path: root/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Monad.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-01-26 03:15:37 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-02-14 05:32:37 -0500
commitcf739945b8b28ff463dc44925348f20b3c1f22cb (patch)
tree855da097719d6b62a15fa12034c60379c49dc4a5 /compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Monad.hs
parentaf6a0c36431639655762440ec8d652796b86fe58 (diff)
Module hierarchy: HsToCore (cf #13009)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Monad.hs')
1 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dc7590a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Monad.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+Monadery used in desugaring
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- instance MonadThings is necessarily an orphan
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module GHC.HsToCore.Monad (
+ DsM, mapM, mapAndUnzipM,
+ initDs, initDsTc, initTcDsForSolver, initDsWithModGuts, fixDs,
+ foldlM, foldrM, whenGOptM, unsetGOptM, unsetWOptM, xoptM,
+ Applicative(..),(<$>),
+ duplicateLocalDs, newSysLocalDsNoLP, newSysLocalDs,
+ newSysLocalsDsNoLP, newSysLocalsDs, newUniqueId,
+ newFailLocalDs, newPredVarDs,
+ getSrcSpanDs, putSrcSpanDs,
+ mkPrintUnqualifiedDs,
+ newUnique,
+ UniqSupply, newUniqueSupply,
+ getGhcModeDs, dsGetFamInstEnvs,
+ dsLookupGlobal, dsLookupGlobalId, dsLookupTyCon,
+ dsLookupDataCon, dsLookupConLike,
+ DsMetaEnv, DsMetaVal(..), dsGetMetaEnv, dsLookupMetaEnv, dsExtendMetaEnv,
+ -- Getting and setting pattern match oracle states
+ getPmDelta, updPmDelta,
+ -- Get COMPLETE sets of a TyCon
+ dsGetCompleteMatches,
+ -- Warnings and errors
+ DsWarning, warnDs, warnIfSetDs, errDs, errDsCoreExpr,
+ failWithDs, failDs, discardWarningsDs,
+ askNoErrsDs,
+ -- Data types
+ DsMatchContext(..),
+ EquationInfo(..), MatchResult(..), DsWrapper, idDsWrapper,
+ CanItFail(..), orFail,
+ -- Levity polymorphism
+ dsNoLevPoly, dsNoLevPolyExpr, dsWhenNoErrs,
+ -- Trace injection
+ pprRuntimeTrace
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import TcRnMonad
+import FamInstEnv
+import CoreSyn
+import MkCore ( unitExpr )
+import CoreUtils ( exprType, isExprLevPoly )
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.IfaceToCore
+import TcMType ( checkForLevPolyX, formatLevPolyErr )
+import PrelNames
+import RdrName
+import HscTypes
+import Bag
+import BasicTypes ( Origin )
+import DataCon
+import ConLike
+import TyCon
+import GHC.HsToCore.PmCheck.Types
+import Id
+import Module
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc
+import Type
+import UniqSupply
+import Name
+import NameEnv
+import DynFlags
+import ErrUtils
+import FastString
+import UniqFM ( lookupWithDefaultUFM )
+import Literal ( mkLitString )
+import CostCentreState
+import Data.IORef
+* *
+ Data types for the desugarer
+* *
+data DsMatchContext
+ = DsMatchContext (HsMatchContext GhcRn) SrcSpan
+ deriving ()
+instance Outputable DsMatchContext where
+ ppr (DsMatchContext hs_match ss) = ppr ss <+> pprMatchContext hs_match
+data EquationInfo
+ = EqnInfo { eqn_pats :: [Pat GhcTc]
+ -- ^ The patterns for an equation
+ --
+ -- NB: We have /already/ applied 'decideBangHood' to
+ -- these patterns. See Note [decideBangHood] in GHC.HsToCore.Utils
+ , eqn_orig :: Origin
+ -- ^ Was this equation present in the user source?
+ --
+ -- This helps us avoid warnings on patterns that GHC elaborated.
+ --
+ -- For instance, the pattern @-1 :: Word@ gets desugared into
+ -- @W# -1## :: Word@, but we shouldn't warn about an overflowed
+ -- literal for /both/ of these cases.
