path: root/compiler/GHC/Llvm
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-02-17 16:21:11 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-02-18 20:18:12 -0500
commit1500f0898e85316c7c97a2f759d83278a072ab0e (patch)
tree7246f4905a279679b1c5106ba6989d6e0e637f6b /compiler/GHC/Llvm
parent192caf58ca1fc42806166872260d30bdb34dbace (diff)
Modules: Llvm (#13009)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Llvm')
4 files changed, 1834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Llvm/MetaData.hs b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/MetaData.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e319c7036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/MetaData.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module GHC.Llvm.MetaData where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm.Types
+import Outputable
+-- The LLVM Metadata System.
+-- The LLVM metadata feature is poorly documented but roughly follows the
+-- following design:
+-- * Metadata can be constructed in a few different ways (See below).
+-- * After which it can either be attached to LLVM statements to pass along
+-- extra information to the optimizer and code generator OR specifically named
+-- metadata has an affect on the whole module (i.e., linking behaviour).
+-- # Constructing metadata
+-- Metadata comes largely in three forms:
+-- * Metadata expressions -- these are the raw metadata values that encode
+-- information. They consist of metadata strings, metadata nodes, regular
+-- LLVM values (both literals and references to global variables) and
+-- metadata expressions (i.e., recursive data type). Some examples:
+-- !{ !"hello", !0, i32 0 }
+-- !{ !1, !{ i32 0 } }
+-- * Metadata nodes -- global metadata variables that attach a metadata
+-- expression to a number. For example:
+-- !0 = !{ [<metadata expressions>] !}
+-- * Named metadata -- global metadata variables that attach a metadata nodes
+-- to a name. Used ONLY to communicated module level information to LLVM
+-- through a meaningful name. For example:
+-- !llvm.module.linkage = !{ !0, !1 }
+-- # Using Metadata
+-- Using metadata depends on the form it is in:
+-- * Attach to instructions -- metadata can be attached to LLVM instructions
+-- using a specific reference as follows:
+-- %l = load i32* @glob, !nontemporal !10
+-- %m = load i32* @glob, !nontemporal !{ i32 0, !{ i32 0 } }
+-- Only metadata nodes or expressions can be attached, named metadata cannot.
+-- Refer to LLVM documentation for which instructions take metadata and its
+-- meaning.
+-- * As arguments -- llvm functions can take metadata as arguments, for
+-- example:
+-- call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata !{ i32 0 }, i64 0, metadata !1)
+-- As with instructions, only metadata nodes or expressions can be attached.
+-- * As a named metadata -- Here the metadata is simply declared in global
+-- scope using a specific name to communicate module level information to LLVM.
+-- For example:
+-- !llvm.module.linkage = !{ !0, !1 }
+-- | A reference to an un-named metadata node.
+newtype MetaId = MetaId Int
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)
+instance Outputable MetaId where
+ ppr (MetaId n) = char '!' <> int n
+-- | LLVM metadata expressions
+data MetaExpr = MetaStr !LMString
+ | MetaNode !MetaId
+ | MetaVar !LlvmVar
+ | MetaStruct [MetaExpr]
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable MetaExpr where
+ ppr (MetaVar (LMLitVar (LMNullLit _))) = text "null"
+ ppr (MetaStr s ) = char '!' <> doubleQuotes (ftext s)
+ ppr (MetaNode n ) = ppr n
+ ppr (MetaVar v ) = ppr v
+ ppr (MetaStruct es) = char '!' <> braces (ppCommaJoin es)
+-- | Associates some metadata with a specific label for attaching to an
+-- instruction.
+data MetaAnnot = MetaAnnot LMString MetaExpr
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Metadata declarations. Metadata can only be declared in global scope.
+data MetaDecl
+ -- | Named metadata. Only used for communicating module information to
+ -- LLVM. ('!name = !{ [!<n>] }' form).
+ = MetaNamed !LMString [MetaId]
+ -- | Metadata node declaration.
+ -- ('!0 = metadata !{ <metadata expression> }' form).
+ | MetaUnnamed !MetaId !MetaExpr
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Ppr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e8d279a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Ppr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+-- | Pretty print LLVM IR Code.
+module GHC.Llvm.Ppr (
+ -- * Top level LLVM objects.
+ ppLlvmModule,
+ ppLlvmComments,
+ ppLlvmComment,
+ ppLlvmGlobals,
+ ppLlvmGlobal,
+ ppLlvmAliases,
+ ppLlvmAlias,
+ ppLlvmMetas,
+ ppLlvmMeta,
+ ppLlvmFunctionDecls,
+ ppLlvmFunctionDecl,
+ ppLlvmFunctions,
+ ppLlvmFunction,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm.Syntax
+import GHC.Llvm.MetaData
+import GHC.Llvm.Types
+import Data.List ( intersperse )
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+import FastString ( sLit )
+-- * Top Level Print functions
+-- | Print out a whole LLVM module.
+ppLlvmModule :: LlvmModule -> SDoc
+ppLlvmModule (LlvmModule comments aliases meta globals decls funcs)
+ = ppLlvmComments comments $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmAliases aliases $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmMetas meta $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmGlobals globals $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmFunctionDecls decls $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmFunctions funcs
+-- | Print out a multi-line comment, can be inside a function or on its own
+ppLlvmComments :: [LMString] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmComments comments = vcat $ map ppLlvmComment comments
+-- | Print out a comment, can be inside a function or on its own
+ppLlvmComment :: LMString -> SDoc
+ppLlvmComment com = semi <+> ftext com
+-- | Print out a list of global mutable variable definitions
+ppLlvmGlobals :: [LMGlobal] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmGlobals ls = vcat $ map ppLlvmGlobal ls
+-- | Print out a global mutable variable definition
+ppLlvmGlobal :: LMGlobal -> SDoc
+ppLlvmGlobal (LMGlobal var@(LMGlobalVar _ _ link x a c) dat) =
+ let sect = case x of
+ Just x' -> text ", section" <+> doubleQuotes (ftext x')
+ Nothing -> empty
+ align = case a of
+ Just a' -> text ", align" <+> int a'
+ Nothing -> empty
+ rhs = case dat of
+ Just stat -> pprSpecialStatic stat
+ Nothing -> ppr (pLower $ getVarType var)
+ -- Position of linkage is different for aliases.
+ const = case c of
+ Global -> "global"
+ Constant -> "constant"
+ Alias -> "alias"
+ in ppAssignment var $ ppr link <+> text const <+> rhs <> sect <> align
+ $+$ newLine
+ppLlvmGlobal (LMGlobal var val) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ error $ "Non Global var ppr as global! "
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr var) ++ " " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr val)
+-- | Print out a list of LLVM type aliases.
+ppLlvmAliases :: [LlvmAlias] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmAliases tys = vcat $ map ppLlvmAlias tys
+-- | Print out an LLVM type alias.
+ppLlvmAlias :: LlvmAlias -> SDoc
+ppLlvmAlias (name, ty)
+ = char '%' <> ftext name <+> equals <+> text "type" <+> ppr ty
+-- | Print out a list of LLVM metadata.
+ppLlvmMetas :: [MetaDecl] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmMetas metas = vcat $ map ppLlvmMeta metas
+-- | Print out an LLVM metadata definition.
+ppLlvmMeta :: MetaDecl -> SDoc
+ppLlvmMeta (MetaUnnamed n m)
+ = ppr n <+> equals <+> ppr m
+ppLlvmMeta (MetaNamed n m)
+ = exclamation <> ftext n <+> equals <+> exclamation <> braces nodes
+ where
+ nodes = hcat $ intersperse comma $ map ppr m
+-- | Print out a list of function definitions.
+ppLlvmFunctions :: LlvmFunctions -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunctions funcs = vcat $ map ppLlvmFunction funcs
+-- | Print out a function definition.
+ppLlvmFunction :: LlvmFunction -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunction fun =
+ let attrDoc = ppSpaceJoin (funcAttrs fun)
+ secDoc = case funcSect fun of
+ Just s' -> text "section" <+> (doubleQuotes $ ftext s')
+ Nothing -> empty
+ prefixDoc = case funcPrefix fun of
+ Just v -> text "prefix" <+> ppr v
+ Nothing -> empty
+ in text "define" <+> ppLlvmFunctionHeader (funcDecl fun) (funcArgs fun)
+ <+> attrDoc <+> secDoc <+> prefixDoc
+ $+$ lbrace
+ $+$ ppLlvmBlocks (funcBody fun)
+ $+$ rbrace
+ $+$ newLine
+ $+$ newLine
+-- | Print out a function definition header.
+ppLlvmFunctionHeader :: LlvmFunctionDecl -> [LMString] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunctionHeader (LlvmFunctionDecl n l c r varg p a) args
+ = let varg' = case varg of
+ VarArgs | null p -> sLit "..."
+ | otherwise -> sLit ", ..."
