path: root/compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs
diff options
authorSylvain Henry <>2019-09-11 21:19:39 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2019-09-20 05:14:34 -0400
commit5119296440e6846c553c72b8a93afc5ecfa576f0 (patch)
treeff508560a4996afffb24bf3af5dfa9c56a7e5c77 /compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs
parent4853d962289db1b32886ec73e824cd37c9c5c002 (diff)
Module hierarchy: Hs (#13009)
Add GHC.Hs module hierarchy replacing hsSyn. Metric Increase: haddock.compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs')
1 files changed, 1168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f360e1c32e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+module GHC.Hs.Extension where
+-- This module captures the type families to precisely identify the extension
+-- points for GHC.Hs syntax
+import GhcPrelude
+import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
+import GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+import Name
+import RdrName
+import Var
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc (Located)
+import Data.Kind
+Note [Trees that grow]
+The hsSyn AST is reused across multiple compiler passes. We also have the
+Template Haskell AST, and the haskell-src-exts one (outside of GHC)
+Supporting multiple passes means the AST has various warts on it to cope with
+the specifics for the phases, such as the 'ValBindsOut', 'ConPatOut',
+'SigPatOut' etc.
+The growable AST will allow each of these variants to be captured explicitly,
+such that they only exist in the given compiler pass AST, as selected by the
+type parameter to the AST.
+In addition it will allow tool writers to define their own extensions to capture
+additional information for the tool, in a natural way.
+A further goal is to provide a means to harmonise the Template Haskell and
+haskell-src-exts ASTs as well.
+-- | A placeholder type for TTG extension points that are not currently
+-- unused to represent any particular value.
+-- This should not be confused with 'NoExtCon', which are found in unused
+-- extension /constructors/ and therefore should never be inhabited. In
+-- contrast, 'NoExtField' is used in extension /points/ (e.g., as the field of
+-- some constructor), so it must have an inhabitant to construct AST passes
+-- that manipulate fields with that extension point as their type.
+data NoExtField = NoExtField
+ deriving (Data,Eq,Ord)
+instance Outputable NoExtField where
+ ppr _ = text "NoExtField"
+-- | Used when constructing a term with an unused extension point.
+noExtField :: NoExtField
+noExtField = NoExtField
+-- | Used in TTG extension constructors that have yet to be extended with
+-- anything. If an extension constructor has 'NoExtCon' as its field, it is
+-- not intended to ever be constructed anywhere, and any function that consumes
+-- the extension constructor can eliminate it by way of 'noExtCon'.
+-- This should not be confused with 'NoExtField', which are found in unused
+-- extension /points/ (not /constructors/) and therefore can be inhabited.
+-- See also [NoExtCon and strict fields].
+data NoExtCon
+ deriving (Data,Eq,Ord)
+instance Outputable NoExtCon where
+ ppr = noExtCon
+-- | Eliminate a 'NoExtCon'. Much like 'Data.Void.absurd'.
+noExtCon :: NoExtCon -> a
+noExtCon x = case x of {}
+Note [NoExtCon and strict fields]
+Currently, any unused TTG extension constructor will generally look like the
+ type instance XXHsDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+ data HsDecl p
+ = ...
+ | XHsDecl (XXHsDecl p)
+This means that any function that wishes to consume an HsDecl will need to
+have a case for XHsDecl. This might look like this:
+ ex :: HsDecl GhcPs -> HsDecl GhcRn
+ ...
+ ex (XHsDecl nec) = noExtCon nec
+Ideally, we wouldn't need a case for XHsDecl at all (it /is/ supposed to be
+an unused extension constructor, after all). There is a way to achieve this
+on GHC 8.8 or later: make the field of XHsDecl strict:
+ data HsDecl p
+ = ...
+ | XHsDecl !(XXHsDecl p)
+If this is done, GHC's pattern-match coverage checker is clever enough to
+figure out that the XHsDecl case of `ex` is unreachable, so it can simply be
+omitted. (See Note [Extensions to GADTs Meet Their Match] in Check for more on
+how this works.)
+When GHC drops support for bootstrapping with GHC 8.6 and earlier, we can make
+the strict field changes described above and delete gobs of code involving
+`noExtCon`. Until then, it is necessary to use, so be aware of it when writing
+code that consumes unused extension constructors.
