path: root/compiler/GHC/Data
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-04-20 16:54:38 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-26 13:55:14 -0400
commitaf332442123878c1b61d236dce46418efcbe8750 (patch)
treeec4b332843cdd4fedb4aa60b11b7b8dba82a0764 /compiler/GHC/Data
parentb0fbfc7582fb81314dc28a056536737fb5eeaa6e (diff)
Modules: Utils and Data (#13009)
Update Haddock submodule Metric Increase: haddock.compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Data')
22 files changed, 5190 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Bag.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Bag.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa18bec5e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Bag.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+Bag: an unordered collection with duplicates
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, CPP, DeriveFunctor #-}
+module GHC.Data.Bag (
+ Bag, -- abstract type
+ emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags,
+ mapBag,
+ elemBag, lengthBag,
+ filterBag, partitionBag, partitionBagWith,
+ concatBag, catBagMaybes, foldBag,
+ isEmptyBag, isSingletonBag, consBag, snocBag, anyBag, allBag,
+ listToBag, bagToList, mapAccumBagL,
+ concatMapBag, concatMapBagPair, mapMaybeBag,
+ mapBagM, mapBagM_,
+ flatMapBagM, flatMapBagPairM,
+ mapAndUnzipBagM, mapAccumBagLM,
+ anyBagM, filterBagM
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Monad
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Data
+import Data.Maybe( mapMaybe )
+import Data.List ( partition, mapAccumL )
+import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
+infixr 3 `consBag`
+infixl 3 `snocBag`
+data Bag a
+ = EmptyBag
+ | UnitBag a
+ | TwoBags (Bag a) (Bag a) -- INVARIANT: neither branch is empty
+ | ListBag [a] -- INVARIANT: the list is non-empty
+ deriving (Functor)
+emptyBag :: Bag a
+emptyBag = EmptyBag
+unitBag :: a -> Bag a
+unitBag = UnitBag
+lengthBag :: Bag a -> Int
+lengthBag EmptyBag = 0
+lengthBag (UnitBag {}) = 1
+lengthBag (TwoBags b1 b2) = lengthBag b1 + lengthBag b2
+lengthBag (ListBag xs) = length xs
+elemBag :: Eq a => a -> Bag a -> Bool
+elemBag _ EmptyBag = False
+elemBag x (UnitBag y) = x == y
+elemBag x (TwoBags b1 b2) = x `elemBag` b1 || x `elemBag` b2
+elemBag x (ListBag ys) = any (x ==) ys
+unionManyBags :: [Bag a] -> Bag a
+unionManyBags xs = foldr unionBags EmptyBag xs
+-- This one is a bit stricter! The bag will get completely evaluated.
+unionBags :: Bag a -> Bag a -> Bag a
+unionBags EmptyBag b = b
+unionBags b EmptyBag = b
+unionBags b1 b2 = TwoBags b1 b2
+consBag :: a -> Bag a -> Bag a
+snocBag :: Bag a -> a -> Bag a
+consBag elt bag = (unitBag elt) `unionBags` bag
+snocBag bag elt = bag `unionBags` (unitBag elt)
+isEmptyBag :: Bag a -> Bool
+isEmptyBag EmptyBag = True
+isEmptyBag _ = False -- NB invariants
+isSingletonBag :: Bag a -> Bool
+isSingletonBag EmptyBag = False
+isSingletonBag (UnitBag _) = True
+isSingletonBag (TwoBags _ _) = False -- Neither is empty
+isSingletonBag (ListBag xs) = isSingleton xs
+filterBag :: (a -> Bool) -> Bag a -> Bag a
+filterBag _ EmptyBag = EmptyBag
+filterBag pred b@(UnitBag val) = if pred val then b else EmptyBag
+filterBag pred (TwoBags b1 b2) = sat1 `unionBags` sat2
+ where sat1 = filterBag pred b1
+ sat2 = filterBag pred b2
+filterBag pred (ListBag vs) = listToBag (filter pred vs)
+filterBagM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> Bag a -> m (Bag a)
+filterBagM _ EmptyBag = return EmptyBag
+filterBagM pred b@(UnitBag val) = do
+ flag <- pred val
+ if flag then return b
+ else return EmptyBag
+filterBagM pred (TwoBags b1 b2) = do
+ sat1 <- filterBagM pred b1
+ sat2 <- filterBagM pred b2
+ return (sat1 `unionBags` sat2)
+filterBagM pred (ListBag vs) = do
+ sat <- filterM pred vs
+ return (listToBag sat)
+allBag :: (a -> Bool) -> Bag a -> Bool
+allBag _ EmptyBag = True
+allBag p (UnitBag v) = p v
+allBag p (TwoBags b1 b2) = allBag p b1 && allBag p b2
+allBag p (ListBag xs) = all p xs
+anyBag :: (a -> Bool) -> Bag a -> Bool
+anyBag _ EmptyBag = False
+anyBag p (UnitBag v) = p v
+anyBag p (TwoBags b1 b2) = anyBag p b1 || anyBag p b2
+anyBag p (ListBag xs) = any p xs
+anyBagM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> Bag a -> m Bool
+anyBagM _ EmptyBag = return False
+anyBagM p (UnitBag v) = p v
+anyBagM p (TwoBags b1 b2) = do flag <- anyBagM p b1
+ if flag then return True
+ else anyBagM p b2
+anyBagM p (ListBag xs) = anyM p xs
+concatBag :: Bag (Bag a) -> Bag a
+concatBag bss = foldr add emptyBag bss
+ where
+ add bs rs = bs `unionBags` rs
+catBagMaybes :: Bag (Maybe a) -> Bag a
+catBagMaybes bs = foldr add emptyBag bs
+ where
+ add Nothing rs = rs
+ add (Just x) rs = x `consBag` rs
+partitionBag :: (a -> Bool) -> Bag a -> (Bag a {- Satisfy predictate -},
+ Bag a {- Don't -})
+partitionBag _ EmptyBag = (EmptyBag, EmptyBag)
+partitionBag pred b@(UnitBag val)
+ = if pred val then (b, EmptyBag) else (EmptyBag, b)
+partitionBag pred (TwoBags b1 b2)
+ = (sat1 `unionBags` sat2, fail1 `unionBags` fail2)
+ where (sat1, fail1) = partitionBag pred b1
+ (sat2, fail2) = partitionBag pred b2
+partitionBag pred (ListBag vs) = (listToBag sats, listToBag fails)
+ where (sats, fails) = partition pred vs
+partitionBagWith :: (a -> Either b c) -> Bag a
+ -> (Bag b {- Left -},
+ Bag c {- Right -})
+partitionBagWith _ EmptyBag = (EmptyBag, EmptyBag)
+partitionBagWith pred (UnitBag val)
+ = case pred val of
+ Left a -> (UnitBag a, EmptyBag)
+ Right b -> (EmptyBag, UnitBag b)
+partitionBagWith pred (TwoBags b1 b2)
+ = (sat1 `unionBags` sat2, fail1 `unionBags` fail2)
+ where (sat1, fail1) = partitionBagWith pred b1
+ (sat2, fail2) = partitionBagWith pred b2
+partitionBagWith pred (ListBag vs) = (listToBag sats, listToBag fails)
+ where (sats, fails) = partitionWith pred vs
+foldBag :: (r -> r -> r) -- Replace TwoBags with this; should be associative
+ -> (a -> r) -- Replace UnitBag with this
+ -> r -- Replace EmptyBag with this
+ -> Bag a
+ -> r
+{- Standard definition
+foldBag t u e EmptyBag = e
+foldBag t u e (UnitBag x) = u x
+foldBag t u e (TwoBags b1 b2) = (foldBag t u e b1) `t` (foldBag t u e b2)
+foldBag t u e (ListBag xs) = foldr (t.u) e xs
+-- More tail-recursive definition, exploiting associativity of "t"
+foldBag _ _ e EmptyBag = e
+foldBag t u e (UnitBag x) = u x `t` e
+foldBag t u e (TwoBags b1 b2) = foldBag t u (foldBag t u e b2) b1
+foldBag t u e (ListBag xs) = foldr (t.u) e xs
+mapBag :: (a -> b) -> Bag a -> Bag b
+mapBag = fmap
+concatMapBag :: (a -> Bag b) -> Bag a -> Bag b
+concatMapBag _ EmptyBag = EmptyBag
+concatMapBag f (UnitBag x) = f x
+concatMapBag f (TwoBags b1 b2) = unionBags (concatMapBag f b1) (concatMapBag f b2)
+concatMapBag f (ListBag xs) = foldr (unionBags . f) emptyBag xs
+concatMapBagPair :: (a -> (Bag b, Bag c)) -> Bag a -> (Bag b, Bag c)
+concatMapBagPair _ EmptyBag = (EmptyBag, EmptyBag)
+concatMapBagPair f (UnitBag x) = f x
+concatMapBagPair f (TwoBags b1 b2) = (unionBags r1 r2, unionBags s1 s2)
+ where
+ (r1, s1) = concatMapBagPair f b1
+ (r2, s2) = concatMapBagPair f b2
+concatMapBagPair f (ListBag xs) = foldr go (emptyBag, emptyBag) xs
+ where
+ go a (s1, s2) = (unionBags r1 s1, unionBags r2 s2)
+ where
+ (r1, r2) = f a
+mapMaybeBag :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Bag a -> Bag b
+mapMaybeBag _ EmptyBag = EmptyBag
+mapMaybeBag f (UnitBag x) = case f x of
+ Nothing -> EmptyBag
+ Just y -> UnitBag y
+mapMaybeBag f (TwoBags b1 b2) = unionBags (mapMaybeBag f b1) (mapMaybeBag f b2)
+mapMaybeBag f (ListBag xs) = ListBag (mapMaybe f xs)
+mapBagM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Bag a -> m (Bag b)
+mapBagM _ EmptyBag = return EmptyBag
+mapBagM f (UnitBag x) = do r <- f x
+ return (UnitBag r)
+mapBagM f (TwoBags b1 b2) = do r1 <- mapBagM f b1
+ r2 <- mapBagM f b2
+ return (TwoBags r1 r2)
+mapBagM f (ListBag xs) = do rs <- mapM f xs
+ return (ListBag rs)
+mapBagM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Bag a -> m ()
+mapBagM_ _ EmptyBag = return ()
+mapBagM_ f (UnitBag x) = f x >> return ()
+mapBagM_ f (TwoBags b1 b2) = mapBagM_ f b1 >> mapBagM_ f b2
+mapBagM_ f (ListBag xs) = mapM_ f xs
+flatMapBagM :: Monad m => (a -> m (Bag b)) -> Bag a -> m (Bag b)
+flatMapBagM _ EmptyBag = return EmptyBag
+flatMapBagM f (UnitBag x) = f x
+flatMapBagM f (TwoBags b1 b2) = do r1 <- flatMapBagM f b1
+ r2 <- flatMapBagM f b2
+ return (r1 `unionBags` r2)
+flatMapBagM f (ListBag xs) = foldrM k EmptyBag xs
+ where
+ k x b2 = do { b1 <- f x; return (b1 `unionBags` b2) }
+flatMapBagPairM :: Monad m => (a -> m (Bag b, Bag c)) -> Bag a -> m (Bag b, Bag c)
+flatMapBagPairM _ EmptyBag = return (EmptyBag, EmptyBag)
+flatMapBagPairM f (UnitBag x) = f x
+flatMapBagPairM f (TwoBags b1 b2) = do (r1,s1) <- flatMapBagPairM f b1
+ (r2,s2) <- flatMapBagPairM f b2
+ return (r1 `unionBags` r2, s1 `unionBags` s2)
+flatMapBagPairM f (ListBag xs) = foldrM k (EmptyBag, EmptyBag) xs
+ where
+ k x (r2,s2) = do { (r1,s1) <- f x
+ ; return (r1 `unionBags` r2, s1 `unionBags` s2) }
+mapAndUnzipBagM :: Monad m => (a -> m (b,c)) -> Bag a -> m (Bag b, Bag c)
+mapAndUnzipBagM _ EmptyBag = return (EmptyBag, EmptyBag)
+mapAndUnzipBagM f (UnitBag x) = do (r,s) <- f x
+ return (UnitBag r, UnitBag s)
+mapAndUnzipBagM f (TwoBags b1 b2) = do (r1,s1) <- mapAndUnzipBagM f b1
+ (r2,s2) <- mapAndUnzipBagM f b2
+ return (TwoBags r1 r2, TwoBags s1 s2)
+mapAndUnzipBagM f (ListBag xs) = do ts <- mapM f xs
+ let (rs,ss) = unzip ts
+ return (ListBag rs, ListBag ss)
+mapAccumBagL ::(acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -- ^ combining function
+ -> acc -- ^ initial state
+ -> Bag x -- ^ inputs
+ -> (acc, Bag y) -- ^ final state, outputs
+mapAccumBagL _ s EmptyBag = (s, EmptyBag)
+mapAccumBagL f s (UnitBag x) = let (s1, x1) = f s x in (s1, UnitBag x1)
+mapAccumBagL f s (TwoBags b1 b2) = let (s1, b1') = mapAccumBagL f s b1
+ (s2, b2') = mapAccumBagL f s1 b2
+ in (s2, TwoBags b1' b2')
+mapAccumBagL f s (ListBag xs) = let (s', xs') = mapAccumL f s xs
+ in (s', ListBag xs')
+mapAccumBagLM :: Monad m
+ => (acc -> x -> m (acc, y)) -- ^ combining function
+ -> acc -- ^ initial state
+ -> Bag x -- ^ inputs
+ -> m (acc, Bag y) -- ^ final state, outputs
+mapAccumBagLM _ s EmptyBag = return (s, EmptyBag)
+mapAccumBagLM f s (UnitBag x) = do { (s1, x1) <- f s x; return (s1, UnitBag x1) }
+mapAccumBagLM f s (TwoBags b1 b2) = do { (s1, b1') <- mapAccumBagLM f s b1
+ ; (s2, b2') <- mapAccumBagLM f s1 b2
+ ; return (s2, TwoBags b1' b2') }
+mapAccumBagLM f s (ListBag xs) = do { (s', xs') <- mapAccumLM f s xs
+ ; return (s', ListBag xs') }
+listToBag :: [a] -> Bag a
+listToBag [] = EmptyBag
+listToBag [x] = UnitBag x
+listToBag vs = ListBag vs
+bagToList :: Bag a -> [a]
+bagToList b = foldr (:) [] b
+instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (Bag a) where
+ ppr bag = braces (pprWithCommas ppr (bagToList bag))
+instance Data a => Data (Bag a) where
+ gfoldl k z b = z listToBag `k` bagToList b -- traverse abstract type abstractly
+ toConstr _ = abstractConstr $ "Bag("++show (typeOf (undefined::a))++")"
+ gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold"
+ dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "Bag"
+ dataCast1 x = gcast1 x
+instance Foldable.Foldable Bag where
+ foldr _ z EmptyBag = z
+ foldr k z (UnitBag x) = k x z
+ foldr k z (TwoBags b1 b2) = foldr k (foldr k z b2) b1
+ foldr k z (ListBag xs) = foldr k z xs
+ foldl _ z EmptyBag = z
+ foldl k z (UnitBag x) = k z x
+ foldl k z (TwoBags b1 b2) = foldl k (foldl k z b1) b2
+ foldl k z (ListBag xs) = foldl k z xs
+ foldl' _ z EmptyBag = z
+ foldl' k z (UnitBag x) = k z x
+ foldl' k z (TwoBags b1 b2) = let r1 = foldl' k z b1 in seq r1 $ foldl' k r1 b2
+ foldl' k z (ListBag xs) = foldl' k z xs
+instance Traversable Bag where
+ traverse _ EmptyBag = pure EmptyBag
+ traverse f (UnitBag x) = UnitBag <$> f x
+ traverse f (TwoBags b1 b2) = TwoBags <$> traverse f b1 <*> traverse f b2
+ traverse f (ListBag xs) = ListBag <$> traverse f xs
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Bitmap.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Bitmap.hs
index 55700ddf9a..0b7158aa24 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Data/Bitmap.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Bitmap.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module GHC.Data.Bitmap (
) where
-import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/BooleanFormula.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/BooleanFormula.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15c97558eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/BooleanFormula.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable,
+ DeriveTraversable #-}
+-- | Boolean formulas without quantifiers and without negation.
+-- Such a formula consists of variables, conjunctions (and), and disjunctions (or).
+-- This module is used to represent minimal complete definitions for classes.
+module GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (
+ BooleanFormula(..), LBooleanFormula,
+ mkFalse, mkTrue, mkAnd, mkOr, mkVar,
+ isFalse, isTrue,
+ eval, simplify, isUnsatisfied,
+ implies, impliesAtom,
+ pprBooleanFormula, pprBooleanFormulaNice
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.List ( nub, intersperse )
+import Data.Data
+import GHC.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Binary
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+-- Boolean formula type and smart constructors
+type LBooleanFormula a = Located (BooleanFormula a)
+data BooleanFormula a = Var a | And [LBooleanFormula a] | Or [LBooleanFormula a]
+ | Parens (LBooleanFormula a)
+ deriving (Eq, Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+mkVar :: a -> BooleanFormula a
+mkVar = Var
+mkFalse, mkTrue :: BooleanFormula a
+mkFalse = Or []
+mkTrue = And []
+-- Convert a Bool to a BooleanFormula
+mkBool :: Bool -> BooleanFormula a
+mkBool False = mkFalse
+mkBool True = mkTrue
+-- Make a conjunction, and try to simplify
+mkAnd :: Eq a => [LBooleanFormula a] -> BooleanFormula a
+mkAnd = maybe mkFalse (mkAnd' . nub) . concatMapM fromAnd
+ where
+ -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+ fromAnd :: LBooleanFormula a -> Maybe [LBooleanFormula a]
+ fromAnd (L _ (And xs)) = Just xs
+ -- assume that xs are already simplified
+ -- otherwise we would need: fromAnd (And xs) = concat <$> traverse fromAnd xs
+ fromAnd (L _ (Or [])) = Nothing
+ -- in case of False we bail out, And [..,mkFalse,..] == mkFalse
+ fromAnd x = Just [x]
+ mkAnd' [x] = unLoc x
+ mkAnd' xs = And xs
+mkOr :: Eq a => [LBooleanFormula a] -> BooleanFormula a
+mkOr = maybe mkTrue (mkOr' . nub) . concatMapM fromOr
+ where
+ -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+ fromOr (L _ (Or xs)) = Just xs
+ fromOr (L _ (And [])) = Nothing
+ fromOr x = Just [x]
+ mkOr' [x] = unLoc x
+ mkOr' xs = Or xs
+Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+The smart constructors (`mkAnd` and `mkOr`) do some attempt to simplify expressions. In particular,
+ 1. Collapsing nested ands and ors, so
+ `(mkAnd [x, And [y,z]]`
+ is represented as
+ `And [x,y,z]`
+ Implemented by `fromAnd`/`fromOr`
+ 2. Collapsing trivial ands and ors, so
+ `mkAnd [x]` becomes just `x`.
+ Implemented by mkAnd' / mkOr'
+ 3. Conjunction with false, disjunction with true is simplified, i.e.
+ `mkAnd [mkFalse,x]` becomes `mkFalse`.
+ 4. Common subexpression elimination:
+ `mkAnd [x,x,y]` is reduced to just `mkAnd [x,y]`.
+This simplification is not exhaustive, in the sense that it will not produce
+the smallest possible equivalent expression. For example,
+`Or [And [x,y], And [x]]` could be simplified to `And [x]`, but it currently
+is not. A general simplifier would need to use something like BDDs.
+The reason behind the (crude) simplifier is to make for more user friendly
+error messages. E.g. for the code
+ > class Foo a where
+ > {-# MINIMAL bar, (foo, baq | foo, quux) #-}
+ > instance Foo Int where
+ > bar = ...
+ > baz = ...
+ > quux = ...
+We don't show a ridiculous error message like
+ Implement () and (either (`foo' and ()) or (`foo' and ()))
+-- Evaluation and simplification
+isFalse :: BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+isFalse (Or []) = True
+isFalse _ = False
+isTrue :: BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+isTrue (And []) = True
+isTrue _ = False
+eval :: (a -> Bool) -> BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+eval f (Var x) = f x
+eval f (And xs) = all (eval f . unLoc) xs
+eval f (Or xs) = any (eval f . unLoc) xs
+eval f (Parens x) = eval f (unLoc x)
+-- Simplify a boolean formula.
+-- The argument function should give the truth of the atoms, or Nothing if undecided.
+simplify :: Eq a => (a -> Maybe Bool) -> BooleanFormula a -> BooleanFormula a
+simplify f (Var a) = case f a of
+ Nothing -> Var a
+ Just b -> mkBool b
+simplify f (And xs) = mkAnd (map (\(L l x) -> L l (simplify f x)) xs)
+simplify f (Or xs) = mkOr (map (\(L l x) -> L l (simplify f x)) xs)
+simplify f (Parens x) = simplify f (unLoc x)
+-- Test if a boolean formula is satisfied when the given values are assigned to the atoms
+-- if it is, returns Nothing
+-- if it is not, return (Just remainder)
+isUnsatisfied :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> BooleanFormula a -> Maybe (BooleanFormula a)
+isUnsatisfied f bf
+ | isTrue bf' = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just bf'
+ where
+ f' x = if f x then Just True else Nothing
+ bf' = simplify f' bf
+-- prop_simplify:
+-- eval f x == True <==> isTrue (simplify (Just . f) x)
+-- eval f x == False <==> isFalse (simplify (Just . f) x)
+-- If the boolean formula holds, does that mean that the given atom is always true?
