path: root/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-01-17 15:13:04 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-02-12 01:57:27 -0500
commitda7f74797e8c322006eba385c9cbdce346dd1d43 (patch)
tree79a69eed3aa18414caf76b02a5c8dc7c7e6d5f54 /compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs
parentf82a2f90ceda5c2bc74088fa7f6a7c8cb9c9756f (diff)
Module hierarchy: ByteCode and Runtime (cf #13009)
Update haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs')
1 files changed, 667 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs b/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eadacca1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns, CPP #-}
+-- | Interacting with the interpreter, whether it is running on an
+-- external process or in the current process.
+module GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
+ ( -- * High-level interface to the interpreter
+ evalStmt, EvalStatus_(..), EvalStatus, EvalResult(..), EvalExpr(..)
+ , resumeStmt
+ , abandonStmt
+ , evalIO
+ , evalString
+ , evalStringToIOString
+ , mallocData
+ , createBCOs
+ , addSptEntry
+ , mkCostCentres
+ , costCentreStackInfo
+ , newBreakArray
+ , enableBreakpoint
+ , breakpointStatus
+ , getBreakpointVar
+ , getClosure
+ , seqHValue
+ -- * The object-code linker
+ , initObjLinker
+ , lookupSymbol
+ , lookupClosure
+ , loadDLL
+ , loadArchive
+ , loadObj
+ , unloadObj
+ , addLibrarySearchPath
+ , removeLibrarySearchPath
+ , resolveObjs
+ , findSystemLibrary
+ -- * Lower-level API using messages
+ , iservCmd, Message(..), withIServ, stopIServ
+ , iservCall, readIServ, writeIServ
+ , purgeLookupSymbolCache
+ , freeHValueRefs
+ , mkFinalizedHValue
+ , wormhole, wormholeRef
+ , mkEvalOpts
+ , fromEvalResult
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHCi.Message
+import GHCi.Run
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes
+import GHCi.ResolvedBCO
+import GHCi.BreakArray (BreakArray)
+import Fingerprint
+import HscTypes
+import UniqFM
+import Panic
+import DynFlags
+import ErrUtils
+import Outputable
+import Exception
+import BasicTypes
+import FastString
+import Util
+import Hooks
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Data.Binary
+import Data.Binary.Put
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
+import Data.IORef
+import Foreign hiding (void)
+import GHC.Exts.Heap
+import GHC.Stack.CCS (CostCentre,CostCentreStack)
+import System.Exit
+import Data.Maybe
+import GHC.IO.Handle.Types (Handle)
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+import Foreign.C
+import GHC.IO.Handle.FD (fdToHandle)
+import System.Posix as Posix
+import System.Directory
+import System.Process
+import GHC.Conc (getNumProcessors, pseq, par)
+{- Note [Remote GHCi]
+When the flag -fexternal-interpreter is given to GHC, interpreted code
+is run in a separate process called iserv, and we communicate with the
+external process over a pipe using Binary-encoded messages.
+When the interpreted code is running in a separate process, it can
+use a different "way", e.g. profiled or dynamic. This means
+- compiling Template Haskell code with -prof does not require
+ building the code without -prof first
+- when GHC itself is profiled, it can interpret unprofiled code,
+ and the same applies to dynamic linking.
+- An unprofiled GHCi can load and run profiled code, which means it
+ can use the stack-trace functionality provided by profiling without
+ taking the performance hit on the compiler that profiling would
+ entail.
+For other reasons see remote-GHCi on the wiki.
+Implementation Overview
+The main pieces are:
+- libraries/ghci, containing:
+ - types for talking about remote values (GHCi.RemoteTypes)
+ - the message protocol (GHCi.Message),
+ - implementation of the messages (GHCi.Run)
+ - implementation of Template Haskell (GHCi.TH)
+ - a few other things needed to run interpreted code
+- top-level iserv directory, containing the codefor the external
+ server. This is a fairly simple wrapper, most of the functionality
+ is provided by modules in libraries/ghci.
+- This module which provides the interface to the server used
+ by the rest of GHC.
+GHC works with and without -fexternal-interpreter. With the flag, all
+interpreted code is run by the iserv binary. Without the flag,
+interpreted code is run in the same process as GHC.