+-- | Used as a data type index for the hsSyn AST
+data GhcPass (c :: Pass)
+deriving instance Eq (GhcPass c)
+deriving instance Typeable c => Data (GhcPass c)
+data Pass = Parsed | Renamed | Typechecked
+ deriving (Data)
+-- Type synonyms as a shorthand for tagging
+type GhcPs = GhcPass 'Parsed -- Old 'RdrName' type param
+type GhcRn = GhcPass 'Renamed -- Old 'Name' type param
+type GhcTc = GhcPass 'Typechecked -- Old 'Id' type para,
+type GhcTcId = GhcTc -- Old 'TcId' type param
+-- | Maps the "normal" id type for a given pass
+type family IdP p
+type instance IdP GhcPs = RdrName
+type instance IdP GhcRn = Name
+type instance IdP GhcTc = Id
+type LIdP p = Located (IdP p)
+-- | Marks that a field uses the GhcRn variant even when the pass
+-- parameter is GhcTc. Useful for storing HsTypes in GHC.Hs.Exprs, say, because
+-- HsType GhcTc should never occur.
+type family NoGhcTc (p :: Type) where
+ -- this way, GHC can figure out that the result is a GhcPass
+ NoGhcTc (GhcPass pass) = GhcPass (NoGhcTcPass pass)
+ NoGhcTc other = other
+type family NoGhcTcPass (p :: Pass) :: Pass where
+ NoGhcTcPass 'Typechecked = 'Renamed
+ NoGhcTcPass other = other
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsBinds extension points
+-- HsLocalBindsLR type families
+type family XHsValBinds x x'
+type family XHsIPBinds x x'
+type family XEmptyLocalBinds x x'
+type family XXHsLocalBindsLR x x'
+type ForallXHsLocalBindsLR (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsValBinds x x')
+ , c (XHsIPBinds x x')
+ , c (XEmptyLocalBinds x x')
+ , c (XXHsLocalBindsLR x x')
+ )
+-- ValBindsLR type families
+type family XValBinds x x'
+type family XXValBindsLR x x'
+type ForallXValBindsLR (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XValBinds x x')
+ , c (XXValBindsLR x x')
+ )
+-- HsBindsLR type families
+type family XFunBind x x'
+type family XPatBind x x'
+type family XVarBind x x'
+type family XAbsBinds x x'
+type family XPatSynBind x x'
+type family XXHsBindsLR x x'
+type ForallXHsBindsLR (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XFunBind x x')
+ , c (XPatBind x x')
+ , c (XVarBind x x')
+ , c (XAbsBinds x x')
+ , c (XPatSynBind x x')
+ , c (XXHsBindsLR x x')
+ )
+-- ABExport type families
+type family XABE x
+type family XXABExport x
+type ForallXABExport (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XABE x)
+ , c (XXABExport x)
+ )
+-- PatSynBind type families
+type family XPSB x x'
+type family XXPatSynBind x x'
+type ForallXPatSynBind (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XPSB x x')
+ , c (XXPatSynBind x x')
+ )
+-- HsIPBinds type families
+type family XIPBinds x
+type family XXHsIPBinds x
+type ForallXHsIPBinds (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XIPBinds x)
+ , c (XXHsIPBinds x)
+ )
+-- IPBind type families
+type family XCIPBind x
+type family XXIPBind x
+type ForallXIPBind (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCIPBind x)
+ , c (XXIPBind x)
+ )
+-- Sig type families
+type family XTypeSig x
+type family XPatSynSig x
+type family XClassOpSig x
+type family XIdSig x
+type family XFixSig x
+type family XInlineSig x
+type family XSpecSig x
+type family XSpecInstSig x
+type family XMinimalSig x
+type family XSCCFunSig x
+type family XCompleteMatchSig x
+type family XXSig x
+type ForallXSig (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XTypeSig x)
+ , c (XPatSynSig x)
+ , c (XClassOpSig x)
+ , c (XIdSig x)
+ , c (XFixSig x)
+ , c (XInlineSig x)
+ , c (XSpecSig x)
+ , c (XSpecInstSig x)
+ , c (XMinimalSig x)
+ , c (XSCCFunSig x)
+ , c (XCompleteMatchSig x)
+ , c (XXSig x)
+ )
+-- FixitySig type families
+type family XFixitySig x
+type family XXFixitySig x
+type ForallXFixitySig (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XFixitySig x)
+ , c (XXFixitySig x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsDecls extension points
+-- HsDecl type families
+type family XTyClD x
+type family XInstD x
+type family XDerivD x
+type family XValD x
+type family XSigD x
+type family XDefD x
+type family XForD x
+type family XWarningD x
+type family XAnnD x
+type family XRuleD x
+type family XSpliceD x
+type family XDocD x
+type family XRoleAnnotD x
+type family XXHsDecl x
