path: root/compiler/GHC/Core
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authorRichard Eisenberg <>2020-11-25 15:22:16 -0500
committerMarge Bot <>2020-12-01 19:57:41 -0500
commit8bb52d9186655134e3e06b4dc003e060379f5417 (patch)
treecf62438a5f5b3587fe666d72d77561201253306a /compiler/GHC/Core
parent0dd45d0adbade7eaae973b09b4d0ff1acb1479b8 (diff)
Remove flattening variables
This patch redesigns the flattener to simplify type family applications directly instead of using flattening meta-variables and skolems. The key new innovation is the CanEqLHS type and the new CEqCan constraint (Ct). A CanEqLHS is either a type variable or exactly-saturated type family application; either can now be rewritten using a CEqCan constraint in the inert set. Because the flattener no longer reduces all type family applications to variables, there was some performance degradation if a lengthy type family application is now flattened over and over (not making progress). To compensate, this patch contains some extra optimizations in the flattener, leading to a number of performance improvements. Close #18875. Close #18910. There are many extra parts of the compiler that had to be affected in writing this patch: * The family-application cache (formerly the flat-cache) sometimes stores coercions built from Given inerts. When these inerts get kicked out, we must kick out from the cache as well. (This was, I believe, true previously, but somehow never caused trouble.) Kicking out from the cache requires adding a filterTM function to TrieMap. * This patch obviates the need to distinguish "blocking" coercion holes from non-blocking ones (which, previously, arose from CFunEqCans). There is thus some simplification around coercion holes. * Extra commentary throughout parts of the code I read through, to preserve the knowledge I gained while working. * A change in the pure unifier around unifying skolems with other types. Unifying a skolem now leads to SurelyApart, not MaybeApart, as documented in Note [Binding when looking up instances] in GHC.Core.InstEnv. * Some more use of MCoercion where appropriate. * Previously, class-instance lookup automatically noticed that e.g. C Int was a "unifier" to a target [W] C (F Bool), because the F Bool was flattened to a variable. Now, a little more care must be taken around checking for unifying instances. * Previously, tcSplitTyConApp_maybe would split (Eq a => a). This is silly, because (=>) is not a tycon in Haskell. Fixed now, but there are some knock-on changes in e.g. TrieMap code and in the canonicaliser. * New function anyFreeVarsOf{Type,Co} to check whether a free variable satisfies a certain predicate. * Type synonyms now remember whether or not they are "forgetful"; a forgetful synonym drops at least one argument. This is useful when flattening; see flattenView. * The pattern-match completeness checker invokes the solver. This invocation might need to look through newtypes when checking representational equality. Thus, the desugarer needs to keep track of the in-scope variables to know what newtype constructors are in scope. I bet this bug was around before but never noticed. * Extra-constraints wildcards are no longer simplified before printing. See Note [Do not simplify ConstraintHoles] in GHC.Tc.Solver. * Whether or not there are Given equalities has become slightly subtler. See the new HasGivenEqs datatype. * Note [Type variable cycles in Givens] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical explains a significant new wrinkle in the new approach. * See Note [What might match later?] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact, which explains the fix to #18910. * The inert_count field of InertCans wasn't actually used, so I removed it. Though I (Richard) did the implementation, Simon PJ was very involved in design and review. This updates the Haddock submodule to avoid #18932 by adding a type signature. ------------------------- Metric Decrease: T12227 T5030 T9872a T9872b T9872c Metric Increase: T9872d -------------------------
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Core')
14 files changed, 387 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
index 4413c7355b..051f415572 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
module GHC.Core.Coercion (
-- * Main data type
- Coercion, CoercionN, CoercionR, CoercionP, MCoercion(..), MCoercionR,
- UnivCoProvenance, CoercionHole(..), BlockSubstFlag(..),
+ Coercion, CoercionN, CoercionR, CoercionP, MCoercion(..), MCoercionN, MCoercionR,
+ UnivCoProvenance, CoercionHole(..),
coHoleCoVar, setCoHoleCoVar,
Var, CoVar, TyCoVar,
@@ -69,8 +69,10 @@ module GHC.Core.Coercion (
isGReflCo, isReflCo, isReflCo_maybe, isGReflCo_maybe, isReflexiveCo, isReflexiveCo_maybe,
- isReflCoVar_maybe, isGReflMCo,
- coToMCo, mkTransMCo, mkTransMCoL,
+ isReflCoVar_maybe, isGReflMCo, mkGReflLeftMCo, mkGReflRightMCo,
+ mkCoherenceRightMCo,
+ coToMCo, mkTransMCo, mkTransMCoL, mkCastTyMCo, mkSymMCo, isReflMCo,
-- ** Coercion variables
mkCoVar, isCoVar, coVarName, setCoVarName, setCoVarUnique,
@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Coercion (
-- ** Free variables
tyCoVarsOfCo, tyCoVarsOfCos, coVarsOfCo,
tyCoFVsOfCo, tyCoFVsOfCos, tyCoVarsOfCoDSet,
- coercionSize,
+ coercionSize, anyFreeVarsOfCo,
-- ** Substitution
CvSubstEnv, emptyCvSubstEnv,
@@ -121,7 +123,8 @@ module GHC.Core.Coercion (
- badCoercionHole, badCoercionHoleCo
+ hasCoercionHoleTy, hasCoercionHoleCo,
+ HoleSet, coercionHolesOfType, coercionHolesOfCo
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -154,6 +157,7 @@ import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
import GHC.Data.List.SetOps
import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
@@ -331,6 +335,32 @@ mkTransMCoL :: MCoercion -> Coercion -> MCoercion
mkTransMCoL MRefl co2 = MCo co2
mkTransMCoL (MCo co1) co2 = MCo (mkTransCo co1 co2)
+-- | Get the reverse of an 'MCoercion'
+mkSymMCo :: MCoercion -> MCoercion
+mkSymMCo MRefl = MRefl
+mkSymMCo (MCo co) = MCo (mkSymCo co)
+-- | Cast a type by an 'MCoercion'
+mkCastTyMCo :: Type -> MCoercion -> Type
+mkCastTyMCo ty MRefl = ty
+mkCastTyMCo ty (MCo co) = ty `mkCastTy` co
+mkGReflLeftMCo :: Role -> Type -> MCoercionN -> Coercion
+mkGReflLeftMCo r ty MRefl = mkReflCo r ty
+mkGReflLeftMCo r ty (MCo co) = mkGReflLeftCo r ty co
+mkGReflRightMCo :: Role -> Type -> MCoercionN -> Coercion
+mkGReflRightMCo r ty MRefl = mkReflCo r ty
+mkGReflRightMCo r ty (MCo co) = mkGReflRightCo r ty co
+-- | Like 'mkCoherenceRightCo', but with an 'MCoercion'
+mkCoherenceRightMCo :: Role -> Type -> MCoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkCoherenceRightMCo _ _ MRefl co2 = co2
+mkCoherenceRightMCo r ty (MCo co) co2 = mkCoherenceRightCo r ty co co2
+isReflMCo :: MCoercion -> Bool
+isReflMCo MRefl = True
+isReflMCo _ = False
@@ -1219,7 +1249,7 @@ mkKindCo co
| otherwise
= KindCo co
-mkSubCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
+mkSubCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> Coercion
-- Input coercion is Nominal, result is Representational
-- see also Note [Role twiddling functions]
mkSubCo (Refl ty) = GRefl Representational ty MRefl
@@ -1675,6 +1705,11 @@ data NormaliseStepResult ev
-- ^ ev is evidence;
-- Usually a co :: old type ~ new type
+instance Outputable ev => Outputable (NormaliseStepResult ev) where
+ ppr NS_Done = text "NS_Done"
+ ppr NS_Abort = text "NS_Abort"
+ ppr (NS_Step _ ty ev) = sep [text "NS_Step", ppr ty, ppr ev]
mapStepResult :: (ev1 -> ev2)
-> NormaliseStepResult ev1 -> NormaliseStepResult ev2
mapStepResult f (NS_Step rec_nts ty ev) = NS_Step rec_nts ty (f ev)
@@ -2634,7 +2669,8 @@ FamInstEnv, and so lives here.
