` extra_tys, inst_cos ) }
+-- The axiom must *not* be oversaturated
+findBranch :: Array BranchIndex CoAxBranch
+ -> [Type]
+ -> Maybe (BranchIndex, [Type], [Coercion])
+ -- coercions relate requested types to returned axiom LHS at role N
+findBranch branches target_tys
+ = foldr go Nothing (assocs branches)
+ where
+ go :: (BranchIndex, CoAxBranch)
+ -> Maybe (BranchIndex, [Type], [Coercion])
+ -> Maybe (BranchIndex, [Type], [Coercion])
+ go (index, branch) other
+ = let (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tpl_tvs, cab_cvs = tpl_cvs
+ , cab_lhs = tpl_lhs
+ , cab_incomps = incomps }) = branch
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet (unionVarSets $
+ map (tyCoVarsOfTypes . coAxBranchLHS) incomps)
+ -- See Note [Flattening] below
+ flattened_target = flattenTys in_scope target_tys
+ in case tcMatchTys tpl_lhs target_tys of
+ Just subst -- matching worked. now, check for apartness.
+ | apartnessCheck flattened_target branch
+ -> -- matching worked & we're apart from all incompatible branches.
+ -- success
+ ASSERT( all (isJust . lookupCoVar subst) tpl_cvs )
+ Just (index, substTyVars subst tpl_tvs, substCoVars subst tpl_cvs)
+ -- failure. keep looking
+ _ -> other
+-- | Do an apartness check, as described in the "Closed Type Families" paper
+-- (POPL '14). This should be used when determining if an equation
+-- ('CoAxBranch') of a closed type family can be used to reduce a certain target
+-- type family application.
+apartnessCheck :: [Type] -- ^ /flattened/ target arguments. Make sure
+ -- they're flattened! See Note [Flattening].
+ -- (NB: This "flat" is a different
+ -- "flat" than is used in TcFlatten.)
+ -> CoAxBranch -- ^ the candidate equation we wish to use
+ -- Precondition: this matches the target
+ -> Bool -- ^ True <=> equation can fire
+apartnessCheck flattened_target (CoAxBranch { cab_incomps = incomps })
+ = all (isSurelyApart
+ . tcUnifyTysFG (const BindMe) flattened_target
+ . coAxBranchLHS) incomps
+ where
+ isSurelyApart SurelyApart = True
+ isSurelyApart _ = False
+* *
+ Looking up a family instance
+* *
+Note [Normalising types]
+The topNormaliseType function removes all occurrences of type families
+and newtypes from the top-level structure of a type. normaliseTcApp does
+the type family lookup and is fairly straightforward. normaliseType is
+a little more involved.
+The complication comes from the fact that a type family might be used in the
+kind of a variable bound in a forall. We wish to remove this type family
+application, but that means coming up with a fresh variable (with the new
+kind). Thus, we need a substitution to be built up as we recur through the
+type. However, an ordinary TCvSubst just won't do: when we hit a type variable
+whose kind has changed during normalisation, we need both the new type
+variable *and* the coercion. We could conjure up a new VarEnv with just this
+property, but a usable substitution environment already exists:
+LiftingContexts from the liftCoSubst family of functions, defined in GHC.Core.Coercion.
+A LiftingContext maps a type variable to a coercion and a coercion variable to
+a pair of coercions. Let's ignore coercion variables for now. Because the
+coercion a type variable maps to contains the destination type (via
+coercionKind), we don't need to store that destination type separately. Thus,
+a LiftingContext has what we need: a map from type variables to (Coercion,
+Type) pairs.
+We also benefit because we can piggyback on the liftCoSubstVarBndr function to
+deal with binders. However, I had to modify that function to work with this
+application. Thus, we now have liftCoSubstVarBndrUsing, which takes
+a function used to process the kind of the binder. We don't wish
+to lift the kind, but instead normalise it. So, we pass in a callback function
+that processes the kind of the binder.
