path: root/compiler/GHC/Hs
diff options
authorVladislav Zavialov <>2019-11-20 15:44:49 +0300
committerMarge Bot <>2019-11-30 02:58:34 -0500
commit5aba5d3218330f8ce127aa7767efcbb6f63a2db1 (patch)
treed11ea424fedf51668f5d9f14c972e6f1dca6693a /compiler/GHC/Hs
parent316f24319e151446c83cbb0f2997a73e19fe4aa3 (diff)
Remove HasSrcSpan (#17494)
Metric Decrease: haddock.compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Hs')
4 files changed, 69 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
index 8a8eb775cd..9955efaeb1 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ ppr_expr (SectionR _ op expr)
ppr_expr (ExplicitTuple _ exprs boxity)
-- Special-case unary boxed tuples so that they are pretty-printed as
-- `Unit x`, not `(x)`
- | [dL -> L _ (Present _ expr)] <- exprs
+ | [L _ (Present _ expr)] <- exprs
, Boxed <- boxity
= hsep [text (mkTupleStr Boxed 1), ppr expr]
| otherwise
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs
index cae7144a8c..d8ae451ee9 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ isIrrefutableHsPat
go (ConPatIn {}) = False -- Conservative
go (ConPatOut
- { pat_con = (dL->L _ (RealDataCon con))
+ { pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon con)
, pat_args = details })
isJust (tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (dataConTyCon con))
@@ -718,9 +718,8 @@ isIrrefutableHsPat
-- the latter is false of existentials. See #4439
&& all goL (hsConPatArgs details)
go (ConPatOut
- { pat_con = (dL->L _ (PatSynCon _pat)) })
+ { pat_con = L _ (PatSynCon _pat) })
= False -- Conservative
- go (ConPatOut{}) = panic "ConPatOut:Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
go (LitPat {}) = False
go (NPat {}) = False
go (NPlusKPat {}) = False
@@ -790,8 +789,8 @@ conPatNeedsParens p = go
-- | @'parenthesizePat' p pat@ checks if @'patNeedsParens' p pat@ is true, and
-- if so, surrounds @pat@ with a 'ParPat'. Otherwise, it simply returns @pat@.
parenthesizePat :: PprPrec -> LPat (GhcPass p) -> LPat (GhcPass p)
-parenthesizePat p lpat@(dL->L loc pat)
- | patNeedsParens p pat = cL loc (ParPat noExtField lpat)
+parenthesizePat p lpat@(L loc pat)
+ | patNeedsParens p pat = L loc (ParPat noExtField lpat)
| otherwise = lpat
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Types.hs
index 7af0a1ee4e..e92928c78f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Types.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Types.hs
@@ -1063,14 +1063,14 @@ hsAllLTyVarNames (HsQTvs { hsq_ext = kvs
hsAllLTyVarNames (XLHsQTyVars nec) = noExtCon nec
hsLTyVarLocName :: LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p) -> Located (IdP (GhcPass p))
-hsLTyVarLocName = onHasSrcSpan hsTyVarName
+hsLTyVarLocName = mapLoc hsTyVarName
hsLTyVarLocNames :: LHsQTyVars (GhcPass p) -> [Located (IdP (GhcPass p))]
hsLTyVarLocNames qtvs = map hsLTyVarLocName (hsQTvExplicit qtvs)
-- | Convert a LHsTyVarBndr to an equivalent LHsType.
hsLTyVarBndrToType :: LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
-hsLTyVarBndrToType = onHasSrcSpan cvt
+hsLTyVarBndrToType = mapLoc cvt
where cvt (UserTyVar _ n) = HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted n
cvt (KindedTyVar _ (L name_loc n) kind)
= HsKindSig noExtField
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
index bac4dff9d9..b0d66c66d3 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ just attach 'noSrcSpan' to everything.