+type ForallXHsDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XTyClD x)
+ , c (XInstD x)
+ , c (XDerivD x)
+ , c (XValD x)
+ , c (XSigD x)
+ , c (XDefD x)
+ , c (XForD x)
+ , c (XWarningD x)
+ , c (XAnnD x)
+ , c (XRuleD x)
+ , c (XSpliceD x)
+ , c (XDocD x)
+ , c (XRoleAnnotD x)
+ , c (XXHsDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- HsGroup type families
+type family XCHsGroup x
+type family XXHsGroup x
+type ForallXHsGroup (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCHsGroup x)
+ , c (XXHsGroup x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- SpliceDecl type families
+type family XSpliceDecl x
+type family XXSpliceDecl x
+type ForallXSpliceDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XSpliceDecl x)
+ , c (XXSpliceDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- TyClDecl type families
+type family XFamDecl x
+type family XSynDecl x
+type family XDataDecl x
+type family XClassDecl x
+type family XXTyClDecl x
+type ForallXTyClDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XFamDecl x)
+ , c (XSynDecl x)
+ , c (XDataDecl x)
+ , c (XClassDecl x)
+ , c (XXTyClDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- TyClGroup type families
+type family XCTyClGroup x
+type family XXTyClGroup x
+type ForallXTyClGroup (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCTyClGroup x)
+ , c (XXTyClGroup x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- FamilyResultSig type families
+type family XNoSig x
+type family XCKindSig x -- Clashes with XKindSig above
+type family XTyVarSig x
+type family XXFamilyResultSig x
+type ForallXFamilyResultSig (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XNoSig x)
+ , c (XCKindSig x)
+ , c (XTyVarSig x)
+ , c (XXFamilyResultSig x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- FamilyDecl type families
+type family XCFamilyDecl x
+type family XXFamilyDecl x
+type ForallXFamilyDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCFamilyDecl x)
+ , c (XXFamilyDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- HsDataDefn type families
+type family XCHsDataDefn x
+type family XXHsDataDefn x
+type ForallXHsDataDefn (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCHsDataDefn x)
+ , c (XXHsDataDefn x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- HsDerivingClause type families
+type family XCHsDerivingClause x
+type family XXHsDerivingClause x
+type ForallXHsDerivingClause (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCHsDerivingClause x)
+ , c (XXHsDerivingClause x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- ConDecl type families
+type family XConDeclGADT x
+type family XConDeclH98 x
+type family XXConDecl x
+type ForallXConDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XConDeclGADT x)
+ , c (XConDeclH98 x)
+ , c (XXConDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- FamEqn type families
+type family XCFamEqn x r
+type family XXFamEqn x r
+type ForallXFamEqn (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (r :: *) =
+ ( c (XCFamEqn x r)
+ , c (XXFamEqn x r)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- ClsInstDecl type families
+type family XCClsInstDecl x
+type family XXClsInstDecl x
+type ForallXClsInstDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCClsInstDecl x)
+ , c (XXClsInstDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- ClsInstDecl type families
+type family XClsInstD x
+type family XDataFamInstD x
+type family XTyFamInstD x
+type family XXInstDecl x
+type ForallXInstDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XClsInstD x)
+ , c (XDataFamInstD x)
+ , c (XTyFamInstD x)
+ , c (XXInstDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- DerivDecl type families
+type family XCDerivDecl x
+type family XXDerivDecl x
+type ForallXDerivDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCDerivDecl x)
+ , c (XXDerivDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- DerivStrategy type family
+type family XViaStrategy x
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- DefaultDecl type families
+type family XCDefaultDecl x
+type family XXDefaultDecl x
+type ForallXDefaultDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCDefaultDecl x)