+After that brilliant explanation of all this, I'm sure you've forgotten the
+dangling reference to coercion variables. What do we do with those? Nothing at
+all. The point of normalising types is to remove type family applications, but
+there's no sense in removing these from coercions. We would just get back a
+new coercion witnessing the equality between the same types as the original
+coercion. Because coercions are irrelevant anyway, there is no point in doing
+this. So, whenever we encounter a coercion, we just say that it won't change.
+That's what the CoercionTy case is doing within normalise_type.
+Note [Normalisation and type synonyms]
+We need to be a bit careful about normalising in the presence of type
+synonyms (#13035). Suppose S is a type synonym, and we have
+ S t1 t2
+If S is family-free (on its RHS) we can just normalise t1 and t2 and
+reconstruct (S t1' t2'). Expanding S could not reveal any new redexes
+because type families are saturated.
+But if S has a type family on its RHS we expand /before/ normalising
+the args t1, t2. If we normalise t1, t2 first, we'll re-normalise them
+after expansion, and that can lead to /exponential/ behaviour; see #13035.
+Notice, though, that expanding first can in principle duplicate t1,t2,
+which might contain redexes. I'm sure you could conjure up an exponential
+case by that route too, but it hasn't happened in practice yet!
+topNormaliseType :: FamInstEnvs -> Type -> Type
+topNormaliseType env ty = case topNormaliseType_maybe env ty of
+ Just (_co, ty') -> ty'
+ Nothing -> ty
+topNormaliseType_maybe :: FamInstEnvs -> Type -> Maybe (Coercion, Type)
+-- ^ Get rid of *outermost* (or toplevel)
+-- * type function redex
+-- * data family redex
+-- * newtypes
+-- returning an appropriate Representational coercion. Specifically, if
+-- topNormaliseType_maybe env ty = Just (co, ty')
+-- then
+-- (a) co :: ty ~R ty'
+-- (b) ty' is not a newtype, and is not a type-family or data-family redex
+-- However, ty' can be something like (Maybe (F ty)), where
+-- (F ty) is a redex.
+-- Always operates homogeneously: the returned type has the same kind as the
+-- original type, and the returned coercion is always homogeneous.
+topNormaliseType_maybe env ty
+ = do { ((co, mkind_co), nty) <- topNormaliseTypeX stepper combine ty
+ ; return $ case mkind_co of
+ MRefl -> (co, nty)
+ MCo kind_co -> let nty_casted = nty `mkCastTy` mkSymCo kind_co
+ final_co = mkCoherenceRightCo Representational nty
+ (mkSymCo kind_co) co
+ in (final_co, nty_casted) }
+ where
+ stepper = unwrapNewTypeStepper' `composeSteppers` tyFamStepper
+ combine (c1, mc1) (c2, mc2) = (c1 `mkTransCo` c2, mc1 `mkTransMCo` mc2)
+ unwrapNewTypeStepper' :: NormaliseStepper (Coercion, MCoercionN)
+ unwrapNewTypeStepper' rec_nts tc tys
+ = mapStepResult (, MRefl) $ unwrapNewTypeStepper rec_nts tc tys
+ -- second coercion below is the kind coercion relating the original type's kind
+ -- to the normalised type's kind
+ tyFamStepper :: NormaliseStepper (Coercion, MCoercionN)
+ tyFamStepper rec_nts tc tys -- Try to step a type/data family
+ = let (args_co, ntys, res_co) = normaliseTcArgs env Representational tc tys in