+Things that do not work with -fexternal-interpreter
+dynCompileExpr cannot work, because we have no way to run code of an
+unknown type in the remote process. This API fails with an error
+message if it is used with -fexternal-interpreter.
+Other Notes on Remote GHCi
+ * This wiki page has an implementation overview:
+ * Note [External GHCi pointers] in compiler/ghci/GHCi.hs
+ * Note [Remote Template Haskell] in libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs
+needExtInt :: IO a
+needExtInt = throwIO
+ (InstallationError "this operation requires -fexternal-interpreter")
+-- | Run a command in the interpreter's context. With
+-- @-fexternal-interpreter@, the command is serialized and sent to an
+-- external iserv process, and the response is deserialized (hence the
+-- @Binary@ constraint). With @-fno-external-interpreter@ we execute
+-- the command directly here.
+iservCmd :: Binary a => HscEnv -> Message a -> IO a
+iservCmd hsc_env@HscEnv{..} msg
+ | gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter hsc_dflags =
+ withIServ hsc_env $ \iserv ->
+ uninterruptibleMask_ $ do -- Note [uninterruptibleMask_]
+ iservCall iserv msg
+ | otherwise = -- Just run it directly
+ run msg
+ needExtInt
+-- Note [uninterruptibleMask_ and iservCmd]
+-- If we receive an async exception, such as ^C, while communicating
+-- with the iserv process then we will be out-of-sync and not be able
+-- to recoever. Thus we use uninterruptibleMask_ during
+-- communication. A ^C will be delivered to the iserv process (because
+-- signals get sent to the whole process group) which will interrupt
+-- the running computation and return an EvalException result.
+-- | Grab a lock on the 'IServ' and do something with it.
+-- Overloaded because this is used from TcM as well as IO.
+ :: (MonadIO m, ExceptionMonad m)
+ => HscEnv -> (IServ -> m a) -> m a
+withIServ HscEnv{..} action =
+ gmask $ \restore -> do
+ m <- liftIO $ takeMVar hsc_iserv
+ -- start the iserv process if we haven't done so yet
+ iserv <- maybe (liftIO $ startIServ hsc_dflags) return m
+ `gonException` (liftIO $ putMVar hsc_iserv Nothing)
+ -- free any ForeignHValues that have been garbage collected.
+ let iserv' = iserv{ iservPendingFrees = [] }
+ a <- (do
+ liftIO $ when (not (null (iservPendingFrees iserv))) $
+ iservCall iserv (FreeHValueRefs (iservPendingFrees iserv))
+ -- run the inner action
+ restore $ action iserv)
+ `gonException` (liftIO $ putMVar hsc_iserv (Just iserv'))
+ liftIO $ putMVar hsc_iserv (Just iserv')
+ return a
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Wrappers around messages
+-- | Execute an action of type @IO [a]@, returning 'ForeignHValue's for
+-- each of the results.