+impliesAtom :: Eq a => BooleanFormula a -> a -> Bool
+Var x `impliesAtom` y = x == y
+And xs `impliesAtom` y = any (\x -> (unLoc x) `impliesAtom` y) xs
+ -- we have all of xs, so one of them implying y is enough
+Or xs `impliesAtom` y = all (\x -> (unLoc x) `impliesAtom` y) xs
+Parens x `impliesAtom` y = (unLoc x) `impliesAtom` y
+implies :: Uniquable a => BooleanFormula a -> BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+implies e1 e2 = go (Clause emptyUniqSet [e1]) (Clause emptyUniqSet [e2])
+ where
+ go :: Uniquable a => Clause a -> Clause a -> Bool
+ go l@Clause{ clauseExprs = hyp:hyps } r =
+ case hyp of
+ Var x | memberClauseAtoms x r -> True
+ | otherwise -> go (extendClauseAtoms l x) { clauseExprs = hyps } r
+ Parens hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = unLoc hyp':hyps } r
+ And hyps' -> go l { clauseExprs = map unLoc hyps' ++ hyps } r
+ Or hyps' -> all (\hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = unLoc hyp':hyps } r) hyps'
+ go l r@Clause{ clauseExprs = con:cons } =
+ case con of
+ Var x | memberClauseAtoms x l -> True
+ | otherwise -> go l (extendClauseAtoms r x) { clauseExprs = cons }
+ Parens con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = unLoc con':cons }
+ And cons' -> all (\con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = unLoc con':cons }) cons'
+ Or cons' -> go l r { clauseExprs = map unLoc cons' ++ cons }
+ go _ _ = False
+-- A small sequent calculus proof engine.
+data Clause a = Clause {
+ clauseAtoms :: UniqSet a,
+ clauseExprs :: [BooleanFormula a]
+ }
+extendClauseAtoms :: Uniquable a => Clause a -> a -> Clause a
+extendClauseAtoms c x = c { clauseAtoms = addOneToUniqSet (clauseAtoms c) x }
+memberClauseAtoms :: Uniquable a => a -> Clause a -> Bool
+memberClauseAtoms x c = x `elementOfUniqSet` clauseAtoms c
+-- Pretty printing
+-- Pretty print a BooleanFormula,
+-- using the arguments as pretty printers for Var, And and Or respectively
+pprBooleanFormula' :: (Rational -> a -> SDoc)
+ -> (Rational -> [SDoc] -> SDoc)
+ -> (Rational -> [SDoc] -> SDoc)
+ -> Rational -> BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr = go
+ where
+ go p (Var x) = pprVar p x
+ go p (And []) = cparen (p > 0) $ empty
+ go p (And xs) = pprAnd p (map (go 3 . unLoc) xs)
+ go _ (Or []) = keyword $ text "FALSE"
+ go p (Or xs) = pprOr p (map (go 2 . unLoc) xs)
+ go p (Parens x) = go p (unLoc x)
+-- Pretty print in source syntax, "a | b | c,d,e"
+pprBooleanFormula :: (Rational -> a -> SDoc) -> Rational -> BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormula pprVar = pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr
+ where
+ pprAnd p = cparen (p > 3) . fsep . punctuate comma
+ pprOr p = cparen (p > 2) . fsep . intersperse vbar
+-- Pretty print human in readable format, "either `a' or `b' or (`c', `d' and `e')"?
+pprBooleanFormulaNice :: Outputable a => BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormulaNice = pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr 0
+ where
+ pprVar _ = quotes . ppr
+ pprAnd p = cparen (p > 1) . pprAnd'
+ pprAnd' [] = empty
+ pprAnd' [x,y] = x <+> text "and" <+> y
+ pprAnd' xs@(_:_) = fsep (punctuate comma (init xs)) <> text ", and" <+> last xs
+ pprOr p xs = cparen (p > 1) $ text "either" <+> sep (intersperse (text "or") xs)
+instance (OutputableBndr a) => Outputable (BooleanFormula a) where
+ ppr = pprBooleanFormulaNormal
+pprBooleanFormulaNormal :: (OutputableBndr a)
+ => BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormulaNormal = go
+ where
+ go (Var x) = pprPrefixOcc x
+ go (And xs) = fsep $ punctuate comma (map (go . unLoc) xs)
+ go (Or []) = keyword $ text "FALSE"
+ go (Or xs) = fsep $ intersperse vbar (map (go . unLoc) xs)
+ go (Parens x) = parens (go $ unLoc x)
+-- Binary
+instance Binary a => Binary (BooleanFormula a) where
+ put_ bh (Var x) = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh x
+ put_ bh (And xs) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh xs
+ put_ bh (Or xs) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh xs
+ put_ bh (Parens x) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh x
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> Var <$> get bh
+ 1 -> And <$> get bh
+ 2 -> Or <$> get bh
+ _ -> Parens <$> get bh
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/EnumSet.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/EnumSet.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61d6bf002b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/EnumSet.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+-- | A tiny wrapper around 'IntSet.IntSet' for representing sets of 'Enum'
+-- things.
+module GHC.Data.EnumSet
+ ( EnumSet
+ , member
+ , insert
+ , delete
+ , toList
+ , fromList
+ , empty
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
+newtype EnumSet a = EnumSet IntSet.IntSet
+member :: Enum a => a -> EnumSet a -> Bool
+member x (EnumSet s) = IntSet.member (fromEnum x) s
+insert :: Enum a => a -> EnumSet a -> EnumSet a
+insert x (EnumSet s) = EnumSet $ IntSet.insert (fromEnum x) s
+delete :: Enum a => a -> EnumSet a -> EnumSet a
+delete x (EnumSet s) = EnumSet $ IntSet.delete (fromEnum x) s
+toList :: Enum a => EnumSet a -> [a]
+toList (EnumSet s) = map toEnum $ IntSet.toList s
+fromList :: Enum a => [a] -> EnumSet a
+fromList = EnumSet . IntSet.fromList . map fromEnum
+empty :: EnumSet a
+empty = EnumSet IntSet.empty
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/FastMutInt.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/FastMutInt.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc81b88b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/FastMutInt.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
+-- We always optimise this, otherwise performance of a non-optimised
+-- compiler is severely affected
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006
+-- Unboxed mutable Ints
+module GHC.Data.FastMutInt(
+ FastMutInt, newFastMutInt,
+ readFastMutInt, writeFastMutInt,
+ FastMutPtr, newFastMutPtr,
+ readFastMutPtr, writeFastMutPtr
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.Bits
+import GHC.Base
+import GHC.Ptr
+newFastMutInt :: IO FastMutInt
+readFastMutInt :: FastMutInt -> IO Int
+writeFastMutInt :: FastMutInt -> Int -> IO ()
+newFastMutPtr :: IO FastMutPtr
+readFastMutPtr :: FastMutPtr -> IO (Ptr a)
+writeFastMutPtr :: FastMutPtr -> Ptr a -> IO ()
+data FastMutInt = FastMutInt (MutableByteArray# RealWorld)
+newFastMutInt = IO $ \s ->
+ case newByteArray# size s of { (# s, arr #) ->
+ (# s, FastMutInt arr #) }
+ where !(I# size) = finiteBitSize (0 :: Int)
+readFastMutInt (FastMutInt arr) = IO $ \s ->
+ case readIntArray# arr 0# s of { (# s, i #) ->
+ (# s, I# i #) }
+writeFastMutInt (FastMutInt arr) (I# i) = IO $ \s ->
+ case writeIntArray# arr 0# i s of { s ->
+ (# s, () #) }
+data FastMutPtr = FastMutPtr (MutableByteArray# RealWorld)
+newFastMutPtr = IO $ \s ->
+ case newByteArray# size s of { (# s, arr #) ->
+ (# s, FastMutPtr arr #) }
+ -- GHC assumes 'sizeof (Int) == sizeof (Ptr a)'
+ where !(I# size) = finiteBitSize (0 :: Int)
+readFastMutPtr (FastMutPtr arr) = IO $ \s ->
+ case readAddrArray# arr 0# s of { (# s, i #) ->
+ (# s, Ptr i #) }
+writeFastMutPtr (FastMutPtr arr) (Ptr i) = IO $ \s ->
+ case writeAddrArray# arr 0# i s of { s ->
+ (# s, () #) }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/FastString.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/FastString.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82f38601f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/FastString.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 1997-2006
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples,
+ GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -funbox-strict-fields #-}
+-- We always optimise this, otherwise performance of a non-optimised
+-- compiler is severely affected
+-- |
+-- There are two principal string types used internally by GHC:
+-- ['FastString']
+-- * A compact, hash-consed, representation of character strings.
+-- * Comparison is O(1), and you can get a 'Unique.Unique' from them.
+-- * Generated by 'fsLit'.
+-- * Turn into 'Outputable.SDoc' with 'Outputable.ftext'.
+-- ['PtrString']
+-- * Pointer and size of a Latin-1 encoded string.
+-- * Practically no operations.
+-- * Outputting them is fast.
+-- * Generated by 'sLit'.
+-- * Turn into 'Outputable.SDoc' with 'Outputable.ptext'
+-- * Requires manual memory management.
+-- Improper use may lead to memory leaks or dangling pointers.
+-- * It assumes Latin-1 as the encoding, therefore it cannot represent
+-- arbitrary Unicode strings.
+-- Use 'PtrString' unless you want the facilities of 'FastString'.
+module GHC.Data.FastString
+ (
+ -- * ByteString
+ bytesFS, -- :: FastString -> ByteString
+ fastStringToByteString, -- = bytesFS (kept for haddock)
+ mkFastStringByteString,
+ fastZStringToByteString,
+ unsafeMkByteString,
+ -- * FastZString
+ FastZString,
+ hPutFZS,
+ zString,
+ lengthFZS,
+ -- * FastStrings
+ FastString(..), -- not abstract, for now.
+ -- ** Construction
+ fsLit,
+ mkFastString,
+ mkFastStringBytes,
+ mkFastStringByteList,
+ mkFastStringForeignPtr,
+ mkFastString#,
+ -- ** Deconstruction
+ unpackFS, -- :: FastString -> String
+ -- ** Encoding
+ zEncodeFS,
+ -- ** Operations
+ uniqueOfFS,
+ lengthFS,
+ nullFS,
+ appendFS,
+ headFS,
+ tailFS,
+ concatFS,
+ consFS,
+ nilFS,
+ isUnderscoreFS,
+ -- ** Outputting
+ hPutFS,
+ -- ** Internal
+ getFastStringTable,
+ getFastStringZEncCounter,
+ -- * PtrStrings
+ PtrString (..),
+ -- ** Construction
+ sLit,
+ mkPtrString#,
+ mkPtrString,
+ -- ** Deconstruction
+ unpackPtrString,
+ -- ** Operations
+ lengthPS
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHC.Prelude as Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Encoding
+import GHC.Utils.IO.Unsafe
+import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
+import Foreign.C
+import GHC.Exts
+import System.IO
+import Data.Data
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Semigroup as Semi
+import GHC.IO
+import Foreign
+#if GHC_STAGE >= 2
+import GHC.Conc.Sync (sharedCAF)
+import GHC.Base ( unpackCString#, unpackNBytes# )
+-- | Gives the UTF-8 encoded bytes corresponding to a 'FastString'
+bytesFS :: FastString -> ByteString
+bytesFS f = fs_bs f
+{-# DEPRECATED fastStringToByteString "Use `bytesFS` instead" #-}
+fastStringToByteString :: FastString -> ByteString
+fastStringToByteString = bytesFS
+fastZStringToByteString :: FastZString -> ByteString
+fastZStringToByteString (FastZString bs) = bs
+-- This will drop information if any character > '\xFF'
+unsafeMkByteString :: String -> ByteString
+unsafeMkByteString = BSC.pack
+hashFastString :: FastString -> Int
+hashFastString (FastString _ _ bs _)
+ = inlinePerformIO $ BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, len) ->
+ return $ hashStr (castPtr ptr) len
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+newtype FastZString = FastZString ByteString
+ deriving NFData
+hPutFZS :: Handle -> FastZString -> IO ()
+hPutFZS handle (FastZString bs) = BS.hPut handle bs
+zString :: FastZString -> String
+zString (FastZString bs) =
+ inlinePerformIO $ BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs peekCAStringLen
+lengthFZS :: FastZString -> Int
+lengthFZS (FastZString bs) = BS.length bs
+mkFastZStringString :: String -> FastZString
+mkFastZStringString str = FastZString (BSC.pack str)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+{-| A 'FastString' is a UTF-8 encoded string together with a unique ID. All
+'FastString's are stored in a global hashtable to support fast O(1)
+It is also associated with a lazy reference to the Z-encoding
+of this string which is used by the compiler internally.
+data FastString = FastString {
+ uniq :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- unique id
+ n_chars :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- number of chars
+ fs_bs :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ByteString,
+ fs_zenc :: FastZString
+ -- ^ Lazily computed z-encoding of this string.
+ --
+ -- Since 'FastString's are globally memoized this is computed at most
+ -- once for any given string.
+ }
+instance Eq FastString where
+ f1 == f2 = uniq f1 == uniq f2
+instance Ord FastString where
+ -- Compares lexicographically, not by unique
+ a <= b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> True; EQ -> True; GT -> False }
+ a < b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> True; EQ -> False; GT -> False }
+ a >= b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> False; EQ -> True; GT -> True }
+ a > b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> False; EQ -> False; GT -> True }
+ max x y | x >= y = x
+ | otherwise = y
+ min x y | x <= y = x
+ | otherwise = y
+ compare a b = cmpFS a b
+instance IsString FastString where
+ fromString = fsLit
+instance Semi.Semigroup FastString where
+ (<>) = appendFS
+instance Monoid FastString where
+ mempty = nilFS
+ mappend = (Semi.<>)
+ mconcat = concatFS
+instance Show FastString where
+ show fs = show (unpackFS fs)
+instance Data FastString where
+ -- don't traverse?
+ toConstr _ = abstractConstr "FastString"
+ gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold"
+ dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "FastString"
+instance NFData FastString where
+ rnf fs = seq fs ()
+cmpFS :: FastString -> FastString -> Ordering
+cmpFS f1@(FastString u1 _ _ _) f2@(FastString u2 _ _ _) =
+ if u1 == u2 then EQ else
+ compare (bytesFS f1) (bytesFS f2)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "memcmp"
+ memcmp :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO Int
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Construction
+Internally, the compiler will maintain a fast string symbol table, providing
+sharing and fast comparison. Creation of new @FastString@s then covertly does a
+lookup, re-using the @FastString@ if there was a hit.
+The design of the FastString hash table allows for lockless concurrent reads
+and updates to multiple buckets with low synchronization overhead.
+See Note [Updating the FastString table] on how it's updated.
+data FastStringTable = FastStringTable
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef Int) -- the unique ID counter shared with all buckets
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef Int) -- number of computed z-encodings for all buckets
+ (Array# (IORef FastStringTableSegment)) -- concurrent segments
+data FastStringTableSegment = FastStringTableSegment
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !(MVar ()) -- the lock for write in each segment
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef Int) -- the number of elements
+ (MutableArray# RealWorld [FastString]) -- buckets in this segment
+Following parameters are determined based on:
+* Benchmark based on testsuite/tests/utils/should_run/T14854.hs
+* Stats of @echo :browse | ghc --interactive -dfaststring-stats >/dev/null@:
+ on 2018-10-24, we have 13920 entries.
+segmentBits, numSegments, segmentMask, initialNumBuckets :: Int
+segmentBits = 8
+numSegments = 256 -- bit segmentBits
+segmentMask = 0xff -- bit segmentBits - 1
+initialNumBuckets = 64
+hashToSegment# :: Int# -> Int#
+hashToSegment# hash# = hash# `andI#` segmentMask#
+ where
+ !(I# segmentMask#) = segmentMask
+hashToIndex# :: MutableArray# RealWorld [FastString] -> Int# -> Int#
+hashToIndex# buckets# hash# =
+ (hash# `uncheckedIShiftRL#` segmentBits#) `remInt#` size#
+ where
+ !(I# segmentBits#) = segmentBits
+ size# = sizeofMutableArray# buckets#
+maybeResizeSegment :: IORef FastStringTableSegment -> IO FastStringTableSegment
+maybeResizeSegment segmentRef = do
+ segment@(FastStringTableSegment lock counter old#) <- readIORef segmentRef
+ let oldSize# = sizeofMutableArray# old#
+ newSize# = oldSize# *# 2#
+ (I# n#) <- readIORef counter
+ if isTrue# (n# <# newSize#) -- maximum load of 1
+ then return segment
+ else do
+ resizedSegment@(FastStringTableSegment _ _ new#) <- IO $ \s1# ->
+ case newArray# newSize# [] s1# of
+ (# s2#, arr# #) -> (# s2#, FastStringTableSegment lock counter arr# #)
+ forM_ [0 .. (I# oldSize#) - 1] $ \(I# i#) -> do
+ fsList <- IO $ readArray# old# i#
+ forM_ fsList $ \fs -> do
+ let -- Shall we store in hash value in FastString instead?
+ !(I# hash#) = hashFastString fs
+ idx# = hashToIndex# new# hash#
+ IO $ \s1# ->
+ case readArray# new# idx# s1# of
+ (# s2#, bucket #) -> case writeArray# new# idx# (fs: bucket) s2# of
+ s3# -> (# s3#, () #)
+ writeIORef segmentRef resizedSegment
+ return resizedSegment
+{-# NOINLINE stringTable #-}
+stringTable :: FastStringTable
+stringTable = unsafePerformIO $ do
+ let !(I# numSegments#) = numSegments
+ !(I# initialNumBuckets#) = initialNumBuckets
+ loop a# i# s1#
+ | isTrue# (i# ==# numSegments#) = s1#
+ | otherwise = case newMVar () `unIO` s1# of
+ (# s2#, lock #) -> case newIORef 0 `unIO` s2# of
+ (# s3#, counter #) -> case newArray# initialNumBuckets# [] s3# of
+ (# s4#, buckets# #) -> case newIORef
+ (FastStringTableSegment lock counter buckets#) `unIO` s4# of
+ (# s5#, segment #) -> case writeArray# a# i# segment s5# of
+ s6# -> loop a# (i# +# 1#) s6#
+ uid <- newIORef 603979776 -- ord '$' * 0x01000000
+ n_zencs <- newIORef 0
+ tab <- IO $ \s1# ->
+ case newArray# numSegments# (panic "string_table") s1# of
+ (# s2#, arr# #) -> case loop arr# 0# s2# of
+ s3# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# arr# s3# of
+ (# s4#, segments# #) ->
+ (# s4#, FastStringTable uid n_zencs segments# #)
+ -- use the support wired into the RTS to share this CAF among all images of
+ -- libHSghc
+#if GHC_STAGE < 2
+ return tab
+ sharedCAF tab getOrSetLibHSghcFastStringTable
+-- from the RTS; thus we cannot use this mechanism when GHC_STAGE<2; the previous
+-- RTS might not have this symbol
+foreign import ccall unsafe "getOrSetLibHSghcFastStringTable"
+ getOrSetLibHSghcFastStringTable :: Ptr a -> IO (Ptr a)
+We include the FastString table in the `sharedCAF` mechanism because we'd like
+FastStrings created by a Core plugin to have the same uniques as corresponding
+strings created by the host compiler itself. For example, this allows plugins
+to lookup known names (eg `mkTcOcc "MySpecialType"`) in the GlobalRdrEnv or
+even re-invoke the parser.
+In particular, the following little sanity test was failing in a plugin
+prototyping safe newtype-coercions: GHC.NT.Type.NT was imported, but could not
+be looked up /by the plugin/.
+ let rdrName = mkModuleName "GHC.NT.Type" `mkRdrQual` mkTcOcc "NT"
+ putMsgS $ showSDoc dflags $ ppr $ lookupGRE_RdrName rdrName $ mg_rdr_env guts
+`mkTcOcc` involves the lookup (or creation) of a FastString. Since the
+plugin's FastString.string_table is empty, constructing the RdrName also
+allocates new uniques for the FastStrings "GHC.NT.Type" and "NT". These
+uniques are almost certainly unequal to the ones that the host compiler
+originally assigned to those FastStrings. Thus the lookup fails since the
+domain of the GlobalRdrEnv is affected by the RdrName's OccName's FastString's
+Maintaining synchronization of the two instances of this global is rather
+difficult because of the uses of `unsafePerformIO` in this module. Not
+synchronizing them risks breaking the rather major invariant that two
+FastStrings with the same unique have the same string. Thus we use the
+lower-level `sharedCAF` mechanism that relies on Globals.c.
+mkFastString# :: Addr# -> FastString
+mkFastString# a# = mkFastStringBytes ptr (ptrStrLength ptr)
+ where ptr = Ptr a#
+{- Note [Updating the FastString table]
+We use a concurrent hashtable which contains multiple segments, each hash value
+always maps to the same segment. Read is lock-free, write to the a segment
+should acquire a lock for that segment to avoid race condition, writes to
+different segments are independent.
+The procedure goes like this:
+1. Find out which segment to operate on based on the hash value
+2. Read the relevant bucket and perform a look up of the string.
+3. If it exists, return it.
+4. Otherwise grab a unique ID, create a new FastString and atomically attempt
+ to update the relevant segment with this FastString:
+ * Resize the segment by doubling the number of buckets when the number of
+ FastStrings in this segment grows beyond the threshold.
+ * Double check that the string is not in the bucket. Another thread may have
+ inserted it while we were creating our string.
+ * Return the existing FastString if it exists. The one we preemptively
+ created will get GCed.
+ * Otherwise, insert and return the string we created.
+ :: (Int -> IORef Int-> IO FastString) -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO FastString
+mkFastStringWith mk_fs !ptr !len = do
+ FastStringTableSegment lock _ buckets# <- readIORef segmentRef
+ let idx# = hashToIndex# buckets# hash#
+ bucket <- IO $ readArray# buckets# idx#
+ res <- bucket_match bucket len ptr
+ case res of
+ Just found -> return found
+ Nothing -> do
+ -- The withMVar below is not dupable. It can lead to deadlock if it is
+ -- only run partially and putMVar is not called after takeMVar.
