path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2019-08-13 17:26:32 +0200
committerSylvain Henry <>2019-09-10 00:04:50 +0200
commit447864a94a1679b5b079e08bb7208a0005381cef (patch)
treebaa469c52620ce7ae02def3e5e6a6f109cc89f40 /compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
parent270fbe8512f04b6107755fa22bdec62205c0a567 (diff)
Module hierarchy: StgToCmm (#13009)
Add StgToCmm module hierarchy. Platform modules that are used in several other places (NCG, LLVM codegen, Cmm transformations) are put into GHC.Platform.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs')
1 files changed, 2622 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc69a51916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2622 @@
+-- emitPrimOp is quite large
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fmax-pmcheck-iterations=4000000 #-}
+-- Stg to C--: primitive operations
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
+module GHC.StgToCmm.Prim (
+ cgOpApp,
+ cgPrimOp, -- internal(ish), used by cgCase to get code for a
+ -- comparison without also turning it into a Bool.
+ shouldInlinePrimOp
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude hiding ((<*>))
+import GHC.StgToCmm.Layout
+import GHC.StgToCmm.Foreign
+import GHC.StgToCmm.Env
+import GHC.StgToCmm.Monad
+import GHC.StgToCmm.Utils
+import GHC.StgToCmm.Ticky
+import GHC.StgToCmm.Heap
+import GHC.StgToCmm.Prof ( costCentreFrom )
+import DynFlags
+import GHC.Platform
+import BasicTypes
+import BlockId
+import MkGraph
+import StgSyn
+import Cmm
+import Type ( Type, tyConAppTyCon )
+import TyCon
+import CLabel
+import CmmUtils
+import PrimOp
+import SMRep
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Bits ((.&.), bit)
+import Control.Monad (liftM, when, unless)
+-- Primitive operations and foreign calls
+{- Note [Foreign call results]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+A foreign call always returns an unboxed tuple of results, one
+of which is the state token. This seems to happen even for pure
+Even if we returned a single result for pure calls, it'd still be
+right to wrap it in a singleton unboxed tuple, because the result
+might be a Haskell closure pointer, we don't want to evaluate it. -}
+cgOpApp :: StgOp -- The op
+ -> [StgArg] -- Arguments
+ -> Type -- Result type (always an unboxed tuple)
+ -> FCode ReturnKind
+-- Foreign calls
+cgOpApp (StgFCallOp fcall ty) stg_args res_ty
+ = cgForeignCall fcall ty stg_args res_ty
+ -- Note [Foreign call results]
+-- tagToEnum# is special: we need to pull the constructor
+-- out of the table, and perform an appropriate return.
+cgOpApp (StgPrimOp TagToEnumOp) [arg] res_ty
+ = ASSERT(isEnumerationTyCon tycon)
+ do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; args' <- getNonVoidArgAmodes [arg]
+ ; let amode = case args' of [amode] -> amode
+ _ -> panic "TagToEnumOp had void arg"
+ ; emitReturn [tagToClosure dflags tycon amode] }
+ where
+ -- If you're reading this code in the attempt to figure
+ -- out why the compiler panic'ed here, it is probably because
+ -- you used tagToEnum# in a non-monomorphic setting, e.g.,
+ -- intToTg :: Enum a => Int -> a ; intToTg (I# x#) = tagToEnum# x#
+ -- That won't work.
+ tycon = tyConAppTyCon res_ty
+cgOpApp (StgPrimOp primop) args res_ty = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ cmm_args <- getNonVoidArgAmodes args
+ case shouldInlinePrimOp dflags primop cmm_args of
+ Nothing -> do -- out-of-line
+ let fun = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsPrimOpLabel primop))
+ emitCall (NativeNodeCall, NativeReturn) fun cmm_args
+ Just f -- inline
+ | ReturnsPrim VoidRep <- result_info
+ -> do f []
+ emitReturn []
+ | ReturnsPrim rep <- result_info
+ -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ res <- newTemp (primRepCmmType dflags rep)
+ f [res]
+ emitReturn [CmmReg (CmmLocal res)]
+ | ReturnsAlg tycon <- result_info, isUnboxedTupleTyCon tycon
+ -> do (regs, _hints) <- newUnboxedTupleRegs res_ty
+ f regs
+ emitReturn (map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) regs)
+ | otherwise -> panic "cgPrimop"
+ where
+ result_info = getPrimOpResultInfo primop
+cgOpApp (StgPrimCallOp primcall) args _res_ty
+ = do { cmm_args <- getNonVoidArgAmodes args
+ ; let fun = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkPrimCallLabel primcall))
+ ; emitCall (NativeNodeCall, NativeReturn) fun cmm_args }
+-- | Interpret the argument as an unsigned value, assuming the value
+-- is given in two-complement form in the given width.
+-- Example: @asUnsigned W64 (-1)@ is 18446744073709551615.
+-- This function is used to work around the fact that many array
+-- primops take Int# arguments, but we interpret them as unsigned
+-- quantities in the code gen. This means that we have to be careful
+-- every time we work on e.g. a CmmInt literal that corresponds to the
+-- array size, as it might contain a negative Integer value if the
+-- user passed a value larger than 2^(wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS-1) as the Int#
+-- literal.
+asUnsigned :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
+asUnsigned w n = n .&. (bit (widthInBits w) - 1)
+-- TODO: Several primop implementations (e.g. 'doNewByteArrayOp') use
+-- ByteOff (or some other fixed width signed type) to represent
+-- array sizes or indices. This means that these will overflow for
+-- large enough sizes.
