path: root/compiler/GHC/Core/Op
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-03-17 09:45:29 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-03-18 10:06:43 -0400
commit528df8ecb4e2f9c78b1ae4ab7ff8230644e9b643 (patch)
tree86cd4522d35c4c8fd3a17db5f4e6b138f8be70df /compiler/GHC/Core/Op
parent53ff2cd0c49735e8f709ac8a5ceab68483eb89df (diff)
Modules: Core operations (#13009)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Core/Op')
25 files changed, 30242 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CSE.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CSE.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc93dacf07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CSE.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section{Common subexpression}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.CSE (cseProgram, cseOneExpr) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core.Subst
+import Var ( Var )
+import VarEnv ( mkInScopeSet )
+import Id ( Id, idType, idHasRules
+ , idInlineActivation, setInlineActivation
+ , zapIdOccInfo, zapIdUsageInfo, idInlinePragma
+ , isJoinId, isJoinId_maybe )
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( mkAltExpr, eqExpr
+ , exprIsTickedString
+ , stripTicksE, stripTicksT, mkTicks )
+import GHC.Core.FVs ( exprFreeVars )
+import GHC.Core.Type ( tyConAppArgs )
+import GHC.Core
+import Outputable
+import BasicTypes
+import GHC.Core.Map
+import Util ( filterOut, equalLength, debugIsOn )
+import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
+ Simple common sub-expression
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+When we see
+ x1 = C a b
+ x2 = C x1 b
+we build up a reverse mapping: C a b -> x1
+ C x1 b -> x2
+and apply that to the rest of the program.
+When we then see
+ y1 = C a b
+ y2 = C y1 b
+we replace the C a b with x1. But then we *dont* want to
+add x1 -> y1 to the mapping. Rather, we want the reverse, y1 -> x1
+so that a subsequent binding
+ y2 = C y1 b
+will get transformed to C x1 b, and then to x2.
+So we carry an extra var->var substitution which we apply *before* looking up in the
+reverse mapping.
+Note [Shadowing]
+We have to be careful about shadowing.
+For example, consider
+ f = \x -> let y = x+x in
+ h = \x -> x+x
+ in ...
+Here we must *not* do CSE on the inner x+x! The simplifier used to guarantee no
+shadowing, but it doesn't any more (it proved too hard), so we clone as we go.
+We can simply add clones to the substitution already described.
+Note [CSE for bindings]
+Let-bindings have two cases, implemented by addBinding.
+* SUBSTITUTE: applies when the RHS is a variable
+ let x = y in ...(h x)....
+ Here we want to extend the /substitution/ with x -> y, so that the
+ (h x) in the body might CSE with an enclosing (let v = h y in ...).
+ NB: the substitution maps InIds, so we extend the substitution with
+ a binding for the original InId 'x'
+ How can we have a variable on the RHS? Doesn't the simplifier inline them?
+ - First, the original RHS might have been (g z) which has CSE'd
+ with an enclosing (let y = g z in ...). This is super-important.
+ See #5996:
+ x1 = C a b
+ x2 = C x1 b
+ y1 = C a b
+ y2 = C y1 b
+ Here we CSE y1's rhs to 'x1', and then we must add (y1->x1) to
+ the substitution so that we can CSE the binding for y2.
+ - Second, we use addBinding for case expression scrutinees too;
+ see Note [CSE for case expressions]
+* EXTEND THE REVERSE MAPPING: applies in all other cases
+ let x = h y in ...(h y)...
+ Here we want to extend the /reverse mapping (cs_map)/ so that
+ we CSE the (h y) call to x.
+ Note that we use EXTEND even for a trivial expression, provided it
+ is not a variable or literal. In particular this /includes/ type
+ applications. This can be important (#13156); e.g.
+ case f @ Int of { r1 ->
+ case f @ Int of { r2 -> ...
+ Here we want to common-up the two uses of (f @ Int) so we can
+ remove one of the case expressions.
+ See also Note [Corner case for case expressions] for another
+ reason not to use SUBSTITUTE for all trivial expressions.
+Notice that
+ - The SUBSTITUTE situation extends the substitution (cs_subst)
+ - The EXTEND situation extends the reverse mapping (cs_map)
+Notice also that in the SUBSTITUTE case we leave behind a binding
+ x = y
+even though we /also/ carry a substitution x -> y. Can we just drop
+the binding instead? Well, not at top level! See Note [Top level and
+postInlineUnconditionally] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils; and in any
+case CSE applies only to the /bindings/ of the program, and we leave
+it to the simplifier to propate effects to the RULES. Finally, it
+doesn't seem worth the effort to discard the nested bindings because
+the simplifier will do it next.
+Note [CSE for case expressions]
+ case scrut_expr of x { ...alts... }
+This is very like a strict let-binding
+ let !x = scrut_expr in ...
+So we use (addBinding x scrut_expr) to process scrut_expr and x, and as a
+result all the stuff under Note [CSE for bindings] applies directly.
+For example:
+* Trivial scrutinee
+ f = \x -> case x of wild {
+ (a:as) -> case a of wild1 {
+ (p,q) -> ...(wild1:as)...
+ Here, (wild1:as) is morally the same as (a:as) and hence equal to
+ wild. But that's not quite obvious. In the rest of the compiler we
+ want to keep it as (wild1:as), but for CSE purpose that's a bad
+ idea.
+ By using addBinding we add the binding (wild1 -> a) to the substitution,
+ which does exactly the right thing.
+ (Notice this is exactly backwards to what the simplifier does, which
+ is to try to replaces uses of 'a' with uses of 'wild1'.)
+ This is the main reason that addBinding is called with a trivial rhs.
+* Non-trivial scrutinee
+ case (f x) of y { pat -> ...let z = f x in ... }
+ By using addBinding we'll add (f x :-> y) to the cs_map, and
+ thereby CSE the inner (f x) to y.
+There are some subtle interactions of CSE with functions that the user
+has marked as INLINE or NOINLINE. (Examples from Roman Leshchinskiy.)
+ yes :: Int {-# NOINLINE yes #-}
+ yes = undefined
+ no :: Int {-# NOINLINE no #-}
+ no = undefined
+ foo :: Int -> Int -> Int {-# NOINLINE foo #-}
+ foo m n = n
+ {-# RULES "foo/no" foo no = id #-}
+ bar :: Int -> Int
+ bar = foo yes
+We do not expect the rule to fire. But if we do CSE, then we risk
+getting yes=no, and the rule does fire. Actually, it won't because
+NOINLINE means that 'yes' will never be inlined, not even if we have
+yes=no. So that's fine (now; perhaps in the olden days, yes=no would
+have substituted even if 'yes' was NOINLINE).
+But we do need to take care. Consider
+ {-# NOINLINE bar #-}
+ bar = <rhs> -- Same rhs as foo
+ foo = <rhs>
+If CSE produces
+ foo = bar
+then foo will never be inlined to <rhs> (when it should be, if <rhs>
+is small). The conclusion here is this:
+ We should not add
+ <rhs> :-> bar
+ to the CSEnv if 'bar' has any constraints on when it can inline;
+ that is, if its 'activation' not always active. Otherwise we
+ might replace <rhs> by 'bar', and then later be unable to see that it
+ really was <rhs>.
+An except to the rule is when the INLINE pragma is not from the user, e.g. from
+WorkWrap (see Note [Wrapper activation]). We can tell because noUserInlineSpec
+is then true.
+Note that we do not (currently) do CSE on the unfolding stored inside
+an Id, even if it is a 'stable' unfolding. That means that when an
+unfolding happens, it is always faithful to what the stable unfolding
+originally was.
+Note [CSE for stable unfoldings]
+ {-# Unf = Stable (\pq. build blah) #-}
+ foo = x
+Here 'foo' has a stable unfolding, but its (optimised) RHS is trivial.
+(Turns out that this actually happens for the enumFromTo method of
+the Integer instance of Enum in GHC.Enum.) Suppose moreover that foo's
+stable unfolding originates from an INLINE or INLINEABLE pragma on foo.
+Then we obviously do NOT want to extend the substitution with (foo->x),
+because we promised to inline foo as what the user wrote. See similar Note
+[Stable unfoldings and postInlineUnconditionally] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils.
+Nor do we want to change the reverse mapping. Suppose we have
+ {-# Unf = Stable (\pq. build blah) #-}
+ foo = <expr>
+ bar = <expr>
+There could conceivably be merit in rewriting the RHS of bar:
+ bar = foo
+but now bar's inlining behaviour will change, and importing
+modules might see that. So it seems dodgy and we don't do it.
+Stable unfoldings are also created during worker/wrapper when we decide
+that a function's definition is so small that it should always inline.
+In this case we still want to do CSE (#13340). Hence the use of
+isAnyInlinePragma rather than isStableUnfolding.
+Note [Corner case for case expressions]
+Here is another reason that we do not use SUBSTITUTE for
+all trivial expressions. Consider
+ case x |> co of (y::Array# Int) { ... }
+We do not want to extend the substitution with (y -> x |> co); since y
+is of unlifted type, this would destroy the let/app invariant if (x |>
+co) was not ok-for-speculation.
+But surely (x |> co) is ok-for-speculation, because it's a trivial
+expression, and x's type is also unlifted, presumably. Well, maybe
+not if you are using unsafe casts. I actually found a case where we
+ (x :: HValue) |> (UnsafeCo :: HValue ~ Array# Int)
+Note [CSE for join points?]
+We must not be naive about join points in CSE:
+ join j = e in
+ if b then jump j else 1 + e
+The expression (1 + jump j) is not good (see Note [Invariants on join points] in
+GHC.Core). This seems to come up quite seldom, but it happens (first seen
+compiling ppHtml in Haddock.Backends.Xhtml).
+We could try and be careful by tracking which join points are still valid at
+each subexpression, but since join points aren't allocated or shared, there's
+less to gain by trying to CSE them. (#13219)
+Note [Look inside join-point binders]
+Another way how CSE for join points is tricky is
+ let join foo x = (x, 42)
+ join bar x = (x, 42)
+ in … jump foo 1 … jump bar 2 …
+naively, CSE would turn this into
+ let join foo x = (x, 42)
+ join bar = foo
+ in … jump foo 1 … jump bar 2 …
+but now bar is a join point that claims arity one, but its right-hand side
+is not a lambda, breaking the join-point invariant (this was #15002).
+So `cse_bind` must zoom past the lambdas of a join point (using
+`collectNBinders`) and resume searching for CSE opportunities only in
+the body of the join point.
+Note [CSE for recursive bindings]
+ f = \x ... f....
+ g = \y ... g ...
+where the "..." are identical. Could we CSE them? In full generality
+with mutual recursion it's quite hard; but for self-recursive bindings
+(which are very common) it's rather easy:
+* Maintain a separate cs_rec_map, that maps
+ (\f. (\x. ...f...) ) -> f
+ Note the \f in the domain of the mapping!
+* When we come across the binding for 'g', look up (\g. (\y. ...g...))
+ Bingo we get a hit. So we can replace the 'g' binding with
+ g = f
+We can't use cs_map for this, because the key isn't an expression of
+the program; it's a kind of synthetic key for recursive bindings.
+* *
+\section{Common subexpression}
+* *
+cseProgram :: CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
+cseProgram binds = snd (mapAccumL (cseBind TopLevel) emptyCSEnv binds)
+cseBind :: TopLevelFlag -> CSEnv -> CoreBind -> (CSEnv, CoreBind)
+cseBind toplevel env (NonRec b e)
+ = (env2, NonRec b2 e2)
+ where
+ (env1, b1) = addBinder env b
+ (env2, (b2, e2)) = cse_bind toplevel env1 (b,e) b1
+cseBind toplevel env (Rec [(in_id, rhs)])
+ | noCSE in_id
+ = (env1, Rec [(out_id, rhs')])
+ -- See Note [CSE for recursive bindings]
+ | Just previous <- lookupCSRecEnv env out_id rhs''
+ , let previous' = mkTicks ticks previous
+ out_id' = delayInlining toplevel out_id
+ = -- We have a hit in the recursive-binding cache
+ (extendCSSubst env1 in_id previous', NonRec out_id' previous')
+ | otherwise
+ = (extendCSRecEnv env1 out_id rhs'' id_expr', Rec [(zapped_id, rhs')])
+ where
+ (env1, [out_id]) = addRecBinders env [in_id]
+ rhs' = cseExpr env1 rhs
+ rhs'' = stripTicksE tickishFloatable rhs'
+ ticks = stripTicksT tickishFloatable rhs'
+ id_expr' = varToCoreExpr out_id
+ zapped_id = zapIdUsageInfo out_id
+cseBind toplevel env (Rec pairs)
+ = (env2, Rec pairs')
+ where
+ (env1, bndrs1) = addRecBinders env (map fst pairs)
+ (env2, pairs') = mapAccumL do_one env1 (zip pairs bndrs1)
+ do_one env (pr, b1) = cse_bind toplevel env pr b1
+-- | Given a binding of @in_id@ to @in_rhs@, and a fresh name to refer
+-- to @in_id@ (@out_id@, created from addBinder or addRecBinders),
+-- first try to CSE @in_rhs@, and then add the resulting (possibly CSE'd)
+-- binding to the 'CSEnv', so that we attempt to CSE any expressions
+-- which are equal to @out_rhs@.
+cse_bind :: TopLevelFlag -> CSEnv -> (InId, InExpr) -> OutId -> (CSEnv, (OutId, OutExpr))
+cse_bind toplevel env (in_id, in_rhs) out_id
+ | isTopLevel toplevel, exprIsTickedString in_rhs
+ -- See Note [Take care with literal strings]
+ = (env', (out_id', in_rhs))
+ | Just arity <- isJoinId_maybe in_id
+ -- See Note [Look inside join-point binders]
+ = let (params, in_body) = collectNBinders arity in_rhs
+ (env', params') = addBinders env params
+ out_body = tryForCSE env' in_body
+ in (env, (out_id, mkLams params' out_body))
+ | otherwise
+ = (env', (out_id'', out_rhs))
+ where
+ (env', out_id') = addBinding env in_id out_id out_rhs
+ (cse_done, out_rhs) = try_for_cse env in_rhs
+ out_id'' | cse_done = delayInlining toplevel out_id'
+ | otherwise = out_id'
+delayInlining :: TopLevelFlag -> Id -> Id
+-- Add a NOINLINE[2] if the Id doesn't have an INLNE pragma already
+-- See Note [Delay inlining after CSE]
+delayInlining top_lvl bndr
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl
+ , isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation bndr)
+ , idHasRules bndr -- Only if the Id has some RULES,
+ -- which might otherwise get lost
+ -- These rules are probably auto-generated specialisations,
+ -- since Ids with manual rules usually have manually-inserted
+ -- delayed inlining anyway
+ = bndr `setInlineActivation` activeAfterInitial
+ | otherwise
+ = bndr
+addBinding :: CSEnv -- Includes InId->OutId cloning
+ -> InVar -- Could be a let-bound type
+ -> OutId -> OutExpr -- Processed binding
+ -> (CSEnv, OutId) -- Final env, final bndr
+-- Extend the CSE env with a mapping [rhs -> out-id]
+-- unless we can instead just substitute [in-id -> rhs]
+-- It's possible for the binder to be a type variable (see
+-- Note [Type-let] in GHC.Core), in which case we can just substitute.
+addBinding env in_id out_id rhs'
+ | not (isId in_id) = (extendCSSubst env in_id rhs', out_id)
+ | noCSE in_id = (env, out_id)
+ | use_subst = (extendCSSubst env in_id rhs', out_id)
+ | otherwise = (extendCSEnv env rhs' id_expr', zapped_id)
+ where
+ id_expr' = varToCoreExpr out_id
+ zapped_id = zapIdUsageInfo out_id
+ -- Putting the Id into the cs_map makes it possible that
+ -- it'll become shared more than it is now, which would
+ -- invalidate (the usage part of) its demand info.
+ -- This caused #100218.
+ -- Easiest thing is to zap the usage info; subsequently
+ -- performing late demand-analysis will restore it. Don't zap
+ -- the strictness info; it's not necessary to do so, and losing
+ -- it is bad for performance if you don't do late demand
+ -- analysis
+ -- Should we use SUBSTITUTE or EXTEND?
+ -- See Note [CSE for bindings]
+ use_subst = case rhs' of
+ Var {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+-- | Given a binder `let x = e`, this function
+-- determines whether we should add `e -> x` to the cs_map
+noCSE :: InId -> Bool
+noCSE id = not (isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation id)) &&
+ not (noUserInlineSpec (inlinePragmaSpec (idInlinePragma id)))
+ -- See Note [CSE for INLINE and NOINLINE]
+ || isAnyInlinePragma (idInlinePragma id)
+ -- See Note [CSE for stable unfoldings]
+ || isJoinId id
+ -- See Note [CSE for join points?]
+{- Note [Take care with literal strings]
+Consider this example:
+ x = "foo"#
+ y = "foo"#
+ ...x...y...x...y....
+We would normally turn this into:
+ x = "foo"#
+ y = x
+ ...x...x...x...x....
+But this breaks an invariant of Core, namely that the RHS of a top-level binding
+of type Addr# must be a string literal, not another variable. See Note
+[Core top-level string literals] in GHC.Core.
+For this reason, we special case top-level bindings to literal strings and leave
+the original RHS unmodified. This produces:
+ x = "foo"#
+ y = "foo"#
+ ...x...x...x...x....
+Now 'y' will be discarded as dead code, and we are done.
+The net effect is that for the y-binding we want to
+ - Use SUBSTITUTE, by extending the substitution with y :-> x
+ - but leave the original binding for y undisturbed
+This is done by cse_bind. I got it wrong the first time (#13367).
+Note [Delay inlining after CSE]
+Suppose (#15445) we have
+ f,g :: Num a => a -> a
+ f x = ...f (x-1).....
+ g y = ...g (y-1) ....
+and we make some specialisations of 'g', either automatically, or via
+a SPECIALISE pragma. Then CSE kicks in and notices that the RHSs of
+'f' and 'g' are identical, so we get
+ f x = ...f (x-1)...
+ g = f
+ {-# RULES g @Int _ = $sg #-}
+Now there is terrible danger that, in an importing module, we'll inline
+'g' before we have a chance to run its specialisation!
+Solution: during CSE, after a "hit" in the CSE cache
+ * when adding a binding
+ g = f
+ * for a top-level function g
+ * and g has specialisation RULES
+add a NOINLINE[2] activation to it, to ensure it's not inlined
+right away.
+* Why top level only? Because for nested bindings we are already past
+ phase 2 and will never return there.
+* Why "only if g has RULES"? Because there is no point in
+ doing this if there are no RULES; and other things being
+ equal it delays optimisation to delay inlining (#17409)
+---- Historical note ---
+This patch is simpler and more direct than an earlier
+ commit 2110738b280543698407924a16ac92b6d804dc36
+ Author: Simon Peyton Jones <>
+ Date: Mon Jul 30 13:43:56 2018 +0100
+ Don't inline functions with RULES too early
+We had to revert this patch because it made GHC itself slower.
+Why? It delayed inlining of /all/ functions with RULES, and that was
+very bad in TcFlatten.flatten_ty_con_app
+* It delayed inlining of liftM
+* That delayed the unravelling of the recursion in some dictionary
+ bindings.
+* That delayed some eta expansion, leaving
+ flatten_ty_con_app = \x y. let <stuff> in \z. blah
+* That allowed the float-out pass to put sguff between
+ the \y and \z.
+* And that permanently stopped eta expansion of the function,
+ even once <stuff> was simplified.
+tryForCSE :: CSEnv -> InExpr -> OutExpr
+tryForCSE env expr = snd (try_for_cse env expr)
+try_for_cse :: CSEnv -> InExpr -> (Bool, OutExpr)
+-- (False, e') => We did not CSE the entire expression,
+-- but we might have CSE'd some sub-expressions,
+-- yielding e'
+-- (True, te') => We CSE'd the entire expression,
+-- yielding the trivial expression te'
+try_for_cse env expr
+ | Just e <- lookupCSEnv env expr'' = (True, mkTicks ticks e)
+ | otherwise = (False, expr')
+ -- The varToCoreExpr is needed if we have
+ -- case e of xco { e of yco { ... } ... }
+ -- Then CSE will substitute yco -> xco;
+ -- but these are /coercion/ variables
+ where
+ expr' = cseExpr env expr
+ expr'' = stripTicksE tickishFloatable expr'
+ ticks = stripTicksT tickishFloatable expr'
+ -- We don't want to lose the source notes when a common sub
+ -- expression gets eliminated. Hence we push all (!) of them on
+ -- top of the replaced sub-expression. This is probably not too
+ -- useful in practice, but upholds our semantics.
+-- | Runs CSE on a single expression.
+-- This entry point is not used in the compiler itself, but is provided
+-- as a convenient entry point for users of the GHC API.
+cseOneExpr :: InExpr -> OutExpr
+cseOneExpr e = cseExpr env e
+ where env = emptyCSEnv {cs_subst = mkEmptySubst (mkInScopeSet (exprFreeVars e)) }
+cseExpr :: CSEnv -> InExpr -> OutExpr
+cseExpr env (Type t) = Type (substTy (csEnvSubst env) t)
+cseExpr env (Coercion c) = Coercion (substCo (csEnvSubst env) c)
+cseExpr _ (Lit lit) = Lit lit
+cseExpr env (Var v) = lookupSubst env v
+cseExpr env (App f a) = App (cseExpr env f) (tryForCSE env a)
+cseExpr env (Tick t e) = Tick t (cseExpr env e)
+cseExpr env (Cast e co) = Cast (tryForCSE env e) (substCo (csEnvSubst env) co)
+cseExpr env (Lam b e) = let (env', b') = addBinder env b
+ in Lam b' (cseExpr env' e)
+cseExpr env (Let bind e) = let (env', bind') = cseBind NotTopLevel env bind
+ in Let bind' (cseExpr env' e)
+cseExpr env (Case e bndr ty alts) = cseCase env e bndr ty alts
+cseCase :: CSEnv -> InExpr -> InId -> InType -> [InAlt] -> OutExpr
+cseCase env scrut bndr ty alts
+ = Case scrut1 bndr3 ty' $
+ combineAlts alt_env (map cse_alt alts)
+ where
+ ty' = substTy (csEnvSubst env) ty
+ scrut1 = tryForCSE env scrut
+ bndr1 = zapIdOccInfo bndr
+ -- Zapping the OccInfo is needed because the extendCSEnv
+ -- in cse_alt may mean that a dead case binder
+ -- becomes alive, and Lint rejects that
+ (env1, bndr2) = addBinder env bndr1
+ (alt_env, bndr3) = addBinding env1 bndr bndr2 scrut1
+ -- addBinding: see Note [CSE for case expressions]
+ con_target :: OutExpr
+ con_target = lookupSubst alt_env bndr
+ arg_tys :: [OutType]
+ arg_tys = tyConAppArgs (idType bndr3)
+ -- See Note [CSE for case alternatives]
+ cse_alt (DataAlt con, args, rhs)
+ = (DataAlt con, args', tryForCSE new_env rhs)
+ where
+ (env', args') = addBinders alt_env args
+ new_env = extendCSEnv env' con_expr con_target
+ con_expr = mkAltExpr (DataAlt con) args' arg_tys
+ cse_alt (con, args, rhs)
+ = (con, args', tryForCSE env' rhs)
+ where
+ (env', args') = addBinders alt_env args
+combineAlts :: CSEnv -> [OutAlt] -> [OutAlt]
+-- See Note [Combine case alternatives]
+combineAlts env alts
+ | (Just alt1, rest_alts) <- find_bndr_free_alt alts
+ , (_,bndrs1,rhs1) <- alt1
+ , let filtered_alts = filterOut (identical_alt rhs1) rest_alts
+ , not (equalLength rest_alts filtered_alts)
+ = ASSERT2( null bndrs1, ppr alts )
+ (DEFAULT, [], rhs1) : filtered_alts
+ | otherwise
+ = alts
+ where
+ in_scope = substInScope (csEnvSubst env)
+ find_bndr_free_alt :: [CoreAlt] -> (Maybe CoreAlt, [CoreAlt])
+ -- The (Just alt) is a binder-free alt
+ -- See Note [Combine case alts: awkward corner]
+ find_bndr_free_alt []
+ = (Nothing, [])
+ find_bndr_free_alt (alt@(_,bndrs,_) : alts)
+ | null bndrs = (Just alt, alts)
+ | otherwise = case find_bndr_free_alt alts of
+ (mb_bf, alts) -> (mb_bf, alt:alts)
+ identical_alt rhs1 (_,_,rhs) = eqExpr in_scope rhs1 rhs
+ -- Even if this alt has binders, they will have been cloned
+ -- If any of these binders are mentioned in 'rhs', then
+ -- 'rhs' won't compare equal to 'rhs1' (which is from an
+ -- alt with no binders).
+{- Note [CSE for case alternatives]
+Consider case e of x
+ K1 y -> ....(K1 y)...
+ K2 -> ....K2....
+We definitely want to CSE that (K1 y) into just x.
+But what about the lone K2? At first you would think "no" because
+turning K2 into 'x' increases the number of live variables. But
+* Turning K2 into x increases the chance of combining identical alts.
+ Example case xs of
+ (_:_) -> f xs
+ [] -> f []
+ See #17901 and simplCore/should_compile/T17901 for more examples
+ of this kind.
+* The next run of the simplifier will turn 'x' back into K2, so we won't
+ permanently bloat the free-var count.
+Note [Combine case alternatives]
+combineAlts is just a more heavyweight version of the use of
+combineIdenticalAlts in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils.prepareAlts. The basic idea is
+to transform
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ K x -> e1
+ W y z -> e2
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ W y z -> e2
+In the simplifier we use cheapEqExpr, because it is called a lot.
+But here in CSE we use the full eqExpr. After all, two alternatives usually
+differ near the root, so it probably isn't expensive to compare the full
+alternative. It seems like the same kind of thing that CSE is supposed
+to be doing, which is why I put it here.
+I actually saw some examples in the wild, where some inlining made e1 too
+big for cheapEqExpr to catch it.
+Note [Combine case alts: awkward corner]
+We would really like to check isDeadBinder on the binders in the
+alternative. But alas, the simplifer zaps occ-info on binders in case
+alternatives; see Note [Case alternative occ info] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.
+* One alternative (perhaps a good one) would be to do OccAnal
+ just before CSE. Then perhaps we could get rid of combineIdenticalAlts
+ in the Simplifier, which might save work.
+* Another would be for CSE to return free vars as it goes.
+* But the current solution is to find a nullary alternative (including
+ the DEFAULT alt, if any). This will not catch
+ case x of
+ A y -> blah
+ B z p -> blah
+ where no alternative is nullary or DEFAULT. But the current
+ solution is at least cheap.
+* *
+\section{The CSE envt}
+* *
+data CSEnv
+ = CS { cs_subst :: Subst -- Maps InBndrs to OutExprs
+ -- The substitution variables to
+ -- /trivial/ OutExprs, not arbitrary expressions
+ , cs_map :: CoreMap OutExpr -- The reverse mapping
+ -- Maps a OutExpr to a /trivial/ OutExpr
+ -- The key of cs_map is stripped of all Ticks
+ , cs_rec_map :: CoreMap OutExpr
+ -- See Note [CSE for recursive bindings]
+ }
+emptyCSEnv :: CSEnv
+emptyCSEnv = CS { cs_map = emptyCoreMap, cs_rec_map = emptyCoreMap
+ , cs_subst = emptySubst }
+lookupCSEnv :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> Maybe OutExpr
+lookupCSEnv (CS { cs_map = csmap }) expr
+ = lookupCoreMap csmap expr
+extendCSEnv :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> OutExpr -> CSEnv
+extendCSEnv cse expr triv_expr
+ = cse { cs_map = extendCoreMap (cs_map cse) sexpr triv_expr }
+ where
+ sexpr = stripTicksE tickishFloatable expr
+extendCSRecEnv :: CSEnv -> OutId -> OutExpr -> OutExpr -> CSEnv
+-- See Note [CSE for recursive bindings]
+extendCSRecEnv cse bndr expr triv_expr
+ = cse { cs_rec_map = extendCoreMap (cs_rec_map cse) (Lam bndr expr) triv_expr }
+lookupCSRecEnv :: CSEnv -> OutId -> OutExpr -> Maybe OutExpr
+-- See Note [CSE for recursive bindings]
+lookupCSRecEnv (CS { cs_rec_map = csmap }) bndr expr
+ = lookupCoreMap csmap (Lam bndr expr)
+csEnvSubst :: CSEnv -> Subst
+csEnvSubst = cs_subst
+lookupSubst :: CSEnv -> Id -> OutExpr
+lookupSubst (CS { cs_subst = sub}) x = lookupIdSubst (text "CSE.lookupSubst") sub x
+extendCSSubst :: CSEnv -> Id -> CoreExpr -> CSEnv
+extendCSSubst cse x rhs = cse { cs_subst = extendSubst (cs_subst cse) x rhs }
+-- | Add clones to the substitution to deal with shadowing. See
+-- Note [Shadowing] for more details. You should call this whenever
+-- you go under a binder.
+addBinder :: CSEnv -> Var -> (CSEnv, Var)
+addBinder cse v = (cse { cs_subst = sub' }, v')
+ where
+ (sub', v') = substBndr (cs_subst cse) v
+addBinders :: CSEnv -> [Var] -> (CSEnv, [Var])
+addBinders cse vs = (cse { cs_subst = sub' }, vs')
+ where
+ (sub', vs') = substBndrs (cs_subst cse) vs
+addRecBinders :: CSEnv -> [Id] -> (CSEnv, [Id])
+addRecBinders cse vs = (cse { cs_subst = sub' }, vs')
+ where
+ (sub', vs') = substRecBndrs (cs_subst cse) vs
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CallArity.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CallArity.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aaf3372071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CallArity.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 2014 Joachim Breitner
+module GHC.Core.Op.CallArity
+ ( callArityAnalProgram
+ , callArityRHS -- for testing
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import VarSet
+import VarEnv
+import GHC.Driver.Session ( DynFlags )
+import BasicTypes
+import GHC.Core
+import Id
+import GHC.Core.Arity ( typeArity )
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprIsCheap, exprIsTrivial )
+import UnVarGraph
+import Demand
+import Util
+import Control.Arrow ( first, second )
+%* *
+ Call Arity Analysis
+%* *
+Note [Call Arity: The goal]
+The goal of this analysis is to find out if we can eta-expand a local function,
+based on how it is being called. The motivating example is this code,
+which comes up when we implement foldl using foldr, and do list fusion:
+ let go = \x -> let d = case ... of
+ False -> go (x+1)
+ True -> id
+ in \z -> d (x + z)
+ in go 1 0
+If we do not eta-expand `go` to have arity 2, we are going to allocate a lot of
+partial function applications, which would be bad.
+The function `go` has a type of arity two, but only one lambda is manifest.
+Furthermore, an analysis that only looks at the RHS of go cannot be sufficient
+to eta-expand go: If `go` is ever called with one argument (and the result used
+multiple times), we would be doing the work in `...` multiple times.
+So `callArityAnalProgram` looks at the whole let expression to figure out if
+all calls are nice, i.e. have a high enough arity. It then stores the result in
+the `calledArity` field of the `IdInfo` of `go`, which the next simplifier
+phase will eta-expand.
+The specification of the `calledArity` field is:
+ No work will be lost if you eta-expand me to the arity in `calledArity`.
+What we want to know for a variable
+For every let-bound variable we'd like to know:
+ 1. A lower bound on the arity of all calls to the variable, and
+ 2. whether the variable is being called at most once or possible multiple
+ times.
+It is always ok to lower the arity, or pretend that there are multiple calls.
+In particular, "Minimum arity 0 and possible called multiple times" is always
+What we want to know from an expression
+In order to obtain that information for variables, we analyze expression and
+obtain bits of information:
+ I. The arity analysis:
+ For every variable, whether it is absent, or called,
+ and if called, which what arity.
+ II. The Co-Called analysis:
+ For every two variables, whether there is a possibility that both are being
+ called.
+ We obtain as a special case: For every variables, whether there is a
+ possibility that it is being called twice.
+For efficiency reasons, we gather this information only for a set of
+*interesting variables*, to avoid spending time on, e.g., variables from pattern matches.
+The two analysis are not completely independent, as a higher arity can improve
+the information about what variables are being called once or multiple times.
+Note [Analysis I: The arity analysis]
+The arity analysis is quite straight forward: The information about an
+expression is an
+ VarEnv Arity
+where absent variables are bound to Nothing and otherwise to a lower bound to
+their arity.
+When we analyze an expression, we analyze it with a given context arity.
+Lambdas decrease and applications increase the incoming arity. Analysizing a
+variable will put that arity in the environment. In lets or cases all the
+results from the various subexpressions are lubed, which takes the point-wise
+minimum (considering Nothing an infinity).
+Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+The second part is more sophisticated. For reasons explained below, it is not
+sufficient to simply know how often an expression evaluates a variable. Instead
+we need to know which variables are possibly called together.
+The data structure here is an undirected graph of variables, which is provided
+by the abstract
+ UnVarGraph
+It is safe to return a larger graph, i.e. one with more edges. The worst case
+(i.e. the least useful and always correct result) is the complete graph on all
+free variables, which means that anything can be called together with anything
+(including itself).
+Notation for the following:
+C(e) is the co-called result for e.
+G₁∪G₂ is the union of two graphs
+fv is the set of free variables (conveniently the domain of the arity analysis result)
+S₁×S₂ is the complete bipartite graph { {a,b} | a ∈ S₁, b ∈ S₂ }
+S² is the complete graph on the set of variables S, S² = S×S
+C'(e) is a variant for bound expression:
+ If e is called at most once, or it is and stays a thunk (after the analysis),
+ it is simply C(e). Otherwise, the expression can be called multiple times
+ and we return (fv e)²
+The interesting cases of the analysis:
+ * Var v:
+ No other variables are being called.
+ Return {} (the empty graph)
+ * Lambda v e, under arity 0:
+ This means that e can be evaluated many times and we cannot get
+ any useful co-call information.
+ Return (fv e)²
+ * Case alternatives alt₁,alt₂,...:
+ Only one can be execuded, so
+ Return (alt₁ ∪ alt₂ ∪...)
+ * App e₁ e₂ (and analogously Case scrut alts), with non-trivial e₂:
+ We get the results from both sides, with the argument evaluated at most once.
+ Additionally, anything called by e₁ can possibly be called with anything
+ from e₂.
+ Return: C(e₁) ∪ C(e₂) ∪ (fv e₁) × (fv e₂)
+ * App e₁ x:
+ As this is already in A-normal form, CorePrep will not separately lambda
+ bind (and hence share) x. So we conservatively assume multiple calls to x here
+ Return: C(e₁) ∪ (fv e₁) × {x} ∪ {(x,x)}
+ * Let v = rhs in body:
+ In addition to the results from the subexpressions, add all co-calls from
+ everything that the body calls together with v to everything that is called
+ by v.
+ Return: C'(rhs) ∪ C(body) ∪ (fv rhs) × {v'| {v,v'} ∈ C(body)}
+ * Letrec v₁ = rhs₁ ... vₙ = rhsₙ in body
+ Tricky.
+ We assume that it is really mutually recursive, i.e. that every variable
+ calls one of the others, and that this is strongly connected (otherwise we
+ return an over-approximation, so that's ok), see note [Recursion and fixpointing].
+ Let V = {v₁,...vₙ}.
+ Assume that the vs have been analysed with an incoming demand and
+ cardinality consistent with the final result (this is the fixed-pointing).
+ Again we can use the results from all subexpressions.
+ In addition, for every variable vᵢ, we need to find out what it is called
+ with (call this set Sᵢ). There are two cases:
+ * If vᵢ is a function, we need to go through all right-hand-sides and bodies,
+ and collect every variable that is called together with any variable from V:
+ Sᵢ = {v' | j ∈ {1,...,n}, {v',vⱼ} ∈ C'(rhs₁) ∪ ... ∪ C'(rhsₙ) ∪ C(body) }
+ * If vᵢ is a thunk, then its rhs is evaluated only once, so we need to
+ exclude it from this set:
+ Sᵢ = {v' | j ∈ {1,...,n}, j≠i, {v',vⱼ} ∈ C'(rhs₁) ∪ ... ∪ C'(rhsₙ) ∪ C(body) }
+ Finally, combine all this:
+ Return: C(body) ∪
+ C'(rhs₁) ∪ ... ∪ C'(rhsₙ) ∪
+ (fv rhs₁) × S₁) ∪ ... ∪ (fv rhsₙ) × Sₙ)
+Using the result: Eta-Expansion
+We use the result of these two analyses to decide whether we can eta-expand the
+rhs of a let-bound variable.
+If the variable is already a function (exprIsCheap), and all calls to the
+variables have a higher arity than the current manifest arity (i.e. the number
+of lambdas), expand.
+If the variable is a thunk we must be careful: Eta-Expansion will prevent
+sharing of work, so this is only safe if there is at most one call to the
+function. Therefore, we check whether {v,v} ∈ G.
+ Example:
+ let n = case .. of .. -- A thunk!
+ in n 0 + n 1
+ vs.
+ let n = case .. of ..
+ in case .. of T -> n 0
+ F -> n 1
+ We are only allowed to eta-expand `n` if it is going to be called at most
+ once in the body of the outer let. So we need to know, for each variable
+ individually, that it is going to be called at most once.
+Why the co-call graph?
+Why is it not sufficient to simply remember which variables are called once and
+which are called multiple times? It would be in the previous example, but consider
+ let n = case .. of ..
+ in case .. of
+ True -> let go = \y -> case .. of
+ True -> go (y + n 1)
+ False > n
+ in go 1
+ False -> n
+ let n = case .. of ..
+ in case .. of
+ True -> let go = \y -> case .. of
+ True -> go (y+1)
+ False > n
+ in go 1
+ False -> n
+In both cases, the body and the rhs of the inner let call n at most once.
+But only in the second case that holds for the whole expression! The
+crucial difference is that in the first case, the rhs of `go` can call
+*both* `go` and `n`, and hence can call `n` multiple times as it recurses,
+while in the second case find out that `go` and `n` are not called together.
+Why co-call information for functions?
+Although for eta-expansion we need the information only for thunks, we still
+need to know whether functions are being called once or multiple times, and
+together with what other functions.
+ Example:
+ let n = case .. of ..
+ f x = n (x+1)
+ in f 1 + f 2
+ vs.
+ let n = case .. of ..
+ f x = n (x+1)
+ in case .. of T -> f 0
+ F -> f 1
+ Here, the body of f calls n exactly once, but f itself is being called
+ multiple times, so eta-expansion is not allowed.
+Note [Analysis type signature]
+The work-hourse of the analysis is the function `callArityAnal`, with the
+following type:
+ type CallArityRes = (UnVarGraph, VarEnv Arity)
+ callArityAnal ::
+ Arity -> -- The arity this expression is called with
+ VarSet -> -- The set of interesting variables
+ CoreExpr -> -- The expression to analyse
+ (CallArityRes, CoreExpr)
+and the following specification:
+ ((coCalls, callArityEnv), expr') = callArityEnv arity interestingIds expr
+ <=>
+ Assume the expression `expr` is being passed `arity` arguments. Then it holds that
+ * The domain of `callArityEnv` is a subset of `interestingIds`.
+ * Any variable from `interestingIds` that is not mentioned in the `callArityEnv`
+ is absent, i.e. not called at all.
+ * Every call from `expr` to a variable bound to n in `callArityEnv` has at
+ least n value arguments.
+ * For two interesting variables `v1` and `v2`, they are not adjacent in `coCalls`,
+ then in no execution of `expr` both are being called.
+ Furthermore, expr' is expr with the callArity field of the `IdInfo` updated.
+Note [Which variables are interesting]
+The analysis would quickly become prohibitive expensive if we would analyse all
+variables; for most variables we simply do not care about how often they are
+called, i.e. variables bound in a pattern match. So interesting are variables that are
+ * top-level or let bound
+ * and possibly functions (typeArity > 0)
+Note [Taking boring variables into account]
+If we decide that the variable bound in `let x = e1 in e2` is not interesting,
+the analysis of `e2` will not report anything about `x`. To ensure that
+`callArityBind` does still do the right thing we have to take that into account
+every time we would be lookup up `x` in the analysis result of `e2`.
+ * Instead of calling lookupCallArityRes, we return (0, True), indicating
+ that this variable might be called many times with no arguments.
+ * Instead of checking `calledWith x`, we assume that everything can be called
+ with it.
+ * In the recursive case, when calclulating the `cross_calls`, if there is
+ any boring variable in the recursive group, we ignore all co-call-results
+ and directly go to a very conservative assumption.
+The last point has the nice side effect that the relatively expensive
+integration of co-call results in a recursive groups is often skipped. This
+helped to avoid the compile time blowup in some real-world code with large
+recursive groups (#10293).
+Note [Recursion and fixpointing]
+For a mutually recursive let, we begin by
+ 1. analysing the body, using the same incoming arity as for the whole expression.
+ 2. Then we iterate, memoizing for each of the bound variables the last
+ analysis call, i.e. incoming arity, whether it is called once, and the CallArityRes.
+ 3. We combine the analysis result from the body and the memoized results for
+ the arguments (if already present).
+ 4. For each variable, we find out the incoming arity and whether it is called
+ once, based on the current analysis result. If this differs from the
+ memoized results, we re-analyse the rhs and update the memoized table.
+ 5. If nothing had to be reanalyzed, we are done.
+ Otherwise, repeat from step 3.
+Note [Thunks in recursive groups]
+We never eta-expand a thunk in a recursive group, on the grounds that if it is
+part of a recursive group, then it will be called multiple times.
+This is not necessarily true, e.g. it would be safe to eta-expand t2 (but not
+t1) in the following code:
+ let go x = t1
+ t1 = if ... then t2 else ...
+ t2 = if ... then go 1 else ...
+ in go 0
+Detecting this would require finding out what variables are only ever called
+from thunks. While this is certainly possible, we yet have to see this to be
+relevant in the wild.
+Note [Analysing top-level binds]
+We can eta-expand top-level-binds if they are not exported, as we see all calls
+to them. The plan is as follows: Treat the top-level binds as nested lets around
+a body representing “all external calls”, which returns a pessimistic
+CallArityRes (the co-call graph is the complete graph, all arityies 0).
+Note [Trimming arity]
+In the Call Arity papers, we are working on an untyped lambda calculus with no
+other id annotations, where eta-expansion is always possible. But this is not
+the case for Core!
+ 1. We need to ensure the invariant
+ callArity e <= typeArity (exprType e)
+ for the same reasons that exprArity needs this invariant (see Note
+ [exprArity invariant] in GHC.Core.Arity).
+ If we are not doing that, a too-high arity annotation will be stored with
+ the id, confusing the simplifier later on.
+ 2. Eta-expanding a right hand side might invalidate existing annotations. In
+ particular, if an id has a strictness annotation of <...><...>b, then
+ passing two arguments to it will definitely bottom out, so the simplifier
+ will throw away additional parameters. This conflicts with Call Arity! So
+ we ensure that we never eta-expand such a value beyond the number of
+ arguments mentioned in the strictness signature.
+ See #10176 for a real-world-example.
+Note [What is a thunk]
+Originally, everything that is not in WHNF (`exprIsWHNF`) is considered a
+thunk, not eta-expanded, to avoid losing any sharing. This is also how the
+published papers on Call Arity describe it.
+In practice, there are thunks that do a just little work, such as
+pattern-matching on a variable, and the benefits of eta-expansion likely
+outweigh the cost of doing that repeatedly. Therefore, this implementation of
+Call Arity considers everything that is not cheap (`exprIsCheap`) as a thunk.
+Note [Call Arity and Join Points]
+The Call Arity analysis does not care about join points, and treats them just
+like normal functions. This is ok.
+The analysis *could* make use of the fact that join points are always evaluated
+in the same context as the join-binding they are defined in and are always
+one-shot, and handle join points separately, as suggested in
+This *might* be more efficient (for example, join points would not have to be
+considered interesting variables), but it would also add redundant code. So for
+now we do not do that.
+The simplifier never eta-expands join points (it instead pushes extra arguments from
+an eta-expanded context into the join point’s RHS), so the call arity
+annotation on join points is not actually used. As it would be equally valid
+(though less efficient) to eta-expand join points, this is the simplifier's
+choice, and hence Call Arity sets the call arity for join points as well.
+-- Main entry point
+callArityAnalProgram :: DynFlags -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
+callArityAnalProgram _dflags binds = binds'
+ where
+ (_, binds') = callArityTopLvl [] emptyVarSet binds
+-- See Note [Analysing top-level-binds]
+callArityTopLvl :: [Var] -> VarSet -> [CoreBind] -> (CallArityRes, [CoreBind])
+callArityTopLvl exported _ []
+ = ( calledMultipleTimes $ (emptyUnVarGraph, mkVarEnv $ [(v, 0) | v <- exported])
+ , [] )
+callArityTopLvl exported int1 (b:bs)
+ = (ae2, b':bs')
+ where
+ int2 = bindersOf b
+ exported' = filter isExportedId int2 ++ exported
+ int' = int1 `addInterestingBinds` b
+ (ae1, bs') = callArityTopLvl exported' int' bs
+ (ae2, b') = callArityBind (boringBinds b) ae1 int1 b
+callArityRHS :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+callArityRHS = snd . callArityAnal 0 emptyVarSet
+-- The main analysis function. See Note [Analysis type signature]
+callArityAnal ::
+ Arity -> -- The arity this expression is called with
+ VarSet -> -- The set of interesting variables
+ CoreExpr -> -- The expression to analyse
+ (CallArityRes, CoreExpr)
+ -- How this expression uses its interesting variables
+ -- and the expression with IdInfo updated
+-- The trivial base cases
+callArityAnal _ _ e@(Lit _)
+ = (emptyArityRes, e)
+callArityAnal _ _ e@(Type _)
+ = (emptyArityRes, e)
+callArityAnal _ _ e@(Coercion _)
+ = (emptyArityRes, e)
+-- The transparent cases
+callArityAnal arity int (Tick t e)
+ = second (Tick t) $ callArityAnal arity int e
+callArityAnal arity int (Cast e co)
+ = second (\e -> Cast e co) $ callArityAnal arity int e
+-- The interesting case: Variables, Lambdas, Lets, Applications, Cases
+callArityAnal arity int e@(Var v)
+ | v `elemVarSet` int
+ = (unitArityRes v arity, e)
+ | otherwise
+ = (emptyArityRes, e)
+-- Non-value lambdas are ignored
+callArityAnal arity int (Lam v e) | not (isId v)
+ = second (Lam v) $ callArityAnal arity (int `delVarSet` v) e
+-- We have a lambda that may be called multiple times, so its free variables
+-- can all be co-called.
+callArityAnal 0 int (Lam v e)
+ = (ae', Lam v e')
+ where
+ (ae, e') = callArityAnal 0 (int `delVarSet` v) e
+ ae' = calledMultipleTimes ae
+-- We have a lambda that we are calling. decrease arity.
+callArityAnal arity int (Lam v e)
+ = (ae, Lam v e')
+ where
+ (ae, e') = callArityAnal (arity - 1) (int `delVarSet` v) e
+-- Application. Increase arity for the called expression, nothing to know about
+-- the second
+callArityAnal arity int (App e (Type t))
+ = second (\e -> App e (Type t)) $ callArityAnal arity int e
+callArityAnal arity int (App e1 e2)
+ = (final_ae, App e1' e2')
+ where
+ (ae1, e1') = callArityAnal (arity + 1) int e1
+ (ae2, e2') = callArityAnal 0 int e2
+ -- If the argument is trivial (e.g. a variable), then it will _not_ be
+ -- let-bound in the Core to STG transformation (CorePrep actually),
+ -- so no sharing will happen here, and we have to assume many calls.
+ ae2' | exprIsTrivial e2 = calledMultipleTimes ae2
+ | otherwise = ae2
+ final_ae = ae1 `both` ae2'
+-- Case expression.
+callArityAnal arity int (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
+ = -- pprTrace "callArityAnal:Case"
+ -- (vcat [ppr scrut, ppr final_ae])
+ (final_ae, Case scrut' bndr ty alts')
+ where
+ (alt_aes, alts') = unzip $ map go alts
+ go (dc, bndrs, e) = let (ae, e') = callArityAnal arity int e
+ in (ae, (dc, bndrs, e'))
+ alt_ae = lubRess alt_aes
+ (scrut_ae, scrut') = callArityAnal 0 int scrut
+ final_ae = scrut_ae `both` alt_ae
+-- For lets, use callArityBind
+callArityAnal arity int (Let bind e)
+ = -- pprTrace "callArityAnal:Let"
+ -- (vcat [ppr v, ppr arity, ppr n, ppr final_ae ])
+ (final_ae, Let bind' e')
+ where
+ int_body = int `addInterestingBinds` bind
+ (ae_body, e') = callArityAnal arity int_body e
+ (final_ae, bind') = callArityBind (boringBinds bind) ae_body int bind
+-- Which bindings should we look at?
+-- See Note [Which variables are interesting]
+isInteresting :: Var -> Bool
+isInteresting v = not $ null (typeArity (idType v))
+interestingBinds :: CoreBind -> [Var]
+interestingBinds = filter isInteresting . bindersOf
+boringBinds :: CoreBind -> VarSet
+boringBinds = mkVarSet . filter (not . isInteresting) . bindersOf
+addInterestingBinds :: VarSet -> CoreBind -> VarSet
+addInterestingBinds int bind
+ = int `delVarSetList` bindersOf bind -- Possible shadowing
+ `extendVarSetList` interestingBinds bind
+-- Used for both local and top-level binds
+-- Second argument is the demand from the body
+callArityBind :: VarSet -> CallArityRes -> VarSet -> CoreBind -> (CallArityRes, CoreBind)
+-- Non-recursive let
+callArityBind boring_vars ae_body int (NonRec v rhs)
+ | otherwise
+ = -- pprTrace "callArityBind:NonRec"
+ -- (vcat [ppr v, ppr ae_body, ppr int, ppr ae_rhs, ppr safe_arity])
+ (final_ae, NonRec v' rhs')
+ where
+ is_thunk = not (exprIsCheap rhs) -- see note [What is a thunk]
+ -- If v is boring, we will not find it in ae_body, but always assume (0, False)
+ boring = v `elemVarSet` boring_vars
+ (arity, called_once)
+ | boring = (0, False) -- See Note [Taking boring variables into account]
+ | otherwise = lookupCallArityRes ae_body v
+ safe_arity | called_once = arity
+ | is_thunk = 0 -- A thunk! Do not eta-expand
+ | otherwise = arity
+ -- See Note [Trimming arity]
+ trimmed_arity = trimArity v safe_arity
+ (ae_rhs, rhs') = callArityAnal trimmed_arity int rhs
+ ae_rhs'| called_once = ae_rhs
+ | safe_arity == 0 = ae_rhs -- If it is not a function, its body is evaluated only once
+ | otherwise = calledMultipleTimes ae_rhs
+ called_by_v = domRes ae_rhs'
+ called_with_v
+ | boring = domRes ae_body
+ | otherwise = calledWith ae_body v `delUnVarSet` v
+ final_ae = addCrossCoCalls called_by_v called_with_v $ ae_rhs' `lubRes` resDel v ae_body
+ v' = v `setIdCallArity` trimmed_arity
+-- Recursive let. See Note [Recursion and fixpointing]
+callArityBind boring_vars ae_body int b@(Rec binds)
+ = -- (if length binds > 300 then
+ -- pprTrace "callArityBind:Rec"
+ -- (vcat [ppr (Rec binds'), ppr ae_body, ppr int, ppr ae_rhs]) else id) $
+ (final_ae, Rec binds')
+ where
+ -- See Note [Taking boring variables into account]
+ any_boring = any (`elemVarSet` boring_vars) [ i | (i, _) <- binds]
+ int_body = int `addInterestingBinds` b
+ (ae_rhs, binds') = fix initial_binds
+ final_ae = bindersOf b `resDelList` ae_rhs
+ initial_binds = [(i,Nothing,e) | (i,e) <- binds]
+ fix :: [(Id, Maybe (Bool, Arity, CallArityRes), CoreExpr)] -> (CallArityRes, [(Id, CoreExpr)])
+ fix ann_binds
+ | -- pprTrace "callArityBind:fix" (vcat [ppr ann_binds, ppr any_change, ppr ae]) $
+ any_change
+ = fix ann_binds'
+ | otherwise
+ = (ae, map (\(i, _, e) -> (i, e)) ann_binds')
+ where
+ aes_old = [ (i,ae) | (i, Just (_,_,ae), _) <- ann_binds ]
+ ae = callArityRecEnv any_boring aes_old ae_body
+ rerun (i, mbLastRun, rhs)
+ | i `elemVarSet` int_body && not (i `elemUnVarSet` domRes ae)
+ -- No call to this yet, so do nothing
+ = (False, (i, Nothing, rhs))
+ | Just (old_called_once, old_arity, _) <- mbLastRun
+ , called_once == old_called_once
+ , new_arity == old_arity
+ -- No change, no need to re-analyze
+ = (False, (i, mbLastRun, rhs))
+ | otherwise
+ -- We previously analyzed this with a different arity (or not at all)
+ = let is_thunk = not (exprIsCheap rhs) -- see note [What is a thunk]
+ safe_arity | is_thunk = 0 -- See Note [Thunks in recursive groups]
+ | otherwise = new_arity
+ -- See Note [Trimming arity]
+ trimmed_arity = trimArity i safe_arity
+ (ae_rhs, rhs') = callArityAnal trimmed_arity int_body rhs
+ ae_rhs' | called_once = ae_rhs
+ | safe_arity == 0 = ae_rhs -- If it is not a function, its body is evaluated only once
+ | otherwise = calledMultipleTimes ae_rhs
+ i' = i `setIdCallArity` trimmed_arity
+ in (True, (i', Just (called_once, new_arity, ae_rhs'), rhs'))
+ where
+ -- See Note [Taking boring variables into account]
+ (new_arity, called_once) | i `elemVarSet` boring_vars = (0, False)
+ | otherwise = lookupCallArityRes ae i
+ (changes, ann_binds') = unzip $ map rerun ann_binds
+ any_change = or changes
+-- Combining the results from body and rhs, (mutually) recursive case
+-- See Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+callArityRecEnv :: Bool -> [(Var, CallArityRes)] -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+callArityRecEnv any_boring ae_rhss ae_body
+ = -- (if length ae_rhss > 300 then pprTrace "callArityRecEnv" (vcat [ppr ae_rhss, ppr ae_body, ppr ae_new]) else id) $
+ ae_new
+ where
+ vars = map fst ae_rhss
+ ae_combined = lubRess (map snd ae_rhss) `lubRes` ae_body
+ cross_calls
+ -- See Note [Taking boring variables into account]
+ | any_boring = completeGraph (domRes ae_combined)
+ -- Also, calculating cross_calls is expensive. Simply be conservative
+ -- if the mutually recursive group becomes too large.
+ | lengthExceeds ae_rhss 25 = completeGraph (domRes ae_combined)
+ | otherwise = unionUnVarGraphs $ map cross_call ae_rhss
+ cross_call (v, ae_rhs) = completeBipartiteGraph called_by_v called_with_v
+ where
+ is_thunk = idCallArity v == 0
+ -- What rhs are relevant as happening before (or after) calling v?
+ -- If v is a thunk, everything from all the _other_ variables
+ -- If v is not a thunk, everything can happen.
+ ae_before_v | is_thunk = lubRess (map snd $ filter ((/= v) . fst) ae_rhss) `lubRes` ae_body
+ | otherwise = ae_combined
+ -- What do we want to know from these?
+ -- Which calls can happen next to any recursive call.
+ called_with_v
+ = unionUnVarSets $ map (calledWith ae_before_v) vars
+ called_by_v = domRes ae_rhs
+ ae_new = first (cross_calls `unionUnVarGraph`) ae_combined
+-- See Note [Trimming arity]
+trimArity :: Id -> Arity -> Arity
+trimArity v a = minimum [a, max_arity_by_type, max_arity_by_strsig]
+ where
+ max_arity_by_type = length (typeArity (idType v))
+ max_arity_by_strsig
+ | isBotDiv result_info = length demands
+ | otherwise = a
+ (demands, result_info) = splitStrictSig (idStrictness v)
+-- Functions related to CallArityRes --
+-- Result type for the two analyses.
+-- See Note [Analysis I: The arity analysis]
+-- and Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+type CallArityRes = (UnVarGraph, VarEnv Arity)
+emptyArityRes :: CallArityRes
+emptyArityRes = (emptyUnVarGraph, emptyVarEnv)
+unitArityRes :: Var -> Arity -> CallArityRes
+unitArityRes v arity = (emptyUnVarGraph, unitVarEnv v arity)
+resDelList :: [Var] -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+resDelList vs ae = foldr resDel ae vs
+resDel :: Var -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+resDel v (g, ae) = (g `delNode` v, ae `delVarEnv` v)
+domRes :: CallArityRes -> UnVarSet
+domRes (_, ae) = varEnvDom ae
+-- In the result, find out the minimum arity and whether the variable is called
+-- at most once.
+lookupCallArityRes :: CallArityRes -> Var -> (Arity, Bool)
+lookupCallArityRes (g, ae) v
+ = case lookupVarEnv ae v of
+ Just a -> (a, not (g `hasLoopAt` v))
+ Nothing -> (0, False)
+calledWith :: CallArityRes -> Var -> UnVarSet
+calledWith (g, _) v = neighbors g v
+addCrossCoCalls :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+addCrossCoCalls set1 set2 = first (completeBipartiteGraph set1 set2 `unionUnVarGraph`)
+-- Replaces the co-call graph by a complete graph (i.e. no information)
+calledMultipleTimes :: CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+calledMultipleTimes res = first (const (completeGraph (domRes res))) res
+-- Used for application and cases
+both :: CallArityRes -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+both r1 r2 = addCrossCoCalls (domRes r1) (domRes r2) $ r1 `lubRes` r2
+-- Used when combining results from alternative cases; take the minimum
+lubRes :: CallArityRes -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+lubRes (g1, ae1) (g2, ae2) = (g1 `unionUnVarGraph` g2, ae1 `lubArityEnv` ae2)
+lubArityEnv :: VarEnv Arity -> VarEnv Arity -> VarEnv Arity
+lubArityEnv = plusVarEnv_C min
+lubRess :: [CallArityRes] -> CallArityRes
+lubRess = foldl' lubRes emptyArityRes
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/ConstantFold.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/ConstantFold.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae9ba8f262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/ConstantFold.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2257 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[ConFold]{Constant Folder}
+Conceptually, constant folding should be parameterized with the kind
+of target machine to get identical behaviour during compilation time
+and runtime. We cheat a little bit here...
+ check boundaries before folding, e.g. we can fold the Float addition
+ (i1 + i2) only if it results in a valid Float.
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns, RecordWildCards,
+ DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -optc-DNON_POSIX_SOURCE -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold
+ ( primOpRules
+ , builtinRules
+ , caseRules
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} MkId ( mkPrimOpId, magicDictId )
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Make
+import Id
+import Literal
+import GHC.Core.SimpleOpt ( exprIsLiteral_maybe )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp(..), tagToEnumKey )
+import TysWiredIn
+import TysPrim
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+ ( tyConDataCons_maybe, isAlgTyCon, isEnumerationTyCon
+ , isNewTyCon, unwrapNewTyCon_maybe, tyConDataCons
+ , tyConFamilySize )
+import GHC.Core.DataCon ( dataConTagZ, dataConTyCon, dataConWrapId, dataConWorkId )
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( cheapEqExpr, cheapEqExpr', exprIsHNF, exprType
+ , stripTicksTop, stripTicksTopT, mkTicks )
+import GHC.Core.Unfold ( exprIsConApp_maybe )
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import OccName ( occNameFS )
+import PrelNames
+import Maybes ( orElse )
+import Name ( Name, nameOccName )
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import BasicTypes
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Platform
+import Util
+import GHC.Core.Coercion (mkUnbranchedAxInstCo,mkSymCo,Role(..))
+import Control.Applicative ( Alternative(..) )
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as MonadFail
+import Data.Bits as Bits
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.Int
+import Data.Ratio
+import Data.Word
+Note [Constant folding]
+primOpRules generates a rewrite rule for each primop
+These rules do what is often called "constant folding"
+E.g. the rules for +# might say
+ 4 +# 5 = 9
+Well, of course you'd need a lot of rules if you did it
+like that, so we use a BuiltinRule instead, so that we
+can match in any two literal values. So the rule is really
+more like
+ (Lit x) +# (Lit y) = Lit (x+#y)
+where the (+#) on the rhs is done at compile time
+That is why these rules are built in here.
+primOpRules :: Name -> PrimOp -> Maybe CoreRule
+ -- ToDo: something for integer-shift ops?
+ -- NotOp
+primOpRules nm TagToEnumOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ tagToEnumRule ]
+primOpRules nm DataToTagOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ dataToTagRule ]
+-- Int operations
+primOpRules nm IntAddOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (intOp2 (+))
+ , identityDynFlags zeroi
+ , numFoldingRules IntAddOp intPrimOps
+ ]
+primOpRules nm IntSubOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (intOp2 (-))
+ , rightIdentityDynFlags zeroi
+ , equalArgs >> retLit zeroi
+ , numFoldingRules IntSubOp intPrimOps
+ ]
+primOpRules nm IntAddCOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (intOpC2 (+))
+ , identityCDynFlags zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm IntSubCOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (intOpC2 (-))
+ , rightIdentityCDynFlags zeroi
+ , equalArgs >> retLitNoC zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm IntMulOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (intOp2 (*))
+ , zeroElem zeroi
+ , identityDynFlags onei
+ , numFoldingRules IntMulOp intPrimOps
+ ]
+primOpRules nm IntQuotOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ nonZeroLit 1 >> binaryLit (intOp2 quot)
+ , leftZero zeroi
+ , rightIdentityDynFlags onei
+ , equalArgs >> retLit onei ]
+primOpRules nm IntRemOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ nonZeroLit 1 >> binaryLit (intOp2 rem)
+ , leftZero zeroi
+ , do l <- getLiteral 1
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ guard (l == onei dflags)
+ retLit zeroi
+ , equalArgs >> retLit zeroi
+ , equalArgs >> retLit zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm AndIOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (intOp2 (.&.))
+ , idempotent
+ , zeroElem zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm OrIOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (intOp2 (.|.))
+ , idempotent
+ , identityDynFlags zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm XorIOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (intOp2 xor)
+ , identityDynFlags zeroi
+ , equalArgs >> retLit zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm NotIOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ unaryLit complementOp
+ , inversePrimOp NotIOp ]
+primOpRules nm IntNegOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ unaryLit negOp
+ , inversePrimOp IntNegOp ]
+primOpRules nm ISllOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ shiftRule (const Bits.shiftL)
+ , rightIdentityDynFlags zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm ISraOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ shiftRule (const Bits.shiftR)
+ , rightIdentityDynFlags zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm ISrlOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ shiftRule shiftRightLogical
+ , rightIdentityDynFlags zeroi ]
+-- Word operations
+primOpRules nm WordAddOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOp2 (+))
+ , identityDynFlags zerow
+ , numFoldingRules WordAddOp wordPrimOps
+ ]
+primOpRules nm WordSubOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOp2 (-))
+ , rightIdentityDynFlags zerow
+ , equalArgs >> retLit zerow
+ , numFoldingRules WordSubOp wordPrimOps
+ ]
+primOpRules nm WordAddCOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOpC2 (+))
+ , identityCDynFlags zerow ]
+primOpRules nm WordSubCOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOpC2 (-))
+ , rightIdentityCDynFlags zerow
+ , equalArgs >> retLitNoC zerow ]
+primOpRules nm WordMulOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOp2 (*))
+ , identityDynFlags onew
+ , numFoldingRules WordMulOp wordPrimOps
+ ]
+primOpRules nm WordQuotOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ nonZeroLit 1 >> binaryLit (wordOp2 quot)
+ , rightIdentityDynFlags onew ]
+primOpRules nm WordRemOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ nonZeroLit 1 >> binaryLit (wordOp2 rem)
+ , leftZero zerow
+ , do l <- getLiteral 1
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ guard (l == onew dflags)
+ retLit zerow
+ , equalArgs >> retLit zerow ]
+primOpRules nm AndOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOp2 (.&.))
+ , idempotent
+ , zeroElem zerow ]
+primOpRules nm OrOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOp2 (.|.))
+ , idempotent
+ , identityDynFlags zerow ]
+primOpRules nm XorOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOp2 xor)
+ , identityDynFlags zerow
+ , equalArgs >> retLit zerow ]
+primOpRules nm NotOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ unaryLit complementOp
+ , inversePrimOp NotOp ]
+primOpRules nm SllOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ shiftRule (const Bits.shiftL) ]
+primOpRules nm SrlOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ shiftRule shiftRightLogical ]
+-- coercions
+primOpRules nm Word2IntOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitDynFlags word2IntLit
+ , inversePrimOp Int2WordOp ]
+primOpRules nm Int2WordOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitDynFlags int2WordLit
+ , inversePrimOp Word2IntOp ]
+primOpRules nm Narrow8IntOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow8IntLit
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8IntOp
+ , Narrow8IntOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow16IntOp
+ , Narrow8IntOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow32IntOp
+ , narrowSubsumesAnd AndIOp Narrow8IntOp 8 ]
+primOpRules nm Narrow16IntOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow16IntLit
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8IntOp
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow16IntOp
+ , Narrow16IntOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow32IntOp
+ , narrowSubsumesAnd AndIOp Narrow16IntOp 16 ]
+primOpRules nm Narrow32IntOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow32IntLit
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8IntOp
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow16IntOp
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow32IntOp
+ , removeOp32
+ , narrowSubsumesAnd AndIOp Narrow32IntOp 32 ]
+primOpRules nm Narrow8WordOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow8WordLit
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8WordOp
+ , Narrow8WordOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow16WordOp
+ , Narrow8WordOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow32WordOp
+ , narrowSubsumesAnd AndOp Narrow8WordOp 8 ]
+primOpRules nm Narrow16WordOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow16WordLit
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8WordOp
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow16WordOp
+ , Narrow16WordOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow32WordOp
+ , narrowSubsumesAnd AndOp Narrow16WordOp 16 ]
+primOpRules nm Narrow32WordOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow32WordLit
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8WordOp
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow16WordOp
+ , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow32WordOp
+ , removeOp32
+ , narrowSubsumesAnd AndOp Narrow32WordOp 32 ]
+primOpRules nm OrdOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit char2IntLit
+ , inversePrimOp ChrOp ]
+primOpRules nm ChrOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ do [Lit lit] <- getArgs
+ guard (litFitsInChar lit)
+ liftLit int2CharLit
+ , inversePrimOp OrdOp ]
+primOpRules nm Float2IntOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit float2IntLit ]
+primOpRules nm Int2FloatOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit int2FloatLit ]
+primOpRules nm Double2IntOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit double2IntLit ]
+primOpRules nm Int2DoubleOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit int2DoubleLit ]
+-- SUP: Not sure what the standard says about precision in the following 2 cases
+primOpRules nm Float2DoubleOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit float2DoubleLit ]
+primOpRules nm Double2FloatOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit double2FloatLit ]
+-- Float
+primOpRules nm FloatAddOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (floatOp2 (+))
+ , identity zerof ]
+primOpRules nm FloatSubOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (floatOp2 (-))
+ , rightIdentity zerof ]
+primOpRules nm FloatMulOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (floatOp2 (*))
+ , identity onef
+ , strengthReduction twof FloatAddOp ]
+ -- zeroElem zerof doesn't hold because of NaN
+primOpRules nm FloatDivOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ guardFloatDiv >> binaryLit (floatOp2 (/))
+ , rightIdentity onef ]
+primOpRules nm FloatNegOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ unaryLit negOp
+ , inversePrimOp FloatNegOp ]
+-- Double
+primOpRules nm DoubleAddOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (doubleOp2 (+))
+ , identity zerod ]
+primOpRules nm DoubleSubOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (doubleOp2 (-))
+ , rightIdentity zerod ]
+primOpRules nm DoubleMulOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (doubleOp2 (*))
+ , identity oned
+ , strengthReduction twod DoubleAddOp ]
+ -- zeroElem zerod doesn't hold because of NaN
+primOpRules nm DoubleDivOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ guardDoubleDiv >> binaryLit (doubleOp2 (/))
+ , rightIdentity oned ]
+primOpRules nm DoubleNegOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ unaryLit negOp
+ , inversePrimOp DoubleNegOp ]
+-- Relational operators
+primOpRules nm IntEqOp = mkRelOpRule nm (==) [ litEq True ]
+primOpRules nm IntNeOp = mkRelOpRule nm (/=) [ litEq False ]
+primOpRules nm CharEqOp = mkRelOpRule nm (==) [ litEq True ]
+primOpRules nm CharNeOp = mkRelOpRule nm (/=) [ litEq False ]
+primOpRules nm IntGtOp = mkRelOpRule nm (>) [ boundsCmp Gt ]
+primOpRules nm IntGeOp = mkRelOpRule nm (>=) [ boundsCmp Ge ]
+primOpRules nm IntLeOp = mkRelOpRule nm (<=) [ boundsCmp Le ]
+primOpRules nm IntLtOp = mkRelOpRule nm (<) [ boundsCmp Lt ]
+primOpRules nm CharGtOp = mkRelOpRule nm (>) [ boundsCmp Gt ]
+primOpRules nm CharGeOp = mkRelOpRule nm (>=) [ boundsCmp Ge ]
+primOpRules nm CharLeOp = mkRelOpRule nm (<=) [ boundsCmp Le ]
+primOpRules nm CharLtOp = mkRelOpRule nm (<) [ boundsCmp Lt ]
+primOpRules nm FloatGtOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (>)
+primOpRules nm FloatGeOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (>=)
+primOpRules nm FloatLeOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (<=)
+primOpRules nm FloatLtOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (<)
+primOpRules nm FloatEqOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (==)
+primOpRules nm FloatNeOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (/=)
+primOpRules nm DoubleGtOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (>)
+primOpRules nm DoubleGeOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (>=)
+primOpRules nm DoubleLeOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (<=)
+primOpRules nm DoubleLtOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (<)
+primOpRules nm DoubleEqOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (==)
+primOpRules nm DoubleNeOp = mkFloatingRelOpRule nm (/=)
+primOpRules nm WordGtOp = mkRelOpRule nm (>) [ boundsCmp Gt ]
+primOpRules nm WordGeOp = mkRelOpRule nm (>=) [ boundsCmp Ge ]
+primOpRules nm WordLeOp = mkRelOpRule nm (<=) [ boundsCmp Le ]
+primOpRules nm WordLtOp = mkRelOpRule nm (<) [ boundsCmp Lt ]
+primOpRules nm WordEqOp = mkRelOpRule nm (==) [ litEq True ]
+primOpRules nm WordNeOp = mkRelOpRule nm (/=) [ litEq False ]
+primOpRules nm AddrAddOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ rightIdentityDynFlags zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm SeqOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 4 [ seqRule ]
+primOpRules nm SparkOp = mkPrimOpRule nm 4 [ sparkRule ]
+primOpRules _ _ = Nothing
+* *
+\subsection{Doing the business}
+* *
+-- useful shorthands
+mkPrimOpRule :: Name -> Int -> [RuleM CoreExpr] -> Maybe CoreRule
+mkPrimOpRule nm arity rules = Just $ mkBasicRule nm arity (msum rules)
+mkRelOpRule :: Name -> (forall a . Ord a => a -> a -> Bool)
+ -> [RuleM CoreExpr] -> Maybe CoreRule
+mkRelOpRule nm cmp extra
+ = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 $
+ binaryCmpLit cmp : equal_rule : extra
+ where
+ -- x `cmp` x does not depend on x, so
+ -- compute it for the arbitrary value 'True'
+ -- and use that result
+ equal_rule = do { equalArgs
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; return (if cmp True True
+ then trueValInt dflags
+ else falseValInt dflags) }
+{- Note [Rules for floating-point comparisons]
+We need different rules for floating-point values because for floats
+it is not true that x = x (for NaNs); so we do not want the equal_rule
+rule that mkRelOpRule uses.
+Note also that, in the case of equality/inequality, we do /not/
+want to switch to a case-expression. For example, we do not want
+to convert
+ case (eqFloat# x 3.8#) of
+ True -> this
+ False -> that
+ case x of
+ 3.8#::Float# -> this
+ _ -> that
+See #9238. Reason: comparing floating-point values for equality
+delicate, and we don't want to implement that delicacy in the code for
+case expressions. So we make it an invariant of Core that a case
+expression never scrutinises a Float# or Double#.
+This transformation is what the litEq rule does;
+see Note [The litEq rule: converting equality to case].
+So we /refrain/ from using litEq for mkFloatingRelOpRule.
+mkFloatingRelOpRule :: Name -> (forall a . Ord a => a -> a -> Bool)
+ -> Maybe CoreRule
+-- See Note [Rules for floating-point comparisons]
+mkFloatingRelOpRule nm cmp
+ = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [binaryCmpLit cmp]
+-- common constants
+zeroi, onei, zerow, onew :: DynFlags -> Literal
+zeroi dflags = mkLitInt dflags 0
+onei dflags = mkLitInt dflags 1
+zerow dflags = mkLitWord dflags 0
+onew dflags = mkLitWord dflags 1
+zerof, onef, twof, zerod, oned, twod :: Literal
+zerof = mkLitFloat 0.0
+onef = mkLitFloat 1.0
+twof = mkLitFloat 2.0
+zerod = mkLitDouble 0.0
+oned = mkLitDouble 1.0
+twod = mkLitDouble 2.0
+cmpOp :: DynFlags -> (forall a . Ord a => a -> a -> Bool)
+ -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
+cmpOp dflags cmp = go
+ where
+ done True = Just $ trueValInt dflags
+ done False = Just $ falseValInt dflags
+ -- These compares are at different types
+ go (LitChar i1) (LitChar i2) = done (i1 `cmp` i2)
+ go (LitFloat i1) (LitFloat i2) = done (i1 `cmp` i2)
+ go (LitDouble i1) (LitDouble i2) = done (i1 `cmp` i2)
+ go (LitNumber nt1 i1 _) (LitNumber nt2 i2 _)
+ | nt1 /= nt2 = Nothing
+ | otherwise = done (i1 `cmp` i2)
+ go _ _ = Nothing
+negOp :: DynFlags -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr -- Negate
+negOp _ (LitFloat 0.0) = Nothing -- can't represent -0.0 as a Rational
+negOp dflags (LitFloat f) = Just (mkFloatVal dflags (-f))
+negOp _ (LitDouble 0.0) = Nothing
+negOp dflags (LitDouble d) = Just (mkDoubleVal dflags (-d))
+negOp dflags (LitNumber nt i t)
+ | litNumIsSigned nt = Just (Lit (mkLitNumberWrap dflags nt (-i) t))
+negOp _ _ = Nothing
+complementOp :: DynFlags -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr -- Binary complement
+complementOp dflags (LitNumber nt i t) =
+ Just (Lit (mkLitNumberWrap dflags nt (complement i) t))
+complementOp _ _ = Nothing
+intOp2 :: (Integral a, Integral b)
+ => (a -> b -> Integer)
+ -> DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
+intOp2 = intOp2' . const
+intOp2' :: (Integral a, Integral b)
+ => (DynFlags -> a -> b -> Integer)
+ -> DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
+intOp2' op dflags (LitNumber LitNumInt i1 _) (LitNumber LitNumInt i2 _) =
+ let o = op dflags
+ in intResult dflags (fromInteger i1 `o` fromInteger i2)
+intOp2' _ _ _ _ = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
+intOpC2 :: (Integral a, Integral b)
+ => (a -> b -> Integer)
+ -> DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
+intOpC2 op dflags (LitNumber LitNumInt i1 _) (LitNumber LitNumInt i2 _) = do
+ intCResult dflags (fromInteger i1 `op` fromInteger i2)
+intOpC2 _ _ _ _ = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
+shiftRightLogical :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Int -> Integer
+-- Shift right, putting zeros in rather than sign-propagating as Bits.shiftR would do
+-- Do this by converting to Word and back. Obviously this won't work for big
+-- values, but its ok as we use it here
+shiftRightLogical dflags x n =
+ case platformWordSize (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ PW4 -> fromIntegral (fromInteger x `shiftR` n :: Word32)
+ PW8 -> fromIntegral (fromInteger x `shiftR` n :: Word64)
+retLit :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+retLit l = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return $ Lit $ l dflags
+retLitNoC :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+retLitNoC l = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let lit = l dflags
+ let ty = literalType lit
+ return $ mkCoreUbxTup [ty, ty] [Lit lit, Lit (zeroi dflags)]
+wordOp2 :: (Integral a, Integral b)
+ => (a -> b -> Integer)
+ -> DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
+wordOp2 op dflags (LitNumber LitNumWord w1 _) (LitNumber LitNumWord w2 _)
+ = wordResult dflags (fromInteger w1 `op` fromInteger w2)
+wordOp2 _ _ _ _ = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
+wordOpC2 :: (Integral a, Integral b)
+ => (a -> b -> Integer)
+ -> DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
+wordOpC2 op dflags (LitNumber LitNumWord w1 _) (LitNumber LitNumWord w2 _) =
+ wordCResult dflags (fromInteger w1 `op` fromInteger w2)
+wordOpC2 _ _ _ _ = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
+shiftRule :: (DynFlags -> Integer -> Int -> Integer) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+-- Shifts take an Int; hence third arg of op is Int
+-- Used for shift primops
+-- ISllOp, ISraOp, ISrlOp :: Word# -> Int# -> Word#
+-- SllOp, SrlOp :: Word# -> Int# -> Word#
+shiftRule shift_op
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; [e1, Lit (LitNumber LitNumInt shift_len _)] <- getArgs
+ ; case e1 of
+ _ | shift_len == 0
+ -> return e1
+ -- See Note [Guarding against silly shifts]
+ | shift_len < 0 || shift_len > wordSizeInBits dflags
+ -> return $ Lit $ mkLitNumberWrap dflags LitNumInt 0 (exprType e1)
+ -- Do the shift at type Integer, but shift length is Int
+ Lit (LitNumber nt x t)
+ | 0 < shift_len
+ , shift_len <= wordSizeInBits dflags
+ -> let op = shift_op dflags
+ y = x `op` fromInteger shift_len
+ in liftMaybe $ Just (Lit (mkLitNumberWrap dflags nt y t))
+ _ -> mzero }
+wordSizeInBits :: DynFlags -> Integer
+wordSizeInBits dflags = toInteger (platformWordSizeInBits (targetPlatform dflags))
+floatOp2 :: (Rational -> Rational -> Rational)
+ -> DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal
+ -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
+floatOp2 op dflags (LitFloat f1) (LitFloat f2)
+ = Just (mkFloatVal dflags (f1 `op` f2))
+floatOp2 _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+doubleOp2 :: (Rational -> Rational -> Rational)
+ -> DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal
+ -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
+doubleOp2 op dflags (LitDouble f1) (LitDouble f2)
+ = Just (mkDoubleVal dflags (f1 `op` f2))
+doubleOp2 _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+{- Note [The litEq rule: converting equality to case]
+This stuff turns
+ n ==# 3#
+ case n of
+ 3# -> True
+ m -> False
+This is a Good Thing, because it allows case-of case things
+to happen, and case-default absorption to happen. For
+ if (n ==# 3#) || (n ==# 4#) then e1 else e2
+will transform to
+ case n of
+ 3# -> e1
+ 4# -> e1
+ m -> e2
+(modulo the usual precautions to avoid duplicating e1)
+litEq :: Bool -- True <=> equality, False <=> inequality
+ -> RuleM CoreExpr
+litEq is_eq = msum
+ [ do [Lit lit, expr] <- getArgs
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ do_lit_eq dflags lit expr
+ , do [expr, Lit lit] <- getArgs
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ do_lit_eq dflags lit expr ]
+ where
+ do_lit_eq dflags lit expr = do
+ guard (not (litIsLifted lit))
+ return (mkWildCase expr (literalType lit) intPrimTy
+ [(DEFAULT, [], val_if_neq),
+ (LitAlt lit, [], val_if_eq)])
+ where
+ val_if_eq | is_eq = trueValInt dflags
+ | otherwise = falseValInt dflags
+ val_if_neq | is_eq = falseValInt dflags
+ | otherwise = trueValInt dflags
+-- | Check if there is comparison with minBound or maxBound, that is
+-- always true or false. For instance, an Int cannot be smaller than its
+-- minBound, so we can replace such comparison with False.
+boundsCmp :: Comparison -> RuleM CoreExpr
+boundsCmp op = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [a, b] <- getArgs
+ liftMaybe $ mkRuleFn dflags op a b
+data Comparison = Gt | Ge | Lt | Le
+mkRuleFn :: DynFlags -> Comparison -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreExpr
+mkRuleFn dflags Gt (Lit lit) _ | isMinBound dflags lit = Just $ falseValInt dflags
+mkRuleFn dflags Le (Lit lit) _ | isMinBound dflags lit = Just $ trueValInt dflags
+mkRuleFn dflags Ge _ (Lit lit) | isMinBound dflags lit = Just $ trueValInt dflags
+mkRuleFn dflags Lt _ (Lit lit) | isMinBound dflags lit = Just $ falseValInt dflags
+mkRuleFn dflags Ge (Lit lit) _ | isMaxBound dflags lit = Just $ trueValInt dflags
+mkRuleFn dflags Lt (Lit lit) _ | isMaxBound dflags lit = Just $ falseValInt dflags
+mkRuleFn dflags Gt _ (Lit lit) | isMaxBound dflags lit = Just $ falseValInt dflags
+mkRuleFn dflags Le _ (Lit lit) | isMaxBound dflags lit = Just $ trueValInt dflags
+mkRuleFn _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+isMinBound :: DynFlags -> Literal -> Bool
+isMinBound _ (LitChar c) = c == minBound
+isMinBound dflags (LitNumber nt i _) = case nt of
+ LitNumInt -> i == tARGET_MIN_INT dflags
+ LitNumInt64 -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int64)
+ LitNumWord -> i == 0
+ LitNumWord64 -> i == 0
+ LitNumNatural -> i == 0
+ LitNumInteger -> False
+isMinBound _ _ = False
+isMaxBound :: DynFlags -> Literal -> Bool
+isMaxBound _ (LitChar c) = c == maxBound
+isMaxBound dflags (LitNumber nt i _) = case nt of
+ LitNumInt -> i == tARGET_MAX_INT dflags
+ LitNumInt64 -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int64)
+ LitNumWord -> i == tARGET_MAX_WORD dflags
+ LitNumWord64 -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word64)
+ LitNumNatural -> False
+ LitNumInteger -> False
+isMaxBound _ _ = False
+-- | Create an Int literal expression while ensuring the given Integer is in the
+-- target Int range
+intResult :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Maybe CoreExpr
+intResult dflags result = Just (intResult' dflags result)
+intResult' :: DynFlags -> Integer -> CoreExpr
+intResult' dflags result = Lit (mkLitIntWrap dflags result)
+-- | Create an unboxed pair of an Int literal expression, ensuring the given
+-- Integer is in the target Int range and the corresponding overflow flag
+-- (@0#@/@1#@) if it wasn't.
+intCResult :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Maybe CoreExpr
+intCResult dflags result = Just (mkPair [Lit lit, Lit c])
+ where
+ mkPair = mkCoreUbxTup [intPrimTy, intPrimTy]
+ (lit, b) = mkLitIntWrapC dflags result
+ c = if b then onei dflags else zeroi dflags
+-- | Create a Word literal expression while ensuring the given Integer is in the
+-- target Word range
+wordResult :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Maybe CoreExpr
+wordResult dflags result = Just (wordResult' dflags result)
+wordResult' :: DynFlags -> Integer -> CoreExpr
+wordResult' dflags result = Lit (mkLitWordWrap dflags result)
+-- | Create an unboxed pair of a Word literal expression, ensuring the given
+-- Integer is in the target Word range and the corresponding carry flag
+-- (@0#@/@1#@) if it wasn't.
+wordCResult :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Maybe CoreExpr
+wordCResult dflags result = Just (mkPair [Lit lit, Lit c])
+ where
+ mkPair = mkCoreUbxTup [wordPrimTy, intPrimTy]
+ (lit, b) = mkLitWordWrapC dflags result
+ c = if b then onei dflags else zeroi dflags
+inversePrimOp :: PrimOp -> RuleM CoreExpr
+inversePrimOp primop = do
+ [Var primop_id `App` e] <- getArgs
+ matchPrimOpId primop primop_id
+ return e
+subsumesPrimOp :: PrimOp -> PrimOp -> RuleM CoreExpr
+this `subsumesPrimOp` that = do
+ [Var primop_id `App` e] <- getArgs
+ matchPrimOpId that primop_id
+ return (Var (mkPrimOpId this) `App` e)
+subsumedByPrimOp :: PrimOp -> RuleM CoreExpr
+subsumedByPrimOp primop = do
+ [e@(Var primop_id `App` _)] <- getArgs
+ matchPrimOpId primop primop_id
+ return e
+-- | narrow subsumes bitwise `and` with full mask (cf #16402):
+-- narrowN (x .&. m)
+-- m .&. (2^N-1) = 2^N-1
+-- ==> narrowN x
+-- e.g. narrow16 (x .&. 0xFFFF)
+-- ==> narrow16 x
+narrowSubsumesAnd :: PrimOp -> PrimOp -> Int -> RuleM CoreExpr
+narrowSubsumesAnd and_primop narrw n = do
+ [Var primop_id `App` x `App` y] <- getArgs
+ matchPrimOpId and_primop primop_id
+ let mask = bit n -1
+ g v (Lit (LitNumber _ m _)) = do
+ guard (m .&. mask == mask)
+ return (Var (mkPrimOpId narrw) `App` v)
+ g _ _ = mzero
+ g x y <|> g y x
+idempotent :: RuleM CoreExpr
+idempotent = do [e1, e2] <- getArgs
+ guard $ cheapEqExpr e1 e2
+ return e1
+Note [Guarding against silly shifts]
+Consider this code:
+ import Data.Bits( (.|.), shiftL )
+ chunkToBitmap :: [Bool] -> Word32
+ chunkToBitmap chunk = foldr (.|.) 0 [ 1 `shiftL` n | (True,n) <- zip chunk [0..] ]
+This optimises to:
+Shift.$wgo = \ (w_sCS :: GHC.Prim.Int#) (w1_sCT :: [GHC.Types.Bool]) ->
+ case w1_sCT of _ {
+ [] -> 0##;
+ : x_aAW xs_aAX ->
+ case x_aAW of _ {
+ GHC.Types.False ->
+ case w_sCS of wild2_Xh {
+ __DEFAULT -> Shift.$wgo (GHC.Prim.+# wild2_Xh 1) xs_aAX;
+ 9223372036854775807 -> 0## };
+ GHC.Types.True ->
+ case GHC.Prim.>=# w_sCS 64 of _ {
+ GHC.Types.False ->
+ case w_sCS of wild3_Xh {
+ __DEFAULT ->
+ case Shift.$wgo (GHC.Prim.+# wild3_Xh 1) xs_aAX of ww_sCW { __DEFAULT ->
+ GHC.Prim.or# (GHC.Prim.narrow32Word#
+ (GHC.Prim.uncheckedShiftL# 1## wild3_Xh))
+ ww_sCW
+ };
+ 9223372036854775807 ->
+ GHC.Prim.narrow32Word#
+!!!!--> (GHC.Prim.uncheckedShiftL# 1## 9223372036854775807)
+ };
+ GHC.Types.True ->
+ case w_sCS of wild3_Xh {
+ __DEFAULT -> Shift.$wgo (GHC.Prim.+# wild3_Xh 1) xs_aAX;
+ 9223372036854775807 -> 0##
+ } } } }
+Note the massive shift on line "!!!!". It can't happen, because we've checked
+that w < 64, but the optimiser didn't spot that. We DO NOT want to constant-fold this!
+Moreover, if the programmer writes (n `uncheckedShiftL` 9223372036854775807), we
+can't constant fold it, but if it gets to the assembler we get
+ Error: operand type mismatch for `shl'
+So the best thing to do is to rewrite the shift with a call to error,
+when the second arg is large. However, in general we cannot do this; consider
+this case
+ let x = I# (uncheckedIShiftL# n 80)
+ in ...
+Here x contains an invalid shift and consequently we would like to rewrite it
+as follows:
+ let x = I# (error "invalid shift)
+ in ...
+This was originally done in the fix to #16449 but this breaks the let/app
+invariant (see Note [Core let/app invariant] in GHC.Core) as noted in #16742.
+For the reasons discussed in Note [Checking versus non-checking primops] (in
+the PrimOp module) there is no safe way rewrite the argument of I# such that
+it bottoms.
+Consequently we instead take advantage of the fact that large shifts are
+undefined behavior (see associated documentation in primops.txt.pp) and
+transform the invalid shift into an "obviously incorrect" value.
+There are two cases:
+- Shifting fixed-width things: the primops ISll, Sll, etc
+ These are handled by shiftRule.
+ We are happy to shift by any amount up to wordSize but no more.
+- Shifting Integers: the function shiftLInteger, shiftRInteger
+ from the 'integer' library. These are handled by rule_shift_op,
+ and match_Integer_shift_op.
+ Here we could in principle shift by any amount, but we arbitrary
+ limit the shift to 4 bits; in particular we do not want shift by a
+ huge amount, which can happen in code like that above.
+The two cases are more different in their code paths that is comfortable,
+but that is only a historical accident.
+* *
+\subsection{Vaguely generic functions}
+* *
+mkBasicRule :: Name -> Int -> RuleM CoreExpr -> CoreRule
+-- Gives the Rule the same name as the primop itself
+mkBasicRule op_name n_args rm
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = occNameFS (nameOccName op_name),
+ ru_fn = op_name,
+ ru_nargs = n_args,
+ ru_try = runRuleM rm }
+newtype RuleM r = RuleM
+ { runRuleM :: DynFlags -> InScopeEnv -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> Maybe r }
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Applicative RuleM where
+ pure x = RuleM $ \_ _ _ _ -> Just x
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad RuleM where
+ RuleM f >>= g
+ = RuleM $ \dflags iu fn args ->
+ case f dflags iu fn args of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just r -> runRuleM (g r) dflags iu fn args
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
+ fail =
+instance MonadFail.MonadFail RuleM where
+ fail _ = mzero
+instance Alternative RuleM where
+ empty = RuleM $ \_ _ _ _ -> Nothing
+ RuleM f1 <|> RuleM f2 = RuleM $ \dflags iu fn args ->
+ f1 dflags iu fn args <|> f2 dflags iu fn args
+instance MonadPlus RuleM
+instance HasDynFlags RuleM where
+ getDynFlags = RuleM $ \dflags _ _ _ -> Just dflags
+liftMaybe :: Maybe a -> RuleM a
+liftMaybe Nothing = mzero
+liftMaybe (Just x) = return x
+liftLit :: (Literal -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+liftLit f = liftLitDynFlags (const f)
+liftLitDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+liftLitDynFlags f = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [Lit lit] <- getArgs
+ return $ Lit (f dflags lit)
+removeOp32 :: RuleM CoreExpr
+removeOp32 = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ case platformWordSize (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ PW4 -> do
+ [e] <- getArgs
+ return e
+ PW8 ->
+ mzero
+getArgs :: RuleM [CoreExpr]
+getArgs = RuleM $ \_ _ _ args -> Just args
+getInScopeEnv :: RuleM InScopeEnv
+getInScopeEnv = RuleM $ \_ iu _ _ -> Just iu
+getFunction :: RuleM Id
+getFunction = RuleM $ \_ _ fn _ -> Just fn
+-- return the n-th argument of this rule, if it is a literal
+-- argument indices start from 0
+getLiteral :: Int -> RuleM Literal
+getLiteral n = RuleM $ \_ _ _ exprs -> case drop n exprs of
+ (Lit l:_) -> Just l
+ _ -> Nothing
+unaryLit :: (DynFlags -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+unaryLit op = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [Lit l] <- getArgs
+ liftMaybe $ op dflags (convFloating dflags l)
+binaryLit :: (DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+binaryLit op = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [Lit l1, Lit l2] <- getArgs
+ liftMaybe $ op dflags (convFloating dflags l1) (convFloating dflags l2)
+binaryCmpLit :: (forall a . Ord a => a -> a -> Bool) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+binaryCmpLit op = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ binaryLit (\_ -> cmpOp dflags op)
+leftIdentity :: Literal -> RuleM CoreExpr
+leftIdentity id_lit = leftIdentityDynFlags (const id_lit)
+rightIdentity :: Literal -> RuleM CoreExpr
+rightIdentity id_lit = rightIdentityDynFlags (const id_lit)
+identity :: Literal -> RuleM CoreExpr
+identity lit = leftIdentity lit `mplus` rightIdentity lit
+leftIdentityDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+leftIdentityDynFlags id_lit = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [Lit l1, e2] <- getArgs
+ guard $ l1 == id_lit dflags
+ return e2
+-- | Left identity rule for PrimOps like 'IntAddC' and 'WordAddC', where, in
+-- addition to the result, we have to indicate that no carry/overflow occurred.
+leftIdentityCDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+leftIdentityCDynFlags id_lit = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [Lit l1, e2] <- getArgs
+ guard $ l1 == id_lit dflags
+ let no_c = Lit (zeroi dflags)
+ return (mkCoreUbxTup [exprType e2, intPrimTy] [e2, no_c])
+rightIdentityDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+rightIdentityDynFlags id_lit = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [e1, Lit l2] <- getArgs
+ guard $ l2 == id_lit dflags
+ return e1
+-- | Right identity rule for PrimOps like 'IntSubC' and 'WordSubC', where, in
+-- addition to the result, we have to indicate that no carry/overflow occurred.
+rightIdentityCDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+rightIdentityCDynFlags id_lit = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [e1, Lit l2] <- getArgs
+ guard $ l2 == id_lit dflags
+ let no_c = Lit (zeroi dflags)
+ return (mkCoreUbxTup [exprType e1, intPrimTy] [e1, no_c])
+identityDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+identityDynFlags lit =
+ leftIdentityDynFlags lit `mplus` rightIdentityDynFlags lit
+-- | Identity rule for PrimOps like 'IntAddC' and 'WordAddC', where, in addition
+-- to the result, we have to indicate that no carry/overflow occurred.
+identityCDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+identityCDynFlags lit =
+ leftIdentityCDynFlags lit `mplus` rightIdentityCDynFlags lit
+leftZero :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+leftZero zero = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [Lit l1, _] <- getArgs
+ guard $ l1 == zero dflags
+ return $ Lit l1
+rightZero :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+rightZero zero = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [_, Lit l2] <- getArgs
+ guard $ l2 == zero dflags
+ return $ Lit l2
+zeroElem :: (DynFlags -> Literal) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+zeroElem lit = leftZero lit `mplus` rightZero lit
+equalArgs :: RuleM ()
+equalArgs = do
+ [e1, e2] <- getArgs
+ guard $ e1 `cheapEqExpr` e2
+nonZeroLit :: Int -> RuleM ()
+nonZeroLit n = getLiteral n >>= guard . not . isZeroLit
+-- When excess precision is not requested, cut down the precision of the
+-- Rational value to that of Float/Double. We confuse host architecture
+-- and target architecture here, but it's convenient (and wrong :-).
+convFloating :: DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal
+convFloating dflags (LitFloat f) | not (gopt Opt_ExcessPrecision dflags) =
+ LitFloat (toRational (fromRational f :: Float ))
+convFloating dflags (LitDouble d) | not (gopt Opt_ExcessPrecision dflags) =
+ LitDouble (toRational (fromRational d :: Double))
+convFloating _ l = l
+guardFloatDiv :: RuleM ()
+guardFloatDiv = do
+ [Lit (LitFloat f1), Lit (LitFloat f2)] <- getArgs
+ guard $ (f1 /=0 || f2 > 0) -- see Note [negative zero]
+ && f2 /= 0 -- avoid NaN and Infinity/-Infinity
+guardDoubleDiv :: RuleM ()
+guardDoubleDiv = do
+ [Lit (LitDouble d1), Lit (LitDouble d2)] <- getArgs
+ guard $ (d1 /=0 || d2 > 0) -- see Note [negative zero]
+ && d2 /= 0 -- avoid NaN and Infinity/-Infinity
+-- Note [negative zero] Avoid (0 / -d), otherwise 0/(-1) reduces to
+-- zero, but we might want to preserve the negative zero here which
+-- is representable in Float/Double but not in (normalised)
+-- Rational. (#3676) Perhaps we should generate (0 :% (-1)) instead?
+strengthReduction :: Literal -> PrimOp -> RuleM CoreExpr
+strengthReduction two_lit add_op = do -- Note [Strength reduction]
+ arg <- msum [ do [arg, Lit mult_lit] <- getArgs
+ guard (mult_lit == two_lit)
+ return arg
+ , do [Lit mult_lit, arg] <- getArgs
+ guard (mult_lit == two_lit)
+ return arg ]
+ return $ Var (mkPrimOpId add_op) `App` arg `App` arg
+-- Note [Strength reduction]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- This rule turns floating point multiplications of the form 2.0 * x and
+-- x * 2.0 into x + x addition, because addition costs less than multiplication.
+-- See #7116
+-- Note [What's true and false]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- trueValInt and falseValInt represent true and false values returned by
+-- comparison primops for Char, Int, Word, Integer, Double, Float and Addr.
+-- True is represented as an unboxed 1# literal, while false is represented
+-- as 0# literal.
+-- We still need Bool data constructors (True and False) to use in a rule
+-- for constant folding of equal Strings
+trueValInt, falseValInt :: DynFlags -> Expr CoreBndr
+trueValInt dflags = Lit $ onei dflags -- see Note [What's true and false]
+falseValInt dflags = Lit $ zeroi dflags
+trueValBool, falseValBool :: Expr CoreBndr
+trueValBool = Var trueDataConId -- see Note [What's true and false]
+falseValBool = Var falseDataConId
+ltVal, eqVal, gtVal :: Expr CoreBndr
+ltVal = Var ordLTDataConId
+eqVal = Var ordEQDataConId
+gtVal = Var ordGTDataConId
+mkIntVal :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Expr CoreBndr
+mkIntVal dflags i = Lit (mkLitInt dflags i)
+mkFloatVal :: DynFlags -> Rational -> Expr CoreBndr
+mkFloatVal dflags f = Lit (convFloating dflags (LitFloat f))
+mkDoubleVal :: DynFlags -> Rational -> Expr CoreBndr
+mkDoubleVal dflags d = Lit (convFloating dflags (LitDouble d))
+matchPrimOpId :: PrimOp -> Id -> RuleM ()
+matchPrimOpId op id = do
+ op' <- liftMaybe $ isPrimOpId_maybe id
+ guard $ op == op'
+* *
+\subsection{Special rules for seq, tagToEnum, dataToTag}
+* *
+Note [tagToEnum#]
+Nasty check to ensure that tagToEnum# is applied to a type that is an
+enumeration TyCon. Unification may refine the type later, but this
+check won't see that, alas. It's crude but it works.
+Here's are two cases that should fail
+ f :: forall a. a
+ f = tagToEnum# 0 -- Can't do tagToEnum# at a type variable
+ g :: Int
+ g = tagToEnum# 0 -- Int is not an enumeration
+We used to make this check in the type inference engine, but it's quite
+ugly to do so, because the delayed constraint solving means that we don't
+really know what's going on until the end. It's very much a corner case
+because we don't expect the user to call tagToEnum# at all; we merely
+generate calls in derived instances of Enum. So we compromise: a
+rewrite rule rewrites a bad instance of tagToEnum# to an error call,
+and emits a warning.
+tagToEnumRule :: RuleM CoreExpr
+-- If data T a = A | B | C
+-- then tagToEnum# (T ty) 2# --> B ty
+tagToEnumRule = do
+ [Type ty, Lit (LitNumber LitNumInt i _)] <- getArgs
+ case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tycon, tc_args) | isEnumerationTyCon tycon -> do
+ let tag = fromInteger i
+ correct_tag dc = (dataConTagZ dc) == tag
+ (dc:rest) <- return $ filter correct_tag (tyConDataCons_maybe tycon `orElse` [])
+ ASSERT(null rest) return ()
+ return $ mkTyApps (Var (dataConWorkId dc)) tc_args
+ -- See Note [tagToEnum#]
+ _ -> WARN( True, text "tagToEnum# on non-enumeration type" <+> ppr ty )
+ return $ mkRuntimeErrorApp rUNTIME_ERROR_ID ty "tagToEnum# on non-enumeration type"
+dataToTagRule :: RuleM CoreExpr
+-- See Note [dataToTag#] in primops.txt.pp
+dataToTagRule = a `mplus` b
+ where
+ -- dataToTag (tagToEnum x) ==> x
+ a = do
+ [Type ty1, Var tag_to_enum `App` Type ty2 `App` tag] <- getArgs
+ guard $ tag_to_enum `hasKey` tagToEnumKey
+ guard $ ty1 `eqType` ty2
+ return tag
+ -- dataToTag (K e1 e2) ==> tag-of K
+ -- This also works (via exprIsConApp_maybe) for
+ -- dataToTag x
+ -- where x's unfolding is a constructor application
+ b = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [_, val_arg] <- getArgs
+ in_scope <- getInScopeEnv
+ (_,floats, dc,_,_) <- liftMaybe $ exprIsConApp_maybe in_scope val_arg
+ ASSERT( not (isNewTyCon (dataConTyCon dc)) ) return ()
+ return $ wrapFloats floats (mkIntVal dflags (toInteger (dataConTagZ dc)))
+{- Note [dataToTag# magic]
+The primop dataToTag# is unusual because it evaluates its argument.
+Only `SeqOp` shares that property. (Other primops do not do anything
+as fancy as argument evaluation.) The special handling for dataToTag#
+* GHC.Core.Utils.exprOkForSpeculation has a special case for DataToTagOp,
+ (actually in app_ok). Most primops with lifted arguments do not
+ evaluate those arguments, but DataToTagOp and SeqOp are two
+ exceptions. We say that they are /never/ ok-for-speculation,
+ regardless of the evaluated-ness of their argument.
+ See GHC.Core.Utils Note [exprOkForSpeculation and SeqOp/DataToTagOp]
+* There is a special case for DataToTagOp in GHC.StgToCmm.Expr.cgExpr,
+ that evaluates its argument and then extracts the tag from
+ the returned value.
+* An application like (dataToTag# (Just x)) is optimised by
+ dataToTagRule in GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold.
+* A case expression like
+ case (dataToTag# e) of <alts>
+ gets transformed t
+ case e of <transformed alts>
+ by GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold.caseRules; see Note [caseRules for dataToTag]
+See #15696 for a long saga.
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ unsafeEqualityProof
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- unsafeEqualityProof k t t ==> UnsafeRefl (Refl t)
+-- That is, if the two types are equal, it's not unsafe!
+unsafeEqualityProofRule :: RuleM CoreExpr
+ = do { [Type rep, Type t1, Type t2] <- getArgs
+ ; guard (t1 `eqType` t2)
+ ; fn <- getFunction
+ ; let (_, ue) = splitForAllTys (idType fn)
+ tc = tyConAppTyCon ue -- tycon: UnsafeEquality
+ (dc:_) = tyConDataCons tc -- data con: UnsafeRefl
+ -- UnsafeRefl :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r).
+ -- UnsafeEquality r a a
+ ; return (mkTyApps (Var (dataConWrapId dc)) [rep, t1]) }
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Rules for seq# and spark#
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [seq# magic]
+The primop
+ seq# :: forall a s . a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+is /not/ the same as the Prelude function seq :: a -> b -> b
+as you can see from its type. In fact, seq# is the implementation
+mechanism for 'evaluate'
+ evaluate :: a -> IO a
+ evaluate a = IO $ \s -> seq# a s
+The semantics of seq# is
+ * evaluate its first argument
+ * and return it
+Things to note
+* Why do we need a primop at all? That is, instead of
+ case seq# x s of (# x, s #) -> blah
+ why not instead say this?
+ case x of { DEFAULT -> blah)
+ Reason (see #5129): if we saw
+ catch# (\s -> case x of { DEFAULT -> raiseIO# exn s }) handler
+ then we'd drop the 'case x' because the body of the case is bottom
+ anyway. But we don't want to do that; the whole /point/ of
+ seq#/evaluate is to evaluate 'x' first in the IO monad.
+ In short, we /always/ evaluate the first argument and never
+ just discard it.
+* Why return the value? So that we can control sharing of seq'd
+ values: in
+ let x = e in x `seq` ... x ...
+ We don't want to inline x, so better to represent it as
+ let x = e in case seq# x RW of (# _, x' #) -> ... x' ...
+ also it matches the type of rseq in the Eval monad.
+Implementing seq#. The compiler has magic for SeqOp in
+- GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold.seqRule: eliminate (seq# <whnf> s)
+- GHC.StgToCmm.Expr.cgExpr, and cgCase: special case for seq#
+- GHC.Core.Utils.exprOkForSpeculation;
+ see Note [exprOkForSpeculation and SeqOp/DataToTagOp] in GHC.Core.Utils
+- Simplify.addEvals records evaluated-ness for the result; see
+ Note [Adding evaluatedness info to pattern-bound variables]
+ in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify
+seqRule :: RuleM CoreExpr
+seqRule = do
+ [Type ty_a, Type _ty_s, a, s] <- getArgs
+ guard $ exprIsHNF a
+ return $ mkCoreUbxTup [exprType s, ty_a] [s, a]
+-- spark# :: forall a s . a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+sparkRule :: RuleM CoreExpr
+sparkRule = seqRule -- reduce on HNF, just the same
+ -- XXX perhaps we shouldn't do this, because a spark eliminated by
+ -- this rule won't be counted as a dud at runtime?
+* *
+\subsection{Built in rules}
+* *
+Note [Scoping for Builtin rules]
+When compiling a (base-package) module that defines one of the
+functions mentioned in the RHS of a built-in rule, there's a danger
+that we'll see
+ f = ...(eq String x)....
+ ....and lower down...
+ eqString = ...
+Then a rewrite would give
+ f = ...(eqString x)...
+ ....and lower down...
+ eqString = ...
+and lo, eqString is not in scope. This only really matters when we
+get to code generation. But the occurrence analyser does a GlomBinds
+step when necessary, that does a new SCC analysis on the whole set of
+bindings (see occurAnalysePgm), which sorts out the dependency, so all
+is fine.
+builtinRules :: [CoreRule]
+-- Rules for non-primops that can't be expressed using a RULE pragma
+ = [BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit "AppendLitString",
+ ru_fn = unpackCStringFoldrName,
+ ru_nargs = 4, ru_try = match_append_lit },
+ BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit "EqString", ru_fn = eqStringName,
+ ru_nargs = 2, ru_try = match_eq_string },
+ BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit "Inline", ru_fn = inlineIdName,
+ ru_nargs = 2, ru_try = \_ _ _ -> match_inline },
+ BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit "MagicDict", ru_fn = idName magicDictId,
+ ru_nargs = 4, ru_try = \_ _ _ -> match_magicDict },
+ mkBasicRule unsafeEqualityProofName 3 unsafeEqualityProofRule,
+ mkBasicRule divIntName 2 $ msum
+ [ nonZeroLit 1 >> binaryLit (intOp2 div)
+ , leftZero zeroi
+ , do
+ [arg, Lit (LitNumber LitNumInt d _)] <- getArgs
+ Just n <- return $ exactLog2 d
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return $ Var (mkPrimOpId ISraOp) `App` arg `App` mkIntVal dflags n
+ ],
+ mkBasicRule modIntName 2 $ msum
+ [ nonZeroLit 1 >> binaryLit (intOp2 mod)
+ , leftZero zeroi
+ , do
+ [arg, Lit (LitNumber LitNumInt d _)] <- getArgs
+ Just _ <- return $ exactLog2 d
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return $ Var (mkPrimOpId AndIOp)
+ `App` arg `App` mkIntVal dflags (d - 1)
+ ]
+ ]
+ ++ builtinIntegerRules
+ ++ builtinNaturalRules
+{-# NOINLINE builtinRules #-}
+-- there is no benefit to inlining these yet, despite this, GHC produces
+-- unfoldings for this regardless since the floated list entries look small.
+builtinIntegerRules :: [CoreRule]
+builtinIntegerRules =
+ [rule_IntToInteger "smallInteger" smallIntegerName,
+ rule_WordToInteger "wordToInteger" wordToIntegerName,
+ rule_Int64ToInteger "int64ToInteger" int64ToIntegerName,
+ rule_Word64ToInteger "word64ToInteger" word64ToIntegerName,
+ rule_convert "integerToWord" integerToWordName mkWordLitWord,
+ rule_convert "integerToInt" integerToIntName mkIntLitInt,
+ rule_convert "integerToWord64" integerToWord64Name (\_ -> mkWord64LitWord64),
+ rule_convert "integerToInt64" integerToInt64Name (\_ -> mkInt64LitInt64),
+ rule_binop "plusInteger" plusIntegerName (+),
+ rule_binop "minusInteger" minusIntegerName (-),
+ rule_binop "timesInteger" timesIntegerName (*),
+ rule_unop "negateInteger" negateIntegerName negate,
+ rule_binop_Prim "eqInteger#" eqIntegerPrimName (==),
+ rule_binop_Prim "neqInteger#" neqIntegerPrimName (/=),
+ rule_unop "absInteger" absIntegerName abs,
+ rule_unop "signumInteger" signumIntegerName signum,
+ rule_binop_Prim "leInteger#" leIntegerPrimName (<=),
+ rule_binop_Prim "gtInteger#" gtIntegerPrimName (>),
+ rule_binop_Prim "ltInteger#" ltIntegerPrimName (<),
+ rule_binop_Prim "geInteger#" geIntegerPrimName (>=),
+ rule_binop_Ordering "compareInteger" compareIntegerName compare,
+ rule_encodeFloat "encodeFloatInteger" encodeFloatIntegerName mkFloatLitFloat,
+ rule_convert "floatFromInteger" floatFromIntegerName (\_ -> mkFloatLitFloat),
+ rule_encodeFloat "encodeDoubleInteger" encodeDoubleIntegerName mkDoubleLitDouble,
+ rule_decodeDouble "decodeDoubleInteger" decodeDoubleIntegerName,
+ rule_convert "doubleFromInteger" doubleFromIntegerName (\_ -> mkDoubleLitDouble),
+ rule_rationalTo "rationalToFloat" rationalToFloatName mkFloatExpr,
+ rule_rationalTo "rationalToDouble" rationalToDoubleName mkDoubleExpr,
+ rule_binop "gcdInteger" gcdIntegerName gcd,
+ rule_binop "lcmInteger" lcmIntegerName lcm,
+ rule_binop "andInteger" andIntegerName (.&.),
+ rule_binop "orInteger" orIntegerName (.|.),
+ rule_binop "xorInteger" xorIntegerName xor,
+ rule_unop "complementInteger" complementIntegerName complement,
+ rule_shift_op "shiftLInteger" shiftLIntegerName shiftL,
+ rule_shift_op "shiftRInteger" shiftRIntegerName shiftR,
+ rule_bitInteger "bitInteger" bitIntegerName,
+ -- See Note [Integer division constant folding] in libraries/base/GHC/Real.hs
+ rule_divop_one "quotInteger" quotIntegerName quot,
+ rule_divop_one "remInteger" remIntegerName rem,
+ rule_divop_one "divInteger" divIntegerName div,
+ rule_divop_one "modInteger" modIntegerName mod,
+ rule_divop_both "divModInteger" divModIntegerName divMod,
+ rule_divop_both "quotRemInteger" quotRemIntegerName quotRem,
+ -- These rules below don't actually have to be built in, but if we
+ -- put them in the Haskell source then we'd have to duplicate them
+ -- between all Integer implementations
+ rule_XToIntegerToX "smallIntegerToInt" integerToIntName smallIntegerName,
+ rule_XToIntegerToX "wordToIntegerToWord" integerToWordName wordToIntegerName,
+ rule_XToIntegerToX "int64ToIntegerToInt64" integerToInt64Name int64ToIntegerName,
+ rule_XToIntegerToX "word64ToIntegerToWord64" integerToWord64Name word64ToIntegerName,
+ rule_smallIntegerTo "smallIntegerToWord" integerToWordName Int2WordOp,
+ rule_smallIntegerTo "smallIntegerToFloat" floatFromIntegerName Int2FloatOp,
+ rule_smallIntegerTo "smallIntegerToDouble" doubleFromIntegerName Int2DoubleOp
+ ]
+ where rule_convert str name convert
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_Integer_convert convert }
+ rule_IntToInteger str name
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_IntToInteger }
+ rule_WordToInteger str name
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_WordToInteger }
+ rule_Int64ToInteger str name
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_Int64ToInteger }
+ rule_Word64ToInteger str name
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_Word64ToInteger }
+ rule_unop str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_Integer_unop op }
+ rule_bitInteger str name
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_bitInteger }
+ rule_binop str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_Integer_binop op }
+ rule_divop_both str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_Integer_divop_both op }
+ rule_divop_one str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_Integer_divop_one op }
+ rule_shift_op str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_Integer_shift_op op }
+ rule_binop_Prim str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_Integer_binop_Prim op }
+ rule_binop_Ordering str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_Integer_binop_Ordering op }
+ rule_encodeFloat str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_Integer_Int_encodeFloat op }
+ rule_decodeDouble str name
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_decodeDouble }
+ rule_XToIntegerToX str name toIntegerName
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_XToIntegerToX toIntegerName }
+ rule_smallIntegerTo str name primOp
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_smallIntegerTo primOp }
+ rule_rationalTo str name mkLit
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_rationalTo mkLit }
+builtinNaturalRules :: [CoreRule]
+builtinNaturalRules =
+ [rule_binop "plusNatural" plusNaturalName (+)
+ ,rule_partial_binop "minusNatural" minusNaturalName (\a b -> if a >= b then Just (a - b) else Nothing)
+ ,rule_binop "timesNatural" timesNaturalName (*)
+ ,rule_NaturalFromInteger "naturalFromInteger" naturalFromIntegerName
+ ,rule_NaturalToInteger "naturalToInteger" naturalToIntegerName
+ ,rule_WordToNatural "wordToNatural" wordToNaturalName
+ ]
+ where rule_binop str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_Natural_binop op }
+ rule_partial_binop str name op
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 2,
+ ru_try = match_Natural_partial_binop op }
+ rule_NaturalToInteger str name
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_NaturalToInteger }
+ rule_NaturalFromInteger str name
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_NaturalFromInteger }
+ rule_WordToNatural str name
+ = BuiltinRule { ru_name = fsLit str, ru_fn = name, ru_nargs = 1,
+ ru_try = match_WordToNatural }
+-- The rule is this:
+-- unpackFoldrCString# "foo" c (unpackFoldrCString# "baz" c n)
+-- = unpackFoldrCString# "foobaz" c n
+match_append_lit :: RuleFun
+match_append_lit _ id_unf _
+ [ Type ty1
+ , lit1
+ , c1
+ , e2
+ ]
+ -- N.B. Ensure that we strip off any ticks (e.g. source notes) from the
+ -- `lit` and `c` arguments, lest this may fail to fire when building with
+ -- -g3. See #16740.
+ | (strTicks, Var unpk `App` Type ty2
+ `App` lit2
+ `App` c2
+ `App` n) <- stripTicksTop tickishFloatable e2
+ , unpk `hasKey` unpackCStringFoldrIdKey
+ , cheapEqExpr' tickishFloatable c1 c2
+ , (c1Ticks, c1') <- stripTicksTop tickishFloatable c1
+ , c2Ticks <- stripTicksTopT tickishFloatable c2
+ , Just (LitString s1) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf lit1
+ , Just (LitString s2) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf lit2
+ = ASSERT( ty1 `eqType` ty2 )
+ Just $ mkTicks strTicks
+ $ Var unpk `App` Type ty1
+ `App` Lit (LitString (s1 `BS.append` s2))
+ `App` mkTicks (c1Ticks ++ c2Ticks) c1'
+ `App` n
+match_append_lit _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- The rule is this:
+-- eqString (unpackCString# (Lit s1)) (unpackCString# (Lit s2)) = s1==s2
+match_eq_string :: RuleFun
+match_eq_string _ id_unf _
+ [Var unpk1 `App` lit1, Var unpk2 `App` lit2]
+ | unpk1 `hasKey` unpackCStringIdKey
+ , unpk2 `hasKey` unpackCStringIdKey
+ , Just (LitString s1) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf lit1
+ , Just (LitString s2) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf lit2
+ = Just (if s1 == s2 then trueValBool else falseValBool)
+match_eq_string _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- The rule is this:
+-- inline f_ty (f a b c) = <f's unfolding> a b c
+-- (if f has an unfolding, EVEN if it's a loop breaker)
+-- It's important to allow the argument to 'inline' to have args itself
+-- (a) because its more forgiving to allow the programmer to write
+-- inline f a b c
+-- or inline (f a b c)
+-- (b) because a polymorphic f wll get a type argument that the
+-- programmer can't avoid
+-- Also, don't forget about 'inline's type argument!
+match_inline :: [Expr CoreBndr] -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
+match_inline (Type _ : e : _)
+ | (Var f, args1) <- collectArgs e,
+ Just unf <- maybeUnfoldingTemplate (realIdUnfolding f)
+ -- Ignore the IdUnfoldingFun here!
+ = Just (mkApps unf args1)
+match_inline _ = Nothing
+-- See Note [magicDictId magic] in `basicTypes/MkId.hs`
+-- for a description of what is going on here.
+match_magicDict :: [Expr CoreBndr] -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
+match_magicDict [Type _, Var wrap `App` Type a `App` Type _ `App` f, x, y ]
+ | Just (fieldTy, _) <- splitFunTy_maybe $ dropForAlls $ idType wrap
+ , Just (dictTy, _) <- splitFunTy_maybe fieldTy
+ , Just dictTc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe dictTy
+ , Just (_,_,co) <- unwrapNewTyCon_maybe dictTc
+ = Just
+ $ f `App` Cast x (mkSymCo (mkUnbranchedAxInstCo Representational co [a] []))
+ `App` y
+match_magicDict _ = Nothing
+-- Integer rules
+-- smallInteger (79::Int#) = 79::Integer
+-- wordToInteger (79::Word#) = 79::Integer
+-- Similarly Int64, Word64
+match_IntToInteger :: RuleFun
+match_IntToInteger = match_IntToInteger_unop id
+match_WordToInteger :: RuleFun
+match_WordToInteger _ id_unf id [xl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumWord x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe (idType id) of
+ Just (_, integerTy) ->
+ Just (Lit (mkLitInteger x integerTy))
+ _ ->
+ panic "match_WordToInteger: Id has the wrong type"
+match_WordToInteger _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Int64ToInteger :: RuleFun
+match_Int64ToInteger _ id_unf id [xl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInt64 x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe (idType id) of
+ Just (_, integerTy) ->
+ Just (Lit (mkLitInteger x integerTy))
+ _ ->
+ panic "match_Int64ToInteger: Id has the wrong type"
+match_Int64ToInteger _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Word64ToInteger :: RuleFun
+match_Word64ToInteger _ id_unf id [xl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumWord64 x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe (idType id) of
+ Just (_, integerTy) ->
+ Just (Lit (mkLitInteger x integerTy))
+ _ ->
+ panic "match_Word64ToInteger: Id has the wrong type"
+match_Word64ToInteger _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_NaturalToInteger :: RuleFun
+match_NaturalToInteger _ id_unf id [xl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumNatural x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe (idType id) of
+ Just (_, naturalTy) ->
+ Just (Lit (LitNumber LitNumInteger x naturalTy))
+ _ ->
+ panic "match_NaturalToInteger: Id has the wrong type"
+match_NaturalToInteger _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_NaturalFromInteger :: RuleFun
+match_NaturalFromInteger _ id_unf id [xl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , x >= 0
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe (idType id) of
+ Just (_, naturalTy) ->
+ Just (Lit (LitNumber LitNumNatural x naturalTy))
+ _ ->
+ panic "match_NaturalFromInteger: Id has the wrong type"
+match_NaturalFromInteger _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_WordToNatural :: RuleFun
+match_WordToNatural _ id_unf id [xl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumWord x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe (idType id) of
+ Just (_, naturalTy) ->
+ Just (Lit (LitNumber LitNumNatural x naturalTy))
+ _ ->
+ panic "match_WordToNatural: Id has the wrong type"
+match_WordToNatural _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+{- Note [Rewriting bitInteger]
+For most types the bitInteger operation can be implemented in terms of shifts.
+The integer-gmp package, however, can do substantially better than this if
+allowed to provide its own implementation. However, in so doing it previously lost
+constant-folding (see #8832). The bitInteger rule above provides constant folding
+specifically for this function.
+There is, however, a bit of trickiness here when it comes to ranges. While the
+AST encodes all integers as Integers, `bit` expects the bit
+index to be given as an Int. Hence we coerce to an Int in the rule definition.
+This will behave a bit funny for constants larger than the word size, but the user
+should expect some funniness given that they will have at very least ignored a
+warning in this case.
+match_bitInteger :: RuleFun
+-- Just for GHC.Integer.Type.bitInteger :: Int# -> Integer
+match_bitInteger dflags id_unf fn [arg]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInt x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf arg
+ , x >= 0
+ , x <= (wordSizeInBits dflags - 1)
+ -- Make sure x is small enough to yield a decently small integer
+ -- Attempting to construct the Integer for
+ -- (bitInteger 9223372036854775807#)
+ -- would be a bad idea (#14959)
+ , let x_int = fromIntegral x :: Int
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe (idType fn) of
+ Just (_, integerTy)
+ -> Just (Lit (LitNumber LitNumInteger (bit x_int) integerTy))
+ _ -> panic "match_IntToInteger_unop: Id has the wrong type"
+match_bitInteger _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Integer_convert :: Num a
+ => (DynFlags -> a -> Expr CoreBndr)
+ -> RuleFun
+match_Integer_convert convert dflags id_unf _ [xl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ = Just (convert dflags (fromInteger x))
+match_Integer_convert _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Integer_unop :: (Integer -> Integer) -> RuleFun
+match_Integer_unop unop _ id_unf _ [xl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x i) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ = Just (Lit (LitNumber LitNumInteger (unop x) i))
+match_Integer_unop _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_IntToInteger_unop :: (Integer -> Integer) -> RuleFun
+match_IntToInteger_unop unop _ id_unf fn [xl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInt x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe (idType fn) of
+ Just (_, integerTy) ->
+ Just (Lit (LitNumber LitNumInteger (unop x) integerTy))
+ _ ->
+ panic "match_IntToInteger_unop: Id has the wrong type"
+match_IntToInteger_unop _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Integer_binop :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> RuleFun
+match_Integer_binop binop _ id_unf _ [xl,yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x i) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ = Just (Lit (mkLitInteger (x `binop` y) i))
+match_Integer_binop _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Natural_binop :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> RuleFun
+match_Natural_binop binop _ id_unf _ [xl,yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumNatural x i) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumNatural y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ = Just (Lit (mkLitNatural (x `binop` y) i))
+match_Natural_binop _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Natural_partial_binop :: (Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer) -> RuleFun
+match_Natural_partial_binop binop _ id_unf _ [xl,yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumNatural x i) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumNatural y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ , Just z <- x `binop` y
+ = Just (Lit (mkLitNatural z i))
+match_Natural_partial_binop _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- This helper is used for the quotRem and divMod functions
+ :: (Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)) -> RuleFun
+match_Integer_divop_both divop _ id_unf _ [xl,yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x t) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ , y /= 0
+ , (r,s) <- x `divop` y
+ = Just $ mkCoreUbxTup [t,t] [Lit (mkLitInteger r t), Lit (mkLitInteger s t)]
+match_Integer_divop_both _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- This helper is used for the quot and rem functions
+match_Integer_divop_one :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> RuleFun
+match_Integer_divop_one divop _ id_unf _ [xl,yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x i) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ , y /= 0
+ = Just (Lit (mkLitInteger (x `divop` y) i))
+match_Integer_divop_one _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Integer_shift_op :: (Integer -> Int -> Integer) -> RuleFun
+-- Used for shiftLInteger, shiftRInteger :: Integer -> Int# -> Integer
+-- See Note [Guarding against silly shifts]
+match_Integer_shift_op binop _ id_unf _ [xl,yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x i) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumInt y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ , y >= 0
+ , y <= 4 -- Restrict constant-folding of shifts on Integers, somewhat
+ -- arbitrary. We can get huge shifts in inaccessible code
+ -- (#15673)
+ = Just (Lit (mkLitInteger (x `binop` fromIntegral y) i))
+match_Integer_shift_op _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Integer_binop_Prim :: (Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> RuleFun
+match_Integer_binop_Prim binop dflags id_unf _ [xl, yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ = Just (if x `binop` y then trueValInt dflags else falseValInt dflags)
+match_Integer_binop_Prim _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Integer_binop_Ordering :: (Integer -> Integer -> Ordering) -> RuleFun
+match_Integer_binop_Ordering binop _ id_unf _ [xl, yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ = Just $ case x `binop` y of
+ LT -> ltVal
+ EQ -> eqVal
+ GT -> gtVal
+match_Integer_binop_Ordering _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_Integer_Int_encodeFloat :: RealFloat a
+ => (a -> Expr CoreBndr)
+ -> RuleFun
+match_Integer_Int_encodeFloat mkLit _ id_unf _ [xl,yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumInt y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ = Just (mkLit $ encodeFloat x (fromInteger y))
+match_Integer_Int_encodeFloat _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- constant folding for Float/Double
+-- This turns
+-- rationalToFloat n d
+-- into a literal Float, and similarly for Doubles.
+-- it's important to not match d == 0, because that may represent a
+-- literal "0/0" or similar, and we can't produce a literal value for
+-- NaN or +-Inf
+match_rationalTo :: RealFloat a
+ => (a -> Expr CoreBndr)
+ -> RuleFun
+match_rationalTo mkLit _ id_unf _ [xl, yl]
+ | Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger x _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ , Just (LitNumber LitNumInteger y _) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf yl
+ , y /= 0
+ = Just (mkLit (fromRational (x % y)))
+match_rationalTo _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_decodeDouble :: RuleFun
+match_decodeDouble dflags id_unf fn [xl]
+ | Just (LitDouble x) <- exprIsLiteral_maybe id_unf xl
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe (idType fn) of
+ Just (_, res)
+ | Just [_lev1, _lev2, integerTy, intHashTy] <- tyConAppArgs_maybe res
+ -> case decodeFloat (fromRational x :: Double) of
+ (y, z) ->
+ Just $ mkCoreUbxTup [integerTy, intHashTy]
+ [Lit (mkLitInteger y integerTy),
+ Lit (mkLitInt dflags (toInteger z))]
+ _ ->
+ pprPanic "match_decodeDouble: Id has the wrong type"
+ (ppr fn <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType fn))
+match_decodeDouble _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_XToIntegerToX :: Name -> RuleFun
+match_XToIntegerToX n _ _ _ [App (Var x) y]
+ | idName x == n
+ = Just y
+match_XToIntegerToX _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+match_smallIntegerTo :: PrimOp -> RuleFun
+match_smallIntegerTo primOp _ _ _ [App (Var x) y]
+ | idName x == smallIntegerName
+ = Just $ App (Var (mkPrimOpId primOp)) y
+match_smallIntegerTo _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- Note [Constant folding through nested expressions]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- We use rewrites rules to perform constant folding. It means that we don't
+-- have a global view of the expression we are trying to optimise. As a
+-- consequence we only perform local (small-step) transformations that either:
+-- 1) reduce the number of operations
+-- 2) rearrange the expression to increase the odds that other rules will
+-- match
+-- We don't try to handle more complex expression optimisation cases that would
+-- require a global view. For example, rewriting expressions to increase
+-- sharing (e.g., Horner's method); optimisations that require local
+-- transformations increasing the number of operations; rearrangements to
+-- cancel/factorize terms (e.g., (a+b-a-b) isn't rearranged to reduce to 0).
+-- We already have rules to perform constant folding on expressions with the
+-- following shape (where a and/or b are literals):
+-- D) op
+-- /\
+-- / \
+-- / \
+-- a b
+-- To support nested expressions, we match three other shapes of expression
+-- trees:
+-- A) op1 B) op1 C) op1
+-- /\ /\ /\
+-- / \ / \ / \
+-- / \ / \ / \
+-- a op2 op2 c op2 op3
+-- /\ /\ /\ /\
+-- / \ / \ / \ / \
+-- b c a b a b c d
+-- R1) +/- simplification:
+-- ops = + or -, two literals (not siblings)
+-- Examples:
+-- A: 5 + (10-x) ==> 15-x
+-- B: (10+x) + 5 ==> 15+x
+-- C: (5+a)-(5-b) ==> 0+(a+b)
+-- R2) * simplification
+-- ops = *, two literals (not siblings)
+-- Examples:
+-- A: 5 * (10*x) ==> 50*x
+-- B: (10*x) * 5 ==> 50*x
+-- C: (5*a)*(5*b) ==> 25*(a*b)
+-- R3) * distribution over +/-
+-- op1 = *, op2 = + or -, two literals (not siblings)
+-- This transformation doesn't reduce the number of operations but switches
+-- the outer and the inner operations so that the outer is (+) or (-) instead
+-- of (*). It increases the odds that other rules will match after this one.
+-- Examples:
+-- A: 5 * (10-x) ==> 50 - (5*x)
+-- B: (10+x) * 5 ==> 50 + (5*x)
+-- C: Not supported as it would increase the number of operations:
+-- (5+a)*(5-b) ==> 25 - 5*b + 5*a - a*b
+-- R4) Simple factorization
+-- op1 = + or -, op2/op3 = *,
+-- one literal for each innermost * operation (except in the D case),
+-- the two other terms are equals
+-- Examples:
+-- A: x - (10*x) ==> (-9)*x
+-- B: (10*x) + x ==> 11*x
+-- C: (5*x)-(x*3) ==> 2*x
+-- D: x+x ==> 2*x
+-- R5) +/- propagation
+-- ops = + or -, one literal
+-- This transformation doesn't reduce the number of operations but propagates
+-- the constant to the outer level. It increases the odds that other rules
+-- will match after this one.
+-- Examples:
+-- A: x - (10-y) ==> (x+y) - 10
+-- B: (10+x) - y ==> 10 + (x-y)
+-- C: N/A (caught by the A and B cases)
+-- | Rules to perform constant folding into nested expressions
+--See Note [Constant folding through nested expressions]
+numFoldingRules :: PrimOp -> (DynFlags -> PrimOps) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+numFoldingRules op dict = do
+ [e1,e2] <- getArgs
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let PrimOps{..} = dict dflags
+ if not (gopt Opt_NumConstantFolding dflags)
+ then mzero
+ else case BinOpApp e1 op e2 of
+ -- R1) +/- simplification
+ x :++: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL (x+y) `add` v
+ x :++: (L y :-: v) -> return $ mkL (x+y) `sub` v
+ x :++: (v :-: L y) -> return $ mkL (x-y) `add` v
+ L x :-: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL (x-y) `sub` v
+ L x :-: (L y :-: v) -> return $ mkL (x-y) `add` v
+ L x :-: (v :-: L y) -> return $ mkL (x+y) `sub` v
+ (y :++: v) :-: L x -> return $ mkL (y-x) `add` v
+ (L y :-: v) :-: L x -> return $ mkL (y-x) `sub` v
+ (v :-: L y) :-: L x -> return $ mkL (0-y-x) `add` v
+ (x :++: w) :+: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL (x+y) `add` (w `add` v)
+ (w :-: L x) :+: (L y :-: v) -> return $ mkL (y-x) `add` (w `sub` v)
+ (w :-: L x) :+: (v :-: L y) -> return $ mkL (0-x-y) `add` (w `add` v)
+ (L x :-: w) :+: (L y :-: v) -> return $ mkL (x+y) `sub` (w `add` v)
+ (L x :-: w) :+: (v :-: L y) -> return $ mkL (x-y) `add` (v `sub` w)
+ (w :-: L x) :+: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL (y-x) `add` (w `add` v)
+ (L x :-: w) :+: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL (x+y) `add` (v `sub` w)
+ (y :++: v) :+: (w :-: L x) -> return $ mkL (y-x) `add` (w `add` v)
+ (y :++: v) :+: (L x :-: w) -> return $ mkL (x+y) `add` (v `sub` w)
+ (v :-: L y) :-: (w :-: L x) -> return $ mkL (x-y) `add` (v `sub` w)
+ (v :-: L y) :-: (L x :-: w) -> return $ mkL (0-x-y) `add` (v `add` w)
+ (L y :-: v) :-: (w :-: L x) -> return $ mkL (x+y) `sub` (v `add` w)
+ (L y :-: v) :-: (L x :-: w) -> return $ mkL (y-x) `add` (w `sub` v)
+ (x :++: w) :-: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL (x-y) `add` (w `sub` v)
+ (w :-: L x) :-: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL (0-y-x) `add` (w `sub` v)
+ (L x :-: w) :-: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL (x-y) `sub` (v `add` w)
+ (y :++: v) :-: (w :-: L x) -> return $ mkL (y+x) `add` (v `sub` w)
+ (y :++: v) :-: (L x :-: w) -> return $ mkL (y-x) `add` (v `add` w)
+ -- R2) * simplification
+ x :**: (y :**: v) -> return $ mkL (x*y) `mul` v
+ (x :**: w) :*: (y :**: v) -> return $ mkL (x*y) `mul` (w `mul` v)
+ -- R3) * distribution over +/-
+ x :**: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL (x*y) `add` (mkL x `mul` v)
+ x :**: (L y :-: v) -> return $ mkL (x*y) `sub` (mkL x `mul` v)
+ x :**: (v :-: L y) -> return $ (mkL x `mul` v) `sub` mkL (x*y)
+ -- R4) Simple factorization
+ v :+: w
+ | w `cheapEqExpr` v -> return $ mkL 2 `mul` v
+ w :+: (y :**: v)
+ | w `cheapEqExpr` v -> return $ mkL (1+y) `mul` v
+ w :-: (y :**: v)
+ | w `cheapEqExpr` v -> return $ mkL (1-y) `mul` v
+ (y :**: v) :+: w
+ | w `cheapEqExpr` v -> return $ mkL (y+1) `mul` v
+ (y :**: v) :-: w
+ | w `cheapEqExpr` v -> return $ mkL (y-1) `mul` v
+ (x :**: w) :+: (y :**: v)
+ | w `cheapEqExpr` v -> return $ mkL (x+y) `mul` v
+ (x :**: w) :-: (y :**: v)
+ | w `cheapEqExpr` v -> return $ mkL (x-y) `mul` v
+ -- R5) +/- propagation
+ w :+: (y :++: v) -> return $ mkL y `add` (w `add` v)
+ (y :++: v) :+: w -> return $ mkL y `add` (w `add` v)
+ w :-: (y :++: v) -> return $ (w `sub` v) `sub` mkL y
+ (y :++: v) :-: w -> return $ mkL y `add` (v `sub` w)
+ w :-: (L y :-: v) -> return $ (w `add` v) `sub` mkL y
+ (L y :-: v) :-: w -> return $ mkL y `sub` (w `add` v)
+ w :+: (L y :-: v) -> return $ mkL y `add` (w `sub` v)
+ w :+: (v :-: L y) -> return $ (w `add` v) `sub` mkL y
+ (L y :-: v) :+: w -> return $ mkL y `add` (w `sub` v)
+ (v :-: L y) :+: w -> return $ (w `add` v) `sub` mkL y
+ _ -> mzero
+-- | Match the application of a binary primop
+pattern BinOpApp :: Arg CoreBndr -> PrimOp -> Arg CoreBndr -> CoreExpr
+pattern BinOpApp x op y = OpVal op `App` x `App` y
+-- | Match a primop
+pattern OpVal :: PrimOp -> Arg CoreBndr
+pattern OpVal op <- Var (isPrimOpId_maybe -> Just op) where
+ OpVal op = Var (mkPrimOpId op)
+-- | Match a literal
+pattern L :: Integer -> Arg CoreBndr
+pattern L l <- Lit (isLitValue_maybe -> Just l)
+-- | Match an addition
+pattern (:+:) :: Arg CoreBndr -> Arg CoreBndr -> CoreExpr
+pattern x :+: y <- BinOpApp x (isAddOp -> True) y
+-- | Match an addition with a literal (handle commutativity)
+pattern (:++:) :: Integer -> Arg CoreBndr -> CoreExpr
+pattern l :++: x <- (isAdd -> Just (l,x))
+isAdd :: CoreExpr -> Maybe (Integer,CoreExpr)
+isAdd e = case e of
+ L l :+: x -> Just (l,x)
+ x :+: L l -> Just (l,x)
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Match a multiplication
+pattern (:*:) :: Arg CoreBndr -> Arg CoreBndr -> CoreExpr
+pattern x :*: y <- BinOpApp x (isMulOp -> True) y
+-- | Match a multiplication with a literal (handle commutativity)
+pattern (:**:) :: Integer -> Arg CoreBndr -> CoreExpr
+pattern l :**: x <- (isMul -> Just (l,x))
+isMul :: CoreExpr -> Maybe (Integer,CoreExpr)
+isMul e = case e of
+ L l :*: x -> Just (l,x)
+ x :*: L l -> Just (l,x)
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Match a subtraction
+pattern (:-:) :: Arg CoreBndr -> Arg CoreBndr -> CoreExpr
+pattern x :-: y <- BinOpApp x (isSubOp -> True) y
+isSubOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
+isSubOp IntSubOp = True
+isSubOp WordSubOp = True
+isSubOp _ = False
+isAddOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
+isAddOp IntAddOp = True
+isAddOp WordAddOp = True
+isAddOp _ = False
+isMulOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
+isMulOp IntMulOp = True
+isMulOp WordMulOp = True
+isMulOp _ = False
+-- | Explicit "type-class"-like dictionary for numeric primops
+-- Depends on DynFlags because creating a literal value depends on DynFlags
+data PrimOps = PrimOps
+ { add :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -- ^ Add two numbers
+ , sub :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -- ^ Sub two numbers
+ , mul :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -- ^ Multiply two numbers
+ , mkL :: Integer -> CoreExpr -- ^ Create a literal value
+ }
+intPrimOps :: DynFlags -> PrimOps
+intPrimOps dflags = PrimOps
+ { add = \x y -> BinOpApp x IntAddOp y
+ , sub = \x y -> BinOpApp x IntSubOp y
+ , mul = \x y -> BinOpApp x IntMulOp y
+ , mkL = intResult' dflags
+ }
+wordPrimOps :: DynFlags -> PrimOps
+wordPrimOps dflags = PrimOps
+ { add = \x y -> BinOpApp x WordAddOp y
+ , sub = \x y -> BinOpApp x WordSubOp y
+ , mul = \x y -> BinOpApp x WordMulOp y
+ , mkL = wordResult' dflags
+ }
+-- Constant folding through case-expressions
+-- cf Scrutinee Constant Folding in simplCore/GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+-- | Match the scrutinee of a case and potentially return a new scrutinee and a
+-- function to apply to each literal alternative.
+caseRules :: DynFlags
+ -> CoreExpr -- Scrutinee
+ -> Maybe ( CoreExpr -- New scrutinee
+ , AltCon -> Maybe AltCon -- How to fix up the alt pattern
+ -- Nothing <=> Unreachable
+ -- See Note [Unreachable caseRules alternatives]
+ , Id -> CoreExpr) -- How to reconstruct the original scrutinee
+ -- from the new case-binder
+-- e.g case e of b {
+-- ...;
+-- con bs -> rhs;
+-- ... }
+-- ==>
+-- case e' of b' {
+-- ...;
+-- fixup_altcon[con] bs -> let b = mk_orig[b] in rhs;
+-- ... }
+caseRules dflags (App (App (Var f) v) (Lit l)) -- v `op` x#
+ | Just op <- isPrimOpId_maybe f
+ , Just x <- isLitValue_maybe l
+ , Just adjust_lit <- adjustDyadicRight op x
+ = Just (v, tx_lit_con dflags adjust_lit
+ , \v -> (App (App (Var f) (Var v)) (Lit l)))
+caseRules dflags (App (App (Var f) (Lit l)) v) -- x# `op` v
+ | Just op <- isPrimOpId_maybe f
+ , Just x <- isLitValue_maybe l
+ , Just adjust_lit <- adjustDyadicLeft x op
+ = Just (v, tx_lit_con dflags adjust_lit
+ , \v -> (App (App (Var f) (Lit l)) (Var v)))
+caseRules dflags (App (Var f) v ) -- op v
+ | Just op <- isPrimOpId_maybe f
+ , Just adjust_lit <- adjustUnary op
+ = Just (v, tx_lit_con dflags adjust_lit
+ , \v -> App (Var f) (Var v))
+-- See Note [caseRules for tagToEnum]
+caseRules dflags (App (App (Var f) type_arg) v)
+ | Just TagToEnumOp <- isPrimOpId_maybe f
+ = Just (v, tx_con_tte dflags
+ , \v -> (App (App (Var f) type_arg) (Var v)))
+-- See Note [caseRules for dataToTag]
+caseRules _ (App (App (Var f) (Type ty)) v) -- dataToTag x
+ | Just DataToTagOp <- isPrimOpId_maybe f
+ , Just (tc, _) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , isAlgTyCon tc
+ = Just (v, tx_con_dtt ty
+ , \v -> App (App (Var f) (Type ty)) (Var v))
+caseRules _ _ = Nothing
+tx_lit_con :: DynFlags -> (Integer -> Integer) -> AltCon -> Maybe AltCon
+tx_lit_con _ _ DEFAULT = Just DEFAULT
+tx_lit_con dflags adjust (LitAlt l) = Just $ LitAlt (mapLitValue dflags adjust l)
+tx_lit_con _ _ alt = pprPanic "caseRules" (ppr alt)
+ -- NB: mapLitValue uses mkLitIntWrap etc, to ensure that the
+ -- literal alternatives remain in Word/Int target ranges
+ -- (See Note [Word/Int underflow/overflow] in Literal and #13172).
