path: root/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-04-20 16:54:38 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-26 13:55:14 -0400
commitaf332442123878c1b61d236dce46418efcbe8750 (patch)
treeec4b332843cdd4fedb4aa60b11b7b8dba82a0764 /compiler/GHC/Data/Graph
parentb0fbfc7582fb81314dc28a056536737fb5eeaa6e (diff)
Modules: Utils and Data (#13009)
Update Haddock submodule Metric Increase: haddock.compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Data/Graph')
6 files changed, 2022 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Base.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Base.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c40645660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Base.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+-- | Types for the general graph colorer.
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Base (
+ Triv,
+ Graph (..),
+ initGraph,
+ graphMapModify,
+ Node (..), newNode,
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+-- | A fn to check if a node is trivially colorable
+-- For graphs who's color classes are disjoint then a node is 'trivially colorable'
+-- when it has less neighbors and exclusions than available colors for that node.
+-- For graph's who's color classes overlap, ie some colors alias other colors, then
+-- this can be a bit more tricky. There is a general way to calculate this, but
+-- it's likely be too slow for use in the code. The coloring algorithm takes
+-- a canned function which can be optimised by the user to be specific to the
+-- specific graph being colored.
+-- for details, see "A Generalised Algorithm for Graph-Coloring Register Allocation"
+-- Smith, Ramsey, Holloway - PLDI 2004.
+type Triv k cls color
+ = cls -- the class of the node we're trying to color.
+ -> UniqSet k -- the node's neighbors.
+ -> UniqSet color -- the node's exclusions.
+ -> Bool
+-- | The Interference graph.
+-- There used to be more fields, but they were turfed out in a previous revision.
+-- maybe we'll want more later..
+data Graph k cls color
+ = Graph {
+ -- | All active nodes in the graph.
+ graphMap :: UniqFM (Node k cls color) }
+-- | An empty graph.
+initGraph :: Graph k cls color
+ = Graph
+ { graphMap = emptyUFM }
+-- | Modify the finite map holding the nodes in the graph.
+ :: (UniqFM (Node k cls color) -> UniqFM (Node k cls color))
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+graphMapModify f graph
+ = graph { graphMap = f (graphMap graph) }
+-- | Graph nodes.
+-- Represents a thing that can conflict with another thing.
+-- For the register allocater the nodes represent registers.
+data Node k cls color
+ = Node {
+ -- | A unique identifier for this node.
+ nodeId :: k
+ -- | The class of this node,
+ -- determines the set of colors that can be used.
+ , nodeClass :: cls
+ -- | The color of this node, if any.
+ , nodeColor :: Maybe color
+ -- | Neighbors which must be colored differently to this node.
+ , nodeConflicts :: UniqSet k
+ -- | Colors that cannot be used by this node.
+ , nodeExclusions :: UniqSet color
+ -- | Colors that this node would prefer to be, in descending order.
+ , nodePreference :: [color]
+ -- | Neighbors that this node would like to be colored the same as.
+ , nodeCoalesce :: UniqSet k }
+-- | An empty node.
+newNode :: k -> cls -> Node k cls color
+newNode k cls
+ = Node
+ { nodeId = k
+ , nodeClass = cls
+ , nodeColor = Nothing
+ , nodeConflicts = emptyUniqSet
+ , nodeExclusions = emptyUniqSet
+ , nodePreference = []
+ , nodeCoalesce = emptyUniqSet }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Color.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Color.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..948447da58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Color.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+-- | Graph Coloring.
+-- This is a generic graph coloring library, abstracted over the type of
+-- the node keys, nodes and colors.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Color (
+ module GHC.Data.Graph.Base,
+ module GHC.Data.Graph.Ops,
+ module GHC.Data.Graph.Ppr,
+ colorGraph
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Base
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Ops
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Ppr
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
+-- | Try to color a graph with this set of colors.
+-- Uses Chaitin's algorithm to color the graph.
+-- The graph is scanned for nodes which are deamed 'trivially colorable'. These nodes
+-- are pushed onto a stack and removed from the graph.
+-- Once this process is complete the graph can be colored by removing nodes from
+-- the stack (ie in reverse order) and assigning them colors different to their neighbors.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Eq cls, Ord k
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls, Outputable color)
+ => Bool -- ^ whether to do iterative coalescing
+ -> Int -- ^ how many times we've tried to color this graph so far.
+ -> UniqFM (UniqSet color) -- ^ map of (node class -> set of colors available for this class).
+ -> Triv k cls color -- ^ fn to decide whether a node is trivially colorable.
+ -> (Graph k cls color -> k) -- ^ fn to choose a node to potentially leave uncolored if nothing is trivially colorable.
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph to color.
+ -> ( Graph k cls color -- the colored graph.
+ , UniqSet k -- the set of nodes that we couldn't find a color for.
+ , UniqFM k ) -- map of regs (r1 -> r2) that were coalesced
+ -- r1 should be replaced by r2 in the source
+colorGraph iterative spinCount colors triv spill graph0
+ = let
+ -- If we're not doing iterative coalescing then do an aggressive coalescing first time
+ -- around and then conservative coalescing for subsequent passes.
+ --
+ -- Aggressive coalescing is a quick way to get rid of many reg-reg moves. However, if
+ -- there is a lot of register pressure and we do it on every round then it can make the
+ -- graph less colorable and prevent the algorithm from converging in a sensible number
+ -- of cycles.
+ --
+ (graph_coalesced, kksCoalesce1)
+ = if iterative
+ then (graph0, [])
+ else if spinCount == 0
+ then coalesceGraph True triv graph0
+ else coalesceGraph False triv graph0
+ -- run the scanner to slurp out all the trivially colorable nodes
+ -- (and do coalescing if iterative coalescing is enabled)
+ (ksTriv, ksProblems, kksCoalesce2)
+ = colorScan iterative triv spill graph_coalesced
+ -- If iterative coalescing is enabled, the scanner will coalesce the graph as does its business.
+ -- We need to apply all the coalescences found by the scanner to the original
+ -- graph before doing assignColors.
+ --
+ -- Because we've got the whole, non-pruned graph here we turn on aggressive coalescing
+ -- to force all the (conservative) coalescences found during scanning.
+ --
+ (graph_scan_coalesced, _)
+ = mapAccumL (coalesceNodes True triv) graph_coalesced kksCoalesce2
+ -- color the trivially colorable nodes
+ -- during scanning, keys of triv nodes were added to the front of the list as they were found
+ -- this colors them in the reverse order, as required by the algorithm.
+ (graph_triv, ksNoTriv)
+ = assignColors colors graph_scan_coalesced ksTriv
+ -- try and color the problem nodes
+ -- problem nodes are the ones that were left uncolored because they weren't triv.
+ -- theres a change we can color them here anyway.
+ (graph_prob, ksNoColor)
+ = assignColors colors graph_triv ksProblems
+ -- if the trivially colorable nodes didn't color then something is probably wrong
+ -- with the provided triv function.
+ --
+ in if not $ null ksNoTriv
+ then pprPanic "colorGraph: trivially colorable nodes didn't color!" -- empty
+ ( empty
+ $$ text "ksTriv = " <> ppr ksTriv
+ $$ text "ksNoTriv = " <> ppr ksNoTriv
+ $$ text "colors = " <> ppr colors
+ $$ empty
+ $$ dotGraph (\_ -> text "white") triv graph_triv)
+ else ( graph_prob
+ , mkUniqSet ksNoColor -- the nodes that didn't color (spills)
+ , if iterative
+ then (listToUFM kksCoalesce2)
+ else (listToUFM kksCoalesce1))
+-- | Scan through the conflict graph separating out trivially colorable and
+-- potentially uncolorable (problem) nodes.