+ , eqn_rhs :: MatchResult
+ -- ^ What to do after match
+ }
+instance Outputable EquationInfo where
+ ppr (EqnInfo pats _ _) = ppr pats
+type DsWrapper = CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+idDsWrapper :: DsWrapper
+idDsWrapper e = e
+-- The semantics of (match vs (EqnInfo wrap pats rhs)) is the MatchResult
+-- \fail. wrap (case vs of { pats -> rhs fail })
+-- where vs are not bound by wrap
+-- A MatchResult is an expression with a hole in it
+data MatchResult
+ = MatchResult
+ CanItFail -- Tells whether the failure expression is used
+ (CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr)
+ -- Takes a expression to plug in at the
+ -- failure point(s). The expression should
+ -- be duplicatable!
+data CanItFail = CanFail | CantFail
+orFail :: CanItFail -> CanItFail -> CanItFail
+orFail CantFail CantFail = CantFail
+orFail _ _ = CanFail
+* *
+ Monad functions
+* *
+-- Compatibility functions
+fixDs :: (a -> DsM a) -> DsM a
+fixDs = fixM
+type DsWarning = (SrcSpan, SDoc)
+ -- Not quite the same as a WarnMsg, we have an SDoc here
+ -- and we'll do the print_unqual stuff later on to turn it
+ -- into a Doc.
+-- | Run a 'DsM' action inside the 'TcM' monad.
+initDsTc :: DsM a -> TcM a
+initDsTc thing_inside
+ = do { tcg_env <- getGblEnv
+ ; msg_var <- getErrsVar
+ ; hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ ; envs <- mkDsEnvsFromTcGbl hsc_env msg_var tcg_env
+ ; setEnvs envs thing_inside
+ }
+-- | Run a 'DsM' action inside the 'IO' monad.
+initDs :: HscEnv -> TcGblEnv -> DsM a -> IO (Messages, Maybe a)
+initDs hsc_env tcg_env thing_inside
+ = do { msg_var <- newIORef emptyMessages
+ ; envs <- mkDsEnvsFromTcGbl hsc_env msg_var tcg_env
+ ; runDs hsc_env envs thing_inside
+ }
+-- | Build a set of desugarer environments derived from a 'TcGblEnv'.
+mkDsEnvsFromTcGbl :: MonadIO m
+ => HscEnv -> IORef Messages -> TcGblEnv
+ -> m (DsGblEnv, DsLclEnv)
+mkDsEnvsFromTcGbl hsc_env msg_var tcg_env
+ = do { cc_st_var <- liftIO $ newIORef newCostCentreState
+ ; let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ this_mod = tcg_mod tcg_env
+ type_env = tcg_type_env tcg_env
+ rdr_env = tcg_rdr_env tcg_env
+ fam_inst_env = tcg_fam_inst_env tcg_env
+ complete_matches = hptCompleteSigs hsc_env
+ ++ tcg_complete_matches tcg_env
+ ; return $ mkDsEnvs dflags this_mod rdr_env type_env fam_inst_env
+ msg_var cc_st_var complete_matches
+ }
+runDs :: HscEnv -> (DsGblEnv, DsLclEnv) -> DsM a -> IO (Messages, Maybe a)
+runDs hsc_env (ds_gbl, ds_lcl) thing_inside
+ = do { res <- initTcRnIf 'd' hsc_env ds_gbl ds_lcl
+ (tryM thing_inside)
+ ; msgs <- readIORef (ds_msgs ds_gbl)
+ ; let final_res
+ | errorsFound dflags msgs = Nothing
+ | Right r <- res = Just r
+ | otherwise = panic "initDs"
+ ; return (msgs, final_res)
+ }
+ where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+-- | Run a 'DsM' action in the context of an existing 'ModGuts'
+initDsWithModGuts :: HscEnv -> ModGuts -> DsM a -> IO (Messages, Maybe a)
+initDsWithModGuts hsc_env guts thing_inside
+ = do { cc_st_var <- newIORef newCostCentreState
+ ; msg_var <- newIORef emptyMessages
+ ; let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ type_env = typeEnvFromEntities ids (mg_tcs guts) (mg_fam_insts guts)
+ rdr_env = mg_rdr_env guts
+ fam_inst_env = mg_fam_inst_env guts
+ this_mod = mg_module guts
+ complete_matches = hptCompleteSigs hsc_env
+ ++ mg_complete_sigs guts
+ bindsToIds (NonRec v _) = [v]
+ bindsToIds (Rec binds) = map fst binds
+ ids = concatMap bindsToIds (mg_binds guts)
+ envs = mkDsEnvs dflags this_mod rdr_env type_env
+ fam_inst_env msg_var cc_st_var
+ complete_matches
+ ; runDs hsc_env envs thing_inside
+ }
+initTcDsForSolver :: TcM a -> DsM (Messages, Maybe a)
+-- Spin up a TcM context so that we can run the constraint solver
+-- Returns any error messages generated by the constraint solver
+-- and (Just res) if no error happened; Nothing if an error happened
+-- Simon says: I'm not very happy about this. We spin up a complete TcM monad
+-- only to immediately refine it to a TcS monad.
