path: root/compiler/GHC/HsToCore
diff options
authorZubin Duggal <>2022-03-12 00:07:56 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2022-03-23 13:39:39 -0400
commitb91798be48d9fa02610b419ccea15a7dfd663823 (patch)
treefb87654ccd4a1e92e8c7a15bf454a867460869a3 /compiler/GHC/HsToCore
parent52ffd38c610f418ee1d1a549cfdfdaa11794ea40 (diff)
hi haddock: Lex and store haddock docs in interface files
Names appearing in Haddock docstrings are lexed and renamed like any other names appearing in the AST. We currently rename names irrespective of the namespace, so both type and constructor names corresponding to an identifier will appear in the docstring. Haddock will select a given name as the link destination based on its own heuristics. This patch also restricts the limitation of `-haddock` being incompatible with `Opt_KeepRawTokenStream`. The export and documenation structure is now computed in GHC and serialised in .hi files. This can be used by haddock to directly generate doc pages without reparsing or renaming the source. At the moment the operation of haddock is not modified, that's left to a future patch. Updates the haddock submodule with the minimum changes needed.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/HsToCore')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Docs.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Docs.hs
index 15771cd26e..c4839ae449 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Docs.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Docs.hs
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
module GHC.HsToCore.Docs where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -32,89 +30,237 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
-import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup
import GHC.IORef (readIORef)
+import GHC.Unit.Types
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Types.Avail
+import GHC.Unit.Module
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Imported
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Types.TypeEnv
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
-- | Extract docs from renamer output.
-- This is monadic since we need to be able to read documentation added from
-- Template Haskell's @putDoc@, which is stored in 'tcg_th_docs'.
extractDocs :: MonadIO m
- => TcGblEnv
- -> m (Maybe HsDocString, DeclDocMap, ArgDocMap)
+ => DynFlags -> TcGblEnv
+ -> m (Maybe Docs)
-- ^
-- 1. Module header
-- 2. Docs on top level declarations
-- 3. Docs on arguments
-extractDocs TcGblEnv { tcg_semantic_mod = mod
- , tcg_rn_decls = mb_rn_decls
- , tcg_insts = insts
- , tcg_fam_insts = fam_insts
- , tcg_doc_hdr = mb_doc_hdr
- , tcg_th_docs = th_docs_var
- } = do
+extractDocs dflags
+ TcGblEnv { tcg_semantic_mod = semantic_mdl
+ , tcg_mod = mdl
+ , tcg_rn_decls = Just rn_decls
+ , tcg_rn_exports = mb_rn_exports
+ , tcg_exports = all_exports
+ , tcg_imports = import_avails
+ , tcg_insts = insts
+ , tcg_fam_insts = fam_insts
+ , tcg_doc_hdr = mb_doc_hdr
+ , tcg_th_docs = th_docs_var
+ , tcg_type_env = ty_env
+ } = do
th_docs <- liftIO $ readIORef th_docs_var
- let doc_hdr = th_doc_hdr <|> (unLoc <$> mb_doc_hdr)
- ExtractedTHDocs
- th_doc_hdr
- (DeclDocMap th_doc_map)
- (ArgDocMap th_arg_map)
- (DeclDocMap th_inst_map) = extractTHDocs th_docs
- return
- ( doc_hdr
- , DeclDocMap (th_doc_map <> th_inst_map <> doc_map)
- , ArgDocMap (th_arg_map `unionArgMaps` arg_map)
- )
+ let doc_hdr = (unLoc <$> mb_doc_hdr)
+ ExtractedTHDocs th_hdr th_decl_docs th_arg_docs th_inst_docs = extractTHDocs th_docs
+ mod_docs
+ = Docs
+ { docs_mod_hdr = th_hdr <|> doc_hdr
+ -- Left biased union (see #21220)
+ , docs_decls = plusUniqMap_C (\a _ -> a)
+ ((:[]) <$> th_decl_docs `plusUniqMap` th_inst_docs)
+ -- These will not clash so safe to use plusUniqMap
+ doc_map
+ , docs_args = th_arg_docs `unionArgMaps` arg_map
+ , docs_structure = doc_structure
+ , docs_named_chunks = named_chunks
+ , docs_haddock_opts = haddockOptions dflags
+ , docs_language = language_
+ , docs_extensions = exts
+ }
+ pure (Just mod_docs)
- (doc_map, arg_map) = maybe (M.empty, M.empty)
- (mkMaps local_insts)
- mb_decls_with_docs
- mb_decls_with_docs = topDecls <$> mb_rn_decls
- local_insts = filter (nameIsLocalOrFrom mod)
+ exts = extensionFlags dflags
+ language_ = language dflags
+ -- We need to lookup the Names for default methods, so we
+ -- can put them in the correct map
+ -- See Note [default method Name] in GHC.Iface.Recomp
+ def_meths_env = mkOccEnv [(occ, nm)
+ | id <- typeEnvIds ty_env
+ , let nm = idName id
+ occ = nameOccName nm
+ , isDefaultMethodOcc occ
+ ]
+ (doc_map, arg_map) = mkMaps def_meths_env local_insts decls_with_docs
+ decls_with_docs = topDecls rn_decls
+ local_insts = filter (nameIsLocalOrFrom semantic_mdl)
$ map getName insts ++ map getName fam_insts
+ doc_structure = mkDocStructure mdl import_avails mb_rn_exports rn_decls
+ all_exports def_meths_env
+ named_chunks = getNamedChunks (isJust mb_rn_exports) rn_decls
+extractDocs _ _ = pure Nothing
+-- | If we have an explicit export list, we extract the documentation structure
+-- from that.