+ _otherwise -> sLit ""
+ align = case a of
+ Just a' -> text " align " <> ppr a'
+ Nothing -> empty
+ args' = map (\((ty,p),n) -> ppr ty <+> ppSpaceJoin p <+> char '%'
+ <> ftext n)
+ (zip p args)
+ in ppr l <+> ppr c <+> ppr r <+> char '@' <> ftext n <> lparen <>
+ (hsep $ punctuate comma args') <> ptext varg' <> rparen <> align
+-- | Print out a list of function declaration.
+ppLlvmFunctionDecls :: LlvmFunctionDecls -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunctionDecls decs = vcat $ map ppLlvmFunctionDecl decs
+-- | Print out a function declaration.
+-- Declarations define the function type but don't define the actual body of
+-- the function.
+ppLlvmFunctionDecl :: LlvmFunctionDecl -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunctionDecl (LlvmFunctionDecl n l c r varg p a)
+ = let varg' = case varg of
+ VarArgs | null p -> sLit "..."
+ | otherwise -> sLit ", ..."
+ _otherwise -> sLit ""
+ align = case a of
+ Just a' -> text " align" <+> ppr a'
+ Nothing -> empty
+ args = hcat $ intersperse (comma <> space) $
+ map (\(t,a) -> ppr t <+> ppSpaceJoin a) p
+ in text "declare" <+> ppr l <+> ppr c <+> ppr r <+> char '@' <>
+ ftext n <> lparen <> args <> ptext varg' <> rparen <> align $+$ newLine
+-- | Print out a list of LLVM blocks.
+ppLlvmBlocks :: LlvmBlocks -> SDoc
+ppLlvmBlocks blocks = vcat $ map ppLlvmBlock blocks
+-- | Print out an LLVM block.
+-- It must be part of a function definition.
+ppLlvmBlock :: LlvmBlock -> SDoc
+ppLlvmBlock (LlvmBlock blockId stmts) =
+ let isLabel (MkLabel _) = True
+ isLabel _ = False
+ (block, rest) = break isLabel stmts
+ ppRest = case rest of
+ MkLabel id:xs -> ppLlvmBlock (LlvmBlock id xs)
+ _ -> empty
+ in ppLlvmBlockLabel blockId
+ $+$ (vcat $ map ppLlvmStatement block)
+ $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppRest
+-- | Print out an LLVM block label.
+ppLlvmBlockLabel :: LlvmBlockId -> SDoc
+ppLlvmBlockLabel id = pprUniqueAlways id <> colon
+-- | Print out an LLVM statement.
+ppLlvmStatement :: LlvmStatement -> SDoc
+ppLlvmStatement stmt =
+ let ind = (text " " <>)
+ in case stmt of
+ Assignment dst expr -> ind $ ppAssignment dst (ppLlvmExpression expr)
+ Fence st ord -> ind $ ppFence st ord
+ Branch target -> ind $ ppBranch target
+ BranchIf cond ifT ifF -> ind $ ppBranchIf cond ifT ifF
+ Comment comments -> ind $ ppLlvmComments comments
+ MkLabel label -> ppLlvmBlockLabel label
+ Store value ptr -> ind $ ppStore value ptr
+ Switch scrut def tgs -> ind $ ppSwitch scrut def tgs
+ Return result -> ind $ ppReturn result
+ Expr expr -> ind $ ppLlvmExpression expr
+ Unreachable -> ind $ text "unreachable"
+ Nop -> empty
+ MetaStmt meta s -> ppMetaStatement meta s
+-- | Print out an LLVM expression.
+ppLlvmExpression :: LlvmExpression -> SDoc
+ppLlvmExpression expr
+ = case expr of
+ Alloca tp amount -> ppAlloca tp amount
+ LlvmOp op left right -> ppMachOp op left right
+ Call tp fp args attrs -> ppCall tp fp (map MetaVar args) attrs
+ CallM tp fp args attrs -> ppCall tp fp args attrs
+ Cast op from to -> ppCast op from to
+ Compare op left right -> ppCmpOp op left right
+ Extract vec idx -> ppExtract vec idx
+ ExtractV struct idx -> ppExtractV struct idx
+ Insert vec elt idx -> ppInsert vec elt idx
+ GetElemPtr inb ptr indexes -> ppGetElementPtr inb ptr indexes
+ Load ptr -> ppLoad ptr
+ ALoad ord st ptr -> ppALoad ord st ptr
+ Malloc tp amount -> ppMalloc tp amount
+ AtomicRMW aop tgt src ordering -> ppAtomicRMW aop tgt src ordering
+ CmpXChg addr old new s_ord f_ord -> ppCmpXChg addr old new s_ord f_ord
+ Phi tp predecessors -> ppPhi tp predecessors
+ Asm asm c ty v se sk -> ppAsm asm c ty v se sk
+ MExpr meta expr -> ppMetaExpr meta expr
+-- * Individual print functions
+-- | Should always be a function pointer. So a global var of function type
+-- (since globals are always pointers) or a local var of pointer function type.
+ppCall :: LlvmCallType -> LlvmVar -> [MetaExpr] -> [LlvmFuncAttr] -> SDoc
+ppCall ct fptr args attrs = case fptr of
+ --
+ -- if local var function pointer, unwrap
+ LMLocalVar _ (LMPointer (LMFunction d)) -> ppCall' d
+ -- should be function type otherwise
+ LMGlobalVar _ (LMFunction d) _ _ _ _ -> ppCall' d
+ -- not pointer or function, so error
+ _other -> error $ "ppCall called with non LMFunction type!\nMust be "
+ ++ " called with either global var of function type or "
+ ++ "local var of pointer function type."
+ where
+ ppCall' (LlvmFunctionDecl _ _ cc ret argTy params _) =
+ let tc = if ct == TailCall then text "tail " else empty
+ ppValues = hsep $ punctuate comma $ map ppCallMetaExpr args
+ ppArgTy = (ppCommaJoin $ map fst params) <>
+ (case argTy of
+ VarArgs -> text ", ..."
+ FixedArgs -> empty)
+ fnty = space <> lparen <> ppArgTy <> rparen
+ attrDoc = ppSpaceJoin attrs
+ in tc <> text "call" <+> ppr cc <+> ppr ret
+ <> fnty <+> ppName fptr <> lparen <+> ppValues
+ <+> rparen <+> attrDoc
+ -- Metadata needs to be marked as having the `metadata` type when used
+ -- in a call argument
+ ppCallMetaExpr (MetaVar v) = ppr v
+ ppCallMetaExpr v = text "metadata" <+> ppr v
+ppMachOp :: LlvmMachOp -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppMachOp op left right =
+ (ppr op) <+> (ppr (getVarType left)) <+> ppName left
+ <> comma <+> ppName right
+ppCmpOp :: LlvmCmpOp -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppCmpOp op left right =
+ let cmpOp
+ | isInt (getVarType left) && isInt (getVarType right) = text "icmp"
+ | isFloat (getVarType left) && isFloat (getVarType right) = text "fcmp"
+ | otherwise = text "icmp" -- Just continue as its much easier to debug
+ {-
+ | otherwise = error ("can't compare different types, left = "
+ ++ (show $ getVarType left) ++ ", right = "
+ ++ (show $ getVarType right))
+ -}
+ in cmpOp <+> ppr op <+> ppr (getVarType left)
+ <+> ppName left <> comma <+> ppName right
+ppAssignment :: LlvmVar -> SDoc -> SDoc
+ppAssignment var expr = ppName var <+> equals <+> expr
+ppFence :: Bool -> LlvmSyncOrdering -> SDoc
+ppFence st ord =
+ let singleThread = case st of True -> text "singlethread"
+ False -> empty
+ in text "fence" <+> singleThread <+> ppSyncOrdering ord
+ppSyncOrdering :: LlvmSyncOrdering -> SDoc
+ppSyncOrdering SyncUnord = text "unordered"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncMonotonic = text "monotonic"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncAcquire = text "acquire"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncRelease = text "release"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncAcqRel = text "acq_rel"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncSeqCst = text "seq_cst"
+ppAtomicOp :: LlvmAtomicOp -> SDoc
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Xchg = text "xchg"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Add = text "add"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Sub = text "sub"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_And = text "and"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Nand = text "nand"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Or = text "or"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Xor = text "xor"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Max = text "max"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Min = text "min"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Umax = text "umax"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Umin = text "umin"
+ppAtomicRMW :: LlvmAtomicOp -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> LlvmSyncOrdering -> SDoc
+ppAtomicRMW aop tgt src ordering =
+ text "atomicrmw" <+> ppAtomicOp aop <+> ppr tgt <> comma
+ <+> ppr src <+> ppSyncOrdering ordering
+ppCmpXChg :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar
+ -> LlvmSyncOrdering -> LlvmSyncOrdering -> SDoc
+ppCmpXChg addr old new s_ord f_ord =
+ text "cmpxchg" <+> ppr addr <> comma <+> ppr old <> comma <+> ppr new
+ <+> ppSyncOrdering s_ord <+> ppSyncOrdering f_ord
+-- XXX: On x86, vector types need to be 16-byte aligned for aligned access, but
+-- we have no way of guaranteeing that this is true with GHC (we would need to
+-- modify the layout of the stack and closures, change the storage manager,
+-- etc.). So, we blindly tell LLVM that *any* vector store or load could be
+-- unaligned. In the future we may be able to guarantee that certain vector
+-- access patterns are aligned, in which case we will need a more granular way
+-- of specifying alignment.