Note [simplifyArgsWorker]
-Invariant (F2) of Note [Flattening] says that flattening is homogeneous.
+Invariant (F2) of Note [Flattening] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten says that
+flattening is homogeneous.
This causes some trouble when flattening a function applied to a telescope
of arguments, perhaps with dependency. For example, suppose
@@ -2913,7 +2949,7 @@ simplifyArgsWorker :: [TyCoBinder] -> Kind
-> [(Type, Coercion)] -- flattened type arguments, arg
-- each comes with the coercion used to flatten it,
-- with co :: flattened_type ~ original_type
- -> ([Type], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+ -> ([Type], [Coercion], MCoercionN)
-- Returns (xis, cos, res_co), where each co :: xi ~ arg,
-- and res_co :: kind (f xis) ~ kind (f tys), where f is the function applied to the args
-- Precondition: if f :: forall bndrs. inner_ki (where bndrs and inner_ki are passed in),
@@ -2935,14 +2971,15 @@ simplifyArgsWorker orig_ki_binders orig_inner_ki orig_fvs
-> Kind -- Unsubsted result kind of function (not a Pi-type)
-> [Role] -- Roles at which to flatten these ...
-> [(Type, Coercion)] -- flattened arguments, with their flattening coercions
- -> ([Type], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+ -> ([Type], [Coercion], MCoercionN)
go acc_xis acc_cos !lc binders inner_ki _ []
-- The !lc makes the function strict in the lifting context
-- which means GHC can unbox that pair. A modest win.
= (reverse acc_xis, reverse acc_cos, kind_co)
final_kind = mkPiTys binders inner_ki
- kind_co = liftCoSubst Nominal lc final_kind
+ kind_co | noFreeVarsOfType final_kind = MRefl
+ | otherwise = MCo $ liftCoSubst Nominal lc final_kind
go acc_xis acc_cos lc (binder:binders) inner_ki (role:roles) ((xi,co):args)
= -- By Note [Flattening] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten invariant (F2),
@@ -2998,7 +3035,7 @@ simplifyArgsWorker orig_ki_binders orig_inner_ki orig_fvs
(xis_out, cos_out, res_co_out)
= go acc_xis acc_cos zapped_lc bndrs new_inner roles casted_args
- (xis_out, cos_out, res_co_out `mkTransCo` res_co)
+ (xis_out, cos_out, res_co_out `mkTransMCoL` res_co)
go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = panic
"simplifyArgsWorker wandered into deeper water than usual"
@@ -3024,31 +3061,40 @@ simplifyArgsWorker orig_ki_binders orig_inner_ki orig_fvs
-bad_co_hole_ty :: Type -> Monoid.Any
-bad_co_hole_co :: Coercion -> Monoid.Any
-(bad_co_hole_ty, _, bad_co_hole_co, _)
+has_co_hole_ty :: Type -> Monoid.Any
+has_co_hole_co :: Coercion -> Monoid.Any
+(has_co_hole_ty, _, has_co_hole_co, _)
= foldTyCo folder ()
folder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = const Nothing
, tcf_tyvar = const2 (Monoid.Any False)
, tcf_covar = const2 (Monoid.Any False)
- , tcf_hole = const hole
+ , tcf_hole = const2 (Monoid.Any True)
, tcf_tycobinder = const2
const2 :: a -> b -> c -> a
const2 x _ _ = x
- hole :: CoercionHole -> Monoid.Any
- hole (CoercionHole { ch_blocker = YesBlockSubst }) = Monoid.Any True
- hole _ = Monoid.Any False
+-- | Is there a coercion hole in this type?
+hasCoercionHoleTy :: Type -> Bool
+hasCoercionHoleTy = Monoid.getAny . has_co_hole_ty
+-- | Is there a coercion hole in this coercion?
+hasCoercionHoleCo :: Coercion -> Bool
+hasCoercionHoleCo = Monoid.getAny . has_co_hole_co
--- | Is there a blocking coercion hole in this type? See
--- "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical" Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
-badCoercionHole :: Type -> Bool
-badCoercionHole = Monoid.getAny . bad_co_hole_ty
+-- | A set of 'CoercionHole's
+type HoleSet = UniqSet CoercionHole
--- | Is there a blocking coercion hole in this coercion? See
--- GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
-badCoercionHoleCo :: Coercion -> Bool
-badCoercionHoleCo = Monoid.getAny . bad_co_hole_co
+-- | Extract out all the coercion holes from a given type
+coercionHolesOfType :: Type -> UniqSet CoercionHole
+coercionHolesOfCo :: Coercion -> UniqSet CoercionHole
+(coercionHolesOfType, _, coercionHolesOfCo, _) = foldTyCo folder ()
+ where
+ folder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = const Nothing -- don't look through synonyms
+ , tcf_tyvar = \ _ _ -> mempty
+ , tcf_covar = \ _ _ -> mempty
+ , tcf_hole = const unitUniqSet
+ , tcf_tycobinder = \ _ _ _ -> ()
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs-boot
index 7a92a84eb6..0c18e5e68f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs-boot
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ mkInstCo :: Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
mkGReflCo :: Role -> Type -> MCoercionN -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo :: Type -> Coercion
mkKindCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
-mkSubCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
+mkSubCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> Coercion
mkProofIrrelCo :: Role -> Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
mkAxiomRuleCo :: CoAxiomRule -> [Coercion] -> Coercion
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs
index ae7ae8971f..46b238e678 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs
@@ -584,9 +584,21 @@ instance Outputable CoAxiomRule where
-- Type checking of built-in families
data BuiltInSynFamily = BuiltInSynFamily
{ sfMatchFam :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+ -- Does this reduce on the given arguments?
+ -- If it does, returns (CoAxiomRule, types to instantiate the rule at, rhs type)
+ -- That is: mkAxiomRuleCo coax (zipWith mkReflCo (coaxrAsmpRoles coax) ts)
+ -- :: F tys ~r rhs,
+ -- where the r in the output is coaxrRole of the rule. It is up to the
+ -- caller to ensure that this role is appropriate.
, sfInteractTop :: [Type] -> Type -> [TypeEqn]
+ -- If given these type arguments and RHS, returns the equalities that
+ -- are guaranteed to hold.
, sfInteractInert :: [Type] -> Type ->
[Type] -> Type -> [TypeEqn]
+ -- If given one set of arguments and result, and another set of arguments
+ -- and result, returns the equalities that are guaranteed to hold.
-- Provides default implementations that do nothing.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs
index 3769fb23be..108154e1c6 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Data.Pair
import GHC.Data.List.SetOps ( getNth )
import GHC.Core.Unify
-import GHC.Core.InstEnv
import Control.Monad ( zipWithM )
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
@@ -1006,7 +1005,7 @@ checkAxInstCo (AxiomInstCo ax ind cos)
check_no_conflict _ [] = Nothing
check_no_conflict flat (b@CoAxBranch { cab_lhs = lhs_incomp } : rest)
-- See Note [Apartness] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
- | SurelyApart <- tcUnifyTysFG instanceBindFun flat lhs_incomp
+ | SurelyApart <- tcUnifyTysFG (const BindMe) flat lhs_incomp
= check_no_conflict flat rest
| otherwise
= Just b
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
index c5445fceae..a6c7604008 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
@@ -428,7 +428,8 @@ Here is how we do it:
apart(target, pattern) = not (unify(flatten(target), pattern))
where flatten (implemented in flattenTys, below) converts all type-family
-applications into fresh variables. (See Note [Flattening] in GHC.Core.Unify.)
+applications into fresh variables. (See
+Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances] in GHC.Core.Unify.)