+-- Checking whether a node is trivially colorable or not is a reasonably expensive operation,
+-- so after a triv node is found and removed from the graph it's no good to return to the 'start'
+-- of the graph and recheck a bunch of nodes that will probably still be non-trivially colorable.
+-- To ward against this, during each pass through the graph we collect up a list of triv nodes
+-- that were found, and only remove them once we've finished the pass. The more nodes we can delete
+-- at once the more likely it is that nodes we've already checked will become trivially colorable
+-- for the next pass.
+-- TODO: add work lists to finding triv nodes is easier.
+-- If we've just scanned the graph, and removed triv nodes, then the only
+-- nodes that we need to rescan are the ones we've removed edges from.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Ord k, Eq cls
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls)
+ => Bool -- ^ whether to do iterative coalescing
+ -> Triv k cls color -- ^ fn to decide whether a node is trivially colorable
+ -> (Graph k cls color -> k) -- ^ fn to choose a node to potentially leave uncolored if nothing is trivially colorable.
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph to scan
+ -> ([k], [k], [(k, k)]) -- triv colorable nodes, problem nodes, pairs of nodes to coalesce
+colorScan iterative triv spill graph
+ = colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph [] [] []
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Ord k, Eq cls
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls)
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> (Graph k cls color -> k)
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> [k]
+ -> [k]
+ -> [(k, k)]
+ -> ([k], [k], [(k, k)])
+colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+ -- if the graph is empty then we're done
+ | isNullUFM $ graphMap graph
+ = (ksTriv, ksSpill, reverse kksCoalesce)
+ -- Simplify:
+ -- Look for trivially colorable nodes.
+ -- If we can find some then remove them from the graph and go back for more.
+ --
+ | nsTrivFound@(_:_)
+ <- scanGraph (\node -> triv (nodeClass node) (nodeConflicts node) (nodeExclusions node)
+ -- for iterative coalescing we only want non-move related
+ -- nodes here
+ && (not iterative || isEmptyUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node)))
+ $ graph
+ , ksTrivFound <- map nodeId nsTrivFound
+ , graph2 <- foldr (\k g -> let Just g' = delNode k g
+ in g')
+ graph ksTrivFound
+ = colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph2
+ (ksTrivFound ++ ksTriv)
+ ksSpill
+ kksCoalesce
+ -- Coalesce:
+ -- If we're doing iterative coalescing and no triv nodes are available
+ -- then it's time for a coalescing pass.
+ | iterative
+ = case coalesceGraph False triv graph of
+ -- we were able to coalesce something
+ -- go back to Simplify and see if this frees up more nodes to be trivially colorable.
+ (graph2, kksCoalesceFound@(_:_))
+ -> colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph2
+ ksTriv ksSpill (reverse kksCoalesceFound ++ kksCoalesce)
+ -- Freeze:
+ -- nothing could be coalesced (or was triv),
+ -- time to choose a node to freeze and give up on ever coalescing it.
+ (graph2, [])
+ -> case freezeOneInGraph graph2 of
+ -- we were able to freeze something
+ -- hopefully this will free up something for Simplify
+ (graph3, True)
+ -> colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph3
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+ -- we couldn't find something to freeze either
+ -- time for a spill
+ (graph3, False)
+ -> colorScan_spill iterative triv spill graph3
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+ -- spill time
+ | otherwise
+ = colorScan_spill iterative triv spill graph
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+-- Select:
+-- we couldn't find any triv nodes or things to freeze or coalesce,
+-- and the graph isn't empty yet.. We'll have to choose a spill
+-- candidate and leave it uncolored.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Ord k, Eq cls
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls)
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> (Graph k cls color -> k)
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> [k]
+ -> [k]
+ -> [(k, k)]
+ -> ([k], [k], [(k, k)])
+colorScan_spill iterative triv spill graph
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+ = let kSpill = spill graph
+ Just graph' = delNode kSpill graph
+ in colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph'
+ ksTriv (kSpill : ksSpill) kksCoalesce
+-- | Try to assign a color to all these nodes.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Outputable cls)
+ => UniqFM (UniqSet color) -- ^ map of (node class -> set of colors available for this class).
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph
+ -> [k] -- ^ nodes to assign a color to.
+ -> ( Graph k cls color -- the colored graph
+ , [k]) -- the nodes that didn't color.
+assignColors colors graph ks
+ = assignColors' colors graph [] ks
+ where assignColors' _ graph prob []
+ = (graph, prob)
+ assignColors' colors graph prob (k:ks)
+ = case assignColor colors k graph of
+ -- couldn't color this node
+ Nothing -> assignColors' colors graph (k : prob) ks
+ -- this node colored ok, so do the rest
+ Just graph' -> assignColors' colors graph' prob ks
+ assignColor colors u graph
+ | Just c <- selectColor colors graph u
+ = Just (setColor u c graph)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+-- | Select a color for a certain node
+-- taking into account preferences, neighbors and exclusions.
+-- returns Nothing if no color can be assigned to this node.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Outputable cls)
+ => UniqFM (UniqSet color) -- ^ map of (node class -> set of colors available for this class).
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph
+ -> k -- ^ key of the node to select a color for.
+ -> Maybe color
+selectColor colors graph u
+ = let -- lookup the node
+ Just node = lookupNode graph u
+ -- lookup the available colors for the class of this node.
+ colors_avail
+ = case lookupUFM colors (nodeClass node) of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "selectColor: no colors available for class " (ppr (nodeClass node))
+ Just cs -> cs
+ -- find colors we can't use because they're already being used
+ -- by a node that conflicts with this one.
+ Just nsConflicts
+ = sequence
+ $ map (lookupNode graph)
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet
+ $ nodeConflicts node
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ colors_conflict = mkUniqSet
+ $ catMaybes
+ $ map nodeColor nsConflicts
+ -- the prefs of our neighbors
+ colors_neighbor_prefs
+ = mkUniqSet
+ $ concatMap nodePreference nsConflicts
+ -- colors that are still valid for us
+ colors_ok_ex = minusUniqSet colors_avail (nodeExclusions node)
+ colors_ok = minusUniqSet colors_ok_ex colors_conflict
+ -- the colors that we prefer, and are still ok
+ colors_ok_pref = intersectUniqSets
+ (mkUniqSet $ nodePreference node) colors_ok
+ -- the colors that we could choose while being nice to our neighbors
+ colors_ok_nice = minusUniqSet
+ colors_ok colors_neighbor_prefs
+ -- the best of all possible worlds..
+ colors_ok_pref_nice
+ = intersectUniqSets
+ colors_ok_nice colors_ok_pref
+ -- make the decision
+ chooseColor
+ -- everyone is happy, yay!
+ | not $ isEmptyUniqSet colors_ok_pref_nice
+ , c : _ <- filter (\x -> elementOfUniqSet x colors_ok_pref_nice)
+ (nodePreference node)
+ = Just c
+ -- we've got one of our preferences
+ | not $ isEmptyUniqSet colors_ok_pref
+ , c : _ <- filter (\x -> elementOfUniqSet x colors_ok_pref)
+ (nodePreference node)
+ = Just c
+ -- it wasn't a preference, but it was still ok
+ | not $ isEmptyUniqSet colors_ok
+ , c : _ <- nonDetEltsUniqSet colors_ok
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ = Just c
+ -- no colors were available for us this time.
+ -- looks like we're going around the loop again..