+ppLoad :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppLoad var = text "load" <+> ppr derefType <> comma <+> ppr var <> align
+ where
+ derefType = pLower $ getVarType var
+ align | isVector . pLower . getVarType $ var = text ", align 1"
+ | otherwise = empty
+ppALoad :: LlvmSyncOrdering -> SingleThreaded -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppALoad ord st var = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ let alignment = (llvmWidthInBits dflags $ getVarType var) `quot` 8
+ align = text ", align" <+> ppr alignment
+ sThreaded | st = text " singlethread"
+ | otherwise = empty
+ derefType = pLower $ getVarType var
+ in text "load atomic" <+> ppr derefType <> comma <+> ppr var <> sThreaded
+ <+> ppSyncOrdering ord <> align
+ppStore :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppStore val dst
+ | isVecPtrVar dst = text "store" <+> ppr val <> comma <+> ppr dst <>
+ comma <+> text "align 1"
+ | otherwise = text "store" <+> ppr val <> comma <+> ppr dst
+ where
+ isVecPtrVar :: LlvmVar -> Bool
+ isVecPtrVar = isVector . pLower . getVarType
+ppCast :: LlvmCastOp -> LlvmVar -> LlvmType -> SDoc
+ppCast op from to
+ = ppr op
+ <+> ppr (getVarType from) <+> ppName from
+ <+> text "to"
+ <+> ppr to
+ppMalloc :: LlvmType -> Int -> SDoc
+ppMalloc tp amount =
+ let amount' = LMLitVar $ LMIntLit (toInteger amount) i32
+ in text "malloc" <+> ppr tp <> comma <+> ppr amount'
+ppAlloca :: LlvmType -> Int -> SDoc
+ppAlloca tp amount =
+ let amount' = LMLitVar $ LMIntLit (toInteger amount) i32
+ in text "alloca" <+> ppr tp <> comma <+> ppr amount'
+ppGetElementPtr :: Bool -> LlvmVar -> [LlvmVar] -> SDoc
+ppGetElementPtr inb ptr idx =
+ let indexes = comma <+> ppCommaJoin idx
+ inbound = if inb then text "inbounds" else empty
+ derefType = pLower $ getVarType ptr
+ in text "getelementptr" <+> inbound <+> ppr derefType <> comma <+> ppr ptr
+ <> indexes
+ppReturn :: Maybe LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppReturn (Just var) = text "ret" <+> ppr var
+ppReturn Nothing = text "ret" <+> ppr LMVoid
+ppBranch :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppBranch var = text "br" <+> ppr var
+ppBranchIf :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppBranchIf cond trueT falseT
+ = text "br" <+> ppr cond <> comma <+> ppr trueT <> comma <+> ppr falseT
+ppPhi :: LlvmType -> [(LlvmVar,LlvmVar)] -> SDoc
+ppPhi tp preds =
+ let ppPreds (val, label) = brackets $ ppName val <> comma <+> ppName label
+ in text "phi" <+> ppr tp <+> hsep (punctuate comma $ map ppPreds preds)
+ppSwitch :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> [(LlvmVar,LlvmVar)] -> SDoc
+ppSwitch scrut dflt targets =
+ let ppTarget (val, lab) = ppr val <> comma <+> ppr lab
+ ppTargets xs = brackets $ vcat (map ppTarget xs)
+ in text "switch" <+> ppr scrut <> comma <+> ppr dflt
+ <+> ppTargets targets
+ppAsm :: LMString -> LMString -> LlvmType -> [LlvmVar] -> Bool -> Bool -> SDoc
+ppAsm asm constraints rty vars sideeffect alignstack =
+ let asm' = doubleQuotes $ ftext asm
+ cons = doubleQuotes $ ftext constraints
+ rty' = ppr rty
+ vars' = lparen <+> ppCommaJoin vars <+> rparen
+ side = if sideeffect then text "sideeffect" else empty
+ align = if alignstack then text "alignstack" else empty
+ in text "call" <+> rty' <+> text "asm" <+> side <+> align <+> asm' <> comma
+ <+> cons <> vars'
+ppExtract :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppExtract vec idx =
+ text "extractelement"
+ <+> ppr (getVarType vec) <+> ppName vec <> comma
+ <+> ppr idx
+ppExtractV :: LlvmVar -> Int -> SDoc
+ppExtractV struct idx =
+ text "extractvalue"
+ <+> ppr (getVarType struct) <+> ppName struct <> comma
+ <+> ppr idx
+ppInsert :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppInsert vec elt idx =
+ text "insertelement"
+ <+> ppr (getVarType vec) <+> ppName vec <> comma
+ <+> ppr (getVarType elt) <+> ppName elt <> comma
+ <+> ppr idx
+ppMetaStatement :: [MetaAnnot] -> LlvmStatement -> SDoc
+ppMetaStatement meta stmt = ppLlvmStatement stmt <> ppMetaAnnots meta
+ppMetaExpr :: [MetaAnnot] -> LlvmExpression -> SDoc
+ppMetaExpr meta expr = ppLlvmExpression expr <> ppMetaAnnots meta
+ppMetaAnnots :: [MetaAnnot] -> SDoc
+ppMetaAnnots meta = hcat $ map ppMeta meta
+ where
+ ppMeta (MetaAnnot name e)
+ = comma <+> exclamation <> ftext name <+>
+ case e of
+ MetaNode n -> ppr n
+ MetaStruct ms -> exclamation <> braces (ppCommaJoin ms)
+ other -> exclamation <> braces (ppr other) -- possible?
+-- * Misc functions
+-- | Blank line.
+newLine :: SDoc
+newLine = empty
+-- | Exclamation point.
+exclamation :: SDoc
+exclamation = char '!'
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Syntax.hs b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Syntax.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d048215a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Syntax.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+-- | The LLVM abstract syntax.
+module GHC.Llvm.Syntax where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm.MetaData
+import GHC.Llvm.Types
+import Unique
+-- | Block labels
+type LlvmBlockId = Unique
+-- | A block of LLVM code.
+data LlvmBlock = LlvmBlock {
+ -- | The code label for this block
+ blockLabel :: LlvmBlockId,
+ -- | A list of LlvmStatement's representing the code for this block.
+ -- This list must end with a control flow statement.
+ blockStmts :: [LlvmStatement]
+ }
+type LlvmBlocks = [LlvmBlock]
+-- | An LLVM Module. This is a top level container in LLVM.
+data LlvmModule = LlvmModule {
+ -- | Comments to include at the start of the module.
+ modComments :: [LMString],
+ -- | LLVM Alias type definitions.
+ modAliases :: [LlvmAlias],
+ -- | LLVM meta data.
+ modMeta :: [MetaDecl],
+ -- | Global variables to include in the module.
+ modGlobals :: [LMGlobal],
+ -- | LLVM Functions used in this module but defined in other modules.
+ modFwdDecls :: LlvmFunctionDecls,
+ -- | LLVM Functions defined in this module.
+ modFuncs :: LlvmFunctions
+ }
+-- | An LLVM Function
+data LlvmFunction = LlvmFunction {
+ -- | The signature of this declared function.
+ funcDecl :: LlvmFunctionDecl,
+ -- | The functions arguments
+ funcArgs :: [LMString],
+ -- | The function attributes.
+ funcAttrs :: [LlvmFuncAttr],
+ -- | The section to put the function into,
+ funcSect :: LMSection,
+ -- | Prefix data
+ funcPrefix :: Maybe LlvmStatic,
+ -- | The body of the functions.
+ funcBody :: LlvmBlocks
+ }
+type LlvmFunctions = [LlvmFunction]
+type SingleThreaded = Bool
+-- | LLVM ordering types for synchronization purposes. (Introduced in LLVM
+-- 3.0). Please see the LLVM documentation for a better description.
+data LlvmSyncOrdering
+ -- | Some partial order of operations exists.
+ = SyncUnord
+ -- | A single total order for operations at a single address exists.
+ | SyncMonotonic
+ -- | Acquire synchronization operation.
+ | SyncAcquire
+ -- | Release synchronization operation.
+ | SyncRelease
+ -- | Acquire + Release synchronization operation.
+ | SyncAcqRel
+ -- | Full sequential Consistency operation.
+ | SyncSeqCst
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | LLVM atomic operations. Please see the @atomicrmw@ instruction in
+-- the LLVM documentation for a complete description.