+ :: HscEnv -> Bool -> EvalExpr ForeignHValue
+ -> IO (EvalStatus_ [ForeignHValue] [HValueRef])
+evalStmt hsc_env step foreign_expr = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ status <- withExpr foreign_expr $ \expr ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (EvalStmt (mkEvalOpts dflags step) expr)
+ handleEvalStatus hsc_env status
+ where
+ withExpr :: EvalExpr ForeignHValue -> (EvalExpr HValueRef -> IO a) -> IO a
+ withExpr (EvalThis fhv) cont =
+ withForeignRef fhv $ \hvref -> cont (EvalThis hvref)
+ withExpr (EvalApp fl fr) cont =
+ withExpr fl $ \fl' ->
+ withExpr fr $ \fr' ->
+ cont (EvalApp fl' fr')
+ :: HscEnv -> Bool -> ForeignRef (ResumeContext [HValueRef])
+ -> IO (EvalStatus_ [ForeignHValue] [HValueRef])
+resumeStmt hsc_env step resume_ctxt = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ status <- withForeignRef resume_ctxt $ \rhv ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (ResumeStmt (mkEvalOpts dflags step) rhv)
+ handleEvalStatus hsc_env status
+abandonStmt :: HscEnv -> ForeignRef (ResumeContext [HValueRef]) -> IO ()
+abandonStmt hsc_env resume_ctxt = do
+ withForeignRef resume_ctxt $ \rhv ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (AbandonStmt rhv)
+ :: HscEnv -> EvalStatus [HValueRef]
+ -> IO (EvalStatus_ [ForeignHValue] [HValueRef])
+handleEvalStatus hsc_env status =
+ case status of
+ EvalBreak a b c d e f -> return (EvalBreak a b c d e f)
+ EvalComplete alloc res ->
+ EvalComplete alloc <$> addFinalizer res
+ where
+ addFinalizer (EvalException e) = return (EvalException e)
+ addFinalizer (EvalSuccess rs) = do
+ EvalSuccess <$> mapM (mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env) rs
+-- | Execute an action of type @IO ()@
+evalIO :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO ()
+evalIO hsc_env fhv = do
+ liftIO $ withForeignRef fhv $ \fhv ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (EvalIO fhv) >>= fromEvalResult
+-- | Execute an action of type @IO String@
+evalString :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO String
+evalString hsc_env fhv = do
+ liftIO $ withForeignRef fhv $ \fhv ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (EvalString fhv) >>= fromEvalResult
+-- | Execute an action of type @String -> IO String@
+evalStringToIOString :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> String -> IO String
+evalStringToIOString hsc_env fhv str = do
+ liftIO $ withForeignRef fhv $ \fhv ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (EvalStringToString fhv str) >>= fromEvalResult
+-- | Allocate and store the given bytes in memory, returning a pointer
+-- to the memory in the remote process.
+mallocData :: HscEnv -> ByteString -> IO (RemotePtr ())
+mallocData hsc_env bs = iservCmd hsc_env (MallocData bs)
+ :: HscEnv -> String -> [(String,String)] -> IO [RemotePtr CostCentre]
+mkCostCentres hsc_env mod ccs =
+ iservCmd hsc_env (MkCostCentres mod ccs)
+-- | Create a set of BCOs that may be mutually recursive.
+createBCOs :: HscEnv -> [ResolvedBCO] -> IO [HValueRef]
+createBCOs hsc_env rbcos = do
+ n_jobs <- case parMakeCount (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
+ Nothing -> liftIO getNumProcessors
+ Just n -> return n
+ -- Serializing ResolvedBCO is expensive, so if we're in parallel mode
+ -- (-j<n>) parallelise the serialization.
+ if (n_jobs == 1)
+ then
+ iservCmd hsc_env (CreateBCOs [runPut (put rbcos)])
+ else do
+ old_caps <- getNumCapabilities
+ if old_caps == n_jobs
+ then void $ evaluate puts
+ else bracket_ (setNumCapabilities n_jobs)
+ (setNumCapabilities old_caps)
+ (void $ evaluate puts)
+ iservCmd hsc_env (CreateBCOs puts)
+ where
+ puts = parMap doChunk (chunkList 100 rbcos)
+ -- make sure we force the whole lazy ByteString
+ doChunk c = pseq (LB.length bs) bs
+ where bs = runPut (put c)
+ -- We don't have the parallel package, so roll our own simple parMap
+ parMap _ [] = []
+ parMap f (x:xs) = fx `par` (fxs `pseq` (fx : fxs))
+ where fx = f x; fxs = parMap f xs
+addSptEntry :: HscEnv -> Fingerprint -> ForeignHValue -> IO ()
+addSptEntry hsc_env fpr ref =
+ withForeignRef ref $ \val ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (AddSptEntry fpr val)
+costCentreStackInfo :: HscEnv -> RemotePtr CostCentreStack -> IO [String]