+ noDuplicate
+ n <- get_uid
+ new_fs <- mk_fs n n_zencs
+ withMVar lock $ \_ -> insert new_fs
+ where
+ !(FastStringTable uid n_zencs segments#) = stringTable
+ get_uid = atomicModifyIORef' uid $ \n -> (n+1,n)
+ !(I# hash#) = hashStr ptr len
+ (# segmentRef #) = indexArray# segments# (hashToSegment# hash#)
+ insert fs = do
+ FastStringTableSegment _ counter buckets# <- maybeResizeSegment segmentRef
+ let idx# = hashToIndex# buckets# hash#
+ bucket <- IO $ readArray# buckets# idx#
+ res <- bucket_match bucket len ptr
+ case res of
+ -- The FastString was added by another thread after previous read and
+ -- before we acquired the write lock.
+ Just found -> return found
+ Nothing -> do
+ IO $ \s1# ->
+ case writeArray# buckets# idx# (fs: bucket) s1# of
+ s2# -> (# s2#, () #)
+ modifyIORef' counter succ
+ return fs
+bucket_match :: [FastString] -> Int -> Ptr Word8 -> IO (Maybe FastString)
+bucket_match [] _ _ = return Nothing
+bucket_match (v@(FastString _ _ bs _):ls) len ptr
+ | len == BS.length bs = do
+ b <- BS.unsafeUseAsCString bs $ \buf ->
+ cmpStringPrefix ptr (castPtr buf) len
+ if b then return (Just v)
+ else bucket_match ls len ptr
+ | otherwise =
+ bucket_match ls len ptr
+mkFastStringBytes :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> FastString
+mkFastStringBytes !ptr !len =
+ -- NB: Might as well use unsafeDupablePerformIO, since mkFastStringWith is
+ -- idempotent.
+ unsafeDupablePerformIO $
+ mkFastStringWith (copyNewFastString ptr len) ptr len
+-- | Create a 'FastString' from an existing 'ForeignPtr'; the difference
+-- between this and 'mkFastStringBytes' is that we don't have to copy
+-- the bytes if the string is new to the table.
+mkFastStringForeignPtr :: Ptr Word8 -> ForeignPtr Word8 -> Int -> IO FastString
+mkFastStringForeignPtr ptr !fp len
+ = mkFastStringWith (mkNewFastString fp ptr len) ptr len
+-- | Create a 'FastString' from an existing 'ForeignPtr'; the difference
+-- between this and 'mkFastStringBytes' is that we don't have to copy
+-- the bytes if the string is new to the table.
+mkFastStringByteString :: ByteString -> FastString
+mkFastStringByteString bs =
+ inlinePerformIO $
+ BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, len) -> do
+ let ptr' = castPtr ptr
+ mkFastStringWith (mkNewFastStringByteString bs ptr' len) ptr' len
+-- | Creates a UTF-8 encoded 'FastString' from a 'String'
+mkFastString :: String -> FastString
+mkFastString str =
+ inlinePerformIO $ do
+ let l = utf8EncodedLength str
+ buf <- mallocForeignPtrBytes l
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> do
+ utf8EncodeString ptr str
+ mkFastStringForeignPtr ptr buf l
+-- | Creates a 'FastString' from a UTF-8 encoded @[Word8]@
+mkFastStringByteList :: [Word8] -> FastString
+mkFastStringByteList str = mkFastStringByteString (BS.pack str)
+-- | Creates a (lazy) Z-encoded 'FastString' from a 'String' and account
+-- the number of forced z-strings into the passed 'IORef'.
+mkZFastString :: IORef Int -> ByteString -> FastZString
+mkZFastString n_zencs bs = unsafePerformIO $ do
+ atomicModifyIORef' n_zencs $ \n -> (n+1, ())
+ return $ mkFastZStringString (zEncodeString (utf8DecodeByteString bs))
+mkNewFastString :: ForeignPtr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int
+ -> IORef Int -> IO FastString
+mkNewFastString fp ptr len uid n_zencs = do
+ let bs = BS.fromForeignPtr fp 0 len
+ zstr = mkZFastString n_zencs bs
+ n_chars <- countUTF8Chars ptr len
+ return (FastString uid n_chars bs zstr)
+mkNewFastStringByteString :: ByteString -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int
+ -> IORef Int -> IO FastString
+mkNewFastStringByteString bs ptr len uid n_zencs = do
+ let zstr = mkZFastString n_zencs bs
+ n_chars <- countUTF8Chars ptr len
+ return (FastString uid n_chars bs zstr)
+copyNewFastString :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IORef Int -> IO FastString
+copyNewFastString ptr len uid n_zencs = do
+ fp <- copyBytesToForeignPtr ptr len
+ let bs = BS.fromForeignPtr fp 0 len
+ zstr = mkZFastString n_zencs bs
+ n_chars <- countUTF8Chars ptr len
+ return (FastString uid n_chars bs zstr)
+copyBytesToForeignPtr :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO (ForeignPtr Word8)
+copyBytesToForeignPtr ptr len = do
+ fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes len
+ withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr' -> copyBytes ptr' ptr len
+ return fp
+cmpStringPrefix :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Bool
+cmpStringPrefix ptr1 ptr2 len =
+ do r <- memcmp ptr1 ptr2 len
+ return (r == 0)
+hashStr :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int
+ -- use the Addr to produce a hash value between 0 & m (inclusive)
+hashStr (Ptr a#) (I# len#) = loop 0# 0#
+ where
+ loop h n =
+ if isTrue# (n ==# len#) then
+ I# h
+ else
+ let
+ -- DO NOT move this let binding! indexCharOffAddr# reads from the
+ -- pointer so we need to evaluate this based on the length check
+ -- above. Not doing this right caused #17909.
+ !c = ord# (indexCharOffAddr# a# n)
+ !h2 = (h *# 16777619#) `xorI#` c
+ in
+ loop h2 (n +# 1#)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Operations
+-- | Returns the length of the 'FastString' in characters
+lengthFS :: FastString -> Int
+lengthFS f = n_chars f
+-- | Returns @True@ if the 'FastString' is empty
+nullFS :: FastString -> Bool
+nullFS f = BS.null (fs_bs f)
+-- | Unpacks and decodes the FastString
+unpackFS :: FastString -> String
+unpackFS (FastString _ _ bs _) = utf8DecodeByteString bs
+-- | Returns a Z-encoded version of a 'FastString'. This might be the
+-- original, if it was already Z-encoded. The first time this
+-- function is applied to a particular 'FastString', the results are
+-- memoized.
+zEncodeFS :: FastString -> FastZString
+zEncodeFS (FastString _ _ _ ref) = ref
+appendFS :: FastString -> FastString -> FastString
+appendFS fs1 fs2 = mkFastStringByteString
+ $ BS.append (bytesFS fs1) (bytesFS fs2)
+concatFS :: [FastString] -> FastString
+concatFS = mkFastStringByteString . BS.concat . map fs_bs
+headFS :: FastString -> Char
+headFS (FastString _ 0 _ _) = panic "headFS: Empty FastString"
+headFS (FastString _ _ bs _) =
+ inlinePerformIO $ BS.unsafeUseAsCString bs $ \ptr ->
+ return (fst (utf8DecodeChar (castPtr ptr)))
+tailFS :: FastString -> FastString
+tailFS (FastString _ 0 _ _) = panic "tailFS: Empty FastString"
+tailFS (FastString _ _ bs _) =
+ inlinePerformIO $ BS.unsafeUseAsCString bs $ \ptr ->
+ do let (_, n) = utf8DecodeChar (castPtr ptr)
+ return $! mkFastStringByteString (BS.drop n bs)
+consFS :: Char -> FastString -> FastString
+consFS c fs = mkFastString (c : unpackFS fs)
+uniqueOfFS :: FastString -> Int
+uniqueOfFS (FastString u _ _ _) = u
+nilFS :: FastString
+nilFS = mkFastString ""
+isUnderscoreFS :: FastString -> Bool
+isUnderscoreFS fs = fs == fsLit "_"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Stats
+getFastStringTable :: IO [[[FastString]]]
+getFastStringTable =
+ forM [0 .. numSegments - 1] $ \(I# i#) -> do
+ let (# segmentRef #) = indexArray# segments# i#
+ FastStringTableSegment _ _ buckets# <- readIORef segmentRef
+ let bucketSize = I# (sizeofMutableArray# buckets#)
+ forM [0 .. bucketSize - 1] $ \(I# j#) ->
+ IO $ readArray# buckets# j#
+ where
+ !(FastStringTable _ _ segments#) = stringTable
+getFastStringZEncCounter :: IO Int
+getFastStringZEncCounter = readIORef n_zencs
+ where
+ !(FastStringTable _ n_zencs _) = stringTable
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Outputting 'FastString's
+-- |Outputs a 'FastString' with /no decoding at all/, that is, you
+-- get the actual bytes in the 'FastString' written to the 'Handle'.
+hPutFS :: Handle -> FastString -> IO ()
+hPutFS handle fs = BS.hPut handle $ bytesFS fs
+-- ToDo: we'll probably want an hPutFSLocal, or something, to output
+-- in the current locale's encoding (for error messages and suchlike).
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- PtrStrings, here for convenience only.
+-- | A 'PtrString' is a pointer to some array of Latin-1 encoded chars.
+data PtrString = PtrString !(Ptr Word8) !Int
+-- | Wrap an unboxed address into a 'PtrString'.
+mkPtrString# :: Addr# -> PtrString
+mkPtrString# a# = PtrString (Ptr a#) (ptrStrLength (Ptr a#))
+-- | Encode a 'String' into a newly allocated 'PtrString' using Latin-1
+-- encoding. The original string must not contain non-Latin-1 characters
+-- (above codepoint @0xff@).
+{-# INLINE mkPtrString #-}
+mkPtrString :: String -> PtrString
+mkPtrString s =
+ -- we don't use `unsafeDupablePerformIO` here to avoid potential memory leaks
+ -- and because someone might be using `eqAddr#` to check for string equality.
+ unsafePerformIO (do
+ let len = length s
+ p <- mallocBytes len
+ let
+ loop :: Int -> String -> IO ()
+ loop !_ [] = return ()
+ loop n (c:cs) = do
+ pokeByteOff p n (fromIntegral (ord c) :: Word8)
+ loop (1+n) cs
+ loop 0 s
+ return (PtrString p len)
+ )
+-- | Decode a 'PtrString' back into a 'String' using Latin-1 encoding.
+-- This does not free the memory associated with 'PtrString'.
+unpackPtrString :: PtrString -> String
+unpackPtrString (PtrString (Ptr p#) (I# n#)) = unpackNBytes# p# n#
+-- | Return the length of a 'PtrString'
+lengthPS :: PtrString -> Int
+lengthPS (PtrString _ n) = n
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- under the carpet
+foreign import ccall unsafe "strlen"
+ ptrStrLength :: Ptr Word8 -> Int
+{-# NOINLINE sLit #-}
+sLit :: String -> PtrString
+sLit x = mkPtrString x
+{-# NOINLINE fsLit #-}
+fsLit :: String -> FastString
+fsLit x = mkFastString x
+{-# RULES "slit"
+ forall x . sLit (unpackCString# x) = mkPtrString# x #-}
+{-# RULES "fslit"
+ forall x . fsLit (unpackCString# x) = mkFastString# x #-}
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/FastString/Env.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/FastString/Env.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36fab5727c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/FastString/Env.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+-- | FastStringEnv: FastString environments
+module GHC.Data.FastString.Env (
+ -- * FastString environments (maps)
+ FastStringEnv,
+ -- ** Manipulating these environments
+ mkFsEnv,
+ emptyFsEnv, unitFsEnv,
+ extendFsEnv_C, extendFsEnv_Acc, extendFsEnv,
+ extendFsEnvList, extendFsEnvList_C,
+ filterFsEnv,
+ plusFsEnv, plusFsEnv_C, alterFsEnv,
+ lookupFsEnv, lookupFsEnv_NF, delFromFsEnv, delListFromFsEnv,
+ elemFsEnv, mapFsEnv,
+ -- * Deterministic FastString environments (maps)
+ DFastStringEnv,
+ -- ** Manipulating these environments
+ mkDFsEnv, emptyDFsEnv, dFsEnvElts, lookupDFsEnv
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM
+import GHC.Data.Maybe
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+-- | A non-deterministic set of FastStrings.
+-- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in GHC.Types.Unique.DFM for explanation why it's not
+-- deterministic and why it matters. Use DFastStringEnv if the set eventually
+-- gets converted into a list or folded over in a way where the order
+-- changes the generated code.
+type FastStringEnv a = UniqFM a -- Domain is FastString
+emptyFsEnv :: FastStringEnv a
+mkFsEnv :: [(FastString,a)] -> FastStringEnv a
+alterFsEnv :: (Maybe a-> Maybe a) -> FastStringEnv a -> FastString -> FastStringEnv a
+extendFsEnv_C :: (a->a->a) -> FastStringEnv a -> FastString -> a -> FastStringEnv a
+extendFsEnv_Acc :: (a->b->b) -> (a->b) -> FastStringEnv b -> FastString -> a -> FastStringEnv b
+extendFsEnv :: FastStringEnv a -> FastString -> a -> FastStringEnv a
+plusFsEnv :: FastStringEnv a -> FastStringEnv a -> FastStringEnv a
+plusFsEnv_C :: (a->a->a) -> FastStringEnv a -> FastStringEnv a -> FastStringEnv a
+extendFsEnvList :: FastStringEnv a -> [(FastString,a)] -> FastStringEnv a
+extendFsEnvList_C :: (a->a->a) -> FastStringEnv a -> [(FastString,a)] -> FastStringEnv a
+delFromFsEnv :: FastStringEnv a -> FastString -> FastStringEnv a
+delListFromFsEnv :: FastStringEnv a -> [FastString] -> FastStringEnv a
+elemFsEnv :: FastString -> FastStringEnv a -> Bool
+unitFsEnv :: FastString -> a -> FastStringEnv a
+lookupFsEnv :: FastStringEnv a -> FastString -> Maybe a
+lookupFsEnv_NF :: FastStringEnv a -> FastString -> a
+filterFsEnv :: (elt -> Bool) -> FastStringEnv elt -> FastStringEnv elt
+mapFsEnv :: (elt1 -> elt2) -> FastStringEnv elt1 -> FastStringEnv elt2
+emptyFsEnv = emptyUFM
+unitFsEnv x y = unitUFM x y
+extendFsEnv x y z = addToUFM x y z
+extendFsEnvList x l = addListToUFM x l
+lookupFsEnv x y = lookupUFM x y
+alterFsEnv = alterUFM
+mkFsEnv l = listToUFM l
+elemFsEnv x y = elemUFM x y
+plusFsEnv x y = plusUFM x y
+plusFsEnv_C f x y = plusUFM_C f x y
+extendFsEnv_C f x y z = addToUFM_C f x y z
+mapFsEnv f x = mapUFM f x
+extendFsEnv_Acc x y z a b = addToUFM_Acc x y z a b
+extendFsEnvList_C x y z = addListToUFM_C x y z
+delFromFsEnv x y = delFromUFM x y
+delListFromFsEnv x y = delListFromUFM x y
+filterFsEnv x y = filterUFM x y
+lookupFsEnv_NF env n = expectJust "lookupFsEnv_NF" (lookupFsEnv env n)
+-- Deterministic FastStringEnv
+-- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in GHC.Types.Unique.DFM for explanation why we need
+-- DFastStringEnv.
+type DFastStringEnv a = UniqDFM a -- Domain is FastString
+emptyDFsEnv :: DFastStringEnv a
+emptyDFsEnv = emptyUDFM
+dFsEnvElts :: DFastStringEnv a -> [a]
+dFsEnvElts = eltsUDFM
+mkDFsEnv :: [(FastString,a)] -> DFastStringEnv a
+mkDFsEnv l = listToUDFM l
+lookupDFsEnv :: DFastStringEnv a -> FastString -> Maybe a
+lookupDFsEnv = lookupUDFM
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/FiniteMap.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/FiniteMap.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..055944d320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/FiniteMap.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-- Some extra functions to extend Data.Map
+module GHC.Data.FiniteMap (
+ insertList,
+ insertListWith,
+ deleteList,
+ foldRight, foldRightWithKey
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+insertList :: Ord key => [(key,elt)] -> Map key elt -> Map key elt
+insertList xs m = foldl' (\m (k, v) -> Map.insert k v m) m xs
+insertListWith :: Ord key
+ => (elt -> elt -> elt)
+ -> [(key,elt)]
+ -> Map key elt
+ -> Map key elt
+insertListWith f xs m0 = foldl' (\m (k, v) -> Map.insertWith f k v m) m0 xs
+deleteList :: Ord key => [key] -> Map key elt -> Map key elt
+deleteList ks m = foldl' (flip Map.delete) m ks
+foldRight :: (elt -> a -> a) -> a -> Map key elt -> a
+foldRight = Map.foldr
+foldRightWithKey :: (key -> elt -> a -> a) -> a -> Map key elt -> a
+foldRightWithKey = Map.foldrWithKey
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Base.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Base.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c40645660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Base.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+-- | Types for the general graph colorer.
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Base (
+ Triv,
+ Graph (..),
+ initGraph,
+ graphMapModify,
+ Node (..), newNode,
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+-- | A fn to check if a node is trivially colorable
+-- For graphs who's color classes are disjoint then a node is 'trivially colorable'
+-- when it has less neighbors and exclusions than available colors for that node.
+-- For graph's who's color classes overlap, ie some colors alias other colors, then
+-- this can be a bit more tricky. There is a general way to calculate this, but
+-- it's likely be too slow for use in the code. The coloring algorithm takes
+-- a canned function which can be optimised by the user to be specific to the
+-- specific graph being colored.
+-- for details, see "A Generalised Algorithm for Graph-Coloring Register Allocation"
+-- Smith, Ramsey, Holloway - PLDI 2004.
+type Triv k cls color
+ = cls -- the class of the node we're trying to color.
+ -> UniqSet k -- the node's neighbors.
+ -> UniqSet color -- the node's exclusions.
+ -> Bool
+-- | The Interference graph.
+-- There used to be more fields, but they were turfed out in a previous revision.
+-- maybe we'll want more later..
+data Graph k cls color
+ = Graph {
+ -- | All active nodes in the graph.
+ graphMap :: UniqFM (Node k cls color) }
+-- | An empty graph.
+initGraph :: Graph k cls color
+ = Graph
+ { graphMap = emptyUFM }
+-- | Modify the finite map holding the nodes in the graph.
+ :: (UniqFM (Node k cls color) -> UniqFM (Node k cls color))
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+graphMapModify f graph
+ = graph { graphMap = f (graphMap graph) }
+-- | Graph nodes.
+-- Represents a thing that can conflict with another thing.
+-- For the register allocater the nodes represent registers.
+data Node k cls color
+ = Node {
+ -- | A unique identifier for this node.
+ nodeId :: k
+ -- | The class of this node,
+ -- determines the set of colors that can be used.
+ , nodeClass :: cls
+ -- | The color of this node, if any.
+ , nodeColor :: Maybe color
+ -- | Neighbors which must be colored differently to this node.
+ , nodeConflicts :: UniqSet k
+ -- | Colors that cannot be used by this node.
+ , nodeExclusions :: UniqSet color
+ -- | Colors that this node would prefer to be, in descending order.
+ , nodePreference :: [color]
+ -- | Neighbors that this node would like to be colored the same as.
+ , nodeCoalesce :: UniqSet k }
+-- | An empty node.
+newNode :: k -> cls -> Node k cls color
+newNode k cls
+ = Node
+ { nodeId = k
+ , nodeClass = cls
+ , nodeColor = Nothing
+ , nodeConflicts = emptyUniqSet
+ , nodeExclusions = emptyUniqSet
+ , nodePreference = []
+ , nodeCoalesce = emptyUniqSet }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Color.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Color.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..948447da58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Color.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+-- | Graph Coloring.
+-- This is a generic graph coloring library, abstracted over the type of
+-- the node keys, nodes and colors.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Color (
+ module GHC.Data.Graph.Base,
+ module GHC.Data.Graph.Ops,
+ module GHC.Data.Graph.Ppr,
+ colorGraph
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Base
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Ops
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Ppr
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
+-- | Try to color a graph with this set of colors.
+-- Uses Chaitin's algorithm to color the graph.
+-- The graph is scanned for nodes which are deamed 'trivially colorable'. These nodes
+-- are pushed onto a stack and removed from the graph.
+-- Once this process is complete the graph can be colored by removing nodes from
+-- the stack (ie in reverse order) and assigning them colors different to their neighbors.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Eq cls, Ord k
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls, Outputable color)
+ => Bool -- ^ whether to do iterative coalescing
+ -> Int -- ^ how many times we've tried to color this graph so far.
+ -> UniqFM (UniqSet color) -- ^ map of (node class -> set of colors available for this class).
+ -> Triv k cls color -- ^ fn to decide whether a node is trivially colorable.
+ -> (Graph k cls color -> k) -- ^ fn to choose a node to potentially leave uncolored if nothing is trivially colorable.
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph to color.
+ -> ( Graph k cls color -- the colored graph.
+ , UniqSet k -- the set of nodes that we couldn't find a color for.
+ , UniqFM k ) -- map of regs (r1 -> r2) that were coalesced
+ -- r1 should be replaced by r2 in the source
+colorGraph iterative spinCount colors triv spill graph0
+ = let
+ -- If we're not doing iterative coalescing then do an aggressive coalescing first time
+ -- around and then conservative coalescing for subsequent passes.
+ --
+ -- Aggressive coalescing is a quick way to get rid of many reg-reg moves. However, if
+ -- there is a lot of register pressure and we do it on every round then it can make the
+ -- graph less colorable and prevent the algorithm from converging in a sensible number
+ -- of cycles.
+ --
+ (graph_coalesced, kksCoalesce1)
+ = if iterative
+ then (graph0, [])
+ else if spinCount == 0
+ then coalesceGraph True triv graph0
+ else coalesceGraph False triv graph0
+ -- run the scanner to slurp out all the trivially colorable nodes
+ -- (and do coalescing if iterative coalescing is enabled)
+ (ksTriv, ksProblems, kksCoalesce2)
+ = colorScan iterative triv spill graph_coalesced
+ -- If iterative coalescing is enabled, the scanner will coalesce the graph as does its business.