+-- | Decide whether an out-of-line primop should be replaced by an
+-- inline implementation. This might happen e.g. if there's enough
+-- static information, such as statically know arguments, to emit a
+-- more efficient implementation inline.
+-- Returns 'Nothing' if this primop should use its out-of-line
+-- implementation (defined elsewhere) and 'Just' together with a code
+-- generating function that takes the output regs as arguments
+-- otherwise.
+shouldInlinePrimOp :: DynFlags
+ -> PrimOp -- ^ The primop
+ -> [CmmExpr] -- ^ The primop arguments
+ -> Maybe ([LocalReg] -> FCode ())
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags NewByteArrayOp_Char [(CmmLit (CmmInt n w))]
+ | asUnsigned w n <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] -> doNewByteArrayOp res (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags NewArrayOp [(CmmLit (CmmInt n w)), init]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] ->
+ doNewArrayOp res (arrPtrsRep dflags (fromInteger n)) mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel
+ [ (mkIntExpr dflags (fromInteger n),
+ fixedHdrSize dflags + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs dflags)
+ , (mkIntExpr dflags (nonHdrSizeW (arrPtrsRep dflags (fromInteger n))),
+ fixedHdrSize dflags + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_size dflags)
+ ]
+ (fromInteger n) init
+shouldInlinePrimOp _ CopyArrayOp
+ [src, src_off, dst, dst_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] =
+ Just $ \ [] -> doCopyArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp _ CopyMutableArrayOp
+ [src, src_off, dst, dst_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] =
+ Just $ \ [] -> doCopyMutableArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp _ CopyArrayArrayOp
+ [src, src_off, dst, dst_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] =
+ Just $ \ [] -> doCopyArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp _ CopyMutableArrayArrayOp
+ [src, src_off, dst, dst_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] =
+ Just $ \ [] -> doCopyMutableArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags CloneArrayOp [src, src_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n w))]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] -> emitCloneArray mkMAP_FROZEN_CLEAN_infoLabel res src src_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags CloneMutableArrayOp [src, src_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n w))]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] -> emitCloneArray mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel res src src_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags FreezeArrayOp [src, src_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n w))]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] -> emitCloneArray mkMAP_FROZEN_CLEAN_infoLabel res src src_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags ThawArrayOp [src, src_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n w))]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] -> emitCloneArray mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel res src src_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags NewSmallArrayOp [(CmmLit (CmmInt n w)), init]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] ->
+ doNewArrayOp res (smallArrPtrsRep (fromInteger n)) mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel
+ [ (mkIntExpr dflags (fromInteger n),
+ fixedHdrSize dflags + oFFSET_StgSmallMutArrPtrs_ptrs dflags)
+ ]
+ (fromInteger n) init
+shouldInlinePrimOp _ CopySmallArrayOp
+ [src, src_off, dst, dst_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] =
+ Just $ \ [] -> doCopySmallArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp _ CopySmallMutableArrayOp
+ [src, src_off, dst, dst_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] =
+ Just $ \ [] -> doCopySmallMutableArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags CloneSmallArrayOp [src, src_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n w))]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] -> emitCloneSmallArray mkSMAP_FROZEN_CLEAN_infoLabel res src src_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags CloneSmallMutableArrayOp [src, src_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n w))]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] -> emitCloneSmallArray mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel res src src_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags FreezeSmallArrayOp [src, src_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n w))]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] -> emitCloneSmallArray mkSMAP_FROZEN_CLEAN_infoLabel res src src_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags ThawSmallArrayOp [src, src_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n w))]
+ | wordsToBytes dflags (asUnsigned w n) <= fromIntegral (maxInlineAllocSize dflags) =
+ Just $ \ [res] -> emitCloneSmallArray mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel res src src_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp dflags primop args
+ | primOpOutOfLine primop = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ \ regs -> emitPrimOp dflags regs primop args
+-- TODO: Several primops, such as 'copyArray#', only have an inline
+-- implementation (below) but could possibly have both an inline
+-- implementation and an out-of-line implementation, just like
+-- 'newArray#'. This would lower the amount of code generated,
+-- hopefully without a performance impact (needs to be measured).
+cgPrimOp :: [LocalReg] -- where to put the results
+ -> PrimOp -- the op
+ -> [StgArg] -- arguments
+ -> FCode ()
+cgPrimOp results op args
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ arg_exprs <- getNonVoidArgAmodes args
+ emitPrimOp dflags results op arg_exprs
+-- Emitting code for a primop
+emitPrimOp :: DynFlags
+ -> [LocalReg] -- where to put the results
+ -> PrimOp -- the op
+ -> [CmmExpr] -- arguments
+ -> FCode ()
+-- First we handle various awkward cases specially. The remaining
+-- easy cases are then handled by translateOp, defined below.
+emitPrimOp _ [res] ParOp [arg]
+ =
+ -- for now, just implement this in a C function
+ -- later, we might want to inline it.
+ emitCCall
+ [(res,NoHint)]
+ (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel (fsLit "newSpark") Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction)))
+ [(baseExpr, AddrHint), (arg,AddrHint)]
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] SparkOp [arg]
+ = do
+ -- returns the value of arg in res. We're going to therefore
+ -- refer to arg twice (once to pass to newSpark(), and once to
+ -- assign to res), so put it in a temporary.