+ case reduceTyFamApp_maybe env Representational tc ntys of
+ Just (co, rhs) -> NS_Step rec_nts rhs (args_co `mkTransCo` co, MCo res_co)
+ _ -> NS_Done
+normaliseTcApp :: FamInstEnvs -> Role -> TyCon -> [Type] -> (Coercion, Type)
+-- See comments on normaliseType for the arguments of this function
+normaliseTcApp env role tc tys
+ = initNormM env role (tyCoVarsOfTypes tys) $
+ normalise_tc_app tc tys
+-- See Note [Normalising types] about the LiftingContext
+normalise_tc_app :: TyCon -> [Type] -> NormM (Coercion, Type)
+normalise_tc_app tc tys
+ | Just (tenv, rhs, tys') <- expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
+ , not (isFamFreeTyCon tc) -- Expand and try again
+ = -- A synonym with type families in the RHS
+ -- Expand and try again
+ -- See Note [Normalisation and type synonyms]
+ normalise_type (mkAppTys (substTy (mkTvSubstPrs tenv) rhs) tys')
+ | isFamilyTyCon tc
+ = -- A type-family application
+ do { env <- getEnv
+ ; role <- getRole
+ ; (args_co, ntys, res_co) <- normalise_tc_args tc tys
+ ; case reduceTyFamApp_maybe env role tc ntys of
+ Just (first_co, ty')
+ -> do { (rest_co,nty) <- normalise_type ty'
+ ; return (assemble_result role nty
+ (args_co `mkTransCo` first_co `mkTransCo` rest_co)
+ res_co) }
+ _ -> -- No unique matching family instance exists;
+ -- we do not do anything
+ return (assemble_result role (mkTyConApp tc ntys) args_co res_co) }
+ | otherwise
+ = -- A synonym with no type families in the RHS; or data type etc
+ -- Just normalise the arguments and rebuild
+ do { (args_co, ntys, res_co) <- normalise_tc_args tc tys
+ ; role <- getRole
+ ; return (assemble_result role (mkTyConApp tc ntys) args_co res_co) }
+ where
+ assemble_result :: Role -- r, ambient role in NormM monad
+ -> Type -- nty, result type, possibly of changed kind
+ -> Coercion -- orig_ty ~r nty, possibly heterogeneous
+ -> CoercionN -- typeKind(orig_ty) ~N typeKind(nty)
+ -> (Coercion, Type) -- (co :: orig_ty ~r nty_casted, nty_casted)
+ -- where nty_casted has same kind as orig_ty
+ assemble_result r nty orig_to_nty kind_co
+ = ( final_co, nty_old_kind )
+ where
+ nty_old_kind = nty `mkCastTy` mkSymCo kind_co
+ final_co = mkCoherenceRightCo r nty (mkSymCo kind_co) orig_to_nty
+-- | Normalise arguments to a tycon
+normaliseTcArgs :: FamInstEnvs -- ^ env't with family instances
+ -> Role -- ^ desired role of output coercion
+ -> TyCon -- ^ tc
+ -> [Type] -- ^ tys
+ -> (Coercion, [Type], CoercionN)
+ -- ^ co :: tc tys ~ tc new_tys
+ -- NB: co might not be homogeneous
+ -- last coercion :: kind(tc tys) ~ kind(tc new_tys)
+normaliseTcArgs env role tc tys
+ = initNormM env role (tyCoVarsOfTypes tys) $
+ normalise_tc_args tc tys
+normalise_tc_args :: TyCon -> [Type] -- tc tys
+ -> NormM (Coercion, [Type], CoercionN)
+ -- (co, new_tys), where
+ -- co :: tc tys ~ tc new_tys; might not be homogeneous
+ -- res_co :: typeKind(tc tys) ~N typeKind(tc new_tys)
+normalise_tc_args tc tys
+ = do { role <- getRole
+ ; (args_cos, nargs, res_co) <- normalise_args (tyConKind tc) (tyConRolesX role tc) tys
+ ; return (mkTyConAppCo role tc args_cos, nargs, res_co) }
+normaliseType :: FamInstEnvs
+ -> Role -- desired role of coercion
+ -> Type -> (Coercion, Type)
