path: root/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-01-26 03:15:37 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-02-14 05:32:37 -0500
commitcf739945b8b28ff463dc44925348f20b3c1f22cb (patch)
tree855da097719d6b62a15fa12034c60379c49dc4a5 /compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs
parentaf6a0c36431639655762440ec8d652796b86fe58 (diff)
Module hierarchy: HsToCore (cf #13009)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs')
1 files changed, 1368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ace0b27b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1368 @@
+(c) Galois, 2006
+(c) University of Glasgow, 2007
+{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation, RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+module GHC.HsToCore.Coverage (addTicksToBinds, hpcInitCode) where
+import GhcPrelude as Prelude
+import qualified GHC.Runtime.Interpreter as GHCi
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes
+import Data.Array
+import GHC.ByteCode.Types
+import GHC.Stack.CCS
+import Type
+import GHC.Hs
+import Module
+import Outputable
+import DynFlags
+import ConLike
+import Control.Monad
+import SrcLoc
+import ErrUtils
+import NameSet hiding (FreeVars)
+import Name
+import Bag
+import CostCentre
+import CostCentreState
+import CoreSyn
+import Id
+import VarSet
+import Data.List
+import FastString
+import HscTypes
+import TyCon
+import BasicTypes
+import MonadUtils
+import Maybes
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import Util
+import Data.Time
+import System.Directory
+import Trace.Hpc.Mix
+import Trace.Hpc.Util
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+* *
+* The main function: addTicksToBinds
+* *
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> Module
+ -> ModLocation -- ... off the current module
+ -> NameSet -- Exported Ids. When we call addTicksToBinds,
+ -- isExportedId doesn't work yet (the desugarer
+ -- hasn't set it), so we have to work from this set.
+ -> [TyCon] -- Type constructor in this module
+ -> LHsBinds GhcTc
+ -> IO (LHsBinds GhcTc, HpcInfo, Maybe ModBreaks)
+addTicksToBinds hsc_env mod mod_loc exports tyCons binds
+ | let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ passes = coveragePasses dflags, not (null passes),
+ Just orig_file <- ml_hs_file mod_loc,
+ not ("boot" `isSuffixOf` orig_file) = do
+ let orig_file2 = guessSourceFile binds orig_file
+ tickPass tickish (binds,st) =
+ let env = TTE
+ { fileName = mkFastString orig_file2
+ , declPath = []
+ , tte_dflags = dflags
+ , exports = exports
+ , inlines = emptyVarSet
+ , inScope = emptyVarSet
+ , blackList = Map.fromList
+ [ (getSrcSpan (tyConName tyCon),())
+ | tyCon <- tyCons ]
+ , density = mkDensity tickish dflags
+ , this_mod = mod
+ , tickishType = tickish
+ }
+ (binds',_,st') = unTM (addTickLHsBinds binds) env st
+ in (binds', st')
+ initState = TT { tickBoxCount = 0
+ , mixEntries = []
+ , ccIndices = newCostCentreState
+ }
+ (binds1,st) = foldr tickPass (binds, initState) passes
+ let tickCount = tickBoxCount st
+ entries = reverse $ mixEntries st
+ hashNo <- writeMixEntries dflags mod tickCount entries orig_file2
+ modBreaks <- mkModBreaks hsc_env mod tickCount entries
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_ticked "HPC" FormatHaskell
+ (pprLHsBinds binds1)
+ return (binds1, HpcInfo tickCount hashNo, Just modBreaks)
+ | otherwise = return (binds, emptyHpcInfo False, Nothing)
+guessSourceFile :: LHsBinds GhcTc -> FilePath -> FilePath
+guessSourceFile binds orig_file =
+ -- Try look for a file generated from a .hsc file to a
+ -- .hs file, by peeking ahead.
+ let top_pos = catMaybes $ foldr (\ (L pos _) rest ->
+ srcSpanFileName_maybe pos : rest) [] binds
+ in
+ case top_pos of
+ (file_name:_) | ".hsc" `isSuffixOf` unpackFS file_name
+ -> unpackFS file_name
+ _ -> orig_file
+mkModBreaks :: HscEnv -> Module -> Int -> [MixEntry_] -> IO ModBreaks
+mkModBreaks hsc_env mod count entries
+ | HscInterpreted <- hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env) = do
+ breakArray <- GHCi.newBreakArray hsc_env (length entries)
+ ccs <- mkCCSArray hsc_env mod count entries
+ let
+ locsTicks = listArray (0,count-1) [ span | (span,_,_,_) <- entries ]
+ varsTicks = listArray (0,count-1) [ vars | (_,_,vars,_) <- entries ]
+ declsTicks = listArray (0,count-1) [ decls | (_,decls,_,_) <- entries ]
+ return emptyModBreaks
+ { modBreaks_flags = breakArray
+ , modBreaks_locs = locsTicks
+ , modBreaks_vars = varsTicks
+ , modBreaks_decls = declsTicks
+ , modBreaks_ccs = ccs
+ }
+ | otherwise = return emptyModBreaks
+ :: HscEnv -> Module -> Int -> [MixEntry_]
+ -> IO (Array BreakIndex (RemotePtr GHC.Stack.CCS.CostCentre))
+mkCCSArray hsc_env modul count entries = do
+ if interpreterProfiled dflags
+ then do
+ let module_str = moduleNameString (moduleName modul)
+ costcentres <- GHCi.mkCostCentres hsc_env module_str (map mk_one entries)
+ return (listArray (0,count-1) costcentres)
+ else do
+ return (listArray (0,-1) [])
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ mk_one (srcspan, decl_path, _, _) = (name, src)
+ where name = concat (intersperse "." decl_path)
+ src = showSDoc dflags (ppr srcspan)
+ :: DynFlags -> Module -> Int -> [MixEntry_] -> FilePath -> IO Int
+writeMixEntries dflags mod count entries filename
+ | not (gopt Opt_Hpc dflags) = return 0
+ | otherwise = do
+ let
+ hpc_dir = hpcDir dflags
+ mod_name = moduleNameString (moduleName mod)
+ hpc_mod_dir
+ | moduleUnitId mod == mainUnitId = hpc_dir
+ | otherwise = hpc_dir ++ "/" ++ unitIdString (moduleUnitId mod)
+ tabStop = 8 -- <tab> counts as a normal char in GHC's
+ -- location ranges.
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True hpc_mod_dir
+ modTime <- getModificationUTCTime filename
+ let entries' = [ (hpcPos, box)
+ | (span,_,_,box) <- entries, hpcPos <- [mkHpcPos span] ]
+ when (entries' `lengthIsNot` count) $ do
+ panic "the number of .mix entries are inconsistent"
+ let hashNo = mixHash filename modTime tabStop entries'
+ mixCreate hpc_mod_dir mod_name
+ $ Mix filename modTime (toHash hashNo) tabStop entries'
+ return hashNo
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- TickDensity: where to insert ticks
+data TickDensity
+ = TickForCoverage -- for Hpc
+ | TickForBreakPoints -- for GHCi
+ | TickAllFunctions -- for -prof-auto-all
+ | TickTopFunctions -- for -prof-auto-top
+ | TickExportedFunctions -- for -prof-auto-exported
+ | TickCallSites -- for stack tracing
+ deriving Eq
+mkDensity :: TickishType -> DynFlags -> TickDensity
+mkDensity tickish dflags = case tickish of
+ HpcTicks -> TickForCoverage
+ SourceNotes -> TickForCoverage
+ Breakpoints -> TickForBreakPoints
+ ProfNotes ->
+ case profAuto dflags of
+ ProfAutoAll -> TickAllFunctions
+ ProfAutoTop -> TickTopFunctions
+ ProfAutoExports -> TickExportedFunctions
+ ProfAutoCalls -> TickCallSites
+ _other -> panic "mkDensity"
+-- | Decide whether to add a tick to a binding or not.