+data LlvmAtomicOp
+ = LAO_Xchg
+ | LAO_Add
+ | LAO_Sub
+ | LAO_And
+ | LAO_Nand
+ | LAO_Or
+ | LAO_Xor
+ | LAO_Max
+ | LAO_Min
+ | LAO_Umax
+ | LAO_Umin
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | Llvm Statements
+data LlvmStatement
+ {- |
+ Assign an expression to a variable:
+ * dest: Variable to assign to
+ * source: Source expression
+ -}
+ = Assignment LlvmVar LlvmExpression
+ {- |
+ Memory fence operation
+ -}
+ | Fence Bool LlvmSyncOrdering
+ {- |
+ Always branch to the target label
+ -}
+ | Branch LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Branch to label targetTrue if cond is true otherwise to label targetFalse
+ * cond: condition that will be tested, must be of type i1
+ * targetTrue: label to branch to if cond is true
+ * targetFalse: label to branch to if cond is false
+ -}
+ | BranchIf LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Comment
+ Plain comment.
+ -}
+ | Comment [LMString]
+ {- |
+ Set a label on this position.
+ * name: Identifier of this label, unique for this module
+ -}
+ | MkLabel LlvmBlockId
+ {- |
+ Store variable value in pointer ptr. If value is of type t then ptr must
+ be of type t*.
+ * value: Variable/Constant to store.
+ * ptr: Location to store the value in
+ -}
+ | Store LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Multiway branch
+ * scrutinee: Variable or constant which must be of integer type that is
+ determines which arm is chosen.
+ * def: The default label if there is no match in target.
+ * target: A list of (value,label) where the value is an integer
+ constant and label the corresponding label to jump to if the
+ scrutinee matches the value.
+ -}
+ | Switch LlvmVar LlvmVar [(LlvmVar, LlvmVar)]
+ {- |
+ Return a result.
+ * result: The variable or constant to return
+ -}
+ | Return (Maybe LlvmVar)
+ {- |
+ An instruction for the optimizer that the code following is not reachable
+ -}
+ | Unreachable
+ {- |
+ Raise an expression to a statement (if don't want result or want to use
+ Llvm unnamed values.
+ -}
+ | Expr LlvmExpression
+ {- |
+ A nop LLVM statement. Useful as its often more efficient to use this
+ then to wrap LLvmStatement in a Just or [].
+ -}
+ | Nop
+ {- |
+ A LLVM statement with metadata attached to it.
+ -}
+ | MetaStmt [MetaAnnot] LlvmStatement
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Llvm Expressions
+data LlvmExpression
+ {- |
+ Allocate amount * sizeof(tp) bytes on the stack
+ * tp: LlvmType to reserve room for
+ * amount: The nr of tp's which must be allocated
+ -}
+ = Alloca LlvmType Int
+ {- |
+ Perform the machine operator op on the operands left and right
+ * op: operator
+ * left: left operand
+ * right: right operand
+ -}
+ | LlvmOp LlvmMachOp LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Perform a compare operation on the operands left and right
+ * op: operator
+ * left: left operand
+ * right: right operand
+ -}
+ | Compare LlvmCmpOp LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Extract a scalar element from a vector
+ * val: The vector
+ * idx: The index of the scalar within the vector
+ -}
+ | Extract LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Extract a scalar element from a structure
+ * val: The structure
+ * idx: The index of the scalar within the structure
+ Corresponds to "extractvalue" instruction.
+ -}
+ | ExtractV LlvmVar Int
+ {- |
+ Insert a scalar element into a vector
+ * val: The source vector
+ * elt: The scalar to insert
+ * index: The index at which to insert the scalar
+ -}
+ | Insert LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Allocate amount * sizeof(tp) bytes on the heap
+ * tp: LlvmType to reserve room for
+ * amount: The nr of tp's which must be allocated
+ -}
+ | Malloc LlvmType Int
+ {- |
+ Load the value at location ptr
+ -}
+ | Load LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Atomic load of the value at location ptr
+ -}
+ | ALoad LlvmSyncOrdering SingleThreaded LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Navigate in a structure, selecting elements
+ * inbound: Is the pointer inbounds? (computed pointer doesn't overflow)
+ * ptr: Location of the structure
+ * indexes: A list of indexes to select the correct value.
+ -}
+ | GetElemPtr Bool LlvmVar [LlvmVar]
+ {- |
+ Cast the variable from to the to type. This is an abstraction of three
+ cast operators in Llvm, inttoptr, ptrtoint and bitcast.
+ * cast: Cast type
+ * from: Variable to cast
+ * to: type to cast to
+ -}
+ | Cast LlvmCastOp LlvmVar LlvmType
+ {- |
+ Atomic read-modify-write operation
+ * op: Atomic operation
+ * addr: Address to modify
+ * operand: Operand to operation
+ * ordering: Ordering requirement
+ -}
+ | AtomicRMW LlvmAtomicOp LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmSyncOrdering
+ {- |
+ Compare-and-exchange operation
+ * addr: Address to modify
+ * old: Expected value
+ * new: New value
+ * suc_ord: Ordering required in success case
+ * fail_ord: Ordering required in failure case, can be no stronger than
+ suc_ord
+ Result is an @i1@, true if store was successful.
+ -}
+ | CmpXChg LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmSyncOrdering LlvmSyncOrdering
+ {- |
+ Call a function. The result is the value of the expression.
+ * tailJumps: CallType to signal if the function should be tail called
+ * fnptrval: An LLVM value containing a pointer to a function to be
+ invoked. Can be indirect. Should be LMFunction type.
+ * args: Concrete arguments for the parameters
+ * attrs: A list of function attributes for the call. Only NoReturn,
+ NoUnwind, ReadOnly and ReadNone are valid here.
+ -}
+ | Call LlvmCallType LlvmVar [LlvmVar] [LlvmFuncAttr]
+ {- |
+ Call a function as above but potentially taking metadata as arguments.
+ * tailJumps: CallType to signal if the function should be tail called
+ * fnptrval: An LLVM value containing a pointer to a function to be
+ invoked. Can be indirect. Should be LMFunction type.
+ * args: Arguments that may include metadata.
+ * attrs: A list of function attributes for the call. Only NoReturn,
+ NoUnwind, ReadOnly and ReadNone are valid here.
+ -}
+ | CallM LlvmCallType LlvmVar [MetaExpr] [LlvmFuncAttr]
+ {- |
+ Merge variables from different basic blocks which are predecessors of this
+ basic block in a new variable of type tp.
+ * tp: type of the merged variable, must match the types of the
+ predecessor variables.
+ * predecessors: A list of variables and the basic block that they originate
+ from.
+ -}
+ | Phi LlvmType [(LlvmVar,LlvmVar)]
+ {- |
+ Inline assembly expression. Syntax is very similar to the style used by GCC.
+ * assembly: Actual inline assembly code.
+ * constraints: Operand constraints.
+ * return ty: Return type of function.
+ * vars: Any variables involved in the assembly code.
+ * sideeffect: Does the expression have side effects not visible from the
+ constraints list.
+ * alignstack: Should the stack be conservatively aligned before this
+ expression is executed.
+ -}
+ | Asm LMString LMString LlvmType [LlvmVar] Bool Bool
+ {- |
+ A LLVM expression with metadata attached to it.
+ -}
+ | MExpr [MetaAnnot] LlvmExpression
+ deriving (Eq)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4fa9a9a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+-- | The LLVM Type System.
+module GHC.Llvm.Types where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Int
+import Numeric
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+-- from NCG
+import PprBase
+import GHC.Float
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * LLVM Basic Types and Variables
+-- | A global mutable variable. Maybe defined or external
+data LMGlobal = LMGlobal {
+ getGlobalVar :: LlvmVar, -- ^ Returns the variable of the 'LMGlobal'
+ getGlobalValue :: Maybe LlvmStatic -- ^ Return the value of the 'LMGlobal'
+ }
+-- | A String in LLVM
+type LMString = FastString
+-- | A type alias
+type LlvmAlias = (LMString, LlvmType)
+-- | Llvm Types
+data LlvmType
+ = LMInt Int -- ^ An integer with a given width in bits.