+normaliseType env role ty
+ = initNormM env role (tyCoVarsOfType ty) $ normalise_type ty
+normalise_type :: Type -- old type
+ -> NormM (Coercion, Type) -- (coercion, new type), where
+ -- co :: old-type ~ new_type
+-- Normalise the input type, by eliminating *all* type-function redexes
+-- but *not* newtypes (which are visible to the programmer)
+-- Returns with Refl if nothing happens
+-- Does nothing to newtypes
+-- The returned coercion *must* be *homogeneous*
+-- See Note [Normalising types]
+-- Try not to disturb type synonyms if possible
+normalise_type ty
+ = go ty
+ where
+ go (TyConApp tc tys) = normalise_tc_app tc tys
+ go ty@(LitTy {}) = do { r <- getRole
+ ; return (mkReflCo r ty, ty) }
+ go (AppTy ty1 ty2) = go_app_tys ty1 [ty2]
+ go ty@(FunTy { ft_arg = ty1, ft_res = ty2 })
+ = do { (co1, nty1) <- go ty1
+ ; (co2, nty2) <- go ty2
+ ; r <- getRole
+ ; return (mkFunCo r co1 co2, ty { ft_arg = nty1, ft_res = nty2 }) }
+ go (ForAllTy (Bndr tcvar vis) ty)
+ = do { (lc', tv', h, ki') <- normalise_var_bndr tcvar
+ ; (co, nty) <- withLC lc' $ normalise_type ty
+ ; let tv2 = setTyVarKind tv' ki'
+ ; return (mkForAllCo tv' h co, ForAllTy (Bndr tv2 vis) nty) }
+ go (TyVarTy tv) = normalise_tyvar tv
+ go (CastTy ty co)
+ = do { (nco, nty) <- go ty
+ ; lc <- getLC
+ ; let co' = substRightCo lc co
+ ; return (castCoercionKind nco Nominal ty nty co co'
+ , mkCastTy nty co') }
+ go (CoercionTy co)
+ = do { lc <- getLC
+ ; r <- getRole
+ ; let right_co = substRightCo lc co
+ ; return ( mkProofIrrelCo r
+ (liftCoSubst Nominal lc (coercionType co))
+ co right_co
+ , mkCoercionTy right_co ) }
+ go_app_tys :: Type -- function
+ -> [Type] -- args
+ -> NormM (Coercion, Type)
+ -- cf. TcFlatten.flatten_app_ty_args
+ go_app_tys (AppTy ty1 ty2) tys = go_app_tys ty1 (ty2 : tys)
+ go_app_tys fun_ty arg_tys
+ = do { (fun_co, nfun) <- go fun_ty
+ ; case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe nfun of
+ Just (tc, xis) ->
+ do { (second_co, nty) <- go (mkTyConApp tc (xis ++ arg_tys))
+ -- flatten_app_ty_args avoids redundantly processing the xis,
+ -- but that's a much more performance-sensitive function.
+ -- This type normalisation is not called in a loop.
+ ; return (mkAppCos fun_co (map mkNomReflCo arg_tys) `mkTransCo` second_co, nty) }
+ Nothing ->
+ do { (args_cos, nargs, res_co) <- normalise_args (typeKind nfun)
+ (repeat Nominal)
+ arg_tys
+ ; role <- getRole
+ ; let nty = mkAppTys nfun nargs
+ nco = mkAppCos fun_co args_cos
+ nty_casted = nty `mkCastTy` mkSymCo res_co
+ final_co = mkCoherenceRightCo role nty (mkSymCo res_co) nco
+ ; return (final_co, nty_casted) } }
+normalise_args :: Kind -- of the function
+ -> [Role] -- roles at which to normalise args
+ -> [Type] -- args
+ -> NormM ([Coercion], [Type], Coercion)
+-- returns (cos, xis, res_co), where each xi is the normalised
+-- version of the corresponding type, each co is orig_arg ~ xi,
+-- and the res_co :: kind(f orig_args) ~ kind(f xis)
+-- NB: The xis might *not* have the same kinds as the input types,
+-- but the resulting application *will* be well-kinded
+-- cf. TcFlatten.flatten_args_slow
+normalise_args fun_ki roles args
+ = do { normed_args <- zipWithM normalise1 roles args