+adjustDyadicRight :: PrimOp -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer -> Integer)
+-- Given (x `op` lit) return a function 'f' s.t. f (x `op` lit) = x
+adjustDyadicRight op lit
+ = case op of
+ WordAddOp -> Just (\y -> y-lit )
+ IntAddOp -> Just (\y -> y-lit )
+ WordSubOp -> Just (\y -> y+lit )
+ IntSubOp -> Just (\y -> y+lit )
+ XorOp -> Just (\y -> y `xor` lit)
+ XorIOp -> Just (\y -> y `xor` lit)
+ _ -> Nothing
+adjustDyadicLeft :: Integer -> PrimOp -> Maybe (Integer -> Integer)
+-- Given (lit `op` x) return a function 'f' s.t. f (lit `op` x) = x
+adjustDyadicLeft lit op
+ = case op of
+ WordAddOp -> Just (\y -> y-lit )
+ IntAddOp -> Just (\y -> y-lit )
+ WordSubOp -> Just (\y -> lit-y )
+ IntSubOp -> Just (\y -> lit-y )
+ XorOp -> Just (\y -> y `xor` lit)
+ XorIOp -> Just (\y -> y `xor` lit)
+ _ -> Nothing
+adjustUnary :: PrimOp -> Maybe (Integer -> Integer)
+-- Given (op x) return a function 'f' s.t. f (op x) = x
+adjustUnary op
+ = case op of
+ NotOp -> Just (\y -> complement y)
+ NotIOp -> Just (\y -> complement y)
+ IntNegOp -> Just (\y -> negate y )
+ _ -> Nothing
+tx_con_tte :: DynFlags -> AltCon -> Maybe AltCon
+tx_con_tte _ DEFAULT = Just DEFAULT
+tx_con_tte _ alt@(LitAlt {}) = pprPanic "caseRules" (ppr alt)
+tx_con_tte dflags (DataAlt dc) -- See Note [caseRules for tagToEnum]
+ = Just $ LitAlt $ mkLitInt dflags $ toInteger $ dataConTagZ dc
+tx_con_dtt :: Type -> AltCon -> Maybe AltCon
+tx_con_dtt _ DEFAULT = Just DEFAULT
+tx_con_dtt ty (LitAlt (LitNumber LitNumInt i _))
+ | tag >= 0
+ , tag < n_data_cons
+ = Just (DataAlt (data_cons !! tag)) -- tag is zero-indexed, as is (!!)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ where
+ tag = fromInteger i :: ConTagZ
+ tc = tyConAppTyCon ty
+ n_data_cons = tyConFamilySize tc
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tc
+tx_con_dtt _ alt = pprPanic "caseRules" (ppr alt)
+{- Note [caseRules for tagToEnum]
+We want to transform
+ case tagToEnum x of
+ False -> e1
+ True -> e2
+ case x of
+ 0# -> e1
+ 1# -> e2
+This rule eliminates a lot of boilerplate. For
+ if (x>y) then e2 else e1
+we generate
+ case tagToEnum (x ># y) of
+ False -> e1
+ True -> e2
+and it is nice to then get rid of the tagToEnum.
+Beware (#14768): avoid the temptation to map constructor 0 to
+DEFAULT, in the hope of getting this
+ case (x ># y) of
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ 1# -> e2
+That fails utterly in the case of
+ data Colour = Red | Green | Blue
+ case tagToEnum x of
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ Red -> e2
+We don't want to get this!
+ case x of
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ DEFAULT -> e2
+Instead, we deal with turning one branch into DEFAULT in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+(add_default in mkCase3).
+Note [caseRules for dataToTag]
+See also Note [dataToTag#] in primpops.txt.pp
+We want to transform
+ case dataToTag x of
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ 1# -> e2
+ case x of
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ (:) _ _ -> e2
+Note the need for some wildcard binders in
+the 'cons' case.
+For the time, we only apply this transformation when the type of `x` is a type
+headed by a normal tycon. In particular, we do not apply this in the case of a
+data family tycon, since that would require carefully applying coercion(s)
+between the data family and the data family instance's representation type,
+which caseRules isn't currently engineered to handle (#14680).
+Note [Unreachable caseRules alternatives]
+Take care if we see something like
+ case dataToTag x of
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ -1# -> e2
+ 100 -> e3
+because there isn't a data constructor with tag -1 or 100. In this case the
+out-of-range alternative is dead code -- we know the range of tags for x.
+Hence caseRules returns (AltCon -> Maybe AltCon), with Nothing indicating
+an alternative that is unreachable.
+You may wonder how this can happen: check out #15436.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CprAnal.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CprAnal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8f7e314e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CprAnal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+-- | Constructed Product Result analysis. Identifies functions that surely
+-- return heap-allocated records on every code path, so that we can eliminate
+-- said heap allocation by performing a worker/wrapper split.
+-- See
+-- CPR analysis should happen after strictness analysis.
+-- See Note [Phase ordering].
+module GHC.Core.Op.CprAnal ( cprAnalProgram ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.Lib ( deepSplitProductType_maybe )
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Demand
+import Cpr
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Seq
+import Outputable
+import VarEnv
+import BasicTypes
+import Data.List
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprIsHNF, dumpIdInfoOfProgram )
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+import Util
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn, DumpFormat (..) )
+import Maybes ( isJust, isNothing )
+{- Note [Constructed Product Result]
+The goal of Constructed Product Result analysis is to identify functions that
+surely return heap-allocated records on every code path, so that we can
+eliminate said heap allocation by performing a worker/wrapper split.
+@swap@ below is such a function:
+ swap (a, b) = (b, a)
+A @case@ on an application of @swap@, like
+@case swap (10, 42) of (a, b) -> a + b@ could cancel away
+(by case-of-known-constructor) if we "inlined" @swap@ and simplified. We then
+say that @swap@ has the CPR property.
+We can't inline recursive functions, but similar reasoning applies there:
+ f x n = case n of
+ 0 -> (x, 0)
+ _ -> f (x+1) (n-1)
+Inductively, @case f 1 2 of (a, b) -> a + b@ could cancel away the constructed
+product with the case. So @f@, too, has the CPR property. But we can't really
+"inline" @f@, because it's recursive. Also, non-recursive functions like @swap@
+might be too big to inline (or even marked NOINLINE). We still want to exploit
+the CPR property, and that is exactly what the worker/wrapper transformation
+can do for us:
+ $wf x n = case n of
+ 0 -> case (x, 0) of -> (a, b) -> (# a, b #)
+ _ -> case f (x+1) (n-1) of (a, b) -> (# a, b #)
+ f x n = case $wf x n of (# a, b #) -> (a, b)
+where $wf readily simplifies (by case-of-known-constructor and inlining @f@) to:
+ $wf x n = case n of
+ 0 -> (# x, 0 #)
+ _ -> $wf (x+1) (n-1)
+Now, a call site like @case f 1 2 of (a, b) -> a + b@ can inline @f@ and
+eliminate the heap-allocated pair constructor.
+Note [Phase ordering]
+We need to perform strictness analysis before CPR analysis, because that might
+unbox some arguments, in turn leading to more constructed products.
+Ideally, we would want the following pipeline:
+1. Strictness
+2. worker/wrapper (for strictness)
+3. CPR
+4. worker/wrapper (for CPR)
+Currently, we omit 2. and anticipate the results of worker/wrapper.
+See Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative] and Note [CPR for strict binders].
+An additional w/w pass would simplify things, but probably add slight overhead.
+So currently we have
+1. Strictness
+2. CPR
+3. worker/wrapper (for strictness and CPR)
+-- * Analysing programs
+cprAnalProgram :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> CoreProgram -> IO CoreProgram
+cprAnalProgram dflags fam_envs binds = do
+ let env = emptyAnalEnv fam_envs
+ let binds_plus_cpr = snd $ mapAccumL cprAnalTopBind env binds
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cpr_signatures "Cpr signatures" FormatText $
+ dumpIdInfoOfProgram (ppr . cprInfo) binds_plus_cpr
+ -- See Note [Stamp out space leaks in demand analysis] in GHC.Core.Op.DmdAnal
+ seqBinds binds_plus_cpr `seq` return binds_plus_cpr
+-- Analyse a (group of) top-level binding(s)
+cprAnalTopBind :: AnalEnv
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> (AnalEnv, CoreBind)
+cprAnalTopBind env (NonRec id rhs)
+ = (extendAnalEnv env id' (idCprInfo id'), NonRec id' rhs')
+ where
+ (id', rhs') = cprAnalBind TopLevel env id rhs
+cprAnalTopBind env (Rec pairs)
+ = (env', Rec pairs')
+ where
+ (env', pairs') = cprFix TopLevel env pairs
+-- * Analysing expressions
+-- | The abstract semantic function ⟦_⟧ : Expr -> Env -> A from
+-- "Constructed Product Result Analysis for Haskell"
+cprAnal, cprAnal'
+ :: AnalEnv
+ -> CoreExpr -- ^ expression to be denoted by a 'CprType'
+ -> (CprType, CoreExpr) -- ^ the updated expression and its 'CprType'
+cprAnal env e = -- pprTraceWith "cprAnal" (\res -> ppr (fst (res)) $$ ppr e) $
+ cprAnal' env e
+cprAnal' _ (Lit lit) = (topCprType, Lit lit)
+cprAnal' _ (Type ty) = (topCprType, Type ty) -- Doesn't happen, in fact
+cprAnal' _ (Coercion co) = (topCprType, Coercion co)
+cprAnal' env (Var var) = (cprTransform env var, Var var)
+cprAnal' env (Cast e co)
+ = (cpr_ty, Cast e' co)
+ where
+ (cpr_ty, e') = cprAnal env e
+cprAnal' env (Tick t e)
+ = (cpr_ty, Tick t e')
+ where
+ (cpr_ty, e') = cprAnal env e
+cprAnal' env (App fun (Type ty))
+ = (fun_ty, App fun' (Type ty))
+ where
+ (fun_ty, fun') = cprAnal env fun
+cprAnal' env (App fun arg)
+ = (res_ty, App fun' arg')
+ where
+ (fun_ty, fun') = cprAnal env fun
+ -- In contrast to DmdAnal, there is no useful (non-nested) CPR info to be
+ -- had by looking into the CprType of arg.
+ (_, arg') = cprAnal env arg
+ res_ty = applyCprTy fun_ty
+cprAnal' env (Lam var body)
+ | isTyVar var
+ , (body_ty, body') <- cprAnal env body
+ = (body_ty, Lam var body')
+ | otherwise
+ = (lam_ty, Lam var body')
+ where
+ env' = extendSigsWithLam env var
+ (body_ty, body') = cprAnal env' body
+ lam_ty = abstractCprTy body_ty
+cprAnal' env (Case scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = (res_ty, Case scrut' case_bndr ty alts')
+ where
+ (_, scrut') = cprAnal env scrut
+ -- Regardless whether scrut had the CPR property or not, the case binder
+ -- certainly has it. See 'extendEnvForDataAlt'.
+ (alt_tys, alts') = mapAndUnzip (cprAnalAlt env scrut case_bndr) alts
+ res_ty = foldl' lubCprType botCprType alt_tys
+cprAnal' env (Let (NonRec id rhs) body)
+ = (body_ty, Let (NonRec id' rhs') body')
+ where
+ (id', rhs') = cprAnalBind NotTopLevel env id rhs
+ env' = extendAnalEnv env id' (idCprInfo id')
+ (body_ty, body') = cprAnal env' body
+cprAnal' env (Let (Rec pairs) body)
+ = body_ty `seq` (body_ty, Let (Rec pairs') body')
+ where
+ (env', pairs') = cprFix NotTopLevel env pairs
+ (body_ty, body') = cprAnal env' body
+ :: AnalEnv
+ -> CoreExpr -- ^ scrutinee
+ -> Id -- ^ case binder
+ -> Alt Var -- ^ current alternative
+ -> (CprType, Alt Var)
+cprAnalAlt env scrut case_bndr (con@(DataAlt dc),bndrs,rhs)
+ -- See 'extendEnvForDataAlt' and Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative]
+ = (rhs_ty, (con, bndrs, rhs'))
+ where
+ env_alt = extendEnvForDataAlt env scrut case_bndr dc bndrs
+ (rhs_ty, rhs') = cprAnal env_alt rhs
+cprAnalAlt env _ _ (con,bndrs,rhs)
+ = (rhs_ty, (con, bndrs, rhs'))
+ where
+ (rhs_ty, rhs') = cprAnal env rhs
+-- * CPR transformer
+cprTransform :: AnalEnv -- ^ The analysis environment
+ -> Id -- ^ The function
+ -> CprType -- ^ The demand type of the function
+cprTransform env id
+ = -- pprTrace "cprTransform" (vcat [ppr id, ppr sig])
+ sig
+ where
+ sig
+ | isGlobalId id -- imported function or data con worker
+ = getCprSig (idCprInfo id)
+ | Just sig <- lookupSigEnv env id -- local let-bound
+ = getCprSig sig
+ | otherwise
+ = topCprType
+-- * Bindings
+-- Recursive bindings
+cprFix :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> AnalEnv -- Does not include bindings for this binding
+ -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
+ -> (AnalEnv, [(Id,CoreExpr)]) -- Binders annotated with stricness info
+cprFix top_lvl env orig_pairs
+ = loop 1 initial_pairs
+ where
+ bot_sig = mkCprSig 0 botCpr
+ -- See Note [Initialising strictness] in GHC.Core.Op.DmdAnal
+ initial_pairs | ae_virgin env = [(setIdCprInfo id bot_sig, rhs) | (id, rhs) <- orig_pairs ]
+ | otherwise = orig_pairs
+ -- The fixed-point varies the idCprInfo field of the binders, and terminates if that
+ -- annotation does not change any more.
+ loop :: Int -> [(Id,CoreExpr)] -> (AnalEnv, [(Id,CoreExpr)])
+ loop n pairs
+ | found_fixpoint = (final_anal_env, pairs')
+ | otherwise = loop (n+1) pairs'
+ where
+ found_fixpoint = map (idCprInfo . fst) pairs' == map (idCprInfo . fst) pairs
+ first_round = n == 1
+ pairs' = step first_round pairs
+ final_anal_env = extendAnalEnvs env (map fst pairs')
+ step :: Bool -> [(Id, CoreExpr)] -> [(Id, CoreExpr)]
+ step first_round pairs = pairs'
+ where
+ -- In all but the first iteration, delete the virgin flag
+ start_env | first_round = env
+ | otherwise = nonVirgin env
+ start = extendAnalEnvs start_env (map fst pairs)
+ (_, pairs') = mapAccumL my_downRhs start pairs
+ my_downRhs env (id,rhs)
+ = (env', (id', rhs'))
+ where
+ (id', rhs') = cprAnalBind top_lvl env id rhs
+ env' = extendAnalEnv env id (idCprInfo id')
+-- | Process the RHS of the binding for a sensible arity, add the CPR signature
+-- to the Id, and augment the environment with the signature as well.
+ :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> AnalEnv
+ -> Id
+ -> CoreExpr
+ -> (Id, CoreExpr)
+cprAnalBind top_lvl env id rhs
+ = (id', rhs')
+ where
+ (rhs_ty, rhs') = cprAnal env rhs
+ -- possibly trim thunk CPR info
+ rhs_ty'
+ -- See Note [CPR for thunks]
+ | stays_thunk = trimCprTy rhs_ty
+ -- See Note [CPR for sum types]
+ | returns_sum = trimCprTy rhs_ty
+ | otherwise = rhs_ty
+ -- See Note [Arity trimming for CPR signatures]
+ sig = mkCprSigForArity (idArity id) rhs_ty'
+ id' = setIdCprInfo id sig
+ -- See Note [CPR for thunks]
+ stays_thunk = is_thunk && not_strict
+ is_thunk = not (exprIsHNF rhs) && not (isJoinId id)
+ not_strict = not (isStrictDmd (idDemandInfo id))
+ -- See Note [CPR for sum types]
+ (_, ret_ty) = splitPiTys (idType id)
+ not_a_prod = isNothing (deepSplitProductType_maybe (ae_fam_envs env) ret_ty)
+ returns_sum = not (isTopLevel top_lvl) && not_a_prod
+{- Note [Arity trimming for CPR signatures]
+Although it doesn't affect correctness of the analysis per se, we have to trim
+CPR signatures to idArity. Here's what might happen if we don't:
+ f x = if expensive
+ then \y. Box y
+ else \z. Box z
+ g a b = f a b
+The two lambdas will have a CPR type of @1m@ (so construct a product after
+applied to one argument). Thus, @f@ will have a CPR signature of @2m@
+(constructs a product after applied to two arguments).
+But WW will never eta-expand @f@! In this case that would amount to possibly
+duplicating @expensive@ work.
+(Side note: Even if @f@'s 'idArity' happened to be 2, it would not do so, see
+Note [Don't eta expand in w/w].)
+So @f@ will not be worker/wrappered. But @g@ also inherited its CPR signature
+from @f@'s, so it *will* be WW'd:
+ f x = if expensive
+ then \y. Box y
+ else \z. Box z
+ $wg a b = case f a b of Box x -> x
+ g a b = Box ($wg a b)
+And the case in @g@ can never cancel away, thus we introduced extra reboxing.
+Hence we always trim the CPR signature of a binding to idArity.
+data AnalEnv
+ = AE
+ { ae_sigs :: SigEnv
+ -- ^ Current approximation of signatures for local ids
+ , ae_virgin :: Bool
+ -- ^ True only on every first iteration in a fixed-point
+ -- iteration. See Note [Initialising strictness] in "DmdAnal"
+ , ae_fam_envs :: FamInstEnvs
+ -- ^ Needed when expanding type families and synonyms of product types.
+ }
+type SigEnv = VarEnv CprSig
+instance Outputable AnalEnv where
+ ppr (AE { ae_sigs = env, ae_virgin = virgin })
+ = text "AE" <+> braces (vcat
+ [ text "ae_virgin =" <+> ppr virgin
+ , text "ae_sigs =" <+> ppr env ])
+emptyAnalEnv :: FamInstEnvs -> AnalEnv
+emptyAnalEnv fam_envs
+ = AE
+ { ae_sigs = emptyVarEnv
+ , ae_virgin = True
+ , ae_fam_envs = fam_envs
+ }
+-- | Extend an environment with the strictness IDs attached to the id
+extendAnalEnvs :: AnalEnv -> [Id] -> AnalEnv
+extendAnalEnvs env ids
+ = env { ae_sigs = sigs' }
+ where
+ sigs' = extendVarEnvList (ae_sigs env) [ (id, idCprInfo id) | id <- ids ]
+extendAnalEnv :: AnalEnv -> Id -> CprSig -> AnalEnv
+extendAnalEnv env id sig
+ = env { ae_sigs = extendVarEnv (ae_sigs env) id sig }
+lookupSigEnv :: AnalEnv -> Id -> Maybe CprSig
+lookupSigEnv env id = lookupVarEnv (ae_sigs env) id
+nonVirgin :: AnalEnv -> AnalEnv
+nonVirgin env = env { ae_virgin = False }
+extendSigsWithLam :: AnalEnv -> Id -> AnalEnv
+-- Extend the AnalEnv when we meet a lambda binder
+extendSigsWithLam env id
+ | isId id
+ , isStrictDmd (idDemandInfo id) -- See Note [CPR for strict binders]
+ , Just (dc,_,_,_) <- deepSplitProductType_maybe (ae_fam_envs env) $ idType id
+ = extendAnalEnv env id (CprSig (conCprType (dataConTag dc)))
+ | otherwise
+ = env
+extendEnvForDataAlt :: AnalEnv -> CoreExpr -> Id -> DataCon -> [Var] -> AnalEnv
+-- See Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative]
+extendEnvForDataAlt env scrut case_bndr dc bndrs
+ = foldl' do_con_arg env' ids_w_strs
+ where
+ env' = extendAnalEnv env case_bndr (CprSig case_bndr_ty)
+ ids_w_strs = filter isId bndrs `zip` dataConRepStrictness dc
+ tycon = dataConTyCon dc
+ is_product = isJust (isDataProductTyCon_maybe tycon)
+ is_sum = isJust (isDataSumTyCon_maybe tycon)
+ case_bndr_ty
+ | is_product || is_sum = conCprType (dataConTag dc)
+ -- Any of the constructors had existentials. This is a little too
+ -- conservative (after all, we only care about the particular data con),
+ -- but there is no easy way to write is_sum and this won't happen much.
+ | otherwise = topCprType
+ -- We could have much deeper CPR info here with Nested CPR, which could
+ -- propagate available unboxed things from the scrutinee, getting rid of
+ -- the is_var_scrut heuristic. See Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative].
+ -- Giving strict binders the CPR property only makes sense for products, as
+ -- the arguments in Note [CPR for strict binders] don't apply to sums (yet);
+ -- we lack WW for strict binders of sum type.
+ do_con_arg env (id, str)
+ | let is_strict = isStrictDmd (idDemandInfo id) || isMarkedStrict str
+ , is_var_scrut && is_strict
+ , let fam_envs = ae_fam_envs env
+ , Just (dc,_,_,_) <- deepSplitProductType_maybe fam_envs $ idType id
+ = extendAnalEnv env id (CprSig (conCprType (dataConTag dc)))
+ | otherwise
+ = env
+ is_var_scrut = is_var scrut
+ is_var (Cast e _) = is_var e
+ is_var (Var v) = isLocalId v
+ is_var _ = False
+{- Note [Safe abortion in the fixed-point iteration]
+Fixed-point iteration may fail to terminate. But we cannot simply give up and
+return the environment and code unchanged! We still need to do one additional
+round, to ensure that all expressions have been traversed at least once, and any
+unsound CPR annotations have been updated.
+Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative]
+In a case alternative, we want to give some of the binders the CPR property.
+ * The case binder; inside the alternative, the case binder always has
+ the CPR property, meaning that a case on it will successfully cancel.
+ Example:
+ f True x = case x of y { I# x' -> if x' ==# 3
+ then y
+ else I# 8 }
+ f False x = I# 3
+ By giving 'y' the CPR property, we ensure that 'f' does too, so we get
+ f b x = case fw b x of { r -> I# r }
+ fw True x = case x of y { I# x' -> if x' ==# 3 then x' else 8 }
+ fw False x = 3
+ Of course there is the usual risk of re-boxing: we have 'x' available
+ boxed and unboxed, but we return the unboxed version for the wrapper to
+ box. If the wrapper doesn't cancel with its caller, we'll end up
+ re-boxing something that we did have available in boxed form.
+ * Any strict binders with product type, can use Note [CPR for strict binders]
+ to anticipate worker/wrappering for strictness info.
+ But we can go a little further. Consider
+ data T = MkT !Int Int
+ f2 (MkT x y) | y>0 = f2 (MkT x (y-1))
+ | otherwise = x
+ For $wf2 we are going to unbox the MkT *and*, since it is strict, the
+ first argument of the MkT; see Note [Add demands for strict constructors].
+ But then we don't want box it up again when returning it! We want
+ 'f2' to have the CPR property, so we give 'x' the CPR property.
+ * It's a bit delicate because we're brittly anticipating worker/wrapper here.
+ If the case above is scrutinising something other than an argument the
+ original function, we really don't have the unboxed version available. E.g
+ g v = case foo v of
+ MkT x y | y>0 -> ...
+ | otherwise -> x
+ Here we don't have the unboxed 'x' available. Hence the
+ is_var_scrut test when making use of the strictness annotation.
+ Slightly ad-hoc, because even if the scrutinee *is* a variable it
+ might not be a onre of the arguments to the original function, or a
+ sub-component thereof. But it's simple, and nothing terrible
+ happens if we get it wrong. e.g. Trac #10694.
+Note [CPR for strict binders]
+If a lambda-bound variable is marked demanded with a strict demand, then give it
+a CPR signature, anticipating the results of worker/wrapper. Here's a concrete
+example ('f1' in test T10482a), assuming h is strict:
+ f1 :: Int -> Int
+ f1 x = case h x of
+ A -> x
+ B -> f1 (x-1)
+ C -> x+1
+If we notice that 'x' is used strictly, we can give it the CPR
+property; and hence f1 gets the CPR property too. It's sound (doesn't
+change strictness) to give it the CPR property because by the time 'x'
+is returned (case A above), it'll have been evaluated (by the wrapper
+of 'h' in the example).
+Moreover, if f itself is strict in x, then we'll pass x unboxed to
+f1, and so the boxed version *won't* be available; in that case it's
+very helpful to give 'x' the CPR property.
+Note that
+ * We only want to do this for something that definitely
+ has product type, else we may get over-optimistic CPR results
+ (e.g. from \x -> x!).
+ * See Note [CPR examples]
+Note [CPR for sum types]
+At the moment we do not do CPR for let-bindings that
+ * non-top level
+ * bind a sum type
+Reason: I found that in some benchmarks we were losing let-no-escapes,
+which messed it all up. Example
+ let j = \x. ....
+ in case y of
+ True -> j False
+ False -> j True
+If we w/w this we get
+ let j' = \x. ....
+ in case y of
+ True -> case j' False of { (# a #) -> Just a }
+ False -> case j' True of { (# a #) -> Just a }
+Notice that j' is not a let-no-escape any more.
+However this means in turn that the *enclosing* function
+may be CPR'd (via the returned Justs). But in the case of
+sums, there may be Nothing alternatives; and that messes
+up the sum-type CPR.
+Conclusion: only do this for products. It's still not
+guaranteed OK for products, but sums definitely lose sometimes.
+Note [CPR for thunks]
+If the rhs is a thunk, we usually forget the CPR info, because
+it is presumably shared (else it would have been inlined, and
+so we'd lose sharing if w/w'd it into a function). E.g.
+ let r = case expensive of
+ (a,b) -> (b,a)
+ in ...
+If we marked r as having the CPR property, then we'd w/w into
+ let $wr = \() -> case expensive of
+ (a,b) -> (# b, a #)
+ r = case $wr () of
+ (# b,a #) -> (b,a)
+ in ...
+But now r is a thunk, which won't be inlined, so we are no further ahead.
+But consider
+ f x = let r = case expensive of (a,b) -> (b,a)
+ in if foo r then r else (x,x)
+Does f have the CPR property? Well, no.
+However, if the strictness analyser has figured out (in a previous
+iteration) that it's strict, then we DON'T need to forget the CPR info.
+Instead we can retain the CPR info and do the thunk-splitting transform
+(see WorkWrap.splitThunk).
+This made a big difference to PrelBase.modInt, which had something like
+ modInt = \ x -> let r = ... -> I# v in
+ ...body strict in r...
+r's RHS isn't a value yet; but modInt returns r in various branches, so
+if r doesn't have the CPR property then neither does modInt
+Another case I found in practice (in Complex.magnitude), looks like this:
+ let k = if ... then I# a else I# b
+ in ... body strict in k ....
+(For this example, it doesn't matter whether k is returned as part of
+the overall result; but it does matter that k's RHS has the CPR property.)
+Left to itself, the simplifier will make a join point thus:
+ let $j k = ...body strict in k...
+ if ... then $j (I# a) else $j (I# b)
+With thunk-splitting, we get instead
+ let $j x = let k = I#x in ...body strict in k...
+ in if ... then $j a else $j b
+This is much better; there's a good chance the I# won't get allocated.
+But what about botCpr? Consider
+ lvl = error "boom"
+ fac -1 = lvl
+ fac 0 = 1
+ fac n = n * fac (n-1)
+fac won't have the CPR property here when we trim every thunk! But the
+assumption is that error cases are rarely entered and we are diverging anyway,
+so WW doesn't hurt.
+Note [CPR examples]
+Here are some examples (stranal/should_compile/T10482a) of the
+usefulness of Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative]. The main
+point: all of these functions can have the CPR property.
+ ------- f1 -----------
+ -- x is used strictly by h, so it'll be available
+ -- unboxed before it is returned in the True branch
+ f1 :: Int -> Int
+ f1 x = case h x x of
+ True -> x
+ False -> f1 (x-1)
+ ------- f2 -----------
+ -- x is a strict field of MkT2, so we'll pass it unboxed
+ -- to $wf2, so it's available unboxed. This depends on
+ -- the case expression analysing (a subcomponent of) one
+ -- of the original arguments to the function, so it's
+ -- a bit more delicate.
+ data T2 = MkT2 !Int Int
+ f2 :: T2 -> Int
+ f2 (MkT2 x y) | y>0 = f2 (MkT2 x (y-1))
+ | otherwise = x
+ ------- f3 -----------
+ -- h is strict in x, so x will be unboxed before it
+ -- is rerturned in the otherwise case.
+ data T3 = MkT3 Int Int
+ f1 :: T3 -> Int
+ f1 (MkT3 x y) | h x y = f3 (MkT3 x (y-1))
+ | otherwise = x
+ ------- f4 -----------
+ -- Just like f2, but MkT4 can't unbox its strict
+ -- argument automatically, as f2 can
+ data family Foo a
+ newtype instance Foo Int = Foo Int
+ data T4 a = MkT4 !(Foo a) Int
+ f4 :: T4 Int -> Int
+ f4 (MkT4 x@(Foo v) y) | y>0 = f4 (MkT4 x (y-1))
+ | otherwise = v
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/DmdAnal.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/DmdAnal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57544519d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/DmdAnal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1265 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+ -----------------
+ A demand analysis
+ -----------------
+module GHC.Core.Op.DmdAnal ( dmdAnalProgram ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.Lib ( findTypeShape )
+import Demand -- All of it
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Seq ( seqBinds )
+import Outputable
+import VarEnv
+import BasicTypes
+import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import GHC.Core.Utils
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.Coercion ( Coercion, coVarsOfCo )
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+import Util
+import Maybes ( isJust )
+import TysWiredIn
+import TysPrim ( realWorldStatePrimTy )
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn, DumpFormat (..) )
+import UniqSet
+* *
+\subsection{Top level stuff}
+* *
+dmdAnalProgram :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> CoreProgram -> IO CoreProgram
+dmdAnalProgram dflags fam_envs binds = do
+ let env = emptyAnalEnv dflags fam_envs
+ let binds_plus_dmds = snd $ mapAccumL dmdAnalTopBind env binds
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_str_signatures "Strictness signatures" FormatText $
+ dumpIdInfoOfProgram (pprIfaceStrictSig . strictnessInfo) binds_plus_dmds
+ -- See Note [Stamp out space leaks in demand analysis]
+ seqBinds binds_plus_dmds `seq` return binds_plus_dmds
+-- Analyse a (group of) top-level binding(s)
+dmdAnalTopBind :: AnalEnv
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> (AnalEnv, CoreBind)
+dmdAnalTopBind env (NonRec id rhs)
+ = (extendAnalEnv TopLevel env id' (idStrictness id'), NonRec id' rhs')
+ where
+ ( _, id', rhs') = dmdAnalRhsLetDown Nothing env cleanEvalDmd id rhs
+dmdAnalTopBind env (Rec pairs)
+ = (env', Rec pairs')
+ where
+ (env', _, pairs') = dmdFix TopLevel env cleanEvalDmd pairs
+ -- We get two iterations automatically
+ -- c.f. the NonRec case above
+{- Note [Stamp out space leaks in demand analysis]
+The demand analysis pass outputs a new copy of the Core program in
+which binders have been annotated with demand and strictness
+information. It's tiresome to ensure that this information is fully
+evaluated everywhere that we produce it, so we just run a single
+seqBinds over the output before returning it, to ensure that there are
+no references holding on to the input Core program.
+This makes a ~30% reduction in peak memory usage when compiling
+DynFlags (cf #9675 and #13426).
+This is particularly important when we are doing late demand analysis,
+since we don't do a seqBinds at any point thereafter. Hence code
+generation would hold on to an extra copy of the Core program, via
+unforced thunks in demand or strictness information; and it is the
+most memory-intensive part of the compilation process, so this added
+seqBinds makes a big difference in peak memory usage.
+* *
+\subsection{The analyser itself}
+* *
+Note [Ensure demand is strict]
+It's important not to analyse e with a lazy demand because
+a) When we encounter case s of (a,b) ->
+ we demand s with U(d1d2)... but if the overall demand is lazy
+ that is wrong, and we'd need to reduce the demand on s,
+ which is inconvenient
+b) More important, consider
+ f (let x = R in x+x), where f is lazy
+ We still want to mark x as demanded, because it will be when we
+ enter the let. If we analyse f's arg with a Lazy demand, we'll
+ just mark x as Lazy
+c) The application rule wouldn't be right either
+ Evaluating (f x) in a L demand does *not* cause
+ evaluation of f in a C(L) demand!
+-- If e is complicated enough to become a thunk, its contents will be evaluated
+-- at most once, so oneify it.
+dmdTransformThunkDmd :: CoreExpr -> Demand -> Demand
+dmdTransformThunkDmd e
+ | exprIsTrivial e = id
+ | otherwise = oneifyDmd
+-- Do not process absent demands
+-- Otherwise act like in a normal demand analysis
+-- See ↦* relation in the Cardinality Analysis paper
+dmdAnalStar :: AnalEnv
+ -> Demand -- This one takes a *Demand*
+ -> CoreExpr -- Should obey the let/app invariant
+ -> (BothDmdArg, CoreExpr)
+dmdAnalStar env dmd e
+ | (dmd_shell, cd) <- toCleanDmd dmd
+ , (dmd_ty, e') <- dmdAnal env cd e
+ = ASSERT2( not (isUnliftedType (exprType e)) || exprOkForSpeculation e, ppr e )
+ -- The argument 'e' should satisfy the let/app invariant
+ -- See Note [Analysing with absent demand] in Demand.hs
+ (postProcessDmdType dmd_shell dmd_ty, e')
+-- Main Demand Analsysis machinery
+dmdAnal, dmdAnal' :: AnalEnv
+ -> CleanDemand -- The main one takes a *CleanDemand*
+ -> CoreExpr -> (DmdType, CoreExpr)
+-- The CleanDemand is always strict and not absent
+-- See Note [Ensure demand is strict]
+dmdAnal env d e = -- pprTrace "dmdAnal" (ppr d <+> ppr e) $
+ dmdAnal' env d e
+dmdAnal' _ _ (Lit lit) = (nopDmdType, Lit lit)
+dmdAnal' _ _ (Type ty) = (nopDmdType, Type ty) -- Doesn't happen, in fact
+dmdAnal' _ _ (Coercion co)
+ = (unitDmdType (coercionDmdEnv co), Coercion co)
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Var var)
+ = (dmdTransform env var dmd, Var var)
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Cast e co)
+ = (dmd_ty `bothDmdType` mkBothDmdArg (coercionDmdEnv co), Cast e' co)
+ where
+ (dmd_ty, e') = dmdAnal env dmd e
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Tick t e)
+ = (dmd_ty, Tick t e')
+ where
+ (dmd_ty, e') = dmdAnal env dmd e
+dmdAnal' env dmd (App fun (Type ty))
+ = (fun_ty, App fun' (Type ty))
+ where
+ (fun_ty, fun') = dmdAnal env dmd fun
+-- Lots of the other code is there to make this
+-- beautiful, compositional, application rule :-)
+dmdAnal' env dmd (App fun arg)
+ = -- This case handles value arguments (type args handled above)
+ -- Crucially, coercions /are/ handled here, because they are
+ -- value arguments (#10288)
+ let
+ call_dmd = mkCallDmd dmd
+ (fun_ty, fun') = dmdAnal env call_dmd fun
+ (arg_dmd, res_ty) = splitDmdTy fun_ty
+ (arg_ty, arg') = dmdAnalStar env (dmdTransformThunkDmd arg arg_dmd) arg
+ in
+-- pprTrace "dmdAnal:app" (vcat
+-- [ text "dmd =" <+> ppr dmd
+-- , text "expr =" <+> ppr (App fun arg)
+-- , text "fun dmd_ty =" <+> ppr fun_ty
+-- , text "arg dmd =" <+> ppr arg_dmd
+-- , text "arg dmd_ty =" <+> ppr arg_ty
+-- , text "res dmd_ty =" <+> ppr res_ty
+-- , text "overall res dmd_ty =" <+> ppr (res_ty `bothDmdType` arg_ty) ])
+ (res_ty `bothDmdType` arg_ty, App fun' arg')
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Lam var body)
+ | isTyVar var
+ = let
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal env dmd body
+ in
+ (body_ty, Lam var body')
+ | otherwise
+ = let (body_dmd, defer_and_use) = peelCallDmd dmd
+ -- body_dmd: a demand to analyze the body
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal env body_dmd body
+ (lam_ty, var') = annotateLamIdBndr env notArgOfDfun body_ty var
+ in
+ (postProcessUnsat defer_and_use lam_ty, Lam var' body')
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Case scrut case_bndr ty [(DataAlt dc, bndrs, rhs)])
+ -- Only one alternative with a product constructor
+ | let tycon = dataConTyCon dc
+ , isJust (isDataProductTyCon_maybe tycon)
+ , Just rec_tc' <- checkRecTc (ae_rec_tc env) tycon
+ = let
+ env_alt = env { ae_rec_tc = rec_tc' }
+ (rhs_ty, rhs') = dmdAnal env_alt dmd rhs
+ (alt_ty1, dmds) = findBndrsDmds env rhs_ty bndrs
+ (alt_ty2, case_bndr_dmd) = findBndrDmd env False alt_ty1 case_bndr
+ id_dmds = addCaseBndrDmd case_bndr_dmd dmds
+ alt_ty3 | io_hack_reqd scrut dc bndrs = deferAfterIO alt_ty2
+ | otherwise = alt_ty2
+ -- Compute demand on the scrutinee
+ -- See Note [Demand on scrutinee of a product case]
+ scrut_dmd = mkProdDmd id_dmds
+ (scrut_ty, scrut') = dmdAnal env scrut_dmd scrut
+ res_ty = alt_ty3 `bothDmdType` toBothDmdArg scrut_ty
+ case_bndr' = setIdDemandInfo case_bndr case_bndr_dmd
+ bndrs' = setBndrsDemandInfo bndrs id_dmds
+ in
+-- pprTrace "dmdAnal:Case1" (vcat [ text "scrut" <+> ppr scrut
+-- , text "dmd" <+> ppr dmd
+-- , text "case_bndr_dmd" <+> ppr (idDemandInfo case_bndr')
+-- , text "id_dmds" <+> ppr id_dmds
+-- , text "scrut_dmd" <+> ppr scrut_dmd
+-- , text "scrut_ty" <+> ppr scrut_ty
+-- , text "alt_ty" <+> ppr alt_ty2
+-- , text "res_ty" <+> ppr res_ty ]) $
+ (res_ty, Case scrut' case_bndr' ty [(DataAlt dc, bndrs', rhs')])
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Case scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = let -- Case expression with multiple alternatives
+ (alt_tys, alts') = mapAndUnzip (dmdAnalAlt env dmd case_bndr) alts
+ (scrut_ty, scrut') = dmdAnal env cleanEvalDmd scrut
+ (alt_ty, case_bndr') = annotateBndr env (foldr lubDmdType botDmdType alt_tys) case_bndr
+ -- NB: Base case is botDmdType, for empty case alternatives
+ -- This is a unit for lubDmdType, and the right result
+ -- when there really are no alternatives
+ res_ty = alt_ty `bothDmdType` toBothDmdArg scrut_ty
+ in
+-- pprTrace "dmdAnal:Case2" (vcat [ text "scrut" <+> ppr scrut
+-- , text "scrut_ty" <+> ppr scrut_ty
+-- , text "alt_tys" <+> ppr alt_tys
+-- , text "alt_ty" <+> ppr alt_ty
+-- , text "res_ty" <+> ppr res_ty ]) $
+ (res_ty, Case scrut' case_bndr' ty alts')
+-- Let bindings can be processed in two ways:
+-- Down (RHS before body) or Up (body before RHS).
+-- The following case handle the up variant.
+-- It is very simple. For let x = rhs in body
+-- * Demand-analyse 'body' in the current environment
+-- * Find the demand, 'rhs_dmd' placed on 'x' by 'body'
+-- * Demand-analyse 'rhs' in 'rhs_dmd'
+-- This is used for a non-recursive local let without manifest lambdas.
+-- This is the LetUp rule in the paper “Higher-Order Cardinality Analysis”.
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Let (NonRec id rhs) body)
+ | useLetUp id
+ = (final_ty, Let (NonRec id' rhs') body')
+ where
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal env dmd body
+ (body_ty', id_dmd) = findBndrDmd env notArgOfDfun body_ty id
+ id' = setIdDemandInfo id id_dmd
+ (rhs_ty, rhs') = dmdAnalStar env (dmdTransformThunkDmd rhs id_dmd) rhs
+ final_ty = body_ty' `bothDmdType` rhs_ty
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Let (NonRec id rhs) body)
+ = (body_ty2, Let (NonRec id2 rhs') body')
+ where
+ (lazy_fv, id1, rhs') = dmdAnalRhsLetDown Nothing env dmd id rhs
+ env1 = extendAnalEnv NotTopLevel env id1 (idStrictness id1)
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal env1 dmd body
+ (body_ty1, id2) = annotateBndr env body_ty id1
+ body_ty2 = addLazyFVs body_ty1 lazy_fv -- see Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
+ -- If the actual demand is better than the vanilla call
+ -- demand, you might think that we might do better to re-analyse
+ -- the RHS with the stronger demand.
+ -- But (a) That seldom happens, because it means that *every* path in
+ -- the body of the let has to use that stronger demand
+ -- (b) It often happens temporarily in when fixpointing, because
+ -- the recursive function at first seems to place a massive demand.
+ -- But we don't want to go to extra work when the function will
+ -- probably iterate to something less demanding.
+ -- In practice, all the times the actual demand on id2 is more than
+ -- the vanilla call demand seem to be due to (b). So we don't
+ -- bother to re-analyse the RHS.
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Let (Rec pairs) body)
+ = let
+ (env', lazy_fv, pairs') = dmdFix NotTopLevel env dmd pairs
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal env' dmd body
+ body_ty1 = deleteFVs body_ty (map fst pairs)
+ body_ty2 = addLazyFVs body_ty1 lazy_fv -- see Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
+ in
+ body_ty2 `seq`
+ (body_ty2, Let (Rec pairs') body')
+io_hack_reqd :: CoreExpr -> DataCon -> [Var] -> Bool
+-- See Note [IO hack in the demand analyser]
+io_hack_reqd scrut con bndrs
+ | (bndr:_) <- bndrs
+ , con == tupleDataCon Unboxed 2
+ , idType bndr `eqType` realWorldStatePrimTy
+ , (fun, _) <- collectArgs scrut
+ = case fun of
+ Var f -> not (isPrimOpId f)
+ _ -> True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+dmdAnalAlt :: AnalEnv -> CleanDemand -> Id -> Alt Var -> (DmdType, Alt Var)
+dmdAnalAlt env dmd case_bndr (con,bndrs,rhs)
+ | null bndrs -- Literals, DEFAULT, and nullary constructors
+ , (rhs_ty, rhs') <- dmdAnal env dmd rhs
+ = (rhs_ty, (con, [], rhs'))
+ | otherwise -- Non-nullary data constructors
+ , (rhs_ty, rhs') <- dmdAnal env dmd rhs
+ , (alt_ty, dmds) <- findBndrsDmds env rhs_ty bndrs
+ , let case_bndr_dmd = findIdDemand alt_ty case_bndr
+ id_dmds = addCaseBndrDmd case_bndr_dmd dmds
+ = (alt_ty, (con, setBndrsDemandInfo bndrs id_dmds, rhs'))
+{- Note [IO hack in the demand analyser]
+There's a hack here for I/O operations. Consider
+ case foo x s of { (# s', r #) -> y }
+Is this strict in 'y'? Often not! If foo x s performs some observable action
+(including raising an exception with raiseIO#, modifying a mutable variable, or
+even ending the program normally), then we must not force 'y' (which may fail
+to terminate) until we have performed foo x s.
+Hackish solution: spot the IO-like situation and add a virtual branch,
+as if we had
+ case foo x s of
+ (# s, r #) -> y
+ other -> return ()
+So the 'y' isn't necessarily going to be evaluated
+A more complete example (#148, #1592) where this shows up is:
+ do { let len = <expensive> ;
+ ; when (...) (exitWith ExitSuccess)
+ ; print len }
+However, consider
+ f x s = case getMaskingState# s of
+ (# s, r #) ->
+ case x of I# x2 -> ...
+Here it is terribly sad to make 'f' lazy in 's'. After all,
+getMaskingState# is not going to diverge or throw an exception! This
+situation actually arises in GHC.IO.Handle.Internals.wantReadableHandle
+(on an MVar not an Int), and made a material difference.
+So if the scrutinee is a primop call, we *don't* apply the
+state hack:
+ - If it is a simple, terminating one like getMaskingState,
+ applying the hack is over-conservative.
+ - If the primop is raise# then it returns bottom, so
+ the case alternatives are already discarded.
+ - If the primop can raise a non-IO exception, like
+ divide by zero or seg-fault (eg writing an array
+ out of bounds) then we don't mind evaluating 'x' first.
+Note [Demand on the scrutinee of a product case]
+When figuring out the demand on the scrutinee of a product case,
+we use the demands of the case alternative, i.e. id_dmds.
+But note that these include the demand on the case binder;
+see Note [Demand on case-alternative binders] in Demand.hs.
+This is crucial. Example:
+ f x = case x of y { (a,b) -> k y a }
+If we just take scrut_demand = U(L,A), then we won't pass x to the
+worker, so the worker will rebuild
+ x = (a, absent-error)
+and that'll crash.
+Note [Aggregated demand for cardinality]
+We use different strategies for strictness and usage/cardinality to
+"unleash" demands captured on free variables by bindings. Let us
+consider the example:
+f1 y = let {-# NOINLINE h #-}
+ h = y
+ in (h, h)
+We are interested in obtaining cardinality demand U1 on |y|, as it is
+used only in a thunk, and, therefore, is not going to be updated any
+more. Therefore, the demand on |y|, captured and unleashed by usage of
+|h| is U1. However, if we unleash this demand every time |h| is used,
+and then sum up the effects, the ultimate demand on |y| will be U1 +
+U1 = U. In order to avoid it, we *first* collect the aggregate demand
+on |h| in the body of let-expression, and only then apply the demand
+transf[x](U) = {y |-> U1}
+so the resulting demand on |y| is U1.
+The situation is, however, different for strictness, where this
+aggregating approach exhibits worse results because of the nature of
+|both| operation for strictness. Consider the example:
+f y c =
+ let h x = y |seq| x
+ in case of
+ True -> h True
+ False -> y
+It is clear that |f| is strict in |y|, however, the suggested analysis
+will infer from the body of |let| that |h| is used lazily (as it is
+used in one branch only), therefore lazy demand will be put on its
+free variable |y|. Conversely, if the demand on |h| is unleashed right
+on the spot, we will get the desired result, namely, that |f| is
+strict in |y|.
+* *
+ Demand transformer
+* *
+dmdTransform :: AnalEnv -- The strictness environment
+ -> Id -- The function
+ -> CleanDemand -- The demand on the function
+ -> DmdType -- The demand type of the function in this context
+ -- Returned DmdEnv includes the demand on
+ -- this function plus demand on its free variables
+dmdTransform env var dmd
+ | isDataConWorkId var -- Data constructor
+ = dmdTransformDataConSig (idArity var) (idStrictness var) dmd
+ | gopt Opt_DmdTxDictSel (ae_dflags env),
+ Just _ <- isClassOpId_maybe var -- Dictionary component selector
+ = dmdTransformDictSelSig (idStrictness var) dmd
+ | isGlobalId var -- Imported function
+ , let res = dmdTransformSig (idStrictness var) dmd
+ = -- pprTrace "dmdTransform" (vcat [ppr var, ppr (idStrictness var), ppr dmd, ppr res])
+ res
+ | Just (sig, top_lvl) <- lookupSigEnv env var -- Local letrec bound thing
+ , let fn_ty = dmdTransformSig sig dmd
+ = -- pprTrace "dmdTransform" (vcat [ppr var, ppr sig, ppr dmd, ppr fn_ty]) $
+ if isTopLevel top_lvl
+ then fn_ty -- Don't record top level things
+ else addVarDmd fn_ty var (mkOnceUsedDmd dmd)
+ | otherwise -- Local non-letrec-bound thing
+ = unitDmdType (unitVarEnv var (mkOnceUsedDmd dmd))
+* *
+* *
+-- Recursive bindings
+dmdFix :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> AnalEnv -- Does not include bindings for this binding
+ -> CleanDemand
+ -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
+ -> (AnalEnv, DmdEnv, [(Id,CoreExpr)]) -- Binders annotated with strictness info
+dmdFix top_lvl env let_dmd orig_pairs
+ = loop 1 initial_pairs
+ where
+ bndrs = map fst orig_pairs
+ -- See Note [Initialising strictness]
+ initial_pairs | ae_virgin env = [(setIdStrictness id botSig, rhs) | (id, rhs) <- orig_pairs ]
+ | otherwise = orig_pairs
+ -- If fixed-point iteration does not yield a result we use this instead
+ -- See Note [Safe abortion in the fixed-point iteration]
+ abort :: (AnalEnv, DmdEnv, [(Id,CoreExpr)])
+ abort = (env, lazy_fv', zapped_pairs)
+ where (lazy_fv, pairs') = step True (zapIdStrictness orig_pairs)
+ -- Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
+ non_lazy_fvs = plusVarEnvList $ map (strictSigDmdEnv . idStrictness . fst) pairs'
+ lazy_fv' = lazy_fv `plusVarEnv` mapVarEnv (const topDmd) non_lazy_fvs
+ zapped_pairs = zapIdStrictness pairs'
+ -- The fixed-point varies the idStrictness field of the binders, and terminates if that
+ -- annotation does not change any more.
+ loop :: Int -> [(Id,CoreExpr)] -> (AnalEnv, DmdEnv, [(Id,CoreExpr)])
+ loop n pairs
+ | found_fixpoint = (final_anal_env, lazy_fv, pairs')
+ | n == 10 = abort
+ | otherwise = loop (n+1) pairs'
+ where
+ found_fixpoint = map (idStrictness . fst) pairs' == map (idStrictness . fst) pairs
+ first_round = n == 1
+ (lazy_fv, pairs') = step first_round pairs
+ final_anal_env = extendAnalEnvs top_lvl env (map fst pairs')
+ step :: Bool -> [(Id, CoreExpr)] -> (DmdEnv, [(Id, CoreExpr)])
+ step first_round pairs = (lazy_fv, pairs')
+ where
+ -- In all but the first iteration, delete the virgin flag
+ start_env | first_round = env
+ | otherwise = nonVirgin env
+ start = (extendAnalEnvs top_lvl start_env (map fst pairs), emptyDmdEnv)
+ ((_,lazy_fv), pairs') = mapAccumL my_downRhs start pairs
+ -- mapAccumL: Use the new signature to do the next pair
+ -- The occurrence analyser has arranged them in a good order
+ -- so this can significantly reduce the number of iterations needed
+ my_downRhs (env, lazy_fv) (id,rhs)
+ = ((env', lazy_fv'), (id', rhs'))
+ where
+ (lazy_fv1, id', rhs') = dmdAnalRhsLetDown (Just bndrs) env let_dmd id rhs
+ lazy_fv' = plusVarEnv_C bothDmd lazy_fv lazy_fv1
+ env' = extendAnalEnv top_lvl env id (idStrictness id')
+ zapIdStrictness :: [(Id, CoreExpr)] -> [(Id, CoreExpr)]
+ zapIdStrictness pairs = [(setIdStrictness id nopSig, rhs) | (id, rhs) <- pairs ]
+Note [Safe abortion in the fixed-point iteration]
+Fixed-point iteration may fail to terminate. But we cannot simply give up and
+return the environment and code unchanged! We still need to do one additional
+round, for two reasons:
+ * To get information on used free variables (both lazy and strict!)
+ (see Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables])
+ * To ensure that all expressions have been traversed at least once, and any left-over
+ strictness annotations have been updated.
+This final iteration does not add the variables to the strictness signature
+environment, which effectively assigns them 'nopSig' (see "getStrictness")
+-- Let bindings can be processed in two ways:
+-- Down (RHS before body) or Up (body before RHS).
+-- dmdAnalRhsLetDown implements the Down variant:
+-- * assuming a demand of <L,U>
+-- * looking at the definition
+-- * determining a strictness signature
+-- It is used for toplevel definition, recursive definitions and local
+-- non-recursive definitions that have manifest lambdas.
+-- Local non-recursive definitions without a lambda are handled with LetUp.
+-- This is the LetDown rule in the paper “Higher-Order Cardinality Analysis”.
+ :: Maybe [Id] -- Just bs <=> recursive, Nothing <=> non-recursive
+ -> AnalEnv -> CleanDemand
+ -> Id -> CoreExpr
+ -> (DmdEnv, Id, CoreExpr)
+-- Process the RHS of the binding, add the strictness signature
+-- to the Id, and augment the environment with the signature as well.
+dmdAnalRhsLetDown rec_flag env let_dmd id rhs
+ = (lazy_fv, id', rhs')
+ where
+ rhs_arity = idArity id
+ rhs_dmd
+ -- See Note [Demand analysis for join points]
+ -- See Note [Invariants on join points] invariant 2b, in GHC.Core
+ -- rhs_arity matches the join arity of the join point
+ | isJoinId id
+ = mkCallDmds rhs_arity let_dmd
+ | otherwise
+ -- NB: rhs_arity
+ -- See Note [Demand signatures are computed for a threshold demand based on idArity]
+ = mkRhsDmd env rhs_arity rhs
+ (DmdType rhs_fv rhs_dmds rhs_div, rhs')
+ = dmdAnal env rhs_dmd rhs
+ -- TODO: Won't the following line unnecessarily trim down arity for join
+ -- points returning a lambda in a C(S) context?
+ sig = mkStrictSigForArity rhs_arity (mkDmdType sig_fv rhs_dmds rhs_div)
+ id' = set_idStrictness env id sig
+ -- See Note [NOINLINE and strictness]
+ -- See Note [Aggregated demand for cardinality]
+ rhs_fv1 = case rec_flag of
+ Just bs -> reuseEnv (delVarEnvList rhs_fv bs)
+ Nothing -> rhs_fv
+ -- See Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
+ (lazy_fv, sig_fv) = splitFVs is_thunk rhs_fv1
+ is_thunk = not (exprIsHNF rhs) && not (isJoinId id)
+-- | @mkRhsDmd env rhs_arity rhs@ creates a 'CleanDemand' for
+-- unleashing on the given function's @rhs@, by creating a call demand of
+-- @rhs_arity@ with a body demand appropriate for possible product types.
+-- See Note [Product demands for function body].
+-- For example, a call of the form @mkRhsDmd _ 2 (\x y -> (x, y))@ returns a
+-- clean usage demand of @C1(C1(U(U,U)))@.
+mkRhsDmd :: AnalEnv -> Arity -> CoreExpr -> CleanDemand
+mkRhsDmd env rhs_arity rhs =
+ case peelTsFuns rhs_arity (findTypeShape (ae_fam_envs env) (exprType rhs)) of
+ Just (TsProd tss) -> mkCallDmds rhs_arity (cleanEvalProdDmd (length tss))
+ _ -> mkCallDmds rhs_arity cleanEvalDmd
+-- | If given the let-bound 'Id', 'useLetUp' determines whether we should
+-- process the binding up (body before rhs) or down (rhs before body).
+-- We use LetDown if there is a chance to get a useful strictness signature to
+-- unleash at call sites. LetDown is generally more precise than LetUp if we can
+-- correctly guess how it will be used in the body, that is, for which incoming
+-- demand the strictness signature should be computed, which allows us to
+-- unleash higher-order demands on arguments at call sites. This is mostly the
+-- case when
+-- * The binding takes any arguments before performing meaningful work (cf.
+-- 'idArity'), in which case we are interested to see how it uses them.
+-- * The binding is a join point, hence acting like a function, not a value.
+-- As a big plus, we know *precisely* how it will be used in the body; since
+-- it's always tail-called, we can directly unleash the incoming demand of
+-- the let binding on its RHS when computing a strictness signature. See
+-- [Demand analysis for join points].
+-- Thus, if the binding is not a join point and its arity is 0, we have a thunk
+-- and use LetUp, implying that we have no usable demand signature available
+-- when we analyse the let body.
+-- Since thunk evaluation is memoised, we want to unleash its 'DmdEnv' of free
+-- vars at most once, regardless of how many times it was forced in the body.
+-- This makes a real difference wrt. usage demands. The other reason is being
+-- able to unleash a more precise product demand on its RHS once we know how the
+-- thunk was used in the let body.
+-- Characteristic examples, always assuming a single evaluation:
+-- * @let x = 2*y in x + x@ => LetUp. Compared to LetDown, we find out that
+-- the expression uses @y@ at most once.
+-- * @let x = (a,b) in fst x@ => LetUp. Compared to LetDown, we find out that
+-- @b@ is absent.
+-- * @let f x = x*2 in f y@ => LetDown. Compared to LetUp, we find out that
+-- the expression uses @y@ strictly, because we have @f@'s demand signature
+-- available at the call site.
+-- * @join exit = 2*y in if a then exit else if b then exit else 3*y@ =>
+-- LetDown. Compared to LetUp, we find out that the expression uses @y@
+-- strictly, because we can unleash @exit@'s signature at each call site.
+-- * For a more convincing example with join points, see Note [Demand analysis
+-- for join points].
+useLetUp :: Var -> Bool
+useLetUp f = idArity f == 0 && not (isJoinId f)
+{- Note [Demand analysis for join points]
+ g :: (Int,Int) -> Int
+ g (p,q) = p+q
+ f :: T -> Int -> Int
+ f x p = g (join j y = (p,y)
+ in case x of
+ A -> j 3
+ B -> j 4
+ C -> (p,7))
+If j was a vanilla function definition, we'd analyse its body with
+evalDmd, and think that it was lazy in p. But for join points we can
+do better! We know that j's body will (if called at all) be evaluated
+with the demand that consumes the entire join-binding, in this case
+the argument demand from g. Whizzo! g evaluates both components of
+its argument pair, so p will certainly be evaluated if j is called.
+For f to be strict in p, we need /all/ paths to evaluate p; in this
+case the C branch does so too, so we are fine. So, as usual, we need
+to transport demands on free variables to the call site(s). Compare
+Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables].
+The implementation is easy. When analysing a join point, we can
+analyse its body with the demand from the entire join-binding (written
+let_dmd here).
+Another win for join points! #13543.
+However, note that the strictness signature for a join point can
+look a little puzzling. E.g.
+ (join j x = \y. error "urk")
+ (in case v of )
+ ( A -> j 3 ) x
+ ( B -> j 4 )
+ ( C -> \y. blah )
+The entire thing is in a C(S) context, so j's strictness signature
+will be [A]b
+meaning one absent argument, returns bottom. That seems odd because
+there's a \y inside. But it's right because when consumed in a C(1)
+context the RHS of the join point is indeed bottom.
+Note [Demand signatures are computed for a threshold demand based on idArity]
+We compute demand signatures assuming idArity incoming arguments to approximate
+behavior for when we have a call site with at least that many arguments. idArity
+is /at least/ the number of manifest lambdas, but might be higher for PAPs and
+trivial RHS (see Note [Demand analysis for trivial right-hand sides]).
+Because idArity of a function varies independently of its cardinality properties
+(cf. Note [idArity varies independently of dmdTypeDepth]), we implicitly encode
+the arity for when a demand signature is sound to unleash in its 'dmdTypeDepth'
+(cf. Note [Understanding DmdType and StrictSig] in Demand). It is unsound to
+unleash a demand signature when the incoming number of arguments is less than
+that. See Note [What are demand signatures?] for more details on soundness.
+Why idArity arguments? Because that's a conservative estimate of how many
+arguments we must feed a function before it does anything interesting with them.
+Also it elegantly subsumes the trivial RHS and PAP case.
+There might be functions for which we might want to analyse for more incoming
+arguments than idArity. Example:
+ f x =
+ if expensive
+ then \y -> ... y ...
+ else \y -> ... y ...
+We'd analyse `f` under a unary call demand C(S), corresponding to idArity
+being 1. That's enough to look under the manifest lambda and find out how a
+unary call would use `x`, but not enough to look into the lambdas in the if
+On the other hand, if we analysed for call demand C(C(S)), we'd get useful
+strictness info for `y` (and more precise info on `x`) and possibly CPR
+information, but
+ * We would no longer be able to unleash the signature at unary call sites
+ * Performing the worker/wrapper split based on this information would be
+ implicitly eta-expanding `f`, playing fast and loose with divergence and
+ even being unsound in the presence of newtypes, so we refrain from doing so.
+ Also see Note [Don't eta expand in w/w] in GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.
+Since we only compute one signature, we do so for arity 1. Computing multiple
+signatures for different arities (i.e., polyvariance) would be entirely
+possible, if it weren't for the additional runtime and implementation
+Note [idArity varies independently of dmdTypeDepth]
+We used to check in GHC.Core.Lint that dmdTypeDepth <= idArity for a let-bound
+identifier. But that means we would have to zap demand signatures every time we
+reset or decrease arity. That's an unnecessary dependency, because
+ * The demand signature captures a semantic property that is independent of
+ what the binding's current arity is
+ * idArity is analysis information itself, thus volatile
+ * We already *have* dmdTypeDepth, wo why not just use it to encode the
+ threshold for when to unleash the signature
+ (cf. Note [Understanding DmdType and StrictSig] in Demand)
+Consider the following expression, for example:
+ (let go x y = `x` seq ... in go) |> co
+`go` might have a strictness signature of `<S><L>`. The simplifier will identify
+`go` as a nullary join point through `joinPointBinding_maybe` and float the
+coercion into the binding, leading to an arity decrease:
+ join go = (\x y -> `x` seq ...) |> co in go
+With the CoreLint check, we would have to zap `go`'s perfectly viable strictness
+Note [What are demand signatures?]
+Demand analysis interprets expressions in the abstract domain of demand
+transformers. Given an incoming demand we put an expression under, its abstract
+transformer gives us back a demand type denoting how other things (like
+arguments and free vars) were used when the expression was evaluated.
+Here's an example:
+ f x y =
+ if x + expensive
+ then \z -> z + y * ...
+ else \z -> z * ...
+The abstract transformer (let's call it F_e) of the if expression (let's call it
+e) would transform an incoming head demand <S,HU> into a demand type like
+{x-><S,1*U>,y-><L,U>}<L,U>. In pictures:
+ Demand ---F_e---> DmdType
+ <S,HU> {x-><S,1*U>,y-><L,U>}<L,U>
+Let's assume that the demand transformers we compute for an expression are
+correct wrt. to some concrete semantics for Core. How do demand signatures fit
+in? They are strange beasts, given that they come with strict rules when to
+it's sound to unleash them.
+Fortunately, we can formalise the rules with Galois connections. Consider
+f's strictness signature, {}<S,1*U><L,U>. It's a single-point approximation of
+the actual abstract transformer of f's RHS for arity 2. So, what happens is that
+we abstract *once more* from the abstract domain we already are in, replacing
+the incoming Demand by a simple lattice with two elements denoting incoming
+arity: A_2 = {<2, >=2} (where '<2' is the top element and >=2 the bottom
+element). Here's the diagram:
+ A_2 -----f_f----> DmdType
+ ^ |
+ | α γ |
+ | v
+ Demand ---F_f---> DmdType
+ α(C1(C1(_))) = >=2 -- example for usage demands, but similar for strictness
+ α(_) = <2
+ γ(ty) = ty
+and F_f being the abstract transformer of f's RHS and f_f being the abstracted
+abstract transformer computable from our demand signature simply by
+ f_f(>=2) = {}<S,1*U><L,U>
+ f_f(<2) = postProcessUnsat {}<S,1*U><L,U>
+where postProcessUnsat makes a proper top element out of the given demand type.
+Note [Demand analysis for trivial right-hand sides]
+ foo = plusInt |> co
+where plusInt is an arity-2 function with known strictness. Clearly
+we want plusInt's strictness to propagate to foo! But because it has
+no manifest lambdas, it won't do so automatically, and indeed 'co' might
+have type (Int->Int->Int) ~ T.
+Fortunately, GHC.Core.Arity gives 'foo' arity 2, which is enough for LetDown to
+forward plusInt's demand signature, and all is well (see Note [Newtype arity] in
+GHC.Core.Arity)! A small example is the test case NewtypeArity.
+Note [Product demands for function body]
+This example comes from shootout/binary_trees:
+ Main.check' = \ b z ds. case z of z' { I# ip ->
+ case ds_d13s of
+ Main.Nil -> z'
+ Main.Node s14k s14l s14m ->
+ Main.check' (not b)
+ (Main.check' b
+ (case b {
+ False -> I# (-# s14h s14k);
+ True -> I# (+# s14h s14k)
+ })
+ s14l)
+ s14m } } }
+Here we *really* want to unbox z, even though it appears to be used boxed in
+the Nil case. Partly the Nil case is not a hot path. But more specifically,
+the whole function gets the CPR property if we do.
+So for the demand on the body of a RHS we use a product demand if it's
+a product type.
+* *
+\subsection{Strictness signatures and types}
+* *
+unitDmdType :: DmdEnv -> DmdType
+unitDmdType dmd_env = DmdType dmd_env [] topDiv
+coercionDmdEnv :: Coercion -> DmdEnv
+coercionDmdEnv co = mapVarEnv (const topDmd) (getUniqSet $ coVarsOfCo co)
+ -- The VarSet from coVarsOfCo is really a VarEnv Var
+addVarDmd :: DmdType -> Var -> Demand -> DmdType
+addVarDmd (DmdType fv ds res) var dmd
+ = DmdType (extendVarEnv_C bothDmd fv var dmd) ds res
+addLazyFVs :: DmdType -> DmdEnv -> DmdType
+addLazyFVs dmd_ty lazy_fvs
+ = dmd_ty `bothDmdType` mkBothDmdArg lazy_fvs
+ -- Using bothDmdType (rather than just both'ing the envs)
+ -- is vital. Consider
+ -- let f = \x -> (x,y)
+ -- in error (f 3)
+ -- Here, y is treated as a lazy-fv of f, but we must `bothDmd` that L
+ -- demand with the bottom coming up from 'error'
+ --
+ -- I got a loop in the fixpointer without this, due to an interaction
+ -- with the lazy_fv filtering in dmdAnalRhsLetDown. Roughly, it was
+ -- letrec f n x
+ -- = letrec g y = x `fatbar`
+ -- letrec h z = z + ...g...
+ -- in h (f (n-1) x)
+ -- in ...
+ -- In the initial iteration for f, f=Bot
+ -- Suppose h is found to be strict in z, but the occurrence of g in its RHS
+ -- is lazy. Now consider the fixpoint iteration for g, esp the demands it
+ -- places on its free variables. Suppose it places none. Then the
+ -- x `fatbar` to h...
+ -- will give a x->V demand for x. That turns into a L demand for x,
+ -- which floats out of the defn for h. Without the modifyEnv, that
+ -- L demand doesn't get both'd with the Bot coming up from the inner
+ -- call to f. So we just get an L demand for x for g.
+Note [Do not strictify the argument dictionaries of a dfun]
+The typechecker can tie recursive knots involving dfuns, so we do the
+conservative thing and refrain from strictifying a dfun's argument
+setBndrsDemandInfo :: [Var] -> [Demand] -> [Var]
+setBndrsDemandInfo (b:bs) (d:ds)
+ | isTyVar b = b : setBndrsDemandInfo bs (d:ds)
+ | otherwise = setIdDemandInfo b d : setBndrsDemandInfo bs ds
+setBndrsDemandInfo [] ds = ASSERT( null ds ) []
+setBndrsDemandInfo bs _ = pprPanic "setBndrsDemandInfo" (ppr bs)
+annotateBndr :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> Var -> (DmdType, Var)
+-- The returned env has the var deleted
+-- The returned var is annotated with demand info
+-- according to the result demand of the provided demand type
+-- No effect on the argument demands
+annotateBndr env dmd_ty var
+ | isId var = (dmd_ty', setIdDemandInfo var dmd)
+ | otherwise = (dmd_ty, var)
+ where
+ (dmd_ty', dmd) = findBndrDmd env False dmd_ty var
+annotateLamIdBndr :: AnalEnv
+ -> DFunFlag -- is this lambda at the top of the RHS of a dfun?
+ -> DmdType -- Demand type of body
+ -> Id -- Lambda binder
+ -> (DmdType, -- Demand type of lambda
+ Id) -- and binder annotated with demand
+annotateLamIdBndr env arg_of_dfun dmd_ty id
+-- For lambdas we add the demand to the argument demands
+-- Only called for Ids
+ = ASSERT( isId id )
+ -- pprTrace "annLamBndr" (vcat [ppr id, ppr _dmd_ty]) $
+ (final_ty, setIdDemandInfo id dmd)
+ where
+ -- Watch out! See note [Lambda-bound unfoldings]
+ final_ty = case maybeUnfoldingTemplate (idUnfolding id) of
+ Nothing -> main_ty
+ Just unf -> main_ty `bothDmdType` unf_ty
+ where
+ (unf_ty, _) = dmdAnalStar env dmd unf
+ main_ty = addDemand dmd dmd_ty'
+ (dmd_ty', dmd) = findBndrDmd env arg_of_dfun dmd_ty id
+deleteFVs :: DmdType -> [Var] -> DmdType
+deleteFVs (DmdType fvs dmds res) bndrs
+ = DmdType (delVarEnvList fvs bndrs) dmds res
+Note [NOINLINE and strictness]
+The strictness analyser used to have a HACK which ensured that NOINLNE
+things were not strictness-analysed. The reason was unsafePerformIO.
+Left to itself, the strictness analyser would discover this strictness
+for unsafePerformIO:
+ unsafePerformIO: C(U(AV))
+But then consider this sub-expression
+ unsafePerformIO (\s -> let r = f x in
+ case writeIORef v r s of (# s1, _ #) ->
+ (# s1, r #)
+The strictness analyser will now find that r is sure to be eval'd,
+and may then hoist it out. This makes tests/lib/should_run/memo002
+Solving this by making all NOINLINE things have no strictness info is overkill.
+In particular, it's overkill for runST, which is perfectly respectable.
+ f x = runST (return x)
+This should be strict in x.
+So the new plan is to define unsafePerformIO using the 'lazy' combinator:
+ unsafePerformIO (IO m) = lazy (case m realWorld# of (# _, r #) -> r)
+Remember, 'lazy' is a wired-in identity-function Id, of type a->a, which is
+magically NON-STRICT, and is inlined after strictness analysis. So
+unsafePerformIO will look non-strict, and that's what we want.
+Now we don't need the hack in the strictness analyser. HOWEVER, this
+decision does mean that even a NOINLINE function is not entirely
+opaque: some aspect of its implementation leaks out, notably its
+strictness. For example, if you have a function implemented by an
+error stub, but which has RULES, you may want it not to be eliminated
+in favour of error!
+Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
+We put the strict and once-used FVs in the DmdType of the Id, so
+that at its call sites we unleash demands on its strict fvs.
+An example is 'roll' in imaginary/wheel-sieve2
+Something like this:
+ roll x = letrec
+ go y = if ... then roll (x-1) else x+1
+ in
+ go ms
+We want to see that roll is strict in x, which is because
+go is called. So we put the DmdEnv for x in go's DmdType.
+Another example:
+ f :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ f x y = let t = x+1
+ h z = if z==0 then t else
+ if z==1 then x+1 else
+ x + h (z-1)
+ in h y
+Calling h does indeed evaluate x, but we can only see
+that if we unleash a demand on x at the call site for t.
+Incidentally, here's a place where lambda-lifting h would
+lose the cigar --- we couldn't see the joint strictness in t/x
+We don't want to put *all* the fv's from the RHS into the
+DmdType. Because
+ * it makes the strictness signatures larger, and hence slows down fixpointing
+ * it is useless information at the call site anyways:
+ For lazy, used-many times fv's we will never get any better result than
+ that, no matter how good the actual demand on the function at the call site
+ is (unless it is always absent, but then the whole binder is useless).
+Therefore we exclude lazy multiple-used fv's from the environment in the
+But now the signature lies! (Missing variables are assumed to be absent.) To
+make up for this, the code that analyses the binding keeps the demand on those
+variable separate (usually called "lazy_fv") and adds it to the demand of the
+whole binding later.
+What if we decide _not_ to store a strictness signature for a binding at all, as
+we do when aborting a fixed-point iteration? The we risk losing the information
+that the strict variables are being used. In that case, we take all free variables
+mentioned in the (unsound) strictness signature, conservatively approximate the
+demand put on them (topDmd), and add that to the "lazy_fv" returned by "dmdFix".
+Note [Lambda-bound unfoldings]
+We allow a lambda-bound variable to carry an unfolding, a facility that is used
+exclusively for join points; see Note [Case binders and join points]. If so,
+we must be careful to demand-analyse the RHS of the unfolding! Example
+ \x. \y{=Just x}. <body>
+Then if <body> uses 'y', then transitively it uses 'x', and we must not
+forget that fact, otherwise we might make 'x' absent when it isn't.
+* *
+\subsection{Strictness signatures}
+* *
+type DFunFlag = Bool -- indicates if the lambda being considered is in the
+ -- sequence of lambdas at the top of the RHS of a dfun
+notArgOfDfun :: DFunFlag
+notArgOfDfun = False
+data AnalEnv
+ = AE { ae_dflags :: DynFlags
+ , ae_sigs :: SigEnv
+ , ae_virgin :: Bool -- True on first iteration only
+ -- See Note [Initialising strictness]
+ , ae_rec_tc :: RecTcChecker
+ , ae_fam_envs :: FamInstEnvs
+ }
+ -- We use the se_env to tell us whether to
+ -- record info about a variable in the DmdEnv
+ -- We do so if it's a LocalId, but not top-level
+ --
+ -- The DmdEnv gives the demand on the free vars of the function
+ -- when it is given enough args to satisfy the strictness signature
+type SigEnv = VarEnv (StrictSig, TopLevelFlag)
+instance Outputable AnalEnv where
+ ppr (AE { ae_sigs = env, ae_virgin = virgin })
+ = text "AE" <+> braces (vcat
+ [ text "ae_virgin =" <+> ppr virgin
+ , text "ae_sigs =" <+> ppr env ])
+emptyAnalEnv :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> AnalEnv
+emptyAnalEnv dflags fam_envs
+ = AE { ae_dflags = dflags
+ , ae_sigs = emptySigEnv
+ , ae_virgin = True
+ , ae_rec_tc = initRecTc
+ , ae_fam_envs = fam_envs
+ }
+emptySigEnv :: SigEnv
+emptySigEnv = emptyVarEnv
+-- | Extend an environment with the strictness IDs attached to the id
+extendAnalEnvs :: TopLevelFlag -> AnalEnv -> [Id] -> AnalEnv
+extendAnalEnvs top_lvl env vars
+ = env { ae_sigs = extendSigEnvs top_lvl (ae_sigs env) vars }
+extendSigEnvs :: TopLevelFlag -> SigEnv -> [Id] -> SigEnv
+extendSigEnvs top_lvl sigs vars
+ = extendVarEnvList sigs [ (var, (idStrictness var, top_lvl)) | var <- vars]
+extendAnalEnv :: TopLevelFlag -> AnalEnv -> Id -> StrictSig -> AnalEnv
+extendAnalEnv top_lvl env var sig
+ = env { ae_sigs = extendSigEnv top_lvl (ae_sigs env) var sig }
+extendSigEnv :: TopLevelFlag -> SigEnv -> Id -> StrictSig -> SigEnv
+extendSigEnv top_lvl sigs var sig = extendVarEnv sigs var (sig, top_lvl)
+lookupSigEnv :: AnalEnv -> Id -> Maybe (StrictSig, TopLevelFlag)
+lookupSigEnv env id = lookupVarEnv (ae_sigs env) id
+nonVirgin :: AnalEnv -> AnalEnv
+nonVirgin env = env { ae_virgin = False }
+findBndrsDmds :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> [Var] -> (DmdType, [Demand])
+-- Return the demands on the Ids in the [Var]
+findBndrsDmds env dmd_ty bndrs
+ = go dmd_ty bndrs
+ where
+ go dmd_ty [] = (dmd_ty, [])
+ go dmd_ty (b:bs)
+ | isId b = let (dmd_ty1, dmds) = go dmd_ty bs
+ (dmd_ty2, dmd) = findBndrDmd env False dmd_ty1 b
+ in (dmd_ty2, dmd : dmds)
+ | otherwise = go dmd_ty bs
+findBndrDmd :: AnalEnv -> Bool -> DmdType -> Id -> (DmdType, Demand)
+-- See Note [Trimming a demand to a type] in Demand.hs
+findBndrDmd env arg_of_dfun dmd_ty id
+ = (dmd_ty', dmd')
+ where
+ dmd' = killUsageDemand (ae_dflags env) $
+ strictify $
+ trimToType starting_dmd (findTypeShape fam_envs id_ty)
+ (dmd_ty', starting_dmd) = peelFV dmd_ty id
+ id_ty = idType id
+ strictify dmd
+ | gopt Opt_DictsStrict (ae_dflags env)
+ -- We never want to strictify a recursive let. At the moment
+ -- annotateBndr is only call for non-recursive lets; if that
+ -- changes, we need a RecFlag parameter and another guard here.
+ , not arg_of_dfun -- See Note [Do not strictify the argument dictionaries of a dfun]
+ = strictifyDictDmd id_ty dmd
+ | otherwise
+ = dmd
+ fam_envs = ae_fam_envs env
+set_idStrictness :: AnalEnv -> Id -> StrictSig -> Id
+set_idStrictness env id sig
+ = setIdStrictness id (killUsageSig (ae_dflags env) sig)
+{- Note [Initialising strictness]
+See section 9.2 (Finding fixpoints) of the paper.
+Our basic plan is to initialise the strictness of each Id in a
+recursive group to "bottom", and find a fixpoint from there. However,
+this group B might be inside an *enclosing* recursive group A, in
+which case we'll do the entire fixpoint shebang on for each iteration
+of A. This can be illustrated by the following example:
+ f [] = []
+ f (x:xs) = let g [] = f xs
+ g (y:ys) = y+1 : g ys
+ in g (h x)
+At each iteration of the fixpoint for f, the analyser has to find a
+fixpoint for the enclosed function g. In the meantime, the demand
+values for g at each iteration for f are *greater* than those we
+encountered in the previous iteration for f. Therefore, we can begin
+the fixpoint for g not with the bottom value but rather with the
+result of the previous analysis. I.e., when beginning the fixpoint
+process for g, we can start from the demand signature computed for g
+previously and attached to the binding occurrence of g.
+To speed things up, we initialise each iteration of A (the enclosing
+one) from the result of the last one, which is neatly recorded in each
+binder. That way we make use of earlier iterations of the fixpoint
+algorithm. (Cunning plan.)
+But on the *first* iteration we want to *ignore* the current strictness
+of the Id, and start from "bottom". Nowadays the Id can have a current
+strictness, because interface files record strictness for nested bindings.
+To know when we are in the first iteration, we look at the ae_virgin
+field of the AnalEnv.
+Note [Final Demand Analyser run]
+Some of the information that the demand analyser determines is not always
+preserved by the simplifier. For example, the simplifier will happily rewrite
+ \y [Demand=1*U] let x = y in x + x
+ \y [Demand=1*U] y + y
+which is quite a lie.
+The once-used information is (currently) only used by the code
+generator, though. So:
+ * We zap the used-once info in the worker-wrapper;
+ see Note [Zapping Used Once info in WorkWrap] in
+ GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.
+ If it's not reliable, it's better not to have it at all.
+ * Just before TidyCore, we add a pass of the demand analyser,
+ but WITHOUT subsequent worker/wrapper and simplifier,
+ right before TidyCore. See SimplCore.getCoreToDo.
+ This way, correct information finds its way into the module interface
+ (strictness signatures!) and the code generator (single-entry thunks!)
+Note that, in contrast, the single-call information (C1(..)) /can/ be
+relied upon, as the simplifier tends to be very careful about not
+duplicating actual function calls.
+Also see #11731.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Exitify.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Exitify.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45f9451787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Exitify.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+module GHC.Core.Op.Exitify ( exitifyProgram ) where
+Note [Exitification]
+This module implements Exitification. The goal is to pull as much code out of
+recursive functions as possible, as the simplifier is better at inlining into
+call-sites that are not in recursive functions.
+ let t = foo bar
+ joinrec go 0 x y = t (x*x)
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+We’d like to inline `t`, but that does not happen: Because t is a thunk and is
+used in a recursive function, doing so might lose sharing in general. In
+this case, however, `t` is on the _exit path_ of `go`, so called at most once.
+How do we make this clearly visible to the simplifier?
+A code path (i.e., an expression in a tail-recursive position) in a recursive
+function is an exit path if it does not contain a recursive call. We can bind
+this expression outside the recursive function, as a join-point.
+Example result:
+ let t = foo bar
+ join exit x = t (x*x)
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump exit x
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+Now `t` is no longer in a recursive function, and good things happen!
+import GhcPrelude
+import Var
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Utils
+import State
+import Unique
+import VarSet
+import VarEnv
+import GHC.Core.FVs
+import FastString
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import Util( mapSnd )
+import Data.Bifunctor
+import Control.Monad
+-- | Traverses the AST, simply to find all joinrecs and call 'exitify' on them.
+-- The really interesting function is exitifyRec
+exitifyProgram :: CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
+exitifyProgram binds = map goTopLvl binds
+ where
+ goTopLvl (NonRec v e) = NonRec v (go in_scope_toplvl e)
+ goTopLvl (Rec pairs) = Rec (map (second (go in_scope_toplvl)) pairs)
+ -- Top-level bindings are never join points
+ in_scope_toplvl = emptyInScopeSet `extendInScopeSetList` bindersOfBinds binds
+ go :: InScopeSet -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+ go _ e@(Var{}) = e
+ go _ e@(Lit {}) = e
+ go _ e@(Type {}) = e
+ go _ e@(Coercion {}) = e
+ go in_scope (Cast e' c) = Cast (go in_scope e') c
+ go in_scope (Tick t e') = Tick t (go in_scope e')
+ go in_scope (App e1 e2) = App (go in_scope e1) (go in_scope e2)
+ go in_scope (Lam v e')
+ = Lam v (go in_scope' e')
+ where in_scope' = in_scope `extendInScopeSet` v
+ go in_scope (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
+ = Case (go in_scope scrut) bndr ty (map go_alt alts)
+ where
+ in_scope1 = in_scope `extendInScopeSet` bndr
+ go_alt (dc, pats, rhs) = (dc, pats, go in_scope' rhs)
+ where in_scope' = in_scope1 `extendInScopeSetList` pats
+ go in_scope (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body)
+ = Let (NonRec bndr (go in_scope rhs)) (go in_scope' body)
+ where
+ in_scope' = in_scope `extendInScopeSet` bndr
+ go in_scope (Let (Rec pairs) body)
+ | is_join_rec = mkLets (exitifyRec in_scope' pairs') body'
+ | otherwise = Let (Rec pairs') body'
+ where
+ is_join_rec = any (isJoinId . fst) pairs
+ in_scope' = in_scope `extendInScopeSetList` bindersOf (Rec pairs)
+ pairs' = mapSnd (go in_scope') pairs
+ body' = go in_scope' body
+-- | State Monad used inside `exitify`
+type ExitifyM = State [(JoinId, CoreExpr)]
+-- | Given a recursive group of a joinrec, identifies “exit paths” and binds them as
+-- join-points outside the joinrec.
+exitifyRec :: InScopeSet -> [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> [CoreBind]
+exitifyRec in_scope pairs
+ = [ NonRec xid rhs | (xid,rhs) <- exits ] ++ [Rec pairs']
+ where
+ -- We need the set of free variables of many subexpressions here, so
+ -- annotate the AST with them
+ -- see Note [Calculating free variables]
+ ann_pairs = map (second freeVars) pairs
+ -- Which are the recursive calls?
+ recursive_calls = mkVarSet $ map fst pairs
+ (pairs',exits) = (`runState` []) $ do
+ forM ann_pairs $ \(x,rhs) -> do
+ -- go past the lambdas of the join point
+ let (args, body) = collectNAnnBndrs (idJoinArity x) rhs
+ body' <- go args body
+ let rhs' = mkLams args body'
+ return (x, rhs')
+ ---------------------
+ -- 'go' is the main working function.
+ -- It goes through the RHS (tail-call positions only),
+ -- checks if there are no more recursive calls, if so, abstracts over
+ -- variables bound on the way and lifts it out as a join point.
+ --
+ -- ExitifyM is a state monad to keep track of floated binds
+ go :: [Var] -- ^ Variables that are in-scope here, but
+ -- not in scope at the joinrec; that is,
+ -- we must potentially abstract over them.
+ -- Invariant: they are kept in dependency order
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- ^ Current expression in tail position
+ -> ExitifyM CoreExpr
+ -- We first look at the expression (no matter what it shape is)
+ -- and determine if we can turn it into a exit join point
+ go captured ann_e
+ | -- An exit expression has no recursive calls
+ let fvs = dVarSetToVarSet (freeVarsOf ann_e)
+ , disjointVarSet fvs recursive_calls
+ = go_exit captured (deAnnotate ann_e) fvs
+ -- We could not turn it into a exit join point. So now recurse
+ -- into all expression where eligible exit join points might sit,
+ -- i.e. into all tail-call positions:
+ -- Case right hand sides are in tail-call position
+ go captured (_, AnnCase scrut bndr ty alts) = do
+ alts' <- forM alts $ \(dc, pats, rhs) -> do
+ rhs' <- go (captured ++ [bndr] ++ pats) rhs
+ return (dc, pats, rhs')
+ return $ Case (deAnnotate scrut) bndr ty alts'
+ go captured (_, AnnLet ann_bind body)
+ -- join point, RHS and body are in tail-call position
+ | AnnNonRec j rhs <- ann_bind
+ , Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe j
+ = do let (params, join_body) = collectNAnnBndrs join_arity rhs
+ join_body' <- go (captured ++ params) join_body
+ let rhs' = mkLams params join_body'
+ body' <- go (captured ++ [j]) body
+ return $ Let (NonRec j rhs') body'
+ -- rec join point, RHSs and body are in tail-call position
+ | AnnRec pairs <- ann_bind
+ , isJoinId (fst (head pairs))
+ = do let js = map fst pairs
+ pairs' <- forM pairs $ \(j,rhs) -> do
+ let join_arity = idJoinArity j
+ (params, join_body) = collectNAnnBndrs join_arity rhs
+ join_body' <- go (captured ++ js ++ params) join_body
+ let rhs' = mkLams params join_body'
+ return (j, rhs')
+ body' <- go (captured ++ js) body
+ return $ Let (Rec pairs') body'
+ -- normal Let, only the body is in tail-call position
+ | otherwise
+ = do body' <- go (captured ++ bindersOf bind ) body
+ return $ Let bind body'
+ where bind = deAnnBind ann_bind
+ -- Cannot be turned into an exit join point, but also has no
+ -- tail-call subexpression. Nothing to do here.
+ go _ ann_e = return (deAnnotate ann_e)
+ ---------------------
+ go_exit :: [Var] -- Variables captured locally
+ -> CoreExpr -- An exit expression
+ -> VarSet -- Free vars of the expression
+ -> ExitifyM CoreExpr
+ -- go_exit deals with a tail expression that is floatable
+ -- out as an exit point; that is, it mentions no recursive calls
+ go_exit captured e fvs
+ -- Do not touch an expression that is already a join jump where all arguments
+ -- are captured variables. See Note [Idempotency]
+ -- But _do_ float join jumps with interesting arguments.
+ -- See Note [Jumps can be interesting]
+ | (Var f, args) <- collectArgs e
+ , isJoinId f
+ , all isCapturedVarArg args
+ = return e
+ -- Do not touch a boring expression (see Note [Interesting expression])
+ | not is_interesting
+ = return e
+ -- Cannot float out if local join points are used, as
+ -- we cannot abstract over them
+ | captures_join_points
+ = return e
+ -- We have something to float out!
+ | otherwise
+ = do { -- Assemble the RHS of the exit join point
+ let rhs = mkLams abs_vars e
+ avoid = in_scope `extendInScopeSetList` captured
+ -- Remember this binding under a suitable name
+ ; v <- addExit avoid (length abs_vars) rhs
+ -- And jump to it from here
+ ; return $ mkVarApps (Var v) abs_vars }
+ where
+ -- Used to detect exit expressions that are already proper exit jumps
+ isCapturedVarArg (Var v) = v `elem` captured
+ isCapturedVarArg _ = False
+ -- An interesting exit expression has free, non-imported
+ -- variables from outside the recursive group
+ -- See Note [Interesting expression]
+ is_interesting = anyVarSet isLocalId $
+ fvs `minusVarSet` mkVarSet captured
+ -- The arguments of this exit join point
+ -- See Note [Picking arguments to abstract over]
+ abs_vars = snd $ foldr pick (fvs, []) captured
+ where
+ pick v (fvs', acc) | v `elemVarSet` fvs' = (fvs' `delVarSet` v, zap v : acc)
+ | otherwise = (fvs', acc)
+ -- We are going to abstract over these variables, so we must
+ -- zap any IdInfo they have; see #15005
+ -- cf. GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels.abstractVars
+ zap v | isId v = setIdInfo v vanillaIdInfo
+ | otherwise = v
+ -- We cannot abstract over join points
+ captures_join_points = any isJoinId abs_vars
+-- Picks a new unique, which is disjoint from
+-- * the free variables of the whole joinrec
+-- * any bound variables (captured)
+-- * any exit join points created so far.
+mkExitJoinId :: InScopeSet -> Type -> JoinArity -> ExitifyM JoinId
+mkExitJoinId in_scope ty join_arity = do
+ fs <- get
+ let avoid = in_scope `extendInScopeSetList` (map fst fs)
+ `extendInScopeSet` exit_id_tmpl -- just cosmetics
+ return (uniqAway avoid exit_id_tmpl)
+ where
+ exit_id_tmpl = mkSysLocal (fsLit "exit") initExitJoinUnique ty
+ `asJoinId` join_arity
+addExit :: InScopeSet -> JoinArity -> CoreExpr -> ExitifyM JoinId
+addExit in_scope join_arity rhs = do
+ -- Pick a suitable name
+ let ty = exprType rhs
+ v <- mkExitJoinId in_scope ty join_arity
+ fs <- get
+ put ((v,rhs):fs)
+ return v
+Note [Interesting expression]
+We do not want this to happen:
+ joinrec go 0 x y = x
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+ join exit x = x
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump exit x
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+because the floated exit path (`x`) is simply a parameter of `go`; there are
+not useful interactions exposed this way.
+Neither do we want this to happen
+ joinrec go 0 x y = x+x
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+ join exit x = x+x
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump exit x
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+where the floated expression `x+x` is a bit more complicated, but still not
+Expressions are interesting when they move an occurrence of a variable outside
+the recursive `go` that can benefit from being obviously called once, for example:
+ * a local thunk that can then be inlined (see example in note [Exitification])
+ * the parameter of a function, where the demand analyzer then can then
+ see that it is called at most once, and hence improve the function’s
+ strictness signature
+So we only hoist an exit expression out if it mentiones at least one free,
+non-imported variable.
+Note [Jumps can be interesting]
+A jump to a join point can be interesting, if its arguments contain free
+non-exported variables (z in the following example):
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump j (x+z)
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+ join exit x y = jump j (x+z)
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump exit x
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+The join point itself can be interesting, even if none if its
+arguments have free variables free in the joinrec. For example
+ join j p = case p of (x,y) -> x+y
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump j (x,y)
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y) y
+ in …
+Here, `j` would not be inlined because we do not inline something that looks
+like an exit join point (see Note [Do not inline exit join points]). But
+if we exitify the 'jump j (x,y)' we get
+ join j p = case p of (x,y) -> x+y
+ join exit x y = jump j (x,y)
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump exit x y
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y) y
+ in …
+and now 'j' can inline, and we get rid of the pair. Here's another
+example (assume `g` to be an imported function that, on its own,
+does not make this interesting):
+ join j y = map f y
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump j (map g x)
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+Again, `j` would not be inlined because we do not inline something that looks
+like an exit join point (see Note [Do not inline exit join points]).
+But after exitification we have
+ join j y = map f y
+ join exit x = jump j (map g x)
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump j (map g x)
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+and now we can inline `j` and this will allow `map/map` to fire.
+Note [Idempotency]
+We do not want this to happen, where we replace the floated expression with
+essentially the same expression:
+ join exit x = t (x*x)
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump exit x
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+ join exit x = t (x*x)
+ join exit' x = jump exit x
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump exit' x
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+So when the RHS is a join jump, and all of its arguments are captured variables,
+then we leave it in place.
+Note that `jump exit x` in this example looks interesting, as `exit` is a free
+variable. Therefore, idempotency does not simply follow from floating only
+interesting expressions.
+Note [Calculating free variables]
+We have two options where to annotate the tree with free variables:
+ A) The whole tree.
+ B) Each individual joinrec as we come across it.
+Downside of A: We pay the price on the whole module, even outside any joinrecs.
+Downside of B: We pay the price per joinrec, possibly multiple times when
+joinrecs are nested.
+Further downside of A: If the exitify function returns annotated expressions,
+it would have to ensure that the annotations are correct.
+We therefore choose B, and calculate the free variables in `exitify`.
+Note [Do not inline exit join points]
+When we have
+ let t = foo bar
+ join exit x = t (x*x)
+ joinrec go 0 x y = jump exit x
+ go (n-1) x y = jump go (n-1) (x+y)
+ in …
+we do not want the simplifier to simply inline `exit` back in (which it happily
+To prevent this, we need to recognize exit join points, and then disable
+Exit join points, recognizeable using `isExitJoinId` are join points with an
+occurrence in a recursive group, and can be recognized (after the occurrence
+analyzer ran!) using `isExitJoinId`.
+This function detects joinpoints with `occ_in_lam (idOccinfo id) == True`,
+because the lambdas of a non-recursive join point are not considered for
+`occ_in_lam`. For example, in the following code, `j1` is /not/ marked
+occ_in_lam, because `j2` is called only once.
+ join j1 x = x+1
+ join j2 y = join j1 (y+2)
+To prevent inlining, we check for isExitJoinId
+* In `preInlineUnconditionally` directly.
+* In `simplLetUnfolding` we simply give exit join points no unfolding, which
+ prevents inlining in `postInlineUnconditionally` and call sites.
+Note [Placement of the exitification pass]
+I (Joachim) experimented with multiple positions for the Exitification pass in
+the Core2Core pipeline:
+ A) Before the `simpl_phases`
+ B) Between the `simpl_phases` and the "main" simplifier pass
+ C) After demand_analyser
+ D) Before the final simplification phase
+Here is the table (this is without inlining join exit points in the final
+simplifier run):
+ Program | Allocs | Instrs
+ | ABCD.log A.log B.log C.log D.log | ABCD.log A.log B.log C.log D.log
+ fannkuch-redux | -99.9% +0.0% -99.9% -99.9% -99.9% | -3.9% +0.5% -3.0% -3.9% -3.9%
+ fasta | -0.0% +0.0% +0.0% -0.0% -0.0% | -8.5% +0.0% +0.0% -0.0% -8.5%
+ fem | 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% +0.0% | -2.2% -0.1% -0.1% -2.1% -2.1%
+ fish | 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% +0.0% | -3.1% +0.0% -1.1% -1.1% -0.0%
+ k-nucleotide | -91.3% -91.0% -91.0% -91.3% -91.3% | -6.3% +11.4% +11.4% -6.3% -6.2%
+ scs | -0.0% -0.0% -0.0% -0.0% -0.0% | -3.4% -3.0% -3.1% -3.3% -3.3%
+ simple | -6.0% 0.0% -6.0% -6.0% +0.0% | -3.4% +0.0% -5.2% -3.4% -0.1%
+ spectral-norm | -0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -0.0% +0.0% | -2.7% +0.0% -2.7% -5.4% -5.4%
+ Min | -95.0% -91.0% -95.0% -95.0% -95.0% | -8.5% -3.0% -5.2% -6.3% -8.5%
+ Max | +0.2% +0.2% +0.2% +0.2% +1.5% | +0.4% +11.4% +11.4% +0.4% +1.5%
+ Geometric Mean | -4.7% -2.1% -4.7% -4.7% -4.6% | -0.4% +0.1% -0.1% -0.3% -0.2%
+Position A is disqualified, as it does not get rid of the allocations in
+Position A and B are disqualified because it increases instructions in k-nucleotide.
+Positions C and D have their advantages: C decreases allocations in simpl, but D instructions in fasta.
+Assuming we have a budget of _one_ run of Exitification, then C wins (but we
+could get more from running it multiple times, as seen in fish).
+Note [Picking arguments to abstract over]
+When we create an exit join point, so we need to abstract over those of its
+free variables that are be out-of-scope at the destination of the exit join
+point. So we go through the list `captured` and pick those that are actually
+free variables of the join point.
+We do not just `filter (`elemVarSet` fvs) captured`, as there might be
+shadowing, and `captured` may contain multiple variables with the same Unique. I
+these cases we want to abstract only over the last occurrence, hence the `foldr`
+(with emphasis on the `r`). This is #15110.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/FloatIn.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/FloatIn.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac4ef8088e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/FloatIn.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+* *
+\section[FloatIn]{Floating Inwards pass}
+* *
+The main purpose of @floatInwards@ is floating into branches of a
+case, so that we don't allocate things, save them on the stack, and
+then discover that they aren't needed in the chosen branch.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprof-auto #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.FloatIn ( floatInwards ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Make hiding ( wrapFloats )
+import GHC.Driver.Types ( ModGuts(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Utils
+import GHC.Core.FVs
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad ( CoreM )
+import Id ( isOneShotBndr, idType, isJoinId, isJoinId_maybe )
+import Var
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import VarSet
+import Util
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Outputable
+-- import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
+import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..), isRec )
+Top-level interface function, @floatInwards@. Note that we do not
+actually float any bindings downwards from the top-level.
+floatInwards :: ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+floatInwards pgm@(ModGuts { mg_binds = binds })
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; return (pgm { mg_binds = map (fi_top_bind dflags) binds }) }
+ where
+ fi_top_bind dflags (NonRec binder rhs)
+ = NonRec binder (fiExpr dflags [] (freeVars rhs))
+ fi_top_bind dflags (Rec pairs)
+ = Rec [ (b, fiExpr dflags [] (freeVars rhs)) | (b, rhs) <- pairs ]
+* *
+\subsection{Mail from Andr\'e [edited]}
+* *
+{\em Will wrote: What??? I thought the idea was to float as far
+inwards as possible, no matter what. This is dropping all bindings
+every time it sees a lambda of any kind. Help! }
+You are assuming we DO DO full laziness AFTER floating inwards! We
+have to [not float inside lambdas] if we don't.
+If we indeed do full laziness after the floating inwards (we could
+check the compilation flags for that) then I agree we could be more
+aggressive and do float inwards past lambdas.
+Actually we are not doing a proper full laziness (see below), which
+was another reason for not floating inwards past a lambda.
+This can easily be fixed. The problem is that we float lets outwards,
+but there are a few expressions which are not let bound, like case
+scrutinees and case alternatives. After floating inwards the
+simplifier could decide to inline the let and the laziness would be
+lost, e.g.
+let a = expensive ==> \b -> case expensive of ...
+in \ b -> case a of ...
+The fix is
+to let bind the algebraic case scrutinees (done, I think) and
+the case alternatives (except the ones with an
+unboxed type)(not done, I think). This is best done in the
+GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels.hs module, which tags things with their level numbers.
+do the full laziness pass (floating lets outwards).
+simplify. The simplifier inlines the (trivial) lets that were
+ created but were not floated outwards.
+With the fix I think Will's suggestion that we can gain even more from
+strictness by floating inwards past lambdas makes sense.
+We still gain even without going past lambdas, as things may be
+strict in the (new) context of a branch (where it was floated to) or
+of a let rhs, e.g.
+let a = something case x of
+in case x of alt1 -> case something of a -> a + a
+ alt1 -> a + a ==> alt2 -> b
+ alt2 -> b
+let a = something let b = case something of a -> a + a
+in let b = a + a ==> in (b,b)
+in (b,b)
+Also, even if a is not found to be strict in the new context and is
+still left as a let, if the branch is not taken (or b is not entered)
+the closure for a is not built.
+* *
+\subsection{Main floating-inwards code}
+* *
+type FreeVarSet = DIdSet
+type BoundVarSet = DIdSet
+data FloatInBind = FB BoundVarSet FreeVarSet FloatBind
+ -- The FreeVarSet is the free variables of the binding. In the case
+ -- of recursive bindings, the set doesn't include the bound
+ -- variables.
+type FloatInBinds = [FloatInBind]
+ -- In reverse dependency order (innermost binder first)
+fiExpr :: DynFlags
+ -> FloatInBinds -- Binds we're trying to drop
+ -- as far "inwards" as possible
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- Input expr
+ -> CoreExpr -- Result
+fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnLit lit) = wrapFloats to_drop (Lit lit)
+ -- See Note [Dead bindings]
+fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnType ty) = ASSERT( null to_drop ) Type ty
+fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnVar v) = wrapFloats to_drop (Var v)
+fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnCoercion co) = wrapFloats to_drop (Coercion co)
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_, AnnCast expr (co_ann, co))
+ = wrapFloats (drop_here ++ co_drop) $
+ Cast (fiExpr dflags e_drop expr) co
+ where
+ [drop_here, e_drop, co_drop]
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False
+ [freeVarsOf expr, freeVarsOfAnn co_ann]
+ to_drop
+Applications: we do float inside applications, mainly because we
+need to get at all the arguments. The next simplifier run will
+pull out any silly ones.
+fiExpr dflags to_drop ann_expr@(_,AnnApp {})
+ = wrapFloats drop_here $ wrapFloats extra_drop $
+ mkTicks ticks $
+ mkApps (fiExpr dflags fun_drop ann_fun)
+ (zipWith (fiExpr dflags) arg_drops ann_args)
+ where
+ (ann_fun, ann_args, ticks) = collectAnnArgsTicks tickishFloatable ann_expr
+ fun_ty = exprType (deAnnotate ann_fun)
+ fun_fvs = freeVarsOf ann_fun
+ arg_fvs = map freeVarsOf ann_args
+ (drop_here : extra_drop : fun_drop : arg_drops)
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False
+ (extra_fvs : fun_fvs : arg_fvs)
+ to_drop
+ -- Shortcut behaviour: if to_drop is empty,
+ -- sepBindsByDropPoint returns a suitable bunch of empty
+ -- lists without evaluating extra_fvs, and hence without
+ -- peering into each argument
+ (_, extra_fvs) = foldl' add_arg (fun_ty, extra_fvs0) ann_args
+ extra_fvs0 = case ann_fun of
+ (_, AnnVar _) -> fun_fvs
+ _ -> emptyDVarSet
+ -- Don't float the binding for f into f x y z; see Note [Join points]
+ -- for why we *can't* do it when f is a join point. (If f isn't a
+ -- join point, floating it in isn't especially harmful but it's
+ -- useless since the simplifier will immediately float it back out.)
+ add_arg :: (Type,FreeVarSet) -> CoreExprWithFVs -> (Type,FreeVarSet)
+ add_arg (fun_ty, extra_fvs) (_, AnnType ty)
+ = (piResultTy fun_ty ty, extra_fvs)
+ add_arg (fun_ty, extra_fvs) (arg_fvs, arg)
+ | noFloatIntoArg arg arg_ty
+ = (res_ty, extra_fvs `unionDVarSet` arg_fvs)
+ | otherwise
+ = (res_ty, extra_fvs)
+ where
+ (arg_ty, res_ty) = splitFunTy fun_ty
+{- Note [Dead bindings]
+At a literal we won't usually have any floated bindings; the
+only way that can happen is if the binding wrapped the literal
+/in the original input program/. e.g.
+ case x of { DEFAULT -> 1# }
+But, while this may be unusual it is not actually wrong, and it did
+once happen (#15696).
+Note [Do not destroy the let/app invariant]
+Watch out for
+ f (x +# y)
+We don't want to float bindings into here
+ f (case ... of { x -> x +# y })
+because that might destroy the let/app invariant, which requires
+unlifted function arguments to be ok-for-speculation.
+Note [Join points]
+Generally, we don't need to worry about join points - there are places we're
+not allowed to float them, but since they can't have occurrences in those
+places, we're not tempted.
+We do need to be careful about jumps, however:
+ joinrec j x y z = ... in
+ jump j a b c
+Previous versions often floated the definition of a recursive function into its
+only non-recursive occurrence. But for a join point, this is a disaster:
+ (joinrec j x y z = ... in
+ jump j) a b c -- wrong!
+Every jump must be exact, so the jump to j must have three arguments. Hence
+we're careful not to float into the target of a jump (though we can float into
+the arguments just fine).
+Note [Floating in past a lambda group]
+* We must be careful about floating inside a value lambda.
+ That risks losing laziness.
+ The float-out pass might rescue us, but then again it might not.
+* We must be careful about type lambdas too. At one time we did, and
+ there is no risk of duplicating work thereby, but we do need to be
+ careful. In particular, here is a bad case (it happened in the
+ cichelli benchmark:
+ let v = ...
+ in let f = /\t -> \a -> ...
+ ==>
+ let f = /\t -> let v = ... in \a -> ...
+ This is bad as now f is an updatable closure (update PAP)
+ and has arity 0.
+* Hack alert! We only float in through one-shot lambdas,
+ not (as you might guess) through lone big lambdas.
+ Reason: we float *out* past big lambdas (see the test in the Lam
+ case of FloatOut.floatExpr) and we don't want to float straight
+ back in again.
+ It *is* important to float into one-shot lambdas, however;
+ see the remarks with noFloatIntoRhs.
+So we treat lambda in groups, using the following rule:
+ Float in if (a) there is at least one Id,
+ and (b) there are no non-one-shot Ids
+ Otherwise drop all the bindings outside the group.
+This is what the 'go' function in the AnnLam case is doing.
+(Join points are handled similarly: a join point is considered one-shot iff
+it's non-recursive, so we float only into non-recursive join points.)
+Urk! if all are tyvars, and we don't float in, we may miss an
+ opportunity to float inside a nested case branch
+Note [Floating coercions]
+We could, in principle, have a coercion binding like
+ case f x of co { DEFAULT -> e1 e2 }
+It's not common to have a function that returns a coercion, but nothing
+in Core prohibits it. If so, 'co' might be mentioned in e1 or e2
+/only in a type/. E.g. suppose e1 was
+ let (x :: Int |> co) = blah in blah2
+But, with coercions appearing in types, there is a complication: we
+might be floating in a "strict let" -- that is, a case. Case expressions
+mention their return type. We absolutely can't float a coercion binding
+inward to the point that the type of the expression it's about to wrap
+mentions the coercion. So we include the union of the sets of free variables
+of the types of all the drop points involved. If any of the floaters
+bind a coercion variable mentioned in any of the types, that binder must
+be dropped right away.
+fiExpr dflags to_drop lam@(_, AnnLam _ _)
+ | noFloatIntoLam bndrs -- Dump it all here
+ -- NB: Must line up with noFloatIntoRhs (AnnLam...); see #7088
+ = wrapFloats to_drop (mkLams bndrs (fiExpr dflags [] body))
+ | otherwise -- Float inside
+ = mkLams bndrs (fiExpr dflags to_drop body)
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) = collectAnnBndrs lam
+We don't float lets inwards past an SCC.
+ ToDo: keep info on current cc, and when passing
+ one, if it is not the same, annotate all lets in binds with current
+ cc, change current cc to the new one and float binds into expr.
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_, AnnTick tickish expr)
+ | tickish `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope
+ = Tick tickish (fiExpr dflags to_drop expr)
+ | otherwise -- Wimp out for now - we could push values in
+ = wrapFloats to_drop (Tick tickish (fiExpr dflags [] expr))
+For @Lets@, the possible ``drop points'' for the \tr{to_drop}
+bindings are: (a)~in the body, (b1)~in the RHS of a NonRec binding,
+or~(b2), in each of the RHSs of the pairs of a @Rec@.
+Note that we do {\em weird things} with this let's binding. Consider:
+ w = ...
+in {
+ let v = ... w ...
+ in ... v .. w ...
+Look at the inner \tr{let}. As \tr{w} is used in both the bind and
+body of the inner let, we could panic and leave \tr{w}'s binding where
+it is. But \tr{v} is floatable further into the body of the inner let, and
+{\em then} \tr{w} will also be only in the body of that inner let.
+So: rather than drop \tr{w}'s binding here, we add it onto the list of
+things to drop in the outer let's body, and let nature take its
+Note [extra_fvs (1): avoid floating into RHS]
+Consider let x=\y....t... in body. We do not necessarily want to float
+a binding for t into the RHS, because it'll immediately be floated out
+again. (It won't go inside the lambda else we risk losing work.)
+In letrec, we need to be more careful still. We don't want to transform
+ let x# = y# +# 1#
+ in
+ letrec f = \z. ...x#...f...
+ in ...
+ letrec f = let x# = y# +# 1# in \z. ...x#...f... in ...
+because now we can't float the let out again, because a letrec
+can't have unboxed bindings.
+So we make "extra_fvs" which is the rhs_fvs of such bindings, and
+arrange to dump bindings that bind extra_fvs before the entire let.
+Note [extra_fvs (2): free variables of rules]
+ let x{rule mentioning y} = rhs in body
+Here y is not free in rhs or body; but we still want to dump bindings
+that bind y outside the let. So we augment extra_fvs with the
+idRuleAndUnfoldingVars of x. No need for type variables, hence not using
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_,AnnLet bind body)
+ = fiExpr dflags (after ++ new_float : before) body
+ -- to_drop is in reverse dependency order
+ where
+ (before, new_float, after) = fiBind dflags to_drop bind body_fvs
+ body_fvs = freeVarsOf body
+{- Note [Floating primops]
+We try to float-in a case expression over an unlifted type. The
+motivating example was #5658: in particular, this change allows
+array indexing operations, which have a single DEFAULT alternative
+without any binders, to be floated inward.
+SIMD primops for unpacking SIMD vectors into an unboxed tuple of unboxed
+scalars also need to be floated inward, but unpacks have a single non-DEFAULT
+alternative that binds the elements of the tuple. We now therefore also support
+floating in cases with a single alternative that may bind values.
+But there are wrinkles
+* Which unlifted cases do we float? See PrimOp.hs
+ Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects] which explains:
+ - We can float-in can_fail primops, but we can't float them out.
+ - But we can float a has_side_effects primop, but NOT inside a lambda,
+ so for now we don't float them at all.
+ Hence exprOkForSideEffects
+* Because we can float can-fail primops (array indexing, division) inwards
+ but not outwards, we must be careful not to transform
+ case a /# b of r -> f (F# r)
+ ===>
+ f (case a /# b of r -> F# r)
+ because that creates a new thunk that wasn't there before. And
+ because it can't be floated out (can_fail), the thunk will stay
+ there. Disaster! (This happened in nofib 'simple' and 'scs'.)
+ Solution: only float cases into the branches of other cases, and
+ not into the arguments of an application, or the RHS of a let. This
+ is somewhat conservative, but it's simple. And it still hits the
+ cases like #5658. This is implemented in sepBindsByJoinPoint;
+ if is_case is False we dump all floating cases right here.
+* #14511 is another example of why we want to restrict float-in
+ of case-expressions. Consider
+ case indexArray# a n of (# r #) -> writeArray# ma i (f r)
+ Now, floating that indexing operation into the (f r) thunk will
+ not create any new thunks, but it will keep the array 'a' alive
+ for much longer than the programmer expected.
+ So again, not floating a case into a let or argument seems like
+ the Right Thing
+For @Case@, the possible drop points for the 'to_drop'
+bindings are:
+ (a) inside the scrutinee
+ (b) inside one of the alternatives/default (default FVs always /first/!).
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr _ [(con,alt_bndrs,rhs)])
+ | isUnliftedType (idType case_bndr)
+ , exprOkForSideEffects (deAnnotate scrut)
+ -- See Note [Floating primops]
+ = wrapFloats shared_binds $
+ fiExpr dflags (case_float : rhs_binds) rhs
+ where
+ case_float = FB (mkDVarSet (case_bndr : alt_bndrs)) scrut_fvs
+ (FloatCase scrut' case_bndr con alt_bndrs)
+ scrut' = fiExpr dflags scrut_binds scrut
+ rhs_fvs = freeVarsOf rhs `delDVarSetList` (case_bndr : alt_bndrs)
+ scrut_fvs = freeVarsOf scrut
+ [shared_binds, scrut_binds, rhs_binds]
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False
+ [scrut_fvs, rhs_fvs]
+ to_drop
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = wrapFloats drop_here1 $
+ wrapFloats drop_here2 $
+ Case (fiExpr dflags scrut_drops scrut) case_bndr ty
+ (zipWith fi_alt alts_drops_s alts)
+ where
+ -- Float into the scrut and alts-considered-together just like App
+ [drop_here1, scrut_drops, alts_drops]
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False
+ [scrut_fvs, all_alts_fvs]
+ to_drop
+ -- Float into the alts with the is_case flag set
+ (drop_here2 : alts_drops_s)
+ | [ _ ] <- alts = [] : [alts_drops]
+ | otherwise = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags True alts_fvs alts_drops
+ scrut_fvs = freeVarsOf scrut
+ alts_fvs = map alt_fvs alts
+ all_alts_fvs = unionDVarSets alts_fvs
+ alt_fvs (_con, args, rhs)
+ = foldl' delDVarSet (freeVarsOf rhs) (case_bndr:args)
+ -- Delete case_bndr and args from free vars of rhs
+ -- to get free vars of alt
+ fi_alt to_drop (con, args, rhs) = (con, args, fiExpr dflags to_drop rhs)
+fiBind :: DynFlags
+ -> FloatInBinds -- Binds we're trying to drop
+ -- as far "inwards" as possible
+ -> CoreBindWithFVs -- Input binding
+ -> DVarSet -- Free in scope of binding
+ -> ( FloatInBinds -- Land these before
+ , FloatInBind -- The binding itself
+ , FloatInBinds) -- Land these after
+fiBind dflags to_drop (AnnNonRec id ann_rhs@(rhs_fvs, rhs)) body_fvs
+ = ( extra_binds ++ shared_binds -- Land these before
+ -- See Note [extra_fvs (1,2)]
+ , FB (unitDVarSet id) rhs_fvs' -- The new binding itself
+ (FloatLet (NonRec id rhs'))
+ , body_binds ) -- Land these after
+ where
+ body_fvs2 = body_fvs `delDVarSet` id
+ rule_fvs = bndrRuleAndUnfoldingVarsDSet id -- See Note [extra_fvs (2): free variables of rules]
+ extra_fvs | noFloatIntoRhs NonRecursive id rhs
+ = rule_fvs `unionDVarSet` rhs_fvs
+ | otherwise
+ = rule_fvs
+ -- See Note [extra_fvs (1): avoid floating into RHS]
+ -- No point in floating in only to float straight out again
+ -- We *can't* float into ok-for-speculation unlifted RHSs
+ -- But do float into join points
+ [shared_binds, extra_binds, rhs_binds, body_binds]
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False
+ [extra_fvs, rhs_fvs, body_fvs2]
+ to_drop
+ -- Push rhs_binds into the right hand side of the binding
+ rhs' = fiRhs dflags rhs_binds id ann_rhs
+ rhs_fvs' = rhs_fvs `unionDVarSet` floatedBindsFVs rhs_binds `unionDVarSet` rule_fvs
+ -- Don't forget the rule_fvs; the binding mentions them!
+fiBind dflags to_drop (AnnRec bindings) body_fvs
+ = ( extra_binds ++ shared_binds
+ , FB (mkDVarSet ids) rhs_fvs'
+ (FloatLet (Rec (fi_bind rhss_binds bindings)))
+ , body_binds )
+ where
+ (ids, rhss) = unzip bindings
+ rhss_fvs = map freeVarsOf rhss
+ -- See Note [extra_fvs (1,2)]
+ rule_fvs = mapUnionDVarSet bndrRuleAndUnfoldingVarsDSet ids
+ extra_fvs = rule_fvs `unionDVarSet`
+ unionDVarSets [ rhs_fvs | (bndr, (rhs_fvs, rhs)) <- bindings
+ , noFloatIntoRhs Recursive bndr rhs ]
+ (shared_binds:extra_binds:body_binds:rhss_binds)
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False
+ (extra_fvs:body_fvs:rhss_fvs)
+ to_drop
+ rhs_fvs' = unionDVarSets rhss_fvs `unionDVarSet`
+ unionDVarSets (map floatedBindsFVs rhss_binds) `unionDVarSet`
+ rule_fvs -- Don't forget the rule variables!
+ -- Push rhs_binds into the right hand side of the binding
+ fi_bind :: [FloatInBinds] -- one per "drop pt" conjured w/ fvs_of_rhss
+ -> [(Id, CoreExprWithFVs)]
+ -> [(Id, CoreExpr)]
+ fi_bind to_drops pairs
+ = [ (binder, fiRhs dflags to_drop binder rhs)
+ | ((binder, rhs), to_drop) <- zipEqual "fi_bind" pairs to_drops ]
+fiRhs :: DynFlags -> FloatInBinds -> CoreBndr -> CoreExprWithFVs -> CoreExpr
+fiRhs dflags to_drop bndr rhs
+ | Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ , let (bndrs, body) = collectNAnnBndrs join_arity rhs
+ = mkLams bndrs (fiExpr dflags to_drop body)
+ | otherwise
+ = fiExpr dflags to_drop rhs
+noFloatIntoLam :: [Var] -> Bool
+noFloatIntoLam bndrs = any bad bndrs
+ where
+ bad b = isId b && not (isOneShotBndr b)
+ -- Don't float inside a non-one-shot lambda
+noFloatIntoRhs :: RecFlag -> Id -> CoreExprWithFVs' -> Bool
+-- ^ True if it's a bad idea to float bindings into this RHS
+noFloatIntoRhs is_rec bndr rhs
+ | isJoinId bndr
+ = isRec is_rec -- Joins are one-shot iff non-recursive
+ | otherwise
+ = noFloatIntoArg rhs (idType bndr)
+noFloatIntoArg :: CoreExprWithFVs' -> Type -> Bool
+noFloatIntoArg expr expr_ty
+ | isUnliftedType expr_ty
+ = True -- See Note [Do not destroy the let/app invariant]
+ | AnnLam bndr e <- expr
+ , (bndrs, _) <- collectAnnBndrs e
+ = noFloatIntoLam (bndr:bndrs) -- Wrinkle 1 (a)
+ || all isTyVar (bndr:bndrs) -- Wrinkle 1 (b)
+ -- See Note [noFloatInto considerations] wrinkle 2
+ | otherwise -- Note [noFloatInto considerations] wrinkle 2
+ = exprIsTrivial deann_expr || exprIsHNF deann_expr
+ where
+ deann_expr = deAnnotate' expr
+{- Note [noFloatInto considerations]
+When do we want to float bindings into
+ - noFloatIntoRHs: the RHS of a let-binding
+ - noFloatIntoArg: the argument of a function application
+Definitely don't float in if it has unlifted type; that
+would destroy the let/app invariant.
+* Wrinkle 1: do not float in if
+ (a) any non-one-shot value lambdas
+ or (b) all type lambdas
+ In both cases we'll float straight back out again
+ NB: Must line up with fiExpr (AnnLam...); see #7088
+ (a) is important: we /must/ float into a one-shot lambda group
+ (which includes join points). This makes a big difference
+ for things like
+ f x# = let x = I# x#
+ in let j = \() -> ...x...
+ in if <condition> then normal-path else j ()
+ If x is used only in the error case join point, j, we must float the
+ boxing constructor into it, else we box it every time which is very
+ bad news indeed.
+* Wrinkle 2: for RHSs, do not float into a HNF; we'll just float right
+ back out again... not tragic, but a waste of time.
+ For function arguments we will still end up with this
+ in-then-out stuff; consider
+ letrec x = e in f x
+ Here x is not a HNF, so we'll produce
+ f (letrec x = e in x)
+ which is OK... it's not that common, and we'll end up
+ floating out again, in CorePrep if not earlier.
+ Still, we use exprIsTrivial to catch this case (sigh)
+* *
+* *
+This is the crucial function. The idea is: We have a wad of bindings
+that we'd like to distribute inside a collection of {\em drop points};
+insides the alternatives of a \tr{case} would be one example of some
+drop points; the RHS and body of a non-recursive \tr{let} binding
+would be another (2-element) collection.
+So: We're given a list of sets-of-free-variables, one per drop point,
+and a list of floating-inwards bindings. If a binding can go into
+only one drop point (without suddenly making something out-of-scope),
+in it goes. If a binding is used inside {\em multiple} drop points,
+then it has to go in a you-must-drop-it-above-all-these-drop-points
+We have to maintain the order on these drop-point-related lists.
+-- pprFIB :: FloatInBinds -> SDoc
+-- pprFIB fibs = text "FIB:" <+> ppr [b | FB _ _ b <- fibs]
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is case expression
+ -> [FreeVarSet] -- One set of FVs per drop point
+ -- Always at least two long!
+ -> FloatInBinds -- Candidate floaters
+ -> [FloatInBinds] -- FIRST one is bindings which must not be floated
+ -- inside any drop point; the rest correspond
+ -- one-to-one with the input list of FV sets
+-- Every input floater is returned somewhere in the result;
+-- none are dropped, not even ones which don't seem to be
+-- free in *any* of the drop-point fvs. Why? Because, for example,
+-- a binding (let x = E in B) might have a specialised version of
+-- x (say x') stored inside x, but x' isn't free in E or B.
+type DropBox = (FreeVarSet, FloatInBinds)
+sepBindsByDropPoint dflags is_case drop_pts floaters
+ | null floaters -- Shortcut common case
+ = [] : [[] | _ <- drop_pts]
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT( drop_pts `lengthAtLeast` 2 )
+ go floaters (map (\fvs -> (fvs, [])) (emptyDVarSet : drop_pts))
+ where
+ n_alts = length drop_pts
+ go :: FloatInBinds -> [DropBox] -> [FloatInBinds]
+ -- The *first* one in the argument list is the drop_here set
+ -- The FloatInBinds in the lists are in the reverse of
+ -- the normal FloatInBinds order; that is, they are the right way round!
+ go [] drop_boxes = map (reverse . snd) drop_boxes
+ go (bind_w_fvs@(FB bndrs bind_fvs bind) : binds) drop_boxes@(here_box : fork_boxes)
+ = go binds new_boxes
+ where
+ -- "here" means the group of bindings dropped at the top of the fork
+ (used_here : used_in_flags) = [ fvs `intersectsDVarSet` bndrs
+ | (fvs, _) <- drop_boxes]
+ drop_here = used_here || cant_push
+ n_used_alts = count id used_in_flags -- returns number of Trues in list.
+ cant_push
+ | is_case = n_used_alts == n_alts -- Used in all, don't push
+ -- Remember n_alts > 1
+ || (n_used_alts > 1 && not (floatIsDupable dflags bind))
+ -- floatIsDupable: see Note [Duplicating floats]
+ | otherwise = floatIsCase bind || n_used_alts > 1
+ -- floatIsCase: see Note [Floating primops]
+ new_boxes | drop_here = (insert here_box : fork_boxes)
+ | otherwise = (here_box : new_fork_boxes)
+ new_fork_boxes = zipWithEqual "FloatIn.sepBinds" insert_maybe
+ fork_boxes used_in_flags
+ insert :: DropBox -> DropBox
+ insert (fvs,drops) = (fvs `unionDVarSet` bind_fvs, bind_w_fvs:drops)
+ insert_maybe box True = insert box
+ insert_maybe box False = box
+ go _ _ = panic "sepBindsByDropPoint/go"
+{- Note [Duplicating floats]
+For case expressions we duplicate the binding if it is reasonably
+small, and if it is not used in all the RHSs This is good for
+situations like
+ let x = I# y in
+ case e of
+ C -> error x
+ D -> error x
+ E -> ...not mentioning x...
+If the thing is used in all RHSs there is nothing gained,
+so we don't duplicate then.
+floatedBindsFVs :: FloatInBinds -> FreeVarSet
+floatedBindsFVs binds = mapUnionDVarSet fbFVs binds
+fbFVs :: FloatInBind -> DVarSet
+fbFVs (FB _ fvs _) = fvs
+wrapFloats :: FloatInBinds -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+-- Remember FloatInBinds is in *reverse* dependency order
+wrapFloats [] e = e
+wrapFloats (FB _ _ fl : bs) e = wrapFloats bs (wrapFloat fl e)
+floatIsDupable :: DynFlags -> FloatBind -> Bool
+floatIsDupable dflags (FloatCase scrut _ _ _) = exprIsDupable dflags scrut
+floatIsDupable dflags (FloatLet (Rec prs)) = all (exprIsDupable dflags . snd) prs
+floatIsDupable dflags (FloatLet (NonRec _ r)) = exprIsDupable dflags r
+floatIsCase :: FloatBind -> Bool
+floatIsCase (FloatCase {}) = True
+floatIsCase (FloatLet {}) = False
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/FloatOut.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/FloatOut.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb47b2b3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/FloatOut.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[FloatOut]{Float bindings outwards (towards the top level)}
+``Long-distance'' floating of bindings towards the top level.
+module GHC.Core.Op.FloatOut ( floatOutwards ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Utils
+import GHC.Core.Make
+import GHC.Core.Arity ( etaExpand )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad ( FloatOutSwitches(..) )
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn, DumpFormat (..) )
+import Id ( Id, idArity, idType, isBottomingId,
+ isJoinId, isJoinId_maybe )
+import GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels
+import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply )
+import Bag
+import Util
+import Maybes
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import qualified Data.IntMap as M
+import Data.List ( partition )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+ -----------------
+ Overall game plan
+ -----------------
+The Big Main Idea is:
+ To float out sub-expressions that can thereby get outside
+ a non-one-shot value lambda, and hence may be shared.
+To achieve this we may need to do two things:
+ a) Let-bind the sub-expression:
+ f (g x) ==> let lvl = f (g x) in lvl
+ Now we can float the binding for 'lvl'.
+ b) More than that, we may need to abstract wrt a type variable
+ \x -> ... /\a -> let v = ...a... in ....
+ Here the binding for v mentions 'a' but not 'x'. So we
+ abstract wrt 'a', to give this binding for 'v':
+ vp = /\a -> ...a...
+ v = vp a
+ Now the binding for vp can float out unimpeded.
+ I can't remember why this case seemed important enough to
+ deal with, but I certainly found cases where important floats
+ didn't happen if we did not abstract wrt tyvars.
+With this in mind we can also achieve another goal: lambda lifting.
+We can make an arbitrary (function) binding float to top level by
+abstracting wrt *all* local variables, not just type variables, leaving
+a binding that can be floated right to top level. Whether or not this
+happens is controlled by a flag.
+Random comments
+At the moment we never float a binding out to between two adjacent
+lambdas. For example:
+ \x y -> let t = x+x in ...
+ \x -> let t = x+x in \y -> ...
+Reason: this is less efficient in the case where the original lambda
+is never partially applied.
+But there's a case I've seen where this might not be true. Consider:
+elEm2 x ys
+ = elem' x ys
+ where
+ elem' _ [] = False
+ elem' x (y:ys) = x==y || elem' x ys
+It turns out that this generates a subexpression of the form
+ \deq x ys -> let eq = eqFromEqDict deq in ...
+which might usefully be separated to
+ \deq -> let eq = eqFromEqDict deq in \xy -> ...
+Well, maybe. We don't do this at the moment.
+Note [Join points]
+Every occurrence of a join point must be a tail call (see Note [Invariants on
+join points] in GHC.Core), so we must be careful with how far we float them. The
+mechanism for doing so is the *join ceiling*, detailed in Note [Join ceiling]
+in GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels. For us, the significance is that a binder might be marked to be
+dropped at the nearest boundary between tail calls and non-tail calls. For
+ (< join j = ... in
+ let x = < ... > in
+ case < ... > of
+ A -> ...
+ B -> ...
+ >) < ... > < ... >
+Here the join ceilings are marked with angle brackets. Either side of an
+application is a join ceiling, as is the scrutinee position of a case
+expression or the RHS of a let binding (but not a join point).
+Why do we *want* do float join points at all? After all, they're never
+allocated, so there's no sharing to be gained by floating them. However, the
+other benefit of floating is making RHSes small, and this can have a significant
+impact. In particular, stream fusion has been known to produce nested loops like
+ joinrec j1 x1 =
+ joinrec j2 x2 =
+ joinrec j3 x3 = ... jump j1 (x3 + 1) ... jump j2 (x3 + 1) ...
+ in jump j3 x2
+ in jump j2 x1
+ in jump j1 x
+(Assume x1 and x2 do *not* occur free in j3.)
+Here j1 and j2 are wholly superfluous---each of them merely forwards its
+argument to j3. Since j3 only refers to x3, we can float j2 and j3 to make
+everything one big mutual recursion:
+ joinrec j1 x1 = jump j2 x1
+ j2 x2 = jump j3 x2
+ j3 x3 = ... jump j1 (x3 + 1) ... jump j2 (x3 + 1) ...
+ in jump j1 x
+Now the simplifier will happily inline the trivial j1 and j2, leaving only j3.
+Without floating, we're stuck with three loops instead of one.
+* *
+\subsection[floatOutwards]{@floatOutwards@: let-floating interface function}
+* *
+floatOutwards :: FloatOutSwitches
+ -> DynFlags
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> CoreProgram -> IO CoreProgram
+floatOutwards float_sws dflags us pgm
+ = do {
+ let { annotated_w_levels = setLevels float_sws pgm us ;
+ (fss, binds_s') = unzip (map floatTopBind annotated_w_levels)
+ } ;
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_verbose_core2core "Levels added:"
+ FormatCore
+ (vcat (map ppr annotated_w_levels));
+ let { (tlets, ntlets, lams) = get_stats (sum_stats fss) };
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats "FloatOut stats:"
+ FormatText
+ (hcat [ int tlets, text " Lets floated to top level; ",
+ int ntlets, text " Lets floated elsewhere; from ",
+ int lams, text " Lambda groups"]);
+ return (bagToList (unionManyBags binds_s'))
+ }
+floatTopBind :: LevelledBind -> (FloatStats, Bag CoreBind)
+floatTopBind bind
+ = case (floatBind bind) of { (fs, floats, bind') ->
+ let float_bag = flattenTopFloats floats
+ in case bind' of
+ -- bind' can't have unlifted values or join points, so can only be one
+ -- value bind, rec or non-rec (see comment on floatBind)
+ [Rec prs] -> (fs, unitBag (Rec (addTopFloatPairs float_bag prs)))
+ [NonRec b e] -> (fs, float_bag `snocBag` NonRec b e)
+ _ -> pprPanic "floatTopBind" (ppr bind') }
+* *
+\subsection[FloatOut-Bind]{Floating in a binding (the business end)}
+* *
+floatBind :: LevelledBind -> (FloatStats, FloatBinds, [CoreBind])
+ -- Returns a list with either
+ -- * A single non-recursive binding (value or join point), or
+ -- * The following, in order:
+ -- * Zero or more non-rec unlifted bindings
+ -- * One or both of:
+ -- * A recursive group of join binds
+ -- * A recursive group of value binds
+ -- See Note [Floating out of Rec rhss] for why things get arranged this way.
+floatBind (NonRec (TB var _) rhs)
+ = case (floatRhs var rhs) of { (fs, rhs_floats, rhs') ->
+ -- A tiresome hack:
+ -- see Note [Bottoming floats: eta expansion] in GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels
+ let rhs'' | isBottomingId var = etaExpand (idArity var) rhs'
+ | otherwise = rhs'
+ in (fs, rhs_floats, [NonRec var rhs'']) }
+floatBind (Rec pairs)
+ = case floatList do_pair pairs of { (fs, rhs_floats, new_pairs) ->
+ let (new_ul_pairss, new_other_pairss) = unzip new_pairs
+ (new_join_pairs, new_l_pairs) = partition (isJoinId . fst)
+ (concat new_other_pairss)
+ -- Can't put the join points and the values in the same rec group
+ new_rec_binds | null new_join_pairs = [ Rec new_l_pairs ]
+ | null new_l_pairs = [ Rec new_join_pairs ]
+ | otherwise = [ Rec new_l_pairs
+ , Rec new_join_pairs ]
+ new_non_rec_binds = [ NonRec b e | (b, e) <- concat new_ul_pairss ]
+ in
+ (fs, rhs_floats, new_non_rec_binds ++ new_rec_binds) }
+ where
+ do_pair :: (LevelledBndr, LevelledExpr)
+ -> (FloatStats, FloatBinds,
+ ([(Id,CoreExpr)], -- Non-recursive unlifted value bindings
+ [(Id,CoreExpr)])) -- Join points and lifted value bindings
+ do_pair (TB name spec, rhs)
+ | isTopLvl dest_lvl -- See Note [floatBind for top level]
+ = case (floatRhs name rhs) of { (fs, rhs_floats, rhs') ->
+ (fs, emptyFloats, ([], addTopFloatPairs (flattenTopFloats rhs_floats)
+ [(name, rhs')]))}
+ | otherwise -- Note [Floating out of Rec rhss]
+ = case (floatRhs name rhs) of { (fs, rhs_floats, rhs') ->
+ case (partitionByLevel dest_lvl rhs_floats) of { (rhs_floats', heres) ->
+ case (splitRecFloats heres) of { (ul_pairs, pairs, case_heres) ->
+ let pairs' = (name, installUnderLambdas case_heres rhs') : pairs in
+ (fs, rhs_floats', (ul_pairs, pairs')) }}}
+ where
+ dest_lvl = floatSpecLevel spec
+splitRecFloats :: Bag FloatBind
+ -> ([(Id,CoreExpr)], -- Non-recursive unlifted value bindings
+ [(Id,CoreExpr)], -- Join points and lifted value bindings
+ Bag FloatBind) -- A tail of further bindings
+-- The "tail" begins with a case
+-- See Note [Floating out of Rec rhss]
+splitRecFloats fs
+ = go [] [] (bagToList fs)
+ where
+ go ul_prs prs (FloatLet (NonRec b r) : fs) | isUnliftedType (idType b)
+ , not (isJoinId b)
+ = go ((b,r):ul_prs) prs fs
+ | otherwise
+ = go ul_prs ((b,r):prs) fs
+ go ul_prs prs (FloatLet (Rec prs') : fs) = go ul_prs (prs' ++ prs) fs
+ go ul_prs prs fs = (reverse ul_prs, prs,
+ listToBag fs)
+ -- Order only matters for
+ -- non-rec
+installUnderLambdas :: Bag FloatBind -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+-- Note [Floating out of Rec rhss]
+installUnderLambdas floats e
+ | isEmptyBag floats = e
+ | otherwise = go e
+ where
+ go (Lam b e) = Lam b (go e)
+ go e = install floats e
+floatList :: (a -> (FloatStats, FloatBinds, b)) -> [a] -> (FloatStats, FloatBinds, [b])
+floatList _ [] = (zeroStats, emptyFloats, [])
+floatList f (a:as) = case f a of { (fs_a, binds_a, b) ->
+ case floatList f as of { (fs_as, binds_as, bs) ->
+ (fs_a `add_stats` fs_as, binds_a `plusFloats` binds_as, b:bs) }}
+Note [Floating out of Rec rhss]
+Consider Rec { f<1,0> = \xy. body }
+From the body we may get some floats. The ones with level <1,0> must
+stay here, since they may mention f. Ideally we'd like to make them
+part of the Rec block pairs -- but we can't if there are any
+FloatCases involved.
+Nor is it a good idea to dump them in the rhs, but outside the lambda
+ f = case x of I# y -> \xy. body
+because now f's arity might get worse, which is Not Good. (And if
+there's an SCC around the RHS it might not get better again.
+See #5342.)
+So, gruesomely, we split the floats into
+ * the outer FloatLets, which can join the Rec, and
+ * an inner batch starting in a FloatCase, which are then
+ pushed *inside* the lambdas.
+This loses full-laziness the rare situation where there is a
+FloatCase and a Rec interacting.
+If there are unlifted FloatLets (that *aren't* join points) among the floats,
+we can't add them to the recursive group without angering Core Lint, but since
+they must be ok-for-speculation, they can't actually be making any recursive
+calls, so we can safely pull them out and keep them non-recursive.
+(Why is something getting floated to <1,0> that doesn't make a recursive call?
+The case that came up in testing was that f *and* the unlifted binding were
+getting floated *to the same place*:
+ \x<2,0> ->
+ ... <3,0>
+ letrec { f<F<2,0>> =
+ ... let x'<F<2,0>> = x +# 1# in ...
+ } in ...
+Everything gets labeled "float to <2,0>" because it all depends on x, but this
+makes f and x' look mutually recursive when they're not.
+The test was shootout/k-nucleotide, as compiled using commit 47d5dd68 on the
+wip/join-points branch.
+TODO: This can probably be solved somehow in GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels. The difference between
+"this *is at* level <2,0>" and "this *depends on* level <2,0>" is very
+Note [floatBind for top level]
+We may have a *nested* binding whose destination level is (FloatMe tOP_LEVEL), thus
+ letrec { foo <0,0> = .... (let bar<0,0> = .. in ..) .... }
+The binding for bar will be in the "tops" part of the floating binds,
+and thus not partioned by floatBody.
+We could perhaps get rid of the 'tops' component of the floating binds,
+but this case works just as well.
+\subsection[FloatOut-Expr]{Floating in expressions}
+* *
+floatBody :: Level
+ -> LevelledExpr
+ -> (FloatStats, FloatBinds, CoreExpr)
+floatBody lvl arg -- Used rec rhss, and case-alternative rhss
+ = case (floatExpr arg) of { (fsa, floats, arg') ->
+ case (partitionByLevel lvl floats) of { (floats', heres) ->
+ -- Dump bindings are bound here
+ (fsa, floats', install heres arg') }}
+{- Note [Floating past breakpoints]
+We used to disallow floating out of breakpoint ticks (see #10052). However, I
+think this is too restrictive.
+Consider the case of an expression scoped over by a breakpoint tick,
+ tick<...> (let x = ... in f x)
+In this case it is completely legal to float out x, despite the fact that
+breakpoint ticks are scoped,
+ let x = ... in (tick<...> f x)
+The reason here is that we know that the breakpoint will still be hit when the
+expression is entered since the tick still scopes over the RHS.
+floatExpr :: LevelledExpr
+ -> (FloatStats, FloatBinds, CoreExpr)
+floatExpr (Var v) = (zeroStats, emptyFloats, Var v)
+floatExpr (Type ty) = (zeroStats, emptyFloats, Type ty)
+floatExpr (Coercion co) = (zeroStats, emptyFloats, Coercion co)
+floatExpr (Lit lit) = (zeroStats, emptyFloats, Lit lit)
+floatExpr (App e a)
+ = case (atJoinCeiling $ floatExpr e) of { (fse, floats_e, e') ->
+ case (atJoinCeiling $ floatExpr a) of { (fsa, floats_a, a') ->
+ (fse `add_stats` fsa, floats_e `plusFloats` floats_a, App e' a') }}
+floatExpr lam@(Lam (TB _ lam_spec) _)
+ = let (bndrs_w_lvls, body) = collectBinders lam
+ bndrs = [b | TB b _ <- bndrs_w_lvls]
+ bndr_lvl = asJoinCeilLvl (floatSpecLevel lam_spec)
+ -- All the binders have the same level
+ -- See GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels.lvlLamBndrs
+ -- Use asJoinCeilLvl to make this the join ceiling
+ in
+ case (floatBody bndr_lvl body) of { (fs, floats, body') ->
+ (add_to_stats fs floats, floats, mkLams bndrs body') }
+floatExpr (Tick tickish expr)
+ | tickish `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope -- not scoped, can just float
+ = case (atJoinCeiling $ floatExpr expr) of { (fs, floating_defns, expr') ->
+ (fs, floating_defns, Tick tickish expr') }
+ | not (tickishCounts tickish) || tickishCanSplit tickish
+ = case (atJoinCeiling $ floatExpr expr) of { (fs, floating_defns, expr') ->
+ let -- Annotate bindings floated outwards past an scc expression
+ -- with the cc. We mark that cc as "duplicated", though.
+ annotated_defns = wrapTick (mkNoCount tickish) floating_defns
+ in
+ (fs, annotated_defns, Tick tickish expr') }
+ -- Note [Floating past breakpoints]
+ | Breakpoint{} <- tickish
+ = case (floatExpr expr) of { (fs, floating_defns, expr') ->
+ (fs, floating_defns, Tick tickish expr') }
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "floatExpr tick" (ppr tickish)
+floatExpr (Cast expr co)
+ = case (atJoinCeiling $ floatExpr expr) of { (fs, floating_defns, expr') ->
+ (fs, floating_defns, Cast expr' co) }
+floatExpr (Let bind body)
+ = case bind_spec of
+ FloatMe dest_lvl
+ -> case (floatBind bind) of { (fsb, bind_floats, binds') ->
+ case (floatExpr body) of { (fse, body_floats, body') ->
+ let new_bind_floats = foldr plusFloats emptyFloats
+ (map (unitLetFloat dest_lvl) binds') in
+ ( add_stats fsb fse
+ , bind_floats `plusFloats` new_bind_floats
+ `plusFloats` body_floats
+ , body') }}
+ StayPut bind_lvl -- See Note [Avoiding unnecessary floating]
+ -> case (floatBind bind) of { (fsb, bind_floats, binds') ->
+ case (floatBody bind_lvl body) of { (fse, body_floats, body') ->
+ ( add_stats fsb fse
+ , bind_floats `plusFloats` body_floats
+ , foldr Let body' binds' ) }}
+ where
+ bind_spec = case bind of
+ NonRec (TB _ s) _ -> s
+ Rec ((TB _ s, _) : _) -> s
+ Rec [] -> panic "floatExpr:rec"
+floatExpr (Case scrut (TB case_bndr case_spec) ty alts)
+ = case case_spec of
+ FloatMe dest_lvl -- Case expression moves
+ | [(con@(DataAlt {}), bndrs, rhs)] <- alts
+ -> case atJoinCeiling $ floatExpr scrut of { (fse, fde, scrut') ->
+ case floatExpr rhs of { (fsb, fdb, rhs') ->
+ let
+ float = unitCaseFloat dest_lvl scrut'
+ case_bndr con [b | TB b _ <- bndrs]
+ in
+ (add_stats fse fsb, fde `plusFloats` float `plusFloats` fdb, rhs') }}
+ | otherwise
+ -> pprPanic "Floating multi-case" (ppr alts)
+ StayPut bind_lvl -- Case expression stays put
+ -> case atJoinCeiling $ floatExpr scrut of { (fse, fde, scrut') ->
+ case floatList (float_alt bind_lvl) alts of { (fsa, fda, alts') ->
+ (add_stats fse fsa, fda `plusFloats` fde, Case scrut' case_bndr ty alts')
+ }}
+ where
+ float_alt bind_lvl (con, bs, rhs)
+ = case (floatBody bind_lvl rhs) of { (fs, rhs_floats, rhs') ->
+ (fs, rhs_floats, (con, [b | TB b _ <- bs], rhs')) }
+floatRhs :: CoreBndr
+ -> LevelledExpr
+ -> (FloatStats, FloatBinds, CoreExpr)
+floatRhs bndr rhs
+ | Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ , Just (bndrs, body) <- try_collect join_arity rhs []
+ = case bndrs of
+ [] -> floatExpr rhs
+ (TB _ lam_spec):_ ->
+ let lvl = floatSpecLevel lam_spec in
+ case floatBody lvl body of { (fs, floats, body') ->
+ (fs, floats, mkLams [b | TB b _ <- bndrs] body') }
+ | otherwise
+ = atJoinCeiling $ floatExpr rhs
+ where
+ try_collect 0 expr acc = Just (reverse acc, expr)
+ try_collect n (Lam b e) acc = try_collect (n-1) e (b:acc)
+ try_collect _ _ _ = Nothing
+Note [Avoiding unnecessary floating]
+In general we want to avoid floating a let unnecessarily, because
+it might worsen strictness:
+ let
+ x = ...(let y = e in y+y)....