+ -- We need to apply all the coalescences found by the scanner to the original
+ -- graph before doing assignColors.
+ --
+ -- Because we've got the whole, non-pruned graph here we turn on aggressive coalescing
+ -- to force all the (conservative) coalescences found during scanning.
+ --
+ (graph_scan_coalesced, _)
+ = mapAccumL (coalesceNodes True triv) graph_coalesced kksCoalesce2
+ -- color the trivially colorable nodes
+ -- during scanning, keys of triv nodes were added to the front of the list as they were found
+ -- this colors them in the reverse order, as required by the algorithm.
+ (graph_triv, ksNoTriv)
+ = assignColors colors graph_scan_coalesced ksTriv
+ -- try and color the problem nodes
+ -- problem nodes are the ones that were left uncolored because they weren't triv.
+ -- theres a change we can color them here anyway.
+ (graph_prob, ksNoColor)
+ = assignColors colors graph_triv ksProblems
+ -- if the trivially colorable nodes didn't color then something is probably wrong
+ -- with the provided triv function.
+ --
+ in if not $ null ksNoTriv
+ then pprPanic "colorGraph: trivially colorable nodes didn't color!" -- empty
+ ( empty
+ $$ text "ksTriv = " <> ppr ksTriv
+ $$ text "ksNoTriv = " <> ppr ksNoTriv
+ $$ text "colors = " <> ppr colors
+ $$ empty
+ $$ dotGraph (\_ -> text "white") triv graph_triv)
+ else ( graph_prob
+ , mkUniqSet ksNoColor -- the nodes that didn't color (spills)
+ , if iterative
+ then (listToUFM kksCoalesce2)
+ else (listToUFM kksCoalesce1))
+-- | Scan through the conflict graph separating out trivially colorable and
+-- potentially uncolorable (problem) nodes.
+-- Checking whether a node is trivially colorable or not is a reasonably expensive operation,
+-- so after a triv node is found and removed from the graph it's no good to return to the 'start'
+-- of the graph and recheck a bunch of nodes that will probably still be non-trivially colorable.
+-- To ward against this, during each pass through the graph we collect up a list of triv nodes
+-- that were found, and only remove them once we've finished the pass. The more nodes we can delete
+-- at once the more likely it is that nodes we've already checked will become trivially colorable
+-- for the next pass.
+-- TODO: add work lists to finding triv nodes is easier.
+-- If we've just scanned the graph, and removed triv nodes, then the only
+-- nodes that we need to rescan are the ones we've removed edges from.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Ord k, Eq cls
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls)
+ => Bool -- ^ whether to do iterative coalescing
+ -> Triv k cls color -- ^ fn to decide whether a node is trivially colorable
+ -> (Graph k cls color -> k) -- ^ fn to choose a node to potentially leave uncolored if nothing is trivially colorable.
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph to scan
+ -> ([k], [k], [(k, k)]) -- triv colorable nodes, problem nodes, pairs of nodes to coalesce
+colorScan iterative triv spill graph
+ = colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph [] [] []
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Ord k, Eq cls
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls)
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> (Graph k cls color -> k)
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> [k]
+ -> [k]
+ -> [(k, k)]
+ -> ([k], [k], [(k, k)])
+colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+ -- if the graph is empty then we're done
+ | isNullUFM $ graphMap graph
+ = (ksTriv, ksSpill, reverse kksCoalesce)
+ -- Simplify:
+ -- Look for trivially colorable nodes.
+ -- If we can find some then remove them from the graph and go back for more.
+ --
+ | nsTrivFound@(_:_)
+ <- scanGraph (\node -> triv (nodeClass node) (nodeConflicts node) (nodeExclusions node)
+ -- for iterative coalescing we only want non-move related
+ -- nodes here
+ && (not iterative || isEmptyUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node)))
+ $ graph
+ , ksTrivFound <- map nodeId nsTrivFound
+ , graph2 <- foldr (\k g -> let Just g' = delNode k g
+ in g')
+ graph ksTrivFound
+ = colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph2
+ (ksTrivFound ++ ksTriv)
+ ksSpill
+ kksCoalesce
+ -- Coalesce:
+ -- If we're doing iterative coalescing and no triv nodes are available
+ -- then it's time for a coalescing pass.
+ | iterative
+ = case coalesceGraph False triv graph of
+ -- we were able to coalesce something
+ -- go back to Simplify and see if this frees up more nodes to be trivially colorable.
+ (graph2, kksCoalesceFound@(_:_))
+ -> colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph2
+ ksTriv ksSpill (reverse kksCoalesceFound ++ kksCoalesce)
+ -- Freeze:
+ -- nothing could be coalesced (or was triv),
+ -- time to choose a node to freeze and give up on ever coalescing it.
+ (graph2, [])
+ -> case freezeOneInGraph graph2 of
+ -- we were able to freeze something
+ -- hopefully this will free up something for Simplify
+ (graph3, True)
+ -> colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph3
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+ -- we couldn't find something to freeze either
+ -- time for a spill
+ (graph3, False)
+ -> colorScan_spill iterative triv spill graph3
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+ -- spill time
+ | otherwise
+ = colorScan_spill iterative triv spill graph
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+-- Select:
+-- we couldn't find any triv nodes or things to freeze or coalesce,
+-- and the graph isn't empty yet.. We'll have to choose a spill
+-- candidate and leave it uncolored.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Ord k, Eq cls
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls)
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> (Graph k cls color -> k)
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> [k]
+ -> [k]
+ -> [(k, k)]
+ -> ([k], [k], [(k, k)])
+colorScan_spill iterative triv spill graph
+ ksTriv ksSpill kksCoalesce
+ = let kSpill = spill graph
+ Just graph' = delNode kSpill graph
+ in colorScan_spin iterative triv spill graph'
+ ksTriv (kSpill : ksSpill) kksCoalesce
+-- | Try to assign a color to all these nodes.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Outputable cls)
+ => UniqFM (UniqSet color) -- ^ map of (node class -> set of colors available for this class).
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph
+ -> [k] -- ^ nodes to assign a color to.
+ -> ( Graph k cls color -- the colored graph
+ , [k]) -- the nodes that didn't color.
+assignColors colors graph ks
+ = assignColors' colors graph [] ks
+ where assignColors' _ graph prob []
+ = (graph, prob)
+ assignColors' colors graph prob (k:ks)
+ = case assignColor colors k graph of
+ -- couldn't color this node
+ Nothing -> assignColors' colors graph (k : prob) ks
+ -- this node colored ok, so do the rest
+ Just graph' -> assignColors' colors graph' prob ks
+ assignColor colors u graph
+ | Just c <- selectColor colors graph u
+ = Just (setColor u c graph)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+-- | Select a color for a certain node
+-- taking into account preferences, neighbors and exclusions.
+-- returns Nothing if no color can be assigned to this node.
+ :: ( Uniquable k, Uniquable cls, Uniquable color
+ , Outputable cls)
+ => UniqFM (UniqSet color) -- ^ map of (node class -> set of colors available for this class).
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph
+ -> k -- ^ key of the node to select a color for.
+ -> Maybe color
+selectColor colors graph u
+ = let -- lookup the node
+ Just node = lookupNode graph u
+ -- lookup the available colors for the class of this node.
+ colors_avail
+ = case lookupUFM colors (nodeClass node) of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "selectColor: no colors available for class " (ppr (nodeClass node))
+ Just cs -> cs
+ -- find colors we can't use because they're already being used
+ -- by a node that conflicts with this one.
+ Just nsConflicts
+ = sequence
+ $ map (lookupNode graph)
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet
+ $ nodeConflicts node
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ colors_conflict = mkUniqSet
+ $ catMaybes
+ $ map nodeColor nsConflicts
+ -- the prefs of our neighbors
+ colors_neighbor_prefs
+ = mkUniqSet
+ $ concatMap nodePreference nsConflicts
+ -- colors that are still valid for us
+ colors_ok_ex = minusUniqSet colors_avail (nodeExclusions node)
+ colors_ok = minusUniqSet colors_ok_ex colors_conflict
+ -- the colors that we prefer, and are still ok
+ colors_ok_pref = intersectUniqSets
+ (mkUniqSet $ nodePreference node) colors_ok
+ -- the colors that we could choose while being nice to our neighbors
+ colors_ok_nice = minusUniqSet
+ colors_ok colors_neighbor_prefs
+ -- the best of all possible worlds..
+ colors_ok_pref_nice
+ = intersectUniqSets
+ colors_ok_nice colors_ok_pref
+ -- make the decision
+ chooseColor
+ -- everyone is happy, yay!
+ | not $ isEmptyUniqSet colors_ok_pref_nice
+ , c : _ <- filter (\x -> elementOfUniqSet x colors_ok_pref_nice)
+ (nodePreference node)
+ = Just c
+ -- we've got one of our preferences
+ | not $ isEmptyUniqSet colors_ok_pref
+ , c : _ <- filter (\x -> elementOfUniqSet x colors_ok_pref)
+ (nodePreference node)
+ = Just c
+ -- it wasn't a preference, but it was still ok
+ | not $ isEmptyUniqSet colors_ok
+ , c : _ <- nonDetEltsUniqSet colors_ok
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ = Just c
+ -- no colors were available for us this time.
+ -- looks like we're going around the loop again..
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ in chooseColor
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Directed.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Directed.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3f397051a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Directed.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Directed (
+ Graph, graphFromEdgedVerticesOrd, graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq,
+ SCC(..), Node(..), flattenSCC, flattenSCCs,
+ stronglyConnCompG,
+ topologicalSortG,
+ verticesG, edgesG, hasVertexG,
+ reachableG, reachablesG, transposeG,
+ emptyG,
+ findCycle,
+ -- For backwards compatibility with the simpler version of Digraph
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd,
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrdR,
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq,
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR,
+ -- Simple way to classify edges
+ EdgeType(..), classifyEdges
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+-- A version of the graph algorithms described in:
+-- ``Lazy Depth-First Search and Linear IntGraph Algorithms in Haskell''
+-- by David King and John Launchbury
+-- Also included is some additional code for printing tree structures ...
+-- If you ever find yourself in need of algorithms for classifying edges,
+-- or finding connected/biconnected components, consult the history; Sigbjorn
+-- Finne contributed some implementations in 1997, although we've since
+-- removed them since they were not used anywhere in GHC.
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Misc ( minWith, count )
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Data.Maybe ( expectJust )
+-- std interfaces
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Array
+import Data.List hiding (transpose)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Graph as G
+import Data.Graph hiding (Graph, Edge, transposeG, reachable)
+import Data.Tree
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+* *
+* Graphs and Graph Construction
+* *
+Note [Nodes, keys, vertices]
+ * A 'node' is a big blob of client-stuff
+ * Each 'node' has a unique (client) 'key', but the latter
+ is in Ord and has fast comparison
+ * Digraph then maps each 'key' to a Vertex (Int) which is
+ arranged densely in 0.n
+data Graph node = Graph {
+ gr_int_graph :: IntGraph,
+ gr_vertex_to_node :: Vertex -> node,
+ gr_node_to_vertex :: node -> Maybe Vertex
+ }
+data Edge node = Edge node node
+{-| Representation for nodes of the Graph.
+ * The @payload@ is user data, just carried around in this module
+ * The @key@ is the node identifier.
+ Key has an Ord instance for performance reasons.
+ * The @[key]@ are the dependencies of the node;
+ it's ok to have extra keys in the dependencies that
+ are not the key of any Node in the graph
+data Node key payload = DigraphNode {
+ node_payload :: payload, -- ^ User data
+ node_key :: key, -- ^ User defined node id
+ node_dependencies :: [key] -- ^ Dependencies/successors of the node
+ }
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable b) => Outputable (Node a b) where
+ ppr (DigraphNode a b c) = ppr (a, b, c)
+emptyGraph :: Graph a
+emptyGraph = Graph (array (1, 0) []) (error "emptyGraph") (const Nothing)
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+ :: ReduceFn key payload
+ -> [Node key payload] -- The graph; its ok for the
+ -- out-list to contain keys which aren't
+ -- a vertex key, they are ignored
+ -> Graph (Node key payload)
+graphFromEdgedVertices _reduceFn [] = emptyGraph
+graphFromEdgedVertices reduceFn edged_vertices =
+ Graph graph vertex_fn (key_vertex . key_extractor)
+ where key_extractor = node_key
+ (bounds, vertex_fn, key_vertex, numbered_nodes) =
+ reduceFn edged_vertices key_extractor
+ graph = array bounds [ (v, sort $ mapMaybe key_vertex ks)
+ | (v, (node_dependencies -> ks)) <- numbered_nodes]
+ -- We normalize outgoing edges by sorting on node order, so
+ -- that the result doesn't depend on the order of the edges
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Ord key
+ => [Node key payload] -- The graph; its ok for the
+ -- out-list to contain keys which aren't
+ -- a vertex key, they are ignored
+ -> Graph (Node key payload)
+graphFromEdgedVerticesOrd = graphFromEdgedVertices reduceNodesIntoVerticesOrd
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Uniquable key
+ => [Node key payload] -- The graph; its ok for the
+ -- out-list to contain keys which aren't
+ -- a vertex key, they are ignored
+ -> Graph (Node key payload)
+graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq = graphFromEdgedVertices reduceNodesIntoVerticesUniq
+type ReduceFn key payload =
+ [Node key payload] -> (Node key payload -> key) ->
+ (Bounds, Vertex -> Node key payload
+ , key -> Maybe Vertex, [(Vertex, Node key payload)])
+Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+reduceNodesIntoVertices is parameterized by the container type.
+This is to accommodate key types that don't have an Ord instance
+and hence preclude the use of Data.Map. An example of such type
+would be Unique, there's no way to implement Ord Unique
+For such types, there's a version with a Uniquable constraint.
+This leaves us with two versions of every function that depends on
+reduceNodesIntoVertices, one with Ord constraint and the other with
+Uniquable constraint.
+For example: graphFromEdgedVerticesOrd and graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq.
+The Uniq version should be a tiny bit more efficient since it uses
+Data.IntMap internally.
+ :: ([(key, Vertex)] -> m)
+ -> (key -> m -> Maybe Vertex)
+ -> ReduceFn key payload
+reduceNodesIntoVertices fromList lookup nodes key_extractor =
+ (bounds, (!) vertex_map, key_vertex, numbered_nodes)
+ where
+ max_v = length nodes - 1
+ bounds = (0, max_v) :: (Vertex, Vertex)
+ -- Keep the order intact to make the result depend on input order
+ -- instead of key order
+ numbered_nodes = zip [0..] nodes
+ vertex_map = array bounds numbered_nodes
+ key_map = fromList
+ [ (key_extractor node, v) | (v, node) <- numbered_nodes ]
+ key_vertex k = lookup k key_map
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+reduceNodesIntoVerticesOrd :: Ord key => ReduceFn key payload
+reduceNodesIntoVerticesOrd = reduceNodesIntoVertices Map.fromList Map.lookup
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+reduceNodesIntoVerticesUniq :: Uniquable key => ReduceFn key payload
+reduceNodesIntoVerticesUniq = reduceNodesIntoVertices listToUFM (flip lookupUFM)
+* *
+* SCC
+* *
+type WorkItem key payload
+ = (Node key payload, -- Tip of the path
+ [payload]) -- Rest of the path;
+ -- [a,b,c] means c depends on b, b depends on a
+-- | Find a reasonably short cycle a->b->c->a, in a strongly
+-- connected component. The input nodes are presumed to be
+-- a SCC, so you can start anywhere.
+findCycle :: forall payload key. Ord key
+ => [Node key payload] -- The nodes. The dependencies can
+ -- contain extra keys, which are ignored
+ -> Maybe [payload] -- A cycle, starting with node
+ -- so each depends on the next
+findCycle graph
+ = go Set.empty (new_work root_deps []) []
+ where
+ env :: Map.Map key (Node key payload)
+ env = Map.fromList [ (node_key node, node) | node <- graph ]
+ -- Find the node with fewest dependencies among the SCC modules
+ -- This is just a heuristic to find some plausible root module
+ root :: Node key payload
+ root = fst (minWith snd [ (node, count (`Map.member` env)
+ (node_dependencies node))
+ | node <- graph ])
+ DigraphNode root_payload root_key root_deps = root
+ -- 'go' implements Dijkstra's algorithm, more or less
+ go :: Set.Set key -- Visited
+ -> [WorkItem key payload] -- Work list, items length n
+ -> [WorkItem key payload] -- Work list, items length n+1
+ -> Maybe [payload] -- Returned cycle
+ -- Invariant: in a call (go visited ps qs),
+ -- visited = union (map tail (ps ++ qs))
+ go _ [] [] = Nothing -- No cycles
+ go visited [] qs = go visited qs []
+ go visited (((DigraphNode payload key deps), path) : ps) qs
+ | key == root_key = Just (root_payload : reverse path)
+ | key `Set.member` visited = go visited ps qs
+ | key `Map.notMember` env = go visited ps qs
+ | otherwise = go (Set.insert key visited)
+ ps (new_qs ++ qs)
+ where
+ new_qs = new_work deps (payload : path)
+ new_work :: [key] -> [payload] -> [WorkItem key payload]
+ new_work deps path = [ (n, path) | Just n <- map (`Map.lookup` env) deps ]
+* *
+* Strongly Connected Component wrappers for Graph
+* *
+Note: the components are returned topologically sorted: later components
+depend on earlier ones, but not vice versa i.e. later components only have
+edges going from them to earlier ones.
+Note [Deterministic SCC]
+stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd and
+provide a following guarantee:
+Given a deterministically ordered list of nodes it returns a deterministically
+ordered list of strongly connected components, where the list of vertices
+in an SCC is also deterministically ordered.
+Note that the order of edges doesn't need to be deterministic for this to work.
+We use the order of nodes to normalize the order of edges.
+stronglyConnCompG :: Graph node -> [SCC node]
+stronglyConnCompG graph = decodeSccs graph forest
+ where forest = {-# SCC "Digraph.scc" #-} scc (gr_int_graph graph)
+decodeSccs :: Graph node -> Forest Vertex -> [SCC node]
+decodeSccs Graph { gr_int_graph = graph, gr_vertex_to_node = vertex_fn } forest
+ = map decode forest
+ where
+ decode (Node v []) | mentions_itself v = CyclicSCC [vertex_fn v]
+ | otherwise = AcyclicSCC (vertex_fn v)
+ decode other = CyclicSCC (dec other [])
+ where dec (Node v ts) vs = vertex_fn v : foldr dec vs ts
+ mentions_itself v = v `elem` (graph ! v)
+-- The following two versions are provided for backwards compatibility:
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Ord key
+ => [Node key payload]
+ -> [SCC payload]
+ = map (fmap node_payload) . stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrdR
+-- The following two versions are provided for backwards compatibility:
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Uniquable key
+ => [Node key payload]
+ -> [SCC payload]
+ = map (fmap node_payload) . stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR
+-- The "R" interface is used when you expect to apply SCC to
+-- (some of) the result of SCC, so you don't want to lose the dependency info
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Ord key
+ => [Node key payload]
+ -> [SCC (Node key payload)]
+stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrdR =
+ stronglyConnCompG . graphFromEdgedVertices reduceNodesIntoVerticesOrd
+-- The "R" interface is used when you expect to apply SCC to
+-- (some of) the result of SCC, so you don't want to lose the dependency info
+-- See Note [Deterministic SCC]
+-- See Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations]
+ :: Uniquable key
+ => [Node key payload]
+ -> [SCC (Node key payload)]
+stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR =
+ stronglyConnCompG . graphFromEdgedVertices reduceNodesIntoVerticesUniq
+* *
+* Misc wrappers for Graph
+* *
+topologicalSortG :: Graph node -> [node]
+topologicalSortG graph = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
+ where result = {-# SCC "Digraph.topSort" #-} topSort (gr_int_graph graph)
+reachableG :: Graph node -> node -> [node]
+reachableG graph from = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
+ where from_vertex = expectJust "reachableG" (gr_node_to_vertex graph from)
+ result = {-# SCC "Digraph.reachable" #-} reachable (gr_int_graph graph) [from_vertex]
+-- | Given a list of roots return all reachable nodes.
+reachablesG :: Graph node -> [node] -> [node]
+reachablesG graph froms = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
+ where result = {-# SCC "Digraph.reachable" #-}
+ reachable (gr_int_graph graph) vs
+ vs = [ v | Just v <- map (gr_node_to_vertex graph) froms ]
+hasVertexG :: Graph node -> node -> Bool
+hasVertexG graph node = isJust $ gr_node_to_vertex graph node
+verticesG :: Graph node -> [node]
+verticesG graph = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) $ vertices (gr_int_graph graph)
+edgesG :: Graph node -> [Edge node]
+edgesG graph = map (\(v1, v2) -> Edge (v2n v1) (v2n v2)) $ edges (gr_int_graph graph)
+ where v2n = gr_vertex_to_node graph
+transposeG :: Graph node -> Graph node
+transposeG graph = Graph (G.transposeG (gr_int_graph graph))
+ (gr_vertex_to_node graph)
+ (gr_node_to_vertex graph)
+emptyG :: Graph node -> Bool
+emptyG g = graphEmpty (gr_int_graph g)
+* *
+* Showing Graphs
+* *
+instance Outputable node => Outputable (Graph node) where
+ ppr graph = vcat [
+ hang (text "Vertices:") 2 (vcat (map ppr $ verticesG graph)),
+ hang (text "Edges:") 2 (vcat (map ppr $ edgesG graph))
+ ]
+instance Outputable node => Outputable (Edge node) where
+ ppr (Edge from to) = ppr from <+> text "->" <+> ppr to
+graphEmpty :: G.Graph -> Bool
+graphEmpty g = lo > hi
+ where (lo, hi) = bounds g
+* *
+* IntGraphs
+* *
+type IntGraph = G.Graph
+-- Depth first search numbering
+-- Data.Tree has flatten for Tree, but nothing for Forest
+preorderF :: Forest a -> [a]
+preorderF ts = concatMap flatten ts
+-- Finding reachable vertices
+-- This generalizes reachable which was found in Data.Graph
+reachable :: IntGraph -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]
+reachable g vs = preorderF (dfs g vs)
+* *
+* Classify Edge Types
+* *
+-- Remark: While we could generalize this algorithm this comes at a runtime
+-- cost and with no advantages. If you find yourself using this with graphs
+-- not easily represented using Int nodes please consider rewriting this
+-- using the more general Graph type.