-- | e => (e)
mkHsPar :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
-mkHsPar e = cL (getLoc e) (HsPar noExtField e)
+mkHsPar e = L (getLoc e) (HsPar noExtField e)
mkSimpleMatch :: HsMatchContext (NameOrRdrName (IdP (GhcPass p)))
-> [LPat (GhcPass p)] -> Located (body (GhcPass p))
-> LMatch (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
mkSimpleMatch ctxt pats rhs
- = cL loc $
+ = L loc $
Match { m_ext = noExtField, m_ctxt = ctxt, m_pats = pats
, m_grhss = unguardedGRHSs rhs }
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ mkSimpleMatch ctxt pats rhs
unguardedGRHSs :: Located (body (GhcPass p))
-> GRHSs (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
-unguardedGRHSs rhs@(dL->L loc _)
+unguardedGRHSs rhs@(L loc _)
= GRHSs noExtField (unguardedRHS loc rhs) (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
unguardedRHS :: SrcSpan -> Located (body (GhcPass p))
-> [LGRHS (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))]
-unguardedRHS loc rhs = [cL loc (GRHS noExtField [] rhs)]
+unguardedRHS loc rhs = [L loc (GRHS noExtField [] rhs)]
mkMatchGroup :: (XMG name (Located (body name)) ~ NoExtField)
=> Origin -> [LMatch name (Located (body name))]
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ mkMatchGroup origin matches = MG { mg_ext = noExtField
mkLocatedList :: [Located a] -> Located [Located a]
mkLocatedList [] = noLoc []
-mkLocatedList ms = cL (combineLocs (head ms) (last ms)) ms
+mkLocatedList ms = L (combineLocs (head ms) (last ms)) ms
mkHsApp :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
mkHsApp e1 e2 = addCLoc e1 e2 (HsApp noExtField e1 e2)
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ mkHsAppTypes = foldl' mkHsAppType
mkHsLam :: (XMG (GhcPass p) (LHsExpr (GhcPass p)) ~ NoExtField) =>
[LPat (GhcPass p)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
-mkHsLam pats body = mkHsPar (cL (getLoc body) (HsLam noExtField matches))
+mkHsLam pats body = mkHsPar (L (getLoc body) (HsLam noExtField matches))
matches = mkMatchGroup Generated
[mkSimpleMatch LambdaExpr pats' body]
@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@ nlHsTyApps fun_id tys xs = foldl' nlHsApp (nlHsTyApp fun_id tys) xs
-- | Wrap in parens if (hsExprNeedsParens appPrec) says it needs them
-- So 'f x' becomes '(f x)', but '3' stays as '3'
mkLHsPar :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
-mkLHsPar le@(dL->L loc e)
- | hsExprNeedsParens appPrec e = cL loc (HsPar noExtField le)
+mkLHsPar le@(L loc e)
+ | hsExprNeedsParens appPrec e = L loc (HsPar noExtField le)
| otherwise = le
mkParPat :: LPat (GhcPass name) -> LPat (GhcPass name)
-mkParPat lp@(dL->L loc p)
- | patNeedsParens appPrec p = cL loc (ParPat noExtField lp)
+mkParPat lp@(L loc p)
+ | patNeedsParens appPrec p = L loc (ParPat noExtField lp)
| otherwise = lp
nlParPat :: LPat (GhcPass name) -> LPat (GhcPass name)
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ mkHsIsString src s = OverLit noExtField (HsIsString src s) noExpr
mkHsDo ctxt stmts = HsDo noExtField ctxt (mkLocatedList stmts)
mkHsComp ctxt stmts expr = mkHsDo ctxt (stmts ++ [last_stmt])
- last_stmt = cL (getLoc expr) $ mkLastStmt expr
+ last_stmt = L (getLoc expr) $ mkLastStmt expr
mkHsIf :: LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
-> HsExpr (GhcPass p)