Note [Compatibility]
@@ -1141,6 +1142,7 @@ reduceTyFamApp_maybe envs role tc tys
| Just ax <- isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe tc
, Just (coax,ts,ty) <- sfMatchFam ax tys
+ , role == coaxrRole coax
= let co = mkAxiomRuleCo coax (zipWith mkReflCo (coaxrAsmpRoles coax) ts)
in Just (co, ty)
@@ -1175,7 +1177,8 @@ findBranch branches target_tys
, cab_incomps = incomps }) = branch
in_scope = mkInScopeSet (unionVarSets $
map (tyCoVarsOfTypes . coAxBranchLHS) incomps)
- -- See Note [Flattening] in GHC.Core.Unify
+ -- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
+ -- in GHC.Core.Unify
flattened_target = flattenTys in_scope target_tys
in case tcMatchTys tpl_lhs target_tys of
Just subst -- matching worked. now, check for apartness.
@@ -1192,11 +1195,11 @@ findBranch branches target_tys
-- (POPL '14). This should be used when determining if an equation
-- ('CoAxBranch') of a closed type family can be used to reduce a certain target
-- type family application.
-apartnessCheck :: [Type] -- ^ /flattened/ target arguments. Make sure
- -- they're flattened! See Note [Flattening]
- -- in GHC.Core.Unify
- -- (NB: This "flat" is a different
- -- "flat" than is used in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten.)
+apartnessCheck :: [Type]
+ -- ^ /flattened/ target arguments. Make sure they're flattened! See
+ -- Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
+ -- in GHC.Core.Unify. (NB: This "flat" is a different
+ -- "flat" than is used in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten.)
-> CoAxBranch -- ^ the candidate equation we wish to use
-- Precondition: this matches the target
-> Bool -- ^ True <=> equation can fire
@@ -1316,7 +1319,7 @@ topNormaliseType_maybe env ty
tyFamStepper :: NormaliseStepper (Coercion, MCoercionN)
tyFamStepper rec_nts tc tys -- Try to step a type/data family
= case topReduceTyFamApp_maybe env tc tys of
- Just (co, rhs, res_co) -> NS_Step rec_nts rhs (co, MCo res_co)
+ Just (co, rhs, res_co) -> NS_Step rec_nts rhs (co, res_co)
_ -> NS_Done
@@ -1362,14 +1365,14 @@ normalise_tc_app tc tys
assemble_result :: Role -- r, ambient role in NormM monad
-> Type -- nty, result type, possibly of changed kind
-> Coercion -- orig_ty ~r nty, possibly heterogeneous
- -> CoercionN -- typeKind(orig_ty) ~N typeKind(nty)
+ -> MCoercionN -- typeKind(orig_ty) ~N typeKind(nty)
-> (Coercion, Type) -- (co :: orig_ty ~r nty_casted, nty_casted)
-- where nty_casted has same kind as orig_ty
assemble_result r nty orig_to_nty kind_co
= ( final_co, nty_old_kind )
- nty_old_kind = nty `mkCastTy` mkSymCo kind_co
- final_co = mkCoherenceRightCo r nty (mkSymCo kind_co) orig_to_nty
+ nty_old_kind = nty `mkCastTyMCo` mkSymMCo kind_co
+ final_co = mkCoherenceRightMCo r nty (mkSymMCo kind_co) orig_to_nty
-- | Try to simplify a type-family application, by *one* step
@@ -1378,7 +1381,7 @@ normalise_tc_app tc tys
-- res_co :: typeKind(F tys) ~ typeKind(rhs)
-- Type families and data families; always Representational role
topReduceTyFamApp_maybe :: FamInstEnvs -> TyCon -> [Type]
- -> Maybe (Coercion, Type, Coercion)
+ -> Maybe (Coercion, Type, MCoercion)
topReduceTyFamApp_maybe envs fam_tc arg_tys
| isFamilyTyCon fam_tc -- type families and data families
, Just (co, rhs) <- reduceTyFamApp_maybe envs role fam_tc ntys
@@ -1391,7 +1394,7 @@ topReduceTyFamApp_maybe envs fam_tc arg_tys
normalise_tc_args fam_tc arg_tys
normalise_tc_args :: TyCon -> [Type] -- tc tys
- -> NormM (Coercion, [Type], CoercionN)
+ -> NormM (Coercion, [Type], MCoercionN)
-- (co, new_tys), where
-- co :: tc tys ~ tc new_tys; might not be homogeneous
-- res_co :: typeKind(tc tys) ~N typeKind(tc new_tys)
@@ -1474,14 +1477,14 @@ normalise_type ty
; role <- getRole
; let nty = mkAppTys nfun nargs
nco = mkAppCos fun_co args_cos
- nty_casted = nty `mkCastTy` mkSymCo res_co
- final_co = mkCoherenceRightCo role nty (mkSymCo res_co) nco
+ nty_casted = nty `mkCastTyMCo` mkSymMCo res_co
+ final_co = mkCoherenceRightMCo role nty (mkSymMCo res_co) nco
; return (final_co, nty_casted) } }
normalise_args :: Kind -- of the function
-> [Role] -- roles at which to normalise args
-> [Type] -- args
- -> NormM ([Coercion], [Type], Coercion)
+ -> NormM ([Coercion], [Type], MCoercion)
-- returns (cos, xis, res_co), where each xi is the normalised
-- version of the corresponding type, each co is orig_arg ~ xi,
-- and the res_co :: kind(f orig_args) ~ kind(f xis)
@@ -1491,7 +1494,7 @@ normalise_args :: Kind -- of the function
normalise_args fun_ki roles args
= do { normed_args <- zipWithM normalise1 roles args
; let (xis, cos, res_co) = simplifyArgsWorker ki_binders inner_ki fvs roles normed_args
- ; return (map mkSymCo cos, xis, mkSymCo res_co) }
+ ; return (map mkSymCo cos, xis, mkSymMCo res_co) }
(ki_binders, inner_ki) = splitPiTys fun_ki
fvs = tyCoVarsOfTypes args
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
index e8603a4cae..6eae14090f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
@@ -828,18 +828,22 @@ lookupInstEnv' ie vis_mods cls tys
= find ms us rest
| otherwise
- = ASSERT2( tyCoVarsOfTypes tys `disjointVarSet` tpl_tv_set,
+ = ASSERT2( tys_tv_set `disjointVarSet` tpl_tv_set,
(ppr cls <+> ppr tys <+> ppr all_tvs) $$
(ppr tpl_tvs <+> ppr tpl_tys)
-- Unification will break badly if the variables overlap
-- They shouldn't because we allocate separate uniques for them
-- See Note [Template tyvars are fresh]
- case tcUnifyTys instanceBindFun tpl_tys tys of
- Just _ -> find ms (item:us) rest
- Nothing -> find ms us rest
+ case tcUnifyTysFG instanceBindFun tpl_tys tys of
+ -- We consider MaybeApart to be a case where the instance might
+ -- apply in the future. This covers an instance like C Int and
+ -- a target like [W] C (F a), where F is a type family.
+ SurelyApart -> find ms us rest
+ _ -> find ms (item:us) rest
tpl_tv_set = mkVarSet tpl_tvs
+ tys_tv_set = tyCoVarsOfTypes tys
-- This is the common way to call this function.
@@ -1023,20 +1027,28 @@ When looking up in the instance environment, or family-instance environment,
we are careful about multiple matches, as described above in
Note [Overlapping instances]
-The key_tys can contain skolem constants, and we can guarantee that those
+The target tys can contain skolem constants. For existentials and instance variables,
+we can guarantee that those
are never going to be instantiated to anything, so we should not involve
-them in the unification test. Example:
+them in the unification test. These are called "super skolems". Example:
class Foo a where { op :: a -> Int }
instance Foo a => Foo [a] -- NB overlap
instance Foo [Int] -- NB overlap
data T = forall a. Foo a => MkT a
f :: T -> Int
f (MkT x) = op [x,x]
-The op [x,x] means we need (Foo [a]). Without the filterVarSet we'd
-complain, saying that the choice of instance depended on the instantiation
-of 'a'; but of course it isn't *going* to be instantiated.