+Here y is demanded. If we float it outside the lazy 'x=..' then
+we'd have to zap its demand info, and it may never be restored.
+So at a 'let' we leave the binding right where the are unless
+the binding will escape a value lambda, e.g.
+(\x -> let y = fac 100 in y)
+That's what the partitionByMajorLevel does in the floatExpr (Let ...)
+Notice, though, that we must take care to drop any bindings
+from the body of the let that depend on the staying-put bindings.
+We used instead to do the partitionByMajorLevel on the RHS of an '=',
+in floatRhs. But that was quite tiresome. We needed to test for
+values or trivial rhss, because (in particular) we don't want to insert
+new bindings between the "=" and the "\". E.g.
+ f = \x -> let <bind> in <body>
+We do not want
+ f = let <bind> in \x -> <body>
+(a) The simplifier will immediately float it further out, so we may
+ as well do so right now; in general, keeping rhss as manifest
+ values is good
+(b) If a float-in pass follows immediately, it might add yet more
+ bindings just after the '='. And some of them might (correctly)
+ be strict even though the 'let f' is lazy, because f, being a value,
+ gets its demand-info zapped by the simplifier.
+And even all that turned out to be very fragile, and broke
+altogether when profiling got in the way.
+So now we do the partition right at the (Let..) itself.
+* *
+\subsection{Utility bits for floating stats}
+* *
+I didn't implement this with unboxed numbers. I don't want to be too
+strict in this stuff, as it is rarely turned on. (WDP 95/09)
+data FloatStats
+ = FlS Int -- Number of top-floats * lambda groups they've been past
+ Int -- Number of non-top-floats * lambda groups they've been past
+ Int -- Number of lambda (groups) seen
+get_stats :: FloatStats -> (Int, Int, Int)
+get_stats (FlS a b c) = (a, b, c)
+zeroStats :: FloatStats
+zeroStats = FlS 0 0 0
+sum_stats :: [FloatStats] -> FloatStats
+sum_stats xs = foldr add_stats zeroStats xs
+add_stats :: FloatStats -> FloatStats -> FloatStats
+add_stats (FlS a1 b1 c1) (FlS a2 b2 c2)
+ = FlS (a1 + a2) (b1 + b2) (c1 + c2)
+add_to_stats :: FloatStats -> FloatBinds -> FloatStats
+add_to_stats (FlS a b c) (FB tops ceils others)
+ = FlS (a + lengthBag tops)
+ (b + lengthBag ceils + lengthBag (flattenMajor others))
+ (c + 1)
+* *
+\subsection{Utility bits for floating}
+* *
+Note [Representation of FloatBinds]
+The FloatBinds types is somewhat important. We can get very large numbers
+of floating bindings, often all destined for the top level. A typical example
+is x = [4,2,5,2,5, .... ]
+Then we get lots of small expressions like (fromInteger 4), which all get
+lifted to top level.
+The trouble is that
+ (a) we partition these floating bindings *at every binding site*
+ (b) GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels introduces a new bindings site for every float
+So we had better not look at each binding at each binding site!
+That is why MajorEnv is represented as a finite map.
+We keep the bindings destined for the *top* level separate, because
+we float them out even if they don't escape a *value* lambda; see
+type FloatLet = CoreBind -- INVARIANT: a FloatLet is always lifted
+type MajorEnv = M.IntMap MinorEnv -- Keyed by major level
+type MinorEnv = M.IntMap (Bag FloatBind) -- Keyed by minor level
+data FloatBinds = FB !(Bag FloatLet) -- Destined for top level
+ !(Bag FloatBind) -- Destined for join ceiling
+ !MajorEnv -- Other levels
+ -- See Note [Representation of FloatBinds]
+instance Outputable FloatBinds where
+ ppr (FB fbs ceils defs)
+ = text "FB" <+> (braces $ vcat
+ [ text "tops =" <+> ppr fbs
+ , text "ceils =" <+> ppr ceils
+ , text "non-tops =" <+> ppr defs ])
+flattenTopFloats :: FloatBinds -> Bag CoreBind
+flattenTopFloats (FB tops ceils defs)
+ = ASSERT2( isEmptyBag (flattenMajor defs), ppr defs )
+ ASSERT2( isEmptyBag ceils, ppr ceils )
+ tops
+addTopFloatPairs :: Bag CoreBind -> [(Id,CoreExpr)] -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
+addTopFloatPairs float_bag prs
+ = foldr add prs float_bag
+ where
+ add (NonRec b r) prs = (b,r):prs
+ add (Rec prs1) prs2 = prs1 ++ prs2
+flattenMajor :: MajorEnv -> Bag FloatBind
+flattenMajor = M.foldr (unionBags . flattenMinor) emptyBag
+flattenMinor :: MinorEnv -> Bag FloatBind
+flattenMinor = M.foldr unionBags emptyBag
+emptyFloats :: FloatBinds
+emptyFloats = FB emptyBag emptyBag M.empty
+unitCaseFloat :: Level -> CoreExpr -> Id -> AltCon -> [Var] -> FloatBinds
+unitCaseFloat (Level major minor t) e b con bs
+ | t == JoinCeilLvl
+ = FB emptyBag floats M.empty
+ | otherwise
+ = FB emptyBag emptyBag (M.singleton major (M.singleton minor floats))
+ where
+ floats = unitBag (FloatCase e b con bs)
+unitLetFloat :: Level -> FloatLet -> FloatBinds
+unitLetFloat lvl@(Level major minor t) b
+ | isTopLvl lvl = FB (unitBag b) emptyBag M.empty
+ | t == JoinCeilLvl = FB emptyBag floats M.empty
+ | otherwise = FB emptyBag emptyBag (M.singleton major
+ (M.singleton minor floats))
+ where
+ floats = unitBag (FloatLet b)
+plusFloats :: FloatBinds -> FloatBinds -> FloatBinds
+plusFloats (FB t1 c1 l1) (FB t2 c2 l2)
+ = FB (t1 `unionBags` t2) (c1 `unionBags` c2) (l1 `plusMajor` l2)
+plusMajor :: MajorEnv -> MajorEnv -> MajorEnv
+plusMajor = M.unionWith plusMinor
+plusMinor :: MinorEnv -> MinorEnv -> MinorEnv
+plusMinor = M.unionWith unionBags
+install :: Bag FloatBind -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+install defn_groups expr
+ = foldr wrapFloat expr defn_groups
+ :: Level -- Partitioning level
+ -> FloatBinds -- Defns to be divided into 2 piles...
+ -> (FloatBinds, -- Defns with level strictly < partition level,
+ Bag FloatBind) -- The rest
+-- ---- partitionByMajorLevel ----
+-- Float it if we escape a value lambda,
+-- *or* if we get to the top level
+-- *or* if it's a case-float and its minor level is < current
+-- If we can get to the top level, say "yes" anyway. This means that
+-- x = f e
+-- transforms to
+-- lvl = e
+-- x = f lvl
+-- which is as it should be
+partitionByMajorLevel (Level major _) (FB tops defns)
+ = (FB tops outer, heres `unionBags` flattenMajor inner)
+ where
+ (outer, mb_heres, inner) = M.splitLookup major defns
+ heres = case mb_heres of
+ Nothing -> emptyBag
+ Just h -> flattenMinor h
+partitionByLevel (Level major minor typ) (FB tops ceils defns)
+ = (FB tops ceils' (outer_maj `plusMajor` M.singleton major outer_min),
+ here_min `unionBags` here_ceil
+ `unionBags` flattenMinor inner_min
+ `unionBags` flattenMajor inner_maj)
+ where
+ (outer_maj, mb_here_maj, inner_maj) = M.splitLookup major defns
+ (outer_min, mb_here_min, inner_min) = case mb_here_maj of
+ Nothing -> (M.empty, Nothing, M.empty)
+ Just min_defns -> M.splitLookup minor min_defns
+ here_min = mb_here_min `orElse` emptyBag
+ (here_ceil, ceils') | typ == JoinCeilLvl = (ceils, emptyBag)
+ | otherwise = (emptyBag, ceils)
+-- Like partitionByLevel, but instead split out the bindings that are marked
+-- to float to the nearest join ceiling (see Note [Join points])
+partitionAtJoinCeiling :: FloatBinds -> (FloatBinds, Bag FloatBind)
+partitionAtJoinCeiling (FB tops ceils defs)
+ = (FB tops emptyBag defs, ceils)
+-- Perform some action at a join ceiling, i.e., don't let join points float out
+-- (see Note [Join points])
+atJoinCeiling :: (FloatStats, FloatBinds, CoreExpr)
+ -> (FloatStats, FloatBinds, CoreExpr)
+atJoinCeiling (fs, floats, expr')
+ = (fs, floats', install ceils expr')
+ where
+ (floats', ceils) = partitionAtJoinCeiling floats
+wrapTick :: Tickish Id -> FloatBinds -> FloatBinds
+wrapTick t (FB tops ceils defns)
+ = FB (mapBag wrap_bind tops) (wrap_defns ceils)
+ ( ( wrap_defns) defns)
+ where
+ wrap_defns = mapBag wrap_one
+ wrap_bind (NonRec binder rhs) = NonRec binder (maybe_tick rhs)
+ wrap_bind (Rec pairs) = Rec (mapSnd maybe_tick pairs)
+ wrap_one (FloatLet bind) = FloatLet (wrap_bind bind)
+ wrap_one (FloatCase e b c bs) = FloatCase (maybe_tick e) b c bs
+ maybe_tick e | exprIsHNF e = tickHNFArgs t e
+ | otherwise = mkTick t e
+ -- we don't need to wrap a tick around an HNF when we float it
+ -- outside a tick: that is an invariant of the tick semantics
+ -- Conversely, inlining of HNFs inside an SCC is allowed, and
+ -- indeed the HNF we're floating here might well be inlined back
+ -- again, and we don't want to end up with duplicate ticks.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/LiberateCase.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/LiberateCase.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..399abf4c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/LiberateCase.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998
+\section[LiberateCase]{Unroll recursion to allow evals to be lifted from a loop}
+module GHC.Core.Op.LiberateCase ( liberateCase ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Unfold ( couldBeSmallEnoughToInline )
+import TysWiredIn ( unitDataConId )
+import Id
+import VarEnv
+import Util ( notNull )
+The liberate-case transformation
+This module walks over @Core@, and looks for @case@ on free variables.
+The criterion is:
+ if there is case on a free on the route to the recursive call,
+ then the recursive call is replaced with an unfolding.
+ f = \ t -> case v of
+ V a b -> a : f t
+=> the inner f is replaced.
+ f = \ t -> case v of
+ V a b -> a : (letrec
+ f = \ t -> case v of
+ V a b -> a : f t
+ in f) t
+(note the NEED for shadowing)
+=> Simplify
+ f = \ t -> case v of
+ V a b -> a : (letrec
+ f = \ t -> a : f t
+ in f t)
+Better code, because 'a' is free inside the inner letrec, rather
+than needing projection from v.
+Note that this deals with *free variables*. SpecConstr deals with
+*arguments* that are of known form. E.g.
+ last [] = error
+ last (x:[]) = x
+ last (x:xs) = last xs
+Note [Scrutinee with cast]
+Consider this:
+ f = \ t -> case (v `cast` co) of
+ V a b -> a : f t
+Exactly the same optimisation (unrolling one call to f) will work here,
+despite the cast. See mk_alt_env in the Case branch of libCase.
+To think about (Apr 94)
+Main worry: duplicating code excessively. At the moment we duplicate
+the entire binding group once at each recursive call. But there may
+be a group of recursive calls which share a common set of evaluated
+free variables, in which case the duplication is a plain waste.
+Another thing we could consider adding is some unfold-threshold thing,
+so that we'll only duplicate if the size of the group rhss isn't too
+Data types
+The ``level'' of a binder tells how many
+recursive defns lexically enclose the binding
+A recursive defn "encloses" its RHS, not its
+scope. For example:
+ letrec f = let g = ... in ...
+ in
+ let h = ...
+ in ...
+Here, the level of @f@ is zero, the level of @g@ is one,
+and the level of @h@ is zero (NB not one).
+* *
+ Top-level code
+* *
+liberateCase :: DynFlags -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
+liberateCase dflags binds = do_prog (initEnv dflags) binds
+ where
+ do_prog _ [] = []
+ do_prog env (bind:binds) = bind' : do_prog env' binds
+ where
+ (env', bind') = libCaseBind env bind
+* *
+ Main payload
+* *
+libCaseBind :: LibCaseEnv -> CoreBind -> (LibCaseEnv, CoreBind)
+libCaseBind env (NonRec binder rhs)
+ = (addBinders env [binder], NonRec binder (libCase env rhs))
+libCaseBind env (Rec pairs)
+ = (env_body, Rec pairs')
+ where
+ binders = map fst pairs
+ env_body = addBinders env binders
+ pairs' = [(binder, libCase env_rhs rhs) | (binder,rhs) <- pairs]
+ -- We extend the rec-env by binding each Id to its rhs, first
+ -- processing the rhs with an *un-extended* environment, so
+ -- that the same process doesn't occur for ever!
+ env_rhs | is_dupable_bind = addRecBinds env dup_pairs
+ | otherwise = env
+ dup_pairs = [ (localiseId binder, libCase env_body rhs)
+ | (binder, rhs) <- pairs ]
+ -- localiseID : see Note [Need to localiseId in libCaseBind]
+ is_dupable_bind = small_enough && all ok_pair pairs
+ -- Size: we are going to duplicate dup_pairs; to find their
+ -- size, build a fake binding (let { dup_pairs } in (),
+ -- and find the size of that
+ -- See Note [Small enough]
+ small_enough = case bombOutSize env of
+ Nothing -> True -- Infinity
+ Just size -> couldBeSmallEnoughToInline (lc_dflags env) size $
+ Let (Rec dup_pairs) (Var unitDataConId)
+ ok_pair (id,_)
+ = idArity id > 0 -- Note [Only functions!]
+ && not (isBottomingId id) -- Note [Not bottoming ids]
+{- Note [Not bottoming Ids]
+Do not specialise error-functions (this is unusual, but I once saw it,
+(actually in Data.Typable.Internal)
+Note [Only functions!]
+Consider the following code
+ f = g (case v of V a b -> a : t f)
+where g is expensive. If we aren't careful, liberate case will turn this into
+ f = g (case v of
+ V a b -> a : t (letrec f = g (case v of V a b -> a : f t)
+ in f)
+ )
+Yikes! We evaluate g twice. This leads to a O(2^n) explosion
+if g calls back to the same code recursively.
+Solution: make sure that we only do the liberate-case thing on *functions*
+Note [Small enough]
+ \fv. letrec
+ f = \x. BIG...(case fv of { (a,b) -> ...g.. })...
+ g = \y. SMALL...f...
+Then we *can* in principle do liberate-case on 'g' (small RHS) but not
+for 'f' (too big). But doing so is not profitable, because duplicating
+'g' at its call site in 'f' doesn't get rid of any cases. So we just
+ask for the whole group to be small enough.
+Note [Need to localiseId in libCaseBind]
+The call to localiseId is needed for two subtle reasons
+(a) Reset the export flags on the binders so
+ that we don't get name clashes on exported things if the
+ local binding floats out to top level. This is most unlikely
+ to happen, since the whole point concerns free variables.
+ But resetting the export flag is right regardless.
+(b) Make the name an Internal one. External Names should never be
+ nested; if it were floated to the top level, we'd get a name
+ clash at code generation time.
+libCase :: LibCaseEnv
+ -> CoreExpr
+ -> CoreExpr
+libCase env (Var v) = libCaseApp env v []
+libCase _ (Lit lit) = Lit lit
+libCase _ (Type ty) = Type ty
+libCase _ (Coercion co) = Coercion co
+libCase env e@(App {}) | let (fun, args) = collectArgs e
+ , Var v <- fun
+ = libCaseApp env v args
+libCase env (App fun arg) = App (libCase env fun) (libCase env arg)
+libCase env (Tick tickish body) = Tick tickish (libCase env body)
+libCase env (Cast e co) = Cast (libCase env e) co
+libCase env (Lam binder body)
+ = Lam binder (libCase (addBinders env [binder]) body)
+libCase env (Let bind body)
+ = Let bind' (libCase env_body body)
+ where
+ (env_body, bind') = libCaseBind env bind
+libCase env (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
+ = Case (libCase env scrut) bndr ty (map (libCaseAlt env_alts) alts)
+ where
+ env_alts = addBinders (mk_alt_env scrut) [bndr]
+ mk_alt_env (Var scrut_var) = addScrutedVar env scrut_var
+ mk_alt_env (Cast scrut _) = mk_alt_env scrut -- Note [Scrutinee with cast]
+ mk_alt_env _ = env
+libCaseAlt :: LibCaseEnv -> (AltCon, [CoreBndr], CoreExpr)
+ -> (AltCon, [CoreBndr], CoreExpr)
+libCaseAlt env (con,args,rhs) = (con, args, libCase (addBinders env args) rhs)
+To unfold, we can't just wrap the id itself in its binding if it's a join point:
+ jump j a b c => (joinrec j x y z = ... in jump j) a b c -- wrong!!!
+Every jump must provide all arguments, so we have to be careful to wrap the
+whole jump instead:
+ jump j a b c => joinrec j x y z = ... in jump j a b c -- right
+libCaseApp :: LibCaseEnv -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> CoreExpr
+libCaseApp env v args
+ | Just the_bind <- lookupRecId env v -- It's a use of a recursive thing
+ , notNull free_scruts -- with free vars scrutinised in RHS
+ = Let the_bind expr'
+ | otherwise
+ = expr'
+ where
+ rec_id_level = lookupLevel env v
+ free_scruts = freeScruts env rec_id_level
+ expr' = mkApps (Var v) (map (libCase env) args)
+freeScruts :: LibCaseEnv
+ -> LibCaseLevel -- Level of the recursive Id
+ -> [Id] -- Ids that are scrutinised between the binding
+ -- of the recursive Id and here
+freeScruts env rec_bind_lvl
+ = [v | (v, scrut_bind_lvl, scrut_at_lvl) <- lc_scruts env
+ , scrut_bind_lvl <= rec_bind_lvl
+ , scrut_at_lvl > rec_bind_lvl]
+ -- Note [When to specialise]
+ -- Note [Avoiding fruitless liberate-case]
+Note [When to specialise]
+ f = \x. letrec g = \y. case x of
+ True -> ... (f a) ...
+ False -> ... (g b) ...
+We get the following levels
+ f 0
+ x 1
+ g 1
+ y 2
+Then 'x' is being scrutinised at a deeper level than its binding, so
+it's added to lc_sruts: [(x,1)]
+We do *not* want to specialise the call to 'f', because 'x' is not free
+in 'f'. So here the bind-level of 'x' (=1) is not <= the bind-level of 'f' (=0).
+We *do* want to specialise the call to 'g', because 'x' is free in g.
+Here the bind-level of 'x' (=1) is <= the bind-level of 'g' (=1).
+Note [Avoiding fruitless liberate-case]
+Consider also:
+ f = \x. case top_lvl_thing of
+ I# _ -> let g = \y. ... g ...
+ in ...
+Here, top_lvl_thing is scrutinised at a level (1) deeper than its
+binding site (0). Nevertheless, we do NOT want to specialise the call
+to 'g' because all the structure in its free variables is already
+visible at the definition site for g. Hence, when considering specialising
+an occurrence of 'g', we want to check that there's a scruted-var v st
+ a) v's binding site is *outside* g
+ b) v's scrutinisation site is *inside* g
+* *
+ Utility functions
+* *
+addBinders :: LibCaseEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> LibCaseEnv
+addBinders env@(LibCaseEnv { lc_lvl = lvl, lc_lvl_env = lvl_env }) binders
+ = env { lc_lvl_env = lvl_env' }
+ where
+ lvl_env' = extendVarEnvList lvl_env (binders `zip` repeat lvl)
+addRecBinds :: LibCaseEnv -> [(Id,CoreExpr)] -> LibCaseEnv
+addRecBinds env@(LibCaseEnv {lc_lvl = lvl, lc_lvl_env = lvl_env,
+ lc_rec_env = rec_env}) pairs
+ = env { lc_lvl = lvl', lc_lvl_env = lvl_env', lc_rec_env = rec_env' }
+ where
+ lvl' = lvl + 1
+ lvl_env' = extendVarEnvList lvl_env [(binder,lvl) | (binder,_) <- pairs]
+ rec_env' = extendVarEnvList rec_env [(binder, Rec pairs) | (binder,_) <- pairs]
+addScrutedVar :: LibCaseEnv
+ -> Id -- This Id is being scrutinised by a case expression
+ -> LibCaseEnv
+addScrutedVar env@(LibCaseEnv { lc_lvl = lvl, lc_lvl_env = lvl_env,
+ lc_scruts = scruts }) scrut_var
+ | bind_lvl < lvl
+ = env { lc_scruts = scruts' }
+ -- Add to scruts iff the scrut_var is being scrutinised at
+ -- a deeper level than its defn
+ | otherwise = env
+ where
+ scruts' = (scrut_var, bind_lvl, lvl) : scruts
+ bind_lvl = case lookupVarEnv lvl_env scrut_var of
+ Just lvl -> lvl
+ Nothing -> topLevel
+lookupRecId :: LibCaseEnv -> Id -> Maybe CoreBind
+lookupRecId env id = lookupVarEnv (lc_rec_env env) id
+lookupLevel :: LibCaseEnv -> Id -> LibCaseLevel
+lookupLevel env id
+ = case lookupVarEnv (lc_lvl_env env) id of
+ Just lvl -> lvl
+ Nothing -> topLevel
+* *
+ The environment
+* *
+type LibCaseLevel = Int
+topLevel :: LibCaseLevel
+topLevel = 0
+data LibCaseEnv
+ = LibCaseEnv {
+ lc_dflags :: DynFlags,
+ lc_lvl :: LibCaseLevel, -- Current level
+ -- The level is incremented when (and only when) going
+ -- inside the RHS of a (sufficiently small) recursive
+ -- function.
+ lc_lvl_env :: IdEnv LibCaseLevel,
+ -- Binds all non-top-level in-scope Ids (top-level and
+ -- imported things have a level of zero)
+ lc_rec_env :: IdEnv CoreBind,
+ -- Binds *only* recursively defined ids, to their own
+ -- binding group, and *only* in their own RHSs
+ lc_scruts :: [(Id, LibCaseLevel, LibCaseLevel)]
+ -- Each of these Ids was scrutinised by an enclosing
+ -- case expression, at a level deeper than its binding
+ -- level.
+ --
+ -- The first LibCaseLevel is the *binding level* of
+ -- the scrutinised Id,
+ -- The second is the level *at which it was scrutinised*.
+ -- (see Note [Avoiding fruitless liberate-case])
+ -- The former is a bit redundant, since you could always
+ -- look it up in lc_lvl_env, but it's just cached here
+ --
+ -- The order is insignificant; it's a bag really
+ --
+ -- There's one element per scrutinisation;
+ -- in principle the same Id may appear multiple times,
+ -- although that'd be unusual:
+ -- case x of { (a,b) -> ....(case x of ...) .. }
+ }
+initEnv :: DynFlags -> LibCaseEnv
+initEnv dflags
+ = LibCaseEnv { lc_dflags = dflags,
+ lc_lvl = 0,
+ lc_lvl_env = emptyVarEnv,
+ lc_rec_env = emptyVarEnv,
+ lc_scruts = [] }
+-- Bomb-out size for deciding if
+-- potential liberatees are too big.
+-- (passed in from cmd-line args)
+bombOutSize :: LibCaseEnv -> Maybe Int
+bombOutSize = liberateCaseThreshold . lc_dflags
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0a15bba6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.Monad (
+ -- * Configuration of the core-to-core passes
+ CoreToDo(..), runWhen, runMaybe,
+ SimplMode(..),
+ FloatOutSwitches(..),
+ pprPassDetails,
+ -- * Plugins
+ CorePluginPass, bindsOnlyPass,
+ -- * Counting
+ SimplCount, doSimplTick, doFreeSimplTick, simplCountN,
+ pprSimplCount, plusSimplCount, zeroSimplCount,
+ isZeroSimplCount, hasDetailedCounts, Tick(..),
+ -- * The monad
+ CoreM, runCoreM,
+ -- ** Reading from the monad
+ getHscEnv, getRuleBase, getModule,
+ getDynFlags, getPackageFamInstEnv,
+ getVisibleOrphanMods, getUniqMask,
+ getPrintUnqualified, getSrcSpanM,
+ -- ** Writing to the monad
+ addSimplCount,
+ -- ** Lifting into the monad
+ liftIO, liftIOWithCount,
+ -- ** Dealing with annotations
+ getAnnotations, getFirstAnnotations,
+ -- ** Screen output
+ putMsg, putMsgS, errorMsg, errorMsgS, warnMsg,
+ fatalErrorMsg, fatalErrorMsgS,
+ debugTraceMsg, debugTraceMsgS,
+ dumpIfSet_dyn
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude hiding ( read )
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import Module
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import BasicTypes ( CompilerPhase(..) )
+import Annotations
+import IOEnv hiding ( liftIO, failM, failWithM )
+import qualified IOEnv ( liftIO )
+import Var
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import ErrUtils( Severity(..), DumpFormat (..), dumpOptionsFromFlag )
+import UniqSupply
+import MonadUtils
+import NameEnv
+import SrcLoc
+import Data.Bifunctor ( bimap )
+import ErrUtils (dumpAction)
+import Data.List (intersperse, groupBy, sortBy)
+import Data.Ord
+import Data.Dynamic
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MapStrict
+import Data.Word
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Applicative ( Alternative(..) )
+import Panic (throwGhcException, GhcException(..))
+* *
+ The CoreToDo type and related types
+ Abstraction of core-to-core passes to run.
+* *
+data CoreToDo -- These are diff core-to-core passes,
+ -- which may be invoked in any order,
+ -- as many times as you like.
+ = CoreDoSimplify -- The core-to-core simplifier.
+ Int -- Max iterations
+ SimplMode
+ | CoreDoPluginPass String CorePluginPass
+ | CoreDoFloatInwards
+ | CoreDoFloatOutwards FloatOutSwitches
+ | CoreLiberateCase
+ | CoreDoPrintCore
+ | CoreDoStaticArgs
+ | CoreDoCallArity
+ | CoreDoExitify
+ | CoreDoDemand
+ | CoreDoCpr
+ | CoreDoWorkerWrapper
+ | CoreDoSpecialising
+ | CoreDoSpecConstr
+ | CoreCSE
+ | CoreDoRuleCheck CompilerPhase String -- Check for non-application of rules
+ -- matching this string
+ | CoreDoNothing -- Useful when building up
+ | CoreDoPasses [CoreToDo] -- lists of these things
+ | CoreDesugar -- Right after desugaring, no simple optimisation yet!
+ | CoreDesugarOpt -- CoreDesugarXXX: Not strictly a core-to-core pass, but produces
+ -- Core output, and hence useful to pass to endPass
+ | CoreTidy
+ | CorePrep
+ | CoreOccurAnal
+instance Outputable CoreToDo where
+ ppr (CoreDoSimplify _ _) = text "Simplifier"
+ ppr (CoreDoPluginPass s _) = text "Core plugin: " <+> text s
+ ppr CoreDoFloatInwards = text "Float inwards"
+ ppr (CoreDoFloatOutwards f) = text "Float out" <> parens (ppr f)
+ ppr CoreLiberateCase = text "Liberate case"
+ ppr CoreDoStaticArgs = text "Static argument"
+ ppr CoreDoCallArity = text "Called arity analysis"
+ ppr CoreDoExitify = text "Exitification transformation"
+ ppr CoreDoDemand = text "Demand analysis"
+ ppr CoreDoCpr = text "Constructed Product Result analysis"
+ ppr CoreDoWorkerWrapper = text "Worker Wrapper binds"
+ ppr CoreDoSpecialising = text "Specialise"
+ ppr CoreDoSpecConstr = text "SpecConstr"
+ ppr CoreCSE = text "Common sub-expression"
+ ppr CoreDesugar = text "Desugar (before optimization)"
+ ppr CoreDesugarOpt = text "Desugar (after optimization)"
+ ppr CoreTidy = text "Tidy Core"
+ ppr CorePrep = text "CorePrep"
+ ppr CoreOccurAnal = text "Occurrence analysis"
+ ppr CoreDoPrintCore = text "Print core"
+ ppr (CoreDoRuleCheck {}) = text "Rule check"
+ ppr CoreDoNothing = text "CoreDoNothing"
+ ppr (CoreDoPasses passes) = text "CoreDoPasses" <+> ppr passes
+pprPassDetails :: CoreToDo -> SDoc
+pprPassDetails (CoreDoSimplify n md) = vcat [ text "Max iterations =" <+> int n
+ , ppr md ]
+pprPassDetails _ = Outputable.empty
+data SimplMode -- See comments in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Monad
+ = SimplMode
+ { sm_names :: [String] -- Name(s) of the phase
+ , sm_phase :: CompilerPhase
+ , sm_dflags :: DynFlags -- Just for convenient non-monadic
+ -- access; we don't override these
+ , sm_rules :: Bool -- Whether RULES are enabled
+ , sm_inline :: Bool -- Whether inlining is enabled
+ , sm_case_case :: Bool -- Whether case-of-case is enabled
+ , sm_eta_expand :: Bool -- Whether eta-expansion is enabled
+ }
+instance Outputable SimplMode where
+ ppr (SimplMode { sm_phase = p, sm_names = ss
+ , sm_rules = r, sm_inline = i
+ , sm_eta_expand = eta, sm_case_case = cc })
+ = text "SimplMode" <+> braces (
+ sep [ text "Phase =" <+> ppr p <+>
+ brackets (text (concat $ intersperse "," ss)) <> comma
+ , pp_flag i (sLit "inline") <> comma
+ , pp_flag r (sLit "rules") <> comma
+ , pp_flag eta (sLit "eta-expand") <> comma
+ , pp_flag cc (sLit "case-of-case") ])
+ where
+ pp_flag f s = ppUnless f (text "no") <+> ptext s
+data FloatOutSwitches = FloatOutSwitches {
+ floatOutLambdas :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Just n <=> float lambdas to top level, if
+ -- doing so will abstract over n or fewer
+ -- value variables
+ -- Nothing <=> float all lambdas to top level,
+ -- regardless of how many free variables
+ -- Just 0 is the vanilla case: float a lambda
+ -- iff it has no free vars
+ floatOutConstants :: Bool, -- ^ True <=> float constants to top level,
+ -- even if they do not escape a lambda
+ floatOutOverSatApps :: Bool,
+ -- ^ True <=> float out over-saturated applications
+ -- based on arity information.
+ -- See Note [Floating over-saturated applications]
+ -- in GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels
+ floatToTopLevelOnly :: Bool -- ^ Allow floating to the top level only.
+ }
+instance Outputable FloatOutSwitches where
+ ppr = pprFloatOutSwitches
+pprFloatOutSwitches :: FloatOutSwitches -> SDoc
+pprFloatOutSwitches sw
+ = text "FOS" <+> (braces $
+ sep $ punctuate comma $
+ [ text "Lam =" <+> ppr (floatOutLambdas sw)
+ , text "Consts =" <+> ppr (floatOutConstants sw)
+ , text "OverSatApps =" <+> ppr (floatOutOverSatApps sw) ])
+-- The core-to-core pass ordering is derived from the DynFlags:
+runWhen :: Bool -> CoreToDo -> CoreToDo
+runWhen True do_this = do_this
+runWhen False _ = CoreDoNothing
+runMaybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> CoreToDo) -> CoreToDo
+runMaybe (Just x) f = f x
+runMaybe Nothing _ = CoreDoNothing
+* *
+ Types for Plugins
+* *
+-- | A description of the plugin pass itself
+type CorePluginPass = ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+bindsOnlyPass :: (CoreProgram -> CoreM CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+bindsOnlyPass pass guts
+ = do { binds' <- pass (mg_binds guts)
+ ; return (guts { mg_binds = binds' }) }
+* *
+ Counting and logging
+* *
+getVerboseSimplStats :: (Bool -> SDoc) -> SDoc
+getVerboseSimplStats = getPprDebug -- For now, anyway
+zeroSimplCount :: DynFlags -> SimplCount
+isZeroSimplCount :: SimplCount -> Bool
+hasDetailedCounts :: SimplCount -> Bool
+pprSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SDoc
+doSimplTick :: DynFlags -> Tick -> SimplCount -> SimplCount
+doFreeSimplTick :: Tick -> SimplCount -> SimplCount
+plusSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SimplCount -> SimplCount
+data SimplCount
+ = VerySimplCount !Int -- Used when don't want detailed stats
+ | SimplCount {
+ ticks :: !Int, -- Total ticks
+ details :: !TickCounts, -- How many of each type
+ n_log :: !Int, -- N
+ log1 :: [Tick], -- Last N events; <= opt_HistorySize,
+ -- most recent first
+ log2 :: [Tick] -- Last opt_HistorySize events before that
+ -- Having log1, log2 lets us accumulate the
+ -- recent history reasonably efficiently
+ }
+type TickCounts = Map Tick Int
+simplCountN :: SimplCount -> Int
+simplCountN (VerySimplCount n) = n
+simplCountN (SimplCount { ticks = n }) = n
+zeroSimplCount dflags
+ -- This is where we decide whether to do
+ -- the VerySimpl version or the full-stats version
+ | dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats dflags
+ = SimplCount {ticks = 0, details = Map.empty,
+ n_log = 0, log1 = [], log2 = []}
+ | otherwise
+ = VerySimplCount 0
+isZeroSimplCount (VerySimplCount n) = n==0
+isZeroSimplCount (SimplCount { ticks = n }) = n==0
+hasDetailedCounts (VerySimplCount {}) = False
+hasDetailedCounts (SimplCount {}) = True
+doFreeSimplTick tick sc@SimplCount { details = dts }
+ = sc { details = dts `addTick` tick }
+doFreeSimplTick _ sc = sc
+doSimplTick dflags tick
+ sc@(SimplCount { ticks = tks, details = dts, n_log = nl, log1 = l1 })
+ | nl >= historySize dflags = sc1 { n_log = 1, log1 = [tick], log2 = l1 }
+ | otherwise = sc1 { n_log = nl+1, log1 = tick : l1 }
+ where
+ sc1 = sc { ticks = tks+1, details = dts `addTick` tick }
+doSimplTick _ _ (VerySimplCount n) = VerySimplCount (n+1)
+addTick :: TickCounts -> Tick -> TickCounts
+addTick fm tick = MapStrict.insertWith (+) tick 1 fm
+plusSimplCount sc1@(SimplCount { ticks = tks1, details = dts1 })
+ sc2@(SimplCount { ticks = tks2, details = dts2 })
+ = log_base { ticks = tks1 + tks2
+ , details = MapStrict.unionWith (+) dts1 dts2 }
+ where
+ -- A hackish way of getting recent log info
+ log_base | null (log1 sc2) = sc1 -- Nothing at all in sc2
+ | null (log2 sc2) = sc2 { log2 = log1 sc1 }
+ | otherwise = sc2
+plusSimplCount (VerySimplCount n) (VerySimplCount m) = VerySimplCount (n+m)
+plusSimplCount lhs rhs =
+ throwGhcException . PprProgramError "plusSimplCount" $ vcat
+ [ text "lhs"
+ , pprSimplCount lhs
+ , text "rhs"
+ , pprSimplCount rhs
+ ]
+ -- We use one or the other consistently
+pprSimplCount (VerySimplCount n) = text "Total ticks:" <+> int n
+pprSimplCount (SimplCount { ticks = tks, details = dts, log1 = l1, log2 = l2 })
+ = vcat [text "Total ticks: " <+> int tks,
+ blankLine,
+ pprTickCounts dts,
+ getVerboseSimplStats $ \dbg -> if dbg
+ then
+ vcat [blankLine,
+ text "Log (most recent first)",
+ nest 4 (vcat (map ppr l1) $$ vcat (map ppr l2))]
+ else Outputable.empty
+ ]
+{- Note [Which transformations are innocuous]
+At one point (Jun 18) I wondered if some transformations (ticks)
+might be "innocuous", in the sense that they do not unlock a later
+transformation that does not occur in the same pass. If so, we could
+refrain from bumping the overall tick-count for such innocuous
+transformations, and perhaps terminate the simplifier one pass
+But alas I found that virtually nothing was innocuous! This Note
+just records what I learned, in case anyone wants to try again.
+These transformations are not innocuous:
+*** NB: I think these ones could be made innocuous
+ EtaExpansion
+ LetFloatFromLet
+ x = K (let z = e2 in Just z)
+ prepareRhs transforms to
+ x2 = let z=e2 in Just z
+ x = K xs
+ And now more let-floating can happen in the
+ next pass, on x2
+ Example in spectral/cichelli/Auxil
+ hinsert = ...let lo = e in
+ let j = ...lo... in
+ case x of
+ False -> ()
+ True -> case lo of I# lo' ->
+ ...j...
+ When we PreInlineUnconditionally j, lo's occ-info changes to once,
+ so it can be PreInlineUnconditionally in the next pass, and a
+ cascade of further things can happen.
+ let x = e in
+ let y = ...x.. in
+ case .. of { A -> ...x...y...
+ B -> ...x...y... }
+ Current postinlineUnconditinaly will inline y, and then x; sigh.
+ But PostInlineUnconditionally might also unlock subsequent
+ transformations for the same reason as PreInlineUnconditionally,
+ so it's probably not innocuous anyway.
+KnownBranch, BetaReduction:
+ May drop chunks of code, and thereby enable PreInlineUnconditionally
+ for some let-binding which now occurs once
+ Example in imaginary/digits-of-e1
+ fail = \void. e where e :: IO ()
+ --> etaExpandRhs
+ fail = \void. (\s. (e |> g) s) |> sym g where g :: IO () ~ S -> (S,())
+ --> Next iteration of simplify
+ fail1 = \void. \s. (e |> g) s
+ fail = fail1 |> Void#->sym g
+ And now inline 'fail'
+ case x of y {
+ DEFAULT -> case y of z { pi -> ei }
+ alts2 }
+ ---> CaseMerge
+ case x of { pi -> let z = y in ei
+ ; alts2 }
+ The "let z=y" case-binder-swap gets dealt with in the next pass
+pprTickCounts :: Map Tick Int -> SDoc
+pprTickCounts counts
+ = vcat (map pprTickGroup groups)
+ where
+ groups :: [[(Tick,Int)]] -- Each group shares a common tag
+ -- toList returns common tags adjacent
+ groups = groupBy same_tag (Map.toList counts)
+ same_tag (tick1,_) (tick2,_) = tickToTag tick1 == tickToTag tick2
+pprTickGroup :: [(Tick, Int)] -> SDoc
+pprTickGroup group@((tick1,_):_)
+ = hang (int (sum [n | (_,n) <- group]) <+> text (tickString tick1))
+ 2 (vcat [ int n <+> pprTickCts tick
+ -- flip as we want largest first
+ | (tick,n) <- sortBy (flip (comparing snd)) group])
+pprTickGroup [] = panic "pprTickGroup"
+data Tick -- See Note [Which transformations are innocuous]
+ = PreInlineUnconditionally Id
+ | PostInlineUnconditionally Id
+ | UnfoldingDone Id
+ | RuleFired FastString -- Rule name
+ | LetFloatFromLet
+ | EtaExpansion Id -- LHS binder
+ | EtaReduction Id -- Binder on outer lambda
+ | BetaReduction Id -- Lambda binder
+ | CaseOfCase Id -- Bndr on *inner* case
+ | KnownBranch Id -- Case binder
+ | CaseMerge Id -- Binder on outer case
+ | AltMerge Id -- Case binder
+ | CaseElim Id -- Case binder
+ | CaseIdentity Id -- Case binder
+ | FillInCaseDefault Id -- Case binder
+ | SimplifierDone -- Ticked at each iteration of the simplifier
+instance Outputable Tick where
+ ppr tick = text (tickString tick) <+> pprTickCts tick
+instance Eq Tick where
+ a == b = case a `cmpTick` b of
+ EQ -> True
+ _ -> False
+instance Ord Tick where
+ compare = cmpTick
+tickToTag :: Tick -> Int
+tickToTag (PreInlineUnconditionally _) = 0
+tickToTag (PostInlineUnconditionally _) = 1
+tickToTag (UnfoldingDone _) = 2
+tickToTag (RuleFired _) = 3
+tickToTag LetFloatFromLet = 4
+tickToTag (EtaExpansion _) = 5
+tickToTag (EtaReduction _) = 6
+tickToTag (BetaReduction _) = 7
+tickToTag (CaseOfCase _) = 8
+tickToTag (KnownBranch _) = 9
+tickToTag (CaseMerge _) = 10
+tickToTag (CaseElim _) = 11
+tickToTag (CaseIdentity _) = 12
+tickToTag (FillInCaseDefault _) = 13
+tickToTag SimplifierDone = 16
+tickToTag (AltMerge _) = 17
+tickString :: Tick -> String
+tickString (PreInlineUnconditionally _) = "PreInlineUnconditionally"
+tickString (PostInlineUnconditionally _)= "PostInlineUnconditionally"
+tickString (UnfoldingDone _) = "UnfoldingDone"
+tickString (RuleFired _) = "RuleFired"
+tickString LetFloatFromLet = "LetFloatFromLet"
+tickString (EtaExpansion _) = "EtaExpansion"
+tickString (EtaReduction _) = "EtaReduction"
+tickString (BetaReduction _) = "BetaReduction"
+tickString (CaseOfCase _) = "CaseOfCase"
+tickString (KnownBranch _) = "KnownBranch"
+tickString (CaseMerge _) = "CaseMerge"
+tickString (AltMerge _) = "AltMerge"
+tickString (CaseElim _) = "CaseElim"
+tickString (CaseIdentity _) = "CaseIdentity"
+tickString (FillInCaseDefault _) = "FillInCaseDefault"
+tickString SimplifierDone = "SimplifierDone"
+pprTickCts :: Tick -> SDoc
+pprTickCts (PreInlineUnconditionally v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (PostInlineUnconditionally v)= ppr v
+pprTickCts (UnfoldingDone v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (RuleFired v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts LetFloatFromLet = Outputable.empty
+pprTickCts (EtaExpansion v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (EtaReduction v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (BetaReduction v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (CaseOfCase v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (KnownBranch v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (CaseMerge v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (AltMerge v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (CaseElim v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (CaseIdentity v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (FillInCaseDefault v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts _ = Outputable.empty
+cmpTick :: Tick -> Tick -> Ordering
+cmpTick a b = case (tickToTag a `compare` tickToTag b) of
+ GT -> GT
+ EQ -> cmpEqTick a b
+ LT -> LT
+cmpEqTick :: Tick -> Tick -> Ordering
+cmpEqTick (PreInlineUnconditionally a) (PreInlineUnconditionally b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (PostInlineUnconditionally a) (PostInlineUnconditionally b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (UnfoldingDone a) (UnfoldingDone b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (RuleFired a) (RuleFired b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (EtaExpansion a) (EtaExpansion b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (EtaReduction a) (EtaReduction b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (BetaReduction a) (BetaReduction b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (CaseOfCase a) (CaseOfCase b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (KnownBranch a) (KnownBranch b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (CaseMerge a) (CaseMerge b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (AltMerge a) (AltMerge b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (CaseElim a) (CaseElim b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (CaseIdentity a) (CaseIdentity b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (FillInCaseDefault a) (FillInCaseDefault b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick _ _ = EQ
+* *
+ Monad and carried data structure definitions
+* *
+data CoreReader = CoreReader {
+ cr_hsc_env :: HscEnv,
+ cr_rule_base :: RuleBase,
+ cr_module :: Module,
+ cr_print_unqual :: PrintUnqualified,
+ cr_loc :: SrcSpan, -- Use this for log/error messages so they
+ -- are at least tagged with the right source file
+ cr_visible_orphan_mods :: !ModuleSet,
+ cr_uniq_mask :: !Char -- Mask for creating unique values
+-- Note: CoreWriter used to be defined with data, rather than newtype. If it
+-- is defined that way again, the cw_simpl_count field, at least, must be
+-- strict to avoid a space leak (#7702).
+newtype CoreWriter = CoreWriter {
+ cw_simpl_count :: SimplCount
+emptyWriter :: DynFlags -> CoreWriter
+emptyWriter dflags = CoreWriter {
+ cw_simpl_count = zeroSimplCount dflags
+ }
+plusWriter :: CoreWriter -> CoreWriter -> CoreWriter
+plusWriter w1 w2 = CoreWriter {
+ cw_simpl_count = (cw_simpl_count w1) `plusSimplCount` (cw_simpl_count w2)
+ }
+type CoreIOEnv = IOEnv CoreReader
+-- | The monad used by Core-to-Core passes to register simplification statistics.
+-- Also used to have common state (in the form of UniqueSupply) for generating Uniques.
+newtype CoreM a = CoreM { unCoreM :: CoreIOEnv (a, CoreWriter) }
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Monad CoreM where
+ mx >>= f = CoreM $ do
+ (x, w1) <- unCoreM mx
+ (y, w2) <- unCoreM (f x)
+ let w = w1 `plusWriter` w2
+ return $ seq w (y, w)
+ -- forcing w before building the tuple avoids a space leak
+ -- (#7702)
+instance Applicative CoreM where
+ pure x = CoreM $ nop x
+ (<*>) = ap
+ m *> k = m >>= \_ -> k
+instance Alternative CoreM where
+ empty = CoreM Control.Applicative.empty
+ m <|> n = CoreM (unCoreM m <|> unCoreM n)
+instance MonadPlus CoreM
+instance MonadUnique CoreM where
+ getUniqueSupplyM = do
+ mask <- read cr_uniq_mask
+ liftIO $! mkSplitUniqSupply mask
+ getUniqueM = do
+ mask <- read cr_uniq_mask
+ liftIO $! uniqFromMask mask
+runCoreM :: HscEnv
+ -> RuleBase
+ -> Char -- ^ Mask
+ -> Module
+ -> ModuleSet
+ -> PrintUnqualified
+ -> SrcSpan
+ -> CoreM a
+ -> IO (a, SimplCount)
+runCoreM hsc_env rule_base mask mod orph_imps print_unqual loc m
+ = liftM extract $ runIOEnv reader $ unCoreM m
+ where
+ reader = CoreReader {
+ cr_hsc_env = hsc_env,
+ cr_rule_base = rule_base,
+ cr_module = mod,
+ cr_visible_orphan_mods = orph_imps,
+ cr_print_unqual = print_unqual,
+ cr_loc = loc,
+ cr_uniq_mask = mask
+ }
+ extract :: (a, CoreWriter) -> (a, SimplCount)
+ extract (value, writer) = (value, cw_simpl_count writer)
+* *
+ Core combinators, not exported
+* *
+nop :: a -> CoreIOEnv (a, CoreWriter)
+nop x = do
+ r <- getEnv
+ return (x, emptyWriter $ (hsc_dflags . cr_hsc_env) r)
+read :: (CoreReader -> a) -> CoreM a
+read f = CoreM $ getEnv >>= (\r -> nop (f r))
+write :: CoreWriter -> CoreM ()
+write w = CoreM $ return ((), w)
+-- \subsection{Lifting IO into the monad}
+-- | Lift an 'IOEnv' operation into 'CoreM'
+liftIOEnv :: CoreIOEnv a -> CoreM a
+liftIOEnv mx = CoreM (mx >>= (\x -> nop x))
+instance MonadIO CoreM where
+ liftIO = liftIOEnv . IOEnv.liftIO
+-- | Lift an 'IO' operation into 'CoreM' while consuming its 'SimplCount'
+liftIOWithCount :: IO (SimplCount, a) -> CoreM a
+liftIOWithCount what = liftIO what >>= (\(count, x) -> addSimplCount count >> return x)
+* *
+ Reader, writer and state accessors
+* *
+getHscEnv :: CoreM HscEnv
+getHscEnv = read cr_hsc_env
+getRuleBase :: CoreM RuleBase
+getRuleBase = read cr_rule_base
+getVisibleOrphanMods :: CoreM ModuleSet
+getVisibleOrphanMods = read cr_visible_orphan_mods
+getPrintUnqualified :: CoreM PrintUnqualified
+getPrintUnqualified = read cr_print_unqual
+getSrcSpanM :: CoreM SrcSpan
+getSrcSpanM = read cr_loc
+addSimplCount :: SimplCount -> CoreM ()
+addSimplCount count = write (CoreWriter { cw_simpl_count = count })
+getUniqMask :: CoreM Char
+getUniqMask = read cr_uniq_mask
+-- Convenience accessors for useful fields of HscEnv
+instance HasDynFlags CoreM where
+ getDynFlags = fmap hsc_dflags getHscEnv
+instance HasModule CoreM where
+ getModule = read cr_module
+getPackageFamInstEnv :: CoreM PackageFamInstEnv
+getPackageFamInstEnv = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ eps <- liftIO $ hscEPS hsc_env
+ return $ eps_fam_inst_env eps
+* *
+ Dealing with annotations
+* *
+-- | Get all annotations of a given type. This happens lazily, that is
+-- no deserialization will take place until the [a] is actually demanded and
+-- the [a] can also be empty (the UniqFM is not filtered).
+-- This should be done once at the start of a Core-to-Core pass that uses
+-- annotations.
+-- See Note [Annotations]
+getAnnotations :: Typeable a => ([Word8] -> a) -> ModGuts -> CoreM (ModuleEnv [a], NameEnv [a])
+getAnnotations deserialize guts = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ ann_env <- liftIO $ prepareAnnotations hsc_env (Just guts)
+ return (deserializeAnns deserialize ann_env)
+-- | Get at most one annotation of a given type per annotatable item.
+getFirstAnnotations :: Typeable a => ([Word8] -> a) -> ModGuts -> CoreM (ModuleEnv a, NameEnv a)
+getFirstAnnotations deserialize guts
+ = bimap mod name <$> getAnnotations deserialize guts
+ where
+ mod = mapModuleEnv head . filterModuleEnv (const $ not . null)
+ name = mapNameEnv head . filterNameEnv (not . null)
+Note [Annotations]
+A Core-to-Core pass that wants to make use of annotations calls
+getAnnotations or getFirstAnnotations at the beginning to obtain a UniqFM with
+annotations of a specific type. This produces all annotations from interface
+files read so far. However, annotations from interface files read during the
+pass will not be visible until getAnnotations is called again. This is similar
+to how rules work and probably isn't too bad.
+The current implementation could be optimised a bit: when looking up
+annotations for a thing from the HomePackageTable, we could search directly in
+the module where the thing is defined rather than building one UniqFM which
+contains all annotations we know of. This would work because annotations can
+only be given to things defined in the same module. However, since we would
+only want to deserialise every annotation once, we would have to build a cache
+for every module in the HTP. In the end, it's probably not worth it as long as
+we aren't using annotations heavily.
+* *
+ Direct screen output
+* *
+msg :: Severity -> WarnReason -> SDoc -> CoreM ()
+msg sev reason doc
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; loc <- getSrcSpanM
+ ; unqual <- getPrintUnqualified
+ ; let sty = case sev of
+ SevError -> err_sty
+ SevWarning -> err_sty
+ SevDump -> dump_sty
+ _ -> user_sty
+ err_sty = mkErrStyle dflags unqual
+ user_sty = mkUserStyle dflags unqual AllTheWay
+ dump_sty = mkDumpStyle dflags unqual
+ ; liftIO $ putLogMsg dflags reason sev loc sty doc }
+-- | Output a String message to the screen
+putMsgS :: String -> CoreM ()
+putMsgS = putMsg . text
+-- | Output a message to the screen
+putMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM ()
+putMsg = msg SevInfo NoReason
+-- | Output an error to the screen. Does not cause the compiler to die.
+errorMsgS :: String -> CoreM ()
+errorMsgS = errorMsg . text
+-- | Output an error to the screen. Does not cause the compiler to die.
+errorMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM ()
+errorMsg = msg SevError NoReason
+warnMsg :: WarnReason -> SDoc -> CoreM ()
+warnMsg = msg SevWarning
+-- | Output a fatal error to the screen. Does not cause the compiler to die.
+fatalErrorMsgS :: String -> CoreM ()
+fatalErrorMsgS = fatalErrorMsg . text
+-- | Output a fatal error to the screen. Does not cause the compiler to die.
+fatalErrorMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM ()
+fatalErrorMsg = msg SevFatal NoReason
+-- | Output a string debugging message at verbosity level of @-v@ or higher
+debugTraceMsgS :: String -> CoreM ()
+debugTraceMsgS = debugTraceMsg . text
+-- | Outputs a debugging message at verbosity level of @-v@ or higher
+debugTraceMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM ()
+debugTraceMsg = msg SevDump NoReason
+-- | Show some labelled 'SDoc' if a particular flag is set or at a verbosity level of @-v -ddump-most@ or higher
+dumpIfSet_dyn :: DumpFlag -> String -> DumpFormat -> SDoc -> CoreM ()
+dumpIfSet_dyn flag str fmt doc
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; unqual <- getPrintUnqualified
+ ; when (dopt flag dflags) $ liftIO $ do
+ let sty = mkDumpStyle dflags unqual
+ dumpAction dflags sty (dumpOptionsFromFlag flag) str fmt doc }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Monad.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Monad.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ca105a66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Monad.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- Created this hs-boot file to remove circular dependencies from the use of
+-- Plugins. Plugins needs CoreToDo and CoreM types to define core-to-core
+-- transformations.
+-- However GHC.Core.Op.Monad does much more than defining these, and because Plugins are
+-- activated in various modules, the imports become circular. To solve this I
+-- extracted CoreToDo and CoreM into this file.
+-- I needed to write the whole definition of these types, otherwise it created
+-- a data-newtype conflict.
+module GHC.Core.Op.Monad ( CoreToDo, CoreM ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import IOEnv ( IOEnv )
+type CoreIOEnv = IOEnv CoreReader
+data CoreReader
+newtype CoreWriter = CoreWriter {
+ cw_simpl_count :: SimplCount
+data SimplCount
+newtype CoreM a = CoreM { unCoreM :: CoreIOEnv (a, CoreWriter) }
+instance Monad CoreM
+data CoreToDo
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/OccurAnal.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/OccurAnal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b676be38ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/OccurAnal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2898 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+* *
+\section[OccurAnal]{Occurrence analysis pass}
+* *
+The occurrence analyser re-typechecks a core expression, returning a new
+core expression with (hopefully) improved usage information.
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, MultiWayIf, ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.OccurAnal (
+ occurAnalysePgm, occurAnalyseExpr, occurAnalyseExpr_NoBinderSwap
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.FVs
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprIsTrivial, isDefaultAlt, isExpandableApp,
+ stripTicksTopE, mkTicks )
+import GHC.Core.Arity ( joinRhsArity )
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import Name( localiseName )
+import BasicTypes
+import Module( Module )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import VarSet
+import VarEnv
+import Var
+import Demand ( argOneShots, argsOneShots )
+import Digraph ( SCC(..), Node(..)
+ , stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq
+ , stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR )
+import Unique
+import UniqFM
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import Data.List
+import Control.Arrow ( second )
+* *
+ occurAnalysePgm, occurAnalyseExpr, occurAnalyseExpr_NoBinderSwap
+* *
+Here's the externally-callable interface:
+occurAnalysePgm :: Module -- Used only in debug output
+ -> (Id -> Bool) -- Active unfoldings
+ -> (Activation -> Bool) -- Active rules
+ -> [CoreRule]
+ -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
+occurAnalysePgm this_mod active_unf active_rule imp_rules binds
+ | isEmptyDetails final_usage
+ = occ_anald_binds
+ | otherwise -- See Note [Glomming]
+ = WARN( True, hang (text "Glomming in" <+> ppr this_mod <> colon)
+ 2 (ppr final_usage ) )
+ occ_anald_glommed_binds
+ where
+ init_env = initOccEnv { occ_rule_act = active_rule
+ , occ_unf_act = active_unf }
+ (final_usage, occ_anald_binds) = go init_env binds
+ (_, occ_anald_glommed_binds) = occAnalRecBind init_env TopLevel
+ imp_rule_edges
+ (flattenBinds binds)
+ initial_uds
+ -- It's crucial to re-analyse the glommed-together bindings
+ -- so that we establish the right loop breakers. Otherwise
+ -- we can easily create an infinite loop (#9583 is an example)
+ --
+ -- Also crucial to re-analyse the /original/ bindings
+ -- in case the first pass accidentally discarded as dead code
+ -- a binding that was actually needed (albeit before its
+ -- definition site). #17724 threw this up.
+ initial_uds = addManyOccsSet emptyDetails
+ (rulesFreeVars imp_rules)
+ -- The RULES declarations keep things alive!
+ -- Note [Preventing loops due to imported functions rules]
+ imp_rule_edges = foldr (plusVarEnv_C unionVarSet) emptyVarEnv
+ [ mapVarEnv (const maps_to) $
+ getUniqSet (exprFreeIds arg `delVarSetList` ru_bndrs imp_rule)
+ | imp_rule <- imp_rules
+ , not (isBuiltinRule imp_rule) -- See Note [Plugin rules]
+ , let maps_to = exprFreeIds (ru_rhs imp_rule)
+ `delVarSetList` ru_bndrs imp_rule
+ , arg <- ru_args imp_rule ]
+ go :: OccEnv -> [CoreBind] -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBind])
+ go _ []
+ = (initial_uds, [])
+ go env (bind:binds)
+ = (final_usage, bind' ++ binds')
+ where
+ (bs_usage, binds') = go env binds
+ (final_usage, bind') = occAnalBind env TopLevel imp_rule_edges bind
+ bs_usage
+occurAnalyseExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+ -- Do occurrence analysis, and discard occurrence info returned
+occurAnalyseExpr = occurAnalyseExpr' True -- do binder swap
+occurAnalyseExpr_NoBinderSwap :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+occurAnalyseExpr_NoBinderSwap = occurAnalyseExpr' False -- do not do binder swap
+occurAnalyseExpr' :: Bool -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+occurAnalyseExpr' enable_binder_swap expr
+ = snd (occAnal env expr)
+ where
+ env = initOccEnv { occ_binder_swap = enable_binder_swap }
+{- Note [Plugin rules]
+Conal Elliott (#11651) built a GHC plugin that added some
+BuiltinRules (for imported Ids) to the mg_rules field of ModGuts, to
+do some domain-specific transformations that could not be expressed
+with an ordinary pattern-matching CoreRule. But then we can't extract
+the dependencies (in imp_rule_edges) from ru_rhs etc, because a
+BuiltinRule doesn't have any of that stuff.
+So we simply assume that BuiltinRules have no dependencies, and filter
+them out from the imp_rule_edges comprehension.
+* *
+ Bindings
+* *
+Note [Recursive bindings: the grand plan]
+When we come across a binding group
+ Rec { x1 = r1; ...; xn = rn }
+we treat it like this (occAnalRecBind):
+1. Occurrence-analyse each right hand side, and build a
+ "Details" for each binding to capture the results.
+ Wrap the details in a Node (details, node-id, dep-node-ids),
+ where node-id is just the unique of the binder, and
+ dep-node-ids lists all binders on which this binding depends.
+ We'll call these the "scope edges".
+ See Note [Forming the Rec groups].
+ All this is done by makeNode.
+2. Do SCC-analysis on these Nodes. Each SCC will become a new Rec or
+ NonRec. The key property is that every free variable of a binding
+ is accounted for by the scope edges, so that when we are done
+ everything is still in scope.
+3. For each Cyclic SCC of the scope-edge SCC-analysis in (2), we
+ identify suitable loop-breakers to ensure that inlining terminates.
+ This is done by occAnalRec.
+4. To do so we form a new set of Nodes, with the same details, but
+ different edges, the "loop-breaker nodes". The loop-breaker nodes
+ have both more and fewer dependencies than the scope edges
+ (see Note [Choosing loop breakers])
+ More edges: if f calls g, and g has an active rule that mentions h
+ then we add an edge from f -> h
+ Fewer edges: we only include dependencies on active rules, on rule
+ RHSs (not LHSs) and if there is an INLINE pragma only
+ on the stable unfolding (and vice versa). The scope
+ edges must be much more inclusive.
+5. The "weak fvs" of a node are, by definition:
+ the scope fvs - the loop-breaker fvs
+ See Note [Weak loop breakers], and the nd_weak field of Details
+6. Having formed the loop-breaker nodes
+Note [Dead code]
+Dropping dead code for a cyclic Strongly Connected Component is done
+in a very simple way:
+ the entire SCC is dropped if none of its binders are mentioned
+ in the body; otherwise the whole thing is kept.
+The key observation is that dead code elimination happens after
+dependency analysis: so 'occAnalBind' processes SCCs instead of the
+original term's binding groups.
+Thus 'occAnalBind' does indeed drop 'f' in an example like
+ letrec f = ...g...
+ g = ...(...g...)...
+ in
+ ...g...
+when 'g' no longer uses 'f' at all (eg 'f' does not occur in a RULE in
+'g'). 'occAnalBind' first consumes 'CyclicSCC g' and then it consumes
+'AcyclicSCC f', where 'body_usage' won't contain 'f'.
+Note [Forming Rec groups]
+We put bindings {f = ef; g = eg } in a Rec group if "f uses g"
+and "g uses f", no matter how indirectly. We do a SCC analysis
+with an edge f -> g if "f uses g".
+More precisely, "f uses g" iff g should be in scope wherever f is.
+That is, g is free in:
+ a) the rhs 'ef'
+ b) or the RHS of a rule for f (Note [Rules are extra RHSs])
+ c) or the LHS or a rule for f (Note [Rule dependency info])
+These conditions apply regardless of the activation of the RULE (eg it might be
+inactive in this phase but become active later). Once a Rec is broken up
+it can never be put back together, so we must be conservative.
+The principle is that, regardless of rule firings, every variable is
+always in scope.
+ * Note [Rules are extra RHSs]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ A RULE for 'f' is like an extra RHS for 'f'. That way the "parent"
+ keeps the specialised "children" alive. If the parent dies
+ (because it isn't referenced any more), then the children will die
+ too (unless they are already referenced directly).
+ To that end, we build a Rec group for each cyclic strongly
+ connected component,
+ *treating f's rules as extra RHSs for 'f'*.
+ More concretely, the SCC analysis runs on a graph with an edge
+ from f -> g iff g is mentioned in
+ (a) f's rhs
+ (b) f's RULES
+ These are rec_edges.
+ Under (b) we include variables free in *either* LHS *or* RHS of
+ the rule. The former might seems silly, but see Note [Rule
+ dependency info]. So in Example [eftInt], eftInt and eftIntFB
+ will be put in the same Rec, even though their 'main' RHSs are
+ both non-recursive.
+ * Note [Rule dependency info]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ The VarSet in a RuleInfo is used for dependency analysis in the
+ occurrence analyser. We must track free vars in *both* lhs and rhs.
+ Hence use of idRuleVars, rather than idRuleRhsVars in occAnalBind.
+ Why both? Consider
+ x = y
+ RULE f x = v+4
+ Then if we substitute y for x, we'd better do so in the
+ rule's LHS too, so we'd better ensure the RULE appears to mention 'x'
+ as well as 'v'
+ * Note [Rules are visible in their own rec group]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ We want the rules for 'f' to be visible in f's right-hand side.
+ And we'd like them to be visible in other functions in f's Rec
+ group. E.g. in Note [Specialisation rules] we want f' rule
+ to be visible in both f's RHS, and fs's RHS.
+ This means that we must simplify the RULEs first, before looking
+ at any of the definitions. This is done by Simplify.simplRecBind,
+ when it calls addLetIdInfo.
+Note [Choosing loop breakers]
+Loop breaking is surprisingly subtle. First read the section 4 of
+"Secrets of the GHC inliner". This describes our basic plan.
+We avoid infinite inlinings by choosing loop breakers, and
+ensuring that a loop breaker cuts each loop.
+See also Note [Inlining and hs-boot files] in GHC.Core.ToIface, which
+deals with a closely related source of infinite loops.
+Fundamentally, we do SCC analysis on a graph. For each recursive
+group we choose a loop breaker, delete all edges to that node,
+re-analyse the SCC, and iterate.
+But what is the graph? NOT the same graph as was used for Note
+[Forming Rec groups]! In particular, a RULE is like an equation for
+'f' that is *always* inlined if it is applicable. We do *not* disable
+rules for loop-breakers. It's up to whoever makes the rules to make
+sure that the rules themselves always terminate. See Note [Rules for
+recursive functions] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify
+Hence, if
+ f's RHS (or its INLINE template if it has one) mentions g, and
+ g has a RULE that mentions h, and
+ h has a RULE that mentions f
+then we *must* choose f to be a loop breaker. Example: see Note
+[Specialisation rules].
+In general, take the free variables of f's RHS, and augment it with
+all the variables reachable by RULES from those starting points. That
+is the whole reason for computing rule_fv_env in occAnalBind. (Of
+course we only consider free vars that are also binders in this Rec
+group.) See also Note [Finding rule RHS free vars]
+Note that when we compute this rule_fv_env, we only consider variables
+free in the *RHS* of the rule, in contrast to the way we build the
+Rec group in the first place (Note [Rule dependency info])
+Note that if 'g' has RHS that mentions 'w', we should add w to
+g's loop-breaker edges. More concretely there is an edge from f -> g
+ (a) g is mentioned in f's RHS `xor` f's INLINE rhs
+ (see Note [Inline rules])
+ (b) or h is mentioned in f's RHS, and
+ g appears in the RHS of an active RULE of h
+ or a transitive sequence of active rules starting with h
+Why "active rules"? See Note [Finding rule RHS free vars]
+Note that in Example [eftInt], *neither* eftInt *nor* eftIntFB is
+chosen as a loop breaker, because their RHSs don't mention each other.
+And indeed both can be inlined safely.
+Note again that the edges of the graph we use for computing loop breakers
+are not the same as the edges we use for computing the Rec blocks.
+That's why we compute
+- rec_edges for the Rec block analysis
+- loop_breaker_nodes for the loop breaker analysis
+ * Note [Finding rule RHS free vars]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Consider this real example from Data Parallel Haskell
+ tagZero :: Array Int -> Array Tag
+ {-# INLINE [1] tagZeroes #-}
+ tagZero xs = pmap (\x -> fromBool (x==0)) xs
+ {-# RULES "tagZero" [~1] forall xs n.
+ pmap fromBool <blah blah> = tagZero xs #-}
+ So tagZero's RHS mentions pmap, and pmap's RULE mentions tagZero.
+ However, tagZero can only be inlined in phase 1 and later, while
+ the RULE is only active *before* phase 1. So there's no problem.
+ To make this work, we look for the RHS free vars only for
+ *active* rules. That's the reason for the occ_rule_act field
+ of the OccEnv.
+ * Note [Weak loop breakers]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ There is a last nasty wrinkle. Suppose we have
+ Rec { f = f_rhs
+ RULE f [] = g
+ h = h_rhs
+ g = h
+ ...more...
+ }
+ Remember that we simplify the RULES before any RHS (see Note
+ [Rules are visible in their own rec group] above).
+ So we must *not* postInlineUnconditionally 'g', even though
+ its RHS turns out to be trivial. (I'm assuming that 'g' is
+ not chosen as a loop breaker.) Why not? Because then we
+ drop the binding for 'g', which leaves it out of scope in the
+ Here's a somewhat different example of the same thing
+ Rec { g = h
+ ; h = ...f...
+ ; f = f_rhs
+ RULE f [] = g }
+ Here the RULE is "below" g, but we *still* can't postInlineUnconditionally
+ g, because the RULE for f is active throughout. So the RHS of h
+ might rewrite to h = ...g...
+ So g must remain in scope in the output program!
+ We "solve" this by:
+ Make g a "weak" loop breaker (OccInfo = IAmLoopBreaker True)
+ iff g is a "missing free variable" of the Rec group
+ A "missing free variable" x is one that is mentioned in an RHS or
+ INLINE or RULE of a binding in the Rec group, but where the
+ dependency on x may not show up in the loop_breaker_nodes (see
+ note [Choosing loop breakers} above).
+ A normal "strong" loop breaker has IAmLoopBreaker False. So
+ Inline postInlineUnconditionally
+ strong IAmLoopBreaker False no no
+ weak IAmLoopBreaker True yes no
+ other yes yes
+ The **sole** reason for this kind of loop breaker is so that
+ postInlineUnconditionally does not fire. Ugh. (Typically it'll
+ inline via the usual callSiteInline stuff, so it'll be dead in the
+ next pass, so the main Ugh is the tiresome complication.)
+Note [Rules for imported functions]
+Consider this
+ f = /\a. B.g a
+ RULE B.g Int = 1 + f Int
+Note that
+ * The RULE is for an imported function.
+ * f is non-recursive
+Now we
+can get
+ f Int --> B.g Int Inlining f
+ --> 1 + f Int Firing RULE
+and so the simplifier goes into an infinite loop. This
+would not happen if the RULE was for a local function,
+because we keep track of dependencies through rules. But
+that is pretty much impossible to do for imported Ids. Suppose
+f's definition had been
+ f = /\a. C.h a
+where (by some long and devious process), C.h eventually inlines to
+B.g. We could only spot such loops by exhaustively following
+unfoldings of C.h etc, in case we reach B.g, and hence (via the RULE)
+Note that RULES for imported functions are important in practice; they
+occur a lot in the libraries.
+We regard this potential infinite loop as a *programmer* error.
+It's up the programmer not to write silly rules like
+ RULE f x = f x
+and the example above is just a more complicated version.
+Note [Preventing loops due to imported functions rules]
+ import GHC.Base (foldr)
+ {-# RULES "filterList" forall p. foldr (filterFB (:) p) [] = filter p #-}
+ filter p xs = build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs)
+ filterFB c p = ...
+ f = filter p xs
+Note that filter is not a loop-breaker, so what happens is:
+ f = filter p xs
+ = {inline} build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs)
+ = {inline} foldr (filterFB (:) p) [] xs
+ = {RULE} filter p xs
+We are in an infinite loop.
+A more elaborate example (that I actually saw in practice when I went to
+mark GHC.List.filter as INLINABLE) is as follows. Say I have this module:
+ {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+ module GHCList where
+ import Prelude hiding (filter)
+ import GHC.Base (build)
+ {-# INLINABLE filter #-}
+ filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+ filter p [] = []
+ filter p (x:xs) = if p x then x : filter p xs else filter p xs
+ {-# NOINLINE [0] filterFB #-}
+ filterFB :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> b -> b
+ filterFB c p x r | p x = x `c` r
+ | otherwise = r
+ {-# RULES
+ "filter" [~1] forall p xs. filter p xs = build (\c n -> foldr
+ (filterFB c p) n xs)
+ "filterList" [1] forall p. foldr (filterFB (:) p) [] = filter p
+ #-}
+Then (because RULES are applied inside INLINABLE unfoldings, but inlinings
+are not), the unfolding given to "filter" in the interface file will be:
+ filter p [] = []
+ filter p (x:xs) = if p x then x : build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs)
+ else build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs
+Note that because this unfolding does not mention "filter", filter is not
+marked as a strong loop breaker. Therefore at a use site in another module:
+ filter p xs
+ = {inline}
+ case xs of [] -> []
+ (x:xs) -> if p x then x : build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs)
+ else build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs)
+ build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs)
+ = {inline} foldr (filterFB (:) p) [] xs
+ = {RULE} filter p xs
+And we are in an infinite loop again, except that this time the loop is producing an
+infinitely large *term* (an unrolling of filter) and so the simplifier finally
+dies with "ticks exhausted"
+Because of this problem, we make a small change in the occurrence analyser
+designed to mark functions like "filter" as strong loop breakers on the basis that:
+ 1. The RHS of filter mentions the local function "filterFB"
+ 2. We have a rule which mentions "filterFB" on the LHS and "filter" on the RHS
+So for each RULE for an *imported* function we are going to add
+dependency edges between the *local* FVS of the rule LHS and the
+*local* FVS of the rule RHS. We don't do anything special for RULES on
+local functions because the standard occurrence analysis stuff is
+pretty good at getting loop-breakerness correct there.
+It is important to note that even with this extra hack we aren't always going to get
+things right. For example, it might be that the rule LHS mentions an imported Id,
+and another module has a RULE that can rewrite that imported Id to one of our local
+Note [Specialising imported functions] (referred to from Specialise)
+BUT for *automatically-generated* rules, the programmer can't be
+responsible for the "programmer error" in Note [Rules for imported
+functions]. In particular, consider specialising a recursive function
+defined in another module. If we specialise a recursive function B.g,
+we get
+ g_spec = .....(B.g Int).....
+ RULE B.g Int = g_spec
+Here, g_spec doesn't look recursive, but when the rule fires, it
+becomes so. And if B.g was mutually recursive, the loop might
+not be as obvious as it is here.
+To avoid this,
+ * When specialising a function that is a loop breaker,
+ give a NOINLINE pragma to the specialised function
+Note [Glomming]
+RULES for imported Ids can make something at the top refer to something at the bottom:
+ f = \x -> B.g (q x)
+ h = \y -> 3
+ RULE: B.g (q x) = h x
+Applying this rule makes f refer to h, although f doesn't appear to
+depend on h. (And, as in Note [Rules for imported functions], the
+dependency might be more indirect. For example, f might mention C.t
+rather than B.g, where C.t eventually inlines to B.g.)
+NOTICE that this cannot happen for rules whose head is a
+locally-defined function, because we accurately track dependencies
+through RULES. It only happens for rules whose head is an imported
+function (B.g in the example above).
+ - When simplifying, bring all top level identifiers into
+ scope at the start, ignoring the Rec/NonRec structure, so
+ that when 'h' pops up in f's rhs, we find it in the in-scope set
+ (as the simplifier generally expects). This happens in simplTopBinds.
+ - In the occurrence analyser, if there are any out-of-scope
+ occurrences that pop out of the top, which will happen after
+ firing the rule: f = \x -> h x
+ h = \y -> 3
+ then just glom all the bindings into a single Rec, so that
+ the *next* iteration of the occurrence analyser will sort
+ them all out. This part happens in occurAnalysePgm.
+Note [Inline rules]
+None of the above stuff about RULES applies to Inline Rules,
+stored in a CoreUnfolding. The unfolding, if any, is simplified
+at the same time as the regular RHS of the function (ie *not* like
+Note [Rules are visible in their own rec group]), so it should be
+treated *exactly* like an extra RHS.
+Or, rather, when computing loop-breaker edges,
+ * If f has an INLINE pragma, and it is active, we treat the
+ INLINE rhs as f's rhs
+ * If it's inactive, we treat f as having no rhs
+ * If it has no INLINE pragma, we look at f's actual rhs
+There is a danger that we'll be sub-optimal if we see this
+ f = ...f...
+ [INLINE f = f...]
+where f is recursive, but the INLINE is not. This can just about
+happen with a sufficiently odd set of rules; eg
+ foo :: Int -> Int
+ {-# INLINE [1] foo #-}
+ foo x = x+1
+ bar :: Int -> Int
+ {-# INLINE [1] bar #-}
+ bar x = foo x + 1
+ {-# RULES "foo" [~1] forall x. foo x = bar x #-}
+Here the RULE makes bar recursive; but it's INLINE pragma remains
+non-recursive. It's tempting to then say that 'bar' should not be
+a loop breaker, but an attempt to do so goes wrong in two ways:
+ a) We may get
+ $df = ...$cfoo...
+ $cfoo = ...$df....
+ [INLINE $cfoo =$df...]
+ But we want $cfoo to depend on $df explicitly so that we
+ put the bindings in the right order to inline $df in $cfoo
+ and perhaps break the loop altogether. (Maybe this
+ b)
+Example [eftInt]
+Example (from GHC.Enum):
+ eftInt :: Int# -> Int# -> [Int]
+ eftInt x y = ...(non-recursive)...
+ {-# INLINE [0] eftIntFB #-}
+ eftIntFB :: (Int -> r -> r) -> r -> Int# -> Int# -> r
+ eftIntFB c n x y = ...(non-recursive)...
+ {-# RULES
+ "eftInt" [~1] forall x y. eftInt x y = build (\ c n -> eftIntFB c n x y)
+ "eftIntList" [1] eftIntFB (:) [] = eftInt
+ #-}
+Note [Specialisation rules]
+Consider this group, which is typical of what SpecConstr builds:
+ fs a = ....f (C a)....
+ f x = ....f (C a)....
+ {-# RULE f (C a) = fs a #-}
+So 'f' and 'fs' are in the same Rec group (since f refers to fs via its RULE).
+But watch out! If 'fs' is not chosen as a loop breaker, we may get an infinite loop:
+ - the RULE is applied in f's RHS (see Note [Self-recursive rules] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify
+ - fs is inlined (say it's small)
+ - now there's another opportunity to apply the RULE
+This showed up when compiling Control.Concurrent.Chan.getChanContents.
+Note [Finding join points]
+It's the occurrence analyser's job to find bindings that we can turn into join
+points, but it doesn't perform that transformation right away. Rather, it marks
+the eligible bindings as part of their occurrence data, leaving it to the
+simplifier (or to simpleOptPgm) to actually change the binder's 'IdDetails'.
+The simplifier then eta-expands the RHS if needed and then updates the
+occurrence sites. Dividing the work this way means that the occurrence analyser
+still only takes one pass, yet one can always tell the difference between a
+function call and a jump by looking at the occurrence (because the same pass
+changes the 'IdDetails' and propagates the binders to their occurrence sites).
+To track potential join points, we use the 'occ_tail' field of OccInfo. A value
+of `AlwaysTailCalled n` indicates that every occurrence of the variable is a
+tail call with `n` arguments (counting both value and type arguments). Otherwise
+'occ_tail' will be 'NoTailCallInfo'. The tail call info flows bottom-up with the
+rest of 'OccInfo' until it goes on the binder.
+Note [Rules and join points]
+Things get fiddly with rules. Suppose we have:
+ let j :: Int -> Int
+ j y = 2 * y
+ k :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ {-# RULES "SPEC k 0" k 0 = j #-}
+ k x y = x + 2 * y
+ in ...
+Now suppose that both j and k appear only as saturated tail calls in the body.
+Thus we would like to make them both join points. The rule complicates matters,
+though, as its RHS has an unapplied occurrence of j. *However*, if we were to
+eta-expand the rule, all would be well:
+ {-# RULES "SPEC k 0" forall a. k 0 a = j a #-}
+So conceivably we could notice that a potential join point would have an
+"undersaturated" rule and account for it. This would mean we could make
+something that's been specialised a join point, for instance. But local bindings
+are rarely specialised, and being overly cautious about rules only
+costs us anything when, for some `j`:
+ * Before specialisation, `j` has non-tail calls, so it can't be a join point.
+ * During specialisation, `j` gets specialised and thus acquires rules.
+ * Sometime afterward, the non-tail calls to `j` disappear (as dead code, say),
+ and so now `j` *could* become a join point.
+This appears to be very rare in practice. TODO Perhaps we should gather
+statistics to be sure.
+Note [Adjusting right-hand sides]
+There's a bit of a dance we need to do after analysing a lambda expression or
+a right-hand side. In particular, we need to
+ a) call 'markAllInsideLam' *unless* the binding is for a thunk, a one-shot
+ lambda, or a non-recursive join point; and
+ b) call 'markAllNonTailCalled' *unless* the binding is for a join point.
+Some examples, with how the free occurrences in e (assumed not to be a value
+lambda) get marked:
+ inside lam non-tail-called
+ ------------------------------------------------------------
+ let x = e No Yes
+ let f = \x -> e Yes Yes
+ let f = \x{OneShot} -> e No Yes
+ \x -> e Yes Yes
+ join j x = e No No
+ joinrec j x = e Yes No
+There are a few other caveats; most importantly, if we're marking a binding as
+'AlwaysTailCalled', it's *going* to be a join point, so we treat it as one so
+that the effect cascades properly. Consequently, at the time the RHS is
+analysed, we won't know what adjustments to make; thus 'occAnalLamOrRhs' must
+return the unadjusted 'UsageDetails', to be adjusted by 'adjustRhsUsage' once
+join-point-hood has been decided.
+Thus the overall sequence taking place in 'occAnalNonRecBind' and
+'occAnalRecBind' is as follows:
+ 1. Call 'occAnalLamOrRhs' to find usage information for the RHS.
+ 2. Call 'tagNonRecBinder' or 'tagRecBinders', which decides whether to make
+ the binding a join point.
+ 3. Call 'adjustRhsUsage' accordingly. (Done as part of 'tagRecBinders' when
+ recursive.)
+(In the recursive case, this logic is spread between 'makeNode' and
+-- occAnalBind
+occAnalBind :: OccEnv -- The incoming OccEnv
+ -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> ImpRuleEdges
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> UsageDetails -- Usage details of scope
+ -> (UsageDetails, -- Of the whole let(rec)
+ [CoreBind])
+occAnalBind env lvl top_env (NonRec binder rhs) body_usage
+ = occAnalNonRecBind env lvl top_env binder rhs body_usage
+occAnalBind env lvl top_env (Rec pairs) body_usage
+ = occAnalRecBind env lvl top_env pairs body_usage
+occAnalNonRecBind :: OccEnv -> TopLevelFlag -> ImpRuleEdges -> Var -> CoreExpr
+ -> UsageDetails -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBind])
+occAnalNonRecBind env lvl imp_rule_edges binder rhs body_usage
+ | isTyVar binder -- A type let; we don't gather usage info
+ = (body_usage, [NonRec binder rhs])
+ | not (binder `usedIn` body_usage) -- It's not mentioned
+ = (body_usage, [])
+ | otherwise -- It's mentioned in the body
+ = (body_usage' `andUDs` rhs_usage', [NonRec tagged_binder rhs'])
+ where
+ (body_usage', tagged_binder) = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_usage binder
+ mb_join_arity = willBeJoinId_maybe tagged_binder
+ (bndrs, body) = collectBinders rhs
+ (rhs_usage1, bndrs', body') = occAnalNonRecRhs env tagged_binder bndrs body
+ rhs' = mkLams (markJoinOneShots mb_join_arity bndrs') body'
+ -- For a /non-recursive/ join point we can mark all
+ -- its join-lambda as one-shot; and it's a good idea to do so
+ -- Unfoldings
+ -- See Note [Unfoldings and join points]
+ rhs_usage2 = case occAnalUnfolding env NonRecursive binder of
+ Just unf_usage -> rhs_usage1 `andUDs` unf_usage
+ Nothing -> rhs_usage1
+ -- Rules
+ -- See Note [Rules are extra RHSs] and Note [Rule dependency info]
+ rules_w_uds = occAnalRules env mb_join_arity NonRecursive tagged_binder
+ rule_uds = map (\(_, l, r) -> l `andUDs` r) rules_w_uds
+ rhs_usage3 = foldr andUDs rhs_usage2 rule_uds
+ rhs_usage4 = case lookupVarEnv imp_rule_edges binder of
+ Nothing -> rhs_usage3
+ Just vs -> addManyOccsSet rhs_usage3 vs
+ -- See Note [Preventing loops due to imported functions rules]
+ -- Final adjustment
+ rhs_usage' = adjustRhsUsage mb_join_arity NonRecursive bndrs' rhs_usage4
+occAnalRecBind :: OccEnv -> TopLevelFlag -> ImpRuleEdges -> [(Var,CoreExpr)]
+ -> UsageDetails -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBind])
+occAnalRecBind env lvl imp_rule_edges pairs body_usage
+ = foldr (occAnalRec env lvl) (body_usage, []) sccs
+ -- For a recursive group, we
+ -- * occ-analyse all the RHSs
+ -- * compute strongly-connected components
+ -- * feed those components to occAnalRec
+ -- See Note [Recursive bindings: the grand plan]
+ where
+ sccs :: [SCC Details]
+ sccs = {-# SCC "occAnalBind.scc" #-}
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq nodes
+ nodes :: [LetrecNode]
+ nodes = {-# SCC "occAnalBind.assoc" #-}
+ map (makeNode env imp_rule_edges bndr_set) pairs
+ bndr_set = mkVarSet (map fst pairs)
+Note [Unfoldings and join points]
+We assume that anything in an unfolding occurs multiple times, since unfoldings
+are often copied (that's the whole point!). But we still need to track tail
+calls for the purpose of finding join points.
+occAnalRec :: OccEnv -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> SCC Details
+ -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBind])
+ -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBind])
+ -- The NonRec case is just like a Let (NonRec ...) above
+occAnalRec _ lvl (AcyclicSCC (ND { nd_bndr = bndr, nd_rhs = rhs
+ , nd_uds = rhs_uds, nd_rhs_bndrs = rhs_bndrs }))
+ (body_uds, binds)
+ | not (bndr `usedIn` body_uds)
+ = (body_uds, binds) -- See Note [Dead code]
+ | otherwise -- It's mentioned in the body
+ = (body_uds' `andUDs` rhs_uds',
+ NonRec tagged_bndr rhs : binds)
+ where
+ (body_uds', tagged_bndr) = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_uds bndr
+ rhs_uds' = adjustRhsUsage (willBeJoinId_maybe tagged_bndr) NonRecursive
+ rhs_bndrs rhs_uds
+ -- The Rec case is the interesting one
+ -- See Note [Recursive bindings: the grand plan]
+ -- See Note [Loop breaking]
+occAnalRec env lvl (CyclicSCC details_s) (body_uds, binds)
+ | not (any (`usedIn` body_uds) bndrs) -- NB: look at body_uds, not total_uds
+ = (body_uds, binds) -- See Note [Dead code]
+ | otherwise -- At this point we always build a single Rec
+ = -- pprTrace "occAnalRec" (vcat
+ -- [ text "weak_fvs" <+> ppr weak_fvs
+ -- , text "lb nodes" <+> ppr loop_breaker_nodes])
+ (final_uds, Rec pairs : binds)
+ where
+ bndrs = map nd_bndr details_s
+ bndr_set = mkVarSet bndrs
+ ------------------------------
+ -- See Note [Choosing loop breakers] for loop_breaker_nodes
+ final_uds :: UsageDetails
+ loop_breaker_nodes :: [LetrecNode]
+ (final_uds, loop_breaker_nodes)
+ = mkLoopBreakerNodes env lvl bndr_set body_uds details_s
+ ------------------------------
+ weak_fvs :: VarSet
+ weak_fvs = mapUnionVarSet nd_weak details_s
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Now reconstruct the cycle
+ pairs :: [(Id,CoreExpr)]
+ pairs | isEmptyVarSet weak_fvs = reOrderNodes 0 bndr_set weak_fvs loop_breaker_nodes []
+ | otherwise = loopBreakNodes 0 bndr_set weak_fvs loop_breaker_nodes []
+ -- If weak_fvs is empty, the loop_breaker_nodes will include
+ -- all the edges in the original scope edges [remember,
+ -- weak_fvs is the difference between scope edges and
+ -- lb-edges], so a fresh SCC computation would yield a
+ -- single CyclicSCC result; and reOrderNodes deals with
+ -- exactly that case
+-- Loop breaking
+type Binding = (Id,CoreExpr)
+loopBreakNodes :: Int
+ -> VarSet -- All binders
+ -> VarSet -- Binders whose dependencies may be "missing"
+ -- See Note [Weak loop breakers]
+ -> [LetrecNode]
+ -> [Binding] -- Append these to the end
+ -> [Binding]
+loopBreakNodes is applied to the list of nodes for a cyclic strongly
+connected component (there's guaranteed to be a cycle). It returns
+the same nodes, but
+ a) in a better order,
+ b) with some of the Ids having a IAmALoopBreaker pragma
+The "loop-breaker" Ids are sufficient to break all cycles in the SCC. This means
+that the simplifier can guarantee not to loop provided it never records an inlining
+for these no-inline guys.
+Furthermore, the order of the binds is such that if we neglect dependencies
+on the no-inline Ids then the binds are topologically sorted. This means
+that the simplifier will generally do a good job if it works from top bottom,
+recording inlinings for any Ids which aren't marked as "no-inline" as it goes.
+-- Return the bindings sorted into a plausible order, and marked with loop breakers.
+loopBreakNodes depth bndr_set weak_fvs nodes binds
+ = -- pprTrace "loopBreakNodes" (ppr nodes) $
+ go (stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR nodes) binds
+ where
+ go [] binds = binds
+ go (scc:sccs) binds = loop_break_scc scc (go sccs binds)
+ loop_break_scc scc binds
+ = case scc of
+ AcyclicSCC node -> mk_non_loop_breaker weak_fvs node : binds
+ CyclicSCC nodes -> reOrderNodes depth bndr_set weak_fvs nodes binds
+reOrderNodes :: Int -> VarSet -> VarSet -> [LetrecNode] -> [Binding] -> [Binding]
+ -- Choose a loop breaker, mark it no-inline,
+ -- and call loopBreakNodes on the rest
+reOrderNodes _ _ _ [] _ = panic "reOrderNodes"
+reOrderNodes _ _ _ [node] binds = mk_loop_breaker node : binds
+reOrderNodes depth bndr_set weak_fvs (node : nodes) binds
+ = -- pprTrace "reOrderNodes" (vcat [ text "unchosen" <+> ppr unchosen
+ -- , text "chosen" <+> ppr chosen_nodes ]) $
+ loopBreakNodes new_depth bndr_set weak_fvs unchosen $
+ (map mk_loop_breaker chosen_nodes ++ binds)
+ where
+ (chosen_nodes, unchosen) = chooseLoopBreaker approximate_lb
+ (nd_score (node_payload node))
+ [node] [] nodes
+ approximate_lb = depth >= 2
+ new_depth | approximate_lb = 0
+ | otherwise = depth+1
+ -- After two iterations (d=0, d=1) give up
+ -- and approximate, returning to d=0
+mk_loop_breaker :: LetrecNode -> Binding
+mk_loop_breaker (node_payload -> ND { nd_bndr = bndr, nd_rhs = rhs})
+ = (bndr `setIdOccInfo` strongLoopBreaker { occ_tail = tail_info }, rhs)
+ where
+ tail_info = tailCallInfo (idOccInfo bndr)
+mk_non_loop_breaker :: VarSet -> LetrecNode -> Binding
+-- See Note [Weak loop breakers]
+mk_non_loop_breaker weak_fvs (node_payload -> ND { nd_bndr = bndr
+ , nd_rhs = rhs})
+ | bndr `elemVarSet` weak_fvs = (setIdOccInfo bndr occ', rhs)
+ | otherwise = (bndr, rhs)
+ where
+ occ' = weakLoopBreaker { occ_tail = tail_info }
+ tail_info = tailCallInfo (idOccInfo bndr)
+chooseLoopBreaker :: Bool -- True <=> Too many iterations,
+ -- so approximate
+ -> NodeScore -- Best score so far
+ -> [LetrecNode] -- Nodes with this score
+ -> [LetrecNode] -- Nodes with higher scores
+ -> [LetrecNode] -- Unprocessed nodes
+ -> ([LetrecNode], [LetrecNode])
+ -- This loop looks for the bind with the lowest score
+ -- to pick as the loop breaker. The rest accumulate in
+chooseLoopBreaker _ _ loop_nodes acc []
+ = (loop_nodes, acc) -- Done
+ -- If approximate_loop_breaker is True, we pick *all*
+ -- nodes with lowest score, else just one
+ -- See Note [Complexity of loop breaking]
+chooseLoopBreaker approx_lb loop_sc loop_nodes acc (node : nodes)
+ | approx_lb
+ , rank sc == rank loop_sc
+ = chooseLoopBreaker approx_lb loop_sc (node : loop_nodes) acc nodes
+ | sc `betterLB` loop_sc -- Better score so pick this new one
+ = chooseLoopBreaker approx_lb sc [node] (loop_nodes ++ acc) nodes
+ | otherwise -- Worse score so don't pick it
+ = chooseLoopBreaker approx_lb loop_sc loop_nodes (node : acc) nodes
+ where
+ sc = nd_score (node_payload node)
+Note [Complexity of loop breaking]
+The loop-breaking algorithm knocks out one binder at a time, and
+performs a new SCC analysis on the remaining binders. That can
+behave very badly in tightly-coupled groups of bindings; in the
+worst case it can be (N**2)*log N, because it does a full SCC
+on N, then N-1, then N-2 and so on.
+To avoid this, we switch plans after 2 (or whatever) attempts:
+ Plan A: pick one binder with the lowest score, make it
+ a loop breaker, and try again
+ Plan B: pick *all* binders with the lowest score, make them
+ all loop breakers, and try again
+Since there are only a small finite number of scores, this will
+terminate in a constant number of iterations, rather than O(N)
+You might thing that it's very unlikely, but RULES make it much
+more likely. Here's a real example from #1969:
+ Rec { $dm = \d.\x. op d
+ {-# RULES forall d. $dm Int d = $s$dm1
+ forall d. $dm Bool d = $s$dm2 #-}
+ dInt = MkD .... opInt ...
+ dInt = MkD .... opBool ...
+ opInt = $dm dInt
+ opBool = $dm dBool
+ $s$dm1 = \x. op dInt
+ $s$dm2 = \x. op dBool }
+The RULES stuff means that we can't choose $dm as a loop breaker
+(Note [Choosing loop breakers]), so we must choose at least (say)
+opInt *and* opBool, and so on. The number of loop breakders is
+linear in the number of instance declarations.
+Note [Loop breakers and INLINE/INLINABLE pragmas]
+Avoid choosing a function with an INLINE pramga as the loop breaker!
+If such a function is mutually-recursive with a non-INLINE thing,
+then the latter should be the loop-breaker.
+It's vital to distinguish between INLINE and INLINABLE (the
+Bool returned by hasStableCoreUnfolding_maybe). If we start with
+ Rec { {-# INLINABLE f #-}
+ f x = ...f... }
+and then worker/wrapper it through strictness analysis, we'll get
+ Rec { {-# INLINABLE $wf #-}
+ $wf p q = let x = (p,q) in ...f...
+ {-# INLINE f #-}
+ f x = case x of (p,q) -> $wf p q }
+Now it is vital that we choose $wf as the loop breaker, so we can
+inline 'f' in '$wf'.
+Note [DFuns should not be loop breakers]
+It's particularly bad to make a DFun into a loop breaker. See
+Note [How instance declarations are translated] in TcInstDcls
+We give DFuns a higher score than ordinary CONLIKE things because
+if there's a choice we want the DFun to be the non-loop breaker. Eg
+rec { sc = /\ a \$dC. $fBWrap (T a) ($fCT @ a $dC)
+ $fCT :: forall a_afE. (Roman.C a_afE) => Roman.C (Roman.T a_afE)
+ {-# DFUN #-}
+ $fCT = /\a \$dC. MkD (T a) ((sc @ a $dC) |> blah) ($ctoF @ a $dC)
+ }
+Here 'sc' (the superclass) looks CONLIKE, but we'll never get to it
+if we can't unravel the DFun first.
+Note [Constructor applications]
+It's really really important to inline dictionaries. Real
+example (the Enum Ordering instance from GHC.Base):
+ rec f = \ x -> case d of (p,q,r) -> p x
+ g = \ x -> case d of (p,q,r) -> q x
+ d = (v, f, g)
+Here, f and g occur just once; but we can't inline them into d.
+On the other hand we *could* simplify those case expressions if
+we didn't stupidly choose d as the loop breaker.
+But we won't because constructor args are marked "Many".
+Inlining dictionaries is really essential to unravelling
+the loops in static numeric dictionaries, see GHC.Float.
+Note [Closure conversion]
+We treat (\x. C p q) as a high-score candidate in the letrec scoring algorithm.
+The immediate motivation came from the result of a closure-conversion transformation
+which generated code like this:
+ data Clo a b = forall c. Clo (c -> a -> b) c
+ ($:) :: Clo a b -> a -> b
+ Clo f env $: x = f env x
+ rec { plus = Clo plus1 ()
+ ; plus1 _ n = Clo plus2 n
+ ; plus2 Zero n = n
+ ; plus2 (Succ m) n = Succ (plus $: m $: n) }
+If we inline 'plus' and 'plus1', everything unravels nicely. But if
+we choose 'plus1' as the loop breaker (which is entirely possible
+otherwise), the loop does not unravel nicely.
+@occAnalUnfolding@ deals with the question of bindings where the Id is marked
+by an INLINE pragma. For these we record that anything which occurs
+in its RHS occurs many times. This pessimistically assumes that this
+inlined binder also occurs many times in its scope, but if it doesn't
+we'll catch it next time round. At worst this costs an extra simplifier pass.
+ToDo: try using the occurrence info for the inline'd binder.
+[March 97] We do the same for atomic RHSs. Reason: see notes with loopBreakSCC.
+[June 98, SLPJ] I've undone this change; I don't understand it. See notes with loopBreakSCC.
+* *
+ Making nodes
+* *
+type ImpRuleEdges = IdEnv IdSet -- Mapping from FVs of imported RULE LHSs to RHS FVs
+noImpRuleEdges :: ImpRuleEdges
+noImpRuleEdges = emptyVarEnv
+type LetrecNode = Node Unique Details -- Node comes from Digraph
+ -- The Unique key is gotten from the Id
+data Details
+ = ND { nd_bndr :: Id -- Binder
+ , nd_rhs :: CoreExpr -- RHS, already occ-analysed
+ , nd_rhs_bndrs :: [CoreBndr] -- Outer lambdas of RHS
+ -- INVARIANT: (nd_rhs_bndrs nd, _) ==
+ -- collectBinders (nd_rhs nd)
+ , nd_uds :: UsageDetails -- Usage from RHS, and RULES, and stable unfoldings
+ -- ignoring phase (ie assuming all are active)
+ -- See Note [Forming Rec groups]
+ , nd_inl :: IdSet -- Free variables of
+ -- the stable unfolding (if present and active)
+ -- or the RHS (if not)
+ -- but excluding any RULES
+ -- This is the IdSet that may be used if the Id is inlined
+ , nd_weak :: IdSet -- Binders of this Rec that are mentioned in nd_uds
+ -- but are *not* in nd_inl. These are the ones whose
+ -- dependencies might not be respected by loop_breaker_nodes
+ -- See Note [Weak loop breakers]
+ , nd_active_rule_fvs :: IdSet -- Free variables of the RHS of active RULES
+ , nd_score :: NodeScore
+ }
+instance Outputable Details where
+ ppr nd = text "ND" <> braces
+ (sep [ text "bndr =" <+> ppr (nd_bndr nd)
+ , text "uds =" <+> ppr (nd_uds nd)
+ , text "inl =" <+> ppr (nd_inl nd)
+ , text "weak =" <+> ppr (nd_weak nd)
+ , text "rule =" <+> ppr (nd_active_rule_fvs nd)
+ , text "score =" <+> ppr (nd_score nd)
+ ])
+-- The NodeScore is compared lexicographically;
+-- e.g. lower rank wins regardless of size
+type NodeScore = ( Int -- Rank: lower => more likely to be picked as loop breaker
+ , Int -- Size of rhs: higher => more likely to be picked as LB
+ -- Maxes out at maxExprSize; we just use it to prioritise
+ -- small functions
+ , Bool ) -- Was it a loop breaker before?
+ -- True => more likely to be picked
+ -- Note [Loop breakers, node scoring, and stability]
+rank :: NodeScore -> Int
+rank (r, _, _) = r
+makeNode :: OccEnv -> ImpRuleEdges -> VarSet
+ -> (Var, CoreExpr) -> LetrecNode
+-- See Note [Recursive bindings: the grand plan]
+makeNode env imp_rule_edges bndr_set (bndr, rhs)
+ = DigraphNode details (varUnique bndr) (nonDetKeysUniqSet node_fvs)
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetKeysUniqSet here as stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesR
+ -- is still deterministic with edges in nondeterministic order as
+ -- explained in Note [Deterministic SCC] in Digraph.
+ where
+ details = ND { nd_bndr = bndr
+ , nd_rhs = rhs'
+ , nd_rhs_bndrs = bndrs'
+ , nd_uds = rhs_usage3
+ , nd_inl = inl_fvs
+ , nd_weak = node_fvs `minusVarSet` inl_fvs
+ , nd_active_rule_fvs = active_rule_fvs
+ , nd_score = pprPanic "makeNodeDetails" (ppr bndr) }
+ -- Constructing the edges for the main Rec computation
+ -- See Note [Forming Rec groups]
+ (bndrs, body) = collectBinders rhs
+ (rhs_usage1, bndrs', body') = occAnalRecRhs env bndrs body
+ rhs' = mkLams bndrs' body'
+ rhs_usage2 = foldr andUDs rhs_usage1 rule_uds
+ -- Note [Rules are extra RHSs]
+ -- Note [Rule dependency info]
+ rhs_usage3 = case mb_unf_uds of
+ Just unf_uds -> rhs_usage2 `andUDs` unf_uds
+ Nothing -> rhs_usage2
+ node_fvs = udFreeVars bndr_set rhs_usage3
+ -- Finding the free variables of the rules
+ is_active = occ_rule_act env :: Activation -> Bool
+ rules_w_uds :: [(CoreRule, UsageDetails, UsageDetails)]
+ rules_w_uds = occAnalRules env (Just (length bndrs)) Recursive bndr
+ rules_w_rhs_fvs :: [(Activation, VarSet)] -- Find the RHS fvs
+ rules_w_rhs_fvs = maybe id (\ids -> ((AlwaysActive, ids):))
+ (lookupVarEnv imp_rule_edges bndr)
+ -- See Note [Preventing loops due to imported functions rules]
+ [ (ru_act rule, udFreeVars bndr_set rhs_uds)
+ | (rule, _, rhs_uds) <- rules_w_uds ]
+ rule_uds = map (\(_, l, r) -> l `andUDs` r) rules_w_uds
+ active_rule_fvs = unionVarSets [fvs | (a,fvs) <- rules_w_rhs_fvs
+ , is_active a]
+ -- Finding the usage details of the INLINE pragma (if any)
+ mb_unf_uds = occAnalUnfolding env Recursive bndr
+ -- Find the "nd_inl" free vars; for the loop-breaker phase
+ inl_fvs = case mb_unf_uds of
+ Nothing -> udFreeVars bndr_set rhs_usage1 -- No INLINE, use RHS
+ Just unf_uds -> udFreeVars bndr_set unf_uds
+ -- We could check for an *active* INLINE (returning
+ -- emptyVarSet for an inactive one), but is_active
+ -- isn't the right thing (it tells about
+ -- RULE activation), so we'd need more plumbing
+mkLoopBreakerNodes :: OccEnv -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> VarSet
+ -> UsageDetails -- for BODY of let
+ -> [Details]
+ -> (UsageDetails, -- adjusted
+ [LetrecNode])
+-- Does four things
+-- a) tag each binder with its occurrence info
+-- b) add a NodeScore to each node
+-- c) make a Node with the right dependency edges for
+-- the loop-breaker SCC analysis
+-- d) adjust each RHS's usage details according to
+-- the binder's (new) shotness and join-point-hood
+mkLoopBreakerNodes env lvl bndr_set body_uds details_s
+ = (final_uds, zipWith mk_lb_node details_s bndrs')
+ where
+ (final_uds, bndrs') = tagRecBinders lvl body_uds
+ [ ((nd_bndr nd)
+ ,(nd_uds nd)
+ ,(nd_rhs_bndrs nd))
+ | nd <- details_s ]
+ mk_lb_node nd@(ND { nd_bndr = bndr, nd_rhs = rhs, nd_inl = inl_fvs }) bndr'
+ = DigraphNode nd' (varUnique bndr) (nonDetKeysUniqSet lb_deps)
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetKeysUniqSet here as
+ -- stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesR is still deterministic with edges
+ -- in nondeterministic order as explained in
+ -- Note [Deterministic SCC] in Digraph.
+ where
+ nd' = nd { nd_bndr = bndr', nd_score = score }
+ score = nodeScore env bndr bndr' rhs lb_deps
+ lb_deps = extendFvs_ rule_fv_env inl_fvs
+ rule_fv_env :: IdEnv IdSet
+ -- Maps a variable f to the variables from this group
+ -- mentioned in RHS of active rules for f
+ -- Domain is *subset* of bound vars (others have no rule fvs)
+ rule_fv_env = transClosureFV (mkVarEnv init_rule_fvs)
+ init_rule_fvs -- See Note [Finding rule RHS free vars]
+ = [ (b, trimmed_rule_fvs)
+ | ND { nd_bndr = b, nd_active_rule_fvs = rule_fvs } <- details_s
+ , let trimmed_rule_fvs = rule_fvs `intersectVarSet` bndr_set
+ , not (isEmptyVarSet trimmed_rule_fvs) ]
+nodeScore :: OccEnv
+ -> Id -- Binder has old occ-info (just for loop-breaker-ness)
+ -> Id -- Binder with new occ-info
+ -> CoreExpr -- RHS
+ -> VarSet -- Loop-breaker dependencies
+ -> NodeScore
+nodeScore env old_bndr new_bndr bind_rhs lb_deps
+ | not (isId old_bndr) -- A type or coercion variable is never a loop breaker
+ = (100, 0, False)
+ | old_bndr `elemVarSet` lb_deps -- Self-recursive things are great loop breakers
+ = (0, 0, True) -- See Note [Self-recursion and loop breakers]
+ | not (occ_unf_act env old_bndr) -- A binder whose inlining is inactive (e.g. has
+ = (0, 0, True) -- a NOINLINE pragma) makes a great loop breaker
+ | exprIsTrivial rhs
+ = mk_score 10 -- Practically certain to be inlined
+ -- Used to have also: && not (isExportedId bndr)
+ -- But I found this sometimes cost an extra iteration when we have
+ -- rec { d = (a,b); a = ...df...; b = ...df...; df = d }
+ -- where df is the exported dictionary. Then df makes a really
+ -- bad choice for loop breaker
+ | DFunUnfolding { df_args = args } <- id_unfolding
+ -- Never choose a DFun as a loop breaker
+ -- Note [DFuns should not be loop breakers]
+ = (9, length args, is_lb)
+ -- Data structures are more important than INLINE pragmas
+ -- so that dictionary/method recursion unravels
+ | CoreUnfolding { uf_guidance = UnfWhen {} } <- id_unfolding
+ = mk_score 6
+ | is_con_app rhs -- Data types help with cases:
+ = mk_score 5 -- Note [Constructor applications]
+ | isStableUnfolding id_unfolding
+ , can_unfold
+ = mk_score 3
+ | isOneOcc (idOccInfo new_bndr)
+ = mk_score 2 -- Likely to be inlined
+ | can_unfold -- The Id has some kind of unfolding
+ = mk_score 1
+ | otherwise
+ = (0, 0, is_lb)
+ where
+ mk_score :: Int -> NodeScore
+ mk_score rank = (rank, rhs_size, is_lb)
+ is_lb = isStrongLoopBreaker (idOccInfo old_bndr)
+ rhs = case id_unfolding of
+ CoreUnfolding { uf_src = src, uf_tmpl = unf_rhs }
+ | isStableSource src
+ -> unf_rhs
+ _ -> bind_rhs
+ -- 'bind_rhs' is irrelevant for inlining things with a stable unfolding
+ rhs_size = case id_unfolding of
+ CoreUnfolding { uf_guidance = guidance }
+ | UnfIfGoodArgs { ug_size = size } <- guidance
+ -> size
+ _ -> cheapExprSize rhs
+ can_unfold = canUnfold id_unfolding
+ id_unfolding = realIdUnfolding old_bndr
+ -- realIdUnfolding: Ignore loop-breaker-ness here because
+ -- that is what we are setting!
+ -- Checking for a constructor application
+ -- Cheap and cheerful; the simplifier moves casts out of the way
+ -- The lambda case is important to spot x = /\a. C (f a)
+ -- which comes up when C is a dictionary constructor and
+ -- f is a default method.
+ -- Example: the instance for Show (ST s a) in GHC.ST
+ --
+ -- However we *also* treat (\x. C p q) as a con-app-like thing,
+ -- Note [Closure conversion]
+ is_con_app (Var v) = isConLikeId v
+ is_con_app (App f _) = is_con_app f
+ is_con_app (Lam _ e) = is_con_app e
+ is_con_app (Tick _ e) = is_con_app e
+ is_con_app _ = False
+maxExprSize :: Int
+maxExprSize = 20 -- Rather arbitrary
+cheapExprSize :: CoreExpr -> Int
+-- Maxes out at maxExprSize
+cheapExprSize e
+ = go 0 e
+ where
+ go n e | n >= maxExprSize = n
+ | otherwise = go1 n e
+ go1 n (Var {}) = n+1
+ go1 n (Lit {}) = n+1
+ go1 n (Type {}) = n
+ go1 n (Coercion {}) = n
+ go1 n (Tick _ e) = go1 n e
+ go1 n (Cast e _) = go1 n e
+ go1 n (App f a) = go (go1 n f) a
+ go1 n (Lam b e)
+ | isTyVar b = go1 n e
+ | otherwise = go (n+1) e
+ go1 n (Let b e) = gos (go1 n e) (rhssOfBind b)
+ go1 n (Case e _ _ as) = gos (go1 n e) (rhssOfAlts as)
+ gos n [] = n
+ gos n (e:es) | n >= maxExprSize = n
+ | otherwise = gos (go1 n e) es
+betterLB :: NodeScore -> NodeScore -> Bool
+-- If n1 `betterLB` n2 then choose n1 as the loop breaker
+betterLB (rank1, size1, lb1) (rank2, size2, _)
+ | rank1 < rank2 = True
+ | rank1 > rank2 = False
+ | size1 < size2 = False -- Make the bigger n2 into the loop breaker
+ | size1 > size2 = True
+ | lb1 = True -- Tie-break: if n1 was a loop breaker before, choose it
+ | otherwise = False -- See Note [Loop breakers, node scoring, and stability]
+{- Note [Self-recursion and loop breakers]
+If we have
+ rec { f = ...f...g...
+ ; g = .....f... }
+then 'f' has to be a loop breaker anyway, so we may as well choose it
+right away, so that g can inline freely.
+This is really just a cheap hack. Consider
+ rec { f = ...g...
+ ; g = ..f..h...
+ ; h = ...f....}
+Here f or g are better loop breakers than h; but we might accidentally
+choose h. Finding the minimal set of loop breakers is hard.
+Note [Loop breakers, node scoring, and stability]
+To choose a loop breaker, we give a NodeScore to each node in the SCC,
+and pick the one with the best score (according to 'betterLB').
+We need to be jolly careful (#12425, #12234) about the stability
+of this choice. Suppose we have
+ let rec { f = ...g...g...
+ ; g = ...f...f... }
+ in
+ case x of
+ True -> ...f..
+ False -> ..f...
+In each iteration of the simplifier the occurrence analyser OccAnal
+chooses a loop breaker. Suppose in iteration 1 it choose g as the loop
+breaker. That means it is free to inline f.
+Suppose that GHC decides to inline f in the branches of the case, but
+(for some reason; eg it is not saturated) in the rhs of g. So we get
+ let rec { f = ...g...g...
+ ; g = ...f...f... }
+ in
+ case x of
+ True -> ...g...g.....
+ False -> ..g..g....
+Now suppose that, for some reason, in the next iteration the occurrence
+analyser chooses f as the loop breaker, so it can freely inline g. And
+again for some reason the simplifier inlines g at its calls in the case
+branches, but not in the RHS of f. Then we get
+ let rec { f = ...g...g...
+ ; g = ...f...f... }
+ in
+ case x of
+ True -> ...(...f...f...)...(...f..f..).....
+ False -> ..(...f...f...)...(..f..f...)....
+You can see where this is going! Each iteration of the simplifier
+doubles the number of calls to f or g. No wonder GHC is slow!
+(In the particular example in comment:3 of #12425, f and g are the two
+mutually recursive fmap instances for CondT and Result. They are both
+marked INLINE which, oddly, is why they don't inline in each other's
+RHS, because the call there is not saturated.)
+The root cause is that we flip-flop on our choice of loop breaker. I
+always thought it didn't matter, and indeed for any single iteration
+to terminate, it doesn't matter. But when we iterate, it matters a
+So The Plan is this:
+ If there is a tie, choose the node that
+ was a loop breaker last time round
+Hence the is_lb field of NodeScore
+* *
+ Right hand sides
+* *
+occAnalRhs :: OccEnv -> RecFlag -> Id -> [CoreBndr] -> CoreExpr
+ -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBndr], CoreExpr)
+ -- Returned usage details covers only the RHS,
+ -- and *not* the RULE or INLINE template for the Id
+occAnalRhs env Recursive _ bndrs body
+ = occAnalRecRhs env bndrs body
+occAnalRhs env NonRecursive id bndrs body
+ = occAnalNonRecRhs env id bndrs body
+occAnalRecRhs :: OccEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> CoreExpr -- Rhs lambdas, body
+ -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBndr], CoreExpr)
+ -- Returned usage details covers only the RHS,
+ -- and *not* the RULE or INLINE template for the Id
+occAnalRecRhs env bndrs body = occAnalLamOrRhs (rhsCtxt env) bndrs body
+occAnalNonRecRhs :: OccEnv
+ -> Id -> [CoreBndr] -> CoreExpr -- Binder; rhs lams, body
+ -- Binder is already tagged with occurrence info
+ -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBndr], CoreExpr)
+ -- Returned usage details covers only the RHS,
+ -- and *not* the RULE or INLINE template for the Id
+occAnalNonRecRhs env bndr bndrs body
+ = occAnalLamOrRhs rhs_env bndrs body
+ where
+ env1 | is_join_point = env -- See Note [Join point RHSs]
+ | certainly_inline = env -- See Note [Cascading inlines]
+ | otherwise = rhsCtxt env
+ -- See Note [Sources of one-shot information]
+ rhs_env = env1 { occ_one_shots = argOneShots dmd }
+ certainly_inline -- See Note [Cascading inlines]
+ = case occ of
+ OneOcc { occ_in_lam = NotInsideLam, occ_one_br = InOneBranch }
+ -> active && not_stable
+ _ -> False
+ is_join_point = isAlwaysTailCalled occ
+ -- Like (isJoinId bndr) but happens one step earlier
+ -- c.f. willBeJoinId_maybe
+ occ = idOccInfo bndr
+ dmd = idDemandInfo bndr
+ active = isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation bndr)
+ not_stable = not (isStableUnfolding (idUnfolding bndr))
+occAnalUnfolding :: OccEnv
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> Id
+ -> Maybe UsageDetails
+ -- Just the analysis, not a new unfolding. The unfolding
+ -- got analysed when it was created and we don't need to
+ -- update it.
+occAnalUnfolding env rec_flag id
+ = case realIdUnfolding id of -- ignore previous loop-breaker flag
+ CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = rhs, uf_src = src }
+ | not (isStableSource src)
+ -> Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ -> Just $ markAllMany usage
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) = collectBinders rhs
+ (usage, _, _) = occAnalRhs env rec_flag id bndrs body
+ DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_args = args }
+ -> Just $ zapDetails (delDetailsList usage bndrs)
+ where
+ usage = andUDsList (map (fst . occAnal env) args)
+ _ -> Nothing
+occAnalRules :: OccEnv
+ -> Maybe JoinArity -- If the binder is (or MAY become) a join
+ -- point, what its join arity is (or WOULD
+ -- become). See Note [Rules and join points].
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> Id
+ -> [(CoreRule, -- Each (non-built-in) rule
+ UsageDetails, -- Usage details for LHS
+ UsageDetails)] -- Usage details for RHS
+occAnalRules env mb_expected_join_arity rec_flag id
+ = [ (rule, lhs_uds, rhs_uds) | rule@Rule {} <- idCoreRules id
+ , let (lhs_uds, rhs_uds) = occ_anal_rule rule ]
+ where
+ occ_anal_rule (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs })
+ = (lhs_uds, final_rhs_uds)
+ where
+ lhs_uds = addManyOccsSet emptyDetails $
+ (exprsFreeVars args `delVarSetList` bndrs)
+ (rhs_bndrs, rhs_body) = collectBinders rhs
+ (rhs_uds, _, _) = occAnalRhs env rec_flag id rhs_bndrs rhs_body
+ -- Note [Rules are extra RHSs]
+ -- Note [Rule dependency info]
+ final_rhs_uds = adjust_tail_info args $ markAllMany $
+ (rhs_uds `delDetailsList` bndrs)
+ occ_anal_rule _
+ = (emptyDetails, emptyDetails)
+ adjust_tail_info args uds -- see Note [Rules and join points]
+ = case mb_expected_join_arity of
+ Just ar | args `lengthIs` ar -> uds
+ _ -> markAllNonTailCalled uds
+{- Note [Join point RHSs]
+ x = e
+ join j = Just x
+We want to inline x into j right away, so we don't want to give
+the join point a RhsCtxt (#14137). It's not a huge deal, because
+the FloatIn pass knows to float into join point RHSs; and the simplifier
+does not float things out of join point RHSs. But it's a simple, cheap
+thing to do. See #14137.
+Note [Cascading inlines]
+By default we use an rhsCtxt for the RHS of a binding. This tells the
+occ anal n that it's looking at an RHS, which has an effect in
+occAnalApp. In particular, for constructor applications, it makes
+the arguments appear to have NoOccInfo, so that we don't inline into
+them. Thus x = f y
+ k = Just x
+we do not want to inline x.
+But there's a problem. Consider
+ x1 = a0 : []
+ x2 = a1 : x1
+ x3 = a2 : x2
+ g = f x3
+First time round, it looks as if x1 and x2 occur as an arg of a
+let-bound constructor ==> give them a many-occurrence.
+But then x3 is inlined (unconditionally as it happens) and
+next time round, x2 will be, and the next time round x1 will be
+Result: multiple simplifier iterations. Sigh.
+So, when analysing the RHS of x3 we notice that x3 will itself
+definitely inline the next time round, and so we analyse x3's rhs in
+an ordinary context, not rhsCtxt. Hence the "certainly_inline" stuff.
+Annoyingly, we have to approximate GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils.preInlineUnconditionally.
+If (a) the RHS is expandable (see isExpandableApp in occAnalApp), and
+ (b) certainly_inline says "yes" when preInlineUnconditionally says "no"
+then the simplifier iterates indefinitely:
+ x = f y
+ k = Just x -- We decide that k is 'certainly_inline'
+ v = ...k... -- but preInlineUnconditionally doesn't inline it
+inline ==>
+ k = Just (f y)
+ v = ...k...
+float ==>
+ x1 = f y
+ k = Just x1
+ v = ...k...
+This is worse than the slow cascade, so we only want to say "certainly_inline"
+if it really is certain. Look at the note with preInlineUnconditionally
+for the various clauses.
+* *
+ Expressions
+* *
+occAnal :: OccEnv
+ -> CoreExpr
+ -> (UsageDetails, -- Gives info only about the "interesting" Ids
+ CoreExpr)
+occAnal _ expr@(Type _) = (emptyDetails, expr)
+occAnal _ expr@(Lit _) = (emptyDetails, expr)
+occAnal env expr@(Var _) = occAnalApp env (expr, [], [])
+ -- At one stage, I gathered the idRuleVars for the variable here too,
+ -- which in a way is the right thing to do.
+ -- But that went wrong right after specialisation, when
+ -- the *occurrences* of the overloaded function didn't have any
+ -- rules in them, so the *specialised* versions looked as if they
+ -- weren't used at all.
+occAnal _ (Coercion co)
+ = (addManyOccsSet emptyDetails (coVarsOfCo co), Coercion co)
+ -- See Note [Gather occurrences of coercion variables]
+Note [Gather occurrences of coercion variables]
+We need to gather info about what coercion variables appear, so that
+we can sort them into the right place when doing dependency analysis.
+occAnal env (Tick tickish body)
+ | SourceNote{} <- tickish
+ = (usage, Tick tickish body')
+ -- SourceNotes are best-effort; so we just proceed as usual.
+ -- If we drop a tick due to the issues described below it's
+ -- not the end of the world.
+ | tickish `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope
+ = (markAllNonTailCalled usage, Tick tickish body')
+ | Breakpoint _ ids <- tickish
+ = (usage_lam `andUDs` foldr addManyOccs emptyDetails ids, Tick tickish body')
+ -- never substitute for any of the Ids in a Breakpoint
+ | otherwise
+ = (usage_lam, Tick tickish body')
+ where
+ !(usage,body') = occAnal env body
+ -- for a non-soft tick scope, we can inline lambdas only
+ usage_lam = markAllNonTailCalled (markAllInsideLam usage)
+ -- TODO There may be ways to make ticks and join points play
+ -- nicer together, but right now there are problems:
+ -- let j x = ... in tick<t> (j 1)
+ -- Making j a join point may cause the simplifier to drop t
+ -- (if the tick is put into the continuation). So we don't
+ -- count j 1 as a tail call.
+ -- See #14242.
+occAnal env (Cast expr co)
+ = case occAnal env expr of { (usage, expr') ->
+ let usage1 = zapDetailsIf (isRhsEnv env) usage
+ -- usage1: if we see let x = y `cast` co
+ -- then mark y as 'Many' so that we don't
+ -- immediately inline y again.
+ usage2 = addManyOccsSet usage1 (coVarsOfCo co)
+ -- usage2: see Note [Gather occurrences of coercion variables]
+ in (markAllNonTailCalled usage2, Cast expr' co)
+ }
+occAnal env app@(App _ _)
+ = occAnalApp env (collectArgsTicks tickishFloatable app)
+-- Ignore type variables altogether
+-- (a) occurrences inside type lambdas only not marked as InsideLam
+-- (b) type variables not in environment
+occAnal env (Lam x body)
+ | isTyVar x
+ = case occAnal env body of { (body_usage, body') ->
+ (markAllNonTailCalled body_usage, Lam x body')
+ }
+-- For value lambdas we do a special hack. Consider
+-- (\x. \y. ...x...)
+-- If we did nothing, x is used inside the \y, so would be marked
+-- as dangerous to dup. But in the common case where the abstraction
+-- is applied to two arguments this is over-pessimistic.
+-- So instead, we just mark each binder with its occurrence
+-- info in the *body* of the multiple lambda.
+-- Then, the simplifier is careful when partially applying lambdas.
+occAnal env expr@(Lam _ _)
+ = case occAnalLamOrRhs env binders body of { (usage, tagged_binders, body') ->
+ let
+ expr' = mkLams tagged_binders body'
+ usage1 = markAllNonTailCalled usage
+ one_shot_gp = all isOneShotBndr tagged_binders
+ final_usage | one_shot_gp = usage1
+ | otherwise = markAllInsideLam usage1
+ in
+ (final_usage, expr') }
+ where
+ (binders, body) = collectBinders expr
+occAnal env (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
+ = case occ_anal_scrut scrut alts of { (scrut_usage, scrut') ->
+ case mapAndUnzip occ_anal_alt alts of { (alts_usage_s, alts') ->
+ let
+ alts_usage = foldr orUDs emptyDetails alts_usage_s
+ (alts_usage1, tagged_bndr) = tagLamBinder alts_usage bndr
+ total_usage = markAllNonTailCalled scrut_usage `andUDs` alts_usage1
+ -- Alts can have tail calls, but the scrutinee can't
+ in
+ total_usage `seq` (total_usage, Case scrut' tagged_bndr ty alts') }}
+ where
+ alt_env = mkAltEnv env scrut bndr
+ occ_anal_alt = occAnalAlt alt_env
+ occ_anal_scrut (Var v) (alt1 : other_alts)
+ | not (null other_alts) || not (isDefaultAlt alt1)
+ = (mkOneOcc env v IsInteresting 0, Var v)
+ -- The 'True' says that the variable occurs in an interesting
+ -- context; the case has at least one non-default alternative
+ occ_anal_scrut (Tick t e) alts
+ | t `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope
+ -- No reason to not look through all ticks here, but only
+ -- for soft-scoped ticks we can do so without having to
+ -- update returned occurrence info (see occAnal)
+ = second (Tick t) $ occ_anal_scrut e alts
+ occ_anal_scrut scrut _alts
+ = occAnal (vanillaCtxt env) scrut -- No need for rhsCtxt
+occAnal env (Let bind body)
+ = case occAnal env body of { (body_usage, body') ->
+ case occAnalBind env NotTopLevel
+ noImpRuleEdges bind
+ body_usage of { (final_usage, new_binds) ->
+ (final_usage, mkLets new_binds body') }}
+occAnalArgs :: OccEnv -> [CoreExpr] -> [OneShots] -> (UsageDetails, [CoreExpr])
+occAnalArgs _ [] _
+ = (emptyDetails, [])
+occAnalArgs env (arg:args) one_shots
+ | isTypeArg arg
+ = case occAnalArgs env args one_shots of { (uds, args') ->
+ (uds, arg:args') }
+ | otherwise
+ = case argCtxt env one_shots of { (arg_env, one_shots') ->
+ case occAnal arg_env arg of { (uds1, arg') ->
+ case occAnalArgs env args one_shots' of { (uds2, args') ->
+ (uds1 `andUDs` uds2, arg':args') }}}
+Applications are dealt with specially because we want
+the "build hack" to work.
+Note [Arguments of let-bound constructors]
+ f x = let y = expensive x in
+ let z = (True,y) in
+ (case z of {(p,q)->q}, case z of {(p,q)->q})
+We feel free to duplicate the WHNF (True,y), but that means
+that y may be duplicated thereby.
+If we aren't careful we duplicate the (expensive x) call!
+Constructors are rather like lambdas in this way.
+occAnalApp :: OccEnv
+ -> (Expr CoreBndr, [Arg CoreBndr], [Tickish Id])
+ -> (UsageDetails, Expr CoreBndr)
+occAnalApp env (Var fun, args, ticks)
+ | null ticks = (uds, mkApps (Var fun) args')
+ | otherwise = (uds, mkTicks ticks $ mkApps (Var fun) args')
+ where
+ uds = fun_uds `andUDs` final_args_uds
+ !(args_uds, args') = occAnalArgs env args one_shots
+ !final_args_uds
+ | isRhsEnv env && is_exp = markAllNonTailCalled $
+ markAllInsideLam args_uds
+ | otherwise = markAllNonTailCalled args_uds
+ -- We mark the free vars of the argument of a constructor or PAP
+ -- as "inside-lambda", if it is the RHS of a let(rec).
+ -- This means that nothing gets inlined into a constructor or PAP
+ -- argument position, which is what we want. Typically those
+ -- constructor arguments are just variables, or trivial expressions.
+ -- We use inside-lam because it's like eta-expanding the PAP.
+ --
+ -- This is the *whole point* of the isRhsEnv predicate
+ -- See Note [Arguments of let-bound constructors]
+ n_val_args = valArgCount args
+ n_args = length args
+ fun_uds = mkOneOcc env fun (if n_val_args > 0 then IsInteresting else NotInteresting) n_args
+ is_exp = isExpandableApp fun n_val_args
+ -- See Note [CONLIKE pragma] in BasicTypes
+ -- The definition of is_exp should match that in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.prepareRhs
+ one_shots = argsOneShots (idStrictness fun) guaranteed_val_args
+ guaranteed_val_args = n_val_args + length (takeWhile isOneShotInfo
+ (occ_one_shots env))
+ -- See Note [Sources of one-shot information], bullet point A']
+occAnalApp env (fun, args, ticks)
+ = (markAllNonTailCalled (fun_uds `andUDs` args_uds),
+ mkTicks ticks $ mkApps fun' args')
+ where
+ !(fun_uds, fun') = occAnal (addAppCtxt env args) fun
+ -- The addAppCtxt is a bit cunning. One iteration of the simplifier
+ -- often leaves behind beta redexs like
+ -- (\x y -> e) a1 a2
+ -- Here we would like to mark x,y as one-shot, and treat the whole
+ -- thing much like a let. We do this by pushing some True items
+ -- onto the context stack.
+ !(args_uds, args') = occAnalArgs env args []
+zapDetailsIf :: Bool -- If this is true
+ -> UsageDetails -- Then do zapDetails on this
+ -> UsageDetails
+zapDetailsIf True uds = zapDetails uds
+zapDetailsIf False uds = uds
+Note [Sources of one-shot information]
+The occurrence analyser obtains one-shot-lambda information from two sources:
+A: Saturated applications: eg f e1 .. en
+ In general, given a call (f e1 .. en) we can propagate one-shot info from
+ f's strictness signature into e1 .. en, but /only/ if n is enough to
+ saturate the strictness signature. A strictness signature like
+ f :: C1(C1(L))LS
+ means that *if f is applied to three arguments* then it will guarantee to
+ call its first argument at most once, and to call the result of that at
+ most once. But if f has fewer than three arguments, all bets are off; e.g.
+ map (f (\x y. expensive) e2) xs
+ Here the \x y abstraction may be called many times (once for each element of
+ xs) so we should not mark x and y as one-shot. But if it was
+ map (f (\x y. expensive) 3 2) xs
+ then the first argument of f will be called at most once.
+ The one-shot info, derived from f's strictness signature, is
+ computed by 'argsOneShots', called in occAnalApp.
+A': Non-obviously saturated applications: eg build (f (\x y -> expensive))
+ where f is as above.
+ In this case, f is only manifestly applied to one argument, so it does not
+ look saturated. So by the previous point, we should not use its strictness
+ signature to learn about the one-shotness of \x y. But in this case we can:
+ build is fully applied, so we may use its strictness signature; and from
+ that we learn that build calls its argument with two arguments *at most once*.
+ So there is really only one call to f, and it will have three arguments. In
+ that sense, f is saturated, and we may proceed as described above.
+ Hence the computation of 'guaranteed_val_args' in occAnalApp, using
+ '(occ_one_shots env)'. See also #13227, comment:9
+B: Let-bindings: eg let f = \c. let ... in \n -> blah
+ in (build f, build f)
+ Propagate one-shot info from the demanand-info on 'f' to the
+ lambdas in its RHS (which may not be syntactically at the top)
+ This information must have come from a previous run of the demanand
+ analyser.
+Previously, the demand analyser would *also* set the one-shot information, but
+that code was buggy (see #11770), so doing it only in on place, namely here, is
+Note [OneShots]
+When analysing an expression, the occ_one_shots argument contains information
+about how the function is being used. The length of the list indicates
+how many arguments will eventually be passed to the analysed expression,
+and the OneShotInfo indicates whether this application is once or multiple times.
+ Context of f occ_one_shots when analysing f
+ f 1 2 [OneShot, OneShot]
+ map (f 1) [OneShot, NoOneShotInfo]
+ build f [OneShot, OneShot]
+ f 1 2 `seq` f 2 1 [NoOneShotInfo, OneShot]
+Note [Binders in case alternatives]
+ case x of y { (a,b) -> f y }
+We treat 'a', 'b' as dead, because they don't physically occur in the
+case alternative. (Indeed, a variable is dead iff it doesn't occur in
+its scope in the output of OccAnal.) It really helps to know when
+binders are unused. See esp the call to isDeadBinder in
+In this example, though, the Simplifier will bring 'a' and 'b' back to
+life, because it binds 'y' to (a,b) (imagine got inlined and
+scrutinised y).
+occAnalLamOrRhs :: OccEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> CoreExpr
+ -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBndr], CoreExpr)
+occAnalLamOrRhs env [] body
+ = case occAnal env body of (body_usage, body') -> (body_usage, [], body')
+ -- RHS of thunk or nullary join point
+occAnalLamOrRhs env (bndr:bndrs) body
+ | isTyVar bndr
+ = -- Important: Keep the environment so that we don't inline into an RHS like
+ -- \(@ x) -> C @x (f @x)
+ -- (see the beginning of Note [Cascading inlines]).
+ case occAnalLamOrRhs env bndrs body of
+ (body_usage, bndrs', body') -> (body_usage, bndr:bndrs', body')
+occAnalLamOrRhs env binders body
+ = case occAnal env_body body of { (body_usage, body') ->
+ let
+ (final_usage, tagged_binders) = tagLamBinders body_usage binders'
+ -- Use binders' to put one-shot info on the lambdas
+ in
+ (final_usage, tagged_binders, body') }
+ where
+ (env_body, binders') = oneShotGroup env binders
+occAnalAlt :: (OccEnv, Maybe (Id, CoreExpr))
+ -> CoreAlt
+ -> (UsageDetails, Alt IdWithOccInfo)
+occAnalAlt (env, scrut_bind) (con, bndrs, rhs)
+ = case occAnal env rhs of { (rhs_usage1, rhs1) ->
+ let
+ (alt_usg, tagged_bndrs) = tagLamBinders rhs_usage1 bndrs
+ -- See Note [Binders in case alternatives]
+ (alt_usg', rhs2) = wrapAltRHS env scrut_bind alt_usg tagged_bndrs rhs1
+ in
+ (alt_usg', (con, tagged_bndrs, rhs2)) }
+wrapAltRHS :: OccEnv
+ -> Maybe (Id, CoreExpr) -- proxy mapping generated by mkAltEnv
+ -> UsageDetails -- usage for entire alt (p -> rhs)
+ -> [Var] -- alt binders
+ -> CoreExpr -- alt RHS
+ -> (UsageDetails, CoreExpr)
+wrapAltRHS env (Just (scrut_var, let_rhs)) alt_usg bndrs alt_rhs
+ | occ_binder_swap env
+ , scrut_var `usedIn` alt_usg -- bndrs are not be present in alt_usg so this
+ -- handles condition (a) in Note [Binder swap]
+ , not captured -- See condition (b) in Note [Binder swap]
+ = ( alt_usg' `andUDs` let_rhs_usg
+ , Let (NonRec tagged_scrut_var let_rhs') alt_rhs )
+ where
+ captured = any (`usedIn` let_rhs_usg) bndrs -- Check condition (b)
+ -- The rhs of the let may include coercion variables
+ -- if the scrutinee was a cast, so we must gather their
+ -- usage. See Note [Gather occurrences of coercion variables]
+ -- Moreover, the rhs of the let may mention the case-binder, and
+ -- we want to gather its occ-info as well
+ (let_rhs_usg, let_rhs') = occAnal env let_rhs
+ (alt_usg', tagged_scrut_var) = tagLamBinder alt_usg scrut_var
+wrapAltRHS _ _ alt_usg _ alt_rhs
+ = (alt_usg, alt_rhs)
+* *
+ OccEnv
+* *
+data OccEnv
+ = OccEnv { occ_encl :: !OccEncl -- Enclosing context information
+ , occ_one_shots :: !OneShots -- See Note [OneShots]
+ , occ_gbl_scrut :: GlobalScruts
+ , occ_unf_act :: Id -> Bool -- Which Id unfoldings are active
+ , occ_rule_act :: Activation -> Bool -- Which rules are active
+ -- See Note [Finding rule RHS free vars]
+ , occ_binder_swap :: !Bool -- enable the binder_swap
+ -- See CorePrep Note [Dead code in CorePrep]
+ }
+type GlobalScruts = IdSet -- See Note [Binder swap on GlobalId scrutinees]
+-- OccEncl is used to control whether to inline into constructor arguments
+-- For example:
+-- x = (p,q) -- Don't inline p or q
+-- y = /\a -> (p a, q a) -- Still don't inline p or q
+-- z = f (p,q) -- Do inline p,q; it may make a rule fire
+-- So OccEncl tells enough about the context to know what to do when
+-- we encounter a constructor application or PAP.
+data OccEncl
+ = OccRhs -- RHS of let(rec), albeit perhaps inside a type lambda
+ -- Don't inline into constructor args here
+ | OccVanilla -- Argument of function, body of lambda, scruintee of case etc.
+ -- Do inline into constructor args here
+instance Outputable OccEncl where
+ ppr OccRhs = text "occRhs"
+ ppr OccVanilla = text "occVanilla"
+-- See note [OneShots]
+type OneShots = [OneShotInfo]
+initOccEnv :: OccEnv
+ = OccEnv { occ_encl = OccVanilla
+ , occ_one_shots = []
+ , occ_gbl_scrut = emptyVarSet
+ -- To be conservative, we say that all
+ -- inlines and rules are active
+ , occ_unf_act = \_ -> True
+ , occ_rule_act = \_ -> True
+ , occ_binder_swap = True }
+vanillaCtxt :: OccEnv -> OccEnv
+vanillaCtxt env = env { occ_encl = OccVanilla, occ_one_shots = [] }
+rhsCtxt :: OccEnv -> OccEnv
+rhsCtxt env = env { occ_encl = OccRhs, occ_one_shots = [] }
+argCtxt :: OccEnv -> [OneShots] -> (OccEnv, [OneShots])
+argCtxt env []
+ = (env { occ_encl = OccVanilla, occ_one_shots = [] }, [])
+argCtxt env (one_shots:one_shots_s)
+ = (env { occ_encl = OccVanilla, occ_one_shots = one_shots }, one_shots_s)
+isRhsEnv :: OccEnv -> Bool
+isRhsEnv (OccEnv { occ_encl = OccRhs }) = True
+isRhsEnv (OccEnv { occ_encl = OccVanilla }) = False
+oneShotGroup :: OccEnv -> [CoreBndr]
+ -> ( OccEnv
+ , [CoreBndr] )
+ -- The result binders have one-shot-ness set that they might not have had originally.
+ -- This happens in (build (\c n -> e)). Here the occurrence analyser
+ -- linearity context knows that c,n are one-shot, and it records that fact in
+ -- the binder. This is useful to guide subsequent float-in/float-out transformations
+oneShotGroup env@(OccEnv { occ_one_shots = ctxt }) bndrs
+ = go ctxt bndrs []
+ where
+ go ctxt [] rev_bndrs
+ = ( env { occ_one_shots = ctxt, occ_encl = OccVanilla }
+ , reverse rev_bndrs )
+ go [] bndrs rev_bndrs
+ = ( env { occ_one_shots = [], occ_encl = OccVanilla }
+ , reverse rev_bndrs ++ bndrs )
+ go ctxt@(one_shot : ctxt') (bndr : bndrs) rev_bndrs
+ | isId bndr = go ctxt' bndrs (bndr': rev_bndrs)
+ | otherwise = go ctxt bndrs (bndr : rev_bndrs)
+ where
+ bndr' = updOneShotInfo bndr one_shot
+ -- Use updOneShotInfo, not setOneShotInfo, as pre-existing
+ -- one-shot info might be better than what we can infer, e.g.
+ -- due to explicit use of the magic 'oneShot' function.
+ -- See Note [The oneShot function]
+markJoinOneShots :: Maybe JoinArity -> [Var] -> [Var]
+-- Mark the lambdas of a non-recursive join point as one-shot.
+-- This is good to prevent gratuitous float-out etc
+markJoinOneShots mb_join_arity bndrs
+ = case mb_join_arity of
+ Nothing -> bndrs
+ Just n -> go n bndrs
+ where
+ go 0 bndrs = bndrs
+ go _ [] = [] -- This can legitimately happen.
+ -- e.g. let j = case ... in j True
+ -- This will become an arity-1 join point after the
+ -- simplifier has eta-expanded it; but it may not have
+ -- enough lambdas /yet/. (Lint checks that JoinIds do
+ -- have enough lambdas.)
+ go n (b:bs) = b' : go (n-1) bs
+ where
+ b' | isId b = setOneShotLambda b
+ | otherwise = b
+addAppCtxt :: OccEnv -> [Arg CoreBndr] -> OccEnv
+addAppCtxt env@(OccEnv { occ_one_shots = ctxt }) args
+ = env { occ_one_shots = replicate (valArgCount args) OneShotLam ++ ctxt }
+transClosureFV :: UniqFM VarSet -> UniqFM VarSet
+-- If (f,g), (g,h) are in the input, then (f,h) is in the output
+-- as well as (f,g), (g,h)
+transClosureFV env
+ | no_change = env
+ | otherwise = transClosureFV (listToUFM new_fv_list)
+ where
+ (no_change, new_fv_list) = mapAccumL bump True (nonDetUFMToList env)
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetUFMToList here because we'll forget the
+ -- ordering by creating a new set with listToUFM
+ bump no_change (b,fvs)
+ | no_change_here = (no_change, (b,fvs))
+ | otherwise = (False, (b,new_fvs))
+ where
+ (new_fvs, no_change_here) = extendFvs env fvs
+extendFvs_ :: UniqFM VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
+extendFvs_ env s = fst (extendFvs env s) -- Discard the Bool flag
+extendFvs :: UniqFM VarSet -> VarSet -> (VarSet, Bool)
+-- (extendFVs env s) returns
+-- (s `union` env(s), env(s) `subset` s)
+extendFvs env s
+ | isNullUFM env
+ = (s, True)
+ | otherwise
+ = (s `unionVarSet` extras, extras `subVarSet` s)
+ where
+ extras :: VarSet -- env(s)
+ extras = nonDetFoldUFM unionVarSet emptyVarSet $
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUFM here because unionVarSet commutes
+ intersectUFM_C (\x _ -> x) env (getUniqSet s)
+* *
+ Binder swap
+* *
+Note [Binder swap]
+The "binder swap" transformation swaps occurrence of the
+scrutinee of a case for occurrences of the case-binder:
+ (1) case x of b { pi -> ri }
+ ==>
+ case x of b { pi -> let x=b in ri }
+ (2) case (x |> co) of b { pi -> ri }
+ ==>
+ case (x |> co) of b { pi -> let x = b |> sym co in ri }
+In both cases, the trivial 'let' can be eliminated by the
+immediately following simplifier pass.
+There are two reasons for making this swap:
+(A) It reduces the number of occurrences of the scrutinee, x.
+ That in turn might reduce its occurrences to one, so we
+ can inline it and save an allocation. E.g.
+ let x = factorial y in case x of b { I# v -> ...x... }
+ If we replace 'x' by 'b' in the alternative we get
+ let x = factorial y in case x of b { I# v -> ...b... }
+ and now we can inline 'x', thus
+ case (factorial y) of b { I# v -> ...b... }
+(B) The case-binder b has unfolding information; in the
+ example above we know that b = I# v. That in turn allows
+ nested cases to simplify. Consider
+ case x of b { I# v ->
+ ...(case x of b2 { I# v2 -> rhs })...
+ If we replace 'x' by 'b' in the alternative we get
+ case x of b { I# v ->
+ ...(case b of b2 { I# v2 -> rhs })...
+ and now it is trivial to simplify the inner case:
+ case x of b { I# v ->
+ ...(let b2 = b in rhs)...
+ The same can happen even if the scrutinee is a variable
+ with a cast: see Note [Case of cast]
+In both cases, in a particular alternative (pi -> ri), we only
+add the binding if
+ (a) x occurs free in (pi -> ri)
+ (ie it occurs in ri, but is not bound in pi)
+ (b) the pi does not bind b (or the free vars of co)
+We need (a) and (b) for the inserted binding to be correct.
+For the alternatives where we inject the binding, we can transfer
+all x's OccInfo to b. And that is the point.