+-- | Edge direction based on DFS Classification
+data EdgeType
+ = Forward
+ | Cross
+ | Backward -- ^ Loop back towards the root node.
+ -- Eg backjumps in loops
+ | SelfLoop -- ^ v -> v
+ deriving (Eq,Ord)
+instance Outputable EdgeType where
+ ppr Forward = text "Forward"
+ ppr Cross = text "Cross"
+ ppr Backward = text "Backward"
+ ppr SelfLoop = text "SelfLoop"
+newtype Time = Time Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Num,Outputable)
+--Allow for specialization
+{-# INLINEABLE classifyEdges #-}
+-- | Given a start vertex, a way to get successors from a node
+-- and a list of (directed) edges classify the types of edges.
+classifyEdges :: forall key. Uniquable key => key -> (key -> [key])
+ -> [(key,key)] -> [((key, key), EdgeType)]
+classifyEdges root getSucc edges =
+ --let uqe (from,to) = (getUnique from, getUnique to)
+ --in pprTrace "Edges:" (ppr $ map uqe edges) $
+ zip edges $ map classify edges
+ where
+ (_time, starts, ends) = addTimes (0,emptyUFM,emptyUFM) root
+ classify :: (key,key) -> EdgeType
+ classify (from,to)
+ | startFrom < startTo
+ , endFrom > endTo
+ = Forward
+ | startFrom > startTo
+ , endFrom < endTo
+ = Backward
+ | startFrom > startTo
+ , endFrom > endTo
+ = Cross
+ | getUnique from == getUnique to
+ = SelfLoop
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "Failed to classify edge of Graph"
+ (ppr (getUnique from, getUnique to))
+ where
+ getTime event node
+ | Just time <- lookupUFM event node
+ = time
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "Failed to classify edge of CFG - not not timed"
+ (text "edges" <> ppr (getUnique from, getUnique to)
+ <+> ppr starts <+> ppr ends )
+ startFrom = getTime starts from
+ startTo = getTime starts to
+ endFrom = getTime ends from
+ endTo = getTime ends to
+ addTimes :: (Time, UniqFM Time, UniqFM Time) -> key
+ -> (Time, UniqFM Time, UniqFM Time)
+ addTimes (time,starts,ends) n
+ --Dont reenter nodes
+ | elemUFM n starts
+ = (time,starts,ends)
+ | otherwise =
+ let
+ starts' = addToUFM starts n time
+ time' = time + 1
+ succs = getSucc n :: [key]
+ (time'',starts'',ends') = foldl' addTimes (time',starts',ends) succs
+ ends'' = addToUFM ends' n time''
+ in
+ (time'' + 1, starts'', ends'')
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ops.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ops.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d9ce669c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ops.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+-- | Basic operations on graphs.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Ops
+ ( addNode
+ , delNode
+ , getNode
+ , lookupNode
+ , modNode
+ , size
+ , union
+ , addConflict
+ , delConflict
+ , addConflicts
+ , addCoalesce
+ , delCoalesce
+ , addExclusion
+ , addExclusions
+ , addPreference
+ , coalesceNodes
+ , coalesceGraph
+ , freezeNode
+ , freezeOneInGraph
+ , freezeAllInGraph
+ , scanGraph
+ , setColor
+ , validateGraph
+ , slurpNodeConflictCount
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Base
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import Data.List hiding (union)
+import Data.Maybe
+-- | Lookup a node from the graph.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> k -> Maybe (Node k cls color)
+lookupNode graph k
+ = lookupUFM (graphMap graph) k
+-- | Get a node from the graph, throwing an error if it's not there
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> k -> Node k cls color
+getNode graph k
+ = case lookupUFM (graphMap graph) k of
+ Just node -> node
+ Nothing -> panic "ColorOps.getNode: not found"
+-- | Add a node to the graph, linking up its edges
+addNode :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> Node k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addNode k node graph
+ = let
+ -- add back conflict edges from other nodes to this one
+ map_conflict =
+ nonDetFoldUniqSet
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUFM here because the
+ -- operation is commutative
+ (adjustUFM_C (\n -> n { nodeConflicts =
+ addOneToUniqSet (nodeConflicts n) k}))
+ (graphMap graph)
+ (nodeConflicts node)
+ -- add back coalesce edges from other nodes to this one
+ map_coalesce =
+ nonDetFoldUniqSet
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUFM here because the
+ -- operation is commutative
+ (adjustUFM_C (\n -> n { nodeCoalesce =
+ addOneToUniqSet (nodeCoalesce n) k}))
+ map_conflict
+ (nodeCoalesce node)
+ in graph
+ { graphMap = addToUFM map_coalesce k node}
+-- | Delete a node and all its edges from the graph.
+delNode :: (Uniquable k)
+ => k -> Graph k cls color -> Maybe (Graph k cls color)
+delNode k graph
+ | Just node <- lookupNode graph k
+ = let -- delete conflict edges from other nodes to this one.
+ graph1 = foldl' (\g k1 -> let Just g' = delConflict k1 k g in g') graph
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet (nodeConflicts node)
+ -- delete coalesce edge from other nodes to this one.
+ graph2 = foldl' (\g k1 -> let Just g' = delCoalesce k1 k g in g') graph1
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node)
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ -- delete the node
+ graph3 = graphMapModify (\fm -> delFromUFM fm k) graph2
+ in Just graph3
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+-- | Modify a node in the graph.
+-- returns Nothing if the node isn't present.
+modNode :: Uniquable k
+ => (Node k cls color -> Node k cls color)
+ -> k -> Graph k cls color -> Maybe (Graph k cls color)
+modNode f k graph
+ = case lookupNode graph k of
+ Just Node{}
+ -> Just
+ $ graphMapModify
+ (\fm -> let Just node = lookupUFM fm k
+ node' = f node
+ in addToUFM fm k node')
+ graph
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+-- | Get the size of the graph, O(n)
+size :: Graph k cls color -> Int
+size graph
+ = sizeUFM $ graphMap graph
+-- | Union two graphs together.
+union :: Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+union graph1 graph2
+ = Graph
+ { graphMap = plusUFM (graphMap graph1) (graphMap graph2) }
+-- | Add a conflict between nodes to the graph, creating the nodes required.
+-- Conflicts are virtual regs which need to be colored differently.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (k, cls) -> (k, cls)
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addConflict (u1, c1) (u2, c2)
+ = let addNeighbor u c u'
+ = adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodeConflicts = addOneToUniqSet (nodeConflicts node) u' })
+ (newNode u c) { nodeConflicts = unitUniqSet u' }
+ u
+ in graphMapModify
+ ( addNeighbor u1 c1 u2
+ . addNeighbor u2 c2 u1)
+-- | Delete a conflict edge. k1 -> k2
+-- returns Nothing if the node isn't in the graph
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> k
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Maybe (Graph k cls color)
+delConflict k1 k2
+ = modNode
+ (\node -> node { nodeConflicts = delOneFromUniqSet (nodeConflicts node) k2 })
+ k1
+-- | Add some conflicts to the graph, creating nodes if required.
+-- All the nodes in the set are taken to conflict with each other.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => UniqSet k -> (k -> cls)
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addConflicts conflicts getClass
+ -- just a single node, but no conflicts, create the node anyway.
+ | (u : []) <- nonDetEltsUniqSet conflicts
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ id
+ (newNode u (getClass u))
+ u
+ | otherwise
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ \fm -> foldl' (\g u -> addConflictSet1 u getClass conflicts g) fm
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet conflicts
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+addConflictSet1 :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> (k -> cls) -> UniqSet k
+ -> UniqFM (Node k cls color)
+ -> UniqFM (Node k cls color)
+addConflictSet1 u getClass set
+ = case delOneFromUniqSet set u of
+ set' -> adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodeConflicts = unionUniqSets set' (nodeConflicts node) } )
+ (newNode u (getClass u)) { nodeConflicts = set' }
+ u
+-- | Add an exclusion to the graph, creating nodes if required.
+-- These are extra colors that the node cannot use.
+ :: (Uniquable k, Uniquable color)
+ => k -> (k -> cls) -> color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addExclusion u getClass color
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodeExclusions = addOneToUniqSet (nodeExclusions node) color })
+ (newNode u (getClass u)) { nodeExclusions = unitUniqSet color }
+ u
+ :: (Uniquable k, Uniquable color)
+ => k -> (k -> cls) -> [color]
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addExclusions u getClass colors graph
+ = foldr (addExclusion u getClass) graph colors
+-- | Add a coalescence edge to the graph, creating nodes if required.
+-- It is considered adventageous to assign the same color to nodes in a coalesence.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (k, cls) -> (k, cls)
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addCoalesce (u1, c1) (u2, c2)
+ = let addCoalesce u c u'
+ = adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodeCoalesce = addOneToUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node) u' })
+ (newNode u c) { nodeCoalesce = unitUniqSet u' }
+ u
+ in graphMapModify
+ ( addCoalesce u1 c1 u2
+ . addCoalesce u2 c2 u1)
+-- | Delete a coalescence edge (k1 -> k2) from the graph.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> k
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Maybe (Graph k cls color)
+delCoalesce k1 k2
+ = modNode (\node -> node { nodeCoalesce = delOneFromUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node) k2 })
+ k1
+-- | Add a color preference to the graph, creating nodes if required.
+-- The most recently added preference is the most preferred.
+-- The algorithm tries to assign a node it's preferred color if possible.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (k, cls) -> color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+addPreference (u, c) color
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ adjustWithDefaultUFM
+ (\node -> node { nodePreference = color : (nodePreference node) })
+ (newNode u c) { nodePreference = [color] }
+ u
+-- | Do aggressive coalescing on this graph.
+-- returns the new graph and the list of pairs of nodes that got coalesced together.
+-- for each pair, the resulting node will have the least key and be second in the pair.
+ :: (Uniquable k, Ord k, Eq cls, Outputable k)
+ => Bool -- ^ If True, coalesce nodes even if this might make the graph
+ -- less colorable (aggressive coalescing)
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> ( Graph k cls color
+ , [(k, k)]) -- pairs of nodes that were coalesced, in the order that the
+ -- coalescing was applied.
+coalesceGraph aggressive triv graph
+ = coalesceGraph' aggressive triv graph []
+ :: (Uniquable k, Ord k, Eq cls, Outputable k)
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> [(k, k)]
+ -> ( Graph k cls color
+ , [(k, k)])
+coalesceGraph' aggressive triv graph kkPairsAcc
+ = let
+ -- find all the nodes that have coalescence edges
+ cNodes = filter (\node -> not $ isEmptyUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node))
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ -- build a list of pairs of keys for node's we'll try and coalesce
+ -- every pair of nodes will appear twice in this list
+ -- ie [(k1, k2), (k2, k1) ... ]
+ -- This is ok, GrapOps.coalesceNodes handles this and it's convenient for
+ -- build a list of what nodes get coalesced together for later on.
+ --
+ cList = [ (nodeId node1, k2)
+ | node1 <- cNodes
+ , k2 <- nonDetEltsUniqSet $ nodeCoalesce node1 ]
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ -- do the coalescing, returning the new graph and a list of pairs of keys
+ -- that got coalesced together.
+ (graph', mPairs)
+ = mapAccumL (coalesceNodes aggressive triv) graph cList
+ -- keep running until there are no more coalesces can be found
+ in case catMaybes mPairs of
+ [] -> (graph', reverse kkPairsAcc)
+ pairs -> coalesceGraph' aggressive triv graph' (reverse pairs ++ kkPairsAcc)
+-- | Coalesce this pair of nodes unconditionally \/ aggressively.
+-- The resulting node is the one with the least key.
+-- returns: Just the pair of keys if the nodes were coalesced
+-- the second element of the pair being the least one
+-- Nothing if either of the nodes weren't in the graph
+ :: (Uniquable k, Ord k, Eq cls)
+ => Bool -- ^ If True, coalesce nodes even if this might make the graph
+ -- less colorable (aggressive coalescing)
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> (k, k) -- ^ keys of the nodes to be coalesced
+ -> (Graph k cls color, Maybe (k, k))
+coalesceNodes aggressive triv graph (k1, k2)
+ | (kMin, kMax) <- if k1 < k2
+ then (k1, k2)
+ else (k2, k1)
+ -- the nodes being coalesced must be in the graph
+ , Just nMin <- lookupNode graph kMin
+ , Just nMax <- lookupNode graph kMax
+ -- can't coalesce conflicting modes
+ , not $ elementOfUniqSet kMin (nodeConflicts nMax)
+ , not $ elementOfUniqSet kMax (nodeConflicts nMin)
+ -- can't coalesce the same node
+ , nodeId nMin /= nodeId nMax
+ = coalesceNodes_merge aggressive triv graph kMin kMax nMin nMax
+ -- don't do the coalescing after all
+ | otherwise
+ = (graph, Nothing)
+ :: (Uniquable k, Eq cls)
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> k -> k
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> (Graph k cls color, Maybe (k, k))
+coalesceNodes_merge aggressive triv graph kMin kMax nMin nMax
+ -- sanity checks
+ | nodeClass nMin /= nodeClass nMax
+ = error "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.coalesceNodes: can't coalesce nodes of different classes."
+ | not (isNothing (nodeColor nMin) && isNothing (nodeColor nMax))
+ = error "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.coalesceNodes: can't coalesce colored nodes."
+ ---
+ | otherwise
+ = let
+ -- the new node gets all the edges from its two components
+ node =
+ Node { nodeId = kMin
+ , nodeClass = nodeClass nMin
+ , nodeColor = Nothing
+ -- nodes don't conflict with themselves..
+ , nodeConflicts
+ = (unionUniqSets (nodeConflicts nMin) (nodeConflicts nMax))
+ `delOneFromUniqSet` kMin
+ `delOneFromUniqSet` kMax
+ , nodeExclusions = unionUniqSets (nodeExclusions nMin) (nodeExclusions nMax)
+ , nodePreference = nodePreference nMin ++ nodePreference nMax
+ -- nodes don't coalesce with themselves..
+ , nodeCoalesce
+ = (unionUniqSets (nodeCoalesce nMin) (nodeCoalesce nMax))
+ `delOneFromUniqSet` kMin
+ `delOneFromUniqSet` kMax
+ }
+ in coalesceNodes_check aggressive triv graph kMin kMax node
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => Bool
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> k -> k
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> (Graph k cls color, Maybe (k, k))
+coalesceNodes_check aggressive triv graph kMin kMax node
+ -- Unless we're coalescing aggressively, if the result node is not trivially
+ -- colorable then don't do the coalescing.
+ | not aggressive
+ , not $ triv (nodeClass node) (nodeConflicts node) (nodeExclusions node)
+ = (graph, Nothing)
+ | otherwise
+ = let -- delete the old nodes from the graph and add the new one
+ Just graph1 = delNode kMax graph
+ Just graph2 = delNode kMin graph1
+ graph3 = addNode kMin node graph2
+ in (graph3, Just (kMax, kMin))
+-- | Freeze a node
+-- This is for the iterative coalescer.
+-- By freezing a node we give up on ever coalescing it.
+-- Move all its coalesce edges into the frozen set - and update
+-- back edges from other nodes.
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => k -- ^ key of the node to freeze
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ the graph
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ graph with that node frozen
+freezeNode k
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ \fm ->
+ let -- freeze all the edges in the node to be frozen
+ Just node = lookupUFM fm k
+ node' = node
+ { nodeCoalesce = emptyUniqSet }
+ fm1 = addToUFM fm k node'
+ -- update back edges pointing to this node
+ freezeEdge k node
+ = if elementOfUniqSet k (nodeCoalesce node)
+ then node { nodeCoalesce = delOneFromUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node) k }
+ else node -- panic "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.freezeNode: edge to freeze wasn't in the coalesce set"
+ -- If the edge isn't actually in the coelesce set then just ignore it.
+ fm2 = nonDetFoldUniqSet (adjustUFM_C (freezeEdge k)) fm1
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUFM here because the operation
+ -- is commutative
+ $ nodeCoalesce node
+ in fm2
+-- | Freeze one node in the graph
+-- This if for the iterative coalescer.
+-- Look for a move related node of low degree and freeze it.
+-- We probably don't need to scan the whole graph looking for the node of absolute
+-- lowest degree. Just sample the first few and choose the one with the lowest
+-- degree out of those. Also, we don't make any distinction between conflicts of different
+-- classes.. this is just a heuristic, after all.
+-- IDEA: freezing a node might free it up for Simplify.. would be good to check for triv
+-- right here, and add it to a worklist if known triv\/non-move nodes.
+ :: (Uniquable k)
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> ( Graph k cls color -- the new graph
+ , Bool ) -- whether we found a node to freeze
+freezeOneInGraph graph
+ = let compareNodeDegree n1 n2
+ = compare (sizeUniqSet $ nodeConflicts n1) (sizeUniqSet $ nodeConflicts n2)
+ candidates
+ = sortBy compareNodeDegree
+ $ take 5 -- 5 isn't special, it's just a small number.
+ $ scanGraph (\node -> not $ isEmptyUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node)) graph
+ in case candidates of
+ -- there wasn't anything available to freeze
+ [] -> (graph, False)
+ -- we found something to freeze
+ (n : _)
+ -> ( freezeNode (nodeId n) graph
+ , True)
+-- | Freeze all the nodes in the graph
+-- for debugging the iterative allocator.
+ :: (Uniquable k)
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color
+freezeAllInGraph graph
+ = foldr freezeNode graph
+ $ map nodeId
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+-- | Find all the nodes in the graph that meet some criteria
+ :: (Node k cls color -> Bool)
+ -> Graph k cls color
+ -> [Node k cls color]
+scanGraph match graph
+ = filter match $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+-- | validate the internal structure of a graph
+-- all its edges should point to valid nodes
+-- If they don't then throw an error
+ :: (Uniquable k, Outputable k, Eq color)
+ => SDoc -- ^ extra debugging info to display on error
+ -> Bool -- ^ whether this graph is supposed to be colored.
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ graph to validate
+ -> Graph k cls color -- ^ validated graph
+validateGraph doc isColored graph
+ -- Check that all edges point to valid nodes.
+ | edges <- unionManyUniqSets
+ ( (map nodeConflicts $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph)
+ ++ (map nodeCoalesce $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph))
+ , nodes <- mkUniqSet $ map nodeId $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ , badEdges <- minusUniqSet edges nodes
+ , not $ isEmptyUniqSet badEdges
+ = pprPanic "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.validateGraph"
+ ( text "Graph has edges that point to non-existent nodes"
+ $$ text " bad edges: " <> pprUFM (getUniqSet badEdges) (vcat . map ppr)
+ $$ doc )
+ -- Check that no conflicting nodes have the same color
+ | badNodes <- filter (not . (checkNode graph))
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ , not $ null badNodes
+ = pprPanic "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.validateGraph"
+ ( text "Node has same color as one of it's conflicts"
+ $$ text " bad nodes: " <> hcat (map (ppr . nodeId) badNodes)
+ $$ doc)
+ -- If this is supposed to be a colored graph,
+ -- check that all nodes have a color.
+ | isColored
+ , badNodes <- filter (\n -> isNothing $ nodeColor n)
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ , not $ null badNodes
+ = pprPanic "GHC.Data.Graph.Ops.validateGraph"
+ ( text "Supposably colored graph has uncolored nodes."
+ $$ text " uncolored nodes: " <> hcat (map (ppr . nodeId) badNodes)
+ $$ doc )
+ -- graph looks ok
+ | otherwise
+ = graph
+-- | If this node is colored, check that all the nodes which
+-- conflict with it have different colors.
+ :: (Uniquable k, Eq color)
+ => Graph k cls color
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> Bool -- ^ True if this node is ok
+checkNode graph node
+ | Just color <- nodeColor node
+ , Just neighbors <- sequence $ map (lookupNode graph)
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet $ nodeConflicts node
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ , neighbourColors <- catMaybes $ map nodeColor neighbors
+ , elem color neighbourColors
+ = False
+ | otherwise
+ = True
+-- | Slurp out a map of how many nodes had a certain number of conflict neighbours
+ :: Graph k cls color
+ -> UniqFM (Int, Int) -- ^ (conflict neighbours, num nodes with that many conflicts)
+slurpNodeConflictCount graph
+ = addListToUFM_C
+ (\(c1, n1) (_, n2) -> (c1, n1 + n2))
+ emptyUFM
+ $ map (\node
+ -> let count = sizeUniqSet $ nodeConflicts node
+ in (count, (count, 1)))
+ $ nonDetEltsUFM
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ $ graphMap graph
+-- | Set the color of a certain node
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => k -> color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> Graph k cls color
+setColor u color
+ = graphMapModify
+ $ adjustUFM_C
+ (\n -> n { nodeColor = Just color })
+ u
+{-# INLINE adjustWithDefaultUFM #-}
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (a -> a) -> a -> k
+ -> UniqFM a -> UniqFM a
+adjustWithDefaultUFM f def k map
+ = addToUFM_C
+ (\old _ -> f old)
+ map
+ k def
+-- Argument order different from UniqFM's adjustUFM
+{-# INLINE adjustUFM_C #-}
+ :: Uniquable k
+ => (a -> a)
+ -> k -> UniqFM a -> UniqFM a
+adjustUFM_C f k map
+ = case lookupUFM map k of
+ Nothing -> map
+ Just a -> addToUFM map k (f a)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ppr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..020284ea7e
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Ppr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+-- | Pretty printing of graphs.