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ in chooseColor
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Directed.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Directed.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3f397051a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Directed.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Directed (
+ Graph, graphFromEdgedVerticesOrd, graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq,
+ SCC(..), Node(..), flattenSCC, flattenSCCs,
+ stronglyConnCompG,
+ topologicalSortG,
+ verticesG, edgesG, hasVertexG,
+ reachableG, reachablesG, transposeG,
+ emptyG,
+ findCycle,
+ -- For backwards compatibility with the simpler version of Digraph
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd,
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrdR,
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq,
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR,
+ -- Simple way to classify edges
+ EdgeType(..), classifyEdges
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+-- A version of the graph algorithms described in:
+-- ``Lazy Depth-First Search and Linear IntGraph Algorithms in Haskell''
+-- by David King and John Launchbury
+-- Also included is some additional code for printing tree structures ...
+-- If you ever find yourself in need of algorithms for classifying edges,
+-- or finding connected/biconnected components, consult the history; Sigbjorn
+-- Finne contributed some implementations in 1997, although we've since
+-- removed them since they were not used anywhere in GHC.
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Misc ( minWith, count )
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Data.Maybe ( expectJust )
+-- std interfaces
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Array
+import Data.List hiding (transpose)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Graph as G
+import Data.Graph hiding (Graph, Edge, transposeG, reachable)
+import Data.Tree
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+* *
+* Graphs and Graph Construction
+* *
+Note [Nodes, keys, vertices]
+ * A 'node' is a big blob of client-stuff
+ * Each 'node' has a unique (client) 'key', but the latter
+ is in Ord and has fast comparison
+ * Digraph then maps each 'key' to a Vertex (Int) which is
+ arranged densely in 0.n
+data Graph node = Graph {
+ gr_int_graph :: IntGraph,
+ gr_vertex_to_node :: Vertex -> node,
+ gr_node_to_vertex :: node -> Maybe Vertex
+ }
+data Edge node = Edge node node
+{-| Representation for nodes of the Graph.
+ * The @payload@ is user data, just carried around in this module
+ * The @key@ is the node identifier.
+ Key has an Ord instance for performance reasons.
+ * The @[key]@ are the dependencies of the node;
+ it's ok to have extra keys in the dependencies that
+ are not the key of any Node in the graph
+data Node key payload = DigraphNode {
+ node_payload :: payload, -- ^ User data
+ node_key :: key, -- ^ User defined node id
+ node_dependencies :: [key] -- ^ Dependencies/successors of the node
+ }
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable b) => Outputable (Node a b) where
+ ppr (DigraphNode a b c) = ppr (a, b, c)
+emptyGraph :: Graph a
+emptyGraph = Graph (array (1, 0) []) (error "emptyGraph") (const Nothing)
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+ :: ReduceFn key payload
+ -> [Node key payload] -- The graph; its ok for the
+ -- out-list to contain keys which aren't
+ -- a vertex key, they are ignored
+ -> Graph (Node key payload)
+graphFromEdgedVertices _reduceFn [] = emptyGraph
+graphFromEdgedVertices reduceFn edged_vertices =
+ Graph graph vertex_fn (key_vertex . key_extractor)
+ where key_extractor = node_key
+ (bounds, vertex_fn, key_vertex, numbered_nodes) =
+ reduceFn edged_vertices key_extractor
+ graph = array bounds [ (v, sort $ mapMaybe key_vertex ks)
+ | (v, (node_dependencies -> ks)) <- numbered_nodes]
+ -- We normalize outgoing edges by sorting on node order, so
+ -- that the result doesn't depend on the order of the edges
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Ord key
+ => [Node key payload] -- The graph; its ok for the
+ -- out-list to contain keys which aren't
+ -- a vertex key, they are ignored
+ -> Graph (Node key payload)
+graphFromEdgedVerticesOrd = graphFromEdgedVertices reduceNodesIntoVerticesOrd
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Uniquable key
+ => [Node key payload] -- The graph; its ok for the
+ -- out-list to contain keys which aren't
+ -- a vertex key, they are ignored
+ -> Graph (Node key payload)
+graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq = graphFromEdgedVertices reduceNodesIntoVerticesUniq
+type ReduceFn key payload =
+ [Node key payload] -> (Node key payload -> key) ->
+ (Bounds, Vertex -> Node key payload
+ , key -> Maybe Vertex, [(Vertex, Node key payload)])
+Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+reduceNodesIntoVertices is parameterized by the container type.
+This is to accommodate key types that don't have an Ord instance
+and hence preclude the use of Data.Map. An example of such type
+would be Unique, there's no way to implement Ord Unique
+For such types, there's a version with a Uniquable constraint.
+This leaves us with two versions of every function that depends on
+reduceNodesIntoVertices, one with Ord constraint and the other with
+Uniquable constraint.
+For example: graphFromEdgedVerticesOrd and graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq.
+The Uniq version should be a tiny bit more efficient since it uses
+Data.IntMap internally.
+ :: ([(key, Vertex)] -> m)
+ -> (key -> m -> Maybe Vertex)
+ -> ReduceFn key payload
+reduceNodesIntoVertices fromList lookup nodes key_extractor =
+ (bounds, (!) vertex_map, key_vertex, numbered_nodes)
+ where
+ max_v = length nodes - 1
+ bounds = (0, max_v) :: (Vertex, Vertex)
+ -- Keep the order intact to make the result depend on input order
+ -- instead of key order
+ numbered_nodes = zip [0..] nodes
+ vertex_map = array bounds numbered_nodes
+ key_map = fromList
+ [ (key_extractor node, v) | (v, node) <- numbered_nodes ]
+ key_vertex k = lookup k key_map
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+reduceNodesIntoVerticesOrd :: Ord key => ReduceFn key payload
+reduceNodesIntoVerticesOrd = reduceNodesIntoVertices Map.fromList Map.lookup
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+reduceNodesIntoVerticesUniq :: Uniquable key => ReduceFn key payload
+reduceNodesIntoVerticesUniq = reduceNodesIntoVertices listToUFM (flip lookupUFM)
+* *
+* SCC
+* *
+type WorkItem key payload
+ = (Node key payload, -- Tip of the path
+ [payload]) -- Rest of the path;
+ -- [a,b,c] means c depends on b, b depends on a
+-- | Find a reasonably short cycle a->b->c->a, in a strongly
+-- connected component. The input nodes are presumed to be
+-- a SCC, so you can start anywhere.
+findCycle :: forall payload key. Ord key
+ => [Node key payload] -- The nodes. The dependencies can
+ -- contain extra keys, which are ignored
+ -> Maybe [payload] -- A cycle, starting with node
+ -- so each depends on the next
+findCycle graph
+ = go Set.empty (new_work root_deps []) []
+ where
+ env :: Map.Map key (Node key payload)
+ env = Map.fromList [ (node_key node, node) | node <- graph ]
+ -- Find the node with fewest dependencies among the SCC modules
+ -- This is just a heuristic to find some plausible root module
+ root :: Node key payload
+ root = fst (minWith snd [ (node, count (`Map.member` env)
+ (node_dependencies node))
+ | node <- graph ])
+ DigraphNode root_payload root_key root_deps = root
+ -- 'go' implements Dijkstra's algorithm, more or less
+ go :: Set.Set key -- Visited
+ -> [WorkItem key payload] -- Work list, items length n
+ -> [WorkItem key payload] -- Work list, items length n+1
+ -> Maybe [payload] -- Returned cycle
+ -- Invariant: in a call (go visited ps qs),
+ -- visited = union (map tail (ps ++ qs))
+ go _ [] [] = Nothing -- No cycles
+ go visited [] qs = go visited qs []
+ go visited (((DigraphNode payload key deps), path) : ps) qs
+ | key == root_key = Just (root_payload : reverse path)
+ | key `Set.member` visited = go visited ps qs
+ | key `Map.notMember` env = go visited ps qs
+ | otherwise = go (Set.insert key visited)
+ ps (new_qs ++ qs)
+ where
+ new_qs = new_work deps (payload : path)
+ new_work :: [key] -> [payload] -> [WorkItem key payload]
+ new_work deps path = [ (n, path) | Just n <- map (`Map.lookup` env) deps ]
+* *
+* Strongly Connected Component wrappers for Graph
+* *
+Note: the components are returned topologically sorted: later components
+depend on earlier ones, but not vice versa i.e. later components only have
+edges going from them to earlier ones.