+costCentreStackInfo hsc_env ccs =
+ iservCmd hsc_env (CostCentreStackInfo ccs)
+newBreakArray :: HscEnv -> Int -> IO (ForeignRef BreakArray)
+newBreakArray hsc_env size = do
+ breakArray <- iservCmd hsc_env (NewBreakArray size)
+ mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env breakArray
+enableBreakpoint :: HscEnv -> ForeignRef BreakArray -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
+enableBreakpoint hsc_env ref ix b = do
+ withForeignRef ref $ \breakarray ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (EnableBreakpoint breakarray ix b)
+breakpointStatus :: HscEnv -> ForeignRef BreakArray -> Int -> IO Bool
+breakpointStatus hsc_env ref ix = do
+ withForeignRef ref $ \breakarray ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (BreakpointStatus breakarray ix)
+getBreakpointVar :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> Int -> IO (Maybe ForeignHValue)
+getBreakpointVar hsc_env ref ix =
+ withForeignRef ref $ \apStack -> do
+ mb <- iservCmd hsc_env (GetBreakpointVar apStack ix)
+ mapM (mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env) mb
+getClosure :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO (GenClosure ForeignHValue)
+getClosure hsc_env ref =
+ withForeignRef ref $ \hval -> do
+ mb <- iservCmd hsc_env (GetClosure hval)
+ mapM (mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env) mb
+seqHValue :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO ()
+seqHValue hsc_env ref =
+ withForeignRef ref $ \hval ->
+ iservCmd hsc_env (Seq hval) >>= fromEvalResult
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Interface to the object-code linker
+initObjLinker :: HscEnv -> IO ()
+initObjLinker hsc_env = iservCmd hsc_env InitLinker
+lookupSymbol :: HscEnv -> FastString -> IO (Maybe (Ptr ()))
+lookupSymbol hsc_env@HscEnv{..} str
+ | gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter hsc_dflags =
+ -- Profiling of GHCi showed a lot of time and allocation spent
+ -- making cross-process LookupSymbol calls, so I added a GHC-side
+ -- cache which sped things up quite a lot. We have to be careful
+ -- to purge this cache when unloading code though.
+ withIServ hsc_env $ \iserv@IServ{..} -> do
+ cache <- readIORef iservLookupSymbolCache
+ case lookupUFM cache str of
+ Just p -> return (Just p)
+ Nothing -> do
+ m <- uninterruptibleMask_ $
+ iservCall iserv (LookupSymbol (unpackFS str))
+ case m of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just r -> do
+ let p = fromRemotePtr r
+ writeIORef iservLookupSymbolCache $! addToUFM cache str p
+ return (Just p)
+ | otherwise =
+ fmap fromRemotePtr <$> run (LookupSymbol (unpackFS str))
+ needExtInt
+lookupClosure :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Maybe HValueRef)
+lookupClosure hsc_env str =
+ iservCmd hsc_env (LookupClosure str)
+purgeLookupSymbolCache :: HscEnv -> IO ()
+purgeLookupSymbolCache hsc_env@HscEnv{..} =
+ when (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter hsc_dflags) $
+ withIServ hsc_env $ \IServ{..} ->
+ writeIORef iservLookupSymbolCache emptyUFM
+-- | loadDLL loads a dynamic library using the OS's native linker
+-- (i.e. dlopen() on Unix, LoadLibrary() on Windows). It takes either
+-- an absolute pathname to the file, or a relative filename
+-- (e.g. "" or "foo.dll"). In the latter case, loadDLL
+-- searches the standard locations for the appropriate library.
+-- Returns:
+-- Nothing => success
+-- Just err_msg => failure
+loadDLL :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
+loadDLL hsc_env str = iservCmd hsc_env (LoadDLL str)
+loadArchive :: HscEnv -> String -> IO ()
+loadArchive hsc_env path = do
+ path' <- canonicalizePath path -- Note [loadObj and relative paths]
+ iservCmd hsc_env (LoadArchive path')
+loadObj :: HscEnv -> String -> IO ()
+loadObj hsc_env path = do
+ path' <- canonicalizePath path -- Note [loadObj and relative paths]
+ iservCmd hsc_env (LoadObj path')
+unloadObj :: HscEnv -> String -> IO ()
+unloadObj hsc_env path = do
+ path' <- canonicalizePath path -- Note [loadObj and relative paths]
+ iservCmd hsc_env (UnloadObj path')
+-- Note [loadObj and relative paths]
+-- the iserv process might have a different current directory from the
+-- GHC process, so we must make paths absolute before sending them
+-- over.