+ ; let (xis, cos, res_co) = simplifyArgsWorker ki_binders inner_ki fvs roles normed_args
+ ; return (map mkSymCo cos, xis, mkSymCo res_co) }
+ where
+ (ki_binders, inner_ki) = splitPiTys fun_ki
+ fvs = tyCoVarsOfTypes args
+ -- flattener conventions are different from ours
+ impedance_match :: NormM (Coercion, Type) -> NormM (Type, Coercion)
+ impedance_match action = do { (co, ty) <- action
+ ; return (ty, mkSymCo co) }
+ normalise1 role ty
+ = impedance_match $ withRole role $ normalise_type ty
+normalise_tyvar :: TyVar -> NormM (Coercion, Type)
+normalise_tyvar tv
+ = ASSERT( isTyVar tv )
+ do { lc <- getLC
+ ; r <- getRole
+ ; return $ case liftCoSubstTyVar lc r tv of
+ Just co -> (co, coercionRKind co)
+ Nothing -> (mkReflCo r ty, ty) }
+ where ty = mkTyVarTy tv
+normalise_var_bndr :: TyCoVar -> NormM (LiftingContext, TyCoVar, Coercion, Kind)
+normalise_var_bndr tcvar
+ -- works for both tvar and covar
+ = do { lc1 <- getLC
+ ; env <- getEnv
+ ; let callback lc ki = runNormM (normalise_type ki) env lc Nominal
+ ; return $ liftCoSubstVarBndrUsing callback lc1 tcvar }
+-- | a monad for the normalisation functions, reading 'FamInstEnvs',
+-- a 'LiftingContext', and a 'Role'.
+newtype NormM a = NormM { runNormM ::
+ FamInstEnvs -> LiftingContext -> Role -> a }
+ deriving (Functor)
+initNormM :: FamInstEnvs -> Role
+ -> TyCoVarSet -- the in-scope variables
+ -> NormM a -> a
+initNormM env role vars (NormM thing_inside)
+ = thing_inside env lc role
+ where
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet vars
+ lc = emptyLiftingContext in_scope
+getRole :: NormM Role
+getRole = NormM (\ _ _ r -> r)
+getLC :: NormM LiftingContext
+getLC = NormM (\ _ lc _ -> lc)
+getEnv :: NormM FamInstEnvs
+getEnv = NormM (\ env _ _ -> env)
+withRole :: Role -> NormM a -> NormM a
+withRole r thing = NormM $ \ envs lc _old_r -> runNormM thing envs lc r
+withLC :: LiftingContext -> NormM a -> NormM a
+withLC lc thing = NormM $ \ envs _old_lc r -> runNormM thing envs lc r
+instance Monad NormM where
+ ma >>= fmb = NormM $ \env lc r ->
+ let a = runNormM ma env lc r in
+ runNormM (fmb a) env lc r
+instance Applicative NormM where
+ pure x = NormM $ \ _ _ _ -> x
+ (<*>) = ap
+* *
+ Flattening
+* *
+Note [Flattening]
+As described in "Closed type families with overlapping equations"
+we need to flatten core types before unifying them, when checking for "surely-apart"
+against earlier equations of a closed type family.
+Flattening means replacing all top-level uses of type functions with
+fresh variables, *taking care to preserve sharing*. That is, the type
+(Either (F a b) (F a b)) should flatten to (Either c c), never (Either
+c d).
+Here is a nice example of why it's all necessary:
+ type family F a b where
+ F Int Bool = Char
+ F a b = Double
+ type family G a -- open, no instances
+How do we reduce (F (G Float) (G Float))? The first equation clearly doesn't match,
+while the second equation does. But, before reducing, we must make sure that the
+target can never become (F Int Bool). Well, no matter what G Float becomes, it
+certainly won't become *both* Int and Bool, so indeed we're safe reducing
+(F (G Float) (G Float)) to Double.
