path: root/compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs
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authorRyan Scott <>2020-07-16 14:04:28 -0400
committerMarge Bot <>2020-07-30 07:11:37 -0400
commit01c948eba4bea2d2c8ad340e12c1e7b732b334f7 (patch)
tree24d79117dd80af9d4c9b9d7f4c23c39bf335b260 /compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs
parent502de55676a38572db60848c13392f5f115e1c8a (diff)
Clean up the inferred type variable restriction
This patch primarily: * Documents `checkInferredVars` (previously called `check_inferred_vars`) more carefully. This is the function which throws an error message if a user quantifies an inferred type variable in a place where specificity cannot be observed. See `Note [Unobservably inferred type variables]` in `GHC.Rename.HsType`. Note that I now invoke `checkInferredVars` _alongside_ `rnHsSigType`, `rnHsWcSigType`, etc. rather than doing so _inside_ of these functions. This results in slightly more call sites for `checkInferredVars`, but it makes it much easier to enumerate the spots where the inferred type variable restriction comes into effect. * Removes the inferred type variable restriction for default method type signatures, per the discussion in #18432. As a result, this patch fixes #18432. Along the way, I performed some various cleanup: * I moved `no_nested_foralls_contexts_err` into `GHC.Rename.Utils` (under the new name `noNestedForallsContextsErr`), since it now needs to be invoked from multiple modules. I also added a helper function `addNoNestedForallsContextsErr` that throws the error message after producing it, as this is a common idiom. * In order to ensure that users cannot sneak inferred type variables into `SPECIALISE instance` pragmas by way of nested `forall`s, I now invoke `addNoNestedForallsContextsErr` when renaming `SPECIALISE instance` pragmas, much like when we rename normal instance declarations. (This probably should have originally been done as a part of the fix for #18240, but this task was somehow overlooked.) As a result, this patch fixes #18455 as a side effect.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs
index f76939493f..301aa4e081 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ module GHC.Rename.Utils (
bindLocalNames, bindLocalNamesFV,
- addNameClashErrRn, extendTyVarEnvFVRn
+ addNameClashErrRn, extendTyVarEnvFVRn,
+ checkInferredVars,
+ noNestedForallsContextsErr, addNoNestedForallsContextsErr
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ where
import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import GHC.Driver.Types
@@ -49,6 +52,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Types.Basic ( TopLevelFlag(..) )
import GHC.Data.List.SetOps ( removeDups )
+import GHC.Data.Maybe ( whenIsJust )
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Data.FastString
import Control.Monad
@@ -176,6 +180,136 @@ checkShadowedOccs (global_env,local_env) get_loc_occ ns
|| xopt LangExt.RecordWildCards dflags) }
is_shadowed_gre _other = return True
+-- | Throw an error message if a user attempts to quantify an inferred type
+-- variable in a place where specificity cannot be observed. For example,
+-- @forall {a}. [a] -> [a]@ would be rejected to the inferred type variable
+-- @{a}@, but @forall a. [a] -> [a]@ would be accepted.
+-- See @Note [Unobservably inferred type variables]@.
+checkInferredVars :: HsDocContext
+ -> Maybe SDoc
+ -- ^ The error msg if the signature is not allowed to contain
+ -- manually written inferred variables.
+ -> LHsSigType GhcPs
+ -> RnM ()
+checkInferredVars _ Nothing _ = return ()
+checkInferredVars ctxt (Just msg) ty =
+ let bndrs = forallty_bndrs (hsSigType ty)
+ in case find ((==) InferredSpec . hsTyVarBndrFlag) bndrs of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just _ -> addErr $ withHsDocContext ctxt msg
+ where
+ forallty_bndrs :: LHsType GhcPs -> [HsTyVarBndr Specificity GhcPs]
+ forallty_bndrs (L _ ty) = case ty of
+ HsParTy _ ty' -> forallty_bndrs ty'
+ HsForAllTy { hst_tele = HsForAllInvis { hsf_invis_bndrs = tvs }}
+ -> map unLoc tvs
+ _ -> []
+Note [Unobservably inferred type variables]
+While GHC's parser allows the use of inferred type variables
+(e.g., `forall {a}. <...>`) just about anywhere that type variable binders can
+appear, there are some situations where the distinction between inferred and
+specified type variables cannot be observed. For example, consider this
+instance declaration:
+ instance forall {a}. Eq (T a) where ...