+ | LMFloat -- ^ 32 bit floating point
+ | LMDouble -- ^ 64 bit floating point
+ | LMFloat80 -- ^ 80 bit (x86 only) floating point
+ | LMFloat128 -- ^ 128 bit floating point
+ | LMPointer LlvmType -- ^ A pointer to a 'LlvmType'
+ | LMArray Int LlvmType -- ^ An array of 'LlvmType'
+ | LMVector Int LlvmType -- ^ A vector of 'LlvmType'
+ | LMLabel -- ^ A 'LlvmVar' can represent a label (address)
+ | LMVoid -- ^ Void type
+ | LMStruct [LlvmType] -- ^ Packed structure type
+ | LMStructU [LlvmType] -- ^ Unpacked structure type
+ | LMAlias LlvmAlias -- ^ A type alias
+ | LMMetadata -- ^ LLVM Metadata
+ -- | Function type, used to create pointers to functions
+ | LMFunction LlvmFunctionDecl
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmType where
+ ppr (LMInt size ) = char 'i' <> ppr size
+ ppr (LMFloat ) = text "float"
+ ppr (LMDouble ) = text "double"
+ ppr (LMFloat80 ) = text "x86_fp80"
+ ppr (LMFloat128 ) = text "fp128"
+ ppr (LMPointer x ) = ppr x <> char '*'
+ ppr (LMArray nr tp ) = char '[' <> ppr nr <> text " x " <> ppr tp <> char ']'
+ ppr (LMVector nr tp ) = char '<' <> ppr nr <> text " x " <> ppr tp <> char '>'
+ ppr (LMLabel ) = text "label"
+ ppr (LMVoid ) = text "void"
+ ppr (LMStruct tys ) = text "<{" <> ppCommaJoin tys <> text "}>"
+ ppr (LMStructU tys ) = text "{" <> ppCommaJoin tys <> text "}"
+ ppr (LMMetadata ) = text "metadata"
+ ppr (LMFunction (LlvmFunctionDecl _ _ _ r varg p _))
+ = ppr r <+> lparen <> ppParams varg p <> rparen
+ ppr (LMAlias (s,_)) = char '%' <> ftext s
+ppParams :: LlvmParameterListType -> [LlvmParameter] -> SDoc
+ppParams varg p
+ = let varg' = case varg of
+ VarArgs | null args -> sLit "..."
+ | otherwise -> sLit ", ..."
+ _otherwise -> sLit ""
+ -- by default we don't print param attributes
+ args = map fst p
+ in ppCommaJoin args <> ptext varg'
+-- | An LLVM section definition. If Nothing then let LLVM decide the section
+type LMSection = Maybe LMString
+type LMAlign = Maybe Int
+data LMConst = Global -- ^ Mutable global variable
+ | Constant -- ^ Constant global variable
+ | Alias -- ^ Alias of another variable
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | LLVM Variables
+data LlvmVar
+ -- | Variables with a global scope.
+ = LMGlobalVar LMString LlvmType LlvmLinkageType LMSection LMAlign LMConst
+ -- | Variables local to a function or parameters.
+ | LMLocalVar Unique LlvmType
+ -- | Named local variables. Sometimes we need to be able to explicitly name
+ -- variables (e.g for function arguments).
+ | LMNLocalVar LMString LlvmType
+ -- | A constant variable
+ | LMLitVar LlvmLit
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmVar where
+ ppr (LMLitVar x) = ppr x
+ ppr (x ) = ppr (getVarType x) <+> ppName x
+-- | Llvm Literal Data.
+-- These can be used inline in expressions.
+data LlvmLit
+ -- | Refers to an integer constant (i64 42).
+ = LMIntLit Integer LlvmType
+ -- | Floating point literal
+ | LMFloatLit Double LlvmType
+ -- | Literal NULL, only applicable to pointer types
+ | LMNullLit LlvmType
+ -- | Vector literal
+ | LMVectorLit [LlvmLit]
+ -- | Undefined value, random bit pattern. Useful for optimisations.
+ | LMUndefLit LlvmType
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmLit where
+ ppr l@(LMVectorLit {}) = ppLit l
+ ppr l = ppr (getLitType l) <+> ppLit l
+-- | Llvm Static Data.
+-- These represent the possible global level variables and constants.
+data LlvmStatic
+ = LMComment LMString -- ^ A comment in a static section
+ | LMStaticLit LlvmLit -- ^ A static variant of a literal value
+ | LMUninitType LlvmType -- ^ For uninitialised data
+ | LMStaticStr LMString LlvmType -- ^ Defines a static 'LMString'
+ | LMStaticArray [LlvmStatic] LlvmType -- ^ A static array
+ | LMStaticStruc [LlvmStatic] LlvmType -- ^ A static structure type
+ | LMStaticPointer LlvmVar -- ^ A pointer to other data
+ -- static expressions, could split out but leave
+ -- for moment for ease of use. Not many of them.
+ | LMTrunc LlvmStatic LlvmType -- ^ Truncate
+ | LMBitc LlvmStatic LlvmType -- ^ Pointer to Pointer conversion
+ | LMPtoI LlvmStatic LlvmType -- ^ Pointer to Integer conversion
+ | LMAdd LlvmStatic LlvmStatic -- ^ Constant addition operation
+ | LMSub LlvmStatic LlvmStatic -- ^ Constant subtraction operation
+instance Outputable LlvmStatic where
+ ppr (LMComment s) = text "; " <> ftext s
+ ppr (LMStaticLit l ) = ppr l
+ ppr (LMUninitType t) = ppr t <> text " undef"
+ ppr (LMStaticStr s t) = ppr t <> text " c\"" <> ftext s <> text "\\00\""
+ ppr (LMStaticArray d t) = ppr t <> text " [" <> ppCommaJoin d <> char ']'
+ ppr (LMStaticStruc d t) = ppr t <> text "<{" <> ppCommaJoin d <> text "}>"
+ ppr (LMStaticPointer v) = ppr v
+ ppr (LMTrunc v t)
+ = ppr t <> text " trunc (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t <> char ')'
+ ppr (LMBitc v t)
+ = ppr t <> text " bitcast (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t <> char ')'
+ ppr (LMPtoI v t)
+ = ppr t <> text " ptrtoint (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t <> char ')'
+ ppr (LMAdd s1 s2)
+ = pprStaticArith s1 s2 (sLit "add") (sLit "fadd") "LMAdd"
+ ppr (LMSub s1 s2)
+ = pprStaticArith s1 s2 (sLit "sub") (sLit "fsub") "LMSub"
+pprSpecialStatic :: LlvmStatic -> SDoc
+pprSpecialStatic (LMBitc v t) =
+ ppr (pLower t) <> text ", bitcast (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t
+ <> char ')'
+pprSpecialStatic v@(LMStaticPointer x) = ppr (pLower $ getVarType x) <> comma <+> ppr v
+pprSpecialStatic stat = ppr stat
+pprStaticArith :: LlvmStatic -> LlvmStatic -> PtrString -> PtrString
+ -> String -> SDoc
+pprStaticArith s1 s2 int_op float_op op_name =
+ let ty1 = getStatType s1
+ op = if isFloat ty1 then float_op else int_op
+ in if ty1 == getStatType s2
+ then ppr ty1 <+> ptext op <+> lparen <> ppr s1 <> comma <> ppr s2 <> rparen
+ else sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ error $ op_name ++ " with different types! s1: "
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr s1) ++ ", s2: " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr s2)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ** Operations on LLVM Basic Types and Variables
+-- | Return the variable name or value of the 'LlvmVar'
+-- in Llvm IR textual representation (e.g. @\@x@, @%y@ or @42@).
+ppName :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppName v@(LMGlobalVar {}) = char '@' <> ppPlainName v
+ppName v@(LMLocalVar {}) = char '%' <> ppPlainName v
+ppName v@(LMNLocalVar {}) = char '%' <> ppPlainName v
+ppName v@(LMLitVar {}) = ppPlainName v
+-- | Return the variable name or value of the 'LlvmVar'
+-- in a plain textual representation (e.g. @x@, @y@ or @42@).
+ppPlainName :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppPlainName (LMGlobalVar x _ _ _ _ _) = ftext x
+ppPlainName (LMLocalVar x LMLabel ) = text (show x)
+ppPlainName (LMLocalVar x _ ) = text ('l' : show x)
+ppPlainName (LMNLocalVar x _ ) = ftext x
+ppPlainName (LMLitVar x ) = ppLit x
+-- | Print a literal value. No type.
+ppLit :: LlvmLit -> SDoc
+ppLit (LMIntLit i (LMInt 32)) = ppr (fromInteger i :: Int32)
+ppLit (LMIntLit i (LMInt 64)) = ppr (fromInteger i :: Int64)
+ppLit (LMIntLit i _ ) = ppr ((fromInteger i)::Int)
+ppLit (LMFloatLit r LMFloat ) = ppFloat $ narrowFp r
+ppLit (LMFloatLit r LMDouble) = ppDouble r
+ppLit f@(LMFloatLit _ _) = sdocWithDynFlags (\dflags ->
+ error $ "Can't print this float literal!" ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr f))
+ppLit (LMVectorLit ls ) = char '<' <+> ppCommaJoin ls <+> char '>'
+ppLit (LMNullLit _ ) = text "null"
+-- #11487 was an issue where we passed undef for some arguments
+-- that were actually live. By chance the registers holding those
+-- arguments usually happened to have the right values anyways, but
+-- that was not guaranteed. To find such bugs reliably, we set the
+-- flag below when validating, which replaces undef literals (at
+-- common types) with values that are likely to cause a crash or test
+-- failure.