+ , c (XXDefaultDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- DefaultDecl type families
+type family XForeignImport x
+type family XForeignExport x
+type family XXForeignDecl x
+type ForallXForeignDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XForeignImport x)
+ , c (XForeignExport x)
+ , c (XXForeignDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- RuleDecls type families
+type family XCRuleDecls x
+type family XXRuleDecls x
+type ForallXRuleDecls (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCRuleDecls x)
+ , c (XXRuleDecls x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- RuleDecl type families
+type family XHsRule x
+type family XXRuleDecl x
+type ForallXRuleDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsRule x)
+ , c (XXRuleDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- RuleBndr type families
+type family XCRuleBndr x
+type family XRuleBndrSig x
+type family XXRuleBndr x
+type ForallXRuleBndr (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCRuleBndr x)
+ , c (XRuleBndrSig x)
+ , c (XXRuleBndr x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- WarnDecls type families
+type family XWarnings x
+type family XXWarnDecls x
+type ForallXWarnDecls (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XWarnings x)
+ , c (XXWarnDecls x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- AnnDecl type families
+type family XWarning x
+type family XXWarnDecl x
+type ForallXWarnDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XWarning x)
+ , c (XXWarnDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- AnnDecl type families
+type family XHsAnnotation x
+type family XXAnnDecl x
+type ForallXAnnDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsAnnotation x)
+ , c (XXAnnDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- RoleAnnotDecl type families
+type family XCRoleAnnotDecl x
+type family XXRoleAnnotDecl x
+type ForallXRoleAnnotDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCRoleAnnotDecl x)
+ , c (XXRoleAnnotDecl x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsExpr extension points
+type family XVar x
+type family XUnboundVar x
+type family XConLikeOut x
+type family XRecFld x
+type family XOverLabel x
+type family XIPVar x
+type family XOverLitE x
+type family XLitE x
+type family XLam x
+type family XLamCase x
+type family XApp x
+type family XAppTypeE x
+type family XOpApp x
+type family XNegApp x
+type family XPar x
+type family XSectionL x
+type family XSectionR x
+type family XExplicitTuple x
+type family XExplicitSum x
+type family XCase x
+type family XIf x
+type family XMultiIf x
+type family XLet x
+type family XDo x
+type family XExplicitList x
+type family XRecordCon x
+type family XRecordUpd x
+type family XExprWithTySig x
+type family XArithSeq x
+type family XSCC x
+type family XCoreAnn x
+type family XBracket x
+type family XRnBracketOut x
+type family XTcBracketOut x
+type family XSpliceE x
+type family XProc x
+type family XStatic x
+type family XTick x
+type family XBinTick x
+type family XTickPragma x
+type family XWrap x
+type family XXExpr x
+type ForallXExpr (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XVar x)
+ , c (XUnboundVar x)
+ , c (XConLikeOut x)
+ , c (XRecFld x)
+ , c (XOverLabel x)
+ , c (XIPVar x)
+ , c (XOverLitE x)
+ , c (XLitE x)
+ , c (XLam x)
+ , c (XLamCase x)
+ , c (XApp x)
+ , c (XAppTypeE x)
+ , c (XOpApp x)
+ , c (XNegApp x)
+ , c (XPar x)
+ , c (XSectionL x)
+ , c (XSectionR x)
+ , c (XExplicitTuple x)
+ , c (XExplicitSum x)
+ , c (XCase x)
+ , c (XIf x)
+ , c (XMultiIf x)
+ , c (XLet x)
+ , c (XDo x)
+ , c (XExplicitList x)
+ , c (XRecordCon x)
+ , c (XRecordUpd x)
+ , c (XExprWithTySig x)
+ , c (XArithSeq x)
+ , c (XSCC x)
+ , c (XCoreAnn x)
+ , c (XBracket x)
+ , c (XRnBracketOut x)
+ , c (XTcBracketOut x)
+ , c (XSpliceE x)
+ , c (XProc x)
+ , c (XStatic x)
+ , c (XTick x)
+ , c (XBinTick x)
+ , c (XTickPragma x)
+ , c (XWrap x)
+ , c (XXExpr x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XUnambiguous x
+type family XAmbiguous x
+type family XXAmbiguousFieldOcc x
+type ForallXAmbiguousFieldOcc (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XUnambiguous x)
+ , c (XAmbiguous x)
+ , c (XXAmbiguousFieldOcc x)
+ )