+ tmp <- assignTemp arg
+ tmp2 <- newTemp (bWord dflags)
+ emitCCall
+ [(tmp2,NoHint)]
+ (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel (fsLit "newSpark") Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction)))
+ [(baseExpr, AddrHint), ((CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)), AddrHint)]
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp))
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] GetCCSOfOp [arg]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) val
+ where
+ val
+ | gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags = costCentreFrom dflags (cmmUntag dflags arg)
+ | otherwise = CmmLit (zeroCLit dflags)
+emitPrimOp _ [res] GetCurrentCCSOp [_dummy_arg]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) cccsExpr
+emitPrimOp _ [res] MyThreadIdOp []
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) currentTSOExpr
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] ReadMutVarOp [mutv]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW dflags mutv (fixedHdrSizeW dflags) (gcWord dflags))
+emitPrimOp dflags res@[] WriteMutVarOp [mutv,var]
+ = do -- Without this write barrier, other CPUs may see this pointer before
+ -- the writes for the closure it points to have occurred.
+ emitPrimCall res MO_WriteBarrier []
+ emitStore (cmmOffsetW dflags mutv (fixedHdrSizeW dflags)) var
+ emitCCall
+ [{-no results-}]
+ (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkDirty_MUT_VAR_Label))
+ [(baseExpr, AddrHint), (mutv,AddrHint)]
+-- #define sizzeofByteArrayzh(r,a) \
+-- r = ((StgArrBytes *)(a))->bytes
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofByteArrayOp [arg]
+ = emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW dflags arg (fixedHdrSizeW dflags) (bWord dflags))
+-- #define sizzeofMutableByteArrayzh(r,a) \
+-- r = ((StgArrBytes *)(a))->bytes
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofMutableByteArrayOp [arg]
+ = emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofByteArrayOp [arg]
+-- #define getSizzeofMutableByteArrayzh(r,a) \
+-- r = ((StgArrBytes *)(a))->bytes
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] GetSizeofMutableByteArrayOp [arg]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW dflags arg (fixedHdrSizeW dflags) (bWord dflags))
+-- #define touchzh(o) /* nothing */
+emitPrimOp _ res@[] TouchOp args@[_arg]
+ = do emitPrimCall res MO_Touch args
+-- #define byteArrayContentszh(r,a) r = BYTE_ARR_CTS(a)
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] ByteArrayContents_Char [arg]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmOffsetB dflags arg (arrWordsHdrSize dflags))
+-- #define stableNameToIntzh(r,s) (r = ((StgStableName *)s)->sn)
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] StableNameToIntOp [arg]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW dflags arg (fixedHdrSizeW dflags) (bWord dflags))
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp [arg1,arg2]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp (mo_wordEq dflags) [arg1,arg2])
+-- #define addrToHValuezh(r,a) r=(P_)a
+emitPrimOp _ [res] AddrToAnyOp [arg]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) arg
+-- #define hvalueToAddrzh(r, a) r=(W_)a
+emitPrimOp _ [res] AnyToAddrOp [arg]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) arg
+{- Freezing arrays-of-ptrs requires changing an info table, for the
+ benefit of the generational collector. It needs to scavenge mutable
+ objects, even if they are in old space. When they become immutable,
+ they can be removed from this scavenge list. -}
+-- #define unsafeFreezzeArrayzh(r,a)
+-- {
+-- SET_INFO((StgClosure *)a,&stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN_DIRTY_info);
+-- r = a;
+-- }
+emitPrimOp _ [res] UnsafeFreezeArrayOp [arg]
+ = emit $ catAGraphs
+ [ setInfo arg (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkMAP_FROZEN_DIRTY_infoLabel)),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res) arg ]
+emitPrimOp _ [res] UnsafeFreezeArrayArrayOp [arg]
+ = emit $ catAGraphs
+ [ setInfo arg (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkMAP_FROZEN_DIRTY_infoLabel)),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res) arg ]
+emitPrimOp _ [res] UnsafeFreezeSmallArrayOp [arg]
+ = emit $ catAGraphs
+ [ setInfo arg (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkSMAP_FROZEN_DIRTY_infoLabel)),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res) arg ]
+-- #define unsafeFreezzeByteArrayzh(r,a) r=(a)
+emitPrimOp _ [res] UnsafeFreezeByteArrayOp [arg]
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) arg
+-- Reading/writing pointer arrays
+emitPrimOp _ [res] ReadArrayOp [obj,ix] = doReadPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [res] IndexArrayOp [obj,ix] = doReadPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [] WriteArrayOp [obj,ix,v] = doWritePtrArrayOp obj ix v
+emitPrimOp _ [res] IndexArrayArrayOp_ByteArray [obj,ix] = doReadPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [res] IndexArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray [obj,ix] = doReadPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [res] ReadArrayArrayOp_ByteArray [obj,ix] = doReadPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [res] ReadArrayArrayOp_MutableByteArray [obj,ix] = doReadPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [res] ReadArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray [obj,ix] = doReadPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [res] ReadArrayArrayOp_MutableArrayArray [obj,ix] = doReadPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [] WriteArrayArrayOp_ByteArray [obj,ix,v] = doWritePtrArrayOp obj ix v
+emitPrimOp _ [] WriteArrayArrayOp_MutableByteArray [obj,ix,v] = doWritePtrArrayOp obj ix v
+emitPrimOp _ [] WriteArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray [obj,ix,v] = doWritePtrArrayOp obj ix v
+emitPrimOp _ [] WriteArrayArrayOp_MutableArrayArray [obj,ix,v] = doWritePtrArrayOp obj ix v
+emitPrimOp _ [res] ReadSmallArrayOp [obj,ix] = doReadSmallPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [res] IndexSmallArrayOp [obj,ix] = doReadSmallPtrArrayOp res obj ix
+emitPrimOp _ [] WriteSmallArrayOp [obj,ix,v] = doWriteSmallPtrArrayOp obj ix v
+-- Getting the size of pointer arrays
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofArrayOp [arg]
+ = emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW dflags arg
+ (fixedHdrSizeW dflags + bytesToWordsRoundUp dflags (oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs dflags))
+ (bWord dflags))
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofMutableArrayOp [arg]
+ = emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofArrayOp [arg]
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofArrayArrayOp [arg]
+ = emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofArrayOp [arg]
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofMutableArrayArrayOp [arg]
+ = emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofArrayOp [arg]
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofSmallArrayOp [arg] =
+ emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res)
+ (cmmLoadIndexW dflags arg
+ (fixedHdrSizeW dflags + bytesToWordsRoundUp dflags (oFFSET_StgSmallMutArrPtrs_ptrs dflags))
+ (bWord dflags))
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofSmallMutableArrayOp [arg] =
+ emitPrimOp dflags [res] SizeofSmallArrayOp [arg]
+-- IndexXXXoffAddr
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Char args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_WideChar args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Int args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Word args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Addr args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexOffAddrOp_Float args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing f32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexOffAddrOp_Double args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing f64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_StablePtr args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Int8 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_s_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Int16 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_s_16ToWord dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Int32 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_s_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexOffAddrOp_Int64 args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing b64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Word8 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Word16 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_16ToWord dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexOffAddrOp_Word32 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexOffAddrOp_Word64 args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing b64 res args
+-- ReadXXXoffAddr, which are identical, for our purposes, to IndexXXXoffAddr.