+Notice that
+ * The deliberate shadowing of 'x'.
+ * That (a) rapidly becomes false, so no bindings are injected.
+The reason for doing these transformations /here in the occurrence
+analyser/ is because it allows us to adjust the OccInfo for 'x' and
+'b' as we go.
+ * Suppose the only occurrences of 'x' are the scrutinee and in the
+ ri; then this transformation makes it occur just once, and hence
+ get inlined right away.
+ * If instead we do this in the Simplifier, we don't know whether 'x'
+ is used in ri, so we are forced to pessimistically zap b's OccInfo
+ even though it is typically dead (ie neither it nor x appear in
+ the ri). There's nothing actually wrong with zapping it, except
+ that it's kind of nice to know which variables are dead. My nose
+ tells me to keep this information as robustly as possible.
+The Maybe (Id,CoreExpr) passed to occAnalAlt is the extra let-binding
+{x=b}; it's Nothing if the binder-swap doesn't happen.
+There is a danger though. Consider
+ let v = x +# y
+ in case (f v) of w -> ...v...v...
+And suppose that (f v) expands to just v. Then we'd like to
+use 'w' instead of 'v' in the alternative. But it may be too
+late; we may have substituted the (cheap) x+#y for v in the
+same simplifier pass that reduced (f v) to v.
+I think this is just too bad. CSE will recover some of it.
+Note [Case of cast]
+Consider case (x `cast` co) of b { I# ->
+ ... (case (x `cast` co) of {...}) ...
+We'd like to eliminate the inner case. That is the motivation for
+equation (2) in Note [Binder swap]. When we get to the inner case, we
+inline x, cancel the casts, and away we go.
+Note [Binder swap on GlobalId scrutinees]
+When the scrutinee is a GlobalId we must take care in two ways
+ i) In order to *know* whether 'x' occurs free in the RHS, we need its
+ occurrence info. BUT, we don't gather occurrence info for
+ GlobalIds. That's the reason for the (small) occ_gbl_scrut env in
+ OccEnv is for: it says "gather occurrence info for these".
+ ii) We must call localiseId on 'x' first, in case it's a GlobalId, or
+ has an External Name. See, for example, SimplEnv Note [Global Ids in
+ the substitution].
+Note [Zap case binders in proxy bindings]
+From the original
+ case x of cb(dead) { p -> ...x... }
+we will get
+ case x of cb(live) { p -> let x = cb in ...x... }
+Core Lint never expects to find an *occurrence* of an Id marked
+as Dead, so we must zap the OccInfo on cb before making the
+binding x = cb. See #5028.
+NB: the OccInfo on /occurrences/ really doesn't matter much; the simplifier
+doesn't use it. So this is only to satisfy the perhaps-over-picky Lint.
+Historical note [no-case-of-case]
+We *used* to suppress the binder-swap in case expressions when
+-fno-case-of-case is on. Old remarks:
+ "This happens in the first simplifier pass,
+ and enhances full laziness. Here's the bad case:
+ f = \ y -> ...(case x of I# v -> ...(case x of ...) ... )
+ If we eliminate the inner case, we trap it inside the I# v -> arm,
+ which might prevent some full laziness happening. I've seen this
+ in action in spectral/cichelli/Prog.hs:
+ [(m,n) | m <- [1..max], n <- [1..max]]
+ Hence the check for NoCaseOfCase."
+However, now the full-laziness pass itself reverses the binder-swap, so this
+check is no longer necessary.
+Historical note [Suppressing the case binder-swap]
+This old note describes a problem that is also fixed by doing the
+binder-swap in OccAnal:
+ There is another situation when it might make sense to suppress the
+ case-expression binde-swap. If we have
+ case x of w1 { DEFAULT -> case x of w2 { A -> e1; B -> e2 }
+ ...other cases .... }
+ We'll perform the binder-swap for the outer case, giving
+ case x of w1 { DEFAULT -> case w1 of w2 { A -> e1; B -> e2 }
+ ...other cases .... }
+ But there is no point in doing it for the inner case, because w1 can't
+ be inlined anyway. Furthermore, doing the case-swapping involves
+ zapping w2's occurrence info (see paragraphs that follow), and that
+ forces us to bind w2 when doing case merging. So we get
+ case x of w1 { A -> let w2 = w1 in e1
+ B -> let w2 = w1 in e2
+ ...other cases .... }
+ This is plain silly in the common case where w2 is dead.
+ Even so, I can't see a good way to implement this idea. I tried
+ not doing the binder-swap if the scrutinee was already evaluated
+ but that failed big-time:
+ data T = MkT !Int
+ case v of w { MkT x ->
+ case x of x1 { I# y1 ->
+ case x of x2 { I# y2 -> ...
+ Notice that because MkT is strict, x is marked "evaluated". But to
+ eliminate the last case, we must either make sure that x (as well as
+ x1) has unfolding MkT y1. The straightforward thing to do is to do
+ the binder-swap. So this whole note is a no-op.
+It's fixed by doing the binder-swap in OccAnal because we can do the
+binder-swap unconditionally and still get occurrence analysis
+information right.
+mkAltEnv :: OccEnv -> CoreExpr -> Id -> (OccEnv, Maybe (Id, CoreExpr))
+-- Does three things: a) makes the occ_one_shots = OccVanilla
+-- b) extends the GlobalScruts if possible
+-- c) returns a proxy mapping, binding the scrutinee
+-- to the case binder, if possible
+mkAltEnv env@(OccEnv { occ_gbl_scrut = pe }) scrut case_bndr
+ = case stripTicksTopE (const True) scrut of
+ Var v -> add_scrut v case_bndr'
+ Cast (Var v) co -> add_scrut v (Cast case_bndr' (mkSymCo co))
+ -- See Note [Case of cast]
+ _ -> (env { occ_encl = OccVanilla }, Nothing)
+ where
+ add_scrut v rhs
+ | isGlobalId v = (env { occ_encl = OccVanilla }, Nothing)
+ | otherwise = ( env { occ_encl = OccVanilla
+ , occ_gbl_scrut = pe `extendVarSet` v }
+ , Just (localise v, rhs) )
+ -- ToDO: this isGlobalId stuff is a TEMPORARY FIX
+ -- to avoid the binder-swap for GlobalIds
+ -- See #16346
+ case_bndr' = Var (zapIdOccInfo case_bndr)
+ -- See Note [Zap case binders in proxy bindings]
+ -- Localise the scrut_var before shadowing it; we're making a
+ -- new binding for it, and it might have an External Name, or
+ -- even be a GlobalId; Note [Binder swap on GlobalId scrutinees]
+ -- Also we don't want any INLINE or NOINLINE pragmas!
+ localise scrut_var = mkLocalIdOrCoVar (localiseName (idName scrut_var))
+ (idType scrut_var)
+* *
+* *
+Note [UsageDetails and zapping]
+On many occasions, we must modify all gathered occurrence data at once. For
+instance, all occurrences underneath a (non-one-shot) lambda set the
+'occ_in_lam' flag to become 'True'. We could use 'mapVarEnv' to do this, but
+that takes O(n) time and we will do this often---in particular, there are many
+places where tail calls are not allowed, and each of these causes all variables
+to get marked with 'NoTailCallInfo'.
+Instead of relying on `mapVarEnv`, then, we carry three 'IdEnv's around along
+with the 'OccInfoEnv'. Each of these extra environments is a "zapped set"
+recording which variables have been zapped in some way. Zapping all occurrence
+info then simply means setting the corresponding zapped set to the whole
+'OccInfoEnv', a fast O(1) operation.
+type OccInfoEnv = IdEnv OccInfo -- A finite map from ids to their usage
+ -- INVARIANT: never IAmDead
+ -- (Deadness is signalled by not being in the map at all)
+type ZappedSet = OccInfoEnv -- Values are ignored
+data UsageDetails
+ = UD { ud_env :: !OccInfoEnv
+ , ud_z_many :: ZappedSet -- apply 'markMany' to these
+ , ud_z_in_lam :: ZappedSet -- apply 'markInsideLam' to these
+ , ud_z_no_tail :: ZappedSet } -- apply 'markNonTailCalled' to these
+ -- INVARIANT: All three zapped sets are subsets of the OccInfoEnv
+instance Outputable UsageDetails where
+ ppr ud = ppr (ud_env (flattenUsageDetails ud))
+-- UsageDetails API
+andUDs, orUDs
+ :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+andUDs = combineUsageDetailsWith addOccInfo
+orUDs = combineUsageDetailsWith orOccInfo
+andUDsList :: [UsageDetails] -> UsageDetails
+andUDsList = foldl' andUDs emptyDetails
+mkOneOcc :: OccEnv -> Id -> InterestingCxt -> JoinArity -> UsageDetails
+mkOneOcc env id int_cxt arity
+ | isLocalId id
+ = singleton $ OneOcc { occ_in_lam = NotInsideLam
+ , occ_one_br = InOneBranch
+ , occ_int_cxt = int_cxt
+ , occ_tail = AlwaysTailCalled arity }
+ | id `elemVarSet` occ_gbl_scrut env
+ = singleton noOccInfo
+ | otherwise
+ = emptyDetails
+ where
+ singleton info = emptyDetails { ud_env = unitVarEnv id info }
+addOneOcc :: UsageDetails -> Id -> OccInfo -> UsageDetails
+addOneOcc ud id info
+ = ud { ud_env = extendVarEnv_C plus_zapped (ud_env ud) id info }
+ `alterZappedSets` (`delVarEnv` id)
+ where
+ plus_zapped old new = doZapping ud id old `addOccInfo` new
+addManyOccsSet :: UsageDetails -> VarSet -> UsageDetails
+addManyOccsSet usage id_set = nonDetFoldUniqSet addManyOccs usage id_set
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUFM here because addManyOccs commutes
+-- Add several occurrences, assumed not to be tail calls
+addManyOccs :: Var -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+addManyOccs v u | isId v = addOneOcc u v noOccInfo
+ | otherwise = u
+ -- Give a non-committal binder info (i.e noOccInfo) because
+ -- a) Many copies of the specialised thing can appear
+ -- b) We don't want to substitute a BIG expression inside a RULE
+ -- even if that's the only occurrence of the thing
+ -- (Same goes for INLINE.)
+delDetails :: UsageDetails -> Id -> UsageDetails
+delDetails ud bndr
+ = ud `alterUsageDetails` (`delVarEnv` bndr)
+delDetailsList :: UsageDetails -> [Id] -> UsageDetails
+delDetailsList ud bndrs
+ = ud `alterUsageDetails` (`delVarEnvList` bndrs)
+emptyDetails :: UsageDetails
+emptyDetails = UD { ud_env = emptyVarEnv
+ , ud_z_many = emptyVarEnv
+ , ud_z_in_lam = emptyVarEnv
+ , ud_z_no_tail = emptyVarEnv }
+isEmptyDetails :: UsageDetails -> Bool
+isEmptyDetails = isEmptyVarEnv . ud_env
+markAllMany, markAllInsideLam, markAllNonTailCalled, zapDetails
+ :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+markAllMany ud = ud { ud_z_many = ud_env ud }
+markAllInsideLam ud = ud { ud_z_in_lam = ud_env ud }
+markAllNonTailCalled ud = ud { ud_z_no_tail = ud_env ud }
+zapDetails = markAllMany . markAllNonTailCalled -- effectively sets to noOccInfo
+lookupDetails :: UsageDetails -> Id -> OccInfo
+lookupDetails ud id
+ | isCoVar id -- We do not currently gather occurrence info (from types)
+ = noOccInfo -- for CoVars, so we must conservatively mark them as used
+ -- See Note [DoO not mark CoVars as dead]
+ | otherwise
+ = case lookupVarEnv (ud_env ud) id of
+ Just occ -> doZapping ud id occ
+ Nothing -> IAmDead
+usedIn :: Id -> UsageDetails -> Bool
+v `usedIn` ud = isExportedId v || v `elemVarEnv` ud_env ud
+udFreeVars :: VarSet -> UsageDetails -> VarSet
+-- Find the subset of bndrs that are mentioned in uds
+udFreeVars bndrs ud = restrictUniqSetToUFM bndrs (ud_env ud)
+{- Note [Do not mark CoVars as dead]
+It's obviously wrong to mark CoVars as dead if they are used.
+Currently we don't traverse types to gather usase info for CoVars,
+so we had better treat them as having noOccInfo.
+This showed up in #15696 we had something like
+ case eq_sel d of co -> ...(typeError @( "urk")...
+Then 'd' was substituted by a dictionary, so the expression
+simpified to
+ case (Coercion <blah>) of co -> ...(typeError @( "urk")...
+But then the "drop the case altogether" equation of rebuildCase
+thought that 'co' was dead, and discarded the entire case. Urk!
+I have no idea how we managed to avoid this pitfall for so long!
+-- Auxiliary functions for UsageDetails implementation
+combineUsageDetailsWith :: (OccInfo -> OccInfo -> OccInfo)
+ -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+combineUsageDetailsWith plus_occ_info ud1 ud2
+ | isEmptyDetails ud1 = ud2
+ | isEmptyDetails ud2 = ud1
+ | otherwise
+ = UD { ud_env = plusVarEnv_C plus_occ_info (ud_env ud1) (ud_env ud2)
+ , ud_z_many = plusVarEnv (ud_z_many ud1) (ud_z_many ud2)
+ , ud_z_in_lam = plusVarEnv (ud_z_in_lam ud1) (ud_z_in_lam ud2)
+ , ud_z_no_tail = plusVarEnv (ud_z_no_tail ud1) (ud_z_no_tail ud2) }
+doZapping :: UsageDetails -> Var -> OccInfo -> OccInfo
+doZapping ud var occ
+ = doZappingByUnique ud (varUnique var) occ
+doZappingByUnique :: UsageDetails -> Unique -> OccInfo -> OccInfo
+doZappingByUnique ud uniq
+ = (if | in_subset ud_z_many -> markMany
+ | in_subset ud_z_in_lam -> markInsideLam
+ | otherwise -> id) .
+ (if | in_subset ud_z_no_tail -> markNonTailCalled
+ | otherwise -> id)
+ where
+ in_subset field = uniq `elemVarEnvByKey` field ud
+alterZappedSets :: UsageDetails -> (ZappedSet -> ZappedSet) -> UsageDetails
+alterZappedSets ud f
+ = ud { ud_z_many = f (ud_z_many ud)
+ , ud_z_in_lam = f (ud_z_in_lam ud)
+ , ud_z_no_tail = f (ud_z_no_tail ud) }
+alterUsageDetails :: UsageDetails -> (OccInfoEnv -> OccInfoEnv) -> UsageDetails
+alterUsageDetails ud f
+ = ud { ud_env = f (ud_env ud) }
+ `alterZappedSets` f
+flattenUsageDetails :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+flattenUsageDetails ud
+ = ud { ud_env = mapUFM_Directly (doZappingByUnique ud) (ud_env ud) }
+ `alterZappedSets` const emptyVarEnv
+-- See Note [Adjusting right-hand sides]
+adjustRhsUsage :: Maybe JoinArity -> RecFlag
+ -> [CoreBndr] -- Outer lambdas, AFTER occ anal
+ -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+adjustRhsUsage mb_join_arity rec_flag bndrs usage
+ = maybe_mark_lam (maybe_drop_tails usage)
+ where
+ maybe_mark_lam ud | one_shot = ud
+ | otherwise = markAllInsideLam ud
+ maybe_drop_tails ud | exact_join = ud
+ | otherwise = markAllNonTailCalled ud
+ one_shot = case mb_join_arity of
+ Just join_arity
+ | isRec rec_flag -> False
+ | otherwise -> all isOneShotBndr (drop join_arity bndrs)
+ Nothing -> all isOneShotBndr bndrs
+ exact_join = case mb_join_arity of
+ Just join_arity -> bndrs `lengthIs` join_arity
+ _ -> False
+type IdWithOccInfo = Id
+tagLamBinders :: UsageDetails -- Of scope
+ -> [Id] -- Binders
+ -> (UsageDetails, -- Details with binders removed
+ [IdWithOccInfo]) -- Tagged binders
+tagLamBinders usage binders
+ = usage' `seq` (usage', bndrs')
+ where
+ (usage', bndrs') = mapAccumR tagLamBinder usage binders
+tagLamBinder :: UsageDetails -- Of scope
+ -> Id -- Binder
+ -> (UsageDetails, -- Details with binder removed
+ IdWithOccInfo) -- Tagged binders
+-- Used for lambda and case binders
+-- It copes with the fact that lambda bindings can have a
+-- stable unfolding, used for join points
+tagLamBinder usage bndr
+ = (usage2, bndr')
+ where
+ occ = lookupDetails usage bndr
+ bndr' = setBinderOcc (markNonTailCalled occ) bndr
+ -- Don't try to make an argument into a join point
+ usage1 = usage `delDetails` bndr
+ usage2 | isId bndr = addManyOccsSet usage1 (idUnfoldingVars bndr)
+ -- This is effectively the RHS of a
+ -- non-join-point binding, so it's okay to use
+ -- addManyOccsSet, which assumes no tail calls
+ | otherwise = usage1
+tagNonRecBinder :: TopLevelFlag -- At top level?
+ -> UsageDetails -- Of scope
+ -> CoreBndr -- Binder
+ -> (UsageDetails, -- Details with binder removed
+ IdWithOccInfo) -- Tagged binder
+tagNonRecBinder lvl usage binder
+ = let
+ occ = lookupDetails usage binder
+ will_be_join = decideJoinPointHood lvl usage [binder]
+ occ' | will_be_join = -- must already be marked AlwaysTailCalled
+ ASSERT(isAlwaysTailCalled occ) occ
+ | otherwise = markNonTailCalled occ
+ binder' = setBinderOcc occ' binder
+ usage' = usage `delDetails` binder
+ in
+ usage' `seq` (usage', binder')
+tagRecBinders :: TopLevelFlag -- At top level?
+ -> UsageDetails -- Of body of let ONLY
+ -> [(CoreBndr, -- Binder
+ UsageDetails, -- RHS usage details
+ [CoreBndr])] -- Lambdas in new RHS
+ -> (UsageDetails, -- Adjusted details for whole scope,
+ -- with binders removed
+ [IdWithOccInfo]) -- Tagged binders
+-- Substantially more complicated than non-recursive case. Need to adjust RHS
+-- details *before* tagging binders (because the tags depend on the RHSes).
+tagRecBinders lvl body_uds triples
+ = let
+ (bndrs, rhs_udss, _) = unzip3 triples
+ -- 1. Determine join-point-hood of whole group, as determined by
+ -- the *unadjusted* usage details
+ unadj_uds = foldr andUDs body_uds rhs_udss
+ will_be_joins = decideJoinPointHood lvl unadj_uds bndrs
+ -- 2. Adjust usage details of each RHS, taking into account the
+ -- join-point-hood decision
+ rhs_udss' = map adjust triples
+ adjust (bndr, rhs_uds, rhs_bndrs)
+ = adjustRhsUsage mb_join_arity Recursive rhs_bndrs rhs_uds
+ where
+ -- Can't use willBeJoinId_maybe here because we haven't tagged the
+ -- binder yet (the tag depends on these adjustments!)
+ mb_join_arity
+ | will_be_joins
+ , let occ = lookupDetails unadj_uds bndr
+ , AlwaysTailCalled arity <- tailCallInfo occ
+ = Just arity
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT(not will_be_joins) -- Should be AlwaysTailCalled if
+ Nothing -- we are making join points!
+ -- 3. Compute final usage details from adjusted RHS details
+ adj_uds = foldr andUDs body_uds rhs_udss'
+ -- 4. Tag each binder with its adjusted details
+ bndrs' = [ setBinderOcc (lookupDetails adj_uds bndr) bndr
+ | bndr <- bndrs ]
+ -- 5. Drop the binders from the adjusted details and return
+ usage' = adj_uds `delDetailsList` bndrs
+ in
+ (usage', bndrs')
+setBinderOcc :: OccInfo -> CoreBndr -> CoreBndr
+setBinderOcc occ_info bndr
+ | isTyVar bndr = bndr
+ | isExportedId bndr = if isManyOccs (idOccInfo bndr)
+ then bndr
+ else setIdOccInfo bndr noOccInfo
+ -- Don't use local usage info for visible-elsewhere things
+ -- BUT *do* erase any IAmALoopBreaker annotation, because we're
+ -- about to re-generate it and it shouldn't be "sticky"
+ | otherwise = setIdOccInfo bndr occ_info
+-- | Decide whether some bindings should be made into join points or not.
+-- Returns `False` if they can't be join points. Note that it's an
+-- all-or-nothing decision, as if multiple binders are given, they're
+-- assumed to be mutually recursive.
+-- It must, however, be a final decision. If we say "True" for 'f',
+-- and then subsequently decide /not/ make 'f' into a join point, then
+-- the decision about another binding 'g' might be invalidated if (say)
+-- 'f' tail-calls 'g'.
+-- See Note [Invariants on join points] in GHC.Core.
+decideJoinPointHood :: TopLevelFlag -> UsageDetails
+ -> [CoreBndr]
+ -> Bool
+decideJoinPointHood TopLevel _ _
+ = False
+decideJoinPointHood NotTopLevel usage bndrs
+ | isJoinId (head bndrs)
+ = WARN(not all_ok, text "OccurAnal failed to rediscover join point(s):" <+>
+ ppr bndrs)
+ all_ok
+ | otherwise
+ = all_ok
+ where
+ -- See Note [Invariants on join points]; invariants cited by number below.
+ -- Invariant 2 is always satisfiable by the simplifier by eta expansion.
+ all_ok = -- Invariant 3: Either all are join points or none are
+ all ok bndrs
+ ok bndr
+ | -- Invariant 1: Only tail calls, all same join arity
+ AlwaysTailCalled arity <- tailCallInfo (lookupDetails usage bndr)
+ , -- Invariant 1 as applied to LHSes of rules
+ all (ok_rule arity) (idCoreRules bndr)
+ -- Invariant 2a: stable unfoldings
+ -- See Note [Join points and INLINE pragmas]
+ , ok_unfolding arity (realIdUnfolding bndr)
+ -- Invariant 4: Satisfies polymorphism rule
+ , isValidJoinPointType arity (idType bndr)
+ = True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ ok_rule _ BuiltinRule{} = False -- only possible with plugin shenanigans
+ ok_rule join_arity (Rule { ru_args = args })
+ = args `lengthIs` join_arity
+ -- Invariant 1 as applied to LHSes of rules
+ -- ok_unfolding returns False if we should /not/ convert a non-join-id
+ -- into a join-id, even though it is AlwaysTailCalled
+ ok_unfolding join_arity (CoreUnfolding { uf_src = src, uf_tmpl = rhs })
+ = not (isStableSource src && join_arity > joinRhsArity rhs)
+ ok_unfolding _ (DFunUnfolding {})
+ = False
+ ok_unfolding _ _
+ = True
+willBeJoinId_maybe :: CoreBndr -> Maybe JoinArity
+willBeJoinId_maybe bndr
+ = case tailCallInfo (idOccInfo bndr) of
+ AlwaysTailCalled arity -> Just arity
+ _ -> isJoinId_maybe bndr
+{- Note [Join points and INLINE pragmas]
+ f x = let g = \x. not -- Arity 1
+ {-# INLINE g #-}
+ in case x of
+ A -> g True True
+ B -> g True False
+ C -> blah2
+Here 'g' is always tail-called applied to 2 args, but the stable
+unfolding captured by the INLINE pragma has arity 1. If we try to
+convert g to be a join point, its unfolding will still have arity 1
+(since it is stable, and we don't meddle with stable unfoldings), and
+Lint will complain (see Note [Invariants on join points], (2a), in
+GHC.Core. #13413.
+Moreover, since g is going to be inlined anyway, there is no benefit
+from making it a join point.
+If it is recursive, and uselessly marked INLINE, this will stop us
+making it a join point, which is annoying. But occasionally
+(notably in class methods; see Note [Instances and loop breakers] in
+TcInstDcls) we mark recursive things as INLINE but the recursion
+unravels; so ignoring INLINE pragmas on recursive things isn't good
+See Invariant 2a of Note [Invariants on join points] in GHC.Core
+* *
+\subsection{Operations over OccInfo}
+* *
+markMany, markInsideLam, markNonTailCalled :: OccInfo -> OccInfo
+markMany IAmDead = IAmDead
+markMany occ = ManyOccs { occ_tail = occ_tail occ }
+markInsideLam occ@(OneOcc {}) = occ { occ_in_lam = IsInsideLam }
+markInsideLam occ = occ
+markNonTailCalled IAmDead = IAmDead
+markNonTailCalled occ = occ { occ_tail = NoTailCallInfo }
+addOccInfo, orOccInfo :: OccInfo -> OccInfo -> OccInfo
+addOccInfo a1 a2 = ASSERT( not (isDeadOcc a1 || isDeadOcc a2) )
+ ManyOccs { occ_tail = tailCallInfo a1 `andTailCallInfo`
+ tailCallInfo a2 }
+ -- Both branches are at least One
+ -- (Argument is never IAmDead)
+-- (orOccInfo orig new) is used
+-- when combining occurrence info from branches of a case
+orOccInfo (OneOcc { occ_in_lam = in_lam1, occ_int_cxt = int_cxt1
+ , occ_tail = tail1 })
+ (OneOcc { occ_in_lam = in_lam2, occ_int_cxt = int_cxt2
+ , occ_tail = tail2 })
+ = OneOcc { occ_one_br = MultipleBranches -- because it occurs in both branches
+ , occ_in_lam = in_lam1 `mappend` in_lam2
+ , occ_int_cxt = int_cxt1 `mappend` int_cxt2
+ , occ_tail = tail1 `andTailCallInfo` tail2 }
+orOccInfo a1 a2 = ASSERT( not (isDeadOcc a1 || isDeadOcc a2) )
+ ManyOccs { occ_tail = tailCallInfo a1 `andTailCallInfo`
+ tailCallInfo a2 }
+andTailCallInfo :: TailCallInfo -> TailCallInfo -> TailCallInfo
+andTailCallInfo info@(AlwaysTailCalled arity1) (AlwaysTailCalled arity2)
+ | arity1 == arity2 = info
+andTailCallInfo _ _ = NoTailCallInfo
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/SetLevels.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/SetLevels.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3b1fd75b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/SetLevels.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1771 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+ ***************************
+ Overview
+ ***************************
+1. We attach binding levels to Core bindings, in preparation for floating
+ outwards (@FloatOut@).
+2. We also let-ify many expressions (notably case scrutinees), so they
+ will have a fighting chance of being floated sensible.
+3. Note [Need for cloning during float-out]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ We clone the binders of any floatable let-binding, so that when it is
+ floated out it will be unique. Example
+ (let x=2 in x) + (let x=3 in x)
+ we must clone before floating so we get
+ let x1=2 in
+ let x2=3 in
+ x1+x2
+ NOTE: this can't be done using the uniqAway idea, because the variable
+ must be unique in the whole program, not just its current scope,
+ because two variables in different scopes may float out to the
+ same top level place
+ NOTE: Very tiresomely, we must apply this substitution to
+ the rules stored inside a variable too.
+ We do *not* clone top-level bindings, because some of them must not change,
+ but we *do* clone bindings that are heading for the top level
+4. Note [Binder-swap during float-out]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ In the expression
+ case x of wild { p -> ...wild... }
+ we substitute x for wild in the RHS of the case alternatives:
+ case x of wild { p -> ...x... }
+ This means that a sub-expression involving x is not "trapped" inside the RHS.
+ And it's not inconvenient because we already have a substitution.
+ Note that this is EXACTLY BACKWARDS from the what the simplifier does.
+ The simplifier tries to get rid of occurrences of x, in favour of wild,
+ in the hope that there will only be one remaining occurrence of x, namely
+ the scrutinee of the case, and we can inline it.
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels (
+ setLevels,
+ Level(..), LevelType(..), tOP_LEVEL, isJoinCeilLvl, asJoinCeilLvl,
+ LevelledBind, LevelledExpr, LevelledBndr,
+ FloatSpec(..), floatSpecLevel,
+ incMinorLvl, ltMajLvl, ltLvl, isTopLvl
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad ( FloatOutSwitches(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprType, exprIsHNF
+ , exprOkForSpeculation
+ , exprIsTopLevelBindable
+ , isExprLevPoly
+ , collectMakeStaticArgs
+ )
+import GHC.Core.Arity ( exprBotStrictness_maybe )
+import GHC.Core.FVs -- all of it
+import GHC.Core.Subst
+import GHC.Core.Make ( sortQuantVars )
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import Var
+import VarSet
+import UniqSet ( nonDetFoldUniqSet )
+import UniqDSet ( getUniqDSet )
+import VarEnv
+import Literal ( litIsTrivial )
+import Demand ( StrictSig, Demand, isStrictDmd, splitStrictSig, increaseStrictSigArity )
+import Cpr ( mkCprSig, botCpr )
+import Name ( getOccName, mkSystemVarName )
+import OccName ( occNameString )
+import GHC.Core.Type ( Type, mkLamTypes, splitTyConApp_maybe, tyCoVarsOfType
+ , mightBeUnliftedType, closeOverKindsDSet )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity, RecFlag(..), isRec )
+import GHC.Core.DataCon ( dataConOrigResTy )
+import TysWiredIn
+import UniqSupply
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import UniqDFM
+import FV
+import Data.Maybe
+import MonadUtils ( mapAccumLM )
+* *
+\subsection{Level numbers}
+* *
+type LevelledExpr = TaggedExpr FloatSpec
+type LevelledBind = TaggedBind FloatSpec
+type LevelledBndr = TaggedBndr FloatSpec
+data Level = Level Int -- Level number of enclosing lambdas
+ Int -- Number of big-lambda and/or case expressions and/or
+ -- context boundaries between
+ -- here and the nearest enclosing lambda
+ LevelType -- Binder or join ceiling?
+data LevelType = BndrLvl | JoinCeilLvl deriving (Eq)
+data FloatSpec
+ = FloatMe Level -- Float to just inside the binding
+ -- tagged with this level
+ | StayPut Level -- Stay where it is; binding is
+ -- tagged with this level
+floatSpecLevel :: FloatSpec -> Level
+floatSpecLevel (FloatMe l) = l
+floatSpecLevel (StayPut l) = l
+The {\em level number} on a (type-)lambda-bound variable is the
+nesting depth of the (type-)lambda which binds it. The outermost lambda
+has level 1, so (Level 0 0) means that the variable is bound outside any lambda.
+On an expression, it's the maximum level number of its free
+(type-)variables. On a let(rec)-bound variable, it's the level of its
+RHS. On a case-bound variable, it's the number of enclosing lambdas.
+Top-level variables: level~0. Those bound on the RHS of a top-level
+definition but ``before'' a lambda; e.g., the \tr{x} in (levels shown
+as ``subscripts'')...
+a_0 = let b_? = ... in
+ x_1 = ... b ... in ...
+The main function @lvlExpr@ carries a ``context level'' (@le_ctxt_lvl@).
+That's meant to be the level number of the enclosing binder in the
+final (floated) program. If the level number of a sub-expression is
+less than that of the context, then it might be worth let-binding the
+sub-expression so that it will indeed float.
+If you can float to level @Level 0 0@ worth doing so because then your
+allocation becomes static instead of dynamic. We always start with
+context @Level 0 0@.
+Note [FloatOut inside INLINE]
+@InlineCtxt@ very similar to @Level 0 0@, but is used for one purpose:
+to say "don't float anything out of here". That's exactly what we
+want for the body of an INLINE, where we don't want to float anything
+out at all. See notes with lvlMFE below.
+But, check this out:
+-- At one time I tried the effect of not floating anything out of an InlineMe,
+-- but it sometimes works badly. For example, consider PrelArr.done. It
+-- has the form __inline (\d. e)
+-- where e doesn't mention d. If we float this to
+-- __inline (let x = e in \d. x)
+-- things are bad. The inliner doesn't even inline it because it doesn't look
+-- like a head-normal form. So it seems a lesser evil to let things float.
+-- In GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels we do set the context to (Level 0 0) when we get to an InlineMe
+-- which discourages floating out.
+So the conclusion is: don't do any floating at all inside an InlineMe.
+(In the above example, don't float the {x=e} out of the \d.)
+One particular case is that of workers: we don't want to float the
+call to the worker outside the wrapper, otherwise the worker might get
+inlined into the floated expression, and an importing module won't see
+the worker at all.
+Note [Join ceiling]
+Join points can't float very far; too far, and they can't remain join points
+So, suppose we have:
+ f x = (joinrec j y = ... x ... in jump j x) + 1
+One may be tempted to float j out to the top of f's RHS, but then the jump
+would not be a tail call. Thus we keep track of a level called the *join
+ceiling* past which join points are not allowed to float.
+The troublesome thing is that, unlike most levels to which something might
+float, there is not necessarily an identifier to which the join ceiling is
+attached. Fortunately, if something is to be floated to a join ceiling, it must
+be dropped at the *nearest* join ceiling. Thus each level is marked as to
+whether it is a join ceiling, so that FloatOut can tell which binders are being
+floated to the nearest join ceiling and which to a particular binder (or set of
+instance Outputable FloatSpec where
+ ppr (FloatMe l) = char 'F' <> ppr l
+ ppr (StayPut l) = ppr l
+tOP_LEVEL :: Level
+tOP_LEVEL = Level 0 0 BndrLvl
+incMajorLvl :: Level -> Level
+incMajorLvl (Level major _ _) = Level (major + 1) 0 BndrLvl
+incMinorLvl :: Level -> Level
+incMinorLvl (Level major minor _) = Level major (minor+1) BndrLvl
+asJoinCeilLvl :: Level -> Level
+asJoinCeilLvl (Level major minor _) = Level major minor JoinCeilLvl
+maxLvl :: Level -> Level -> Level
+maxLvl l1@(Level maj1 min1 _) l2@(Level maj2 min2 _)
+ | (maj1 > maj2) || (maj1 == maj2 && min1 > min2) = l1
+ | otherwise = l2
+ltLvl :: Level -> Level -> Bool
+ltLvl (Level maj1 min1 _) (Level maj2 min2 _)
+ = (maj1 < maj2) || (maj1 == maj2 && min1 < min2)
+ltMajLvl :: Level -> Level -> Bool
+ -- Tells if one level belongs to a difft *lambda* level to another
+ltMajLvl (Level maj1 _ _) (Level maj2 _ _) = maj1 < maj2
+isTopLvl :: Level -> Bool
+isTopLvl (Level 0 0 _) = True
+isTopLvl _ = False
+isJoinCeilLvl :: Level -> Bool
+isJoinCeilLvl (Level _ _ t) = t == JoinCeilLvl
+instance Outputable Level where
+ ppr (Level maj min typ)
+ = hcat [ char '<', int maj, char ',', int min, char '>'
+ , ppWhen (typ == JoinCeilLvl) (char 'C') ]
+instance Eq Level where
+ (Level maj1 min1 _) == (Level maj2 min2 _) = maj1 == maj2 && min1 == min2
+* *
+\subsection{Main level-setting code}
+* *
+setLevels :: FloatOutSwitches
+ -> CoreProgram
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> [LevelledBind]
+setLevels float_lams binds us
+ = initLvl us (do_them init_env binds)
+ where
+ init_env = initialEnv float_lams
+ do_them :: LevelEnv -> [CoreBind] -> LvlM [LevelledBind]
+ do_them _ [] = return []
+ do_them env (b:bs)
+ = do { (lvld_bind, env') <- lvlTopBind env b
+ ; lvld_binds <- do_them env' bs
+ ; return (lvld_bind : lvld_binds) }
+lvlTopBind :: LevelEnv -> Bind Id -> LvlM (LevelledBind, LevelEnv)
+lvlTopBind env (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = do { rhs' <- lvl_top env NonRecursive bndr rhs
+ ; let (env', [bndr']) = substAndLvlBndrs NonRecursive env tOP_LEVEL [bndr]
+ ; return (NonRec bndr' rhs', env') }
+lvlTopBind env (Rec pairs)
+ = do { let (env', bndrs') = substAndLvlBndrs Recursive env tOP_LEVEL
+ (map fst pairs)
+ ; rhss' <- mapM (\(b,r) -> lvl_top env' Recursive b r) pairs
+ ; return (Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss'), env') }
+lvl_top :: LevelEnv -> RecFlag -> Id -> CoreExpr -> LvlM LevelledExpr
+lvl_top env is_rec bndr rhs
+ = lvlRhs env is_rec
+ (isBottomingId bndr)
+ Nothing -- Not a join point
+ (freeVars rhs)
+* *
+\subsection{Setting expression levels}
+* *
+Note [Floating over-saturated applications]
+If we see (f x y), and (f x) is a redex (ie f's arity is 1),
+we call (f x) an "over-saturated application"
+Should we float out an over-sat app, if can escape a value lambda?
+It is sometimes very beneficial (-7% runtime -4% alloc over nofib -O2).
+But we don't want to do it for class selectors, because the work saved
+is minimal, and the extra local thunks allocated cost money.
+Arguably we could float even class-op applications if they were going to
+top level -- but then they must be applied to a constant dictionary and
+will almost certainly be optimised away anyway.
+lvlExpr :: LevelEnv -- Context
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- Input expression
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+The @le_ctxt_lvl@ is, roughly, the level of the innermost enclosing
+binder. Here's an example
+ v = \x -> ...\y -> let r = case (..x..) of
+ ..x..
+ in ..
+When looking at the rhs of @r@, @le_ctxt_lvl@ will be 1 because that's
+the level of @r@, even though it's inside a level-2 @\y@. It's
+important that @le_ctxt_lvl@ is 1 and not 2 in @r@'s rhs, because we
+don't want @lvlExpr@ to turn the scrutinee of the @case@ into an MFE
+--- because it isn't a *maximal* free expression.
+If there were another lambda in @r@'s rhs, it would get level-2 as well.
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnType ty) = return (Type (GHC.Core.Subst.substTy (le_subst env) ty))
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnCoercion co) = return (Coercion (substCo (le_subst env) co))
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnVar v) = return (lookupVar env v)
+lvlExpr _ (_, AnnLit lit) = return (Lit lit)
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnCast expr (_, co)) = do
+ expr' <- lvlNonTailExpr env expr
+ return (Cast expr' (substCo (le_subst env) co))
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnTick tickish expr) = do
+ expr' <- lvlNonTailExpr env expr
+ let tickish' = substTickish (le_subst env) tickish
+ return (Tick tickish' expr')
+lvlExpr env expr@(_, AnnApp _ _) = lvlApp env expr (collectAnnArgs expr)
+-- We don't split adjacent lambdas. That is, given
+-- \x y -> (x+1,y)
+-- we don't float to give
+-- \x -> let v = x+1 in \y -> (v,y)
+-- Why not? Because partial applications are fairly rare, and splitting
+-- lambdas makes them more expensive.
+lvlExpr env expr@(_, AnnLam {})
+ = do { new_body <- lvlNonTailMFE new_env True body
+ ; return (mkLams new_bndrs new_body) }
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) = collectAnnBndrs expr
+ (env1, bndrs1) = substBndrsSL NonRecursive env bndrs
+ (new_env, new_bndrs) = lvlLamBndrs env1 (le_ctxt_lvl env) bndrs1
+ -- At one time we called a special version of collectBinders,
+ -- which ignored coercions, because we don't want to split
+ -- a lambda like this (\x -> coerce t (\s -> ...))
+ -- This used to happen quite a bit in state-transformer programs,
+ -- but not nearly so much now non-recursive newtypes are transparent.
+ -- [See GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels rev 1.50 for a version with this approach.]
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnLet bind body)
+ = do { (bind', new_env) <- lvlBind env bind
+ ; body' <- lvlExpr new_env body
+ -- No point in going via lvlMFE here. If the binding is alive
+ -- (mentioned in body), and the whole let-expression doesn't
+ -- float, then neither will the body
+ ; return (Let bind' body') }
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = do { scrut' <- lvlNonTailMFE env True scrut
+ ; lvlCase env (freeVarsOf scrut) scrut' case_bndr ty alts }
+lvlNonTailExpr :: LevelEnv -- Context
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- Input expression
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+lvlNonTailExpr env expr
+ = lvlExpr (placeJoinCeiling env) expr
+lvlApp :: LevelEnv
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs
+ -> (CoreExprWithFVs, [CoreExprWithFVs]) -- Input application
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+lvlApp env orig_expr ((_,AnnVar fn), args)
+ | floatOverSat env -- See Note [Floating over-saturated applications]
+ , arity > 0
+ , arity < n_val_args
+ , Nothing <- isClassOpId_maybe fn
+ = do { rargs' <- mapM (lvlNonTailMFE env False) rargs
+ ; lapp' <- lvlNonTailMFE env False lapp
+ ; return (foldl' App lapp' rargs') }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (_, args') <- mapAccumLM lvl_arg stricts args
+ -- Take account of argument strictness; see
+ -- Note [Floating to the top]
+ ; return (foldl' App (lookupVar env fn) args') }
+ where
+ n_val_args = count (isValArg . deAnnotate) args
+ arity = idArity fn
+ stricts :: [Demand] -- True for strict /value/ arguments
+ stricts = case splitStrictSig (idStrictness fn) of
+ (arg_ds, _) | arg_ds `lengthExceeds` n_val_args
+ -> []
+ | otherwise
+ -> arg_ds
+ -- Separate out the PAP that we are floating from the extra
+ -- arguments, by traversing the spine until we have collected
+ -- (n_val_args - arity) value arguments.
+ (lapp, rargs) = left (n_val_args - arity) orig_expr []
+ left 0 e rargs = (e, rargs)
+ left n (_, AnnApp f a) rargs
+ | isValArg (deAnnotate a) = left (n-1) f (a:rargs)
+ | otherwise = left n f (a:rargs)
+ left _ _ _ = panic "GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels.lvlExpr.left"
+ is_val_arg :: CoreExprWithFVs -> Bool
+ is_val_arg (_, AnnType {}) = False
+ is_val_arg _ = True
+ lvl_arg :: [Demand] -> CoreExprWithFVs -> LvlM ([Demand], LevelledExpr)
+ lvl_arg strs arg | (str1 : strs') <- strs
+ , is_val_arg arg
+ = do { arg' <- lvlMFE env (isStrictDmd str1) arg
+ ; return (strs', arg') }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { arg' <- lvlMFE env False arg
+ ; return (strs, arg') }
+lvlApp env _ (fun, args)
+ = -- No PAPs that we can float: just carry on with the
+ -- arguments and the function.
+ do { args' <- mapM (lvlNonTailMFE env False) args
+ ; fun' <- lvlNonTailExpr env fun
+ ; return (foldl' App fun' args') }
+lvlCase :: LevelEnv -- Level of in-scope names/tyvars
+ -> DVarSet -- Free vars of input scrutinee
+ -> LevelledExpr -- Processed scrutinee
+ -> Id -> Type -- Case binder and result type
+ -> [CoreAltWithFVs] -- Input alternatives
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+lvlCase env scrut_fvs scrut' case_bndr ty alts
+ -- See Note [Floating single-alternative cases]
+ | [(con@(DataAlt {}), bs, body)] <- alts
+ , exprIsHNF (deTagExpr scrut') -- See Note [Check the output scrutinee for exprIsHNF]
+ , not (isTopLvl dest_lvl) -- Can't have top-level cases
+ , not (floatTopLvlOnly env) -- Can float anywhere
+ = -- Always float the case if possible
+ -- Unlike lets we don't insist that it escapes a value lambda
+ do { (env1, (case_bndr' : bs')) <- cloneCaseBndrs env dest_lvl (case_bndr : bs)
+ ; let rhs_env = extendCaseBndrEnv env1 case_bndr scrut'
+ ; body' <- lvlMFE rhs_env True body
+ ; let alt' = (con, map (stayPut dest_lvl) bs', body')
+ ; return (Case scrut' (TB case_bndr' (FloatMe dest_lvl)) ty' [alt']) }
+ | otherwise -- Stays put
+ = do { let (alts_env1, [case_bndr']) = substAndLvlBndrs NonRecursive env incd_lvl [case_bndr]
+ alts_env = extendCaseBndrEnv alts_env1 case_bndr scrut'
+ ; alts' <- mapM (lvl_alt alts_env) alts
+ ; return (Case scrut' case_bndr' ty' alts') }
+ where
+ ty' = substTy (le_subst env) ty
+ incd_lvl = incMinorLvl (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+ dest_lvl = maxFvLevel (const True) env scrut_fvs
+ -- Don't abstract over type variables, hence const True
+ lvl_alt alts_env (con, bs, rhs)
+ = do { rhs' <- lvlMFE new_env True rhs
+ ; return (con, bs', rhs') }
+ where
+ (new_env, bs') = substAndLvlBndrs NonRecursive alts_env incd_lvl bs
+{- Note [Floating single-alternative cases]
+Consider this:
+ data T a = MkT !a
+ f :: T Int -> blah
+ f x vs = case x of { MkT y ->
+ let f vs = ...(case y of I# w -> e)...f..
+ in f vs
+Here we can float the (case y ...) out, because y is sure
+to be evaluated, to give
+ f x vs = case x of { MkT y ->
+ case y of I# w ->
+ let f vs = ...(e)...f..
+ in f vs
+That saves unboxing it every time round the loop. It's important in
+some DPH stuff where we really want to avoid that repeated unboxing in
+the inner loop.
+Things to note:
+ * The test we perform is exprIsHNF, and /not/ exprOkForSpeculation.
+ - exrpIsHNF catches the key case of an evaluated variable
+ - exprOkForSpeculation is /false/ of an evaluated variable;
+ See Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables] in GHC.Core.Utils
+ So we'd actually miss the key case!
+ - Nothing is gained from the extra generality of exprOkForSpeculation
+ since we only consider floating a case whose single alternative
+ is a DataAlt K a b -> rhs
+ * We can't float a case to top level
+ * It's worth doing this float even if we don't float
+ the case outside a value lambda. Example
+ case x of {
+ MkT y -> (case y of I# w2 -> ..., case y of I# w2 -> ...)
+ If we floated the cases out we could eliminate one of them.
+ * We only do this with a single-alternative case
+Note [Setting levels when floating single-alternative cases]
+Handling level-setting when floating a single-alternative case binding
+is a bit subtle, as evidenced by #16978. In particular, we must keep
+in mind that we are merely moving the case and its binders, not the
+body. For example, suppose 'a' is known to be evaluated and we have
+ \z -> case a of
+ (x,_) -> <body involving x and z>
+After floating we may have:
+ case a of
+ (x,_) -> \z -> <body involving x and z>
+ {- some expression involving x and z -}
+When analysing <body involving...> we want to use the /ambient/ level,
+and /not/ the destination level of the 'case a of (x,-) ->' binding.
+#16978 was caused by us setting the context level to the destination
+level of `x` when analysing <body>. This led us to conclude that we
+needed to quantify over some of its free variables (e.g. z), resulting
+in shadowing and very confusing Core Lint failures.
+Note [Check the output scrutinee for exprIsHNF]
+Consider this:
+ case x of y {
+ A -> ....(case y of alts)....
+ }
+Because of the binder-swap, the inner case will get substituted to
+(case x of ..). So when testing whether the scrutinee is in HNF we
+must be careful to test the *result* scrutinee ('x' in this case), not
+the *input* one 'y'. The latter *is* in HNF here (because y is
+evaluated), but the former is not -- and indeed we can't float the
+inner case out, at least not unless x is also evaluated at its binding
+site. See #5453.
+That's why we apply exprIsHNF to scrut' and not to scrut.
+See Note [Floating single-alternative cases] for why
+we use exprIsHNF in the first place.
+lvlNonTailMFE :: LevelEnv -- Level of in-scope names/tyvars
+ -> Bool -- True <=> strict context [body of case
+ -- or let]
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- input expression
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+lvlNonTailMFE env strict_ctxt ann_expr
+ = lvlMFE (placeJoinCeiling env) strict_ctxt ann_expr
+lvlMFE :: LevelEnv -- Level of in-scope names/tyvars
+ -> Bool -- True <=> strict context [body of case or let]
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- input expression
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+-- lvlMFE is just like lvlExpr, except that it might let-bind
+-- the expression, so that it can itself be floated.
+lvlMFE env _ (_, AnnType ty)
+ = return (Type (GHC.Core.Subst.substTy (le_subst env) ty))
+-- No point in floating out an expression wrapped in a coercion or note
+-- If we do we'll transform lvl = e |> co
+-- to lvl' = e; lvl = lvl' |> co
+-- and then inline lvl. Better just to float out the payload.
+lvlMFE env strict_ctxt (_, AnnTick t e)
+ = do { e' <- lvlMFE env strict_ctxt e
+ ; let t' = substTickish (le_subst env) t
+ ; return (Tick t' e') }
+lvlMFE env strict_ctxt (_, AnnCast e (_, co))
+ = do { e' <- lvlMFE env strict_ctxt e
+ ; return (Cast e' (substCo (le_subst env) co)) }
+lvlMFE env strict_ctxt e@(_, AnnCase {})
+ | strict_ctxt -- Don't share cases in a strict context
+ = lvlExpr env e -- See Note [Case MFEs]
+lvlMFE env strict_ctxt ann_expr
+ | floatTopLvlOnly env && not (isTopLvl dest_lvl)
+ -- Only floating to the top level is allowed.
+ || anyDVarSet isJoinId fvs -- If there is a free join, don't float
+ -- See Note [Free join points]
+ || isExprLevPoly expr
+ -- We can't let-bind levity polymorphic expressions
+ -- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core
+ || notWorthFloating expr abs_vars
+ || not float_me
+ = -- Don't float it out
+ lvlExpr env ann_expr
+ | float_is_new_lam || exprIsTopLevelBindable expr expr_ty
+ -- No wrapping needed if the type is lifted, or is a literal string
+ -- or if we are wrapping it in one or more value lambdas
+ = do { expr1 <- lvlFloatRhs abs_vars dest_lvl rhs_env NonRecursive
+ (isJust mb_bot_str)
+ join_arity_maybe
+ ann_expr
+ -- Treat the expr just like a right-hand side
+ ; var <- newLvlVar expr1 join_arity_maybe is_mk_static
+ ; let var2 = annotateBotStr var float_n_lams mb_bot_str
+ ; return (Let (NonRec (TB var2 (FloatMe dest_lvl)) expr1)
+ (mkVarApps (Var var2) abs_vars)) }
+ -- OK, so the float has an unlifted type (not top-level bindable)
+ -- and no new value lambdas (float_is_new_lam is False)
+ -- Try for the boxing strategy
+ -- See Note [Floating MFEs of unlifted type]
+ | escapes_value_lam
+ , not expr_ok_for_spec -- Boxing/unboxing isn't worth it for cheap expressions
+ -- See Note [Test cheapness with exprOkForSpeculation]
+ , Just (tc, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe expr_ty
+ , Just dc <- boxingDataCon_maybe tc
+ , let dc_res_ty = dataConOrigResTy dc -- No free type variables
+ [bx_bndr, ubx_bndr] = mkTemplateLocals [dc_res_ty, expr_ty]
+ = do { expr1 <- lvlExpr rhs_env ann_expr
+ ; let l1r = incMinorLvlFrom rhs_env
+ float_rhs = mkLams abs_vars_w_lvls $
+ Case expr1 (stayPut l1r ubx_bndr) dc_res_ty
+ [(DEFAULT, [], mkConApp dc [Var ubx_bndr])]
+ ; var <- newLvlVar float_rhs Nothing is_mk_static
+ ; let l1u = incMinorLvlFrom env
+ use_expr = Case (mkVarApps (Var var) abs_vars)
+ (stayPut l1u bx_bndr) expr_ty
+ [(DataAlt dc, [stayPut l1u ubx_bndr], Var ubx_bndr)]
+ ; return (Let (NonRec (TB var (FloatMe dest_lvl)) float_rhs)
+ use_expr) }
+ | otherwise -- e.g. do not float unboxed tuples
+ = lvlExpr env ann_expr
+ where
+ expr = deAnnotate ann_expr
+ expr_ty = exprType expr
+ fvs = freeVarsOf ann_expr
+ fvs_ty = tyCoVarsOfType expr_ty
+ is_bot = isBottomThunk mb_bot_str
+ is_function = isFunction ann_expr
+ mb_bot_str = exprBotStrictness_maybe expr
+ -- See Note [Bottoming floats]
+ -- esp Bottoming floats (2)
+ expr_ok_for_spec = exprOkForSpeculation expr
+ dest_lvl = destLevel env fvs fvs_ty is_function is_bot False
+ abs_vars = abstractVars dest_lvl env fvs
+ -- float_is_new_lam: the floated thing will be a new value lambda
+ -- replacing, say (g (x+4)) by (lvl x). No work is saved, nor is
+ -- allocation saved. The benefit is to get it to the top level
+ -- and hence out of the body of this function altogether, making
+ -- it smaller and more inlinable
+ float_is_new_lam = float_n_lams > 0
+ float_n_lams = count isId abs_vars
+ (rhs_env, abs_vars_w_lvls) = lvlLamBndrs env dest_lvl abs_vars
+ join_arity_maybe = Nothing
+ is_mk_static = isJust (collectMakeStaticArgs expr)
+ -- Yuk: See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in main/StaticPtrTable
+ -- A decision to float entails let-binding this thing, and we only do
+ -- that if we'll escape a value lambda, or will go to the top level.
+ float_me = saves_work || saves_alloc || is_mk_static
+ -- We can save work if we can move a redex outside a value lambda
+ -- But if float_is_new_lam is True, then the redex is wrapped in a
+ -- a new lambda, so no work is saved
+ saves_work = escapes_value_lam && not float_is_new_lam
+ escapes_value_lam = dest_lvl `ltMajLvl` (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+ -- See Note [Escaping a value lambda]
+ -- See Note [Floating to the top]
+ saves_alloc = isTopLvl dest_lvl
+ && floatConsts env
+ && (not strict_ctxt || is_bot || exprIsHNF expr)
+isBottomThunk :: Maybe (Arity, s) -> Bool
+-- See Note [Bottoming floats] (2)
+isBottomThunk (Just (0, _)) = True -- Zero arity
+isBottomThunk _ = False
+{- Note [Floating to the top]
+We are keen to float something to the top level, even if it does not
+escape a value lambda (and hence save work), for two reasons:
+ * Doing so makes the function smaller, by floating out
+ bottoming expressions, or integer or string literals. That in
+ turn makes it easier to inline, with less duplication.
+ * (Minor) Doing so may turn a dynamic allocation (done by machine
+ instructions) into a static one. Minor because we are assuming
+ we are not escaping a value lambda.
+But do not so if:
+ - the context is a strict, and
+ - the expression is not a HNF, and
+ - the expression is not bottoming
+* Bottoming
+ f x = case x of
+ 0 -> error <big thing>
+ _ -> x+1
+ Here we want to float (error <big thing>) to top level, abstracting
+ over 'x', so as to make f's RHS smaller.
+* HNF
+ f = case y of
+ True -> p:q
+ False -> blah
+ We may as well float the (p:q) so it becomes a static data structure.
+* Case scrutinee
+ f = case g True of ....
+ Don't float (g True) to top level; then we have the admin of a
+ top-level thunk to worry about, with zero gain.
+* Case alternative
+ h = case y of
+ True -> g True
+ False -> False
+ Don't float (g True) to the top level
+* Arguments
+ t = f (g True)
+ If f is lazy, we /do/ float (g True) because then we can allocate
+ the thunk statically rather than dynamically. But if f is strict
+ we don't (see the use of idStrictness in lvlApp). It's not clear
+ if this test is worth the bother: it's only about CAFs!
+It's controlled by a flag (floatConsts), because doing this too
+early loses opportunities for RULES which (needless to say) are
+important in some nofib programs (gcd is an example). [SPJ note:
+I think this is obsolete; the flag seems always on.]
+Note [Floating join point bindings]
+Mostly we only float a join point if it can /stay/ a join point. But
+there is one exception: if it can go to the top level (#13286).
+ f x = joinrec j y n = <...j y' n'...>
+ in jump j x 0
+Here we may just as well produce
+ j y n = <....j y' n'...>
+ f x = j x 0
+and now there is a chance that 'f' will be inlined at its call sites.
+It shouldn't make a lot of difference, but these tests
+ perf/should_run/MethSharing
+ simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline
+and one nofib program, all improve if you do float to top, because
+of the resulting inlining of f. So ok, let's do it.
+Note [Free join points]
+We never float a MFE that has a free join-point variable. You might think
+this can never occur. After all, consider
+ join j x = ...
+ in ....(jump j x)....
+How might we ever want to float that (jump j x)?
+ * If it would escape a value lambda, thus
+ join j x = ... in (\y. ...(jump j x)... )
+ then 'j' isn't a valid join point in the first place.
+But consider
+ join j x = .... in
+ joinrec j2 y = ...(jump j x)...(a+b)....
+Since j2 is recursive, it /is/ worth floating (a+b) out of the joinrec.
+But it is emphatically /not/ good to float the (jump j x) out:
+ (a) 'j' will stop being a join point
+ (b) In any case, jumping to 'j' must be an exit of the j2 loop, so no
+ work would be saved by floating it out of the \y.
+Even if we floated 'j' to top level, (b) would still hold.
+Bottom line: never float a MFE that has a free JoinId.
+Note [Floating MFEs of unlifted type]
+Suppose we have
+ case f x of (r::Int#) -> blah
+we'd like to float (f x). But it's not trivial because it has type
+Int#, and we don't want to evaluate it too early. But we can instead
+float a boxed version
+ y = case f x of r -> I# r
+and replace the original (f x) with
+ case (case y of I# r -> r) of r -> blah
+Being able to float unboxed expressions is sometimes important; see
+#12603. I'm not sure how /often/ it is important, but it's
+not hard to achieve.
+We only do it for a fixed collection of types for which we have a
+convenient boxing constructor (see boxingDataCon_maybe). In
+particular we /don't/ do it for unboxed tuples; it's better to float
+the components of the tuple individually.
+I did experiment with a form of boxing that works for any type, namely
+wrapping in a function. In our example
+ let y = case f x of r -> \v. f x
+ in case y void of r -> blah
+It works fine, but it's 50% slower (based on some crude benchmarking).
+I suppose we could do it for types not covered by boxingDataCon_maybe,
+but it's more code and I'll wait to see if anyone wants it.
+Note [Test cheapness with exprOkForSpeculation]
+We don't want to float very cheap expressions by boxing and unboxing.
+But we use exprOkForSpeculation for the test, not exprIsCheap.
+Why? Because it's important /not/ to transform
+ f (a /# 3)
+ f (case bx of I# a -> a /# 3)
+and float bx = I# (a /# 3), because the application of f no
+longer obeys the let/app invariant. But (a /# 3) is ok-for-spec
+due to a special hack that says division operators can't fail
+when the denominator is definitely non-zero. And yet that
+same expression says False to exprIsCheap. Simplest way to
+guarantee the let/app invariant is to use the same function!
+If an expression is okay for speculation, we could also float it out
+*without* boxing and unboxing, since evaluating it early is okay.
+However, it turned out to usually be better not to float such expressions,
+since they tend to be extremely cheap things like (x +# 1#). Even the
+cost of spilling the let-bound variable to the stack across a call may
+exceed the cost of recomputing such an expression. (And we can't float
+unlifted bindings to top-level.)
+We could try to do something smarter here, and float out expensive yet
+okay-for-speculation things, such as division by non-zero constants.
+But I suspect it's a narrow target.
+Note [Bottoming floats]
+If we see
+ f = \x. g (error "urk")
+we'd like to float the call to error, to get
+ lvl = error "urk"
+ f = \x. g lvl
+But, as ever, we need to be careful:
+(1) We want to float a bottoming
+ expression even if it has free variables:
+ f = \x. g (let v = h x in error ("urk" ++ v))
+ Then we'd like to abstract over 'x' can float the whole arg of g:
+ lvl = \x. let v = h x in error ("urk" ++ v)
+ f = \x. g (lvl x)
+ To achieve this we pass is_bot to destLevel
+(2) We do not do this for lambdas that return
+ bottom. Instead we treat the /body/ of such a function specially,
+ via point (1). For example:
+ f = \x. ....(\y z. if x then error y else error z)....
+ ===>
+ lvl = \x z y. if b then error y else error z
+ f = \x. ...(\y z. lvl x z y)...
+ (There is no guarantee that we'll choose the perfect argument order.)
+(3) If we have a /binding/ that returns bottom, we want to float it to top
+ level, even if it has free vars (point (1)), and even it has lambdas.
+ Example:
+ ... let { v = \y. error (show x ++ show y) } in ...
+ We want to abstract over x and float the whole thing to top:
+ lvl = \xy. errror (show x ++ show y)
+ ...let {v = lvl x} in ...
+ Then of course we don't want to separately float the body (error ...)
+ as /another/ MFE, so we tell lvlFloatRhs not to do that, via the is_bot
+ argument.
+See Maessen's paper 1999 "Bottom extraction: factoring error handling out
+of functional programs" (unpublished I think).
+When we do this, we set the strictness and arity of the new bottoming
+Id, *immediately*, for three reasons:
+ * To prevent the abstracted thing being immediately inlined back in again
+ via preInlineUnconditionally. The latter has a test for bottoming Ids
+ to stop inlining them, so we'd better make sure it *is* a bottoming Id!
+ * So that it's properly exposed as such in the interface file, even if
+ this is all happening after strictness analysis.
+ * In case we do CSE with the same expression that *is* marked bottom
+ lvl = error "urk"
+ x{str=bot) = error "urk"
+ Here we don't want to replace 'x' with 'lvl', else we may get Lint
+ errors, e.g. via a case with empty alternatives: (case x of {})
+ Lint complains unless the scrutinee of such a case is clearly bottom.
+ This was reported in #11290. But since the whole bottoming-float
+ thing is based on the cheap-and-cheerful exprIsBottom, I'm not sure
+ that it'll nail all such cases.
+Note [Bottoming floats: eta expansion] c.f Note [Bottoming floats]
+Tiresomely, though, the simplifier has an invariant that the manifest
+arity of the RHS should be the same as the arity; but we can't call
+etaExpand during GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels because it works over a decorated form of
+CoreExpr. So we do the eta expansion later, in GHC.Core.Op.FloatOut.
+Note [Case MFEs]
+We don't float a case expression as an MFE from a strict context. Why not?
+Because in doing so we share a tiny bit of computation (the switch) but
+in exchange we build a thunk, which is bad. This case reduces allocation
+by 7% in spectral/puzzle (a rather strange benchmark) and 1.2% in real/fem.
+Doesn't change any other allocation at all.
+We will make a separate decision for the scrutinee and alternatives.
+However this can have a knock-on effect for fusion: consider
+ \v -> foldr k z (case x of I# y -> build ..y..)
+Perhaps we can float the entire (case x of ...) out of the \v. Then
+fusion will not happen, but we will get more sharing. But if we don't
+float the case (as advocated here) we won't float the (build ...y..)
+either, so fusion will happen. It can be a big effect, esp in some
+artificial benchmarks (e.g. integer, queens), but there is no perfect
+annotateBotStr :: Id -> Arity -> Maybe (Arity, StrictSig) -> Id
+-- See Note [Bottoming floats] for why we want to add
+-- bottoming information right now
+-- n_extra are the number of extra value arguments added during floating
+annotateBotStr id n_extra mb_str
+ = case mb_str of
+ Nothing -> id
+ Just (arity, sig) -> id `setIdArity` (arity + n_extra)
+ `setIdStrictness` (increaseStrictSigArity n_extra sig)
+ `setIdCprInfo` mkCprSig (arity + n_extra) botCpr
+notWorthFloating :: CoreExpr -> [Var] -> Bool
+-- Returns True if the expression would be replaced by
+-- something bigger than it is now. For example:
+-- abs_vars = tvars only: return True if e is trivial,
+-- but False for anything bigger
+-- abs_vars = [x] (an Id): return True for trivial, or an application (f x)
+-- but False for (f x x)
+-- One big goal is that floating should be idempotent. Eg if
+-- we replace e with (lvl79 x y) and then run FloatOut again, don't want
+-- to replace (lvl79 x y) with (lvl83 x y)!
+notWorthFloating e abs_vars
+ = go e (count isId abs_vars)
+ where
+ go (Var {}) n = n >= 0
+ go (Lit lit) n = ASSERT( n==0 )
+ litIsTrivial lit -- Note [Floating literals]
+ go (Tick t e) n = not (tickishIsCode t) && go e n
+ go (Cast e _) n = go e n
+ go (App e arg) n
+ -- See Note [Floating applications to coercions]
+ | Type {} <- arg = go e n
+ | n==0 = False
+ | is_triv arg = go e (n-1)
+ | otherwise = False
+ go _ _ = False
+ is_triv (Lit {}) = True -- Treat all literals as trivial
+ is_triv (Var {}) = True -- (ie not worth floating)
+ is_triv (Cast e _) = is_triv e
+ is_triv (App e (Type {})) = is_triv e -- See Note [Floating applications to coercions]
+ is_triv (Tick t e) = not (tickishIsCode t) && is_triv e
+ is_triv _ = False
+Note [Floating literals]
+It's important to float Integer literals, so that they get shared,
+rather than being allocated every time round the loop.
+Hence the litIsTrivial.
+Ditto literal strings (LitString), which we'd like to float to top
+level, which is now possible.
+Note [Floating applications to coercions]
+We don’t float out variables applied only to type arguments, since the
+extra binding would be pointless: type arguments are completely erased.
+But *coercion* arguments aren’t (see Note [Coercion tokens] in
+CoreToStg.hs and Note [Count coercion arguments in boring contexts] in
+CoreUnfold.hs), so we still want to float out variables applied only to
+coercion arguments.
+Note [Escaping a value lambda]
+We want to float even cheap expressions out of value lambdas,
+because that saves allocation. Consider
+ f = \x. .. (\y.e) ...
+Then we'd like to avoid allocating the (\y.e) every time we call f,
+(assuming e does not mention x). An example where this really makes a
+difference is simplrun009.
+Another reason it's good is because it makes SpecContr fire on functions.
+ f = \x. ....(f (\y.e))....
+After floating we get
+ lvl = \y.e
+ f = \x. ....(f lvl)...
+and that is much easier for SpecConstr to generate a robust
+specialisation for.
+However, if we are wrapping the thing in extra value lambdas (in
+abs_vars), then nothing is saved. E.g.
+ f = \xyz. ...(e1[y],e2)....
+If we float
+ lvl = \y. (e1[y],e2)
+ f = \xyz. ...(lvl y)...
+we have saved nothing: one pair will still be allocated for each
+call of 'f'. Hence the (not float_is_lam) in float_me.
+* *
+* *
+The binding stuff works for top level too.
+lvlBind :: LevelEnv
+ -> CoreBindWithFVs
+ -> LvlM (LevelledBind, LevelEnv)
+lvlBind env (AnnNonRec bndr rhs)
+ | isTyVar bndr -- Don't do anything for TyVar binders
+ -- (simplifier gets rid of them pronto)
+ || isCoVar bndr -- Difficult to fix up CoVar occurrences (see extendPolyLvlEnv)
+ -- so we will ignore this case for now
+ || not (profitableFloat env dest_lvl)
+ || (isTopLvl dest_lvl && not (exprIsTopLevelBindable deann_rhs bndr_ty))
+ -- We can't float an unlifted binding to top level (except
+ -- literal strings), so we don't float it at all. It's a
+ -- bit brutal, but unlifted bindings aren't expensive either
+ = -- No float
+ do { rhs' <- lvlRhs env NonRecursive is_bot mb_join_arity rhs
+ ; let bind_lvl = incMinorLvl (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+ (env', [bndr']) = substAndLvlBndrs NonRecursive env bind_lvl [bndr]
+ ; return (NonRec bndr' rhs', env') }
+ -- Otherwise we are going to float
+ | null abs_vars
+ = do { -- No type abstraction; clone existing binder
+ rhs' <- lvlFloatRhs [] dest_lvl env NonRecursive
+ is_bot mb_join_arity rhs
+ ; (env', [bndr']) <- cloneLetVars NonRecursive env dest_lvl [bndr]
+ ; let bndr2 = annotateBotStr bndr' 0 mb_bot_str
+ ; return (NonRec (TB bndr2 (FloatMe dest_lvl)) rhs', env') }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { -- Yes, type abstraction; create a new binder, extend substitution, etc
+ rhs' <- lvlFloatRhs abs_vars dest_lvl env NonRecursive
+ is_bot mb_join_arity rhs
+ ; (env', [bndr']) <- newPolyBndrs dest_lvl env abs_vars [bndr]
+ ; let bndr2 = annotateBotStr bndr' n_extra mb_bot_str
+ ; return (NonRec (TB bndr2 (FloatMe dest_lvl)) rhs', env') }
+ where
+ bndr_ty = idType bndr
+ ty_fvs = tyCoVarsOfType bndr_ty
+ rhs_fvs = freeVarsOf rhs
+ bind_fvs = rhs_fvs `unionDVarSet` dIdFreeVars bndr
+ abs_vars = abstractVars dest_lvl env bind_fvs
+ dest_lvl = destLevel env bind_fvs ty_fvs (isFunction rhs) is_bot is_join
+ deann_rhs = deAnnotate rhs
+ mb_bot_str = exprBotStrictness_maybe deann_rhs
+ is_bot = isJust mb_bot_str
+ -- NB: not isBottomThunk! See Note [Bottoming floats] point (3)
+ n_extra = count isId abs_vars
+ mb_join_arity = isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ is_join = isJust mb_join_arity
+lvlBind env (AnnRec pairs)
+ | floatTopLvlOnly env && not (isTopLvl dest_lvl)
+ -- Only floating to the top level is allowed.
+ || not (profitableFloat env dest_lvl)
+ || (isTopLvl dest_lvl && any (mightBeUnliftedType . idType) bndrs)
+ -- This mightBeUnliftedType stuff is the same test as in the non-rec case
+ -- You might wonder whether we can have a recursive binding for
+ -- an unlifted value -- but we can if it's a /join binding/ (#16978)
+ -- (Ultimately I think we should not use GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels to
+ -- float join bindings at all, but that's another story.)
+ = -- No float
+ do { let bind_lvl = incMinorLvl (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+ (env', bndrs') = substAndLvlBndrs Recursive env bind_lvl bndrs
+ lvl_rhs (b,r) = lvlRhs env' Recursive is_bot (isJoinId_maybe b) r
+ ; rhss' <- mapM lvl_rhs pairs
+ ; return (Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss'), env') }
+ -- Otherwise we are going to float
+ | null abs_vars
+ = do { (new_env, new_bndrs) <- cloneLetVars Recursive env dest_lvl bndrs
+ ; new_rhss <- mapM (do_rhs new_env) pairs
+ ; return ( Rec ([TB b (FloatMe dest_lvl) | b <- new_bndrs] `zip` new_rhss)
+ , new_env) }
+-- ToDo: when enabling the floatLambda stuff,
+-- I think we want to stop doing this
+ | [(bndr,rhs)] <- pairs
+ , count isId abs_vars > 1
+ = do -- Special case for self recursion where there are
+ -- several variables carried around: build a local loop:
+ -- poly_f = \abs_vars. \lam_vars . letrec f = \lam_vars. rhs in f lam_vars
+ -- This just makes the closures a bit smaller. If we don't do
+ -- this, allocation rises significantly on some programs
+ --
+ -- We could elaborate it for the case where there are several
+ -- mutually recursive functions, but it's quite a bit more complicated
+ --
+ -- This all seems a bit ad hoc -- sigh
+ let (rhs_env, abs_vars_w_lvls) = lvlLamBndrs env dest_lvl abs_vars
+ rhs_lvl = le_ctxt_lvl rhs_env
+ (rhs_env', [new_bndr]) <- cloneLetVars Recursive rhs_env rhs_lvl [bndr]
+ let
+ (lam_bndrs, rhs_body) = collectAnnBndrs rhs
+ (body_env1, lam_bndrs1) = substBndrsSL NonRecursive rhs_env' lam_bndrs
+ (body_env2, lam_bndrs2) = lvlLamBndrs body_env1 rhs_lvl lam_bndrs1
+ new_rhs_body <- lvlRhs body_env2 Recursive is_bot (get_join bndr) rhs_body
+ (poly_env, [poly_bndr]) <- newPolyBndrs dest_lvl env abs_vars [bndr]
+ return (Rec [(TB poly_bndr (FloatMe dest_lvl)
+ , mkLams abs_vars_w_lvls $
+ mkLams lam_bndrs2 $
+ Let (Rec [( TB new_bndr (StayPut rhs_lvl)
+ , mkLams lam_bndrs2 new_rhs_body)])
+ (mkVarApps (Var new_bndr) lam_bndrs1))]
+ , poly_env)
+ | otherwise -- Non-null abs_vars
+ = do { (new_env, new_bndrs) <- newPolyBndrs dest_lvl env abs_vars bndrs
+ ; new_rhss <- mapM (do_rhs new_env) pairs
+ ; return ( Rec ([TB b (FloatMe dest_lvl) | b <- new_bndrs] `zip` new_rhss)
+ , new_env) }
+ where
+ (bndrs,rhss) = unzip pairs
+ is_join = isJoinId (head bndrs)
+ -- bndrs is always non-empty and if one is a join they all are
+ -- Both are checked by Lint
+ is_fun = all isFunction rhss
+ is_bot = False -- It's odd to have an unconditionally divergent
+ -- function in a Rec, and we don't much care what
+ -- happens to it. False is simple!
+ do_rhs env (bndr,rhs) = lvlFloatRhs abs_vars dest_lvl env Recursive
+ is_bot (get_join bndr)
+ rhs
+ get_join bndr | need_zap = Nothing
+ | otherwise = isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ need_zap = dest_lvl `ltLvl` joinCeilingLevel env
+ -- Finding the free vars of the binding group is annoying
+ bind_fvs = ((unionDVarSets [ freeVarsOf rhs | (_, rhs) <- pairs])
+ `unionDVarSet`
+ (fvDVarSet $ unionsFV [ idFVs bndr
+ | (bndr, (_,_)) <- pairs]))
+ `delDVarSetList`
+ bndrs
+ ty_fvs = foldr (unionVarSet . tyCoVarsOfType . idType) emptyVarSet bndrs
+ dest_lvl = destLevel env bind_fvs ty_fvs is_fun is_bot is_join
+ abs_vars = abstractVars dest_lvl env bind_fvs
+profitableFloat :: LevelEnv -> Level -> Bool
+profitableFloat env dest_lvl
+ = (dest_lvl `ltMajLvl` le_ctxt_lvl env) -- Escapes a value lambda
+ || isTopLvl dest_lvl -- Going all the way to top level
+-- Three help functions for the type-abstraction case
+lvlRhs :: LevelEnv
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> Bool -- Is this a bottoming function
+ -> Maybe JoinArity
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr
+lvlRhs env rec_flag is_bot mb_join_arity expr
+ = lvlFloatRhs [] (le_ctxt_lvl env) env
+ rec_flag is_bot mb_join_arity expr
+lvlFloatRhs :: [OutVar] -> Level -> LevelEnv -> RecFlag
+ -> Bool -- Binding is for a bottoming function
+ -> Maybe JoinArity
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs
+ -> LvlM (Expr LevelledBndr)
+-- Ignores the le_ctxt_lvl in env; treats dest_lvl as the baseline
+lvlFloatRhs abs_vars dest_lvl env rec is_bot mb_join_arity rhs
+ = do { body' <- if not is_bot -- See Note [Floating from a RHS]
+ && any isId bndrs
+ then lvlMFE body_env True body
+ else lvlExpr body_env body
+ ; return (mkLams bndrs' body') }
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) | Just join_arity <- mb_join_arity
+ = collectNAnnBndrs join_arity rhs
+ | otherwise
+ = collectAnnBndrs rhs
+ (env1, bndrs1) = substBndrsSL NonRecursive env bndrs
+ all_bndrs = abs_vars ++ bndrs1
+ (body_env, bndrs') | Just _ <- mb_join_arity
+ = lvlJoinBndrs env1 dest_lvl rec all_bndrs
+ | otherwise
+ = case lvlLamBndrs env1 dest_lvl all_bndrs of
+ (env2, bndrs') -> (placeJoinCeiling env2, bndrs')
+ -- The important thing here is that we call lvlLamBndrs on
+ -- all these binders at once (abs_vars and bndrs), so they
+ -- all get the same major level. Otherwise we create stupid
+ -- let-bindings inside, joyfully thinking they can float; but
+ -- in the end they don't because we never float bindings in
+ -- between lambdas
+{- Note [Floating from a RHS]
+When floating the RHS of a let-binding, we don't always want to apply
+lvlMFE to the body of a lambda, as we usually do, because the entire
+binding body is already going to the right place (dest_lvl).
+A particular example is the top level. Consider
+ concat = /\ a -> foldr ..a.. (++) []
+We don't want to float the body of the lambda to get
+ lvl = /\ a -> foldr ..a.. (++) []
+ concat = /\ a -> lvl a
+That would be stupid.
+Previously this was avoided in a much nastier way, by testing strict_ctxt
+in float_me in lvlMFE. But that wasn't even right because it would fail
+to float out the error sub-expression in
+ f = \x. case x of
+ True -> error ("blah" ++ show x)
+ False -> ...
+But we must be careful:
+* If we had
+ f = \x -> factorial 20
+ we /would/ want to float that (factorial 20) out! Functions are treated
+ differently: see the use of isFunction in the calls to destLevel. If
+ there are only type lambdas, then destLevel will say "go to top, and
+ abstract over the free tyvars" and we don't want that here.
+* But if we had
+ f = \x -> error (...x....)
+ we would NOT want to float the bottoming expression out to give
+ lvl = \x -> error (...x...)
+ f = \x -> lvl x
+Conclusion: use lvlMFE if there are
+ * any value lambdas in the original function, and
+ * this is not a bottoming function (the is_bot argument)
+Use lvlExpr otherwise. A little subtle, and I got it wrong at least twice
+(e.g. #13369).
+* *
+\subsection{Deciding floatability}
+* *
+substAndLvlBndrs :: RecFlag -> LevelEnv -> Level -> [InVar] -> (LevelEnv, [LevelledBndr])
+substAndLvlBndrs is_rec env lvl bndrs
+ = lvlBndrs subst_env lvl subst_bndrs
+ where
+ (subst_env, subst_bndrs) = substBndrsSL is_rec env bndrs
+substBndrsSL :: RecFlag -> LevelEnv -> [InVar] -> (LevelEnv, [OutVar])
+-- So named only to avoid the name clash with GHC.Core.Subst.substBndrs
+substBndrsSL is_rec env@(LE { le_subst = subst, le_env = id_env }) bndrs
+ = ( env { le_subst = subst'
+ , le_env = foldl' add_id id_env (bndrs `zip` bndrs') }
+ , bndrs')
+ where
+ (subst', bndrs') = case is_rec of
+ NonRecursive -> substBndrs subst bndrs
+ Recursive -> substRecBndrs subst bndrs
+lvlLamBndrs :: LevelEnv -> Level -> [OutVar] -> (LevelEnv, [LevelledBndr])
+-- Compute the levels for the binders of a lambda group
+lvlLamBndrs env lvl bndrs
+ = lvlBndrs env new_lvl bndrs
+ where
+ new_lvl | any is_major bndrs = incMajorLvl lvl
+ | otherwise = incMinorLvl lvl
+ is_major bndr = isId bndr && not (isProbablyOneShotLambda bndr)
+ -- The "probably" part says "don't float things out of a
+ -- probable one-shot lambda"
+ -- See Note [Computing one-shot info] in Demand.hs
+lvlJoinBndrs :: LevelEnv -> Level -> RecFlag -> [OutVar]
+ -> (LevelEnv, [LevelledBndr])
+lvlJoinBndrs env lvl rec bndrs
+ = lvlBndrs env new_lvl bndrs
+ where
+ new_lvl | isRec rec = incMajorLvl lvl
+ | otherwise = incMinorLvl lvl
+ -- Non-recursive join points are one-shot; recursive ones are not
+lvlBndrs :: LevelEnv -> Level -> [CoreBndr] -> (LevelEnv, [LevelledBndr])
+-- The binders returned are exactly the same as the ones passed,
+-- apart from applying the substitution, but they are now paired
+-- with a (StayPut level)
+-- The returned envt has le_ctxt_lvl updated to the new_lvl
+-- All the new binders get the same level, because
+-- any floating binding is either going to float past
+-- all or none. We never separate binders.
+lvlBndrs env@(LE { le_lvl_env = lvl_env }) new_lvl bndrs
+ = ( env { le_ctxt_lvl = new_lvl
+ , le_join_ceil = new_lvl
+ , le_lvl_env = addLvls new_lvl lvl_env bndrs }
+ , map (stayPut new_lvl) bndrs)
+stayPut :: Level -> OutVar -> LevelledBndr
+stayPut new_lvl bndr = TB bndr (StayPut new_lvl)
+ -- Destination level is the max Id level of the expression
+ -- (We'll abstract the type variables, if any.)
+destLevel :: LevelEnv
+ -> DVarSet -- Free vars of the term
+ -> TyCoVarSet -- Free in the /type/ of the term
+ -- (a subset of the previous argument)
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is function
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is bottom
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is a join point
+ -> Level
+-- INVARIANT: if is_join=True then result >= join_ceiling
+destLevel env fvs fvs_ty is_function is_bot is_join
+ | isTopLvl max_fv_id_level -- Float even joins if they get to top level
+ -- See Note [Floating join point bindings]
+ | is_join -- Never float a join point past the join ceiling
+ -- See Note [Join points] in GHC.Core.Op.FloatOut
+ = if max_fv_id_level `ltLvl` join_ceiling
+ then join_ceiling
+ else max_fv_id_level
+ | is_bot -- Send bottoming bindings to the top
+ = as_far_as_poss -- regardless; see Note [Bottoming floats]
+ -- Esp Bottoming floats (1)
+ | Just n_args <- floatLams env
+ , n_args > 0 -- n=0 case handled uniformly by the 'otherwise' case
+ , is_function
+ , countFreeIds fvs <= n_args
+ = as_far_as_poss -- Send functions to top level; see
+ -- the comments with isFunction
+ | otherwise = max_fv_id_level
+ where
+ join_ceiling = joinCeilingLevel env
+ max_fv_id_level = maxFvLevel isId env fvs -- Max over Ids only; the
+ -- tyvars will be abstracted
+ as_far_as_poss = maxFvLevel' isId env fvs_ty
+ -- See Note [Floating and kind casts]
+{- Note [Floating and kind casts]
+Consider this
+ case x of
+ K (co :: * ~# k) -> let v :: Int |> co
+ v = e
+ in blah
+Then, even if we are abstracting over Ids, or if e is bottom, we can't
+float v outside the 'co' binding. Reason: if we did we'd get
+ v' :: forall k. (Int ~# Age) => Int |> co
+and now 'co' isn't in scope in that type. The underlying reason is
+that 'co' is a value-level thing and we can't abstract over that in a
+type (else we'd get a dependent type). So if v's /type/ mentions 'co'
+we can't float it out beyond the binding site of 'co'.
+That's why we have this as_far_as_poss stuff. Usually as_far_as_poss
+is just tOP_LEVEL; but occasionally a coercion variable (which is an
+Id) mentioned in type prevents this.
+Example #14270 comment:15.
+isFunction :: CoreExprWithFVs -> Bool
+-- The idea here is that we want to float *functions* to
+-- the top level. This saves no work, but
+-- (a) it can make the host function body a lot smaller,
+-- and hence inlinable.
+-- (b) it can also save allocation when the function is recursive:
+-- h = \x -> letrec f = \y -> ...f...y...x...
+-- in f x
+-- becomes
+-- f = \x y -> ...(f x)...y...x...
+-- h = \x -> f x x
+-- No allocation for f now.
+-- We may only want to do this if there are sufficiently few free
+-- variables. We certainly only want to do it for values, and not for
+-- constructors. So the simple thing is just to look for lambdas
+isFunction (_, AnnLam b e) | isId b = True
+ | otherwise = isFunction e
+-- isFunction (_, AnnTick _ e) = isFunction e -- dubious
+isFunction _ = False
+countFreeIds :: DVarSet -> Int
+countFreeIds = nonDetFoldUDFM add 0 . getUniqDSet
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUDFM here because we're just counting things.
+ where
+ add :: Var -> Int -> Int
+ add v n | isId v = n+1
+ | otherwise = n
+* *
+\subsection{Free-To-Level Monad}
+* *
+data LevelEnv
+ = LE { le_switches :: FloatOutSwitches
+ , le_ctxt_lvl :: Level -- The current level
+ , le_lvl_env :: VarEnv Level -- Domain is *post-cloned* TyVars and Ids
+ , le_join_ceil:: Level -- Highest level to which joins float
+ -- Invariant: always >= le_ctxt_lvl
+ -- See Note [le_subst and le_env]
+ , le_subst :: Subst -- Domain is pre-cloned TyVars and Ids
+ -- The Id -> CoreExpr in the Subst is ignored
+ -- (since we want to substitute a LevelledExpr for
+ -- an Id via le_env) but we do use the Co/TyVar substs
+ , le_env :: IdEnv ([OutVar], LevelledExpr) -- Domain is pre-cloned Ids
+ }
+{- Note [le_subst and le_env]
+We clone let- and case-bound variables so that they are still distinct
+when floated out; hence the le_subst/le_env. (see point 3 of the
+module overview comment). We also use these envs when making a
+variable polymorphic because we want to float it out past a big
+The le_subst and le_env always implement the same mapping,
+ in_x :-> out_x a b
+where out_x is an OutVar, and a,b are its arguments (when
+we perform abstraction at the same time as floating).
+ le_subst maps to CoreExpr
+ le_env maps to LevelledExpr
+Since the range is always a variable or application, there is never
+any difference between the two, but sadly the types differ. The
+le_subst is used when substituting in a variable's IdInfo; the le_env
+when we find a Var.
+In addition the le_env records a [OutVar] of variables free in the
+OutExpr/LevelledExpr, just so we don't have to call freeVars
+repeatedly. This list is always non-empty, and the first element is
+The domain of the both envs is *pre-cloned* Ids, though
+The domain of the le_lvl_env is the *post-cloned* Ids
+initialEnv :: FloatOutSwitches -> LevelEnv
+initialEnv float_lams
+ = LE { le_switches = float_lams
+ , le_ctxt_lvl = tOP_LEVEL
+ , le_join_ceil = panic "initialEnv"
+ , le_lvl_env = emptyVarEnv
+ , le_subst = emptySubst
+ , le_env = emptyVarEnv }
+addLvl :: Level -> VarEnv Level -> OutVar -> VarEnv Level
+addLvl dest_lvl env v' = extendVarEnv env v' dest_lvl
+addLvls :: Level -> VarEnv Level -> [OutVar] -> VarEnv Level
+addLvls dest_lvl env vs = foldl' (addLvl dest_lvl) env vs
+floatLams :: LevelEnv -> Maybe Int
+floatLams le = floatOutLambdas (le_switches le)
+floatConsts :: LevelEnv -> Bool
+floatConsts le = floatOutConstants (le_switches le)
+floatOverSat :: LevelEnv -> Bool
+floatOverSat le = floatOutOverSatApps (le_switches le)
+floatTopLvlOnly :: LevelEnv -> Bool
+floatTopLvlOnly le = floatToTopLevelOnly (le_switches le)
+incMinorLvlFrom :: LevelEnv -> Level
+incMinorLvlFrom env = incMinorLvl (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+-- extendCaseBndrEnv adds the mapping case-bndr->scrut-var if it can
+-- See Note [Binder-swap during float-out]
+extendCaseBndrEnv :: LevelEnv
+ -> Id -- Pre-cloned case binder
+ -> Expr LevelledBndr -- Post-cloned scrutinee
+ -> LevelEnv
+extendCaseBndrEnv le@(LE { le_subst = subst, le_env = id_env })
+ case_bndr (Var scrut_var)
+ = le { le_subst = extendSubstWithVar subst case_bndr scrut_var
+ , le_env = add_id id_env (case_bndr, scrut_var) }
+extendCaseBndrEnv env _ _ = env
+-- See Note [Join ceiling]
+placeJoinCeiling :: LevelEnv -> LevelEnv
+placeJoinCeiling le@(LE { le_ctxt_lvl = lvl })
+ = le { le_ctxt_lvl = lvl', le_join_ceil = lvl' }
+ where
+ lvl' = asJoinCeilLvl (incMinorLvl lvl)
+maxFvLevel :: (Var -> Bool) -> LevelEnv -> DVarSet -> Level
+maxFvLevel max_me env var_set
+ = foldDVarSet (maxIn max_me env) tOP_LEVEL var_set
+maxFvLevel' :: (Var -> Bool) -> LevelEnv -> TyCoVarSet -> Level
+-- Same but for TyCoVarSet
+maxFvLevel' max_me env var_set
+ = nonDetFoldUniqSet (maxIn max_me env) tOP_LEVEL var_set
+maxIn :: (Var -> Bool) -> LevelEnv -> InVar -> Level -> Level
+maxIn max_me (LE { le_lvl_env = lvl_env, le_env = id_env }) in_var lvl
+ = case lookupVarEnv id_env in_var of
+ Just (abs_vars, _) -> foldr max_out lvl abs_vars
+ Nothing -> max_out in_var lvl
+ where
+ max_out out_var lvl
+ | max_me out_var = case lookupVarEnv lvl_env out_var of
+ Just lvl' -> maxLvl lvl' lvl
+ Nothing -> lvl
+ | otherwise = lvl -- Ignore some vars depending on max_me
+lookupVar :: LevelEnv -> Id -> LevelledExpr
+lookupVar le v = case lookupVarEnv (le_env le) v of
+ Just (_, expr) -> expr
+ _ -> Var v
+-- Level to which join points are allowed to float (boundary of current tail
+-- context). See Note [Join ceiling]
+joinCeilingLevel :: LevelEnv -> Level
+joinCeilingLevel = le_join_ceil
+abstractVars :: Level -> LevelEnv -> DVarSet -> [OutVar]
+ -- Find the variables in fvs, free vars of the target expression,
+ -- whose level is greater than the destination level
+ -- These are the ones we are going to abstract out
+ --
+ -- Note that to get reproducible builds, the variables need to be
+ -- abstracted in deterministic order, not dependent on the values of
+ -- Uniques. This is achieved by using DVarSets, deterministic free
+ -- variable computation and deterministic sort.
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism] in Unique for explanation of why
+ -- Uniques are not deterministic.
+abstractVars dest_lvl (LE { le_subst = subst, le_lvl_env = lvl_env }) in_fvs
+ = -- NB: sortQuantVars might not put duplicates next to each other
+ map zap $ sortQuantVars $
+ filter abstract_me $
+ dVarSetElems $
+ closeOverKindsDSet $
+ substDVarSet subst in_fvs
+ -- NB: it's important to call abstract_me only on the OutIds the
+ -- come from substDVarSet (not on fv, which is an InId)
+ where
+ abstract_me v = case lookupVarEnv lvl_env v of
+ Just lvl -> dest_lvl `ltLvl` lvl
+ Nothing -> False
+ -- We are going to lambda-abstract, so nuke any IdInfo,
+ -- and add the tyvars of the Id (if necessary)
+ zap v | isId v = WARN( isStableUnfolding (idUnfolding v) ||
+ not (isEmptyRuleInfo (idSpecialisation v)),
+ text "absVarsOf: discarding info on" <+> ppr v )
+ setIdInfo v vanillaIdInfo
+ | otherwise = v
+type LvlM result = UniqSM result
+initLvl :: UniqSupply -> UniqSM a -> a
+initLvl = initUs_
+newPolyBndrs :: Level -> LevelEnv -> [OutVar] -> [InId]
+ -> LvlM (LevelEnv, [OutId])
+-- The envt is extended to bind the new bndrs to dest_lvl, but
+-- the le_ctxt_lvl is unaffected
+newPolyBndrs dest_lvl
+ env@(LE { le_lvl_env = lvl_env, le_subst = subst, le_env = id_env })
+ abs_vars bndrs
+ = ASSERT( all (not . isCoVar) bndrs ) -- What would we add to the CoSubst in this case. No easy answer.
+ do { uniqs <- getUniquesM
+ ; let new_bndrs = zipWith mk_poly_bndr bndrs uniqs
+ bndr_prs = bndrs `zip` new_bndrs
+ env' = env { le_lvl_env = addLvls dest_lvl lvl_env new_bndrs
+ , le_subst = foldl' add_subst subst bndr_prs
+ , le_env = foldl' add_id id_env bndr_prs }
+ ; return (env', new_bndrs) }
+ where
+ add_subst env (v, v') = extendIdSubst env v (mkVarApps (Var v') abs_vars)
+ add_id env (v, v') = extendVarEnv env v ((v':abs_vars), mkVarApps (Var v') abs_vars)
+ mk_poly_bndr bndr uniq = transferPolyIdInfo bndr abs_vars $ -- Note [transferPolyIdInfo] in Id.hs
+ transfer_join_info bndr $
+ mkSysLocal (mkFastString str) uniq poly_ty
+ where
+ str = "poly_" ++ occNameString (getOccName bndr)
+ poly_ty = mkLamTypes abs_vars (GHC.Core.Subst.substTy subst (idType bndr))
+ -- If we are floating a join point to top level, it stops being
+ -- a join point. Otherwise it continues to be a join point,
+ -- but we may need to adjust its arity
+ dest_is_top = isTopLvl dest_lvl
+ transfer_join_info bndr new_bndr
+ | Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ , not dest_is_top
+ = new_bndr `asJoinId` join_arity + length abs_vars
+ | otherwise
+ = new_bndr
+newLvlVar :: LevelledExpr -- The RHS of the new binding
+ -> Maybe JoinArity -- Its join arity, if it is a join point
+ -> Bool -- True <=> the RHS looks like (makeStatic ...)
+ -> LvlM Id
+newLvlVar lvld_rhs join_arity_maybe is_mk_static
+ = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; return (add_join_info (mk_id uniq rhs_ty))
+ }
+ where
+ add_join_info var = var `asJoinId_maybe` join_arity_maybe
+ de_tagged_rhs = deTagExpr lvld_rhs
+ rhs_ty = exprType de_tagged_rhs
+ mk_id uniq rhs_ty
+ -- See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in StaticPtrTable.
+ | is_mk_static
+ = mkExportedVanillaId (mkSystemVarName uniq (mkFastString "static_ptr"))
+ rhs_ty
+ | otherwise
+ = mkSysLocal (mkFastString "lvl") uniq rhs_ty
+-- | Clone the binders bound by a single-alternative case.
+cloneCaseBndrs :: LevelEnv -> Level -> [Var] -> LvlM (LevelEnv, [Var])
+cloneCaseBndrs env@(LE { le_subst = subst, le_lvl_env = lvl_env, le_env = id_env })
+ new_lvl vs
+ = do { us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ ; let (subst', vs') = cloneBndrs subst us vs
+ -- N.B. We are not moving the body of the case, merely its case
+ -- binders. Consequently we should *not* set le_ctxt_lvl and
+ -- le_join_ceil. See Note [Setting levels when floating
+ -- single-alternative cases].
+ env' = env { le_lvl_env = addLvls new_lvl lvl_env vs'
+ , le_subst = subst'
+ , le_env = foldl' add_id id_env (vs `zip` vs') }
+ ; return (env', vs') }
+cloneLetVars :: RecFlag -> LevelEnv -> Level -> [InVar]
+ -> LvlM (LevelEnv, [OutVar])
+-- See Note [Need for cloning during float-out]
+-- Works for Ids bound by let(rec)
+-- The dest_lvl is attributed to the binders in the new env,
+-- but cloneVars doesn't affect the le_ctxt_lvl of the incoming env
+cloneLetVars is_rec
+ env@(LE { le_subst = subst, le_lvl_env = lvl_env, le_env = id_env })
+ dest_lvl vs
+ = do { us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ ; let vs1 = map zap vs
+ -- See Note [Zapping the demand info]
+ (subst', vs2) = case is_rec of
+ NonRecursive -> cloneBndrs subst us vs1
+ Recursive -> cloneRecIdBndrs subst us vs1
+ prs = vs `zip` vs2
+ env' = env { le_lvl_env = addLvls dest_lvl lvl_env vs2
+ , le_subst = subst'
+ , le_env = foldl' add_id id_env prs }
+ ; return (env', vs2) }
+ where
+ zap :: Var -> Var
+ zap v | isId v = zap_join (zapIdDemandInfo v)
+ | otherwise = v
+ zap_join | isTopLvl dest_lvl = zapJoinId
+ | otherwise = id
+add_id :: IdEnv ([Var], LevelledExpr) -> (Var, Var) -> IdEnv ([Var], LevelledExpr)
+add_id id_env (v, v1)
+ | isTyVar v = delVarEnv id_env v
+ | otherwise = extendVarEnv id_env v ([v1], ASSERT(not (isCoVar v1)) Var v1)
+Note [Zapping the demand info]
+VERY IMPORTANT: we must zap the demand info if the thing is going to
+float out, because it may be less demanded than at its original
+binding site. Eg
+ f :: Int -> Int
+ f x = let v = 3*4 in v+x
+Here v is strict; but if we float v to top level, it isn't any more.
+Similarly, if we're floating a join point, it won't be one anymore, so we zap
+join point information as well.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..448edd21f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3666 @@
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[Simplify]{The main module of the simplifier}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr, simplRules ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Monad
+import GHC.Core.Type hiding ( substTy, substTyVar, extendTvSubst, extendCvSubst )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Env
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+import GHC.Core.Op.OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseExpr )
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInstEnv )
+import Literal ( litIsLifted ) --, mkLitInt ) -- temporalily commented out. See #8326
+import Id
+import MkId ( seqId )
+import GHC.Core.Make ( FloatBind, mkImpossibleExpr, castBottomExpr )
+import qualified GHC.Core.Make
+import IdInfo
+import Name ( mkSystemVarName, isExternalName, getOccFS )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion hiding ( substCo, substCoVar )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Opt ( optCoercion )
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( topNormaliseType_maybe )
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+ ( DataCon, dataConWorkId, dataConRepStrictness
+ , dataConRepArgTys, isUnboxedTupleCon
+ , StrictnessMark (..) )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad ( Tick(..), SimplMode(..) )
+import GHC.Core
+import Demand ( StrictSig(..), dmdTypeDepth, isStrictDmd
+ , mkClosedStrictSig, topDmd, botDiv )
+import Cpr ( mkCprSig, botCpr )
+import GHC.Core.Ppr ( pprCoreExpr )
+import GHC.Core.Unfold
+import GHC.Core.Utils
+import GHC.Core.SimpleOpt ( pushCoTyArg, pushCoValArg
+ , joinPointBinding_maybe, joinPointBindings_maybe )
+import GHC.Core.Rules ( mkRuleInfo, lookupRule, getRules )
+import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..), isNotTopLevel, isTopLevel,
+ RecFlag(..), Arity )
+import MonadUtils ( mapAccumLM, liftIO )
+import Var ( isTyCoVar )
+import Maybes ( orElse )
+import Control.Monad
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Util
+import ErrUtils
+import Module ( moduleName, pprModuleName )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp (SeqOp) )
+The guts of the simplifier is in this module, but the driver loop for
+the simplifier is in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Driver
+Note [The big picture]
+The general shape of the simplifier is this:
+ simplExpr :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+ simplBind :: SimplEnv -> InBind -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+ * SimplEnv contains
+ - Simplifier mode (which includes DynFlags for convenience)
+ - Ambient substitution
+ - InScopeSet
+ * SimplFloats contains
+ - Let-floats (which includes ok-for-spec case-floats)
+ - Join floats
+ - InScopeSet (including all the floats)
+ * Expressions
+ simplExpr :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+ The result of simplifying an /expression/ is (floats, expr)
+ - A bunch of floats (let bindings, join bindings)
+ - A simplified expression.
+ The overall result is effectively (let floats in expr)
+ * Bindings
+ simplBind :: SimplEnv -> InBind -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+ The result of simplifying a binding is
+ - A bunch of floats, the last of which is the simplified binding
+ There may be auxiliary bindings too; see prepareRhs
+ - An environment suitable for simplifying the scope of the binding
+ The floats may also be empty, if the binding is inlined unconditionally;
+ in that case the returned SimplEnv will have an augmented substitution.
+ The returned floats and env both have an in-scope set, and they are
+ guaranteed to be the same.
+Note [Shadowing]
+The simplifier used to guarantee that the output had no shadowing, but
+it does not do so any more. (Actually, it never did!) The reason is
+documented with simplifyArgs.
+Eta expansion
+For eta expansion, we want to catch things like
+ case e of (a,b) -> \x -> case a of (p,q) -> \y -> r
+If the \x was on the RHS of a let, we'd eta expand to bring the two
+lambdas together. And in general that's a good thing to do. Perhaps
+we should eta expand wherever we find a (value) lambda? Then the eta
+expansion at a let RHS can concentrate solely on the PAP case.
+Note [In-scope set as a substitution]
+As per Note [Lookups in in-scope set], an in-scope set can act as
+a substitution. Specifically, it acts as a substitution from variable to
+variables /with the same unique/.
+Why do we need this? Well, during the course of the simplifier, we may want to
+adjust inessential properties of a variable. For instance, when performing a
+beta-reduction, we change
+ (\x. e) u ==> let x = u in e
+We typically want to add an unfolding to `x` so that it inlines to (the
+simplification of) `u`.
+We do that by adding the unfolding to the binder `x`, which is added to the
+in-scope set. When simplifying occurrences of `x` (every occurrence!), they are
+replaced by their “updated” version from the in-scope set, hence inherit the
+unfolding. This happens in `SimplEnv.substId`.
+Another example. Consider
+ case x of y { Node a b -> ...y...
+ ; Leaf v -> ...y... }
+In the Node branch want y's unfolding to be (Node a b); in the Leaf branch we
+want y's unfolding to be (Leaf v). We achieve this by adding the appropriate
+unfolding to y, and re-adding it to the in-scope set. See the calls to
+`addBinderUnfolding` in `Simplify.addAltUnfoldings` and elsewhere.
+It's quite convenient. This way we don't need to manipulate the substitution all
+the time: every update to a binder is automatically reflected to its bound
+* *
+* *
+simplTopBinds :: SimplEnv -> [InBind] -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+-- See Note [The big picture]
+simplTopBinds env0 binds0
+ = do { -- Put all the top-level binders into scope at the start
+ -- so that if a transformation rule has unexpectedly brought
+ -- anything into scope, then we don't get a complaint about that.
+ -- It's rather as if the top-level binders were imported.
+ -- See note [Glomming] in OccurAnal.
+ ; env1 <- {-#SCC "simplTopBinds-simplRecBndrs" #-} simplRecBndrs env0 (bindersOfBinds binds0)
+ ; (floats, env2) <- {-#SCC "simplTopBinds-simpl_binds" #-} simpl_binds env1 binds0
+ ; freeTick SimplifierDone
+ ; return (floats, env2) }
+ where
+ -- We need to track the zapped top-level binders, because
+ -- they should have their fragile IdInfo zapped (notably occurrence info)
+ -- That's why we run down binds and bndrs' simultaneously.
+ --
+ simpl_binds :: SimplEnv -> [InBind] -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+ simpl_binds env [] = return (emptyFloats env, env)
+ simpl_binds env (bind:binds) = do { (float, env1) <- simpl_bind env bind
+ ; (floats, env2) <- simpl_binds env1 binds
+ ; return (float `addFloats` floats, env2) }
+ simpl_bind env (Rec pairs)
+ = simplRecBind env TopLevel Nothing pairs
+ simpl_bind env (NonRec b r)
+ = do { (env', b') <- addBndrRules env b (lookupRecBndr env b) Nothing
+ ; simplRecOrTopPair env' TopLevel NonRecursive Nothing b b' r }
+* *
+ Lazy bindings
+* *
+simplRecBind is used for
+ * recursive bindings only
+simplRecBind :: SimplEnv -> TopLevelFlag -> MaybeJoinCont
+ -> [(InId, InExpr)]
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+simplRecBind env0 top_lvl mb_cont pairs0
+ = do { (env_with_info, triples) <- mapAccumLM add_rules env0 pairs0
+ ; (rec_floats, env1) <- go env_with_info triples
+ ; return (mkRecFloats rec_floats, env1) }
+ where
+ add_rules :: SimplEnv -> (InBndr,InExpr) -> SimplM (SimplEnv, (InBndr, OutBndr, InExpr))
+ -- Add the (substituted) rules to the binder
+ add_rules env (bndr, rhs)
+ = do { (env', bndr') <- addBndrRules env bndr (lookupRecBndr env bndr) mb_cont
+ ; return (env', (bndr, bndr', rhs)) }
+ go env [] = return (emptyFloats env, env)
+ go env ((old_bndr, new_bndr, rhs) : pairs)
+ = do { (float, env1) <- simplRecOrTopPair env top_lvl Recursive mb_cont
+ old_bndr new_bndr rhs
+ ; (floats, env2) <- go env1 pairs
+ ; return (float `addFloats` floats, env2) }
+simplOrTopPair is used for
+ * recursive bindings (whether top level or not)
+ * top-level non-recursive bindings
+It assumes the binder has already been simplified, but not its IdInfo.
+simplRecOrTopPair :: SimplEnv
+ -> TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> MaybeJoinCont
+ -> InId -> OutBndr -> InExpr -- Binder and rhs
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+simplRecOrTopPair env top_lvl is_rec mb_cont old_bndr new_bndr rhs
+ | Just env' <- preInlineUnconditionally env top_lvl old_bndr rhs env
+ = {-#SCC "simplRecOrTopPair-pre-inline-uncond" #-}
+ trace_bind "pre-inline-uncond" $
+ do { tick (PreInlineUnconditionally old_bndr)
+ ; return ( emptyFloats env, env' ) }
+ | Just cont <- mb_cont
+ = {-#SCC "simplRecOrTopPair-join" #-}
+ ASSERT( isNotTopLevel top_lvl && isJoinId new_bndr )
+ trace_bind "join" $
+ simplJoinBind env cont old_bndr new_bndr rhs env
+ | otherwise
+ = {-#SCC "simplRecOrTopPair-normal" #-}
+ trace_bind "normal" $
+ simplLazyBind env top_lvl is_rec old_bndr new_bndr rhs env
+ where
+ dflags = seDynFlags env
+ -- trace_bind emits a trace for each top-level binding, which
+ -- helps to locate the tracing for inlining and rule firing
+ trace_bind what thing_inside
+ | not (dopt Opt_D_verbose_core2core dflags)
+ = thing_inside
+ | otherwise
+ = traceAction dflags ("SimplBind " ++ what)
+ (ppr old_bndr) thing_inside
+simplLazyBind :: SimplEnv
+ -> TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag
+ -> InId -> OutId -- Binder, both pre-and post simpl
+ -- Not a JoinId
+ -- The OutId has IdInfo, except arity, unfolding
+ -- Ids only, no TyVars
+ -> InExpr -> SimplEnv -- The RHS and its environment
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+-- Precondition: not a JoinId
+-- Precondition: rhs obeys the let/app invariant
+-- NOT used for JoinIds
+simplLazyBind env top_lvl is_rec bndr bndr1 rhs rhs_se
+ = ASSERT( isId bndr )
+ ASSERT2( not (isJoinId bndr), ppr bndr )
+ -- pprTrace "simplLazyBind" ((ppr bndr <+> ppr bndr1) $$ ppr rhs $$ ppr (seIdSubst rhs_se)) $
+ do { let rhs_env = rhs_se `setInScopeFromE` env
+ (tvs, body) = case collectTyAndValBinders rhs of
+ (tvs, [], body)
+ | surely_not_lam body -> (tvs, body)
+ _ -> ([], rhs)
+ surely_not_lam (Lam {}) = False
+ surely_not_lam (Tick t e)
+ | not (tickishFloatable t) = surely_not_lam e
+ -- eta-reduction could float
+ surely_not_lam _ = True
+ -- Do not do the "abstract tyvar" thing if there's
+ -- a lambda inside, because it defeats eta-reduction
+ -- f = /\a. \x. g a x
+ -- should eta-reduce.
+ ; (body_env, tvs') <- {-#SCC "simplBinders" #-} simplBinders rhs_env tvs
+ -- See Note [Floating and type abstraction] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+ -- Simplify the RHS
+ ; let rhs_cont = mkRhsStop (substTy body_env (exprType body))
+ ; (body_floats0, body0) <- {-#SCC "simplExprF" #-} simplExprF body_env body rhs_cont
+ -- Never float join-floats out of a non-join let-binding
+ -- So wrap the body in the join-floats right now
+ -- Hence: body_floats1 consists only of let-floats
+ ; let (body_floats1, body1) = wrapJoinFloatsX body_floats0 body0
+ -- ANF-ise a constructor or PAP rhs
+ -- We get at most one float per argument here
+ ; (let_floats, body2) <- {-#SCC "prepareRhs" #-} prepareRhs (getMode env) top_lvl
+ (getOccFS bndr1) (idInfo bndr1) body1
+ ; let body_floats2 = body_floats1 `addLetFloats` let_floats
+ ; (rhs_floats, rhs')
+ <- if not (doFloatFromRhs top_lvl is_rec False body_floats2 body2)
+ then -- No floating, revert to body1
+ {-#SCC "simplLazyBind-no-floating" #-}
+ do { rhs' <- mkLam env tvs' (wrapFloats body_floats2 body1) rhs_cont
+ ; return (emptyFloats env, rhs') }
+ else if null tvs then -- Simple floating
+ {-#SCC "simplLazyBind-simple-floating" #-}
+ do { tick LetFloatFromLet
+ ; return (body_floats2, body2) }
+ else -- Do type-abstraction first
+ {-#SCC "simplLazyBind-type-abstraction-first" #-}
+ do { tick LetFloatFromLet
+ ; (poly_binds, body3) <- abstractFloats (seDynFlags env) top_lvl
+ tvs' body_floats2 body2
+ ; let floats = foldl' extendFloats (emptyFloats env) poly_binds
+ ; rhs' <- mkLam env tvs' body3 rhs_cont
+ ; return (floats, rhs') }
+ ; (bind_float, env2) <- completeBind (env `setInScopeFromF` rhs_floats)
+ top_lvl Nothing bndr bndr1 rhs'
+ ; return (rhs_floats `addFloats` bind_float, env2) }
+simplJoinBind :: SimplEnv
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> InId -> OutId -- Binder, both pre-and post simpl
+ -- The OutId has IdInfo, except arity,
+ -- unfolding
+ -> InExpr -> SimplEnv -- The right hand side and its env
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+simplJoinBind env cont old_bndr new_bndr rhs rhs_se
+ = do { let rhs_env = rhs_se `setInScopeFromE` env
+ ; rhs' <- simplJoinRhs rhs_env old_bndr rhs cont
+ ; completeBind env NotTopLevel (Just cont) old_bndr new_bndr rhs' }
+simplNonRecX :: SimplEnv
+ -> InId -- Old binder; not a JoinId
+ -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+-- A specialised variant of simplNonRec used when the RHS is already
+-- simplified, notably in knownCon. It uses case-binding where necessary.
+-- Precondition: rhs satisfies the let/app invariant
+simplNonRecX env bndr new_rhs
+ | ASSERT2( not (isJoinId bndr), ppr bndr )
+ isDeadBinder bndr -- Not uncommon; e.g. case (a,b) of c { (p,q) -> p }
+ = return (emptyFloats env, env) -- Here c is dead, and we avoid
+ -- creating the binding c = (a,b)
+ | Coercion co <- new_rhs
+ = return (emptyFloats env, extendCvSubst env bndr co)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (env', bndr') <- simplBinder env bndr
+ ; completeNonRecX NotTopLevel env' (isStrictId bndr) bndr bndr' new_rhs }
+ -- simplNonRecX is only used for NotTopLevel things
+completeNonRecX :: TopLevelFlag -> SimplEnv
+ -> Bool
+ -> InId -- Old binder; not a JoinId
+ -> OutId -- New binder
+ -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv) -- The new binding is in the floats
+-- Precondition: rhs satisfies the let/app invariant
+-- See Note [Core let/app invariant] in GHC.Core
+completeNonRecX top_lvl env is_strict old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs
+ = ASSERT2( not (isJoinId new_bndr), ppr new_bndr )
+ do { (prepd_floats, rhs1) <- prepareRhs (getMode env) top_lvl (getOccFS new_bndr)
+ (idInfo new_bndr) new_rhs
+ ; let floats = emptyFloats env `addLetFloats` prepd_floats
+ ; (rhs_floats, rhs2) <-
+ if doFloatFromRhs NotTopLevel NonRecursive is_strict floats rhs1
+ then -- Add the floats to the main env
+ do { tick LetFloatFromLet
+ ; return (floats, rhs1) }
+ else -- Do not float; wrap the floats around the RHS
+ return (emptyFloats env, wrapFloats floats rhs1)
+ ; (bind_float, env2) <- completeBind (env `setInScopeFromF` rhs_floats)
+ NotTopLevel Nothing
+ old_bndr new_bndr rhs2
+ ; return (rhs_floats `addFloats` bind_float, env2) }
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ prepareRhs, makeTrivial
+* *
+Note [prepareRhs]
+prepareRhs takes a putative RHS, checks whether it's a PAP or
+constructor application and, if so, converts it to ANF, so that the
+resulting thing can be inlined more easily. Thus
+ x = (f a, g b)
+ t1 = f a
+ t2 = g b
+ x = (t1,t2)
+We also want to deal well cases like this
+ v = (f e1 `cast` co) e2
+Here we want to make e1,e2 trivial and get
+ x1 = e1; x2 = e2; v = (f x1 `cast` co) v2
+That's what the 'go' loop in prepareRhs does
+prepareRhs :: SimplMode -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> FastString -- Base for any new variables
+ -> IdInfo -- IdInfo for the LHS of this binding
+ -> OutExpr
+ -> SimplM (LetFloats, OutExpr)
+-- Transforms a RHS into a better RHS by adding floats
+-- e.g x = Just e
+-- becomes a = e
+-- x = Just a
+-- See Note [prepareRhs]
+prepareRhs mode top_lvl occ info (Cast rhs co) -- Note [Float coercions]
+ | let ty1 = coercionLKind co -- Do *not* do this if rhs has an unlifted type
+ , not (isUnliftedType ty1) -- see Note [Float coercions (unlifted)]
+ = do { (floats, rhs') <- makeTrivialWithInfo mode top_lvl occ sanitised_info rhs
+ ; return (floats, Cast rhs' co) }
+ where
+ sanitised_info = vanillaIdInfo `setStrictnessInfo` strictnessInfo info
+ `setCprInfo` cprInfo info
+ `setDemandInfo` demandInfo info
+prepareRhs mode top_lvl occ _ rhs0
+ = do { (_is_exp, floats, rhs1) <- go 0 rhs0
+ ; return (floats, rhs1) }
+ where
+ go :: Int -> OutExpr -> SimplM (Bool, LetFloats, OutExpr)
+ go n_val_args (Cast rhs co)
+ = do { (is_exp, floats, rhs') <- go n_val_args rhs
+ ; return (is_exp, floats, Cast rhs' co) }
+ go n_val_args (App fun (Type ty))
+ = do { (is_exp, floats, rhs') <- go n_val_args fun
+ ; return (is_exp, floats, App rhs' (Type ty)) }
+ go n_val_args (App fun arg)
+ = do { (is_exp, floats1, fun') <- go (n_val_args+1) fun
+ ; case is_exp of
+ False -> return (False, emptyLetFloats, App fun arg)
+ True -> do { (floats2, arg') <- makeTrivial mode top_lvl occ arg
+ ; return (True, floats1 `addLetFlts` floats2, App fun' arg') } }
+ go n_val_args (Var fun)
+ = return (is_exp, emptyLetFloats, Var fun)
+ where
+ is_exp = isExpandableApp fun n_val_args -- The fun a constructor or PAP
+ -- See Note [CONLIKE pragma] in BasicTypes
+ -- The definition of is_exp should match that in
+ -- OccurAnal.occAnalApp
+ go n_val_args (Tick t rhs)
+ -- We want to be able to float bindings past this
+ -- tick. Non-scoping ticks don't care.
+ | tickishScoped t == NoScope
+ = do { (is_exp, floats, rhs') <- go n_val_args rhs
+ ; return (is_exp, floats, Tick t rhs') }
+ -- On the other hand, for scoping ticks we need to be able to
+ -- copy them on the floats, which in turn is only allowed if
+ -- we can obtain non-counting ticks.
+ | (not (tickishCounts t) || tickishCanSplit t)
+ = do { (is_exp, floats, rhs') <- go n_val_args rhs
+ ; let tickIt (id, expr) = (id, mkTick (mkNoCount t) expr)
+ floats' = mapLetFloats floats tickIt
+ ; return (is_exp, floats', Tick t rhs') }
+ go _ other
+ = return (False, emptyLetFloats, other)
+Note [Float coercions]
+When we find the binding
+ x = e `cast` co
+we'd like to transform it to
+ x' = e
+ x = x `cast` co -- A trivial binding
+There's a chance that e will be a constructor application or function, or something
+like that, so moving the coercion to the usage site may well cancel the coercions
+and lead to further optimisation. Example:
+ data family T a :: *
+ data instance T Int = T Int
+ foo :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ foo m n = ...
+ where
+ x = T m
+ go 0 = 0
+ go n = case x of { T m -> go (n-m) }
+ -- This case should optimise
+Note [Preserve strictness when floating coercions]
+In the Note [Float coercions] transformation, keep the strictness info.
+ f = e `cast` co -- f has strictness SSL
+When we transform to
+ f' = e -- f' also has strictness SSL
+ f = f' `cast` co -- f still has strictness SSL
+Its not wrong to drop it on the floor, but better to keep it.
+Note [Float coercions (unlifted)]
+BUT don't do [Float coercions] if 'e' has an unlifted type.
+This *can* happen:
+ foo :: Int = (error (# Int,Int #) "urk")
+ `cast` CoUnsafe (# Int,Int #) Int
+If do the makeTrivial thing to the error call, we'll get
+ foo = case error (# Int,Int #) "urk" of v -> v `cast` ...
+But 'v' isn't in scope!
+These strange casts can happen as a result of case-of-case
+ bar = case (case x of { T -> (# 2,3 #); F -> error "urk" }) of
+ (# p,q #) -> p+q
+makeTrivialArg :: SimplMode -> ArgSpec -> SimplM (LetFloats, ArgSpec)
+makeTrivialArg mode (ValArg e)
+ = do { (floats, e') <- makeTrivial mode NotTopLevel (fsLit "arg") e
+ ; return (floats, ValArg e') }
+makeTrivialArg _ arg
+ = return (emptyLetFloats, arg) -- CastBy, TyArg
+makeTrivial :: SimplMode -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> FastString -- ^ A "friendly name" to build the new binder from
+ -> OutExpr -- ^ This expression satisfies the let/app invariant
+ -> SimplM (LetFloats, OutExpr)
+-- Binds the expression to a variable, if it's not trivial, returning the variable
+makeTrivial mode top_lvl context expr
+ = makeTrivialWithInfo mode top_lvl context vanillaIdInfo expr
+makeTrivialWithInfo :: SimplMode -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> FastString -- ^ a "friendly name" to build the new binder from
+ -> IdInfo
+ -> OutExpr -- ^ This expression satisfies the let/app invariant
+ -> SimplM (LetFloats, OutExpr)
+-- Propagate strictness and demand info to the new binder
+-- Note [Preserve strictness when floating coercions]
+-- Returned SimplEnv has same substitution as incoming one
+makeTrivialWithInfo mode top_lvl occ_fs info expr
+ | exprIsTrivial expr -- Already trivial
+ || not (bindingOk top_lvl expr expr_ty) -- Cannot trivialise
+ -- See Note [Cannot trivialise]
+ = return (emptyLetFloats, expr)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (floats, expr1) <- prepareRhs mode top_lvl occ_fs info expr
+ ; if exprIsTrivial expr1 -- See Note [Trivial after prepareRhs]
+ then return (floats, expr1)
+ else do
+ { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let name = mkSystemVarName uniq occ_fs
+ var = mkLocalIdWithInfo name expr_ty info
+ -- Now something very like completeBind,
+ -- but without the postInlineUnconditionally part
+ ; (arity, is_bot, expr2) <- tryEtaExpandRhs mode var expr1
+ ; unf <- mkLetUnfolding (sm_dflags mode) top_lvl InlineRhs var expr2
+ ; let final_id = addLetBndrInfo var arity is_bot unf
+ bind = NonRec final_id expr2
+ ; return ( floats `addLetFlts` unitLetFloat bind, Var final_id ) }}
+ where
+ expr_ty = exprType expr
+bindingOk :: TopLevelFlag -> CoreExpr -> Type -> Bool
+-- True iff we can have a binding of this expression at this level
+-- Precondition: the type is the type of the expression
+bindingOk top_lvl expr expr_ty
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl = exprIsTopLevelBindable expr expr_ty
+ | otherwise = True
+{- Note [Trivial after prepareRhs]
+If we call makeTrival on (e |> co), the recursive use of prepareRhs
+may leave us with
+ { a1 = e } and (a1 |> co)
+Now the latter is trivial, so we don't want to let-bind it.
+Note [Cannot trivialise]
+ f :: Int -> Addr#
+ foo :: Bar
+ foo = Bar (f 3)
+Then we can't ANF-ise foo, even though we'd like to, because
+we can't make a top-level binding for the Addr# (f 3). And if
+so we don't want to turn it into
+ foo = let x = f 3 in Bar x
+because we'll just end up inlining x back, and that makes the
+simplifier loop. Better not to ANF-ise it at all.
+Literal strings are an exception.
+ foo = Ptr "blob"#
+We want to turn this into:
+ foo1 = "blob"#
+ foo = Ptr foo1
+See Note [Core top-level string literals] in GHC.Core.
+* *
+ Completing a lazy binding
+* *
+ * deals only with Ids, not TyVars
+ * takes an already-simplified binder and RHS
+ * is used for both recursive and non-recursive bindings
+ * is used for both top-level and non-top-level bindings
+It does the following:
+ - tries discarding a dead binding
+ - tries PostInlineUnconditionally
+ - add unfolding [this is the only place we add an unfolding]
+ - add arity
+It does *not* attempt to do let-to-case. Why? Because it is used for
+ - top-level bindings (when let-to-case is impossible)
+ - many situations where the "rhs" is known to be a WHNF
+ (so let-to-case is inappropriate).
+Nor does it do the atomic-argument thing
+completeBind :: SimplEnv
+ -> TopLevelFlag -- Flag stuck into unfolding
+ -> MaybeJoinCont -- Required only for join point
+ -> InId -- Old binder
+ -> OutId -> OutExpr -- New binder and RHS
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+-- completeBind may choose to do its work
+-- * by extending the substitution (e.g. let x = y in ...)
+-- * or by adding to the floats in the envt
+-- Binder /can/ be a JoinId
+-- Precondition: rhs obeys the let/app invariant
+completeBind env top_lvl mb_cont old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs
+ | isCoVar old_bndr
+ = case new_rhs of
+ Coercion co -> return (emptyFloats env, extendCvSubst env old_bndr co)
+ _ -> return (mkFloatBind env (NonRec new_bndr new_rhs))
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT( isId new_bndr )
+ do { let old_info = idInfo old_bndr
+ old_unf = unfoldingInfo old_info
+ occ_info = occInfo old_info
+ -- Do eta-expansion on the RHS of the binding
+ -- See Note [Eta-expanding at let bindings] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+ ; (new_arity, is_bot, final_rhs) <- tryEtaExpandRhs (getMode env)
+ new_bndr new_rhs
+ -- Simplify the unfolding
+ ; new_unfolding <- simplLetUnfolding env top_lvl mb_cont old_bndr
+ final_rhs (idType new_bndr) old_unf
+ ; let final_bndr = addLetBndrInfo new_bndr new_arity is_bot new_unfolding
+ -- See Note [In-scope set as a substitution]
+ ; if postInlineUnconditionally env top_lvl final_bndr occ_info final_rhs
+ then -- Inline and discard the binding
+ do { tick (PostInlineUnconditionally old_bndr)
+ ; return ( emptyFloats env
+ , extendIdSubst env old_bndr $
+ DoneEx final_rhs (isJoinId_maybe new_bndr)) }
+ -- Use the substitution to make quite, quite sure that the
+ -- substitution will happen, since we are going to discard the binding
+ else -- Keep the binding
+ -- pprTrace "Binding" (ppr final_bndr <+> ppr new_unfolding) $
+ return (mkFloatBind env (NonRec final_bndr final_rhs)) }
+addLetBndrInfo :: OutId -> Arity -> Bool -> Unfolding -> OutId
+addLetBndrInfo new_bndr new_arity is_bot new_unf
+ = new_bndr `setIdInfo` info5
+ where
+ info1 = idInfo new_bndr `setArityInfo` new_arity
+ -- Unfolding info: Note [Setting the new unfolding]
+ info2 = info1 `setUnfoldingInfo` new_unf
+ -- Demand info: Note [Setting the demand info]
+ -- We also have to nuke demand info if for some reason
+ -- eta-expansion *reduces* the arity of the binding to less
+ -- than that of the strictness sig. This can happen: see Note [Arity decrease].
+ info3 | isEvaldUnfolding new_unf
+ || (case strictnessInfo info2 of
+ StrictSig dmd_ty -> new_arity < dmdTypeDepth dmd_ty)
+ = zapDemandInfo info2 `orElse` info2
+ | otherwise
+ = info2
+ -- Bottoming bindings: see Note [Bottoming bindings]
+ info4 | is_bot = info3
+ `setStrictnessInfo`
+ mkClosedStrictSig (replicate new_arity topDmd) botDiv
+ `setCprInfo` mkCprSig new_arity botCpr
+ | otherwise = info3
+ -- Zap call arity info. We have used it by now (via
+ -- `tryEtaExpandRhs`), and the simplifier can invalidate this
+ -- information, leading to broken code later (e.g. #13479)
+ info5 = zapCallArityInfo info4
+{- Note [Arity decrease]
+Generally speaking the arity of a binding should not decrease. But it *can*
+legitimately happen because of RULES. Eg
+ f = g Int
+where g has arity 2, will have arity 2. But if there's a rewrite rule
+ g Int --> h
+where h has arity 1, then f's arity will decrease. Here's a real-life example,
+which is in the output of Specialise:
+ Rec {
+ $dm {Arity 2} = \d.\x. op d
+ {-# RULES forall d. $dm Int d = $s$dm #-}
+ dInt = MkD .... opInt ...
+ opInt {Arity 1} = $dm dInt
+ $s$dm {Arity 0} = \x. op dInt }
+Here opInt has arity 1; but when we apply the rule its arity drops to 0.
+That's why Specialise goes to a little trouble to pin the right arity
+on specialised functions too.
+Note [Bottoming bindings]
+Suppose we have
+ let x = error "urk"
+ in ...(case x of <alts>)...
+ let f = \x. error (x ++ "urk")
+ in ...(case f "foo" of <alts>)...
+Then we'd like to drop the dead <alts> immediately. So it's good to
+propagate the info that x's RHS is bottom to x's IdInfo as rapidly as
+We use tryEtaExpandRhs on every binding, and it turns ou that the
+arity computation it performs (via GHC.Core.Arity.findRhsArity) already
+does a simple bottoming-expression analysis. So all we need to do
+is propagate that info to the binder's IdInfo.
+This showed up in #12150; see comment:16.
+Note [Setting the demand info]
+If the unfolding is a value, the demand info may
+go pear-shaped, so we nuke it. Example:
+ let x = (a,b) in
+ case x of (p,q) -> h p q x
+Here x is certainly demanded. But after we've nuked
+the case, we'll get just
+ let x = (a,b) in h a b x
+and now x is not demanded (I'm assuming h is lazy)
+This really happens. Similarly
+ let f = \x -> e in ...f..f...
+After inlining f at some of its call sites the original binding may
+(for example) be no longer strictly demanded.
+The solution here is a bit ad hoc...
+* *
+\subsection[Simplify-simplExpr]{The main function: simplExpr}
+* *
+The reason for this OutExprStuff stuff is that we want to float *after*
+simplifying a RHS, not before. If we do so naively we get quadratic
+behaviour as things float out.
+To see why it's important to do it after, consider this (real) example:
+ let t = f x
+ in fst t
+ let t = let a = e1
+ b = e2
+ in (a,b)
+ in fst t
+ let a = e1
+ b = e2
+ t = (a,b)
+ in
+ a -- Can't inline a this round, cos it appears twice
+ e1
+Each of the ==> steps is a round of simplification. We'd save a
+whole round if we float first. This can cascade. Consider
+ let f = g d
+ in \x -> ...f...
+ let f = let d1 = ..d.. in \y -> e
+ in \x -> ...f...
+ let d1 = ..d..
+ in \x -> ...(\y ->e)...
+Only in this second round can the \y be applied, and it
+might do the same again.
+simplExpr :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> SimplM CoreExpr
+simplExpr env (Type ty)
+ = do { ty' <- simplType env ty -- See Note [Avoiding space leaks in OutType]
+ ; return (Type ty') }
+simplExpr env expr
+ = simplExprC env expr (mkBoringStop expr_out_ty)
+ where
+ expr_out_ty :: OutType
+ expr_out_ty = substTy env (exprType expr)
+ -- NB: Since 'expr' is term-valued, not (Type ty), this call
+ -- to exprType will succeed. exprType fails on (Type ty).
+simplExprC :: SimplEnv
+ -> InExpr -- A term-valued expression, never (Type ty)
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM OutExpr
+ -- Simplify an expression, given a continuation
+simplExprC env expr cont
+ = -- pprTrace "simplExprC" (ppr expr $$ ppr cont {- $$ ppr (seIdSubst env) -} $$ ppr (seLetFloats env) ) $
+ do { (floats, expr') <- simplExprF env expr cont
+ ; -- pprTrace "simplExprC ret" (ppr expr $$ ppr expr') $
+ -- pprTrace "simplExprC ret3" (ppr (seInScope env')) $
+ -- pprTrace "simplExprC ret4" (ppr (seLetFloats env')) $
+ return (wrapFloats floats expr') }
+simplExprF :: SimplEnv
+ -> InExpr -- A term-valued expression, never (Type ty)
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+simplExprF env e cont
+ = {- pprTrace "simplExprF" (vcat
+ [ ppr e
+ , text "cont =" <+> ppr cont
+ , text "inscope =" <+> ppr (seInScope env)
+ , text "tvsubst =" <+> ppr (seTvSubst env)
+ , text "idsubst =" <+> ppr (seIdSubst env)
+ , text "cvsubst =" <+> ppr (seCvSubst env)
+ ]) $ -}
+ simplExprF1 env e cont
+simplExprF1 :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+simplExprF1 _ (Type ty) _
+ = pprPanic "simplExprF: type" (ppr ty)
+ -- simplExprF does only with term-valued expressions
+ -- The (Type ty) case is handled separately by simplExpr
+ -- and by the other callers of simplExprF
+simplExprF1 env (Var v) cont = {-#SCC "simplIdF" #-} simplIdF env v cont
+simplExprF1 env (Lit lit) cont = {-#SCC "rebuild" #-} rebuild env (Lit lit) cont
+simplExprF1 env (Tick t expr) cont = {-#SCC "simplTick" #-} simplTick env t expr cont
+simplExprF1 env (Cast body co) cont = {-#SCC "simplCast" #-} simplCast env body co cont
+simplExprF1 env (Coercion co) cont = {-#SCC "simplCoercionF" #-} simplCoercionF env co cont
+simplExprF1 env (App fun arg) cont
+ = {-#SCC "simplExprF1-App" #-} case arg of
+ Type ty -> do { -- The argument type will (almost) certainly be used
+ -- in the output program, so just force it now.
+ -- See Note [Avoiding space leaks in OutType]
+ arg' <- simplType env ty
+ -- But use substTy, not simplType, to avoid forcing
+ -- the hole type; it will likely not be needed.
+ -- See Note [The hole type in ApplyToTy]
+ ; let hole' = substTy env (exprType fun)
+ ; simplExprF env fun $
+ ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = arg'
+ , sc_hole_ty = hole'
+ , sc_cont = cont } }
+ _ -> simplExprF env fun $
+ ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = env
+ , sc_dup = NoDup, sc_cont = cont }
+simplExprF1 env expr@(Lam {}) cont
+ = {-#SCC "simplExprF1-Lam" #-}
+ simplLam env zapped_bndrs body cont
+ -- The main issue here is under-saturated lambdas
+ -- (\x1. \x2. e) arg1
+ -- Here x1 might have "occurs-once" occ-info, because occ-info
+ -- is computed assuming that a group of lambdas is applied
+ -- all at once. If there are too few args, we must zap the
+ -- occ-info, UNLESS the remaining binders are one-shot
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) = collectBinders expr
+ zapped_bndrs | need_to_zap = map zap bndrs
+ | otherwise = bndrs
+ need_to_zap = any zappable_bndr (drop n_args bndrs)
+ n_args = countArgs cont
+ -- NB: countArgs counts all the args (incl type args)
+ -- and likewise drop counts all binders (incl type lambdas)
+ zappable_bndr b = isId b && not (isOneShotBndr b)
+ zap b | isTyVar b = b
+ | otherwise = zapLamIdInfo b
+simplExprF1 env (Case scrut bndr _ alts) cont
+ = {-#SCC "simplExprF1-Case" #-}
+ simplExprF env scrut (Select { sc_dup = NoDup, sc_bndr = bndr
+ , sc_alts = alts
+ , sc_env = env, sc_cont = cont })
+simplExprF1 env (Let (Rec pairs) body) cont
+ | Just pairs' <- joinPointBindings_maybe pairs
+ = {-#SCC "simplRecJoinPoin" #-} simplRecJoinPoint env pairs' body cont
+ | otherwise
+ = {-#SCC "simplRecE" #-} simplRecE env pairs body cont
+simplExprF1 env (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body) cont
+ | Type ty <- rhs -- First deal with type lets (let a = Type ty in e)
+ = {-#SCC "simplExprF1-NonRecLet-Type" #-}
+ ASSERT( isTyVar bndr )
+ do { ty' <- simplType env ty
+ ; simplExprF (extendTvSubst env bndr ty') body cont }
+ | Just (bndr', rhs') <- joinPointBinding_maybe bndr rhs
+ = {-#SCC "simplNonRecJoinPoint" #-} simplNonRecJoinPoint env bndr' rhs' body cont
+ | otherwise
+ = {-#SCC "simplNonRecE" #-} simplNonRecE env bndr (rhs, env) ([], body) cont
+{- Note [Avoiding space leaks in OutType]
+Since the simplifier is run for multiple iterations, we need to ensure
+that any thunks in the output of one simplifier iteration are forced
+by the evaluation of the next simplifier iteration. Otherwise we may
+retain multiple copies of the Core program and leak a terrible amount
+of memory (as in #13426).
+The simplifier is naturally strict in the entire "Expr part" of the
+input Core program, because any expression may contain binders, which
+we must find in order to extend the SimplEnv accordingly. But types
+do not contain binders and so it is tempting to write things like
+ simplExpr env (Type ty) = return (Type (substTy env ty)) -- Bad!
+This is Bad because the result includes a thunk (substTy env ty) which
+retains a reference to the whole simplifier environment; and the next
+simplifier iteration will not force this thunk either, because the
+line above is not strict in ty.
+So instead our strategy is for the simplifier to fully evaluate
+OutTypes when it emits them into the output Core program, for example
+ simplExpr env (Type ty) = do { ty' <- simplType env ty -- Good
+ ; return (Type ty') }
+where the only difference from above is that simplType calls seqType
+on the result of substTy.
+However, SimplCont can also contain OutTypes and it's not necessarily
+a good idea to force types on the way in to SimplCont, because they
+may end up not being used and forcing them could be a lot of wasted
+work. T5631 is a good example of this.
+- For ApplyToTy's sc_arg_ty, we force the type on the way in because
+ the type will almost certainly appear as a type argument in the
+ output program.
+- For the hole types in Stop and ApplyToTy, we force the type when we
+ emit it into the output program, after obtaining it from
+ contResultType. (The hole type in ApplyToTy is only directly used
+ to form the result type in a new Stop continuation.)
+-- Simplify a join point, adding the context.
+-- Context goes *inside* the lambdas. IOW, if the join point has arity n, we do:
+-- \x1 .. xn -> e => \x1 .. xn -> E[e]
+-- Note that we need the arity of the join point, since e may be a lambda
+-- (though this is unlikely). See Note [Join points and case-of-case].
+simplJoinRhs :: SimplEnv -> InId -> InExpr -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM OutExpr
+simplJoinRhs env bndr expr cont
+ | Just arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ = do { let (join_bndrs, join_body) = collectNBinders arity expr
+ ; (env', join_bndrs') <- simplLamBndrs env join_bndrs
+ ; join_body' <- simplExprC env' join_body cont
+ ; return $ mkLams join_bndrs' join_body' }
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "simplJoinRhs" (ppr bndr)
+simplType :: SimplEnv -> InType -> SimplM OutType
+ -- Kept monadic just so we can do the seqType
+ -- See Note [Avoiding space leaks in OutType]
+simplType env ty
+ = -- pprTrace "simplType" (ppr ty $$ ppr (seTvSubst env)) $
+ seqType new_ty `seq` return new_ty
+ where
+ new_ty = substTy env ty
+simplCoercionF :: SimplEnv -> InCoercion -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+simplCoercionF env co cont
+ = do { co' <- simplCoercion env co
+ ; rebuild env (Coercion co') cont }
+simplCoercion :: SimplEnv -> InCoercion -> SimplM OutCoercion
+simplCoercion env co
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let opt_co = optCoercion dflags (getTCvSubst env) co
+ ; seqCo opt_co `seq` return opt_co }
+-- | Push a TickIt context outwards past applications and cases, as
+-- long as this is a non-scoping tick, to let case and application
+-- optimisations apply.
+simplTick :: SimplEnv -> Tickish Id -> InExpr -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+simplTick env tickish expr cont
+ -- A scoped tick turns into a continuation, so that we can spot
+ -- (scc t (\x . e)) in simplLam and eliminate the scc. If we didn't do
+ -- it this way, then it would take two passes of the simplifier to
+ -- reduce ((scc t (\x . e)) e').
+ -- NB, don't do this with counting ticks, because if the expr is
+ -- bottom, then rebuildCall will discard the continuation.
+-- XXX: we cannot do this, because the simplifier assumes that
+-- the context can be pushed into a case with a single branch. e.g.
+-- scc<f> case expensive of p -> e
+-- becomes
+-- case expensive of p -> scc<f> e
+-- So I'm disabling this for now. It just means we will do more
+-- simplifier iterations that necessary in some cases.
+-- | tickishScoped tickish && not (tickishCounts tickish)
+-- = simplExprF env expr (TickIt tickish cont)
+ -- For unscoped or soft-scoped ticks, we are allowed to float in new
+ -- cost, so we simply push the continuation inside the tick. This
+ -- has the effect of moving the tick to the outside of a case or
+ -- application context, allowing the normal case and application
+ -- optimisations to fire.
+ | tickish `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope
+ = do { (floats, expr') <- simplExprF env expr cont
+ ; return (floats, mkTick tickish expr')
+ }
+ -- Push tick inside if the context looks like this will allow us to
+ -- do a case-of-case - see Note [case-of-scc-of-case]
+ | Select {} <- cont, Just expr' <- push_tick_inside
+ = simplExprF env expr' cont
+ -- We don't want to move the tick, but we might still want to allow
+ -- floats to pass through with appropriate wrapping (or not, see
+ -- wrap_floats below)
+ --- | not (tickishCounts tickish) || tickishCanSplit tickish
+ -- = wrap_floats
+ | otherwise
+ = no_floating_past_tick
+ where
+ -- Try to push tick inside a case, see Note [case-of-scc-of-case].
+ push_tick_inside =
+ case expr0 of
+ Case scrut bndr ty alts
+ -> Just $ Case (tickScrut scrut) bndr ty (map tickAlt alts)
+ _other -> Nothing
+ where (ticks, expr0) = stripTicksTop movable (Tick tickish expr)
+ movable t = not (tickishCounts t) ||
+ t `tickishScopesLike` NoScope ||
+ tickishCanSplit t
+ tickScrut e = foldr mkTick e ticks
+ -- Alternatives get annotated with all ticks that scope in some way,
+ -- but we don't want to count entries.
+ tickAlt (c,bs,e) = (c,bs, foldr mkTick e ts_scope)
+ ts_scope = map mkNoCount $
+ filter (not . (`tickishScopesLike` NoScope)) ticks
+ no_floating_past_tick =
+ do { let (inc,outc) = splitCont cont
+ ; (floats, expr1) <- simplExprF env expr inc
+ ; let expr2 = wrapFloats floats expr1
+ tickish' = simplTickish env tickish
+ ; rebuild env (mkTick tickish' expr2) outc
+ }
+-- Alternative version that wraps outgoing floats with the tick. This
+-- results in ticks being duplicated, as we don't make any attempt to
+-- eliminate the tick if we re-inline the binding (because the tick
+-- semantics allows unrestricted inlining of HNFs), so I'm not doing
+-- this any more. FloatOut will catch any real opportunities for
+-- floating.
+-- wrap_floats =
+-- do { let (inc,outc) = splitCont cont
+-- ; (env', expr') <- simplExprF (zapFloats env) expr inc
+-- ; let tickish' = simplTickish env tickish
+-- ; let wrap_float (b,rhs) = (zapIdStrictness (setIdArity b 0),
+-- mkTick (mkNoCount tickish') rhs)
+-- -- when wrapping a float with mkTick, we better zap the Id's
+-- -- strictness info and arity, because it might be wrong now.
+-- ; let env'' = addFloats env (mapFloats env' wrap_float)
+-- ; rebuild env'' expr' (TickIt tickish' outc)
+-- }
+ simplTickish env tickish
+ | Breakpoint n ids <- tickish
+ = Breakpoint n (map (getDoneId . substId env) ids)
+ | otherwise = tickish
+ -- Push type application and coercion inside a tick
+ splitCont :: SimplCont -> (SimplCont, SimplCont)
+ splitCont cont@(ApplyToTy { sc_cont = tail }) = (cont { sc_cont = inc }, outc)
+ where (inc,outc) = splitCont tail
+ splitCont (CastIt co c) = (CastIt co inc, outc)
+ where (inc,outc) = splitCont c
+ splitCont other = (mkBoringStop (contHoleType other), other)
+ getDoneId (DoneId id) = id
+ getDoneId (DoneEx e _) = getIdFromTrivialExpr e -- Note [substTickish] in GHC.Core.Subst
+ getDoneId other = pprPanic "getDoneId" (ppr other)
+-- Note [case-of-scc-of-case]
+-- It's pretty important to be able to transform case-of-case when
+-- there's an SCC in the way. For example, the following comes up
+-- in nofib/real/compress/Encode.hs:
+-- case scctick<code_string.r1>
+-- case $wcode_string_r13s wild_XC w1_s137 w2_s138 l_aje
+-- of _ { (# ww1_s13f, ww2_s13g, ww3_s13h #) ->
+-- (ww1_s13f, ww2_s13g, ww3_s13h)
+-- }
+-- of _ { (ww_s12Y, ww1_s12Z, ww2_s130) ->
+-- tick<code_string.f1>
+-- (ww_s12Y,
+-- ww1_s12Z,
+-- PTTrees.PT
+-- @ GHC.Types.Char @ GHC.Types.Int wild2_Xj ww2_s130 r_ajf)
+-- }
+-- We really want this case-of-case to fire, because then the 3-tuple
+-- will go away (indeed, the CPR optimisation is relying on this
+-- happening). But the scctick is in the way - we need to push it
+-- inside to expose the case-of-case. So we perform this
+-- transformation on the inner case:
+-- scctick c (case e of { p1 -> e1; ...; pn -> en })
+-- ==>
+-- case (scctick c e) of { p1 -> scc c e1; ...; pn -> scc c en }
+-- So we've moved a constant amount of work out of the scc to expose
+-- the case. We only do this when the continuation is interesting: in
+-- for now, it has to be another Case (maybe generalise this later).