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XPresent x
+type family XMissing x
+type family XXTupArg x
+type ForallXTupArg (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XPresent x)
+ , c (XMissing x)
+ , c (XXTupArg x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XTypedSplice x
+type family XUntypedSplice x
+type family XQuasiQuote x
+type family XSpliced x
+type family XXSplice x
+type ForallXSplice (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XTypedSplice x)
+ , c (XUntypedSplice x)
+ , c (XQuasiQuote x)
+ , c (XSpliced x)
+ , c (XXSplice x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XExpBr x
+type family XPatBr x
+type family XDecBrL x
+type family XDecBrG x
+type family XTypBr x
+type family XVarBr x
+type family XTExpBr x
+type family XXBracket x
+type ForallXBracket (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XExpBr x)
+ , c (XPatBr x)
+ , c (XDecBrL x)
+ , c (XDecBrG x)
+ , c (XTypBr x)
+ , c (XVarBr x)
+ , c (XTExpBr x)
+ , c (XXBracket x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XCmdTop x
+type family XXCmdTop x
+type ForallXCmdTop (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCmdTop x)
+ , c (XXCmdTop x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XMG x b
+type family XXMatchGroup x b
+type ForallXMatchGroup (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XMG x b)
+ , c (XXMatchGroup x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XCMatch x b
+type family XXMatch x b
+type ForallXMatch (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XCMatch x b)
+ , c (XXMatch x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XCGRHSs x b
+type family XXGRHSs x b
+type ForallXGRHSs (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XCGRHSs x b)
+ , c (XXGRHSs x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XCGRHS x b
+type family XXGRHS x b
+type ForallXGRHS (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XCGRHS x b)
+ , c (XXGRHS x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XLastStmt x x' b
+type family XBindStmt x x' b
+type family XApplicativeStmt x x' b
+type family XBodyStmt x x' b
+type family XLetStmt x x' b
+type family XParStmt x x' b
+type family XTransStmt x x' b
+type family XRecStmt x x' b
+type family XXStmtLR x x' b
+type ForallXStmtLR (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XLastStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XBindStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XApplicativeStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XBodyStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XLetStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XParStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XTransStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XRecStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XXStmtLR x x' b)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XCmdArrApp x
+type family XCmdArrForm x
+type family XCmdApp x
+type family XCmdLam x
+type family XCmdPar x
+type family XCmdCase x
+type family XCmdIf x
+type family XCmdLet x
+type family XCmdDo x
+type family XCmdWrap x
+type family XXCmd x
+type ForallXCmd (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCmdArrApp x)
+ , c (XCmdArrForm x)
+ , c (XCmdApp x)
+ , c (XCmdLam x)
+ , c (XCmdPar x)
+ , c (XCmdCase x)
+ , c (XCmdIf x)
+ , c (XCmdLet x)
+ , c (XCmdDo x)
+ , c (XCmdWrap x)
+ , c (XXCmd x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XParStmtBlock x x'
+type family XXParStmtBlock x x'
+type ForallXParStmtBlock (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XParStmtBlock x x')
+ , c (XXParStmtBlock x x')
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XApplicativeArgOne x
+type family XApplicativeArgMany x
+type family XXApplicativeArg x
+type ForallXApplicativeArg (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XApplicativeArgOne x)
+ , c (XApplicativeArgMany x)
+ , c (XXApplicativeArg x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsImpExp extension points
+-- TODO
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsLit extension points
+-- We define a type family for each extension point. This is based on prepending
+-- 'X' to the constructor name, for ease of reference.