+ppLit (LMUndefLit t ) = sdocWithDynFlags f
+ where f dflags
+ | gopt Opt_LlvmFillUndefWithGarbage dflags,
+ Just lit <- garbageLit t = ppLit lit
+ | otherwise = text "undef"
+garbageLit :: LlvmType -> Maybe LlvmLit
+garbageLit t@(LMInt w) = Just (LMIntLit (0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb0 `mod` (2^w)) t)
+ -- Use a value that looks like an untagged pointer, so we are more
+ -- likely to try to enter it
+garbageLit t
+ | isFloat t = Just (LMFloatLit 12345678.9 t)
+garbageLit t@(LMPointer _) = Just (LMNullLit t)
+ -- Using null isn't totally ideal, since some functions may check for null.
+ -- But producing another value is inconvenient since it needs a cast,
+ -- and the knowledge for how to format casts is in PpLlvm.
+garbageLit _ = Nothing
+ -- More cases could be added, but this should do for now.
+-- | Return the 'LlvmType' of the 'LlvmVar'
+getVarType :: LlvmVar -> LlvmType
+getVarType (LMGlobalVar _ y _ _ _ _) = y
+getVarType (LMLocalVar _ y ) = y
+getVarType (LMNLocalVar _ y ) = y
+getVarType (LMLitVar l ) = getLitType l
+-- | Return the 'LlvmType' of a 'LlvmLit'
+getLitType :: LlvmLit -> LlvmType
+getLitType (LMIntLit _ t) = t
+getLitType (LMFloatLit _ t) = t
+getLitType (LMVectorLit []) = panic "getLitType"
+getLitType (LMVectorLit ls) = LMVector (length ls) (getLitType (head ls))
+getLitType (LMNullLit t) = t
+getLitType (LMUndefLit t) = t
+-- | Return the 'LlvmType' of the 'LlvmStatic'
+getStatType :: LlvmStatic -> LlvmType
+getStatType (LMStaticLit l ) = getLitType l
+getStatType (LMUninitType t) = t
+getStatType (LMStaticStr _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMStaticArray _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMStaticStruc _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMStaticPointer v) = getVarType v
+getStatType (LMTrunc _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMBitc _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMPtoI _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMAdd t _) = getStatType t
+getStatType (LMSub t _) = getStatType t
+getStatType (LMComment _) = error "Can't call getStatType on LMComment!"
+-- | Return the 'LlvmLinkageType' for a 'LlvmVar'
+getLink :: LlvmVar -> LlvmLinkageType
+getLink (LMGlobalVar _ _ l _ _ _) = l
+getLink _ = Internal
+-- | Add a pointer indirection to the supplied type. 'LMLabel' and 'LMVoid'
+-- cannot be lifted.
+pLift :: LlvmType -> LlvmType
+pLift LMLabel = error "Labels are unliftable"
+pLift LMVoid = error "Voids are unliftable"
+pLift LMMetadata = error "Metadatas are unliftable"
+pLift x = LMPointer x
+-- | Lift a variable to 'LMPointer' type.
+pVarLift :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar
+pVarLift (LMGlobalVar s t l x a c) = LMGlobalVar s (pLift t) l x a c
+pVarLift (LMLocalVar s t ) = LMLocalVar s (pLift t)
+pVarLift (LMNLocalVar s t ) = LMNLocalVar s (pLift t)
+pVarLift (LMLitVar _ ) = error $ "Can't lower a literal type!"
+-- | Remove the pointer indirection of the supplied type. Only 'LMPointer'
+-- constructors can be lowered.
+pLower :: LlvmType -> LlvmType
+pLower (LMPointer x) = x
+pLower x = pprPanic "llvmGen(pLower)"
+ $ ppr x <+> text " is a unlowerable type, need a pointer"
+-- | Lower a variable of 'LMPointer' type.
+pVarLower :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar
+pVarLower (LMGlobalVar s t l x a c) = LMGlobalVar s (pLower t) l x a c
+pVarLower (LMLocalVar s t ) = LMLocalVar s (pLower t)
+pVarLower (LMNLocalVar s t ) = LMNLocalVar s (pLower t)
+pVarLower (LMLitVar _ ) = error $ "Can't lower a literal type!"
+-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is an integer
+isInt :: LlvmType -> Bool
+isInt (LMInt _) = True
+isInt _ = False
+-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is a floating point type
+isFloat :: LlvmType -> Bool
+isFloat LMFloat = True
+isFloat LMDouble = True
+isFloat LMFloat80 = True
+isFloat LMFloat128 = True
+isFloat _ = False
+-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is an 'LMPointer' construct
+isPointer :: LlvmType -> Bool
+isPointer (LMPointer _) = True
+isPointer _ = False
+-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is an 'LMVector' construct
+isVector :: LlvmType -> Bool
+isVector (LMVector {}) = True
+isVector _ = False
+-- | Test if a 'LlvmVar' is global.
+isGlobal :: LlvmVar -> Bool
+isGlobal (LMGlobalVar _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
+isGlobal _ = False
+-- | Width in bits of an 'LlvmType', returns 0 if not applicable
+llvmWidthInBits :: DynFlags -> LlvmType -> Int
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMInt n) = n
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMFloat) = 32
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMDouble) = 64
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMFloat80) = 80
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMFloat128) = 128
+-- Could return either a pointer width here or the width of what
+-- it points to. We will go with the former for now.
+-- PMW: At least judging by the way LLVM outputs constants, pointers
+-- should use the former, but arrays the latter.
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMPointer _) = llvmWidthInBits dflags (llvmWord dflags)
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMArray n t) = n * llvmWidthInBits dflags t
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMVector n ty) = n * llvmWidthInBits dflags ty
+llvmWidthInBits _ LMLabel = 0
+llvmWidthInBits _ LMVoid = 0
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMStruct tys) = sum $ map (llvmWidthInBits dflags) tys
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMStructU _) =
+ -- It's not trivial to calculate the bit width of the unpacked structs,
+ -- since they will be aligned depending on the specified datalayout (
+ -- ). One way we could support
+ -- this could be to make the GHC.CmmToLlvm.Ppr.moduleLayout be a data type
+ -- that exposes the alignment information. However, currently the only place
+ -- we use unpacked structs is LLVM intrinsics that return them (e.g.,
+ -- llvm.sadd.with.overflow.*), so we don't actually need to compute their
+ -- bit width.
+ panic "llvmWidthInBits: not implemented for LMStructU"
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMFunction _) = 0
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMAlias (_,t)) = llvmWidthInBits dflags t
+llvmWidthInBits _ LMMetadata = panic "llvmWidthInBits: Meta-data has no runtime representation!"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ** Shortcut for Common Types
+i128, i64, i32, i16, i8, i1, i8Ptr :: LlvmType
+i128 = LMInt 128
+i64 = LMInt 64
+i32 = LMInt 32
+i16 = LMInt 16
+i8 = LMInt 8
+i1 = LMInt 1
+i8Ptr = pLift i8
+-- | The target architectures word size
+llvmWord, llvmWordPtr :: DynFlags -> LlvmType
+llvmWord dflags = LMInt (wORD_SIZE dflags * 8)
+llvmWordPtr dflags = pLift (llvmWord dflags)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * LLVM Function Types
+-- | An LLVM Function
+data LlvmFunctionDecl = LlvmFunctionDecl {
+ -- | Unique identifier of the function
+ decName :: LMString,
+ -- | LinkageType of the function
+ funcLinkage :: LlvmLinkageType,
+ -- | The calling convention of the function
+ funcCc :: LlvmCallConvention,
+ -- | Type of the returned value
+ decReturnType :: LlvmType,
+ -- | Indicates if this function uses varargs
+ decVarargs :: LlvmParameterListType,
+ -- | Parameter types and attributes
+ decParams :: [LlvmParameter],
+ -- | Function align value, must be power of 2
+ funcAlign :: LMAlign
+ }
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmFunctionDecl where
+ ppr (LlvmFunctionDecl n l c r varg p a)
+ = let align = case a of
+ Just a' -> text " align " <> ppr a'
+ Nothing -> empty
+ in ppr l <+> ppr c <+> ppr r <+> char '@' <> ftext n <>
+ lparen <> ppParams varg p <> rparen <> align
+type LlvmFunctionDecls = [LlvmFunctionDecl]
+type LlvmParameter = (LlvmType, [LlvmParamAttr])
+-- | LLVM Parameter Attributes.
+-- Parameter attributes are used to communicate additional information about
+-- the result or parameters of a function
+data LlvmParamAttr
+ -- | This indicates to the code generator that the parameter or return value
+ -- should be zero-extended to a 32-bit value by the caller (for a parameter)
+ -- or the callee (for a return value).
+ = ZeroExt
+ -- | This indicates to the code generator that the parameter or return value
+ -- should be sign-extended to a 32-bit value by the caller (for a parameter)
+ -- or the callee (for a return value).
+ | SignExt
+ -- | This indicates that this parameter or return value should be treated in
+ -- a special target-dependent fashion during while emitting code for a
+ -- function call or return (usually, by putting it in a register as opposed
+ -- to memory).