+This is necessary not only to get more reductions (which we might be
+willing to give up on), but for substitutivity. If we have (F x x), we
+can see that (F x x) can reduce to Double. So, it had better be the
+case that (F blah blah) can reduce to Double, no matter what (blah)
+is! Flattening as done below ensures this.
+The algorithm works by building up a TypeMap TyVar, mapping
+type family applications to fresh variables. This mapping must
+be threaded through all the function calls, as any entry in
+the mapping must be propagated to all future nodes in the tree.
+The algorithm also must track the set of in-scope variables, in
+order to make fresh variables as it flattens. (We are far from a
+source of fresh Uniques.) See Wrinkle 2, below.
+There are wrinkles, of course:
+1. The flattening algorithm must account for the possibility
+ of inner `forall`s. (A `forall` seen here can happen only
+ because of impredicativity. However, the flattening operation
+ is an algorithm in Core, which is impredicative.)
+ Suppose we have (forall b. F b) -> (forall b. F b). Of course,
+ those two bs are entirely unrelated, and so we should certainly
+ not flatten the two calls F b to the same variable. Instead, they
+ must be treated separately. We thus carry a substitution that
+ freshens variables; we must apply this substitution (in
+ `coreFlattenTyFamApp`) before looking up an application in the environment.
+ Note that the range of the substitution contains only TyVars, never anything
+ else.
+ For the sake of efficiency, we only apply this substitution when absolutely
+ necessary. Namely:
+ * We do not perform the substitution at all if it is empty.
+ * We only need to worry about the arguments of a type family that are within
+ the arity of said type family, so we can get away with not applying the
+ substitution to any oversaturated type family arguments.
+ * Importantly, we do /not/ achieve this substitution by recursively
+ flattening the arguments, as this would be wrong. Consider `F (G a)`,
+ where F and G are type families. We might decide that `F (G a)` flattens
+ to `beta`. Later, the substitution is non-empty (but does not map `a`) and
+ so we flatten `G a` to `gamma` and try to flatten `F gamma`. Of course,
+ `F gamma` is unknown, and so we flatten it to `delta`, but it really
+ should have been `beta`! Argh!
+ Moral of the story: instead of flattening the arguments, just substitute
+ them directly.
+2. There are two different reasons we might add a variable
+ to the in-scope set as we work:
+ A. We have just invented a new flattening variable.
+ B. We have entered a `forall`.
+ Annoying here is that in-scope variable source (A) must be
+ threaded through the calls. For example, consider (F b -> forall c. F c).
+ Suppose that, when flattening F b, we invent a fresh variable c.
+ Now, when we encounter (forall c. F c), we need to know c is already in
+ scope so that we locally rename c to c'. However, if we don't thread through
+ the in-scope set from one argument of (->) to the other, we won't know this
+ and might get very confused.
+ In contrast, source (B) increases only as we go deeper, as in-scope sets
+ normally do. However, even here we must be careful. The TypeMap TyVar that
+ contains mappings from type family applications to freshened variables will
+ be threaded through both sides of (forall b. F b) -> (forall b. F b). We
+ thus must make sure that the two `b`s don't get renamed to the same b1. (If
+ they did, then looking up `F b1` would yield the same flatten var for
+ each.) So, even though `forall`-bound variables should really be in the
+ in-scope set only when they are in scope, we retain these variables even
+ outside of their scope. This ensures that, if we encounter a fresh
+ `forall`-bound b, we will rename it to b2, not b1. Note that keeping a
+ larger in-scope set than strictly necessary is always OK, as in-scope sets
+ are only ever used to avoid collisions.
+ Sadly, the freshening substitution described in (1) really mustn't bind
+ variables outside of their scope: note that its domain is the *unrenamed*
+ variables. This means that the substitution gets "pushed down" (like a
+ reader monad) while the in-scope set gets threaded (like a state monad).