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Char args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_WideChar args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Int args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Word args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Addr args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadOffAddrOp_Float args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing f32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadOffAddrOp_Double args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing f64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_StablePtr args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Int8 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_s_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Int16 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_s_16ToWord dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Int32 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_s_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadOffAddrOp_Int64 args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing b64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Word8 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Word16 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_16ToWord dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadOffAddrOp_Word32 args = doIndexOffAddrOp (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadOffAddrOp_Word64 args = doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing b64 res args
+-- IndexXXXArray
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Char args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_WideChar args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Int args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Addr args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Float args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing f32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Double args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing f64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_StablePtr args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Int8 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_s_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Int16 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_s_16ToWord dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Int32 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_s_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Int64 args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing b64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word16 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_16ToWord dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word32 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Word64 args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing b64 res args
+-- ReadXXXArray, identical to IndexXXXArray.
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Char args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_WideChar args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Int args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Addr args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadByteArrayOp_Float args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing f32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadByteArrayOp_Double args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing f64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_StablePtr args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Int8 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_s_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Int16 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_s_16ToWord dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Int32 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_s_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadByteArrayOp_Int64 args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing b64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word16 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_16ToWord dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word32 args = doIndexByteArrayOp (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadByteArrayOp_Word64 args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing b64 res args
+-- IndexWord8ArrayAsXXX
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsChar args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWideChar args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing (bWord dflags) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing (bWord dflags) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsAddr args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing (bWord dflags) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsFloat args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing f32 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsDouble args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing f64 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsStablePtr args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing (bWord dflags) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt16 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_s_16ToWord dflags)) b16 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt32 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_s_32ToWord dflags)) b32 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt64 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing b64 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord16 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_u_16ToWord dflags)) b16 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord32 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord64 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing b64 b8 res args
+-- ReadInt8ArrayAsXXX, identical to IndexInt8ArrayAsXXX
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsChar args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)) b8 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWideChar args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing (bWord dflags) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing (bWord dflags) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsAddr args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing (bWord dflags) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsFloat args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing f32 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsDouble args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing f64 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsStablePtr args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing (bWord dflags) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt16 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_s_16ToWord dflags)) b16 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt32 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_s_32ToWord dflags)) b32 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt64 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing b64 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord16 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_u_16ToWord dflags)) b16 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord32 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs (Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)) b32 b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord64 args = doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing b64 b8 res args
+-- WriteXXXoffAddr