+shouldTickBind :: TickDensity
+ -> Bool -- top level?
+ -> Bool -- exported?
+ -> Bool -- simple pat bind?
+ -> Bool -- INLINE pragma?
+ -> Bool
+shouldTickBind density top_lev exported _simple_pat inline
+ = case density of
+ TickForBreakPoints -> False
+ -- we never add breakpoints to simple pattern bindings
+ -- (there's always a tick on the rhs anyway).
+ TickAllFunctions -> not inline
+ TickTopFunctions -> top_lev && not inline
+ TickExportedFunctions -> exported && not inline
+ TickForCoverage -> True
+ TickCallSites -> False
+shouldTickPatBind :: TickDensity -> Bool -> Bool
+shouldTickPatBind density top_lev
+ = case density of
+ TickForBreakPoints -> False
+ TickAllFunctions -> True
+ TickTopFunctions -> top_lev
+ TickExportedFunctions -> False
+ TickForCoverage -> False
+ TickCallSites -> False
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Adding ticks to bindings
+addTickLHsBinds :: LHsBinds GhcTc -> TM (LHsBinds GhcTc)
+addTickLHsBinds = mapBagM addTickLHsBind
+addTickLHsBind :: LHsBind GhcTc -> TM (LHsBind GhcTc)
+addTickLHsBind (L pos bind@(AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds,
+ abs_exports = abs_exports })) = do
+ withEnv add_exports $ do
+ withEnv add_inlines $ do
+ binds' <- addTickLHsBinds binds
+ return $ L pos $ bind { abs_binds = binds' }
+ where
+ -- in AbsBinds, the Id on each binding is not the actual top-level
+ -- Id that we are defining, they are related by the abs_exports
+ -- field of AbsBinds. So if we're doing TickExportedFunctions we need
+ -- to add the local Ids to the set of exported Names so that we know to
+ -- tick the right bindings.
+ add_exports env =
+ env{ exports = exports env `extendNameSetList`
+ [ idName mid
+ | ABE{ abe_poly = pid, abe_mono = mid } <- abs_exports
+ , idName pid `elemNameSet` (exports env) ] }
+ -- See Note [inline sccs]
+ add_inlines env =
+ env{ inlines = inlines env `extendVarSetList`
+ [ mid
+ | ABE{ abe_poly = pid, abe_mono = mid } <- abs_exports
+ , isInlinePragma (idInlinePragma pid) ] }
+addTickLHsBind (L pos (funBind@(FunBind { fun_id = L _ id }))) = do
+ let name = getOccString id
+ decl_path <- getPathEntry
+ density <- getDensity
+ inline_ids <- liftM inlines getEnv
+ -- See Note [inline sccs]
+ let inline = isInlinePragma (idInlinePragma id)
+ || id `elemVarSet` inline_ids
+ -- See Note [inline sccs]
+ tickish <- tickishType `liftM` getEnv
+ if inline && tickish == ProfNotes then return (L pos funBind) else do
+ (fvs, mg) <-
+ getFreeVars $
+ addPathEntry name $
+ addTickMatchGroup False (fun_matches funBind)
+ case mg of
+ MG {} -> return ()
+ _ -> panic "addTickLHsBind"
+ blackListed <- isBlackListed pos
+ exported_names <- liftM exports getEnv
+ -- We don't want to generate code for blacklisted positions
+ -- We don't want redundant ticks on simple pattern bindings
+ -- We don't want to tick non-exported bindings in TickExportedFunctions
+ let simple = isSimplePatBind funBind
+ toplev = null decl_path
+ exported = idName id `elemNameSet` exported_names
+ tick <- if not blackListed &&
+ shouldTickBind density toplev exported simple inline
+ then
+ bindTick density name pos fvs
+ else
+ return Nothing
+ let mbCons = maybe (:)
+ return $ L pos $ funBind { fun_matches = mg
+ , fun_tick = tick `mbCons` fun_tick funBind }
+ where
+ -- a binding is a simple pattern binding if it is a funbind with
+ -- zero patterns
+ isSimplePatBind :: HsBind GhcTc -> Bool
+ isSimplePatBind funBind = matchGroupArity (fun_matches funBind) == 0
+-- TODO: Revisit this
+addTickLHsBind (L pos (pat@(PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs
+ , pat_rhs = rhs }))) = do
+ let simplePatId = isSimplePat lhs
+ -- TODO: better name for rhs's for non-simple patterns?
+ let name = maybe "(...)" getOccString simplePatId
+ (fvs, rhs') <- getFreeVars $ addPathEntry name $ addTickGRHSs False False rhs
+ let pat' = pat { pat_rhs = rhs'}
+ -- Should create ticks here?
+ density <- getDensity
+ decl_path <- getPathEntry
+ let top_lev = null decl_path
+ if not (shouldTickPatBind density top_lev)
+ then return (L pos pat')
+ else do
+ let mbCons = maybe id (:)
+ let (initial_rhs_ticks, initial_patvar_tickss) = pat_ticks pat'
+ -- Allocate the ticks
+ rhs_tick <- bindTick density name pos fvs
+ let rhs_ticks = rhs_tick `mbCons` initial_rhs_ticks
+ patvar_tickss <- case simplePatId of
+ Just{} -> return initial_patvar_tickss
+ Nothing -> do
+ let patvars = map getOccString (collectPatBinders lhs)
+ patvar_ticks <- mapM (\v -> bindTick density v pos fvs) patvars
+ return
+ (zipWith mbCons patvar_ticks
+ (initial_patvar_tickss ++ repeat []))
+ return $ L pos $ pat' { pat_ticks = (rhs_ticks, patvar_tickss) }
+-- Only internal stuff, not from source, uses VarBind, so we ignore it.
+addTickLHsBind var_bind@(L _ (VarBind {})) = return var_bind
+addTickLHsBind patsyn_bind@(L _ (PatSynBind {})) = return patsyn_bind
+addTickLHsBind bind@(L _ (XHsBindsLR {})) = return bind
+ :: TickDensity -> String -> SrcSpan -> FreeVars -> TM (Maybe (Tickish Id))
+bindTick density name pos fvs = do
+ decl_path <- getPathEntry
+ let
+ toplev = null decl_path
+ count_entries = toplev || density == TickAllFunctions
+ top_only = density /= TickAllFunctions
+ box_label = if toplev then TopLevelBox [name]
+ else LocalBox (decl_path ++ [name])
+ --
+ allocATickBox box_label count_entries top_only pos fvs
+-- Note [inline sccs]
+-- The reason not to add ticks to INLINE functions is that this is
+-- sometimes handy for avoiding adding a tick to a particular function
+-- (see #6131)
+-- So for now we do not add any ticks to INLINE functions at all.