+ Because a TCvSubst contains its own in-scope set, we don't carry a TCvSubst;
+ instead, we just carry a TvSubstEnv down, tying it to the InScopeSet
+ traveling separately as necessary.
+3. Consider `F ty_1 ... ty_n`, where F is a type family with arity k:
+ type family F ty_1 ... ty_k :: res_k
+ It's tempting to just flatten `F ty_1 ... ty_n` to `alpha`, where alpha is a
+ flattening skolem. But we must instead flatten it to
+ `alpha ty_(k+1) ... ty_n`—that is, by only flattening up to the arity of the
+ type family.
+ Why is this better? Consider the following concrete example from #16995:
+ type family Param :: Type -> Type
+ type family LookupParam (a :: Type) :: Type where
+ LookupParam (f Char) = Bool
+ LookupParam x = Int
+ foo :: LookupParam (Param ())
+ foo = 42
+ In order for `foo` to typecheck, `LookupParam (Param ())` must reduce to
+ `Int`. But if we flatten `Param ()` to `alpha`, then GHC can't be sure if
+ `alpha` is apart from `f Char`, so it won't fall through to the second
+ equation. But since the `Param` type family has arity 0, we can instead
+ flatten `Param ()` to `alpha ()`, about which GHC knows with confidence is
+ apart from `f Char`, permitting the second equation to be reached.
+ Not only does this allow more programs to be accepted, it's also important
+ for correctness. Not doing this was the root cause of the Core Lint error
+ in #16995.
+flattenTys is defined here because of module dependencies.
+data FlattenEnv
+ = FlattenEnv { fe_type_map :: TypeMap TyVar
+ -- domain: exactly-saturated type family applications
+ -- range: fresh variables
+ , fe_in_scope :: InScopeSet }
+ -- See Note [Flattening]
+emptyFlattenEnv :: InScopeSet -> FlattenEnv
+emptyFlattenEnv in_scope
+ = FlattenEnv { fe_type_map = emptyTypeMap
+ , fe_in_scope = in_scope }
+updateInScopeSet :: FlattenEnv -> (InScopeSet -> InScopeSet) -> FlattenEnv
+updateInScopeSet env upd = env { fe_in_scope = upd (fe_in_scope env) }
+flattenTys :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> [Type]
+-- See Note [Flattening]
+-- NB: the returned types may mention fresh type variables,
+-- arising from the flattening. We don't return the
+-- mapping from those fresh vars to the ty-fam
+-- applications they stand for (we could, but no need)
+flattenTys in_scope tys
+ = snd $ coreFlattenTys emptyTvSubstEnv (emptyFlattenEnv in_scope) tys
+coreFlattenTys :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+ -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])
+coreFlattenTys subst = mapAccumL (coreFlattenTy subst)
+coreFlattenTy :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+ -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
+coreFlattenTy subst = go
+ where
+ go env ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty = go env ty'
+ go env (TyVarTy tv)
+ | Just ty <- lookupVarEnv subst tv = (env, ty)
+ | otherwise = let (env', ki) = go env (tyVarKind tv) in
+ (env', mkTyVarTy $ setTyVarKind tv ki)
+ go env (AppTy ty1 ty2) = let (env1, ty1') = go env ty1
+ (env2, ty2') = go env1 ty2 in
+ (env2, AppTy ty1' ty2')
+ go env (TyConApp tc tys)
+ -- NB: Don't just check if isFamilyTyCon: this catches *data* families,
+ -- which are generative and thus can be preserved during flattening
+ | not (isGenerativeTyCon tc Nominal)
+ = coreFlattenTyFamApp subst env tc tys
+ | otherwise
+ = let (env', tys') = coreFlattenTys subst env tys in
+ (env', mkTyConApp tc tys')
+ go env ty@(FunTy { ft_arg = ty1, ft_res = ty2 })
+ = let (env1, ty1') = go env ty1
+ (env2, ty2') = go env1 ty2 in
+ (env2, ty { ft_arg = ty1', ft_res = ty2' })
+ go env (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) ty)
+ = let (env1, subst', tv') = coreFlattenVarBndr subst env tv
+ (env2, ty') = coreFlattenTy subst' env1 ty in
+ (env2, ForAllTy (Bndr tv' vis) ty')
+ go env ty@(LitTy {}) = (env, ty)
+ go env (CastTy ty co)
+ = let (env1, ty') = go env ty
+ (env2, co') = coreFlattenCo subst env1 co in
+ (env2, CastTy ty' co')
+ go env (CoercionTy co)
+ = let (env', co') = coreFlattenCo subst env co in
+ (env', CoercionTy co')
+-- when flattening, we don't care about the contents of coercions.