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Char args = doWriteOffAddrOp (Just (mo_WordTo8 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_WideChar args = doWriteOffAddrOp (Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Int args = doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Word args = doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Addr args = doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteOffAddrOp_Float args = doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing f32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteOffAddrOp_Double args = doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing f64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_StablePtr args = doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Int8 args = doWriteOffAddrOp (Just (mo_WordTo8 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Int16 args = doWriteOffAddrOp (Just (mo_WordTo16 dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Int32 args = doWriteOffAddrOp (Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteOffAddrOp_Int64 args = doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing b64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Word8 args = doWriteOffAddrOp (Just (mo_WordTo8 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Word16 args = doWriteOffAddrOp (Just (mo_WordTo16 dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteOffAddrOp_Word32 args = doWriteOffAddrOp (Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteOffAddrOp_Word64 args = doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing b64 res args
+-- WriteXXXArray
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Char args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo8 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_WideChar args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Int args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Addr args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Float args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing f32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Double args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing f64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_StablePtr args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing (bWord dflags) res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Int8 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo8 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Int16 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo16 dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Int32 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Int64 args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b64 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo8 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word16 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo16 dflags)) b16 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word32 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)) b32 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Word64 args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b64 res args
+-- WriteInt8ArrayAsXXX
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsChar args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo8 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWideChar args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsAddr args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsFloat args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsDouble args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsStablePtr args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt16 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo16 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt32 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt64 args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord16 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo16 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp dflags res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord32 args = doWriteByteArrayOp (Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)) b8 res args
+emitPrimOp _ res WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord64 args = doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing b8 res args
+-- Copying and setting byte arrays
+emitPrimOp _ [] CopyByteArrayOp [src,src_off,dst,dst_off,n] =
+ doCopyByteArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off n
+emitPrimOp _ [] CopyMutableByteArrayOp [src,src_off,dst,dst_off,n] =
+ doCopyMutableByteArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off n
+emitPrimOp _ [] CopyByteArrayToAddrOp [src,src_off,dst,n] =
+ doCopyByteArrayToAddrOp src src_off dst n
+emitPrimOp _ [] CopyMutableByteArrayToAddrOp [src,src_off,dst,n] =
+ doCopyMutableByteArrayToAddrOp src src_off dst n
+emitPrimOp _ [] CopyAddrToByteArrayOp [src,dst,dst_off,n] =
+ doCopyAddrToByteArrayOp src dst dst_off n
+emitPrimOp _ [] SetByteArrayOp [ba,off,len,c] =
+ doSetByteArrayOp ba off len c
+-- Comparing byte arrays
+emitPrimOp _ [res] CompareByteArraysOp [ba1,ba1_off,ba2,ba2_off,n] =
+ doCompareByteArraysOp res ba1 ba1_off ba2 ba2_off n
+emitPrimOp _ [res] BSwap16Op [w] = emitBSwapCall res w W16
+emitPrimOp _ [res] BSwap32Op [w] = emitBSwapCall res w W32
+emitPrimOp _ [res] BSwap64Op [w] = emitBSwapCall res w W64
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] BSwapOp [w] = emitBSwapCall res w (wordWidth dflags)
+emitPrimOp _ [res] BRev8Op [w] = emitBRevCall res w W8
+emitPrimOp _ [res] BRev16Op [w] = emitBRevCall res w W16
+emitPrimOp _ [res] BRev32Op [w] = emitBRevCall res w W32
+emitPrimOp _ [res] BRev64Op [w] = emitBRevCall res w W64
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] BRevOp [w] = emitBRevCall res w (wordWidth dflags)
+-- Population count
+emitPrimOp _ [res] PopCnt8Op [w] = emitPopCntCall res w W8
+emitPrimOp _ [res] PopCnt16Op [w] = emitPopCntCall res w W16
+emitPrimOp _ [res] PopCnt32Op [w] = emitPopCntCall res w W32
+emitPrimOp _ [res] PopCnt64Op [w] = emitPopCntCall res w W64
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] PopCntOp [w] = emitPopCntCall res w (wordWidth dflags)
+-- Parallel bit deposit
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Pdep8Op [src, mask] = emitPdepCall res src mask W8
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Pdep16Op [src, mask] = emitPdepCall res src mask W16
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Pdep32Op [src, mask] = emitPdepCall res src mask W32
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Pdep64Op [src, mask] = emitPdepCall res src mask W64
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] PdepOp [src, mask] = emitPdepCall res src mask (wordWidth dflags)
+-- Parallel bit extract
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Pext8Op [src, mask] = emitPextCall res src mask W8
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Pext16Op [src, mask] = emitPextCall res src mask W16
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Pext32Op [src, mask] = emitPextCall res src mask W32
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Pext64Op [src, mask] = emitPextCall res src mask W64
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] PextOp [src, mask] = emitPextCall res src mask (wordWidth dflags)
+-- count leading zeros
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Clz8Op [w] = emitClzCall res w W8
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Clz16Op [w] = emitClzCall res w W16
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Clz32Op [w] = emitClzCall res w W32
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Clz64Op [w] = emitClzCall res w W64
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] ClzOp [w] = emitClzCall res w (wordWidth dflags)
+-- count trailing zeros
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Ctz8Op [w] = emitCtzCall res w W8
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Ctz16Op [w] = emitCtzCall res w W16
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Ctz32Op [w] = emitCtzCall res w W32
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Ctz64Op [w] = emitCtzCall res w W64
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] CtzOp [w] = emitCtzCall res w (wordWidth dflags)
+-- Unsigned int to floating point conversions
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Word2FloatOp [w] = emitPrimCall [res]