+-- We used to use isAnyInlinePragma to figure out whether to avoid adding
+-- ticks for this purpose. However, #12962 indicates that this contradicts
+-- the documentation on profiling (which only mentions INLINE pragmas).
+-- So now we're more careful about what we avoid adding ticks to.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Decorate an LHsExpr with ticks
+-- selectively add ticks to interesting expressions
+addTickLHsExpr :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+addTickLHsExpr e@(L pos e0) = do
+ d <- getDensity
+ case d of
+ TickForBreakPoints | isGoodBreakExpr e0 -> tick_it
+ TickForCoverage -> tick_it
+ TickCallSites | isCallSite e0 -> tick_it
+ _other -> dont_tick_it
+ where
+ tick_it = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0
+ dont_tick_it = addTickLHsExprNever e
+-- Add a tick to an expression which is the RHS of an equation or a binding.
+-- We always consider these to be breakpoints, unless the expression is a 'let'
+-- (because the body will definitely have a tick somewhere). ToDo: perhaps
+-- we should treat 'case' and 'if' the same way?
+addTickLHsExprRHS :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+addTickLHsExprRHS e@(L pos e0) = do
+ d <- getDensity
+ case d of
+ TickForBreakPoints | HsLet{} <- e0 -> dont_tick_it
+ | otherwise -> tick_it
+ TickForCoverage -> tick_it
+ TickCallSites | isCallSite e0 -> tick_it
+ _other -> dont_tick_it
+ where
+ tick_it = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0
+ dont_tick_it = addTickLHsExprNever e
+-- The inner expression of an evaluation context:
+-- let binds in [], ( [] )
+-- we never tick these if we're doing HPC, but otherwise
+-- we treat it like an ordinary expression.
+addTickLHsExprEvalInner :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+addTickLHsExprEvalInner e = do
+ d <- getDensity
+ case d of
+ TickForCoverage -> addTickLHsExprNever e
+ _otherwise -> addTickLHsExpr e
+-- | A let body is treated differently from addTickLHsExprEvalInner
+-- above with TickForBreakPoints, because for breakpoints we always
+-- want to tick the body, even if it is not a redex. See test
+-- break012. This gives the user the opportunity to inspect the
+-- values of the let-bound variables.
+addTickLHsExprLetBody :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+addTickLHsExprLetBody e@(L pos e0) = do
+ d <- getDensity
+ case d of
+ TickForBreakPoints | HsLet{} <- e0 -> dont_tick_it
+ | otherwise -> tick_it
+ _other -> addTickLHsExprEvalInner e
+ where
+ tick_it = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0
+ dont_tick_it = addTickLHsExprNever e
+-- version of addTick that does not actually add a tick,
+-- because the scope of this tick is completely subsumed by
+-- another.
+addTickLHsExprNever :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+addTickLHsExprNever (L pos e0) = do
+ e1 <- addTickHsExpr e0
+ return $ L pos e1
+-- general heuristic: expressions which do not denote values are good
+-- break points
+isGoodBreakExpr :: HsExpr GhcTc -> Bool
+isGoodBreakExpr (HsApp {}) = True
+isGoodBreakExpr (HsAppType {}) = True
+isGoodBreakExpr (OpApp {}) = True
+isGoodBreakExpr _other = False
+isCallSite :: HsExpr GhcTc -> Bool
+isCallSite HsApp{} = True
+isCallSite HsAppType{} = True
+isCallSite OpApp{} = True
+isCallSite _ = False
+addTickLHsExprOptAlt :: Bool -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+addTickLHsExprOptAlt oneOfMany (L pos e0)
+ = ifDensity TickForCoverage
+ (allocTickBox (ExpBox oneOfMany) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0)
+ (addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0))
+addBinTickLHsExpr :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+addBinTickLHsExpr boxLabel (L pos e0)
+ = ifDensity TickForCoverage
+ (allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos $ addTickHsExpr e0)
+ (addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Decorate the body of an HsExpr with ticks.
+-- (Whether to put a tick around the whole expression was already decided,
+-- in the addTickLHsExpr family of functions.)
+addTickHsExpr :: HsExpr GhcTc -> TM (HsExpr GhcTc)
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsVar _ (L _ id)) = do freeVar id; return e
+addTickHsExpr (HsUnboundVar {}) = panic "addTickHsExpr.HsUnboundVar"
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsConLikeOut _ con)
+ | Just id <- conLikeWrapId_maybe con = do freeVar id; return e
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsIPVar {}) = return e
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsOverLit {}) = return e
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsOverLabel{}) = return e
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsLit {}) = return e
+addTickHsExpr (HsLam x matchgroup) = liftM (HsLam x)
+ (addTickMatchGroup True matchgroup)
+addTickHsExpr (HsLamCase x mgs) = liftM (HsLamCase x)
+ (addTickMatchGroup True mgs)
+addTickHsExpr (HsApp x e1 e2) = liftM2 (HsApp x) (addTickLHsExprNever e1)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e2)
+addTickHsExpr (HsAppType x e ty) = liftM3 HsAppType (return x)
+ (addTickLHsExprNever e)
+ (return ty)
+addTickHsExpr (OpApp fix e1 e2 e3) =
+ liftM4 OpApp
+ (return fix)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e1)
+ (addTickLHsExprNever e2)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e3)
+addTickHsExpr (NegApp x e neg) =
+ liftM2 (NegApp x)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e)
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan neg)
+addTickHsExpr (HsPar x e) =
+ liftM (HsPar x) (addTickLHsExprEvalInner e)
+addTickHsExpr (SectionL x e1 e2) =
+ liftM2 (SectionL x)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e1)
+ (addTickLHsExprNever e2)
+addTickHsExpr (SectionR x e1 e2) =
+ liftM2 (SectionR x)
+ (addTickLHsExprNever e1)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e2)
+addTickHsExpr (ExplicitTuple x es boxity) =
+ liftM2 (ExplicitTuple x)
+ (mapM addTickTupArg es)
+ (return boxity)
+addTickHsExpr (ExplicitSum ty tag arity e) = do
+ e' <- addTickLHsExpr e
+ return (ExplicitSum ty tag arity e')
+addTickHsExpr (HsCase x e mgs) =
+ liftM2 (HsCase x)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e) -- not an EvalInner; e might not necessarily
+ -- be evaluated.
+ (addTickMatchGroup False mgs)
+addTickHsExpr (HsIf x cnd e1 e2 e3) =
+ liftM3 (HsIf x cnd)
+ (addBinTickLHsExpr (BinBox CondBinBox) e1)
+ (addTickLHsExprOptAlt True e2)
+ (addTickLHsExprOptAlt True e3)
+addTickHsExpr (HsMultiIf ty alts)
+ = do { let isOneOfMany = case alts of [_] -> False; _ -> True
+ ; alts' <- mapM (liftL $ addTickGRHS isOneOfMany False) alts
+ ; return $ HsMultiIf ty alts' }
+addTickHsExpr (HsLet x (L l binds) e) =
+ bindLocals (collectLocalBinders binds) $
+ liftM2 (HsLet x . L l)
+ (addTickHsLocalBinds binds) -- to think about: !patterns.