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Ppr
+ ( dumpGraph
+ , dotGraph
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Base
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import Data.List (mapAccumL)
+import Data.Maybe
+-- | Pretty print a graph in a somewhat human readable format.
+ :: (Outputable k, Outputable color)
+ => Graph k cls color -> SDoc
+dumpGraph graph
+ = text "Graph"
+ $$ pprUFM (graphMap graph) (vcat . map dumpNode)
+ :: (Outputable k, Outputable color)
+ => Node k cls color -> SDoc
+dumpNode node
+ = text "Node " <> ppr (nodeId node)
+ $$ text "conflicts "
+ <> parens (int (sizeUniqSet $ nodeConflicts node))
+ <> text " = "
+ <> ppr (nodeConflicts node)
+ $$ text "exclusions "
+ <> parens (int (sizeUniqSet $ nodeExclusions node))
+ <> text " = "
+ <> ppr (nodeExclusions node)
+ $$ text "coalesce "
+ <> parens (int (sizeUniqSet $ nodeCoalesce node))
+ <> text " = "
+ <> ppr (nodeCoalesce node)
+ $$ space
+-- | Pretty print a graph in graphviz .dot format.
+-- Conflicts get solid edges.
+-- Coalescences get dashed edges.
+ :: ( Uniquable k
+ , Outputable k, Outputable cls, Outputable color)
+ => (color -> SDoc) -- ^ What graphviz color to use for each node color
+ -- It's usually safe to return X11 style colors here,
+ -- ie "red", "green" etc or a hex triplet #aaff55 etc
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Graph k cls color -> SDoc
+dotGraph colorMap triv graph
+ = let nodes = nonDetEltsUFM $ graphMap graph
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ in vcat
+ ( [ text "graph G {" ]
+ ++ map (dotNode colorMap triv) nodes
+ ++ (catMaybes $ snd $ mapAccumL dotNodeEdges emptyUniqSet nodes)
+ ++ [ text "}"
+ , space ])
+dotNode :: ( Outputable k, Outputable cls, Outputable color)
+ => (color -> SDoc)
+ -> Triv k cls color
+ -> Node k cls color -> SDoc
+dotNode colorMap triv node
+ = let name = ppr $ nodeId node
+ cls = ppr $ nodeClass node
+ excludes
+ = hcat $ punctuate space
+ $ map (\n -> text "-" <> ppr n)
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet $ nodeExclusions node
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ preferences
+ = hcat $ punctuate space
+ $ map (\n -> text "+" <> ppr n)
+ $ nodePreference node
+ expref = if and [isEmptyUniqSet (nodeExclusions node), null (nodePreference node)]
+ then empty
+ else text "\\n" <> (excludes <+> preferences)
+ -- if the node has been colored then show that,
+ -- otherwise indicate whether it looks trivially colorable.
+ color
+ | Just c <- nodeColor node
+ = text "\\n(" <> ppr c <> text ")"
+ | triv (nodeClass node) (nodeConflicts node) (nodeExclusions node)
+ = text "\\n(" <> text "triv" <> text ")"
+ | otherwise
+ = text "\\n(" <> text "spill?" <> text ")"
+ label = name <> text " :: " <> cls
+ <> expref
+ <> color
+ pcolorC = case nodeColor node of
+ Nothing -> text "style=filled fillcolor=white"
+ Just c -> text "style=filled fillcolor=" <> doubleQuotes (colorMap c)
+ pout = text "node [label=" <> doubleQuotes label <> space <> pcolorC <> text "]"
+ <> space <> doubleQuotes name
+ <> text ";"
+ in pout
+-- | Nodes in the graph are doubly linked, but we only want one edge for each
+-- conflict if the graphviz graph. Traverse over the graph, but make sure
+-- to only print the edges for each node once.
+ :: ( Uniquable k
+ , Outputable k)
+ => UniqSet k
+ -> Node k cls color
+ -> (UniqSet k, Maybe SDoc)
+dotNodeEdges visited node
+ | elementOfUniqSet (nodeId node) visited
+ = ( visited
+ , Nothing)
+ | otherwise
+ = let dconflicts
+ = map (dotEdgeConflict (nodeId node))
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ $ minusUniqSet (nodeConflicts node) visited
+ dcoalesces
+ = map (dotEdgeCoalesce (nodeId node))
+ $ nonDetEltsUniqSet
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ $ minusUniqSet (nodeCoalesce node) visited
+ out = vcat dconflicts
+ $$ vcat dcoalesces
+ in ( addOneToUniqSet visited (nodeId node)
+ , Just out)
+ where dotEdgeConflict u1 u2
+ = doubleQuotes (ppr u1) <> text " -- " <> doubleQuotes (ppr u2)
+ <> text ";"
+ dotEdgeCoalesce u1 u2
+ = doubleQuotes (ppr u1) <> text " -- " <> doubleQuotes (ppr u2)
+ <> space <> text "[ style = dashed ];"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d1657ce62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014 Joachim Breitner
+A data structure for undirected graphs of variables
+(or in plain terms: Sets of unordered pairs of numbers)
+This is very specifically tailored for the use in CallArity. In particular it
+stores the graph as a union of complete and complete bipartite graph, which
+would be very expensive to store as sets of edges or as adjanceny lists.
+It does not normalize the graphs. This means that g `unionUnVarGraph` g is
+equal to g, but twice as expensive and large.
+module GHC.Data.Graph.UnVar
+ ( UnVarSet
+ , emptyUnVarSet, mkUnVarSet, varEnvDom, unionUnVarSet, unionUnVarSets
+ , delUnVarSet
+ , elemUnVarSet, isEmptyUnVarSet
+ , UnVarGraph
+ , emptyUnVarGraph
+ , unionUnVarGraph, unionUnVarGraphs
+ , completeGraph, completeBipartiteGraph
+ , neighbors
+ , hasLoopAt
+ , delNode
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Data.Bag
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import qualified Data.IntSet as S
+-- We need a type for sets of variables (UnVarSet).
+-- We do not use VarSet, because for that we need to have the actual variable
+-- at hand, and we do not have that when we turn the domain of a VarEnv into a UnVarSet.
+-- Therefore, use a IntSet directly (which is likely also a bit more efficient).
+-- Set of uniques, i.e. for adjancet nodes
+newtype UnVarSet = UnVarSet (S.IntSet)
+ deriving Eq
+k :: Var -> Int
+k v = getKey (getUnique v)
+emptyUnVarSet :: UnVarSet
+emptyUnVarSet = UnVarSet S.empty
+elemUnVarSet :: Var -> UnVarSet -> Bool
+elemUnVarSet v (UnVarSet s) = k v `S.member` s
+isEmptyUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> Bool
+isEmptyUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) = S.null s
+delUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> Var -> UnVarSet
+delUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) v = UnVarSet $ k v `S.delete` s
+mkUnVarSet :: [Var] -> UnVarSet
+mkUnVarSet vs = UnVarSet $ S.fromList $ map k vs
+varEnvDom :: VarEnv a -> UnVarSet
+varEnvDom ae = UnVarSet $ ufmToSet_Directly ae
+unionUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> UnVarSet
+unionUnVarSet (UnVarSet set1) (UnVarSet set2) = UnVarSet (set1 `S.union` set2)
+unionUnVarSets :: [UnVarSet] -> UnVarSet
+unionUnVarSets = foldr unionUnVarSet emptyUnVarSet
+instance Outputable UnVarSet where
+ ppr (UnVarSet s) = braces $
+ hcat $ punctuate comma [ ppr (getUnique i) | i <- S.toList s]
+-- The graph type. A list of complete bipartite graphs
+data Gen = CBPG UnVarSet UnVarSet -- complete bipartite
+ | CG UnVarSet -- complete
+newtype UnVarGraph = UnVarGraph (Bag Gen)
+emptyUnVarGraph :: UnVarGraph
+emptyUnVarGraph = UnVarGraph emptyBag
+unionUnVarGraph :: UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph
+Premature optimisation, it seems.
+unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph [CBPG s1 s2]) (UnVarGraph [CG s3, CG s4])
+ | s1 == s3 && s2 == s4
+ = pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph fired" empty $
+ completeGraph (s1 `unionUnVarSet` s2)
+unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph [CBPG s1 s2]) (UnVarGraph [CG s3, CG s4])
+ | s2 == s3 && s1 == s4
+ = pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph fired2" empty $
+ completeGraph (s1 `unionUnVarSet` s2)
+unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph g1) (UnVarGraph g2)
+ = -- pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph" (ppr (length g1, length g2)) $
+ UnVarGraph (g1 `unionBags` g2)
+unionUnVarGraphs :: [UnVarGraph] -> UnVarGraph
+unionUnVarGraphs = foldl' unionUnVarGraph emptyUnVarGraph
+-- completeBipartiteGraph A B = { {a,b} | a ∈ A, b ∈ B }
+completeBipartiteGraph :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> UnVarGraph
+completeBipartiteGraph s1 s2 = prune $ UnVarGraph $ unitBag $ CBPG s1 s2
+completeGraph :: UnVarSet -> UnVarGraph
+completeGraph s = prune $ UnVarGraph $ unitBag $ CG s
+neighbors :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> UnVarSet
+neighbors (UnVarGraph g) v = unionUnVarSets $ concatMap go $ bagToList g
+ where go (CG s) = (if v `elemUnVarSet` s then [s] else [])
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = (if v `elemUnVarSet` s1 then [s2] else []) ++
+ (if v `elemUnVarSet` s2 then [s1] else [])
+-- hasLoopAt G v <=> v--v ∈ G
+hasLoopAt :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> Bool
+hasLoopAt (UnVarGraph g) v = any go $ bagToList g
+ where go (CG s) = v `elemUnVarSet` s
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = v `elemUnVarSet` s1 && v `elemUnVarSet` s2
+delNode :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> UnVarGraph
+delNode (UnVarGraph g) v = prune $ UnVarGraph $ mapBag go g
+ where go (CG s) = CG (s `delUnVarSet` v)
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = CBPG (s1 `delUnVarSet` v) (s2 `delUnVarSet` v)
+prune :: UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph
+prune (UnVarGraph g) = UnVarGraph $ filterBag go g
+ where go (CG s) = not (isEmptyUnVarSet s)
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = not (isEmptyUnVarSet s1) && not (isEmptyUnVarSet s2)
+instance Outputable Gen where
+ ppr (CG s) = ppr s <> char '²'
+ ppr (CBPG s1 s2) = ppr s1 <+> char 'x' <+> ppr s2
+instance Outputable UnVarGraph where
+ ppr (UnVarGraph g) = ppr g
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/IOEnv.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/IOEnv.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..345482094e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/IOEnv.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006
+-- | The IO Monad with an environment
+-- The environment is passed around as a Reader monad but
+-- as its in the IO monad, mutable references can be used
+-- for updating state.
+module GHC.Data.IOEnv (
+ IOEnv, -- Instance of Monad
+ -- Monad utilities
+ module GHC.Utils.Monad,
+ -- Errors
+ failM, failWithM,
+ IOEnvFailure(..),
+ -- Getting at the environment
+ getEnv, setEnv, updEnv,
+ runIOEnv, unsafeInterleaveM, uninterruptibleMaskM_,
+ tryM, tryAllM, tryMostM, fixM,
+ -- I/O operations
+ IORef, newMutVar, readMutVar, writeMutVar, updMutVar,
+ atomicUpdMutVar, atomicUpdMutVar'
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Utils.Exception
+import GHC.Types.Module
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, modifyIORef,
+ atomicModifyIORef, atomicModifyIORef' )
+import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
+import System.IO ( fixIO )
+import Control.Monad
+import GHC.Utils.Monad
+import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
+-- Defining the monad type
+newtype IOEnv env a = IOEnv (env -> IO a) deriving (Functor)
+unIOEnv :: IOEnv env a -> (env -> IO a)
+unIOEnv (IOEnv m) = m
+instance Monad (IOEnv m) where
+ (>>=) = thenM
+ (>>) = (*>)
+instance MonadFail (IOEnv m) where
+ fail _ = failM -- Ignore the string
+instance Applicative (IOEnv m) where
+ pure = returnM
+ IOEnv f <*> IOEnv x = IOEnv (\ env -> f env <*> x env )
+ (*>) = thenM_
+returnM :: a -> IOEnv env a
+returnM a = IOEnv (\ _ -> return a)
+thenM :: IOEnv env a -> (a -> IOEnv env b) -> IOEnv env b
+thenM (IOEnv m) f = IOEnv (\ env -> do { r <- m env ;
+ unIOEnv (f r) env })
+thenM_ :: IOEnv env a -> IOEnv env b -> IOEnv env b
+thenM_ (IOEnv m) f = IOEnv (\ env -> do { _ <- m env ; unIOEnv f env })
+failM :: IOEnv env a
+failM = IOEnv (\ _ -> throwIO IOEnvFailure)
+failWithM :: String -> IOEnv env a
+failWithM s = IOEnv (\ _ -> ioError (userError s))
+data IOEnvFailure = IOEnvFailure
+instance Show IOEnvFailure where
+ show IOEnvFailure = "IOEnv failure"
+instance Exception IOEnvFailure
+instance ExceptionMonad (IOEnv a) where
+ gcatch act handle =
+ IOEnv $ \s -> unIOEnv act s `gcatch` \e -> unIOEnv (handle e) s
+ gmask f =
+ IOEnv $ \s -> gmask $ \io_restore ->
+ let
+ g_restore (IOEnv m) = IOEnv $ \s -> io_restore (m s)
+ in
+ unIOEnv (f g_restore) s
+instance ContainsDynFlags env => HasDynFlags (IOEnv env) where
+ getDynFlags = do env <- getEnv
+ return $! extractDynFlags env
+instance ContainsModule env => HasModule (IOEnv env) where
+ getModule = do env <- getEnv
+ return $ extractModule env
+-- Fundamental combinators specific to the monad
+runIOEnv :: env -> IOEnv env a -> IO a
+runIOEnv env (IOEnv m) = m env
+{-# NOINLINE fixM #-}
+ -- Aargh! Not inlining fixM alleviates a space leak problem.
+ -- Normally fixM is used with a lazy tuple match: if the optimiser is
+ -- shown the definition of fixM, it occasionally transforms the code
+ -- in such a way that the code generator doesn't spot the selector
+ -- thunks. Sigh.
+fixM :: (a -> IOEnv env a) -> IOEnv env a
+fixM f = IOEnv (\ env -> fixIO (\ r -> unIOEnv (f r) env))
+tryM :: IOEnv env r -> IOEnv env (Either IOEnvFailure r)
+-- Reflect UserError exceptions (only) into IOEnv monad
+-- Other exceptions are not caught; they are simply propagated as exns
+-- The idea is that errors in the program being compiled will give rise
+-- to UserErrors. But, say, pattern-match failures in GHC itself should
+-- not be caught here, else they'll be reported as errors in the program
+-- begin compiled!
+tryM (IOEnv thing) = IOEnv (\ env -> tryIOEnvFailure (thing env))
+tryIOEnvFailure :: IO a -> IO (Either IOEnvFailure a)
+tryIOEnvFailure = try
+-- XXX We shouldn't be catching everything, e.g. timeouts
+tryAllM :: IOEnv env r -> IOEnv env (Either SomeException r)
+-- Catch *all* exceptions
+-- This is used when running a Template-Haskell splice, when
+-- even a pattern-match failure is a programmer error
+tryAllM (IOEnv thing) = IOEnv (\ env -> try (thing env))
+tryMostM :: IOEnv env r -> IOEnv env (Either SomeException r)
+tryMostM (IOEnv thing) = IOEnv (\ env -> tryMost (thing env))
+unsafeInterleaveM :: IOEnv env a -> IOEnv env a
+unsafeInterleaveM (IOEnv m) = IOEnv (\ env -> unsafeInterleaveIO (m env))
+uninterruptibleMaskM_ :: IOEnv env a -> IOEnv env a
+uninterruptibleMaskM_ (IOEnv m) = IOEnv (\ env -> uninterruptibleMask_ (m env))
+-- Alternative/MonadPlus
+instance Alternative (IOEnv env) where
+ empty = IOEnv (const empty)
+ m <|> n = IOEnv (\env -> unIOEnv m env <|> unIOEnv n env)
+instance MonadPlus (IOEnv env)
+-- Accessing input/output
+instance MonadIO (IOEnv env) where
+ liftIO io = IOEnv (\ _ -> io)
+newMutVar :: a -> IOEnv env (IORef a)
+newMutVar val = liftIO (newIORef val)
+writeMutVar :: IORef a -> a -> IOEnv env ()
+writeMutVar var val = liftIO (writeIORef var val)
+readMutVar :: IORef a -> IOEnv env a
+readMutVar var = liftIO (readIORef var)
+updMutVar :: IORef a -> (a -> a) -> IOEnv env ()
+updMutVar var upd = liftIO (modifyIORef var upd)
+-- | Atomically update the reference. Does not force the evaluation of the
+-- new variable contents. For strict update, use 'atomicUpdMutVar''.
+atomicUpdMutVar :: IORef a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> IOEnv env b
+atomicUpdMutVar var upd = liftIO (atomicModifyIORef var upd)
+-- | Strict variant of 'atomicUpdMutVar'.
+atomicUpdMutVar' :: IORef a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> IOEnv env b
+atomicUpdMutVar' var upd = liftIO (atomicModifyIORef' var upd)
+-- Accessing the environment
+getEnv :: IOEnv env env
+{-# INLINE getEnv #-}
+getEnv = IOEnv (\ env -> return env)
+-- | Perform a computation with a different environment
+setEnv :: env' -> IOEnv env' a -> IOEnv env a
+{-# INLINE setEnv #-}
+setEnv new_env (IOEnv m) = IOEnv (\ _ -> m new_env)
+-- | Perform a computation with an altered environment
+updEnv :: (env -> env') -> IOEnv env' a -> IOEnv env a
+{-# INLINE updEnv #-}
+updEnv upd (IOEnv m) = IOEnv (\ env -> m (upd env))
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/List/SetOps.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/List/SetOps.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d916e9dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/List/SetOps.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+-- | Set-like operations on lists
+-- Avoid using them as much as possible
+module GHC.Data.List.SetOps (
+ unionLists, minusList, deleteBys,
+ -- Association lists
+ Assoc, assoc, assocMaybe, assocUsing, assocDefault, assocDefaultUsing,
+ -- Duplicate handling
+ hasNoDups, removeDups, findDupsEq,
+ equivClasses,
+ -- Indexing
+ getNth
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+getNth :: Outputable a => [a] -> Int -> a
+getNth xs n = ASSERT2( xs `lengthExceeds` n, ppr n $$ ppr xs )
+ xs !! n
+deleteBys :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+-- (deleteBys eq xs ys) returns xs-ys, using the given equality function
+-- Just like 'Data.List.delete' but with an equality function
+deleteBys eq xs ys = foldl' (flip (L.deleteBy eq)) xs ys
+* *
+ Treating lists as sets
+ Assumes the lists contain no duplicates, but are unordered
+* *
+-- | Assumes that the arguments contain no duplicates
+unionLists :: (HasDebugCallStack, Outputable a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+-- We special case some reasonable common patterns.
+unionLists xs [] = xs
+unionLists [] ys = ys
+unionLists [x] ys
+ | isIn "unionLists" x ys = ys
+ | otherwise = x:ys
+unionLists xs [y]
+ | isIn "unionLists" y xs = xs
+ | otherwise = y:xs
+unionLists xs ys
+ = WARN(lengthExceeds xs 100 || lengthExceeds ys 100, ppr xs $$ ppr ys)
+ [x | x <- xs, isn'tIn "unionLists" x ys] ++ ys
+-- | Calculate the set difference of two lists. This is
+-- /O((m + n) log n)/, where we subtract a list of /n/ elements
+-- from a list of /m/ elements.
+-- Extremely short cases are handled specially:
+-- When /m/ or /n/ is 0, this takes /O(1)/ time. When /m/ is 1,
+-- it takes /O(n)/ time.
+minusList :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+-- There's no point building a set to perform just one lookup, so we handle
+-- extremely short lists specially. It might actually be better to use
+-- an O(m*n) algorithm when m is a little longer (perhaps up to 4 or even 5).
+-- The tipping point will be somewhere in the area of where /m/ and /log n/
+-- become comparable, but we probably don't want to work too hard on this.
+minusList [] _ = []
+minusList xs@[x] ys
+ | x `elem` ys = []
+ | otherwise = xs
+-- Using an empty set or a singleton would also be silly, so let's not.
+minusList xs [] = xs
+minusList xs [y] = filter (/= y) xs
+-- When each list has at least two elements, we build a set from the
+-- second argument, allowing us to filter the first argument fairly
+-- efficiently.
+minusList xs ys = filter (`S.notMember` yss) xs
+ where
+ yss = S.fromList ys
+* *
+\subsection[Utils-assoc]{Association lists}
+* *
+Inefficient finite maps based on association lists and equality.