+ | InReg
+ -- | This indicates that the pointer parameter should really be passed by
+ -- value to the function.
+ | ByVal
+ -- | This indicates that the pointer parameter specifies the address of a
+ -- structure that is the return value of the function in the source program.
+ | SRet
+ -- | This indicates that the pointer does not alias any global or any other
+ -- parameter.
+ | NoAlias
+ -- | This indicates that the callee does not make any copies of the pointer
+ -- that outlive the callee itself
+ | NoCapture
+ -- | This indicates that the pointer parameter can be excised using the
+ -- trampoline intrinsics.
+ | Nest
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmParamAttr where
+ ppr ZeroExt = text "zeroext"
+ ppr SignExt = text "signext"
+ ppr InReg = text "inreg"
+ ppr ByVal = text "byval"
+ ppr SRet = text "sret"
+ ppr NoAlias = text "noalias"
+ ppr NoCapture = text "nocapture"
+ ppr Nest = text "nest"
+-- | Llvm Function Attributes.
+-- Function attributes are set to communicate additional information about a
+-- function. Function attributes are considered to be part of the function,
+-- not of the function type, so functions with different parameter attributes
+-- can have the same function type. Functions can have multiple attributes.
+-- Descriptions taken from <>
+data LlvmFuncAttr
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the inliner should attempt to inline this
+ -- function into callers whenever possible, ignoring any active inlining
+ -- size threshold for this caller.
+ = AlwaysInline
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the source code contained a hint that
+ -- inlining this function is desirable (such as the \"inline\" keyword in
+ -- C/C++). It is just a hint; it imposes no requirements on the inliner.
+ | InlineHint
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the inliner should never inline this
+ -- function in any situation. This attribute may not be used together
+ -- with the alwaysinline attribute.
+ | NoInline
+ -- | This attribute suggests that optimization passes and code generator
+ -- passes make choices that keep the code size of this function low, and
+ -- otherwise do optimizations specifically to reduce code size.
+ | OptSize
+ -- | This function attribute indicates that the function never returns
+ -- normally. This produces undefined behavior at runtime if the function
+ -- ever does dynamically return.
+ | NoReturn
+ -- | This function attribute indicates that the function never returns with
+ -- an unwind or exceptional control flow. If the function does unwind, its
+ -- runtime behavior is undefined.
+ | NoUnwind
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the function computes its result (or
+ -- decides to unwind an exception) based strictly on its arguments, without
+ -- dereferencing any pointer arguments or otherwise accessing any mutable
+ -- state (e.g. memory, control registers, etc) visible to caller functions.
+ -- It does not write through any pointer arguments (including byval
+ -- arguments) and never changes any state visible to callers. This means
+ -- that it cannot unwind exceptions by calling the C++ exception throwing
+ -- methods, but could use the unwind instruction.
+ | ReadNone
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the function does not write through any
+ -- pointer arguments (including byval arguments) or otherwise modify any
+ -- state (e.g. memory, control registers, etc) visible to caller functions.
+ -- It may dereference pointer arguments and read state that may be set in
+ -- the caller. A readonly function always returns the same value (or unwinds
+ -- an exception identically) when called with the same set of arguments and
+ -- global state. It cannot unwind an exception by calling the C++ exception
+ -- throwing methods, but may use the unwind instruction.
+ | ReadOnly
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the function should emit a stack smashing
+ -- protector. It is in the form of a \"canary\"—a random value placed on the
+ -- stack before the local variables that's checked upon return from the
+ -- function to see if it has been overwritten. A heuristic is used to
+ -- determine if a function needs stack protectors or not.
+ --
+ -- If a function that has an ssp attribute is inlined into a function that
+ -- doesn't have an ssp attribute, then the resulting function will have an
+ -- ssp attribute.
+ | Ssp
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the function should always emit a stack
+ -- smashing protector. This overrides the ssp function attribute.
+ --
+ -- If a function that has an sspreq attribute is inlined into a function
+ -- that doesn't have an sspreq attribute or which has an ssp attribute,
+ -- then the resulting function will have an sspreq attribute.
+ | SspReq
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the code generator should not use a red
+ -- zone, even if the target-specific ABI normally permits it.
+ | NoRedZone
+ -- | This attributes disables implicit floating point instructions.
+ | NoImplicitFloat
+ -- | This attribute disables prologue / epilogue emission for the function.
+ -- This can have very system-specific consequences.
+ | Naked
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmFuncAttr where
+ ppr AlwaysInline = text "alwaysinline"
+ ppr InlineHint = text "inlinehint"
+ ppr NoInline = text "noinline"
+ ppr OptSize = text "optsize"
+ ppr NoReturn = text "noreturn"
+ ppr NoUnwind = text "nounwind"
+ ppr ReadNone = text "readnone"
+ ppr ReadOnly = text "readonly"
+ ppr Ssp = text "ssp"
+ ppr SspReq = text "ssqreq"
+ ppr NoRedZone = text "noredzone"
+ ppr NoImplicitFloat = text "noimplicitfloat"
+ ppr Naked = text "naked"
+-- | Different types to call a function.
+data LlvmCallType
+ -- | Normal call, allocate a new stack frame.
+ = StdCall
+ -- | Tail call, perform the call in the current stack frame.
+ | TailCall
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Different calling conventions a function can use.
+data LlvmCallConvention
+ -- | The C calling convention.
+ -- This calling convention (the default if no other calling convention is
+ -- specified) matches the target C calling conventions. This calling
+ -- convention supports varargs function calls and tolerates some mismatch in
+ -- the declared prototype and implemented declaration of the function (as
+ -- does normal C).
+ = CC_Ccc
+ -- | This calling convention attempts to make calls as fast as possible
+ -- (e.g. by passing things in registers). This calling convention allows
+ -- the target to use whatever tricks it wants to produce fast code for the
+ -- target, without having to conform to an externally specified ABI
+ -- (Application Binary Interface). Implementations of this convention should
+ -- allow arbitrary tail call optimization to be supported. This calling
+ -- convention does not support varargs and requires the prototype of al
+ -- callees to exactly match the prototype of the function definition.
+ | CC_Fastcc
+ -- | This calling convention attempts to make code in the caller as efficient
+ -- as possible under the assumption that the call is not commonly executed.
+ -- As such, these calls often preserve all registers so that the call does
+ -- not break any live ranges in the caller side. This calling convention
+ -- does not support varargs and requires the prototype of all callees to
+ -- exactly match the prototype of the function definition.
+ | CC_Coldcc
+ -- | The GHC-specific 'registerised' calling convention.
+ | CC_Ghc
+ -- | Any calling convention may be specified by number, allowing
+ -- target-specific calling conventions to be used. Target specific calling
+ -- conventions start at 64.
+ | CC_Ncc Int
+ -- | X86 Specific 'StdCall' convention. LLVM includes a specific alias for it
+ -- rather than just using CC_Ncc.
+ | CC_X86_Stdcc
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmCallConvention where
+ ppr CC_Ccc = text "ccc"
+ ppr CC_Fastcc = text "fastcc"
+ ppr CC_Coldcc = text "coldcc"
+ ppr CC_Ghc = text "ghccc"
+ ppr (CC_Ncc i) = text "cc " <> ppr i
+ ppr CC_X86_Stdcc = text "x86_stdcallcc"
+-- | Functions can have a fixed amount of parameters, or a variable amount.
+data LlvmParameterListType
+ -- Fixed amount of arguments.
+ = FixedArgs
+ -- Variable amount of arguments.
+ | VarArgs
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Linkage type of a symbol.
+-- The description of the constructors is copied from the Llvm Assembly Language
+-- Reference Manual <>, because
+-- they correspond to the Llvm linkage types.
+data LlvmLinkageType
+ -- | Global values with internal linkage are only directly accessible by
+ -- objects in the current module. In particular, linking code into a module
+ -- with an internal global value may cause the internal to be renamed as
+ -- necessary to avoid collisions. Because the symbol is internal to the
+ -- module, all references can be updated. This corresponds to the notion
+ -- of the @static@ keyword in C.
+ = Internal
+ -- | Globals with @linkonce@ linkage are merged with other globals of the
+ -- same name when linkage occurs. This is typically used to implement
+ -- inline functions, templates, or other code which must be generated
+ -- in each translation unit that uses it. Unreferenced linkonce globals are
+ -- allowed to be discarded.
+ | LinkOnce
+ -- | @weak@ linkage is exactly the same as linkonce linkage, except that
+ -- unreferenced weak globals may not be discarded. This is used for globals
+ -- that may be emitted in multiple translation units, but that are not
+ -- guaranteed to be emitted into every translation unit that uses them. One
+ -- example of this are common globals in C, such as @int X;@ at global
+ -- scope.