+ (MO_UF_Conv W32) [w]
+emitPrimOp _ [res] Word2DoubleOp [w] = emitPrimCall [res]
+ (MO_UF_Conv W64) [w]
+-- SIMD primops
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] (VecBroadcastOp vcat n w) [e] = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doVecPackOp (vecElemInjectCast dflags vcat w) ty zeros (replicate n e) res
+ where
+ zeros :: CmmExpr
+ zeros = CmmLit $ CmmVec (replicate n zero)
+ zero :: CmmLit
+ zero = case vcat of
+ IntVec -> CmmInt 0 w
+ WordVec -> CmmInt 0 w
+ FloatVec -> CmmFloat 0 w
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] (VecPackOp vcat n w) es = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ when (es `lengthIsNot` n) $
+ panic "emitPrimOp: VecPackOp has wrong number of arguments"
+ doVecPackOp (vecElemInjectCast dflags vcat w) ty zeros es res
+ where
+ zeros :: CmmExpr
+ zeros = CmmLit $ CmmVec (replicate n zero)
+ zero :: CmmLit
+ zero = case vcat of
+ IntVec -> CmmInt 0 w
+ WordVec -> CmmInt 0 w
+ FloatVec -> CmmFloat 0 w
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecUnpackOp vcat n w) [arg] = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ when (res `lengthIsNot` n) $
+ panic "emitPrimOp: VecUnpackOp has wrong number of results"
+ doVecUnpackOp (vecElemProjectCast dflags vcat w) ty arg res
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] (VecInsertOp vcat n w) [v,e,i] = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doVecInsertOp (vecElemInjectCast dflags vcat w) ty v e i res
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecIndexByteArrayOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing ty res args
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecReadByteArrayOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing ty res args
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecWriteByteArrayOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing ty res args
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecIndexOffAddrOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing ty res args
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecReadOffAddrOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doIndexOffAddrOp Nothing ty res args
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecWriteOffAddrOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing ty res args
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecIndexScalarByteArrayOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing vecty ty res args
+ where
+ vecty :: CmmType
+ vecty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecCmmCat vcat w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecReadScalarByteArrayOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doIndexByteArrayOpAs Nothing vecty ty res args
+ where
+ vecty :: CmmType
+ vecty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecCmmCat vcat w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecWriteScalarByteArrayOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doWriteByteArrayOp Nothing ty res args
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecCmmCat vcat w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecIndexScalarOffAddrOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doIndexOffAddrOpAs Nothing vecty ty res args
+ where
+ vecty :: CmmType
+ vecty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecCmmCat vcat w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecReadScalarOffAddrOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doIndexOffAddrOpAs Nothing vecty ty res args
+ where
+ vecty :: CmmType
+ vecty = vecVmmType vcat n w
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecCmmCat vcat w
+emitPrimOp dflags res (VecWriteScalarOffAddrOp vcat n w) args = do
+ checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat n w
+ doWriteOffAddrOp Nothing ty res args
+ where
+ ty :: CmmType
+ ty = vecCmmCat vcat w
+-- Prefetch
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchByteArrayOp3 args = doPrefetchByteArrayOp 3 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp3 args = doPrefetchMutableByteArrayOp 3 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchAddrOp3 args = doPrefetchAddrOp 3 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchValueOp3 args = doPrefetchValueOp 3 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchByteArrayOp2 args = doPrefetchByteArrayOp 2 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp2 args = doPrefetchMutableByteArrayOp 2 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchAddrOp2 args = doPrefetchAddrOp 2 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchValueOp2 args = doPrefetchValueOp 2 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchByteArrayOp1 args = doPrefetchByteArrayOp 1 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp1 args = doPrefetchMutableByteArrayOp 1 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchAddrOp1 args = doPrefetchAddrOp 1 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchValueOp1 args = doPrefetchValueOp 1 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchByteArrayOp0 args = doPrefetchByteArrayOp 0 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp0 args = doPrefetchMutableByteArrayOp 0 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchAddrOp0 args = doPrefetchAddrOp 0 args
+emitPrimOp _ [] PrefetchValueOp0 args = doPrefetchValueOp 0 args
+-- Atomic read-modify-write
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] FetchAddByteArrayOp_Int [mba, ix, n] =
+ doAtomicRMW res AMO_Add mba ix (bWord dflags) n
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] FetchSubByteArrayOp_Int [mba, ix, n] =
+ doAtomicRMW res AMO_Sub mba ix (bWord dflags) n
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] FetchAndByteArrayOp_Int [mba, ix, n] =
+ doAtomicRMW res AMO_And mba ix (bWord dflags) n
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] FetchNandByteArrayOp_Int [mba, ix, n] =
+ doAtomicRMW res AMO_Nand mba ix (bWord dflags) n
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] FetchOrByteArrayOp_Int [mba, ix, n] =
+ doAtomicRMW res AMO_Or mba ix (bWord dflags) n
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] FetchXorByteArrayOp_Int [mba, ix, n] =
+ doAtomicRMW res AMO_Xor mba ix (bWord dflags) n
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] AtomicReadByteArrayOp_Int [mba, ix] =
+ doAtomicReadByteArray res mba ix (bWord dflags)
+emitPrimOp dflags [] AtomicWriteByteArrayOp_Int [mba, ix, val] =
+ doAtomicWriteByteArray mba ix (bWord dflags) val
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] CasByteArrayOp_Int [mba, ix, old, new] =
+ doCasByteArray res mba ix (bWord dflags) old new
+-- The rest just translate straightforwardly
+emitPrimOp dflags [res] op [arg]
+ | nopOp op
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) arg
+ | Just (mop,rep) <- narrowOp op
+ = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) $
+ CmmMachOp (mop rep (wordWidth dflags)) [CmmMachOp (mop (wordWidth dflags) rep) [arg]]
+emitPrimOp dflags r@[res] op args
+ | Just prim <- callishOp op
+ = do emitPrimCall r prim args
+ | Just mop <- translateOp dflags op
+ = let stmt = mkAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp mop args) in
+ emit stmt
+emitPrimOp dflags results op args
+ = case callishPrimOpSupported dflags op args of
+ Left op -> emit $ mkUnsafeCall (PrimTarget op) results args
+ Right gen -> gen results args
+-- Note [QuotRem optimization]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- `quot` and `rem` with constant divisor can be implemented with fast bit-ops
+-- (shift, .&.).
+-- Currently we only support optimization (performed in CmmOpt) when the
+-- constant is a power of 2. #9041 tracks the implementation of the general
+-- optimization.
+-- `quotRem` can be optimized in the same way. However as it returns two values,
+-- it is implemented as a "callish" primop which is harder to match and
+-- to transform later on. For simplicity, the current implementation detects cases
+-- that can be optimized (see `quotRemCanBeOptimized`) and converts STG quotRem
+-- primop into two CMM quot and rem primops.