+ (addTickLHsExprLetBody e)
+addTickHsExpr (HsDo srcloc cxt (L l stmts))
+ = do { (stmts', _) <- addTickLStmts' forQual stmts (return ())
+ ; return (HsDo srcloc cxt (L l stmts')) }
+ where
+ forQual = case cxt of
+ ListComp -> Just $ BinBox QualBinBox
+ _ -> Nothing
+addTickHsExpr (ExplicitList ty wit es) =
+ liftM3 ExplicitList
+ (return ty)
+ (addTickWit wit)
+ (mapM (addTickLHsExpr) es)
+ where addTickWit Nothing = return Nothing
+ addTickWit (Just fln)
+ = do fln' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan fln
+ return (Just fln')
+addTickHsExpr (HsStatic fvs e) = HsStatic fvs <$> addTickLHsExpr e
+addTickHsExpr expr@(RecordCon { rcon_flds = rec_binds })
+ = do { rec_binds' <- addTickHsRecordBinds rec_binds
+ ; return (expr { rcon_flds = rec_binds' }) }
+addTickHsExpr expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = e, rupd_flds = flds })
+ = do { e' <- addTickLHsExpr e
+ ; flds' <- mapM addTickHsRecField flds
+ ; return (expr { rupd_expr = e', rupd_flds = flds' }) }
+addTickHsExpr (ExprWithTySig x e ty) =
+ liftM3 ExprWithTySig
+ (return x)
+ (addTickLHsExprNever e) -- No need to tick the inner expression
+ -- for expressions with signatures
+ (return ty)
+addTickHsExpr (ArithSeq ty wit arith_seq) =
+ liftM3 ArithSeq
+ (return ty)
+ (addTickWit wit)
+ (addTickArithSeqInfo arith_seq)
+ where addTickWit Nothing = return Nothing
+ addTickWit (Just fl) = do fl' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan fl
+ return (Just fl')
+-- We might encounter existing ticks (multiple Coverage passes)
+addTickHsExpr (HsTick x t e) =
+ liftM (HsTick x t) (addTickLHsExprNever e)
+addTickHsExpr (HsBinTick x t0 t1 e) =
+ liftM (HsBinTick x t0 t1) (addTickLHsExprNever e)
+addTickHsExpr (HsPragE _ HsPragTick{} (L pos e0)) = do
+ e2 <- allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $
+ addTickHsExpr e0
+ return $ unLoc e2
+addTickHsExpr (HsPragE x p e) =
+ liftM (HsPragE x p) (addTickLHsExpr e)
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsBracket {}) = return e
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsTcBracketOut {}) = return e
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsRnBracketOut {}) = return e
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsSpliceE {}) = return e
+addTickHsExpr (HsProc x pat cmdtop) =
+ liftM2 (HsProc x)
+ (addTickLPat pat)
+ (liftL (addTickHsCmdTop) cmdtop)
+addTickHsExpr (XExpr (HsWrap w e)) =
+ liftM XExpr $
+ liftM (HsWrap w)
+ (addTickHsExpr e) -- Explicitly no tick on inside
+-- Others should never happen in expression content.
+addTickHsExpr e = pprPanic "addTickHsExpr" (ppr e)
+addTickTupArg :: LHsTupArg GhcTc -> TM (LHsTupArg GhcTc)
+addTickTupArg (L l (Present x e)) = do { e' <- addTickLHsExpr e
+ ; return (L l (Present x e')) }
+addTickTupArg (L l (Missing ty)) = return (L l (Missing ty))
+addTickTupArg (L _ (XTupArg nec)) = noExtCon nec
+addTickMatchGroup :: Bool{-is lambda-} -> MatchGroup GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+ -> TM (MatchGroup GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc))
+addTickMatchGroup is_lam mg@(MG { mg_alts = L l matches }) = do
+ let isOneOfMany = matchesOneOfMany matches
+ matches' <- mapM (liftL (addTickMatch isOneOfMany is_lam)) matches
+ return $ mg { mg_alts = L l matches' }
+addTickMatchGroup _ (XMatchGroup nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickMatch :: Bool -> Bool -> Match GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+ -> TM (Match GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc))
+addTickMatch isOneOfMany isLambda match@(Match { m_pats = pats
+ , m_grhss = gRHSs }) =
+ bindLocals (collectPatsBinders pats) $ do
+ gRHSs' <- addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany isLambda gRHSs
+ return $ match { m_grhss = gRHSs' }
+addTickMatch _ _ (XMatch nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickGRHSs :: Bool -> Bool -> GRHSs GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+ -> TM (GRHSs GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc))
+addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany isLambda (GRHSs x guarded (L l local_binds)) = do
+ bindLocals binders $ do
+ local_binds' <- addTickHsLocalBinds local_binds
+ guarded' <- mapM (liftL (addTickGRHS isOneOfMany isLambda)) guarded
+ return $ GRHSs x guarded' (L l local_binds')
+ where
+ binders = collectLocalBinders local_binds
+addTickGRHSs _ _ (XGRHSs nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickGRHS :: Bool -> Bool -> GRHS GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+ -> TM (GRHS GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc))
+addTickGRHS isOneOfMany isLambda (GRHS x stmts expr) = do
+ (stmts',expr') <- addTickLStmts' (Just $ BinBox $ GuardBinBox) stmts
+ (addTickGRHSBody isOneOfMany isLambda expr)
+ return $ GRHS x stmts' expr'
+addTickGRHS _ _ (XGRHS nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickGRHSBody :: Bool -> Bool -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+addTickGRHSBody isOneOfMany isLambda expr@(L pos e0) = do
+ d <- getDensity
+ case d of
+ TickForCoverage -> addTickLHsExprOptAlt isOneOfMany expr
+ TickAllFunctions | isLambda ->
+ addPathEntry "\\" $
+ allocTickBox (ExpBox False) True{-count-} False{-not top-} pos $
+ addTickHsExpr e0
+ _otherwise ->
+ addTickLHsExprRHS expr
+addTickLStmts :: (Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel)) -> [ExprLStmt GhcTc]
+ -> TM [ExprLStmt GhcTc]
+addTickLStmts isGuard stmts = do
+ (stmts, _) <- addTickLStmts' isGuard stmts (return ())
+ return stmts
+addTickLStmts' :: (Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel)) -> [ExprLStmt GhcTc] -> TM a
+ -> TM ([ExprLStmt GhcTc], a)
+addTickLStmts' isGuard lstmts res
+ = bindLocals (collectLStmtsBinders lstmts) $