+* *
+\subsection{The main rebuilder}
+* *
+rebuild :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+-- At this point the substitution in the SimplEnv should be irrelevant;
+-- only the in-scope set matters
+rebuild env expr cont
+ = case cont of
+ Stop {} -> return (emptyFloats env, expr)
+ TickIt t cont -> rebuild env (mkTick t expr) cont
+ CastIt co cont -> rebuild env (mkCast expr co) cont
+ -- NB: mkCast implements the (Coercion co |> g) optimisation
+ Select { sc_bndr = bndr, sc_alts = alts, sc_env = se, sc_cont = cont }
+ -> rebuildCase (se `setInScopeFromE` env) expr bndr alts cont
+ StrictArg { sc_fun = fun, sc_cont = cont }
+ -> rebuildCall env (fun `addValArgTo` expr) cont
+ StrictBind { sc_bndr = b, sc_bndrs = bs, sc_body = body
+ , sc_env = se, sc_cont = cont }
+ -> do { (floats1, env') <- simplNonRecX (se `setInScopeFromE` env) b expr
+ -- expr satisfies let/app since it started life
+ -- in a call to simplNonRecE
+ ; (floats2, expr') <- simplLam env' bs body cont
+ ; return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, expr') }
+ ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = ty, sc_cont = cont}
+ -> rebuild env (App expr (Type ty)) cont
+ ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = se, sc_dup = dup_flag, sc_cont = cont}
+ -- See Note [Avoid redundant simplification]
+ -> do { (_, _, arg') <- simplArg env dup_flag se arg
+ ; rebuild env (App expr arg') cont }
+* *
+* *
+{- Note [Optimising reflexivity]
+It's important (for compiler performance) to get rid of reflexivity as soon
+as it appears. See #11735, #14737, and #15019.
+In particular, we want to behave well on
+ * e |> co1 |> co2
+ where the two happen to cancel out entirely. That is quite common;
+ e.g. a newtype wrapping and unwrapping cancel.
+ * (f |> co) @t1 @t2 ... @tn x1 .. xm
+ Here we wil use pushCoTyArg and pushCoValArg successively, which
+ build up NthCo stacks. Silly to do that if co is reflexive.
+However, we don't want to call isReflexiveCo too much, because it uses
+type equality which is expensive on big types (#14737 comment:7).
+A good compromise (determined experimentally) seems to be to call
+ * when composing casts, and
+ * at the end
+In investigating this I saw missed opportunities for on-the-fly
+coercion shrinkage. See #15090.
+simplCast :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> Coercion -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+simplCast env body co0 cont0
+ = do { co1 <- {-#SCC "simplCast-simplCoercion" #-} simplCoercion env co0
+ ; cont1 <- {-#SCC "simplCast-addCoerce" #-}
+ if isReflCo co1
+ then return cont0 -- See Note [Optimising reflexivity]
+ else addCoerce co1 cont0
+ ; {-#SCC "simplCast-simplExprF" #-} simplExprF env body cont1 }
+ where
+ -- If the first parameter is MRefl, then simplifying revealed a
+ -- reflexive coercion. Omit.
+ addCoerceM :: MOutCoercion -> SimplCont -> SimplM SimplCont
+ addCoerceM MRefl cont = return cont
+ addCoerceM (MCo co) cont = addCoerce co cont
+ addCoerce :: OutCoercion -> SimplCont -> SimplM SimplCont
+ addCoerce co1 (CastIt co2 cont) -- See Note [Optimising reflexivity]
+ | isReflexiveCo co' = return cont
+ | otherwise = addCoerce co' cont
+ where
+ co' = mkTransCo co1 co2
+ addCoerce co cont@(ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_cont = tail })
+ | Just (arg_ty', m_co') <- pushCoTyArg co arg_ty
+ -- N.B. As mentioned in Note [The hole type in ApplyToTy] this is
+ -- only needed by `sc_hole_ty` which is often not forced.
+ -- Consequently it is worthwhile using a lazy pattern match here to
+ -- avoid unnecessary coercionKind evaluations.
+ , let hole_ty = coercionLKind co
+ = {-#SCC "addCoerce-pushCoTyArg" #-}
+ do { tail' <- addCoerceM m_co' tail
+ ; return (cont { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty'
+ , sc_hole_ty = hole_ty -- NB! As the cast goes past, the
+ -- type of the hole changes (#16312)
+ , sc_cont = tail' }) }
+ addCoerce co cont@(ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = arg_se
+ , sc_dup = dup, sc_cont = tail })
+ | Just (co1, m_co2) <- pushCoValArg co
+ , let new_ty = coercionRKind co1
+ , not (isTypeLevPoly new_ty) -- Without this check, we get a lev-poly arg
+ -- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core
+ -- test: typecheck/should_run/EtaExpandLevPoly
+ = {-#SCC "addCoerce-pushCoValArg" #-}
+ do { tail' <- addCoerceM m_co2 tail
+ ; if isReflCo co1
+ then return (cont { sc_cont = tail' })
+ -- Avoid simplifying if possible;
+ -- See Note [Avoiding exponential behaviour]
+ else do
+ { (dup', arg_se', arg') <- simplArg env dup arg_se arg
+ -- When we build the ApplyTo we can't mix the OutCoercion
+ -- 'co' with the InExpr 'arg', so we simplify
+ -- to make it all consistent. It's a bit messy.
+ -- But it isn't a common case.
+ -- Example of use: #995
+ ; return (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = mkCast arg' co1
+ , sc_env = arg_se'
+ , sc_dup = dup'
+ , sc_cont = tail' }) } }
+ addCoerce co cont
+ | isReflexiveCo co = return cont -- Having this at the end makes a huge
+ -- difference in T12227, for some reason
+ -- See Note [Optimising reflexivity]
+ | otherwise = return (CastIt co cont)
+simplArg :: SimplEnv -> DupFlag -> StaticEnv -> CoreExpr
+ -> SimplM (DupFlag, StaticEnv, OutExpr)
+simplArg env dup_flag arg_env arg
+ | isSimplified dup_flag
+ = return (dup_flag, arg_env, arg)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { arg' <- simplExpr (arg_env `setInScopeFromE` env) arg
+ ; return (Simplified, zapSubstEnv arg_env, arg') }
+* *
+* *
+simplLam :: SimplEnv -> [InId] -> InExpr -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+simplLam env [] body cont
+ = simplExprF env body cont
+simplLam env (bndr:bndrs) body (ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_cont = cont })
+ = do { tick (BetaReduction bndr)
+ ; simplLam (extendTvSubst env bndr arg_ty) bndrs body cont }
+simplLam env (bndr:bndrs) body (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = arg_se
+ , sc_cont = cont, sc_dup = dup })
+ | isSimplified dup -- Don't re-simplify if we've simplified it once
+ -- See Note [Avoiding exponential behaviour]
+ = do { tick (BetaReduction bndr)
+ ; (floats1, env') <- simplNonRecX env zapped_bndr arg
+ ; (floats2, expr') <- simplLam env' bndrs body cont
+ ; return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, expr') }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { tick (BetaReduction bndr)
+ ; simplNonRecE env zapped_bndr (arg, arg_se) (bndrs, body) cont }
+ where
+ zapped_bndr -- See Note [Zap unfolding when beta-reducing]
+ | isId bndr = zapStableUnfolding bndr
+ | otherwise = bndr
+ -- Discard a non-counting tick on a lambda. This may change the
+ -- cost attribution slightly (moving the allocation of the
+ -- lambda elsewhere), but we don't care: optimisation changes
+ -- cost attribution all the time.
+simplLam env bndrs body (TickIt tickish cont)
+ | not (tickishCounts tickish)
+ = simplLam env bndrs body cont
+ -- Not enough args, so there are real lambdas left to put in the result
+simplLam env bndrs body cont
+ = do { (env', bndrs') <- simplLamBndrs env bndrs
+ ; body' <- simplExpr env' body
+ ; new_lam <- mkLam env bndrs' body' cont
+ ; rebuild env' new_lam cont }
+simplLamBndr :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
+-- Used for lambda binders. These sometimes have unfoldings added by
+-- the worker/wrapper pass that must be preserved, because they can't
+-- be reconstructed from context. For example:
+-- f x = case x of (a,b) -> fw a b x
+-- fw a b x{=(a,b)} = ...
+-- The "{=(a,b)}" is an unfolding we can't reconstruct otherwise.
+simplLamBndr env bndr
+ | isId bndr && isFragileUnfolding old_unf -- Special case
+ = do { (env1, bndr1) <- simplBinder env bndr
+ ; unf' <- simplStableUnfolding env1 NotTopLevel Nothing bndr
+ old_unf (idType bndr1)
+ ; let bndr2 = bndr1 `setIdUnfolding` unf'
+ ; return (modifyInScope env1 bndr2, bndr2) }
+ | otherwise
+ = simplBinder env bndr -- Normal case
+ where
+ old_unf = idUnfolding bndr
+simplLamBndrs :: SimplEnv -> [InBndr] -> SimplM (SimplEnv, [OutBndr])
+simplLamBndrs env bndrs = mapAccumLM simplLamBndr env bndrs
+simplNonRecE :: SimplEnv
+ -> InId -- The binder, always an Id
+ -- Never a join point
+ -> (InExpr, SimplEnv) -- Rhs of binding (or arg of lambda)
+ -> ([InBndr], InExpr) -- Body of the let/lambda
+ -- \xs.e
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+-- simplNonRecE is used for
+-- * non-top-level non-recursive non-join-point lets in expressions
+-- * beta reduction
+-- simplNonRec env b (rhs, rhs_se) (bs, body) k
+-- = let env in
+-- cont< let b = rhs_se(rhs) in \bs.body >
+-- It deals with strict bindings, via the StrictBind continuation,
+-- which may abort the whole process
+-- Precondition: rhs satisfies the let/app invariant
+-- Note [Core let/app invariant] in GHC.Core
+-- The "body" of the binding comes as a pair of ([InId],InExpr)
+-- representing a lambda; so we recurse back to simplLam
+-- Why? Because of the binder-occ-info-zapping done before
+-- the call to simplLam in simplExprF (Lam ...)
+simplNonRecE env bndr (rhs, rhs_se) (bndrs, body) cont
+ | ASSERT( isId bndr && not (isJoinId bndr) ) True
+ , Just env' <- preInlineUnconditionally env NotTopLevel bndr rhs rhs_se
+ = do { tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr)
+ ; -- pprTrace "preInlineUncond" (ppr bndr <+> ppr rhs) $
+ simplLam env' bndrs body cont }
+ -- Deal with strict bindings
+ | isStrictId bndr -- Includes coercions
+ , sm_case_case (getMode env)
+ = simplExprF (rhs_se `setInScopeFromE` env) rhs
+ (StrictBind { sc_bndr = bndr, sc_bndrs = bndrs, sc_body = body
+ , sc_env = env, sc_cont = cont, sc_dup = NoDup })
+ -- Deal with lazy bindings
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT( not (isTyVar bndr) )
+ do { (env1, bndr1) <- simplNonRecBndr env bndr
+ ; (env2, bndr2) <- addBndrRules env1 bndr bndr1 Nothing
+ ; (floats1, env3) <- simplLazyBind env2 NotTopLevel NonRecursive bndr bndr2 rhs rhs_se
+ ; (floats2, expr') <- simplLam env3 bndrs body cont
+ ; return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, expr') }
+simplRecE :: SimplEnv
+ -> [(InId, InExpr)]
+ -> InExpr
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+-- simplRecE is used for
+-- * non-top-level recursive lets in expressions
+simplRecE env pairs body cont
+ = do { let bndrs = map fst pairs
+ ; MASSERT(all (not . isJoinId) bndrs)
+ ; env1 <- simplRecBndrs env bndrs
+ -- NB: bndrs' don't have unfoldings or rules
+ -- We add them as we go down
+ ; (floats1, env2) <- simplRecBind env1 NotTopLevel Nothing pairs
+ ; (floats2, expr') <- simplExprF env2 body cont
+ ; return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, expr') }
+{- Note [Avoiding exponential behaviour]
+One way in which we can get exponential behaviour is if we simplify a
+big expression, and the re-simplify it -- and then this happens in a
+deeply-nested way. So we must be jolly careful about re-simplifying
+an expression. That is why completeNonRecX does not try
+ f BIG, where f has a RULE
+ * We simplify BIG before trying the rule; but the rule does not fire
+ * We inline f = \x. x True
+ * So if we did preInlineUnconditionally we'd re-simplify (BIG True)
+However, if BIG has /not/ already been simplified, we'd /like/ to
+simplify BIG True; maybe good things happen. That is why
+* simplLam has
+ - a case for (isSimplified dup), which goes via simplNonRecX, and
+ - a case for the un-simplified case, which goes via simplNonRecE
+* We go to some efforts to avoid unnecessarily simplifying ApplyToVal,
+ in at least two places
+ - In simplCast/addCoerce, where we check for isReflCo
+ - In rebuildCall we avoid simplifying arguments before we have to
+ (see Note [Trying rewrite rules])
+Note [Zap unfolding when beta-reducing]
+Lambda-bound variables can have stable unfoldings, such as
+ $j = \x. \b{Unf=Just x}. e
+See Note [Case binders and join points] below; the unfolding for lets
+us optimise e better. However when we beta-reduce it we want to
+revert to using the actual value, otherwise we can end up in the
+stupid situation of
+ let x = blah in
+ let b{Unf=Just x} = y
+ in ...b...
+Here it'd be far better to drop the unfolding and use the actual RHS.
+* *
+ Join points
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [Rules and unfolding for join points]
+Suppose we have
+ simplExpr (join j x = rhs ) cont
+ ( {- RULE j (p:ps) = blah -} )
+ ( {- StableUnfolding j = blah -} )
+ (in blah )
+Then we will push 'cont' into the rhs of 'j'. But we should *also* push
+'cont' into the RHS of
+ * Any RULEs for j, e.g. generated by SpecConstr
+ * Any stable unfolding for j, e.g. the result of an INLINE pragma
+Simplifying rules and stable-unfoldings happens a bit after
+simplifying the right-hand side, so we remember whether or not it
+is a join point, and what 'cont' is, in a value of type MaybeJoinCont
+#13900 was caused by forgetting to push 'cont' into the RHS
+of a SpecConstr-generated RULE for a join point.
+type MaybeJoinCont = Maybe SimplCont
+ -- Nothing => Not a join point
+ -- Just k => This is a join binding with continuation k
+ -- See Note [Rules and unfolding for join points]
+simplNonRecJoinPoint :: SimplEnv -> InId -> InExpr
+ -> InExpr -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+simplNonRecJoinPoint env bndr rhs body cont
+ | ASSERT( isJoinId bndr ) True
+ , Just env' <- preInlineUnconditionally env NotTopLevel bndr rhs env
+ = do { tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr)
+ ; simplExprF env' body cont }
+ | otherwise
+ = wrapJoinCont env cont $ \ env cont ->
+ do { -- We push join_cont into the join RHS and the body;
+ -- and wrap wrap_cont around the whole thing
+ ; let res_ty = contResultType cont
+ ; (env1, bndr1) <- simplNonRecJoinBndr env res_ty bndr
+ ; (env2, bndr2) <- addBndrRules env1 bndr bndr1 (Just cont)
+ ; (floats1, env3) <- simplJoinBind env2 cont bndr bndr2 rhs env
+ ; (floats2, body') <- simplExprF env3 body cont
+ ; return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, body') }
+simplRecJoinPoint :: SimplEnv -> [(InId, InExpr)]
+ -> InExpr -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+simplRecJoinPoint env pairs body cont
+ = wrapJoinCont env cont $ \ env cont ->
+ do { let bndrs = map fst pairs
+ res_ty = contResultType cont
+ ; env1 <- simplRecJoinBndrs env res_ty bndrs
+ -- NB: bndrs' don't have unfoldings or rules
+ -- We add them as we go down
+ ; (floats1, env2) <- simplRecBind env1 NotTopLevel (Just cont) pairs
+ ; (floats2, body') <- simplExprF env2 body cont
+ ; return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, body') }
+wrapJoinCont :: SimplEnv -> SimplCont
+ -> (SimplEnv -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr))
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+-- Deal with making the continuation duplicable if necessary,
+-- and with the no-case-of-case situation.
+wrapJoinCont env cont thing_inside
+ | contIsStop cont -- Common case; no need for fancy footwork
+ = thing_inside env cont
+ | not (sm_case_case (getMode env))
+ -- See Note [Join points with -fno-case-of-case]
+ = do { (floats1, expr1) <- thing_inside env (mkBoringStop (contHoleType cont))
+ ; let (floats2, expr2) = wrapJoinFloatsX floats1 expr1
+ ; (floats3, expr3) <- rebuild (env `setInScopeFromF` floats2) expr2 cont
+ ; return (floats2 `addFloats` floats3, expr3) }
+ | otherwise
+ -- Normal case; see Note [Join points and case-of-case]
+ = do { (floats1, cont') <- mkDupableCont env cont
+ ; (floats2, result) <- thing_inside (env `setInScopeFromF` floats1) cont'
+ ; return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, result) }
+trimJoinCont :: Id -> Maybe JoinArity -> SimplCont -> SimplCont
+-- Drop outer context from join point invocation (jump)
+-- See Note [Join points and case-of-case]
+trimJoinCont _ Nothing cont
+ = cont -- Not a jump
+trimJoinCont var (Just arity) cont
+ = trim arity cont
+ where
+ trim 0 cont@(Stop {})
+ = cont
+ trim 0 cont
+ = mkBoringStop (contResultType cont)
+ trim n cont@(ApplyToVal { sc_cont = k })
+ = cont { sc_cont = trim (n-1) k }
+ trim n cont@(ApplyToTy { sc_cont = k })
+ = cont { sc_cont = trim (n-1) k } -- join arity counts types!
+ trim _ cont
+ = pprPanic "completeCall" $ ppr var $$ ppr cont
+{- Note [Join points and case-of-case]
+When we perform the case-of-case transform (or otherwise push continuations
+inward), we want to treat join points specially. Since they're always
+tail-called and we want to maintain this invariant, we can do this (for any
+evaluation context E):
+ E[join j = e
+ in case ... of
+ A -> jump j 1
+ B -> jump j 2
+ C -> f 3]
+ -->
+ join j = E[e]
+ in case ... of
+ A -> jump j 1
+ B -> jump j 2
+ C -> E[f 3]
+As is evident from the example, there are two components to this behavior:
+ 1. When entering the RHS of a join point, copy the context inside.
+ 2. When a join point is invoked, discard the outer context.
+We need to be very careful here to remain consistent---neither part is
+We need do make the continuation E duplicable (since we are duplicating it)
+with mkDupableCont.
+Note [Join points with -fno-case-of-case]
+Supose case-of-case is switched off, and we are simplifying
+ case (join j x = <j-rhs> in
+ case y of
+ A -> j 1
+ B -> j 2
+ C -> e) of <outer-alts>
+Usually, we'd push the outer continuation (case . of <outer-alts>) into
+both the RHS and the body of the join point j. But since we aren't doing
+case-of-case we may then end up with this totally bogus result
+ join x = case <j-rhs> of <outer-alts> in
+ case (case y of
+ A -> j 1
+ B -> j 2
+ C -> e) of <outer-alts>
+This would be OK in the language of the paper, but not in GHC: j is no longer
+a join point. We can only do the "push continuation into the RHS of the
+join point j" if we also push the continuation right down to the /jumps/ to
+j, so that it can evaporate there. If we are doing case-of-case, we'll get to
+ join x = case <j-rhs> of <outer-alts> in
+ case y of
+ A -> j 1
+ B -> j 2
+ C -> case e of <outer-alts>
+which is great.
+Bottom line: if case-of-case is off, we must stop pushing the continuation
+inwards altogether at any join point. Instead simplify the (join ... in ...)
+with a Stop continuation, and wrap the original continuation around the
+outside. Surprisingly tricky!
+* *
+ Variables
+* *
+simplVar :: SimplEnv -> InVar -> SimplM OutExpr
+-- Look up an InVar in the environment
+simplVar env var
+ | isTyVar var = return (Type (substTyVar env var))
+ | isCoVar var = return (Coercion (substCoVar env var))
+ | otherwise
+ = case substId env var of
+ ContEx tvs cvs ids e -> simplExpr (setSubstEnv env tvs cvs ids) e
+ DoneId var1 -> return (Var var1)
+ DoneEx e _ -> return e
+simplIdF :: SimplEnv -> InId -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+simplIdF env var cont
+ = case substId env var of
+ ContEx tvs cvs ids e -> simplExprF (setSubstEnv env tvs cvs ids) e cont
+ -- Don't trim; haven't already simplified e,
+ -- so the cont is not embodied in e
+ DoneId var1 -> completeCall env var1 (trimJoinCont var (isJoinId_maybe var1) cont)
+ DoneEx e mb_join -> simplExprF (zapSubstEnv env) e (trimJoinCont var mb_join cont)
+ -- Note [zapSubstEnv]
+ -- The template is already simplified, so don't re-substitute.
+ -- This is VITAL. Consider
+ -- let x = e in
+ -- let y = \z -> ...x... in
+ -- \ x -> ...y...
+ -- We'll clone the inner \x, adding x->x' in the id_subst
+ -- Then when we inline y, we must *not* replace x by x' in
+ -- the inlined copy!!
+-- Dealing with a call site
+completeCall :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+completeCall env var cont
+ | Just expr <- callSiteInline dflags var active_unf
+ lone_variable arg_infos interesting_cont
+ -- Inline the variable's RHS
+ = do { checkedTick (UnfoldingDone var)
+ ; dump_inline expr cont
+ ; simplExprF (zapSubstEnv env) expr cont }
+ | otherwise
+ -- Don't inline; instead rebuild the call
+ = do { rule_base <- getSimplRules
+ ; let info = mkArgInfo env var (getRules rule_base var)
+ n_val_args call_cont
+ ; rebuildCall env info cont }
+ where
+ dflags = seDynFlags env
+ (lone_variable, arg_infos, call_cont) = contArgs cont
+ n_val_args = length arg_infos
+ interesting_cont = interestingCallContext env call_cont
+ active_unf = activeUnfolding (getMode env) var
+ log_inlining doc
+ = liftIO $ dumpAction dflags
+ (mkUserStyle dflags alwaysQualify AllTheWay)
+ (dumpOptionsFromFlag Opt_D_dump_inlinings)
+ "" FormatText doc
+ dump_inline unfolding cont
+ | not (dopt Opt_D_dump_inlinings dflags) = return ()
+ | not (dopt Opt_D_verbose_core2core dflags)
+ = when (isExternalName (idName var)) $
+ log_inlining $
+ sep [text "Inlining done:", nest 4 (ppr var)]
+ | otherwise
+ = liftIO $ log_inlining $
+ sep [text "Inlining done: " <> ppr var,
+ nest 4 (vcat [text "Inlined fn: " <+> nest 2 (ppr unfolding),
+ text "Cont: " <+> ppr cont])]
+rebuildCall :: SimplEnv
+ -> ArgInfo
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+-- We decided not to inline, so
+-- - simplify the arguments
+-- - try rewrite rules
+-- - and rebuild
+---------- Bottoming applications --------------
+rebuildCall env (ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args, ai_strs = [] }) cont
+ -- When we run out of strictness args, it means
+ -- that the call is definitely bottom; see GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils.mkArgInfo
+ -- Then we want to discard the entire strict continuation. E.g.
+ -- * case (error "hello") of { ... }
+ -- * (error "Hello") arg
+ -- * f (error "Hello") where f is strict
+ -- etc
+ -- Then, especially in the first of these cases, we'd like to discard
+ -- the continuation, leaving just the bottoming expression. But the
+ -- type might not be right, so we may have to add a coerce.
+ | not (contIsTrivial cont) -- Only do this if there is a non-trivial
+ -- continuation to discard, else we do it
+ -- again and again!
+ = seqType cont_ty `seq` -- See Note [Avoiding space leaks in OutType]
+ return (emptyFloats env, castBottomExpr res cont_ty)
+ where
+ res = argInfoExpr fun rev_args
+ cont_ty = contResultType cont
+---------- Try rewrite RULES --------------
+-- See Note [Trying rewrite rules]
+rebuildCall env info@(ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args
+ , ai_rules = Just (nr_wanted, rules) }) cont
+ | nr_wanted == 0 || no_more_args
+ , let info' = info { ai_rules = Nothing }
+ = -- We've accumulated a simplified call in <fun,rev_args>
+ -- so try rewrite rules; see Note [RULEs apply to simplified arguments]
+ -- See also Note [Rules for recursive functions]
+ do { mb_match <- tryRules env rules fun (reverse rev_args) cont
+ ; case mb_match of
+ Just (env', rhs, cont') -> simplExprF env' rhs cont'
+ Nothing -> rebuildCall env info' cont }
+ where
+ no_more_args = case cont of
+ ApplyToTy {} -> False
+ ApplyToVal {} -> False
+ _ -> True
+---------- Simplify applications and casts --------------
+rebuildCall env info (CastIt co cont)
+ = rebuildCall env (addCastTo info co) cont
+rebuildCall env info (ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_cont = cont })
+ = rebuildCall env (addTyArgTo info arg_ty) cont
+rebuildCall env info@(ArgInfo { ai_encl = encl_rules, ai_type = fun_ty
+ , ai_strs = str:strs, ai_discs = disc:discs })
+ (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = arg_se
+ , sc_dup = dup_flag, sc_cont = cont })
+ | isSimplified dup_flag -- See Note [Avoid redundant simplification]
+ = rebuildCall env (addValArgTo info' arg) cont
+ | str -- Strict argument
+ , sm_case_case (getMode env)
+ = -- pprTrace "Strict Arg" (ppr arg $$ ppr (seIdSubst env) $$ ppr (seInScope env)) $
+ simplExprF (arg_se `setInScopeFromE` env) arg
+ (StrictArg { sc_fun = info', sc_cci = cci_strict
+ , sc_dup = Simplified, sc_cont = cont })
+ -- Note [Shadowing]
+ | otherwise -- Lazy argument
+ -- DO NOT float anything outside, hence simplExprC
+ -- There is no benefit (unlike in a let-binding), and we'd
+ -- have to be very careful about bogus strictness through
+ -- floating a demanded let.
+ = do { arg' <- simplExprC (arg_se `setInScopeFromE` env) arg
+ (mkLazyArgStop arg_ty cci_lazy)
+ ; rebuildCall env (addValArgTo info' arg') cont }
+ where
+ info' = info { ai_strs = strs, ai_discs = discs }
+ arg_ty = funArgTy fun_ty
+ -- Use this for lazy arguments
+ cci_lazy | encl_rules = RuleArgCtxt
+ | disc > 0 = DiscArgCtxt -- Be keener here
+ | otherwise = BoringCtxt -- Nothing interesting
+ -- ..and this for strict arguments
+ cci_strict | encl_rules = RuleArgCtxt
+ | disc > 0 = DiscArgCtxt
+ | otherwise = RhsCtxt
+ -- Why RhsCtxt? if we see f (g x) (h x), and f is strict, we
+ -- want to be a bit more eager to inline g, because it may
+ -- expose an eval (on x perhaps) that can be eliminated or
+ -- shared. I saw this in nofib 'boyer2', RewriteFuns.onewayunify1
+ -- It's worth an 18% improvement in allocation for this
+ -- particular benchmark; 5% on 'mate' and 1.3% on 'multiplier'
+---------- No further useful info, revert to generic rebuild ------------
+rebuildCall env (ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args }) cont
+ = rebuild env (argInfoExpr fun rev_args) cont
+{- Note [Trying rewrite rules]
+Consider an application (f e1 e2 e3) where the e1,e2,e3 are not yet
+simplified. We want to simplify enough arguments to allow the rules
+to apply, but it's more efficient to avoid simplifying e2,e3 if e1 alone
+is sufficient. Example: class ops
+ (+) dNumInt e2 e3
+If we rewrite ((+) dNumInt) to plusInt, we can take advantage of the
+latter's strictness when simplifying e2, e3. Moreover, suppose we have
+ RULE f Int = \x. x True
+Then given (f Int e1) we rewrite to
+ (\x. x True) e1
+without simplifying e1. Now we can inline x into its unique call site,
+and absorb the True into it all in the same pass. If we simplified
+e1 first, we couldn't do that; see Note [Avoiding exponential behaviour].
+So we try to apply rules if either
+ (a) no_more_args: we've run out of argument that the rules can "see"
+ (b) nr_wanted: none of the rules wants any more arguments
+Note [RULES apply to simplified arguments]
+It's very desirable to try RULES once the arguments have been simplified, because
+doing so ensures that rule cascades work in one pass. Consider
+ {-# RULES g (h x) = k x
+ f (k x) = x #-}
+ ...f (g (h x))...
+Then we want to rewrite (g (h x)) to (k x) and only then try f's rules. If
+we match f's rules against the un-simplified RHS, it won't match. This
+makes a particularly big difference when superclass selectors are involved:
+ op ($p1 ($p2 (df d)))
+We want all this to unravel in one sweep.
+Note [Avoid redundant simplification]
+Because RULES apply to simplified arguments, there's a danger of repeatedly
+simplifying already-simplified arguments. An important example is that of
+ (>>=) d e1 e2
+Here e1, e2 are simplified before the rule is applied, but don't really
+participate in the rule firing. So we mark them as Simplified to avoid
+re-simplifying them.
+Note [Shadowing]
+This part of the simplifier may break the no-shadowing invariant
+ f (...(\a -> e)...) (case y of (a,b) -> e')
+where f is strict in its second arg
+If we simplify the innermost one first we get (...(\a -> e)...)
+Simplifying the second arg makes us float the case out, so we end up with
+ case y of (a,b) -> f (...(\a -> e)...) e'
+So the output does not have the no-shadowing invariant. However, there is
+no danger of getting name-capture, because when the first arg was simplified
+we used an in-scope set that at least mentioned all the variables free in its
+static environment, and that is enough.
+We can't just do innermost first, or we'd end up with a dual problem:
+ case x of (a,b) -> f e (...(\a -> e')...)
+I spent hours trying to recover the no-shadowing invariant, but I just could
+not think of an elegant way to do it. The simplifier is already knee-deep in
+continuations. We have to keep the right in-scope set around; AND we have
+to get the effect that finding (error "foo") in a strict arg position will
+discard the entire application and replace it with (error "foo"). Getting
+all this at once is TOO HARD!
+* *
+ Rewrite rules
+* *
+tryRules :: SimplEnv -> [CoreRule]
+ -> Id -> [ArgSpec]
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (Maybe (SimplEnv, CoreExpr, SimplCont))
+tryRules env rules fn args call_cont
+ | null rules
+ = return Nothing
+{- Disabled until we fix #8326
+ | fn `hasKey` tagToEnumKey -- See Note [Optimising tagToEnum#]
+ , [_type_arg, val_arg] <- args
+ , Select dup bndr ((_,[],rhs1) : rest_alts) se cont <- call_cont
+ , isDeadBinder bndr
+ = do { let enum_to_tag :: CoreAlt -> CoreAlt
+ -- Takes K -> e into tagK# -> e
+ -- where tagK# is the tag of constructor K
+ enum_to_tag (DataAlt con, [], rhs)
+ = ASSERT( isEnumerationTyCon (dataConTyCon con) )
+ (LitAlt tag, [], rhs)
+ where
+ tag = mkLitInt dflags (toInteger (dataConTag con - fIRST_TAG))
+ enum_to_tag alt = pprPanic "tryRules: tagToEnum" (ppr alt)
+ new_alts = (DEFAULT, [], rhs1) : map enum_to_tag rest_alts
+ new_bndr = setIdType bndr intPrimTy
+ -- The binder is dead, but should have the right type
+ ; return (Just (val_arg, Select dup new_bndr new_alts se cont)) }
+ | Just (rule, rule_rhs) <- lookupRule dflags (getUnfoldingInRuleMatch env)
+ (activeRule (getMode env)) fn
+ (argInfoAppArgs args) rules
+ -- Fire a rule for the function
+ = do { checkedTick (RuleFired (ruleName rule))
+ ; let cont' = pushSimplifiedArgs zapped_env
+ (drop (ruleArity rule) args)
+ call_cont
+ -- (ruleArity rule) says how
+ -- many args the rule consumed
+ occ_anald_rhs = occurAnalyseExpr rule_rhs
+ -- See Note [Occurrence-analyse after rule firing]
+ ; dump rule rule_rhs
+ ; return (Just (zapped_env, occ_anald_rhs, cont')) }
+ -- The occ_anald_rhs and cont' are all Out things
+ -- hence zapping the environment
+ | otherwise -- No rule fires
+ = do { nodump -- This ensures that an empty file is written
+ ; return Nothing }
+ where
+ dflags = seDynFlags env
+ zapped_env = zapSubstEnv env -- See Note [zapSubstEnv]
+ printRuleModule rule
+ = parens (maybe (text "BUILTIN")
+ (pprModuleName . moduleName)
+ (ruleModule rule))
+ dump rule rule_rhs
+ | dopt Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites dflags
+ = log_rule dflags Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites "Rule fired" $ vcat
+ [ text "Rule:" <+> ftext (ruleName rule)
+ , text "Module:" <+> printRuleModule rule
+ , text "Before:" <+> hang (ppr fn) 2 (sep (map ppr args))
+ , text "After: " <+> pprCoreExpr rule_rhs
+ , text "Cont: " <+> ppr call_cont ]
+ | dopt Opt_D_dump_rule_firings dflags
+ = log_rule dflags Opt_D_dump_rule_firings "Rule fired:" $
+ ftext (ruleName rule)
+ <+> printRuleModule rule
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+ nodump
+ | dopt Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites dflags
+ = liftIO $ do
+ touchDumpFile dflags (dumpOptionsFromFlag Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites)
+ | dopt Opt_D_dump_rule_firings dflags
+ = liftIO $ do
+ touchDumpFile dflags (dumpOptionsFromFlag Opt_D_dump_rule_firings)
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+ log_rule dflags flag hdr details
+ = liftIO $ do
+ let sty = mkDumpStyle dflags alwaysQualify
+ dumpAction dflags sty (dumpOptionsFromFlag flag) "" FormatText $
+ sep [text hdr, nest 4 details]
+trySeqRules :: SimplEnv
+ -> OutExpr -> InExpr -- Scrutinee and RHS
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (Maybe (SimplEnv, CoreExpr, SimplCont))
+-- See Note [User-defined RULES for seq]
+trySeqRules in_env scrut rhs cont
+ = do { rule_base <- getSimplRules
+ ; tryRules in_env (getRules rule_base seqId) seqId out_args rule_cont }
+ where
+ no_cast_scrut = drop_casts scrut
+ scrut_ty = exprType no_cast_scrut
+ seq_id_ty = idType seqId
+ res1_ty = piResultTy seq_id_ty rhs_rep
+ res2_ty = piResultTy res1_ty scrut_ty
+ rhs_ty = substTy in_env (exprType rhs)
+ rhs_rep = getRuntimeRep rhs_ty
+ out_args = [ TyArg { as_arg_ty = rhs_rep
+ , as_hole_ty = seq_id_ty }
+ , TyArg { as_arg_ty = scrut_ty
+ , as_hole_ty = res1_ty }
+ , TyArg { as_arg_ty = rhs_ty
+ , as_hole_ty = res2_ty }
+ , ValArg no_cast_scrut]
+ rule_cont = ApplyToVal { sc_dup = NoDup, sc_arg = rhs
+ , sc_env = in_env, sc_cont = cont }
+ -- Lazily evaluated, so we don't do most of this
+ drop_casts (Cast e _) = drop_casts e
+ drop_casts e = e
+{- Note [User-defined RULES for seq]
+ case (scrut |> co) of _ -> rhs
+look for rules that match the expression
+ seq @t1 @t2 scrut
+where scrut :: t1
+ rhs :: t2
+If you find a match, rewrite it, and apply to 'rhs'.
+Notice that we can simply drop casts on the fly here, which
+makes it more likely that a rule will match.
+See Note [User-defined RULES for seq] in MkId.
+Note [Occurrence-analyse after rule firing]
+After firing a rule, we occurrence-analyse the instantiated RHS before
+simplifying it. Usually this doesn't make much difference, but it can
+be huge. Here's an example (simplCore/should_compile/T7785)
+ map f (map f (map f xs)
+= -- Use build/fold form of map, twice
+ map f (build (\cn. foldr (mapFB c f) n
+ (build (\cn. foldr (mapFB c f) n xs))))
+= -- Apply fold/build rule
+ map f (build (\cn. (\cn. foldr (mapFB c f) n xs) (mapFB c f) n))
+= -- Beta-reduce
+ -- Alas we have no occurrence-analysed, so we don't know
+ -- that c is used exactly once
+ map f (build (\cn. let c1 = mapFB c f in
+ foldr (mapFB c1 f) n xs))
+= -- Use mapFB rule: mapFB (mapFB c f) g = mapFB c (f.g)
+ -- We can do this because (mapFB c n) is a PAP and hence expandable
+ map f (build (\cn. let c1 = mapFB c n in
+ foldr (mapFB c (f.f)) n x))
+This is not too bad. But now do the same with the outer map, and
+we get another use of mapFB, and t can interact with /both/ remaining
+mapFB calls in the above expression. This is stupid because actually
+that 'c1' binding is dead. The outer map introduces another c2. If
+there is a deep stack of maps we get lots of dead bindings, and lots
+of redundant work as we repeatedly simplify the result of firing rules.
+The easy thing to do is simply to occurrence analyse the result of
+the rule firing. Note that this occ-anals not only the RHS of the
+rule, but also the function arguments, which by now are OutExprs.
+ RULE f (g x) = x+1
+Call f (g BIG) --> (\x. x+1) BIG
+The rule binders are lambda-bound and applied to the OutExpr arguments
+(here BIG) which lack all internal occurrence info.
+Is this inefficient? Not really: we are about to walk over the result
+of the rule firing to simplify it, so occurrence analysis is at most
+a constant factor.
+Possible improvement: occ-anal the rules when putting them in the
+database; and in the simplifier just occ-anal the OutExpr arguments.
+But that's more complicated and the rule RHS is usually tiny; so I'm
+just doing the simple thing.
+Historical note: previously we did occ-anal the rules in Rule.hs,
+but failed to occ-anal the OutExpr arguments, which led to the
+nasty performance problem described above.
+Note [Optimising tagToEnum#]
+If we have an enumeration data type:
+ data Foo = A | B | C
+Then we want to transform
+ case tagToEnum# x of ==> case x of
+ A -> e1 DEFAULT -> e1
+ B -> e2 1# -> e2
+ C -> e3 2# -> e3
+thereby getting rid of the tagToEnum# altogether. If there was a DEFAULT
+alternative we retain it (remember it comes first). If not the case must
+be exhaustive, and we reflect that in the transformed version by adding
+a DEFAULT. Otherwise Lint complains that the new case is not exhaustive.
+See #8317.
+Note [Rules for recursive functions]
+You might think that we shouldn't apply rules for a loop breaker:
+doing so might give rise to an infinite loop, because a RULE is
+rather like an extra equation for the function:
+ RULE: f (g x) y = x+y
+ Eqn: f a y = a-y
+But it's too drastic to disable rules for loop breakers.
+Even the foldr/build rule would be disabled, because foldr
+is recursive, and hence a loop breaker:
+ foldr k z (build g) = g k z
+So it's up to the programmer: rules can cause divergence
+* *
+ Rebuilding a case expression
+* *
+Note [Case elimination]
+The case-elimination transformation discards redundant case expressions.
+Start with a simple situation:
+ case x# of ===> let y# = x# in e
+ y# -> e
+(when x#, y# are of primitive type, of course). We can't (in general)
+do this for algebraic cases, because we might turn bottom into
+The code in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils.prepareAlts has the effect of generalise
+this idea to look for a case where we're scrutinising a variable, and we know
+that only the default case can match. For example:
+ case x of
+ 0# -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> ...(case x of
+ 0# -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> ...) ...
+Here the inner case is first trimmed to have only one alternative, the
+DEFAULT, after which it's an instance of the previous case. This
+really only shows up in eliminating error-checking code.
+Note that GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils.mkCase combines identical RHSs. So
+ case e of ===> case e of DEFAULT -> r
+ True -> r
+ False -> r
+Now again the case may be eliminated by the CaseElim transformation.
+This includes things like (==# a# b#)::Bool so that we simplify
+ case ==# a# b# of { True -> x; False -> x }
+to just
+ x
+This particular example shows up in default methods for
+comparison operations (e.g. in (>=) for Int.Int32)
+Note [Case to let transformation]
+If a case over a lifted type has a single alternative, and is being
+used as a strict 'let' (all isDeadBinder bndrs), we may want to do
+this transformation:
+ case e of r ===> let r = e in ...r...
+ _ -> ...r...
+We treat the unlifted and lifted cases separately:
+* Unlifted case: 'e' satisfies exprOkForSpeculation
+ (ok-for-spec is needed to satisfy the let/app invariant).
+ This turns case a +# b of r -> ...r...
+ into let r = a +# b in ...r...
+ and thence .....(a +# b)....
+ However, if we have
+ case indexArray# a i of r -> ...r...
+ we might like to do the same, and inline the (indexArray# a i).
+ But indexArray# is not okForSpeculation, so we don't build a let
+ in rebuildCase (lest it get floated *out*), so the inlining doesn't
+ happen either. Annoying.
+* Lifted case: we need to be sure that the expression is already
+ evaluated (exprIsHNF). If it's not already evaluated
+ - we risk losing exceptions, divergence or
+ user-specified thunk-forcing
+ - even if 'e' is guaranteed to converge, we don't want to
+ create a thunk (call by need) instead of evaluating it
+ right away (call by value)
+ However, we can turn the case into a /strict/ let if the 'r' is
+ used strictly in the body. Then we won't lose divergence; and
+ we won't build a thunk because the let is strict.
+ See also Note [Case-to-let for strictly-used binders]
+ NB: absentError satisfies exprIsHNF: see Note [aBSENT_ERROR_ID] in GHC.Core.Make.
+ We want to turn
+ case (absentError "foo") of r -> ...MkT r...
+ into
+ let r = absentError "foo" in ...MkT r...
+Note [Case-to-let for strictly-used binders]
+If we have this:
+ case <scrut> of r { _ -> ..r.. }
+where 'r' is used strictly in (..r..), we can safely transform to
+ let r = <scrut> in ...r...
+This is a Good Thing, because 'r' might be dead (if the body just
+calls error), or might be used just once (in which case it can be
+inlined); or we might be able to float the let-binding up or down.
+E.g. #15631 has an example.
+Note that this can change the error behaviour. For example, we might
+ case x of { _ -> error "bad" }
+ --> error "bad"
+which is might be puzzling if 'x' currently lambda-bound, but later gets
+let-bound to (error "good").
+Nevertheless, the paper "A semantics for imprecise exceptions" allows
+this transformation. If you want to fix the evaluation order, use
+'pseq'. See #8900 for an example where the loss of this
+transformation bit us in practice.
+See also Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Core.
+Historical notes
+There have been various earlier versions of this patch:
+* By Sept 18 the code looked like this:
+ || scrut_is_demanded_var scrut
+ scrut_is_demanded_var :: CoreExpr -> Bool
+ scrut_is_demanded_var (Cast s _) = scrut_is_demanded_var s
+ scrut_is_demanded_var (Var _) = isStrictDmd (idDemandInfo case_bndr)
+ scrut_is_demanded_var _ = False
+ This only fired if the scrutinee was a /variable/, which seems
+ an unnecessary restriction. So in #15631 I relaxed it to allow
+ arbitrary scrutinees. Less code, less to explain -- but the change
+ had 0.00% effect on nofib.
+* Previously, in Jan 13 the code looked like this:
+ || case_bndr_evald_next rhs
+ case_bndr_evald_next :: CoreExpr -> Bool
+ -- See Note [Case binder next]
+ case_bndr_evald_next (Var v) = v == case_bndr
+ case_bndr_evald_next (Cast e _) = case_bndr_evald_next e
+ case_bndr_evald_next (App e _) = case_bndr_evald_next e
+ case_bndr_evald_next (Case e _ _ _) = case_bndr_evald_next e
+ case_bndr_evald_next _ = False
+ This patch was part of fixing #7542. See also
+ Note [Eta reduction of an eval'd function] in GHC.Core.Utils.)
+Further notes about case elimination
+Consider: test :: Integer -> IO ()
+ test = print
+Turns out that this compiles to:
+ Print.test
+ = \ eta :: Integer
+ eta1 :: Void# ->
+ case PrelNum.< eta PrelNum.zeroInteger of wild { __DEFAULT ->
+ case hPutStr stdout
+ (PrelNum.jtos eta ($w[] @ Char))
+ eta1
+ of wild1 { (# new_s, a4 #) -> PrelIO.lvl23 new_s }}
+Notice the strange '<' which has no effect at all. This is a funny one.
+It started like this:
+f x y = if x < 0 then jtos x
+ else if y==0 then "" else jtos x
+At a particular call site we have (f v 1). So we inline to get
+ if v < 0 then jtos x
+ else if 1==0 then "" else jtos x
+Now simplify the 1==0 conditional:
+ if v<0 then jtos v else jtos v
+Now common-up the two branches of the case:
+ case (v<0) of DEFAULT -> jtos v
+Why don't we drop the case? Because it's strict in v. It's technically
+wrong to drop even unnecessary evaluations, and in practice they
+may be a result of 'seq' so we *definitely* don't want to drop those.
+I don't really know how to improve this situation.
+Note [FloatBinds from constructor wrappers]
+If we have FloatBinds coming from the constructor wrapper
+(as in Note [exprIsConApp_maybe on data constructors with wrappers]),
+we cannot float past them. We'd need to float the FloatBind
+together with the simplify floats, unfortunately the
+simplifier doesn't have case-floats. The simplest thing we can
+do is to wrap all the floats here. The next iteration of the
+simplifier will take care of all these cases and lets.
+Given data T = MkT !Bool, this allows us to simplify
+case $WMkT b of { MkT x -> f x }
+case b of { b' -> f b' }.
+We could try and be more clever (like maybe wfloats only contain
+let binders, so we could float them). But the need for the
+extra complication is not clear.
+-- Eliminate the case if possible
+rebuildCase, reallyRebuildCase
+ :: SimplEnv
+ -> OutExpr -- Scrutinee
+ -> InId -- Case binder
+ -> [InAlt] -- Alternatives (increasing order)
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+-- 1. Eliminate the case if there's a known constructor
+rebuildCase env scrut case_bndr alts cont
+ | Lit lit <- scrut -- No need for same treatment as constructors
+ -- because literals are inlined more vigorously
+ , not (litIsLifted lit)
+ = do { tick (KnownBranch case_bndr)
+ ; case findAlt (LitAlt lit) alts of
+ Nothing -> missingAlt env case_bndr alts cont
+ Just (_, bs, rhs) -> simple_rhs env [] scrut bs rhs }
+ | Just (in_scope', wfloats, con, ty_args, other_args)
+ <- exprIsConApp_maybe (getUnfoldingInRuleMatch env) scrut
+ -- Works when the scrutinee is a variable with a known unfolding
+ -- as well as when it's an explicit constructor application
+ , let env0 = setInScopeSet env in_scope'
+ = do { tick (KnownBranch case_bndr)
+ ; case findAlt (DataAlt con) alts of
+ Nothing -> missingAlt env0 case_bndr alts cont
+ Just (DEFAULT, bs, rhs) -> let con_app = Var (dataConWorkId con)
+ `mkTyApps` ty_args
+ `mkApps` other_args
+ in simple_rhs env0 wfloats con_app bs rhs
+ Just (_, bs, rhs) -> knownCon env0 scrut wfloats con ty_args other_args
+ case_bndr bs rhs cont
+ }
+ where
+ simple_rhs env wfloats scrut' bs rhs =
+ ASSERT( null bs )
+ do { (floats1, env') <- simplNonRecX env case_bndr scrut'
+ -- scrut is a constructor application,
+ -- hence satisfies let/app invariant
+ ; (floats2, expr') <- simplExprF env' rhs cont
+ ; case wfloats of
+ [] -> return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, expr')
+ _ -> return
+ -- See Note [FloatBinds from constructor wrappers]
+ ( emptyFloats env,
+ GHC.Core.Make.wrapFloats wfloats $
+ wrapFloats (floats1 `addFloats` floats2) expr' )}
+-- 2. Eliminate the case if scrutinee is evaluated
+rebuildCase env scrut case_bndr alts@[(_, bndrs, rhs)] cont
+ -- See if we can get rid of the case altogether
+ -- See Note [Case elimination]
+ -- mkCase made sure that if all the alternatives are equal,
+ -- then there is now only one (DEFAULT) rhs
+ -- 2a. Dropping the case altogether, if
+ -- a) it binds nothing (so it's really just a 'seq')
+ -- b) evaluating the scrutinee has no side effects
+ | is_plain_seq
+ , exprOkForSideEffects scrut
+ -- The entire case is dead, so we can drop it
+ -- if the scrutinee converges without having imperative
+ -- side effects or raising a Haskell exception
+ -- See Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects] in PrimOp
+ = simplExprF env rhs cont
+ -- 2b. Turn the case into a let, if
+ -- a) it binds only the case-binder
+ -- b) unlifted case: the scrutinee is ok-for-speculation
+ -- lifted case: the scrutinee is in HNF (or will later be demanded)
+ -- See Note [Case to let transformation]
+ | all_dead_bndrs
+ , doCaseToLet scrut case_bndr
+ = do { tick (CaseElim case_bndr)
+ ; (floats1, env') <- simplNonRecX env case_bndr scrut
+ ; (floats2, expr') <- simplExprF env' rhs cont
+ ; return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, expr') }
+ -- 2c. Try the seq rules if
+ -- a) it binds only the case binder
+ -- b) a rule for seq applies
+ -- See Note [User-defined RULES for seq] in MkId
+ | is_plain_seq
+ = do { mb_rule <- trySeqRules env scrut rhs cont
+ ; case mb_rule of
+ Just (env', rule_rhs, cont') -> simplExprF env' rule_rhs cont'
+ Nothing -> reallyRebuildCase env scrut case_bndr alts cont }
+ where
+ all_dead_bndrs = all isDeadBinder bndrs -- bndrs are [InId]
+ is_plain_seq = all_dead_bndrs && isDeadBinder case_bndr -- Evaluation *only* for effect
+rebuildCase env scrut case_bndr alts cont
+ = reallyRebuildCase env scrut case_bndr alts cont
+doCaseToLet :: OutExpr -- Scrutinee
+ -> InId -- Case binder
+ -> Bool
+-- The situation is case scrut of b { DEFAULT -> body }
+-- Can we transform thus? let { b = scrut } in body
+doCaseToLet scrut case_bndr
+ | isTyCoVar case_bndr -- Respect GHC.Core
+ = isTyCoArg scrut -- Note [Core type and coercion invariant]
+ | isUnliftedType (idType case_bndr)
+ = exprOkForSpeculation scrut
+ | otherwise -- Scrut has a lifted type
+ = exprIsHNF scrut
+ || isStrictDmd (idDemandInfo case_bndr)
+ -- See Note [Case-to-let for strictly-used binders]
+-- 3. Catch-all case
+reallyRebuildCase env scrut case_bndr alts cont
+ | not (sm_case_case (getMode env))
+ = do { case_expr <- simplAlts env scrut case_bndr alts
+ (mkBoringStop (contHoleType cont))
+ ; rebuild env case_expr cont }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (floats, cont') <- mkDupableCaseCont env alts cont
+ ; case_expr <- simplAlts (env `setInScopeFromF` floats)
+ scrut case_bndr alts cont'
+ ; return (floats, case_expr) }
+simplCaseBinder checks whether the scrutinee is a variable, v. If so,
+try to eliminate uses of v in the RHSs in favour of case_bndr; that
+way, there's a chance that v will now only be used once, and hence
+Historical note: we use to do the "case binder swap" in the Simplifier
+so there were additional complications if the scrutinee was a variable.
+Now the binder-swap stuff is done in the occurrence analyser; see
+OccurAnal Note [Binder swap].
+Note [knownCon occ info]
+If the case binder is not dead, then neither are the pattern bound
+ case <any> of x { (a,b) ->
+ case x of { (p,q) -> p } }
+Here (a,b) both look dead, but come alive after the inner case is eliminated.
+The point is that we bring into the envt a binding
+ let x = (a,b)
+after the outer case, and that makes (a,b) alive. At least we do unless
+the case binder is guaranteed dead.
+Note [Case alternative occ info]
+When we are simply reconstructing a case (the common case), we always
+zap the occurrence info on the binders in the alternatives. Even
+if the case binder is dead, the scrutinee is usually a variable, and *that*
+can bring the case-alternative binders back to life.
+See Note [Add unfolding for scrutinee]
+Note [Improving seq]
+ type family F :: * -> *
+ type instance F Int = Int
+We'd like to transform
+ case e of (x :: F Int) { DEFAULT -> rhs }
+ case e `cast` co of (x'::Int)
+ I# x# -> let x = x' `cast` sym co
+ in rhs
+so that 'rhs' can take advantage of the form of x'. Notice that Note
+[Case of cast] (in OccurAnal) may then apply to the result.
+We'd also like to eliminate empty types (#13468). So if
+ data Void
+ type instance F Bool = Void
+then we'd like to transform
+ case (x :: F Bool) of { _ -> error "urk" }
+ case (x |> co) of (x' :: Void) of {}
+Nota Bene: we used to have a built-in rule for 'seq' that dropped
+casts, so that
+ case (x |> co) of { _ -> blah }
+dropped the cast; in order to improve the chances of trySeqRules
+firing. But that works in the /opposite/ direction to Note [Improving
+seq] so there's a danger of flip/flopping. Better to make trySeqRules
+insensitive to the cast, which is now is.
+The need for [Improving seq] showed up in Roman's experiments. Example:
+ foo :: F Int -> Int -> Int
+ foo t n = t `seq` bar n
+ where
+ bar 0 = 0
+ bar n = bar (n - case t of TI i -> i)
+Here we'd like to avoid repeated evaluating t inside the loop, by
+taking advantage of the `seq`.
+At one point I did transformation in LiberateCase, but it's more
+robust here. (Otherwise, there's a danger that we'll simply drop the
+'seq' altogether, before LiberateCase gets to see it.)
+simplAlts :: SimplEnv
+ -> OutExpr -- Scrutinee
+ -> InId -- Case binder
+ -> [InAlt] -- Non-empty
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM OutExpr -- Returns the complete simplified case expression
+simplAlts env0 scrut case_bndr alts cont'
+ = do { traceSmpl "simplAlts" (vcat [ ppr case_bndr
+ , text "cont':" <+> ppr cont'
+ , text "in_scope" <+> ppr (seInScope env0) ])
+ ; (env1, case_bndr1) <- simplBinder env0 case_bndr
+ ; let case_bndr2 = case_bndr1 `setIdUnfolding` evaldUnfolding
+ env2 = modifyInScope env1 case_bndr2
+ -- See Note [Case binder evaluated-ness]
+ ; fam_envs <- getFamEnvs
+ ; (alt_env', scrut', case_bndr') <- improveSeq fam_envs env2 scrut
+ case_bndr case_bndr2 alts
+ ; (imposs_deflt_cons, in_alts) <- prepareAlts scrut' case_bndr' alts
+ -- NB: it's possible that the returned in_alts is empty: this is handled
+ -- by the caller (rebuildCase) in the missingAlt function
+ ; alts' <- mapM (simplAlt alt_env' (Just scrut') imposs_deflt_cons case_bndr' cont') in_alts
+ ; -- pprTrace "simplAlts" (ppr case_bndr $$ ppr alts_ty $$ ppr alts_ty' $$ ppr alts $$ ppr cont') $
+ ; let alts_ty' = contResultType cont'
+ -- See Note [Avoiding space leaks in OutType]
+ ; seqType alts_ty' `seq`
+ mkCase (seDynFlags env0) scrut' case_bndr' alts_ty' alts' }
+improveSeq :: (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv) -> SimplEnv
+ -> OutExpr -> InId -> OutId -> [InAlt]
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr, OutId)
+-- Note [Improving seq]
+improveSeq fam_envs env scrut case_bndr case_bndr1 [(DEFAULT,_,_)]
+ | Just (co, ty2) <- topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs (idType case_bndr1)
+ = do { case_bndr2 <- newId (fsLit "nt") ty2
+ ; let rhs = DoneEx (Var case_bndr2 `Cast` mkSymCo co) Nothing
+ env2 = extendIdSubst env case_bndr rhs
+ ; return (env2, scrut `Cast` co, case_bndr2) }
+improveSeq _ env scrut _ case_bndr1 _
+ = return (env, scrut, case_bndr1)
+simplAlt :: SimplEnv
+ -> Maybe OutExpr -- The scrutinee
+ -> [AltCon] -- These constructors can't be present when
+ -- matching the DEFAULT alternative
+ -> OutId -- The case binder
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> InAlt
+ -> SimplM OutAlt
+simplAlt env _ imposs_deflt_cons case_bndr' cont' (DEFAULT, bndrs, rhs)
+ = ASSERT( null bndrs )
+ do { let env' = addBinderUnfolding env case_bndr'
+ (mkOtherCon imposs_deflt_cons)
+ -- Record the constructors that the case-binder *can't* be.
+ ; rhs' <- simplExprC env' rhs cont'
+ ; return (DEFAULT, [], rhs') }
+simplAlt env scrut' _ case_bndr' cont' (LitAlt lit, bndrs, rhs)
+ = ASSERT( null bndrs )
+ do { env' <- addAltUnfoldings env scrut' case_bndr' (Lit lit)
+ ; rhs' <- simplExprC env' rhs cont'
+ ; return (LitAlt lit, [], rhs') }
+simplAlt env scrut' _ case_bndr' cont' (DataAlt con, vs, rhs)
+ = do { -- See Note [Adding evaluatedness info to pattern-bound variables]
+ let vs_with_evals = addEvals scrut' con vs
+ ; (env', vs') <- simplLamBndrs env vs_with_evals
+ -- Bind the case-binder to (con args)
+ ; let inst_tys' = tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr')
+ con_app :: OutExpr
+ con_app = mkConApp2 con inst_tys' vs'
+ ; env'' <- addAltUnfoldings env' scrut' case_bndr' con_app
+ ; rhs' <- simplExprC env'' rhs cont'
+ ; return (DataAlt con, vs', rhs') }
+{- Note [Adding evaluatedness info to pattern-bound variables]
+addEvals records the evaluated-ness of the bound variables of
+a case pattern. This is *important*. Consider
+ data T = T !Int !Int
+ case x of { T a b -> T (a+1) b }
+We really must record that b is already evaluated so that we don't
+go and re-evaluate it when constructing the result.
+See Note [Data-con worker strictness] in MkId.hs
+NB: simplLamBndrs preserves this eval info
+In addition to handling data constructor fields with !s, addEvals
+also records the fact that the result of seq# is always in WHNF.
+See Note [seq# magic] in GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold. Example (#15226):
+ case seq# v s of
+ (# s', v' #) -> E
+we want the compiler to be aware that v' is in WHNF in E.
+Open problem: we don't record that v itself is in WHNF (and we can't
+do it here). The right thing is to do some kind of binder-swap;
+see #15226 for discussion.
+addEvals :: Maybe OutExpr -> DataCon -> [Id] -> [Id]
+-- See Note [Adding evaluatedness info to pattern-bound variables]
+addEvals scrut con vs
+ -- Deal with seq# applications
+ | Just scr <- scrut
+ , isUnboxedTupleCon con
+ , [s,x] <- vs
+ -- Use stripNArgs rather than collectArgsTicks to avoid building
+ -- a list of arguments only to throw it away immediately.
+ , Just (Var f) <- stripNArgs 4 scr
+ , Just SeqOp <- isPrimOpId_maybe f
+ , let x' = zapIdOccInfoAndSetEvald MarkedStrict x
+ = [s, x']
+ -- Deal with banged datacon fields
+addEvals _scrut con vs = go vs the_strs
+ where
+ the_strs = dataConRepStrictness con
+ go [] [] = []
+ go (v:vs') strs | isTyVar v = v : go vs' strs
+ go (v:vs') (str:strs) = zapIdOccInfoAndSetEvald str v : go vs' strs
+ go _ _ = pprPanic "Simplify.addEvals"
+ (ppr con $$
+ ppr vs $$
+ ppr_with_length (map strdisp the_strs) $$
+ ppr_with_length (dataConRepArgTys con) $$
+ ppr_with_length (dataConRepStrictness con))
+ where
+ ppr_with_length list
+ = ppr list <+> parens (text "length =" <+> ppr (length list))
+ strdisp MarkedStrict = text "MarkedStrict"
+ strdisp NotMarkedStrict = text "NotMarkedStrict"
+zapIdOccInfoAndSetEvald :: StrictnessMark -> Id -> Id
+zapIdOccInfoAndSetEvald str v =
+ setCaseBndrEvald str $ -- Add eval'dness info
+ zapIdOccInfo v -- And kill occ info;
+ -- see Note [Case alternative occ info]
+addAltUnfoldings :: SimplEnv -> Maybe OutExpr -> OutId -> OutExpr -> SimplM SimplEnv
+addAltUnfoldings env scrut case_bndr con_app
+ = do { let con_app_unf = mk_simple_unf con_app
+ env1 = addBinderUnfolding env case_bndr con_app_unf
+ -- See Note [Add unfolding for scrutinee]
+ env2 = case scrut of
+ Just (Var v) -> addBinderUnfolding env1 v con_app_unf
+ Just (Cast (Var v) co) -> addBinderUnfolding env1 v $
+ mk_simple_unf (Cast con_app (mkSymCo co))
+ _ -> env1
+ ; traceSmpl "addAltUnf" (vcat [ppr case_bndr <+> ppr scrut, ppr con_app])
+ ; return env2 }
+ where
+ mk_simple_unf = mkSimpleUnfolding (seDynFlags env)
+addBinderUnfolding :: SimplEnv -> Id -> Unfolding -> SimplEnv
+addBinderUnfolding env bndr unf
+ | debugIsOn, Just tmpl <- maybeUnfoldingTemplate unf
+ = WARN( not (eqType (idType bndr) (exprType tmpl)),
+ ppr bndr $$ ppr (idType bndr) $$ ppr tmpl $$ ppr (exprType tmpl) )
+ modifyInScope env (bndr `setIdUnfolding` unf)
+ | otherwise
+ = modifyInScope env (bndr `setIdUnfolding` unf)
+zapBndrOccInfo :: Bool -> Id -> Id
+-- Consider case e of b { (a,b) -> ... }
+-- Then if we bind b to (a,b) in "...", and b is not dead,
+-- then we must zap the deadness info on a,b
+zapBndrOccInfo keep_occ_info pat_id
+ | keep_occ_info = pat_id
+ | otherwise = zapIdOccInfo pat_id
+{- Note [Case binder evaluated-ness]
+We pin on a (OtherCon []) unfolding to the case-binder of a Case,
+even though it'll be over-ridden in every case alternative with a more
+informative unfolding. Why? Because suppose a later, less clever, pass
+simply replaces all occurrences of the case binder with the binder itself;
+then Lint may complain about the let/app invariant. Example
+ case e of b { DEFAULT -> let v = reallyUnsafePtrEq# b y in ....
+ ; K -> blah }
+The let/app invariant requires that y is evaluated in the call to
+reallyUnsafePtrEq#, which it is. But we still want that to be true if we
+propagate binders to occurrences.
+This showed up in #13027.
+Note [Add unfolding for scrutinee]
+In general it's unlikely that a variable scrutinee will appear
+in the case alternatives case x of { ...x unlikely to appear... }
+because the binder-swap in OccAnal has got rid of all such occurrences
+See Note [Binder swap] in OccAnal.
+BUT it is still VERY IMPORTANT to add a suitable unfolding for a
+variable scrutinee, in simplAlt. Here's why
+ case x of y
+ (a,b) -> case b of c
+ I# v -> ...(f y)...
+There is no occurrence of 'b' in the (...(f y)...). But y gets
+the unfolding (a,b), and *that* mentions b. If f has a RULE
+ RULE f (p, I# q) = ...
+we want that rule to match, so we must extend the in-scope env with a
+suitable unfolding for 'y'. It's *essential* for rule matching; but
+it's also good for case-elimintation -- suppose that 'f' was inlined
+and did multi-level case analysis, then we'd solve it in one
+simplifier sweep instead of two.
+Exactly the same issue arises in GHC.Core.Op.SpecConstr;
+see Note [Add scrutinee to ValueEnv too] in GHC.Core.Op.SpecConstr
+HOWEVER, given
+ case x of y { Just a -> r1; Nothing -> r2 }
+we do not want to add the unfolding x -> y to 'x', which might seem cool,
+since 'y' itself has different unfoldings in r1 and r2. Reason: if we
+did that, we'd have to zap y's deadness info and that is a very useful
+piece of information.
+So instead we add the unfolding x -> Just a, and x -> Nothing in the
+respective RHSs.
+* *
+\subsection{Known constructor}
+* *
+We are a bit careful with occurrence info. Here's an example
+ (\x* -> case x of (a*, b) -> f a) (h v, e)
+where the * means "occurs once". This effectively becomes
+ case (h v, e) of (a*, b) -> f a)
+and then
+ let a* = h v; b = e in f a
+and then
+ f (h v)
+All this should happen in one sweep.
+knownCon :: SimplEnv
+ -> OutExpr -- The scrutinee
+ -> [FloatBind] -> DataCon -> [OutType] -> [OutExpr] -- The scrutinee (in pieces)
+ -> InId -> [InBndr] -> InExpr -- The alternative
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+knownCon env scrut dc_floats dc dc_ty_args dc_args bndr bs rhs cont
+ = do { (floats1, env1) <- bind_args env bs dc_args
+ ; (floats2, env2) <- bind_case_bndr env1
+ ; (floats3, expr') <- simplExprF env2 rhs cont
+ ; case dc_floats of
+ [] ->
+ return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2 `addFloats` floats3, expr')
+ _ ->
+ return ( emptyFloats env
+ -- See Note [FloatBinds from constructor wrappers]
+ , GHC.Core.Make.wrapFloats dc_floats $
+ wrapFloats (floats1 `addFloats` floats2 `addFloats` floats3) expr') }
+ where
+ zap_occ = zapBndrOccInfo (isDeadBinder bndr) -- bndr is an InId
+ -- Ugh!
+ bind_args env' [] _ = return (emptyFloats env', env')
+ bind_args env' (b:bs') (Type ty : args)
+ = ASSERT( isTyVar b )
+ bind_args (extendTvSubst env' b ty) bs' args
+ bind_args env' (b:bs') (Coercion co : args)
+ = ASSERT( isCoVar b )
+ bind_args (extendCvSubst env' b co) bs' args
+ bind_args env' (b:bs') (arg : args)
+ = ASSERT( isId b )
+ do { let b' = zap_occ b
+ -- Note that the binder might be "dead", because it doesn't
+ -- occur in the RHS; and simplNonRecX may therefore discard
+ -- it via postInlineUnconditionally.
+ -- Nevertheless we must keep it if the case-binder is alive,
+ -- because it may be used in the con_app. See Note [knownCon occ info]
+ ; (floats1, env2) <- simplNonRecX env' b' arg -- arg satisfies let/app invariant
+ ; (floats2, env3) <- bind_args env2 bs' args
+ ; return (floats1 `addFloats` floats2, env3) }
+ bind_args _ _ _ =
+ pprPanic "bind_args" $ ppr dc $$ ppr bs $$ ppr dc_args $$
+ text "scrut:" <+> ppr scrut
+ -- It's useful to bind bndr to scrut, rather than to a fresh
+ -- binding x = Con arg1 .. argn
+ -- because very often the scrut is a variable, so we avoid
+ -- creating, and then subsequently eliminating, a let-binding
+ -- BUT, if scrut is a not a variable, we must be careful
+ -- about duplicating the arg redexes; in that case, make
+ -- a new con-app from the args
+ bind_case_bndr env
+ | isDeadBinder bndr = return (emptyFloats env, env)
+ | exprIsTrivial scrut = return (emptyFloats env
+ , extendIdSubst env bndr (DoneEx scrut Nothing))
+ | otherwise = do { dc_args <- mapM (simplVar env) bs
+ -- dc_ty_args are already OutTypes,
+ -- but bs are InBndrs
+ ; let con_app = Var (dataConWorkId dc)
+ `mkTyApps` dc_ty_args
+ `mkApps` dc_args
+ ; simplNonRecX env bndr con_app }
+missingAlt :: SimplEnv -> Id -> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+ -- This isn't strictly an error, although it is unusual.
+ -- It's possible that the simplifier might "see" that
+ -- an inner case has no accessible alternatives before
+ -- it "sees" that the entire branch of an outer case is
+ -- inaccessible. So we simply put an error case here instead.
+missingAlt env case_bndr _ cont
+ = WARN( True, text "missingAlt" <+> ppr case_bndr )
+ -- See Note [Avoiding space leaks in OutType]
+ let cont_ty = contResultType cont
+ in seqType cont_ty `seq`
+ return (emptyFloats env, mkImpossibleExpr cont_ty)
+* *
+\subsection{Duplicating continuations}
+* *
+ let x* = case e of { True -> e1; False -> e2 }
+ in b
+where x* is a strict binding. Then mkDupableCont will be given
+the continuation
+ case [] of { True -> e1; False -> e2 } ; let x* = [] in b ; stop
+and will split it into
+ dupable: case [] of { True -> $j1; False -> $j2 } ; stop
+ join floats: $j1 = e1, $j2 = e2
+ non_dupable: let x* = [] in b; stop
+Putting this back together would give
+ let x* = let { $j1 = e1; $j2 = e2 } in
+ case e of { True -> $j1; False -> $j2 }
+ in b
+(Of course we only do this if 'e' wants to duplicate that continuation.)
+Note how important it is that the new join points wrap around the
+inner expression, and not around the whole thing.
+In contrast, any let-bindings introduced by mkDupableCont can wrap
+around the entire thing.
+Note [Bottom alternatives]
+When we have
+ case (case x of { A -> error .. ; B -> e; C -> error ..)
+ of alts
+then we can just duplicate those alts because the A and C cases
+will disappear immediately. This is more direct than creating
+join points and inlining them away. See #4930.
+mkDupableCaseCont :: SimplEnv -> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplCont)
+mkDupableCaseCont env alts cont
+ | altsWouldDup alts = mkDupableCont env cont
+ | otherwise = return (emptyFloats env, cont)
+altsWouldDup :: [InAlt] -> Bool -- True iff strictly > 1 non-bottom alternative
+altsWouldDup [] = False -- See Note [Bottom alternatives]
+altsWouldDup [_] = False
+altsWouldDup (alt:alts)
+ | is_bot_alt alt = altsWouldDup alts
+ | otherwise = not (all is_bot_alt alts)
+ where
+ is_bot_alt (_,_,rhs) = exprIsBottom rhs
+mkDupableCont :: SimplEnv -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM ( SimplFloats -- Incoming SimplEnv augmented with
+ -- extra let/join-floats and in-scope variables
+ , SimplCont) -- dup_cont: duplicable continuation
+mkDupableCont env cont
+ | contIsDupable cont
+ = return (emptyFloats env, cont)
+mkDupableCont _ (Stop {}) = panic "mkDupableCont" -- Handled by previous eqn
+mkDupableCont env (CastIt ty cont)
+ = do { (floats, cont') <- mkDupableCont env cont
+ ; return (floats, CastIt ty cont') }
+-- Duplicating ticks for now, not sure if this is good or not
+mkDupableCont env (TickIt t cont)
+ = do { (floats, cont') <- mkDupableCont env cont
+ ; return (floats, TickIt t cont') }
+mkDupableCont env (StrictBind { sc_bndr = bndr, sc_bndrs = bndrs
+ , sc_body = body, sc_env = se, sc_cont = cont})
+ -- See Note [Duplicating StrictBind]
+ = do { let sb_env = se `setInScopeFromE` env
+ ; (sb_env1, bndr') <- simplBinder sb_env bndr
+ ; (floats1, join_inner) <- simplLam sb_env1 bndrs body cont
+ -- No need to use mkDupableCont before simplLam; we
+ -- use cont once here, and then share the result if necessary
+ ; let join_body = wrapFloats floats1 join_inner
+ res_ty = contResultType cont
+ ; (floats2, body2)
+ <- if exprIsDupable (seDynFlags env) join_body
+ then return (emptyFloats env, join_body)
+ else do { join_bndr <- newJoinId [bndr'] res_ty
+ ; let join_call = App (Var join_bndr) (Var bndr')
+ join_rhs = Lam (setOneShotLambda bndr') join_body
+ join_bind = NonRec join_bndr join_rhs
+ floats = emptyFloats env `extendFloats` join_bind
+ ; return (floats, join_call) }
+ ; return ( floats2
+ , StrictBind { sc_bndr = bndr', sc_bndrs = []
+ , sc_body = body2
+ , sc_env = zapSubstEnv se `setInScopeFromF` floats2
+ -- See Note [StaticEnv invariant] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+ , sc_dup = OkToDup
+ , sc_cont = mkBoringStop res_ty } ) }
+mkDupableCont env (StrictArg { sc_fun = info, sc_cci = cci, sc_cont = cont })
+ -- See Note [Duplicating StrictArg]
+ -- NB: sc_dup /= OkToDup; that is caught earlier by contIsDupable
+ = do { (floats1, cont') <- mkDupableCont env cont
+ ; (floats_s, args') <- mapAndUnzipM (makeTrivialArg (getMode env))
+ (ai_args info)
+ ; return ( foldl' addLetFloats floats1 floats_s
+ , StrictArg { sc_fun = info { ai_args = args' }
+ , sc_cci = cci
+ , sc_cont = cont'
+ , sc_dup = OkToDup} ) }
+mkDupableCont env (ApplyToTy { sc_cont = cont
+ , sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_hole_ty = hole_ty })
+ = do { (floats, cont') <- mkDupableCont env cont
+ ; return (floats, ApplyToTy { sc_cont = cont'
+ , sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_hole_ty = hole_ty }) }
+mkDupableCont env (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_dup = dup
+ , sc_env = se, sc_cont = cont })
+ = -- e.g. [...hole...] (...arg...)
+ -- ==>
+ -- let a = ...arg...
+ -- in [...hole...] a
+ -- NB: sc_dup /= OkToDup; that is caught earlier by contIsDupable
+ do { (floats1, cont') <- mkDupableCont env cont
+ ; let env' = env `setInScopeFromF` floats1
+ ; (_, se', arg') <- simplArg env' dup se arg
+ ; (let_floats2, arg'') <- makeTrivial (getMode env) NotTopLevel (fsLit "karg") arg'
+ ; let all_floats = floats1 `addLetFloats` let_floats2
+ ; return ( all_floats
+ , ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg''
+ , sc_env = se' `setInScopeFromF` all_floats
+ -- Ensure that sc_env includes the free vars of
+ -- arg'' in its in-scope set, even if makeTrivial
+ -- has turned arg'' into a fresh variable
+ -- See Note [StaticEnv invariant] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+ , sc_dup = OkToDup, sc_cont = cont' }) }
+mkDupableCont env (Select { sc_bndr = case_bndr, sc_alts = alts
+ , sc_env = se, sc_cont = cont })
+ = -- e.g. (case [...hole...] of { pi -> ei })
+ -- ===>
+ -- let ji = \xij -> ei
+ -- in case [...hole...] of { pi -> ji xij }
+ -- NB: sc_dup /= OkToDup; that is caught earlier by contIsDupable
+ do { tick (CaseOfCase case_bndr)
+ ; (floats, alt_cont) <- mkDupableCaseCont env alts cont
+ -- NB: We call mkDupableCaseCont here to make cont duplicable
+ -- (if necessary, depending on the number of alts)
+ -- And this is important: see Note [Fusing case continuations]
+ ; let alt_env = se `setInScopeFromF` floats
+ ; (alt_env', case_bndr') <- simplBinder alt_env case_bndr
+ ; alts' <- mapM (simplAlt alt_env' Nothing [] case_bndr' alt_cont) alts
+ -- Safe to say that there are no handled-cons for the DEFAULT case
+ -- NB: simplBinder does not zap deadness occ-info, so
+ -- a dead case_bndr' will still advertise its deadness
+ -- This is really important because in
+ -- case e of b { (# p,q #) -> ... }
+ -- b is always dead, and indeed we are not allowed to bind b to (# p,q #),
+ -- which might happen if e was an explicit unboxed pair and b wasn't marked dead.
+ -- In the new alts we build, we have the new case binder, so it must retain
+ -- its deadness.
+ -- NB: we don't use alt_env further; it has the substEnv for
+ -- the alternatives, and we don't want that
+ ; (join_floats, alts'') <- mapAccumLM (mkDupableAlt (seDynFlags env) case_bndr')
+ emptyJoinFloats alts'
+ ; let all_floats = floats `addJoinFloats` join_floats
+ -- Note [Duplicated env]
+ ; return (all_floats
+ , Select { sc_dup = OkToDup
+ , sc_bndr = case_bndr'
+ , sc_alts = alts''
+ , sc_env = zapSubstEnv se `setInScopeFromF` all_floats
+ -- See Note [StaticEnv invariant] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+ , sc_cont = mkBoringStop (contResultType cont) } ) }
+mkDupableAlt :: DynFlags -> OutId
+ -> JoinFloats -> OutAlt
+ -> SimplM (JoinFloats, OutAlt)
+mkDupableAlt dflags case_bndr jfloats (con, bndrs', rhs')
+ | exprIsDupable dflags rhs' -- Note [Small alternative rhs]
+ = return (jfloats, (con, bndrs', rhs'))
+ | otherwise
+ = do { let rhs_ty' = exprType rhs'
+ scrut_ty = idType case_bndr
+ case_bndr_w_unf
+ = case con of
+ DEFAULT -> case_bndr
+ DataAlt dc -> setIdUnfolding case_bndr unf
+ where
+ -- See Note [Case binders and join points]
+ unf = mkInlineUnfolding rhs
+ rhs = mkConApp2 dc (tyConAppArgs scrut_ty) bndrs'
+ LitAlt {} -> WARN( True, text "mkDupableAlt"
+ <+> ppr case_bndr <+> ppr con )
+ case_bndr
+ -- The case binder is alive but trivial, so why has
+ -- it not been substituted away?
+ final_bndrs'
+ | isDeadBinder case_bndr = filter abstract_over bndrs'
+ | otherwise = bndrs' ++ [case_bndr_w_unf]
+ abstract_over bndr
+ | isTyVar bndr = True -- Abstract over all type variables just in case
+ | otherwise = not (isDeadBinder bndr)
+ -- The deadness info on the new Ids is preserved by simplBinders
+ final_args = varsToCoreExprs final_bndrs'
+ -- Note [Join point abstraction]
+ -- We make the lambdas into one-shot-lambdas. The
+ -- join point is sure to be applied at most once, and doing so
+ -- prevents the body of the join point being floated out by
+ -- the full laziness pass
+ really_final_bndrs = map one_shot final_bndrs'
+ one_shot v | isId v = setOneShotLambda v
+ | otherwise = v
+ join_rhs = mkLams really_final_bndrs rhs'
+ ; join_bndr <- newJoinId final_bndrs' rhs_ty'
+ ; let join_call = mkApps (Var join_bndr) final_args
+ alt' = (con, bndrs', join_call)
+ ; return ( jfloats `addJoinFlts` unitJoinFloat (NonRec join_bndr join_rhs)
+ , alt') }
+ -- See Note [Duplicated env]
+Note [Fusing case continuations]
+It's important to fuse two successive case continuations when the
+first has one alternative. That's why we call prepareCaseCont here.
+Consider this, which arises from thunk splitting (see Note [Thunk
+splitting] in GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap):
+ let
+ x* = case (case v of {pn -> rn}) of
+ I# a -> I# a
+ in body
+The simplifier will find
+ (Var v) with continuation
+ Select (pn -> rn) (
+ Select [I# a -> I# a] (
+ StrictBind body Stop
+So we'll call mkDupableCont on
+ Select [I# a -> I# a] (StrictBind body Stop)
+There is just one alternative in the first Select, so we want to
+simplify the rhs (I# a) with continuation (StrictBind body Stop)
+Supposing that body is big, we end up with
+ let $j a = <let x = I# a in body>
+ in case v of { pn -> case rn of
+ I# a -> $j a }
+This is just what we want because the rn produces a box that
+the case rn cancels with.
+See #4957 a fuller example.
+Note [Case binders and join points]
+Consider this
+ case (case .. ) of c {
+ I# c# -> ....c....
+If we make a join point with c but not c# we get
+ $j = \c -> ....c....
+But if later inlining scrutinises the c, thus
+ $j = \c -> ... case c of { I# y -> ... } ...
+we won't see that 'c' has already been scrutinised. This actually
+happens in the 'tabulate' function in wave4main, and makes a significant
+difference to allocation.
+An alternative plan is this:
+ $j = \c# -> let c = I# c# in ...c....
+but that is bad if 'c' is *not* later scrutinised.
+So instead we do both: we pass 'c' and 'c#' , and record in c's inlining
+(a stable unfolding) that it's really I# c#, thus
+ $j = \c# -> \c[=I# c#] -> ...c....
+Absence analysis may later discard 'c'.
+NB: take great care when doing strictness analysis;
+ see Note [Lambda-bound unfoldings] in GHC.Core.Op.DmdAnal.
+Also note that we can still end up passing stuff that isn't used. Before
+strictness analysis we have
+ let $j x y c{=(x,y)} = (h c, ...)
+ in ...
+After strictness analysis we see that h is strict, we end up with
+ let $j x y c{=(x,y)} = ($wh x y, ...)
+and c is unused.
+Note [Duplicated env]
+Some of the alternatives are simplified, but have not been turned into a join point
+So they *must* have a zapped subst-env. So we can't use completeNonRecX to
+bind the join point, because it might to do PostInlineUnconditionally, and
+we'd lose that when zapping the subst-env. We could have a per-alt subst-env,
+but zapping it (as we do in mkDupableCont, the Select case) is safe, and
+at worst delays the join-point inlining.
+Note [Small alternative rhs]
+It is worth checking for a small RHS because otherwise we
+get extra let bindings that may cause an extra iteration of the simplifier to
+inline back in place. Quite often the rhs is just a variable or constructor.
+The Ord instance of Maybe in PrelMaybe.hs, for example, took several extra
+iterations because the version with the let bindings looked big, and so wasn't
+inlined, but after the join points had been inlined it looked smaller, and so
+was inlined.
+NB: we have to check the size of rhs', not rhs.
+Duplicating a small InAlt might invalidate occurrence information
+However, if it *is* dupable, we return the *un* simplified alternative,
+because otherwise we'd need to pair it up with an empty subst-env....
+but we only have one env shared between all the alts.
+(Remember we must zap the subst-env before re-simplifying something).
+Rather than do this we simply agree to re-simplify the original (small) thing later.
+Note [Funky mkLamTypes]
+Notice the funky mkLamTypes. If the constructor has existentials
+it's possible that the join point will be abstracted over
+type variables as well as term variables.
+ Example: Suppose we have
+ data T = forall t. C [t]
+ Then faced with
+ case (case e of ...) of
+ C t xs::[t] -> rhs
+ We get the join point
+ let j :: forall t. [t] -> ...
+ j = /\t \xs::[t] -> rhs
+ in
+ case (case e of ...) of
+ C t xs::[t] -> j t xs
+Note [Duplicating StrictArg]
+We make a StrictArg duplicable simply by making all its
+stored-up arguments (in sc_fun) trivial, by let-binding
+them. Thus:
+ f E [..hole..]
+ ==> let a = E
+ in f a [..hole..]
+Now if the thing in the hole is a case expression (which is when
+we'll call mkDupableCont), we'll push the function call into the
+branches, which is what we want. Now RULES for f may fire, and
+call-pattern specialisation. Here's an example from #3116
+ go (n+1) (case l of
+ 1 -> bs'
+ _ -> Chunk p fpc (o+1) (l-1) bs')
+If we can push the call for 'go' inside the case, we get
+call-pattern specialisation for 'go', which is *crucial* for
+this program.
+Here is the (&&) example:
+ && E (case x of { T -> F; F -> T })
+ ==> let a = E in
+ case x of { T -> && a F; F -> && a T }
+Much better!
+Notice that
+ * Arguments to f *after* the strict one are handled by
+ the ApplyToVal case of mkDupableCont. Eg
+ f [..hole..] E
+ * We can only do the let-binding of E because the function
+ part of a StrictArg continuation is an explicit syntax
+ tree. In earlier versions we represented it as a function
+ (CoreExpr -> CoreEpxr) which we couldn't take apart.
+Historical aide: previously we did this (where E is a
+big argument:
+ f E [..hole..]
+ ==> let $j = \a -> f E a
+ in $j [..hole..]
+But this is terrible! Here's an example:
+ && E (case x of { T -> F; F -> T })
+Now, && is strict so we end up simplifying the case with
+an ArgOf continuation. If we let-bind it, we get
+ let $j = \v -> && E v
+ in simplExpr (case x of { T -> F; F -> T })
+ (ArgOf (\r -> $j r)
+And after simplifying more we get
+ let $j = \v -> && E v
+ in case x of { T -> $j F; F -> $j T }
+Which is a Very Bad Thing
+Note [Duplicating StrictBind]
+We make a StrictBind duplicable in a very similar way to
+that for case expressions. After all,
+ let x* = e in b is similar to case e of x -> b
+So we potentially make a join-point for the body, thus:
+ let x = [] in b ==> join j x = b
+ in let x = [] in j x
+Note [Join point abstraction] Historical note
+NB: This note is now historical, describing how (in the past) we used
+to add a void argument to nullary join points. But now that "join
+point" is not a fuzzy concept but a formal syntactic construct (as
+distinguished by the JoinId constructor of IdDetails), each of these
+concerns is handled separately, with no need for a vestigial extra
+Join points always have at least one value argument,
+for several reasons
+* If we try to lift a primitive-typed something out
+ for let-binding-purposes, we will *caseify* it (!),
+ with potentially-disastrous strictness results. So
+ instead we turn it into a function: \v -> e
+ where v::Void#. The value passed to this function is void,
+ which generates (almost) no code.
+* CPR. We used to say "&& isUnliftedType rhs_ty'" here, but now
+ we make the join point into a function whenever used_bndrs'
+ is empty. This makes the join-point more CPR friendly.
+ Consider: let j = if .. then I# 3 else I# 4
+ in case .. of { A -> j; B -> j; C -> ... }
+ Now CPR doesn't w/w j because it's a thunk, so
+ that means that the enclosing function can't w/w either,
+ which is a lose. Here's the example that happened in practice:
+ kgmod :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ kgmod x y = if x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0
+ then 78
+ else 5
+* Let-no-escape. We want a join point to turn into a let-no-escape
+ so that it is implemented as a jump, and one of the conditions
+ for LNE is that it's not updatable. In CoreToStg, see
+ Note [What is a non-escaping let]
+* Floating. Since a join point will be entered once, no sharing is
+ gained by floating out, but something might be lost by doing
+ so because it might be allocated.
+I have seen a case alternative like this:
+ True -> \v -> ...
+It's a bit silly to add the realWorld dummy arg in this case, making
+ $j = \s v -> ...
+ True -> $j s
+(the \v alone is enough to make CPR happy) but I think it's rare
+There's a slight infelicity here: we pass the overall
+case_bndr to all the join points if it's used in *any* RHS,
+because we don't know its usage in each RHS separately
+* *
+ Unfoldings
+* *
+simplLetUnfolding :: SimplEnv-> TopLevelFlag
+ -> MaybeJoinCont
+ -> InId
+ -> OutExpr -> OutType
+ -> Unfolding -> SimplM Unfolding
+simplLetUnfolding env top_lvl cont_mb id new_rhs rhs_ty unf
+ | isStableUnfolding unf
+ = simplStableUnfolding env top_lvl cont_mb id unf rhs_ty
+ | isExitJoinId id
+ = return noUnfolding -- See Note [Do not inline exit join points] in GHC.Core.Op.Exitify
+ | otherwise
+ = mkLetUnfolding (seDynFlags env) top_lvl InlineRhs id new_rhs
+mkLetUnfolding :: DynFlags -> TopLevelFlag -> UnfoldingSource
+ -> InId -> OutExpr -> SimplM Unfolding
+mkLetUnfolding dflags top_lvl src id new_rhs
+ = is_bottoming `seq` -- See Note [Force bottoming field]
+ return (mkUnfolding dflags src is_top_lvl is_bottoming new_rhs)
+ -- We make an unfolding *even for loop-breakers*.
+ -- Reason: (a) It might be useful to know that they are WHNF
+ -- (b) In GHC.Iface.Tidy we currently assume that, if we want to
+ -- expose the unfolding then indeed we *have* an unfolding
+ -- to expose. (We could instead use the RHS, but currently
+ -- we don't.) The simple thing is always to have one.
+ where
+ is_top_lvl = isTopLevel top_lvl
+ is_bottoming = isBottomingId id
+simplStableUnfolding :: SimplEnv -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> MaybeJoinCont -- Just k => a join point with continuation k
+ -> InId
+ -> Unfolding -> OutType -> SimplM Unfolding
+-- Note [Setting the new unfolding]
+simplStableUnfolding env top_lvl mb_cont id unf rhs_ty
+ = case unf of
+ NoUnfolding -> return unf
+ BootUnfolding -> return unf
+ OtherCon {} -> return unf
+ DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_con = con, df_args = args }
+ -> do { (env', bndrs') <- simplBinders unf_env bndrs
+ ; args' <- mapM (simplExpr env') args
+ ; return (mkDFunUnfolding bndrs' con args') }
+ CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = expr, uf_src = src, uf_guidance = guide }
+ | isStableSource src
+ -> do { expr' <- case mb_cont of -- See Note [Rules and unfolding for join points]
+ Just cont -> simplJoinRhs unf_env id expr cont
+ Nothing -> simplExprC unf_env expr (mkBoringStop rhs_ty)
+ ; case guide of
+ UnfWhen { ug_arity = arity
+ , ug_unsat_ok = sat_ok
+ , ug_boring_ok = boring_ok
+ }
+ -- Happens for INLINE things
+ -> let guide' =
+ UnfWhen { ug_arity = arity
+ , ug_unsat_ok = sat_ok
+ , ug_boring_ok =
+ boring_ok || inlineBoringOk expr'
+ }
+ -- Refresh the boring-ok flag, in case expr'
+ -- has got small. This happens, notably in the inlinings
+ -- for dfuns for single-method classes; see
+ -- Note [Single-method classes] in TcInstDcls.
+ -- A test case is #4138
+ -- But retain a previous boring_ok of True; e.g. see
+ -- the way it is set in calcUnfoldingGuidanceWithArity
+ in return (mkCoreUnfolding src is_top_lvl expr' guide')
+ -- See Note [Top-level flag on inline rules] in GHC.Core.Unfold
+ _other -- Happens for INLINABLE things
+ -> mkLetUnfolding dflags top_lvl src id expr' }
+ -- If the guidance is UnfIfGoodArgs, this is an INLINABLE
+ -- unfolding, and we need to make sure the guidance is kept up
+ -- to date with respect to any changes in the unfolding.
+ | otherwise -> return noUnfolding -- Discard unstable unfoldings
+ where
+ dflags = seDynFlags env
+ is_top_lvl = isTopLevel top_lvl
+ act = idInlineActivation id
+ unf_env = updMode (updModeForStableUnfoldings act) env
+ -- See Note [Simplifying inside stable unfoldings] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+Note [Force bottoming field]
+We need to force bottoming, or the new unfolding holds
+on to the old unfolding (which is part of the id).
+Note [Setting the new unfolding]
+* If there's an INLINE pragma, we simplify the RHS gently. Maybe we
+ should do nothing at all, but simplifying gently might get rid of
+ more crap.
+* If not, we make an unfolding from the new RHS. But *only* for
+ non-loop-breakers. Making loop breakers not have an unfolding at all
+ means that we can avoid tests in exprIsConApp, for example. This is
+ important: if exprIsConApp says 'yes' for a recursive thing, then we
+ can get into an infinite loop
+If there's a stable unfolding on a loop breaker (which happens for
+INLINABLE), we hang on to the inlining. It's pretty dodgy, but the
+user did say 'INLINE'. May need to revisit this choice.
+* *
+ Rules
+* *
+Note [Rules in a letrec]
+After creating fresh binders for the binders of a letrec, we
+substitute the RULES and add them back onto the binders; this is done
+*before* processing any of the RHSs. This is important. Manuel found
+cases where he really, really wanted a RULE for a recursive function
+to apply in that function's own right-hand side.
+See Note [Forming Rec groups] in OccurAnal
+addBndrRules :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> OutBndr
+ -> MaybeJoinCont -- Just k for a join point binder
+ -- Nothing otherwise
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
+-- Rules are added back into the bin
+addBndrRules env in_id out_id mb_cont
+ | null old_rules
+ = return (env, out_id)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { new_rules <- simplRules env (Just out_id) old_rules mb_cont
+ ; let final_id = out_id `setIdSpecialisation` mkRuleInfo new_rules
+ ; return (modifyInScope env final_id, final_id) }
+ where
+ old_rules = ruleInfoRules (idSpecialisation in_id)
+simplRules :: SimplEnv -> Maybe OutId -> [CoreRule]
+ -> MaybeJoinCont -> SimplM [CoreRule]
+simplRules env mb_new_id rules mb_cont
+ = mapM simpl_rule rules
+ where
+ simpl_rule rule@(BuiltinRule {})
+ = return rule
+ simpl_rule rule@(Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args
+ , ru_fn = fn_name, ru_rhs = rhs })
+ = do { (env', bndrs') <- simplBinders env bndrs
+ ; let rhs_ty = substTy env' (exprType rhs)
+ rhs_cont = case mb_cont of -- See Note [Rules and unfolding for join points]
+ Nothing -> mkBoringStop rhs_ty
+ Just cont -> ASSERT2( join_ok, bad_join_msg )
+ cont
+ rule_env = updMode updModeForRules env'
+ fn_name' = case mb_new_id of
+ Just id -> idName id
+ Nothing -> fn_name
+ -- join_ok is an assertion check that the join-arity of the
+ -- binder matches that of the rule, so that pushing the
+ -- continuation into the RHS makes sense
+ join_ok = case mb_new_id of
+ Just id | Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe id
+ -> length args == join_arity
+ _ -> False
+ bad_join_msg = vcat [ ppr mb_new_id, ppr rule
+ , ppr (fmap isJoinId_maybe mb_new_id) ]
+ ; args' <- mapM (simplExpr rule_env) args
+ ; rhs' <- simplExprC rule_env rhs rhs_cont
+ ; return (rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs'
+ , ru_fn = fn_name'
+ , ru_args = args'
+ , ru_rhs = rhs' }) }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Driver.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Driver.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6ec392599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Driver.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[SimplCore]{Driver for simplifying @Core@ programs}
+module GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Driver ( core2core, simplifyExpr ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.Core.Op.CSE ( cseProgram )
+import GHC.Core.Rules ( mkRuleBase, unionRuleBase,
+ extendRuleBaseList, ruleCheckProgram, addRuleInfo,
+ getRules )
+import GHC.Core.Ppr ( pprCoreBindings, pprCoreExpr )
+import GHC.Core.Op.OccurAnal ( occurAnalysePgm, occurAnalyseExpr )
+import IdInfo
+import GHC.Core.Stats ( coreBindsSize, coreBindsStats, exprSize )
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( mkTicks, stripTicksTop )
+import GHC.Core.Lint ( endPass, lintPassResult, dumpPassResult,
+ lintAnnots )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr, simplRules )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils ( simplEnvForGHCi, activeRule, activeUnfolding )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Env
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Monad
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad
+import qualified ErrUtils as Err
+import GHC.Core.Op.FloatIn ( floatInwards )
+import GHC.Core.Op.FloatOut ( floatOutwards )
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+import Id
+import ErrUtils ( withTiming, withTimingD, DumpFormat (..) )
+import BasicTypes ( CompilerPhase(..), isDefaultInlinePragma, defaultInlinePragma )
+import VarSet
+import VarEnv
+import GHC.Core.Op.LiberateCase ( liberateCase )
+import GHC.Core.Op.StaticArgs ( doStaticArgs )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Specialise ( specProgram)
+import GHC.Core.Op.SpecConstr ( specConstrProgram)
+import GHC.Core.Op.DmdAnal ( dmdAnalProgram )
+import GHC.Core.Op.CprAnal ( cprAnalProgram )
+import GHC.Core.Op.CallArity ( callArityAnalProgram )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Exitify ( exitifyProgram )
+import GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap ( wwTopBinds )
+import SrcLoc
+import Util
+import Module
+import GHC.Driver.Plugins ( withPlugins, installCoreToDos )
+import GHC.Runtime.Loader -- ( initializePlugins )
+import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply, mkSplitUniqSupply, splitUniqSupply )
+import UniqFM
+import Outputable
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+* *
+\subsection{The driver for the simplifier}
+* *
+core2core :: HscEnv -> ModGuts -> IO ModGuts
+core2core hsc_env guts@(ModGuts { mg_module = mod
+ , mg_loc = loc
+ , mg_deps = deps
+ , mg_rdr_env = rdr_env })
+ = do { -- make sure all plugins are loaded
+ ; let builtin_passes = getCoreToDo dflags
+ orph_mods = mkModuleSet (mod : dep_orphs deps)
+ uniq_mask = 's'
+ ;
+ ; (guts2, stats) <- runCoreM hsc_env hpt_rule_base uniq_mask mod
+ orph_mods print_unqual loc $
+ do { hsc_env' <- getHscEnv
+ ; dflags' <- liftIO $ initializePlugins hsc_env'
+ (hsc_dflags hsc_env')
+ ; all_passes <- withPlugins dflags'
+ installCoreToDos
+ builtin_passes
+ ; runCorePasses all_passes guts }
+ ; Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats
+ "Grand total simplifier statistics"
+ FormatText
+ (pprSimplCount stats)
+ ; return guts2 }
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ home_pkg_rules = hptRules hsc_env (dep_mods deps)
+ hpt_rule_base = mkRuleBase home_pkg_rules
+ print_unqual = mkPrintUnqualified dflags rdr_env
+ -- mod: get the module out of the current HscEnv so we can retrieve it from the monad.
+ -- This is very convienent for the users of the monad (e.g. plugins do not have to
+ -- consume the ModGuts to find the module) but somewhat ugly because mg_module may
+ -- _theoretically_ be changed during the Core pipeline (it's part of ModGuts), which
+ -- would mean our cached value would go out of date.
+* *
+ Generating the main optimisation pipeline
+* *
+getCoreToDo :: DynFlags -> [CoreToDo]
+getCoreToDo dflags
+ = flatten_todos core_todo
+ where
+ opt_level = optLevel dflags
+ phases = simplPhases dflags
+ max_iter = maxSimplIterations dflags
+ rule_check = ruleCheck dflags
+ call_arity = gopt Opt_CallArity dflags
+ exitification = gopt Opt_Exitification dflags
+ strictness = gopt Opt_Strictness dflags
+ full_laziness = gopt Opt_FullLaziness dflags
+ do_specialise = gopt Opt_Specialise dflags
+ do_float_in = gopt Opt_FloatIn dflags
+ cse = gopt Opt_CSE dflags
+ spec_constr = gopt Opt_SpecConstr dflags
+ liberate_case = gopt Opt_LiberateCase dflags
+ late_dmd_anal = gopt Opt_LateDmdAnal dflags
+ late_specialise = gopt Opt_LateSpecialise dflags
+ static_args = gopt Opt_StaticArgumentTransformation dflags
+ rules_on = gopt Opt_EnableRewriteRules dflags
+ eta_expand_on = gopt Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion dflags
+ ww_on = gopt Opt_WorkerWrapper dflags
+ static_ptrs = xopt LangExt.StaticPointers dflags
+ maybe_rule_check phase = runMaybe rule_check (CoreDoRuleCheck phase)
+ maybe_strictness_before phase
+ = runWhen (phase `elem` strictnessBefore dflags) CoreDoDemand
+ base_mode = SimplMode { sm_phase = panic "base_mode"
+ , sm_names = []
+ , sm_dflags = dflags
+ , sm_rules = rules_on
+ , sm_eta_expand = eta_expand_on
+ , sm_inline = True
+ , sm_case_case = True }
+ simpl_phase phase names iter
+ = CoreDoPasses
+ $ [ maybe_strictness_before phase
+ , CoreDoSimplify iter
+ (base_mode { sm_phase = Phase phase
+ , sm_names = names })
+ , maybe_rule_check (Phase phase) ]
+ simpl_phases = CoreDoPasses [ simpl_phase phase ["main"] max_iter
+ | phase <- [phases, phases-1 .. 1] ]
+ -- initial simplify: mk specialiser happy: minimum effort please
+ simpl_gently = CoreDoSimplify max_iter
+ (base_mode { sm_phase = InitialPhase
+ , sm_names = ["Gentle"]
+ , sm_rules = rules_on -- Note [RULEs enabled in InitialPhase]
+ , sm_inline = True
+ -- See Note [Inline in InitialPhase]
+ , sm_case_case = False })
+ -- Don't do case-of-case transformations.
+ -- This makes full laziness work better
+ dmd_cpr_ww = if ww_on then [CoreDoDemand,CoreDoCpr,CoreDoWorkerWrapper]
+ else [CoreDoDemand,CoreDoCpr]
+ demand_analyser = (CoreDoPasses (
+ dmd_cpr_ww ++
+ [simpl_phase 0 ["post-worker-wrapper"] max_iter]
+ ))
+ -- Static forms are moved to the top level with the FloatOut pass.
+ -- See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in StaticPtrTable.
+ static_ptrs_float_outwards =
+ runWhen static_ptrs $ CoreDoPasses
+ [ simpl_gently -- Float Out can't handle type lets (sometimes created
+ -- by simpleOptPgm via mkParallelBindings)
+ , CoreDoFloatOutwards FloatOutSwitches
+ { floatOutLambdas = Just 0
+ , floatOutConstants = True
+ , floatOutOverSatApps = False
+ , floatToTopLevelOnly = True
+ }
+ ]
+ core_todo =
+ if opt_level == 0 then
+ [ static_ptrs_float_outwards,
+ CoreDoSimplify max_iter
+ (base_mode { sm_phase = Phase 0
+ , sm_names = ["Non-opt simplification"] })
+ ]
+ else {- opt_level >= 1 -} [
+ -- We want to do the static argument transform before full laziness as it
+ -- may expose extra opportunities to float things outwards. However, to fix
+ -- up the output of the transformation we need at do at least one simplify
+ -- after this before anything else
+ runWhen static_args (CoreDoPasses [ simpl_gently, CoreDoStaticArgs ]),
+ -- initial simplify: mk specialiser happy: minimum effort please
+ simpl_gently,
+ -- Specialisation is best done before full laziness
+ -- so that overloaded functions have all their dictionary lambdas manifest
+ runWhen do_specialise CoreDoSpecialising,
+ if full_laziness then
+ CoreDoFloatOutwards FloatOutSwitches {
+ floatOutLambdas = Just 0,
+ floatOutConstants = True,
+ floatOutOverSatApps = False,
+ floatToTopLevelOnly = False }
+ -- Was: gentleFloatOutSwitches
+ --
+ -- I have no idea why, but not floating constants to
+ -- top level is very bad in some cases.
+ --
+ -- Notably: p_ident in spectral/rewrite
+ -- Changing from "gentle" to "constantsOnly"
+ -- improved rewrite's allocation by 19%, and
+ -- made 0.0% difference to any other nofib
+ -- benchmark
+ --
+ -- Not doing floatOutOverSatApps yet, we'll do
+ -- that later on when we've had a chance to get more
+ -- accurate arity information. In fact it makes no
+ -- difference at all to performance if we do it here,
+ -- but maybe we save some unnecessary to-and-fro in
+ -- the simplifier.
+ else
+ -- Even with full laziness turned off, we still need to float static
+ -- forms to the top level. See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in
+ -- StaticPtrTable.
+ static_ptrs_float_outwards,
+ simpl_phases,
+ -- Phase 0: allow all Ids to be inlined now
+ -- This gets foldr inlined before strictness analysis
+ -- At least 3 iterations because otherwise we land up with
+ -- huge dead expressions because of an infelicity in the
+ -- simplifier.
+ -- let k = BIG in foldr k z xs
+ -- ==> let k = BIG in letrec go = \xs -> ...(k x).... in go xs
+ -- ==> let k = BIG in letrec go = \xs -> ...(BIG x).... in go xs
+ -- Don't stop now!
+ simpl_phase 0 ["main"] (max max_iter 3),
+ runWhen do_float_in CoreDoFloatInwards,
+ -- Run float-inwards immediately before the strictness analyser
+ -- Doing so pushes bindings nearer their use site and hence makes
+ -- them more likely to be strict. These bindings might only show
+ -- up after the inlining from simplification. Example in fulsom,
+ -- Csg.calc, where an arg of timesDouble thereby becomes strict.
+ runWhen call_arity $ CoreDoPasses
+ [ CoreDoCallArity
+ , simpl_phase 0 ["post-call-arity"] max_iter
+ ],
+ runWhen strictness demand_analyser,
+ runWhen exitification CoreDoExitify,
+ -- See note [Placement of the exitification pass]
+ runWhen full_laziness $
+ CoreDoFloatOutwards FloatOutSwitches {
+ floatOutLambdas = floatLamArgs dflags,
+ floatOutConstants = True,
+ floatOutOverSatApps = True,
+ floatToTopLevelOnly = False },
+ -- nofib/spectral/hartel/wang doubles in speed if you
+ -- do full laziness late in the day. It only happens
+ -- after fusion and other stuff, so the early pass doesn't
+ -- catch it. For the record, the redex is
+ -- f_el22 (f_el21 r_midblock)
+ runWhen cse CoreCSE,
+ -- We want CSE to follow the final full-laziness pass, because it may
+ -- succeed in commoning up things floated out by full laziness.
+ -- CSE used to rely on the no-shadowing invariant, but it doesn't any more
+ runWhen do_float_in CoreDoFloatInwards,
+ maybe_rule_check (Phase 0),
+ -- Case-liberation for -O2. This should be after
+ -- strictness analysis and the simplification which follows it.
+ runWhen liberate_case (CoreDoPasses [
+ CoreLiberateCase,
+ simpl_phase 0 ["post-liberate-case"] max_iter
+ ]), -- Run the simplifier after LiberateCase to vastly
+ -- reduce the possibility of shadowing
+ -- Reason: see Note [Shadowing] in GHC.Core.Op.SpecConstr
+ runWhen spec_constr CoreDoSpecConstr,
+ maybe_rule_check (Phase 0),
+ runWhen late_specialise
+ (CoreDoPasses [ CoreDoSpecialising
+ , simpl_phase 0 ["post-late-spec"] max_iter]),
+ -- LiberateCase can yield new CSE opportunities because it peels
+ -- off one layer of a recursive function (concretely, I saw this
+ -- in wheel-sieve1), and I'm guessing that SpecConstr can too
+ -- And CSE is a very cheap pass. So it seems worth doing here.
+ runWhen ((liberate_case || spec_constr) && cse) CoreCSE,
+ -- Final clean-up simplification:
+ simpl_phase 0 ["final"] max_iter,
+ runWhen late_dmd_anal $ CoreDoPasses (
+ dmd_cpr_ww ++
+ [simpl_phase 0 ["post-late-ww"] max_iter]
+ ),
+ -- Final run of the demand_analyser, ensures that one-shot thunks are
+ -- really really one-shot thunks. Only needed if the demand analyser
+ -- has run at all. See Note [Final Demand Analyser run] in GHC.Core.Op.DmdAnal
+ -- It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to run this pass, otherwise execution
+ -- can become /exponentially/ more expensive. See #11731, #12996.
+ runWhen (strictness || late_dmd_anal) CoreDoDemand,
+ maybe_rule_check (Phase 0)
+ ]
+ -- Remove 'CoreDoNothing' and flatten 'CoreDoPasses' for clarity.
+ flatten_todos [] = []
+ flatten_todos (CoreDoNothing : rest) = flatten_todos rest
+ flatten_todos (CoreDoPasses passes : rest) =
+ flatten_todos passes ++ flatten_todos rest
+ flatten_todos (todo : rest) = todo : flatten_todos rest
+{- Note [Inline in InitialPhase]
+In GHC 8 and earlier we did not inline anything in the InitialPhase. But that is
+confusing for users because when they say INLINE they expect the function to inline
+right away.
+So now we do inlining immediately, even in the InitialPhase, assuming that the
+Id's Activation allows it.
+This is a surprisingly big deal. Compiler performance improved a lot
+when I made this change:
+ perf/compiler/ T5837 [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ parsing001 [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T12234 [stat too good] (optasm)
+ perf/compiler/ T9020 [stat too good] (optasm)
+ perf/compiler/ T3064 [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T9961 [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T13056 [stat too good] (optasm)
+ perf/compiler/ T9872d [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T783 [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T12227 [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/should_run/ lazy-bs-alloc [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T1969 [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T9872a [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T9872c [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T9872b [stat too good] (normal)
+ perf/compiler/ T9872d [stat too good] (normal)
+Note [RULEs enabled in InitialPhase]
+RULES are enabled when doing "gentle" simplification in InitialPhase,
+or with -O0. Two reasons:
+ * We really want the class-op cancellation to happen:
+ op (df d1 d2) --> $cop3 d1 d2
+ because this breaks the mutual recursion between 'op' and 'df'
+ * I wanted the RULE
+ lift String ===> ...
+ to work in Template Haskell when simplifying
+ splices, so we get simpler code for literal strings
+But watch out: list fusion can prevent floating. So use phase control
+to switch off those rules until after floating.
+* *
+ The CoreToDo interpreter
+* *
+runCorePasses :: [CoreToDo] -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+runCorePasses passes guts
+ = foldM do_pass guts passes
+ where
+ do_pass guts CoreDoNothing = return guts
+ do_pass guts (CoreDoPasses ps) = runCorePasses ps guts
+ do_pass guts pass = do
+ withTimingD (ppr pass <+> brackets (ppr mod))
+ (const ()) $ do
+ { guts' <- lintAnnots (ppr pass) (doCorePass pass) guts
+ ; endPass pass (mg_binds guts') (mg_rules guts')
+ ; return guts' }
+ mod = mg_module guts
+doCorePass :: CoreToDo -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+doCorePass pass@(CoreDoSimplify {}) = {-# SCC "Simplify" #-}
+ simplifyPgm pass
+doCorePass CoreCSE = {-# SCC "CommonSubExpr" #-}
+ doPass cseProgram
+doCorePass CoreLiberateCase = {-# SCC "LiberateCase" #-}
+ doPassD liberateCase
+doCorePass CoreDoFloatInwards = {-# SCC "FloatInwards" #-}
+ floatInwards
+doCorePass (CoreDoFloatOutwards f) = {-# SCC "FloatOutwards" #-}
+ doPassDUM (floatOutwards f)
+doCorePass CoreDoStaticArgs = {-# SCC "StaticArgs" #-}
+ doPassU doStaticArgs
+doCorePass CoreDoCallArity = {-# SCC "CallArity" #-}
+ doPassD callArityAnalProgram
+doCorePass CoreDoExitify = {-# SCC "Exitify" #-}
+ doPass exitifyProgram
+doCorePass CoreDoDemand = {-# SCC "DmdAnal" #-}
+ doPassDFM dmdAnalProgram
+doCorePass CoreDoCpr = {-# SCC "CprAnal" #-}
+ doPassDFM cprAnalProgram
+doCorePass CoreDoWorkerWrapper = {-# SCC "WorkWrap" #-}
+ doPassDFU wwTopBinds
+doCorePass CoreDoSpecialising = {-# SCC "Specialise" #-}
+ specProgram
+doCorePass CoreDoSpecConstr = {-# SCC "SpecConstr" #-}
+ specConstrProgram
+doCorePass CoreDoPrintCore = observe printCore
+doCorePass (CoreDoRuleCheck phase pat) = ruleCheckPass phase pat
+doCorePass CoreDoNothing = return
+doCorePass (CoreDoPasses passes) = runCorePasses passes
+doCorePass (CoreDoPluginPass _ pass) = {-# SCC "Plugin" #-} pass
+doCorePass pass@CoreDesugar = pprPanic "doCorePass" (ppr pass)
+doCorePass pass@CoreDesugarOpt = pprPanic "doCorePass" (ppr pass)
+doCorePass pass@CoreTidy = pprPanic "doCorePass" (ppr pass)
+doCorePass pass@CorePrep = pprPanic "doCorePass" (ppr pass)
+doCorePass pass@CoreOccurAnal = pprPanic "doCorePass" (ppr pass)
+* *
+\subsection{Core pass combinators}
+* *
+printCore :: DynFlags -> CoreProgram -> IO ()
+printCore dflags binds
+ = Err.dumpIfSet dflags True "Print Core" (pprCoreBindings binds)
+ruleCheckPass :: CompilerPhase -> String -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+ruleCheckPass current_phase pat guts =
+ withTimingD (text "RuleCheck"<+>brackets (ppr $ mg_module guts))
+ (const ()) $ do
+ { rb <- getRuleBase
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; vis_orphs <- getVisibleOrphanMods
+ ; let rule_fn fn = getRules (RuleEnv rb vis_orphs) fn
+ ++ (mg_rules guts)
+ ; liftIO $ putLogMsg dflags NoReason Err.SevDump noSrcSpan
+ (defaultDumpStyle dflags)
+ (ruleCheckProgram current_phase pat
+ rule_fn (mg_binds guts))
+ ; return guts }
+doPassDUM :: (DynFlags -> UniqSupply -> CoreProgram -> IO CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+doPassDUM do_pass = doPassM $ \binds -> do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ liftIO $ do_pass dflags us binds
+doPassDM :: (DynFlags -> CoreProgram -> IO CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+doPassDM do_pass = doPassDUM (\dflags -> const (do_pass dflags))
+doPassD :: (DynFlags -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+doPassD do_pass = doPassDM (\dflags -> return . do_pass dflags)
+doPassDU :: (DynFlags -> UniqSupply -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+doPassDU do_pass = doPassDUM (\dflags us -> return . do_pass dflags us)
+doPassU :: (UniqSupply -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+doPassU do_pass = doPassDU (const do_pass)
+doPassDFM :: (DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> CoreProgram -> IO CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+doPassDFM do_pass guts = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ p_fam_env <- getPackageFamInstEnv
+ let fam_envs = (p_fam_env, mg_fam_inst_env guts)
+ doPassM (liftIO . do_pass dflags fam_envs) guts
+doPassDFU :: (DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> UniqSupply -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+doPassDFU do_pass guts = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ p_fam_env <- getPackageFamInstEnv
+ let fam_envs = (p_fam_env, mg_fam_inst_env guts)
+ doPass (do_pass dflags fam_envs us) guts
+-- Most passes return no stats and don't change rules: these combinators
+-- let us lift them to the full blown ModGuts+CoreM world
+doPassM :: Monad m => (CoreProgram -> m CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> m ModGuts
+doPassM bind_f guts = do
+ binds' <- bind_f (mg_binds guts)
+ return (guts { mg_binds = binds' })
+doPass :: (CoreProgram -> CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+doPass bind_f guts = return $ guts { mg_binds = bind_f (mg_binds guts) }
+-- Observer passes just peek; don't modify the bindings at all
+observe :: (DynFlags -> CoreProgram -> IO a) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+observe do_pass = doPassM $ \binds -> do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ _ <- liftIO $ do_pass dflags binds
+ return binds
+* *
+ Gentle simplification
+* *
+simplifyExpr :: HscEnv -- includes spec of what core-to-core passes to do
+ -> CoreExpr
+ -> IO CoreExpr
+-- simplifyExpr is called by the driver to simplify an
+-- expression typed in at the interactive prompt
+simplifyExpr hsc_env expr
+ = withTiming dflags (text "Simplify [expr]") (const ()) $
+ do { eps <- hscEPS hsc_env ;
+ ; let rule_env = mkRuleEnv (eps_rule_base eps) []
+ fi_env = ( eps_fam_inst_env eps
+ , extendFamInstEnvList emptyFamInstEnv $
+ snd $ ic_instances $ hsc_IC hsc_env )
+ simpl_env = simplEnvForGHCi dflags
+ ; us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 's'
+ ; let sz = exprSize expr
+ ; (expr', counts) <- initSmpl dflags rule_env fi_env us sz $
+ simplExprGently simpl_env expr
+ ; Err.dumpIfSet dflags (dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats dflags)
+ "Simplifier statistics" (pprSimplCount counts)
+ ; Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl "Simplified expression"
+ FormatCore
+ (pprCoreExpr expr')
+ ; return expr'
+ }
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+simplExprGently :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> SimplM CoreExpr
+-- Simplifies an expression
+-- does occurrence analysis, then simplification
+-- and repeats (twice currently) because one pass
+-- alone leaves tons of crud.
+-- Used (a) for user expressions typed in at the interactive prompt
+-- (b) the LHS and RHS of a RULE
+-- (c) Template Haskell splices
+-- The name 'Gently' suggests that the SimplMode is InitialPhase,
+-- and in fact that is so.... but the 'Gently' in simplExprGently doesn't
+-- enforce that; it just simplifies the expression twice
+-- It's important that simplExprGently does eta reduction; see
+-- Note [Simplifying the left-hand side of a RULE] above. The
+-- simplifier does indeed do eta reduction (it's in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.completeLam)
+-- but only if -O is on.
+simplExprGently env expr = do
+ expr1 <- simplExpr env (occurAnalyseExpr expr)
+ simplExpr env (occurAnalyseExpr expr1)
+* *
+\subsection{The driver for the simplifier}
+* *
+simplifyPgm :: CoreToDo -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+simplifyPgm pass guts
+ = do { hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ ; us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ ; rb <- getRuleBase
+ ; liftIOWithCount $
+ simplifyPgmIO pass hsc_env us rb guts }
+simplifyPgmIO :: CoreToDo
+ -> HscEnv
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> RuleBase
+ -> ModGuts
+ -> IO (SimplCount, ModGuts) -- New bindings
+simplifyPgmIO pass@(CoreDoSimplify max_iterations mode)
+ hsc_env us hpt_rule_base
+ guts@(ModGuts { mg_module = this_mod
+ , mg_rdr_env = rdr_env
+ , mg_deps = deps
+ , mg_binds = binds, mg_rules = rules
+ , mg_fam_inst_env = fam_inst_env })
+ = do { (termination_msg, it_count, counts_out, guts')
+ <- do_iteration us 1 [] binds rules
+ ; Err.dumpIfSet dflags (dopt Opt_D_verbose_core2core dflags &&
+ dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats dflags)
+ "Simplifier statistics for following pass"
+ (vcat [text termination_msg <+> text "after" <+> ppr it_count
+ <+> text "iterations",
+ blankLine,
+ pprSimplCount counts_out])
+ ; return (counts_out, guts')
+ }
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ print_unqual = mkPrintUnqualified dflags rdr_env
+ simpl_env = mkSimplEnv mode
+ active_rule = activeRule mode
+ active_unf = activeUnfolding mode
+ do_iteration :: UniqSupply
+ -> Int -- Counts iterations
+ -> [SimplCount] -- Counts from earlier iterations, reversed
+ -> CoreProgram -- Bindings in
+ -> [CoreRule] -- and orphan rules
+ -> IO (String, Int, SimplCount, ModGuts)
+ do_iteration us iteration_no counts_so_far binds rules
+ -- iteration_no is the number of the iteration we are
+ -- about to begin, with '1' for the first
+ | iteration_no > max_iterations -- Stop if we've run out of iterations
+ = WARN( debugIsOn && (max_iterations > 2)
+ , hang (text "Simplifier bailing out after" <+> int max_iterations
+ <+> text "iterations"
+ <+> (brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
+ map (int . simplCountN) (reverse counts_so_far)))
+ 2 (text "Size =" <+> ppr (coreBindsStats binds)))
+ -- Subtract 1 from iteration_no to get the
+ -- number of iterations we actually completed
+ return ( "Simplifier baled out", iteration_no - 1
+ , totalise counts_so_far
+ , guts { mg_binds = binds, mg_rules = rules } )
+ -- Try and force thunks off the binds; significantly reduces
+ -- space usage, especially with -O. JRS, 000620.
+ | let sz = coreBindsSize binds
+ , () <- sz `seq` () -- Force it
+ = do {
+ -- Occurrence analysis
+ let { tagged_binds = {-# SCC "OccAnal" #-}
+ occurAnalysePgm this_mod active_unf active_rule rules
+ binds
+ } ;
+ Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_occur_anal "Occurrence analysis"
+ FormatCore
+ (pprCoreBindings tagged_binds);
+ -- Get any new rules, and extend the rule base
+ -- See Note [Overall plumbing for rules] in GHC.Core.Rules
+ -- We need to do this regularly, because simplification can
+ -- poke on IdInfo thunks, which in turn brings in new rules
+ -- behind the scenes. Otherwise there's a danger we'll simply
+ -- miss the rules for Ids hidden inside imported inlinings
+ eps <- hscEPS hsc_env ;
+ let { rule_base1 = unionRuleBase hpt_rule_base (eps_rule_base eps)
+ ; rule_base2 = extendRuleBaseList rule_base1 rules
+ ; fam_envs = (eps_fam_inst_env eps, fam_inst_env)
+ ; vis_orphs = this_mod : dep_orphs deps } ;
+ -- Simplify the program
+ ((binds1, rules1), counts1) <-
+ initSmpl dflags (mkRuleEnv rule_base2 vis_orphs) fam_envs us1 sz $
+ do { (floats, env1) <- {-# SCC "SimplTopBinds" #-}
+ simplTopBinds simpl_env tagged_binds
+ -- Apply the substitution to rules defined in this module
+ -- for imported Ids. Eg RULE map my_f = blah
+ -- If we have a substitution my_f :-> other_f, we'd better
+ -- apply it to the rule to, or it'll never match
+ ; rules1 <- simplRules env1 Nothing rules Nothing
+ ; return (getTopFloatBinds floats, rules1) } ;
+ -- Stop if nothing happened; don't dump output
+ -- See Note [Which transformations are innocuous] in GHC.Core.Op.Monad
+ if isZeroSimplCount counts1 then
+ return ( "Simplifier reached fixed point", iteration_no
+ , totalise (counts1 : counts_so_far) -- Include "free" ticks
+ , guts { mg_binds = binds1, mg_rules = rules1 } )
+ else do {
+ -- Short out indirections
+ -- We do this *after* at least one run of the simplifier
+ -- because indirection-shorting uses the export flag on *occurrences*
+ -- and that isn't guaranteed to be ok until after the first run propagates
+ -- stuff from the binding site to its occurrences
+ --
+ -- ToDo: alas, this means that indirection-shorting does not happen at all
+ -- if the simplifier does nothing (not common, I know, but unsavoury)
+ let { binds2 = {-# SCC "ZapInd" #-} shortOutIndirections binds1 } ;
+ -- Dump the result of this iteration
+ dump_end_iteration dflags print_unqual iteration_no counts1 binds2 rules1 ;
+ lintPassResult hsc_env pass binds2 ;
+ -- Loop
+ do_iteration us2 (iteration_no + 1) (counts1:counts_so_far) binds2 rules1
+ } }
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 810
+ | otherwise = panic "do_iteration"
+ where
+ (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+ -- Remember the counts_so_far are reversed
+ totalise :: [SimplCount] -> SimplCount
+ totalise = foldr (\c acc -> acc `plusSimplCount` c)
+ (zeroSimplCount dflags)
+simplifyPgmIO _ _ _ _ _ = panic "simplifyPgmIO"
+dump_end_iteration :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> Int
+ -> SimplCount -> CoreProgram -> [CoreRule] -> IO ()
+dump_end_iteration dflags print_unqual iteration_no counts binds rules
+ = dumpPassResult dflags print_unqual mb_flag hdr pp_counts binds rules
+ where
+ mb_flag | dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations dflags = Just Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ -- Show details if Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations is on
+ hdr = text "Simplifier iteration=" <> int iteration_no
+ pp_counts = vcat [ text "---- Simplifier counts for" <+> hdr
+ , pprSimplCount counts
+ , text "---- End of simplifier counts for" <+> hdr ]
+* *
+ Shorting out indirections
+* *
+If we have this:
+ x_local = <expression>
+ ...bindings...
+ x_exported = x_local
+where x_exported is exported, and x_local is not, then we replace it with this:
+ x_exported = <expression>
+ x_local = x_exported
+ ...bindings...
+Without this we never get rid of the x_exported = x_local thing. This
+save a gratuitous jump (from \tr{x_exported} to \tr{x_local}), and
+makes strictness information propagate better. This used to happen in
+the final phase, but it's tidier to do it here.
+Note [Messing up the exported Id's RULES]
+We must be careful about discarding (obviously) or even merging the
+RULES on the exported Id. The example that went bad on me at one stage
+was this one:
+ iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
+ [Exported]
+ iterate = iterateList
+ iterateFB c f x = x `c` iterateFB c f (f x)
+ iterateList f x = x : iterateList f (f x)
+ [Not exported]
+ {-# RULES
+ "iterate" forall f x. iterate f x = build (\c _n -> iterateFB c f x)
+ "iterateFB" iterateFB (:) = iterateList
+ #-}
+This got shorted out to:
+ iterateList :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
+ iterateList = iterate
+ iterateFB c f x = x `c` iterateFB c f (f x)
+ iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)
+ {-# RULES
+ "iterate" forall f x. iterate f x = build (\c _n -> iterateFB c f x)
+ "iterateFB" iterateFB (:) = iterate
+ #-}
+And now we get an infinite loop in the rule system
+ iterate f x -> build (\cn -> iterateFB c f x)
+ -> iterateFB (:) f x
+ -> iterate f x
+Old "solution":
+ use rule switching-off pragmas to get rid
+ of iterateList in the first place
+But in principle the user *might* want rules that only apply to the Id
+he says. And inline pragmas are similar
+ {-# NOINLINE f #-}
+ f = local
+ local = <stuff>
+Then we do not want to get rid of the NOINLINE.
+Hence hasShortableIdinfo.
+Note [Rules and indirection-zapping]
+Problem: what if x_exported has a RULE that mentions something in ...bindings...?
+Then the things mentioned can be out of scope! Solution
+ a) Make sure that in this pass the usage-info from x_exported is
+ available for ...bindings...
+ b) If there are any such RULES, rec-ify the entire top-level.
+ It'll get sorted out next time round
+Other remarks
+If more than one exported thing is equal to a local thing (i.e., the
+local thing really is shared), then we do one only:
+ x_local = ....
+ x_exported1 = x_local
+ x_exported2 = x_local
+ x_exported1 = ....
+ x_exported2 = x_exported1
+We rely on prior eta reduction to simplify things like
+ x_exported = /\ tyvars -> x_local tyvars
+ x_exported = x_local
+Hence,there's a possibility of leaving unchanged something like this:
+ x_local = ....
+ x_exported1 = x_local Int
+By the time we've thrown away the types in STG land this
+could be eliminated. But I don't think it's very common
+and it's dangerous to do this fiddling in STG land
+because we might eliminate a binding that's mentioned in the
+unfolding for something.
+Note [Indirection zapping and ticks]
+Unfortunately this is another place where we need a special case for
+ticks. The following happens quite regularly:
+ x_local = <expression>
+ x_exported = tick<x> x_local
+Which we want to become:
+ x_exported = tick<x> <expression>
+As it makes no sense to keep the tick and the expression on separate
+bindings. Note however that that this might increase the ticks scoping
+over the execution of x_local, so we can only do this for floatable
+ticks. More often than not, other references will be unfoldings of
+x_exported, and therefore carry the tick anyway.
+type IndEnv = IdEnv (Id, [Tickish Var]) -- Maps local_id -> exported_id, ticks
+shortOutIndirections :: CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
+shortOutIndirections binds
+ | isEmptyVarEnv ind_env = binds
+ | no_need_to_flatten = binds' -- See Note [Rules and indirect-zapping]
+ | otherwise = [Rec (flattenBinds binds')] -- for this no_need_to_flatten stuff
+ where
+ ind_env = makeIndEnv binds
+ -- These exported Ids are the subjects of the indirection-elimination
+ exp_ids = map fst $ nonDetEltsUFM ind_env
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here because we forget the ordering
+ -- by immediately converting to a set or check if all the elements
+ -- satisfy a predicate.
+ exp_id_set = mkVarSet exp_ids
+ no_need_to_flatten = all (null . ruleInfoRules . idSpecialisation) exp_ids
+ binds' = concatMap zap binds
+ zap (NonRec bndr rhs) = [NonRec b r | (b,r) <- zapPair (bndr,rhs)]
+ zap (Rec pairs) = [Rec (concatMap zapPair pairs)]
+ zapPair (bndr, rhs)
+ | bndr `elemVarSet` exp_id_set
+ = [] -- Kill the exported-id binding
+ | Just (exp_id, ticks) <- lookupVarEnv ind_env bndr
+ , (exp_id', lcl_id') <- transferIdInfo exp_id bndr
+ = -- Turn a local-id binding into two bindings
+ -- exp_id = rhs; lcl_id = exp_id
+ [ (exp_id', mkTicks ticks rhs),
+ (lcl_id', Var exp_id') ]
+ | otherwise
+ = [(bndr,rhs)]
+makeIndEnv :: [CoreBind] -> IndEnv
+makeIndEnv binds
+ = foldl' add_bind emptyVarEnv binds
+ where
+ add_bind :: IndEnv -> CoreBind -> IndEnv
+ add_bind env (NonRec exported_id rhs) = add_pair env (exported_id, rhs)
+ add_bind env (Rec pairs) = foldl' add_pair env pairs
+ add_pair :: IndEnv -> (Id,CoreExpr) -> IndEnv
+ add_pair env (exported_id, exported)
+ | (ticks, Var local_id) <- stripTicksTop tickishFloatable exported
+ , shortMeOut env exported_id local_id
+ = extendVarEnv env local_id (exported_id, ticks)
+ add_pair env _ = env
+shortMeOut :: IndEnv -> Id -> Id -> Bool
+shortMeOut ind_env exported_id local_id
+-- The if-then-else stuff is just so I can get a pprTrace to see
+-- how often I don't get shorting out because of IdInfo stuff
+ = if isExportedId exported_id && -- Only if this is exported
+ isLocalId local_id && -- Only if this one is defined in this
+ -- module, so that we *can* change its
+ -- binding to be the exported thing!
+ not (isExportedId local_id) && -- Only if this one is not itself exported,
+ -- since the transformation will nuke it
+ not (local_id `elemVarEnv` ind_env) -- Only if not already substituted for
+ then
+ if hasShortableIdInfo exported_id
+ then True -- See Note [Messing up the exported Id's IdInfo]
+ else WARN( True, text "Not shorting out:" <+> ppr exported_id )
+ False
+ else
+ False
+hasShortableIdInfo :: Id -> Bool
+-- True if there is no user-attached IdInfo on exported_id,
+-- so we can safely discard it
+-- See Note [Messing up the exported Id's IdInfo]
+hasShortableIdInfo id
+ = isEmptyRuleInfo (ruleInfo info)
+ && isDefaultInlinePragma (inlinePragInfo info)
+ && not (isStableUnfolding (unfoldingInfo info))
+ where
+ info = idInfo id
+{- Note [Transferring IdInfo]
+If we have
+ lcl_id = e; exp_id = lcl_id
+and lcl_id has useful IdInfo, we don't want to discard it by going
+ gbl_id = e; lcl_id = gbl_id
+Instead, transfer IdInfo from lcl_id to exp_id, specifically
+* (Stable) unfolding
+* Strictness
+* Rules
+* Inline pragma
+Overwriting, rather than merging, seems to work ok.
+We also zap the InlinePragma on the lcl_id. It might originally
+have had a NOINLINE, which we have now transferred; and we really
+want the lcl_id to inline now that its RHS is trivial!
+transferIdInfo :: Id -> Id -> (Id, Id)
+-- See Note [Transferring IdInfo]
+transferIdInfo exported_id local_id
+ = ( modifyIdInfo transfer exported_id
+ , local_id `setInlinePragma` defaultInlinePragma )
+ where
+ local_info = idInfo local_id
+ transfer exp_info = exp_info `setStrictnessInfo` strictnessInfo local_info
+ `setCprInfo` cprInfo local_info
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` unfoldingInfo local_info
+ `setInlinePragInfo` inlinePragInfo local_info
+ `setRuleInfo` addRuleInfo (ruleInfo exp_info) new_info
+ new_info = setRuleInfoHead (idName exported_id)
+ (ruleInfo local_info)
+ -- Remember to set the function-name field of the
+ -- rules as we transfer them from one function to another
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Env.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Env.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e94f734af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Env.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Monad]{The simplifier Monad}
+module GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Env (
+ -- * The simplifier mode
+ setMode, getMode, updMode, seDynFlags,
+ -- * Environments
+ SimplEnv(..), pprSimplEnv, -- Temp not abstract
+ mkSimplEnv, extendIdSubst,
+ extendTvSubst, extendCvSubst,
+ zapSubstEnv, setSubstEnv,
+ getInScope, setInScopeFromE, setInScopeFromF,
+ setInScopeSet, modifyInScope, addNewInScopeIds,
+ getSimplRules,
+ -- * Substitution results
+ SimplSR(..), mkContEx, substId, lookupRecBndr, refineFromInScope,
+ -- * Simplifying 'Id' binders
+ simplNonRecBndr, simplNonRecJoinBndr, simplRecBndrs, simplRecJoinBndrs,
+ simplBinder, simplBinders,
+ substTy, substTyVar, getTCvSubst,
+ substCo, substCoVar,
+ -- * Floats
+ SimplFloats(..), emptyFloats, mkRecFloats,
+ mkFloatBind, addLetFloats, addJoinFloats, addFloats,
+ extendFloats, wrapFloats,
+ doFloatFromRhs, getTopFloatBinds,
+ -- * LetFloats
+ LetFloats, letFloatBinds, emptyLetFloats, unitLetFloat,
+ addLetFlts, mapLetFloats,
+ -- * JoinFloats
+ JoinFloat, JoinFloats, emptyJoinFloats,
+ wrapJoinFloats, wrapJoinFloatsX, unitJoinFloat, addJoinFlts
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Monad
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad ( SimplMode(..) )
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Utils
+import Var
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import OrdList
+import Id
+import GHC.Core.Make ( mkWildValBinder )
+import GHC.Driver.Session ( DynFlags )
+import TysWiredIn
+import qualified GHC.Core.Type as Type
+import GHC.Core.Type hiding ( substTy, substTyVar, substTyVarBndr, extendTvSubst, extendCvSubst )
+import qualified GHC.Core.Coercion as Coercion
+import GHC.Core.Coercion hiding ( substCo, substCoVar, substCoVarBndr )
+import BasicTypes
+import MonadUtils
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import UniqFM ( pprUniqFM )
+import Data.List (mapAccumL)
+* *
+\subsubsection{The @SimplEnv@ type}
+* *
+data SimplEnv
+ = SimplEnv {
+ ----------- Static part of the environment -----------
+ -- Static in the sense of lexically scoped,
+ -- wrt the original expression
+ seMode :: SimplMode
+ -- The current substitution
+ , seTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv -- InTyVar |--> OutType
+ , seCvSubst :: CvSubstEnv -- InCoVar |--> OutCoercion
+ , seIdSubst :: SimplIdSubst -- InId |--> OutExpr
+ ----------- Dynamic part of the environment -----------
+ -- Dynamic in the sense of describing the setup where
+ -- the expression finally ends up
+ -- The current set of in-scope variables
+ -- They are all OutVars, and all bound in this module
+ , seInScope :: InScopeSet -- OutVars only
+ }
+data SimplFloats
+ = SimplFloats
+ { -- Ordinary let bindings
+ sfLetFloats :: LetFloats
+ -- See Note [LetFloats]
+ -- Join points
+ , sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
+ -- Handled separately; they don't go very far
+ -- We consider these to be /inside/ sfLetFloats
+ -- because join points can refer to ordinary bindings,
+ -- but not vice versa
+ -- Includes all variables bound by sfLetFloats and
+ -- sfJoinFloats, plus at least whatever is in scope where
+ -- these bindings land up.
+ , sfInScope :: InScopeSet -- All OutVars
+ }
+instance Outputable SimplFloats where
+ ppr (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = lf, sfJoinFloats = jf, sfInScope = is })
+ = text "SimplFloats"
+ <+> braces (vcat [ text "lets: " <+> ppr lf
+ , text "joins:" <+> ppr jf
+ , text "in_scope:" <+> ppr is ])
+emptyFloats :: SimplEnv -> SimplFloats
+emptyFloats env
+ = SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = emptyLetFloats
+ , sfJoinFloats = emptyJoinFloats
+ , sfInScope = seInScope env }
+pprSimplEnv :: SimplEnv -> SDoc
+-- Used for debugging; selective
+pprSimplEnv env
+ = vcat [text "TvSubst:" <+> ppr (seTvSubst env),
+ text "CvSubst:" <+> ppr (seCvSubst env),
+ text "IdSubst:" <+> id_subst_doc,
+ text "InScope:" <+> in_scope_vars_doc
+ ]
+ where
+ id_subst_doc = pprUniqFM ppr (seIdSubst env)
+ in_scope_vars_doc = pprVarSet (getInScopeVars (seInScope env))
+ (vcat . map ppr_one)
+ ppr_one v | isId v = ppr v <+> ppr (idUnfolding v)
+ | otherwise = ppr v
+type SimplIdSubst = IdEnv SimplSR -- IdId |--> OutExpr
+ -- See Note [Extending the Subst] in GHC.Core.Subst
+-- | A substitution result.
+data SimplSR
+ = DoneEx OutExpr (Maybe JoinArity)
+ -- If x :-> DoneEx e ja is in the SimplIdSubst
+ -- then replace occurrences of x by e
+ -- and ja = Just a <=> x is a join-point of arity a
+ -- See Note [Join arity in SimplIdSubst]
+ | DoneId OutId
+ -- If x :-> DoneId v is in the SimplIdSubst
+ -- then replace occurrences of x by v
+ -- and v is a join-point of arity a
+ -- <=> x is a join-point of arity a
+ | ContEx TvSubstEnv -- A suspended substitution
+ CvSubstEnv
+ SimplIdSubst
+ InExpr
+ -- If x :-> ContEx tv cv id e is in the SimplISubst
+ -- then replace occurrences of x by (subst (tv,cv,id) e)
+instance Outputable SimplSR where
+ ppr (DoneId v) = text "DoneId" <+> ppr v
+ ppr (DoneEx e mj) = text "DoneEx" <> pp_mj <+> ppr e
+ where
+ pp_mj = case mj of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just n -> parens (int n)
+ ppr (ContEx _tv _cv _id e) = vcat [text "ContEx" <+> ppr e {-,
+ ppr (filter_env tv), ppr (filter_env id) -}]
+ -- where
+ -- fvs = exprFreeVars e
+ -- filter_env env = filterVarEnv_Directly keep env
+ -- keep uniq _ = uniq `elemUFM_Directly` fvs
+Note [SimplEnv invariants]
+ The in-scope part of Subst includes *all* in-scope TyVars and Ids
+ The elements of the set may have better IdInfo than the
+ occurrences of in-scope Ids, and (more important) they will
+ have a correctly-substituted type. So we use a lookup in this
+ set to replace occurrences
+ The Ids in the InScopeSet are replete with their Rules,
+ and as we gather info about the unfolding of an Id, we replace
+ it in the in-scope set.
+ The in-scope set is actually a mapping OutVar -> OutVar, and
+ in case expressions we sometimes bind
+ The substitution is *apply-once* only, because InIds and OutIds
+ can overlap.
+ For example, we generally omit mappings
+ a77 -> a77
+ from the substitution, when we decide not to clone a77, but it's quite
+ legitimate to put the mapping in the substitution anyway.
+ Furthermore, consider
+ let x = case k of I# x77 -> ... in
+ let y = case k of I# x77 -> ... in ...
+ and suppose the body is strict in both x and y. Then the simplifier
+ will pull the first (case k) to the top; so the second (case k) will
+ cancel out, mapping x77 to, well, x77! But one is an in-Id and the
+ other is an out-Id.
+ Of course, the substitution *must* applied! Things in its domain
+ simply aren't necessarily bound in the result.
+* substId adds a binding (DoneId new_id) to the substitution if
+ the Id's unique has changed
+ Note, though that the substitution isn't necessarily extended
+ if the type of the Id changes. Why not? Because of the next point:
+* We *always, always* finish by looking up in the in-scope set
+ any variable that doesn't get a DoneEx or DoneVar hit in the substitution.
+ Reason: so that we never finish up with a "old" Id in the result.
+ An old Id might point to an old unfolding and so on... which gives a space
+ leak.
+ [The DoneEx and DoneVar hits map to "new" stuff.]
+* It follows that substExpr must not do a no-op if the substitution is empty.
+ substType is free to do so, however.
+* When we come to a let-binding (say) we generate new IdInfo, including an
+ unfolding, attach it to the binder, and add this newly adorned binder to
+ the in-scope set. So all subsequent occurrences of the binder will get
+ mapped to the full-adorned binder, which is also the one put in the
+ binding site.
+* The in-scope "set" usually maps x->x; we use it simply for its domain.
+ But sometimes we have two in-scope Ids that are synomyms, and should
+ map to the same target: x->x, y->x. Notably:
+ case y of x { ... }
+ That's why the "set" is actually a VarEnv Var
+Note [Join arity in SimplIdSubst]
+We have to remember which incoming variables are join points: the occurrences
+may not be marked correctly yet, and we're in change of propagating the change if
+OccurAnal makes something a join point).