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ missingTupArg = Missing noExtField
mkLHsPatTup :: [LPat GhcRn] -> LPat GhcRn
mkLHsPatTup [] = noLoc $ TuplePat noExtField [] Boxed
mkLHsPatTup [lpat] = lpat
-mkLHsPatTup lpats = cL (getLoc (head lpats)) $ TuplePat noExtField lpats Boxed
+mkLHsPatTup lpats = L (getLoc (head lpats)) $ TuplePat noExtField lpats Boxed
-- | The Big equivalents for the source tuple expressions
mkBigLHsVarTup :: [IdP (GhcPass id)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
@@ -620,12 +620,12 @@ mkHsSigEnv get_info sigs
-- of which use this function
(gen_dm_sigs, ordinary_sigs) = partition is_gen_dm_sig sigs
- is_gen_dm_sig (dL->L _ (ClassOpSig _ True _ _)) = True
- is_gen_dm_sig _ = False
+ is_gen_dm_sig (L _ (ClassOpSig _ True _ _)) = True
+ is_gen_dm_sig _ = False
mk_pairs :: [LSig GhcRn] -> [(Name, a)]
mk_pairs sigs = [ (n,a) | Just (ns,a) <- map get_info sigs
- , (dL->L _ n) <- ns ]
+ , L _ n <- ns ]
mkClassOpSigs :: [LSig GhcPs] -> [LSig GhcPs]
-- ^ Convert TypeSig to ClassOpSig
@@ -634,8 +634,8 @@ mkClassOpSigs :: [LSig GhcPs] -> [LSig GhcPs]
mkClassOpSigs sigs
= map fiddle sigs
- fiddle (dL->L loc (TypeSig _ nms ty))
- = cL loc (ClassOpSig noExtField False nms (dropWildCards ty))
+ fiddle (L loc (TypeSig _ nms ty))
+ = L loc (ClassOpSig noExtField False nms (dropWildCards ty))
fiddle sig = sig
typeToLHsType :: Type -> LHsType GhcPs
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ positions in the kind of the tycon.
********************************************************************* -}
mkLHsWrap :: HsWrapper -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
-mkLHsWrap co_fn (dL->L loc e) = cL loc (mkHsWrap co_fn e)
+mkLHsWrap co_fn (L loc e) = L loc (mkHsWrap co_fn e)
-- | Avoid (HsWrap co (HsWrap co' _)).
-- See Note [Detecting forced eta expansion] in DsExpr
@@ -771,14 +771,14 @@ mkHsWrapCoR :: TcCoercionR -- A Representational coercion a ~R b
mkHsWrapCoR co e = mkHsWrap (mkWpCastR co) e
mkLHsWrapCo :: TcCoercionN -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
-mkLHsWrapCo co (dL->L loc e) = cL loc (mkHsWrapCo co e)
+mkLHsWrapCo co (L loc e) = L loc (mkHsWrapCo co e)
mkHsCmdWrap :: HsWrapper -> HsCmd (GhcPass p) -> HsCmd (GhcPass p)
mkHsCmdWrap w cmd | isIdHsWrapper w = cmd
| otherwise = HsCmdWrap noExtField w cmd
mkLHsCmdWrap :: HsWrapper -> LHsCmd (GhcPass p) -> LHsCmd (GhcPass p)
-mkLHsCmdWrap w (dL->L loc c) = cL loc (mkHsCmdWrap w c)
+mkLHsCmdWrap w (L loc c) = L loc (mkHsCmdWrap w c)
mkHsWrapPat :: HsWrapper -> Pat (GhcPass id) -> Type -> Pat (GhcPass id)
mkHsWrapPat co_fn p ty | isIdHsWrapper co_fn = p
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ mkHsVarBind :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsBind GhcPs
mkHsVarBind loc var rhs = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc var [] rhs
mkVarBind :: IdP (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsBind (GhcPass p)
-mkVarBind var rhs = cL (getLoc rhs) $
+mkVarBind var rhs = L (getLoc rhs) $
VarBind { var_ext = noExtField,
var_id = var, var_rhs = rhs, var_inline = False }
@@ -852,8 +852,8 @@ isInfixFunBind _ = False
mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> [LPat GhcPs]
-> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsBind GhcPs
mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc fun pats expr