+-- Better perhaps to make TcS into its own monad, rather than building on TcS
+-- But that may in turn interact with plugins
+initTcDsForSolver thing_inside
+ = do { (gbl, lcl) <- getEnvs
+ ; hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ ; let DsGblEnv { ds_mod = mod
+ , ds_fam_inst_env = fam_inst_env } = gbl
+ DsLclEnv { dsl_loc = loc } = lcl
+ ; liftIO $ initTc hsc_env HsSrcFile False mod loc $
+ updGblEnv (\tc_gbl -> tc_gbl { tcg_fam_inst_env = fam_inst_env }) $
+ thing_inside }
+mkDsEnvs :: DynFlags -> Module -> GlobalRdrEnv -> TypeEnv -> FamInstEnv
+ -> IORef Messages -> IORef CostCentreState -> [CompleteMatch]
+ -> (DsGblEnv, DsLclEnv)
+mkDsEnvs dflags mod rdr_env type_env fam_inst_env msg_var cc_st_var
+ complete_matches
+ = let if_genv = IfGblEnv { if_doc = text "mkDsEnvs",
+ if_rec_types = Just (mod, return type_env) }
+ if_lenv = mkIfLclEnv mod (text "GHC error in desugarer lookup in" <+> ppr mod)
+ False -- not boot!
+ real_span = realSrcLocSpan (mkRealSrcLoc (moduleNameFS (moduleName mod)) 1 1)
+ completeMatchMap = mkCompleteMatchMap complete_matches
+ gbl_env = DsGblEnv { ds_mod = mod
+ , ds_fam_inst_env = fam_inst_env
+ , ds_if_env = (if_genv, if_lenv)
+ , ds_unqual = mkPrintUnqualified dflags rdr_env
+ , ds_msgs = msg_var
+ , ds_complete_matches = completeMatchMap
+ , ds_cc_st = cc_st_var
+ }
+ lcl_env = DsLclEnv { dsl_meta = emptyNameEnv
+ , dsl_loc = real_span
+ , dsl_delta = initDelta
+ }
+ in (gbl_env, lcl_env)
+* *
+ Operations in the monad
+* *
+And all this mysterious stuff is so we can occasionally reach out and
+grab one or more names. @newLocalDs@ isn't exported---exported
+functions are defined with it. The difference in name-strings makes
+it easier to read debugging output.
+Note [Levity polymorphism checking]
+According to the "Levity Polymorphism" paper (PLDI '17), levity
+polymorphism is forbidden in precisely two places: in the type of a bound
+term-level argument and in the type of an argument to a function. The paper
+explains it more fully, but briefly: expressions in these contexts need to be
+stored in registers, and it's hard (read, impossible) to store something
+that's levity polymorphic.
+We cannot check for bad levity polymorphism conveniently in the type checker,
+because we can't tell, a priori, which levity metavariables will be solved.
+At one point, I (Richard) thought we could check in the zonker, but it's hard
+to know where precisely are the abstracted variables and the arguments. So
+we check in the desugarer, the only place where we can see the Core code and
+still report respectable syntax to the user. This covers the vast majority
+of cases; see calls to GHC.HsToCore.Monad.dsNoLevPoly and friends.