+Normally the in-scope set is where we keep the latest information, but
+the in-scope set tracks only OutVars; if a binding is unconditionally
+inlined (via DoneEx), it never makes it into the in-scope set, and we
+need to know at the occurrence site that the variable is a join point
+so that we know to drop the context. Thus we remember which join
+points we're substituting. -}
+mkSimplEnv :: SimplMode -> SimplEnv
+mkSimplEnv mode
+ = SimplEnv { seMode = mode
+ , seInScope = init_in_scope
+ , seTvSubst = emptyVarEnv
+ , seCvSubst = emptyVarEnv
+ , seIdSubst = emptyVarEnv }
+ -- The top level "enclosing CC" is "SUBSUMED".
+init_in_scope :: InScopeSet
+init_in_scope = mkInScopeSet (unitVarSet (mkWildValBinder unitTy))
+ -- See Note [WildCard binders]
+Note [WildCard binders]
+The program to be simplified may have wild binders
+ case e of wild { p -> ... }
+We want to *rename* them away, so that there are no
+occurrences of 'wild-id' (with wildCardKey). The easy
+way to do that is to start of with a representative
+Id in the in-scope set
+There can be *occurrences* of wild-id. For example,
+GHC.Core.Make.mkCoreApp transforms
+ e (a /# b) --> case (a /# b) of wild { DEFAULT -> e wild }
+This is ok provided 'wild' isn't free in 'e', and that's the delicate
+thing. Generally, you want to run the simplifier to get rid of the
+wild-ids before doing much else.
+It's a very dark corner of GHC. Maybe it should be cleaned up.
+getMode :: SimplEnv -> SimplMode
+getMode env = seMode env
+seDynFlags :: SimplEnv -> DynFlags
+seDynFlags env = sm_dflags (seMode env)
+setMode :: SimplMode -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
+setMode mode env = env { seMode = mode }
+updMode :: (SimplMode -> SimplMode) -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
+updMode upd env = env { seMode = upd (seMode env) }
+extendIdSubst :: SimplEnv -> Id -> SimplSR -> SimplEnv
+extendIdSubst env@(SimplEnv {seIdSubst = subst}) var res
+ = ASSERT2( isId var && not (isCoVar var), ppr var )
+ env { seIdSubst = extendVarEnv subst var res }
+extendTvSubst :: SimplEnv -> TyVar -> Type -> SimplEnv
+extendTvSubst env@(SimplEnv {seTvSubst = tsubst}) var res
+ = ASSERT2( isTyVar var, ppr var $$ ppr res )
+ env {seTvSubst = extendVarEnv tsubst var res}
+extendCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> CoVar -> Coercion -> SimplEnv
+extendCvSubst env@(SimplEnv {seCvSubst = csubst}) var co
+ = ASSERT( isCoVar var )
+ env {seCvSubst = extendVarEnv csubst var co}
+getInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
+getInScope env = seInScope env
+setInScopeSet :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet -> SimplEnv
+setInScopeSet env in_scope = env {seInScope = in_scope}
+setInScopeFromE :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
+-- See Note [Setting the right in-scope set]
+setInScopeFromE rhs_env here_env = rhs_env { seInScope = seInScope here_env }
+setInScopeFromF :: SimplEnv -> SimplFloats -> SimplEnv
+setInScopeFromF env floats = env { seInScope = sfInScope floats }
+addNewInScopeIds :: SimplEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> SimplEnv
+ -- The new Ids are guaranteed to be freshly allocated
+addNewInScopeIds env@(SimplEnv { seInScope = in_scope, seIdSubst = id_subst }) vs
+ = env { seInScope = in_scope `extendInScopeSetList` vs,
+ seIdSubst = id_subst `delVarEnvList` vs }
+ -- Why delete? Consider
+ -- let x = a*b in (x, \x -> x+3)
+ -- We add [x |-> a*b] to the substitution, but we must
+ -- _delete_ it from the substitution when going inside
+ -- the (\x -> ...)!
+modifyInScope :: SimplEnv -> CoreBndr -> SimplEnv
+-- The variable should already be in scope, but
+-- replace the existing version with this new one
+-- which has more information
+modifyInScope env@(SimplEnv {seInScope = in_scope}) v
+ = env {seInScope = extendInScopeSet in_scope v}
+{- Note [Setting the right in-scope set]
+ \x. (let x = e in b) arg[x]
+where the let shadows the lambda. Really this means something like
+ \x1. (let x2 = e in b) arg[x1]
+- When we capture the 'arg' in an ApplyToVal continuation, we capture
+ the environment, which says what 'x' is bound to, namely x1
+- Then that continuation gets pushed under the let
+- Finally we simplify 'arg'. We want
+ - the static, lexical environment binding x :-> x1
+ - the in-scopeset from "here", under the 'let' which includes
+ both x1 and x2
+It's important to have the right in-scope set, else we may rename a
+variable to one that is already in scope. So we must pick up the
+in-scope set from "here", but otherwise use the environment we
+captured along with 'arg'. This transfer of in-scope set is done by
+zapSubstEnv :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
+zapSubstEnv env = env {seTvSubst = emptyVarEnv, seCvSubst = emptyVarEnv, seIdSubst = emptyVarEnv}
+setSubstEnv :: SimplEnv -> TvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv -> SimplIdSubst -> SimplEnv
+setSubstEnv env tvs cvs ids = env { seTvSubst = tvs, seCvSubst = cvs, seIdSubst = ids }
+mkContEx :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplSR
+mkContEx (SimplEnv { seTvSubst = tvs, seCvSubst = cvs, seIdSubst = ids }) e = ContEx tvs cvs ids e
+* *
+* *
+Note [LetFloats]
+The LetFloats is a bunch of bindings, classified by a FloatFlag.
+* All of them satisfy the let/app invariant
+ NonRec x (y:ys) FltLifted
+ Rec [(x,rhs)] FltLifted
+ NonRec x* (p:q) FltOKSpec -- RHS is WHNF. Question: why not FltLifted?
+ NonRec x# (y +# 3) FltOkSpec -- Unboxed, but ok-for-spec'n
+ NonRec x* (f y) FltCareful -- Strict binding; might fail or diverge
+Can't happen:
+ NonRec x# (a /# b) -- Might fail; does not satisfy let/app
+ NonRec x# (f y) -- Might diverge; does not satisfy let/app
+data LetFloats = LetFloats (OrdList OutBind) FloatFlag
+ -- See Note [LetFloats]
+type JoinFloat = OutBind
+type JoinFloats = OrdList JoinFloat
+data FloatFlag
+ = FltLifted -- All bindings are lifted and lazy *or*
+ -- consist of a single primitive string literal
+ -- Hence ok to float to top level, or recursive
+ | FltOkSpec -- All bindings are FltLifted *or*
+ -- strict (perhaps because unlifted,
+ -- perhaps because of a strict binder),
+ -- *and* ok-for-speculation
+ -- Hence ok to float out of the RHS
+ -- of a lazy non-recursive let binding
+ -- (but not to top level, or into a rec group)
+ | FltCareful -- At least one binding is strict (or unlifted)
+ -- and not guaranteed cheap
+ -- Do not float these bindings out of a lazy let
+instance Outputable LetFloats where
+ ppr (LetFloats binds ff) = ppr ff $$ ppr (fromOL binds)
+instance Outputable FloatFlag where
+ ppr FltLifted = text "FltLifted"
+ ppr FltOkSpec = text "FltOkSpec"
+ ppr FltCareful = text "FltCareful"
+andFF :: FloatFlag -> FloatFlag -> FloatFlag
+andFF FltCareful _ = FltCareful
+andFF FltOkSpec FltCareful = FltCareful
+andFF FltOkSpec _ = FltOkSpec
+andFF FltLifted flt = flt
+doFloatFromRhs :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> Bool -> SimplFloats -> OutExpr -> Bool
+-- If you change this function look also at FloatIn.noFloatFromRhs
+doFloatFromRhs lvl rec str (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = LetFloats fs ff }) rhs
+ = not (isNilOL fs) && want_to_float && can_float
+ where
+ want_to_float = isTopLevel lvl || exprIsCheap rhs || exprIsExpandable rhs
+ -- See Note [Float when cheap or expandable]
+ can_float = case ff of
+ FltLifted -> True
+ FltOkSpec -> isNotTopLevel lvl && isNonRec rec
+ FltCareful -> isNotTopLevel lvl && isNonRec rec && str
+Note [Float when cheap or expandable]
+We want to float a let from a let if the residual RHS is
+ a) cheap, such as (\x. blah)
+ b) expandable, such as (f b) if f is CONLIKE
+But there are
+ - cheap things that are not expandable (eg \x. expensive)
+ - expandable things that are not cheap (eg (f b) where b is CONLIKE)
+so we must take the 'or' of the two.
+emptyLetFloats :: LetFloats
+emptyLetFloats = LetFloats nilOL FltLifted
+emptyJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
+emptyJoinFloats = nilOL
+unitLetFloat :: OutBind -> LetFloats
+-- This key function constructs a singleton float with the right form
+unitLetFloat bind = ASSERT(all (not . isJoinId) (bindersOf bind))
+ LetFloats (unitOL bind) (flag bind)
+ where
+ flag (Rec {}) = FltLifted
+ flag (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ | not (isStrictId bndr) = FltLifted
+ | exprIsTickedString rhs = FltLifted
+ -- String literals can be floated freely.
+ -- See Note [Core top-level string literals] in GHC.Core.
+ | exprOkForSpeculation rhs = FltOkSpec -- Unlifted, and lifted but ok-for-spec (eg HNF)
+ | otherwise = ASSERT2( not (isUnliftedType (idType bndr)), ppr bndr )
+ FltCareful
+ -- Unlifted binders can only be let-bound if exprOkForSpeculation holds
+unitJoinFloat :: OutBind -> JoinFloats
+unitJoinFloat bind = ASSERT(all isJoinId (bindersOf bind))
+ unitOL bind
+mkFloatBind :: SimplEnv -> OutBind -> (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
+-- Make a singleton SimplFloats, and
+-- extend the incoming SimplEnv's in-scope set with its binders
+-- These binders may already be in the in-scope set,
+-- but may have by now been augmented with more IdInfo
+mkFloatBind env bind
+ = (floats, env { seInScope = in_scope' })
+ where
+ floats
+ | isJoinBind bind
+ = SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = emptyLetFloats
+ , sfJoinFloats = unitJoinFloat bind
+ , sfInScope = in_scope' }
+ | otherwise
+ = SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = unitLetFloat bind
+ , sfJoinFloats = emptyJoinFloats
+ , sfInScope = in_scope' }
+ in_scope' = seInScope env `extendInScopeSetBind` bind
+extendFloats :: SimplFloats -> OutBind -> SimplFloats
+-- Add this binding to the floats, and extend the in-scope env too
+extendFloats (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = floats
+ , sfJoinFloats = jfloats
+ , sfInScope = in_scope })
+ bind
+ | isJoinBind bind
+ = SimplFloats { sfInScope = in_scope'
+ , sfLetFloats = floats
+ , sfJoinFloats = jfloats' }
+ | otherwise
+ = SimplFloats { sfInScope = in_scope'
+ , sfLetFloats = floats'
+ , sfJoinFloats = jfloats }
+ where
+ in_scope' = in_scope `extendInScopeSetBind` bind
+ floats' = floats `addLetFlts` unitLetFloat bind
+ jfloats' = jfloats `addJoinFlts` unitJoinFloat bind
+addLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats -> SimplFloats
+-- Add the let-floats for env2 to env1;
+-- *plus* the in-scope set for env2, which is bigger
+-- than that for env1
+addLetFloats floats let_floats@(LetFloats binds _)
+ = floats { sfLetFloats = sfLetFloats floats `addLetFlts` let_floats
+ , sfInScope = foldlOL extendInScopeSetBind
+ (sfInScope floats) binds }
+addJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats -> SimplFloats
+addJoinFloats floats join_floats
+ = floats { sfJoinFloats = sfJoinFloats floats `addJoinFlts` join_floats
+ , sfInScope = foldlOL extendInScopeSetBind
+ (sfInScope floats) join_floats }
+extendInScopeSetBind :: InScopeSet -> CoreBind -> InScopeSet
+extendInScopeSetBind in_scope bind
+ = extendInScopeSetList in_scope (bindersOf bind)
+addFloats :: SimplFloats -> SimplFloats -> SimplFloats
+-- Add both let-floats and join-floats for env2 to env1;
+-- *plus* the in-scope set for env2, which is bigger
+-- than that for env1
+addFloats (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = lf1, sfJoinFloats = jf1 })
+ (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = lf2, sfJoinFloats = jf2, sfInScope = in_scope })
+ = SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = lf1 `addLetFlts` lf2
+ , sfJoinFloats = jf1 `addJoinFlts` jf2
+ , sfInScope = in_scope }
+addLetFlts :: LetFloats -> LetFloats -> LetFloats
+addLetFlts (LetFloats bs1 l1) (LetFloats bs2 l2)
+ = LetFloats (bs1 `appOL` bs2) (l1 `andFF` l2)
+letFloatBinds :: LetFloats -> [CoreBind]
+letFloatBinds (LetFloats bs _) = fromOL bs
+addJoinFlts :: JoinFloats -> JoinFloats -> JoinFloats
+addJoinFlts = appOL
+mkRecFloats :: SimplFloats -> SimplFloats
+-- Flattens the floats from env2 into a single Rec group,
+-- They must either all be lifted LetFloats or all JoinFloats
+mkRecFloats floats@(SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = LetFloats bs ff
+ , sfJoinFloats = jbs
+ , sfInScope = in_scope })
+ = ASSERT2( case ff of { FltLifted -> True; _ -> False }, ppr (fromOL bs) )
+ ASSERT2( isNilOL bs || isNilOL jbs, ppr floats )
+ SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = floats'
+ , sfJoinFloats = jfloats'
+ , sfInScope = in_scope }
+ where
+ floats' | isNilOL bs = emptyLetFloats
+ | otherwise = unitLetFloat (Rec (flattenBinds (fromOL bs)))
+ jfloats' | isNilOL jbs = emptyJoinFloats
+ | otherwise = unitJoinFloat (Rec (flattenBinds (fromOL jbs)))
+wrapFloats :: SimplFloats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
+-- Wrap the floats around the expression; they should all
+-- satisfy the let/app invariant, so mkLets should do the job just fine
+wrapFloats (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = LetFloats bs _
+ , sfJoinFloats = jbs }) body
+ = foldrOL Let (wrapJoinFloats jbs body) bs
+ -- Note: Always safe to put the joins on the inside
+ -- since the values can't refer to them
+wrapJoinFloatsX :: SimplFloats -> OutExpr -> (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
+-- Wrap the sfJoinFloats of the env around the expression,
+-- and take them out of the SimplEnv
+wrapJoinFloatsX floats body
+ = ( floats { sfJoinFloats = emptyJoinFloats }
+ , wrapJoinFloats (sfJoinFloats floats) body )
+wrapJoinFloats :: JoinFloats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
+-- Wrap the sfJoinFloats of the env around the expression,
+-- and take them out of the SimplEnv
+wrapJoinFloats join_floats body
+ = foldrOL Let body join_floats
+getTopFloatBinds :: SimplFloats -> [CoreBind]
+getTopFloatBinds (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats = lbs
+ , sfJoinFloats = jbs})
+ = ASSERT( isNilOL jbs ) -- Can't be any top-level join bindings
+ letFloatBinds lbs
+mapLetFloats :: LetFloats -> ((Id,CoreExpr) -> (Id,CoreExpr)) -> LetFloats
+mapLetFloats (LetFloats fs ff) fun
+ = LetFloats (mapOL app fs) ff
+ where
+ app (NonRec b e) = case fun (b,e) of (b',e') -> NonRec b' e'
+ app (Rec bs) = Rec (map fun bs)
+* *
+ Substitution of Vars
+* *
+Note [Global Ids in the substitution]
+We look up even a global (eg imported) Id in the substitution. Consider
+ case X.g_34 of b { (a,b) -> ... case X.g_34 of { (p,q) -> ...} ... }
+The binder-swap in the occurrence analyser will add a binding
+for a LocalId version of g (with the same unique though):
+ case X.g_34 of b { (a,b) -> let g_34 = b in
+ ... case X.g_34 of { (p,q) -> ...} ... }
+So we want to look up the inner X.g_34 in the substitution, where we'll
+find that it has been substituted by b. (Or conceivably cloned.)
+substId :: SimplEnv -> InId -> SimplSR
+-- Returns DoneEx only on a non-Var expression
+substId (SimplEnv { seInScope = in_scope, seIdSubst = ids }) v
+ = case lookupVarEnv ids v of -- Note [Global Ids in the substitution]
+ Nothing -> DoneId (refineFromInScope in_scope v)
+ Just (DoneId v) -> DoneId (refineFromInScope in_scope v)
+ Just res -> res -- DoneEx non-var, or ContEx
+ -- Get the most up-to-date thing from the in-scope set
+ -- Even though it isn't in the substitution, it may be in
+ -- the in-scope set with better IdInfo.
+ --
+ -- See also Note [In-scope set as a substitution] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.
+refineFromInScope :: InScopeSet -> Var -> Var
+refineFromInScope in_scope v
+ | isLocalId v = case lookupInScope in_scope v of
+ Just v' -> v'
+ Nothing -> WARN( True, ppr v ) v -- This is an error!
+ | otherwise = v
+lookupRecBndr :: SimplEnv -> InId -> OutId
+-- Look up an Id which has been put into the envt by simplRecBndrs,
+-- but where we have not yet done its RHS
+lookupRecBndr (SimplEnv { seInScope = in_scope, seIdSubst = ids }) v
+ = case lookupVarEnv ids v of
+ Just (DoneId v) -> v
+ Just _ -> pprPanic "lookupRecBndr" (ppr v)
+ Nothing -> refineFromInScope in_scope v
+* *
+\section{Substituting an Id binder}
+* *
+These functions are in the monad only so that they can be made strict via seq.
+Note [Return type for join points]
+ (join j :: Char -> Int -> Int) 77
+ ( j x = \y. y + ord x )
+ (in case v of )
+ ( A -> j 'x' )
+ ( B -> j 'y' )
+ ( C -> <blah> )
+The simplifier pushes the "apply to 77" continuation inwards to give
+ join j :: Char -> Int
+ j x = (\y. y + ord x) 77
+ in case v of
+ A -> j 'x'
+ B -> j 'y'
+ C -> <blah> 77
+Notice that the "apply to 77" continuation went into the RHS of the
+join point. And that meant that the return type of the join point
+That's why we pass res_ty into simplNonRecJoinBndr, and substIdBndr
+takes a (Just res_ty) argument so that it knows to do the type-changing
+simplBinders :: SimplEnv -> [InBndr] -> SimplM (SimplEnv, [OutBndr])
+simplBinders env bndrs = mapAccumLM simplBinder env bndrs
+simplBinder :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
+-- Used for lambda and case-bound variables
+-- Clone Id if necessary, substitute type
+-- Return with IdInfo already substituted, but (fragile) occurrence info zapped
+-- The substitution is extended only if the variable is cloned, because
+-- we *don't* need to use it to track occurrence info.
+simplBinder env bndr
+ | isTyVar bndr = do { let (env', tv) = substTyVarBndr env bndr
+ ; seqTyVar tv `seq` return (env', tv) }
+ | otherwise = do { let (env', id) = substIdBndr Nothing env bndr
+ ; seqId id `seq` return (env', id) }
+simplNonRecBndr :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
+-- A non-recursive let binder
+simplNonRecBndr env id
+ = do { let (env1, id1) = substIdBndr Nothing env id
+ ; seqId id1 `seq` return (env1, id1) }
+simplNonRecJoinBndr :: SimplEnv -> OutType -> InBndr
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
+-- A non-recursive let binder for a join point;
+-- context being pushed inward may change the type
+-- See Note [Return type for join points]
+simplNonRecJoinBndr env res_ty id
+ = do { let (env1, id1) = substIdBndr (Just res_ty) env id
+ ; seqId id1 `seq` return (env1, id1) }
+simplRecBndrs :: SimplEnv -> [InBndr] -> SimplM SimplEnv
+-- Recursive let binders
+simplRecBndrs env@(SimplEnv {}) ids
+ = ASSERT(all (not . isJoinId) ids)
+ do { let (env1, ids1) = mapAccumL (substIdBndr Nothing) env ids
+ ; seqIds ids1 `seq` return env1 }
+simplRecJoinBndrs :: SimplEnv -> OutType -> [InBndr] -> SimplM SimplEnv
+-- Recursive let binders for join points;
+-- context being pushed inward may change types
+-- See Note [Return type for join points]
+simplRecJoinBndrs env@(SimplEnv {}) res_ty ids
+ = ASSERT(all isJoinId ids)
+ do { let (env1, ids1) = mapAccumL (substIdBndr (Just res_ty)) env ids
+ ; seqIds ids1 `seq` return env1 }
+substIdBndr :: Maybe OutType -> SimplEnv -> InBndr -> (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
+-- Might be a coercion variable
+substIdBndr new_res_ty env bndr
+ | isCoVar bndr = substCoVarBndr env bndr
+ | otherwise = substNonCoVarIdBndr new_res_ty env bndr
+ :: Maybe OutType -- New result type, if a join binder
+ -- See Note [Return type for join points]
+ -> SimplEnv
+ -> InBndr -- Env and binder to transform
+ -> (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
+-- Clone Id if necessary, substitute its type
+-- Return an Id with its
+-- * Type substituted
+-- * UnfoldingInfo, Rules, WorkerInfo zapped
+-- * Fragile OccInfo (only) zapped: Note [Robust OccInfo]
+-- * Robust info, retained especially arity and demand info,
+-- so that they are available to occurrences that occur in an
+-- earlier binding of a letrec
+-- For the robust info, see Note [Arity robustness]
+-- Augment the substitution if the unique changed
+-- Extend the in-scope set with the new Id
+-- Similar to GHC.Core.Subst.substIdBndr, except that
+-- the type of id_subst differs
+-- all fragile info is zapped
+substNonCoVarIdBndr new_res_ty
+ env@(SimplEnv { seInScope = in_scope
+ , seIdSubst = id_subst })
+ old_id
+ = ASSERT2( not (isCoVar old_id), ppr old_id )
+ (env { seInScope = in_scope `extendInScopeSet` new_id,
+ seIdSubst = new_subst }, new_id)
+ where
+ id1 = uniqAway in_scope old_id
+ id2 = substIdType env id1
+ id3 | Just res_ty <- new_res_ty
+ = id2 `setIdType` setJoinResTy (idJoinArity id2) res_ty (idType id2)
+ -- See Note [Return type for join points]
+ | otherwise
+ = id2
+ new_id = zapFragileIdInfo id3 -- Zaps rules, worker-info, unfolding
+ -- and fragile OccInfo
+ -- Extend the substitution if the unique has changed,
+ -- or there's some useful occurrence information
+ -- See the notes with substTyVarBndr for the delSubstEnv
+ new_subst | new_id /= old_id
+ = extendVarEnv id_subst old_id (DoneId new_id)
+ | otherwise
+ = delVarEnv id_subst old_id
+seqTyVar :: TyVar -> ()
+seqTyVar b = b `seq` ()
+seqId :: Id -> ()
+seqId id = seqType (idType id) `seq`
+ idInfo id `seq`
+ ()
+seqIds :: [Id] -> ()
+seqIds [] = ()
+seqIds (id:ids) = seqId id `seq` seqIds ids
+Note [Arity robustness]
+We *do* transfer the arity from from the in_id of a let binding to the
+out_id. This is important, so that the arity of an Id is visible in
+its own RHS. For example:
+ f = \x. ....g (\y. f y)....
+We can eta-reduce the arg to g, because f is a value. But that
+needs to be visible.
+This interacts with the 'state hack' too:
+ f :: Bool -> IO Int
+ f = \x. case x of
+ True -> f y
+ False -> \s -> ...
+Can we eta-expand f? Only if we see that f has arity 1, and then we
+take advantage of the 'state hack' on the result of
+(f y) :: State# -> (State#, Int) to expand the arity one more.
+There is a disadvantage though. Making the arity visible in the RHS
+allows us to eta-reduce
+ f = \x -> f x
+ f = f
+which technically is not sound. This is very much a corner case, so
+I'm not worried about it. Another idea is to ensure that f's arity
+never decreases; its arity started as 1, and we should never eta-reduce
+below that.
+Note [Robust OccInfo]
+It's important that we *do* retain the loop-breaker OccInfo, because
+that's what stops the Id getting inlined infinitely, in the body of
+the letrec.
+* *
+ Impedance matching to type substitution
+* *
+getTCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> TCvSubst
+getTCvSubst (SimplEnv { seInScope = in_scope, seTvSubst = tv_env
+ , seCvSubst = cv_env })
+ = mkTCvSubst in_scope (tv_env, cv_env)
+substTy :: SimplEnv -> Type -> Type
+substTy env ty = Type.substTy (getTCvSubst env) ty
+substTyVar :: SimplEnv -> TyVar -> Type
+substTyVar env tv = Type.substTyVar (getTCvSubst env) tv
+substTyVarBndr :: SimplEnv -> TyVar -> (SimplEnv, TyVar)
+substTyVarBndr env tv
+ = case Type.substTyVarBndr (getTCvSubst env) tv of
+ (TCvSubst in_scope' tv_env' cv_env', tv')
+ -> (env { seInScope = in_scope', seTvSubst = tv_env', seCvSubst = cv_env' }, tv')
+substCoVar :: SimplEnv -> CoVar -> Coercion
+substCoVar env tv = Coercion.substCoVar (getTCvSubst env) tv
+substCoVarBndr :: SimplEnv -> CoVar -> (SimplEnv, CoVar)
+substCoVarBndr env cv
+ = case Coercion.substCoVarBndr (getTCvSubst env) cv of
+ (TCvSubst in_scope' tv_env' cv_env', cv')
+ -> (env { seInScope = in_scope', seTvSubst = tv_env', seCvSubst = cv_env' }, cv')
+substCo :: SimplEnv -> Coercion -> Coercion
+substCo env co = Coercion.substCo (getTCvSubst env) co
+substIdType :: SimplEnv -> Id -> Id
+substIdType (SimplEnv { seInScope = in_scope, seTvSubst = tv_env, seCvSubst = cv_env }) id
+ | (isEmptyVarEnv tv_env && isEmptyVarEnv cv_env)
+ || noFreeVarsOfType old_ty
+ = id
+ | otherwise = Id.setIdType id (Type.substTy (TCvSubst in_scope tv_env cv_env) old_ty)
+ -- The tyCoVarsOfType is cheaper than it looks
+ -- because we cache the free tyvars of the type
+ -- in a Note in the id's type itself
+ where
+ old_ty = idType id
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6b23734c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Monad]{The simplifier Monad}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Monad (
+ -- The monad
+ SimplM,
+ initSmpl, traceSmpl,
+ getSimplRules, getFamEnvs,
+ -- Unique supply
+ MonadUnique(..), newId, newJoinId,
+ -- Counting
+ SimplCount, tick, freeTick, checkedTick,
+ getSimplCount, zeroSimplCount, pprSimplCount,
+ plusSimplCount, isZeroSimplCount
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Var ( Var, isId, mkLocalVar )
+import Name ( mkSystemVarName )
+import Id ( Id, mkSysLocalOrCoVar )
+import IdInfo ( IdDetails(..), vanillaIdInfo, setArityInfo )
+import GHC.Core.Type ( Type, mkLamTypes )
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInstEnv )
+import GHC.Core ( RuleEnv(..) )
+import UniqSupply
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import MonadUtils
+import ErrUtils as Err
+import Util ( count )
+import Panic (throwGhcExceptionIO, GhcException (..))
+import BasicTypes ( IntWithInf, treatZeroAsInf, mkIntWithInf )
+import Control.Monad ( ap )
+* *
+\subsection{Monad plumbing}
+* *
+For the simplifier monad, we want to {\em thread} a unique supply and a counter.
+(Command-line switches move around through the explicitly-passed SimplEnv.)
+newtype SimplM result
+ = SM { unSM :: SimplTopEnv -- Envt that does not change much
+ -> UniqSupply -- We thread the unique supply because
+ -- constantly splitting it is rather expensive
+ -> SimplCount
+ -> IO (result, UniqSupply, SimplCount)}
+ -- we only need IO here for dump output
+ deriving (Functor)
+data SimplTopEnv
+ = STE { st_flags :: DynFlags
+ , st_max_ticks :: IntWithInf -- Max #ticks in this simplifier run
+ , st_rules :: RuleEnv
+ , st_fams :: (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv) }
+initSmpl :: DynFlags -> RuleEnv -> (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv)
+ -> UniqSupply -- No init count; set to 0
+ -> Int -- Size of the bindings, used to limit
+ -- the number of ticks we allow
+ -> SimplM a
+ -> IO (a, SimplCount)
+initSmpl dflags rules fam_envs us size m
+ = do (result, _, count) <- unSM m env us (zeroSimplCount dflags)
+ return (result, count)
+ where
+ env = STE { st_flags = dflags, st_rules = rules
+ , st_max_ticks = computeMaxTicks dflags size
+ , st_fams = fam_envs }
+computeMaxTicks :: DynFlags -> Int -> IntWithInf
+-- Compute the max simplifier ticks as
+-- (base-size + pgm-size) * magic-multiplier * tick-factor/100
+-- where
+-- magic-multiplier is a constant that gives reasonable results
+-- base-size is a constant to deal with size-zero programs
+computeMaxTicks dflags size
+ = treatZeroAsInf $
+ fromInteger ((toInteger (size + base_size)
+ * toInteger (tick_factor * magic_multiplier))
+ `div` 100)
+ where
+ tick_factor = simplTickFactor dflags
+ base_size = 100
+ magic_multiplier = 40
+ -- MAGIC NUMBER, multiplies the simplTickFactor
+ -- We can afford to be generous; this is really
+ -- just checking for loops, and shouldn't usually fire
+ -- A figure of 20 was too small: see #5539.
+{-# INLINE thenSmpl #-}
+{-# INLINE thenSmpl_ #-}
+{-# INLINE returnSmpl #-}
+instance Applicative SimplM where
+ pure = returnSmpl
+ (<*>) = ap
+ (*>) = thenSmpl_
+instance Monad SimplM where
+ (>>) = (*>)
+ (>>=) = thenSmpl
+returnSmpl :: a -> SimplM a
+returnSmpl e = SM (\_st_env us sc -> return (e, us, sc))
+thenSmpl :: SimplM a -> (a -> SimplM b) -> SimplM b
+thenSmpl_ :: SimplM a -> SimplM b -> SimplM b
+thenSmpl m k
+ = SM $ \st_env us0 sc0 -> do
+ (m_result, us1, sc1) <- unSM m st_env us0 sc0
+ unSM (k m_result) st_env us1 sc1
+thenSmpl_ m k
+ = SM $ \st_env us0 sc0 -> do
+ (_, us1, sc1) <- unSM m st_env us0 sc0
+ unSM k st_env us1 sc1
+-- TODO: this specializing is not allowed
+-- {-# SPECIALIZE mapM :: (a -> SimplM b) -> [a] -> SimplM [b] #-}
+-- {-# SPECIALIZE mapAndUnzipM :: (a -> SimplM (b, c)) -> [a] -> SimplM ([b],[c]) #-}
+-- {-# SPECIALIZE mapAccumLM :: (acc -> b -> SimplM (acc,c)) -> acc -> [b] -> SimplM (acc, [c]) #-}
+traceSmpl :: String -> SDoc -> SimplM ()
+traceSmpl herald doc
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; liftIO $ Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl_trace "Simpl Trace"
+ FormatText
+ (hang (text herald) 2 doc) }
+* *
+\subsection{The unique supply}
+* *
+instance MonadUnique SimplM where
+ getUniqueSupplyM
+ = SM (\_st_env us sc -> case splitUniqSupply us of
+ (us1, us2) -> return (us1, us2, sc))
+ getUniqueM
+ = SM (\_st_env us sc -> case takeUniqFromSupply us of
+ (u, us') -> return (u, us', sc))
+ getUniquesM
+ = SM (\_st_env us sc -> case splitUniqSupply us of
+ (us1, us2) -> return (uniqsFromSupply us1, us2, sc))
+instance HasDynFlags SimplM where
+ getDynFlags = SM (\st_env us sc -> return (st_flags st_env, us, sc))
+instance MonadIO SimplM where
+ liftIO m = SM $ \_ us sc -> do
+ x <- m
+ return (x, us, sc)
+getSimplRules :: SimplM RuleEnv
+getSimplRules = SM (\st_env us sc -> return (st_rules st_env, us, sc))
+getFamEnvs :: SimplM (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv)
+getFamEnvs = SM (\st_env us sc -> return (st_fams st_env, us, sc))
+newId :: FastString -> Type -> SimplM Id
+newId fs ty = do uniq <- getUniqueM
+ return (mkSysLocalOrCoVar fs uniq ty)
+newJoinId :: [Var] -> Type -> SimplM Id
+newJoinId bndrs body_ty
+ = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let name = mkSystemVarName uniq (fsLit "$j")
+ join_id_ty = mkLamTypes bndrs body_ty -- Note [Funky mkLamTypes]
+ arity = count isId bndrs
+ -- arity: See Note [Invariants on join points] invariant 2b, in GHC.Core
+ join_arity = length bndrs
+ details = JoinId join_arity
+ id_info = vanillaIdInfo `setArityInfo` arity
+-- `setOccInfo` strongLoopBreaker
+ ; return (mkLocalVar details name join_id_ty id_info) }
+* *
+\subsection{Counting up what we've done}
+* *
+getSimplCount :: SimplM SimplCount
+getSimplCount = SM (\_st_env us sc -> return (sc, us, sc))
+tick :: Tick -> SimplM ()
+tick t = SM (\st_env us sc -> let sc' = doSimplTick (st_flags st_env) t sc
+ in sc' `seq` return ((), us, sc'))
+checkedTick :: Tick -> SimplM ()
+-- Try to take a tick, but fail if too many
+checkedTick t
+ = SM (\st_env us sc ->
+ if st_max_ticks st_env <= mkIntWithInf (simplCountN sc)
+ then throwGhcExceptionIO $
+ PprProgramError "Simplifier ticks exhausted" (msg sc)
+ else let sc' = doSimplTick (st_flags st_env) t sc
+ in sc' `seq` return ((), us, sc'))
+ where
+ msg sc = vcat
+ [ text "When trying" <+> ppr t
+ , text "To increase the limit, use -fsimpl-tick-factor=N (default 100)."
+ , space
+ , text "If you need to increase the limit substantially, please file a"
+ , text "bug report and indicate the factor you needed."
+ , space
+ , text "If GHC was unable to complete compilation even"
+ <+> text "with a very large factor"
+ , text "(a thousand or more), please consult the"
+ <+> doubleQuotes (text "Known bugs or infelicities")
+ , text "section in the Users Guide before filing a report. There are a"
+ , text "few situations unlikely to occur in practical programs for which"
+ , text "simplifier non-termination has been judged acceptable."
+ , space
+ , pp_details sc
+ , pprSimplCount sc ]
+ pp_details sc
+ | hasDetailedCounts sc = empty
+ | otherwise = text "To see detailed counts use -ddump-simpl-stats"
+freeTick :: Tick -> SimplM ()
+-- Record a tick, but don't add to the total tick count, which is
+-- used to decide when nothing further has happened
+freeTick t
+ = SM (\_st_env us sc -> let sc' = doFreeSimplTick t sc
+ in sc' `seq` return ((), us, sc'))
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e62c256354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Simplify/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2329 @@
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+The simplifier utilities
+module GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils (
+ -- Rebuilding
+ mkLam, mkCase, prepareAlts, tryEtaExpandRhs,
+ -- Inlining,
+ preInlineUnconditionally, postInlineUnconditionally,
+ activeUnfolding, activeRule,
+ getUnfoldingInRuleMatch,
+ simplEnvForGHCi, updModeForStableUnfoldings, updModeForRules,
+ -- The continuation type
+ SimplCont(..), DupFlag(..), StaticEnv,
+ isSimplified, contIsStop,
+ contIsDupable, contResultType, contHoleType,
+ contIsTrivial, contArgs,
+ countArgs,
+ mkBoringStop, mkRhsStop, mkLazyArgStop, contIsRhsOrArg,
+ interestingCallContext,
+ -- ArgInfo
+ ArgInfo(..), ArgSpec(..), mkArgInfo,
+ addValArgTo, addCastTo, addTyArgTo,
+ argInfoExpr, argInfoAppArgs, pushSimplifiedArgs,
+ abstractFloats,
+ -- Utilities
+ isExitJoinId
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Env
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad ( SimplMode(..), Tick(..) )
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Core
+import qualified GHC.Core.Subst
+import GHC.Core.Ppr
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr ( pprParendType )
+import GHC.Core.FVs
+import GHC.Core.Utils
+import GHC.Core.Arity
+import GHC.Core.Unfold
+import Name
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import Var
+import Demand
+import GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Monad
+import GHC.Core.Type hiding( substTy )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion hiding( substCo )
+import GHC.Core.DataCon ( dataConWorkId, isNullaryRepDataCon )
+import VarSet
+import BasicTypes
+import Util
+import OrdList ( isNilOL )
+import MonadUtils
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold
+import FastString ( fsLit )
+import Control.Monad ( when )
+import Data.List ( sortBy )
+* *
+ The SimplCont and DupFlag types
+* *
+A SimplCont allows the simplifier to traverse the expression in a
+zipper-like fashion. The SimplCont represents the rest of the expression,
+"above" the point of interest.
+You can also think of a SimplCont as an "evaluation context", using
+that term in the way it is used for operational semantics. This is the
+way I usually think of it, For example you'll often see a syntax for
+evaluation context looking like
+ C ::= [] | C e | case C of alts | C `cast` co
+That's the kind of thing we are doing here, and I use that syntax in
+the comments.
+Key points:
+ * A SimplCont describes a *strict* context (just like
+ evaluation contexts do). E.g. Just [] is not a SimplCont
+ * A SimplCont describes a context that *does not* bind
+ any variables. E.g. \x. [] is not a SimplCont
+data SimplCont
+ = Stop -- Stop[e] = e
+ OutType -- Type of the <hole>
+ CallCtxt -- Tells if there is something interesting about
+ -- the context, and hence the inliner
+ -- should be a bit keener (see interestingCallContext)
+ -- Specifically:
+ -- This is an argument of a function that has RULES
+ -- Inlining the call might allow the rule to fire
+ -- Never ValAppCxt (use ApplyToVal instead)
+ -- or CaseCtxt (use Select instead)
+ | CastIt -- (CastIt co K)[e] = K[ e `cast` co ]
+ OutCoercion -- The coercion simplified
+ -- Invariant: never an identity coercion
+ SimplCont
+ | ApplyToVal -- (ApplyToVal arg K)[e] = K[ e arg ]
+ { sc_dup :: DupFlag -- See Note [DupFlag invariants]
+ , sc_arg :: InExpr -- The argument,
+ , sc_env :: StaticEnv -- see Note [StaticEnv invariant]
+ , sc_cont :: SimplCont }
+ | ApplyToTy -- (ApplyToTy ty K)[e] = K[ e ty ]
+ { sc_arg_ty :: OutType -- Argument type
+ , sc_hole_ty :: OutType -- Type of the function, presumably (forall a. blah)
+ -- See Note [The hole type in ApplyToTy]
+ , sc_cont :: SimplCont }
+ | Select -- (Select alts K)[e] = K[ case e of alts ]
+ { sc_dup :: DupFlag -- See Note [DupFlag invariants]
+ , sc_bndr :: InId -- case binder
+ , sc_alts :: [InAlt] -- Alternatives
+ , sc_env :: StaticEnv -- See Note [StaticEnv invariant]
+ , sc_cont :: SimplCont }
+ -- The two strict forms have no DupFlag, because we never duplicate them
+ | StrictBind -- (StrictBind x xs b K)[e] = let x = e in K[\xs.b]
+ -- or, equivalently, = K[ (\x xs.b) e ]
+ { sc_dup :: DupFlag -- See Note [DupFlag invariants]
+ , sc_bndr :: InId
+ , sc_bndrs :: [InBndr]
+ , sc_body :: InExpr
+ , sc_env :: StaticEnv -- See Note [StaticEnv invariant]
+ , sc_cont :: SimplCont }
+ | StrictArg -- (StrictArg (f e1 ..en) K)[e] = K[ f e1 .. en e ]
+ { sc_dup :: DupFlag -- Always Simplified or OkToDup
+ , sc_fun :: ArgInfo -- Specifies f, e1..en, Whether f has rules, etc
+ -- plus strictness flags for *further* args
+ , sc_cci :: CallCtxt -- Whether *this* argument position is interesting
+ , sc_cont :: SimplCont }
+ | TickIt -- (TickIt t K)[e] = K[ tick t e ]
+ (Tickish Id) -- Tick tickish <hole>
+ SimplCont
+type StaticEnv = SimplEnv -- Just the static part is relevant
+data DupFlag = NoDup -- Unsimplified, might be big
+ | Simplified -- Simplified
+ | OkToDup -- Simplified and small
+isSimplified :: DupFlag -> Bool
+isSimplified NoDup = False
+isSimplified _ = True -- Invariant: the subst-env is empty
+perhapsSubstTy :: DupFlag -> StaticEnv -> Type -> Type
+perhapsSubstTy dup env ty
+ | isSimplified dup = ty
+ | otherwise = substTy env ty
+{- Note [StaticEnv invariant]
+We pair up an InExpr or InAlts with a StaticEnv, which establishes the
+lexical scope for that InExpr. When we simplify that InExpr/InAlts, we
+ - Its captured StaticEnv
+ - Overriding its InScopeSet with the larger one at the
+ simplification point.
+Why override the InScopeSet? Example:
+ (let y = ey in f) ex
+By the time we simplify ex, 'y' will be in scope.
+However the InScopeSet in the StaticEnv is not irrelevant: it should
+include all the free vars of applying the substitution to the InExpr.
+Reason: contHoleType uses perhapsSubstTy to apply the substitution to
+the expression, and that (rightly) gives ASSERT failures if the InScopeSet
+isn't big enough.
+Note [DupFlag invariants]
+In both (ApplyToVal dup _ env k)
+ and (Select dup _ _ env k)
+the following invariants hold
+ (a) if dup = OkToDup, then continuation k is also ok-to-dup
+ (b) if dup = OkToDup or Simplified, the subst-env is empty
+ (and and hence no need to re-simplify)
+instance Outputable DupFlag where
+ ppr OkToDup = text "ok"
+ ppr NoDup = text "nodup"
+ ppr Simplified = text "simpl"
+instance Outputable SimplCont where
+ ppr (Stop ty interesting) = text "Stop" <> brackets (ppr interesting) <+> ppr ty
+ ppr (CastIt co cont ) = (text "CastIt" <+> pprOptCo co) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (TickIt t cont) = (text "TickIt" <+> ppr t) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = ty, sc_cont = cont })
+ = (text "ApplyToTy" <+> pprParendType ty) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_dup = dup, sc_cont = cont })
+ = (text "ApplyToVal" <+> ppr dup <+> pprParendExpr arg)
+ $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (StrictBind { sc_bndr = b, sc_cont = cont })
+ = (text "StrictBind" <+> ppr b) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (StrictArg { sc_fun = ai, sc_cont = cont })
+ = (text "StrictArg" <+> ppr (ai_fun ai)) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (Select { sc_dup = dup, sc_bndr = bndr, sc_alts = alts, sc_env = se, sc_cont = cont })
+ = (text "Select" <+> ppr dup <+> ppr bndr) $$
+ whenPprDebug (nest 2 $ vcat [ppr (seTvSubst se), ppr alts]) $$ ppr cont
+{- Note [The hole type in ApplyToTy]
+The sc_hole_ty field of ApplyToTy records the type of the "hole" in the
+continuation. It is absolutely necessary to compute contHoleType, but it is
+not used for anything else (and hence may not be evaluated).
+Why is it necessary for contHoleType? Consider the continuation
+ ApplyToType Int (Stop Int)
+corresponding to
+ (<hole> @Int) :: Int
+What is the type of <hole>? It could be (forall a. Int) or (forall a. a),
+and there is no way to know which, so we must record it.
+In a chain of applications (f @t1 @t2 @t3) we'll lazily compute exprType
+for (f @t1) and (f @t1 @t2), which is potentially non-linear; but it probably
+doesn't matter because we'll never compute them all.
+* *
+ ArgInfo and ArgSpec
+* *
+data ArgInfo
+ = ArgInfo {
+ ai_fun :: OutId, -- The function
+ ai_args :: [ArgSpec], -- ...applied to these args (which are in *reverse* order)
+ ai_type :: OutType, -- Type of (f a1 ... an)
+ ai_rules :: FunRules, -- Rules for this function
+ ai_encl :: Bool, -- Flag saying whether this function
+ -- or an enclosing one has rules (recursively)
+ -- True => be keener to inline in all args
+ ai_strs :: [Bool], -- Strictness of remaining arguments
+ -- Usually infinite, but if it is finite it guarantees
+ -- that the function diverges after being given
+ -- that number of args
+ ai_discs :: [Int] -- Discounts for remaining arguments; non-zero => be keener to inline
+ -- Always infinite
+ }
+data ArgSpec
+ = ValArg OutExpr -- Apply to this (coercion or value); c.f. ApplyToVal
+ | TyArg { as_arg_ty :: OutType -- Apply to this type; c.f. ApplyToTy
+ , as_hole_ty :: OutType } -- Type of the function (presumably forall a. blah)
+ | CastBy OutCoercion -- Cast by this; c.f. CastIt
+instance Outputable ArgSpec where
+ ppr (ValArg e) = text "ValArg" <+> ppr e
+ ppr (TyArg { as_arg_ty = ty }) = text "TyArg" <+> ppr ty
+ ppr (CastBy c) = text "CastBy" <+> ppr c
+addValArgTo :: ArgInfo -> OutExpr -> ArgInfo
+addValArgTo ai arg = ai { ai_args = ValArg arg : ai_args ai
+ , ai_type = applyTypeToArg (ai_type ai) arg
+ , ai_rules = decRules (ai_rules ai) }
+addTyArgTo :: ArgInfo -> OutType -> ArgInfo
+addTyArgTo ai arg_ty = ai { ai_args = arg_spec : ai_args ai
+ , ai_type = piResultTy poly_fun_ty arg_ty
+ , ai_rules = decRules (ai_rules ai) }
+ where
+ poly_fun_ty = ai_type ai
+ arg_spec = TyArg { as_arg_ty = arg_ty, as_hole_ty = poly_fun_ty }
+addCastTo :: ArgInfo -> OutCoercion -> ArgInfo
+addCastTo ai co = ai { ai_args = CastBy co : ai_args ai
+ , ai_type = coercionRKind co }
+argInfoAppArgs :: [ArgSpec] -> [OutExpr]
+argInfoAppArgs [] = []
+argInfoAppArgs (CastBy {} : _) = [] -- Stop at a cast
+argInfoAppArgs (ValArg e : as) = e : argInfoAppArgs as
+argInfoAppArgs (TyArg { as_arg_ty = ty } : as) = Type ty : argInfoAppArgs as
+pushSimplifiedArgs :: SimplEnv -> [ArgSpec] -> SimplCont -> SimplCont
+pushSimplifiedArgs _env [] k = k
+pushSimplifiedArgs env (arg : args) k
+ = case arg of
+ TyArg { as_arg_ty = arg_ty, as_hole_ty = hole_ty }
+ -> ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_hole_ty = hole_ty, sc_cont = rest }
+ ValArg e -> ApplyToVal { sc_arg = e, sc_env = env, sc_dup = Simplified, sc_cont = rest }
+ CastBy c -> CastIt c rest
+ where
+ rest = pushSimplifiedArgs env args k
+ -- The env has an empty SubstEnv
+argInfoExpr :: OutId -> [ArgSpec] -> OutExpr
+-- NB: the [ArgSpec] is reversed so that the first arg
+-- in the list is the last one in the application
+argInfoExpr fun rev_args
+ = go rev_args
+ where
+ go [] = Var fun
+ go (ValArg a : as) = go as `App` a
+ go (TyArg { as_arg_ty = ty } : as) = go as `App` Type ty
+ go (CastBy co : as) = mkCast (go as) co
+type FunRules = Maybe (Int, [CoreRule]) -- Remaining rules for this function
+ -- Nothing => No rules
+ -- Just (n, rules) => some rules, requiring at least n more type/value args
+decRules :: FunRules -> FunRules
+decRules (Just (n, rules)) = Just (n-1, rules)
+decRules Nothing = Nothing
+mkFunRules :: [CoreRule] -> FunRules
+mkFunRules [] = Nothing
+mkFunRules rs = Just (n_required, rs)
+ where
+ n_required = maximum (map ruleArity rs)
+* *
+ Functions on SimplCont
+* *
+mkBoringStop :: OutType -> SimplCont
+mkBoringStop ty = Stop ty BoringCtxt
+mkRhsStop :: OutType -> SimplCont -- See Note [RHS of lets] in GHC.Core.Unfold
+mkRhsStop ty = Stop ty RhsCtxt
+mkLazyArgStop :: OutType -> CallCtxt -> SimplCont
+mkLazyArgStop ty cci = Stop ty cci
+contIsRhsOrArg :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsRhsOrArg (Stop {}) = True
+contIsRhsOrArg (StrictBind {}) = True
+contIsRhsOrArg (StrictArg {}) = True
+contIsRhsOrArg _ = False
+contIsRhs :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsRhs (Stop _ RhsCtxt) = True
+contIsRhs _ = False
+contIsStop :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsStop (Stop {}) = True
+contIsStop _ = False
+contIsDupable :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsDupable (Stop {}) = True
+contIsDupable (ApplyToTy { sc_cont = k }) = contIsDupable k
+contIsDupable (ApplyToVal { sc_dup = OkToDup }) = True -- See Note [DupFlag invariants]
+contIsDupable (Select { sc_dup = OkToDup }) = True -- ...ditto...
+contIsDupable (StrictArg { sc_dup = OkToDup }) = True -- ...ditto...
+contIsDupable (CastIt _ k) = contIsDupable k
+contIsDupable _ = False
+contIsTrivial :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsTrivial (Stop {}) = True
+contIsTrivial (ApplyToTy { sc_cont = k }) = contIsTrivial k
+contIsTrivial (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = Coercion _, sc_cont = k }) = contIsTrivial k
+contIsTrivial (CastIt _ k) = contIsTrivial k
+contIsTrivial _ = False
+contResultType :: SimplCont -> OutType
+contResultType (Stop ty _) = ty
+contResultType (CastIt _ k) = contResultType k
+contResultType (StrictBind { sc_cont = k }) = contResultType k
+contResultType (StrictArg { sc_cont = k }) = contResultType k
+contResultType (Select { sc_cont = k }) = contResultType k
+contResultType (ApplyToTy { sc_cont = k }) = contResultType k
+contResultType (ApplyToVal { sc_cont = k }) = contResultType k
+contResultType (TickIt _ k) = contResultType k
+contHoleType :: SimplCont -> OutType
+contHoleType (Stop ty _) = ty
+contHoleType (TickIt _ k) = contHoleType k
+contHoleType (CastIt co _) = coercionLKind co
+contHoleType (StrictBind { sc_bndr = b, sc_dup = dup, sc_env = se })
+ = perhapsSubstTy dup se (idType b)
+contHoleType (StrictArg { sc_fun = ai }) = funArgTy (ai_type ai)
+contHoleType (ApplyToTy { sc_hole_ty = ty }) = ty -- See Note [The hole type in ApplyToTy]
+contHoleType (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = e, sc_env = se, sc_dup = dup, sc_cont = k })
+ = mkVisFunTy (perhapsSubstTy dup se (exprType e))
+ (contHoleType k)
+contHoleType (Select { sc_dup = d, sc_bndr = b, sc_env = se })
+ = perhapsSubstTy d se (idType b)
+countArgs :: SimplCont -> Int
+-- Count all arguments, including types, coercions, and other values
+countArgs (ApplyToTy { sc_cont = cont }) = 1 + countArgs cont
+countArgs (ApplyToVal { sc_cont = cont }) = 1 + countArgs cont
+countArgs _ = 0
+contArgs :: SimplCont -> (Bool, [ArgSummary], SimplCont)
+-- Summarises value args, discards type args and coercions
+-- The returned continuation of the call is only used to
+-- answer questions like "are you interesting?"
+contArgs cont
+ | lone cont = (True, [], cont)
+ | otherwise = go [] cont
+ where
+ lone (ApplyToTy {}) = False -- See Note [Lone variables] in GHC.Core.Unfold
+ lone (ApplyToVal {}) = False
+ lone (CastIt {}) = False
+ lone _ = True
+ go args (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = se, sc_cont = k })
+ = go (is_interesting arg se : args) k
+ go args (ApplyToTy { sc_cont = k }) = go args k
+ go args (CastIt _ k) = go args k
+ go args k = (False, reverse args, k)
+ is_interesting arg se = interestingArg se arg
+ -- Do *not* use short-cutting substitution here
+ -- because we want to get as much IdInfo as possible
+mkArgInfo :: SimplEnv
+ -> Id
+ -> [CoreRule] -- Rules for function
+ -> Int -- Number of value args
+ -> SimplCont -- Context of the call
+ -> ArgInfo
+mkArgInfo env fun rules n_val_args call_cont
+ | n_val_args < idArity fun -- Note [Unsaturated functions]
+ = ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = [], ai_type = fun_ty
+ , ai_rules = fun_rules
+ , ai_encl = False
+ , ai_strs = vanilla_stricts
+ , ai_discs = vanilla_discounts }
+ | otherwise
+ = ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = [], ai_type = fun_ty
+ , ai_rules = fun_rules
+ , ai_encl = interestingArgContext rules call_cont
+ , ai_strs = arg_stricts
+ , ai_discs = arg_discounts }
+ where
+ fun_ty = idType fun
+ fun_rules = mkFunRules rules
+ vanilla_discounts, arg_discounts :: [Int]
+ vanilla_discounts = repeat 0
+ arg_discounts = case idUnfolding fun of
+ CoreUnfolding {uf_guidance = UnfIfGoodArgs {ug_args = discounts}}
+ -> discounts ++ vanilla_discounts
+ _ -> vanilla_discounts
+ vanilla_stricts, arg_stricts :: [Bool]
+ vanilla_stricts = repeat False
+ arg_stricts
+ | not (sm_inline (seMode env))
+ = vanilla_stricts -- See Note [Do not expose strictness if sm_inline=False]
+ | otherwise
+ = add_type_str fun_ty $
+ case splitStrictSig (idStrictness fun) of
+ (demands, result_info)
+ | not (demands `lengthExceeds` n_val_args)
+ -> -- Enough args, use the strictness given.
+ -- For bottoming functions we used to pretend that the arg
+ -- is lazy, so that we don't treat the arg as an
+ -- interesting context. This avoids substituting
+ -- top-level bindings for (say) strings into
+ -- calls to error. But now we are more careful about
+ -- inlining lone variables, so it's ok
+ -- (see GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils.analyseCont)
+ if isBotDiv result_info then
+ map isStrictDmd demands -- Finite => result is bottom
+ else
+ map isStrictDmd demands ++ vanilla_stricts
+ | otherwise
+ -> WARN( True, text "More demands than arity" <+> ppr fun <+> ppr (idArity fun)
+ <+> ppr n_val_args <+> ppr demands )
+ vanilla_stricts -- Not enough args, or no strictness
+ add_type_str :: Type -> [Bool] -> [Bool]
+ -- If the function arg types are strict, record that in the 'strictness bits'
+ -- No need to instantiate because unboxed types (which dominate the strict
+ -- types) can't instantiate type variables.
+ -- add_type_str is done repeatedly (for each call);
+ -- might be better once-for-all in the function
+ -- But beware primops/datacons with no strictness
+ add_type_str _ [] = []
+ add_type_str fun_ty all_strs@(str:strs)
+ | Just (arg_ty, fun_ty') <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty -- Add strict-type info
+ = (str || Just False == isLiftedType_maybe arg_ty)
+ : add_type_str fun_ty' strs
+ -- If the type is levity-polymorphic, we can't know whether it's
+ -- strict. isLiftedType_maybe will return Just False only when
+ -- we're sure the type is unlifted.
+ | Just (_, fun_ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
+ = add_type_str fun_ty' all_strs -- Look through foralls
+ | otherwise
+ = all_strs
+{- Note [Unsaturated functions]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+Consider (test eyeball/inline4)
+ x = a:as
+ y = f x
+where f has arity 2. Then we do not want to inline 'x', because
+it'll just be floated out again. Even if f has lots of discounts
+on its first argument -- it must be saturated for these to kick in
+Note [Do not expose strictness if sm_inline=False]
+#15163 showed a case in which we had
+ {-# INLINE [1] zip #-}
+ zip = undefined
+ {-# RULES "foo" forall as bs. stream (zip as bs) = ..blah... #-}
+If we expose zip's bottoming nature when simplifying the LHS of the
+RULE we get
+ {-# RULES "foo" forall as bs.
+ stream (case zip of {}) = ..blah... #-}
+discarding the arguments to zip. Usually this is fine, but on the
+LHS of a rule it's not, because 'as' and 'bs' are now not bound on
+the LHS.
+This is a pretty pathological example, so I'm not losing sleep over
+it, but the simplest solution was to check sm_inline; if it is False,
+which it is on the LHS of a rule (see updModeForRules), then don't
+make use of the strictness info for the function.
+* *
+ Interesting arguments
+* *
+Note [Interesting call context]
+We want to avoid inlining an expression where there can't possibly be
+any gain, such as in an argument position. Hence, if the continuation
+is interesting (eg. a case scrutinee, application etc.) then we
+inline, otherwise we don't.
+Previously some_benefit used to return True only if the variable was
+applied to some value arguments. This didn't work:
+ let x = _coerce_ (T Int) Int (I# 3) in
+ case _coerce_ Int (T Int) x of
+ I# y -> ....
+we want to inline x, but can't see that it's a constructor in a case
+scrutinee position, and some_benefit is False.
+Another example:
+dMonadST = _/\_ t -> :Monad (g1 _@_ t, g2 _@_ t, g3 _@_ t)
+.... case dMonadST _@_ x0 of (a,b,c) -> ....
+we'd really like to inline dMonadST here, but we *don't* want to
+inline if the case expression is just
+ case x of y { DEFAULT -> ... }
+since we can just eliminate this case instead (x is in WHNF). Similar
+applies when x is bound to a lambda expression. Hence
+contIsInteresting looks for case expressions with just a single
+default case.
+Note [No case of case is boring]
+If we see
+ case f x of <alts>
+we'd usually treat the context as interesting, to encourage 'f' to
+inline. But if case-of-case is off, it's really not so interesting
+after all, because we are unlikely to be able to push the case
+expression into the branches of any case in f's unfolding. So, to
+reduce unnecessary code expansion, we just make the context look boring.
+This made a small compile-time perf improvement in perf/compiler/T6048,
+and it looks plausible to me.
+interestingCallContext :: SimplEnv -> SimplCont -> CallCtxt
+-- See Note [Interesting call context]
+interestingCallContext env cont
+ = interesting cont
+ where
+ interesting (Select {})
+ | sm_case_case (getMode env) = CaseCtxt
+ | otherwise = BoringCtxt
+ -- See Note [No case of case is boring]
+ interesting (ApplyToVal {}) = ValAppCtxt
+ -- Can happen if we have (f Int |> co) y
+ -- If f has an INLINE prag we need to give it some
+ -- motivation to inline. See Note [Cast then apply]
+ -- in GHC.Core.Unfold
+ interesting (StrictArg { sc_cci = cci }) = cci
+ interesting (StrictBind {}) = BoringCtxt
+ interesting (Stop _ cci) = cci
+ interesting (TickIt _ k) = interesting k
+ interesting (ApplyToTy { sc_cont = k }) = interesting k
+ interesting (CastIt _ k) = interesting k
+ -- If this call is the arg of a strict function, the context
+ -- is a bit interesting. If we inline here, we may get useful
+ -- evaluation information to avoid repeated evals: e.g.
+ -- x + (y * z)
+ -- Here the contIsInteresting makes the '*' keener to inline,
+ -- which in turn exposes a constructor which makes the '+' inline.
+ -- Assuming that +,* aren't small enough to inline regardless.
+ --
+ -- It's also very important to inline in a strict context for things
+ -- like
+ -- foldr k z (f x)
+ -- Here, the context of (f x) is strict, and if f's unfolding is
+ -- a build it's *great* to inline it here. So we must ensure that
+ -- the context for (f x) is not totally uninteresting.
+interestingArgContext :: [CoreRule] -> SimplCont -> Bool
+-- If the argument has form (f x y), where x,y are boring,
+-- and f is marked INLINE, then we don't want to inline f.
+-- But if the context of the argument is
+-- g (f x y)
+-- where g has rules, then we *do* want to inline f, in case it
+-- exposes a rule that might fire. Similarly, if the context is
+-- h (g (f x x))
+-- where h has rules, then we do want to inline f; hence the
+-- call_cont argument to interestingArgContext
+-- The ai-rules flag makes this happen; if it's
+-- set, the inliner gets just enough keener to inline f
+-- regardless of how boring f's arguments are, if it's marked INLINE
+-- The alternative would be to *always* inline an INLINE function,
+-- regardless of how boring its context is; but that seems overkill
+-- For example, it'd mean that wrapper functions were always inlined
+-- The call_cont passed to interestingArgContext is the context of
+-- the call itself, e.g. g <hole> in the example above
+interestingArgContext rules call_cont
+ = notNull rules || enclosing_fn_has_rules
+ where
+ enclosing_fn_has_rules = go call_cont
+ go (Select {}) = False
+ go (ApplyToVal {}) = False -- Shouldn't really happen
+ go (ApplyToTy {}) = False -- Ditto
+ go (StrictArg { sc_cci = cci }) = interesting cci
+ go (StrictBind {}) = False -- ??
+ go (CastIt _ c) = go c
+ go (Stop _ cci) = interesting cci
+ go (TickIt _ c) = go c
+ interesting RuleArgCtxt = True
+ interesting _ = False
+{- Note [Interesting arguments]
+An argument is interesting if it deserves a discount for unfoldings
+with a discount in that argument position. The idea is to avoid
+unfolding a function that is applied only to variables that have no
+unfolding (i.e. they are probably lambda bound): f x y z There is
+little point in inlining f here.
+Generally, *values* (like (C a b) and (\x.e)) deserve discounts. But
+we must look through lets, eg (let x = e in C a b), because the let will
+float, exposing the value, if we inline. That makes it different to
+Before 2009 we said it was interesting if the argument had *any* structure
+at all; i.e. (hasSomeUnfolding v). But does too much inlining; see #3016.
+But we don't regard (f x y) as interesting, unless f is unsaturated.
+If it's saturated and f hasn't inlined, then it's probably not going
+to now!
+Note [Conlike is interesting]
+ f d = ...((*) d x y)...
+ ... f (df d')...
+where df is con-like. Then we'd really like to inline 'f' so that the
+rule for (*) (df d) can fire. To do this
+ a) we give a discount for being an argument of a class-op (eg (*) d)
+ b) we say that a con-like argument (eg (df d)) is interesting
+interestingArg :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> ArgSummary
+-- See Note [Interesting arguments]
+interestingArg env e = go env 0 e
+ where
+ -- n is # value args to which the expression is applied
+ go env n (Var v)
+ = case substId env v of
+ DoneId v' -> go_var n v'
+ DoneEx e _ -> go (zapSubstEnv env) n e
+ ContEx tvs cvs ids e -> go (setSubstEnv env tvs cvs ids) n e
+ go _ _ (Lit {}) = ValueArg
+ go _ _ (Type _) = TrivArg
+ go _ _ (Coercion _) = TrivArg
+ go env n (App fn (Type _)) = go env n fn
+ go env n (App fn _) = go env (n+1) fn
+ go env n (Tick _ a) = go env n a
+ go env n (Cast e _) = go env n e
+ go env n (Lam v e)
+ | isTyVar v = go env n e
+ | n>0 = NonTrivArg -- (\x.b) e is NonTriv
+ | otherwise = ValueArg
+ go _ _ (Case {}) = NonTrivArg
+ go env n (Let b e) = case go env' n e of
+ ValueArg -> ValueArg
+ _ -> NonTrivArg
+ where
+ env' = env `addNewInScopeIds` bindersOf b
+ go_var n v
+ | isConLikeId v = ValueArg -- Experimenting with 'conlike' rather that
+ -- data constructors here
+ | idArity v > n = ValueArg -- Catches (eg) primops with arity but no unfolding
+ | n > 0 = NonTrivArg -- Saturated or unknown call
+ | conlike_unfolding = ValueArg -- n==0; look for an interesting unfolding
+ -- See Note [Conlike is interesting]
+ | otherwise = TrivArg -- n==0, no useful unfolding
+ where
+ conlike_unfolding = isConLikeUnfolding (idUnfolding v)
+* *
+ SimplMode
+* *
+The SimplMode controls several switches; see its definition in
+ sm_rules :: Bool -- Whether RULES are enabled
+ sm_inline :: Bool -- Whether inlining is enabled
+ sm_case_case :: Bool -- Whether case-of-case is enabled
+ sm_eta_expand :: Bool -- Whether eta-expansion is enabled
+simplEnvForGHCi :: DynFlags -> SimplEnv
+simplEnvForGHCi dflags
+ = mkSimplEnv $ SimplMode { sm_names = ["GHCi"]
+ , sm_phase = InitialPhase
+ , sm_dflags = dflags
+ , sm_rules = rules_on
+ , sm_inline = False
+ , sm_eta_expand = eta_expand_on
+ , sm_case_case = True }
+ where
+ rules_on = gopt Opt_EnableRewriteRules dflags
+ eta_expand_on = gopt Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion dflags
+ -- Do not do any inlining, in case we expose some unboxed
+ -- tuple stuff that confuses the bytecode interpreter
+updModeForStableUnfoldings :: Activation -> SimplMode -> SimplMode
+-- See Note [Simplifying inside stable unfoldings]
+updModeForStableUnfoldings inline_rule_act current_mode
+ = current_mode { sm_phase = phaseFromActivation inline_rule_act
+ , sm_inline = True
+ , sm_eta_expand = False }
+ -- sm_eta_expand: see Note [No eta expansion in stable unfoldings]
+ -- For sm_rules, just inherit; sm_rules might be "off"
+ -- because of -fno-enable-rewrite-rules
+ where
+ phaseFromActivation (ActiveAfter _ n) = Phase n
+ phaseFromActivation _ = InitialPhase
+updModeForRules :: SimplMode -> SimplMode
+-- See Note [Simplifying rules]
+updModeForRules current_mode
+ = current_mode { sm_phase = InitialPhase
+ , sm_inline = False -- See Note [Do not expose strictness if sm_inline=False]
+ , sm_rules = False
+ , sm_eta_expand = False }
+{- Note [Simplifying rules]
+When simplifying a rule LHS, refrain from /any/ inlining or applying
+of other RULES.
+Doing anything to the LHS is plain confusing, because it means that what the
+rule matches is not what the user wrote. c.f. #10595, and #10528.
+Moreover, inlining (or applying rules) on rule LHSs risks introducing
+Ticks into the LHS, which makes matching trickier. #10665, #10745.
+Doing this to either side confounds tools like HERMIT, which seek to reason
+about and apply the RULES as originally written. See #10829.
+Note [No eta expansion in stable unfoldings]
+If we have a stable unfolding
+ f :: Ord a => a -> IO ()
+ -- Unfolding template
+ -- = /\a \(d:Ord a) (x:a). bla
+we do not want to eta-expand to
+ f :: Ord a => a -> IO ()
+ -- Unfolding template
+ -- = (/\a \(d:Ord a) (x:a) (eta:State#). bla eta) |> co
+because not specialisation of the overloading doesn't work properly
+(see Note [Specialisation shape] in GHC.Core.Op.Specialise), #9509.
+So we disable eta-expansion in stable unfoldings.
+Note [Inlining in gentle mode]
+Something is inlined if
+ (i) the sm_inline flag is on, AND
+ (ii) the thing has an INLINE pragma, AND
+ (iii) the thing is inlinable in the earliest phase.
+Example of why (iii) is important:
+ {-# INLINE [~1] g #-}
+ g = ...
+ {-# INLINE f #-}
+ f x = g (g x)
+If we were to inline g into f's inlining, then an importing module would
+never be able to do
+ f e --> g (g e) ---> RULE fires
+because the stable unfolding for f has had g inlined into it.
+On the other hand, it is bad not to do ANY inlining into an
+stable unfolding, because then recursive knots in instance declarations
+don't get unravelled.
+However, *sometimes* SimplGently must do no call-site inlining at all
+(hence sm_inline = False). Before full laziness we must be careful
+not to inline wrappers, because doing so inhibits floating
+ e.g. ...(case f x of ...)...
+ ==> ...(case (case x of I# x# -> fw x#) of ...)...
+ ==> ...(case x of I# x# -> case fw x# of ...)...
+and now the redex (f x) isn't floatable any more.
+The no-inlining thing is also important for Template Haskell. You might be
+compiling in one-shot mode with -O2; but when TH compiles a splice before
+running it, we don't want to use -O2. Indeed, we don't want to inline
+anything, because the byte-code interpreter might get confused about
+unboxed tuples and suchlike.
+Note [Simplifying inside stable unfoldings]
+We must take care with simplification inside stable unfoldings (which come from
+INLINE pragmas).
+First, consider the following example
+ let f = \pq -> BIG
+ in
+ let g = \y -> f y y
+ {-# INLINE g #-}
+ in ...g...g...g...g...g...
+Now, if that's the ONLY occurrence of f, it might be inlined inside g,
+and thence copied multiple times when g is inlined. HENCE we treat
+any occurrence in a stable unfolding as a multiple occurrence, not a single
+one; see OccurAnal.addRuleUsage.
+Second, we do want *do* to some modest rules/inlining stuff in stable
+unfoldings, partly to eliminate senseless crap, and partly to break
+the recursive knots generated by instance declarations.
+However, suppose we have
+ {-# INLINE <act> f #-}
+ f = <rhs>
+meaning "inline f in phases p where activation <act>(p) holds".
+Then what inlinings/rules can we apply to the copy of <rhs> captured in
+f's stable unfolding? Our model is that literally <rhs> is substituted for
+f when it is inlined. So our conservative plan (implemented by
+updModeForStableUnfoldings) is this:
+ -------------------------------------------------------------
+ When simplifying the RHS of a stable unfolding, set the phase
+ to the phase in which the stable unfolding first becomes active
+ -------------------------------------------------------------
+That ensures that
+ a) Rules/inlinings that *cease* being active before p will
+ not apply to the stable unfolding, consistent with it being
+ inlined in its *original* form in phase p.
+ b) Rules/inlinings that only become active *after* p will
+ not apply to the stable unfolding, again to be consistent with
+ inlining the *original* rhs in phase p.
+For example,
+ {-# INLINE f #-}
+ f x = ...g...
+ {-# NOINLINE [1] g #-}
+ g y = ...
+ {-# RULE h g = ... #-}
+Here we must not inline g into f's RHS, even when we get to phase 0,
+because when f is later inlined into some other module we want the
+rule for h to fire.
+Similarly, consider
+ {-# INLINE f #-}
+ f x = ...g...
+ g y = ...
+and suppose that there are auto-generated specialisations and a strictness
+wrapper for g. The specialisations get activation AlwaysActive, and the
+strictness wrapper get activation (ActiveAfter 0). So the strictness
+wrepper fails the test and won't be inlined into f's stable unfolding. That
+means f can inline, expose the specialised call to g, so the specialisation
+rules can fire.
+A note about wrappers
+It's also important not to inline a worker back into a wrapper.
+A wrapper looks like
+ wraper = inline_me (\x -> ...worker... )
+Normally, the inline_me prevents the worker getting inlined into
+the wrapper (initially, the worker's only call site!). But,
+if the wrapper is sure to be called, the strictness analyser will
+mark it 'demanded', so when the RHS is simplified, it'll get an ArgOf
+activeUnfolding :: SimplMode -> Id -> Bool
+activeUnfolding mode id
+ | isCompulsoryUnfolding (realIdUnfolding id)
+ = True -- Even sm_inline can't override compulsory unfoldings
+ | otherwise
+ = isActive (sm_phase mode) (idInlineActivation id)
+ && sm_inline mode
+ -- `or` isStableUnfolding (realIdUnfolding id)
+ -- Inline things when
+ -- (a) they are active
+ -- (b) sm_inline says so, except that for stable unfoldings
+ -- (ie pragmas) we inline anyway
+getUnfoldingInRuleMatch :: SimplEnv -> InScopeEnv
+-- When matching in RULE, we want to "look through" an unfolding
+-- (to see a constructor) if *rules* are on, even if *inlinings*
+-- are not. A notable example is DFuns, which really we want to
+-- match in rules like (op dfun) in gentle mode. Another example
+-- is 'otherwise' which we want exprIsConApp_maybe to be able to
+-- see very early on
+getUnfoldingInRuleMatch env
+ = (in_scope, id_unf)
+ where
+ in_scope = seInScope env
+ mode = getMode env
+ id_unf id | unf_is_active id = idUnfolding id
+ | otherwise = NoUnfolding
+ unf_is_active id
+ | not (sm_rules mode) = -- active_unfolding_minimal id
+ isStableUnfolding (realIdUnfolding id)
+ -- Do we even need to test this? I think this InScopeEnv
+ -- is only consulted if activeRule returns True, which
+ -- never happens if sm_rules is False
+ | otherwise = isActive (sm_phase mode) (idInlineActivation id)
+activeRule :: SimplMode -> Activation -> Bool
+-- Nothing => No rules at all
+activeRule mode
+ | not (sm_rules mode) = \_ -> False -- Rewriting is off
+ | otherwise = isActive (sm_phase mode)
+* *
+ preInlineUnconditionally
+* *
+@preInlineUnconditionally@ examines a bndr to see if it is used just
+once in a completely safe way, so that it is safe to discard the
+binding inline its RHS at the (unique) usage site, REGARDLESS of how
+big the RHS might be. If this is the case we don't simplify the RHS
+first, but just inline it un-simplified.
+This is much better than first simplifying a perhaps-huge RHS and then
+inlining and re-simplifying it. Indeed, it can be at least quadratically
+better. Consider
+ x1 = e1
+ x2 = e2[x1]
+ x3 = e3[x2]
+ ...etc...
+ xN = eN[xN-1]
+We may end up simplifying e1 N times, e2 N-1 times, e3 N-3 times etc.
+This can happen with cascades of functions too:
+ f1 = \x1.e1
+ f2 = \xs.e2[f1]
+ f3 = \xs.e3[f3]
+ ...etc...
+ ---- preInlineUnconditionally invariant -----
+ IF preInlineUnconditionally chooses to inline x = <rhs>
+ THEN doing the inlining should not change the occurrence
+ info for the free vars of <rhs>
+ ----------------------------------------------
+For example, it's tempting to look at trivial binding like
+ x = y
+and inline it unconditionally. But suppose x is used many times,
+but this is the unique occurrence of y. Then inlining x would change
+y's occurrence info, which breaks the invariant. It matters: y
+might have a BIG rhs, which will now be dup'd at every occurrence of x.
+Even RHSs labelled InlineMe aren't caught here, because there might be
+no benefit from inlining at the call site.
+[Sept 01] Don't unconditionally inline a top-level thing, because that
+can simply make a static thing into something built dynamically. E.g.
+ x = (a,b)
+ main = \s -> h x
+[Remember that we treat \s as a one-shot lambda.] No point in
+inlining x unless there is something interesting about the call site.
+But watch out: if you aren't careful, some useful foldr/build fusion
+can be lost (most notably in spectral/hartel/parstof) because the
+foldr didn't see the build. Doing the dynamic allocation isn't a big
+deal, in fact, but losing the fusion can be. But the right thing here
+seems to be to do a callSiteInline based on the fact that there is
+something interesting about the call site (it's strict). Hmm. That
+seems a bit fragile.
+Conclusion: inline top level things gaily until Phase 0 (the last
+phase), at which point don't.
+Note [pre/postInlineUnconditionally in gentle mode]
+Even in gentle mode we want to do preInlineUnconditionally. The
+reason is that too little clean-up happens if you don't inline
+use-once things. Also a bit of inlining is *good* for full laziness;
+it can expose constant sub-expressions. Example in
+spectral/mandel/Mandel.hs, where the mandelset function gets a useful
+let-float if you inline windowToViewport
+However, as usual for Gentle mode, do not inline things that are
+inactive in the initial stages. See Note [Gentle mode].
+Note [Stable unfoldings and preInlineUnconditionally]
+Surprisingly, do not pre-inline-unconditionally Ids with INLINE pragmas!
+ {-# INLINE f #-}
+ f :: Eq a => a -> a
+ f x = ...
+ fInt :: Int -> Int
+ fInt = f Int dEqInt
+ ...fInt...fInt...fInt...
+Here f occurs just once, in the RHS of fInt. But if we inline it there
+it might make fInt look big, and we'll lose the opportunity to inline f
+at each of fInt's call sites. The INLINE pragma will only inline when
+the application is saturated for exactly this reason; and we don't
+want PreInlineUnconditionally to second-guess it. A live example is
+ c.f. Note [Stable unfoldings and postInlineUnconditionally]
+NB: if the pragma is INLINEABLE, then we don't want to behave in
+this special way -- an INLINEABLE pragma just says to GHC "inline this
+if you like". But if there is a unique occurrence, we want to inline
+the stable unfolding, not the RHS.
+Note [Top-level bottoming Ids]
+Don't inline top-level Ids that are bottoming, even if they are used just
+once, because FloatOut has gone to some trouble to extract them out.
+Inlining them won't make the program run faster!
+Note [Do not inline CoVars unconditionally]
+Coercion variables appear inside coercions, and the RHS of a let-binding
+is a term (not a coercion) so we can't necessarily inline the latter in
+the former.
+ :: SimplEnv -> TopLevelFlag -> InId
+ -> InExpr -> StaticEnv -- These two go together
+ -> Maybe SimplEnv -- Returned env has extended substitution
+-- Precondition: rhs satisfies the let/app invariant
+-- See Note [Core let/app invariant] in GHC.Core
+-- Reason: we don't want to inline single uses, or discard dead bindings,
+-- for unlifted, side-effect-ful bindings
+preInlineUnconditionally env top_lvl bndr rhs rhs_env
+ | not pre_inline_unconditionally = Nothing
+ | not active = Nothing
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl && isBottomingId bndr = Nothing -- Note [Top-level bottoming Ids]
+ | isCoVar bndr = Nothing -- Note [Do not inline CoVars unconditionally]
+ | isExitJoinId bndr = Nothing -- Note [Do not inline exit join points]
+ -- in module Exitify
+ | not (one_occ (idOccInfo bndr)) = Nothing
+ | not (isStableUnfolding unf) = Just (extend_subst_with rhs)
+ -- Note [Stable unfoldings and preInlineUnconditionally]
+ | isInlinablePragma inline_prag
+ , Just inl <- maybeUnfoldingTemplate unf = Just (extend_subst_with inl)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ unf = idUnfolding bndr
+ extend_subst_with inl_rhs = extendIdSubst env bndr (mkContEx rhs_env inl_rhs)
+ one_occ IAmDead = True -- Happens in ((\x.1) v)
+ one_occ OneOcc{ occ_one_br = InOneBranch
+ , occ_in_lam = NotInsideLam } = isNotTopLevel top_lvl || early_phase
+ one_occ OneOcc{ occ_one_br = InOneBranch
+ , occ_in_lam = IsInsideLam
+ , occ_int_cxt = IsInteresting } = canInlineInLam rhs
+ one_occ _ = False
+ pre_inline_unconditionally = gopt Opt_SimplPreInlining (seDynFlags env)
+ mode = getMode env
+ active = isActive (sm_phase mode) (inlinePragmaActivation inline_prag)
+ -- See Note [pre/postInlineUnconditionally in gentle mode]
+ inline_prag = idInlinePragma bndr
+-- Be very careful before inlining inside a lambda, because (a) we must not
+-- invalidate occurrence information, and (b) we want to avoid pushing a
+-- single allocation (here) into multiple allocations (inside lambda).
+-- Inlining a *function* with a single *saturated* call would be ok, mind you.
+-- || (if is_cheap && not (canInlineInLam rhs) then pprTrace "preinline" (ppr bndr <+> ppr rhs) ok else ok)
+-- where
+-- is_cheap = exprIsCheap rhs
+-- ok = is_cheap && int_cxt
+ -- int_cxt The context isn't totally boring
+ -- E.g. let f = \ab.BIG in \y. map f xs
+ -- Don't want to substitute for f, because then we allocate
+ -- its closure every time the \y is called
+ -- But: let f = \ab.BIG in \y. map (f y) xs
+ -- Now we do want to substitute for f, even though it's not
+ -- saturated, because we're going to allocate a closure for
+ -- (f y) every time round the loop anyhow.
+ -- canInlineInLam => free vars of rhs are (Once in_lam) or Many,
+ -- so substituting rhs inside a lambda doesn't change the occ info.
+ -- Sadly, not quite the same as exprIsHNF.
+ canInlineInLam (Lit _) = True
+ canInlineInLam (Lam b e) = isRuntimeVar b || canInlineInLam e
+ canInlineInLam (Tick t e) = not (tickishIsCode t) && canInlineInLam e
+ canInlineInLam _ = False
+ -- not ticks. Counting ticks cannot be duplicated, and non-counting
+ -- ticks around a Lam will disappear anyway.
+ early_phase = case sm_phase mode of
+ Phase 0 -> False
+ _ -> True
+-- If we don't have this early_phase test, consider
+-- x = length [1,2,3]
+-- The full laziness pass carefully floats all the cons cells to
+-- top level, and preInlineUnconditionally floats them all back in.
+-- Result is (a) static allocation replaced by dynamic allocation
+-- (b) many simplifier iterations because this tickles
+-- a related problem; only one inlining per pass
+-- On the other hand, I have seen cases where top-level fusion is
+-- lost if we don't inline top level thing (e.g. string constants)
+-- Hence the test for phase zero (which is the phase for all the final
+-- simplifications). Until phase zero we take no special notice of
+-- top level things, but then we become more leery about inlining
+-- them.
+* *
+ postInlineUnconditionally
+* *
+@postInlineUnconditionally@ decides whether to unconditionally inline
+a thing based on the form of its RHS; in particular if it has a
+trivial RHS. If so, we can inline and discard the binding altogether.
+NB: a loop breaker has must_keep_binding = True and non-loop-breakers
+only have *forward* references. Hence, it's safe to discard the binding
+NOTE: This isn't our last opportunity to inline. We're at the binding
+site right now, and we'll get another opportunity when we get to the
+Note that we do this unconditional inlining only for trivial RHSs.
+Don't inline even WHNFs inside lambdas; doing so may simply increase
+allocation when the function is called. This isn't the last chance; see
+NOTE above.
+NB: Even inline pragmas (e.g. IMustBeINLINEd) are ignored here Why?
+Because we don't even want to inline them into the RHS of constructor
+arguments. See NOTE above
+NB: At one time even NOINLINE was ignored here: if the rhs is trivial
+it's best to inline it anyway. We often get a=E; b=a from desugaring,
+with both a and b marked NOINLINE. But that seems incompatible with
+our new view that inlining is like a RULE, so I'm sticking to the 'active'
+story for now.
+ :: SimplEnv -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> OutId -- The binder (*not* a CoVar), including its unfolding
+ -> OccInfo -- From the InId
+ -> OutExpr
+ -> Bool
+-- Precondition: rhs satisfies the let/app invariant
+-- See Note [Core let/app invariant] in GHC.Core
+-- Reason: we don't want to inline single uses, or discard dead bindings,
+-- for unlifted, side-effect-ful bindings
+postInlineUnconditionally env top_lvl bndr occ_info rhs
+ | not active = False
+ | isWeakLoopBreaker occ_info = False -- If it's a loop-breaker of any kind, don't inline
+ -- because it might be referred to "earlier"
+ | isStableUnfolding unfolding = False -- Note [Stable unfoldings and postInlineUnconditionally]
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl = False -- Note [Top level and postInlineUnconditionally]
+ | exprIsTrivial rhs = True
+ | otherwise
+ = case occ_info of
+ -- The point of examining occ_info here is that for *non-values*
+ -- that occur outside a lambda, the call-site inliner won't have
+ -- a chance (because it doesn't know that the thing
+ -- only occurs once). The pre-inliner won't have gotten
+ -- it either, if the thing occurs in more than one branch
+ -- So the main target is things like
+ -- let x = f y in
+ -- case v of
+ -- True -> case x of ...
+ -- False -> case x of ...
+ -- This is very important in practice; e.g. wheel-seive1 doubles
+ -- in allocation if you miss this out
+ OneOcc { occ_in_lam = in_lam, occ_int_cxt = int_cxt }
+ -- OneOcc => no code-duplication issue
+ -> smallEnoughToInline dflags unfolding -- Small enough to dup
+ -- ToDo: consider discount on smallEnoughToInline if int_cxt is true
+ --
+ -- NB: Do NOT inline arbitrarily big things, even if one_br is True
+ -- Reason: doing so risks exponential behaviour. We simplify a big
+ -- expression, inline it, and simplify it again. But if the
+ -- very same thing happens in the big expression, we get
+ -- exponential cost!
+ -- PRINCIPLE: when we've already simplified an expression once,
+ -- make sure that we only inline it if it's reasonably small.
+ && (in_lam == NotInsideLam ||
+ -- Outside a lambda, we want to be reasonably aggressive
+ -- about inlining into multiple branches of case
+ -- e.g. let x = <non-value>
+ -- in case y of { C1 -> ..x..; C2 -> ..x..; C3 -> ... }
+ -- Inlining can be a big win if C3 is the hot-spot, even if
+ -- the uses in C1, C2 are not 'interesting'
+ -- An example that gets worse if you add int_cxt here is 'clausify'
+ (isCheapUnfolding unfolding && int_cxt == IsInteresting))
+ -- isCheap => acceptable work duplication; in_lam may be true
+ -- int_cxt to prevent us inlining inside a lambda without some
+ -- good reason. See the notes on int_cxt in preInlineUnconditionally
+ IAmDead -> True -- This happens; for example, the case_bndr during case of
+ -- known constructor: case (a,b) of x { (p,q) -> ... }
+ -- Here x isn't mentioned in the RHS, so we don't want to
+ -- create the (dead) let-binding let x = (a,b) in ...
+ _ -> False
+-- Here's an example that we don't handle well:
+-- let f = if b then Left (\x.BIG) else Right (\y.BIG)
+-- in \y. f of {...} ....
+-- Here f is used just once, and duplicating the case work is fine (exprIsCheap).
+-- But
+-- - We can't preInlineUnconditionally because that would invalidate
+-- the occ info for b.
+-- - We can't postInlineUnconditionally because the RHS is big, and
+-- that risks exponential behaviour
+-- - We can't call-site inline, because the rhs is big
+-- Alas!
+ where
+ unfolding = idUnfolding bndr
+ dflags = seDynFlags env
+ active = isActive (sm_phase (getMode env)) (idInlineActivation bndr)
+ -- See Note [pre/postInlineUnconditionally in gentle mode]
+Note [Top level and postInlineUnconditionally]
+We don't do postInlineUnconditionally for top-level things (even for
+ones that are trivial):
+ * Doing so will inline top-level error expressions that have been
+ carefully floated out by FloatOut. More generally, it might
+ replace static allocation with dynamic.
+ * Even for trivial expressions there's a problem. Consider
+ {-# RULE "foo" forall (xs::[T]). reverse xs = ruggle xs #-}
+ blah xs = reverse xs
+ ruggle = sort
+ In one simplifier pass we might fire the rule, getting
+ blah xs = ruggle xs
+ but in *that* simplifier pass we must not do postInlineUnconditionally
+ on 'ruggle' because then we'll have an unbound occurrence of 'ruggle'
+ If the rhs is trivial it'll be inlined by callSiteInline, and then
+ the binding will be dead and discarded by the next use of OccurAnal
+ * There is less point, because the main goal is to get rid of local
+ bindings used in multiple case branches.
+ * The inliner should inline trivial things at call sites anyway.
+ * The Id might be exported. We could check for that separately,
+ but since we aren't going to postInlineUnconditionally /any/
+ top-level bindings, we don't need to test.
+Note [Stable unfoldings and postInlineUnconditionally]
+Do not do postInlineUnconditionally if the Id has a stable unfolding,
+otherwise we lose the unfolding. Example
+ -- f has stable unfolding with rhs (e |> co)
+ -- where 'e' is big
+ f = e |> co
+Then there's a danger we'll optimise to
+ f' = e
+ f = f' |> co
+and now postInlineUnconditionally, losing the stable unfolding on f. Now f'
+won't inline because 'e' is too big.
+ c.f. Note [Stable unfoldings and preInlineUnconditionally]
+* *
+ Rebuilding a lambda
+* *
+mkLam :: SimplEnv -> [OutBndr] -> OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM OutExpr
+-- mkLam tries three things
+-- a) eta reduction, if that gives a trivial expression
+-- b) eta expansion [only if there are some value lambdas]
+mkLam _env [] body _cont
+ = return body
+mkLam env bndrs body cont
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; mkLam' dflags bndrs body }
+ where
+ mkLam' :: DynFlags -> [OutBndr] -> OutExpr -> SimplM OutExpr
+ mkLam' dflags bndrs (Cast body co)
+ | not (any bad bndrs)
+ -- Note [Casts and lambdas]
+ = do { lam <- mkLam' dflags bndrs body
+ ; return (mkCast lam (mkPiCos Representational bndrs co)) }
+ where
+ co_vars = tyCoVarsOfCo co
+ bad bndr = isCoVar bndr && bndr `elemVarSet` co_vars
+ mkLam' dflags bndrs body@(Lam {})
+ = mkLam' dflags (bndrs ++ bndrs1) body1
+ where
+ (bndrs1, body1) = collectBinders body
+ mkLam' dflags bndrs (Tick t expr)
+ | tickishFloatable t
+ = mkTick t <$> mkLam' dflags bndrs expr
+ mkLam' dflags bndrs body
+ | gopt Opt_DoEtaReduction dflags
+ , Just etad_lam <- tryEtaReduce bndrs body
+ = do { tick (EtaReduction (head bndrs))
+ ; return etad_lam }
+ | not (contIsRhs cont) -- See Note [Eta-expanding lambdas]
+ , sm_eta_expand (getMode env)
+ , any isRuntimeVar bndrs
+ , let body_arity = exprEtaExpandArity dflags body
+ , body_arity > 0
+ = do { tick (EtaExpansion (head bndrs))
+ ; let res = mkLams bndrs (etaExpand body_arity body)
+ ; traceSmpl "eta expand" (vcat [text "before" <+> ppr (mkLams bndrs body)
+ , text "after" <+> ppr res])
+ ; return res }
+ | otherwise
+ = return (mkLams bndrs body)
+Note [Eta expanding lambdas]
+In general we *do* want to eta-expand lambdas. Consider
+ f (\x -> case x of (a,b) -> \s -> blah)
+where 's' is a state token, and hence can be eta expanded. This
+showed up in the code for GHc.IO.Handle.Text.hPutChar, a rather
+important function!
+The eta-expansion will never happen unless we do it now. (Well, it's
+possible that CorePrep will do it, but CorePrep only has a half-baked
+eta-expander that can't deal with casts. So it's much better to do it
+However, when the lambda is let-bound, as the RHS of a let, we have a
+better eta-expander (in the form of tryEtaExpandRhs), so we don't
+bother to try expansion in mkLam in that case; hence the contIsRhs
+NB: We check the SimplEnv (sm_eta_expand), not DynFlags.
+ See Note [No eta expansion in stable unfoldings]
+Note [Casts and lambdas]
+ (\x. (\y. e) `cast` g1) `cast` g2
+There is a danger here that the two lambdas look separated, and the
+full laziness pass might float an expression to between the two.
+So this equation in mkLam' floats the g1 out, thus:
+ (\x. e `cast` g1) --> (\x.e) `cast` (tx -> g1)
+where x:tx.
+In general, this floats casts outside lambdas, where (I hope) they
+might meet and cancel with some other cast:
+ \x. e `cast` co ===> (\x. e) `cast` (tx -> co)
+ /\a. e `cast` co ===> (/\a. e) `cast` (/\a. co)
+ /\g. e `cast` co ===> (/\g. e) `cast` (/\g. co)
+ (if not (g `in` co))
+Notice that it works regardless of 'e'. Originally it worked only
+if 'e' was itself a lambda, but in some cases that resulted in
+fruitless iteration in the simplifier. A good example was when
+compiling Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec, where we had a definition
+like (\x. Get `cast` g)
+where Get is a constructor with nonzero arity. Then mkLam eta-expanded
+the Get, and the next iteration eta-reduced it, and then eta-expanded
+it again.
+Note also the side condition for the case of coercion binders.
+It does not make sense to transform
+ /\g. e `cast` g ==> (/\g.e) `cast` (/\g.g)
+because the latter is not well-kinded.
+* *
+ Eta expansion
+* *
+tryEtaExpandRhs :: SimplMode -> OutId -> OutExpr
+ -> SimplM (Arity, Bool, OutExpr)
+-- See Note [Eta-expanding at let bindings]
+-- If tryEtaExpandRhs rhs = (n, is_bot, rhs') then
+-- (a) rhs' has manifest arity n
+-- (b) if is_bot is True then rhs' applied to n args is guaranteed bottom
+tryEtaExpandRhs mode bndr rhs
+ | Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ = do { let (join_bndrs, join_body) = collectNBinders join_arity rhs
+ ; return (count isId join_bndrs, exprIsBottom join_body, rhs) }
+ -- Note [Do not eta-expand join points]
+ -- But do return the correct arity and bottom-ness, because
+ -- these are used to set the bndr's IdInfo (#15517)
+ -- Note [Invariants on join points] invariant 2b, in GHC.Core
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (new_arity, is_bot, new_rhs) <- try_expand
+ ; WARN( new_arity < old_id_arity,
+ (text "Arity decrease:" <+> (ppr bndr <+> ppr old_id_arity
+ <+> ppr old_arity <+> ppr new_arity) $$ ppr new_rhs) )
+ -- Note [Arity decrease] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify
+ return (new_arity, is_bot, new_rhs) }
+ where
+ try_expand
+ | exprIsTrivial rhs
+ = return (exprArity rhs, False, rhs)
+ | sm_eta_expand mode -- Provided eta-expansion is on
+ , new_arity > old_arity -- And the current manifest arity isn't enough
+ = do { tick (EtaExpansion bndr)
+ ; return (new_arity, is_bot, etaExpand new_arity rhs) }
+ | otherwise
+ = return (old_arity, is_bot && new_arity == old_arity, rhs)
+ dflags = sm_dflags mode
+ old_arity = exprArity rhs -- See Note [Do not expand eta-expand PAPs]
+ old_id_arity = idArity bndr
+ (new_arity1, is_bot) = findRhsArity dflags bndr rhs old_arity
+ new_arity2 = idCallArity bndr
+ new_arity = max new_arity1 new_arity2
+Note [Eta-expanding at let bindings]
+We now eta expand at let-bindings, which is where the payoff comes.
+The most significant thing is that we can do a simple arity analysis
+(in GHC.Core.Arity.findRhsArity), which we can't do for free-floating lambdas
+One useful consequence of not eta-expanding lambdas is this example:
+ genMap :: C a => ...
+ {-# INLINE genMap #-}
+ genMap f xs = ...
+ myMap :: D a => ...
+ {-# INLINE myMap #-}
+ myMap = genMap
+Notice that 'genMap' should only inline if applied to two arguments.
+In the stable unfolding for myMap we'll have the unfolding
+ (\d -> genMap Int (..d..))
+We do not want to eta-expand to
+ (\d f xs -> genMap Int (..d..) f xs)
+because then 'genMap' will inline, and it really shouldn't: at least
+as far as the programmer is concerned, it's not applied to two
+Note [Do not eta-expand join points]
+Similarly to CPR (see Note [Don't w/w join points for CPR] in
+GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap), a join point stands well to gain from its outer binding's
+eta-expansion, and eta-expanding a join point is fraught with issues like how to
+deal with a cast:
+ let join $j1 :: IO ()
+ $j1 = ...
+ $j2 :: Int -> IO ()
+ $j2 n = if n > 0 then $j1
+ else ...
+ =>
+ let join $j1 :: IO ()
+ $j1 = (\eta -> ...)
+ `cast` N:IO :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ())
+ ~ IO ()
+ $j2 :: Int -> IO ()
+ $j2 n = (\eta -> if n > 0 then $j1
+ else ...)
+ `cast` N:IO :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ())
+ ~ IO ()
+The cast here can't be pushed inside the lambda (since it's not casting to a
+function type), so the lambda has to stay, but it can't because it contains a
+reference to a join point. In fact, $j2 can't be eta-expanded at all. Rather
+than try and detect this situation (and whatever other situations crop up!), we
+don't bother; again, any surrounding eta-expansion will improve these join
+points anyway, since an outer cast can *always* be pushed inside. By the time
+CorePrep comes around, the code is very likely to look more like this:
+ let join $j1 :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ())
+ $j1 = (...) eta
+ $j2 :: Int -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ())
+ $j2 = if n > 0 then $j1
+ else (...) eta
+Note [Do not eta-expand PAPs]
+We used to have old_arity = manifestArity rhs, which meant that we
+would eta-expand even PAPs. But this gives no particular advantage,
+and can lead to a massive blow-up in code size, exhibited by #9020.
+Suppose we have a PAP
+ foo :: IO ()
+ foo = returnIO ()
+Then we can eta-expand do
+ foo = (\eta. (returnIO () |> sym g) eta) |> g
+ g :: IO () ~ State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
+But there is really no point in doing this, and it generates masses of
+coercions and whatnot that eventually disappear again. For T9020, GHC
+allocated 6.6G before, and 0.8G afterwards; and residency dropped from
+1.8G to 45M.
+But note that this won't eta-expand, say
+ f = \g -> map g
+Does it matter not eta-expanding such functions? I'm not sure. Perhaps
+strictness analysis will have less to bite on?
+* *
+\subsection{Floating lets out of big lambdas}
+* *
+Note [Floating and type abstraction]
+Consider this:
+ x = /\a. C e1 e2
+We'd like to float this to
+ y1 = /\a. e1
+ y2 = /\a. e2
+ x = /\a. C (y1 a) (y2 a)
+for the usual reasons: we want to inline x rather vigorously.
+You may think that this kind of thing is rare. But in some programs it is
+common. For example, if you do closure conversion you might get:
+ data a :-> b = forall e. (e -> a -> b) :$ e
+ f_cc :: forall a. a :-> a
+ f_cc = /\a. (\e. id a) :$ ()
+Now we really want to inline that f_cc thing so that the
+construction of the closure goes away.
+So I have elaborated simplLazyBind to understand right-hand sides that look
+ /\ body
+and treat them specially. The real work is done in
+GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils.abstractFloats, but there is quite a bit of plumbing
+in simplLazyBind as well.
+The same transformation is good when there are lets in the body:
+ /\abc -> let(rec) x = e in b
+ ==>
+ let(rec) x' = /\abc -> let x = x' a b c in e
+ in
+ /\abc -> let x = x' a b c in b
+This is good because it can turn things like:
+ let f = /\a -> letrec g = ... g ... in g
+ letrec g' = /\a -> ... g' a ...
+ in
+ let f = /\ a -> g' a
+which is better. In effect, it means that big lambdas don't impede
+This optimisation is CRUCIAL in eliminating the junk introduced by
+desugaring mutually recursive definitions. Don't eliminate it lightly!
+[May 1999] If we do this transformation *regardless* then we can
+end up with some pretty silly stuff. For example,
+ let
+ st = /\ s -> let { x1=r1 ; x2=r2 } in ...
+ in ..
+ let y1 = /\s -> r1
+ y2 = /\s -> r2
+ st = /\s -> ...[y1 s/x1, y2 s/x2]
+ in ..
+Unless the "..." is a WHNF there is really no point in doing this.
+Indeed it can make things worse. Suppose x1 is used strictly,
+and is of the form
+ x1* = case f y of { (a,b) -> e }
+If we abstract this wrt the tyvar we then can't do the case inline
+as we would normally do.
+That's why the whole transformation is part of the same process that
+floats let-bindings and constructor arguments out of RHSs. In particular,
+it is guarded by the doFloatFromRhs call in simplLazyBind.
+Note [Which type variables to abstract over]
+Abstract only over the type variables free in the rhs wrt which the
+new binding is abstracted. Note that
+ * The naive approach of abstracting wrt the
+ tyvars free in the Id's /type/ fails. Consider:
+ /\ a b -> let t :: (a,b) = (e1, e2)
+ x :: a = fst t
+ in ...
+ Here, b isn't free in x's type, but we must nevertheless
+ abstract wrt b as well, because t's type mentions b.
+ Since t is floated too, we'd end up with the bogus:
+ poly_t = /\ a b -> (e1, e2)
+ poly_x = /\ a -> fst (poly_t a *b*)
+ * We must do closeOverKinds. Example (#10934):
+ f = /\k (f:k->*) (a:k). let t = AccFailure @ (f a) in ...
+ Here we want to float 't', but we must remember to abstract over
+ 'k' as well, even though it is not explicitly mentioned in the RHS,
+ otherwise we get
+ t = /\ (f:k->*) (a:k). AccFailure @ (f a)
+ which is obviously bogus.
+abstractFloats :: DynFlags -> TopLevelFlag -> [OutTyVar] -> SimplFloats
+ -> OutExpr -> SimplM ([OutBind], OutExpr)
+abstractFloats dflags top_lvl main_tvs floats body
+ = ASSERT( notNull body_floats )
+ ASSERT( isNilOL (sfJoinFloats floats) )
+ do { (subst, float_binds) <- mapAccumLM abstract empty_subst body_floats
+ ; return (float_binds, GHC.Core.Subst.substExpr (text "abstract_floats1") subst body) }
+ where
+ is_top_lvl = isTopLevel top_lvl
+ main_tv_set = mkVarSet main_tvs
+ body_floats = letFloatBinds (sfLetFloats floats)
+ empty_subst = GHC.Core.Subst.mkEmptySubst (sfInScope floats)
+ abstract :: GHC.Core.Subst.Subst -> OutBind -> SimplM (GHC.Core.Subst.Subst, OutBind)
+ abstract subst (NonRec id rhs)
+ = do { (poly_id1, poly_app) <- mk_poly1 tvs_here id
+ ; let (poly_id2, poly_rhs) = mk_poly2 poly_id1 tvs_here rhs'
+ subst' = GHC.Core.Subst.extendIdSubst subst id poly_app
+ ; return (subst', NonRec poly_id2 poly_rhs) }
+ where
+ rhs' = GHC.Core.Subst.substExpr (text "abstract_floats2") subst rhs
+ -- tvs_here: see Note [Which type variables to abstract over]
+ tvs_here = scopedSort $
+ filter (`elemVarSet` main_tv_set) $
+ closeOverKindsList $
+ exprSomeFreeVarsList isTyVar rhs'
+ abstract subst (Rec prs)
+ = do { (poly_ids, poly_apps) <- mapAndUnzipM (mk_poly1 tvs_here) ids
+ ; let subst' = GHC.Core.Subst.extendSubstList subst (ids `zip` poly_apps)
+ poly_pairs = [ mk_poly2 poly_id tvs_here rhs'
+ | (poly_id, rhs) <- poly_ids `zip` rhss
+ , let rhs' = GHC.Core.Subst.substExpr (text "abstract_floats")
+ subst' rhs ]
+ ; return (subst', Rec poly_pairs) }
+ where
+ (ids,rhss) = unzip prs
+ -- For a recursive group, it's a bit of a pain to work out the minimal
+ -- set of tyvars over which to abstract:
+ -- /\ a b c. let x = ...a... in
+ -- letrec { p = ...x...q...
+ -- q = .....p...b... } in
+ -- ...
+ -- Since 'x' is abstracted over 'a', the {p,q} group must be abstracted
+ -- over 'a' (because x is replaced by (poly_x a)) as well as 'b'.
+ -- Since it's a pain, we just use the whole set, which is always safe
+ --
+ -- If you ever want to be more selective, remember this bizarre case too:
+ -- x::a = x
+ -- Here, we must abstract 'x' over 'a'.
+ tvs_here = scopedSort main_tvs
+ mk_poly1 :: [TyVar] -> Id -> SimplM (Id, CoreExpr)
+ mk_poly1 tvs_here var
+ = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let poly_name = setNameUnique (idName var) uniq -- Keep same name
+ poly_ty = mkInvForAllTys tvs_here (idType var) -- But new type of course
+ poly_id = transferPolyIdInfo var tvs_here $ -- Note [transferPolyIdInfo] in Id.hs
+ mkLocalId poly_name poly_ty
+ ; return (poly_id, mkTyApps (Var poly_id) (mkTyVarTys tvs_here)) }
+ -- In the olden days, it was crucial to copy the occInfo of the original var,
+ -- because we were looking at occurrence-analysed but as yet unsimplified code!
+ -- In particular, we mustn't lose the loop breakers. BUT NOW we are looking
+ -- at already simplified code, so it doesn't matter
+ --
+ -- It's even right to retain single-occurrence or dead-var info:
+ -- Suppose we started with /\a -> let x = E in B
+ -- where x occurs once in B. Then we transform to:
+ -- let x' = /\a -> E in /\a -> let x* = x' a in B
+ -- where x* has an INLINE prag on it. Now, once x* is inlined,
+ -- the occurrences of x' will be just the occurrences originally
+ -- pinned on x.
+ mk_poly2 :: Id -> [TyVar] -> CoreExpr -> (Id, CoreExpr)
+ mk_poly2 poly_id tvs_here rhs
+ = (poly_id `setIdUnfolding` unf, poly_rhs)
+ where
+ poly_rhs = mkLams tvs_here rhs
+ unf = mkUnfolding dflags InlineRhs is_top_lvl False poly_rhs
+ -- We want the unfolding. Consider
+ -- let
+ -- x = /\a. let y = ... in Just y
+ -- in body
+ -- Then we float the y-binding out (via abstractFloats and addPolyBind)
+ -- but 'x' may well then be inlined in 'body' in which case we'd like the
+ -- opportunity to inline 'y' too.
+Note [Abstract over coercions]
+If a coercion variable (g :: a ~ Int) is free in the RHS, then so is the
+type variable a. Rather than sort this mess out, we simply bale out and abstract
+wrt all the type variables if any of them are coercion variables.
+Historical note: if you use let-bindings instead of a substitution, beware of this:
+ -- Suppose we start with:
+ --
+ -- x = /\ a -> let g = G in E
+ --
+ -- Then we'll float to get
+ --
+ -- x = let poly_g = /\ a -> G
+ -- in /\ a -> let g = poly_g a in E
+ --
+ -- But now the occurrence analyser will see just one occurrence
+ -- of poly_g, not inside a lambda, so the simplifier will
+ -- PreInlineUnconditionally poly_g back into g! Badk to square 1!
+ -- (I used to think that the "don't inline lone occurrences" stuff
+ -- would stop this happening, but since it's the *only* occurrence,
+ -- PreInlineUnconditionally kicks in first!)
+ --
+ -- Solution: put an INLINE note on g's RHS, so that poly_g seems
+ -- to appear many times. (NB: mkInlineMe eliminates
+ -- such notes on trivial RHSs, so do it manually.)
+* *
+ prepareAlts
+* *
+prepareAlts tries these things:
+1. Eliminate alternatives that cannot match, including the
+ DEFAULT alternative.
+2. If the DEFAULT alternative can match only one possible constructor,
+ then make that constructor explicit.
+ e.g.
+ case e of x { DEFAULT -> rhs }
+ ===>
+ case e of x { (a,b) -> rhs }
+ where the type is a single constructor type. This gives better code
+ when rhs also scrutinises x or e.
+3. Returns a list of the constructors that cannot holds in the
+ DEFAULT alternative (if there is one)
+Here "cannot match" includes knowledge from GADTs
+It's a good idea to do this stuff before simplifying the alternatives, to
+avoid simplifying alternatives we know can't happen, and to come up with
+the list of constructors that are handled, to put into the IdInfo of the
+case binder, for use when simplifying the alternatives.
+Eliminating the default alternative in (1) isn't so obvious, but it can
+data Colour = Red | Green | Blue
+f x = case x of
+ Red -> ..
+ Green -> ..
+ DEFAULT -> h x
+h y = case y of
+ Blue -> ..
+ DEFAULT -> [ case y of ... ]
+If we inline h into f, the default case of the inlined h can't happen.
+If we don't notice this, we may end up filtering out *all* the cases
+of the inner case y, which give us nowhere to go!
+prepareAlts :: OutExpr -> OutId -> [InAlt] -> SimplM ([AltCon], [InAlt])
+-- The returned alternatives can be empty, none are possible
+prepareAlts scrut case_bndr' alts
+ | Just (tc, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (varType case_bndr')
+ -- Case binder is needed just for its type. Note that as an
+ -- OutId, it has maximum information; this is important.
+ -- Test simpl013 is an example
+ = do { us <- getUniquesM
+ ; let (idcs1, alts1) = filterAlts tc tys imposs_cons alts
+ (yes2, alts2) = refineDefaultAlt us tc tys idcs1 alts1
+ (yes3, idcs3, alts3) = combineIdenticalAlts idcs1 alts2
+ -- "idcs" stands for "impossible default data constructors"
+ -- i.e. the constructors that can't match the default case
+ ; when yes2 $ tick (FillInCaseDefault case_bndr')
+ ; when yes3 $ tick (AltMerge case_bndr')
+ ; return (idcs3, alts3) }
+ | otherwise -- Not a data type, so nothing interesting happens
+ = return ([], alts)
+ where
+ imposs_cons = case scrut of
+ Var v -> otherCons (idUnfolding v)
+ _ -> []
+* *
+ mkCase
+* *
+mkCase tries these things
+* Note [Nerge nested cases]
+* Note [Eliminate identity case]
+* Note [Scrutinee constant folding]
+Note [Merge Nested Cases]
+ case e of b { ==> case e of b {
+ p1 -> rhs1 p1 -> rhs1
+ ... ...
+ pm -> rhsm pm -> rhsm
+ _ -> case b of b' { pn -> let b'=b in rhsn
+ pn -> rhsn ...
+ ... po -> let b'=b in rhso
+ po -> rhso _ -> let b'=b in rhsd
+ _ -> rhsd
+ }
+which merges two cases in one case when -- the default alternative of
+the outer case scrutises the same variable as the outer case. This
+transformation is called Case Merging. It avoids that the same
+variable is scrutinised multiple times.
+Note [Eliminate Identity Case]
+ case e of ===> e
+ True -> True;
+ False -> False
+and similar friends.
+Note [Scrutinee Constant Folding]
+ case x op# k# of _ { ===> case x of _ {
+ a1# -> e1 (a1# inv_op# k#) -> e1
+ a2# -> e2 (a2# inv_op# k#) -> e2
+ ... ...
+ DEFAULT -> ed DEFAULT -> ed
+ where (x op# k#) inv_op# k# == x
+And similarly for commuted arguments and for some unary operations.
+The purpose of this transformation is not only to avoid an arithmetic
+operation at runtime but to allow other transformations to apply in cascade.
+Example with the "Merge Nested Cases" optimization (from #12877):
+ main = case t of t0
+ 0## -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> case t0 `minusWord#` 1## of t1
+ 0## -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> case t1 `minusWord#` 1## of t2
+ 0## -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> case t2 `minusWord#` 1## of _
+ 0## -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> ...
+ becomes:
+ main = case t of _
+ 0## -> ...
+ 1## -> ...
+ 2## -> ...
+ 3## -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> ...
+There are some wrinkles
+* Do not apply caseRules if there is just a single DEFAULT alternative
+ case e +# 3# of b { DEFAULT -> rhs }
+ If we applied the transformation here we would (stupidly) get
+ case a of b' { DEFAULT -> let b = e +# 3# in rhs }
+ and now the process may repeat, because that let will really
+ be a case.
+* The type of the scrutinee might change. E.g.
+ case tagToEnum (x :: Int#) of (b::Bool)
+ False -> e1
+ True -> e2
+ ==>
+ case x of (b'::Int#)
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ 1# -> e2
+* The case binder may be used in the right hand sides, so we need
+ to make a local binding for it, if it is alive. e.g.
+ case e +# 10# of b
+ DEFAULT -> blah...b...
+ 44# -> blah2...b...
+ ===>
+ case e of b'
+ DEFAULT -> let b = b' +# 10# in blah...b...
+ 34# -> let b = 44# in blah2...b...
+ Note that in the non-DEFAULT cases we know what to bind 'b' to,
+ whereas in the DEFAULT case we must reconstruct the original value.
+ But NB: we use b'; we do not duplicate 'e'.
+* In dataToTag we might need to make up some fake binders;
+ see Note [caseRules for dataToTag] in GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold
+mkCase, mkCase1, mkCase2, mkCase3
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> OutExpr -> OutId
+ -> OutType -> [OutAlt] -- Alternatives in standard (increasing) order
+ -> SimplM OutExpr
+-- 1. Merge Nested Cases
+mkCase dflags scrut outer_bndr alts_ty ((DEFAULT, _, deflt_rhs) : outer_alts)
+ | gopt Opt_CaseMerge dflags
+ , (ticks, Case (Var inner_scrut_var) inner_bndr _ inner_alts)
+ <- stripTicksTop tickishFloatable deflt_rhs
+ , inner_scrut_var == outer_bndr
+ = do { tick (CaseMerge outer_bndr)
+ ; let wrap_alt (con, args, rhs) = ASSERT( outer_bndr `notElem` args )
+ (con, args, wrap_rhs rhs)
+ -- Simplifier's no-shadowing invariant should ensure
+ -- that outer_bndr is not shadowed by the inner patterns
+ wrap_rhs rhs = Let (NonRec inner_bndr (Var outer_bndr)) rhs
+ -- The let is OK even for unboxed binders,
+ wrapped_alts | isDeadBinder inner_bndr = inner_alts
+ | otherwise = map wrap_alt inner_alts
+ merged_alts = mergeAlts outer_alts wrapped_alts
+ -- NB: mergeAlts gives priority to the left
+ -- case x of
+ -- A -> e1
+ -- DEFAULT -> case x of
+ -- A -> e2
+ -- B -> e3
+ -- When we merge, we must ensure that e1 takes
+ -- precedence over e2 as the value for A!
+ ; fmap (mkTicks ticks) $
+ mkCase1 dflags scrut outer_bndr alts_ty merged_alts
+ }
+ -- Warning: don't call mkCase recursively!
+ -- Firstly, there's no point, because inner alts have already had
+ -- mkCase applied to them, so they won't have a case in their default
+ -- Secondly, if you do, you get an infinite loop, because the bindCaseBndr
+ -- in munge_rhs may put a case into the DEFAULT branch!
+mkCase dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts = mkCase1 dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts
+-- 2. Eliminate Identity Case
+mkCase1 _dflags scrut case_bndr _ alts@((_,_,rhs1) : _) -- Identity case
+ | all identity_alt alts
+ = do { tick (CaseIdentity case_bndr)
+ ; return (mkTicks ticks $ re_cast scrut rhs1) }
+ where
+ ticks = concatMap (stripTicksT tickishFloatable . thdOf3) (tail alts)
+ identity_alt (con, args, rhs) = check_eq rhs con args
+ check_eq (Cast rhs co) con args -- See Note [RHS casts]
+ = not (any (`elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo co) args) && check_eq rhs con args
+ check_eq (Tick t e) alt args
+ = tickishFloatable t && check_eq e alt args
+ check_eq (Lit lit) (LitAlt lit') _ = lit == lit'
+ check_eq (Var v) _ _ | v == case_bndr = True
+ check_eq (Var v) (DataAlt con) args
+ | null arg_tys, null args = v == dataConWorkId con
+ -- Optimisation only
+ check_eq rhs (DataAlt con) args = cheapEqExpr' tickishFloatable rhs $
+ mkConApp2 con arg_tys args
+ check_eq _ _ _ = False
+ arg_tys = tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr)
+ -- Note [RHS casts]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- We've seen this:
+ -- case e of x { _ -> x `cast` c }
+ -- And we definitely want to eliminate this case, to give
+ -- e `cast` c
+ -- So we throw away the cast from the RHS, and reconstruct
+ -- it at the other end. All the RHS casts must be the same
+ -- if (all identity_alt alts) holds.
+ --
+ -- Don't worry about nested casts, because the simplifier combines them
+ re_cast scrut (Cast rhs co) = Cast (re_cast scrut rhs) co
+ re_cast scrut _ = scrut
+mkCase1 dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts = mkCase2 dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts
+-- 2. Scrutinee Constant Folding
+mkCase2 dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts
+ | -- See Note [Scrutinee Constant Folding]
+ case alts of -- Not if there is just a DEFAULT alternative
+ [(DEFAULT,_,_)] -> False
+ _ -> True
+ , gopt Opt_CaseFolding dflags
+ , Just (scrut', tx_con, mk_orig) <- caseRules dflags scrut
+ = do { bndr' <- newId (fsLit "lwild") (exprType scrut')
+ ; alts' <- mapMaybeM (tx_alt tx_con mk_orig bndr') alts
+ -- mapMaybeM: discard unreachable alternatives
+ -- See Note [Unreachable caseRules alternatives]
+ -- in GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold
+ ; mkCase3 dflags scrut' bndr' alts_ty $
+ add_default (re_sort alts')
+ }
+ | otherwise
+ = mkCase3 dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts
+ where
+ -- We need to keep the correct association between the scrutinee and its
+ -- binder if the latter isn't dead. Hence we wrap rhs of alternatives with
+ -- "let bndr = ... in":
+ --
+ -- case v + 10 of y =====> case v of y
+ -- 20 -> e1 10 -> let y = 20 in e1
+ -- DEFAULT -> e2 DEFAULT -> let y = v + 10 in e2
+ --
+ -- Other transformations give: =====> case v of y'
+ -- 10 -> let y = 20 in e1
+ -- DEFAULT -> let y = y' + 10 in e2
+ --
+ -- This wrapping is done in tx_alt; we use mk_orig, returned by caseRules,
+ -- to construct an expression equivalent to the original one, for use
+ -- in the DEFAULT case
+ tx_alt :: (AltCon -> Maybe AltCon) -> (Id -> CoreExpr) -> Id
+ -> CoreAlt -> SimplM (Maybe CoreAlt)
+ tx_alt tx_con mk_orig new_bndr (con, bs, rhs)
+ = case tx_con con of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just con' -> do { bs' <- mk_new_bndrs new_bndr con'
+ ; return (Just (con', bs', rhs')) }
+ where
+ rhs' | isDeadBinder bndr = rhs
+ | otherwise = bindNonRec bndr orig_val rhs
+ orig_val = case con of
+ DEFAULT -> mk_orig new_bndr
+ LitAlt l -> Lit l
+ DataAlt dc -> mkConApp2 dc (tyConAppArgs (idType bndr)) bs
+ mk_new_bndrs new_bndr (DataAlt dc)
+ | not (isNullaryRepDataCon dc)
+ = -- For non-nullary data cons we must invent some fake binders
+ -- See Note [caseRules for dataToTag] in GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold
+ do { us <- getUniquesM
+ ; let (ex_tvs, arg_ids) = dataConRepInstPat us dc
+ (tyConAppArgs (idType new_bndr))
+ ; return (ex_tvs ++ arg_ids) }
+ mk_new_bndrs _ _ = return []
+ re_sort :: [CoreAlt] -> [CoreAlt]
+ -- Sort the alternatives to re-establish
+ -- GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants]
+ re_sort alts = sortBy cmpAlt alts
+ add_default :: [CoreAlt] -> [CoreAlt]
+ -- See Note [Literal cases]
+ add_default ((LitAlt {}, bs, rhs) : alts) = (DEFAULT, bs, rhs) : alts
+ add_default alts = alts
+{- Note [Literal cases]
+If we have
+ case tagToEnum (a ># b) of
+ False -> e1
+ True -> e2
+then caseRules for TagToEnum will turn it into
+ case tagToEnum (a ># b) of
+ 0# -> e1
+ 1# -> e2
+Since the case is exhaustive (all cases are) we can convert it to
+ case tagToEnum (a ># b) of
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ 1# -> e2
+This may generate sligthtly better code (although it should not, since
+all cases are exhaustive) and/or optimise better. I'm not certain that
+it's necessary, but currently we do make this change. We do it here,
+NOT in the TagToEnum rules (see "Beware" in Note [caseRules for tagToEnum]
+in GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold)
+-- Catch-all
+mkCase3 _dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts
+ = return (Case scrut bndr alts_ty alts)
+-- See Note [Exitification] and Note [Do not inline exit join points] in
+-- GHC.Core.Op.Exitify
+-- This lives here (and not in Id) because occurrence info is only valid on
+-- InIds, so it's crucial that isExitJoinId is only called on freshly
+-- occ-analysed code. It's not a generic function you can call anywhere.
+isExitJoinId :: Var -> Bool
+isExitJoinId id
+ = isJoinId id
+ && isOneOcc (idOccInfo id)
+ && occ_in_lam (idOccInfo id) == IsInsideLam
+Note [Dead binders]
+Note that dead-ness is maintained by the simplifier, so that it is
+accurate after simplification as well as before.
+Note [Cascading case merge]
+Case merging should cascade in one sweep, because it
+happens bottom-up
+ case e of a {
+ DEFAULT -> case a of b
+ DEFAULT -> case b of c {
+ DEFAULT -> e
+ A -> ea
+ B -> eb
+ C -> ec
+ case e of a {
+ DEFAULT -> case a of b
+ DEFAULT -> let c = b in e
+ A -> let c = b in ea
+ B -> eb
+ C -> ec
+ case e of a {
+ DEFAULT -> let b = a in let c = b in e
+ A -> let b = a in let c = b in ea
+ B -> let b = a in eb
+ C -> ec
+However here's a tricky case that we still don't catch, and I don't
+see how to catch it in one pass:
+ case x of c1 { I# a1 ->
+ case a1 of c2 ->
+ 0 -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> case x of c3 { I# a2 ->
+ case a2 of ...
+After occurrence analysis (and its binder-swap) we get this
+ case x of c1 { I# a1 ->
+ let x = c1 in -- Binder-swap addition
+ case a1 of c2 ->
+ 0 -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> case x of c3 { I# a2 ->
+ case a2 of ...
+When we simplify the inner case x, we'll see that
+x=c1=I# a1. So we'll bind a2 to a1, and get
+ case x of c1 { I# a1 ->
+ case a1 of c2 ->
+ 0 -> ...
+ DEFAULT -> case a1 of ...
+This is correct, but we can't do a case merge in this sweep
+because c2 /= a1. Reason: the binding c1=I# a1 went inwards
+without getting changed to c1=I# c2.
+I don't think this is worth fixing, even if I knew how. It'll
+all come out in the next pass anyway.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/SpecConstr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/SpecConstr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4522e2d23c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/SpecConstr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2360 @@
+ToDo [Oct 2013]
+1. Nuke ForceSpecConstr for good (it is subsumed by GHC.Types.SPEC in ghc-prim)
+2. Nuke NoSpecConstr
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[SpecConstr]{Specialise over constructors}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.SpecConstr(
+ specConstrProgram,
+ SpecConstrAnnotation(..)
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Subst
+import GHC.Core.Utils
+import GHC.Core.Unfold ( couldBeSmallEnoughToInline )
+import GHC.Core.FVs ( exprsFreeVarsList )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad
+import Literal ( litIsLifted )
+import GHC.Driver.Types ( ModGuts(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.Lib ( isWorkerSmallEnough, mkWorkerArgs )
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.Coercion hiding( substCo )
+import GHC.Core.Rules
+import GHC.Core.Type hiding ( substTy )
+import GHC.Core.TyCon ( tyConName )
+import Id
+import GHC.Core.Ppr ( pprParendExpr )
+import GHC.Core.Make ( mkImpossibleExpr )
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import Name
+import BasicTypes
+import GHC.Driver.Session ( DynFlags(..), GeneralFlag( Opt_SpecConstrKeen )
+ , gopt, hasPprDebug )
+import Maybes ( orElse, catMaybes, isJust, isNothing )
+import Demand
+import Cpr
+import GHC.Serialized ( deserializeWithData )
+import Util
+import Pair
+import UniqSupply
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import UniqFM
+import MonadUtils
+import Control.Monad ( zipWithM )
+import Data.List
+import PrelNames ( specTyConName )
+import Module
+import GHC.Core.TyCon ( TyCon )
+import GHC.Exts( SpecConstrAnnotation(..) )
+import Data.Ord( comparing )
+ Game plan
+ drop n [] = []
+ drop 0 xs = []
+ drop n (x:xs) = drop (n-1) xs
+After the first time round, we could pass n unboxed. This happens in
+numerical code too. Here's what it looks like in Core:
+ drop n xs = case xs of
+ [] -> []
+ (y:ys) -> case n of
+ I# n# -> case n# of
+ 0 -> []
+ _ -> drop (I# (n# -# 1#)) xs
+Notice that the recursive call has an explicit constructor as argument.
+Noticing this, we can make a specialised version of drop
+ RULE: drop (I# n#) xs ==> drop' n# xs
+ drop' n# xs = let n = I# n# in ...orig RHS...
+Now the simplifier will apply the specialisation in the rhs of drop', giving
+ drop' n# xs = case xs of
+ [] -> []
+ (y:ys) -> case n# of
+ 0 -> []
+ _ -> drop' (n# -# 1#) xs
+Much better!
+We'd also like to catch cases where a parameter is carried along unchanged,
+but evaluated each time round the loop:
+ f i n = if i>0 || i>n then i else f (i*2) n
+Here f isn't strict in n, but we'd like to avoid evaluating it each iteration.
+In Core, by the time we've w/wd (f is strict in i) we get
+ f i# n = case i# ># 0 of
+ False -> I# i#
+ True -> case n of { I# n# ->
+ case i# ># n# of
+ False -> I# i#
+ True -> f (i# *# 2#) n
+At the call to f, we see that the argument, n is known to be (I# n#),
+and n is evaluated elsewhere in the body of f, so we can play the same
+trick as above.
+Note [Reboxing]
+We must be careful not to allocate the same constructor twice. Consider
+ f p = (...(case p of (a,b) -> e)...p...,
+ ...let t = (r,s) in ...t...(f t)...)
+At the recursive call to f, we can see that t is a pair. But we do NOT want
+to make a specialised copy:
+ f' a b = let p = (a,b) in (..., ...)
+because now t is allocated by the caller, then r and s are passed to the
+recursive call, which allocates the (r,s) pair again.
+This happens if
+ (a) the argument p is used in other than a case-scrutinisation way.
+ (b) the argument to the call is not a 'fresh' tuple; you have to
+ look into its unfolding to see that it's a tuple
+Hence the "OR" part of Note [Good arguments] below.
+ALTERNATIVE 2: pass both boxed and unboxed versions. This no longer saves
+allocation, but does perhaps save evals. In the RULE we'd have
+something like
+ f (I# x#) = f' (I# x#) x#
+If at the call site the (I# x) was an unfolding, then we'd have to
+rely on CSE to eliminate the duplicate allocation.... This alternative
+doesn't look attractive enough to pursue.
+ALTERNATIVE 3: ignore the reboxing problem. The trouble is that
+the conservative reboxing story prevents many useful functions from being
+specialised. Example:
+ foo :: Maybe Int -> Int -> Int
+ foo (Just m) 0 = 0
+ foo x@(Just m) n = foo x (n-m)
+Here the use of 'x' will clearly not require boxing in the specialised function.
+The strictness analyser has the same problem, in fact. Example:
+ f p@(a,b) = ...
+If we pass just 'a' and 'b' to the worker, it might need to rebox the
+pair to create (a,b). A more sophisticated analysis might figure out
+precisely the cases in which this could happen, but the strictness
+analyser does no such analysis; it just passes 'a' and 'b', and hopes
+for the best.
+So my current choice is to make SpecConstr similarly aggressive, and
+ignore the bad potential of reboxing.
+Note [Good arguments]
+So we look for
+* A self-recursive function. Ignore mutual recursion for now,
+ because it's less common, and the code is simpler for self-recursion.
+ a) At a recursive call, one or more parameters is an explicit
+ constructor application
+ That same parameter is scrutinised by a case somewhere in
+ the RHS of the function
+ OR
+ b) At a recursive call, one or more parameters has an unfolding
+ that is an explicit constructor application
+ That same parameter is scrutinised by a case somewhere in
+ the RHS of the function
+ Those are the only uses of the parameter (see Note [Reboxing])
+What to abstract over
+There's a bit of a complication with type arguments. If the call
+site looks like
+ f p = ...f ((:) [a] x xs)...
+then our specialised function look like
+ f_spec x xs = let p = (:) [a] x xs in before....
+This only makes sense if either
+ a) the type variable 'a' is in scope at the top of f, or
+ b) the type variable 'a' is an argument to f (and hence fs)
+Actually, (a) may hold for value arguments too, in which case
+we may not want to pass them. Suppose 'x' is in scope at f's
+defn, but xs is not. Then we'd like
+ f_spec xs = let p = (:) [a] x xs in before....
+Similarly (b) may hold too. If x is already an argument at the
+call, no need to pass it again.
+Finally, if 'a' is not in scope at the call site, we could abstract
+it as we do the term variables:
+ f_spec a x xs = let p = (:) [a] x xs in before...
+So the grand plan is:
+ * abstract the call site to a constructor-only pattern
+ e.g. C x (D (f p) (g q)) ==> C s1 (D s2 s3)
+ * Find the free variables of the abstracted pattern
+ * Pass these variables, less any that are in scope at
+ the fn defn. But see Note [Shadowing] below.
+NOTICE that we only abstract over variables that are not in scope,
+so we're in no danger of shadowing variables used in "higher up"
+in f_spec's RHS.
+Note [Shadowing]
+In this pass we gather up usage information that may mention variables
+that are bound between the usage site and the definition site; or (more
+seriously) may be bound to something different at the definition site.
+For example:
+ f x = letrec g y v = let x = ...
+ in ...(g (a,b) x)...
+Since 'x' is in scope at the call site, we may make a rewrite rule that
+looks like
+ RULE forall a,b. g (a,b) x = ...
+But this rule will never match, because it's really a different 'x' at
+the call site -- and that difference will be manifest by the time the
+simplifier gets to it. [A worry: the simplifier doesn't *guarantee*
+no-shadowing, so perhaps it may not be distinct?]
+Anyway, the rule isn't actually wrong, it's just not useful. One possibility
+is to run deShadowBinds before running SpecConstr, but instead we run the
+simplifier. That gives the simplest possible program for SpecConstr to
+chew on; and it virtually guarantees no shadowing.
+Note [Specialising for constant parameters]
+This one is about specialising on a *constant* (but not necessarily
+constructor) argument
+ foo :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Int
+ foo 0 f = 0
+ foo m f = foo (f m) (+1)
+It produces
+ lvl_rmV :: GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Base.Int
+ lvl_rmV =
+ \ (ds_dlk :: GHC.Base.Int) ->
+ case ds_dlk of wild_alH { GHC.Base.I# x_alG ->
+ GHC.Base.I# (GHC.Prim.+# x_alG 1)
+ T.$wfoo :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> (GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Base.Int) ->
+ GHC.Prim.Int#
+ T.$wfoo =
+ \ (ww_sme :: GHC.Prim.Int#) (w_smg :: GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Base.Int) ->
+ case ww_sme of ds_Xlw {
+ __DEFAULT ->
+ case w_smg (GHC.Base.I# ds_Xlw) of w1_Xmo { GHC.Base.I# ww1_Xmz ->
+ T.$wfoo ww1_Xmz lvl_rmV
+ };
+ 0 -> 0
+ }
+The recursive call has lvl_rmV as its argument, so we could create a specialised copy
+with that argument baked in; that is, not passed at all. Now it can perhaps be inlined.
+When is this worth it? Call the constant 'lvl'
+- If 'lvl' has an unfolding that is a constructor, see if the corresponding
+ parameter is scrutinised anywhere in the body.
+- If 'lvl' has an unfolding that is a inlinable function, see if the corresponding
+ parameter is applied ( enough arguments...?)
+ Also do this is if the function has RULES?
+Note [Specialising for lambda parameters]
+ foo :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Int
+ foo 0 f = 0
+ foo m f = foo (f m) (\n -> n-m)
+This is subtly different from the previous one in that we get an
+explicit lambda as the argument:
+ T.$wfoo :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> (GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Base.Int) ->
+ GHC.Prim.Int#
+ T.$wfoo =
+ \ (ww_sm8 :: GHC.Prim.Int#) (w_sma :: GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Base.Int) ->
+ case ww_sm8 of ds_Xlr {
+ __DEFAULT ->
+ case w_sma (GHC.Base.I# ds_Xlr) of w1_Xmf { GHC.Base.I# ww1_Xmq ->
+ T.$wfoo
+ ww1_Xmq
+ (\ (n_ad3 :: GHC.Base.Int) ->
+ case n_ad3 of wild_alB { GHC.Base.I# x_alA ->
+ GHC.Base.I# (GHC.Prim.-# x_alA ds_Xlr)
+ })
+ };
+ 0 -> 0
+ }
+I wonder if SpecConstr couldn't be extended to handle this? After all,
+lambda is a sort of constructor for functions and perhaps it already
+has most of the necessary machinery?
+Furthermore, there's an immediate win, because you don't need to allocate the lambda
+at the call site; and if perchance it's called in the recursive call, then you
+may avoid allocating it altogether. Just like for constructors.
+Looks cool, but probably rare...but it might be easy to implement.
+Note [SpecConstr for casts]
+ data family T a :: *
+ data instance T Int = T Int
+ foo n = ...
+ where
+ go (T 0) = 0
+ go (T n) = go (T (n-1))
+The recursive call ends up looking like
+ go (T (I# ...) `cast` g)
+So we want to spot the constructor application inside the cast.
+That's why we have the Cast case in argToPat
+Note [Local recursive groups]
+For a *local* recursive group, we can see all the calls to the
+function, so we seed the specialisation loop from the calls in the
+body, not from the calls in the RHS. Consider:
+ bar m n = foo n (n,n) (n,n) (n,n) (n,n)
+ where
+ foo n p q r s
+ | n == 0 = m
+ | n > 3000 = case p of { (p1,p2) -> foo (n-1) (p2,p1) q r s }
+ | n > 2000 = case q of { (q1,q2) -> foo (n-1) p (q2,q1) r s }
+ | n > 1000 = case r of { (r1,r2) -> foo (n-1) p q (r2,r1) s }
+ | otherwise = case s of { (s1,s2) -> foo (n-1) p q r (s2,s1) }
+If we start with the RHSs of 'foo', we get lots and lots of specialisations,
+most of which are not needed. But if we start with the (single) call
+in the rhs of 'bar' we get exactly one fully-specialised copy, and all
+the recursive calls go to this fully-specialised copy. Indeed, the original
+function is later collected as dead code. This is very important in
+specialising the loops arising from stream fusion, for example in NDP where
+we were getting literally hundreds of (mostly unused) specialisations of
+a local function.
+In a case like the above we end up never calling the original un-specialised
+function. (Although we still leave its code around just in case.)
+However, if we find any boring calls in the body, including *unsaturated*
+ones, such as
+ letrec foo x y =
+ in map foo xs
+then we will end up calling the un-specialised function, so then we *should*
+use the calls in the un-specialised RHS as seeds. We call these
+"boring call patterns", and callsToPats reports if it finds any of these.
+Note [Seeding top-level recursive groups]
+This seeding is done in the binding for seed_calls in specRec.
+1. If all the bindings in a top-level recursive group are local (not
+ exported), then all the calls are in the rest of the top-level
+ bindings. This means we can specialise with those call patterns
+ ONLY, and NOT with the RHSs of the recursive group (exactly like
+ Note [Local recursive groups])
+2. But if any of the bindings are exported, the function may be called
+ with any old arguments, so (for lack of anything better) we specialise
+ based on
+ (a) the call patterns in the RHS
+ (b) the call patterns in the rest of the top-level bindings
+ NB: before Apr 15 we used (a) only, but Dimitrios had an example
+ where (b) was crucial, so I added that.
+ Adding (b) also improved nofib allocation results:
+ multiplier: 4% better
+ minimax: 2.8% better
+Actually in case (2), instead of using the calls from the RHS, it
+would be better to specialise in the importing module. We'd need to
+add an INLINABLE pragma to the function, and then it can be
+specialised in the importing scope, just as is done for type classes
+in GHC.Core.Op.Specialise.specImports. This remains to be done (#10346).
+Note [Top-level recursive groups]
+To get the call usage information from "the rest of the top level
+bindings" (c.f. Note [Seeding top-level recursive groups]), we work
+backwards through the top-level bindings so we see the usage before we
+get to the binding of the function. Before we can collect the usage
+though, we go through all the bindings and add them to the
+environment. This is necessary because usage is only tracked for
+functions in the environment. These two passes are called
+ 'go' and 'goEnv'
+in specConstrProgram. (Looks a bit revolting to me.)
+Note [Do not specialise diverging functions]
+Specialising a function that just diverges is a waste of code.
+Furthermore, it broke GHC (simpl014) thus:
+ {-# STR Sb #-}
+ f = \x. case x of (a,b) -> f x
+If we specialise f we get
+ f = \x. case x of (a,b) -> fspec a b
+But fspec doesn't have decent strictness info. As it happened,
+(f x) :: IO t, so the state hack applied and we eta expanded fspec,
+and hence f. But now f's strictness is less than its arity, which
+breaks an invariant.
+Note [Forcing specialisation]
+With stream fusion and in other similar cases, we want to fully
+specialise some (but not necessarily all!) loops regardless of their
+size and the number of specialisations.
+We allow a library to do this, in one of two ways (one which is
+ 1) Add a parameter of type GHC.Types.SPEC (from ghc-prim) to the loop body.
+ 2) (Deprecated) Annotate a type with ForceSpecConstr from GHC.Exts,
+ and then add *that* type as a parameter to the loop body
+The reason #2 is deprecated is because it requires GHCi, which isn't
+available for things like a cross compiler using stage1.
+Here's a (simplified) example from the `vector` package. You may bring
+the special 'force specialization' type into scope by saying:
+ import GHC.Types (SPEC(..))
+or by defining your own type (again, deprecated):
+ data SPEC = SPEC | SPEC2
+ {-# ANN type SPEC ForceSpecConstr #-}
+(Note this is the exact same definition of GHC.Types.SPEC, just
+without the annotation.)
+After that, you say:
+ foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Stream b -> a
+ {-# INLINE foldl #-}
+ foldl f z (Stream step s _) = foldl_loop SPEC z s
+ where
+ foldl_loop !sPEC z s = case step s of
+ Yield x s' -> foldl_loop sPEC (f z x) s'
+ Skip -> foldl_loop sPEC z s'
+ Done -> z
+SpecConstr will spot the SPEC parameter and always fully specialise
+foldl_loop. Note that
+ * We have to prevent the SPEC argument from being removed by
+ w/w which is why (a) SPEC is a sum type, and (b) we have to seq on
+ the SPEC argument.
+ * And lastly, the SPEC argument is ultimately eliminated by
+ SpecConstr itself so there is no runtime overhead.
+This is all quite ugly; we ought to come up with a better design.
+ForceSpecConstr arguments are spotted in scExpr' and scTopBinds which then set
+sc_force to True when calling specLoop. This flag does four things:
+ * Ignore specConstrThreshold, to specialise functions of arbitrary size
+ (see scTopBind)
+ * Ignore specConstrCount, to make arbitrary numbers of specialisations
+ (see specialise)
+ * Specialise even for arguments that are not scrutinised in the loop
+ (see argToPat; #4448)
+ * Only specialise on recursive types a finite number of times
+ (see is_too_recursive; #5550; Note [Limit recursive specialisation])
+The flag holds only for specialising a single binding group, and NOT
+for nested bindings. (So really it should be passed around explicitly
+and not stored in ScEnv.) #14379 turned out to be caused by
+ f SPEC x = let g1 x = ...
+ in ...
+We force-specialise f (because of the SPEC), but that generates a specialised
+copy of g1 (as well as the original). Alas g1 has a nested binding g2; and
+in each copy of g1 we get an unspecialised and specialised copy of g2; and so
+on. Result, exponential. So the force-spec flag now only applies to one
+level of bindings at a time.
+Mechanism for this one-level-only thing:
+ - Switch it on at the call to specRec, in scExpr and scTopBinds
+ - Switch it off when doing the RHSs;
+ this can be done very conveniently in decreaseSpecCount
+What alternatives did I consider?
+* Annotating the loop itself doesn't work because (a) it is local and
+ (b) it will be w/w'ed and having w/w propagating annotations somehow
+ doesn't seem like a good idea. The types of the loop arguments
+ really seem to be the most persistent thing.
+* Annotating the types that make up the loop state doesn't work,
+ either, because (a) it would prevent us from using types like Either
+ or tuples here, (b) we don't want to restrict the set of types that
+ can be used in Stream states and (c) some types are fixed by the
+ user (e.g., the accumulator here) but we still want to specialise as
+ much as possible.
+Alternatives to ForceSpecConstr
+Instead of giving the loop an extra argument of type SPEC, we
+also considered *wrapping* arguments in SPEC, thus
+ data SPEC a = SPEC a | SPEC2
+ loop = \arg -> case arg of
+ SPEC state ->
+ case state of (x,y) -> ... loop (SPEC (x',y')) ...
+ S2 -> error ...
+The idea is that a SPEC argument says "specialise this argument
+regardless of whether the function case-analyses it". But this
+doesn't work well:
+ * SPEC must still be a sum type, else the strictness analyser
+ eliminates it
+ * But that means that 'loop' won't be strict in its real payload
+This loss of strictness in turn screws up specialisation, because
+we may end up with calls like
+ loop (SPEC (case z of (p,q) -> (q,p)))
+Without the SPEC, if 'loop' were strict, the case would move out
+and we'd see loop applied to a pair. But if 'loop' isn't strict
+this doesn't look like a specialisable call.
+Note [Limit recursive specialisation]
+It is possible for ForceSpecConstr to cause an infinite loop of specialisation.
+Because there is no limit on the number of specialisations, a recursive call with
+a recursive constructor as an argument (for example, list cons) will generate
+a specialisation for that constructor. If the resulting specialisation also
+contains a recursive call with the constructor, this could proceed indefinitely.
+For example, if ForceSpecConstr is on:
+ loop :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
+ loop z [] = z
+ loop z (x:xs) = loop (x:z) xs
+this example will create a specialisation for the pattern
+ loop (a:b) c = loop' a b c
+ loop' a b [] = (a:b)
+ loop' a b (x:xs) = loop (x:(a:b)) xs
+and a new pattern is found:
+ loop (a:(b:c)) d = loop'' a b c d
+which can continue indefinitely.
+Roman's suggestion to fix this was to stop after a couple of times on recursive types,
+but still specialising on non-recursive types as much as possible.