- = cL loc $ mkFunBind Generated (cL loc fun)
- [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (cL loc fun)) pats expr
+ = L loc $ mkFunBind Generated (L loc fun)
+ [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (L loc fun)) pats expr
(noLoc emptyLocalBinds)]
-- | Make a prefix, non-strict function 'HsMatchContext'
@@ -873,8 +873,8 @@ mkMatch ctxt pats expr lbinds
, m_pats = map paren pats
, m_grhss = GRHSs noExtField (unguardedRHS noSrcSpan expr) lbinds })
- paren lp@(dL->L l p)
- | patNeedsParens appPrec p = cL l (ParPat noExtField lp)
+ paren lp@(L l p)
+ | patNeedsParens appPrec p = L l (ParPat noExtField lp)
| otherwise = lp
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ isBangedHsBind :: HsBind GhcTc -> Bool
isBangedHsBind (AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds })
= anyBag (isBangedHsBind . unLoc) binds
isBangedHsBind (FunBind {fun_matches = matches})
- | [dL->L _ match] <- unLoc $ mg_alts matches
+ | [L _ match] <- unLoc $ mg_alts matches
, FunRhs{mc_strictness = SrcStrict} <- m_ctxt match
= True
isBangedHsBind (PatBind {pat_lhs = pat})
@@ -976,8 +976,8 @@ collectHsIdBinders, collectHsValBinders
collectHsIdBinders = collect_hs_val_binders True
collectHsValBinders = collect_hs_val_binders False
-collectHsBindBinders :: (SrcSpanLess (LPat p) ~ Pat p, HasSrcSpan (LPat p))=>
- HsBindLR p idR -> [IdP p]
+collectHsBindBinders :: XRec pass Pat ~ Located (Pat pass) =>
+ HsBindLR pass idR -> [IdP pass]
-- ^ Collect both Ids and pattern-synonym binders
collectHsBindBinders b = collect_bind False b []
@@ -1003,16 +1003,17 @@ collect_binds :: Bool -> LHsBindsLR (GhcPass p) idR ->
-- ^ Collect Ids, or Ids + pattern synonyms, depending on boolean flag
collect_binds ps binds acc = foldr (collect_bind ps . unLoc) acc binds
-collect_bind :: (SrcSpanLess (LPat p) ~ Pat p , HasSrcSpan (LPat p)) =>
- Bool -> HsBindLR p idR -> [IdP p] -> [IdP p]
+collect_bind :: XRec pass Pat ~ Located (Pat pass) =>
+ Bool -> HsBindLR pass idR ->
+ [IdP pass] -> [IdP pass]
collect_bind _ (PatBind { pat_lhs = p }) acc = collect_lpat p acc
-collect_bind _ (FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ f) }) acc = f : acc
+collect_bind _ (FunBind { fun_id = L _ f }) acc = f : acc
collect_bind _ (VarBind { var_id = f }) acc = f : acc
collect_bind _ (AbsBinds { abs_exports = dbinds }) acc = map abe_poly dbinds ++ acc
-- I don't think we want the binders from the abe_binds
-- binding (hence see AbsBinds) is in zonking in TcHsSyn
-collect_bind omitPatSyn (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = (dL->L _ ps) })) acc
+collect_bind omitPatSyn (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = L _ ps })) acc
| omitPatSyn = acc
| otherwise = ps : acc
collect_bind _ (PatSynBind _ (XPatSynBind _)) acc = acc
@@ -1066,8 +1067,8 @@ collectPatsBinders :: [LPat (GhcPass p)] -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
collectPatsBinders pats = foldr collect_lpat [] pats
-collect_lpat :: (SrcSpanLess (LPat p) ~ Pat p , HasSrcSpan (LPat p)) =>
- LPat p -> [IdP p] -> [IdP p]
+collect_lpat :: XRec pass Pat ~ Located (Pat pass) =>
+ LPat pass -> [IdP pass] -> [IdP pass]
collect_lpat p bndrs
= go (unLoc p)
@@ -1160,39 +1161,37 @@ hsLTyClDeclBinders :: Located (TyClDecl (GhcPass p))
-- Each returned (Located name) has a SrcSpan for the /whole/ declaration.