+-- Otherwise we use the renamed exports and declarations.
+mkDocStructure :: Module -- ^ The current module
+ -> ImportAvails -- ^ Imports
+ -> Maybe [(LIE GhcRn, Avails)] -- ^ Explicit export list
+ -> HsGroup GhcRn
+ -> [AvailInfo] -- ^ All exports
+ -> OccEnv Name -- ^ Default Methods
+ -> DocStructure
+mkDocStructure mdl import_avails (Just export_list) _ _ _ =
+ mkDocStructureFromExportList mdl import_avails export_list
+mkDocStructure _ _ Nothing rn_decls all_exports def_meths_env =
+ mkDocStructureFromDecls def_meths_env all_exports rn_decls
+-- TODO:
+-- * Maybe remove items that export nothing?
+-- * Combine sequences of DsiExports?
+-- * Check the ordering of avails in DsiModExport
+ :: Module -- ^ The current module
+ -> ImportAvails
+ -> [(LIE GhcRn, Avails)] -- ^ Explicit export list
+ -> DocStructure
+mkDocStructureFromExportList mdl import_avails export_list =
+ toDocStructure . first unLoc <$> export_list
+ where
+ toDocStructure :: (IE GhcRn, Avails) -> DocStructureItem
+ toDocStructure = \case
+ (IEModuleContents _ lmn, avails) -> moduleExport (unLoc lmn) avails
+ (IEGroup _ level doc, _) -> DsiSectionHeading level (unLoc doc)
+ (IEDoc _ doc, _) -> DsiDocChunk (unLoc doc)
+ (IEDocNamed _ name, _) -> DsiNamedChunkRef name
+ (_, avails) -> DsiExports (nubAvails avails)
+ moduleExport :: ModuleName -- Alias
+ -> Avails
+ -> DocStructureItem
+ moduleExport alias avails =
+ DsiModExport (nubSortNE orig_names) (nubAvails avails)
+ where
+ orig_names = M.findWithDefault aliasErr alias aliasMap
+ aliasErr = error $ "mkDocStructureFromExportList: "
+ ++ (moduleNameString . moduleName) mdl
+ ++ ": Can't find alias " ++ moduleNameString alias
+ nubSortNE = NonEmpty.fromList .
+ Set.toList .
+ Set.fromList .
+ NonEmpty.toList
+ -- Map from aliases to true module names.
+ aliasMap :: Map ModuleName (NonEmpty ModuleName)
+ aliasMap =
+ M.fromListWith (<>) $
+ (this_mdl_name, this_mdl_name :| [])
+ : (flip concatMap (moduleEnvToList imported) $ \(mdl, imvs) ->
+ [(imv_name imv, moduleName mdl :| []) | imv <- imvs])
+ where
+ this_mdl_name = moduleName mdl
+ imported :: ModuleEnv [ImportedModsVal]
+ imported = mapModuleEnv importedByUser (imp_mods import_avails)
+-- | Figure out the documentation structure by correlating
+-- the module exports with the located declarations.