+ do { lstmts' <- mapM (liftL (addTickStmt isGuard)) lstmts
+ ; a <- res
+ ; return (lstmts', a) }
+addTickStmt :: (Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel)) -> Stmt GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+ -> TM (Stmt GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc))
+addTickStmt _isGuard (LastStmt x e noret ret) = do
+ liftM3 (LastStmt x)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e)
+ (pure noret)
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan ret)
+addTickStmt _isGuard (BindStmt x pat e bind fail) = do
+ liftM4 (BindStmt x)
+ (addTickLPat pat)
+ (addTickLHsExprRHS e)
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bind)
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan fail)
+addTickStmt isGuard (BodyStmt x e bind' guard') = do
+ liftM3 (BodyStmt x)
+ (addTick isGuard e)
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bind')
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan guard')
+addTickStmt _isGuard (LetStmt x (L l binds)) = do
+ liftM (LetStmt x . L l)
+ (addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
+addTickStmt isGuard (ParStmt x pairs mzipExpr bindExpr) = do
+ liftM3 (ParStmt x)
+ (mapM (addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard) pairs)
+ (unLoc <$> addTickLHsExpr (L hpcSrcSpan mzipExpr))
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bindExpr)
+addTickStmt isGuard (ApplicativeStmt body_ty args mb_join) = do
+ args' <- mapM (addTickApplicativeArg isGuard) args
+ return (ApplicativeStmt body_ty args' mb_join)
+addTickStmt isGuard stmt@(TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts
+ , trS_by = by, trS_using = using
+ , trS_ret = returnExpr, trS_bind = bindExpr
+ , trS_fmap = liftMExpr }) = do
+ t_s <- addTickLStmts isGuard stmts
+ t_y <- fmapMaybeM addTickLHsExprRHS by
+ t_u <- addTickLHsExprRHS using
+ t_f <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan returnExpr
+ t_b <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bindExpr
+ t_m <- fmap unLoc (addTickLHsExpr (L hpcSrcSpan liftMExpr))
+ return $ stmt { trS_stmts = t_s, trS_by = t_y, trS_using = t_u
+ , trS_ret = t_f, trS_bind = t_b, trS_fmap = t_m }
+addTickStmt isGuard stmt@(RecStmt {})
+ = do { stmts' <- addTickLStmts isGuard (recS_stmts stmt)
+ ; ret' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_ret_fn stmt)
+ ; mfix' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_mfix_fn stmt)
+ ; bind' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_bind_fn stmt)
+ ; return (stmt { recS_stmts = stmts', recS_ret_fn = ret'
+ , recS_mfix_fn = mfix', recS_bind_fn = bind' }) }
+addTickStmt _ (XStmtLR nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTick :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+addTick isGuard e | Just fn <- isGuard = addBinTickLHsExpr fn e
+ | otherwise = addTickLHsExprRHS e
+ :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> (SyntaxExpr GhcTc, ApplicativeArg GhcTc)
+ -> TM (SyntaxExpr GhcTc, ApplicativeArg GhcTc)
+addTickApplicativeArg isGuard (op, arg) =
+ liftM2 (,) (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan op) (addTickArg arg)
+ where
+ addTickArg (ApplicativeArgOne x pat expr isBody fail) =
+ (ApplicativeArgOne x)
+ <$> addTickLPat pat
+ <*> addTickLHsExpr expr
+ <*> pure isBody
+ <*> addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan fail
+ addTickArg (ApplicativeArgMany x stmts ret pat) =
+ (ApplicativeArgMany x)
+ <$> addTickLStmts isGuard stmts
+ <*> (unLoc <$> addTickLHsExpr (L hpcSrcSpan ret))
+ <*> addTickLPat pat
+ addTickArg (XApplicativeArg nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickStmtAndBinders :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> ParStmtBlock GhcTc GhcTc
+ -> TM (ParStmtBlock GhcTc GhcTc)
+addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard (ParStmtBlock x stmts ids returnExpr) =
+ liftM3 (ParStmtBlock x)
+ (addTickLStmts isGuard stmts)
+ (return ids)
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan returnExpr)
+addTickStmtAndBinders _ (XParStmtBlock nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickHsLocalBinds :: HsLocalBinds GhcTc -> TM (HsLocalBinds GhcTc)
+addTickHsLocalBinds (HsValBinds x binds) =
+ liftM (HsValBinds x)
+ (addTickHsValBinds binds)
+addTickHsLocalBinds (HsIPBinds x binds) =
+ liftM (HsIPBinds x)
+ (addTickHsIPBinds binds)
+addTickHsLocalBinds (EmptyLocalBinds x) = return (EmptyLocalBinds x)
+addTickHsLocalBinds (XHsLocalBindsLR x) = return (XHsLocalBindsLR x)
+addTickHsValBinds :: HsValBindsLR GhcTc (GhcPass a)
+ -> TM (HsValBindsLR GhcTc (GhcPass b))
+addTickHsValBinds (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds sigs)) = do
+ b <- liftM2 NValBinds
+ (mapM (\ (rec,binds') ->
+ liftM2 (,)
+ (return rec)
+ (addTickLHsBinds binds'))
+ binds)
+ (return sigs)
+ return $ XValBindsLR b
+addTickHsValBinds _ = panic "addTickHsValBinds"
+addTickHsIPBinds :: HsIPBinds GhcTc -> TM (HsIPBinds GhcTc)
+addTickHsIPBinds (IPBinds dictbinds ipbinds) =
+ liftM2 IPBinds
+ (return dictbinds)
+ (mapM (liftL (addTickIPBind)) ipbinds)
+addTickHsIPBinds (XHsIPBinds x) = return (XHsIPBinds x)
+addTickIPBind :: IPBind GhcTc -> TM (IPBind GhcTc)
+addTickIPBind (IPBind x nm e) =
+ liftM2 (IPBind x)
+ (return nm)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e)
+addTickIPBind (XIPBind x) = return (XIPBind x)
+-- There is no location here, so we might need to use a context location??
+addTickSyntaxExpr :: SrcSpan -> SyntaxExpr GhcTc -> TM (SyntaxExpr GhcTc)
+addTickSyntaxExpr pos syn@(SyntaxExprTc { syn_expr = x }) = do
+ x' <- fmap unLoc (addTickLHsExpr (L pos x))
+ return $ syn { syn_expr = x' }
+addTickSyntaxExpr _ NoSyntaxExprTc = return NoSyntaxExprTc
+-- we do not walk into patterns.