+Note [Deterministic SCC]
+stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd and
+provide a following guarantee:
+Given a deterministically ordered list of nodes it returns a deterministically
+ordered list of strongly connected components, where the list of vertices
+in an SCC is also deterministically ordered.
+Note that the order of edges doesn't need to be deterministic for this to work.
+We use the order of nodes to normalize the order of edges.
+stronglyConnCompG :: Graph node -> [SCC node]
+stronglyConnCompG graph = decodeSccs graph forest
+ where forest = {-# SCC "Digraph.scc" #-} scc (gr_int_graph graph)
+decodeSccs :: Graph node -> Forest Vertex -> [SCC node]
+decodeSccs Graph { gr_int_graph = graph, gr_vertex_to_node = vertex_fn } forest
+ = map decode forest
+ where
+ decode (Node v []) | mentions_itself v = CyclicSCC [vertex_fn v]
+ | otherwise = AcyclicSCC (vertex_fn v)
+ decode other = CyclicSCC (dec other [])
+ where dec (Node v ts) vs = vertex_fn v : foldr dec vs ts
+ mentions_itself v = v `elem` (graph ! v)
+-- The following two versions are provided for backwards compatibility:
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Ord key
+ => [Node key payload]
+ -> [SCC payload]
+ = map (fmap node_payload) . stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrdR
+-- The following two versions are provided for backwards compatibility:
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Uniquable key
+ => [Node key payload]
+ -> [SCC payload]
+ = map (fmap node_payload) . stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR
+-- The "R" interface is used when you expect to apply SCC to
+-- (some of) the result of SCC, so you don't want to lose the dependency info
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Ord key
+ => [Node key payload]
+ -> [SCC (Node key payload)]
+stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrdR =
+ stronglyConnCompG . graphFromEdgedVertices reduceNodesIntoVerticesOrd
+-- The "R" interface is used when you expect to apply SCC to
+-- (some of) the result of SCC, so you don't want to lose the dependency info
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Uniquable key
+ => [Node key payload]
+ -> [SCC (Node key payload)]
+stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR =
+ stronglyConnCompG . graphFromEdgedVertices reduceNodesIntoVerticesUniq
+* *
+* Misc wrappers for Graph
+* *
+topologicalSortG :: Graph node -> [node]
+topologicalSortG graph = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
+ where result = {-# SCC "Digraph.topSort" #-} topSort (gr_int_graph graph)
+reachableG :: Graph node -> node -> [node]
+reachableG graph from = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
+ where from_vertex = expectJust "reachableG" (gr_node_to_vertex graph from)
+ result = {-# SCC "Digraph.reachable" #-} reachable (gr_int_graph graph) [from_vertex]
+-- | Given a list of roots return all reachable nodes.
+reachablesG :: Graph node -> [node] -> [node]
+reachablesG graph froms = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
+ where result = {-# SCC "Digraph.reachable" #-}
+ reachable (gr_int_graph graph) vs
+ vs = [ v | Just v <- map (gr_node_to_vertex graph) froms ]
+hasVertexG :: Graph node -> node -> Bool
+hasVertexG graph node = isJust $ gr_node_to_vertex graph node
+verticesG :: Graph node -> [node]
+verticesG graph = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) $ vertices (gr_int_graph graph)
+edgesG :: Graph node -> [Edge node]
+edgesG graph = map (\(v1, v2) -> Edge (v2n v1) (v2n v2)) $ edges (gr_int_graph graph)
+ where v2n = gr_vertex_to_node graph
+transposeG :: Graph node -> Graph node
+transposeG graph = Graph (G.transposeG (gr_int_graph graph))
+ (gr_vertex_to_node graph)
+ (gr_node_to_vertex graph)
+emptyG :: Graph node -> Bool
+emptyG g = graphEmpty (gr_int_graph g)
+* *
+* Showing Graphs
+* *
+instance Outputable node => Outputable (Graph node) where
+ ppr graph = vcat [
+ hang (text "Vertices:") 2 (vcat (map ppr $ verticesG graph)),
+ hang (text "Edges:") 2 (vcat (map ppr $ edgesG graph))
+ ]
+instance Outputable node => Outputable (Edge node) where
+ ppr (Edge from to) = ppr from <+> text "->" <+> ppr to
+graphEmpty :: G.Graph -> Bool
+graphEmpty g = lo > hi
+ where (lo, hi) = bounds g
+* *
+* IntGraphs
+* *
+type IntGraph = G.Graph
+-- Depth first search numbering
+-- Data.Tree has flatten for Tree, but nothing for Forest
+preorderF :: Forest a -> [a]
+preorderF ts = concatMap flatten ts
+-- Finding reachable vertices
+-- This generalizes reachable which was found in Data.Graph
+reachable :: IntGraph -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]
+reachable g vs = preorderF (dfs g vs)
+* *
+* Classify Edge Types
+* *
+-- Remark: While we could generalize this algorithm this comes at a runtime
+-- cost and with no advantages. If you find yourself using this with graphs
+-- not easily represented using Int nodes please consider rewriting this
+-- using the more general Graph type.
+-- | Edge direction based on DFS Classification
+data EdgeType
+ = Forward
+ | Cross
+ | Backward -- ^ Loop back towards the root node.
+ -- Eg backjumps in loops
+ | SelfLoop -- ^ v -> v
+ deriving (Eq,Ord)
+instance Outputable EdgeType where
+ ppr Forward = text "Forward"
+ ppr Cross = text "Cross"
+ ppr Backward = text "Backward"
+ ppr SelfLoop = text "SelfLoop"
+newtype Time = Time Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Num,Outputable)
+--Allow for specialization
+{-# INLINEABLE classifyEdges #-}
+-- | Given a start vertex, a way to get successors from a node
+-- and a list of (directed) edges classify the types of edges.