+Levity polymorphism is also prohibited in the types of binders, and the
+desugarer checks for this in GHC-generated Ids. (The zonker handles
+the user-writted ids in zonkIdBndr.) This is done in newSysLocalDsNoLP.
+The newSysLocalDs variant is used in the vast majority of cases where
+the binder is obviously not levity polymorphic, omitting the check.
+It would be nice to ASSERT that there is no levity polymorphism here,
+but we can't, because of the fixM in GHC.HsToCore.Arrows. It's all OK, though:
+Core Lint will catch an error here.
+However, the desugarer is the wrong place for certain checks. In particular,
+the desugarer can't report a sensible error message if an HsWrapper is malformed.
+After all, GHC itself produced the HsWrapper. So we store some message text
+in the appropriate HsWrappers (e.g. WpFun) that we can print out in the
+There are a few more checks in places where Core is generated outside the
+desugarer. For example, in datatype and class declarations, where levity
+polymorphism is checked for during validity checking. It would be nice to
+have one central place for all this, but that doesn't seem possible while
+still reporting nice error messages.
+-- Make a new Id with the same print name, but different type, and new unique
+newUniqueId :: Id -> Type -> DsM Id
+newUniqueId id = mk_local (occNameFS (nameOccName (idName id)))
+duplicateLocalDs :: Id -> DsM Id
+duplicateLocalDs old_local
+ = do { uniq <- newUnique
+ ; return (setIdUnique old_local uniq) }
+newPredVarDs :: PredType -> DsM Var
+ = mkSysLocalOrCoVarM (fsLit "ds") -- like newSysLocalDs, but we allow covars
+newSysLocalDsNoLP, newSysLocalDs, newFailLocalDs :: Type -> DsM Id
+newSysLocalDsNoLP = mk_local (fsLit "ds")
+-- this variant should be used when the caller can be sure that the variable type
+-- is not levity-polymorphic. It is necessary when the type is knot-tied because
+-- of the fixM used in GHC.HsToCore.Arrows. See Note [Levity polymorphism checking]
+newSysLocalDs = mkSysLocalM (fsLit "ds")
+newFailLocalDs = mkSysLocalM (fsLit "fail")
+ -- the fail variable is used only in a situation where we can tell that
+ -- levity-polymorphism is impossible.
+newSysLocalsDsNoLP, newSysLocalsDs :: [Type] -> DsM [Id]
+newSysLocalsDsNoLP = mapM newSysLocalDsNoLP
+newSysLocalsDs = mapM newSysLocalDs
+mk_local :: FastString -> Type -> DsM Id
+mk_local fs ty = do { dsNoLevPoly ty (text "When trying to create a variable of type:" <+>
+ ppr ty) -- could improve the msg with another
+ -- parameter indicating context
+ ; mkSysLocalOrCoVarM fs ty }
+We can also reach out and either set/grab location information from
+the @SrcSpan@ being carried around.
+getGhcModeDs :: DsM GhcMode
+getGhcModeDs = getDynFlags >>= return . ghcMode
+-- | Get the current pattern match oracle state. See 'dsl_delta'.
+getPmDelta :: DsM Delta
+getPmDelta = do { env <- getLclEnv; return (dsl_delta env) }
+-- | Set the pattern match oracle state within the scope of the given action.
+-- See 'dsl_delta'.