+addTickLPat :: LPat GhcTc -> TM (LPat GhcTc)
+addTickLPat pat = return pat
+addTickHsCmdTop :: HsCmdTop GhcTc -> TM (HsCmdTop GhcTc)
+addTickHsCmdTop (HsCmdTop x cmd) =
+ liftM2 HsCmdTop
+ (return x)
+ (addTickLHsCmd cmd)
+addTickHsCmdTop (XCmdTop nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickLHsCmd :: LHsCmd GhcTc -> TM (LHsCmd GhcTc)
+addTickLHsCmd (L pos c0) = do
+ c1 <- addTickHsCmd c0
+ return $ L pos c1
+addTickHsCmd :: HsCmd GhcTc -> TM (HsCmd GhcTc)
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdLam x matchgroup) =
+ liftM (HsCmdLam x) (addTickCmdMatchGroup matchgroup)
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdApp x c e) =
+ liftM2 (HsCmdApp x) (addTickLHsCmd c) (addTickLHsExpr e)
+addTickHsCmd (OpApp e1 c2 fix c3) =
+ liftM4 OpApp
+ (addTickLHsExpr e1)
+ (addTickLHsCmd c2)
+ (return fix)
+ (addTickLHsCmd c3)
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdPar x e) = liftM (HsCmdPar x) (addTickLHsCmd e)
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdCase x e mgs) =
+ liftM2 (HsCmdCase x)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e)
+ (addTickCmdMatchGroup mgs)
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdIf x cnd e1 c2 c3) =
+ liftM3 (HsCmdIf x cnd)
+ (addBinTickLHsExpr (BinBox CondBinBox) e1)
+ (addTickLHsCmd c2)
+ (addTickLHsCmd c3)
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdLet x (L l binds) c) =
+ bindLocals (collectLocalBinders binds) $
+ liftM2 (HsCmdLet x . L l)
+ (addTickHsLocalBinds binds) -- to think about: !patterns.
+ (addTickLHsCmd c)
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdDo srcloc (L l stmts))
+ = do { (stmts', _) <- addTickLCmdStmts' stmts (return ())
+ ; return (HsCmdDo srcloc (L l stmts')) }
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdArrApp arr_ty e1 e2 ty1 lr) =
+ liftM5 HsCmdArrApp
+ (return arr_ty)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e1)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e2)
+ (return ty1)
+ (return lr)
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdArrForm x e f fix cmdtop) =
+ liftM4 (HsCmdArrForm x)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e)
+ (return f)
+ (return fix)
+ (mapM (liftL (addTickHsCmdTop)) cmdtop)
+addTickHsCmd (XCmd (HsWrap w cmd)) =
+ liftM XCmd $
+ liftM (HsWrap w) (addTickHsCmd cmd)
+-- Others should never happen in a command context.
+--addTickHsCmd e = pprPanic "addTickHsCmd" (ppr e)
+addTickCmdMatchGroup :: MatchGroup GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc)
+ -> TM (MatchGroup GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc))
+addTickCmdMatchGroup mg@(MG { mg_alts = (L l matches) }) = do
+ matches' <- mapM (liftL addTickCmdMatch) matches
+ return $ mg { mg_alts = L l matches' }
+addTickCmdMatchGroup (XMatchGroup nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickCmdMatch :: Match GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc) -> TM (Match GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc))
+addTickCmdMatch match@(Match { m_pats = pats, m_grhss = gRHSs }) =
+ bindLocals (collectPatsBinders pats) $ do
+ gRHSs' <- addTickCmdGRHSs gRHSs
+ return $ match { m_grhss = gRHSs' }
+addTickCmdMatch (XMatch nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickCmdGRHSs :: GRHSs GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc) -> TM (GRHSs GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc))
+addTickCmdGRHSs (GRHSs x guarded (L l local_binds)) = do
+ bindLocals binders $ do
+ local_binds' <- addTickHsLocalBinds local_binds
+ guarded' <- mapM (liftL addTickCmdGRHS) guarded
+ return $ GRHSs x guarded' (L l local_binds')
+ where
+ binders = collectLocalBinders local_binds
+addTickCmdGRHSs (XGRHSs nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickCmdGRHS :: GRHS GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc) -> TM (GRHS GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc))
+-- The *guards* are *not* Cmds, although the body is
+-- C.f. addTickGRHS for the BinBox stuff
+addTickCmdGRHS (GRHS x stmts cmd)
+ = do { (stmts',expr') <- addTickLStmts' (Just $ BinBox $ GuardBinBox)
+ stmts (addTickLHsCmd cmd)
+ ; return $ GRHS x stmts' expr' }
+addTickCmdGRHS (XGRHS nec) = noExtCon nec
+addTickLCmdStmts :: [LStmt GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc)]
+ -> TM [LStmt GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc)]
+addTickLCmdStmts stmts = do
+ (stmts, _) <- addTickLCmdStmts' stmts (return ())
+ return stmts
+addTickLCmdStmts' :: [LStmt GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc)] -> TM a
+ -> TM ([LStmt GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc)], a)
+addTickLCmdStmts' lstmts res
+ = bindLocals binders $ do
+ lstmts' <- mapM (liftL addTickCmdStmt) lstmts
+ a <- res
+ return (lstmts', a)
+ where
+ binders = collectLStmtsBinders lstmts
+addTickCmdStmt :: Stmt GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc) -> TM (Stmt GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc))
+addTickCmdStmt (BindStmt x pat c bind fail) = do
+ liftM4 (BindStmt x)
+ (addTickLPat pat)
+ (addTickLHsCmd c)
+ (return bind)
+ (return fail)
+addTickCmdStmt (LastStmt x c noret ret) = do
+ liftM3 (LastStmt x)
+ (addTickLHsCmd c)
+ (pure noret)
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan ret)
+addTickCmdStmt (BodyStmt x c bind' guard') = do
+ liftM3 (BodyStmt x)
+ (addTickLHsCmd c)
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bind')
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan guard')
+addTickCmdStmt (LetStmt x (L l binds)) = do
+ liftM (LetStmt x . L l)
+ (addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
+addTickCmdStmt stmt@(RecStmt {})
+ = do { stmts' <- addTickLCmdStmts (recS_stmts stmt)
+ ; ret' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_ret_fn stmt)
+ ; mfix' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_mfix_fn stmt)
+ ; bind' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_bind_fn stmt)
+ ; return (stmt { recS_stmts = stmts', recS_ret_fn = ret'
+ , recS_mfix_fn = mfix', recS_bind_fn = bind' }) }
+addTickCmdStmt ApplicativeStmt{} =
+ panic "ToDo: addTickCmdStmt ApplicativeLastStmt"
+addTickCmdStmt (XStmtLR nec) =
+ noExtCon nec
+-- Others should never happen in a command context.