-We do this only for isOverlappableTyVar skolems. For example we reject
+The op [x,x] means we need (Foo [a]). This `a` will never be instantiated, and
+so it is a super skolem. (See the use of tcInstSuperSkolTyVarsX in
+GHC.Tc.Gen.Pat.tcDataConPat.) Super skolems respond True to
+isOverlappableTyVar, and the use of Skolem in instanceBindFun, above, means
+that these will be treated as fresh constants in the unification algorithm
+during instance lookup. Without this treatment, GHC would complain, saying
+that the choice of instance depended on the instantiation of 'a'; but of
+course it isn't *going* to be instantiated. Note that it is necessary that
+the unification algorithm returns SurelyApart for these super-skolems
+for GHC to be able to commit to another instance.
+We do this only for super skolems. For example we reject
g :: forall a => [a] -> Int
g x = op x
on the grounds that the correct instance depends on the instantiation of 'a'
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Expr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Expr.hs
index b3273a1a2e..2181abb304 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Expr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Expr.hs
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ instance TrieMap CoreMap where
alterTM k f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
foldTM k (CoreMap m) = foldTM k m
mapTM f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (mapTM f m)
+ filterTM f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (filterTM f m)
-- | @CoreMapG a@ is a map from @DeBruijn CoreExpr@ to @a@. The extended
-- key makes it suitable for recursive traversal, since it can track binders,
@@ -197,6 +198,7 @@ instance TrieMap CoreMapX where
alterTM = xtE
foldTM = fdE
mapTM = mapE
+ filterTM = ftE
mapE :: (a->b) -> CoreMapX a -> CoreMapX b
@@ -213,6 +215,20 @@ mapE f (CM { cm_var = cvar, cm_lit = clit
, cm_letr = mapTM (mapTM (mapTM f)) cletr, cm_case = mapTM (mapTM f) ccase
, cm_ecase = mapTM (mapTM f) cecase, cm_tick = mapTM (mapTM f) ctick }
+ftE :: (a->Bool) -> CoreMapX a -> CoreMapX a
+ftE f (CM { cm_var = cvar, cm_lit = clit
+ , cm_co = cco, cm_type = ctype
+ , cm_cast = ccast , cm_app = capp
+ , cm_lam = clam, cm_letn = cletn
+ , cm_letr = cletr, cm_case = ccase
+ , cm_ecase = cecase, cm_tick = ctick })
+ = CM { cm_var = filterTM f cvar, cm_lit = filterTM f clit
+ , cm_co = filterTM f cco, cm_type = filterTM f ctype
+ , cm_cast = mapTM (filterTM f) ccast, cm_app = mapTM (filterTM f) capp
+ , cm_lam = mapTM (filterTM f) clam, cm_letn = mapTM (mapTM (filterTM f)) cletn
+ , cm_letr = mapTM (mapTM (filterTM f)) cletr, cm_case = mapTM (filterTM f) ccase
+ , cm_ecase = mapTM (filterTM f) cecase, cm_tick = mapTM (filterTM f) ctick }
lookupCoreMap :: CoreMap a -> CoreExpr -> Maybe a
lookupCoreMap cm e = lookupTM e cm
@@ -330,6 +346,7 @@ instance TrieMap AltMap where
alterTM = xtA emptyCME
foldTM = fdA
mapTM = mapA
+ filterTM = ftA
instance Eq (DeBruijn CoreAlt) where
D env1 a1 == D env2 a2 = go a1 a2 where
@@ -348,6 +365,12 @@ mapA f (AM { am_deflt = adeflt, am_data = adata, am_lit = alit })
, am_data = mapTM (mapTM f) adata
, am_lit = mapTM (mapTM f) alit }
+ftA :: (a->Bool) -> AltMap a -> AltMap a
+ftA f (AM { am_deflt = adeflt, am_data = adata, am_lit = alit })
+ = AM { am_deflt = filterTM f adeflt
+ , am_data = mapTM (filterTM f) adata
+ , am_lit = mapTM (filterTM f) alit }
lkA :: CmEnv -> CoreAlt -> AltMap a -> Maybe a
lkA env (DEFAULT, _, rhs) = am_deflt >.> lkG (D env rhs)
lkA env (LitAlt lit, _, rhs) = am_lit >.> lookupTM lit >=> lkG (D env rhs)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Type.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Type.hs
index 36583dc670..8056211314 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Type.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Type.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module GHC.Core.Map.Type (
+ -- * Re-export generic interface
+ TrieMap(..),
-- * Maps over 'Type's
TypeMap, emptyTypeMap, extendTypeMap, lookupTypeMap, foldTypeMap,
@@ -45,6 +48,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@@ -86,6 +90,7 @@ instance TrieMap CoercionMap where
alterTM k f (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
foldTM k (CoercionMap m) = foldTM k m
mapTM f (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (mapTM f m)
+ filterTM f (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (filterTM f m)
type CoercionMapG = GenMap CoercionMapX
newtype CoercionMapX a = CoercionMapX (TypeMapX a)
@@ -97,6 +102,7 @@ instance TrieMap CoercionMapX where
alterTM = xtC
foldTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm) = foldTM f core_tm
mapTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm) = CoercionMapX (mapTM f core_tm)
+ filterTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm) = CoercionMapX (filterTM f core_tm)
instance Eq (DeBruijn Coercion) where
D env1 co1 == D env2 co2
@@ -135,6 +141,12 @@ data TypeMapX a
= TM { tm_var :: VarMap a
, tm_app :: TypeMapG (TypeMapG a)
, tm_tycon :: DNameEnv a
+ -- only InvisArg arrows here
+ , tm_funty :: TypeMapG (TypeMapG (TypeMapG a))
+ -- keyed on the argument, result rep, and result
+ -- constraints are never linear-restricted and are always lifted
, tm_forall :: TypeMapG (BndrMap a) -- See Note [Binders] in GHC.Core.Map.Expr
, tm_tylit :: TyLitMap a
, tm_coerce :: Maybe a
@@ -142,10 +154,12 @@ data TypeMapX a
-- Note that there is no tyconapp case; see Note [Equality on AppTys] in GHC.Core.Type
-- | Squeeze out any synonyms, and change TyConApps to nested AppTys. Why the
--- last one? See Note [Equality on AppTys] in "GHC.Core.Type"
+-- last one? See Note [Equality on AppTys] in GHC.Core.Type
-- Note, however, that we keep Constraint and Type apart here, despite the fact
-- that they are both synonyms of TYPE 'LiftedRep (see #11715).
+-- We also keep (Eq a => a) as a FunTy, distinct from ((->) (Eq a) a).
