path: root/compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs
diff options
authorBodigrim <>2022-09-28 00:15:53 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2022-09-28 17:50:28 -0400
commit2f050687e75ffe6fbf140cacd15fd916d2997499 (patch)
treeacd68576f0210c85f69b392cb10a7048ee97d17e /compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs
parentb0c89dfaf9f8aeda9dd69a9583fd29150099aa27 (diff)
Avoid; prefer
This allows to avoid further partiality, e. g., map head . group is replaced by map NE.head ., and there are less panic calls.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs
index edc0af5f52..ca710744de 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs
@@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
-import Data.List ( partition, (\\), find, sortBy, groupBy, sortOn )
+import Data.List ( partition, (\\), find, sortBy )
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Function ( on )
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Foldable ( toList )
@@ -1968,7 +1970,7 @@ getMinimalImports = fmap combine . mapM mk_minimal
all_non_overloaded = all (not . flIsOverloaded)
combine :: [LImportDecl GhcRn] -> [LImportDecl GhcRn]
- combine = map merge . groupBy ((==) `on` getKey) . sortOn getKey
+ combine = map merge . NE.groupAllWith getKey
getKey :: LImportDecl GhcRn -> (Bool, Maybe ModuleName, ModuleName)
getKey decl =
@@ -1980,10 +1982,9 @@ getMinimalImports = fmap combine . mapM mk_minimal
idecl :: ImportDecl GhcRn
idecl = unLoc decl
- merge :: [LImportDecl GhcRn] -> LImportDecl GhcRn
- merge [] = error "getMinimalImports: unexpected empty list"
- merge decls@((L l decl) : _) = L l (decl { ideclImportList = Just (Exactly, L (noAnnSrcSpan (locA l)) lies) })
- where lies = concatMap (unLoc . snd) $ mapMaybe (ideclImportList . unLoc) decls
+ merge :: NonEmpty (LImportDecl GhcRn) -> LImportDecl GhcRn
+ merge decls@((L l decl) :| _) = L l (decl { ideclImportList = Just (Exactly, L (noAnnSrcSpan (locA l)) lies) })
+ where lies = concatMap (unLoc . snd) $ mapMaybe (ideclImportList . unLoc) $ NE.toList decls
printMinimalImports :: HscSource -> [ImportDeclUsage] -> RnM ()