+classifyEdges :: forall key. Uniquable key => key -> (key -> [key])
+ -> [(key,key)] -> [((key, key), EdgeType)]
+classifyEdges root getSucc edges =
+ --let uqe (from,to) = (getUnique from, getUnique to)
+ --in pprTrace "Edges:" (ppr $ map uqe edges) $
+ zip edges $ map classify edges
+ where
+ (_time, starts, ends) = addTimes (0,emptyUFM,emptyUFM) root
+ classify :: (key,key) -> EdgeType
+ classify (from,to)
+ | startFrom < startTo
+ , endFrom > endTo
+ = Forward
+ | startFrom > startTo
+ , endFrom < endTo
+ = Backward
+ | startFrom > startTo
+ , endFrom > endTo
+ = Cross
+ | getUnique from == getUnique to
+ = SelfLoop
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "Failed to classify edge of Graph"
+ (ppr (getUnique from, getUnique to))
+ where
+ getTime event node
+ | Just time <- lookupUFM event node
+ = time
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "Failed to classify edge of CFG - not not timed"
+ (text "edges" <> ppr (getUnique from, getUnique to)
+ <+> ppr starts <+> ppr ends )
+ startFrom = getTime starts from
+ startTo = getTime starts to
+ endFrom = getTime ends from
+ endTo = getTime ends to
+ addTimes :: (Time, UniqFM Time, UniqFM Time) -> key
+ -> (Time, UniqFM Time, UniqFM Time)
+ addTimes (time,starts,ends) n
+ --Dont reenter nodes
+ | elemUFM n starts
+ = (time,starts,ends)
+ | otherwise =
+ let
+ starts' = addToUFM starts n time
+ time' = time + 1
+ succs = getSucc n :: [key]
+ (time'',starts'',ends') = foldl' addTimes (time',starts',ends) succs
+ ends'' = addToUFM ends' n time''
+ in
+ (time'' + 1, starts'', ends'')
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ops.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ops.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d9ce669c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ops.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+-- | Basic operations on graphs.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Ops
+ ( addNode
+ , delNode
+ , getNode
+ , lookupNode
+ , modNode
+ , size
+ , union
+ , addConflict
+ , delConflict
+ , addConflicts
+ , addCoalesce
+ , delCoalesce
+ , addExclusion
+ , addExclusions
+ , addPreference
+ , coalesceNodes
+ , coalesceGraph
+ , freezeNode
+ , freezeOneInGraph
+ , freezeAllInGraph
+ , scanGraph
+ , setColor
+ , validateGraph
+ , slurpNodeConflictCount
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Base
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import Data.List hiding (union)
+import Data.Maybe
+-- | Lookup a node from the graph.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> k -> Maybe (Node k cls color)
+lookupNode graph k
+ = lookupUFM (graphMap graph) k
+-- | Get a node from the graph, throwing an error if it's not there
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> k -> Node k cls color
+getNode graph k
+ = case lookupUFM (graphMap graph) k of
+ Just node -> node
+ Nothing -> panic "ColorOps.getNode: not found"
+-- | Add a node to the graph, linking up its edges
+addNode :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> Node k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addNode k node graph
+ = let
+ -- add back conflict edges from other nodes to this one
+ map_conflict =
+ nonDetFoldUniqSet
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUFM here because the
+ -- operation is commutative
+ (adjustUFM_C (\n -> n { nodeConflicts =
+ addOneToUniqSet (nodeConflicts n) k}))
+ (graphMap graph)
+ (nodeConflicts node)
+ -- add back coalesce edges from other nodes to this one
+ map_coalesce =
+ nonDetFoldUniqSet
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUFM here because the
+ -- operation is commutative
+ (adjustUFM_C (\n -> n { nodeCoalesce =
+ addOneToUniqSet (nodeCoalesce n) k}))
+ map_conflict
+ (nodeCoalesce node)
+ in graph
+ { graphMap = addToUFM map_coalesce k node}
+-- | Delete a node and all its edges from the graph.
+delNode :: (Uniquable k)
+ => k -> Graph k cls color -> Maybe (Graph k cls color)
+delNode k graph
+ | Just node <- lookupNode graph k
+ = let -- delete conflict edges from other nodes to this one.
+ graph1 = foldl' (\g k1 -> let Just g' = delConflict k1 k g in g') graph
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet (nodeConflicts node)
+ -- delete coalesce edge from other nodes to this one.
+ graph2 = foldl' (\g k1 -> let Just g' = delCoalesce k1 k g in g') graph1
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node)
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ -- delete the node
+ graph3 = graphMapModify (\fm -> delFromUFM fm k) graph2
+ in Just graph3
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+-- | Modify a node in the graph.
+-- returns Nothing if the node isn't present.
+modNode :: Uniquable k
+ => (Node k cls color -> Node k cls color)
+ -> k -> Graph k cls color -> Maybe (Graph k cls color)
+modNode f k graph
+ = case lookupNode graph k of
+ Just Node{}
+ -> Just
+ $ graphMapModify
+ (\fm -> let Just node = lookupUFM fm k
+ node' = f node
+ in addToUFM fm k node')
+ graph
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+-- | Get the size of the graph, O(n)
+size :: Graph k cls color -> Int
+size graph
+ = sizeUFM $ graphMap graph
+-- | Union two graphs together.
+union :: Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+union graph1 graph2
+ = Graph
+ { graphMap = plusUFM (graphMap graph1) (graphMap graph2) }
+-- | Add a conflict between nodes to the graph, creating the nodes required.
+-- Conflicts are virtual regs which need to be colored differently.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (k, cls) -> (k, cls)
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addConflict (u1, c1) (u2, c2)
+ = let addNeighbor u c u'
+ = adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodeConflicts = addOneToUniqSet (nodeConflicts node) u' })
+ (newNode u c) { nodeConflicts = unitUniqSet u' }
+ u
+ in graphMapModify
+ ( addNeighbor u1 c1 u2
+ . addNeighbor u2 c2 u1)
+-- | Delete a conflict edge. k1 -> k2
+-- returns Nothing if the node isn't in the graph
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> k
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Maybe (Graph k cls color)
+delConflict k1 k2
+ = modNode
+ (\node -> node { nodeConflicts = delOneFromUniqSet (nodeConflicts node) k2 })
+ k1
+-- | Add some conflicts to the graph, creating nodes if required.
+-- All the nodes in the set are taken to conflict with each other.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => UniqSet k -> (k -> cls)
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addConflicts conflicts getClass
+ -- just a single node, but no conflicts, create the node anyway.
+ | (u : []) <- nonDetEltsUniqSet conflicts
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ id
+ (newNode u (getClass u))
+ u
+ | otherwise
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ \fm -> foldl' (\g u -> addConflictSet1 u getClass conflicts g) fm
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet conflicts
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+addConflictSet1 :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> (k -> cls) -> UniqSet k
+ -> UniqFM (Node k cls color)
+ -> UniqFM (Node k cls color)
+addConflictSet1 u getClass set
+ = case delOneFromUniqSet set u of
+ set' -> adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodeConflicts = unionUniqSets set' (nodeConflicts node) } )
+ (newNode u (getClass u)) { nodeConflicts = set' }
+ u
+-- | Add an exclusion to the graph, creating nodes if required.
+-- These are extra colors that the node cannot use.
+ :: (Uniquable k, Uniquable color)
+ => k -> (k -> cls) -> color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addExclusion u getClass color
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodeExclusions = addOneToUniqSet (nodeExclusions node) color })
+ (newNode u (getClass u)) { nodeExclusions = unitUniqSet color }
+ u
+ :: (Uniquable k, Uniquable color)
+ => k -> (k -> cls) -> [color]
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addExclusions u getClass colors graph
+ = foldr (addExclusion u getClass) graph colors
+-- | Add a coalescence edge to the graph, creating nodes if required.
+-- It is considered adventageous to assign the same color to nodes in a coalesence.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (k, cls) -> (k, cls)
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addCoalesce (u1, c1) (u2, c2)
+ = let addCoalesce u c u'
+ = adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodeCoalesce = addOneToUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node) u' })
+ (newNode u c) { nodeCoalesce = unitUniqSet u' }
+ u
+ in graphMapModify
+ ( addCoalesce u1 c1 u2
+ . addCoalesce u2 c2 u1)
+-- | Delete a coalescence edge (k1 -> k2) from the graph.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> k
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Maybe (Graph k cls color)
+delCoalesce k1 k2
+ = modNode (\node -> node { nodeCoalesce = delOneFromUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node) k2 })
+ k1
+-- | Add a color preference to the graph, creating nodes if required.