+mkDocStructureFromDecls :: OccEnv Name -- ^ The default method environment
+ -> [AvailInfo] -- ^ All exports, unordered
+ -> HsGroup GhcRn
+ -> DocStructure
+mkDocStructureFromDecls env all_exports decls =
+ map unLoc (sortLocated (docs ++ avails))
+ where
+ avails :: [Located DocStructureItem]
+ avails = flip fmap all_exports $ \avail ->
+ case M.lookup (availName avail) name_locs of
+ Just loc -> L loc (DsiExports [avail])
+ -- FIXME: This is just a workaround that we use when handling e.g.
+ -- associated data families like in the html-test Instances.hs.
+ Nothing -> noLoc (DsiExports [avail])
+ -- Nothing -> panicDoc "mkDocStructureFromDecls: No loc found for"
+ -- (ppr avail)
+ docs = mapMaybe structuralDoc (hs_docs decls)
+ structuralDoc :: LDocDecl GhcRn
+ -> Maybe (Located DocStructureItem)
+ structuralDoc = \case
+ L loc (DocCommentNamed _name doc) ->
+ -- TODO: Is this correct?
+ -- NB: There is no export list where we could reference the named chunk.
+ Just (L (locA loc) (DsiDocChunk (unLoc doc)))
+ L loc (DocGroup level doc) ->
+ Just (L (locA loc) (DsiSectionHeading level (unLoc doc)))
+ _ -> Nothing
+ name_locs = M.fromList (concatMap ldeclNames (ungroup decls))
+ ldeclNames (L loc d) = zip (getMainDeclBinder env d) (repeat (locA loc))
+-- | Extract named documentation chunks from the renamed declarations.
+-- If there is no explicit export list, we simply return an empty map
+-- since there would be no way to link to a named chunk.
+getNamedChunks :: Bool -- ^ Do we have an explicit export list?
+ -> HsGroup (GhcPass pass)
+ -> Map String (HsDoc (GhcPass pass))
+getNamedChunks True decls =
+ M.fromList $ flip mapMaybe (unLoc <$> hs_docs decls) $ \case
+ DocCommentNamed name doc -> Just (name, unLoc doc)
+ _ -> Nothing
+getNamedChunks False _ = M.empty
-- | Create decl and arg doc-maps by looping through the declarations.
-- For each declaration, find its names, its subordinates, and its doc strings.
-mkMaps :: [Name]
- -> [(LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDocString])]
- -> (Map Name (HsDocString), Map Name (IntMap HsDocString))
-mkMaps instances decls =
- ( f' (map (nubByName fst) decls')
- , f (filterMapping (not . IM.null) args)
+mkMaps :: OccEnv Name
+ -> [Name]
+ -> [(LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDoc GhcRn])]
+ -> (UniqMap Name [HsDoc GhcRn], UniqMap Name (IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn)))
+mkMaps env instances decls =
+ ( listsToMapWith (++) (map (nubByName fst) decls')
+ , listsToMapWith (<>) (filterMapping (not . IM.null) args)
(decls', args) = unzip (map mappings decls)
- f :: (Ord a, Semigroup b) => [[(a, b)]] -> Map a b
- f = M.fromListWith (<>) . concat
- f' :: Ord a => [[(a, HsDocString)]] -> Map a HsDocString
- f' = M.fromListWith appendDocs . concat
+ listsToMapWith f = listToUniqMap_C f . concat
filterMapping :: (b -> Bool) -> [[(a, b)]] -> [[(a, b)]]
filterMapping p = map (filter (p . snd))
- mappings :: (LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDocString])
- -> ( [(Name, HsDocString)]
- , [(Name, IntMap HsDocString)]
+ mappings :: (LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDoc GhcRn])
+ -> ( [(Name, [HsDoc GhcRn])]
+ , [(Name, IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn))]
- mappings (L (SrcSpanAnn _ (RealSrcSpan l _)) decl, docStrs) =
+ mappings (L (SrcSpanAnn _ (RealSrcSpan l _)) decl, doc) =
(dm, am)
- doc = concatDocs docStrs
args = declTypeDocs decl
- subs :: [(Name, [HsDocString], IntMap HsDocString)]
- subs = subordinates instanceMap decl
+ subs :: [(Name, [HsDoc GhcRn], IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn))]
+ subs = subordinates env instanceMap decl
- (subDocs, subArgs) =
- unzip (map (\(_, strs, m) -> (concatDocs strs, m)) subs)
+ (subNs, subDocs, subArgs) =
+ unzip3 subs
ns = names l decl
- subNs = [ n | (n, _, _) <- subs ]
- dm = [(n, d) | (n, Just d) <- zip ns (repeat doc) ++ zip subNs subDocs]
+ dm = [(n, d) | (n, d) <- zip ns (repeat doc) ++ zip subNs subDocs, not $ all (isEmptyDocString . hsDocString) d]
am = [(n, args) | n <- ns] ++ zip subNs subArgs
mappings (L (SrcSpanAnn _ (UnhelpfulSpan _)) _, _) = ([], [])
@@ -124,7 +270,7 @@ mkMaps instances decls =
names :: RealSrcSpan -> HsDecl GhcRn -> [Name]
names _ (InstD _ d) = maybeToList $ lookupSrcSpan (getInstLoc d) instanceMap
names l (DerivD {}) = maybeToList (M.lookup l instanceMap) -- See Note [1].