+To implement this, we count the number of times we have gone round the
+"specialise recursively" loop ('go' in 'specRec'). Once have gone round
+more than N times (controlled by -fspec-constr-recursive=N) we check
+ - If sc_force is off, and sc_count is (Just max) then we don't
+ need to do anything: trim_pats will limit the number of specs
+ - Otherwise check if any function has now got more than (sc_count env)
+ specialisations. If sc_count is "no limit" then we arbitrarily
+ choose 10 as the limit (ugh).
+See #5550. Also #13623, where this test had become over-aggressive,
+and we lost a wonderful specialisation that we really wanted!
+Note [NoSpecConstr]
+The ignoreDataCon stuff allows you to say
+ {-# ANN type T NoSpecConstr #-}
+to mean "don't specialise on arguments of this type". It was added
+before we had ForceSpecConstr. Lacking ForceSpecConstr we specialised
+regardless of size; and then we needed a way to turn that *off*. Now
+that we have ForceSpecConstr, this NoSpecConstr is probably redundant.
+(Used only for PArray, TODO: remove?)
+ Stuff not yet handled
+Here are notes arising from Roman's work that I don't want to lose.
+Example 1
+ data T a = T !a
+ foo :: Int -> T Int -> Int
+ foo 0 t = 0
+ foo x t | even x = case t of { T n -> foo (x-n) t }
+ | otherwise = foo (x-1) t
+SpecConstr does no specialisation, because the second recursive call
+looks like a boxed use of the argument. A pity.
+ $wfoo_sFw :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> T.T GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Prim.Int#
+ $wfoo_sFw =
+ \ (ww_sFo [Just L] :: GHC.Prim.Int#) (w_sFq [Just L] :: T.T GHC.Base.Int) ->
+ case ww_sFo of ds_Xw6 [Just L] {
+ __DEFAULT ->
+ case GHC.Prim.remInt# ds_Xw6 2 of wild1_aEF [Dead Just A] {
+ __DEFAULT -> $wfoo_sFw (GHC.Prim.-# ds_Xw6 1) w_sFq;
+ 0 ->
+ case w_sFq of wild_Xy [Just L] { T.T n_ad5 [Just U(L)] ->
+ case n_ad5 of wild1_aET [Just A] { GHC.Base.I# y_aES [Just L] ->
+ $wfoo_sFw (GHC.Prim.-# ds_Xw6 y_aES) wild_Xy
+ } } };
+ 0 -> 0
+Example 2
+ data a :*: b = !a :*: !b
+ data T a = T !a
+ foo :: (Int :*: T Int) -> Int
+ foo (0 :*: t) = 0
+ foo (x :*: t) | even x = case t of { T n -> foo ((x-n) :*: t) }
+ | otherwise = foo ((x-1) :*: t)
+Very similar to the previous one, except that the parameters are now in
+a strict tuple. Before SpecConstr, we have
+ $wfoo_sG3 :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> T.T GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Prim.Int#
+ $wfoo_sG3 =
+ \ (ww_sFU [Just L] :: GHC.Prim.Int#) (ww_sFW [Just L] :: T.T
+ GHC.Base.Int) ->
+ case ww_sFU of ds_Xws [Just L] {
+ __DEFAULT ->
+ case GHC.Prim.remInt# ds_Xws 2 of wild1_aEZ [Dead Just A] {
+ __DEFAULT ->
+ case ww_sFW of tpl_B2 [Just L] { T.T a_sFo [Just A] ->
+ $wfoo_sG3 (GHC.Prim.-# ds_Xws 1) tpl_B2 -- $wfoo1
+ };
+ 0 ->
+ case ww_sFW of wild_XB [Just A] { T.T n_ad7 [Just S(L)] ->
+ case n_ad7 of wild1_aFd [Just L] { GHC.Base.I# y_aFc [Just L] ->
+ $wfoo_sG3 (GHC.Prim.-# ds_Xws y_aFc) wild_XB -- $wfoo2
+ } } };
+ 0 -> 0 }
+We get two specialisations:
+"SC:$wfoo1" [0] __forall {a_sFB :: GHC.Base.Int sc_sGC :: GHC.Prim.Int#}
+ Foo.$wfoo sc_sGC (Foo.T @ GHC.Base.Int a_sFB)
+ = Foo.$s$wfoo1 a_sFB sc_sGC ;
+"SC:$wfoo2" [0] __forall {y_aFp :: GHC.Prim.Int# sc_sGC :: GHC.Prim.Int#}
+ Foo.$wfoo sc_sGC (Foo.T @ GHC.Base.Int (GHC.Base.I# y_aFp))
+ = Foo.$s$wfoo y_aFp sc_sGC ;
+But perhaps the first one isn't good. After all, we know that tpl_B2 is
+a T (I# x) really, because T is strict and Int has one constructor. (We can't
+unbox the strict fields, because T is polymorphic!)
+* *
+\subsection{Top level wrapper stuff}
+* *
+specConstrProgram :: ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+specConstrProgram guts
+ = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ (_, annos) <- getFirstAnnotations deserializeWithData guts
+ this_mod <- getModule
+ let binds' = reverse $ fst $ initUs us $ do
+ -- Note [Top-level recursive groups]
+ (env, binds) <- goEnv (initScEnv dflags this_mod annos)
+ (mg_binds guts)
+ -- binds is identical to (mg_binds guts), except that the
+ -- binders on the LHS have been replaced by extendBndr
+ -- (SPJ this seems like overkill; I don't think the binders
+ -- will change at all; and we don't substitute in the RHSs anyway!!)
+ go env nullUsage (reverse binds)
+ return (guts { mg_binds = binds' })
+ where
+ -- See Note [Top-level recursive groups]
+ goEnv env [] = return (env, [])
+ goEnv env (bind:binds) = do (env', bind') <- scTopBindEnv env bind
+ (env'', binds') <- goEnv env' binds
+ return (env'', bind' : binds')
+ -- Arg list of bindings is in reverse order
+ go _ _ [] = return []
+ go env usg (bind:binds) = do (usg', bind') <- scTopBind env usg bind
+ binds' <- go env usg' binds
+ return (bind' : binds')
+* *
+\subsection{Environment: goes downwards}
+* *
+Note [Work-free values only in environment]
+The sc_vals field keeps track of in-scope value bindings, so
+that if we come across (case x of Just y ->...) we can reduce the
+case from knowing that x is bound to a pair.
+But only *work-free* values are ok here. For example if the envt had
+ x -> Just (expensive v)
+then we do NOT want to expand to
+ let y = expensive v in ...
+because the x-binding still exists and we've now duplicated (expensive v).
+This seldom happens because let-bound constructor applications are
+ANF-ised, but it can happen as a result of on-the-fly transformations in
+SpecConstr itself. Here is #7865:
+ let {
+ a'_shr =
+ case xs_af8 of _ {
+ [] -> acc_af6;
+ : ds_dgt [Dmd=<L,A>] ds_dgu [Dmd=<L,A>] ->
+ (expensive x_af7, x_af7
+ } } in
+ let {
+ ds_sht =
+ case a'_shr of _ { (p'_afd, q'_afe) ->
+ TSpecConstr_DoubleInline.recursive
+ (GHC.Types.: @ GHC.Types.Int x_af7 wild_X6) (q'_afe, p'_afd)
+ } } in
+When processed knowing that xs_af8 was bound to a cons, we simplify to
+ a'_shr = (expensive x_af7, x_af7)
+and we do NOT want to inline that at the occurrence of a'_shr in ds_sht.
+(There are other occurrences of a'_shr.) No no no.
+It would be possible to do some on-the-fly ANF-ising, so that a'_shr turned
+into a work-free value again, thus
+ a1 = expensive x_af7
+ a'_shr = (a1, x_af7)
+but that's more work, so until its shown to be important I'm going to
+leave it for now.
+Note [Making SpecConstr keener]
+Consider this, in (perf/should_run/T9339)
+ last (filter odd [1..1000])
+After optimisation, including SpecConstr, we get:
+ f :: Int# -> Int -> Int
+ f x y = case case remInt# x 2# of
+ __DEFAULT -> case x of
+ __DEFAULT -> f (+# wild_Xp 1#) (I# x)
+ 1000000# -> ...
+ 0# -> case x of
+ __DEFAULT -> f (+# wild_Xp 1#) y
+ 1000000# -> y
+Not good! We build an (I# x) box every time around the loop.
+SpecConstr (as described in the paper) does not specialise f, despite
+the call (f ... (I# x)) because 'y' is not scrutinised in the body.
+But it is much better to specialise f for the case where the argument
+is of form (I# x); then we build the box only when returning y, which
+is on the cold path.
+Another example:
+ f x = ...(g x)....
+Here 'x' is not scrutinised in f's body; but if we did specialise 'f'
+then the call (g x) might allow 'g' to be specialised in turn.
+So sc_keen controls whether or not we take account of whether argument is
+scrutinised in the body. True <=> ignore that, and specialise whenever
+the function is applied to a data constructor.
+data ScEnv = SCE { sc_dflags :: DynFlags,
+ sc_module :: !Module,
+ sc_size :: Maybe Int, -- Size threshold
+ -- Nothing => no limit
+ sc_count :: Maybe Int, -- Max # of specialisations for any one fn
+ -- Nothing => no limit
+ -- See Note [Avoiding exponential blowup]
+ sc_recursive :: Int, -- Max # of specialisations over recursive type.
+ -- Stops ForceSpecConstr from diverging.
+ sc_keen :: Bool, -- Specialise on arguments that are known
+ -- constructors, even if they are not
+ -- scrutinised in the body. See
+ -- Note [Making SpecConstr keener]
+ sc_force :: Bool, -- Force specialisation?
+ -- See Note [Forcing specialisation]
+ sc_subst :: Subst, -- Current substitution
+ -- Maps InIds to OutExprs
+ sc_how_bound :: HowBoundEnv,
+ -- Binds interesting non-top-level variables
+ -- Domain is OutVars (*after* applying the substitution)
+ sc_vals :: ValueEnv,
+ -- Domain is OutIds (*after* applying the substitution)
+ -- Used even for top-level bindings (but not imported ones)
+ -- The range of the ValueEnv is *work-free* values
+ -- such as (\x. blah), or (Just v)
+ -- but NOT (Just (expensive v))
+ -- See Note [Work-free values only in environment]
+ sc_annotations :: UniqFM SpecConstrAnnotation
+ }
+type HowBoundEnv = VarEnv HowBound -- Domain is OutVars
+type ValueEnv = IdEnv Value -- Domain is OutIds
+data Value = ConVal AltCon [CoreArg] -- _Saturated_ constructors
+ -- The AltCon is never DEFAULT
+ | LambdaVal -- Inlinable lambdas or PAPs
+instance Outputable Value where
+ ppr (ConVal con args) = ppr con <+> interpp'SP args
+ ppr LambdaVal = text "<Lambda>"
+initScEnv :: DynFlags -> Module -> UniqFM SpecConstrAnnotation -> ScEnv
+initScEnv dflags this_mod anns
+ = SCE { sc_dflags = dflags,
+ sc_module = this_mod,
+ sc_size = specConstrThreshold dflags,
+ sc_count = specConstrCount dflags,
+ sc_recursive = specConstrRecursive dflags,
+ sc_keen = gopt Opt_SpecConstrKeen dflags,
+ sc_force = False,
+ sc_subst = emptySubst,
+ sc_how_bound = emptyVarEnv,
+ sc_vals = emptyVarEnv,
+ sc_annotations = anns }
+data HowBound = RecFun -- These are the recursive functions for which
+ -- we seek interesting call patterns
+ | RecArg -- These are those functions' arguments, or their sub-components;
+ -- we gather occurrence information for these
+instance Outputable HowBound where
+ ppr RecFun = text "RecFun"
+ ppr RecArg = text "RecArg"
+scForce :: ScEnv -> Bool -> ScEnv
+scForce env b = env { sc_force = b }
+lookupHowBound :: ScEnv -> Id -> Maybe HowBound
+lookupHowBound env id = lookupVarEnv (sc_how_bound env) id
+scSubstId :: ScEnv -> Id -> CoreExpr
+scSubstId env v = lookupIdSubst (text "scSubstId") (sc_subst env) v
+scSubstTy :: ScEnv -> Type -> Type
+scSubstTy env ty = substTy (sc_subst env) ty
+scSubstCo :: ScEnv -> Coercion -> Coercion
+scSubstCo env co = substCo (sc_subst env) co
+zapScSubst :: ScEnv -> ScEnv
+zapScSubst env = env { sc_subst = zapSubstEnv (sc_subst env) }
+extendScInScope :: ScEnv -> [Var] -> ScEnv
+ -- Bring the quantified variables into scope
+extendScInScope env qvars = env { sc_subst = extendInScopeList (sc_subst env) qvars }
+ -- Extend the substitution
+extendScSubst :: ScEnv -> Var -> OutExpr -> ScEnv
+extendScSubst env var expr = env { sc_subst = extendSubst (sc_subst env) var expr }
+extendScSubstList :: ScEnv -> [(Var,OutExpr)] -> ScEnv
+extendScSubstList env prs = env { sc_subst = extendSubstList (sc_subst env) prs }
+extendHowBound :: ScEnv -> [Var] -> HowBound -> ScEnv
+extendHowBound env bndrs how_bound
+ = env { sc_how_bound = extendVarEnvList (sc_how_bound env)
+ [(bndr,how_bound) | bndr <- bndrs] }
+extendBndrsWith :: HowBound -> ScEnv -> [Var] -> (ScEnv, [Var])
+extendBndrsWith how_bound env bndrs
+ = (env { sc_subst = subst', sc_how_bound = hb_env' }, bndrs')
+ where
+ (subst', bndrs') = substBndrs (sc_subst env) bndrs
+ hb_env' = sc_how_bound env `extendVarEnvList`
+ [(bndr,how_bound) | bndr <- bndrs']
+extendBndrWith :: HowBound -> ScEnv -> Var -> (ScEnv, Var)
+extendBndrWith how_bound env bndr
+ = (env { sc_subst = subst', sc_how_bound = hb_env' }, bndr')
+ where
+ (subst', bndr') = substBndr (sc_subst env) bndr
+ hb_env' = extendVarEnv (sc_how_bound env) bndr' how_bound
+extendRecBndrs :: ScEnv -> [Var] -> (ScEnv, [Var])
+extendRecBndrs env bndrs = (env { sc_subst = subst' }, bndrs')
+ where
+ (subst', bndrs') = substRecBndrs (sc_subst env) bndrs
+extendBndr :: ScEnv -> Var -> (ScEnv, Var)
+extendBndr env bndr = (env { sc_subst = subst' }, bndr')
+ where
+ (subst', bndr') = substBndr (sc_subst env) bndr
+extendValEnv :: ScEnv -> Id -> Maybe Value -> ScEnv
+extendValEnv env _ Nothing = env
+extendValEnv env id (Just cv)
+ | valueIsWorkFree cv -- Don't duplicate work!! #7865
+ = env { sc_vals = extendVarEnv (sc_vals env) id cv }
+extendValEnv env _ _ = env
+extendCaseBndrs :: ScEnv -> OutExpr -> OutId -> AltCon -> [Var] -> (ScEnv, [Var])
+-- When we encounter
+-- case scrut of b
+-- C x y -> ...
+-- we want to bind b, to (C x y)
+-- NB1: Extends only the sc_vals part of the envt
+-- NB2: Kill the dead-ness info on the pattern binders x,y, since
+-- they are potentially made alive by the [b -> C x y] binding
+extendCaseBndrs env scrut case_bndr con alt_bndrs
+ = (env2, alt_bndrs')
+ where
+ live_case_bndr = not (isDeadBinder case_bndr)
+ env1 | Var v <- stripTicksTopE (const True) scrut
+ = extendValEnv env v cval
+ | otherwise = env -- See Note [Add scrutinee to ValueEnv too]
+ env2 | live_case_bndr = extendValEnv env1 case_bndr cval
+ | otherwise = env1
+ alt_bndrs' | case scrut of { Var {} -> True; _ -> live_case_bndr }
+ = map zap alt_bndrs
+ | otherwise
+ = alt_bndrs
+ cval = case con of
+ DEFAULT -> Nothing
+ LitAlt {} -> Just (ConVal con [])
+ DataAlt {} -> Just (ConVal con vanilla_args)
+ where
+ vanilla_args = map Type (tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr)) ++
+ varsToCoreExprs alt_bndrs
+ zap v | isTyVar v = v -- See NB2 above
+ | otherwise = zapIdOccInfo v
+decreaseSpecCount :: ScEnv -> Int -> ScEnv
+-- See Note [Avoiding exponential blowup]
+decreaseSpecCount env n_specs
+ = env { sc_force = False -- See Note [Forcing specialisation]
+ , sc_count = case sc_count env of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just n -> Just (n `div` (n_specs + 1)) }
+ -- The "+1" takes account of the original function;
+ -- See Note [Avoiding exponential blowup]
+-- See Note [Forcing specialisation]
+ignoreType :: ScEnv -> Type -> Bool
+ignoreDataCon :: ScEnv -> DataCon -> Bool
+forceSpecBndr :: ScEnv -> Var -> Bool
+ignoreDataCon env dc = ignoreTyCon env (dataConTyCon dc)
+ignoreType env ty
+ = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty of
+ Just tycon -> ignoreTyCon env tycon
+ _ -> False
+ignoreTyCon :: ScEnv -> TyCon -> Bool
+ignoreTyCon env tycon
+ = lookupUFM (sc_annotations env) tycon == Just NoSpecConstr
+forceSpecBndr env var = forceSpecFunTy env . snd . splitForAllTys . varType $ var
+forceSpecFunTy :: ScEnv -> Type -> Bool
+forceSpecFunTy env = any (forceSpecArgTy env) . fst . splitFunTys
+forceSpecArgTy :: ScEnv -> Type -> Bool
+forceSpecArgTy env ty
+ | Just ty' <- coreView ty = forceSpecArgTy env ty'
+forceSpecArgTy env ty
+ | Just (tycon, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , tycon /= funTyCon
+ = tyConName tycon == specTyConName
+ || lookupUFM (sc_annotations env) tycon == Just ForceSpecConstr
+ || any (forceSpecArgTy env) tys
+forceSpecArgTy _ _ = False
+Note [Add scrutinee to ValueEnv too]
+Consider this:
+ case x of y
+ (a,b) -> case b of c
+ I# v -> ...(f y)...
+By the time we get to the call (f y), the ValueEnv
+will have a binding for y, and for c
+ y -> (a,b)
+ c -> I# v
+BUT that's not enough! Looking at the call (f y) we
+see that y is pair (a,b), but we also need to know what 'b' is.
+So in extendCaseBndrs we must *also* add the binding
+ b -> I# v
+else we lose a useful specialisation for f. This is necessary even
+though the simplifier has systematically replaced uses of 'x' with 'y'
+and 'b' with 'c' in the code. The use of 'b' in the ValueEnv came
+from outside the case. See #4908 for the live example.
+Note [Avoiding exponential blowup]
+The sc_count field of the ScEnv says how many times we are prepared to
+duplicate a single function. But we must take care with recursive
+specialisations. Consider
+ let $j1 = let $j2 = let $j3 = ...
+ in
+ ...$j3...
+ in
+ ...$j2...
+ in
+ ...$j1...
+If we specialise $j1 then in each specialisation (as well as the original)
+we can specialise $j2, and similarly $j3. Even if we make just *one*
+specialisation of each, because we also have the original we'll get 2^n
+copies of $j3, which is not good.
+So when recursively specialising we divide the sc_count by the number of
+copies we are making at this level, including the original.
+* *
+\subsection{Usage information: flows upwards}
+* *
+data ScUsage
+ = SCU {
+ scu_calls :: CallEnv, -- Calls
+ -- The functions are a subset of the
+ -- RecFuns in the ScEnv
+ scu_occs :: !(IdEnv ArgOcc) -- Information on argument occurrences
+ } -- The domain is OutIds
+type CallEnv = IdEnv [Call]
+data Call = Call Id [CoreArg] ValueEnv
+ -- The arguments of the call, together with the
+ -- env giving the constructor bindings at the call site
+ -- We keep the function mainly for debug output
+instance Outputable ScUsage where
+ ppr (SCU { scu_calls = calls, scu_occs = occs })
+ = text "SCU" <+> braces (sep [ ptext (sLit "calls =") <+> ppr calls
+ , text "occs =" <+> ppr occs ])
+instance Outputable Call where
+ ppr (Call fn args _) = ppr fn <+> fsep (map pprParendExpr args)
+nullUsage :: ScUsage
+nullUsage = SCU { scu_calls = emptyVarEnv, scu_occs = emptyVarEnv }
+combineCalls :: CallEnv -> CallEnv -> CallEnv
+combineCalls = plusVarEnv_C (++)
+ where
+-- plus cs ds | length res > 1
+-- = pprTrace "combineCalls" (vcat [ text "cs:" <+> ppr cs
+-- , text "ds:" <+> ppr ds])
+-- res
+-- | otherwise = res
+-- where
+-- res = cs ++ ds
+combineUsage :: ScUsage -> ScUsage -> ScUsage
+combineUsage u1 u2 = SCU { scu_calls = combineCalls (scu_calls u1) (scu_calls u2),
+ scu_occs = plusVarEnv_C combineOcc (scu_occs u1) (scu_occs u2) }
+combineUsages :: [ScUsage] -> ScUsage
+combineUsages [] = nullUsage
+combineUsages us = foldr1 combineUsage us
+lookupOccs :: ScUsage -> [OutVar] -> (ScUsage, [ArgOcc])
+lookupOccs (SCU { scu_calls = sc_calls, scu_occs = sc_occs }) bndrs
+ = (SCU {scu_calls = sc_calls, scu_occs = delVarEnvList sc_occs bndrs},
+ [lookupVarEnv sc_occs b `orElse` NoOcc | b <- bndrs])
+data ArgOcc = NoOcc -- Doesn't occur at all; or a type argument
+ | UnkOcc -- Used in some unknown way
+ | ScrutOcc -- See Note [ScrutOcc]
+ (DataConEnv [ArgOcc]) -- How the sub-components are used
+type DataConEnv a = UniqFM a -- Keyed by DataCon
+{- Note [ScrutOcc]
+An occurrence of ScrutOcc indicates that the thing, or a `cast` version of the thing,
+is *only* taken apart or applied.
+ Functions, literal: ScrutOcc emptyUFM
+ Data constructors: ScrutOcc subs,
+where (subs :: UniqFM [ArgOcc]) gives usage of the *pattern-bound* components,
+The domain of the UniqFM is the Unique of the data constructor
+The [ArgOcc] is the occurrences of the *pattern-bound* components
+of the data structure. E.g.
+ data T a = forall b. MkT a b (b->a)
+A pattern binds b, x::a, y::b, z::b->a, but not 'a'!
+instance Outputable ArgOcc where
+ ppr (ScrutOcc xs) = text "scrut-occ" <> ppr xs
+ ppr UnkOcc = text "unk-occ"
+ ppr NoOcc = text "no-occ"
+evalScrutOcc :: ArgOcc
+evalScrutOcc = ScrutOcc emptyUFM
+-- Experimentally, this version of combineOcc makes ScrutOcc "win", so
+-- that if the thing is scrutinised anywhere then we get to see that
+-- in the overall result, even if it's also used in a boxed way
+-- This might be too aggressive; see Note [Reboxing] Alternative 3
+combineOcc :: ArgOcc -> ArgOcc -> ArgOcc
+combineOcc NoOcc occ = occ
+combineOcc occ NoOcc = occ
+combineOcc (ScrutOcc xs) (ScrutOcc ys) = ScrutOcc (plusUFM_C combineOccs xs ys)
+combineOcc UnkOcc (ScrutOcc ys) = ScrutOcc ys
+combineOcc (ScrutOcc xs) UnkOcc = ScrutOcc xs
+combineOcc UnkOcc UnkOcc = UnkOcc
+combineOccs :: [ArgOcc] -> [ArgOcc] -> [ArgOcc]
+combineOccs xs ys = zipWithEqual "combineOccs" combineOcc xs ys
+setScrutOcc :: ScEnv -> ScUsage -> OutExpr -> ArgOcc -> ScUsage
+-- _Overwrite_ the occurrence info for the scrutinee, if the scrutinee
+-- is a variable, and an interesting variable
+setScrutOcc env usg (Cast e _) occ = setScrutOcc env usg e occ
+setScrutOcc env usg (Tick _ e) occ = setScrutOcc env usg e occ
+setScrutOcc env usg (Var v) occ
+ | Just RecArg <- lookupHowBound env v = usg { scu_occs = extendVarEnv (scu_occs usg) v occ }
+ | otherwise = usg
+setScrutOcc _env usg _other _occ -- Catch-all
+ = usg
+* *
+\subsection{The main recursive function}
+* *
+The main recursive function gathers up usage information, and
+creates specialised versions of functions.
+scExpr, scExpr' :: ScEnv -> CoreExpr -> UniqSM (ScUsage, CoreExpr)
+ -- The unique supply is needed when we invent
+ -- a new name for the specialised function and its args
+scExpr env e = scExpr' env e
+scExpr' env (Var v) = case scSubstId env v of
+ Var v' -> return (mkVarUsage env v' [], Var v')
+ e' -> scExpr (zapScSubst env) e'
+scExpr' env (Type t) = return (nullUsage, Type (scSubstTy env t))
+scExpr' env (Coercion c) = return (nullUsage, Coercion (scSubstCo env c))
+scExpr' _ e@(Lit {}) = return (nullUsage, e)
+scExpr' env (Tick t e) = do (usg, e') <- scExpr env e
+ return (usg, Tick t e')
+scExpr' env (Cast e co) = do (usg, e') <- scExpr env e
+ return (usg, mkCast e' (scSubstCo env co))
+ -- Important to use mkCast here
+ -- See Note [SpecConstr call patterns]
+scExpr' env e@(App _ _) = scApp env (collectArgs e)
+scExpr' env (Lam b e) = do let (env', b') = extendBndr env b
+ (usg, e') <- scExpr env' e
+ return (usg, Lam b' e')
+scExpr' env (Case scrut b ty alts)
+ = do { (scrut_usg, scrut') <- scExpr env scrut
+ ; case isValue (sc_vals env) scrut' of
+ Just (ConVal con args) -> sc_con_app con args scrut'
+ _other -> sc_vanilla scrut_usg scrut'
+ }
+ where
+ sc_con_app con args scrut' -- Known constructor; simplify
+ = do { let (_, bs, rhs) = findAlt con alts
+ `orElse` (DEFAULT, [], mkImpossibleExpr ty)
+ alt_env' = extendScSubstList env ((b,scrut') : bs `zip` trimConArgs con args)
+ ; scExpr alt_env' rhs }
+ sc_vanilla scrut_usg scrut' -- Normal case
+ = do { let (alt_env,b') = extendBndrWith RecArg env b
+ -- Record RecArg for the components
+ ; (alt_usgs, alt_occs, alts')
+ <- mapAndUnzip3M (sc_alt alt_env scrut' b') alts
+ ; let scrut_occ = foldr combineOcc NoOcc alt_occs
+ scrut_usg' = setScrutOcc env scrut_usg scrut' scrut_occ
+ -- The combined usage of the scrutinee is given
+ -- by scrut_occ, which is passed to scScrut, which
+ -- in turn treats a bare-variable scrutinee specially
+ ; return (foldr combineUsage scrut_usg' alt_usgs,
+ Case scrut' b' (scSubstTy env ty) alts') }
+ sc_alt env scrut' b' (con,bs,rhs)
+ = do { let (env1, bs1) = extendBndrsWith RecArg env bs
+ (env2, bs2) = extendCaseBndrs env1 scrut' b' con bs1
+ ; (usg, rhs') <- scExpr env2 rhs
+ ; let (usg', b_occ:arg_occs) = lookupOccs usg (b':bs2)
+ scrut_occ = case con of
+ DataAlt dc -> ScrutOcc (unitUFM dc arg_occs)
+ _ -> ScrutOcc emptyUFM
+ ; return (usg', b_occ `combineOcc` scrut_occ, (con, bs2, rhs')) }
+scExpr' env (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body)
+ | isTyVar bndr -- Type-lets may be created by doBeta
+ = scExpr' (extendScSubst env bndr rhs) body
+ | otherwise
+ = do { let (body_env, bndr') = extendBndr env bndr
+ ; rhs_info <- scRecRhs env (bndr',rhs)
+ ; let body_env2 = extendHowBound body_env [bndr'] RecFun
+ -- Note [Local let bindings]
+ rhs' = ri_new_rhs rhs_info
+ body_env3 = extendValEnv body_env2 bndr' (isValue (sc_vals env) rhs')
+ ; (body_usg, body') <- scExpr body_env3 body
+ -- NB: For non-recursive bindings we inherit sc_force flag from
+ -- the parent function (see Note [Forcing specialisation])
+ ; (spec_usg, specs) <- specNonRec env body_usg rhs_info
+ ; return (body_usg { scu_calls = scu_calls body_usg `delVarEnv` bndr' }
+ `combineUsage` spec_usg, -- Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
+ mkLets [NonRec b r | (b,r) <- ruleInfoBinds rhs_info specs] body')
+ }
+-- A *local* recursive group: see Note [Local recursive groups]
+scExpr' env (Let (Rec prs) body)
+ = do { let (bndrs,rhss) = unzip prs
+ (rhs_env1,bndrs') = extendRecBndrs env bndrs
+ rhs_env2 = extendHowBound rhs_env1 bndrs' RecFun
+ force_spec = any (forceSpecBndr env) bndrs'
+ -- Note [Forcing specialisation]
+ ; rhs_infos <- mapM (scRecRhs rhs_env2) (bndrs' `zip` rhss)
+ ; (body_usg, body') <- scExpr rhs_env2 body
+ -- NB: start specLoop from body_usg
+ ; (spec_usg, specs) <- specRec NotTopLevel (scForce rhs_env2 force_spec)
+ body_usg rhs_infos
+ -- Do not unconditionally generate specialisations from rhs_usgs
+ -- Instead use them only if we find an unspecialised call
+ -- See Note [Local recursive groups]
+ ; let all_usg = spec_usg `combineUsage` body_usg -- Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
+ bind' = Rec (concat (zipWith ruleInfoBinds rhs_infos specs))
+ ; return (all_usg { scu_calls = scu_calls all_usg `delVarEnvList` bndrs' },
+ Let bind' body') }
+Note [Local let bindings]
+It is not uncommon to find this
+ let $j = \x. <blah> in ...$j True...$j True...
+Here $j is an arbitrary let-bound function, but it often comes up for
+join points. We might like to specialise $j for its call patterns.
+Notice the difference from a letrec, where we look for call patterns
+in the *RHS* of the function. Here we look for call patterns in the
+*body* of the let.
+At one point I predicated this on the RHS mentioning the outer
+recursive function, but that's not essential and might even be
+harmful. I'm not sure.
+scApp :: ScEnv -> (InExpr, [InExpr]) -> UniqSM (ScUsage, CoreExpr)
+scApp env (Var fn, args) -- Function is a variable
+ = ASSERT( not (null args) )
+ do { args_w_usgs <- mapM (scExpr env) args
+ ; let (arg_usgs, args') = unzip args_w_usgs
+ arg_usg = combineUsages arg_usgs
+ ; case scSubstId env fn of
+ fn'@(Lam {}) -> scExpr (zapScSubst env) (doBeta fn' args')
+ -- Do beta-reduction and try again
+ Var fn' -> return (arg_usg `combineUsage` mkVarUsage env fn' args',
+ mkApps (Var fn') args')
+ other_fn' -> return (arg_usg, mkApps other_fn' args') }
+ -- NB: doing this ignores any usage info from the substituted
+ -- function, but I don't think that matters. If it does
+ -- we can fix it.
+ where
+ doBeta :: OutExpr -> [OutExpr] -> OutExpr
+ -- ToDo: adjust for System IF
+ doBeta (Lam bndr body) (arg : args) = Let (NonRec bndr arg) (doBeta body args)
+ doBeta fn args = mkApps fn args
+-- The function is almost always a variable, but not always.
+-- In particular, if this pass follows float-in,
+-- which it may, we can get
+-- (let f = ...f... in f) arg1 arg2
+scApp env (other_fn, args)
+ = do { (fn_usg, fn') <- scExpr env other_fn
+ ; (arg_usgs, args') <- mapAndUnzipM (scExpr env) args
+ ; return (combineUsages arg_usgs `combineUsage` fn_usg, mkApps fn' args') }
+mkVarUsage :: ScEnv -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> ScUsage
+mkVarUsage env fn args
+ = case lookupHowBound env fn of
+ Just RecFun -> SCU { scu_calls = unitVarEnv fn [Call fn args (sc_vals env)]
+ , scu_occs = emptyVarEnv }
+ Just RecArg -> SCU { scu_calls = emptyVarEnv
+ , scu_occs = unitVarEnv fn arg_occ }
+ Nothing -> nullUsage
+ where
+ -- I rather think we could use UnkOcc all the time
+ arg_occ | null args = UnkOcc
+ | otherwise = evalScrutOcc
+scTopBindEnv :: ScEnv -> CoreBind -> UniqSM (ScEnv, CoreBind)
+scTopBindEnv env (Rec prs)
+ = do { let (rhs_env1,bndrs') = extendRecBndrs env bndrs
+ rhs_env2 = extendHowBound rhs_env1 bndrs RecFun
+ prs' = zip bndrs' rhss
+ ; return (rhs_env2, Rec prs') }
+ where
+ (bndrs,rhss) = unzip prs
+scTopBindEnv env (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = do { let (env1, bndr') = extendBndr env bndr
+ env2 = extendValEnv env1 bndr' (isValue (sc_vals env) rhs)
+ ; return (env2, NonRec bndr' rhs) }
+scTopBind :: ScEnv -> ScUsage -> CoreBind -> UniqSM (ScUsage, CoreBind)
+scTopBind _ usage _
+ | pprTrace "scTopBind_usage" (ppr (scu_calls usage)) False
+ = error "false"
+scTopBind env body_usage (Rec prs)
+ | Just threshold <- sc_size env
+ , not force_spec
+ , not (all (couldBeSmallEnoughToInline (sc_dflags env) threshold) rhss)
+ -- No specialisation
+ = -- pprTrace "scTopBind: nospec" (ppr bndrs) $
+ do { (rhs_usgs, rhss') <- mapAndUnzipM (scExpr env) rhss
+ ; return (body_usage `combineUsage` combineUsages rhs_usgs, Rec (bndrs `zip` rhss')) }
+ | otherwise -- Do specialisation
+ = do { rhs_infos <- mapM (scRecRhs env) prs
+ ; (spec_usage, specs) <- specRec TopLevel (scForce env force_spec)
+ body_usage rhs_infos
+ ; return (body_usage `combineUsage` spec_usage,
+ Rec (concat (zipWith ruleInfoBinds rhs_infos specs))) }
+ where
+ (bndrs,rhss) = unzip prs
+ force_spec = any (forceSpecBndr env) bndrs
+ -- Note [Forcing specialisation]
+scTopBind env usage (NonRec bndr rhs) -- Oddly, we don't seem to specialise top-level non-rec functions
+ = do { (rhs_usg', rhs') <- scExpr env rhs
+ ; return (usage `combineUsage` rhs_usg', NonRec bndr rhs') }
+scRecRhs :: ScEnv -> (OutId, InExpr) -> UniqSM RhsInfo
+scRecRhs env (bndr,rhs)
+ = do { let (arg_bndrs,body) = collectBinders rhs
+ (body_env, arg_bndrs') = extendBndrsWith RecArg env arg_bndrs
+ ; (body_usg, body') <- scExpr body_env body
+ ; let (rhs_usg, arg_occs) = lookupOccs body_usg arg_bndrs'
+ ; return (RI { ri_rhs_usg = rhs_usg
+ , ri_fn = bndr, ri_new_rhs = mkLams arg_bndrs' body'
+ , ri_lam_bndrs = arg_bndrs, ri_lam_body = body
+ , ri_arg_occs = arg_occs }) }
+ -- The arg_occs says how the visible,
+ -- lambda-bound binders of the RHS are used
+ -- (including the TyVar binders)
+ -- Two pats are the same if they match both ways
+ruleInfoBinds :: RhsInfo -> SpecInfo -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
+ruleInfoBinds (RI { ri_fn = fn, ri_new_rhs = new_rhs })
+ (SI { si_specs = specs })
+ = [(id,rhs) | OS { os_id = id, os_rhs = rhs } <- specs] ++
+ -- First the specialised bindings
+ [(fn `addIdSpecialisations` rules, new_rhs)]
+ -- And now the original binding
+ where
+ rules = [r | OS { os_rule = r } <- specs]
+* *
+ The specialiser itself
+* *
+data RhsInfo
+ = RI { ri_fn :: OutId -- The binder
+ , ri_new_rhs :: OutExpr -- The specialised RHS (in current envt)
+ , ri_rhs_usg :: ScUsage -- Usage info from specialising RHS
+ , ri_lam_bndrs :: [InVar] -- The *original* RHS (\xs.body)
+ , ri_lam_body :: InExpr -- Note [Specialise original body]
+ , ri_arg_occs :: [ArgOcc] -- Info on how the xs occur in body
+ }
+data SpecInfo -- Info about specialisations for a particular Id
+ = SI { si_specs :: [OneSpec] -- The specialisations we have generated
+ , si_n_specs :: Int -- Length of si_specs; used for numbering them
+ , si_mb_unspec :: Maybe ScUsage -- Just cs => we have not yet used calls in the
+ } -- from calls in the *original* RHS as
+ -- seeds for new specialisations;
+ -- if you decide to do so, here is the
+ -- RHS usage (which has not yet been
+ -- unleashed)
+ -- Nothing => we have
+ -- See Note [Local recursive groups]
+ -- See Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
+ -- One specialisation: Rule plus definition
+data OneSpec =
+ OS { os_pat :: CallPat -- Call pattern that generated this specialisation
+ , os_rule :: CoreRule -- Rule connecting original id with the specialisation
+ , os_id :: OutId -- Spec id
+ , os_rhs :: OutExpr } -- Spec rhs
+noSpecInfo :: SpecInfo
+noSpecInfo = SI { si_specs = [], si_n_specs = 0, si_mb_unspec = Nothing }
+specNonRec :: ScEnv
+ -> ScUsage -- Body usage
+ -> RhsInfo -- Structure info usage info for un-specialised RHS
+ -> UniqSM (ScUsage, SpecInfo) -- Usage from RHSs (specialised and not)
+ -- plus details of specialisations
+specNonRec env body_usg rhs_info
+ = specialise env (scu_calls body_usg) rhs_info
+ (noSpecInfo { si_mb_unspec = Just (ri_rhs_usg rhs_info) })
+specRec :: TopLevelFlag -> ScEnv
+ -> ScUsage -- Body usage
+ -> [RhsInfo] -- Structure info and usage info for un-specialised RHSs
+ -> UniqSM (ScUsage, [SpecInfo]) -- Usage from all RHSs (specialised and not)
+ -- plus details of specialisations
+specRec top_lvl env body_usg rhs_infos
+ = go 1 seed_calls nullUsage init_spec_infos
+ where
+ (seed_calls, init_spec_infos) -- Note [Seeding top-level recursive groups]
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl
+ , any (isExportedId . ri_fn) rhs_infos -- Seed from body and RHSs
+ = (all_calls, [noSpecInfo | _ <- rhs_infos])
+ | otherwise -- Seed from body only
+ = (calls_in_body, [noSpecInfo { si_mb_unspec = Just (ri_rhs_usg ri) }
+ | ri <- rhs_infos])
+ calls_in_body = scu_calls body_usg
+ calls_in_rhss = foldr (combineCalls . scu_calls . ri_rhs_usg) emptyVarEnv rhs_infos
+ all_calls = calls_in_rhss `combineCalls` calls_in_body
+ -- Loop, specialising, until you get no new specialisations
+ go :: Int -- Which iteration of the "until no new specialisations"
+ -- loop we are on; first iteration is 1
+ -> CallEnv -- Seed calls
+ -- Two accumulating parameters:
+ -> ScUsage -- Usage from earlier specialisations
+ -> [SpecInfo] -- Details of specialisations so far
+ -> UniqSM (ScUsage, [SpecInfo])
+ go n_iter seed_calls usg_so_far spec_infos
+ | isEmptyVarEnv seed_calls
+ = -- pprTrace "specRec1" (vcat [ ppr (map ri_fn rhs_infos)
+ -- , ppr seed_calls
+ -- , ppr body_usg ]) $
+ return (usg_so_far, spec_infos)
+ -- Limit recursive specialisation
+ -- See Note [Limit recursive specialisation]
+ | n_iter > sc_recursive env -- Too many iterations of the 'go' loop
+ , sc_force env || isNothing (sc_count env)
+ -- If both of these are false, the sc_count
+ -- threshold will prevent non-termination
+ , any ((> the_limit) . si_n_specs) spec_infos
+ = -- pprTrace "specRec2" (ppr (map (map os_pat . si_specs) spec_infos)) $
+ return (usg_so_far, spec_infos)
+ | otherwise
+ = -- pprTrace "specRec3" (vcat [ text "bndrs" <+> ppr (map ri_fn rhs_infos)
+ -- , text "iteration" <+> int n_iter
+ -- , text "spec_infos" <+> ppr (map (map os_pat . si_specs) spec_infos)
+ -- ]) $
+ do { specs_w_usg <- zipWithM (specialise env seed_calls) rhs_infos spec_infos
+ ; let (extra_usg_s, new_spec_infos) = unzip specs_w_usg
+ extra_usg = combineUsages extra_usg_s
+ all_usg = usg_so_far `combineUsage` extra_usg
+ ; go (n_iter + 1) (scu_calls extra_usg) all_usg new_spec_infos }
+ -- See Note [Limit recursive specialisation]
+ the_limit = case sc_count env of
+ Nothing -> 10 -- Ugh!
+ Just max -> max
+ :: ScEnv
+ -> CallEnv -- Info on newly-discovered calls to this function
+ -> RhsInfo
+ -> SpecInfo -- Original RHS plus patterns dealt with
+ -> UniqSM (ScUsage, SpecInfo) -- New specialised versions and their usage
+-- See Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
+-- Note: this only generates *specialised* bindings
+-- The original binding is added by ruleInfoBinds
+-- Note: the rhs here is the optimised version of the original rhs
+-- So when we make a specialised copy of the RHS, we're starting
+-- from an RHS whose nested functions have been optimised already.
+specialise env bind_calls (RI { ri_fn = fn, ri_lam_bndrs = arg_bndrs
+ , ri_lam_body = body, ri_arg_occs = arg_occs })
+ spec_info@(SI { si_specs = specs, si_n_specs = spec_count
+ , si_mb_unspec = mb_unspec })
+ | isBottomingId fn -- Note [Do not specialise diverging functions]
+ -- and do not generate specialisation seeds from its RHS
+ = -- pprTrace "specialise bot" (ppr fn) $
+ return (nullUsage, spec_info)
+ | isNeverActive (idInlineActivation fn) -- See Note [Transfer activation]
+ || null arg_bndrs -- Only specialise functions
+ = -- pprTrace "specialise inactive" (ppr fn) $
+ case mb_unspec of -- Behave as if there was a single, boring call
+ Just rhs_usg -> return (rhs_usg, spec_info { si_mb_unspec = Nothing })
+ -- See Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
+ Nothing -> return (nullUsage, spec_info)
+ | Just all_calls <- lookupVarEnv bind_calls fn
+ = -- pprTrace "specialise entry {" (ppr fn <+> ppr all_calls) $
+ do { (boring_call, new_pats) <- callsToNewPats env fn spec_info arg_occs all_calls
+ ; let n_pats = length new_pats
+-- ; if (not (null new_pats) || isJust mb_unspec) then
+-- pprTrace "specialise" (vcat [ ppr fn <+> text "with" <+> int n_pats <+> text "good patterns"
+-- , text "mb_unspec" <+> ppr (isJust mb_unspec)
+-- , text "arg_occs" <+> ppr arg_occs
+-- , text "good pats" <+> ppr new_pats]) $
+-- return ()
+-- else return ()
+ ; let spec_env = decreaseSpecCount env n_pats
+ ; (spec_usgs, new_specs) <- mapAndUnzipM (spec_one spec_env fn arg_bndrs body)
+ (new_pats `zip` [spec_count..])
+ -- See Note [Specialise original body]
+ ; let spec_usg = combineUsages spec_usgs
+ -- If there were any boring calls among the seeds (= all_calls), then those
+ -- calls will call the un-specialised function. So we should use the seeds
+ -- from the _unspecialised_ function's RHS, which are in mb_unspec, by returning
+ -- then in new_usg.
+ (new_usg, mb_unspec')
+ = case mb_unspec of
+ Just rhs_usg | boring_call -> (spec_usg `combineUsage` rhs_usg, Nothing)
+ _ -> (spec_usg, mb_unspec)
+-- ; pprTrace "specialise return }"
+-- (vcat [ ppr fn
+-- , text "boring_call:" <+> ppr boring_call
+-- , text "new calls:" <+> ppr (scu_calls new_usg)]) $
+-- return ()
+ ; return (new_usg, SI { si_specs = new_specs ++ specs
+ , si_n_specs = spec_count + n_pats
+ , si_mb_unspec = mb_unspec' }) }
+ | otherwise -- No new seeds, so return nullUsage
+ = return (nullUsage, spec_info)
+spec_one :: ScEnv
+ -> OutId -- Function
+ -> [InVar] -- Lambda-binders of RHS; should match patterns
+ -> InExpr -- Body of the original function
+ -> (CallPat, Int)
+ -> UniqSM (ScUsage, OneSpec) -- Rule and binding
+-- spec_one creates a specialised copy of the function, together
+-- with a rule for using it. I'm very proud of how short this
+-- function is, considering what it does :-).
+ Example
+ In-scope: a, x::a
+ f = /\b \y::[(a,b)] -> ....f (b,c) ((:) (a,(b,c)) (x,v) (h w))...
+ [c::*, v::(b,c) are presumably bound by the (...) part]
+ ==>
+ f_spec = /\ b c \ v::(b,c) hw::[(a,(b,c))] ->
+ (...entire body of f...) [b -> (b,c),
+ y -> ((:) (a,(b,c)) (x,v) hw)]
+ RULE: forall b::* c::*, -- Note, *not* forall a, x
+ v::(b,c),
+ hw::[(a,(b,c))] .
+ f (b,c) ((:) (a,(b,c)) (x,v) hw) = f_spec b c v hw
+spec_one env fn arg_bndrs body (call_pat@(qvars, pats), rule_number)
+ = do { spec_uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let spec_env = extendScSubstList (extendScInScope env qvars)
+ (arg_bndrs `zip` pats)
+ fn_name = idName fn
+ fn_loc = nameSrcSpan fn_name
+ fn_occ = nameOccName fn_name
+ spec_occ = mkSpecOcc fn_occ
+ -- We use fn_occ rather than fn in the rule_name string
+ -- as we don't want the uniq to end up in the rule, and
+ -- hence in the ABI, as that can cause spurious ABI
+ -- changes (#4012).
+ rule_name = mkFastString ("SC:" ++ occNameString fn_occ ++ show rule_number)
+ spec_name = mkInternalName spec_uniq spec_occ fn_loc
+-- ; pprTrace "{spec_one" (ppr (sc_count env) <+> ppr fn
+-- <+> ppr pats <+> text "-->" <+> ppr spec_name) $
+-- return ()
+ -- Specialise the body
+ ; (spec_usg, spec_body) <- scExpr spec_env body
+-- ; pprTrace "done spec_one}" (ppr fn) $
+-- return ()
+ -- And build the results
+ ; let (spec_lam_args, spec_call_args) = mkWorkerArgs (sc_dflags env)
+ qvars body_ty
+ -- Usual w/w hack to avoid generating
+ -- a spec_rhs of unlifted type and no args
+ spec_lam_args_str = handOutStrictnessInformation (fst (splitStrictSig spec_str)) spec_lam_args
+ -- Annotate the variables with the strictness information from
+ -- the function (see Note [Strictness information in worker binders])
+ spec_join_arity | isJoinId fn = Just (length spec_lam_args)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ spec_id = mkLocalId spec_name
+ (mkLamTypes spec_lam_args body_ty)
+ -- See Note [Transfer strictness]
+ `setIdStrictness` spec_str
+ `setIdCprInfo` topCprSig
+ `setIdArity` count isId spec_lam_args
+ `asJoinId_maybe` spec_join_arity
+ spec_str = calcSpecStrictness fn spec_lam_args pats
+ -- Conditionally use result of new worker-wrapper transform
+ spec_rhs = mkLams spec_lam_args_str spec_body
+ body_ty = exprType spec_body
+ rule_rhs = mkVarApps (Var spec_id) spec_call_args
+ inline_act = idInlineActivation fn
+ this_mod = sc_module spec_env
+ rule = mkRule this_mod True {- Auto -} True {- Local -}
+ rule_name inline_act fn_name qvars pats rule_rhs
+ -- See Note [Transfer activation]
+ ; return (spec_usg, OS { os_pat = call_pat, os_rule = rule
+ , os_id = spec_id
+ , os_rhs = spec_rhs }) }
+-- See Note [Strictness information in worker binders]
+handOutStrictnessInformation :: [Demand] -> [Var] -> [Var]
+handOutStrictnessInformation = go
+ where
+ go _ [] = []
+ go [] vs = vs
+ go (d:dmds) (v:vs) | isId v = setIdDemandInfo v d : go dmds vs
+ go dmds (v:vs) = v : go dmds vs
+calcSpecStrictness :: Id -- The original function
+ -> [Var] -> [CoreExpr] -- Call pattern
+ -> StrictSig -- Strictness of specialised thing
+-- See Note [Transfer strictness]
+calcSpecStrictness fn qvars pats
+ = mkClosedStrictSig spec_dmds topDiv
+ where
+ spec_dmds = [ lookupVarEnv dmd_env qv `orElse` topDmd | qv <- qvars, isId qv ]
+ StrictSig (DmdType _ dmds _) = idStrictness fn
+ dmd_env = go emptyVarEnv dmds pats
+ go :: DmdEnv -> [Demand] -> [CoreExpr] -> DmdEnv
+ go env ds (Type {} : pats) = go env ds pats
+ go env ds (Coercion {} : pats) = go env ds pats
+ go env (d:ds) (pat : pats) = go (go_one env d pat) ds pats
+ go env _ _ = env
+ go_one :: DmdEnv -> Demand -> CoreExpr -> DmdEnv
+ go_one env d (Var v) = extendVarEnv_C bothDmd env v d
+ go_one env d e
+ | Just ds <- splitProdDmd_maybe d -- NB: d does not have to be strict
+ , (Var _, args) <- collectArgs e = go env ds args
+ go_one env _ _ = env
+Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
+In calls to 'specialise', the returned ScUsage must include the rhs_usg in
+the passed-in SpecInfo, unless there are no calls at all to the function.
+The caller can, indeed must, assume this. He should not combine in rhs_usg
+himself, or he'll get rhs_usg twice -- and that can lead to an exponential
+blowup of duplicates in the CallEnv. This is what gave rise to the massive
+performance loss in #8852.
+Note [Specialise original body]
+The RhsInfo for a binding keeps the *original* body of the binding. We
+must specialise that, *not* the result of applying specExpr to the RHS
+(which is also kept in RhsInfo). Otherwise we end up specialising a
+specialised RHS, and that can lead directly to exponential behaviour.
+Note [Transfer activation]
+ This note is for SpecConstr, but exactly the same thing
+ happens in the overloading specialiser; see
+ Note [Auto-specialisation and RULES] in GHC.Core.Op.Specialise.
+In which phase should the specialise-constructor rules be active?
+Originally I made them always-active, but Manuel found that this
+defeated some clever user-written rules. Then I made them active only
+in Phase 0; after all, currently, the specConstr transformation is
+only run after the simplifier has reached Phase 0, but that meant
+that specialisations didn't fire inside wrappers; see test
+So now I just use the inline-activation of the parent Id, as the
+activation for the specialisation RULE, just like the main specialiser;
+This in turn means there is no point in specialising NOINLINE things,
+so we test for that.
+Note [Transfer strictness]
+We must transfer strictness information from the original function to
+the specialised one. Suppose, for example
+ f has strictness SS
+ and a RULE f (a:as) b = f_spec a as b
+Now we want f_spec to have strictness LLS, otherwise we'll use call-by-need
+when calling f_spec instead of call-by-value. And that can result in
+unbounded worsening in space (cf the classic foldl vs foldl')
+See #3437 for a good example.
+The function calcSpecStrictness performs the calculation.
+Note [Strictness information in worker binders]
+After having calculated the strictness annotation for the worker (see Note
+[Transfer strictness] above), we also want to have this information attached to
+the worker’s arguments, for the benefit of later passes. The function
+handOutStrictnessInformation decomposes the strictness annotation calculated by
+calcSpecStrictness and attaches them to the variables.
+* *
+\subsection{Argument analysis}
+* *
+This code deals with analysing call-site arguments to see whether
+they are constructor applications.
+Note [Free type variables of the qvar types]
+In a call (f @a x True), that we want to specialise, what variables should
+we quantify over. Clearly over 'a' and 'x', but what about any type variables
+free in x's type? In fact we don't need to worry about them because (f @a)
+can only be a well-typed application if its type is compatible with x, so any
+variables free in x's type must be free in (f @a), and hence either be gathered
+via 'a' itself, or be in scope at f's defn. Hence we just take
+ (exprsFreeVars pats).
+BUT phantom type synonyms can mess this reasoning up,
+ eg x::T b with type T b = Int
+So we apply expandTypeSynonyms to the bound Ids.
+See # 5458. Yuk.
+Note [SpecConstr call patterns]
+A "call patterns" that we collect is going to become the LHS of a RULE.
+It's important that it doesn't have
+ e |> Refl
+ e |> g1 |> g2
+because both of these will be optimised by Simplify.simplRule. In the
+former case such optimisation benign, because the rule will match more
+terms; but in the latter we may lose a binding of 'g1' or 'g2', and
+end up with a rule LHS that doesn't bind the template variables
+The simplifier eliminates such things, but SpecConstr itself constructs
+new terms by substituting. So the 'mkCast' in the Cast case of scExpr
+is very important!
+Note [Choosing patterns]
+If we get lots of patterns we may not want to make a specialisation
+for each of them (code bloat), so we choose as follows, implemented
+by trim_pats.
+* The flag -fspec-constr-count-N sets the sc_count field
+ of the ScEnv to (Just n). This limits the total number
+ of specialisations for a given function to N.
+* -fno-spec-constr-count sets the sc_count field to Nothing,
+ which switches of the limit.
+* The ghastly ForceSpecConstr trick also switches of the limit
+ for a particular function
+* Otherwise we sort the patterns to choose the most general
+ ones first; more general => more widely applicable.
+Note [SpecConstr and casts]
+Consider (#14270) a call like
+ let f = e
+ in ... f (K @(a |> co)) ...
+where 'co' is a coercion variable not in scope at f's definition site.
+If we aren't caereful we'll get
+ let $sf a co = e (K @(a |> co))
+ RULE "SC:f" forall a co. f (K @(a |> co)) = $sf a co
+ f = e
+ in ...
+But alas, when we match the call we won't bind 'co', because type-matching
+(for good reasons) discards casts).
+I don't know how to solve this, so for now I'm just discarding any
+call patterns that
+ * Mentions a coercion variable in a type argument
+ * That is not in scope at the binding of the function
+I think this is very rare.
+It is important (e.g. #14936) that this /only/ applies to
+coercions mentioned in casts. We don't want to be discombobulated
+by casts in terms! For example, consider
+ f ((e1,e2) |> sym co)
+where, say,
+ f :: Foo -> blah
+ co :: Foo ~R (Int,Int)
+Here we definitely do want to specialise for that pair! We do not
+match on the structure of the coercion; instead we just match on a
+coercion variable, so the RULE looks like
+ forall (x::Int, y::Int, co :: (Int,Int) ~R Foo)
+ f ((x,y) |> co) = $sf x y co
+Often the body of f looks like
+ f arg = ...(case arg |> co' of
+ (x,y) -> blah)...
+so that the specialised f will turn into
+ $sf x y co = let arg = (x,y) |> co
+ in ...(case arg>| co' of
+ (x,y) -> blah)....
+which will simplify to not use 'co' at all. But we can't guarantee
+that co will end up unused, so we still pass it. Absence analysis
+may remove it later.
+Note that this /also/ discards the call pattern if we have a cast in a
+/term/, although in fact Rules.match does make a very flaky and
+fragile attempt to match coercions. e.g. a call like
+ f (Maybe Age) (Nothing |> co) blah
+ where co :: Maybe Int ~ Maybe Age
+will be discarded. It's extremely fragile to match on the form of a
+coercion, so I think it's better just not to try. A more complicated
+alternative would be to discard calls that mention coercion variables
+only in kind-casts, but I'm doing the simple thing for now.
+type CallPat = ([Var], [CoreExpr]) -- Quantified variables and arguments
+ -- See Note [SpecConstr call patterns]
+callsToNewPats :: ScEnv -> Id
+ -> SpecInfo
+ -> [ArgOcc] -> [Call]
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, [CallPat])
+ -- Result has no duplicate patterns,
+ -- nor ones mentioned in done_pats
+ -- Bool indicates that there was at least one boring pattern
+callsToNewPats env fn spec_info@(SI { si_specs = done_specs }) bndr_occs calls
+ = do { mb_pats <- mapM (callToPats env bndr_occs) calls
+ ; let have_boring_call = any isNothing mb_pats
+ good_pats :: [CallPat]
+ good_pats = catMaybes mb_pats
+ -- Remove patterns we have already done
+ new_pats = filterOut is_done good_pats
+ is_done p = any (samePat p . os_pat) done_specs
+ -- Remove duplicates
+ non_dups = nubBy samePat new_pats
+ -- Remove ones that have too many worker variables
+ small_pats = filterOut too_big non_dups
+ too_big (vars,_) = not (isWorkerSmallEnough (sc_dflags env) vars)
+ -- We are about to construct w/w pair in 'spec_one'.
+ -- Omit specialisation leading to high arity workers.
+ -- See Note [Limit w/w arity] in GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.Lib
+ -- Discard specialisations if there are too many of them
+ trimmed_pats = trim_pats env fn spec_info small_pats
+-- ; pprTrace "callsToPats" (vcat [ text "calls to" <+> ppr fn <> colon <+> ppr calls
+-- , text "done_specs:" <+> ppr (map os_pat done_specs)
+-- , text "good_pats:" <+> ppr good_pats ]) $
+-- return ()
+ ; return (have_boring_call, trimmed_pats) }
+trim_pats :: ScEnv -> Id -> SpecInfo -> [CallPat] -> [CallPat]
+-- See Note [Choosing patterns]
+trim_pats env fn (SI { si_n_specs = done_spec_count }) pats
+ | sc_force env
+ || isNothing mb_scc
+ || n_remaining >= n_pats
+ = -- pprTrace "trim_pats: no-trim" (ppr (sc_force env) $$ ppr mb_scc $$ ppr n_remaining $$ ppr n_pats)
+ pats -- No need to trim
+ | otherwise
+ = emit_trace $ -- Need to trim, so keep the best ones
+ take n_remaining sorted_pats
+ where
+ n_pats = length pats
+ spec_count' = n_pats + done_spec_count
+ n_remaining = max_specs - done_spec_count
+ mb_scc = sc_count env
+ Just max_specs = mb_scc
+ sorted_pats = map fst $
+ sortBy (comparing snd) $
+ [(pat, pat_cons pat) | pat <- pats]
+ -- Sort in order of increasing number of constructors
+ -- (i.e. decreasing generality) and pick the initial
+ -- segment of this list
+ pat_cons :: CallPat -> Int
+ -- How many data constructors of literals are in
+ -- the pattern. More data-cons => less general
+ pat_cons (qs, ps) = foldr ((+) . n_cons) 0 ps
+ where
+ q_set = mkVarSet qs
+ n_cons (Var v) | v `elemVarSet` q_set = 0
+ | otherwise = 1
+ n_cons (Cast e _) = n_cons e
+ n_cons (App e1 e2) = n_cons e1 + n_cons e2
+ n_cons (Lit {}) = 1
+ n_cons _ = 0
+ emit_trace result
+ | debugIsOn || hasPprDebug (sc_dflags env)
+ -- Suppress this scary message for ordinary users! #5125
+ = pprTrace "SpecConstr" msg result
+ | otherwise
+ = result
+ msg = vcat [ sep [ text "Function" <+> quotes (ppr fn)
+ , nest 2 (text "has" <+>
+ speakNOf spec_count' (text "call pattern") <> comma <+>
+ text "but the limit is" <+> int max_specs) ]
+ , text "Use -fspec-constr-count=n to set the bound"
+ , text "done_spec_count =" <+> int done_spec_count
+ , text "Keeping " <+> int n_remaining <> text ", out of" <+> int n_pats
+ , text "Discarding:" <+> ppr (drop n_remaining sorted_pats) ]
+callToPats :: ScEnv -> [ArgOcc] -> Call -> UniqSM (Maybe CallPat)
+ -- The [Var] is the variables to quantify over in the rule
+ -- Type variables come first, since they may scope
+ -- over the following term variables
+ -- The [CoreExpr] are the argument patterns for the rule
+callToPats env bndr_occs call@(Call _ args con_env)
+ | args `ltLength` bndr_occs -- Check saturated
+ = return Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = do { let in_scope = substInScope (sc_subst env)
+ ; (interesting, pats) <- argsToPats env in_scope con_env args bndr_occs
+ ; let pat_fvs = exprsFreeVarsList pats
+ -- To get determinism we need the list of free variables in
+ -- deterministic order. Otherwise we end up creating
+ -- lambdas with different argument orders. See
+ -- determinism/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline-determ.hs
+ -- for an example. For explanation of determinism
+ -- considerations See Note [Unique Determinism] in Unique.
+ in_scope_vars = getInScopeVars in_scope
+ is_in_scope v = v `elemVarSet` in_scope_vars
+ qvars = filterOut is_in_scope pat_fvs
+ -- Quantify over variables that are not in scope
+ -- at the call site
+ -- See Note [Free type variables of the qvar types]
+ -- See Note [Shadowing] at the top
+ (ktvs, ids) = partition isTyVar qvars
+ qvars' = scopedSort ktvs ++ map sanitise ids
+ -- Order into kind variables, type variables, term variables
+ -- The kind of a type variable may mention a kind variable
+ -- and the type of a term variable may mention a type variable
+ sanitise id = id `setIdType` expandTypeSynonyms (idType id)
+ -- See Note [Free type variables of the qvar types]
+ -- Bad coercion variables: see Note [SpecConstr and casts]
+ bad_covars :: CoVarSet
+ bad_covars = mapUnionVarSet get_bad_covars pats
+ get_bad_covars :: CoreArg -> CoVarSet
+ get_bad_covars (Type ty)
+ = filterVarSet (\v -> isId v && not (is_in_scope v)) $
+ tyCoVarsOfType ty
+ get_bad_covars _
+ = emptyVarSet
+ ; -- pprTrace "callToPats" (ppr args $$ ppr bndr_occs) $
+ WARN( not (isEmptyVarSet bad_covars)
+ , text "SpecConstr: bad covars:" <+> ppr bad_covars
+ $$ ppr call )
+ if interesting && isEmptyVarSet bad_covars
+ then return (Just (qvars', pats))
+ else return Nothing }
+ -- argToPat takes an actual argument, and returns an abstracted
+ -- version, consisting of just the "constructor skeleton" of the
+ -- argument, with non-constructor sub-expression replaced by new
+ -- placeholder variables. For example:
+ -- C a (D (f x) (g y)) ==> C p1 (D p2 p3)
+argToPat :: ScEnv
+ -> InScopeSet -- What's in scope at the fn defn site
+ -> ValueEnv -- ValueEnv at the call site
+ -> CoreArg -- A call arg (or component thereof)
+ -> ArgOcc
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, CoreArg)
+-- Returns (interesting, pat),
+-- where pat is the pattern derived from the argument
+-- interesting=True if the pattern is non-trivial (not a variable or type)
+-- E.g. x:xs --> (True, x:xs)
+-- f xs --> (False, w) where w is a fresh wildcard
+-- (f xs, 'c') --> (True, (w, 'c')) where w is a fresh wildcard
+-- \x. x+y --> (True, \x. x+y)
+-- lvl7 --> (True, lvl7) if lvl7 is bound
+-- somewhere further out
+argToPat _env _in_scope _val_env arg@(Type {}) _arg_occ
+ = return (False, arg)
+argToPat env in_scope val_env (Tick _ arg) arg_occ
+ = argToPat env in_scope val_env arg arg_occ
+ -- Note [Notes in call patterns]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- Ignore Notes. In particular, we want to ignore any InlineMe notes
+ -- Perhaps we should not ignore profiling notes, but I'm going to
+ -- ride roughshod over them all for now.
+ --- See Note [Notes in RULE matching] in GHC.Core.Rules
+argToPat env in_scope val_env (Let _ arg) arg_occ
+ = argToPat env in_scope val_env arg arg_occ
+ -- See Note [Matching lets] in Rule.hs
+ -- Look through let expressions
+ -- e.g. f (let v = rhs in (v,w))
+ -- Here we can specialise for f (v,w)
+ -- because the rule-matcher will look through the let.
+{- Disabled; see Note [Matching cases] in Rule.hs
+argToPat env in_scope val_env (Case scrut _ _ [(_, _, rhs)]) arg_occ
+ | exprOkForSpeculation scrut -- See Note [Matching cases] in Rule.hhs
+ = argToPat env in_scope val_env rhs arg_occ
+argToPat env in_scope val_env (Cast arg co) arg_occ
+ | not (ignoreType env ty2)
+ = do { (interesting, arg') <- argToPat env in_scope val_env arg arg_occ
+ ; if not interesting then
+ wildCardPat ty2
+ else do
+ { -- Make a wild-card pattern for the coercion
+ uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let co_name = mkSysTvName uniq (fsLit "sg")
+ co_var = mkCoVar co_name (mkCoercionType Representational ty1 ty2)
+ ; return (interesting, Cast arg' (mkCoVarCo co_var)) } }
+ where
+ Pair ty1 ty2 = coercionKind co
+{- Disabling lambda specialisation for now
+ It's fragile, and the spec_loop can be infinite
+argToPat in_scope val_env arg arg_occ
+ | is_value_lam arg
+ = return (True, arg)
+ where
+ is_value_lam (Lam v e) -- Spot a value lambda, even if
+ | isId v = True -- it is inside a type lambda
+ | otherwise = is_value_lam e
+ is_value_lam other = False
+ -- Check for a constructor application
+ -- NB: this *precedes* the Var case, so that we catch nullary constrs
+argToPat env in_scope val_env arg arg_occ
+ | Just (ConVal (DataAlt dc) args) <- isValue val_env arg
+ , not (ignoreDataCon env dc) -- See Note [NoSpecConstr]
+ , Just arg_occs <- mb_scrut dc
+ = do { let (ty_args, rest_args) = splitAtList (dataConUnivTyVars dc) args
+ ; (_, args') <- argsToPats env in_scope val_env rest_args arg_occs
+ ; return (True,
+ mkConApp dc (ty_args ++ args')) }
+ where
+ mb_scrut dc = case arg_occ of
+ ScrutOcc bs | Just occs <- lookupUFM bs dc
+ -> Just (occs) -- See Note [Reboxing]
+ _other | sc_force env || sc_keen env
+ -> Just (repeat UnkOcc)
+ | otherwise
+ -> Nothing
+ -- Check if the argument is a variable that
+ -- (a) is used in an interesting way in the function body
+ -- (b) we know what its value is
+ -- In that case it counts as "interesting"
+argToPat env in_scope val_env (Var v) arg_occ
+ | sc_force env || case arg_occ of { UnkOcc -> False; _other -> True }, -- (a)
+ is_value, -- (b)
+ -- Ignoring sc_keen here to avoid gratuitously incurring Note [Reboxing]
+ -- So sc_keen focused just on f (I# x), where we have freshly-allocated
+ -- box that we can eliminate in the caller
+ not (ignoreType env (varType v))
+ = return (True, Var v)
+ where
+ is_value
+ | isLocalId v = v `elemInScopeSet` in_scope
+ && isJust (lookupVarEnv val_env v)
+ -- Local variables have values in val_env
+ | otherwise = isValueUnfolding (idUnfolding v)
+ -- Imports have unfoldings
+-- I'm really not sure what this comment means
+-- And by not wild-carding we tend to get forall'd
+-- variables that are in scope, which in turn can
+-- expose the weakness in let-matching
+-- See Note [Matching lets] in GHC.Core.Rules
+ -- Check for a variable bound inside the function.
+ -- Don't make a wild-card, because we may usefully share
+ -- e.g. f a = let x = ... in f (x,x)
+ -- NB: this case follows the lambda and con-app cases!!
+-- argToPat _in_scope _val_env (Var v) _arg_occ
+-- = return (False, Var v)
+ -- SLPJ : disabling this to avoid proliferation of versions
+ -- also works badly when thinking about seeding the loop
+ -- from the body of the let
+ -- f x y = letrec g z = ... in g (x,y)
+ -- We don't want to specialise for that *particular* x,y
+ -- The default case: make a wild-card
+ -- We use this for coercions too
+argToPat _env _in_scope _val_env arg _arg_occ
+ = wildCardPat (exprType arg)
+wildCardPat :: Type -> UniqSM (Bool, CoreArg)
+wildCardPat ty
+ = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let id = mkSysLocalOrCoVar (fsLit "sc") uniq ty
+ ; return (False, varToCoreExpr id) }
+argsToPats :: ScEnv -> InScopeSet -> ValueEnv
+ -> [CoreArg] -> [ArgOcc] -- Should be same length
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, [CoreArg])
+argsToPats env in_scope val_env args occs
+ = do { stuff <- zipWithM (argToPat env in_scope val_env) args occs
+ ; let (interesting_s, args') = unzip stuff
+ ; return (or interesting_s, args') }
+isValue :: ValueEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe Value
+isValue _env (Lit lit)
+ | litIsLifted lit = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (ConVal (LitAlt lit) [])
+isValue env (Var v)
+ | Just cval <- lookupVarEnv env v
+ = Just cval -- You might think we could look in the idUnfolding here
+ -- but that doesn't take account of which branch of a
+ -- case we are in, which is the whole point
+ | not (isLocalId v) && isCheapUnfolding unf
+ = isValue env (unfoldingTemplate unf)
+ where
+ unf = idUnfolding v
+ -- However we do want to consult the unfolding
+ -- as well, for let-bound constructors!
+isValue env (Lam b e)
+ | isTyVar b = case isValue env e of
+ Just _ -> Just LambdaVal
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just LambdaVal
+isValue env (Tick t e)
+ | not (tickishIsCode t)
+ = isValue env e
+isValue _env expr -- Maybe it's a constructor application
+ | (Var fun, args, _) <- collectArgsTicks (not . tickishIsCode) expr
+ = case isDataConWorkId_maybe fun of
+ Just con | args `lengthAtLeast` dataConRepArity con
+ -- Check saturated; might be > because the
+ -- arity excludes type args
+ -> Just (ConVal (DataAlt con) args)
+ _other | valArgCount args < idArity fun
+ -- Under-applied function
+ -> Just LambdaVal -- Partial application
+ _other -> Nothing
+isValue _env _expr = Nothing
+valueIsWorkFree :: Value -> Bool
+valueIsWorkFree LambdaVal = True
+valueIsWorkFree (ConVal _ args) = all exprIsWorkFree args
+samePat :: CallPat -> CallPat -> Bool
+samePat (vs1, as1) (vs2, as2)
+ = all2 same as1 as2
+ where
+ same (Var v1) (Var v2)
+ | v1 `elem` vs1 = v2 `elem` vs2
+ | v2 `elem` vs2 = False
+ | otherwise = v1 == v2
+ same (Lit l1) (Lit l2) = l1==l2
+ same (App f1 a1) (App f2 a2) = same f1 f2 && same a1 a2
+ same (Type {}) (Type {}) = True -- Note [Ignore type differences]
+ same (Coercion {}) (Coercion {}) = True
+ same (Tick _ e1) e2 = same e1 e2 -- Ignore casts and notes
+ same (Cast e1 _) e2 = same e1 e2
+ same e1 (Tick _ e2) = same e1 e2
+ same e1 (Cast e2 _) = same e1 e2
+ same e1 e2 = WARN( bad e1 || bad e2, ppr e1 $$ ppr e2)
+ False -- Let, lambda, case should not occur
+ bad (Case {}) = True
+ bad (Let {}) = True
+ bad (Lam {}) = True
+ bad _other = False
+Note [Ignore type differences]
+We do not want to generate specialisations where the call patterns
+differ only in their type arguments! Not only is it utterly useless,
+but it also means that (with polymorphic recursion) we can generate
+an infinite number of specialisations. Example is Data.Sequence.adjustTree,
+I think.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Specialise.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Specialise.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..250a0f7313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Specialise.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2720 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[Specialise]{Stamping out overloading, and (optionally) polymorphism}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.Specialise ( specProgram, specUnfolding ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import Id
+import TcType hiding( substTy )
+import GHC.Core.Type hiding( substTy, extendTvSubstList )
+import GHC.Core.Predicate
+import Module( Module, HasModule(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion( Coercion )
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad
+import qualified GHC.Core.Subst
+import GHC.Core.Unfold
+import Var ( isLocalVar )
+import VarSet
+import VarEnv
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Rules
+import GHC.Core.SimpleOpt ( collectBindersPushingCo )
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprIsTrivial, mkCast, exprType )
+import GHC.Core.FVs
+import GHC.Core.Arity ( etaExpandToJoinPointRule )
+import UniqSupply
+import Name
+import MkId ( voidArgId, voidPrimId )
+import Maybes ( mapMaybe, isJust )
+import MonadUtils ( foldlM )
+import BasicTypes
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import Bag
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import State
+import UniqDFM
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep (TyCoBinder (..))
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as MonadFail
+* *
+\subsection[notes-Specialise]{Implementation notes [SLPJ, Aug 18 1993]}
+* *
+These notes describe how we implement specialisation to eliminate
+The specialisation pass works on Core
+syntax, complete with all the explicit dictionary application,
+abstraction and construction as added by the type checker. The
+existing type checker remains largely as it is.
+One important thought: the {\em types} passed to an overloaded
+function, and the {\em dictionaries} passed are mutually redundant.
+If the same function is applied to the same type(s) then it is sure to
+be applied to the same dictionary(s)---or rather to the same {\em
+values}. (The arguments might look different but they will evaluate
+to the same value.)
+Second important thought: we know that we can make progress by
+treating dictionary arguments as static and worth specialising on. So
+we can do without binding-time analysis, and instead specialise on
+dictionary arguments and no others.
+The basic idea
+Suppose we have
+ let f = <f_rhs>
+ in <body>
+and suppose f is overloaded.
+We traverse <body>, accumulating all applications of f to types and
+(Might there be partial applications, to just some of its types and
+dictionaries? In principle yes, but in practice the type checker only
+builds applications of f to all its types and dictionaries, so partial
+applications could only arise as a result of transformation, and even
+then I think it's unlikely. In any case, we simply don't accumulate such
+partial applications.)
+So now we have a collection of calls to f:
+ f t1 t2 d1 d2
+ f t3 t4 d3 d4
+ ...
+Notice that f may take several type arguments. To avoid ambiguity, we
+say that f is called at type t1/t2 and t3/t4.
+We take equivalence classes using equality of the *types* (ignoring
+the dictionary args, which as mentioned previously are redundant).
+For each equivalence class, choose a representative (f t1 t2 d1 d2),
+and create a local instance of f, defined thus:
+ f@t1/t2 = <f_rhs> t1 t2 d1 d2
+f_rhs presumably has some big lambdas and dictionary lambdas, so lots
+of simplification will now result. However we don't actually *do* that
+simplification. Rather, we leave it for the simplifier to do. If we
+*did* do it, though, we'd get more call instances from the specialised
+RHS. We can work out what they are by instantiating the call-instance
+set from f's RHS with the types t1, t2.
+Add this new id to f's IdInfo, to record that f has a specialised version.
+Before doing any of this, check that f's IdInfo doesn't already
+tell us about an existing instance of f at the required type/s.
+(This might happen if specialisation was applied more than once, or
+it might arise from user SPECIALIZE pragmas.)
+Wait a minute! What if f is recursive? Then we can't just plug in
+its right-hand side, can we?
+But it's ok. The type checker *always* creates non-recursive definitions
+for overloaded recursive functions. For example:
+ f x = f (x+x) -- Yes I know its silly
+ f a (d::Num a) = let p = +.sel a d
+ in
+ letrec fl (y::a) = fl (p y y)
+ in
+ fl
+We still have recursion for non-overloaded functions which we
+specialise, but the recursive call should get specialised to the
+same recursive version.
+Polymorphism 1
+All this is crystal clear when the function is applied to *constant
+types*; that is, types which have no type variables inside. But what if
+it is applied to non-constant types? Suppose we find a call of f at type
+t1/t2. There are two possibilities:
+(a) The free type variables of t1, t2 are in scope at the definition point
+of f. In this case there's no problem, we proceed just as before. A common
+example is as follows. Here's the Haskell:
+ g y = let f x = x+x
+ in f y + f y
+After typechecking we have
+ g a (d::Num a) (y::a) = let f b (d'::Num b) (x::b) = +.sel b d' x x
+ in +.sel a d (f a d y) (f a d y)
+Notice that the call to f is at type type "a"; a non-constant type.
+Both calls to f are at the same type, so we can specialise to give:
+ g a (d::Num a) (y::a) = let f@a (x::a) = +.sel a d x x
+ in +.sel a d (f@a y) (f@a y)
+(b) The other case is when the type variables in the instance types
+are *not* in scope at the definition point of f. The example we are
+working with above is a good case. There are two instances of (+.sel a d),
+but "a" is not in scope at the definition of +.sel. Can we do anything?
+Yes, we can "common them up", a sort of limited common sub-expression deal.
+This would give:
+ g a (d::Num a) (y::a) = let +.sel@a = +.sel a d
+ f@a (x::a) = +.sel@a x x
+ in +.sel@a (f@a y) (f@a y)
+This can save work, and can't be spotted by the type checker, because
+the two instances of +.sel weren't originally at the same type.
+Further notes on (b)
+* There are quite a few variations here. For example, the defn of
+ +.sel could be floated outside the \y, to attempt to gain laziness.
+ It certainly mustn't be floated outside the \d because the d has to
+ be in scope too.
+* We don't want to inline f_rhs in this case, because
+that will duplicate code. Just commoning up the call is the point.
+* Nothing gets added to +.sel's IdInfo.
+* Don't bother unless the equivalence class has more than one item!
+Not clear whether this is all worth it. It is of course OK to
+simply discard call-instances when passing a big lambda.
+Polymorphism 2 -- Overloading
+Consider a function whose most general type is
+ f :: forall a b. Ord a => [a] -> b -> b
+There is really no point in making a version of g at Int/Int and another
+at Int/Bool, because it's only instantiating the type variable "a" which
+buys us any efficiency. Since g is completely polymorphic in b there
+ain't much point in making separate versions of g for the different
+b types.
+That suggests that we should identify which of g's type variables
+are constrained (like "a") and which are unconstrained (like "b").
+Then when taking equivalence classes in STEP 2, we ignore the type args
+corresponding to unconstrained type variable. In STEP 3 we make
+polymorphic versions. Thus:
+ f@t1/ = /\b -> <f_rhs> t1 b d1 d2
+We do this.
+Dictionary floating
+Consider this
+ f a (d::Num a) = let g = ...
+ in
+ ...(let d1::Ord a = Num.Ord.sel a d in g a d1)...
+Here, g is only called at one type, but the dictionary isn't in scope at the
+definition point for g. Usually the type checker would build a
+definition for d1 which enclosed g, but the transformation system
+might have moved d1's defn inward. Solution: float dictionary bindings
+outwards along with call instances.
+ f x = let g p q = p==q
+ h r s = (r+s, g r s)
+ in
+ h x x
+Before specialisation, leaving out type abstractions we have
+ f df x = let g :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
+ g dg p q = == dg p q
+ h :: Num a => a -> a -> (a, Bool)
+ h dh r s = let deq = eqFromNum dh
+ in (+ dh r s, g deq r s)
+ in
+ h df x x
+After specialising h we get a specialised version of h, like this:
+ h' r s = let deq = eqFromNum df
+ in (+ df r s, g deq r s)
+But we can't naively make an instance for g from this, because deq is not in scope
+at the defn of g. Instead, we have to float out the (new) defn of deq
+to widen its scope. Notice that this floating can't be done in advance -- it only
+shows up when specialisation is done.
+User SPECIALIZE pragmas
+Specialisation pragmas can be digested by the type checker, and implemented
+by adding extra definitions along with that of f, in the same way as before
+ f@t1/t2 = <f_rhs> t1 t2 d1 d2
+Indeed the pragmas *have* to be dealt with by the type checker, because
+only it knows how to build the dictionaries d1 and d2! For example
+ g :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+ {-# SPECIALIZE f :: [Tree Int] -> [Tree Int] #-}
+Here, the specialised version of g is an application of g's rhs to the
+Ord dictionary for (Tree Int), which only the type checker can conjure
+up. There might not even *be* one, if (Tree Int) is not an instance of
+Ord! (All the other specialision has suitable dictionaries to hand
+from actual calls.)
+Problem. The type checker doesn't have to hand a convenient <f_rhs>, because
+it is buried in a complex (as-yet-un-desugared) binding group.
+Maybe we should say
+ f@t1/t2 = f* t1 t2 d1 d2
+where f* is the Id f with an IdInfo which says "inline me regardless!".
+Indeed all the specialisation could be done in this way.
+That in turn means that the simplifier has to be prepared to inline absolutely
+any in-scope let-bound thing.
+Again, the pragma should permit polymorphism in unconstrained variables:
+ h :: Ord a => [a] -> b -> b
+ {-# SPECIALIZE h :: [Int] -> b -> b #-}
+We *insist* that all overloaded type variables are specialised to ground types,
+(and hence there can be no context inside a SPECIALIZE pragma).
+We *permit* unconstrained type variables to be specialised to
+ - a ground type
+ - or left as a polymorphic type variable
+but nothing in between. So
+ {-# SPECIALIZE h :: [Int] -> [c] -> [c] #-}
+is *illegal*. (It can be handled, but it adds complication, and gains the
+programmer nothing.)
+ instance Foo a => Foo [a] where
+ ...
+ {-# SPECIALIZE instance Foo [Int] #-}
+The original instance decl creates a dictionary-function
+ dfun.Foo.List :: forall a. Foo a -> Foo [a]
+The SPECIALIZE pragma just makes a specialised copy, just as for
+ordinary function definitions:
+ dfun.Foo.List@Int :: Foo [Int]
+ dfun.Foo.List@Int = dfun.Foo.List Int dFooInt
+The information about what instance of the dfun exist gets added to
+the dfun's IdInfo in the same way as a user-defined function too.
+Automatic instance decl specialisation?
+Can instance decls be specialised automatically? It's tricky.
+We could collect call-instance information for each dfun, but
+then when we specialised their bodies we'd get new call-instances
+for ordinary functions; and when we specialised their bodies, we might get
+new call-instances of the dfuns, and so on. This all arises because of
+the unrestricted mutual recursion between instance decls and value decls.
+Still, there's no actual problem; it just means that we may not do all
+the specialisation we could theoretically do.
+Furthermore, instance decls are usually exported and used non-locally,
+so we'll want to compile enough to get those specialisations done.
+Lastly, there's no such thing as a local instance decl, so we can
+survive solely by spitting out *usage* information, and then reading that
+back in as a pragma when next compiling the file. So for now,
+we only specialise instance decls in response to pragmas.
+To spit out usage information we need to traverse the code collecting
+call-instance information for all imported (non-prelude?) functions
+and data types. Then we equivalence-class it and spit it out.
+This is done at the top-level when all the call instances which escape
+must be for imported functions and data types.
+*** Not currently done ***
+Partial specialisation by pragmas
+What about partial specialisation:
+ k :: (Ord a, Eq b) => [a] -> b -> b -> [a]
+ {-# SPECIALIZE k :: Eq b => [Int] -> b -> b -> [a] #-}
+or even
+ {-# SPECIALIZE k :: Eq b => [Int] -> [b] -> [b] -> [a] #-}
+Seems quite reasonable. Similar things could be done with instance decls:
+ instance (Foo a, Foo b) => Foo (a,b) where
+ ...
+ {-# SPECIALIZE instance Foo a => Foo (a,Int) #-}
+ {-# SPECIALIZE instance Foo b => Foo (Int,b) #-}
+Ho hum. Things are complex enough without this. I pass.
+Requirements for the simplifier
+The simplifier has to be able to take advantage of the specialisation.
+* When the simplifier finds an application of a polymorphic f, it looks in
+f's IdInfo in case there is a suitable instance to call instead. This converts
+ f t1 t2 d1 d2 ===> f_t1_t2
+Note that the dictionaries get eaten up too!
+* Dictionary selection operations on constant dictionaries must be
+ short-circuited:
+ +.sel Int d ===> +Int
+The obvious way to do this is in the same way as other specialised
+calls: +.sel has inside it some IdInfo which tells that if it's applied
+to the type Int then it should eat a dictionary and transform to +Int.
+In short, dictionary selectors need IdInfo inside them for constant
+* Exactly the same applies if a superclass dictionary is being
+ extracted:
+ Eq.sel Int d ===> dEqInt
+* Something similar applies to dictionary construction too. Suppose
+dfun.Eq.List is the function taking a dictionary for (Eq a) to
+one for (Eq [a]). Then we want
+ dfun.Eq.List Int d ===> dEq.List_Int
+Where does the Eq [Int] dictionary come from? It is built in
+response to a SPECIALIZE pragma on the Eq [a] instance decl.
+In short, dfun Ids need IdInfo with a specialisation for each
+constant instance of their instance declaration.
+All this uses a single mechanism: the SpecEnv inside an Id
+What does the specialisation IdInfo look like?
+The SpecEnv of an Id maps a list of types (the template) to an expression
+ [Type] |-> Expr
+For example, if f has this RuleInfo:
+ [Int, a] -> \d:Ord Int. f' a
+it means that we can replace the call
+ f Int t ===> (\d. f' t)
+This chucks one dictionary away and proceeds with the
+specialised version of f, namely f'.
+What can't be done this way?
+There is no way, post-typechecker, to get a dictionary for (say)
+Eq a from a dictionary for Eq [a]. So if we find
+ ==.sel [t] d
+we can't transform to
+ eqList (==.sel t d')
+ eqList :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+Of course, we currently have no way to automatically derive
+eqList, nor to connect it to the Eq [a] instance decl, but you
+can imagine that it might somehow be possible. Taking advantage
+of this is permanently ruled out.
+Still, this is no great hardship, because we intend to eliminate
+overloading altogether anyway!
+A note about non-tyvar dictionaries
+Some Ids have types like
+ forall a,b,c. Eq a -> Ord [a] -> tau
+This seems curious at first, because we usually only have dictionary
+args whose types are of the form (C a) where a is a type variable.
+But this doesn't hold for the functions arising from instance decls,
+which sometimes get arguments with types of form (C (T a)) for some
+type constructor T.
+Should we specialise wrt this compound-type dictionary? We used to say
+"no", saying:
+ "This is a heuristic judgement, as indeed is the fact that we
+ specialise wrt only dictionaries. We choose *not* to specialise
+ wrt compound dictionaries because at the moment the only place
+ they show up is in instance decls, where they are simply plugged
+ into a returned dictionary. So nothing is gained by specialising
+ wrt them."
+But it is simpler and more uniform to specialise wrt these dicts too;
+and in future GHC is likely to support full fledged type signatures
+ f :: Eq [(a,b)] => ...
+* *
+\subsubsection{The new specialiser}
+* *
+Our basic game plan is this. For let(rec) bound function
+ f :: (C a, D c) => (a,b,c,d) -> Bool
+* Find any specialised calls of f, (f ts ds), where
+ ts are the type arguments t1 .. t4, and
+ ds are the dictionary arguments d1 .. d2.
+* Add a new definition for f1 (say):
+ f1 = /\ b d -> (..body of f..) t1 b t3 d d1 d2
+ Note that we abstract over the unconstrained type arguments.
+* Add the mapping
+ [t1,b,t3,d] |-> \d1 d2 -> f1 b d
+ to the specialisations of f. This will be used by the
+ simplifier to replace calls
+ (f t1 t2 t3 t4) da db
+ by
+ (\d1 d1 -> f1 t2 t4) da db
+ All the stuff about how many dictionaries to discard, and what types
+ to apply the specialised function to, are handled by the fact that the
+ SpecEnv contains a template for the result of the specialisation.
+We don't build *partial* specialisations for f. For example:
+ f :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
+ {-# SPECIALISE f :: (Eq b, Eq c) => (b,c) -> (b,c) -> Bool #-}
+Here, little is gained by making a specialised copy of f.
+There's a distinct danger that the specialised version would
+first build a dictionary for (Eq b, Eq c), and then select the (==)
+method from it! Even if it didn't, not a great deal is saved.
+We do, however, generate polymorphic, but not overloaded, specialisations:
+ f :: Eq a => [a] -> b -> b -> b
+ ... SPECIALISE f :: [Int] -> b -> b -> b ...
+Hence, the invariant is this:
+ *** no specialised version is overloaded ***
+* *
+\subsubsection{The exported function}
+* *
+-- | Specialise calls to type-class overloaded functions occurring in a program.
+specProgram :: ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
+specProgram guts@(ModGuts { mg_module = this_mod
+ , mg_rules = local_rules
+ , mg_binds = binds })
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Specialise the bindings of this module
+ ; (binds', uds) <- runSpecM dflags this_mod (go binds)
+ -- Specialise imported functions
+ ; hpt_rules <- getRuleBase
+ ; let rule_base = extendRuleBaseList hpt_rules local_rules
+ ; (new_rules, spec_binds) <- specImports dflags this_mod top_env emptyVarSet
+ [] rule_base uds
+ ; let final_binds
+ | null spec_binds = binds'
+ | otherwise = Rec (flattenBinds spec_binds) : binds'
+ -- Note [Glom the bindings if imported functions are specialised]
+ ; return (guts { mg_binds = final_binds
+ , mg_rules = new_rules ++ local_rules }) }
+ where
+ -- We need to start with a Subst that knows all the things
+ -- that are in scope, so that the substitution engine doesn't
+ -- accidentally re-use a unique that's already in use
+ -- Easiest thing is to do it all at once, as if all the top-level
+ -- decls were mutually recursive
+ top_env = SE { se_subst = GHC.Core.Subst.mkEmptySubst $ mkInScopeSet $ mkVarSet $
+ bindersOfBinds binds
+ , se_interesting = emptyVarSet }
+ go [] = return ([], emptyUDs)
+ go (bind:binds) = do (binds', uds) <- go binds
+ (bind', uds') <- specBind top_env bind uds
+ return (bind' ++ binds', uds')
+Note [Wrap bindings returned by specImports]
+'specImports' returns a set of specialized bindings. However, these are lacking
+necessary floated dictionary bindings, which are returned by
+UsageDetails(ud_binds). These dictionaries need to be brought into scope with
+'wrapDictBinds' before the bindings returned by 'specImports' can be used. See,
+for instance, the 'specImports' call in 'specProgram'.
+Note [Disabling cross-module specialisation]
+Since GHC 7.10 we have performed specialisation of INLINABLE bindings living
+in modules outside of the current module. This can sometimes uncover user code
+which explodes in size when aggressively optimized. The
+-fno-cross-module-specialise option was introduced to allow users to being
+bitten by such instances to revert to the pre-7.10 behavior.
+See #10491
+-- | An argument that we might want to specialise.
+-- See Note [Specialising Calls] for the nitty gritty details.
+data SpecArg
+ =
+ -- | Type arguments that should be specialised, due to appearing
+ -- free in the type of a 'SpecDict'.
+ SpecType Type
+ -- | Type arguments that should remain polymorphic.
+ | UnspecType
+ -- | Dictionaries that should be specialised.
+ | SpecDict DictExpr
+ -- | Value arguments that should not be specialised.
+ | UnspecArg
+instance Outputable SpecArg where
+ ppr (SpecType t) = text "SpecType" <+> ppr t
+ ppr UnspecType = text "UnspecType"
+ ppr (SpecDict d) = text "SpecDict" <+> ppr d
+ ppr UnspecArg = text "UnspecArg"
+getSpecDicts :: [SpecArg] -> [DictExpr]
+getSpecDicts = mapMaybe go
+ where
+ go (SpecDict d) = Just d
+ go _ = Nothing
+getSpecTypes :: [SpecArg] -> [Type]
+getSpecTypes = mapMaybe go
+ where
+ go (SpecType t) = Just t
+ go _ = Nothing
+isUnspecArg :: SpecArg -> Bool
+isUnspecArg UnspecArg = True
+isUnspecArg UnspecType = True
+isUnspecArg _ = False
+isValueArg :: SpecArg -> Bool
+isValueArg UnspecArg = True
+isValueArg (SpecDict _) = True
+isValueArg _ = False
+-- | Given binders from an original function 'f', and the 'SpecArg's
+-- corresponding to its usage, compute everything necessary to build
+-- a specialisation.
+-- We will use a running example. Consider the function
+-- foo :: forall a b. Eq a => Int -> blah
+-- foo @a @b dEqA i = blah
+-- which is called with the 'CallInfo'
+-- [SpecType T1, UnspecType, SpecDict dEqT1, UnspecArg]
+-- We'd eventually like to build the RULE
+-- RULE "SPEC foo @T1 _"
+-- forall @a @b (dEqA' :: Eq a).
+-- foo @T1 @b dEqA' = $sfoo @b
+-- and the specialisation '$sfoo'
+-- $sfoo :: forall b. Int -> blah
+-- $sfoo @b = \i -> SUBST[a->T1, dEqA->dEqA'] blah
+-- The cases for 'specHeader' below are presented in the same order as this
+-- running example. The result of 'specHeader' for this example is as follows:
+-- ( -- Returned arguments
+-- env + [a -> T1, deqA -> dEqA']
+-- , []
+-- -- RULE helpers
+-- , [b, dx', i]
+-- , [T1, b, dx', i]
+-- -- Specialised function helpers
+-- , [b, i]
+-- , [dx]
+-- , [T1, b, dx_spec, i]
+-- )
+ :: SpecEnv
+ -> [CoreBndr] -- The binders from the original function 'f'
+ -> [SpecArg] -- From the CallInfo
+ -> SpecM ( -- Returned arguments
+ SpecEnv -- Substitution to apply to the body of 'f'
+ , [CoreBndr] -- All the remaining unspecialised args from the original function 'f'
+ -- RULE helpers
+ , [CoreBndr] -- Binders for the RULE
+ , [CoreArg] -- Args for the LHS of the rule
+ -- Specialised function helpers
+ , [CoreBndr] -- Binders for $sf
+ , [DictBind] -- Auxiliary dictionary bindings
+ , [CoreExpr] -- Specialised arguments for unfolding
+ )
+-- We want to specialise on type 'T1', and so we must construct a substitution
+-- 'a->T1', as well as a LHS argument for the resulting RULE and unfolding
+-- details.
+specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (SpecType t : args)
+ = do { let env' = extendTvSubstList env [(bndr, t)]
+ ; (env'', unused_bndrs, rule_bs, rule_es, bs', dx, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader env' bndrs args
+ ; pure ( env''
+ , unused_bndrs
+ , rule_bs
+ , Type t : rule_es
+ , bs'
+ , dx
+ , Type t : spec_args
+ )
+ }
+-- Next we have a type that we don't want to specialise. We need to perform
+-- a substitution on it (in case the type refers to 'a'). Additionally, we need
+-- to produce a binder, LHS argument and RHS argument for the resulting rule,
+-- /and/ a binder for the specialised body.
+specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (UnspecType : args)
+ = do { let (env', bndr') = substBndr env bndr
+ ; (env'', unused_bndrs, rule_bs, rule_es, bs', dx, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader env' bndrs args
+ ; pure ( env''
+ , unused_bndrs
+ , bndr' : rule_bs
+ , varToCoreExpr bndr' : rule_es
+ , bndr' : bs'
+ , dx
+ , varToCoreExpr bndr' : spec_args
+ )
+ }
+-- Next we want to specialise the 'Eq a' dict away. We need to construct
+-- a wildcard binder to match the dictionary (See Note [Specialising Calls] for
+-- the nitty-gritty), as a LHS rule and unfolding details.
+specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (SpecDict d : args)
+ = do { inst_dict_id <- newDictBndr env bndr
+ ; let (rhs_env2, dx_binds, spec_dict_args')
+ = bindAuxiliaryDicts env [bndr] [d] [inst_dict_id]
+ ; (env', unused_bndrs, rule_bs, rule_es, bs', dx, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader rhs_env2 bndrs args
+ ; pure ( env'
+ , unused_bndrs
+ -- See Note [Evidence foralls]
+ , exprFreeIdsList (varToCoreExpr inst_dict_id) ++ rule_bs
+ , varToCoreExpr inst_dict_id : rule_es
+ , bs'
+ , dx_binds ++ dx
+ , spec_dict_args' ++ spec_args
+ )
+ }
+-- Finally, we have the unspecialised argument 'i'. We need to produce
+-- a binder, LHS and RHS argument for the RULE, and a binder for the
+-- specialised body.
+-- NB: Calls to 'specHeader' will trim off any trailing 'UnspecArg's, which is
+-- why 'i' doesn't appear in our RULE above. But we have no guarantee that
+-- there aren't 'UnspecArg's which come /before/ all of the dictionaries, so
+-- this case must be here.
+specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (UnspecArg : args)
+ = do { let (env', bndr') = substBndr env bndr
+ ; (env'', unused_bndrs, rule_bs, rule_es, bs', dx, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader env' bndrs args
+ ; pure ( env''
+ , unused_bndrs
+ , bndr' : rule_bs
+ , varToCoreExpr bndr' : rule_es
+ , bndr' : bs'
+ , dx
+ , varToCoreExpr bndr' : spec_args
+ )
+ }
+-- Return all remaining binders from the original function. These have the
+-- invariant that they should all correspond to unspecialised arguments, so
+-- it's safe to stop processing at this point.
+specHeader env bndrs [] = pure (env, bndrs, [], [], [], [], [])
+specHeader env [] _ = pure (env, [], [], [], [], [], [])
+-- | Specialise a set of calls to imported bindings
+specImports :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> SpecEnv -- Passed in so that all top-level Ids are in scope
+ -> VarSet -- Don't specialise these ones
+ -- See Note [Avoiding recursive specialisation]
+ -> [Id] -- Stack of imported functions being specialised
+ -> RuleBase -- Rules from this module and the home package
+ -- (but not external packages, which can change)
+ -> UsageDetails -- Calls for imported things, and floating bindings
+ -> CoreM ( [CoreRule] -- New rules
+ , [CoreBind] ) -- Specialised bindings
+ -- See Note [Wrapping bindings returned by specImports]
+specImports dflags this_mod top_env done callers rule_base
+ (MkUD { ud_binds = dict_binds, ud_calls = calls })
+ -- See Note [Disabling cross-module specialisation]
+ | not $ gopt Opt_CrossModuleSpecialise dflags
+ = return ([], [])
+ | otherwise
+ = do { let import_calls = dVarEnvElts calls
+ ; (rules, spec_binds) <- go rule_base import_calls
+ -- Don't forget to wrap the specialized bindings with
+ -- bindings for the needed dictionaries.
+ -- See Note [Wrap bindings returned by specImports]
+ ; let spec_binds' = wrapDictBinds dict_binds spec_binds
+ ; return (rules, spec_binds') }
+ where
+ go :: RuleBase -> [CallInfoSet] -> CoreM ([CoreRule], [CoreBind])
+ go _ [] = return ([], [])
+ go rb (cis@(CIS fn _) : other_calls)
+ = do { let ok_calls = filterCalls cis dict_binds
+ -- Drop calls that (directly or indirectly) refer to fn
+ -- See Note [Avoiding loops]
+-- ; debugTraceMsg (text "specImport" <+> vcat [ ppr fn
+-- , text "calls" <+> ppr cis
+-- , text "ud_binds =" <+> ppr dict_binds
+-- , text "dump set =" <+> ppr dump_set
+-- , text "filtered calls =" <+> ppr ok_calls ])
+ ; (rules1, spec_binds1) <- specImport dflags this_mod top_env
+ done callers rb fn ok_calls
+ ; (rules2, spec_binds2) <- go (extendRuleBaseList rb rules1) other_calls
+ ; return (rules1 ++ rules2, spec_binds1 ++ spec_binds2) }
+specImport :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> SpecEnv -- Passed in so that all top-level Ids are in scope
+ -> VarSet -- Don't specialise these
+ -- See Note [Avoiding recursive specialisation]
+ -> [Id] -- Stack of imported functions being specialised
+ -> RuleBase -- Rules from this module
+ -> Id -> [CallInfo] -- Imported function and calls for it
+ -> CoreM ( [CoreRule] -- New rules
+ , [CoreBind] ) -- Specialised bindings
+specImport dflags this_mod top_env done callers rb fn calls_for_fn
+ | fn `elemVarSet` done
+ = return ([], []) -- No warning. This actually happens all the time
+ -- when specialising a recursive function, because
+ -- the RHS of the specialised function contains a recursive
+ -- call to the original function
+ | null calls_for_fn -- We filtered out all the calls in deleteCallsMentioning
+ = return ([], [])
+ | wantSpecImport dflags unfolding
+ , Just rhs <- maybeUnfoldingTemplate unfolding
+ = do { -- Get rules from the external package state
+ -- We keep doing this in case we "page-fault in"
+ -- more rules as we go along
+ ; hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ ; eps <- liftIO $ hscEPS hsc_env
+ ; vis_orphs <- getVisibleOrphanMods
+ ; let full_rb = unionRuleBase rb (eps_rule_base eps)
+ rules_for_fn = getRules (RuleEnv full_rb vis_orphs) fn
+ ; (rules1, spec_pairs, uds)
+ <- -- pprTrace "specImport1" (vcat [ppr fn, ppr calls_for_fn, ppr rhs]) $
+ runSpecM dflags this_mod $
+ specCalls (Just this_mod) top_env rules_for_fn calls_for_fn fn rhs
+ ; let spec_binds1 = [NonRec b r | (b,r) <- spec_pairs]
+ -- After the rules kick in we may get recursion, but
+ -- we rely on a global GlomBinds to sort that out later
+ -- See Note [Glom the bindings if imported functions are specialised]
+ -- Now specialise any cascaded calls
+ ; (rules2, spec_binds2) <- -- pprTrace "specImport 2" (ppr fn $$ ppr rules1 $$ ppr spec_binds1) $
+ specImports dflags this_mod top_env
+ (extendVarSet done fn)
+ (fn:callers)
+ (extendRuleBaseList rb rules1)
+ uds
+ ; let final_binds = spec_binds2 ++ spec_binds1
+ ; return (rules2 ++ rules1, final_binds) }
+ | otherwise = do { tryWarnMissingSpecs dflags callers fn calls_for_fn
+ ; return ([], [])}
+ where
+ unfolding = realIdUnfolding fn -- We want to see the unfolding even for loop breakers
+-- | Returns whether or not to show a missed-spec warning.
+-- If -Wall-missed-specializations is on, show the warning.
+-- Otherwise, if -Wmissed-specializations is on, only show a warning
+-- if there is at least one imported function being specialized,
+-- and if all imported functions are marked with an inline pragma
+-- Use the most specific warning as the reason.
+tryWarnMissingSpecs :: DynFlags -> [Id] -> Id -> [CallInfo] -> CoreM ()
+-- See Note [Warning about missed specialisations]
+tryWarnMissingSpecs dflags callers fn calls_for_fn
+ | wopt Opt_WarnMissedSpecs dflags
+ && not (null callers)
+ && allCallersInlined = doWarn $ Reason Opt_WarnMissedSpecs
+ | wopt Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs dflags = doWarn $ Reason Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs
+ | otherwise = return ()
+ where
+ allCallersInlined = all (isAnyInlinePragma . idInlinePragma) callers
+ doWarn reason =
+ warnMsg reason
+ (vcat [ hang (text ("Could not specialise imported function") <+> quotes (ppr fn))
+ 2 (vcat [ text "when specialising" <+> quotes (ppr caller)
+ | caller <- callers])
+ , whenPprDebug (text "calls:" <+> vcat (map (pprCallInfo fn) calls_for_fn))
+ , text "Probable fix: add INLINABLE pragma on" <+> quotes (ppr fn) ])
+wantSpecImport :: DynFlags -> Unfolding -> Bool
+-- See Note [Specialise imported INLINABLE things]
+wantSpecImport dflags unf
+ = case unf of
+ NoUnfolding -> False
+ BootUnfolding -> False
+ OtherCon {} -> False
+ DFunUnfolding {} -> True
+ CoreUnfolding { uf_src = src, uf_guidance = _guidance }
+ | gopt Opt_SpecialiseAggressively dflags -> True
+ | isStableSource src -> True
+ -- Specialise even INLINE things; it hasn't inlined yet,
+ -- so perhaps it never will. Moreover it may have calls
+ -- inside it that we want to specialise
+ | otherwise -> False -- Stable, not INLINE, hence INLINABLE
+{- Note [Warning about missed specialisations]
+ * In module Lib, you carefully mark a function 'foo' INLINABLE
+ * Import Lib(foo) into another module M
+ * Call 'foo' at some specialised type in M
+Then you jolly well expect it to be specialised in M. But what if
+'foo' calls another function ''. Then you'd like 'bar' to be
+specialised too. But if 'bar' is not marked INLINABLE it may well
+not be specialised. The warning Opt_WarnMissedSpecs warns about this.
+It's more noisy to warning about a missed specialisation opportunity
+for /every/ overloaded imported function, but sometimes useful. That
+is what Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs does.
+ToDo: warn about missed opportunities for local functions.
+Note [Specialise imported INLINABLE things]
+What imported functions do we specialise? The basic set is
+ * DFuns and things with INLINABLE pragmas.
+but with -fspecialise-aggressively we add
+ * Anything with an unfolding template
+#8874 has a good example of why we want to auto-specialise DFuns.
+We have the -fspecialise-aggressively flag (usually off), because we
+risk lots of orphan modules from over-vigorous specialisation.
+However it's not a big deal: anything non-recursive with an
+unfolding-template will probably have been inlined already.
+Note [Glom the bindings if imported functions are specialised]
+Suppose we have an imported, *recursive*, INLINABLE function
+ f :: Eq a => a -> a
+ f = /\a \d x. ...(f a d)...
+In the module being compiled we have
+ g x = f (x::Int)
+Now we'll make a specialised function
+ f_spec :: Int -> Int
+ f_spec = \x -> ...(f Int dInt)...
+ {-# RULE f Int _ = f_spec #-}
+ g = \x. f Int dInt x
+Note that f_spec doesn't look recursive
+After rewriting with the RULE, we get
+ f_spec = \x -> ...(f_spec)...
+BUT since f_spec was non-recursive before it'll *stay* non-recursive.
+The occurrence analyser never turns a NonRec into a Rec. So we must
+make sure that f_spec is recursive. Easiest thing is to make all
+the specialisations for imported bindings recursive.
+Note [Avoiding recursive specialisation]
+When we specialise 'f' we may find new overloaded calls to 'g', 'h' in
+'f's RHS. So we want to specialise g,h. But we don't want to
+specialise f any more! It's possible that f's RHS might have a
+recursive yet-more-specialised call, so we'd diverge in that case.
+And if the call is to the same type, one specialisation is enough.
+Avoiding this recursive specialisation loop is the reason for the
+'done' VarSet passed to specImports and specImport.
+* *
+\subsubsection{@specExpr@: the main function}
+* *
+data SpecEnv
+ = SE { se_subst :: GHC.Core.Subst.Subst
+ -- We carry a substitution down:
+ -- a) we must clone any binding that might float outwards,
+ -- to avoid name clashes
+ -- b) we carry a type substitution to use when analysing
+ -- the RHS of specialised bindings (no type-let!)
+ , se_interesting :: VarSet
+ -- Dict Ids that we know something about
+ -- and hence may be worth specialising against
+ -- See Note [Interesting dictionary arguments]
+ }
+specVar :: SpecEnv -> Id -> CoreExpr
+specVar env v = GHC.Core.Subst.lookupIdSubst (text "specVar") (se_subst env) v
+specExpr :: SpecEnv -> CoreExpr -> SpecM (CoreExpr, UsageDetails)
+---------------- First the easy cases --------------------
+specExpr env (Type ty) = return (Type (substTy env ty), emptyUDs)
+specExpr env (Coercion co) = return (Coercion (substCo env co), emptyUDs)
+specExpr env (Var v) = return (specVar env v, emptyUDs)
+specExpr _ (Lit lit) = return (Lit lit, emptyUDs)
+specExpr env (Cast e co)
+ = do { (e', uds) <- specExpr env e
+ ; return ((mkCast e' (substCo env co)), uds) }
+specExpr env (Tick tickish body)
+ = do { (body', uds) <- specExpr env body
+ ; return (Tick (specTickish env tickish) body', uds) }
+---------------- Applications might generate a call instance --------------------
+specExpr env expr@(App {})
+ = go expr []
+ where
+ go (App fun arg) args = do (arg', uds_arg) <- specExpr env arg
+ (fun', uds_app) <- go fun (arg':args)
+ return (App fun' arg', uds_arg `plusUDs` uds_app)
+ go (Var f) args = case specVar env f of
+ Var f' -> return (Var f', mkCallUDs env f' args)
+ e' -> return (e', emptyUDs) -- I don't expect this!
+ go other _ = specExpr env other
+---------------- Lambda/case require dumping of usage details --------------------
+specExpr env e@(Lam _ _) = do
+ (body', uds) <- specExpr env' body
+ let (free_uds, dumped_dbs) = dumpUDs bndrs' uds
+ return (mkLams bndrs' (wrapDictBindsE dumped_dbs body'), free_uds)
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) = collectBinders e
+ (env', bndrs') = substBndrs env bndrs
+ -- More efficient to collect a group of binders together all at once
+ -- and we don't want to split a lambda group with dumped bindings
+specExpr env (Case scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = do { (scrut', scrut_uds) <- specExpr env scrut
+ ; (scrut'', case_bndr', alts', alts_uds)
+ <- specCase env scrut' case_bndr alts
+ ; return (Case scrut'' case_bndr' (substTy env ty) alts'
+ , scrut_uds `plusUDs` alts_uds) }
+---------------- Finally, let is the interesting case --------------------
+specExpr env (Let bind body)
+ = do { -- Clone binders
+ (rhs_env, body_env, bind') <- cloneBindSM env bind
+ -- Deal with the body
+ ; (body', body_uds) <- specExpr body_env body
+ -- Deal with the bindings
+ ; (binds', uds) <- specBind rhs_env bind' body_uds
+ -- All done
+ ; return (foldr Let body' binds', uds) }
+specTickish :: SpecEnv -> Tickish Id -> Tickish Id
+specTickish env (Breakpoint ix ids)
+ = Breakpoint ix [ id' | id <- ids, Var id' <- [specVar env id]]
+ -- drop vars from the list if they have a non-variable substitution.
+ -- should never happen, but it's harmless to drop them anyway.
+specTickish _ other_tickish = other_tickish
+specCase :: SpecEnv
+ -> CoreExpr -- Scrutinee, already done
+ -> Id -> [CoreAlt]
+ -> SpecM ( CoreExpr -- New scrutinee
+ , Id
+ , [CoreAlt]
+ , UsageDetails)
+specCase env scrut' case_bndr [(con, args, rhs)]
+ | isDictId case_bndr -- See Note [Floating dictionaries out of cases]
+ , interestingDict env scrut'
+ , not (isDeadBinder case_bndr && null sc_args')
+ = do { (case_bndr_flt : sc_args_flt) <- mapM clone_me (case_bndr' : sc_args')
+ ; let sc_rhss = [ Case (Var case_bndr_flt) case_bndr' (idType sc_arg')
+ [(con, args', Var sc_arg')]
+ | sc_arg' <- sc_args' ]
+ -- Extend the substitution for RHS to map the *original* binders
+ -- to their floated versions.
+ mb_sc_flts :: [Maybe DictId]
+ mb_sc_flts = map (lookupVarEnv clone_env) args'
+ clone_env = zipVarEnv sc_args' sc_args_flt
+ subst_prs = (case_bndr, Var case_bndr_flt)
+ : [ (arg, Var sc_flt)
+ | (arg, Just sc_flt) <- args `zip` mb_sc_flts ]
+ env_rhs' = env_rhs { se_subst = GHC.Core.Subst.extendIdSubstList (se_subst env_rhs) subst_prs
+ , se_interesting = se_interesting env_rhs `extendVarSetList`
+ (case_bndr_flt : sc_args_flt) }
+ ; (rhs', rhs_uds) <- specExpr env_rhs' rhs
+ ; let scrut_bind = mkDB (NonRec case_bndr_flt scrut')
+ case_bndr_set = unitVarSet case_bndr_flt
+ sc_binds = [(NonRec sc_arg_flt sc_rhs, case_bndr_set)
+ | (sc_arg_flt, sc_rhs) <- sc_args_flt `zip` sc_rhss ]
+ flt_binds = scrut_bind : sc_binds
+ (free_uds, dumped_dbs) = dumpUDs (case_bndr':args') rhs_uds
+ all_uds = flt_binds `addDictBinds` free_uds
+ alt' = (con, args', wrapDictBindsE dumped_dbs rhs')
+ ; return (Var case_bndr_flt, case_bndr', [alt'], all_uds) }
+ where
+ (env_rhs, (case_bndr':args')) = substBndrs env (case_bndr:args)
+ sc_args' = filter is_flt_sc_arg args'
+ clone_me bndr = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; return (mkUserLocalOrCoVar occ uniq ty loc) }
+ where
+ name = idName bndr
+ ty = idType bndr
+ occ = nameOccName name
+ loc = getSrcSpan name
+ arg_set = mkVarSet args'
+ is_flt_sc_arg var = isId var
+ && not (isDeadBinder var)
+ && isDictTy var_ty
+ && not (tyCoVarsOfType var_ty `intersectsVarSet` arg_set)
+ where
+ var_ty = idType var
+specCase env scrut case_bndr alts
+ = do { (alts', uds_alts) <- mapAndCombineSM spec_alt alts
+ ; return (scrut, case_bndr', alts', uds_alts) }
+ where
+ (env_alt, case_bndr') = substBndr env case_bndr
+ spec_alt (con, args, rhs) = do
+ (rhs', uds) <- specExpr env_rhs rhs
+ let (free_uds, dumped_dbs) = dumpUDs (case_bndr' : args') uds
+ return ((con, args', wrapDictBindsE dumped_dbs rhs'), free_uds)
+ where
+ (env_rhs, args') = substBndrs env_alt args
+Note [Floating dictionaries out of cases]
+ g = \d. case d of { MkD sc ... -> ...(f sc)... }
+Naively we can't float d2's binding out of the case expression,
+because 'sc' is bound by the case, and that in turn means we can't
+specialise f, which seems a pity.
+So we invert the case, by floating out a binding
+for 'sc_flt' thus:
+ sc_flt = case d of { MkD sc ... -> sc }
+Now we can float the call instance for 'f'. Indeed this is just
+what'll happen if 'sc' was originally bound with a let binding,
+but case is more efficient, and necessary with equalities. So it's
+good to work with both.
+You might think that this won't make any difference, because the
+call instance will only get nuked by the \d. BUT if 'g' itself is
+specialised, then transitively we should be able to specialise f.
+In general, given
+ case e of cb { MkD sc ... -> ...(f sc)... }
+we transform to
+ let cb_flt = e
+ sc_flt = case cb_flt of { MkD sc ... -> sc }
+ in
+ case cb_flt of bg { MkD sc ... -> ....(f sc_flt)... }
+The "_flt" things are the floated binds; we use the current substitution
+to substitute sc -> sc_flt in the RHS
+* *
+ Dealing with a binding
+* *
+specBind :: SpecEnv -- Use this for RHSs
+ -> CoreBind -- Binders are already cloned by cloneBindSM,
+ -- but RHSs are un-processed
+ -> UsageDetails -- Info on how the scope of the binding
+ -> SpecM ([CoreBind], -- New bindings
+ UsageDetails) -- And info to pass upstream
+-- Returned UsageDetails:
+-- No calls for binders of this bind
+specBind rhs_env (NonRec fn rhs) body_uds
+ = do { (rhs', rhs_uds) <- specExpr rhs_env rhs
+ ; (fn', spec_defns, body_uds1) <- specDefn rhs_env body_uds fn rhs
+ ; let pairs = spec_defns ++ [(fn', rhs')]
+ -- fn' mentions the spec_defns in its rules,
+ -- so put the latter first
+ combined_uds = body_uds1 `plusUDs` rhs_uds
+ (free_uds, dump_dbs, float_all) = dumpBindUDs [fn] combined_uds
+ final_binds :: [DictBind]
+ -- See Note [From non-recursive to recursive]
+ final_binds
+ | not (isEmptyBag dump_dbs)
+ , not (null spec_defns)
+ = [recWithDumpedDicts pairs dump_dbs]
+ | otherwise
+ = [mkDB $ NonRec b r | (b,r) <- pairs]
+ ++ bagToList dump_dbs
+ ; if float_all then
+ -- Rather than discard the calls mentioning the bound variables
+ -- we float this (dictionary) binding along with the others
+ return ([], free_uds `snocDictBinds` final_binds)
+ else
+ -- No call in final_uds mentions bound variables,
+ -- so we can just leave the binding here
+ return (map fst final_binds, free_uds) }
+specBind rhs_env (Rec pairs) body_uds
+ -- Note [Specialising a recursive group]
+ = do { let (bndrs,rhss) = unzip pairs
+ ; (rhss', rhs_uds) <- mapAndCombineSM (specExpr rhs_env) rhss
+ ; let scope_uds = body_uds `plusUDs` rhs_uds
+ -- Includes binds and calls arising from rhss
+ ; (bndrs1, spec_defns1, uds1) <- specDefns rhs_env scope_uds pairs
+ ; (bndrs3, spec_defns3, uds3)
+ <- if null spec_defns1 -- Common case: no specialisation
+ then return (bndrs1, [], uds1)
+ else do { -- Specialisation occurred; do it again
+ (bndrs2, spec_defns2, uds2)
+ <- specDefns rhs_env uds1 (bndrs1 `zip` rhss)
+ ; return (bndrs2, spec_defns2 ++ spec_defns1, uds2) }
+ ; let (final_uds, dumped_dbs, float_all) = dumpBindUDs bndrs uds3
+ final_bind = recWithDumpedDicts (spec_defns3 ++ zip bndrs3 rhss')
+ dumped_dbs
+ ; if float_all then
+ return ([], final_uds `snocDictBind` final_bind)
+ else
+ return ([fst final_bind], final_uds) }
+specDefns :: SpecEnv
+ -> UsageDetails -- Info on how it is used in its scope
+ -> [(OutId,InExpr)] -- The things being bound and their un-processed RHS
+ -> SpecM ([OutId], -- Original Ids with RULES added
+ [(OutId,OutExpr)], -- Extra, specialised bindings
+ UsageDetails) -- Stuff to fling upwards from the specialised versions
+-- Specialise a list of bindings (the contents of a Rec), but flowing usages
+-- upwards binding by binding. Example: { f = ...g ...; g = ...f .... }
+-- Then if the input CallDetails has a specialised call for 'g', whose specialisation
+-- in turn generates a specialised call for 'f', we catch that in this one sweep.
+-- But not vice versa (it's a fixpoint problem).
+specDefns _env uds []
+ = return ([], [], uds)
+specDefns env uds ((bndr,rhs):pairs)
+ = do { (bndrs1, spec_defns1, uds1) <- specDefns env uds pairs
+ ; (bndr1, spec_defns2, uds2) <- specDefn env uds1 bndr rhs
+ ; return (bndr1 : bndrs1, spec_defns1 ++ spec_defns2, uds2) }
+specDefn :: SpecEnv
+ -> UsageDetails -- Info on how it is used in its scope
+ -> OutId -> InExpr -- The thing being bound and its un-processed RHS
+ -> SpecM (Id, -- Original Id with added RULES
+ [(Id,CoreExpr)], -- Extra, specialised bindings
+ UsageDetails) -- Stuff to fling upwards from the specialised versions
+specDefn env body_uds fn rhs
+ = do { let (body_uds_without_me, calls_for_me) = callsForMe fn body_uds
+ rules_for_me = idCoreRules fn
+ ; (rules, spec_defns, spec_uds) <- specCalls Nothing env rules_for_me
+ calls_for_me fn rhs
+ ; return ( fn `addIdSpecialisations` rules
+ , spec_defns
+ , body_uds_without_me `plusUDs` spec_uds) }
+ -- It's important that the `plusUDs` is this way
+ -- round, because body_uds_without_me may bind
+ -- dictionaries that are used in calls_for_me passed
+ -- to specDefn. So the dictionary bindings in
+ -- spec_uds may mention dictionaries bound in
+ -- body_uds_without_me
+specCalls :: Maybe Module -- Just this_mod => specialising imported fn
+ -- Nothing => specialising local fn
+ -> SpecEnv
+ -> [CoreRule] -- Existing RULES for the fn
+ -> [CallInfo]
+ -> OutId -> InExpr
+ -> SpecM SpecInfo -- New rules, specialised bindings, and usage details
+-- This function checks existing rules, and does not create
+-- duplicate ones. So the caller does not need to do this filtering.
+-- See 'already_covered'
+type SpecInfo = ( [CoreRule] -- Specialisation rules
+ , [(Id,CoreExpr)] -- Specialised definition
+ , UsageDetails ) -- Usage details from specialised RHSs
+specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
+ -- The first case is the interesting one
+ | callSpecArity pis <= fn_arity -- See Note [Specialisation Must Preserve Sharing]
+ && notNull calls_for_me -- And there are some calls to specialise
+ && not (isNeverActive (idInlineActivation fn))
+ -- Don't specialise NOINLINE things
+ -- See Note [Auto-specialisation and RULES]
+-- && not (certainlyWillInline (idUnfolding fn)) -- And it's not small
+-- See Note [Inline specialisation] for why we do not
+-- switch off specialisation for inline functions
+ = -- pprTrace "specDefn: some" (ppr fn $$ ppr calls_for_me $$ ppr existing_rules) $
+ foldlM spec_call ([], [], emptyUDs) calls_for_me
+ | otherwise -- No calls or RHS doesn't fit our preconceptions
+ = WARN( not (exprIsTrivial rhs) && notNull calls_for_me,
+ text "Missed specialisation opportunity for"
+ <+> ppr fn $$ _trace_doc )
+ -- Note [Specialisation shape]
+ -- pprTrace "specDefn: none" (ppr fn <+> ppr calls_for_me) $
+ return ([], [], emptyUDs)
+ where
+ _trace_doc = sep [ ppr rhs_tyvars, ppr rhs_bndrs
+ , ppr (idInlineActivation fn) ]
+ fn_type = idType fn
+ fn_arity = idArity fn
+ fn_unf = realIdUnfolding fn -- Ignore loop-breaker-ness here
+ pis = fst $ splitPiTys fn_type
+ theta = getTheta pis
+ n_dicts = length theta
+ inl_prag = idInlinePragma fn
+ inl_act = inlinePragmaActivation inl_prag
+ is_local = isLocalId fn
+ -- Figure out whether the function has an INLINE pragma
+ -- See Note [Inline specialisations]
+ (rhs_bndrs, rhs_body) = collectBindersPushingCo rhs
+ -- See Note [Account for casts in binding]
+ rhs_tyvars = filter isTyVar rhs_bndrs
+ in_scope = GHC.Core.Subst.substInScope (se_subst env)
+ already_covered :: DynFlags -> [CoreRule] -> [CoreExpr] -> Bool
+ already_covered dflags new_rules args -- Note [Specialisations already covered]
+ = isJust (lookupRule dflags (in_scope, realIdUnfolding)
+ (const True) fn args
+ (new_rules ++ existing_rules))
+ -- NB: we look both in the new_rules (generated by this invocation
+ -- of specCalls), and in existing_rules (passed in to specCalls)
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Specialise to one particular call pattern
+ spec_call :: SpecInfo -- Accumulating parameter
+ -> CallInfo -- Call instance
+ -> SpecM SpecInfo
+ spec_call spec_acc@(rules_acc, pairs_acc, uds_acc)
+ (CI { ci_key = call_args, ci_arity = call_arity })
+ = ASSERT(call_arity <= fn_arity)
+ -- See Note [Specialising Calls]
+ do { (rhs_env2, unused_bndrs, rule_bndrs, rule_args, unspec_bndrs, dx_binds, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader env rhs_bndrs $ dropWhileEndLE isUnspecArg call_args
+ ; let rhs_body' = mkLams unused_bndrs rhs_body
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; if already_covered dflags rules_acc rule_args
+ then return spec_acc
+ else -- pprTrace "spec_call" (vcat [ ppr _call_info, ppr fn, ppr rhs_dict_ids
+ -- , text "rhs_env2" <+> ppr (se_subst rhs_env2)
+ -- , ppr dx_binds ]) $
+ do
+ { -- Figure out the type of the specialised function
+ let body = mkLams unspec_bndrs rhs_body'
+ body_ty = substTy rhs_env2 $ exprType body
+ (lam_extra_args, app_args) -- See Note [Specialisations Must Be Lifted]
+ | isUnliftedType body_ty -- C.f. GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.Lib.mkWorkerArgs
+ , not (isJoinId fn)
+ = ([voidArgId], voidPrimId : unspec_bndrs)
+ | otherwise = ([], unspec_bndrs)
+ join_arity_change = length app_args - length rule_args
+ spec_join_arity | Just orig_join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe fn
+ = Just (orig_join_arity + join_arity_change)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ ; (spec_rhs, rhs_uds) <- specExpr rhs_env2 (mkLams lam_extra_args body)
+ ; let spec_id_ty = exprType spec_rhs
+ ; spec_f <- newSpecIdSM fn spec_id_ty spec_join_arity
+ ; this_mod <- getModule
+ ; let
+ -- The rule to put in the function's specialisation is:
+ -- forall x @b d1' d2'.
+ -- f x @T1 @b @T2 d1' d2' = f1 x @b
+ -- See Note [Specialising Calls]
+ herald = case mb_mod of
+ Nothing -- Specialising local fn
+ -> text "SPEC"
+ Just this_mod -- Specialising imported fn
+ -> text "SPEC/" <> ppr this_mod
+ rule_name = mkFastString $ showSDoc dflags $
+ herald <+> ftext (occNameFS (getOccName fn))
+ <+> hsep (mapMaybe ppr_call_key_ty call_args)
+ -- This name ends up in interface files, so use occNameString.
+ -- Otherwise uniques end up there, making builds
+ -- less deterministic (See #4012 comment:61 ff)
+ rule_wout_eta = mkRule
+ this_mod
+ True {- Auto generated -}
+ is_local
+ rule_name
+ inl_act -- Note [Auto-specialisation and RULES]
+ (idName fn)
+ rule_bndrs
+ rule_args
+ (mkVarApps (Var spec_f) app_args)
+ spec_rule
+ = case isJoinId_maybe fn of
+ Just join_arity -> etaExpandToJoinPointRule join_arity
+ rule_wout_eta
+ Nothing -> rule_wout_eta
+ -- Add the { d1' = dx1; d2' = dx2 } usage stuff
+ -- See Note [Specialising Calls]
+ spec_uds = foldr consDictBind rhs_uds dx_binds
+ --------------------------------------
+ -- Add a suitable unfolding if the spec_inl_prag says so
+ -- See Note [Inline specialisations]
+ (spec_inl_prag, spec_unf)
+ | not is_local && isStrongLoopBreaker (idOccInfo fn)
+ = (neverInlinePragma, noUnfolding)
+ -- See Note [Specialising imported functions] in OccurAnal
+ | InlinePragma { inl_inline = Inlinable } <- inl_prag
+ = (inl_prag { inl_inline = NoUserInline }, noUnfolding)
+ | otherwise
+ = (inl_prag, specUnfolding dflags unspec_bndrs spec_app n_dicts fn_unf)
+ spec_app e = e `mkApps` spec_args
+ --------------------------------------
+ -- Adding arity information just propagates it a bit faster
+ -- See Note [Arity decrease] in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify
+ -- Copy InlinePragma information from the parent Id.
+ -- So if f has INLINE[1] so does spec_f
+ spec_f_w_arity = spec_f `setIdArity` max 0 (fn_arity - n_dicts)
+ `setInlinePragma` spec_inl_prag
+ `setIdUnfolding` spec_unf
+ `asJoinId_maybe` spec_join_arity
+ _rule_trace_doc = vcat [ ppr spec_f, ppr fn_type, ppr spec_id_ty
+ , ppr rhs_bndrs, ppr call_args
+ , ppr spec_rule
+ ]
+ ; -- pprTrace "spec_call: rule" _rule_trace_doc
+ return ( spec_rule : rules_acc
+ , (spec_f_w_arity, spec_rhs) : pairs_acc
+ , spec_uds `plusUDs` uds_acc
+ ) } }
+{- Note [Specialisation Must Preserve Sharing]
+Consider a function:
+ f :: forall a. Eq a => a -> blah
+ f =
+ if expensive
+ then f1
+ else f2
+As written, all calls to 'f' will share 'expensive'. But if we specialise 'f'
+at 'Int', eg:
+ $sfInt = SUBST[a->Int,dict->dEqInt] (if expensive then f1 else f2)
+ forall (d :: Eq Int).
+ f Int _ = $sfIntf
+We've now lost sharing between 'f' and '$sfInt' for 'expensive'. Yikes!
+To avoid this, we only generate specialisations for functions whose arity is
+enough to bind all of the arguments we need to specialise. This ensures our
+specialised functions don't do any work before receiving all of their dicts,
+and thus avoids the 'f' case above.
+Note [Specialisations Must Be Lifted]
+Consider a function 'f':
+ f = forall a. Eq a => Array# a
+used like
+ case x of
+ True -> ...f @Int dEqInt...
+ False -> 0
+Naively, we might generate an (expensive) specialisation
+ $sfInt :: Array# Int
+even in the case that @x = False@! Instead, we add a dummy 'Void#' argument to
+the specialisation '$sfInt' ($sfInt :: Void# -> Array# Int) in order to
+preserve laziness.
+Note [Specialising Calls]
+Suppose we have a function:
+ f :: Int -> forall a b c. (Foo a, Foo c) => Bar -> Qux
+ f = \x -> /\ a b c -> \d1 d2 bar -> rhs
+and suppose it is called at:
+ f 7 @T1 @T2 @T3 dFooT1 dFooT3 bar
+This call is described as a 'CallInfo' whose 'ci_key' is
+ [ UnspecArg, SpecType T1, UnspecType, SpecType T3, SpecDict dFooT1
+ , SpecDict dFooT3, UnspecArg ]
+Why are 'a' and 'c' identified as 'SpecType', while 'b' is 'UnspecType'?
+Because we must specialise the function on type variables that appear
+free in its *dictionary* arguments; but not on type variables that do not
+appear in any dictionaries, i.e. are fully polymorphic.
+Because this call has dictionaries applied, we'd like to specialise
+the call on any type argument that appears free in those dictionaries.
+In this case, those are (a ~ T1, c ~ T3).
+As a result, we'd like to generate a function:
+ $sf :: Int -> forall b. Bar -> Qux
+ $sf = SUBST[a->T1, c->T3, d1->d1', d2->d2'] (\x -> /\ b -> \bar -> rhs)
+Note that the substitution is applied to the whole thing. This is
+convenient, but just slightly fragile. Notably:
+ * There had better be no name clashes in a/b/c
+We must construct a rewrite rule:
+ RULE "SPEC f @T1 _ @T3"
+ forall (x :: Int) (@b :: Type) (d1' :: Foo T1) (d2' :: Foo T3).
+ f x @T1 @b @T3 d1' d2' = $sf x @b
+In the rule, d1' and d2' are just wildcards, not used in the RHS. Note
+additionally that 'bar' isn't captured by this rule --- we bind only
+enough etas in order to capture all of the *specialised* arguments.
+Finally, we must also construct the usage-details
+ { d1' = dx1; d2' = dx2 }
+where d1', d2' are cloned versions of d1,d2, with the type substitution
+applied. These auxiliary bindings just avoid duplication of dx1, dx2.
+Note [Account for casts in binding]
+ f :: Eq a => a -> IO ()
+ StableUnf = (/\a \(d:Eq a) (x:a). blah) |> g
+ #-}
+ f = ...
+In f's stable unfolding we have done some modest simplification which
+has pushed the cast to the outside. (I wonder if this is the Right
+Thing, but it's what happens now; see GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils Note [Casts and
+lambdas].) Now that stable unfolding must be specialised, so we want
+to push the cast back inside. It would be terrible if the cast
+defeated specialisation! Hence the use of collectBindersPushingCo.
+Note [Evidence foralls]
+Suppose (#12212) that we are specialising
+ f :: forall a b. (Num a, F a ~ F b) => blah
+with a=b=Int. Then the RULE will be something like
+ RULE forall (d:Num Int) (g :: F Int ~ F Int).
+ f Int Int d g = f_spec
+But both varToCoreExpr (when constructing the LHS args), and the
+simplifier (when simplifying the LHS args), will transform to
+ RULE forall (d:Num Int) (g :: F Int ~ F Int).
+ f Int Int d <F Int> = f_spec
+by replacing g with Refl. So now 'g' is unbound, which results in a later
+crash. So we use Refl right off the bat, and do not forall-quantify 'g':
+ * varToCoreExpr generates a Refl
+ * exprsFreeIdsList returns the Ids bound by the args,
+ which won't include g
+You might wonder if this will match as often, but the simplifier replaces
+complicated Refl coercions with Refl pretty aggressively.
+Note [Orphans and auto-generated rules]
+When we specialise an INLINABLE function, or when we have
+-fspecialise-aggressively, we auto-generate RULES that are orphans.
+We don't want to warn about these, or we'd generate a lot of warnings.
+Thus, we only warn about user-specified orphan rules.
+Indeed, we don't even treat the module as an orphan module if it has
+auto-generated *rule* orphans. Orphan modules are read every time we
+compile, so they are pretty obtrusive and slow down every compilation,
+even non-optimised ones. (Reason: for type class instances it's a
+type correctness issue.) But specialisation rules are strictly for
+*optimisation* only so it's fine not to read the interface.
+What this means is that a SPEC rules from auto-specialisation in
+module M will be used in other modules only if M.hi has been read for
+some other reason, which is actually pretty likely.
+ :: SpecEnv
+ -> [DictId] -> [CoreExpr] -- Original dict bndrs, and the witnessing expressions
+ -> [DictId] -- A cloned dict-id for each dict arg
+ -> (SpecEnv, -- Substitute for all orig_dicts
+ [DictBind], -- Auxiliary dict bindings
+ [CoreExpr]) -- Witnessing expressions (all trivial)
+-- Bind any dictionary arguments to fresh names, to preserve sharing
+bindAuxiliaryDicts env@(SE { se_subst = subst, se_interesting = interesting })
+ orig_dict_ids call_ds inst_dict_ids
+ = (env', dx_binds, spec_dict_args)
+ where
+ (dx_binds, spec_dict_args) = go call_ds inst_dict_ids
+ env' = env { se_subst = subst `GHC.Core.Subst.extendSubstList`
+ (orig_dict_ids `zip` spec_dict_args)
+ `GHC.Core.Subst.extendInScopeList` dx_ids
+ , se_interesting = interesting `unionVarSet` interesting_dicts }
+ dx_ids = [dx_id | (NonRec dx_id _, _) <- dx_binds]
+ interesting_dicts = mkVarSet [ dx_id | (NonRec dx_id dx, _) <- dx_binds
+ , interestingDict env dx ]
+ -- See Note [Make the new dictionaries interesting]
+ go :: [CoreExpr] -> [CoreBndr] -> ([DictBind], [CoreExpr])
+ go [] _ = ([], [])
+ go (dx:dxs) (dx_id:dx_ids)
+ | exprIsTrivial dx = (dx_binds, dx : args)
+ | otherwise = (mkDB (NonRec dx_id dx) : dx_binds, Var dx_id : args)
+ where
+ (dx_binds, args) = go dxs dx_ids
+ -- In the first case extend the substitution but not bindings;
+ -- in the latter extend the bindings but not the substitution.
+ -- For the former, note that we bind the *original* dict in the substitution,
+ -- overriding any d->dx_id binding put there by substBndrs
+ go _ _ = pprPanic "bindAuxiliaryDicts" (ppr orig_dict_ids $$ ppr call_ds $$ ppr inst_dict_ids)
+Note [Make the new dictionaries interesting]
+Important! We're going to substitute dx_id1 for d
+and we want it to look "interesting", else we won't gather *any*
+consequential calls. E.g.
+ f d = ...g d....
+If we specialise f for a call (f (dfun dNumInt)), we'll get
+a consequent call (g d') with an auxiliary definition
+ d' = df dNumInt
+We want that consequent call to look interesting
+Note [From non-recursive to recursive]
+Even in the non-recursive case, if any dict-binds depend on 'fn' we might
+have built a recursive knot
+ f a d x = <blah>
+ MkUD { ud_binds = NonRec d7 (MkD ..f..)
+ , ud_calls = ...(f T d7)... }
+The we generate
+ Rec { fs x = <blah>[T/a, d7/d]
+ f a d x = <blah>
+ RULE f T _ = fs
+ d7 = ...f... }
+Here the recursion is only through the RULE.
+However we definitely should /not/ make the Rec in this wildly common
+ d = ...
+ MkUD { ud_binds = NonRec d7 (...d...)
+ , ud_calls = ...(f T d7)... }
+Here we want simply to add d to the floats, giving
+ MkUD { ud_binds = NonRec d (...)
+ NonRec d7 (...d...)
+ , ud_calls = ...(f T d7)... }
+In general, we need only make this Rec if
+ - there are some specialisations (spec_binds non-empty)
+ - there are some dict_binds that depend on f (dump_dbs non-empty)
+Note [Avoiding loops]
+When specialising /dictionary functions/ we must be very careful to
+avoid building loops. Here is an example that bit us badly: #3591
+ class Eq a => C a
+ instance Eq [a] => C [a]
+This translates to
+ dfun :: Eq [a] -> C [a]
+ dfun a d = MkD a d (meth d)
+ d4 :: Eq [T] = <blah>
+ d2 :: C [T] = dfun T d4
+ d1 :: Eq [T] = $p1 d2
+ d3 :: C [T] = dfun T d1
+None of these definitions is recursive. What happened was that we
+generated a specialisation:
+ RULE forall d. dfun T d = dT :: C [T]
+ dT = (MkD a d (meth d)) [T/a, d1/d]
+ = MkD T d1 (meth d1)
+But now we use the RULE on the RHS of d2, to get
+ d2 = dT = MkD d1 (meth d1)
+ d1 = $p1 d2
+and now d1 is bottom! The problem is that when specialising 'dfun' we
+should first dump "below" the binding all floated dictionary bindings
+that mention 'dfun' itself. So d2 and d3 (and hence d1) must be
+placed below 'dfun', and thus unavailable to it when specialising
+'dfun'. That in turn means that the call (dfun T d1) must be
+discarded. On the other hand, the call (dfun T d4) is fine, assuming
+d4 doesn't mention dfun.
+ Discard all calls that mention dictionaries that depend
+ (directly or indirectly) on the dfun we are specialising.
+ This is done by 'filterCalls'
+Here's another example, this time for an imported dfun, so the call
+to filterCalls is in specImports (#13429). Suppose we have
+ class Monoid v => C v a where ...
+We start with a call
+ f @ [Integer] @ Integer $fC[]Integer
+Specialising call to 'f' gives dict bindings
+ $dMonoid_1 :: Monoid [Integer]
+ $dMonoid_1 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $fC[]Integer
+ $dC_1 :: C [Integer] (Node [Integer] Integer)
+ $dC_1 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_1
+ a recursive call to
+ f @ [Integer] @ (Node [Integer] Integer) $dC_1
+Specialising that call gives
+ $dMonoid_2 :: Monoid [Integer]
+ $dMonoid_2 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $dC_1
+ $dC_2 :: C [Integer] (Node [Integer] Integer)
+ $dC_2 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_2
+Now we have two calls to the imported function
+ M.$fCvNode :: Monoid v => C v a
+ M.$fCvNode @v @a m = C m some_fun
+But we must /not/ use the call (M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_2)
+for specialisation, else we get:
+ $dC_1 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_1
+ $dMonoid_2 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $dC_1
+ $s$fCvNode = C $dMonoid_2 ...
+ RULE M.$fCvNode [Integer] _ _ = $s$fCvNode
+Now use the rule to rewrite the call in the RHS of $dC_1
+and we get a loop!
+Here's yet another example
+ class C a where { foo,bar :: [a] -> [a] }
+ instance C Int where
+ foo x = r_bar x
+ bar xs = reverse xs
+ r_bar :: C a => [a] -> [a]
+ r_bar xs = bar (xs ++ xs)
+That translates to:
+ r_bar a (c::C a) (xs::[a]) = bar a d (xs ++ xs)
+ Rec { $fCInt :: C Int = MkC foo_help reverse
+ foo_help (xs::[Int]) = r_bar Int $fCInt xs }
+The call (r_bar $fCInt) mentions $fCInt,
+ which mentions foo_help,
+ which mentions r_bar
+But we DO want to specialise r_bar at Int:
+ Rec { $fCInt :: C Int = MkC foo_help reverse
+ foo_help (xs::[Int]) = r_bar Int $fCInt xs
+ r_bar a (c::C a) (xs::[a]) = bar a d (xs ++ xs)
+ RULE r_bar Int _ = r_bar_Int
+ r_bar_Int xs = bar Int $fCInt (xs ++ xs)
+ }
+Note that, because of its RULE, r_bar joins the recursive
+group. (In this case it'll unravel a short moment later.)
+Note [Specialising a recursive group]
+ let rec { f x = ...g x'...
+ ; g y = ...f y'.... }
+ in f 'a'
+Here we specialise 'f' at Char; but that is very likely to lead to
+a specialisation of 'g' at Char. We must do the latter, else the
+whole point of specialisation is lost.
+But we do not want to keep iterating to a fixpoint, because in the
+presence of polymorphic recursion we might generate an infinite number
+of specialisations.
+So we use the following heuristic:
+ * Arrange the rec block in dependency order, so far as possible
+ (the occurrence analyser already does this)
+ * Specialise it much like a sequence of lets
+ * Then go through the block a second time, feeding call-info from
+ the RHSs back in the bottom, as it were
+In effect, the ordering maxmimises the effectiveness of each sweep,
+and we do just two sweeps. This should catch almost every case of
+monomorphic recursion -- the exception could be a very knotted-up
+recursion with multiple cycles tied up together.