+-- The most recently added preference is the most preferred.
+-- The algorithm tries to assign a node it's preferred color if possible.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (k, cls) -> color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addPreference (u, c) color
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodePreference = color : (nodePreference node) })
+ (newNode u c) { nodePreference = [color] }
+ u
+-- | Do aggressive coalescing on this graph.
+-- returns the new graph and the list of pairs of nodes that got coalesced together.
+-- for each pair, the resulting node will have the least key and be second in the pair.
+ :: (Uniquable k, Ord k, Eq cls, Outputable k)
+ => Bool -- ^ If True, coalesce nodes even if this might make the graph
+ -- less colorable (aggressive coalescing)
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> ( Graph k cls color
+ , [(k, k)]) -- pairs of nodes that were coalesced, in the order that the
+ -- coalescing was applied.
+coalesceGraph aggressive triv graph
+ = coalesceGraph' aggressive triv graph []
+ :: (Uniquable k, Ord k, Eq cls, Outputable k)
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> [(k, k)]
+ -> ( Graph k cls color
+ , [(k, k)])
+coalesceGraph' aggressive triv graph kkPairsAcc
+ = let
+ -- find all the nodes that have coalescence edges
+ cNodes = filter (\node -> not $ isEmptyUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node))
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ -- build a list of pairs of keys for node's we'll try and coalesce
+ -- every pair of nodes will appear twice in this list
+ -- ie [(k1, k2), (k2, k1) ... ]
+ -- This is ok, GrapOps.coalesceNodes handles this and it's convenient for
+ -- build a list of what nodes get coalesced together for later on.
+ --
+ cList = [ (nodeId node1, k2)
+ | node1 <- cNodes
+ , k2 <- nonDetEltsUniqSet $ nodeCoalesce node1 ]
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ -- do the coalescing, returning the new graph and a list of pairs of keys
+ -- that got coalesced together.
+ (graph', mPairs)
+ = mapAccumL (coalesceNodes aggressive triv) graph cList
+ -- keep running until there are no more coalesces can be found
+ in case catMaybes mPairs of
+ [] -> (graph', reverse kkPairsAcc)
+ pairs -> coalesceGraph' aggressive triv graph' (reverse pairs ++ kkPairsAcc)
+-- | Coalesce this pair of nodes unconditionally \/ aggressively.
+-- The resulting node is the one with the least key.
+-- returns: Just the pair of keys if the nodes were coalesced
+-- the second element of the pair being the least one
+-- Nothing if either of the nodes weren't in the graph
+ :: (Uniquable k, Ord k, Eq cls)
+ => Bool -- ^ If True, coalesce nodes even if this might make the graph
+ -- less colorable (aggressive coalescing)
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> (k, k) -- ^ keys of the nodes to be coalesced
+ -> (Graph k cls color, Maybe (k, k))
+coalesceNodes aggressive triv graph (k1, k2)
+ | (kMin, kMax) <- if k1 < k2
+ then (k1, k2)
+ else (k2, k1)
+ -- the nodes being coalesced must be in the graph
+ , Just nMin <- lookupNode graph kMin
+ , Just nMax <- lookupNode graph kMax
+ -- can't coalesce conflicting modes
+ , not $ elementOfUniqSet kMin (nodeConflicts nMax)
+ , not $ elementOfUniqSet kMax (nodeConflicts nMin)
+ -- can't coalesce the same node
+ , nodeId nMin /= nodeId nMax
+ = coalesceNodes_merge aggressive triv graph kMin kMax nMin nMax
+ -- don't do the coalescing after all
+ | otherwise
+ = (graph, Nothing)
+ :: (Uniquable k, Eq cls)
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> k -> k
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> (Graph k cls color, Maybe (k, k))
+coalesceNodes_merge aggressive triv graph kMin kMax nMin nMax
+ -- sanity checks
+ | nodeClass nMin /= nodeClass nMax
+ = error "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.coalesceNodes: can't coalesce nodes of different classes."
+ | not (isNothing (nodeColor nMin) && isNothing (nodeColor nMax))
+ = error "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.coalesceNodes: can't coalesce colored nodes."
+ ---
+ | otherwise
+ = let
+ -- the new node gets all the edges from its two components
+ node =
+ Node { nodeId = kMin
+ , nodeClass = nodeClass nMin
+ , nodeColor = Nothing
+ -- nodes don't conflict with themselves..
+ , nodeConflicts
+ = (unionUniqSets (nodeConflicts nMin) (nodeConflicts nMax))
+ `delOneFromUniqSet` kMin
+ `delOneFromUniqSet` kMax
+ , nodeExclusions = unionUniqSets (nodeExclusions nMin) (nodeExclusions nMax)
+ , nodePreference = nodePreference nMin ++ nodePreference nMax
+ -- nodes don't coalesce with themselves..
+ , nodeCoalesce
+ = (unionUniqSets (nodeCoalesce nMin) (nodeCoalesce nMax))
+ `delOneFromUniqSet` kMin
+ `delOneFromUniqSet` kMax
+ }
+ in coalesceNodes_check aggressive triv graph kMin kMax node
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> k -> k
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> (Graph k cls color, Maybe (k, k))
+coalesceNodes_check aggressive triv graph kMin kMax node
+ -- Unless we're coalescing aggressively, if the result node is not trivially
+ -- colorable then don't do the coalescing.
+ | not aggressive
+ , not $ triv (nodeClass node) (nodeConflicts node) (nodeExclusions node)
+ = (graph, Nothing)
+ | otherwise
+ = let -- delete the old nodes from the graph and add the new one
+ Just graph1 = delNode kMax graph
+ Just graph2 = delNode kMin graph1
+ graph3 = addNode kMin node graph2
+ in (graph3, Just (kMax, kMin))
+-- | Freeze a node
+-- This is for the iterative coalescer.
+-- By freezing a node we give up on ever coalescing it.
+-- Move all its coalesce edges into the frozen set - and update
+-- back edges from other nodes.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => k -- ^ key of the node to freeze
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ graph with that node frozen
+freezeNode k
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ \fm ->
+ let -- freeze all the edges in the node to be frozen
+ Just node = lookupUFM fm k
+ node' = node
+ { nodeCoalesce = emptyUniqSet }
+ fm1 = addToUFM fm k node'
+ -- update back edges pointing to this node
+ freezeEdge k node
+ = if elementOfUniqSet k (nodeCoalesce node)
+ then node { nodeCoalesce = delOneFromUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node) k }
+ else node -- panic "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.freezeNode: edge to freeze wasn't in the coalesce set"
+ -- If the edge isn't actually in the coelesce set then just ignore it.
+ fm2 = nonDetFoldUniqSet (adjustUFM_C (freezeEdge k)) fm1
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUFM here because the operation
+ -- is commutative
+ $ nodeCoalesce node
+ in fm2
+-- | Freeze one node in the graph
+-- This if for the iterative coalescer.
+-- Look for a move related node of low degree and freeze it.
+-- We probably don't need to scan the whole graph looking for the node of absolute
+-- lowest degree. Just sample the first few and choose the one with the lowest
+-- degree out of those. Also, we don't make any distinction between conflicts of different
+-- classes.. this is just a heuristic, after all.
+-- IDEA: freezing a node might free it up for Simplify.. would be good to check for triv
+-- right here, and add it to a worklist if known triv\/non-move nodes.