+addTickCmdStmt stmt = pprPanic "addTickHsCmd" (ppr stmt)
+addTickHsRecordBinds :: HsRecordBinds GhcTc -> TM (HsRecordBinds GhcTc)
+addTickHsRecordBinds (HsRecFields fields dd)
+ = do { fields' <- mapM addTickHsRecField fields
+ ; return (HsRecFields fields' dd) }
+addTickHsRecField :: LHsRecField' id (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+ -> TM (LHsRecField' id (LHsExpr GhcTc))
+addTickHsRecField (L l (HsRecField id expr pun))
+ = do { expr' <- addTickLHsExpr expr
+ ; return (L l (HsRecField id expr' pun)) }
+addTickArithSeqInfo :: ArithSeqInfo GhcTc -> TM (ArithSeqInfo GhcTc)
+addTickArithSeqInfo (From e1) =
+ liftM From
+ (addTickLHsExpr e1)
+addTickArithSeqInfo (FromThen e1 e2) =
+ liftM2 FromThen
+ (addTickLHsExpr e1)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e2)
+addTickArithSeqInfo (FromTo e1 e2) =
+ liftM2 FromTo
+ (addTickLHsExpr e1)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e2)
+addTickArithSeqInfo (FromThenTo e1 e2 e3) =
+ liftM3 FromThenTo
+ (addTickLHsExpr e1)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e2)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e3)
+data TickTransState = TT { tickBoxCount:: Int
+ , mixEntries :: [MixEntry_]
+ , ccIndices :: CostCentreState
+ }
+data TickTransEnv = TTE { fileName :: FastString
+ , density :: TickDensity
+ , tte_dflags :: DynFlags
+ , exports :: NameSet
+ , inlines :: VarSet
+ , declPath :: [String]
+ , inScope :: VarSet
+ , blackList :: Map SrcSpan ()
+ , this_mod :: Module
+ , tickishType :: TickishType
+ }
+-- deriving Show
+data TickishType = ProfNotes | HpcTicks | Breakpoints | SourceNotes
+ deriving (Eq)
+coveragePasses :: DynFlags -> [TickishType]
+coveragePasses dflags =
+ ifa (hscTarget dflags == HscInterpreted) Breakpoints $
+ ifa (gopt Opt_Hpc dflags) HpcTicks $
+ ifa (gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags &&
+ profAuto dflags /= NoProfAuto) ProfNotes $
+ ifa (debugLevel dflags > 0) SourceNotes []
+ where ifa f x xs | f = x:xs
+ | otherwise = xs
+-- | Tickishs that only make sense when their source code location
+-- refers to the current file. This might not always be true due to
+-- LINE pragmas in the code - which would confuse at least HPC.
+tickSameFileOnly :: TickishType -> Bool
+tickSameFileOnly HpcTicks = True
+tickSameFileOnly _other = False
+type FreeVars = OccEnv Id
+noFVs :: FreeVars
+noFVs = emptyOccEnv
+-- Note [freevars]
+-- For breakpoints we want to collect the free variables of an
+-- expression for pinning on the HsTick. We don't want to collect
+-- *all* free variables though: in particular there's no point pinning
+-- on free variables that are will otherwise be in scope at the GHCi
+-- prompt, which means all top-level bindings. Unfortunately detecting
+-- top-level bindings isn't easy (collectHsBindsBinders on the top-level
+-- bindings doesn't do it), so we keep track of a set of "in-scope"
+-- variables in addition to the free variables, and the former is used
+-- to filter additions to the latter. This gives us complete control
+-- over what free variables we track.
+newtype TM a = TM { unTM :: TickTransEnv -> TickTransState -> (a,FreeVars,TickTransState) }
+ deriving (Functor)
+ -- a combination of a state monad (TickTransState) and a writer
+ -- monad (FreeVars).
+instance Applicative TM where
+ pure a = TM $ \ _env st -> (a,noFVs,st)
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad TM where
+ (TM m) >>= k = TM $ \ env st ->
+ case m env st of
+ (r1,fv1,st1) ->
+ case unTM (k r1) env st1 of
+ (r2,fv2,st2) ->
+ (r2, fv1 `plusOccEnv` fv2, st2)
+instance HasDynFlags TM where
+ getDynFlags = TM $ \ env st -> (tte_dflags env, noFVs, st)
+-- | Get the next HPC cost centre index for a given centre name
+getCCIndexM :: FastString -> TM CostCentreIndex
+getCCIndexM n = TM $ \_ st -> let (idx, is') = getCCIndex n $
+ ccIndices st
+ in (idx, noFVs, st { ccIndices = is' })
+getState :: TM TickTransState
+getState = TM $ \ _ st -> (st, noFVs, st)
+setState :: (TickTransState -> TickTransState) -> TM ()
+setState f = TM $ \ _ st -> ((), noFVs, f st)
+getEnv :: TM TickTransEnv
+getEnv = TM $ \ env st -> (env, noFVs, st)
+withEnv :: (TickTransEnv -> TickTransEnv) -> TM a -> TM a
+withEnv f (TM m) = TM $ \ env st ->
+ case m (f env) st of
+ (a, fvs, st') -> (a, fvs, st')
+getDensity :: TM TickDensity
+getDensity = TM $ \env st -> (density env, noFVs, st)
+ifDensity :: TickDensity -> TM a -> TM a -> TM a
+ifDensity d th el = do d0 <- getDensity; if d == d0 then th else el
+getFreeVars :: TM a -> TM (FreeVars, a)
+getFreeVars (TM m)
+ = TM $ \ env st -> case m env st of (a, fv, st') -> ((fv,a), fv, st')
+freeVar :: Id -> TM ()
+freeVar id = TM $ \ env st ->
+ if id `elemVarSet` inScope env
+ then ((), unitOccEnv (nameOccName (idName id)) id, st)
+ else ((), noFVs, st)
+addPathEntry :: String -> TM a -> TM a
+addPathEntry nm = withEnv (\ env -> env { declPath = declPath env ++ [nm] })
+getPathEntry :: TM [String]
+getPathEntry = declPath `liftM` getEnv
+getFileName :: TM FastString
+getFileName = fileName `liftM` getEnv
+isGoodSrcSpan' :: SrcSpan -> Bool
+isGoodSrcSpan' pos@(RealSrcSpan _) = srcSpanStart pos /= srcSpanEnd pos
+isGoodSrcSpan' (UnhelpfulSpan _) = False
+isGoodTickSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> TM Bool
+isGoodTickSrcSpan pos = do
+ file_name <- getFileName
+ tickish <- tickishType `liftM` getEnv
+ let need_same_file = tickSameFileOnly tickish
+ same_file = Just file_name == srcSpanFileName_maybe pos
+ return (isGoodSrcSpan' pos && (not need_same_file || same_file))
+ifGoodTickSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> TM a -> TM a -> TM a
+ifGoodTickSrcSpan pos then_code else_code = do
+ good <- isGoodTickSrcSpan pos
+ if good then then_code else else_code
+bindLocals :: [Id] -> TM a -> TM a
+bindLocals new_ids (TM m)
+ = TM $ \ env st ->
+ case m env{ inScope = inScope env `extendVarSetList` new_ids } st of
+ (r, fv, st') -> (r, fv `delListFromOccEnv` occs, st')
+ where occs = [ nameOccName (idName id) | id <- new_ids ]
+isBlackListed :: SrcSpan -> TM Bool
+isBlackListed pos = TM $ \ env st ->
+ case Map.lookup pos (blackList env) of
+ Nothing -> (False,noFVs,st)
+ Just () -> (True,noFVs,st)
+-- the tick application inherits the source position of its
+-- expression argument to support nested box allocations
+allocTickBox :: BoxLabel -> Bool -> Bool -> SrcSpan -> TM (HsExpr GhcTc)
+ -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+allocTickBox boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos m =
+ ifGoodTickSrcSpan pos (do
+ (fvs, e) <- getFreeVars m
+ env <- getEnv
+ tickish <- mkTickish boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs (declPath env)
+ return (L pos (HsTick noExtField tickish (L pos e)))
+ ) (do
+ e <- m
+ return (L pos e)
+ )
+-- the tick application inherits the source position of its
+-- expression argument to support nested box allocations
+allocATickBox :: BoxLabel -> Bool -> Bool -> SrcSpan -> FreeVars
+ -> TM (Maybe (Tickish Id))
+allocATickBox boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs =
+ ifGoodTickSrcSpan pos (do
+ let
+ mydecl_path = case boxLabel of
+ TopLevelBox x -> x
+ LocalBox xs -> xs
+ _ -> panic "allocATickBox"
+ tickish <- mkTickish boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs mydecl_path
+ return (Just tickish)
+ ) (return Nothing)
+mkTickish :: BoxLabel -> Bool -> Bool -> SrcSpan -> OccEnv Id -> [String]
+ -> TM (Tickish Id)
+mkTickish boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs decl_path = do
+ let ids = filter (not . isUnliftedType . idType) $ occEnvElts fvs
+ -- unlifted types cause two problems here:
+ -- * we can't bind them at the GHCi prompt
+ -- (bindLocalsAtBreakpoint already filters them out),
+ -- * the simplifier might try to substitute a literal for
+ -- the Id, and we can't handle that.