- names _ decl = getMainDeclBinder decl
+ names _ decl = getMainDeclBinder env decl
Note [1]:
@@ -135,27 +281,37 @@ looking at GHC sources). We can assume that commented instances are
user-written. This lets us relate Names (from ClsInsts) to comments
(associated with InstDecls and DerivDecls).
-getMainDeclBinder :: (Anno (IdGhcP p) ~ SrcSpanAnnN, CollectPass (GhcPass p))
- => HsDecl (GhcPass p) -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
-getMainDeclBinder (TyClD _ d) = [tcdName d]
-getMainDeclBinder (ValD _ d) =
+ :: OccEnv Name -- ^ Default method environment for this module. See Note [default method Name] in GHC.Iface.Recomp
+ -> HsDecl GhcRn -> [Name]
+getMainDeclBinder _ (TyClD _ d) = [tcdName d]
+getMainDeclBinder _ (ValD _ d) =
case collectHsBindBinders CollNoDictBinders d of
[] -> []
(name:_) -> [name]
-getMainDeclBinder (SigD _ d) = sigNameNoLoc d
-getMainDeclBinder (ForD _ (ForeignImport _ name _ _)) = [unLoc name]
-getMainDeclBinder (ForD _ (ForeignExport _ _ _ _)) = []
-getMainDeclBinder _ = []
-sigNameNoLoc :: forall pass. UnXRec pass => Sig pass -> [IdP pass]
-sigNameNoLoc (TypeSig _ ns _) = map (unXRec @pass) ns
-sigNameNoLoc (ClassOpSig _ _ ns _) = map (unXRec @pass) ns
-sigNameNoLoc (PatSynSig _ ns _) = map (unXRec @pass) ns
-sigNameNoLoc (SpecSig _ n _ _) = [unXRec @pass n]
-sigNameNoLoc (InlineSig _ n _) = [unXRec @pass n]
-sigNameNoLoc (FixSig _ (FixitySig _ ns _)) = map (unXRec @pass) ns
-sigNameNoLoc _ = []
+getMainDeclBinder env (SigD _ d) = sigNameNoLoc env d
+getMainDeclBinder _ (ForD _ (ForeignImport _ name _ _)) = [unLoc name]
+getMainDeclBinder _ (ForD _ (ForeignExport _ _ _ _)) = []
+getMainDeclBinder _ _ = []
+-- | The "OccEnv Name" is the default method environment for this module
+-- Ultimately, the a special "defaultMethodOcc" name is used for
+-- the signatures on bindings for default methods. Unfortunately, this
+-- name isn't generated until typechecking, so it is not in the renamed AST.
+-- We have to look it up from the 'OccEnv' parameter constructed from the typechecked
+-- AST.
+-- See also Note [default method Name] in GHC.Iface.Recomp
+sigNameNoLoc :: forall a . (UnXRec a, HasOccName (IdP a)) => OccEnv (IdP a) -> Sig a -> [IdP a]
+sigNameNoLoc _ (TypeSig _ ns _) = map (unXRec @a) ns
+sigNameNoLoc _ (ClassOpSig _ False ns _) = map (unXRec @a) ns
+sigNameNoLoc env (ClassOpSig _ True ns _) = mapMaybe (lookupOccEnv env . mkDefaultMethodOcc . occName) $ map (unXRec @a) ns
+sigNameNoLoc _ (PatSynSig _ ns _) = map (unXRec @a) ns
+sigNameNoLoc _ (SpecSig _ n _ _) = [unXRec @a n]
+sigNameNoLoc _ (InlineSig _ n _) = [unXRec @a n]
+sigNameNoLoc _ (FixSig _ (FixitySig _ ns _)) = map (unXRec @a) ns
+sigNameNoLoc _ _ = []
-- Extract the source location where an instance is defined. This is used
-- to correlate InstDecls with their Instance/CoAxiom Names, via the
@@ -180,15 +336,21 @@ getInstLoc = \case
-- | Get all subordinate declarations inside a declaration, and their docs.