+updPmDelta :: Delta -> DsM a -> DsM a
+updPmDelta delta = updLclEnv (\env -> env { dsl_delta = delta })
+getSrcSpanDs :: DsM SrcSpan
+getSrcSpanDs = do { env <- getLclEnv
+ ; return (RealSrcSpan (dsl_loc env)) }
+putSrcSpanDs :: SrcSpan -> DsM a -> DsM a
+putSrcSpanDs (UnhelpfulSpan {}) thing_inside
+ = thing_inside
+putSrcSpanDs (RealSrcSpan real_span) thing_inside
+ = updLclEnv (\ env -> env {dsl_loc = real_span}) thing_inside
+-- | Emit a warning for the current source location
+-- NB: Warns whether or not -Wxyz is set
+warnDs :: WarnReason -> SDoc -> DsM ()
+warnDs reason warn
+ = do { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; loc <- getSrcSpanDs
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let msg = makeIntoWarning reason $
+ mkWarnMsg dflags loc (ds_unqual env) warn
+ ; updMutVar (ds_msgs env) (\ (w,e) -> (w `snocBag` msg, e)) }
+-- | Emit a warning only if the correct WarnReason is set in the DynFlags
+warnIfSetDs :: WarningFlag -> SDoc -> DsM ()
+warnIfSetDs flag warn
+ = whenWOptM flag $
+ warnDs (Reason flag) warn
+errDs :: SDoc -> DsM ()
+errDs err
+ = do { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; loc <- getSrcSpanDs
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let msg = mkErrMsg dflags loc (ds_unqual env) err
+ ; updMutVar (ds_msgs env) (\ (w,e) -> (w, e `snocBag` msg)) }
+-- | Issue an error, but return the expression for (), so that we can continue
+-- reporting errors.
+errDsCoreExpr :: SDoc -> DsM CoreExpr
+errDsCoreExpr err
+ = do { errDs err
+ ; return unitExpr }
+failWithDs :: SDoc -> DsM a
+failWithDs err
+ = do { errDs err
+ ; failM }
+failDs :: DsM a
+failDs = failM
+-- (askNoErrsDs m) runs m
+-- If m fails,
+-- then (askNoErrsDs m) fails
+-- If m succeeds with result r,
+-- then (askNoErrsDs m) succeeds with result (r, b),
+-- where b is True iff m generated no errors
+-- Regardless of success or failure,
+-- propagate any errors/warnings generated by m
+-- c.f. TcRnMonad.askNoErrs
+askNoErrsDs :: DsM a -> DsM (a, Bool)
+askNoErrsDs thing_inside
+ = do { errs_var <- newMutVar emptyMessages
+ ; env <- getGblEnv
+ ; mb_res <- tryM $ -- Be careful to catch exceptions
+ -- so that we propagate errors correctly
+ -- (#13642)
+ setGblEnv (env { ds_msgs = errs_var }) $
+ thing_inside
+ -- Propagate errors
+ ; msgs@(warns, errs) <- readMutVar errs_var
+ ; updMutVar (ds_msgs env) (\ (w,e) -> (w `unionBags` warns, e `unionBags` errs))
+ -- And return
+ ; case mb_res of
+ Left _ -> failM
+ Right res -> do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let errs_found = errorsFound dflags msgs
+ ; return (res, not errs_found) } }
+mkPrintUnqualifiedDs :: DsM PrintUnqualified
+mkPrintUnqualifiedDs = ds_unqual <$> getGblEnv
+instance MonadThings (IOEnv (Env DsGblEnv DsLclEnv)) where
+ lookupThing = dsLookupGlobal
+dsLookupGlobal :: Name -> DsM TyThing
+-- Very like TcEnv.tcLookupGlobal
+dsLookupGlobal name
+ = do { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; setEnvs (ds_if_env env)
+ (tcIfaceGlobal name) }
+dsLookupGlobalId :: Name -> DsM Id
+dsLookupGlobalId name
+ = tyThingId <$> dsLookupGlobal name
+dsLookupTyCon :: Name -> DsM TyCon
+dsLookupTyCon name
+ = tyThingTyCon <$> dsLookupGlobal name
+dsLookupDataCon :: Name -> DsM DataCon
+dsLookupDataCon name
+ = tyThingDataCon <$> dsLookupGlobal name
+dsLookupConLike :: Name -> DsM ConLike
+dsLookupConLike name
+ = tyThingConLike <$> dsLookupGlobal name
+dsGetFamInstEnvs :: DsM FamInstEnvs
+-- Gets both the external-package inst-env
+-- and the home-pkg inst env (includes module being compiled)
+ = do { eps <- getEps; env <- getGblEnv
+ ; return (eps_fam_inst_env eps, ds_fam_inst_env env) }
+dsGetMetaEnv :: DsM (NameEnv DsMetaVal)
+dsGetMetaEnv = do { env <- getLclEnv; return (dsl_meta env) }
+-- | The @COMPLETE@ pragmas provided by the user for a given `TyCon`.