+ | Weak
+ -- | @appending@ linkage may only be applied to global variables of pointer
+ -- to array type. When two global variables with appending linkage are
+ -- linked together, the two global arrays are appended together. This is
+ -- the Llvm, typesafe, equivalent of having the system linker append
+ -- together @sections@ with identical names when .o files are linked.
+ | Appending
+ -- | The semantics of this linkage follow the ELF model: the symbol is weak
+ -- until linked, if not linked, the symbol becomes null instead of being an
+ -- undefined reference.
+ | ExternWeak
+ -- | The symbol participates in linkage and can be used to resolve external
+ -- symbol references.
+ | ExternallyVisible
+ -- | Alias for 'ExternallyVisible' but with explicit textual form in LLVM
+ -- assembly.
+ | External
+ -- | Symbol is private to the module and should not appear in the symbol table
+ | Private
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmLinkageType where
+ ppr Internal = text "internal"
+ ppr LinkOnce = text "linkonce"
+ ppr Weak = text "weak"
+ ppr Appending = text "appending"
+ ppr ExternWeak = text "extern_weak"
+ -- ExternallyVisible does not have a textual representation, it is
+ -- the linkage type a function resolves to if no other is specified
+ -- in Llvm.
+ ppr ExternallyVisible = empty
+ ppr External = text "external"
+ ppr Private = text "private"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * LLVM Operations
+-- | Llvm binary operators machine operations.
+data LlvmMachOp
+ = LM_MO_Add -- ^ add two integer, floating point or vector values.
+ | LM_MO_Sub -- ^ subtract two ...
+ | LM_MO_Mul -- ^ multiply ..
+ | LM_MO_UDiv -- ^ unsigned integer or vector division.
+ | LM_MO_SDiv -- ^ signed integer ..
+ | LM_MO_URem -- ^ unsigned integer or vector remainder (mod)
+ | LM_MO_SRem -- ^ signed ...
+ | LM_MO_FAdd -- ^ add two floating point or vector values.
+ | LM_MO_FSub -- ^ subtract two ...
+ | LM_MO_FMul -- ^ multiply ...
+ | LM_MO_FDiv -- ^ divide ...
+ | LM_MO_FRem -- ^ remainder ...
+ -- | Left shift
+ | LM_MO_Shl
+ -- | Logical shift right
+ -- Shift right, filling with zero
+ | LM_MO_LShr
+ -- | Arithmetic shift right
+ -- The most significant bits of the result will be equal to the sign bit of
+ -- the left operand.
+ | LM_MO_AShr
+ | LM_MO_And -- ^ AND bitwise logical operation.
+ | LM_MO_Or -- ^ OR bitwise logical operation.
+ | LM_MO_Xor -- ^ XOR bitwise logical operation.
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmMachOp where
+ ppr LM_MO_Add = text "add"
+ ppr LM_MO_Sub = text "sub"
+ ppr LM_MO_Mul = text "mul"
+ ppr LM_MO_UDiv = text "udiv"
+ ppr LM_MO_SDiv = text "sdiv"
+ ppr LM_MO_URem = text "urem"
+ ppr LM_MO_SRem = text "srem"
+ ppr LM_MO_FAdd = text "fadd"
+ ppr LM_MO_FSub = text "fsub"
+ ppr LM_MO_FMul = text "fmul"
+ ppr LM_MO_FDiv = text "fdiv"
+ ppr LM_MO_FRem = text "frem"
+ ppr LM_MO_Shl = text "shl"
+ ppr LM_MO_LShr = text "lshr"
+ ppr LM_MO_AShr = text "ashr"
+ ppr LM_MO_And = text "and"
+ ppr LM_MO_Or = text "or"
+ ppr LM_MO_Xor = text "xor"
+-- | Llvm compare operations.
+data LlvmCmpOp
+ = LM_CMP_Eq -- ^ Equal (Signed and Unsigned)
+ | LM_CMP_Ne -- ^ Not equal (Signed and Unsigned)
+ | LM_CMP_Ugt -- ^ Unsigned greater than
+ | LM_CMP_Uge -- ^ Unsigned greater than or equal
+ | LM_CMP_Ult -- ^ Unsigned less than
+ | LM_CMP_Ule -- ^ Unsigned less than or equal
+ | LM_CMP_Sgt -- ^ Signed greater than
+ | LM_CMP_Sge -- ^ Signed greater than or equal
+ | LM_CMP_Slt -- ^ Signed less than
+ | LM_CMP_Sle -- ^ Signed less than or equal
+ -- Float comparisons. GHC uses a mix of ordered and unordered float
+ -- comparisons.
+ | LM_CMP_Feq -- ^ Float equal
+ | LM_CMP_Fne -- ^ Float not equal
+ | LM_CMP_Fgt -- ^ Float greater than
+ | LM_CMP_Fge -- ^ Float greater than or equal
+ | LM_CMP_Flt -- ^ Float less than
+ | LM_CMP_Fle -- ^ Float less than or equal
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmCmpOp where
+ ppr LM_CMP_Eq = text "eq"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Ne = text "ne"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Ugt = text "ugt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Uge = text "uge"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Ult = text "ult"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Ule = text "ule"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Sgt = text "sgt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Sge = text "sge"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Slt = text "slt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Sle = text "sle"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Feq = text "oeq"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Fne = text "une"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Fgt = text "ogt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Fge = text "oge"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Flt = text "olt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Fle = text "ole"
+-- | Llvm cast operations.
+data LlvmCastOp
+ = LM_Trunc -- ^ Integer truncate
+ | LM_Zext -- ^ Integer extend (zero fill)
+ | LM_Sext -- ^ Integer extend (sign fill)
+ | LM_Fptrunc -- ^ Float truncate
+ | LM_Fpext -- ^ Float extend
+ | LM_Fptoui -- ^ Float to unsigned Integer
+ | LM_Fptosi -- ^ Float to signed Integer
+ | LM_Uitofp -- ^ Unsigned Integer to Float
+ | LM_Sitofp -- ^ Signed Int to Float
+ | LM_Ptrtoint -- ^ Pointer to Integer
+ | LM_Inttoptr -- ^ Integer to Pointer
+ | LM_Bitcast -- ^ Cast between types where no bit manipulation is needed
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmCastOp where
+ ppr LM_Trunc = text "trunc"
+ ppr LM_Zext = text "zext"
+ ppr LM_Sext = text "sext"
+ ppr LM_Fptrunc = text "fptrunc"
+ ppr LM_Fpext = text "fpext"
+ ppr LM_Fptoui = text "fptoui"
+ ppr LM_Fptosi = text "fptosi"
+ ppr LM_Uitofp = text "uitofp"
+ ppr LM_Sitofp = text "sitofp"
+ ppr LM_Ptrtoint = text "ptrtoint"
+ ppr LM_Inttoptr = text "inttoptr"
+ ppr LM_Bitcast = text "bitcast"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Floating point conversion
+-- | Convert a Haskell Double to an LLVM hex encoded floating point form. In
+-- Llvm float literals can be printed in a big-endian hexadecimal format,
+-- regardless of underlying architecture.
+-- See Note [LLVM Float Types].
+ppDouble :: Double -> SDoc
+ppDouble d
+ = let bs = doubleToBytes d
+ hex d' = case showHex d' "" of
+ [] -> error "dToStr: too few hex digits for float"
+ [x] -> ['0',x]
+ [x,y] -> [x,y]
+ _ -> error "dToStr: too many hex digits for float"
+ in sdocWithDynFlags (\dflags ->
+ let fixEndian = if wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags then id else reverse
+ str = map toUpper $ concat $ fixEndian $ map hex bs
+ in text "0x" <> text str)
+-- Note [LLVM Float Types]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- We use 'ppDouble' for both printing Float and Double floating point types. This is
+-- as LLVM expects all floating point constants (single & double) to be in IEEE
+-- 754 Double precision format. However, for single precision numbers (Float)
+-- they should be *representable* in IEEE 754 Single precision format. So the
+-- easiest way to do this is to narrow and widen again.
+-- (i.e., Double -> Float -> Double). We must be careful doing this that GHC
+-- doesn't optimize that away.
+-- Note [narrowFp & widenFp]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- NOTE: we use float2Double & co directly as GHC likes to optimize away
+-- successive calls of 'realToFrac', defeating the narrowing. (Bug #7600).
+-- 'realToFrac' has inconsistent behaviour with optimisation as well that can
+-- also cause issues, these methods don't.
+narrowFp :: Double -> Float
+{-# NOINLINE narrowFp #-}
+narrowFp = double2Float
+widenFp :: Float -> Double
+{-# NOINLINE widenFp #-}
+widenFp = float2Double
+ppFloat :: Float -> SDoc
+ppFloat = ppDouble . widenFp
+-- * Misc functions
+ppCommaJoin :: (Outputable a) => [a] -> SDoc
+ppCommaJoin strs = hsep $ punctuate comma (map ppr strs)
+ppSpaceJoin :: (Outputable a) => [a] -> SDoc
+ppSpaceJoin strs = hsep (map ppr strs)