trieMapView :: Type -> Maybe Type
trieMapView ty
-- First check for TyConApps that need to be expanded to
@@ -164,6 +178,7 @@ instance TrieMap TypeMapX where
alterTM = xtT
foldTM = fdT
mapTM = mapT
+ filterTM = filterT
instance Eq (DeBruijn Type) where
env_t@(D env t) == env_t'@(D env' t')
@@ -184,8 +199,11 @@ instance Eq (DeBruijn Type) where
-> D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2'
(s, AppTy t1' t2') | Just (t1, t2) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe s
-> D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2'
- (FunTy _ w1 t1 t2, FunTy _ w1' t1' t2')
- -> D env w1 == D env w1' && D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2'
+ (FunTy v1 w1 t1 t2, FunTy v1' w1' t1' t2')
+ -> v1 == v1' &&
+ D env w1 == D env w1' &&
+ D env t1 == D env' t1' &&
+ D env t2 == D env' t2'
(TyConApp tc tys, TyConApp tc' tys')
-> tc == tc' && D env tys == D env' tys'
(LitTy l, LitTy l')
@@ -205,17 +223,19 @@ emptyT :: TypeMapX a
emptyT = TM { tm_var = emptyTM
, tm_app = emptyTM
, tm_tycon = emptyDNameEnv
+ , tm_funty = emptyTM
, tm_forall = emptyTM
, tm_tylit = emptyTyLitMap
, tm_coerce = Nothing }
mapT :: (a->b) -> TypeMapX a -> TypeMapX b
mapT f (TM { tm_var = tvar, tm_app = tapp, tm_tycon = ttycon
- , tm_forall = tforall, tm_tylit = tlit
+ , tm_funty = tfunty, tm_forall = tforall, tm_tylit = tlit
, tm_coerce = tcoerce })
= TM { tm_var = mapTM f tvar
, tm_app = mapTM (mapTM f) tapp
, tm_tycon = mapTM f ttycon
+ , tm_funty = mapTM (mapTM (mapTM f)) tfunty
, tm_forall = mapTM (mapTM f) tforall
, tm_tylit = mapTM f tlit
, tm_coerce = fmap f tcoerce }
@@ -233,6 +253,11 @@ lkT (D env ty) m = go ty m
go (LitTy l) = tm_tylit >.> lkTyLit l
go (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty) = tm_forall >.> lkG (D (extendCME env tv) ty)
>=> lkBndr env tv
+ go (FunTy InvisArg _ arg res)
+ | Just res_rep <- getRuntimeRep_maybe res
+ = tm_funty >.> lkG (D env arg)
+ >=> lkG (D env res_rep)
+ >=> lkG (D env res)
go ty@(FunTy {}) = pprPanic "lkT FunTy" (ppr ty)
go (CastTy t _) = go t
go (CoercionTy {}) = tm_coerce
@@ -245,6 +270,10 @@ xtT (D env (TyVarTy v)) f m = m { tm_var = tm_var m |> xtVar env v f }
xtT (D env (AppTy t1 t2)) f m = m { tm_app = tm_app m |> xtG (D env t1)
|>> xtG (D env t2) f }
xtT (D _ (TyConApp tc [])) f m = m { tm_tycon = tm_tycon m |> xtDNamed tc f }
+xtT (D env (FunTy InvisArg _ t1 t2)) f m = m { tm_funty = tm_funty m |> xtG (D env t1)
+ |>> xtG (D env t2_rep)
+ |>> xtG (D env t2) f }
+ where t2_rep = expectJust "xtT FunTy InvisArg" (getRuntimeRep_maybe t2)
xtT (D _ (LitTy l)) f m = m { tm_tylit = tm_tylit m |> xtTyLit l f }
xtT (D env (CastTy t _)) f m = xtT (D env t) f m
xtT (D _ (CoercionTy {})) f m = m { tm_coerce = tm_coerce m |> f }
@@ -258,10 +287,23 @@ fdT :: (a -> b -> b) -> TypeMapX a -> b -> b
fdT k m = foldTM k (tm_var m)
. foldTM (foldTM k) (tm_app m)
. foldTM k (tm_tycon m)
+ . foldTM (foldTM (foldTM k)) (tm_funty m)
. foldTM (foldTM k) (tm_forall m)
. foldTyLit k (tm_tylit m)
. foldMaybe k (tm_coerce m)
+filterT :: (a -> Bool) -> TypeMapX a -> TypeMapX a
+filterT f (TM { tm_var = tvar, tm_app = tapp, tm_tycon = ttycon
+ , tm_funty = tfunty, tm_forall = tforall, tm_tylit = tlit
+ , tm_coerce = tcoerce })
+ = TM { tm_var = filterTM f tvar
+ , tm_app = mapTM (filterTM f) tapp
+ , tm_tycon = filterTM f ttycon
+ , tm_funty = mapTM (mapTM (filterTM f)) tfunty
+ , tm_forall = mapTM (filterTM f) tforall
+ , tm_tylit = filterTM f tlit
+ , tm_coerce = filterMaybe f tcoerce }
data TyLitMap a = TLM { tlm_number :: Map.Map Integer a
, tlm_string :: UniqFM FastString a
@@ -274,6 +316,7 @@ instance TrieMap TyLitMap where
alterTM = xtTyLit
foldTM = foldTyLit
mapTM = mapTyLit
+ filterTM = filterTyLit
emptyTyLitMap :: TyLitMap a
emptyTyLitMap = TLM { tlm_number = Map.empty, tlm_string = emptyUFM }
@@ -298,6 +341,10 @@ foldTyLit :: (a -> b -> b) -> TyLitMap a -> b -> b
foldTyLit l m = flip (foldUFM l) (tlm_string m)
. flip (Map.foldr l) (tlm_number m)
+filterTyLit :: (a -> Bool) -> TyLitMap a -> TyLitMap a
+filterTyLit f (TLM { tlm_number = tn, tlm_string = ts })
+ = TLM { tlm_number = Map.filter f tn, tlm_string = filterUFM f ts }
-- | @TypeMap a@ is a map from 'Type' to @a@. If you are a client, this
-- is the type you want. The keys in this map may have different kinds.
@@ -321,6 +368,7 @@ instance TrieMap TypeMap where
alterTM k f m = xtTT (deBruijnize k) f m
foldTM k (TypeMap m) = foldTM (foldTM k) m
mapTM f (TypeMap m) = TypeMap (mapTM (mapTM f) m)
+ filterTM f (TypeMap m) = TypeMap (mapTM (filterTM f) m)
foldTypeMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> TypeMap a -> b
foldTypeMap k z m = foldTM k m z
@@ -361,6 +409,7 @@ instance TrieMap LooseTypeMap where
alterTM k f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
foldTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = foldTM f m
mapTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (mapTM f m)
+ filterTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (filterTM f m)
@@ -435,6 +484,7 @@ instance TrieMap BndrMap where
alterTM = xtBndr emptyCME
foldTM = fdBndrMap
mapTM = mapBndrMap
+ filterTM = ftBndrMap
mapBndrMap :: (a -> b) -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap b
mapBndrMap f (BndrMap tm) = BndrMap (mapTM (mapTM f) tm)
@@ -456,6 +506,8 @@ xtBndr :: forall a . CmEnv -> Var -> XT a -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap a
xtBndr env v xt (BndrMap tymap) =
BndrMap (tymap |> xtG (D env (varType v)) |>> (alterTM (D env <$> varMultMaybe v) xt))
+ftBndrMap :: (a -> Bool) -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap a
+ftBndrMap f (BndrMap tm) = BndrMap (mapTM (filterTM f) tm)
--------- Variable occurrence -------------
data VarMap a = VM { vm_bvar :: BoundVarMap a -- Bound variable
@@ -468,6 +520,7 @@ instance TrieMap VarMap where
alterTM = xtVar emptyCME
foldTM = fdVar
mapTM = mapVar
+ filterTM = ftVar
mapVar :: (a->b) -> VarMap a -> VarMap b
mapVar f (VM { vm_bvar = bv, vm_fvar = fv })
@@ -493,6 +546,10 @@ lkDFreeVar var env = lookupDVarEnv env var
xtDFreeVar :: Var -> XT a -> DVarEnv a -> DVarEnv a
xtDFreeVar v f m = alterDVarEnv f m v
+ftVar :: (a -> Bool) -> VarMap a -> VarMap a
+ftVar f (VM { vm_bvar = bv, vm_fvar = fv })
+ = VM { vm_bvar = filterTM f bv, vm_fvar = filterTM f fv }
lkDNamed :: NamedThing n => n -> DNameEnv a -> Maybe a
lkDNamed n env = lookupDNameEnv env (getName n)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs
index dadb82c5f5..8277b06378 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
injectiveVarsOfType, injectiveVarsOfTypes,
invisibleVarsOfType, invisibleVarsOfTypes,
- -- No Free vars
+ -- Any and No Free vars
+ anyFreeVarsOfType, anyFreeVarsOfTypes, anyFreeVarsOfCo,
noFreeVarsOfType, noFreeVarsOfTypes, noFreeVarsOfCo,
-- * Well-scoped free variables
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.Type (coreView, partitionInvisibleTypes)
-import Data.Monoid as DM ( Endo(..), All(..) )
+import Data.Monoid as DM ( Endo(..), Any(..) )
import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Types.Var
@@ -855,32 +856,43 @@ invisibleVarsOfTypes = mapUnionFV invisibleVarsOfType
{- *********************************************************************
* *
- No free vars
+ Any free vars
* *
********************************************************************* -}
-nfvFolder :: TyCoFolder TyCoVarSet DM.All