+-- A finite mapping based on equality and association lists
+type Assoc a b = [(a,b)]
+assoc :: (Eq a) => String -> Assoc a b -> a -> b
+assocDefault :: (Eq a) => b -> Assoc a b -> a -> b
+assocUsing :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> String -> Assoc a b -> a -> b
+assocMaybe :: (Eq a) => Assoc a b -> a -> Maybe b
+assocDefaultUsing :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> b -> Assoc a b -> a -> b
+assocDefaultUsing _ deflt [] _ = deflt
+assocDefaultUsing eq deflt ((k,v) : rest) key
+ | k `eq` key = v
+ | otherwise = assocDefaultUsing eq deflt rest key
+assoc crash_msg list key = assocDefaultUsing (==) (panic ("Failed in assoc: " ++ crash_msg)) list key
+assocDefault deflt list key = assocDefaultUsing (==) deflt list key
+assocUsing eq crash_msg list key = assocDefaultUsing eq (panic ("Failed in assoc: " ++ crash_msg)) list key
+assocMaybe alist key
+ = lookup alist
+ where
+ lookup [] = Nothing
+ lookup ((tv,ty):rest) = if key == tv then Just ty else lookup rest
+* *
+* *
+hasNoDups :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
+hasNoDups xs = f [] xs
+ where
+ f _ [] = True
+ f seen_so_far (x:xs) = if x `is_elem` seen_so_far
+ then False
+ else f (x:seen_so_far) xs
+ is_elem = isIn "hasNoDups"
+equivClasses :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -- Comparison
+ -> [a]
+ -> [NonEmpty a]
+equivClasses _ [] = []
+equivClasses _ [stuff] = [stuff :| []]
+equivClasses cmp items = NE.groupBy eq (L.sortBy cmp items)
+ where
+ eq a b = case cmp a b of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }
+removeDups :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -- Comparison function
+ -> [a]
+ -> ([a], -- List with no duplicates
+ [NonEmpty a]) -- List of duplicate groups. One representative
+ -- from each group appears in the first result
+removeDups _ [] = ([], [])
+removeDups _ [x] = ([x],[])
+removeDups cmp xs
+ = case L.mapAccumR collect_dups [] (equivClasses cmp xs) of { (dups, xs') ->
+ (xs', dups) }
+ where
+ collect_dups :: [NonEmpty a] -> NonEmpty a -> ([NonEmpty a], a)
+ collect_dups dups_so_far (x :| []) = (dups_so_far, x)
+ collect_dups dups_so_far dups@(x :| _) = (dups:dups_so_far, x)
+findDupsEq :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [NonEmpty a]
+findDupsEq _ [] = []
+findDupsEq eq (x:xs) | L.null eq_xs = findDupsEq eq xs
+ | otherwise = (x :| eq_xs) : findDupsEq eq neq_xs
+ where (eq_xs, neq_xs) = L.partition (eq x) xs
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Maybe.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Maybe.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..230468a20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Maybe.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+module GHC.Data.Maybe (
+ module Data.Maybe,
+ MaybeErr(..), -- Instance of Monad
+ failME, isSuccess,
+ orElse,
+ firstJust, firstJusts,
+ whenIsJust,
+ expectJust,
+ rightToMaybe,
+ -- * MaybeT
+ MaybeT(..), liftMaybeT, tryMaybeT
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException(..))
+import Data.Maybe
+import GHC.Utils.Misc (HasCallStack)
+infixr 4 `orElse`
+* *
+\subsection[Maybe type]{The @Maybe@ type}
+* *
+firstJust :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
+firstJust a b = firstJusts [a, b]
+-- | Takes a list of @Maybes@ and returns the first @Just@ if there is one, or
+-- @Nothing@ otherwise.
+firstJusts :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
+firstJusts = msum
+expectJust :: HasCallStack => String -> Maybe a -> a
+{-# INLINE expectJust #-}
+expectJust _ (Just x) = x
+expectJust err Nothing = error ("expectJust " ++ err)
+whenIsJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
+whenIsJust (Just x) f = f x
+whenIsJust Nothing _ = return ()
+-- | Flipped version of @fromMaybe@, useful for chaining.
+orElse :: Maybe a -> a -> a
+orElse = flip fromMaybe
+rightToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
+rightToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
+rightToMaybe (Right x) = Just x
+* *
+\subsection[MaybeT type]{The @MaybeT@ monad transformer}
+* *
+-- We had our own MaybeT in the past. Now we reuse transformer's MaybeT
+liftMaybeT :: Monad m => m a -> MaybeT m a
+liftMaybeT act = MaybeT $ Just `liftM` act
+-- | Try performing an 'IO' action, failing on error.
+tryMaybeT :: IO a -> MaybeT IO a
+tryMaybeT action = MaybeT $ catch (Just `fmap` action) handler
+ where
+ handler (SomeException _) = return Nothing
+* *
+\subsection[MaybeErr type]{The @MaybeErr@ type}
+* *
+data MaybeErr err val = Succeeded val | Failed err
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Applicative (MaybeErr err) where
+ pure = Succeeded
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad (MaybeErr err) where
+ Succeeded v >>= k = k v
+ Failed e >>= _ = Failed e
+isSuccess :: MaybeErr err val -> Bool
+isSuccess (Succeeded {}) = True
+isSuccess (Failed {}) = False
+failME :: err -> MaybeErr err val
+failME e = Failed e
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/OrdList.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/OrdList.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5476055f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/OrdList.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+-- | Provide trees (of instructions), so that lists of instructions can be
+-- appended in linear time.
+module GHC.Data.OrdList (
+ OrdList,
+ nilOL, isNilOL, unitOL, appOL, consOL, snocOL, concatOL, lastOL,
+ headOL,
+ mapOL, fromOL, toOL, foldrOL, foldlOL, reverseOL, fromOLReverse,
+ strictlyEqOL, strictlyOrdOL
+) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.Foldable
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
+infixl 5 `appOL`
+infixl 5 `snocOL`
+infixr 5 `consOL`
+data OrdList a
+ = None
+ | One a
+ | Many [a] -- Invariant: non-empty
+ | Cons a (OrdList a)
+ | Snoc (OrdList a) a
+ | Two (OrdList a) -- Invariant: non-empty
+ (OrdList a) -- Invariant: non-empty
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (OrdList a) where
+ ppr ol = ppr (fromOL ol) -- Convert to list and print that
+instance Semigroup (OrdList a) where
+ (<>) = appOL
+instance Monoid (OrdList a) where
+ mempty = nilOL
+ mappend = (Semigroup.<>)
+ mconcat = concatOL
+instance Foldable OrdList where
+ foldr = foldrOL
+ foldl' = foldlOL
+ toList = fromOL
+ null = isNilOL
+ length = lengthOL
+instance Traversable OrdList where
+ traverse f xs = toOL <$> traverse f (fromOL xs)
+nilOL :: OrdList a
+isNilOL :: OrdList a -> Bool
+unitOL :: a -> OrdList a
+snocOL :: OrdList a -> a -> OrdList a
+consOL :: a -> OrdList a -> OrdList a
+appOL :: OrdList a -> OrdList a -> OrdList a
+concatOL :: [OrdList a] -> OrdList a
+headOL :: OrdList a -> a
+lastOL :: OrdList a -> a
+lengthOL :: OrdList a -> Int
+nilOL = None
+unitOL as = One as
+snocOL as b = Snoc as b
+consOL a bs = Cons a bs
+concatOL aas = foldr appOL None aas
+headOL None = panic "headOL"
+headOL (One a) = a
+headOL (Many as) = head as
+headOL (Cons a _) = a
+headOL (Snoc as _) = headOL as
+headOL (Two as _) = headOL as
+lastOL None = panic "lastOL"
+lastOL (One a) = a
+lastOL (Many as) = last as
+lastOL (Cons _ as) = lastOL as
+lastOL (Snoc _ a) = a
+lastOL (Two _ as) = lastOL as
+lengthOL None = 0
+lengthOL (One _) = 1
+lengthOL (Many as) = length as
+lengthOL (Cons _ as) = 1 + length as
+lengthOL (Snoc as _) = 1 + length as
+lengthOL (Two as bs) = length as + length bs
+isNilOL None = True
+isNilOL _ = False
+None `appOL` b = b
+a `appOL` None = a
+One a `appOL` b = Cons a b
+a `appOL` One b = Snoc a b
+a `appOL` b = Two a b
+fromOL :: OrdList a -> [a]
+fromOL a = go a []
+ where go None acc = acc
+ go (One a) acc = a : acc
+ go (Cons a b) acc = a : go b acc
+ go (Snoc a b) acc = go a (b:acc)
+ go (Two a b) acc = go a (go b acc)
+ go (Many xs) acc = xs ++ acc
+fromOLReverse :: OrdList a -> [a]
+fromOLReverse a = go a []
+ -- acc is already in reverse order
+ where go :: OrdList a -> [a] -> [a]
+ go None acc = acc
+ go (One a) acc = a : acc
+ go (Cons a b) acc = go b (a : acc)
+ go (Snoc a b) acc = b : go a acc
+ go (Two a b) acc = go b (go a acc)
+ go (Many xs) acc = reverse xs ++ acc
+mapOL :: (a -> b) -> OrdList a -> OrdList b
+mapOL = fmap
+foldrOL :: (a->b->b) -> b -> OrdList a -> b
+foldrOL _ z None = z
+foldrOL k z (One x) = k x z
+foldrOL k z (Cons x xs) = k x (foldrOL k z xs)
+foldrOL k z (Snoc xs x) = foldrOL k (k x z) xs
+foldrOL k z (Two b1 b2) = foldrOL k (foldrOL k z b2) b1
+foldrOL k z (Many xs) = foldr k z xs
+-- | Strict left fold.
+foldlOL :: (b->a->b) -> b -> OrdList a -> b
+foldlOL _ z None = z
+foldlOL k z (One x) = k z x
+foldlOL k z (Cons x xs) = let !z' = (k z x) in foldlOL k z' xs
+foldlOL k z (Snoc xs x) = let !z' = (foldlOL k z xs) in k z' x
+foldlOL k z (Two b1 b2) = let !z' = (foldlOL k z b1) in foldlOL k z' b2
+foldlOL k z (Many xs) = foldl' k z xs
+toOL :: [a] -> OrdList a
+toOL [] = None
+toOL [x] = One x
+toOL xs = Many xs
+reverseOL :: OrdList a -> OrdList a
+reverseOL None = None
+reverseOL (One x) = One x
+reverseOL (Cons a b) = Snoc (reverseOL b) a
+reverseOL (Snoc a b) = Cons b (reverseOL a)
+reverseOL (Two a b) = Two (reverseOL b) (reverseOL a)
+reverseOL (Many xs) = Many (reverse xs)
+-- | Compare not only the values but also the structure of two lists
+strictlyEqOL :: Eq a => OrdList a -> OrdList a -> Bool
+strictlyEqOL None None = True
+strictlyEqOL (One x) (One y) = x == y
+strictlyEqOL (Cons a as) (Cons b bs) = a == b && as `strictlyEqOL` bs
+strictlyEqOL (Snoc as a) (Snoc bs b) = a == b && as `strictlyEqOL` bs
+strictlyEqOL (Two a1 a2) (Two b1 b2) = a1 `strictlyEqOL` b1 && a2 `strictlyEqOL` b2
+strictlyEqOL (Many as) (Many bs) = as == bs
+strictlyEqOL _ _ = False
+-- | Compare not only the values but also the structure of two lists
+strictlyOrdOL :: Ord a => OrdList a -> OrdList a -> Ordering
+strictlyOrdOL None None = EQ
+strictlyOrdOL None _ = LT
+strictlyOrdOL (One x) (One y) = compare x y
+strictlyOrdOL (One _) _ = LT
+strictlyOrdOL (Cons a as) (Cons b bs) =
+ compare a b `mappend` strictlyOrdOL as bs
+strictlyOrdOL (Cons _ _) _ = LT
+strictlyOrdOL (Snoc as a) (Snoc bs b) =
+ compare a b `mappend` strictlyOrdOL as bs
+strictlyOrdOL (Snoc _ _) _ = LT
+strictlyOrdOL (Two a1 a2) (Two b1 b2) =
+ (strictlyOrdOL a1 b1) `mappend` (strictlyOrdOL a2 b2)
+strictlyOrdOL (Two _ _) _ = LT
+strictlyOrdOL (Many as) (Many bs) = compare as bs
+strictlyOrdOL (Many _ ) _ = GT
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Pair.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Pair.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae51c78edc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Pair.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+A simple homogeneous pair type with useful Functor, Applicative, and
+Traversable instances.
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+module GHC.Data.Pair
+ ( Pair(..)
+ , unPair
+ , toPair
+ , swap
+ , pLiftFst
+ , pLiftSnd
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semi
+data Pair a = Pair { pFst :: a, pSnd :: a }
+ deriving (Functor)
+-- Note that Pair is a *unary* type constructor
+-- whereas (,) is binary
+-- The important thing about Pair is that it has a *homogeneous*
+-- Functor instance, so you can easily apply the same function
+-- to both components
+instance Applicative Pair where
+ pure x = Pair x x
+ (Pair f g) <*> (Pair x y) = Pair (f x) (g y)
+instance Foldable Pair where
+ foldMap f (Pair x y) = f x `mappend` f y
+instance Traversable Pair where
+ traverse f (Pair x y) = Pair <$> f x <*> f y
+instance Semi.Semigroup a => Semi.Semigroup (Pair a) where
+ Pair a1 b1 <> Pair a2 b2 = Pair (a1 Semi.<> a2) (b1 Semi.<> b2)
+instance (Semi.Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Pair a) where
+ mempty = Pair mempty mempty
+ mappend = (Semi.<>)
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (Pair a) where
+ ppr (Pair a b) = ppr a <+> char '~' <+> ppr b
+unPair :: Pair a -> (a,a)
+unPair (Pair x y) = (x,y)
+toPair :: (a,a) -> Pair a
+toPair (x,y) = Pair x y
+swap :: Pair a -> Pair a
+swap (Pair x y) = Pair y x
+pLiftFst :: (a -> a) -> Pair a -> Pair a
+pLiftFst f (Pair a b) = Pair (f a) b
+pLiftSnd :: (a -> a) -> Pair a -> Pair a
+pLiftSnd f (Pair a b) = Pair a (f b)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Stream.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Stream.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7996ee7343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Stream.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2012
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Monadic streams
+module GHC.Data.Stream (
+ Stream(..), yield, liftIO,
+ collect, collect_, consume, fromList,
+ map, mapM, mapAccumL, mapAccumL_
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude hiding (map,mapM)
+import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
+-- |
+-- @Stream m a b@ is a computation in some Monad @m@ that delivers a sequence
+-- of elements of type @a@ followed by a result of type @b@.
+-- More concretely, a value of type @Stream m a b@ can be run using @runStream@
+-- in the Monad @m@, and it delivers either
+-- * the final result: @Left b@, or
+-- * @Right (a,str)@, where @a@ is the next element in the stream, and @str@
+-- is a computation to get the rest of the stream.
+-- Stream is itself a Monad, and provides an operation 'yield' that
+-- produces a new element of the stream. This makes it convenient to turn
+-- existing monadic computations into streams.
+-- The idea is that Stream is useful for making a monadic computation
+-- that produces values from time to time. This can be used for
+-- knitting together two complex monadic operations, so that the
+-- producer does not have to produce all its values before the
+-- consumer starts consuming them. We make the producer into a
+-- Stream, and the consumer pulls on the stream each time it wants a
+-- new value.
+newtype Stream m a b = Stream { runStream :: m (Either b (a, Stream m a b)) }
+instance Monad f => Functor (Stream f a) where
+ fmap = liftM
+instance Monad m => Applicative (Stream m a) where
+ pure a = Stream (return (Left a))
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad m => Monad (Stream m a) where
+ Stream m >>= k = Stream $ do
+ r <- m
+ case r of
+ Left b -> runStream (k b)
+ Right (a,str) -> return (Right (a, str >>= k))
+yield :: Monad m => a -> Stream m a ()
+yield a = Stream (return (Right (a, return ())))
+liftIO :: IO a -> Stream IO b a
+liftIO io = Stream $ io >>= return . Left
+-- | Turn a Stream into an ordinary list, by demanding all the elements.
+collect :: Monad m => Stream m a () -> m [a]
+collect str = go str []
+ where
+ go str acc = do
+ r <- runStream str
+ case r of
+ Left () -> return (reverse acc)
+ Right (a, str') -> go str' (a:acc)
+-- | Turn a Stream into an ordinary list, by demanding all the elements.
+collect_ :: Monad m => Stream m a r -> m ([a], r)
+collect_ str = go str []
+ where
+ go str acc = do
+ r <- runStream str
+ case r of
+ Left r -> return (reverse acc, r)
+ Right (a, str') -> go str' (a:acc)
+consume :: Monad m => Stream m a b -> (a -> m ()) -> m b
+consume str f = do
+ r <- runStream str
+ case r of
+ Left ret -> return ret
+ Right (a, str') -> do
+ f a
+ consume str' f
+-- | Turn a list into a 'Stream', by yielding each element in turn.
+fromList :: Monad m => [a] -> Stream m a ()
+fromList = mapM_ yield
+-- | Apply a function to each element of a 'Stream', lazily
+map :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Stream m a x -> Stream m b x
+map f str = Stream $ do
+ r <- runStream str
+ case r of
+ Left x -> return (Left x)
+ Right (a, str') -> return (Right (f a, map f str'))
+-- | Apply a monadic operation to each element of a 'Stream', lazily
+mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Stream m a x -> Stream m b x
+mapM f str = Stream $ do
+ r <- runStream str
+ case r of
+ Left x -> return (Left x)
+ Right (a, str') -> do
+ b <- f a
+ return (Right (b, mapM f str'))
+-- | analog of the list-based 'mapAccumL' on Streams. This is a simple
+-- way to map over a Stream while carrying some state around.
+mapAccumL :: Monad m => (c -> a -> m (c,b)) -> c -> Stream m a ()
+ -> Stream m b c
+mapAccumL f c str = Stream $ do
+ r <- runStream str
+ case r of
+ Left () -> return (Left c)
+ Right (a, str') -> do
+ (c',b) <- f c a
+ return (Right (b, mapAccumL f c' str'))
+mapAccumL_ :: Monad m => (c -> a -> m (c,b)) -> c -> Stream m a r
+ -> Stream m b (c, r)
+mapAccumL_ f c str = Stream $ do
+ r <- runStream str
+ case r of
+ Left r -> return (Left (c, r))
+ Right (a, str') -> do
+ (c',b) <- f c a
+ return (Right (b, mapAccumL_ f c' str'))
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/StringBuffer.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/StringBuffer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ac5d1ae07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/StringBuffer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The University of Glasgow, 1997-2006
+Buffers for scanning string input stored in external arrays.
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
+-- We always optimise this, otherwise performance of a non-optimised
+-- compiler is severely affected
+module GHC.Data.StringBuffer
+ (
+ StringBuffer(..),
+ -- non-abstract for vs\/HaskellService
+ -- * Creation\/destruction
+ hGetStringBuffer,
+ hGetStringBufferBlock,
+ hPutStringBuffer,
+ appendStringBuffers,
+ stringToStringBuffer,
+ -- * Inspection
+ nextChar,
+ currentChar,
+ prevChar,
+ atEnd,
+ -- * Moving and comparison
+ stepOn,
+ offsetBytes,
+ byteDiff,
+ atLine,
+ -- * Conversion
+ lexemeToString,
+ lexemeToFastString,
+ decodePrevNChars,
+ -- * Parsing integers
+ parseUnsignedInteger,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Encoding
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Utils.IO.Unsafe
+import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Exception
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
+import GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF8 ( mkUTF8 )
+import GHC.IO.Encoding.Failure ( CodingFailureMode(IgnoreCodingFailure) )
+import GHC.Exts
+import Foreign
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The StringBuffer type
+-- |A StringBuffer is an internal pointer to a sized chunk of bytes.
+-- The bytes are intended to be *immutable*. There are pure
+-- operations to read the contents of a StringBuffer.
+-- A StringBuffer may have a finalizer, depending on how it was
+-- obtained.
+data StringBuffer
+ = StringBuffer {
+ buf :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr Word8),
+ len :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- length
+ cur :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- current pos
+ }
+ -- The buffer is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded, and furthermore
+ -- we add three @\'\\0\'@ bytes to the end as sentinels so that the
+ -- decoder doesn't have to check for overflow at every single byte
+ -- of a multibyte sequence.
+instance Show StringBuffer where
+ showsPrec _ s = showString "<stringbuffer("
+ . shows (len s) . showString "," . shows (cur s)
+ . showString ")>"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Creation / Destruction
+-- | Read a file into a 'StringBuffer'. The resulting buffer is automatically
+-- managed by the garbage collector.
+hGetStringBuffer :: FilePath -> IO StringBuffer
+hGetStringBuffer fname = do
+ h <- openBinaryFile fname ReadMode
+ size_i <- hFileSize h
+ offset_i <- skipBOM h size_i 0 -- offset is 0 initially
+ let size = fromIntegral $ size_i - offset_i
+ buf <- mallocForeignPtrArray (size+3)
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> do
+ r <- if size == 0 then return 0 else hGetBuf h ptr size
+ hClose h
+ if (r /= size)
+ then ioError (userError "short read of file")
+ else newUTF8StringBuffer buf ptr size
+hGetStringBufferBlock :: Handle -> Int -> IO StringBuffer
+hGetStringBufferBlock handle wanted
+ = do size_i <- hFileSize handle
+ offset_i <- hTell handle >>= skipBOM handle size_i
+ let size = min wanted (fromIntegral $ size_i-offset_i)
+ buf <- mallocForeignPtrArray (size+3)
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr ->
+ do r <- if size == 0 then return 0 else hGetBuf handle ptr size
+ if r /= size
+ then ioError (userError $ "short read of file: "++show(r,size,size_i,handle))
+ else newUTF8StringBuffer buf ptr size
+hPutStringBuffer :: Handle -> StringBuffer -> IO ()
+hPutStringBuffer hdl (StringBuffer buf len cur)
+ = do withForeignPtr (plusForeignPtr buf cur) $ \ptr ->
+ hPutBuf hdl ptr len
+-- | Skip the byte-order mark if there is one (see #1744 and #6016),
+-- and return the new position of the handle in bytes.
+-- This is better than treating #FEFF as whitespace,
+-- because that would mess up layout. We don't have a concept
+-- of zero-width whitespace in Haskell: all whitespace codepoints
+-- have a width of one column.
+skipBOM :: Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO Integer
+skipBOM h size offset =
+ -- Only skip BOM at the beginning of a file.
+ if size > 0 && offset == 0
+ then do
+ -- Validate assumption that handle is in binary mode.