-- A subordinate declaration is something like the associate type or data
-- family of a type class.
-subordinates :: Map RealSrcSpan Name
+subordinates :: OccEnv Name -- ^ The default method environment
+ -> Map RealSrcSpan Name
-> HsDecl GhcRn
- -> [(Name, [HsDocString], IntMap HsDocString)]
-subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
- InstD _ (ClsInstD _ d) -> do
- DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn =
- FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L l _
- , feqn_rhs = defn }} <- unLoc <$> cid_datafam_insts d
- [ (n, [], IM.empty) | Just n <- [lookupSrcSpan (locA l) instMap] ] ++ dataSubs defn
+ -> [(Name, [HsDoc GhcRn], IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn))]
+subordinates env instMap decl = case decl of
+ InstD _ (ClsInstD _ d) -> let
+ data_fams = do
+ DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn =
+ FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L l _
+ , feqn_rhs = defn }} <- unLoc <$> cid_datafam_insts d
+ [ (n, [], IM.empty) | Just n <- [lookupSrcSpan (locA l) instMap] ] ++ dataSubs defn
+ ty_fams = do
+ TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L l _ } } <- unLoc <$> cid_tyfam_insts d
+ [ (n, [], IM.empty) | Just n <- [lookupSrcSpan (locA l) instMap] ]
+ in data_fams ++ ty_fams
InstD _ (DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl d))
-> dataSubs (feqn_rhs d)
@@ -198,11 +360,11 @@ subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
classSubs dd = [ (name, doc, declTypeDocs d)
| (L _ d, doc) <- classDecls dd
- , name <- getMainDeclBinder d, not (isValD d)
+ , name <- getMainDeclBinder env d, not (isValD d)
dataSubs :: HsDataDefn GhcRn
- -> [(Name, [HsDocString], IntMap HsDocString)]
- dataSubs dd = constrs ++ fields ++ derivs
+ -> [(Name, [HsDoc GhcRn], IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn))]
+ dataSubs dd = constrs ++ fields ++ derivs
cons = map unLoc $ (dd_cons dd)
constrs = [ ( unLoc cname
@@ -220,13 +382,13 @@ subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
dd_derivs dd
, Just instName <- [lookupSrcSpan l instMap] ]
- extract_deriv_clause_tys :: LDerivClauseTys GhcRn -> [(SrcSpan, LHsDocString)]
+ extract_deriv_clause_tys :: LDerivClauseTys GhcRn -> [(SrcSpan, LHsDoc GhcRn)]
extract_deriv_clause_tys (L _ dct) =
case dct of
DctSingle _ ty -> maybeToList $ extract_deriv_ty ty
DctMulti _ tys -> mapMaybe extract_deriv_ty tys
- extract_deriv_ty :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> Maybe (SrcSpan, LHsDocString)
+ extract_deriv_ty :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> Maybe (SrcSpan, LHsDoc GhcRn)
extract_deriv_ty (L l (HsSig{sig_body = L _ ty})) =
case ty of
-- deriving (C a {- ^ Doc comment -})
@@ -234,25 +396,25 @@ subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
_ -> Nothing
-- | Extract constructor argument docs from inside constructor decls.