+dsGetCompleteMatches :: TyCon -> DsM [CompleteMatch]
+dsGetCompleteMatches tc = do
+ eps <- getEps
+ env <- getGblEnv
+ let lookup_completes ufm = lookupWithDefaultUFM ufm [] tc
+ eps_matches_list = lookup_completes $ eps_complete_matches eps
+ env_matches_list = lookup_completes $ ds_complete_matches env
+ return $ eps_matches_list ++ env_matches_list
+dsLookupMetaEnv :: Name -> DsM (Maybe DsMetaVal)
+dsLookupMetaEnv name = do { env <- getLclEnv; return (lookupNameEnv (dsl_meta env) name) }
+dsExtendMetaEnv :: DsMetaEnv -> DsM a -> DsM a
+dsExtendMetaEnv menv thing_inside
+ = updLclEnv (\env -> env { dsl_meta = dsl_meta env `plusNameEnv` menv }) thing_inside
+discardWarningsDs :: DsM a -> DsM a
+-- Ignore warnings inside the thing inside;
+-- used to ignore inaccessible cases etc. inside generated code
+discardWarningsDs thing_inside
+ = do { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; old_msgs <- readTcRef (ds_msgs env)
+ ; result <- thing_inside
+ -- Revert messages to old_msgs
+ ; writeTcRef (ds_msgs env) old_msgs
+ ; return result }
+-- | Fail with an error message if the type is levity polymorphic.
+dsNoLevPoly :: Type -> SDoc -> DsM ()
+-- See Note [Levity polymorphism checking]
+dsNoLevPoly ty doc = checkForLevPolyX errDs doc ty
+-- | Check an expression for levity polymorphism, failing if it is
+-- levity polymorphic.
+dsNoLevPolyExpr :: CoreExpr -> SDoc -> DsM ()
+-- See Note [Levity polymorphism checking]
+dsNoLevPolyExpr e doc
+ | isExprLevPoly e = errDs (formatLevPolyErr (exprType e) $$ doc)
+ | otherwise = return ()
+-- | Runs the thing_inside. If there are no errors, then returns the expr
+-- given. Otherwise, returns unitExpr. This is useful for doing a bunch
+-- of levity polymorphism checks and then avoiding making a core App.
+-- (If we make a core App on a levity polymorphic argument, detecting how
+-- to handle the let/app invariant might call isUnliftedType, which panics
+-- on a levity polymorphic type.)
+-- See #12709 for an example of why this machinery is necessary.
+dsWhenNoErrs :: DsM a -> (a -> CoreExpr) -> DsM CoreExpr
+dsWhenNoErrs thing_inside mk_expr
+ = do { (result, no_errs) <- askNoErrsDs thing_inside
+ ; return $ if no_errs
+ then mk_expr result
+ else unitExpr }
+-- | Inject a trace message into the compiled program. Whereas
+-- pprTrace prints out information *while compiling*, pprRuntimeTrace
+-- captures that information and causes it to be printed *at runtime*
+-- using Debug.Trace.trace.
+-- pprRuntimeTrace hdr doc expr
+-- will produce an expression that looks like
+-- trace (hdr + doc) expr
+-- When using this to debug a module that Debug.Trace depends on,
+-- it is necessary to import {-# SOURCE #-} Debug.Trace () in that
+-- module. We could avoid this inconvenience by wiring in Debug.Trace.trace,
+-- but that doesn't seem worth the effort and maintenance cost.
+pprRuntimeTrace :: String -- ^ header
+ -> SDoc -- ^ information to output
+ -> CoreExpr -- ^ expression
+ -> DsM CoreExpr
+pprRuntimeTrace str doc expr = do
+ traceId <- dsLookupGlobalId traceName
+ unpackCStringId <- dsLookupGlobalId unpackCStringName
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let message :: CoreExpr
+ message = App (Var unpackCStringId) $
+ Lit $ mkLitString $ showSDoc dflags (hang (text str) 4 doc)
+ return $ mkApps (Var traceId) [Type (exprType expr), message, expr]