+This plan is implemented in the Rec case of specBindItself.
+Note [Specialisations already covered]
+We obviously don't want to generate two specialisations for the same
+argument pattern. There are two wrinkles
+1. We do the already-covered test in specDefn, not when we generate
+the CallInfo in mkCallUDs. We used to test in the latter place, but
+we now iterate the specialiser somewhat, and the Id at the call site
+might therefore not have all the RULES that we can see in specDefn
+2. What about two specialisations where the second is an *instance*
+of the first? If the more specific one shows up first, we'll generate
+specialisations for both. If the *less* specific one shows up first,
+we *don't* currently generate a specialisation for the more specific
+one. (See the call to lookupRule in already_covered.) Reasons:
+ (a) lookupRule doesn't say which matches are exact (bad reason)
+ (b) if the earlier specialisation is user-provided, it's
+ far from clear that we should auto-specialise further
+Note [Auto-specialisation and RULES]
+ g :: Num a => a -> a
+ g = ...
+ f :: (Int -> Int) -> Int
+ f w = ...
+ {-# RULE f g = 0 #-}
+Suppose that auto-specialisation makes a specialised version of
+g::Int->Int That version won't appear in the LHS of the RULE for f.
+So if the specialisation rule fires too early, the rule for f may
+never fire.
+It might be possible to add new rules, to "complete" the rewrite system.
+Thus when adding
+ RULE forall d. g Int d = g_spec
+also add
+ RULE f g_spec = 0
+But that's a bit complicated. For now we ask the programmer's help,
+by *copying the INLINE activation pragma* to the auto-specialised
+rule. So if g says {-# NOINLINE[2] g #-}, then the auto-spec rule
+will also not be active until phase 2. And that's what programmers
+should jolly well do anyway, even aside from specialisation, to ensure
+that g doesn't inline too early.
+This in turn means that the RULE would never fire for a NOINLINE
+thing so not much point in generating a specialisation at all.
+Note [Specialisation shape]
+We only specialise a function if it has visible top-level lambdas
+corresponding to its overloading. E.g. if
+ f :: forall a. Eq a => ....
+then its body must look like
+ f = /\a. \d. ...
+Reason: when specialising the body for a call (f ty dexp), we want to
+substitute dexp for d, and pick up specialised calls in the body of f.
+This doesn't always work. One example I came across was this:
+ newtype Gen a = MkGen{ unGen :: Int -> a }
+ choose :: Eq a => a -> Gen a
+ choose n = MkGen (\r -> n)
+ oneof = choose (1::Int)
+It's a silly example, but we get
+ choose = /\a. g `cast` co
+where choose doesn't have any dict arguments. Thus far I have not
+tried to fix this (wait till there's a real example).
+Mind you, then 'choose' will be inlined (since RHS is trivial) so
+it doesn't matter. This comes up with single-method classes
+ class C a where { op :: a -> a }
+ instance C a => C [a] where ....
+ $fCList :: C a => C [a]
+ $fCList = $copList |> (...coercion>...)
+ ....(uses of $fCList at particular types)...
+So we suppress the WARN if the rhs is trivial.
+Note [Inline specialisations]
+Here is what we do with the InlinePragma of the original function
+ * Activation/RuleMatchInfo: both transferred to the
+ specialised function
+ * InlineSpec:
+ (a) An INLINE pragma is transferred
+ (b) An INLINABLE pragma is *not* transferred
+Why (a): transfer INLINE pragmas? The point of INLINE was precisely to
+specialise the function at its call site, and arguably that's not so
+important for the specialised copies. BUT *pragma-directed*
+specialisation now takes place in the typechecker/desugarer, with
+manually specified INLINEs. The specialisation here is automatic.
+It'd be very odd if a function marked INLINE was specialised (because
+of some local use), and then forever after (including importing
+modules) the specialised version wasn't INLINEd. After all, the
+programmer said INLINE!
+You might wonder why we specialise INLINE functions at all. After
+all they should be inlined, right? Two reasons:
+ * Even INLINE functions are sometimes not inlined, when they aren't
+ applied to interesting arguments. But perhaps the type arguments
+ alone are enough to specialise (even though the args are too boring
+ to trigger inlining), and it's certainly better to call the
+ specialised version.
+ * The RHS of an INLINE function might call another overloaded function,
+ and we'd like to generate a specialised version of that function too.
+ This actually happens a lot. Consider
+ replicateM_ :: (Monad m) => Int -> m a -> m ()
+ {-# INLINABLE replicateM_ #-}
+ replicateM_ d x ma = ...
+ The strictness analyser may transform to
+ replicateM_ :: (Monad m) => Int -> m a -> m ()
+ {-# INLINE replicateM_ #-}
+ replicateM_ d x ma = case x of I# x' -> $wreplicateM_ d x' ma
+ $wreplicateM_ :: (Monad m) => Int# -> m a -> m ()
+ {-# INLINABLE $wreplicateM_ #-}
+ $wreplicateM_ = ...
+ Now an importing module has a specialised call to replicateM_, say
+ (replicateM_ dMonadIO). We certainly want to specialise $wreplicateM_!
+ This particular example had a huge effect on the call to replicateM_
+ in nofib/shootout/n-body.
+Why (b): discard INLINABLE pragmas? See #4874 for persuasive examples.
+Suppose we have
+ {-# INLINABLE f #-}
+ f :: Ord a => [a] -> Int
+ f xs = letrec f' = ...f'... in f'
+Then, when f is specialised and optimised we might get
+ wgo :: [Int] -> Int#
+ wgo = ...wgo...
+ f_spec :: [Int] -> Int
+ f_spec xs = case wgo xs of { r -> I# r }
+and we clearly want to inline f_spec at call sites. But if we still
+have the big, un-optimised of f (albeit specialised) captured in an
+INLINABLE pragma for f_spec, we won't get that optimisation.
+So we simply drop INLINABLE pragmas when specialising. It's not really
+a complete solution; ignoring specialisation for now, INLINABLE functions
+don't get properly strictness analysed, for example. But it works well
+for examples involving specialisation, which is the dominant use of
+INLINABLE. See #4874.
+* *
+\subsubsection{UsageDetails and suchlike}
+* *
+data UsageDetails
+ = MkUD {
+ ud_binds :: !(Bag DictBind),
+ -- See Note [Floated dictionary bindings]
+ -- The order is important;
+ -- in ds1 `union` ds2, bindings in ds2 can depend on those in ds1
+ -- (Remember, Bags preserve order in GHC.)
+ ud_calls :: !CallDetails
+ -- INVARIANT: suppose bs = bindersOf ud_binds
+ -- Then 'calls' may *mention* 'bs',
+ -- but there should be no calls *for* bs
+ }
+-- | A 'DictBind' is a binding along with a cached set containing its free
+-- variables (both type variables and dictionaries)
+type DictBind = (CoreBind, VarSet)
+{- Note [Floated dictionary bindings]
+We float out dictionary bindings for the reasons described under
+"Dictionary floating" above. But not /just/ dictionary bindings.
+ f :: Eq a => blah
+ f a d = rhs
+ $c== :: T -> T -> Bool
+ $c== x y = ...
+ $df :: Eq T
+ $df = Eq $c== ...
+ gurgle = ...(f @T $df)...
+We gather the call info for (f @T $df), and we don't want to drop it
+when we come across the binding for $df. So we add $df to the floats
+and continue. But then we have to add $c== to the floats, and so on.
+These all float above the binding for 'f', and now we can
+successfully specialise 'f'.
+So the DictBinds in (ud_binds :: Bag DictBind) may contain
+non-dictionary bindings too.
+instance Outputable UsageDetails where
+ ppr (MkUD { ud_binds = dbs, ud_calls = calls })
+ = text "MkUD" <+> braces (sep (punctuate comma
+ [text "binds" <+> equals <+> ppr dbs,
+ text "calls" <+> equals <+> ppr calls]))
+emptyUDs :: UsageDetails
+emptyUDs = MkUD { ud_binds = emptyBag, ud_calls = emptyDVarEnv }
+type CallDetails = DIdEnv CallInfoSet
+ -- The order of specialized binds and rules depends on how we linearize
+ -- CallDetails, so to get determinism we must use a deterministic set here.
+ -- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in UniqDFM
+data CallInfoSet = CIS Id (Bag CallInfo)
+ -- The list of types and dictionaries is guaranteed to
+ -- match the type of f
+ -- The Bag may contain duplicate calls (i.e. f @T and another f @T)
+ -- These dups are eliminated by already_covered in specCalls
+data CallInfo
+ = CI { ci_key :: [SpecArg] -- All arguments
+ , ci_arity :: Int -- The number of variables necessary to bind
+ -- all of the specialised arguments
+ , ci_fvs :: VarSet -- Free vars of the ci_key
+ -- call (including tyvars)
+ -- [*not* include the main id itself, of course]
+ }
+type DictExpr = CoreExpr
+ciSetFilter :: (CallInfo -> Bool) -> CallInfoSet -> CallInfoSet
+ciSetFilter p (CIS id a) = CIS id (filterBag p a)
+instance Outputable CallInfoSet where
+ ppr (CIS fn map) = hang (text "CIS" <+> ppr fn)
+ 2 (ppr map)
+pprCallInfo :: Id -> CallInfo -> SDoc
+pprCallInfo fn (CI { ci_key = key })
+ = ppr fn <+> ppr key
+ppr_call_key_ty :: SpecArg -> Maybe SDoc
+ppr_call_key_ty (SpecType ty) = Just $ char '@' <> pprParendType ty
+ppr_call_key_ty UnspecType = Just $ char '_'
+ppr_call_key_ty (SpecDict _) = Nothing
+ppr_call_key_ty UnspecArg = Nothing
+instance Outputable CallInfo where
+ ppr (CI { ci_key = key, ci_fvs = fvs })
+ = text "CI" <> braces (hsep [ fsep (mapMaybe ppr_call_key_ty key), ppr fvs ])
+unionCalls :: CallDetails -> CallDetails -> CallDetails
+unionCalls c1 c2 = plusDVarEnv_C unionCallInfoSet c1 c2
+unionCallInfoSet :: CallInfoSet -> CallInfoSet -> CallInfoSet
+unionCallInfoSet (CIS f calls1) (CIS _ calls2) =
+ CIS f (calls1 `unionBags` calls2)
+callDetailsFVs :: CallDetails -> VarSet
+callDetailsFVs calls =
+ nonDetFoldUDFM (unionVarSet . callInfoFVs) emptyVarSet calls
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUDFM here because we forget the ordering
+ -- immediately by converting to a nondeterministic set.
+callInfoFVs :: CallInfoSet -> VarSet
+callInfoFVs (CIS _ call_info) =
+ foldr (\(CI { ci_fvs = fv }) vs -> unionVarSet fv vs) emptyVarSet call_info
+computeArity :: [SpecArg] -> Int
+computeArity = length . filter isValueArg . dropWhileEndLE isUnspecArg
+callSpecArity :: [TyCoBinder] -> Int
+callSpecArity = length . filter (not . isNamedBinder) . dropWhileEndLE isVisibleBinder
+getTheta :: [TyCoBinder] -> [PredType]
+getTheta = fmap tyBinderType . filter isInvisibleBinder . filter (not . isNamedBinder)
+singleCall :: Id -> [SpecArg] -> UsageDetails
+singleCall id args
+ = MkUD {ud_binds = emptyBag,
+ ud_calls = unitDVarEnv id $ CIS id $
+ unitBag (CI { ci_key = args -- used to be tys
+ , ci_arity = computeArity args
+ , ci_fvs = call_fvs }) }
+ where
+ tys = getSpecTypes args
+ dicts = getSpecDicts args
+ call_fvs = exprsFreeVars dicts `unionVarSet` tys_fvs
+ tys_fvs = tyCoVarsOfTypes tys
+ -- The type args (tys) are guaranteed to be part of the dictionary
+ -- types, because they are just the constrained types,
+ -- and the dictionary is therefore sure to be bound
+ -- inside the binding for any type variables free in the type;
+ -- hence it's safe to neglect tyvars free in tys when making
+ -- the free-var set for this call
+ -- BUT I don't trust this reasoning; play safe and include tys_fvs
+ --
+ -- We don't include the 'id' itself.
+mkCallUDs, mkCallUDs' :: SpecEnv -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> UsageDetails
+mkCallUDs env f args
+ = -- pprTrace "mkCallUDs" (vcat [ ppr f, ppr args, ppr res ])
+ res
+ where
+ res = mkCallUDs' env f args
+mkCallUDs' env f args
+ | not (want_calls_for f) -- Imported from elsewhere
+ || null theta -- Not overloaded
+ = emptyUDs
+ | not (all type_determines_value theta)
+ || not (computeArity ci_key <= idArity f)
+ || not (length dicts == length theta)
+ || not (any (interestingDict env) dicts) -- Note [Interesting dictionary arguments]
+ -- See also Note [Specialisations already covered]
+ = -- pprTrace "mkCallUDs: discarding" _trace_doc
+ emptyUDs -- Not overloaded, or no specialisation wanted
+ | otherwise
+ = -- pprTrace "mkCallUDs: keeping" _trace_doc
+ singleCall f ci_key
+ where
+ _trace_doc = vcat [ppr f, ppr args, ppr (map (interestingDict env) dicts)]
+ pis = fst $ splitPiTys $ idType f
+ theta = getTheta pis
+ constrained_tyvars = tyCoVarsOfTypes theta
+ ci_key :: [SpecArg]
+ ci_key = fmap (\(t, a) ->
+ case t of
+ Named (binderVar -> tyVar)
+ | tyVar `elemVarSet` constrained_tyvars
+ -> case a of
+ Type ty -> SpecType ty
+ _ -> pprPanic "ci_key" $ ppr a
+ | otherwise
+ -> UnspecType
+ Anon InvisArg _ -> SpecDict a
+ Anon VisArg _ -> UnspecArg
+ ) $ zip pis args
+ dicts = getSpecDicts ci_key
+ want_calls_for f = isLocalId f || isJust (maybeUnfoldingTemplate (realIdUnfolding f))
+ -- For imported things, we gather call instances if
+ -- there is an unfolding that we could in principle specialise
+ -- We might still decide not to use it (consulting dflags)
+ -- in specImports
+ -- Use 'realIdUnfolding' to ignore the loop-breaker flag!
+ type_determines_value pred -- See Note [Type determines value]
+ = case classifyPredType pred of
+ ClassPred cls _ -> not (isIPClass cls) -- Superclasses can't be IPs
+ EqPred {} -> True
+ IrredPred {} -> True -- Things like (D []) where D is a
+ -- Constraint-ranged family; #7785
+ ForAllPred {} -> True
+Note [Type determines value]
+Only specialise if all overloading is on non-IP *class* params,
+because these are the ones whose *type* determines their *value*. In
+parrticular, with implicit params, the type args *don't* say what the
+value of the implicit param is! See #7101
+However, consider
+ type family D (v::*->*) :: Constraint
+ type instance D [] = ()
+ f :: D v => v Char -> Int
+If we see a call (f "foo"), we'll pass a "dictionary"
+ () |> (g :: () ~ D [])
+and it's good to specialise f at this dictionary.
+So the question is: can an implicit parameter "hide inside" a
+type-family constraint like (D a). Well, no. We don't allow
+ type instance D Maybe = ?x:Int
+Hence the IrredPred case in type_determines_value.
+See #7785.
+Note [Interesting dictionary arguments]
+Consider this
+ \a.\d:Eq a. let f = ... in ...(f d)...
+There really is not much point in specialising f wrt the dictionary d,
+because the code for the specialised f is not improved at all, because
+d is lambda-bound. We simply get junk specialisations.
+What is "interesting"? Just that it has *some* structure. But what about
+ * A variable might be imported, in which case its unfolding
+ will tell us whether it has useful structure
+ * Local variables are cloned on the way down (to avoid clashes when
+ we float dictionaries), and cloning drops the unfolding
+ (cloneIdBndr). Moreover, we make up some new bindings, and it's a
+ nuisance to give them unfoldings. So we keep track of the
+ "interesting" dictionaries as a VarSet in SpecEnv.
+ We have to take care to put any new interesting dictionary
+ bindings in the set.
+We accidentally lost accurate tracking of local variables for a long
+time, because cloned variables don't have unfoldings. But makes a
+massive difference in a few cases, eg #5113. For nofib as a
+whole it's only a small win: 2.2% improvement in allocation for ansi,
+1.2% for bspt, but mostly 0.0! Average 0.1% increase in binary size.
+interestingDict :: SpecEnv -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+-- A dictionary argument is interesting if it has *some* structure
+-- NB: "dictionary" arguments include constraints of all sorts,
+-- including equality constraints; hence the Coercion case
+interestingDict env (Var v) = hasSomeUnfolding (idUnfolding v)
+ || isDataConWorkId v
+ || v `elemVarSet` se_interesting env
+interestingDict _ (Type _) = False
+interestingDict _ (Coercion _) = False
+interestingDict env (App fn (Type _)) = interestingDict env fn
+interestingDict env (App fn (Coercion _)) = interestingDict env fn
+interestingDict env (Tick _ a) = interestingDict env a
+interestingDict env (Cast e _) = interestingDict env e
+interestingDict _ _ = True
+plusUDs :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+plusUDs (MkUD {ud_binds = db1, ud_calls = calls1})
+ (MkUD {ud_binds = db2, ud_calls = calls2})
+ = MkUD { ud_binds = db1 `unionBags` db2
+ , ud_calls = calls1 `unionCalls` calls2 }
+_dictBindBndrs :: Bag DictBind -> [Id]
+_dictBindBndrs dbs = foldr ((++) . bindersOf . fst) [] dbs
+-- | Construct a 'DictBind' from a 'CoreBind'
+mkDB :: CoreBind -> DictBind
+mkDB bind = (bind, bind_fvs bind)
+-- | Identify the free variables of a 'CoreBind'
+bind_fvs :: CoreBind -> VarSet
+bind_fvs (NonRec bndr rhs) = pair_fvs (bndr,rhs)
+bind_fvs (Rec prs) = foldl' delVarSet rhs_fvs bndrs
+ where
+ bndrs = map fst prs
+ rhs_fvs = unionVarSets (map pair_fvs prs)
+pair_fvs :: (Id, CoreExpr) -> VarSet
+pair_fvs (bndr, rhs) = exprSomeFreeVars interesting rhs
+ `unionVarSet` idFreeVars bndr
+ -- idFreeVars: don't forget variables mentioned in
+ -- the rules of the bndr. C.f. OccAnal.addRuleUsage
+ -- Also tyvars mentioned in its type; they may not appear
+ -- in the RHS
+ -- type T a = Int
+ -- x :: T a = 3
+ where
+ interesting :: InterestingVarFun
+ interesting v = isLocalVar v || (isId v && isDFunId v)
+ -- Very important: include DFunIds /even/ if it is imported
+ -- Reason: See Note [Avoiding loops], the second example
+ -- involving an imported dfun. We must know whether
+ -- a dictionary binding depends on an imported dfun,
+ -- in case we try to specialise that imported dfun
+ -- #13429 illustrates
+-- | Flatten a set of "dumped" 'DictBind's, and some other binding
+-- pairs, into a single recursive binding.
+recWithDumpedDicts :: [(Id,CoreExpr)] -> Bag DictBind ->DictBind
+recWithDumpedDicts pairs dbs
+ = (Rec bindings, fvs)
+ where
+ (bindings, fvs) = foldr add
+ ([], emptyVarSet)
+ (dbs `snocBag` mkDB (Rec pairs))
+ add (NonRec b r, fvs') (pairs, fvs) =
+ ((b,r) : pairs, fvs `unionVarSet` fvs')
+ add (Rec prs1, fvs') (pairs, fvs) =
+ (prs1 ++ pairs, fvs `unionVarSet` fvs')
+snocDictBinds :: UsageDetails -> [DictBind] -> UsageDetails
+-- Add ud_binds to the tail end of the bindings in uds
+snocDictBinds uds dbs
+ = uds { ud_binds = ud_binds uds `unionBags` listToBag dbs }
+consDictBind :: DictBind -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+consDictBind bind uds = uds { ud_binds = bind `consBag` ud_binds uds }
+addDictBinds :: [DictBind] -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+addDictBinds binds uds = uds { ud_binds = listToBag binds `unionBags` ud_binds uds }
+snocDictBind :: UsageDetails -> DictBind -> UsageDetails
+snocDictBind uds bind = uds { ud_binds = ud_binds uds `snocBag` bind }
+wrapDictBinds :: Bag DictBind -> [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
+wrapDictBinds dbs binds
+ = foldr add binds dbs
+ where
+ add (bind,_) binds = bind : binds
+wrapDictBindsE :: Bag DictBind -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+wrapDictBindsE dbs expr
+ = foldr add expr dbs
+ where
+ add (bind,_) expr = Let bind expr
+dumpUDs :: [CoreBndr] -> UsageDetails -> (UsageDetails, Bag DictBind)
+-- Used at a lambda or case binder; just dump anything mentioning the binder
+dumpUDs bndrs uds@(MkUD { ud_binds = orig_dbs, ud_calls = orig_calls })
+ | null bndrs = (uds, emptyBag) -- Common in case alternatives
+ | otherwise = -- pprTrace "dumpUDs" (ppr bndrs $$ ppr free_uds $$ ppr dump_dbs) $
+ (free_uds, dump_dbs)
+ where
+ free_uds = MkUD { ud_binds = free_dbs, ud_calls = free_calls }
+ bndr_set = mkVarSet bndrs
+ (free_dbs, dump_dbs, dump_set) = splitDictBinds orig_dbs bndr_set
+ free_calls = deleteCallsMentioning dump_set $ -- Drop calls mentioning bndr_set on the floor
+ deleteCallsFor bndrs orig_calls -- Discard calls for bndr_set; there should be
+ -- no calls for any of the dicts in dump_dbs
+dumpBindUDs :: [CoreBndr] -> UsageDetails -> (UsageDetails, Bag DictBind, Bool)
+-- Used at a let(rec) binding.
+-- We return a boolean indicating whether the binding itself is mentioned,
+-- directly or indirectly, by any of the ud_calls; in that case we want to
+-- float the binding itself;
+-- See Note [Floated dictionary bindings]
+dumpBindUDs bndrs (MkUD { ud_binds = orig_dbs, ud_calls = orig_calls })
+ = -- pprTrace "dumpBindUDs" (ppr bndrs $$ ppr free_uds $$ ppr dump_dbs) $
+ (free_uds, dump_dbs, float_all)
+ where
+ free_uds = MkUD { ud_binds = free_dbs, ud_calls = free_calls }
+ bndr_set = mkVarSet bndrs
+ (free_dbs, dump_dbs, dump_set) = splitDictBinds orig_dbs bndr_set
+ free_calls = deleteCallsFor bndrs orig_calls
+ float_all = dump_set `intersectsVarSet` callDetailsFVs free_calls
+callsForMe :: Id -> UsageDetails -> (UsageDetails, [CallInfo])
+callsForMe fn (MkUD { ud_binds = orig_dbs, ud_calls = orig_calls })
+ = -- pprTrace ("callsForMe")
+ -- (vcat [ppr fn,
+ -- text "Orig dbs =" <+> ppr (_dictBindBndrs orig_dbs),
+ -- text "Orig calls =" <+> ppr orig_calls,
+ -- text "Dep set =" <+> ppr dep_set,
+ -- text "Calls for me =" <+> ppr calls_for_me]) $
+ (uds_without_me, calls_for_me)
+ where
+ uds_without_me = MkUD { ud_binds = orig_dbs
+ , ud_calls = delDVarEnv orig_calls fn }
+ calls_for_me = case lookupDVarEnv orig_calls fn of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just cis -> filterCalls cis orig_dbs
+ -- filterCalls: drop calls that (directly or indirectly)
+ -- refer to fn. See Note [Avoiding loops]
+filterCalls :: CallInfoSet -> Bag DictBind -> [CallInfo]
+-- See Note [Avoiding loops]
+filterCalls (CIS fn call_bag) dbs
+ = filter ok_call (bagToList call_bag)
+ where
+ dump_set = foldl' go (unitVarSet fn) dbs
+ -- This dump-set could also be computed by splitDictBinds
+ -- (_,_,dump_set) = splitDictBinds dbs {fn}
+ -- But this variant is shorter
+ go so_far (db,fvs) | fvs `intersectsVarSet` so_far
+ = extendVarSetList so_far (bindersOf db)
+ | otherwise = so_far
+ ok_call (CI { ci_fvs = fvs }) = not (fvs `intersectsVarSet` dump_set)
+splitDictBinds :: Bag DictBind -> IdSet -> (Bag DictBind, Bag DictBind, IdSet)
+-- splitDictBinds dbs bndrs returns
+-- (free_dbs, dump_dbs, dump_set)
+-- where
+-- * dump_dbs depends, transitively on bndrs
+-- * free_dbs does not depend on bndrs
+-- * dump_set = bndrs `union` bndrs(dump_dbs)
+splitDictBinds dbs bndr_set
+ = foldl' split_db (emptyBag, emptyBag, bndr_set) dbs
+ -- Important that it's foldl' not foldr;
+ -- we're accumulating the set of dumped ids in dump_set
+ where
+ split_db (free_dbs, dump_dbs, dump_idset) db@(bind, fvs)
+ | dump_idset `intersectsVarSet` fvs -- Dump it
+ = (free_dbs, dump_dbs `snocBag` db,
+ extendVarSetList dump_idset (bindersOf bind))
+ | otherwise -- Don't dump it
+ = (free_dbs `snocBag` db, dump_dbs, dump_idset)
+deleteCallsMentioning :: VarSet -> CallDetails -> CallDetails
+-- Remove calls *mentioning* bs in any way
+deleteCallsMentioning bs calls
+ = mapDVarEnv (ciSetFilter keep_call) calls
+ where
+ keep_call (CI { ci_fvs = fvs }) = not (fvs `intersectsVarSet` bs)
+deleteCallsFor :: [Id] -> CallDetails -> CallDetails
+-- Remove calls *for* bs
+deleteCallsFor bs calls = delDVarEnvList calls bs
+* *
+\subsubsection{Boring helper functions}
+* *
+newtype SpecM a = SpecM (State SpecState a) deriving (Functor)
+data SpecState = SpecState {
+ spec_uniq_supply :: UniqSupply,
+ spec_module :: Module,
+ spec_dflags :: DynFlags
+ }
+instance Applicative SpecM where
+ pure x = SpecM $ return x
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad SpecM where
+ SpecM x >>= f = SpecM $ do y <- x
+ case f y of
+ SpecM z ->
+ z
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
+ fail =
+instance MonadFail.MonadFail SpecM where
+ fail str = SpecM $ error str
+instance MonadUnique SpecM where
+ getUniqueSupplyM
+ = SpecM $ do st <- get
+ let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply $ spec_uniq_supply st
+ put $ st { spec_uniq_supply = us2 }
+ return us1
+ getUniqueM
+ = SpecM $ do st <- get
+ let (u,us') = takeUniqFromSupply $ spec_uniq_supply st
+ put $ st { spec_uniq_supply = us' }
+ return u
+instance HasDynFlags SpecM where
+ getDynFlags = SpecM $ liftM spec_dflags get
+instance HasModule SpecM where
+ getModule = SpecM $ liftM spec_module get
+runSpecM :: DynFlags -> Module -> SpecM a -> CoreM a
+runSpecM dflags this_mod (SpecM spec)
+ = do us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ let initialState = SpecState {
+ spec_uniq_supply = us,
+ spec_module = this_mod,
+ spec_dflags = dflags
+ }
+ return $ evalState spec initialState
+mapAndCombineSM :: (a -> SpecM (b, UsageDetails)) -> [a] -> SpecM ([b], UsageDetails)
+mapAndCombineSM _ [] = return ([], emptyUDs)
+mapAndCombineSM f (x:xs) = do (y, uds1) <- f x
+ (ys, uds2) <- mapAndCombineSM f xs
+ return (y:ys, uds1 `plusUDs` uds2)
+extendTvSubstList :: SpecEnv -> [(TyVar,Type)] -> SpecEnv
+extendTvSubstList env tv_binds
+ = env { se_subst = GHC.Core.Subst.extendTvSubstList (se_subst env) tv_binds }
+substTy :: SpecEnv -> Type -> Type
+substTy env ty = GHC.Core.Subst.substTy (se_subst env) ty
+substCo :: SpecEnv -> Coercion -> Coercion
+substCo env co = GHC.Core.Subst.substCo (se_subst env) co
+substBndr :: SpecEnv -> CoreBndr -> (SpecEnv, CoreBndr)
+substBndr env bs = case GHC.Core.Subst.substBndr (se_subst env) bs of
+ (subst', bs') -> (env { se_subst = subst' }, bs')
+substBndrs :: SpecEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> (SpecEnv, [CoreBndr])
+substBndrs env bs = case GHC.Core.Subst.substBndrs (se_subst env) bs of
+ (subst', bs') -> (env { se_subst = subst' }, bs')
+cloneBindSM :: SpecEnv -> CoreBind -> SpecM (SpecEnv, SpecEnv, CoreBind)
+-- Clone the binders of the bind; return new bind with the cloned binders
+-- Return the substitution to use for RHSs, and the one to use for the body
+cloneBindSM env@(SE { se_subst = subst, se_interesting = interesting }) (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = do { us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ ; let (subst', bndr') = GHC.Core.Subst.cloneIdBndr subst us bndr
+ interesting' | interestingDict env rhs
+ = interesting `extendVarSet` bndr'
+ | otherwise = interesting
+ ; return (env, env { se_subst = subst', se_interesting = interesting' }
+ , NonRec bndr' rhs) }
+cloneBindSM env@(SE { se_subst = subst, se_interesting = interesting }) (Rec pairs)
+ = do { us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ ; let (subst', bndrs') = GHC.Core.Subst.cloneRecIdBndrs subst us (map fst pairs)
+ env' = env { se_subst = subst'
+ , se_interesting = interesting `extendVarSetList`
+ [ v | (v,r) <- pairs, interestingDict env r ] }
+ ; return (env', env', Rec (bndrs' `zip` map snd pairs)) }
+newDictBndr :: SpecEnv -> CoreBndr -> SpecM CoreBndr
+-- Make up completely fresh binders for the dictionaries
+-- Their bindings are going to float outwards
+newDictBndr env b = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let n = idName b
+ ty' = substTy env (idType b)
+ ; return (mkUserLocal (nameOccName n) uniq ty' (getSrcSpan n)) }
+newSpecIdSM :: Id -> Type -> Maybe JoinArity -> SpecM Id
+ -- Give the new Id a similar occurrence name to the old one
+newSpecIdSM old_id new_ty join_arity_maybe
+ = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let name = idName old_id
+ new_occ = mkSpecOcc (nameOccName name)
+ new_id = mkUserLocal new_occ uniq new_ty (getSrcSpan name)
+ `asJoinId_maybe` join_arity_maybe
+ ; return new_id }
+ Old (but interesting) stuff about unboxed bindings
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+What should we do when a value is specialised to a *strict* unboxed value?
+ map_*_* f (x:xs) = let h = f x
+ t = map f xs
+ in h:t
+Could convert let to case:
+ map_*_Int# f (x:xs) = case f x of h# ->
+ let t = map f xs
+ in h#:t
+This may be undesirable since it forces evaluation here, but the value
+may not be used in all branches of the body. In the general case this
+transformation is impossible since the mutual recursion in a letrec
+cannot be expressed as a case.
+There is also a problem with top-level unboxed values, since our
+implementation cannot handle unboxed values at the top level.
+Solution: Lift the binding of the unboxed value and extract it when it
+is used:
+ map_*_Int# f (x:xs) = let h = case (f x) of h# -> _Lift h#
+ t = map f xs
+ in case h of
+ _Lift h# -> h#:t
+Now give it to the simplifier and the _Lifting will be optimised away.
+The benefit is that we have given the specialised "unboxed" values a
+very simple lifted semantics and then leave it up to the simplifier to
+optimise it --- knowing that the overheads will be removed in nearly
+all cases.
+In particular, the value will only be evaluated in the branches of the
+program which use it, rather than being forced at the point where the
+value is bound. For example:
+ filtermap_*_* p f (x:xs)
+ = let h = f x
+ t = ...
+ in case p x of
+ True -> h:t
+ False -> t
+ ==>
+ filtermap_*_Int# p f (x:xs)
+ = let h = case (f x) of h# -> _Lift h#
+ t = ...
+ in case p x of
+ True -> case h of _Lift h#
+ -> h#:t
+ False -> t
+The binding for h can still be inlined in the one branch and the
+_Lifting eliminated.
+Question: When won't the _Lifting be eliminated?
+Answer: When they at the top-level (where it is necessary) or when
+inlining would duplicate work (or possibly code depending on
+options). However, the _Lifting will still be eliminated if the
+strictness analyser deems the lifted binding strict.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/StaticArgs.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/StaticArgs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e550fabfd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/StaticArgs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+ Static Argument Transformation pass
+May be seen as removing invariants from loops:
+Arguments of recursive functions that do not change in recursive
+calls are removed from the recursion, which is done locally
+and only passes the arguments which effectively change.
+map = /\ ab -> \f -> \xs -> case xs of
+ [] -> []
+ (a:b) -> f a : map f b
+as map is recursively called with the same argument f (unmodified)
+we transform it to
+map = /\ ab -> \f -> \xs -> let map' ys = case ys of
+ [] -> []
+ (a:b) -> f a : map' b
+ in map' xs
+Notice that for a compiler that uses lambda lifting this is
+useless as map' will be transformed back to what map was.
+We could possibly do the same for big lambdas, but we don't as
+they will eventually be removed in later stages of the compiler,
+therefore there is no penalty in keeping them.
+We only apply the SAT when the number of static args is > 2. This
+produces few bad cases. See
+ should_transform
+in saTransform.
+Here are the headline nofib results:
+ Size Allocs Runtime
+Min +0.0% -13.7% -21.4%
+Max +0.1% +0.0% +5.4%
+Geometric Mean +0.0% -0.2% -6.9%
+The previous patch, to fix polymorphic floatout demand signatures, is
+essential to make this work well!
+module GHC.Core.Op.StaticArgs ( doStaticArgs ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Var
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Utils
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import Id
+import Name
+import VarEnv
+import UniqSupply
+import Util
+import UniqFM
+import VarSet
+import Unique
+import UniqSet
+import Outputable
+import Data.List (mapAccumL)
+import FastString
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+doStaticArgs :: UniqSupply -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
+doStaticArgs us binds = snd $ mapAccumL sat_bind_threaded_us us binds
+ where
+ sat_bind_threaded_us us bind =
+ let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+ in (us1, fst $ runSAT us2 (satBind bind emptyUniqSet))
+-- We don't bother to SAT recursive groups since it can lead
+-- to massive code expansion: see Andre Santos' thesis for details.
+-- This means we only apply the actual SAT to Rec groups of one element,
+-- but we want to recurse into the others anyway to discover other binds
+satBind :: CoreBind -> IdSet -> SatM (CoreBind, IdSATInfo)
+satBind (NonRec binder expr) interesting_ids = do
+ (expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
+ return (NonRec binder expr', finalizeApp expr_app sat_info_expr)
+satBind (Rec [(binder, rhs)]) interesting_ids = do
+ let interesting_ids' = interesting_ids `addOneToUniqSet` binder
+ (rhs_binders, rhs_body) = collectBinders rhs
+ (rhs_body', sat_info_rhs_body) <- satTopLevelExpr rhs_body interesting_ids'
+ let sat_info_rhs_from_args = unitVarEnv binder (bindersToSATInfo rhs_binders)
+ sat_info_rhs' = mergeIdSATInfo sat_info_rhs_from_args sat_info_rhs_body
+ shadowing = binder `elementOfUniqSet` interesting_ids
+ sat_info_rhs'' = if shadowing
+ then sat_info_rhs' `delFromUFM` binder -- For safety
+ else sat_info_rhs'
+ bind' <- saTransformMaybe binder (lookupUFM sat_info_rhs' binder)
+ rhs_binders rhs_body'
+ return (bind', sat_info_rhs'')
+satBind (Rec pairs) interesting_ids = do
+ let (binders, rhss) = unzip pairs
+ rhss_SATed <- mapM (\e -> satTopLevelExpr e interesting_ids) rhss
+ let (rhss', sat_info_rhss') = unzip rhss_SATed
+ return (Rec (zipEqual "satBind" binders rhss'), mergeIdSATInfos sat_info_rhss')
+data App = VarApp Id | TypeApp Type | CoApp Coercion
+data Staticness a = Static a | NotStatic
+type IdAppInfo = (Id, SATInfo)
+type SATInfo = [Staticness App]
+type IdSATInfo = IdEnv SATInfo
+emptyIdSATInfo :: IdSATInfo
+emptyIdSATInfo = emptyUFM
+pprIdSATInfo id_sat_info = vcat (map pprIdAndSATInfo (Map.toList id_sat_info))
+ where pprIdAndSATInfo (v, sat_info) = hang (ppr v <> colon) 4 (pprSATInfo sat_info)
+pprSATInfo :: SATInfo -> SDoc
+pprSATInfo staticness = hcat $ map pprStaticness staticness
+pprStaticness :: Staticness App -> SDoc
+pprStaticness (Static (VarApp _)) = text "SV"
+pprStaticness (Static (TypeApp _)) = text "ST"
+pprStaticness (Static (CoApp _)) = text "SC"
+pprStaticness NotStatic = text "NS"
+mergeSATInfo :: SATInfo -> SATInfo -> SATInfo
+mergeSATInfo l r = zipWith mergeSA l r
+ where
+ mergeSA NotStatic _ = NotStatic
+ mergeSA _ NotStatic = NotStatic
+ mergeSA (Static (VarApp v)) (Static (VarApp v'))
+ | v == v' = Static (VarApp v)
+ | otherwise = NotStatic
+ mergeSA (Static (TypeApp t)) (Static (TypeApp t'))
+ | t `eqType` t' = Static (TypeApp t)
+ | otherwise = NotStatic
+ mergeSA (Static (CoApp c)) (Static (CoApp c'))
+ | c `eqCoercion` c' = Static (CoApp c)
+ | otherwise = NotStatic
+ mergeSA _ _ = pprPanic "mergeSATInfo" $
+ text "Left:"
+ <> pprSATInfo l <> text ", "
+ <> text "Right:"
+ <> pprSATInfo r
+mergeIdSATInfo :: IdSATInfo -> IdSATInfo -> IdSATInfo
+mergeIdSATInfo = plusUFM_C mergeSATInfo
+mergeIdSATInfos :: [IdSATInfo] -> IdSATInfo
+mergeIdSATInfos = foldl' mergeIdSATInfo emptyIdSATInfo
+bindersToSATInfo :: [Id] -> SATInfo
+bindersToSATInfo vs = map (Static . binderToApp) vs
+ where binderToApp v | isId v = VarApp v
+ | isTyVar v = TypeApp $ mkTyVarTy v
+ | otherwise = CoApp $ mkCoVarCo v
+finalizeApp :: Maybe IdAppInfo -> IdSATInfo -> IdSATInfo
+finalizeApp Nothing id_sat_info = id_sat_info
+finalizeApp (Just (v, sat_info')) id_sat_info =
+ let sat_info'' = case lookupUFM id_sat_info v of
+ Nothing -> sat_info'
+ Just sat_info -> mergeSATInfo sat_info sat_info'
+ in extendVarEnv id_sat_info v sat_info''
+satTopLevelExpr :: CoreExpr -> IdSet -> SatM (CoreExpr, IdSATInfo)
+satTopLevelExpr expr interesting_ids = do
+ (expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
+ return (expr', finalizeApp expr_app sat_info_expr)
+satExpr :: CoreExpr -> IdSet -> SatM (CoreExpr, IdSATInfo, Maybe IdAppInfo)
+satExpr var@(Var v) interesting_ids = do
+ let app_info = if v `elementOfUniqSet` interesting_ids
+ then Just (v, [])
+ else Nothing
+ return (var, emptyIdSATInfo, app_info)
+satExpr lit@(Lit _) _ = do
+ return (lit, emptyIdSATInfo, Nothing)
+satExpr (Lam binders body) interesting_ids = do
+ (body', sat_info, this_app) <- satExpr body interesting_ids
+ return (Lam binders body', finalizeApp this_app sat_info, Nothing)
+satExpr (App fn arg) interesting_ids = do
+ (fn', sat_info_fn, fn_app) <- satExpr fn interesting_ids
+ let satRemainder = boring fn' sat_info_fn
+ case fn_app of
+ Nothing -> satRemainder Nothing
+ Just (fn_id, fn_app_info) ->
+ -- TODO: remove this use of append somehow (use a data structure with O(1) append but a left-to-right kind of interface)
+ let satRemainderWithStaticness arg_staticness = satRemainder $ Just (fn_id, fn_app_info ++ [arg_staticness])
+ in case arg of
+ Type t -> satRemainderWithStaticness $ Static (TypeApp t)
+ Coercion c -> satRemainderWithStaticness $ Static (CoApp c)
+ Var v -> satRemainderWithStaticness $ Static (VarApp v)
+ _ -> satRemainderWithStaticness $ NotStatic
+ where
+ boring :: CoreExpr -> IdSATInfo -> Maybe IdAppInfo -> SatM (CoreExpr, IdSATInfo, Maybe IdAppInfo)
+ boring fn' sat_info_fn app_info =
+ do (arg', sat_info_arg, arg_app) <- satExpr arg interesting_ids
+ let sat_info_arg' = finalizeApp arg_app sat_info_arg
+ sat_info = mergeIdSATInfo sat_info_fn sat_info_arg'
+ return (App fn' arg', sat_info, app_info)
+satExpr (Case expr bndr ty alts) interesting_ids = do
+ (expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
+ let sat_info_expr' = finalizeApp expr_app sat_info_expr
+ zipped_alts' <- mapM satAlt alts
+ let (alts', sat_infos_alts) = unzip zipped_alts'
+ return (Case expr' bndr ty alts', mergeIdSATInfo sat_info_expr' (mergeIdSATInfos sat_infos_alts), Nothing)
+ where
+ satAlt (con, bndrs, expr) = do
+ (expr', sat_info_expr) <- satTopLevelExpr expr interesting_ids
+ return ((con, bndrs, expr'), sat_info_expr)
+satExpr (Let bind body) interesting_ids = do
+ (body', sat_info_body, body_app) <- satExpr body interesting_ids
+ (bind', sat_info_bind) <- satBind bind interesting_ids
+ return (Let bind' body', mergeIdSATInfo sat_info_body sat_info_bind, body_app)
+satExpr (Tick tickish expr) interesting_ids = do
+ (expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
+ return (Tick tickish expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app)
+satExpr ty@(Type _) _ = do
+ return (ty, emptyIdSATInfo, Nothing)
+satExpr co@(Coercion _) _ = do
+ return (co, emptyIdSATInfo, Nothing)
+satExpr (Cast expr coercion) interesting_ids = do
+ (expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
+ return (Cast expr' coercion, sat_info_expr, expr_app)
+ Static Argument Transformation Monad
+type SatM result = UniqSM result
+runSAT :: UniqSupply -> SatM a -> a
+runSAT = initUs_
+newUnique :: SatM Unique
+newUnique = getUniqueM
+ Static Argument Transformation Monad
+To do the transformation, the game plan is to:
+1. Create a small nonrecursive RHS that takes the
+ original arguments to the function but discards
+ the ones that are static and makes a call to the
+ SATed version with the remainder. We intend that
+ this will be inlined later, removing the overhead
+2. Bind this nonrecursive RHS over the original body
+ WITH THE SAME UNIQUE as the original body so that
+ any recursive calls to the original now go via
+ the small wrapper
+3. Rebind the original function to a new one which contains
+ our SATed function and just makes a call to it:
+ we call the thing making this call the local body
+Example: transform this
+ map :: forall a b. (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
+ map = /\ab. \(f:a->b) (as:[a]) -> body[map]
+ map :: forall a b. (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
+ map = /\ab. \(f:a->b) (as:[a]) ->
+ letrec map' :: [a] -> [b]
+ -- The "worker function
+ map' = \(as:[a]) ->
+ let map :: forall a' b'. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
+ -- The "shadow function
+ map = /\a'b'. \(f':(a->b) (as:[a]).
+ map' as
+ in body[map]
+ in map' as
+Note [Shadow binding]
+The calls to the inner map inside body[map] should get inlined
+by the local re-binding of 'map'. We call this the "shadow binding".
+But we can't use the original binder 'map' unchanged, because
+it might be exported, in which case the shadow binding won't be
+discarded as dead code after it is inlined.
+So we use a hack: we make a new SysLocal binder with the *same* unique
+as binder. (Another alternative would be to reset the export flag.)
+Note [Binder type capture]
+Notice that in the inner map (the "shadow function"), the static arguments
+are discarded -- it's as if they were underscores. Instead, mentions
+of these arguments (notably in the types of dynamic arguments) are bound
+by the *outer* lambdas of the main function. So we must make up fresh
+names for the static arguments so that they do not capture variables
+mentioned in the types of dynamic args.
+In the map example, the shadow function must clone the static type
+argument a,b, giving a',b', to ensure that in the \(as:[a]), the 'a'
+is bound by the outer forall. We clone f' too for consistency, but
+that doesn't matter either way because static Id arguments aren't
+mentioned in the shadow binding at all.
+If we don't we get something like this:
+[Arity 3]
+GHC.Base.until =
+ \ (@ a_aiK)
+ (p_a6T :: a_aiK -> GHC.Types.Bool)
+ (f_a6V :: a_aiK -> a_aiK)
+ (x_a6X :: a_aiK) ->
+ letrec {
+ sat_worker_s1aU :: a_aiK -> a_aiK
+ []
+ sat_worker_s1aU =
+ \ (x_a6X :: a_aiK) ->
+ let {
+ sat_shadow_r17 :: forall a_a3O.
+ (a_a3O -> GHC.Types.Bool) -> (a_a3O -> a_a3O) -> a_a3O -> a_a3O
+ []
+ sat_shadow_r17 =
+ \ (@ a_aiK)
+ (p_a6T :: a_aiK -> GHC.Types.Bool)
+ (f_a6V :: a_aiK -> a_aiK)
+ (x_a6X :: a_aiK) ->
+ sat_worker_s1aU x_a6X } in
+ case p_a6T x_a6X of wild_X3y [ALWAYS Dead Nothing] {
+ GHC.Types.False -> GHC.Base.until @ a_aiK p_a6T f_a6V (f_a6V x_a6X);
+ GHC.Types.True -> x_a6X
+ }; } in
+ sat_worker_s1aU x_a6X
+Where sat_shadow has captured the type variables of x_a6X etc as it has a a_aiK
+type argument. This is bad because it means the application sat_worker_s1aU x_a6X
+is not well typed.
+saTransformMaybe :: Id -> Maybe SATInfo -> [Id] -> CoreExpr -> SatM CoreBind
+saTransformMaybe binder maybe_arg_staticness rhs_binders rhs_body
+ | Just arg_staticness <- maybe_arg_staticness
+ , should_transform arg_staticness
+ = saTransform binder arg_staticness rhs_binders rhs_body
+ | otherwise
+ = return (Rec [(binder, mkLams rhs_binders rhs_body)])
+ where
+ should_transform staticness = n_static_args > 1 -- THIS IS THE DECISION POINT
+ where
+ n_static_args = count isStaticValue staticness
+saTransform :: Id -> SATInfo -> [Id] -> CoreExpr -> SatM CoreBind
+saTransform binder arg_staticness rhs_binders rhs_body
+ = do { shadow_lam_bndrs <- mapM clone binders_w_staticness
+ ; uniq <- newUnique
+ ; return (NonRec binder (mk_new_rhs uniq shadow_lam_bndrs)) }
+ where
+ -- Running example: foldr
+ -- foldr \alpha \beta c n xs = e, for some e
+ -- arg_staticness = [Static TypeApp, Static TypeApp, Static VarApp, Static VarApp, NonStatic]
+ -- rhs_binders = [\alpha, \beta, c, n, xs]
+ -- rhs_body = e
+ binders_w_staticness = rhs_binders `zip` (arg_staticness ++ repeat NotStatic)
+ -- Any extra args are assumed NotStatic
+ non_static_args :: [Var]
+ -- non_static_args = [xs]
+ -- rhs_binders_without_type_capture = [\alpha', \beta', c, n, xs]
+ non_static_args = [v | (v, NotStatic) <- binders_w_staticness]
+ clone (bndr, NotStatic) = return bndr
+ clone (bndr, _ ) = do { uniq <- newUnique
+ ; return (setVarUnique bndr uniq) }
+ -- new_rhs = \alpha beta c n xs ->
+ -- let sat_worker = \xs -> let sat_shadow = \alpha' beta' c n xs ->
+ -- sat_worker xs
+ -- in e
+ -- in sat_worker xs
+ mk_new_rhs uniq shadow_lam_bndrs
+ = mkLams rhs_binders $
+ Let (Rec [(rec_body_bndr, rec_body)])
+ local_body
+ where
+ local_body = mkVarApps (Var rec_body_bndr) non_static_args
+ rec_body = mkLams non_static_args $
+ Let (NonRec shadow_bndr shadow_rhs) rhs_body
+ -- See Note [Binder type capture]
+ shadow_rhs = mkLams shadow_lam_bndrs local_body
+ -- nonrec_rhs = \alpha' beta' c n xs -> sat_worker xs
+ rec_body_bndr = mkSysLocal (fsLit "sat_worker") uniq (exprType rec_body)
+ -- rec_body_bndr = sat_worker
+ -- See Note [Shadow binding]; make a SysLocal
+ shadow_bndr = mkSysLocal (occNameFS (getOccName binder))
+ (idUnique binder)
+ (exprType shadow_rhs)
+isStaticValue :: Staticness App -> Bool
+isStaticValue (Static (VarApp _)) = True
+isStaticValue _ = False
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Tidy.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Tidy.hs
index 60db2c8fea..758c1daf6c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Tidy.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Tidy.hs
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ tidyLetBndr rec_tidy_env env@(tidy_env, var_env) id
-- Similarly for the demand info - on a let binder, this tells
-- CorePrep to turn the let into a case.
-- But: Remove the usage demand here
- -- (See Note [Zapping DmdEnv after Demand Analyzer] in WorkWrap)
+ -- (See Note [Zapping DmdEnv after Demand Analyzer] in GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap)
-- Similarly arity info for eta expansion in CorePrep
-- Don't attempt to recompute arity here; this is just tidying!
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/WorkWrap.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/WorkWrap.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..241a295899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/WorkWrap.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[WorkWrap]{Worker/wrapper-generating back-end of strictness analyser}
+module GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap ( wwTopBinds ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core.Arity ( manifestArity )
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Unfold ( certainlyWillInline, mkWwInlineRule, mkWorkerUnfolding )
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprType, exprIsHNF )
+import GHC.Core.FVs ( exprFreeVars )
+import Var
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import UniqSupply
+import BasicTypes
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Demand
+import Cpr
+import GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.Lib
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+import MonadUtils
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+We take Core bindings whose binders have:
+\item Strictness attached (by the front-end of the strictness
+analyser), and / or
+\item Constructed Product Result information attached by the CPR
+analysis pass.
+and we return some ``plain'' bindings which have been
+worker/wrapper-ified, meaning:
+\item Functions have been split into workers and wrappers where
+appropriate. If a function has both strictness and CPR properties
+then only one worker/wrapper doing both transformations is produced;
+\item Binders' @IdInfos@ have been updated to reflect the existence of
+these workers/wrappers (this is where we get STRICTNESS and CPR pragma
+info for exported values).
+wwTopBinds :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> UniqSupply -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
+wwTopBinds dflags fam_envs us top_binds
+ = initUs_ us $ do
+ top_binds' <- mapM (wwBind dflags fam_envs) top_binds
+ return (concat top_binds')
+* *
+\subsection[wwBind-wwExpr]{@wwBind@ and @wwExpr@}
+* *
+@wwBind@ works on a binding, trying each \tr{(binder, expr)} pair in
+turn. Non-recursive case first, then recursive...
+wwBind :: DynFlags
+ -> FamInstEnvs
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> UniqSM [CoreBind] -- returns a WwBinding intermediate form;
+ -- the caller will convert to Expr/Binding,
+ -- as appropriate.
+wwBind dflags fam_envs (NonRec binder rhs) = do
+ new_rhs <- wwExpr dflags fam_envs rhs
+ new_pairs <- tryWW dflags fam_envs NonRecursive binder new_rhs
+ return [NonRec b e | (b,e) <- new_pairs]
+ -- Generated bindings must be non-recursive
+ -- because the original binding was.
+wwBind dflags fam_envs (Rec pairs)
+ = return . Rec <$> concatMapM do_one pairs
+ where
+ do_one (binder, rhs) = do new_rhs <- wwExpr dflags fam_envs rhs
+ tryWW dflags fam_envs Recursive binder new_rhs
+@wwExpr@ basically just walks the tree, looking for appropriate
+annotations that can be used. Remember it is @wwBind@ that does the
+matching by looking for strict arguments of the correct type.
+@wwExpr@ is a version that just returns the ``Plain'' Tree.
+wwExpr :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> CoreExpr -> UniqSM CoreExpr
+wwExpr _ _ e@(Type {}) = return e
+wwExpr _ _ e@(Coercion {}) = return e
+wwExpr _ _ e@(Lit {}) = return e
+wwExpr _ _ e@(Var {}) = return e
+wwExpr dflags fam_envs (Lam binder expr)
+ = Lam new_binder <$> wwExpr dflags fam_envs expr
+ where new_binder | isId binder = zapIdUsedOnceInfo binder
+ | otherwise = binder
+ -- See Note [Zapping Used Once info in WorkWrap]
+wwExpr dflags fam_envs (App f a)
+ = App <$> wwExpr dflags fam_envs f <*> wwExpr dflags fam_envs a
+wwExpr dflags fam_envs (Tick note expr)
+ = Tick note <$> wwExpr dflags fam_envs expr
+wwExpr dflags fam_envs (Cast expr co) = do
+ new_expr <- wwExpr dflags fam_envs expr
+ return (Cast new_expr co)
+wwExpr dflags fam_envs (Let bind expr)
+ = mkLets <$> wwBind dflags fam_envs bind <*> wwExpr dflags fam_envs expr
+wwExpr dflags fam_envs (Case expr binder ty alts) = do
+ new_expr <- wwExpr dflags fam_envs expr
+ new_alts <- mapM ww_alt alts
+ let new_binder = zapIdUsedOnceInfo binder
+ -- See Note [Zapping Used Once info in WorkWrap]
+ return (Case new_expr new_binder ty new_alts)
+ where
+ ww_alt (con, binders, rhs) = do
+ new_rhs <- wwExpr dflags fam_envs rhs
+ let new_binders = [ if isId b then zapIdUsedOnceInfo b else b
+ | b <- binders ]
+ -- See Note [Zapping Used Once info in WorkWrap]
+ return (con, new_binders, new_rhs)
+* *
+\subsection[tryWW]{@tryWW@: attempt a worker/wrapper pair}
+* *
+@tryWW@ just accumulates arguments, converts strictness info from the
+front-end into the proper form, then calls @mkWwBodies@ to do
+the business.
+The only reason this is monadised is for the unique supply.
+Note [Don't w/w INLINE things]
+It's very important to refrain from w/w-ing an INLINE function (ie one
+with a stable unfolding) because the wrapper will then overwrite the
+old stable unfolding with the wrapper code.
+Furthermore, if the programmer has marked something as INLINE,
+we may lose by w/w'ing it.
+If the strictness analyser is run twice, this test also prevents
+wrappers (which are INLINEd) from being re-done. (You can end up with
+several liked-named Ids bouncing around at the same time---absolute
+Notice that we refrain from w/w'ing an INLINE function even if it is
+in a recursive group. It might not be the loop breaker. (We could
+test for loop-breaker-hood, but I'm not sure that ever matters.)
+Note [Worker-wrapper for INLINABLE functions]
+If we have
+ {-# INLINABLE f #-}
+ f :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> a
+ f x y = ....f....
+where f is strict in y, we might get a more efficient loop by w/w'ing
+f. But that would make a new unfolding which would overwrite the old
+one! So the function would no longer be INLNABLE, and in particular
+will not be specialised at call sites in other modules.
+This comes in practice (#6056).
+Solution: do the w/w for strictness analysis, but transfer the Stable
+unfolding to the *worker*. So we will get something like this:
+ {-# INLINE[0] f #-}
+ f :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> a
+ f d x y = case y of I# y' -> fw d x y'
+ {-# INLINABLE[0] fw #-}
+ fw :: Ord a => [a] -> Int# -> a
+ fw d x y' = let y = I# y' in ...f...
+How do we "transfer the unfolding"? Easy: by using the old one, wrapped
+in work_fn! See GHC.Core.Unfold.mkWorkerUnfolding.
+Note [Worker-wrapper for NOINLINE functions]
+We used to disable worker/wrapper for NOINLINE things, but it turns out
+this can cause unnecessary reboxing of values. Consider
+ {-# NOINLINE f #-}
+ f :: Int -> a
+ f x = error (show x)
+ g :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Int
+ g True True p = f p
+ g False True p = p + 1
+ g b False p = g b True p
+the strictness analysis will discover f and g are strict, but because f
+has no wrapper, the worker for g will rebox p. So we get
+ $wg x y p# =
+ let p = I# p# in -- Yikes! Reboxing!
+ case x of
+ False ->
+ case y of
+ False -> $wg False True p#
+ True -> +# p# 1#
+ True ->
+ case y of
+ False -> $wg True True p#
+ True -> case f p of { }
+ g x y p = case p of (I# p#) -> $wg x y p#
+Now, in this case the reboxing will float into the True branch, and so
+the allocation will only happen on the error path. But it won't float
+inwards if there are multiple branches that call (f p), so the reboxing
+will happen on every call of g. Disaster.
+Solution: do worker/wrapper even on NOINLINE things; but move the
+NOINLINE pragma to the worker.
+(See #13143 for a real-world example.)
+It is crucial that we do this for *all* NOINLINE functions. #10069
+demonstrates what happens when we promise to w/w a (NOINLINE) leaf function, but
+fail to deliver:
+ data C = C Int# Int#
+ {-# NOINLINE c1 #-}
+ c1 :: C -> Int#
+ c1 (C _ n) = n
+ {-# NOINLINE fc #-}
+ fc :: C -> Int#
+ fc c = 2 *# c1 c
+Failing to w/w `c1`, but still w/wing `fc` leads to the following code:
+ c1 :: C -> Int#
+ c1 (C _ n) = n
+ $wfc :: Int# -> Int#
+ $wfc n = let c = C 0# n in 2 #* c1 c
+ fc :: C -> Int#
+ fc (C _ n) = $wfc n
+Yikes! The reboxed `C` in `$wfc` can't cancel out, so we are in a bad place.
+This generalises to any function that derives its strictness signature from
+its callees, so we have to make sure that when a function announces particular
+strictness properties, we have to w/w them accordingly, even if it means
+splitting a NOINLINE function.
+Note [Worker activation]
+Follows on from Note [Worker-wrapper for INLINABLE functions]
+It is *vital* that if the worker gets an INLINABLE pragma (from the
+original function), then the worker has the same phase activation as
+the wrapper (or later). That is necessary to allow the wrapper to
+inline into the worker's unfolding: see GHC.Core.Op.Simplify.Utils
+Note [Simplifying inside stable unfoldings].
+If the original is NOINLINE, it's important that the work inherit the
+original activation. Consider
+ {-# NOINLINE expensive #-}
+ expensive x = x + 1
+ f y = let z = expensive y in ...
+If expensive's worker inherits the wrapper's activation,
+we'll get this (because of the compromise in point (2) of
+Note [Wrapper activation])
+ {-# NOINLINE[0] $wexpensive #-}
+ $wexpensive x = x + 1
+ {-# INLINE[0] expensive #-}
+ expensive x = $wexpensive x
+ f y = let z = expensive y in ...
+and $wexpensive will be immediately inlined into expensive, followed by
+expensive into f. This effectively removes the original NOINLINE!
+Otherwise, nothing is lost by giving the worker the same activation as the
+wrapper, because the worker won't have any chance of inlining until the
+wrapper does; there's no point in giving it an earlier activation.
+Note [Don't w/w inline small non-loop-breaker things]
+In general, we refrain from w/w-ing *small* functions, which are not
+loop breakers, because they'll inline anyway. But we must take care:
+it may look small now, but get to be big later after other inlining
+has happened. So we take the precaution of adding an INLINE pragma to
+any such functions.
+I made this change when I observed a big function at the end of
+compilation with a useful strictness signature but no w-w. (It was
+small during demand analysis, we refrained from w/w, and then got big
+when something was inlined in its rhs.) When I measured it on nofib,
+it didn't make much difference; just a few percent improved allocation
+on one benchmark (bspt/ But nothing got worse.
+There is an infelicity though. We may get something like
+ f = g val
+ g x = case gw x of r -> I# r
+ f {- InlineStable, Template = g val -}
+ f = case gw x of r -> I# r
+The code for f duplicates that for g, without any real benefit. It
+won't really be executed, because calls to f will go via the inlining.
+Note [Don't w/w join points for CPR]
+There's no point in exploiting CPR info on a join point. If the whole function
+is getting CPR'd, then the case expression around the worker function will get
+pushed into the join point by the simplifier, which will have the same effect
+that w/w'ing for CPR would have - the result will be returned in an unboxed
+ f z = let join j x y = (x+1, y+1)
+ in case z of A -> j 1 2
+ B -> j 2 3
+ =>
+ f z = case $wf z of (# a, b #) -> (a, b)
+ $wf z = case (let join j x y = (x+1, y+1)
+ in case z of A -> j 1 2
+ B -> j 2 3) of (a, b) -> (# a, b #)
+ =>
+ f z = case $wf z of (# a, b #) -> (a, b)
+ $wf z = let join j x y = (# x+1, y+1 #)
+ in case z of A -> j 1 2
+ B -> j 2 3
+Note that we still want to give @j@ the CPR property, so that @f@ has it. So
+CPR *analyse* join points as regular functions, but don't *transform* them.
+Doing W/W for returned products on a join point would be tricky anyway, as the
+worker could not be a join point because it would not be tail-called. However,
+doing the *argument* part of W/W still works for join points, since the wrapper
+body will make a tail call:
+ f z = let join j x y = x + y
+ in ...
+ =>
+ f z = let join $wj x# y# = x# +# y#
+ j x y = case x of I# x# ->
+ case y of I# y# ->
+ $wj x# y#
+ in ...
+Note [Wrapper activation]
+When should the wrapper inlining be active?
+1. It must not be active earlier than the current Activation of the
+ Id
+2. It should be active at some point, despite (1) because of
+ Note [Worker-wrapper for NOINLINE functions]
+3. For ordinary functions with no pragmas we want to inline the
+ wrapper as early as possible (#15056). Suppose another module
+ defines f x = g x x
+ and suppose there is some RULE for (g True True). Then if we have
+ a call (f True), we'd expect to inline 'f' and the RULE will fire.
+ But if f is w/w'd (which it might be), we want the inlining to
+ occur just as if it hadn't been.
+ (This only matters if f's RHS is big enough to w/w, but small
+ enough to inline given the call site, but that can happen.)
+4. We do not want to inline the wrapper before specialisation.
+ module Foo where
+ f :: Num a => a -> Int -> a
+ f n 0 = n -- Strict in the Int, hence wrapper
+ f n x = f (n+n) (x-1)
+ g :: Int -> Int
+ g x = f x x -- Provokes a specialisation for f
+ module Bar where
+ import Foo
+ h :: Int -> Int
+ h x = f 3 x
+ In module Bar we want to give specialisations a chance to fire
+ before inlining f's wrapper.
+Reminder: Note [Don't w/w INLINE things], so we don't need to worry
+ about INLINE things here.
+ - If the user said NOINLINE[n], respect that
+ - If the user said NOINLINE, inline the wrapper as late as
+ poss (phase 0). This is a compromise driven by (2) above
+ - Otherwise inline wrapper in phase 2. That allows the
+ 'gentle' simplification pass to apply specialisation rules
+Historical note: At one stage I tried making the wrapper inlining
+always-active, and that had a very bad effect on nofib/imaginary/x2n1;
+a wrapper was inlined before the specialisation fired.
+Note [Wrapper NoUserInline]
+The use an inl_inline of NoUserInline on the wrapper distinguishes
+this pragma from one that was given by the user. In particular, CSE
+will not happen if there is a user-specified pragma, but should happen
+for w/w’ed things (#14186).
+tryWW :: DynFlags
+ -> FamInstEnvs
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> Id -- The fn binder
+ -> CoreExpr -- The bound rhs; its innards
+ -- are already ww'd
+ -> UniqSM [(Id, CoreExpr)] -- either *one* or *two* pairs;
+ -- if one, then no worker (only
+ -- the orig "wrapper" lives on);
+ -- if two, then a worker and a
+ -- wrapper.
+tryWW dflags fam_envs is_rec fn_id rhs
+ -- See Note [Worker-wrapper for NOINLINE functions]
+ | Just stable_unf <- certainlyWillInline dflags fn_info
+ = return [ (fn_id `setIdUnfolding` stable_unf, rhs) ]
+ -- See Note [Don't w/w INLINE things]
+ -- See Note [Don't w/w inline small non-loop-breaker things]
+ | is_fun && is_eta_exp
+ = splitFun dflags fam_envs new_fn_id fn_info wrap_dmds div cpr rhs
+ | is_thunk -- See Note [Thunk splitting]
+ = splitThunk dflags fam_envs is_rec new_fn_id rhs
+ | otherwise
+ = return [ (new_fn_id, rhs) ]
+ where
+ fn_info = idInfo fn_id
+ (wrap_dmds, div) = splitStrictSig (strictnessInfo fn_info)
+ cpr_ty = getCprSig (cprInfo fn_info)
+ -- Arity of the CPR sig should match idArity when it's not a join point.
+ -- See Note [Arity trimming for CPR signatures] in GHC.Core.Op.CprAnal
+ cpr = ASSERT2( isJoinId fn_id || cpr_ty == topCprType || ct_arty cpr_ty == arityInfo fn_info
+ , ppr fn_id <> colon <+> text "ct_arty:" <+> int (ct_arty cpr_ty) <+> text "arityInfo:" <+> ppr (arityInfo fn_info))
+ ct_cpr cpr_ty
+ new_fn_id = zapIdUsedOnceInfo (zapIdUsageEnvInfo fn_id)
+ -- See Note [Zapping DmdEnv after Demand Analyzer] and
+ -- See Note [Zapping Used Once info WorkWrap]
+ is_fun = notNull wrap_dmds || isJoinId fn_id
+ -- See Note [Don't eta expand in w/w]
+ is_eta_exp = length wrap_dmds == manifestArity rhs
+ is_thunk = not is_fun && not (exprIsHNF rhs) && not (isJoinId fn_id)
+ && not (isUnliftedType (idType fn_id))
+Note [Zapping DmdEnv after Demand Analyzer]
+In the worker-wrapper pass we zap the DmdEnv. Why?
+ (a) it is never used again
+ (b) it wastes space
+ (c) it becomes incorrect as things are cloned, because
+ we don't push the substitution into it
+Why here?
+ * Because we don’t want to do it in the Demand Analyzer, as we never know
+ there when we are doing the last pass.
+ * We want them to be still there at the end of DmdAnal, so that
+ -ddump-str-anal contains them.
+ * We don’t want a second pass just for that.
+ * WorkWrap looks at all bindings anyway.
+We also need to do it in TidyCore.tidyLetBndr to clean up after the
+final, worker/wrapper-less run of the demand analyser (see
+Note [Final Demand Analyser run] in GHC.Core.Op.DmdAnal).
+Note [Zapping Used Once info in WorkWrap]
+In the worker-wrapper pass we zap the used once info in demands and in
+strictness signatures.
+ * The simplifier may happen to transform code in a way that invalidates the
+ data (see #11731 for an example).
+ * It is not used in later passes, up to code generation.
+So as the data is useless and possibly wrong, we want to remove it. The most
+convenient place to do that is the worker wrapper phase, as it runs after every
+run of the demand analyser besides the very last one (which is the one where we
+want to _keep_ the info for the code generator).
+We do not do it in the demand analyser for the same reasons outlined in
+Note [Zapping DmdEnv after Demand Analyzer] above.
+Note [Don't eta expand in w/w]
+A binding where the manifestArity of the RHS is less than idArity of the binder
+means GHC.Core.Arity didn't eta expand that binding. When this happens, it does so
+for a reason (see Note [exprArity invariant] in GHC.Core.Arity) and we probably have
+a PAP, cast or trivial expression as RHS.
+Performing the worker/wrapper split will implicitly eta-expand the binding to
+idArity, overriding GHC.Core.Arity's decision. Other than playing fast and loose with
+divergence, it's also broken for newtypes:
+ f = (\xy.blah) |> co
+ where
+ co :: (Int -> Int -> Char) ~ T
+Then idArity is 2 (despite the type T), and it can have a StrictSig based on a
+threshold of 2. But we can't w/w it without a type error.
+The situation is less grave for PAPs, but the implicit eta expansion caused a
+compiler allocation regression in T15164, where huge recursive instance method
+groups, mostly consisting of PAPs, got w/w'd. This caused great churn in the
+simplifier, when simply waiting for the PAPs to inline arrived at the same
+output program.
+Note there is the worry here that such PAPs and trivial RHSs might not *always*
+be inlined. That would lead to reboxing, because the analysis tacitly assumes
+that we W/W'd for idArity and will propagate analysis information under that
+assumption. So far, this doesn't seem to matter in practice.
+splitFun :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> Id -> IdInfo -> [Demand] -> Divergence -> CprResult -> CoreExpr
+ -> UniqSM [(Id, CoreExpr)]
+splitFun dflags fam_envs fn_id fn_info wrap_dmds div cpr rhs
+ = WARN( not (wrap_dmds `lengthIs` arity), ppr fn_id <+> (ppr arity $$ ppr wrap_dmds $$ ppr cpr) ) do
+ -- The arity should match the signature
+ stuff <- mkWwBodies dflags fam_envs rhs_fvs fn_id wrap_dmds use_cpr_info
+ case stuff of
+ Just (work_demands, join_arity, wrap_fn, work_fn) -> do
+ work_uniq <- getUniqueM
+ let work_rhs = work_fn rhs
+ work_act = case fn_inline_spec of -- See Note [Worker activation]
+ NoInline -> fn_act
+ _ -> wrap_act
+ work_prag = InlinePragma { inl_src = SourceText "{-# INLINE"
+ , inl_inline = fn_inline_spec
+ , inl_sat = Nothing
+ , inl_act = work_act
+ , inl_rule = FunLike }
+ -- inl_inline: copy from fn_id; see Note [Worker-wrapper for INLINABLE functions]
+ -- inl_act: see Note [Worker activation]
+ -- inl_rule: it does not make sense for workers to be constructorlike.
+ work_join_arity | isJoinId fn_id = Just join_arity
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ -- worker is join point iff wrapper is join point
+ -- (see Note [Don't w/w join points for CPR])
+ work_id = mkWorkerId work_uniq fn_id (exprType work_rhs)
+ `setIdOccInfo` occInfo fn_info
+ -- Copy over occurrence info from parent
+ -- Notably whether it's a loop breaker
+ -- Doesn't matter much, since we will simplify next, but
+ -- seems right-er to do so
+ `setInlinePragma` work_prag
+ `setIdUnfolding` mkWorkerUnfolding dflags work_fn fn_unfolding
+ -- See Note [Worker-wrapper for INLINABLE functions]
+ `setIdStrictness` mkClosedStrictSig work_demands div
+ -- Even though we may not be at top level,
+ -- it's ok to give it an empty DmdEnv
+ `setIdCprInfo` mkCprSig work_arity work_cpr_info
+ `setIdDemandInfo` worker_demand
+ `setIdArity` work_arity
+ -- Set the arity so that the Core Lint check that the
+ -- arity is consistent with the demand type goes
+ -- through
+ `asJoinId_maybe` work_join_arity
+ work_arity = length work_demands
+ -- See Note [Demand on the Worker]
+ single_call = saturatedByOneShots arity (demandInfo fn_info)
+ worker_demand | single_call = mkWorkerDemand work_arity
+ | otherwise = topDmd
+ wrap_rhs = wrap_fn work_id
+ wrap_act = case fn_act of -- See Note [Wrapper activation]
+ ActiveAfter {} -> fn_act
+ NeverActive -> activeDuringFinal
+ _ -> activeAfterInitial
+ wrap_prag = InlinePragma { inl_src = SourceText "{-# INLINE"
+ , inl_inline = NoUserInline
+ , inl_sat = Nothing
+ , inl_act = wrap_act
+ , inl_rule = rule_match_info }
+ -- inl_act: see Note [Wrapper activation]
+ -- inl_inline: see Note [Wrapper NoUserInline]
+ -- inl_rule: RuleMatchInfo is (and must be) unaffected
+ wrap_id = fn_id `setIdUnfolding` mkWwInlineRule dflags wrap_rhs arity
+ `setInlinePragma` wrap_prag
+ `setIdOccInfo` noOccInfo
+ -- Zap any loop-breaker-ness, to avoid bleating from Lint
+ -- about a loop breaker with an INLINE rule
+ return $ [(work_id, work_rhs), (wrap_id, wrap_rhs)]
+ -- Worker first, because wrapper mentions it
+ Nothing -> return [(fn_id, rhs)]
+ where
+ rhs_fvs = exprFreeVars rhs
+ fn_inl_prag = inlinePragInfo fn_info
+ fn_inline_spec = inl_inline fn_inl_prag
+ fn_act = inl_act fn_inl_prag
+ rule_match_info = inlinePragmaRuleMatchInfo fn_inl_prag
+ fn_unfolding = unfoldingInfo fn_info
+ arity = arityInfo fn_info
+ -- The arity is set by the simplifier using exprEtaExpandArity
+ -- So it may be more than the number of top-level-visible lambdas
+ -- use_cpr_info is the CPR we w/w for. Note that we kill it for join points,
+ -- see Note [Don't w/w join points for CPR].
+ use_cpr_info | isJoinId fn_id = topCpr
+ | otherwise = cpr
+ -- Even if we don't w/w join points for CPR, we might still do so for
+ -- strictness. In which case a join point worker keeps its original CPR
+ -- property; see Note [Don't w/w join points for CPR]. Otherwise, the worker
+ -- doesn't have the CPR property anymore.
+ work_cpr_info | isJoinId fn_id = cpr
+ | otherwise = topCpr
+Note [Demand on the worker]
+If the original function is called once, according to its demand info, then
+so is the worker. This is important so that the occurrence analyser can
+attach OneShot annotations to the worker’s lambda binders.
+ -- Original function
+ f [Demand=<L,1*C1(U)>] :: (a,a) -> a
+ f = \p -> ...
+ -- Wrapper
+ f [Demand=<L,1*C1(U)>] :: a -> a -> a
+ f = \p -> case p of (a,b) -> $wf a b
+ -- Worker
+ $wf [Demand=<L,1*C1(C1(U))>] :: Int -> Int
+ $wf = \a b -> ...
+We need to check whether the original function is called once, with
+sufficiently many arguments. This is done using saturatedByOneShots, which
+takes the arity of the original function (resp. the wrapper) and the demand on
+the original function.
+The demand on the worker is then calculated using mkWorkerDemand, and always of
+the form [Demand=<L,1*(C1(...(C1(U))))>]
+Note [Do not split void functions]
+Consider this rather common form of binding:
+ $j = \x:Void# -> use of x...
+Since x is not used it'll be marked as absent. But there is no point
+in w/w-ing because we'll simply add (\y:Void#), see GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.Lib.mkWorerArgs.
+If x has a more interesting type (eg Int, or Int#), there *is* a point
+in w/w so that we don't pass the argument at all.
+Note [Thunk splitting]
+Suppose x is used strictly (never mind whether it has the CPR
+ let
+ x* = x-rhs
+ in body
+splitThunk transforms like this:
+ let
+ x* = case x-rhs of { I# a -> I# a }
+ in body
+Now simplifier will transform to
+ case x-rhs of
+ I# a -> let x* = I# a
+ in body
+which is what we want. Now suppose x-rhs is itself a case:
+ x-rhs = case e of { T -> I# a; F -> I# b }
+The join point will abstract over a, rather than over (which is
+what would have happened before) which is fine.
+Notice that x certainly has the CPR property now!
+In fact, splitThunk uses the function argument w/w splitting
+function, so that if x's demand is deeper (say U(U(L,L),L))
+then the splitting will go deeper too.
+-- See Note [Thunk splitting]
+-- splitThunk converts the *non-recursive* binding
+-- x = e
+-- into
+-- x = let x = e
+-- in case x of
+-- I# y -> let x = I# y in x }
+-- See comments above. Is it not beautifully short?
+-- Moreover, it works just as well when there are
+-- several binders, and if the binders are lifted
+-- E.g. x = e
+-- --> x = let x = e in
+-- case x of (a,b) -> let x = (a,b) in x
+splitThunk :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> RecFlag -> Var -> Expr Var -> UniqSM [(Var, Expr Var)]
+splitThunk dflags fam_envs is_rec fn_id rhs
+ = ASSERT(not (isJoinId fn_id))
+ do { (useful,_, wrap_fn, work_fn) <- mkWWstr dflags fam_envs False [fn_id]
+ ; let res = [ (fn_id, Let (NonRec fn_id rhs) (wrap_fn (work_fn (Var fn_id)))) ]
+ ; if useful then ASSERT2( isNonRec is_rec, ppr fn_id ) -- The thunk must be non-recursive
+ return res
+ else return [(fn_id, rhs)] }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/WorkWrap/Lib.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/WorkWrap/Lib.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ce454e7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/WorkWrap/Lib.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1209 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+A library for the ``worker\/wrapper'' back-end to the strictness analyser
+module GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.Lib
+ ( mkWwBodies, mkWWstr, mkWorkerArgs
+ , deepSplitProductType_maybe, findTypeShape
+ , isWorkerSmallEnough
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprType, mkCast, mkDefaultCase, mkSingleAltCase )
+import Id
+import IdInfo ( JoinArity )
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import Demand
+import Cpr
+import GHC.Core.Make ( mkAbsentErrorApp, mkCoreUbxTup
+ , mkCoreApp, mkCoreLet )
+import MkId ( voidArgId, voidPrimId )
+import TysWiredIn ( tupleDataCon )
+import TysPrim ( voidPrimTy )
+import Literal ( absentLiteralOf, rubbishLit )
+import VarEnv ( mkInScopeSet )
+import VarSet ( VarSet )
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.Predicate ( isClassPred )
+import GHC.Types.RepType ( isVoidTy, typePrimRep )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+import BasicTypes ( Boxity(..) )
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import UniqSupply
+import Unique
+import Maybes
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import FastString
+import ListSetOps
+* *
+* *
+Here's an example. The original function is:
+g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
+g = \/\ a -> \ x ys ->
+ case x of
+ 0 -> head ys
+ _ -> head (tail ys)
+From this, we want to produce:
+-- wrapper (an unfolding)
+g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
+g = \/\ a -> \ x ys ->
+ case x of
+ I# x# -> $wg a x# ys
+ -- call the worker; don't forget the type args!
+-- worker
+$wg :: forall a . Int# -> [a] -> a
+$wg = \/\ a -> \ x# ys ->
+ let
+ x = I# x#
+ in
+ case x of -- note: body of g moved intact
+ 0 -> head ys
+ _ -> head (tail ys)
+Something we have to be careful about: Here's an example:
+-- "f" strictness: U(P)U(P)
+f (I# a) (I# b) = a +# b
+g = f -- "g" strictness same as "f"
+\tr{f} will get a worker all nice and friendly-like; that's good.
+{\em But we don't want a worker for \tr{g}}, even though it has the
+same strictness as \tr{f}. Doing so could break laziness, at best.
+Consequently, we insist that the number of strictness-info items is
+exactly the same as the number of lambda-bound arguments. (This is
+probably slightly paranoid, but OK in practice.) If it isn't the
+same, we ``revise'' the strictness info, so that we won't propagate
+the unusable strictness-info into the interfaces.
+* *
+\subsection{The worker wrapper core}
+* *
+@mkWwBodies@ is called when doing the worker\/wrapper split inside a module.
+type WwResult
+ = ([Demand], -- Demands for worker (value) args
+ JoinArity, -- Number of worker (type OR value) args
+ Id -> CoreExpr, -- Wrapper body, lacking only the worker Id
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr) -- Worker body, lacking the original function rhs
+mkWwBodies :: DynFlags
+ -> FamInstEnvs
+ -> VarSet -- Free vars of RHS
+ -- See Note [Freshen WW arguments]
+ -> Id -- The original function
+ -> [Demand] -- Strictness of original function
+ -> CprResult -- Info about function result
+ -> UniqSM (Maybe WwResult)
+-- wrap_fn_args E = \x y -> E
+-- work_fn_args E = E x y
+-- wrap_fn_str E = case x of { (a,b) ->
+-- case a of { (a1,a2) ->
+-- E a1 a2 b y }}
+-- work_fn_str E = \a1 a2 b y ->
+-- let a = (a1,a2) in
+-- let x = (a,b) in
+-- E
+mkWwBodies dflags fam_envs rhs_fvs fun_id demands cpr_info
+ = do { let empty_subst = mkEmptyTCvSubst (mkInScopeSet rhs_fvs)
+ -- See Note [Freshen WW arguments]
+ ; (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
+ <- mkWWargs empty_subst fun_ty demands
+ ; (useful1, work_args, wrap_fn_str, work_fn_str)
+ <- mkWWstr dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag wrap_args
+ -- Do CPR w/w. See Note [Always do CPR w/w]
+ ; (useful2, wrap_fn_cpr, work_fn_cpr, cpr_res_ty)
+ <- mkWWcpr (gopt Opt_CprAnal dflags) fam_envs res_ty cpr_info
+ ; let (work_lam_args, work_call_args) = mkWorkerArgs dflags work_args cpr_res_ty
+ worker_args_dmds = [idDemandInfo v | v <- work_call_args, isId v]
+ wrapper_body = wrap_fn_args . wrap_fn_cpr . wrap_fn_str . applyToVars work_call_args . Var
+ worker_body = mkLams work_lam_args. work_fn_str . work_fn_cpr . work_fn_args
+ ; if isWorkerSmallEnough dflags work_args
+ && not (too_many_args_for_join_point wrap_args)
+ && ((useful1 && not only_one_void_argument) || useful2)
+ then return (Just (worker_args_dmds, length work_call_args,
+ wrapper_body, worker_body))
+ else return Nothing
+ }
+ -- We use an INLINE unconditionally, even if the wrapper turns out to be
+ -- something trivial like
+ -- fw = ...
+ -- f = __inline__ (coerce T fw)
+ -- The point is to propagate the coerce to f's call sites, so even though
+ -- f's RHS is now trivial (size 1) we still want the __inline__ to prevent
+ -- fw from being inlined into f's RHS
+ where
+ fun_ty = idType fun_id
+ mb_join_arity = isJoinId_maybe fun_id
+ has_inlineable_prag = isStableUnfolding (realIdUnfolding fun_id)
+ -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
+ -- Note [Do not split void functions]
+ only_one_void_argument
+ | [d] <- demands
+ , Just (arg_ty1, _) <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
+ , isAbsDmd d && isVoidTy arg_ty1
+ = True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ -- Note [Join points returning functions]
+ too_many_args_for_join_point wrap_args
+ | Just join_arity <- mb_join_arity
+ , wrap_args `lengthExceeds` join_arity
+ = WARN(True, text "Unable to worker/wrapper join point with arity " <+>
+ int join_arity <+> text "but" <+>
+ int (length wrap_args) <+> text "args")
+ True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+-- See Note [Limit w/w arity]
+isWorkerSmallEnough :: DynFlags -> [Var] -> Bool
+isWorkerSmallEnough dflags vars = count isId vars <= maxWorkerArgs dflags
+ -- We count only Free variables (isId) to skip Type, Kind
+ -- variables which have no runtime representation.
+Note [Always do CPR w/w]
+At one time we refrained from doing CPR w/w for thunks, on the grounds that
+we might duplicate work. But that is already handled by the demand analyser,
+which doesn't give the CPR property if w/w might waste work: see
+Note [CPR for thunks] in GHC.Core.Op.DmdAnal.
+And if something *has* been given the CPR property and we don't w/w, it's
+a disaster, because then the enclosing function might say it has the CPR
+property, but now doesn't and there a cascade of disaster. A good example
+is #5920.
+Note [Limit w/w arity]
+Guard against high worker arity as it generates a lot of stack traffic.
+A simplified example is #11565#comment:6
+Current strategy is very simple: don't perform w/w transformation at all
+if the result produces a wrapper with arity higher than -fmax-worker-args=.
+It is a bit all or nothing, consider
+ f (x,y) (a,b,c,d,e ... , z) = rhs
+Currently we will remove all w/w ness entirely. But actually we could
+w/w on the (x,y) pair... it's the huge product that is the problem.
+Could we instead refrain from w/w on an arg-by-arg basis? Yes, that'd
+solve f. But we can get a lot of args from deeply-nested products:
+ g (a, (b, (c, (d, ...)))) = rhs
+This is harder to spot on an arg-by-arg basis. Previously mkWwStr was
+given some "fuel" saying how many arguments it could add; when we ran
+out of fuel it would stop w/wing.
+Still not very clever because it had a left-right bias.
+* *
+\subsection{Making wrapper args}
+* *
+During worker-wrapper stuff we may end up with an unlifted thing
+which we want to let-bind without losing laziness. So we
+add a void argument. E.g.
+ f = /\a -> \x y z -> E::Int# -- E does not mention x,y,z
+ fw = /\ a -> \void -> E
+ f = /\ a -> \x y z -> fw realworld
+We use the state-token type which generates no code.
+mkWorkerArgs :: DynFlags -> [Var]
+ -> Type -- Type of body
+ -> ([Var], -- Lambda bound args
+ [Var]) -- Args at call site
+mkWorkerArgs dflags args res_ty
+ | any isId args || not needsAValueLambda
+ = (args, args)
+ | otherwise
+ = (args ++ [voidArgId], args ++ [voidPrimId])
+ where
+ -- See "Making wrapper args" section above
+ needsAValueLambda =
+ lifted
+ -- We may encounter a levity-polymorphic result, in which case we
+ -- conservatively assume that we have laziness that needs preservation.
+ -- See #15186.
+ || not (gopt Opt_FunToThunk dflags)
+ -- see Note [Protecting the last value argument]
+ -- Might the result be lifted?
+ lifted =
+ case isLiftedType_maybe res_ty of
+ Just lifted -> lifted
+ Nothing -> True
+Note [Protecting the last value argument]
+If the user writes (\_ -> E), they might be intentionally disallowing
+the sharing of E. Since absence analysis and worker-wrapper are keen
+to remove such unused arguments, we add in a void argument to prevent
+the function from becoming a thunk.
+The user can avoid adding the void argument with the -ffun-to-thunk
+flag. However, this can create sharing, which may be bad in two ways. 1) It can
+create a space leak. 2) It can prevent inlining *under a lambda*. If w/w
+removes the last argument from a function f, then f now looks like a thunk, and
+so f can't be inlined *under a lambda*.
+Note [Join points and beta-redexes]
+Originally, the worker would invoke the original function by calling it with
+arguments, thus producing a beta-redex for the simplifier to munch away:
+ \x y z -> e => (\x y z -> e) wx wy wz
+Now that we have special rules about join points, however, this is Not Good if
+the original function is itself a join point, as then it may contain invocations
+of other join points:
+ join j1 x = ...
+ join j2 y = if y == 0 then 0 else j1 y
+ =>
+ join j1 x = ...
+ join $wj2 y# = let wy = I# y# in (\y -> if y == 0 then 0 else jump j1 y) wy
+ join j2 y = case y of I# y# -> jump $wj2 y#
+There can't be an intervening lambda between a join point's declaration and its
+occurrences, so $wj2 here is wrong. But of course, this is easy enough to fix:
+ ...
+ let join $wj2 y# = let wy = I# y# in let y = wy in if y == 0 then 0 else j1 y
+ ...
+Hence we simply do the beta-reduction here. (This would be harder if we had to
+worry about hygiene, but luckily wy is freshly generated.)
+Note [Join points returning functions]
+It is crucial that the arity of a join point depends on its *callers,* not its
+own syntax. What this means is that a join point can have "extra lambdas":
+f :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Int
+f x y = join j (z, w) = \(u, v) -> ...
+ in jump j (x, y)
+Typically this happens with functions that are seen as computing functions,
+rather than being curried. (The real-life example was GraphOps.addConflicts.)
+When we create the wrapper, it *must* be in "eta-contracted" form so that the
+jump has the right number of arguments:
+f x y = join $wj z' w' = \u' v' -> let {z = z'; w = w'; u = u'; v = v'} in ...
+ j (z, w) = jump $wj z w
+(See Note [Join points and beta-redexes] for where the lets come from.) If j
+were a function, we would instead say
+f x y = let $wj = \z' w' u' v' -> let {z = z'; w = w'; u = u'; v = v'} in ...
+ j (z, w) (u, v) = $wj z w u v
+Notice that the worker ends up with the same lambdas; it's only the wrapper we
+have to be concerned about.
+FIXME Currently the functionality to produce "eta-contracted" wrappers is
+unimplemented; we simply give up.
+* *
+\subsection{Coercion stuff}
+* *
+We really want to "look through" coerces.
+Reason: I've seen this situation:
+ let f = coerce T (\s -> E)
+ in \x -> case x of
+ p -> coerce T' f
+ q -> \s -> E2
+ r -> coerce T' f
+If only we w/w'd f, we'd get
+ let f = coerce T (\s -> fw s)
+ fw = \s -> E
+ in ...
+Now we'll inline f to get
+ let fw = \s -> E
+ in \x -> case x of
+ p -> fw
+ q -> \s -> E2
+ r -> fw
+Now we'll see that fw has arity 1, and will arity expand
+the \x to get what we want.
+-- mkWWargs just does eta expansion
+-- is driven off the function type and arity.
+-- It chomps bites off foralls, arrows, newtypes
+-- and keeps repeating that until it's satisfied the supplied arity
+mkWWargs :: TCvSubst -- Freshening substitution to apply to the type
+ -- See Note [Freshen WW arguments]
+ -> Type -- The type of the function
+ -> [Demand] -- Demands and one-shot info for value arguments
+ -> UniqSM ([Var], -- Wrapper args
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- Wrapper fn
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- Worker fn
+ Type) -- Type of wrapper body
+mkWWargs subst fun_ty demands
+ | null demands
+ = return ([], id, id, substTy subst fun_ty)
+ | (dmd:demands') <- demands
+ , Just (arg_ty, fun_ty') <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
+ = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let arg_ty' = substTy subst arg_ty
+ id = mk_wrap_arg uniq arg_ty' dmd
+ ; (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
+ <- mkWWargs subst fun_ty' demands'
+ ; return (id : wrap_args,
+ Lam id . wrap_fn_args,
+ apply_or_bind_then work_fn_args (varToCoreExpr id),
+ res_ty) }
+ | Just (tv, fun_ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
+ = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; let (subst', tv') = cloneTyVarBndr subst tv uniq
+ -- See Note [Freshen WW arguments]
+ ; (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
+ <- mkWWargs subst' fun_ty' demands
+ ; return (tv' : wrap_args,
+ Lam tv' . wrap_fn_args,
+ apply_or_bind_then work_fn_args (mkTyArg (mkTyVarTy tv')),
+ res_ty) }
+ | Just (co, rep_ty) <- topNormaliseNewType_maybe fun_ty
+ -- The newtype case is for when the function has
+ -- a newtype after the arrow (rare)
+ --
+ -- It's also important when we have a function returning (say) a pair
+ -- wrapped in a newtype, at least if CPR analysis can look
+ -- through such newtypes, which it probably can since they are
+ -- simply coerces.
+ = do { (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
+ <- mkWWargs subst rep_ty demands
+ ; let co' = substCo subst co
+ ; return (wrap_args,
+ \e -> Cast (wrap_fn_args e) (mkSymCo co'),
+ \e -> work_fn_args (Cast e co'),
+ res_ty) }
+ | otherwise
+ = WARN( True, ppr fun_ty ) -- Should not happen: if there is a demand
+ return ([], id, id, substTy subst fun_ty) -- then there should be a function arrow
+ where
+ -- See Note [Join points and beta-redexes]
+ apply_or_bind_then k arg (Lam bndr body)
+ = mkCoreLet (NonRec bndr arg) (k body) -- Important that arg is fresh!
+ apply_or_bind_then k arg fun
+ = k $ mkCoreApp (text "mkWWargs") fun arg
+applyToVars :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+applyToVars vars fn = mkVarApps fn vars
+mk_wrap_arg :: Unique -> Type -> Demand -> Id
+mk_wrap_arg uniq ty dmd
+ = mkSysLocalOrCoVar (fsLit "w") uniq ty
+ `setIdDemandInfo` dmd
+{- Note [Freshen WW arguments]
+Wen we do a worker/wrapper split, we must not in-scope names as the arguments
+of the worker, else we'll get name capture. E.g.
+ -- y1 is in scope from further out
+ f x = ..y1..
+If we accidentally choose y1 as a worker argument disaster results:
+ fww y1 y2 = let x = (y1,y2) in ...y1...
+To avoid this:
+ * We use a fresh unique for both type-variable and term-variable binders
+ Originally we lacked this freshness for type variables, and that led
+ to the very obscure #12562. (A type variable in the worker shadowed
+ an outer term-variable binding.)
+ * Because of this cloning we have to substitute in the type/kind of the
+ new binders. That's why we carry the TCvSubst through mkWWargs.
+ So we need a decent in-scope set, just in case that type/kind
+ itself has foralls. We get this from the free vars of the RHS of the
+ function since those are the only variables that might be captured.
+ It's a lazy thunk, which will only be poked if the type/kind has a forall.
+ Another tricky case was when f :: forall a. a -> forall a. a->a
+ (i.e. with shadowing), and then the worker used the same 'a' twice.
+* *
+\subsection{Strictness stuff}
+* *
+mkWWstr :: DynFlags
+ -> FamInstEnvs
+ -> Bool -- True <=> INLINEABLE pragma on this function defn
+ -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
+ -> [Var] -- Wrapper args; have their demand info on them
+ -- *Includes type variables*
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, -- Is this useful
+ [Var], -- Worker args
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- Wrapper body, lacking the worker call
+ -- and without its lambdas
+ -- This fn adds the unboxing
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr) -- Worker body, lacking the original body of the function,
+ -- and lacking its lambdas.
+ -- This fn does the reboxing
+mkWWstr dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag args
+ = go args
+ where
+ go_one arg = mkWWstr_one dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg
+ go [] = return (False, [], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+ go (arg : args) = do { (useful1, args1, wrap_fn1, work_fn1) <- go_one arg
+ ; (useful2, args2, wrap_fn2, work_fn2) <- go args
+ ; return ( useful1 || useful2
+ , args1 ++ args2
+ , wrap_fn1 . wrap_fn2
+ , work_fn1 . work_fn2) }
+Note [Unpacking arguments with product and polymorphic demands]
+The argument is unpacked in a case if it has a product type and has a
+strict *and* used demand put on it. I.e., arguments, with demands such
+as the following ones:
+ <S,U(U, L)>
+ <S(L,S),U>
+will be unpacked, but
+ <S,U> or <B,U>
+will not, because the pieces aren't used. This is quite important otherwise
+we end up unpacking massive tuples passed to the bottoming function. Example:
+ f :: ((Int,Int) -> String) -> (Int,Int) -> a
+ f g pr = error (g pr)
+ main = print (f fst (1, error "no"))
+Does 'main' print "error 1" or "error no"? We don't really want 'f'
+to unbox its second argument. This actually happened in GHC's onwn
+source code, in Packages.applyPackageFlag, which ended up un-boxing
+the enormous DynFlags tuple, and being strict in the
+as-yet-un-filled-in pkgState files.
+-- mkWWstr_one wrap_arg = (useful, work_args, wrap_fn, work_fn)
+-- * wrap_fn assumes wrap_arg is in scope,
+-- brings into scope work_args (via cases)
+-- * work_fn assumes work_args are in scope, a
+-- brings into scope wrap_arg (via lets)
+-- See Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split]
+mkWWstr_one :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs
+ -> Bool -- True <=> INLINEABLE pragma on this function defn
+ -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
+ -> Var
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, [Var], CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
+mkWWstr_one dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg
+ | isTyVar arg
+ = return (False, [arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+ | isAbsDmd dmd
+ , Just work_fn <- mk_absent_let dflags fam_envs arg
+ -- Absent case. We can't always handle absence for arbitrary
+ -- unlifted types, so we need to choose just the cases we can
+ -- (that's what mk_absent_let does)
+ = return (True, [], nop_fn, work_fn)
+ | isStrictDmd dmd
+ , Just cs <- splitProdDmd_maybe dmd
+ -- See Note [Unpacking arguments with product and polymorphic demands]
+ , not (has_inlineable_prag && isClassPred arg_ty)
+ -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
+ , Just stuff@(_, _, inst_con_arg_tys, _) <- deepSplitProductType_maybe fam_envs arg_ty
+ , cs `equalLength` inst_con_arg_tys
+ -- See Note [mkWWstr and unsafeCoerce]
+ = unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg cs stuff
+ | isSeqDmd dmd -- For seqDmd, splitProdDmd_maybe will return Nothing, but
+ -- it should behave like <S, U(AAAA)>, for some suitable arity
+ , Just stuff@(_, _, inst_con_arg_tys, _) <- deepSplitProductType_maybe fam_envs arg_ty
+ , let abs_dmds = map (const absDmd) inst_con_arg_tys
+ = unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg abs_dmds stuff
+ | otherwise -- Other cases
+ = return (False, [arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+ where
+ arg_ty = idType arg
+ dmd = idDemandInfo arg
+unbox_one :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> Var
+ -> [Demand]
+ -> (DataCon, [Type], [(Type, StrictnessMark)], Coercion)
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, [Var], CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
+unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg cs
+ (data_con, inst_tys, inst_con_arg_tys, co)
+ = do { (uniq1:uniqs) <- getUniquesM
+ ; let -- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
+ cs' = addDataConStrictness data_con cs
+ unpk_args = zipWith3 mk_ww_arg uniqs inst_con_arg_tys cs'
+ unbox_fn = mkUnpackCase (Var arg) co uniq1
+ data_con unpk_args
+ arg_no_unf = zapStableUnfolding arg
+ -- See Note [Zap unfolding when beta-reducing]
+ -- in GHC.Core.Op.Simplify; and see #13890
+ rebox_fn = Let (NonRec arg_no_unf con_app)
+ con_app = mkConApp2 data_con inst_tys unpk_args `mkCast` mkSymCo co
+ ; (_, worker_args, wrap_fn, work_fn) <- mkWWstr dflags fam_envs False unpk_args
+ ; return (True, worker_args, unbox_fn . wrap_fn, work_fn . rebox_fn) }
+ -- Don't pass the arg, rebox instead
+ where
+ mk_ww_arg uniq ty sub_dmd = setIdDemandInfo (mk_ww_local uniq ty) sub_dmd
+nop_fn :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+nop_fn body = body
+addDataConStrictness :: DataCon -> [Demand] -> [Demand]
+-- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
+addDataConStrictness con ds
+ = ASSERT2( equalLength strs ds, ppr con $$ ppr strs $$ ppr ds )
+ zipWith add ds strs
+ where
+ strs = dataConRepStrictness con
+ add dmd str | isMarkedStrict str = strictifyDmd dmd
+ | otherwise = dmd
+{- Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split]
+The worker-wrapper transformation, mkWWstr_one, takes into account
+several possibilities to decide if the function is worthy for
+1. If an argument is absent, it would be silly to pass it to
+ the worker. Hence the isAbsDmd case. This case must come
+ first because a demand like <S,A> or <B,A> is possible.
+ E.g. <B,A> comes from a function like
+ f x = error "urk"
+ and <S,A> can come from Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
+2. If the argument is evaluated strictly, and we can split the
+ product demand (splitProdDmd_maybe), then unbox it and w/w its
+ pieces. For example
+ f :: (Int, Int) -> Int
+ f p = (case p of (a,b) -> a) + 1
+ is split to
+ f :: (Int, Int) -> Int
+ f p = case p of (a,b) -> $wf a
+ $wf :: Int -> Int
+ $wf a = a + 1
+ and
+ g :: Bool -> (Int, Int) -> Int
+ g c p = case p of (a,b) ->
+ if c then a else b
+ is split to
+ g c p = case p of (a,b) -> $gw c a b
+ $gw c a b = if c then a else b
+2a But do /not/ split if the components are not used; that is, the
+ usage is just 'Used' rather than 'UProd'. In this case
+ splitProdDmd_maybe returns Nothing. Otherwise we risk decomposing
+ a massive tuple which is barely used. Example:
+ f :: ((Int,Int) -> String) -> (Int,Int) -> a
+ f g pr = error (g pr)
+ main = print (f fst (1, error "no"))
+ Here, f does not take 'pr' apart, and it's stupid to do so.
+ Imagine that it had millions of fields. This actually happened
+ in GHC itself where the tuple was DynFlags
+3. A plain 'seqDmd', which is head-strict with usage UHead, can't
+ be split by splitProdDmd_maybe. But we want it to behave just
+ like U(AAAA) for suitable number of absent demands. So we have
+ a special case for it, with arity coming from the data constructor.
+Note [Worker-wrapper for bottoming functions]
+We used not to split if the result is bottom.
+[Justification: there's no efficiency to be gained.]
+But it's sometimes bad not to make a wrapper. Consider
+ fw = \x# -> let x = I# x# in case e of
+ p1 -> error_fn x
+ p2 -> error_fn x
+ p3 -> the real stuff
+The re-boxing code won't go away unless error_fn gets a wrapper too.
+[We don't do reboxing now, but in general it's better to pass an
+unboxed thing to f, and have it reboxed in the error cases....]
+Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
+Consider this program (due to Roman):
+ data X a = X !a
+ foo :: X Int -> Int -> Int
+ foo (X a) n = go 0
+ where
+ go i | i < n = a + go (i+1)
+ | otherwise = 0
+We want the worker for 'foo' too look like this:
+ $wfoo :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+with the first argument unboxed, so that it is not eval'd each time
+around the 'go' loop (which would otherwise happen, since 'foo' is not
+strict in 'a'). It is sound for the wrapper to pass an unboxed arg
+because X is strict, so its argument must be evaluated. And if we
+*don't* pass an unboxed argument, we can't even repair it by adding a
+`seq` thus:
+ foo (X a) n = a `seq` go 0
+because the seq is discarded (very early) since X is strict!
+So here's what we do
+* We leave the demand-analysis alone. The demand on 'a' in the
+ definition of 'foo' is <L, U(U)>; the strictness info is Lazy
+ because foo's body may or may not evaluate 'a'; but the usage info
+ says that 'a' is unpacked and its content is used.
+* During worker/wrapper, if we unpack a strict constructor (as we do
+ for 'foo'), we use 'addDataConStrictness' to bump up the strictness on
+ the strict arguments of the data constructor.
+* That in turn means that, if the usage info supports doing so
+ (i.e. splitProdDmd_maybe returns Just), we will unpack that argument
+ -- even though the original demand (e.g. on 'a') was lazy.
+* What does "bump up the strictness" mean? Just add a head-strict
+ demand to the strictness! Even for a demand like <L,A> we can
+ safely turn it into <S,A>; remember case (1) of
+ Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split].
+The net effect is that the w/w transformation is more aggressive about
+unpacking the strict arguments of a data constructor, when that
+eagerness is supported by the usage info.
+There is the usual danger of reboxing, which as usual we ignore. But
+if X is monomorphic, and has an UNPACK pragma, then this optimisation
+is even more important. We don't want the wrapper to rebox an unboxed
+argument, and pass an Int to $wfoo!
+This works in nested situations like
+ data family Bar a
+ data instance Bar (a, b) = BarPair !(Bar a) !(Bar b)
+ newtype instance Bar Int = Bar Int
+ foo :: Bar ((Int, Int), Int) -> Int -> Int
+ foo f k = case f of BarPair x y ->
+ case burble of
+ True -> case x of
+ BarPair p q -> ...
+ False -> ...
+The extra eagerness lets us produce a worker of type:
+ $wfoo :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int -> Int
+ $wfoo p# q# y# = ...
+even though the `case x` is only lazily evaluated.
+--------- Historical note ------------
+We used to add data-con strictness demands when demand analysing case
+expression. However, it was noticed in #15696 that this misses some cases. For
+instance, consider the program (from T10482)
+ data family Bar a
+ data instance Bar (a, b) = BarPair !(Bar a) !(Bar b)
+ newtype instance Bar Int = Bar Int
+ foo :: Bar ((Int, Int), Int) -> Int -> Int
+ foo f k =
+ case f of
+ BarPair x y -> case burble of
+ True -> case x of
+ BarPair p q -> ...
+ False -> ...
+We really should be able to assume that `p` is already evaluated since it came
+from a strict field of BarPair. This strictness would allow us to produce a
+worker of type:
+ $wfoo :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int -> Int
+ $wfoo p# q# y# = ...
+even though the `case x` is only lazily evaluated
+Indeed before we fixed #15696 this would happen since we would float the inner
+`case x` through the `case burble` to get:
+ foo f k =
+ case f of
+ BarPair x y -> case x of
+ BarPair p q -> case burble of
+ True -> ...
+ False -> ...
+However, after fixing #15696 this could no longer happen (for the reasons
+discussed in ticket:15696#comment:76). This means that the demand placed on `f`
+would then be significantly weaker (since the False branch of the case on
+`burble` is not strict in `p` or `q`).
+Consequently, we now instead account for data-con strictness in mkWWstr_one,
+applying the strictness demands to the final result of DmdAnal. The result is
+that we get the strict demand signature we wanted even if we can't float
+the case on `x` up through the case on `burble`.
+Note [mkWWstr and unsafeCoerce]
+By using unsafeCoerce, it is possible to make the number of demands fail to
+match the number of constructor arguments; this happened in #8037.
+If so, the worker/wrapper split doesn't work right and we get a Core Lint
+bug. The fix here is simply to decline to do w/w if that happens.
+Note [Record evaluated-ness in worker/wrapper]
+Suppose we have
+ data T = MkT !Int Int
+ f :: T -> T
+ f x = e
+and f's is strict, and has the CPR property. The we are going to generate
+this w/w split
+ f x = case x of
+ MkT x1 x2 -> case $wf x1 x2 of
+ (# r1, r2 #) -> MkT r1 r2
+ $wfw x1 x2 = let x = MkT x1 x2 in
+ case e of
+ MkT r1 r2 -> (# r1, r2 #)
+Note that
+* In the worker $wf, inside 'e' we can be sure that x1 will be
+ evaluated (it came from unpacking the argument MkT. But that's no
+ immediately apparent in $wf
+* In the wrapper 'f', which we'll inline at call sites, we can be sure
+ that 'r1' has been evaluated (because it came from unpacking the result
+ MkT. But that is not immediately apparent from the wrapper code.
+Missing these facts isn't unsound, but it loses possible future
+opportunities for optimisation.
+Solution: use setCaseBndrEvald when creating
+ (A) The arg binders x1,x2 in mkWstr_one
+ See #13077, test T13077
+ (B) The result binders r1,r2 in mkWWcpr_help
+ See Trace #13077, test T13077a
+ And #13027 comment:20, item (4)
+to record that the relevant binder is evaluated.
+* *
+ Type scrutiny that is specific to demand analysis
+* *
+Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
+If we have
+ f :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> a
+ {-# INLINABLE f #-}
+and we worker/wrapper f, we'll get a worker with an INLINABLE pragma
+(see Note [Worker-wrapper for INLINABLE functions] in GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap), which
+can still be specialised by the type-class specialiser, something like
+ fw :: Ord a => [a] -> Int# -> a
+BUT if f is strict in the Ord dictionary, we might unpack it, to get
+ fw :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> Int# -> a
+and the type-class specialiser can't specialise that. An example is
+But in any other situation a dictionary is just an ordinary value,
+and can be unpacked. So we track the INLINABLE pragma, and switch
+off the unpacking in mkWWstr_one (see the isClassPred test).
+Historical note: #14955 describes how I got this fix wrong
+the first time.
+ :: FamInstEnvs -> Type
+ -> Maybe (DataCon, [Type], [(Type, StrictnessMark)], Coercion)
+-- If deepSplitProductType_maybe ty = Just (dc, tys, arg_tys, co)
+-- then dc @ tys (args::arg_tys) :: rep_ty
+-- co :: ty ~ rep_ty
+-- Why do we return the strictness of the data-con arguments?
+-- Answer: see Note [Record evaluated-ness in worker/wrapper]
+deepSplitProductType_maybe fam_envs ty
+ | let (co, ty1) = topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
+ `orElse` (mkRepReflCo ty, ty)
+ , Just (tc, tc_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
+ , Just con <- isDataProductTyCon_maybe tc
+ , let arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys con tc_args
+ strict_marks = dataConRepStrictness con
+ = Just (con, tc_args, zipEqual "dspt" arg_tys strict_marks, co)
+deepSplitProductType_maybe _ _ = Nothing
+ :: FamInstEnvs -> ConTag -> Type
+ -> Maybe (DataCon, [Type], [(Type, StrictnessMark)], Coercion)
+-- If deepSplitCprType_maybe n ty = Just (dc, tys, arg_tys, co)
+-- then dc @ tys (args::arg_tys) :: rep_ty
+-- co :: ty ~ rep_ty
+-- Why do we return the strictness of the data-con arguments?
+-- Answer: see Note [Record evaluated-ness in worker/wrapper]
+deepSplitCprType_maybe fam_envs con_tag ty
+ | let (co, ty1) = topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
+ `orElse` (mkRepReflCo ty, ty)
+ , Just (tc, tc_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
+ , isDataTyCon tc
+ , let cons = tyConDataCons tc
+ , cons `lengthAtLeast` con_tag -- This might not be true if we import the
+ -- type constructor via a .hs-bool file (#8743)
+ , let con = cons `getNth` (con_tag - fIRST_TAG)
+ arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys con tc_args
+ strict_marks = dataConRepStrictness con
+ = Just (con, tc_args, zipEqual "dsct" arg_tys strict_marks, co)
+deepSplitCprType_maybe _ _ _ = Nothing
+findTypeShape :: FamInstEnvs -> Type -> TypeShape
+-- Uncover the arrow and product shape of a type
+-- The data type TypeShape is defined in Demand
+-- See Note [Trimming a demand to a type] in Demand
+findTypeShape fam_envs ty
+ | Just (tc, tc_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , Just con <- isDataProductTyCon_maybe tc
+ = TsProd (map (findTypeShape fam_envs) $ dataConInstArgTys con tc_args)
+ | Just (_, res) <- splitFunTy_maybe ty
+ = TsFun (findTypeShape fam_envs res)
+ | Just (_, ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty
+ = findTypeShape fam_envs ty'
+ | Just (_, ty') <- topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
+ = findTypeShape fam_envs ty'
+ | otherwise
+ = TsUnk
+* *
+\subsection{CPR stuff}
+* *
+@mkWWcpr@ takes the worker/wrapper pair produced from the strictness
+info and adds in the CPR transformation. The worker returns an
+unboxed tuple containing non-CPR components. The wrapper takes this
+tuple and re-produces the correct structured output.
+The non-CPR results appear ordered in the unboxed tuple as if by a
+left-to-right traversal of the result structure.
+mkWWcpr :: Bool
+ -> FamInstEnvs
+ -> Type -- function body type
+ -> CprResult -- CPR analysis results
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, -- Is w/w'ing useful?
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- New wrapper
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- New worker
+ Type) -- Type of worker's body
+mkWWcpr opt_CprAnal fam_envs body_ty cpr
+ -- CPR explicitly turned off (or in -O0)
+ | not opt_CprAnal = return (False, id, id, body_ty)
+ -- CPR is turned on by default for -O and O2
+ | otherwise
+ = case asConCpr cpr of
+ Nothing -> return (False, id, id, body_ty) -- No CPR info
+ Just con_tag | Just stuff <- deepSplitCprType_maybe fam_envs con_tag body_ty
+ -> mkWWcpr_help stuff
+ | otherwise
+ -- See Note [non-algebraic or open body type warning]
+ -> WARN( True, text "mkWWcpr: non-algebraic or open body type" <+> ppr body_ty )
+ return (False, id, id, body_ty)
+mkWWcpr_help :: (DataCon, [Type], [(Type,StrictnessMark)], Coercion)
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, Type)
+mkWWcpr_help (data_con, inst_tys, arg_tys, co)
+ | [arg1@(arg_ty1, _)] <- arg_tys
+ , isUnliftedType arg_ty1
+ -- Special case when there is a single result of unlifted type
+ --
+ -- Wrapper: case ( worker..) of x -> C x
+ -- Worker: case ( ..body.. ) of C x -> x
+ = do { (work_uniq : arg_uniq : _) <- getUniquesM
+ ; let arg = mk_ww_local arg_uniq arg1
+ con_app = mkConApp2 data_con inst_tys [arg] `mkCast` mkSymCo co
+ ; return ( True
+ , \ wkr_call -> mkDefaultCase wkr_call arg con_app
+ , \ body -> mkUnpackCase body co work_uniq data_con [arg] (varToCoreExpr arg)
+ -- varToCoreExpr important here: arg can be a coercion
+ -- Lacking this caused #10658
+ , arg_ty1 ) }
+ | otherwise -- The general case
+ -- Wrapper: case ( worker..) of (# a, b #) -> C a b
+ -- Worker: case ( ...body... ) of C a b -> (# a, b #)
+ = do { (work_uniq : wild_uniq : uniqs) <- getUniquesM
+ ; let wrap_wild = mk_ww_local wild_uniq (ubx_tup_ty,MarkedStrict)
+ args = zipWith mk_ww_local uniqs arg_tys
+ ubx_tup_ty = exprType ubx_tup_app
+ ubx_tup_app = mkCoreUbxTup (map fst arg_tys) (map varToCoreExpr args)
+ con_app = mkConApp2 data_con inst_tys args `mkCast` mkSymCo co
+ tup_con = tupleDataCon Unboxed (length arg_tys)
+ ; return (True
+ , \ wkr_call -> mkSingleAltCase wkr_call wrap_wild
+ (DataAlt tup_con) args con_app
+ , \ body -> mkUnpackCase body co work_uniq data_con args ubx_tup_app
+ , ubx_tup_ty ) }
+mkUnpackCase :: CoreExpr -> Coercion -> Unique -> DataCon -> [Id] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+-- (mkUnpackCase e co uniq Con args body)
+-- returns
+-- case e |> co of bndr { Con args -> body }
+mkUnpackCase (Tick tickish e) co uniq con args body -- See Note [Profiling and unpacking]
+ = Tick tickish (mkUnpackCase e co uniq con args body)
+mkUnpackCase scrut co uniq boxing_con unpk_args body
+ = mkSingleAltCase casted_scrut bndr
+ (DataAlt boxing_con) unpk_args body
+ where
+ casted_scrut = scrut `mkCast` co
+ bndr = mk_ww_local uniq (exprType casted_scrut, MarkedStrict)
+Note [non-algebraic or open body type warning]
+There are a few cases where the W/W transformation is told that something
+returns a constructor, but the type at hand doesn't really match this. One
+real-world example involves unsafeCoerce:
+ foo = IO a
+ foo = unsafeCoerce c_exit
+ foreign import ccall "c_exit" c_exit :: IO ()
+Here CPR will tell you that `foo` returns a () constructor for sure, but trying
+to create a worker/wrapper for type `a` obviously fails.
+(This was a real example until ee8e792 in libraries/base.)
+It does not seem feasible to avoid all such cases already in the analyser (and
+after all, the analysis is not really wrong), so we simply do nothing here in
+mkWWcpr. But we still want to emit warning with -DDEBUG, to hopefully catch
+other cases where something went avoidably wrong.
+This warning also triggers for the stream fusion library within `text`.
+We can'easily W/W constructed results like `Stream` because we have no simple
+way to express existential types in the worker's type signature.
+Note [Profiling and unpacking]
+If the original function looked like
+ f = \ x -> {-# SCC "foo" #-} E
+then we want the CPR'd worker to look like
+ \ x -> {-# SCC "foo" #-} (case E of I# x -> x)
+and definitely not
+ \ x -> case ({-# SCC "foo" #-} E) of I# x -> x)
+This transform doesn't move work or allocation
+from one cost centre to another.
+Later [SDM]: presumably this is because we want the simplifier to
+eliminate the case, and the scc would get in the way? I'm ok with
+including the case itself in the cost centre, since it is morally
+part of the function (post transformation) anyway.
+* *
+* *
+Note [Absent errors]
+We make a new binding for Ids that are marked absent, thus
+ let x = absentError "x :: Int"
+The idea is that this binding will never be used; but if it
+buggily is used we'll get a runtime error message.
+Coping with absence for *unlifted* types is important; see, for
+example, #4306 and #15627. In the UnliftedRep case, we can
+use LitRubbish, which we need to apply to the required type.
+For the unlifted types of singleton kind like Float#, Addr#, etc. we
+also find a suitable literal, using Literal.absentLiteralOf. We don't
+have literals for every primitive type, so the function is partial.
+Note: I did try the experiment of using an error thunk for unlifted
+things too, relying on the simplifier to drop it as dead code.
+But this is fragile
+ - It fails when profiling is on, which disables various optimisations
+ - It fails when reboxing happens. E.g.
+ data T = MkT Int Int#
+ f p@(MkT a _) = ...g p....
+ where g is /lazy/ in 'p', but only uses the first component. Then
+ 'f' is /strict/ in 'p', and only uses the first component. So we only
+ pass that component to the worker for 'f', which reconstructs 'p' to
+ pass it to 'g'. Alas we can't say
+ ...f (MkT a (absentError Int# "blah"))...
+ bacause `MkT` is strict in its Int# argument, so we get an absentError
+ exception when we shouldn't. Very annoying!
+So absentError is only used for lifted types.
+-- | Tries to find a suitable dummy RHS to bind the given absent identifier to.
+-- If @mk_absent_let _ id == Just wrap@, then @wrap e@ will wrap a let binding
+-- for @id@ with that RHS around @e@. Otherwise, there could no suitable RHS be
+-- found (currently only happens for bindings of 'VecRep' representation).
+mk_absent_let :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> Id -> Maybe (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
+mk_absent_let dflags fam_envs arg
+ -- The lifted case: Bind 'absentError'
+ -- See Note [Absent errors]
+ | not (isUnliftedType arg_ty)
+ = Just (Let (NonRec lifted_arg abs_rhs))
+ -- The 'UnliftedRep' (because polymorphic) case: Bind @__RUBBISH \@arg_ty@
+ -- See Note [Absent errors]
+ | [UnliftedRep] <- typePrimRep arg_ty
+ = Just (Let (NonRec arg unlifted_rhs))
+ -- The monomorphic unlifted cases: Bind to some literal, if possible
+ -- See Note [Absent errors]
+ | Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe nty
+ , Just lit <- absentLiteralOf tc
+ = Just (Let (NonRec arg (Lit lit `mkCast` mkSymCo co)))
+ | nty `eqType` voidPrimTy
+ = Just (Let (NonRec arg (Var voidPrimId `mkCast` mkSymCo co)))
+ | otherwise
+ = WARN( True, text "No absent value for" <+> ppr arg_ty )
+ Nothing -- Can happen for 'State#' and things of 'VecRep'
+ where
+ lifted_arg = arg `setIdStrictness` botSig `setIdCprInfo` mkCprSig 0 botCpr
+ -- Note in strictness signature that this is bottoming
+ -- (for the sake of the "empty case scrutinee not known to
+ -- diverge for sure lint" warning)
+ arg_ty = idType arg
+ -- Normalise the type to have best chance of finding an absent literal
+ -- e.g. (#17852) data unlifted N = MkN Int#
+ -- f :: N -> a -> a
+ -- f _ x = x
+ (co, nty) = topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs arg_ty
+ `orElse` (mkRepReflCo arg_ty, arg_ty)
+ abs_rhs = mkAbsentErrorApp arg_ty msg
+ msg = showSDoc (gopt_set dflags Opt_SuppressUniques)
+ (ppr arg <+> ppr (idType arg))
+ -- We need to suppress uniques here because otherwise they'd
+ -- end up in the generated code as strings. This is bad for
+ -- determinism, because with different uniques the strings
+ -- will have different lengths and hence different costs for
+ -- the inliner leading to different inlining.
+ -- See also Note [Unique Determinism] in Unique
+ unlifted_rhs = mkTyApps (Lit rubbishLit) [arg_ty]
+mk_ww_local :: Unique -> (Type, StrictnessMark) -> Id
+-- The StrictnessMark comes form the data constructor and says
+-- whether this field is strict
+-- See Note [Record evaluated-ness in worker/wrapper]
+mk_ww_local uniq (ty,str)
+ = setCaseBndrEvald str $
+ mkSysLocalOrCoVar (fsLit "ww") uniq ty
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/simplifier.tib b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/simplifier.tib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0f9dc91f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/simplifier.tib
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+% Andre:
+% - I'd like the transformation rules to appear clearly-identified in
+% a box of some kind, so they can be distinguished from the examples.
+\title{How to simplify matters}
+\author{Simon Peyton Jones and Andre Santos\\
+Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ \\
+Quite a few compilers use the {\em compilation by transformation} idiom.
+The idea is that as much of possible of the compilation process is
+expressed as correctness-preserving transformations, each of which
+transforms a program into a semantically-equivalent
+program that (hopefully) executes more quickly or in less space.
+Functional languages are particularly amenable to this approach because
+they have a particularly rich family of possible transformations.
+Examples of transformation-based compilers
+include the Orbit compiler,[.kranz orbit thesis.]
+Kelsey's compilers,[.kelsey thesis, hudak kelsey principles 1989.]
+the New Jersey SML compiler,[.appel compiling with continuations.]
+and the Glasgow Haskell compiler.[.ghc JFIT.] Of course many, perhaps most,
+other compilers also use transformation to some degree.
+Compilation by transformation uses automatic transformations; that is, those
+which can safely be applied automatically by a compiler. There
+is also a whole approach to programming, which we might call {\em programming by transformation},
+in which the programmer manually transforms an inefficient specification into
+an efficient program. This development process might be supported by
+a programming environment in which does the book keeping, but the key steps
+are guided by the programmer. We focus exclusively on automatic transformations
+in this paper.
+Automatic program transformations seem to fall into two broad categories:
+\item {\bf Glamorous transformations} are global, sophisticated,
+intellectually satisfying transformations, sometimes guided by some
+interesting kind of analysis.
+Examples include:
+lambda lifting,[.johnsson lambda lifting.]
+full laziness,[.hughes thesis, lester spe.]
+closure conversion,[.appel jim 1989.]
+deforestation,[.wadler 1990 deforestation, marlow wadler deforestation Glasgow92, chin phd 1990 march, gill launchbury.]
+transformations based on strictness analysis,[.peyton launchbury unboxed.]
+and so on. It is easy to write papers about these sorts of transformations.
+\item {\bf Humble transformations} are small, simple, local transformations,
+which individually look pretty trivial. Here are two simple examples\footnote{
+The notation @E[]@ stands for an arbitrary expression with zero or more holes.
+The notation @E[e]@ denotes @E[]@ with the holes filled in by the expression @e@.
+We implicitly assume that no name-capture happens --- it's just
+a short-hand, not an algorithm.
+ let x = y in E[x] ===> E[y]
+ case (x:xs) of ===> E1[x,xs]
+ (y:ys) -> E1[y,ys]
+ [] -> E2
+Transformations of this kind are almost embarrassingly simple. How could
+anyone write a paper about them?
+This paper is about humble transformations, and how to implement them.
+Although each individual
+transformation is simple enough, there is a scaling issue:
+there are a large number of candidate transformations to consider, and
+there are a very large number of opportunities to apply them.
+In the Glasgow Haskell compiler, all humble transformations
+are performed by the so-called {\em simplifier}.
+Our goal in this paper is to give an overview of how the simplifier works, what
+transformations it applies, and what issues arose in its design.
+\section{The language}
+Mutter mutter. Important points:
+\item Second order lambda calculus.
+\item Arguments are variables.
+\item Unboxed data types, and unboxed cases.
+Less important points:
+\item Constructors and primitives are saturated.
+\item if-then-else desugared to @case@
+Give data type.
+This section lists all the transformations implemented by the simplifier.
+Because it is a complete list, it is a long one.
+We content ourselves with a brief statement of each transformation,
+augmented with forward references to Section~\ref{sect:composing}
+which gives examples of the ways in which the transformations can compose together.
+\subsection{Beta reduction}
+If a lambda abstraction is applied to an argument, we can simply
+beta-reduce. This applies equally to ordinary lambda abstractions and
+type abstractions:
+ (\x -> E[x]) arg ===> E[arg]
+ (/\a -> E[a]) ty ===> E[ty]
+There is no danger of duplicating work because the argument is
+guaranteed to be a simple variable or literal.
+\subsubsection{Floating applications inward}
+Applications can be floated inside a @let(rec)@ or @case@ expression.
+This is a good idea, because they might find a lambda abstraction inside
+to beta-reduce with:
+ (let(rec) Bind in E) arg ===> let(rec) Bind in (E arg)
+ (case E of {P1 -> E1;...; Pn -> En}) arg
+ ===>
+ case E of {P1 -> E1 arg; ...; Pn -> En arg}
+\subsection{Transformations concerning @let(rec)@}
+\subsubsection{Floating @let@ out of @let@}
+It is sometimes useful to float a @let(rec)@ out of a @let(rec)@ right-hand
+ let x = let(rec) Bind in B1 ===> let(rec) Bind in
+ in B2 let x = B1
+ in B2
+ letrec x = let(rec) Bind in B1 ===> let(rec) Bind
+ in B2 x = B1
+ in B2
+\subsubsection{Floating @case@ out of @let@}
+\subsubsection{@let@ to @case@}
+\subsection{Transformations concerning @case@}
+\subsubsection{Case of known constructor}
+If a @case@ expression scrutinises a constructor,
+the @case@ can be eliminated. This transformation is a real
+win: it eliminates a whole @case@ expression.
+ case (C a1 .. an) of ===> E[]
+ ...
+ C b1 .. bn -> E[]
+ ...
+If none of the constructors in the alternatives match, then
+the default is taken:
+ case (C a1 .. an) of ===> let y = C a1 .. an
+ ...[no alt matches C]... in E
+ y -> E
+There is an important variant of this transformation when
+the @case@ expression scrutinises a {\em variable}
+which is known to be bound to a constructor.
+This situation can
+arise for two reasons:
+\item An enclosing @let(rec)@ binding binds the variable to a constructor.
+For example:
+ let x = C p q in ... (case x of ...) ...
+\item An enclosing @case@ expression scrutinises the same variable.
+For example:
+ case x of
+ ...
+ C p q -> ... (case x of ...) ...
+ ...
+This situation is particularly common, as we discuss in Section~\ref{sect:repeated-evals}.
+In each of these examples, @x@ is known to be bound to @C p q@
+at the inner @case@. The general rules are:
+ case x of {...; C b1 .. bn -> E[]; ...}
+===> {x bound to C a1 .. an}
+ E[]
+ case x of {...[no alts match C]...; y -> E[y]}
+===> {x bound to C a1 .. an}
+ E[x]
+\subsubsection{Dead alternative elimination}
+ case x of
+ C a .. z -> E
+ ...[other alts]...
+===> x *not* bound to C
+ case x of
+ ...[other alts]...
+We might know that @x@ is not bound to a particular constructor
+because of an enclosing case:
+ case x of
+ C a .. z -> E1
+ other -> E2
+Inside @E1@ we know that @x@ is bound to @C@.
+However, if the type has more than two constructors,
+inside @E2@ all we know is that @x@ is {\em not} bound to @C@.
+This applies to unboxed cases also, in the obvious way.
+\subsubsection{Case elimination}
+If we can prove that @x@ is not bottom, then this rule applies.
+ case x of ===> E[x]
+ y -> E[y]
+We might know that @x@ is non-bottom because:
+\item @x@ has an unboxed type.
+\item There's an enclosing case which scrutinises @x@.
+\item It is bound to an expression which provably terminates.
+Since this transformation can only improve termination, even if we apply it
+when @x@ is not provably non-bottom, we provide a compiler flag to
+enable it all the time.
+\subsubsection{Case of error}
+ case (error ty E) of Alts ===> error ty' E
+ where
+ ty' is type of whole case expression
+Mutter about types. Mutter about variables bound to error.
+Mutter about disguised forms of error.
+\subsubsection{Floating @let(rec)@ out of @case@}
+A @let(rec)@ binding can be floated out of a @case@ scrutinee:
+ case (let(rec) Bind in E) of Alts ===> let(rec) Bind in
+ case E of Alts
+This increases the likelihood of a case-of-known-constructor transformation,
+because @E@ is not hidden from the @case@ by the @let(rec)@.
+\subsubsection{Floating @case@ out of @case@}
+Analogous to floating a @let(rec)@ from a @case@ scrutinee is
+floating a @case@ from a @case@ scrutinee. We have to be
+careful, though, about code size. If there's only one alternative
+in the inner case, things are easy:
+ case (case E of {P -> R}) of ===> case E of {P -> case R of
+ Q1 -> S1 Q1 -> S1
+ ... ...
+ Qm -> Sm Qm -> Sm}
+If there's more than one alternative there's a danger
+that we'll duplicate @S1@...@Sm@, which might be a lot of code.
+Our solution is to create a new local definition for each
+ case (case E of {P1 -> R1; ...; Pn -> Rn}) of
+ Q1 -> S1
+ ...
+ Qm -> Sm
+ let s1 = \x1 ... z1 -> S1
+ ...
+ sm = \xm ... zm -> Sm
+ in
+ case E of
+ P1 -> case R1 of {Q1 -> s1 x1 ... z1; ...; Qm -> sm xm ... zm}
+ ...
+ Pn -> case Rn of {Q1 -> s1 x1 ... z1; ...; Qm -> sm xm ... zm}
+Here, @x1 ... z1@ are that subset of
+variables bound by the pattern @Q1@ which are free in @S1@, and
+similarly for the other @si@.
+Is this transformation a win? After all, we have introduced @m@ new
+functions! Section~\ref{sect:join-points} discusses this point.
+\subsubsection{Case merging}
+ case x of
+ ...[some alts]...
+ other -> case x of
+ ...[more alts]...
+ case x of
+ ...[some alts]...
+ ...[more alts]...
+Any alternatives in @[more alts]@ which are already covered by @[some alts]@
+should first be eliminated by the dead-alternative transformation.
+\subsection{Constructor reuse}
+The inlining transformation is simple enough:
+ let x = R in B[x] ===> B[R]
+Inlining is more conventionally used to describe the instantiation of a function
+body at its call site, with arguments substituted for formal parameters. We treat
+this as a two-stage process: inlining followed by beta reduction. Since we are
+working with a higher-order language, not all the arguments may be available at every
+call site, so separating inlining from beta reduction allows us to concentrate on
+one problem at a time.
+The choice of exactly {\em which} bindings to inline has a major impact on efficiency.
+Specifically, we need to consider the following factors:
+Inlining a function at its call site, followed by some beta reduction,
+very often exposes opportunities for further transformations.
+We inline many simple arithmetic and boolean operators for this reason.
+Inlining can increase code size.
+Inlining can duplicate work, for example if a redex is inlined at more than one site.
+Duplicating a single expensive redex can ruin a program's efficiency.
+Our inlining strategy depends on the form of @R@:
+Mutter mutter.
+\subsubsection{Dead code removal}
+If a @let@-bound variable is not used the binding can be dropped:
+ let x = E in B ===> B
+ x not free in B
+A similar transformation applies for @letrec@-bound variables.
+Programmers seldom write dead code, of course, but bindings often become dead when they
+are inlined.
+\section{Composing transformations}
+The really interesting thing about humble transformations is the way in which
+they compose together to carry out substantial and useful transformations.
+This section gives a collection of motivating examples, all of which have
+shown up in real application programs.
+\subsection{Repeated evals}
+Example: x+x, as in unboxed paper.
+\subsection{Lazy pattern matching}
+Lazy pattern matching is pretty inefficient. Consider:
+ let (x,y) = E in B
+which desugars to:
+ let t = E
+ x = case t of (x,y) -> x
+ y = case t of (x,y) -> y
+ in B
+This code allocates three thunks! However, if @B@ is strict in {\em either}
+@x@ {\em or} @y@, then the strictness analyser will easily spot that
+the binding for @t@ is strict, so we can do a @let@-to-@case@ transformation:
+ case E of
+ (x,y) -> let t = (x,y) in
+ let x = case t of (x,y) -> x
+ y = case t of (x,y) -> y
+ in B
+whereupon the case-of-known-constructor transformation
+eliminates the @case@ expressions in the right-hand side of @x@ and @y@,
+and @t@ is then spotted as being dead, so we get
+ case E of
+ (x,y) -> B
+\subsection{Join points}
+One motivating example is this:
+ if (not x) then E1 else E2
+After desugaring the conditional, and inlining the definition of
+@not@, we get
+ case (case x of True -> False; False -> True}) of
+ True -> E1
+ False -> E2
+Now, if we apply our case-of-case transformation we get:
+ let e1 = E1
+ e2 = E2
+ in
+ case x of
+ True -> case False of {True -> e1; False -> e2}
+ False -> case True of {True -> e1; False -> e2}
+Now the case-of-known constructor transformation applies:
+ let e1 = E1
+ e2 = E2
+ in
+ case x of
+ True -> e2
+ False -> e1
+Since there is now only one occurrence of @e1@ and @e2@ we can
+inline them, giving just what we hoped for:
+ case x of {True -> E2; False -> E1}
+The point is that the local definitions will often disappear again.
+\subsubsection{How join points occur}
+But what if they don't disappear? Then the definitions @s1@ ... @sm@
+play the role of ``join points''; they represent the places where
+execution joins up again, having forked at the @case x@. The
+``calls'' to the @si@ should really be just jumps. To see this more clearly
+consider the expression
+ if (x || y) then E1 else E2
+A C compiler will ``short-circuit'' the
+evaluation of the condition if @x@ turns out to be true
+generate code, something like this:
+ if (x) goto l1;
+ if (y) {...code for E2...}
+ l1: ...code for E1...
+In our setting, here's what will happen. First we desugar the
+conditional, and inline the definition of @||@:
+ case (case x of {True -> True; False -> y}) of
+ True -> E1
+ False -> E2
+Now apply the case-of-case transformation:
+ let e1 = E1
+ e2 = E2
+ in
+ case x of
+ True -> case True of {True -> e1; False -> e2}
+ False -> case y of {True -> e1; False -> e2}
+Unlike the @not@ example, only one of the two inner case
+simplifies, and we can therefore only inline @e2@, because
+@e1@ is still mentioned twice\footnote{Unless the
+inlining strategy decides that @E1@ is small enough to duplicate;
+it is used in separate @case@ branches so there's no concern about duplicating
+work. Here's another example of the way in which we make one part of the
+simplifier (the inlining strategy) help with the work of another (@case@-expression
+ let e1 = E1
+ in
+ case x of
+ True -> e1
+ False -> case y of {True -> e1; False -> e2}
+The code generator produces essentially the same code as
+the C code given above. The binding for @e1@ turns into
+just a label, which is jumped to from the two occurrences of @e1@.
+\subsubsection{Case of @error@}
+The case-of-error transformation is often exposed by the case-of-case
+transformation. Consider
+ case (hd xs) of
+ True -> E1
+ False -> E2
+After inlining @hd@, we get
+ case (case xs of [] -> error "hd"; (x:_) -> x) of
+ True -> E1
+ False -> E2
+(I've omitted the type argument of @error@ to save clutter.)
+Now doing case-of-case gives
+ let e1 = E1
+ e2 = E2
+ in
+ case xs of
+ [] -> case (error "hd") of { True -> e1; False -> e2 }
+ (x:_) -> case x of { True -> e1; False -> e2 }
+Now the case-of-error transformation springs to life, after which
+we can inline @e1@ and @e2@:
+ case xs of
+ [] -> error "hd"
+ (x:_) -> case x of {True -> E1; False -> E2}
+\subsection{Nested conditionals combined}
+Sometimes programmers write something which should be done
+by a single @case@ as a sequence of tests:
+ if x==0::Int then E0 else
+ if x==1 then E1 else
+ E2
+After eliminating some redundant evals and doing the case-of-case
+transformation we get
+ case x of I# x# ->
+ case x# of
+ 0# -> E0
+ other -> case x# of
+ 1# -> E1
+ other -> E2
+The case-merging transformation puts these together to get
+ case x of I# x# ->
+ case x# of
+ 0# -> E0
+ 1# -> E1
+ other -> E2
+Sometimes the sequence of tests cannot be eliminated from the source
+code because of overloading:
+ f :: Num a => a -> Bool
+ f 0 = True
+ f 3 = True
+ f n = False
+If we specialise @f@ to @Int@ we'll get the previous example again.
+\subsection{Error tests eliminated}
+The elimination of redundant alternatives, and then of redundant cases,
+arises when we inline functions which do error checking. A typical
+example is this:
+ if (x `rem` y) == 0 then (x `div` y) else y
+Here, both @rem@ and @div@ do an error-check for @y@ being zero.
+The second check is eliminated by the transformations.
+After transformation the code becomes:
+ case x of I# x# ->
+ case y of I# y# ->
+ case y of
+ 0# -> error "rem: zero divisor"
+ _ -> case x# rem# y# of
+ 0# -> case x# div# y# of
+ r# -> I# r#
+ _ -> y
+\subsection{Atomic arguments}
+At this point it is possible to appreciate the usefulness of
+the Core-language syntax requirement that arguments are atomic.
+For example, suppose that arguments could be arbitrary expressions.
+Here is a possible transformation:
+ f (case x of (p,q) -> p)
+===> f strict in its second argument
+ case x of (p,q) -> f (p,p)
+Doing this transformation would be useful, because now the
+argument to @f@ is a simple variable rather than a thunk.
+However, if arguments are atomic, this transformation becomes
+just a special case of floating a @case@ out of a strict @let@:
+ let a = case x of (p,q) -> p
+ in f a
+===> (f a) strict in a
+ case x of (p,q) -> let a=p in f a
+ case x of (p,q) -> f p
+There are many examples of this kind. For almost any transformation
+involving @let@ there is a corresponding one involving a function
+argument. The same effect is achieved with much less complexity
+by restricting function arguments to be atomic.
+Dependency analysis
+Occurrence analysis
+\subsection{Renaming and cloning}
+Every program-transformation system has to worry about name capture.
+For example, here is an erroneous transformation:
+ let y = E
+ in
+ (\x -> \y -> x + y) (y+3)
+===> WRONG!
+ let y = E
+ in
+ (\y -> (y+3) + y)
+The transformation fails because the originally free-occurrence
+of @y@ in the argument @y+3@ has been ``captured'' by the @\y@-abstraction.
+There are various sophisticated solutions to this difficulty, but
+we adopted a very simple one: we uniquely rename every locally-bound identifier
+on every pass of the simplifier.
+Since we are in any case producing an entirely new program (rather than side-effecting
+an existing one) it costs very little extra to rename the identifiers as we go.
+So our example would become
+ let y = E
+ in
+ (\x -> \y -> x + y) (y+3)
+===> WRONG!
+ let y1 = E
+ in
+ (\y2 -> (y1+3) + y2)
+The simplifier accepts as input a program which has arbitrary bound
+variable names, including ``shadowing'' (where a binding hides an
+outer binding for the same identifier), but it produces a program in
+which every bound identifier has a distinct name.
+Both the ``old'' and ``new'' identifiers have type @Id@, but when writing
+type signatures for functions in the simplifier we use the types @InId@, for
+identifiers from the input program, and @OutId@ for identifiers from the output program:
+ type InId = Id
+ type OutId = Id
+This nomenclature extends naturally to expressions: a value of type @InExpr@ is an
+expression whose identifiers are from the input-program name-space, and similarly
+\section{The simplifier}
+The basic algorithm followed by the simplifier is:
+\item Analyse: perform occurrence analysis and dependency analysis.
+\item Simplify: apply as many transformations as possible.
+\item Iterate: perform the above two steps repeatedly until no further transformations are possible.
+(A compiler flag allows the programmer to bound the maximum number of iterations.)
+We make a effort to apply as many transformations as possible in Step
+2. To see why this is a good idea, just consider a sequence of
+transformations in which each transformation enables the next. If
+each iteration of Step 2 only performs one transformation, then the
+entire program will to be re-analysed by Step 1, and re-traversed by
+Step 2, for each transformation of the sequence. Sometimes this is
+unavoidable, but it is often possible to perform a sequence of
+transformtions in a single pass.
+The key function, which simplifies expressions, has the following type:
+ simplExpr :: SimplEnv
+ -> InExpr -> [OutArg]
+ -> SmplM OutExpr
+The monad, @SmplM@ can quickly be disposed of. It has only two purposes:
+\item It plumbs around a supply of unique names, so that the simplifier can
+easily invent new names.
+\item It gathers together counts of how many of each kind of transformation
+has been applied, for statistical purposes. These counts are also used
+in Step 3 to decide when the simplification process has terminated.
+The signature can be understood like this:
+\item The environment, of type @SimplEnv@, provides information about
+identifiers bound by the enclosing context.
+\item The second and third arguments together specify the expression to be simplified.
+\item The result is the simplified expression, wrapped up by the monad.
+The simplifier's invariant is this:
+@simplExpr@~env~expr~[a_1,\ldots,a_n] = expr[env]~a_1~\ldots~a_n
+That is, the expression returned by $@simplExpr@~env~expr~[a_1,\ldots,a_n]$
+is semantically equal (although hopefully more efficient than)
+$expr$, with the renamings in $env$ applied to it, applied to the arguments
+\subsection{Application and beta reduction}
+The arguments are carried ``inwards'' by @simplExpr@, as an accumulating parameter.
+This is a convenient way of implementing the transformations which float
+arguments inside a @let@ and @case@. This list of pending arguments
+requires a new data type, @CoreArg@, along with its ``in'' and ``out'' synonyms,
+because an argument might be a type or an atom:
+data CoreArg bindee = TypeArg UniType
+ | ValArg (CoreAtom bindee)
+type InArg = CoreArg InId
+type OutArg = CoreArg OutId
+The equations for applications simply apply
+the environment to the argument (to handle renaming) and put the result
+on the argument stack, tagged to say whether it is a type argument or value argument:
+ simplExpr env (CoApp fun arg) args
+ = simplExpr env fun (ValArg (simplAtom env arg) : args)
+ simplExpr env (CoTyApp fun ty) args
+ = simplExpr env fun (TypeArg (simplTy env ty) : args)