+addLibrarySearchPath :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Ptr ())
+addLibrarySearchPath hsc_env str =
+ fromRemotePtr <$> iservCmd hsc_env (AddLibrarySearchPath str)
+removeLibrarySearchPath :: HscEnv -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
+removeLibrarySearchPath hsc_env p =
+ iservCmd hsc_env (RemoveLibrarySearchPath (toRemotePtr p))
+resolveObjs :: HscEnv -> IO SuccessFlag
+resolveObjs hsc_env = successIf <$> iservCmd hsc_env ResolveObjs
+findSystemLibrary :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
+findSystemLibrary hsc_env str = iservCmd hsc_env (FindSystemLibrary str)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Raw calls and messages
+-- | Send a 'Message' and receive the response from the iserv process
+iservCall :: Binary a => IServ -> Message a -> IO a
+iservCall iserv@IServ{..} msg =
+ remoteCall iservPipe msg
+ `catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> handleIServFailure iserv e
+-- | Read a value from the iserv process
+readIServ :: IServ -> Get a -> IO a
+readIServ iserv@IServ{..} get =
+ readPipe iservPipe get
+ `catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> handleIServFailure iserv e
+-- | Send a value to the iserv process
+writeIServ :: IServ -> Put -> IO ()
+writeIServ iserv@IServ{..} put =
+ writePipe iservPipe put
+ `catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> handleIServFailure iserv e
+handleIServFailure :: IServ -> SomeException -> IO a
+handleIServFailure IServ{..} e = do
+ ex <- getProcessExitCode iservProcess
+ case ex of
+ Just (ExitFailure n) ->
+ throw (InstallationError ("ghc-iserv terminated (" ++ show n ++ ")"))
+ _ -> do
+ terminateProcess iservProcess
+ _ <- waitForProcess iservProcess
+ throw e
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Starting and stopping the iserv process
+startIServ :: DynFlags -> IO IServ
+startIServ dflags = do
+ let flavour
+ | WayProf `elem` ways dflags = "-prof"
+ | WayDyn `elem` ways dflags = "-dyn"
+ | otherwise = ""
+ prog = pgm_i dflags ++ flavour
+ opts = getOpts dflags opt_i
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $ text "Starting " <> text prog
+ let createProc = lookupHook createIservProcessHook
+ (\cp -> do { (_,_,_,ph) <- createProcess cp
+ ; return ph })
+ dflags
+ (ph, rh, wh) <- runWithPipes createProc prog opts
+ lo_ref <- newIORef Nothing
+ cache_ref <- newIORef emptyUFM
+ return $ IServ
+ { iservPipe = Pipe { pipeRead = rh
+ , pipeWrite = wh
+ , pipeLeftovers = lo_ref }
+ , iservProcess = ph
+ , iservLookupSymbolCache = cache_ref
+ , iservPendingFrees = []
+ }
+stopIServ :: HscEnv -> IO ()
+stopIServ HscEnv{..} =
+ gmask $ \_restore -> do
+ m <- takeMVar hsc_iserv
+ maybe (return ()) stop m
+ putMVar hsc_iserv Nothing
+ where
+ stop iserv = do
+ ex <- getProcessExitCode (iservProcess iserv)
+ if isJust ex
+ then return ()
+ else iservCall iserv Shutdown
+runWithPipes :: (CreateProcess -> IO ProcessHandle)
+ -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (ProcessHandle, Handle, Handle)
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+foreign import ccall "io.h _close"
+ c__close :: CInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "io.h _get_osfhandle"
+ _get_osfhandle :: CInt -> IO CInt
+runWithPipes createProc prog opts = do
+ (rfd1, wfd1) <- createPipeFd -- we read on rfd1
+ (rfd2, wfd2) <- createPipeFd -- we write on wfd2
+ wh_client <- _get_osfhandle wfd1
+ rh_client <- _get_osfhandle rfd2
+ let args = show wh_client : show rh_client : opts
+ ph <- createProc (proc prog args)
+ rh <- mkHandle rfd1
+ wh <- mkHandle wfd2
+ return (ph, rh, wh)
+ where mkHandle :: CInt -> IO Handle
+ mkHandle fd = (fdToHandle fd) `onException` (c__close fd)
+runWithPipes createProc prog opts = do
+ (rfd1, wfd1) <- Posix.createPipe -- we read on rfd1
+ (rfd2, wfd2) <- Posix.createPipe -- we write on wfd2
+ setFdOption rfd1 CloseOnExec True
+ setFdOption wfd2 CloseOnExec True
+ let args = show wfd1 : show rfd2 : opts
+ ph <- createProc (proc prog args)
+ closeFd wfd1
+ closeFd rfd2
+ rh <- fdToHandle rfd1
+ wh <- fdToHandle wfd2
+ return (ph, rh, wh)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+{- Note [External GHCi pointers]
+We have the following ways to reference things in GHCi:
+HValue is a direct reference to a value in the local heap. Obviously
+we cannot use this to refer to things in the external process.