+ ASSERTM( hGetEncoding h >>= return . isNothing )
+ -- Temporarily select utf8 encoding with error ignoring,
+ -- to make `hLookAhead` and `hGetChar` return full Unicode characters.
+ bracket_ (hSetEncoding h safeEncoding) (hSetBinaryMode h True) $ do
+ c <- hLookAhead h
+ if c == '\xfeff'
+ then hGetChar h >> hTell h
+ else return offset
+ else return offset
+ where
+ safeEncoding = mkUTF8 IgnoreCodingFailure
+newUTF8StringBuffer :: ForeignPtr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO StringBuffer
+newUTF8StringBuffer buf ptr size = do
+ pokeArray (ptr `plusPtr` size :: Ptr Word8) [0,0,0]
+ -- sentinels for UTF-8 decoding
+ return $ StringBuffer buf size 0
+appendStringBuffers :: StringBuffer -> StringBuffer -> IO StringBuffer
+appendStringBuffers sb1 sb2
+ = do newBuf <- mallocForeignPtrArray (size+3)
+ withForeignPtr newBuf $ \ptr ->
+ withForeignPtr (buf sb1) $ \sb1Ptr ->
+ withForeignPtr (buf sb2) $ \sb2Ptr ->
+ do copyArray ptr (sb1Ptr `advancePtr` cur sb1) sb1_len
+ copyArray (ptr `advancePtr` sb1_len) (sb2Ptr `advancePtr` cur sb2) sb2_len
+ pokeArray (ptr `advancePtr` size) [0,0,0]
+ return (StringBuffer newBuf size 0)
+ where sb1_len = calcLen sb1
+ sb2_len = calcLen sb2
+ calcLen sb = len sb - cur sb
+ size = sb1_len + sb2_len
+-- | Encode a 'String' into a 'StringBuffer' as UTF-8. The resulting buffer
+-- is automatically managed by the garbage collector.
+stringToStringBuffer :: String -> StringBuffer
+stringToStringBuffer str =
+ unsafePerformIO $ do
+ let size = utf8EncodedLength str
+ buf <- mallocForeignPtrArray (size+3)
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> do
+ utf8EncodeString ptr str
+ pokeArray (ptr `plusPtr` size :: Ptr Word8) [0,0,0]
+ -- sentinels for UTF-8 decoding
+ return (StringBuffer buf size 0)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Grab a character
+-- | Return the first UTF-8 character of a nonempty 'StringBuffer' and as well
+-- the remaining portion (analogous to 'Data.List.uncons'). __Warning:__ The
+-- behavior is undefined if the 'StringBuffer' is empty. The result shares
+-- the same buffer as the original. Similar to 'utf8DecodeChar', if the
+-- character cannot be decoded as UTF-8, @\'\\0\'@ is returned.
+{-# INLINE nextChar #-}
+nextChar :: StringBuffer -> (Char,StringBuffer)
+nextChar (StringBuffer buf len (I# cur#)) =
+ -- Getting our fingers dirty a little here, but this is performance-critical
+ inlinePerformIO $ do
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \(Ptr a#) -> do
+ case utf8DecodeChar# (a# `plusAddr#` cur#) of
+ (# c#, nBytes# #) ->
+ let cur' = I# (cur# +# nBytes#) in
+ return (C# c#, StringBuffer buf len cur')
+-- | Return the first UTF-8 character of a nonempty 'StringBuffer' (analogous
+-- to 'Data.List.head'). __Warning:__ The behavior is undefined if the
+-- 'StringBuffer' is empty. Similar to 'utf8DecodeChar', if the character
+-- cannot be decoded as UTF-8, @\'\\0\'@ is returned.
+currentChar :: StringBuffer -> Char
+currentChar = fst . nextChar
+prevChar :: StringBuffer -> Char -> Char
+prevChar (StringBuffer _ _ 0) deflt = deflt
+prevChar (StringBuffer buf _ cur) _ =
+ inlinePerformIO $ do
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \p -> do
+ p' <- utf8PrevChar (p `plusPtr` cur)
+ return (fst (utf8DecodeChar p'))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Moving
+-- | Return a 'StringBuffer' with the first UTF-8 character removed (analogous
+-- to 'Data.List.tail'). __Warning:__ The behavior is undefined if the
+-- 'StringBuffer' is empty. The result shares the same buffer as the
+-- original.
+stepOn :: StringBuffer -> StringBuffer
+stepOn s = snd (nextChar s)
+-- | Return a 'StringBuffer' with the first @n@ bytes removed. __Warning:__
+-- If there aren't enough characters, the returned 'StringBuffer' will be
+-- invalid and any use of it may lead to undefined behavior. The result
+-- shares the same buffer as the original.
+offsetBytes :: Int -- ^ @n@, the number of bytes
+ -> StringBuffer
+ -> StringBuffer
+offsetBytes i s = s { cur = cur s + i }
+-- | Compute the difference in offset between two 'StringBuffer's that share
+-- the same buffer. __Warning:__ The behavior is undefined if the
+-- 'StringBuffer's use separate buffers.
+byteDiff :: StringBuffer -> StringBuffer -> Int
+byteDiff s1 s2 = cur s2 - cur s1
+-- | Check whether a 'StringBuffer' is empty (analogous to 'Data.List.null').
+atEnd :: StringBuffer -> Bool
+atEnd (StringBuffer _ l c) = l == c
+-- | Computes a 'StringBuffer' which points to the first character of the
+-- wanted line. Lines begin at 1.
+atLine :: Int -> StringBuffer -> Maybe StringBuffer
+atLine line sb@(StringBuffer buf len _) =
+ inlinePerformIO $
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \p -> do
+ p' <- skipToLine line len p
+ if p' == nullPtr
+ then return Nothing
+ else
+ let
+ delta = p' `minusPtr` p
+ in return $ Just (sb { cur = delta
+ , len = len - delta
+ })
+skipToLine :: Int -> Int -> Ptr Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8)
+skipToLine !line !len !op0 = go 1 op0
+ where
+ !opend = op0 `plusPtr` len
+ go !i_line !op
+ | op >= opend = pure nullPtr
+ | i_line == line = pure op
+ | otherwise = do
+ w <- peek op :: IO Word8
+ case w of
+ 10 -> go (i_line + 1) (plusPtr op 1)
+ 13 -> do
+ -- this is safe because a 'StringBuffer' is
+ -- guaranteed to have 3 bytes sentinel values.
+ w' <- peek (plusPtr op 1) :: IO Word8
+ case w' of
+ 10 -> go (i_line + 1) (plusPtr op 2)
+ _ -> go (i_line + 1) (plusPtr op 1)
+ _ -> go i_line (plusPtr op 1)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Conversion
+-- | Decode the first @n@ bytes of a 'StringBuffer' as UTF-8 into a 'String'.
+-- Similar to 'utf8DecodeChar', if the character cannot be decoded as UTF-8,
+-- they will be replaced with @\'\\0\'@.
+lexemeToString :: StringBuffer
+ -> Int -- ^ @n@, the number of bytes
+ -> String
+lexemeToString _ 0 = ""
+lexemeToString (StringBuffer buf _ cur) bytes =
+ utf8DecodeStringLazy buf cur bytes
+lexemeToFastString :: StringBuffer
+ -> Int -- ^ @n@, the number of bytes
+ -> FastString
+lexemeToFastString _ 0 = nilFS
+lexemeToFastString (StringBuffer buf _ cur) len =
+ inlinePerformIO $
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr ->
+ return $! mkFastStringBytes (ptr `plusPtr` cur) len
+-- | Return the previous @n@ characters (or fewer if we are less than @n@
+-- characters into the buffer.
+decodePrevNChars :: Int -> StringBuffer -> String
+decodePrevNChars n (StringBuffer buf _ cur) =
+ inlinePerformIO $ withForeignPtr buf $ \p0 ->
+ go p0 n "" (p0 `plusPtr` (cur - 1))
+ where
+ go :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> String -> Ptr Word8 -> IO String
+ go buf0 n acc p | n == 0 || buf0 >= p = return acc
+ go buf0 n acc p = do
+ p' <- utf8PrevChar p
+ let (c,_) = utf8DecodeChar p'
+ go buf0 (n - 1) (c:acc) p'
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Parsing integer strings in various bases
+parseUnsignedInteger :: StringBuffer -> Int -> Integer -> (Char->Int) -> Integer
+parseUnsignedInteger (StringBuffer buf _ cur) len radix char_to_int
+ = inlinePerformIO $ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> return $! let
+ go i x | i == len = x
+ | otherwise = case fst (utf8DecodeChar (ptr `plusPtr` (cur + i))) of
+ '_' -> go (i + 1) x -- skip "_" (#14473)
+ char -> go (i + 1) (x * radix + toInteger (char_to_int char))
+ in go 0 0
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/TrieMap.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/TrieMap.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2506e3d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/TrieMap.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+module GHC.Data.TrieMap(
+ -- * Maps over 'Maybe' values
+ MaybeMap,
+ -- * Maps over 'List' values
+ ListMap,
+ -- * Maps over 'Literal's
+ LiteralMap,
+ -- * 'TrieMap' class
+ TrieMap(..), insertTM, deleteTM,
+ -- * Things helpful for adding additional Instances.
+ (>.>), (|>), (|>>), XT,
+ foldMaybe,
+ -- * Map for leaf compression
+ GenMap,
+ lkG, xtG, mapG, fdG,
+ xtList, lkList
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Literal
+import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM
+import GHC.Types.Unique( Unique )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import Control.Monad( (>=>) )
+import Data.Kind( Type )
+This module implements TrieMaps, which are finite mappings
+whose key is a structured value like a CoreExpr or Type.
+This file implements tries over general data structures.
+Implementation for tries over Core Expressions/Types are
+available in GHC.Core.Map.
+The regular pattern for handling TrieMaps on data structures was first
+described (to my knowledge) in Connelly and Morris's 1995 paper "A
+generalization of the Trie Data Structure"; there is also an accessible
+description of the idea in Okasaki's book "Purely Functional Data
+Structures", Section 10.3.2
+* *
+ The TrieMap class
+* *
+type XT a = Maybe a -> Maybe a -- How to alter a non-existent elt (Nothing)
+ -- or an existing elt (Just)
+class TrieMap m where
+ type Key m :: Type
+ emptyTM :: m a
+ lookupTM :: forall b. Key m -> m b -> Maybe b
+ alterTM :: forall b. Key m -> XT b -> m b -> m b
+ mapTM :: (a->b) -> m a -> m b
+ foldTM :: (a -> b -> b) -> m a -> b -> b
+ -- The unusual argument order here makes
+ -- it easy to compose calls to foldTM;
+ -- see for example fdE below
+insertTM :: TrieMap m => Key m -> a -> m a -> m a
+insertTM k v m = alterTM k (\_ -> Just v) m
+deleteTM :: TrieMap m => Key m -> m a -> m a
+deleteTM k m = alterTM k (\_ -> Nothing) m
+-- Recall that
+-- Control.Monad.(>=>) :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> Maybe c) -> a -> Maybe c
+(>.>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
+-- Reverse function composition (do f first, then g)
+infixr 1 >.>
+(f >.> g) x = g (f x)
+infixr 1 |>, |>>
+(|>) :: a -> (a->b) -> b -- Reverse application
+x |> f = f x
+(|>>) :: TrieMap m2
+ => (XT (m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a))
+ -> (m2 a -> m2 a)
+ -> m1 (m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a)
+(|>>) f g = f (Just . g . deMaybe)
+deMaybe :: TrieMap m => Maybe (m a) -> m a
+deMaybe Nothing = emptyTM
+deMaybe (Just m) = m
+* *
+ IntMaps
+* *
+instance TrieMap IntMap.IntMap where
+ type Key IntMap.IntMap = Int
+ emptyTM = IntMap.empty
+ lookupTM k m = IntMap.lookup k m
+ alterTM = xtInt
+ foldTM k m z = IntMap.foldr k z m
+ mapTM f m = f m
+xtInt :: Int -> XT a -> IntMap.IntMap a -> IntMap.IntMap a
+xtInt k f m = IntMap.alter f k m
+instance Ord k => TrieMap (Map.Map k) where
+ type Key (Map.Map k) = k
+ emptyTM = Map.empty
+ lookupTM = Map.lookup
+ alterTM k f m = Map.alter f k m
+ foldTM k m z = Map.foldr k z m
+ mapTM f m = f m
+Note [foldTM determinism]
+We want foldTM to be deterministic, which is why we have an instance of
+TrieMap for UniqDFM, but not for UniqFM. Here's an example of some things that
+go wrong if foldTM is nondeterministic. Consider:
+ f a b = return (a <> b)
+Depending on the order that the typechecker generates constraints you
+get either:
+ f :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => a -> a -> m a
+ f :: (Monoid a, Monad m) => a -> a -> m a
+The generated code will be different after desugaring as the dictionaries
+will be bound in different orders, leading to potential ABI incompatibility.
+One way to solve this would be to notice that the typeclasses could be
+sorted alphabetically.
+Unfortunately that doesn't quite work with this example:
+ f a b = let x = a <> a; y = b <> b in x
+where you infer:
+ f :: (Monoid m, Monoid m1) => m1 -> m -> m1
+ f :: (Monoid m1, Monoid m) => m1 -> m -> m1
+Here you could decide to take the order of the type variables in the type
+according to depth first traversal and use it to order the constraints.
+The real trouble starts when the user enables incoherent instances and
+the compiler has to make an arbitrary choice. Consider:
+ class T a b where
+ go :: a -> b -> String
+ instance (Show b) => T Int b where
+ go a b = show a ++ show b
+ instance (Show a) => T a Bool where
+ go a b = show a ++ show b
+ f = go 10 True
+GHC is free to choose either dictionary to implement f, but for the sake of
+determinism we'd like it to be consistent when compiling the same sources
+with the same flags.
+inert_dicts :: DictMap is implemented with a TrieMap. In getUnsolvedInerts it
+gets converted to a bag of (Wanted) Cts using a fold. Then in
+solve_simple_wanteds it's merged with other WantedConstraints. We want the
+conversion to a bag to be deterministic. For that purpose we use UniqDFM
+instead of UniqFM to implement the TrieMap.
+See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in GHC.Types.Unique.DFM for more details on how it's made
+instance TrieMap UniqDFM where
+ type Key UniqDFM = Unique
+ emptyTM = emptyUDFM
+ lookupTM k m = lookupUDFM m k
+ alterTM k f m = alterUDFM f m k
+ foldTM k m z = foldUDFM k z m
+ mapTM f m = mapUDFM f m
+* *
+ Maybes
+* *
+If m is a map from k -> val
+then (MaybeMap m) is a map from (Maybe k) -> val
+data MaybeMap m a = MM { mm_nothing :: Maybe a, mm_just :: m a }
+instance TrieMap m => TrieMap (MaybeMap m) where
+ type Key (MaybeMap m) = Maybe (Key m)
+ emptyTM = MM { mm_nothing = Nothing, mm_just = emptyTM }
+ lookupTM = lkMaybe lookupTM
+ alterTM = xtMaybe alterTM
+ foldTM = fdMaybe
+ mapTM = mapMb
+mapMb :: TrieMap m => (a->b) -> MaybeMap m a -> MaybeMap m b
+mapMb f (MM { mm_nothing = mn, mm_just = mj })
+ = MM { mm_nothing = fmap f mn, mm_just = mapTM f mj }
+lkMaybe :: (forall b. k -> m b -> Maybe b)
+ -> Maybe k -> MaybeMap m a -> Maybe a
+lkMaybe _ Nothing = mm_nothing
+lkMaybe lk (Just x) = mm_just >.> lk x
+xtMaybe :: (forall b. k -> XT b -> m b -> m b)
+ -> Maybe k -> XT a -> MaybeMap m a -> MaybeMap m a
+xtMaybe _ Nothing f m = m { mm_nothing = f (mm_nothing m) }
+xtMaybe tr (Just x) f m = m { mm_just = mm_just m |> tr x f }
+fdMaybe :: TrieMap m => (a -> b -> b) -> MaybeMap m a -> b -> b
+fdMaybe k m = foldMaybe k (mm_nothing m)
+ . foldTM k (mm_just m)
+* *
+ Lists
+* *
+data ListMap m a
+ = LM { lm_nil :: Maybe a
+ , lm_cons :: m (ListMap m a) }
+instance TrieMap m => TrieMap (ListMap m) where
+ type Key (ListMap m) = [Key m]
+ emptyTM = LM { lm_nil = Nothing, lm_cons = emptyTM }
+ lookupTM = lkList lookupTM
+ alterTM = xtList alterTM
+ foldTM = fdList
+ mapTM = mapList
+instance (TrieMap m, Outputable a) => Outputable (ListMap m a) where
+ ppr m = text "List elts" <+> ppr (foldTM (:) m [])
+mapList :: TrieMap m => (a->b) -> ListMap m a -> ListMap m b
+mapList f (LM { lm_nil = mnil, lm_cons = mcons })
+ = LM { lm_nil = fmap f mnil, lm_cons = mapTM (mapTM f) mcons }
+lkList :: TrieMap m => (forall b. k -> m b -> Maybe b)
+ -> [k] -> ListMap m a -> Maybe a
+lkList _ [] = lm_nil
+lkList lk (x:xs) = lm_cons >.> lk x >=> lkList lk xs
+xtList :: TrieMap m => (forall b. k -> XT b -> m b -> m b)
+ -> [k] -> XT a -> ListMap m a -> ListMap m a
+xtList _ [] f m = m { lm_nil = f (lm_nil m) }
+xtList tr (x:xs) f m = m { lm_cons = lm_cons m |> tr x |>> xtList tr xs f }
+fdList :: forall m a b. TrieMap m
+ => (a -> b -> b) -> ListMap m a -> b -> b
+fdList k m = foldMaybe k (lm_nil m)
+ . foldTM (fdList k) (lm_cons m)
+foldMaybe :: (a -> b -> b) -> Maybe a -> b -> b
+foldMaybe _ Nothing b = b
+foldMaybe k (Just a) b = k a b
+* *
+ Basic maps
+* *
+type LiteralMap a = Map.Map Literal a
+* *
+ GenMap
+* *
+Note [Compressed TrieMap]
+The GenMap constructor augments TrieMaps with leaf compression. This helps
+solve the performance problem detailed in #9960: suppose we have a handful
+H of entries in a TrieMap, each with a very large key, size K. If you fold over
+such a TrieMap you'd expect time O(H). That would certainly be true of an
+association list! But with TrieMap we actually have to navigate down a long
+singleton structure to get to the elements, so it takes time O(K*H). This
+can really hurt on many type-level computation benchmarks:
+see for example T9872d.
+The point of a TrieMap is that you need to navigate to the point where only one
+key remains, and then things should be fast. So the point of a SingletonMap
+is that, once we are down to a single (key,value) pair, we stop and
+just use SingletonMap.
+'EmptyMap' provides an even more basic (but essential) optimization: if there is
+nothing in the map, don't bother building out the (possibly infinite) recursive
+TrieMap structure!
+Compressed triemaps are heavily used by GHC.Core.Map. So we have to mark some things
+as INLINEABLE to permit specialization.
+data GenMap m a
+ = EmptyMap
+ | SingletonMap (Key m) a
+ | MultiMap (m a)
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable (m a)) => Outputable (GenMap m a) where
+ ppr EmptyMap = text "Empty map"
+ ppr (SingletonMap _ v) = text "Singleton map" <+> ppr v
+ ppr (MultiMap m) = ppr m
+-- TODO undecidable instance
+instance (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => TrieMap (GenMap m) where
+ type Key (GenMap m) = Key m
+ emptyTM = EmptyMap
+ lookupTM = lkG
+ alterTM = xtG
+ foldTM = fdG
+ mapTM = mapG
+--We want to be able to specialize these functions when defining eg
+--tries over (GenMap CoreExpr) which requires INLINEABLE
+{-# INLINEABLE lkG #-}
+lkG :: (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => Key m -> GenMap m a -> Maybe a
+lkG _ EmptyMap = Nothing
+lkG k (SingletonMap k' v') | k == k' = Just v'
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+lkG k (MultiMap m) = lookupTM k m
+{-# INLINEABLE xtG #-}
+xtG :: (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => Key m -> XT a -> GenMap m a -> GenMap m a
+xtG k f EmptyMap
+ = case f Nothing of
+ Just v -> SingletonMap k v
+ Nothing -> EmptyMap
+xtG k f m@(SingletonMap k' v')
+ | k' == k
+ -- The new key matches the (single) key already in the tree. Hence,
+ -- apply @f@ to @Just v'@ and build a singleton or empty map depending
+ -- on the 'Just'/'Nothing' response respectively.
+ = case f (Just v') of
+ Just v'' -> SingletonMap k' v''
+ Nothing -> EmptyMap
+ | otherwise
+ -- We've hit a singleton tree for a different key than the one we are
+ -- searching for. Hence apply @f@ to @Nothing@. If result is @Nothing@ then
+ -- we can just return the old map. If not, we need a map with *two*
+ -- entries. The easiest way to do that is to insert two items into an empty
+ -- map of type @m a@.
+ = case f Nothing of
+ Nothing -> m
+ Just v -> emptyTM |> alterTM k' (const (Just v'))
+ >.> alterTM k (const (Just v))
+ >.> MultiMap
+xtG k f (MultiMap m) = MultiMap (alterTM k f m)
+{-# INLINEABLE mapG #-}
+mapG :: TrieMap m => (a -> b) -> GenMap m a -> GenMap m b
+mapG _ EmptyMap = EmptyMap
+mapG f (SingletonMap k v) = SingletonMap k (f v)
+mapG f (MultiMap m) = MultiMap (mapTM f m)
+{-# INLINEABLE fdG #-}
+fdG :: TrieMap m => (a -> b -> b) -> GenMap m a -> b -> b
+fdG _ EmptyMap = \z -> z
+fdG k (SingletonMap _ v) = \z -> k v z
+fdG k (MultiMap m) = foldTM k m