+type GenericOp = [CmmFormal] -> [CmmActual] -> FCode ()
+callishPrimOpSupported :: DynFlags -> PrimOp -> [CmmExpr] -> Either CallishMachOp GenericOp
+callishPrimOpSupported dflags op args
+ = case op of
+ IntQuotRemOp | ncg && (x86ish || ppc)
+ , not quotRemCanBeOptimized
+ -> Left (MO_S_QuotRem (wordWidth dflags))
+ | otherwise
+ -> Right (genericIntQuotRemOp (wordWidth dflags))
+ Int8QuotRemOp | ncg && (x86ish || ppc)
+ , not quotRemCanBeOptimized
+ -> Left (MO_S_QuotRem W8)
+ | otherwise -> Right (genericIntQuotRemOp W8)
+ Int16QuotRemOp | ncg && (x86ish || ppc)
+ , not quotRemCanBeOptimized
+ -> Left (MO_S_QuotRem W16)
+ | otherwise -> Right (genericIntQuotRemOp W16)
+ WordQuotRemOp | ncg && (x86ish || ppc)
+ , not quotRemCanBeOptimized
+ -> Left (MO_U_QuotRem (wordWidth dflags))
+ | otherwise
+ -> Right (genericWordQuotRemOp (wordWidth dflags))
+ WordQuotRem2Op | (ncg && (x86ish || ppc))
+ || llvm -> Left (MO_U_QuotRem2 (wordWidth dflags))
+ | otherwise -> Right (genericWordQuotRem2Op dflags)
+ Word8QuotRemOp | ncg && (x86ish || ppc)
+ , not quotRemCanBeOptimized
+ -> Left (MO_U_QuotRem W8)
+ | otherwise -> Right (genericWordQuotRemOp W8)
+ Word16QuotRemOp| ncg && (x86ish || ppc)
+ , not quotRemCanBeOptimized
+ -> Left (MO_U_QuotRem W16)
+ | otherwise -> Right (genericWordQuotRemOp W16)
+ WordAdd2Op | (ncg && (x86ish || ppc))
+ || llvm -> Left (MO_Add2 (wordWidth dflags))
+ | otherwise -> Right genericWordAdd2Op
+ WordAddCOp | (ncg && (x86ish || ppc))
+ || llvm -> Left (MO_AddWordC (wordWidth dflags))
+ | otherwise -> Right genericWordAddCOp
+ WordSubCOp | (ncg && (x86ish || ppc))
+ || llvm -> Left (MO_SubWordC (wordWidth dflags))
+ | otherwise -> Right genericWordSubCOp
+ IntAddCOp | (ncg && (x86ish || ppc))
+ || llvm -> Left (MO_AddIntC (wordWidth dflags))
+ | otherwise -> Right genericIntAddCOp
+ IntSubCOp | (ncg && (x86ish || ppc))
+ || llvm -> Left (MO_SubIntC (wordWidth dflags))
+ | otherwise -> Right genericIntSubCOp
+ WordMul2Op | ncg && (x86ish || ppc)
+ || llvm -> Left (MO_U_Mul2 (wordWidth dflags))
+ | otherwise -> Right genericWordMul2Op
+ FloatFabsOp | (ncg && x86ish || ppc)
+ || llvm -> Left MO_F32_Fabs
+ | otherwise -> Right $ genericFabsOp W32
+ DoubleFabsOp | (ncg && x86ish || ppc)
+ || llvm -> Left MO_F64_Fabs
+ | otherwise -> Right $ genericFabsOp W64
+ _ -> pprPanic "emitPrimOp: can't translate PrimOp " (ppr op)
+ where
+ -- See Note [QuotRem optimization]
+ quotRemCanBeOptimized = case args of
+ [_, CmmLit (CmmInt n _) ] -> isJust (exactLog2 n)
+ _ -> False
+ ncg = case hscTarget dflags of
+ HscAsm -> True
+ _ -> False
+ llvm = case hscTarget dflags of
+ HscLlvm -> True
+ _ -> False
+ x86ish = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ ArchX86 -> True
+ ArchX86_64 -> True
+ _ -> False
+ ppc = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ ArchPPC -> True
+ ArchPPC_64 _ -> True
+ _ -> False
+genericIntQuotRemOp :: Width -> GenericOp
+genericIntQuotRemOp width [res_q, res_r] [arg_x, arg_y]
+ = emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_q)
+ (CmmMachOp (MO_S_Quot width) [arg_x, arg_y]) <*>
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r)
+ (CmmMachOp (MO_S_Rem width) [arg_x, arg_y])
+genericIntQuotRemOp _ _ _ = panic "genericIntQuotRemOp"
+genericWordQuotRemOp :: Width -> GenericOp
+genericWordQuotRemOp width [res_q, res_r] [arg_x, arg_y]
+ = emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_q)
+ (CmmMachOp (MO_U_Quot width) [arg_x, arg_y]) <*>
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r)
+ (CmmMachOp (MO_U_Rem width) [arg_x, arg_y])
+genericWordQuotRemOp _ _ _ = panic "genericWordQuotRemOp"
+genericWordQuotRem2Op :: DynFlags -> GenericOp
+genericWordQuotRem2Op dflags [res_q, res_r] [arg_x_high, arg_x_low, arg_y]
+ = emit =<< f (widthInBits (wordWidth dflags)) zero arg_x_high arg_x_low
+ where ty = cmmExprType dflags arg_x_high
+ shl x i = CmmMachOp (MO_Shl (wordWidth dflags)) [x, i]
+ shr x i = CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr (wordWidth dflags)) [x, i]
+ or x y = CmmMachOp (MO_Or (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ ge x y = CmmMachOp (MO_U_Ge (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ ne x y = CmmMachOp (MO_Ne (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ minus x y = CmmMachOp (MO_Sub (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ times x y = CmmMachOp (MO_Mul (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ zero = lit 0
+ one = lit 1
+ negone = lit (fromIntegral (widthInBits (wordWidth dflags)) - 1)
+ lit i = CmmLit (CmmInt i (wordWidth dflags))
+ f :: Int -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode CmmAGraph
+ f 0 acc high _ = return (mkAssign (CmmLocal res_q) acc <*>
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) high)
+ f i acc high low =
+ do roverflowedBit <- newTemp ty
+ rhigh' <- newTemp ty
+ rhigh'' <- newTemp ty
+ rlow' <- newTemp ty
+ risge <- newTemp ty
+ racc' <- newTemp ty
+ let high' = CmmReg (CmmLocal rhigh')
+ isge = CmmReg (CmmLocal risge)
+ overflowedBit = CmmReg (CmmLocal roverflowedBit)
+ let this = catAGraphs
+ [mkAssign (CmmLocal roverflowedBit)