+RemoteRef is a StablePtr to a heap-resident value. When
+-fexternal-interpreter is used, this value resides in the external
+process's heap. RemoteRefs are mostly used to send pointers in
+messages between GHC and iserv.
+A RemoteRef must be explicitly freed when no longer required, using
+freeHValueRefs, or by attaching a finalizer with mkForeignHValue.
+To get from a RemoteRef to an HValue you can use 'wormholeRef', which
+fails with an error message if -fexternal-interpreter is in use.
+A ForeignRef is a RemoteRef with a finalizer that will free the
+'RemoteRef' when it is garbage collected. We mostly use ForeignHValue
+on the GHC side.
+The finalizer adds the RemoteRef to the iservPendingFrees list in the
+IServ record. The next call to iservCmd will free any RemoteRefs in
+the list. It was done this way rather than calling iservCmd directly,
+because I didn't want to have arbitrary threads calling iservCmd. In
+principle it would probably be ok, but it seems less hairy this way.
+-- | Creates a 'ForeignRef' that will automatically release the
+-- 'RemoteRef' when it is no longer referenced.
+mkFinalizedHValue :: HscEnv -> RemoteRef a -> IO (ForeignRef a)
+mkFinalizedHValue HscEnv{..} rref = mkForeignRef rref free
+ where
+ !external = gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter hsc_dflags
+ hvref = toHValueRef rref
+ free :: IO ()
+ free
+ | not external = freeRemoteRef hvref
+ | otherwise =
+ modifyMVar_ hsc_iserv $ \mb_iserv ->
+ case mb_iserv of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing -- already shut down
+ Just iserv@IServ{..} ->
+ return (Just iserv{iservPendingFrees = hvref : iservPendingFrees})
+freeHValueRefs :: HscEnv -> [HValueRef] -> IO ()
+freeHValueRefs _ [] = return ()
+freeHValueRefs hsc_env refs = iservCmd hsc_env (FreeHValueRefs refs)
+-- | Convert a 'ForeignRef' to the value it references directly. This
+-- only works when the interpreter is running in the same process as
+-- the compiler, so it fails when @-fexternal-interpreter@ is on.
+wormhole :: DynFlags -> ForeignRef a -> IO a
+wormhole dflags r = wormholeRef dflags (unsafeForeignRefToRemoteRef r)
+-- | Convert an 'RemoteRef' to the value it references directly. This
+-- only works when the interpreter is running in the same process as
+-- the compiler, so it fails when @-fexternal-interpreter@ is on.
+wormholeRef :: DynFlags -> RemoteRef a -> IO a
+wormholeRef dflags _r
+ | gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags
+ = throwIO (InstallationError
+ "this operation requires -fno-external-interpreter")
+ | otherwise
+ = localRef _r
+ | otherwise
+ = throwIO (InstallationError
+ "can't wormhole a value in a stage1 compiler")
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Misc utils
+mkEvalOpts :: DynFlags -> Bool -> EvalOpts
+mkEvalOpts dflags step =
+ EvalOpts
+ { useSandboxThread = gopt Opt_GhciSandbox dflags
+ , singleStep = step
+ , breakOnException = gopt Opt_BreakOnException dflags
+ , breakOnError = gopt Opt_BreakOnError dflags }
+fromEvalResult :: EvalResult a -> IO a
+fromEvalResult (EvalException e) = throwIO (fromSerializableException e)
+fromEvalResult (EvalSuccess a) = return a