+Making {a} inferred is pointless, as there is no way for user code to
+"apply" an instance declaration in a way where the inferred/specified
+distinction would make a difference. (Notably, there is no opportunity
+for visible type application of an instance declaration.) Anyone who
+writes such code is likely confused, so in an attempt to be helpful,
+we emit an error message if a user writes code like this. The
+checkInferredVars function is responsible for implementing this
+It turns out to be somewhat cumbersome to enforce this restriction in
+certain cases. Specifically:
+* Quantified constraints. In the type `f :: (forall {a}. C a) => Proxy Int`,
+ there is no way to observe that {a} is inferred. Nevertheless, actually
+ rejecting this code would be tricky, as we would need to reject
+ `forall {a}. <...>` as a constraint but *accept* other uses of
+ `forall {a}. <...>` as a type (e.g., `g :: (forall {a}. a -> a) -> b -> b`).
+ This is quite tedious to do in practice, so we don't bother.
+* Default method type signatures (#18432). These are tricky because inferred
+ type variables can appear nested, e.g.,
+ class C a where
+ m :: forall b. a -> b -> forall c. c -> c
+ default m :: forall b. a -> b -> forall {c}. c -> c
+ m _ _ = id
+ Robustly checking for nested, inferred type variables ends up being a pain,
+ so we don't try to do this.
+For now, we simply allow inferred quantifiers to be specified here,
+even though doing so is pointless. All we lose is a warning.
+Aside from the places where we already use checkInferredVars, most of
+the other places where inferred vars don't make sense are in any case
+already prohibited from having foralls /at all/. For example:
+ instance forall a. forall {b}. Eq (Either a b) where ...
+Here the nested `forall {b}` is already prohibited. (See
+Note [No nested foralls or contexts in instance types] in GHC.Hs.Type).
+-- | Examines a non-outermost type for @forall@s or contexts, which are assumed
+-- to be nested. For example, in the following declaration:
+-- @
+-- instance forall a. forall b. C (Either a b)
+-- @
+-- The outermost @forall a@ is fine, but the nested @forall b@ is not. We
+-- invoke 'noNestedForallsContextsErr' on the type @forall b. C (Either a b)@
+-- to catch the nested @forall@ and create a suitable error message.
+-- 'noNestedForallsContextsErr' returns @'Just' err_msg@ if such a @forall@ or
+-- context is found, and returns @Nothing@ otherwise.
+-- This is currently used in the following places:
+-- * In GADT constructor types (in 'rnConDecl').
+-- See @Note [GADT abstract syntax] (Wrinkle: No nested foralls or contexts)@
+-- in "GHC.Hs.Type".
+-- * In instance declaration types (in 'rnClsIntDecl' and 'rnSrcDerivDecl' in
+-- "GHC.Rename.Module" and 'renameSig' in "GHC.Rename.Bind").
+-- See @Note [No nested foralls or contexts in instance types]@ in
+-- "GHC.Hs.Type".
+noNestedForallsContextsErr :: SDoc -> LHsType GhcRn -> Maybe (SrcSpan, SDoc)
+noNestedForallsContextsErr what lty =
+ case ignoreParens lty of
+ L l (HsForAllTy { hst_tele = tele })
+ | HsForAllVis{} <- tele
+ -- The only two places where this function is called correspond to
+ -- types of terms, so we give a slightly more descriptive error
+ -- message in the event that they contain visible dependent
+ -- quantification (currently only allowed in kinds).
+ -> Just (l, vcat [ text "Illegal visible, dependent quantification" <+>
+ text "in the type of a term"
+ , text "(GHC does not yet support this)" ])
+ | HsForAllInvis{} <- tele
+ -> Just (l, nested_foralls_contexts_err)
+ L l (HsQualTy {})
+ -> Just (l, nested_foralls_contexts_err)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where
+ nested_foralls_contexts_err =
+ what <+> text "cannot contain nested"
+ <+> quotes forAllLit <> text "s or contexts"
+-- | A common way to invoke 'noNestedForallsContextsErr'.
+addNoNestedForallsContextsErr :: HsDocContext -> SDoc -> LHsType GhcRn -> RnM ()
+addNoNestedForallsContextsErr ctxt what lty =
+ whenIsJust (noNestedForallsContextsErr what lty) $ \(l, err_msg) ->
+ addErrAt l $ withHsDocContext ctxt err_msg