+type family XHsChar x
+type family XHsCharPrim x
+type family XHsString x
+type family XHsStringPrim x
+type family XHsInt x
+type family XHsIntPrim x
+type family XHsWordPrim x
+type family XHsInt64Prim x
+type family XHsWord64Prim x
+type family XHsInteger x
+type family XHsRat x
+type family XHsFloatPrim x
+type family XHsDoublePrim x
+type family XXLit x
+-- | Helper to apply a constraint to all extension points. It has one
+-- entry per extension point type family.
+type ForallXHsLit (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsChar x)
+ , c (XHsCharPrim x)
+ , c (XHsDoublePrim x)
+ , c (XHsFloatPrim x)
+ , c (XHsInt x)
+ , c (XHsInt64Prim x)
+ , c (XHsIntPrim x)
+ , c (XHsInteger x)
+ , c (XHsRat x)
+ , c (XHsString x)
+ , c (XHsStringPrim x)
+ , c (XHsWord64Prim x)
+ , c (XHsWordPrim x)
+ , c (XXLit x)
+ )
+type family XOverLit x
+type family XXOverLit x
+type ForallXOverLit (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XOverLit x)
+ , c (XXOverLit x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsPat extension points
+type family XWildPat x
+type family XVarPat x
+type family XLazyPat x
+type family XAsPat x
+type family XParPat x
+type family XBangPat x
+type family XListPat x
+type family XTuplePat x
+type family XSumPat x
+type family XConPat x
+type family XViewPat x
+type family XSplicePat x
+type family XLitPat x
+type family XNPat x
+type family XNPlusKPat x
+type family XSigPat x
+type family XCoPat x
+type family XXPat x
+type ForallXPat (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XWildPat x)
+ , c (XVarPat x)
+ , c (XLazyPat x)
+ , c (XAsPat x)
+ , c (XParPat x)
+ , c (XBangPat x)
+ , c (XListPat x)
+ , c (XTuplePat x)
+ , c (XSumPat x)
+ , c (XViewPat x)
+ , c (XSplicePat x)
+ , c (XLitPat x)
+ , c (XNPat x)
+ , c (XNPlusKPat x)
+ , c (XSigPat x)
+ , c (XCoPat x)
+ , c (XXPat x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsTypes type families
+type family XHsQTvs x
+type family XXLHsQTyVars x
+type ForallXLHsQTyVars (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsQTvs x)
+ , c (XXLHsQTyVars x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XHsIB x b
+type family XXHsImplicitBndrs x b
+type ForallXHsImplicitBndrs (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsIB x b)
+ , c (XXHsImplicitBndrs x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XHsWC x b
+type family XXHsWildCardBndrs x b
+type ForallXHsWildCardBndrs(c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsWC x b)
+ , c (XXHsWildCardBndrs x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XForAllTy x
+type family XQualTy x
+type family XTyVar x
+type family XAppTy x
+type family XAppKindTy x
+type family XFunTy x
+type family XListTy x
+type family XTupleTy x
+type family XSumTy x
+type family XOpTy x
+type family XParTy x
+type family XIParamTy x
+type family XStarTy x
+type family XKindSig x
+type family XSpliceTy x
+type family XDocTy x
+type family XBangTy x
+type family XRecTy x
+type family XExplicitListTy x
+type family XExplicitTupleTy x
+type family XTyLit x
+type family XWildCardTy x
+type family XXType x
+-- | Helper to apply a constraint to all extension points. It has one
+-- entry per extension point type family.