-conArgDocs :: ConDecl GhcRn -> IntMap HsDocString
+conArgDocs :: ConDecl GhcRn -> IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn)
conArgDocs (ConDeclH98{con_args = args}) =
h98ConArgDocs args
conArgDocs (ConDeclGADT{con_g_args = args, con_res_ty = res_ty}) =
gadtConArgDocs args (unLoc res_ty)
-h98ConArgDocs :: HsConDeclH98Details GhcRn -> IntMap HsDocString
+h98ConArgDocs :: HsConDeclH98Details GhcRn -> IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn)
h98ConArgDocs con_args = case con_args of
PrefixCon _ args -> con_arg_docs 0 $ map (unLoc . hsScaledThing) args
InfixCon arg1 arg2 -> con_arg_docs 0 [ unLoc (hsScaledThing arg1)
, unLoc (hsScaledThing arg2) ]
RecCon _ -> IM.empty
-gadtConArgDocs :: HsConDeclGADTDetails GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn -> IntMap HsDocString
+gadtConArgDocs :: HsConDeclGADTDetails GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn -> IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn)
gadtConArgDocs con_args res_ty = case con_args of
PrefixConGADT args -> con_arg_docs 0 $ map (unLoc . hsScaledThing) args ++ [res_ty]
RecConGADT _ _ -> con_arg_docs 1 [res_ty]
-con_arg_docs :: Int -> [HsType GhcRn] -> IntMap HsDocString
+con_arg_docs :: Int -> [HsType GhcRn] -> IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn)
con_arg_docs n = IM.fromList . catMaybes . zipWith f [n..]
f n (HsDocTy _ _ lds) = Just (n, unLoc lds)
@@ -265,7 +427,7 @@ isValD _ = False
-- | All the sub declarations of a class (that we handle), ordered by
-- source location, with documentation attached if it exists.
-classDecls :: TyClDecl GhcRn -> [(LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDocString])]
+classDecls :: TyClDecl GhcRn -> [(LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDoc GhcRn])]
classDecls class_ = filterDecls . collectDocs . sortLocatedA $ decls
decls = docs ++ defs ++ sigs ++ ats
@@ -275,7 +437,7 @@ classDecls class_ = filterDecls . collectDocs . sortLocatedA $ decls
ats = mkDecls tcdATs (TyClD noExtField . FamDecl noExtField) class_
-- | Extract function argument docs from inside top-level decls.
-declTypeDocs :: HsDecl GhcRn -> IntMap (HsDocString)
+declTypeDocs :: HsDecl GhcRn -> IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn)
declTypeDocs = \case
SigD _ (TypeSig _ _ ty) -> sigTypeDocs (unLoc (dropWildCards ty))
SigD _ (ClassOpSig _ _ _ ty) -> sigTypeDocs (unLoc ty)
@@ -296,7 +458,7 @@ nubByName f ns = go emptyNameSet ns
y = f x
-- | Extract function argument docs from inside types.
-typeDocs :: HsType GhcRn -> IntMap HsDocString
+typeDocs :: HsType GhcRn -> IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn)
typeDocs = go 0
go n = \case
@@ -308,12 +470,12 @@ typeDocs = go 0
_ -> IM.empty
-- | Extract function argument docs from inside types.
-sigTypeDocs :: HsSigType GhcRn -> IntMap HsDocString
+sigTypeDocs :: HsSigType GhcRn -> IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn)
sigTypeDocs (HsSig{sig_body = body}) = typeDocs (unLoc body)
-- | The top-level declarations of a module that we care about,
-- ordered by source location, with documentation attached if it exists.
-topDecls :: HsGroup GhcRn -> [(LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDocString])]
+topDecls :: HsGroup GhcRn -> [(LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDoc GhcRn])]
topDecls = filterClasses . filterDecls . collectDocs . sortLocatedA . ungroup
-- | Take all declarations except pragmas, infix decls, rules from an 'HsGroup'.
@@ -340,14 +502,14 @@ ungroup group_ =
-- | Collect docs and attach them to the right declarations.
-- A declaration may have multiple doc strings attached to it.
-collectDocs :: forall p. UnXRec p => [LHsDecl p] -> [(LHsDecl p, [HsDocString])]
+collectDocs :: forall p. UnXRec p => [LHsDecl p] -> [(LHsDecl p, [HsDoc p])]
-- ^ This is an example.