+ :: (Uniquable k)
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> ( Graph k cls color -- the new graph
+ , Bool ) -- whether we found a node to freeze
+freezeOneInGraph graph
+ = let compareNodeDegree n1 n2
+ = compare (sizeUniqSet $ nodeConflicts n1) (sizeUniqSet $ nodeConflicts n2)
+ candidates
+ = sortBy compareNodeDegree
+ $ take 5 -- 5 isn't special, it's just a small number.
+ $ scanGraph (\node -> not $ isEmptyUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node)) graph
+ in case candidates of
+ -- there wasn't anything available to freeze
+ [] -> (graph, False)
+ -- we found something to freeze
+ (n : _)
+ -> ( freezeNode (nodeId n) graph
+ , True)
+-- | Freeze all the nodes in the graph
+-- for debugging the iterative allocator.
+ :: (Uniquable k)
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+freezeAllInGraph graph
+ = foldr freezeNode graph
+ $ map nodeId
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+-- | Find all the nodes in the graph that meet some criteria
+ :: (Node k cls color -> Bool)
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> [Node k cls color]
+scanGraph match graph
+ = filter match $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+-- | validate the internal structure of a graph
+-- all its edges should point to valid nodes
+-- If they don't then throw an error
+ :: (Uniquable k, Outputable k, Eq color)
+ => SDoc -- ^ extra debugging info to display on error
+ -> Bool -- ^ whether this graph is supposed to be colored.
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ graph to validate
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ validated graph
+validateGraph doc isColored graph
+ -- Check that all edges point to valid nodes.
+ | edges <- unionManyUniqSets
+ ( (map nodeConflicts $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph)
+ ++ (map nodeCoalesce $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph))
+ , nodes <- mkUniqSet $ map nodeId $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ , badEdges <- minusUniqSet edges nodes
+ , not $ isEmptyUniqSet badEdges
+ = pprPanic "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.validateGraph"
+ ( text "Graph has edges that point to non-existent nodes"
+ $$ text " bad edges: " <> pprUFM (getUniqSet badEdges) (vcat . map ppr)
+ $$ doc )
+ -- Check that no conflicting nodes have the same color
+ | badNodes <- filter (not . (checkNode graph))
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ , not $ null badNodes
+ = pprPanic "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.validateGraph"
+ ( text "Node has same color as one of it's conflicts"
+ $$ text " bad nodes: " <> hcat (map (ppr . nodeId) badNodes)
+ $$ doc)
+ -- If this is supposed to be a colored graph,
+ -- check that all nodes have a color.
+ | isColored
+ , badNodes <- filter (\n -> isNothing $ nodeColor n)
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ , not $ null badNodes
+ = pprPanic "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.validateGraph"
+ ( text "Supposably colored graph has uncolored nodes."
+ $$ text " uncolored nodes: " <> hcat (map (ppr . nodeId) badNodes)
+ $$ doc )
+ -- graph looks ok
+ | otherwise
+ = graph
+-- | If this node is colored, check that all the nodes which
+-- conflict with it have different colors.
+ :: (Uniquable k, Eq color)
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> Bool -- ^ True if this node is ok
+checkNode graph node
+ | Just color <- nodeColor node
+ , Just neighbors <- sequence $ map (lookupNode graph)
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet $ nodeConflicts node
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ , neighbourColors <- catMaybes $ map nodeColor neighbors
+ , elem color neighbourColors
+ = False
+ | otherwise
+ = True
+-- | Slurp out a map of how many nodes had a certain number of conflict neighbours
+ :: Graph k cls color
+ -> UniqFM (Int, Int) -- ^ (conflict neighbours, num nodes with that many conflicts)
+slurpNodeConflictCount graph
+ = addListToUFM_C
+ (\(c1, n1) (_, n2) -> (c1, n1 + n2))
+ emptyUFM
+ $ map (\node
+ -> let count = sizeUniqSet $ nodeConflicts node
+ in (count, (count, 1)))
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ $ graphMap graph
+-- | Set the color of a certain node
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+setColor u color
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ adjustUFM_C
+ (\n -> n { nodeColor = Just color })
+ u
+{-# INLINE adjustWithDefaultUFM #-}
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (a -> a) -> a -> k
+ -> UniqFM a -> UniqFM a
+adjustWithDefaultUFM f def k map
+ = addToUFM_C
+ (\old _ -> f old)
+ map
+ k def
+-- Argument order different from UniqFM's adjustUFM
+{-# INLINE adjustUFM_C #-}
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (a -> a)
+ -> k -> UniqFM a -> UniqFM a
+adjustUFM_C f k map
+ = case lookupUFM map k of
+ Nothing -> map
+ Just a -> addToUFM map k (f a)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ppr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..020284ea7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ppr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+-- | Pretty printing of graphs.
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Ppr
+ ( dumpGraph
+ , dotGraph
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Base
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import Data.List (mapAccumL)
+import Data.Maybe
+-- | Pretty print a graph in a somewhat human readable format.
+ :: (Outputable k, Outputable color)
+ => Graph k cls color -> SDoc
+dumpGraph graph
+ = text "Graph"
+ $$ pprUFM (graphMap graph) (vcat . map dumpNode)
+ :: (Outputable k, Outputable color)
+ => Node k cls color -> SDoc
+dumpNode node
+ = text "Node " <> ppr (nodeId node)
+ $$ text "conflicts "
+ <> parens (int (sizeUniqSet $ nodeConflicts node))
+ <> text " = "
+ <> ppr (nodeConflicts node)
+ $$ text "exclusions "
+ <> parens (int (sizeUniqSet $ nodeExclusions node))
+ <> text " = "
+ <> ppr (nodeExclusions node)
+ $$ text "coalesce "
+ <> parens (int (sizeUniqSet $ nodeCoalesce node))
+ <> text " = "
+ <> ppr (nodeCoalesce node)
+ $$ space
+-- | Pretty print a graph in graphviz .dot format.
+-- Conflicts get solid edges.
+-- Coalescences get dashed edges.
+ :: ( Uniquable k
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls, Outputable color)
+ => (color -> SDoc) -- ^ What graphviz color to use for each node color
+ -- It's usually safe to return X11 style colors here,
+ -- ie "red", "green" etc or a hex triplet #aaff55 etc
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> SDoc
+dotGraph colorMap triv graph
+ = let nodes = nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ in vcat
+ ( [ text "graph G {" ]
+ ++ map (dotNode colorMap triv) nodes
+ ++ (catMaybes $ snd $ mapAccumL dotNodeEdges emptyUniqSet nodes)
+ ++ [ text "}"
+ , space ])
+dotNode :: ( Outputable k, Outputable cls, Outputable color)
+ => (color -> SDoc)
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Node k cls color -> SDoc
+dotNode colorMap triv node
+ = let name = ppr $ nodeId node
+ cls = ppr $ nodeClass node
+ excludes
+ = hcat $ punctuate space
+ $ map (\n -> text "-" <> ppr n)
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet $ nodeExclusions node
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ preferences
+ = hcat $ punctuate space
+ $ map (\n -> text "+" <> ppr n)
+ $ nodePreference node
+ expref = if and [isEmptyUniqSet (nodeExclusions node), null (nodePreference node)]
+ then empty
+ else text "\\n" <> (excludes <+> preferences)
+ -- if the node has been colored then show that,
+ -- otherwise indicate whether it looks trivially colorable.