+type ForallXType (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XForAllTy x)
+ , c (XQualTy x)
+ , c (XTyVar x)
+ , c (XAppTy x)
+ , c (XAppKindTy x)
+ , c (XFunTy x)
+ , c (XListTy x)
+ , c (XTupleTy x)
+ , c (XSumTy x)
+ , c (XOpTy x)
+ , c (XParTy x)
+ , c (XIParamTy x)
+ , c (XStarTy x)
+ , c (XKindSig x)
+ , c (XSpliceTy x)
+ , c (XDocTy x)
+ , c (XBangTy x)
+ , c (XRecTy x)
+ , c (XExplicitListTy x)
+ , c (XExplicitTupleTy x)
+ , c (XTyLit x)
+ , c (XWildCardTy x)
+ , c (XXType x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XUserTyVar x
+type family XKindedTyVar x
+type family XXTyVarBndr x
+type ForallXTyVarBndr (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XUserTyVar x)
+ , c (XKindedTyVar x)
+ , c (XXTyVarBndr x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XConDeclField x
+type family XXConDeclField x
+type ForallXConDeclField (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XConDeclField x)
+ , c (XXConDeclField x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XCFieldOcc x
+type family XXFieldOcc x
+type ForallXFieldOcc (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCFieldOcc x)
+ , c (XXFieldOcc x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsImpExp type families
+type family XCImportDecl x
+type family XXImportDecl x
+type ForallXImportDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCImportDecl x)
+ , c (XXImportDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XIEVar x
+type family XIEThingAbs x
+type family XIEThingAll x
+type family XIEThingWith x
+type family XIEModuleContents x
+type family XIEGroup x
+type family XIEDoc x
+type family XIEDocNamed x
+type family XXIE x
+type ForallXIE (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XIEVar x)
+ , c (XIEThingAbs x)
+ , c (XIEThingAll x)
+ , c (XIEThingWith x)
+ , c (XIEModuleContents x)
+ , c (XIEGroup x)
+ , c (XIEDoc x)
+ , c (XIEDocNamed x)
+ , c (XXIE x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- =====================================================================
+-- End of Type family definitions
+-- =====================================================================
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Conversion of annotations from one type index to another. This is required
+-- where the AST is converted from one pass to another, and the extension values
+-- need to be brought along if possible. So for example a 'SourceText' is
+-- converted via 'id', but needs a type signature to keep the type checker
+-- happy.
+class Convertable a b | a -> b where
+ convert :: a -> b
+instance Convertable a a where
+ convert = id
+-- | A constraint capturing all the extension points that can be converted via
+-- @instance Convertable a a@
+type ConvertIdX a b =
+ (XHsDoublePrim a ~ XHsDoublePrim b,
+ XHsFloatPrim a ~ XHsFloatPrim b,
+ XHsRat a ~ XHsRat b,
+ XHsInteger a ~ XHsInteger b,
+ XHsWord64Prim a ~ XHsWord64Prim b,
+ XHsInt64Prim a ~ XHsInt64Prim b,
+ XHsWordPrim a ~ XHsWordPrim b,
+ XHsIntPrim a ~ XHsIntPrim b,
+ XHsInt a ~ XHsInt b,
+ XHsStringPrim a ~ XHsStringPrim b,
+ XHsString a ~ XHsString b,
+ XHsCharPrim a ~ XHsCharPrim b,
+ XHsChar a ~ XHsChar b,
+ XXLit a ~ XXLit b)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Note [OutputableX]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- is required because the type family resolution
+-- process cannot determine that all cases are handled for a `GhcPass p`
+-- case where the cases are listed separately.
+-- So
+-- type instance XXHsIPBinds (GhcPass p) = NoExtCon
+-- will correctly deduce Outputable for (GhcPass p), but
+-- type instance XIPBinds GhcPs = NoExt
+-- type instance XIPBinds GhcRn = NoExt
+-- type instance XIPBinds GhcTc = TcEvBinds
+-- will not.
+-- | Provide a summary constraint that gives all am Outputable constraint to
+-- extension points needing one
+type OutputableX p = -- See Note [OutputableX]
+ ( Outputable (XIPBinds p)
+ , Outputable (XViaStrategy p)
+ , Outputable (XViaStrategy GhcRn)
+ )
+-- TODO: Should OutputableX be included in OutputableBndrId?
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- |Constraint type to bundle up the requirement for 'OutputableBndr' on both
+-- the @id@ and the 'NameOrRdrName' type for it
+type OutputableBndrId id =
+ ( OutputableBndr (NameOrRdrName (IdP id))
+ , OutputableBndr (IdP id)
+ , OutputableBndr (NameOrRdrName (IdP (NoGhcTc id)))
+ , OutputableBndr (IdP (NoGhcTc id))
+ , NoGhcTc id ~ NoGhcTc (NoGhcTc id)
+ , OutputableX id
+ , OutputableX (NoGhcTc id)
+ )