-nfvFolder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
- , tcf_tyvar = do_tcv, tcf_covar = do_tcv
- , tcf_hole = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
+{-# INLINE afvFolder #-} -- so that specialization to (const True) works
+afvFolder :: (TyCoVar -> Bool) -> TyCoFolder TyCoVarSet DM.Any
+afvFolder check_fv = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
+ , tcf_tyvar = do_tcv, tcf_covar = do_tcv
+ , tcf_hole = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
- do_tcv is tv = All (tv `elemVarSet` is)
- do_hole _ _ = All True -- I'm unsure; probably never happens
+ do_tcv is tv = Any (not (tv `elemVarSet` is) && check_fv tv)
+ do_hole _ _ = Any False -- I'm unsure; probably never happens
do_bndr is tv _ = is `extendVarSet` tv
-nfv_ty :: Type -> DM.All
-nfv_tys :: [Type] -> DM.All
-nfv_co :: Coercion -> DM.All
-(nfv_ty, nfv_tys, nfv_co, _) = foldTyCo nfvFolder emptyVarSet
+anyFreeVarsOfType :: (TyCoVar -> Bool) -> Type -> Bool
+anyFreeVarsOfType check_fv ty = DM.getAny (f ty)
+ where (f, _, _, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder check_fv) emptyVarSet
+anyFreeVarsOfTypes :: (TyCoVar -> Bool) -> [Type] -> Bool
+anyFreeVarsOfTypes check_fv tys = DM.getAny (f tys)
+ where (_, f, _, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder check_fv) emptyVarSet
+anyFreeVarsOfCo :: (TyCoVar -> Bool) -> Coercion -> Bool
+anyFreeVarsOfCo check_fv co = DM.getAny (f co)
+ where (_, _, f, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder check_fv) emptyVarSet
noFreeVarsOfType :: Type -> Bool
-noFreeVarsOfType ty = DM.getAll (nfv_ty ty)
+noFreeVarsOfType ty = not $ DM.getAny (f ty)
+ where (f, _, _, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder (const True)) emptyVarSet
noFreeVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> Bool
-noFreeVarsOfTypes tys = DM.getAll (nfv_tys tys)
+noFreeVarsOfTypes tys = not $ DM.getAny (f tys)
+ where (_, f, _, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder (const True)) emptyVarSet
noFreeVarsOfCo :: Coercion -> Bool
-noFreeVarsOfCo co = getAll (nfv_co co)
+noFreeVarsOfCo co = not $ DM.getAny (f co)
+ where (_, _, f, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder (const True)) emptyVarSet
{- *********************************************************************
@@ -983,4 +995,3 @@ tyCoVarsOfTypeWellScoped = scopedSort . tyCoVarsOfTypeList
-- | Get the free vars of types in scoped order
tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped :: [Type] -> [TyVar]
tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped = scopedSort . tyCoVarsOfTypesList
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs
index 1e8fcda0ca..0be6824b9d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep (
-- * Coercions
- CoercionHole(..), BlockSubstFlag(..), coHoleCoVar, setCoHoleCoVar,
+ CoercionHole(..), coHoleCoVar, setCoHoleCoVar,
CoercionN, CoercionR, CoercionP, KindCoercion,
MCoercion(..), MCoercionR, MCoercionN,
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
import GHC.Builtin.Names ( liftedTypeKindTyConKey, manyDataConKey )
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Builtin.Types ( liftedTypeKindTyCon, manyDataConTy )
import GHC.Types.Basic ( LeftOrRight(..), pickLR )
-import GHC.Types.Unique ( hasKey )
+import GHC.Types.Unique ( hasKey, Uniquable(..) )
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Utils.Misc
@@ -1588,15 +1588,9 @@ data CoercionHole
= CoercionHole { ch_co_var :: CoVar
-- See Note [CoercionHoles and coercion free variables]
- , ch_blocker :: BlockSubstFlag -- should this hole block substitution?
- -- See (2a) in TcCanonical
- -- Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
, ch_ref :: IORef (Maybe Coercion)
-data BlockSubstFlag = YesBlockSubst
- | NoBlockSubst
coHoleCoVar :: CoercionHole -> CoVar
coHoleCoVar = ch_co_var
@@ -1612,9 +1606,8 @@ instance Data.Data CoercionHole where
instance Outputable CoercionHole where
ppr (CoercionHole { ch_co_var = cv }) = braces (ppr cv)
-instance Outputable BlockSubstFlag where
- ppr YesBlockSubst = text "YesBlockSubst"
- ppr NoBlockSubst = text "NoBlockSubst"
+instance Uniquable CoercionHole where
+ getUnique (CoercionHole { ch_co_var = cv }) = getUnique cv
{- Note [Phantom coercions]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
index b82dd5cb26..198b66959b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCon(
isPromotedDataCon, isPromotedDataCon_maybe,
isKindTyCon, isLiftedTypeKindTyConName,
- isTauTyCon, isFamFreeTyCon,
+ isTauTyCon, isFamFreeTyCon, isForgetfulSynTyCon,
isDataTyCon, isProductTyCon, isDataProductTyCon_maybe,
@@ -817,10 +817,15 @@ data TyCon
synIsTau :: Bool, -- True <=> the RHS of this synonym does not
-- have any foralls, after expanding any
-- nested synonyms
- synIsFamFree :: Bool -- True <=> the RHS of this synonym does not mention
+ synIsFamFree :: Bool, -- True <=> the RHS of this synonym does not mention
-- any type synonym families (data families
-- are fine), again after expanding any
-- nested synonyms
+ synIsForgetful :: Bool -- True <= at least one argument is not mentioned
+ -- in the RHS (or is mentioned only under
+ -- forgetful synonyms)
+ -- Test is conservative, so True does not guarantee
+ -- forgetfulness.
-- | Represents families (both type and data)
@@ -1779,20 +1784,21 @@ mkPrimTyCon' name binders res_kind roles is_unlifted rep_nm
-- | Create a type synonym 'TyCon'
mkSynonymTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder] -> Kind -- ^ /result/ kind
- -> [Role] -> Type -> Bool -> Bool -> TyCon
-mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free
+ -> [Role] -> Type -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> TyCon
+mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free is_forgetful
= SynonymTyCon {
- tyConName = name,
- tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
- tyConBinders = binders,
- tyConResKind = res_kind,
- tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
- tyConArity = length binders,
- tyConTyVars = binderVars binders,
- tcRoles = roles,
- synTcRhs = rhs,
- synIsTau = is_tau,
- synIsFamFree = is_fam_free
+ tyConName = name,
+ tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
+ tyConBinders = binders,
+ tyConResKind = res_kind,
+ tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
+ tyConArity = length binders,
+ tyConTyVars = binderVars binders,
+ tcRoles = roles,
+ synTcRhs = rhs,
+ synIsTau = is_tau,
+ synIsFamFree = is_fam_free,
+ synIsForgetful = is_forgetful
-- | Create a type family 'TyCon'
@@ -2046,11 +2052,22 @@ isTauTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isTauTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsTau = is_tau }) = is_tau
isTauTyCon _ = True
+-- | Is this tycon neither a type family nor a synonym that expands
+-- to a type family?
isFamFreeTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isFamFreeTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsFamFree = fam_free }) = fam_free
isFamFreeTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav }) = isDataFamFlav flav
isFamFreeTyCon _ = True
+-- | Is this a forgetful type synonym? If this is a type synonym whose
+-- RHS does not mention one (or more) of its bound variables, returns
+-- True. Thus, False means that all bound variables appear on the RHS;
+-- True may not mean anything, as the test to set this flag is
+-- conservative.
+isForgetfulSynTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
+isForgetfulSynTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsForgetful = forget }) = forget
+isForgetfulSynTyCon _ = False
-- As for newtypes, it is in some contexts important to distinguish between
-- closed synonyms and synonym families, as synonym families have no unique
-- right hand side to which a synonym family application can expand.
@@ -2118,7 +2135,7 @@ isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe
(FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = ClosedSynFamilyTyCon mb}) = mb
isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe _ = Nothing
--- | @'tyConInjectivityInfo' tc@ returns @'Injective' is@ is @tc@ is an
+-- | @'tyConInjectivityInfo' tc@ returns @'Injective' is@ if @tc@ is an
-- injective tycon (where @is@ states for which 'tyConBinders' @tc@ is
-- injective), or 'NotInjective' otherwise.
tyConInjectivityInfo :: TyCon -> Injectivity
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon/Env.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon/Env.hs
index 76edb829fd..d5947a2fda 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon/Env.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon/Env.hs
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCon.Env (
- emptyDTyConEnv,
+ emptyDTyConEnv, isEmptyDTyConEnv,
delFromDTyConEnv, filterDTyConEnv,
- mapDTyConEnv,
- adjustDTyConEnv, alterDTyConEnv, extendDTyConEnv,
+ mapDTyConEnv, mapMaybeDTyConEnv,
+ adjustDTyConEnv, alterDTyConEnv, extendDTyConEnv, foldDTyConEnv
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ type DTyConEnv a = UniqDFM TyCon a
emptyDTyConEnv :: DTyConEnv a
emptyDTyConEnv = emptyUDFM
+isEmptyDTyConEnv :: DTyConEnv a -> Bool
+isEmptyDTyConEnv = isNullUDFM
lookupDTyConEnv :: DTyConEnv a -> TyCon -> Maybe a
lookupDTyConEnv = lookupUDFM
@@ -128,6 +131,9 @@ filterDTyConEnv = filterUDFM
mapDTyConEnv :: (a -> b) -> DTyConEnv a -> DTyConEnv b
mapDTyConEnv = mapUDFM
+mapMaybeDTyConEnv :: (a -> Maybe b) -> DTyConEnv a -> DTyConEnv b
+mapMaybeDTyConEnv = mapMaybeUDFM
adjustDTyConEnv :: (a -> a) -> DTyConEnv a -> TyCon -> DTyConEnv a
adjustDTyConEnv = adjustUDFM
@@ -136,3 +142,6 @@ alterDTyConEnv = alterUDFM
extendDTyConEnv :: DTyConEnv a -> TyCon -> a -> DTyConEnv a
extendDTyConEnv = addToUDFM
+foldDTyConEnv :: (elt -> a -> a) -> a -> DTyConEnv elt -> a
+foldDTyConEnv = foldUDFM
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
index b983671d11..3164e2626b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Type (
mkAppTy, mkAppTys, splitAppTy, splitAppTys, repSplitAppTys,
splitAppTy_maybe, repSplitAppTy_maybe, tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe,
- mkVisFunTy, mkInvisFunTy,
+ mkFunTy, mkVisFunTy, mkInvisFunTy,
mkVisFunTyMany, mkInvisFunTyMany,
mkVisFunTysMany, mkInvisFunTysMany,
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Type (
+ anyFreeVarsOfType, anyFreeVarsOfTypes,
splitVisVarsOfType, splitVisVarsOfTypes,
@@ -1343,11 +1344,19 @@ splitTyConApp_maybe = repSplitTyConApp_maybe . coreFullView
-- of @a@ isn't of the form @TYPE rep@). Consequently, you may need to zonk your
-- type before using this function.
+-- This does *not* split types headed with (=>), as that's not a TyCon in the
+-- type-checker.
-- If you only need the 'TyCon', consider using 'tcTyConAppTyCon_maybe'.
tcSplitTyConApp_maybe :: HasCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
-- Defined here to avoid module loops between Unify and TcType.
tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty = tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty'
-tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty = repSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+tcSplitTyConApp_maybe (TyConApp tc tys) = Just (tc, tys)
+tcSplitTyConApp_maybe (FunTy VisArg w arg res)
+ | Just arg_rep <- getRuntimeRep_maybe arg
+ , Just res_rep <- getRuntimeRep_maybe res
+ = Just (funTyCon, [w, arg_rep, res_rep, arg, res])
+tcSplitTyConApp_maybe _ = Nothing
repSplitTyConApp_maybe :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
@@ -1358,7 +1367,7 @@ repSplitTyConApp_maybe :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
-- have enough info to extract the runtime-rep arguments that
-- the funTyCon requires. This will usually be true;
-- but may be temporarily false during canonicalization:
--- see Note [FunTy and decomposing tycon applications] in "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical"
+-- see Note [Decomposing FunTy] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
repSplitTyConApp_maybe (TyConApp tc tys) = Just (tc, tys)
repSplitTyConApp_maybe (FunTy _ w arg res)
@@ -1966,13 +1975,17 @@ isCoVarType ty
buildSynTyCon :: Name -> [KnotTied TyConBinder] -> Kind -- ^ /result/ kind
-> [Role] -> KnotTied Type -> TyCon
--- This function is here beucase here is where we have
+-- This function is here because here is where we have
-- isFamFree and isTauTy
buildSynTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs
- = mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free
+ = mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free is_forgetful
- is_tau = isTauTy rhs
- is_fam_free = isFamFreeTy rhs
+ is_tau = isTauTy rhs
+ is_fam_free = isFamFreeTy rhs
+ is_forgetful = any (not . (`elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType rhs) . binderVar) binders ||
+ uniqSetAny isForgetfulSynTyCon (tyConsOfType rhs)
+ -- NB: This is allowed to be conservative, returning True more often
+ -- than it should. See comments on GHC.Core.TyCon.isForgetfulSynTyCon
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs
index c99913d3be..a8f75535ab 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Unify (
-- The core flattening algorithm
- flattenTys
+ flattenTys, flattenTysX
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -363,12 +363,6 @@ types are apart. This has practical consequences for the ability for closed
type family applications to reduce. See test case
-Note [Unification with skolems]
-If we discover that two types unify if and only if a skolem variable is
-substituted, we can't properly unify the types. But, that skolem variable
-may later be instantiated with a unifyable type. So, we return maybeApart
-in these cases.
-- | Simple unification of two types; all type variables are bindable
@@ -699,8 +693,9 @@ unifier It does /not/ work up to ~.
The algorithm implemented here is rather delicate, and we depend on it
to uphold certain properties. This is a summary of these required
properties. Any reference to "flattening" refers to the flattening
-algorithm in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (See Note [Flattening] in GHC.Core.Unify), not
-the flattening algorithm in the solver.
+algorithm in GHC.Core.Unify (See
+Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances] in GHC.Core.Unify),
+not the flattening algorithm in the solver.
θ,φ substitutions
@@ -983,9 +978,11 @@ unify_ty env ty1 (TyVarTy tv2) kco
= uVar (umSwapRn env) tv2 ty1 (mkSymCo kco)
unify_ty env ty1 ty2 _kco
+ -- NB: This keeps Constraint and Type distinct, as it should for use in the
+ -- type-checker.
| Just (tc1, tys1) <- mb_tc_app1
, Just (tc2, tys2) <- mb_tc_app2
- , tc1 == tc2 || (tcIsLiftedTypeKind ty1 && tcIsLiftedTypeKind ty2)
+ , tc1 == tc2
= if isInjectiveTyCon tc1 Nominal
then unify_tys env tys1 tys2
else do { let inj | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc1
@@ -1034,6 +1031,16 @@ unify_ty env ty1 (AppTy ty2a ty2b) _kco
| Just (ty1a, ty1b) <- tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe ty1
= unify_ty_app env ty1a [ty1b] ty2a [ty2b]
+ -- tcSplitTyConApp won't split a (=>), so we handle this separately.