+ color
+ | Just c <- nodeColor node
+ = text "\\n(" <> ppr c <> text ")"
+ | triv (nodeClass node) (nodeConflicts node) (nodeExclusions node)
+ = text "\\n(" <> text "triv" <> text ")"
+ | otherwise
+ = text "\\n(" <> text "spill?" <> text ")"
+ label = name <> text " :: " <> cls
+ <> expref
+ <> color
+ pcolorC = case nodeColor node of
+ Nothing -> text "style=filled fillcolor=white"
+ Just c -> text "style=filled fillcolor=" <> doubleQuotes (colorMap c)
+ pout = text "node [label=" <> doubleQuotes label <> space <> pcolorC <> text "]"
+ <> space <> doubleQuotes name
+ <> text ";"
+ in pout
+-- | Nodes in the graph are doubly linked, but we only want one edge for each
+-- conflict if the graphviz graph. Traverse over the graph, but make sure
+-- to only print the edges for each node once.
+ :: ( Uniquable k
+ , Outputable k)
+ => UniqSet k
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> (UniqSet k, Maybe SDoc)
+dotNodeEdges visited node
+ | elementOfUniqSet (nodeId node) visited
+ = ( visited
+ , Nothing)
+ | otherwise
+ = let dconflicts
+ = map (dotEdgeConflict (nodeId node))
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ $ minusUniqSet (nodeConflicts node) visited
+ dcoalesces
+ = map (dotEdgeCoalesce (nodeId node))
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ $ minusUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node) visited
+ out = vcat dconflicts
+ $$ vcat dcoalesces
+ in ( addOneToUniqSet visited (nodeId node)
+ , Just out)
+ where dotEdgeConflict u1 u2
+ = doubleQuotes (ppr u1) <> text " -- " <> doubleQuotes (ppr u2)
+ <> text ";"
+ dotEdgeCoalesce u1 u2
+ = doubleQuotes (ppr u1) <> text " -- " <> doubleQuotes (ppr u2)
+ <> space <> text "[ style = dashed ];"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d1657ce62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014 Joachim Breitner
+A data structure for undirected graphs of variables
+(or in plain terms: Sets of unordered pairs of numbers)
+This is very specifically tailored for the use in CallArity. In particular it
+stores the graph as a union of complete and complete bipartite graph, which
+would be very expensive to store as sets of edges or as adjanceny lists.
+It does not normalize the graphs. This means that g `unionUnVarGraph` g is
+equal to g, but twice as expensive and large.
+module GHC.Data.Graph.UnVar
+ ( UnVarSet
+ , emptyUnVarSet, mkUnVarSet, varEnvDom, unionUnVarSet, unionUnVarSets
+ , delUnVarSet
+ , elemUnVarSet, isEmptyUnVarSet
+ , UnVarGraph
+ , emptyUnVarGraph
+ , unionUnVarGraph, unionUnVarGraphs
+ , completeGraph, completeBipartiteGraph
+ , neighbors
+ , hasLoopAt
+ , delNode
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Data.Bag
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import qualified Data.IntSet as S
+-- We need a type for sets of variables (UnVarSet).
+-- We do not use VarSet, because for that we need to have the actual variable
+-- at hand, and we do not have that when we turn the domain of a VarEnv into a UnVarSet.
+-- Therefore, use a IntSet directly (which is likely also a bit more efficient).
+-- Set of uniques, i.e. for adjancet nodes
+newtype UnVarSet = UnVarSet (S.IntSet)
+ deriving Eq
+k :: Var -> Int
+k v = getKey (getUnique v)
+emptyUnVarSet :: UnVarSet
+emptyUnVarSet = UnVarSet S.empty
+elemUnVarSet :: Var -> UnVarSet -> Bool
+elemUnVarSet v (UnVarSet s) = k v `S.member` s
+isEmptyUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> Bool
+isEmptyUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) = S.null s
+delUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> Var -> UnVarSet
+delUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) v = UnVarSet $ k v `S.delete` s
+mkUnVarSet :: [Var] -> UnVarSet
+mkUnVarSet vs = UnVarSet $ S.fromList $ map k vs
+varEnvDom :: VarEnv a -> UnVarSet
+varEnvDom ae = UnVarSet $ ufmToSet_Directly ae
+unionUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> UnVarSet
+unionUnVarSet (UnVarSet set1) (UnVarSet set2) = UnVarSet (set1 `S.union` set2)
+unionUnVarSets :: [UnVarSet] -> UnVarSet
+unionUnVarSets = foldr unionUnVarSet emptyUnVarSet
+instance Outputable UnVarSet where
+ ppr (UnVarSet s) = braces $
+ hcat $ punctuate comma [ ppr (getUnique i) | i <- S.toList s]
+-- The graph type. A list of complete bipartite graphs
+data Gen = CBPG UnVarSet UnVarSet -- complete bipartite
+ | CG UnVarSet -- complete
+newtype UnVarGraph = UnVarGraph (Bag Gen)
+emptyUnVarGraph :: UnVarGraph
+emptyUnVarGraph = UnVarGraph emptyBag
+unionUnVarGraph :: UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph
+Premature optimisation, it seems.
+unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph [CBPG s1 s2]) (UnVarGraph [CG s3, CG s4])
+ | s1 == s3 && s2 == s4
+ = pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph fired" empty $
+ completeGraph (s1 `unionUnVarSet` s2)
+unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph [CBPG s1 s2]) (UnVarGraph [CG s3, CG s4])
+ | s2 == s3 && s1 == s4
+ = pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph fired2" empty $
+ completeGraph (s1 `unionUnVarSet` s2)
+unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph g1) (UnVarGraph g2)
+ = -- pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph" (ppr (length g1, length g2)) $
+ UnVarGraph (g1 `unionBags` g2)
+unionUnVarGraphs :: [UnVarGraph] -> UnVarGraph
+unionUnVarGraphs = foldl' unionUnVarGraph emptyUnVarGraph
+-- completeBipartiteGraph A B = { {a,b} | a ∈ A, b ∈ B }
+completeBipartiteGraph :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> UnVarGraph
+completeBipartiteGraph s1 s2 = prune $ UnVarGraph $ unitBag $ CBPG s1 s2
+completeGraph :: UnVarSet -> UnVarGraph
+completeGraph s = prune $ UnVarGraph $ unitBag $ CG s
+neighbors :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> UnVarSet
+neighbors (UnVarGraph g) v = unionUnVarSets $ concatMap go $ bagToList g
+ where go (CG s) = (if v `elemUnVarSet` s then [s] else [])
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = (if v `elemUnVarSet` s1 then [s2] else []) ++
+ (if v `elemUnVarSet` s2 then [s1] else [])
+-- hasLoopAt G v <=> v--v ∈ G
+hasLoopAt :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> Bool
+hasLoopAt (UnVarGraph g) v = any go $ bagToList g
+ where go (CG s) = v `elemUnVarSet` s
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = v `elemUnVarSet` s1 && v `elemUnVarSet` s2
+delNode :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> UnVarGraph
+delNode (UnVarGraph g) v = prune $ UnVarGraph $ mapBag go g
+ where go (CG s) = CG (s `delUnVarSet` v)
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = CBPG (s1 `delUnVarSet` v) (s2 `delUnVarSet` v)
+prune :: UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph
+prune (UnVarGraph g) = UnVarGraph $ filterBag go g
+ where go (CG s) = not (isEmptyUnVarSet s)
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = not (isEmptyUnVarSet s1) && not (isEmptyUnVarSet s2)
+instance Outputable Gen where
+ ppr (CG s) = ppr s <> char '²'
+ ppr (CBPG s1 s2) = ppr s1 <+> char 'x' <+> ppr s2
+instance Outputable UnVarGraph where
+ ppr (UnVarGraph g) = ppr g