+ me = (pos, decl_path, map (nameOccName.idName) ids, boxLabel)
+ cc_name | topOnly = head decl_path
+ | otherwise = concat (intersperse "." decl_path)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ env <- getEnv
+ case tickishType env of
+ HpcTicks -> do
+ c <- liftM tickBoxCount getState
+ setState $ \st -> st { tickBoxCount = c + 1
+ , mixEntries = me : mixEntries st }
+ return $ HpcTick (this_mod env) c
+ ProfNotes -> do
+ let nm = mkFastString cc_name
+ flavour <- HpcCC <$> getCCIndexM nm
+ let cc = mkUserCC nm (this_mod env) pos flavour
+ count = countEntries && gopt Opt_ProfCountEntries dflags
+ return $ ProfNote cc count True{-scopes-}
+ Breakpoints -> do
+ c <- liftM tickBoxCount getState
+ setState $ \st -> st { tickBoxCount = c + 1
+ , mixEntries = me:mixEntries st }
+ return $ Breakpoint c ids
+ SourceNotes | RealSrcSpan pos' <- pos ->
+ return $ SourceNote pos' cc_name
+ _otherwise -> panic "mkTickish: bad source span!"
+allocBinTickBox :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> SrcSpan -> TM (HsExpr GhcTc)
+ -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos m = do
+ env <- getEnv
+ case tickishType env of
+ HpcTicks -> do e <- liftM (L pos) m
+ ifGoodTickSrcSpan pos
+ (mkBinTickBoxHpc boxLabel pos e)
+ (return e)
+ _other -> allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos m
+mkBinTickBoxHpc :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> SrcSpan -> LHsExpr GhcTc
+ -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+mkBinTickBoxHpc boxLabel pos e =
+ TM $ \ env st ->
+ let meT = (pos,declPath env, [],boxLabel True)
+ meF = (pos,declPath env, [],boxLabel False)
+ meE = (pos,declPath env, [],ExpBox False)
+ c = tickBoxCount st
+ mes = mixEntries st
+ in
+ ( L pos $ HsTick noExtField (HpcTick (this_mod env) c)
+ $ L pos $ HsBinTick noExtField (c+1) (c+2) e
+ -- notice that F and T are reversed,
+ -- because we are building the list in
+ -- reverse...
+ , noFVs
+ , st {tickBoxCount=c+3 , mixEntries=meF:meT:meE:mes}
+ )
+mkHpcPos :: SrcSpan -> HpcPos
+mkHpcPos pos@(RealSrcSpan s)
+ | isGoodSrcSpan' pos = toHpcPos (srcSpanStartLine s,
+ srcSpanStartCol s,
+ srcSpanEndLine s,
+ srcSpanEndCol s - 1)
+ -- the end column of a SrcSpan is one
+ -- greater than the last column of the
+ -- span (see SrcLoc), whereas HPC
+ -- expects to the column range to be
+ -- inclusive, hence we subtract one above.
+mkHpcPos _ = panic "bad source span; expected such spans to be filtered out"
+hpcSrcSpan :: SrcSpan
+hpcSrcSpan = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "Haskell Program Coverage internals")
+matchesOneOfMany :: [LMatch GhcTc body] -> Bool
+matchesOneOfMany lmatches = sum (map matchCount lmatches) > 1
+ where
+ matchCount (L _ (Match { m_grhss = GRHSs _ grhss _ }))
+ = length grhss
+ matchCount (L _ (Match { m_grhss = XGRHSs nec }))
+ = noExtCon nec
+ matchCount (L _ (XMatch nec)) = noExtCon nec
+type MixEntry_ = (SrcSpan, [String], [OccName], BoxLabel)
+-- For the hash value, we hash everything: the file name,
+-- the timestamp of the original source file, the tab stop,
+-- and the mix entries. We cheat, and hash the show'd string.
+-- This hash only has to be hashed at Mix creation time,
+-- and is for sanity checking only.
+mixHash :: FilePath -> UTCTime -> Int -> [MixEntry] -> Int
+mixHash file tm tabstop entries = fromIntegral $ hashString
+ (show $ Mix file tm 0 tabstop entries)
+* *
+* initialisation
+* *
+Each module compiled with -fhpc declares an initialisation function of
+the form `hpc_init_<module>()`, which is emitted into the _stub.c file
+and annotated with __attribute__((constructor)) so that it gets
+executed at startup time.
+The function's purpose is to call hs_hpc_module to register this
+module with the RTS, and it looks something like this:
+static void hpc_init_Main(void) __attribute__((constructor));
+static void hpc_init_Main(void)
+{extern StgWord64 _hpc_tickboxes_Main_hpc[];
+ hs_hpc_module("Main",8,1150288664,_hpc_tickboxes_Main_hpc);}
+hpcInitCode :: Module -> HpcInfo -> SDoc
+hpcInitCode _ (NoHpcInfo {}) = Outputable.empty
+hpcInitCode this_mod (HpcInfo tickCount hashNo)
+ = vcat
+ [ text "static void hpc_init_" <> ppr this_mod
+ <> text "(void) __attribute__((constructor));"
+ , text "static void hpc_init_" <> ppr this_mod <> text "(void)"
+ , braces (vcat [
+ text "extern StgWord64 " <> tickboxes <>
+ text "[]" <> semi,
+ text "hs_hpc_module" <>
+ parens (hcat (punctuate comma [
+ doubleQuotes full_name_str,
+ int tickCount, -- really StgWord32
+ int hashNo, -- really StgWord32
+ tickboxes
+ ])) <> semi
+ ])
+ ]
+ where
+ tickboxes = ppr (mkHpcTicksLabel $ this_mod)
+ module_name = hcat (map (text.charToC) $ BS.unpack $
+ bytesFS (moduleNameFS (Module.moduleName this_mod)))
+ package_name = hcat (map (text.charToC) $ BS.unpack $
+ bytesFS (unitIdFS (moduleUnitId this_mod)))
+ full_name_str
+ | moduleUnitId this_mod == mainUnitId
+ = module_name
+ | otherwise
+ = package_name <> char '/' <> module_name