+unify_ty env (FunTy InvisArg _w1 arg1 res1) (FunTy InvisArg _w2 arg2 res2) _kco
+ -- Look at result representations, but arg representations would be redundant
+ -- as anything that can appear to the left of => is lifted.
+ -- And anything that can appear to the left of => is unrestricted, so skip the
+ -- multiplicities.
+ | Just res_rep1 <- getRuntimeRep_maybe res1
+ , Just res_rep2 <- getRuntimeRep_maybe res2
+ = unify_tys env [res_rep1, arg1, res1] [res_rep2, arg2, res2]
unify_ty _ (LitTy x) (LitTy y) _kco | x == y = return ()
unify_ty env (ForAllTy (Bndr tv1 _) ty1) (ForAllTy (Bndr tv2 _) ty2) kco
@@ -1163,12 +1170,12 @@ uUnrefined env tv1' ty2 ty2' kco
-- How could this happen? If we're only matching and if
-- we're comparing forall-bound variables.
- _ -> maybeApart -- See Note [Unification with skolems]
+ _ -> surelyApart
uUnrefined env tv1' ty2 _ kco -- ty2 is not a type variable
= case tvBindFlag env tv1' of
- Skolem -> maybeApart -- See Note [Unification with skolems]
+ Skolem -> surelyApart
BindMe -> bindTv env tv1' (ty2 `mkCastTy` mkSymCo kco)
bindTv :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> UM ()
@@ -1211,6 +1218,9 @@ data BindFlag
| Skolem -- This type variable is a skolem constant
-- Don't bind it; it only matches itself
+ -- These variables are SurelyApart from other types
+ -- See Note [Binding when looking up instances] in GHC.Core.InstEnv
+ -- for why it must be SurelyApart.
deriving Eq
@@ -1616,8 +1626,8 @@ pushRefl co =
* *
-Note [Flattening]
+Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
As described in "Closed type families with overlapping equations"
we need to flatten core types before unifying them, when checking for "surely-apart"
@@ -1646,6 +1656,15 @@ can see that (F x x) can reduce to Double. So, it had better be the
case that (F blah blah) can reduce to Double, no matter what (blah)
is! Flattening as done below ensures this.
+We also use this flattening operation to check for class instances.
+If we have
+ instance C (Maybe b)
+ instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} C (Maybe Bool)
+ [W] C (Maybe (F a))
+we want to know that the second instance might match later. So we
+flatten the (F a) in the target before trying to unify with instances.
+(This is done in GHC.Core.InstEnv.lookupInstEnv'.)
The algorithm works by building up a TypeMap TyVar, mapping
type family applications to fresh variables. This mapping must
be threaded through all the function calls, as any entry in
@@ -1758,11 +1777,11 @@ flattenTys is defined here because of module dependencies.
data FlattenEnv
- = FlattenEnv { fe_type_map :: TypeMap TyVar
+ = FlattenEnv { fe_type_map :: TypeMap (TyVar, TyCon, [Type])
-- domain: exactly-saturated type family applications
- -- range: fresh variables
+ -- range: (fresh variable, type family tycon, args)
, fe_in_scope :: InScopeSet }
- -- See Note [Flattening]
+ -- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
emptyFlattenEnv :: InScopeSet -> FlattenEnv
emptyFlattenEnv in_scope
@@ -1773,13 +1792,29 @@ updateInScopeSet :: FlattenEnv -> (InScopeSet -> InScopeSet) -> FlattenEnv
updateInScopeSet env upd = env { fe_in_scope = upd (fe_in_scope env) }
flattenTys :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> [Type]
--- See Note [Flattening]
--- NB: the returned types may mention fresh type variables,
--- arising from the flattening. We don't return the
--- mapping from those fresh vars to the ty-fam
--- applications they stand for (we could, but no need)
-flattenTys in_scope tys
- = snd $ coreFlattenTys emptyTvSubstEnv (emptyFlattenEnv in_scope) tys
+-- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
+flattenTys in_scope tys = fst (flattenTysX in_scope tys)
+flattenTysX :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> ([Type], TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type]))
+-- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
+-- NB: the returned types mention the fresh type variables
+-- in the domain of the returned env, whose range includes
+-- the original type family applications. Building a substitution
+-- from this information and applying it would yield the original
+-- types -- almost. The problem is that the original type might
+-- have something like (forall b. F a b); the returned environment
+-- can't really sensibly refer to that b. So it may include a locally-
+-- bound tyvar in its range. Currently, the only usage of this env't
+-- checks whether there are any meta-variables in it
+-- (in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.mightMatchLater), so this is all OK.
+flattenTysX in_scope tys
+ = let (env, result) = coreFlattenTys emptyTvSubstEnv (emptyFlattenEnv in_scope) tys in
+ (result, build_env (fe_type_map env))
+ where
+ build_env :: TypeMap (TyVar, TyCon, [Type]) -> TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type])
+ build_env env_in
+ = foldTM (\(tv, tc, tys) env_out -> extendVarEnv env_out tv (tc, tys))
+ env_in emptyVarEnv
coreFlattenTys :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
-> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])
@@ -1841,7 +1876,7 @@ coreFlattenCo subst env co
(env1, kind') = coreFlattenTy subst env (coercionType co)
covar = mkFlattenFreshCoVar (fe_in_scope env1) kind'
-- Add the covar to the FlattenEnv's in-scope set.
- -- See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 2A.
+ -- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances], wrinkle 2A.
env2 = updateInScopeSet env1 (flip extendInScopeSet covar)
coreFlattenVarBndr :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
@@ -1849,7 +1884,7 @@ coreFlattenVarBndr :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
coreFlattenVarBndr subst env tv
= (env2, subst', tv')
- -- See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 2B.
+ -- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances], wrinkle 2B.
kind = varType tv
(env1, kind') = coreFlattenTy subst env kind
tv' = uniqAway (fe_in_scope env1) (setVarType tv kind')
@@ -1862,26 +1897,30 @@ coreFlattenTyFamApp :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
-> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTyFamApp tv_subst env fam_tc fam_args
= case lookupTypeMap type_map fam_ty of
- Just tv -> (env', mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args')
- Nothing -> let tyvar_name = mkFlattenFreshTyName fam_tc
- tv = uniqAway in_scope $
- mkTyVar tyvar_name (typeKind fam_ty)
- ty' = mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args'
- env'' = env' { fe_type_map = extendTypeMap type_map fam_ty tv
- , fe_in_scope = extendInScopeSet in_scope tv }
- in (env'', ty')
+ Just (tv, _, _) -> (env', mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args')
+ Nothing ->
+ let tyvar_name = mkFlattenFreshTyName fam_tc
+ tv = uniqAway in_scope $
+ mkTyVar tyvar_name (typeKind fam_ty)
+ ty' = mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args'
+ env'' = env' { fe_type_map = extendTypeMap type_map fam_ty
+ (tv, fam_tc, sat_fam_args)
+ , fe_in_scope = extendInScopeSet in_scope tv }
+ in (env'', ty')
arity = tyConArity fam_tc
tcv_subst = TCvSubst (fe_in_scope env) tv_subst emptyVarEnv
(sat_fam_args, leftover_args) = ASSERT( arity <= length fam_args )
splitAt arity fam_args
-- Apply the substitution before looking up an application in the
- -- environment. See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 1.
+ -- environment. See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances],
+ -- wrinkle 1.
-- NB: substTys short-cuts the common case when the substitution is empty.
sat_fam_args' = substTys tcv_subst sat_fam_args
(env', leftover_args') = coreFlattenTys tv_subst env leftover_args
- -- `fam_tc` may be over-applied to `fam_args` (see Note [Flattening],
+ -- `fam_tc` may be over-applied to `fam_args` (see
+ -- Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
-- wrinkle 3), so we split it into the arguments needed to saturate it
-- (sat_fam_args') and the rest (leftover_args')
fam_ty = mkTyConApp fam_tc sat_fam_args'