+-- so, just return a fresh variable of the right (flattened) type
+coreFlattenCo :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+ -> Coercion -> (FlattenEnv, Coercion)
+coreFlattenCo subst env co
+ = (env2, mkCoVarCo covar)
+ where
+ (env1, kind') = coreFlattenTy subst env (coercionType co)
+ covar = mkFlattenFreshCoVar (fe_in_scope env1) kind'
+ -- Add the covar to the FlattenEnv's in-scope set.
+ -- See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 2A.
+ env2 = updateInScopeSet env1 (flip extendInScopeSet covar)
+coreFlattenVarBndr :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+ -> TyCoVar -> (FlattenEnv, TvSubstEnv, TyVar)
+coreFlattenVarBndr subst env tv
+ = (env2, subst', tv')
+ where
+ -- See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 2B.
+ kind = varType tv
+ (env1, kind') = coreFlattenTy subst env kind
+ tv' = uniqAway (fe_in_scope env1) (setVarType tv kind')
+ subst' = extendVarEnv subst tv (mkTyVarTy tv')
+ env2 = updateInScopeSet env1 (flip extendInScopeSet tv')
+coreFlattenTyFamApp :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+ -> TyCon -- type family tycon
+ -> [Type] -- args, already flattened
+ -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
+coreFlattenTyFamApp tv_subst env fam_tc fam_args
+ = case lookupTypeMap type_map fam_ty of
+ Just tv -> (env', mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args')
+ Nothing -> let tyvar_name = mkFlattenFreshTyName fam_tc
+ tv = uniqAway in_scope $
+ mkTyVar tyvar_name (typeKind fam_ty)
+ ty' = mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args'
+ env'' = env' { fe_type_map = extendTypeMap type_map fam_ty tv
+ , fe_in_scope = extendInScopeSet in_scope tv }
+ in (env'', ty')
+ where
+ arity = tyConArity fam_tc
+ tcv_subst = TCvSubst (fe_in_scope env) tv_subst emptyVarEnv
+ (sat_fam_args, leftover_args) = ASSERT( arity <= length fam_args )
+ splitAt arity fam_args
+ -- Apply the substitution before looking up an application in the
+ -- environment. See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 1.
+ -- NB: substTys short-cuts the common case when the substitution is empty.
+ sat_fam_args' = substTys tcv_subst sat_fam_args
+ (env', leftover_args') = coreFlattenTys tv_subst env leftover_args
+ -- `fam_tc` may be over-applied to `fam_args` (see Note [Flattening],
+ -- wrinkle 3), so we split it into the arguments needed to saturate it
+ -- (sat_fam_args') and the rest (leftover_args')
+ fam_ty = mkTyConApp fam_tc sat_fam_args'
+ FlattenEnv { fe_type_map = type_map
+ , fe_in_scope = in_scope } = env'
+mkFlattenFreshTyName :: Uniquable a => a -> Name
+mkFlattenFreshTyName unq
+ = mkSysTvName (getUnique unq) (fsLit "flt")
+mkFlattenFreshCoVar :: InScopeSet -> Kind -> CoVar
+mkFlattenFreshCoVar in_scope kind
+ = let uniq = unsafeGetFreshLocalUnique in_scope
+ name = mkSystemVarName uniq (fsLit "flc")
+ in mkCoVar name kind