path: root/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
diff options
authorHécate <>2020-10-10 21:15:36 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2020-11-01 01:11:09 -0400
commitdfd27445308d1ed2df8826c2a045130e918e8192 (patch)
tree99fc01edeebc2924ddb7533864e0d4ca18cfe800 /compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
parentbd4abdc953427e084e7ecba89db64860f6859822 (diff)
Add the proper HLint rules and remove redundant keywords from compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
index 5428c83b99..2a2d9e294c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NamedFieldPuns, NondecreasingIndentation, BangPatterns, MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
@@ -222,7 +226,7 @@ compileOne' m_tc_result mHscMessage
in return $! HomeModInfo iface hmi_details mb_linkable
(HscNotGeneratingCode _ _, _) -> panic "compileOne HscNotGeneratingCode"
(_, NoBackend) -> panic "compileOne NoBackend"
- (HscUpdateBoot iface hmi_details, Interpreter) -> do
+ (HscUpdateBoot iface hmi_details, Interpreter) ->
return $! HomeModInfo iface hmi_details Nothing
(HscUpdateBoot iface hmi_details, _) -> do
touchObjectFile dflags object_filename
@@ -773,7 +777,7 @@ runPipeline stop_phase hsc_env0 (input_fn, mb_input_buf, mb_phase)
-- path, then rerun the pipeline for the dyn way
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
-- NB: Currently disabled on Windows (ref #7134, #8228, and #5987)
- when (not $ platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32) $ do
+ when (not $ platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32) $
when isHaskellishFile $ whenCannotGenerateDynamicToo dflags $ do
debugTraceMsg dflags 4
(text "Running the pipeline again for -dynamic-too")
@@ -1094,31 +1098,30 @@ runPhase (RealPhase (Cpp sf)) input_fn dflags0
-- HsPp phase
runPhase (RealPhase (HsPp sf)) input_fn dflags
- = do
- if not (gopt Opt_Pp dflags) then
- -- no need to preprocess, just pass input file along
- -- to the next phase of the pipeline.
- return (RealPhase (Hsc sf), input_fn)
- else do
- PipeEnv{src_basename, src_suffix} <- getPipeEnv
- let orig_fn = src_basename <.> src_suffix
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename (Hsc sf)
- liftIO $ GHC.SysTools.runPp dflags
- ( [ GHC.SysTools.Option orig_fn
- , GHC.SysTools.Option input_fn
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
- ]
- )
- -- re-read pragmas now that we've parsed the file (see #3674)
- src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile dflags output_fn
- (dflags1, unhandled_flags, warns)
- <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags src_opts
- setDynFlags dflags1
- liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult dflags1 unhandled_flags
- liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags1 warns
- return (RealPhase (Hsc sf), output_fn)
+ = if not (gopt Opt_Pp dflags) then
+ -- no need to preprocess, just pass input file along
+ -- to the next phase of the pipeline.
+ return (RealPhase (Hsc sf), input_fn)
+ else do
+ PipeEnv{src_basename, src_suffix} <- getPipeEnv
+ let orig_fn = src_basename <.> src_suffix
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename (Hsc sf)
+ liftIO $ GHC.SysTools.runPp dflags
+ ( [ GHC.SysTools.Option orig_fn
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option input_fn
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ )
+ -- re-read pragmas now that we've parsed the file (see #3674)
+ src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile dflags output_fn
+ (dflags1, unhandled_flags, warns)
+ <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags src_opts
+ setDynFlags dflags1
+ liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult dflags1 unhandled_flags
+ liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags1 warns
+ return (RealPhase (Hsc sf), output_fn)
-- Hsc phase
@@ -1144,7 +1147,6 @@ runPhase (RealPhase (Hsc src_flavour)) input_fn dflags0
-- gather the imports and module name
(hspp_buf,mod_name,imps,src_imps) <- liftIO $ do
- do
buf <- hGetStringBuffer input_fn
let imp_prelude = xopt LangExt.ImplicitPrelude dflags
popts = initParserOpts dflags
@@ -1478,8 +1480,8 @@ runPhase (RealPhase (As with_cpp)) input_fn dflags
let local_includes = [ GHC.SysTools.Option ("-iquote" ++ p)
| p <- includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths ]
let runAssembler inputFilename outputFilename
- = liftIO $ do
- withAtomicRename outputFilename $ \temp_outputFilename -> do
+ = liftIO $
+ withAtomicRename outputFilename $ \temp_outputFilename ->
(local_includes ++ global_includes
@@ -2028,15 +2030,13 @@ maybeCreateManifest dflags exe_filename
linkDynLibCheck :: DynFlags -> [String] -> [UnitId] -> IO ()
-linkDynLibCheck dflags o_files dep_units
- = do
- when (haveRtsOptsFlags dflags) $ do
- putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevInfo noSrcSpan
- $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle
- (text "Warning: -rtsopts and -with-rtsopts have no effect with -shared." $$
- text " Call hs_init_ghc() from your main() function to set these options.")
- linkDynLib dflags o_files dep_units
+linkDynLibCheck dflags o_files dep_units = do
+ when (haveRtsOptsFlags dflags) $
+ putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevInfo noSrcSpan
+ $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle
+ (text "Warning: -rtsopts and -with-rtsopts have no effect with -shared." $$
+ text " Call hs_init_ghc() from your main() function to set these options.")
+ linkDynLib dflags o_files dep_units
-- | Linking a static lib will not really link anything. It will merely produce
-- a static archive of all dependent static libraries. The resulting library
@@ -2313,7 +2313,7 @@ joinObjectFiles dflags o_files output_fn = do
writeFile filelist $ unlines o_files
ld_r [GHC.SysTools.Option "-filelist",
GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" filelist]
- else do
+ else
ld_r (map (GHC.SysTools.FileOption "") o_files)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------