collectDocs = go [] Nothing
go docs mprev decls = case (decls, mprev) of
- ((unXRec @p -> DocD _ (DocCommentNext s)) : ds, Nothing) -> go (s:docs) Nothing ds
- ((unXRec @p -> DocD _ (DocCommentNext s)) : ds, Just prev) -> finished prev docs $ go [s] Nothing ds
- ((unXRec @p -> DocD _ (DocCommentPrev s)) : ds, mprev) -> go (s:docs) mprev ds
+ ((unXRec @p -> DocD _ (DocCommentNext s)) : ds, Nothing) -> go (unLoc s:docs) Nothing ds
+ ((unXRec @p -> DocD _ (DocCommentNext s)) : ds, Just prev) -> finished prev docs $ go [unLoc s] Nothing ds
+ ((unXRec @p -> DocD _ (DocCommentPrev s)) : ds, mprev) -> go (unLoc s:docs) mprev ds
(d : ds, Nothing) -> go docs (Just d) ds
(d : ds, Just prev) -> finished prev docs $ go [] (Just d) ds
([] , Nothing) -> []
@@ -401,14 +563,15 @@ extractTHDocs :: THDocs
extractTHDocs docs =
-- Split up docs into separate maps for each 'DocLoc' type
- docHeader
- (DeclDocMap (searchDocs decl))
- (ArgDocMap (searchDocs args))
- (DeclDocMap (searchDocs insts))
+ { ethd_mod_header = docHeader
+ , ethd_decl_docs = searchDocs decl
+ , ethd_arg_docs = searchDocs args
+ , ethd_inst_docs = searchDocs insts
+ }
- docHeader :: Maybe HsDocString
+ docHeader :: Maybe (HsDoc GhcRn)
- | ((_, s):_) <- filter isModDoc (M.toList docs) = Just (mkHsDocString s)
+ | ((_, s):_) <- filter isModDoc (M.toList docs) = Just s
| otherwise = Nothing
isModDoc (ModuleDoc, _) = True
@@ -417,38 +580,40 @@ extractTHDocs docs =
-- Folds over the docs, applying 'f' as the accumulating function.
-- We use different accumulating functions to sift out the specific types of
-- documentation
- searchDocs :: Monoid a => (a -> (DocLoc, String) -> a) -> a
- searchDocs f = foldl' f mempty $ M.toList docs
+ searchDocs :: (UniqMap Name a -> (DocLoc, HsDoc GhcRn) -> UniqMap Name a) -> UniqMap Name a
+ searchDocs f = foldl' f emptyUniqMap $ M.toList docs
-- Pick out the declaration docs
- decl acc ((DeclDoc name), s) = M.insert name (mkHsDocString s) acc
+ decl acc ((DeclDoc name), s) = addToUniqMap acc name s
decl acc _ = acc
-- Pick out the instance docs
- insts acc ((InstDoc name), s) = M.insert name (mkHsDocString s) acc
+ insts acc ((InstDoc name), s) = addToUniqMap acc name s
insts acc _ = acc
-- Pick out the argument docs
- args :: Map Name (IntMap HsDocString)
- -> (DocLoc, String)
- -> Map Name (IntMap HsDocString)
+ args :: UniqMap Name (IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn))
+ -> (DocLoc, HsDoc GhcRn)
+ -> UniqMap Name (IntMap (HsDoc GhcRn))
args acc ((ArgDoc name i), s) =
-- Insert the doc for the arg into the argument map for the function. This
-- means we have to search to see if an map already exists for the
-- function, and insert the new argument if it exists, or create a new map
- let ds = mkHsDocString s
- in M.insertWith (\_ m -> IM.insert i ds m) name (IM.singleton i ds) acc
+ addToUniqMap_C (\_ m -> IM.insert i s m) acc name (IM.singleton i s)
args acc _ = acc
-- | Unions together two 'ArgDocMaps' (or ArgMaps in haddock-api), such that two
-- maps with values for the same key merge the inner map as well.
-- Left biased so @unionArgMaps a b@ prefers @a@ over @b@.
-unionArgMaps :: Map Name (IntMap b)
- -> Map Name (IntMap b)
- -> Map Name (IntMap b)
-unionArgMaps a b = M.foldlWithKey go b a
+unionArgMaps :: forall b . UniqMap Name (IntMap b)
+ -> UniqMap Name (IntMap b)
+ -> UniqMap Name (IntMap b)
+unionArgMaps a b = nonDetFoldUniqMap go b a
- go acc n newArgMap
- | Just oldArgMap <- M.lookup n acc =
- M.insert n (newArgMap `IM.union` oldArgMap) acc
- | otherwise = M.insert n newArgMap acc
+ go :: (Name, IntMap b)
+ -> UniqMap Name (IntMap b) -> UniqMap Name (IntMap b)
+ go (n, newArgMap) acc
+ | Just oldArgMap <- lookupUniqMap acc n =
+ addToUniqMap acc n (newArgMap `IM.union` oldArgMap)
+ | otherwise = addToUniqMap acc n newArgMap