-- See Note [SrcSpan for binders]
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (FamDecl { tcdFam = FamilyDecl
- { fdLName = (dL->L _ name) } }))
- = ([cL loc name], [])
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L _ (FamDecl { tcdFam = XFamilyDecl nec }))
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (FamDecl { tcdFam = FamilyDecl
+ { fdLName = (L _ name) } }))
+ = ([L loc name], [])
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (L _ (FamDecl { tcdFam = XFamilyDecl nec }))
= noExtCon nec
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (SynDecl
- { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name) }))
- = ([cL loc name], [])
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (ClassDecl
- { tcdLName = (dL->L _ cls_name)
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (SynDecl
+ { tcdLName = (L _ name) }))
+ = ([L loc name], [])
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (ClassDecl
+ { tcdLName = (L _ cls_name)
, tcdSigs = sigs
, tcdATs = ats }))
- = (cL loc cls_name :
- [ cL fam_loc fam_name | (dL->L fam_loc (FamilyDecl
+ = (L loc cls_name :
+ [ L fam_loc fam_name | (L fam_loc (FamilyDecl
{ fdLName = L _ fam_name })) <- ats ]
- [ cL mem_loc mem_name | (dL->L mem_loc (ClassOpSig _ False ns _)) <- sigs
- , (dL->L _ mem_name) <- ns ]
+ [ L mem_loc mem_name | (L mem_loc (ClassOpSig _ False ns _)) <- sigs
+ , (L _ mem_name) <- ns ]
, [])
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
- , tcdDataDefn = defn }))
- = (\ (xs, ys) -> (cL loc name : xs, ys)) $ hsDataDefnBinders defn
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L _ (XTyClDecl nec)) = noExtCon nec
-hsLTyClDeclBinders _ = panic "hsLTyClDeclBinders: Impossible Match"
- -- due to #15884
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = (L _ name)
+ , tcdDataDefn = defn }))
+ = (\ (xs, ys) -> (L loc name : xs, ys)) $ hsDataDefnBinders defn
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (L _ (XTyClDecl nec)) = noExtCon nec
hsForeignDeclsBinders :: [LForeignDecl pass] -> [Located (IdP pass)]
-- ^ See Note [SrcSpan for binders]
hsForeignDeclsBinders foreign_decls
- = [ cL decl_loc n
- | (dL->L decl_loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = (dL->L _ n) }))
+ = [ L decl_loc n
+ | L decl_loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = L _ n })
<- foreign_decls]
@@ -1213,24 +1212,22 @@ addPatSynSelector bind sels
getPatSynBinds :: [(RecFlag, LHsBinds id)] -> [PatSynBind id id]
getPatSynBinds binds
= [ psb | (_, lbinds) <- binds
- , (dL->L _ (PatSynBind _ psb)) <- bagToList lbinds ]
+ , L _ (PatSynBind _ psb) <- bagToList lbinds ]
hsLInstDeclBinders :: LInstDecl (GhcPass p)
-> ([Located (IdP (GhcPass p))], [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)])
-hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (ClsInstD
+hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (ClsInstD
{ cid_inst = ClsInstDecl
{ cid_datafam_insts = dfis }}))
= foldMap (hsDataFamInstBinders . unLoc) dfis
-hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = fi }))
+hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = fi }))
= hsDataFamInstBinders fi
-hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (TyFamInstD {})) = mempty
-hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (ClsInstD _ (XClsInstDecl nec)))
+hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (TyFamInstD {})) = mempty
+hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (ClsInstD _ (XClsInstDecl nec)))
= noExtCon nec
-hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (XInstDecl nec))
+hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (XInstDecl nec))
= noExtCon nec
-hsLInstDeclBinders _ = panic "hsLInstDeclBinders: Impossible Match"
- -- due to #15884
-- | the SrcLoc returned are for the whole declarations, not just the names
@@ -1278,13 +1275,13 @@ hsConDeclsBinders cons
-- remove only the first occurrence of any seen field in order to
-- avoid circumventing detection of duplicate fields (#9156)
ConDeclGADT { con_names = names, con_args = args }
- -> (map (cL loc . unLoc) names ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
+ -> (map (L loc . unLoc) names ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
(remSeen', flds) = get_flds remSeen args
(ns, fs) = go remSeen' rs
ConDeclH98 { con_name = name, con_args = args }
- -> ([cL loc (unLoc name)] ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
+ -> ([L loc (unLoc name)] ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
(remSeen', flds) = get_flds remSeen args
(ns, fs) = go remSeen' rs