+ (shr high negone),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal rhigh')
+ (or (shl high one) (shr low negone)),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal rlow')
+ (shl low one),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal risge)
+ (or (overflowedBit `ne` zero)
+ (high' `ge` arg_y)),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal rhigh'')
+ (high' `minus` (arg_y `times` isge)),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal racc')
+ (or (shl acc one) isge)]
+ rest <- f (i - 1) (CmmReg (CmmLocal racc'))
+ (CmmReg (CmmLocal rhigh''))
+ (CmmReg (CmmLocal rlow'))
+ return (this <*> rest)
+genericWordQuotRem2Op _ _ _ = panic "genericWordQuotRem2Op"
+genericWordAdd2Op :: GenericOp
+genericWordAdd2Op [res_h, res_l] [arg_x, arg_y]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ r1 <- newTemp (cmmExprType dflags arg_x)
+ r2 <- newTemp (cmmExprType dflags arg_x)
+ let topHalf x = CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr (wordWidth dflags)) [x, hww]
+ toTopHalf x = CmmMachOp (MO_Shl (wordWidth dflags)) [x, hww]
+ bottomHalf x = CmmMachOp (MO_And (wordWidth dflags)) [x, hwm]
+ add x y = CmmMachOp (MO_Add (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ or x y = CmmMachOp (MO_Or (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ hww = CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral (widthInBits (halfWordWidth dflags)))
+ (wordWidth dflags))
+ hwm = CmmLit (CmmInt (halfWordMask dflags) (wordWidth dflags))
+ emit $ catAGraphs
+ [mkAssign (CmmLocal r1)
+ (add (bottomHalf arg_x) (bottomHalf arg_y)),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal r2)
+ (add (topHalf (CmmReg (CmmLocal r1)))
+ (add (topHalf arg_x) (topHalf arg_y))),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_h)
+ (topHalf (CmmReg (CmmLocal r2))),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_l)
+ (or (toTopHalf (CmmReg (CmmLocal r2)))
+ (bottomHalf (CmmReg (CmmLocal r1))))]
+genericWordAdd2Op _ _ = panic "genericWordAdd2Op"
+-- | Implements branchless recovery of the carry flag @c@ by checking the
+-- leftmost bits of both inputs @a@ and @b@ and result @r = a + b@:
+-- @
+-- c = a&b | (a|b)&~r
+-- @
+genericWordAddCOp :: GenericOp
+genericWordAddCOp [res_r, res_c] [aa, bb]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emit $ catAGraphs [
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) (CmmMachOp (mo_wordAdd dflags) [aa,bb]),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_c) $
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordUShr dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordOr dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordAnd dflags) [aa,bb],
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordAnd dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordOr dflags) [aa,bb],
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordNot dflags) [CmmReg (CmmLocal res_r)]
+ ]
+ ],
+ mkIntExpr dflags (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS dflags - 1)
+ ]
+ ]
+genericWordAddCOp _ _ = panic "genericWordAddCOp"
+-- | Implements branchless recovery of the carry flag @c@ by checking the
+-- leftmost bits of both inputs @a@ and @b@ and result @r = a - b@:
+-- @
+-- c = ~a&b | (~a|b)&r
+-- @
+genericWordSubCOp :: GenericOp
+genericWordSubCOp [res_r, res_c] [aa, bb]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emit $ catAGraphs [
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) (CmmMachOp (mo_wordSub dflags) [aa,bb]),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_c) $
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordUShr dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordOr dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordAnd dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordNot dflags) [aa],
+ bb
+ ],
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordAnd dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordOr dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordNot dflags) [aa],
+ bb
+ ],
+ CmmReg (CmmLocal res_r)
+ ]
+ ],
+ mkIntExpr dflags (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS dflags - 1)
+ ]
+ ]
+genericWordSubCOp _ _ = panic "genericWordSubCOp"
+genericIntAddCOp :: GenericOp
+genericIntAddCOp [res_r, res_c] [aa, bb]
+ With some bit-twiddling, we can define int{Add,Sub}Czh portably in
+ C, and without needing any comparisons. This may not be the
+ fastest way to do it - if you have better code, please send it! --SDM
+ Return : r = a + b, c = 0 if no overflow, 1 on overflow.
+ We currently don't make use of the r value if c is != 0 (i.e.
+ overflow), we just convert to big integers and try again. This
+ could be improved by making r and c the correct values for
+ plugging into a new J#.
+ { r = ((I_)(a)) + ((I_)(b)); \
+ c = ((StgWord)(~(((I_)(a))^((I_)(b))) & (((I_)(a))^r))) \
+ >> (BITS_IN (I_) - 1); \
+ }
+ Wading through the mass of bracketry, it seems to reduce to:
+ c = ( (~(a^b)) & (a^r) ) >>unsigned (BITS_IN(I_)-1)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emit $ catAGraphs [
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) (CmmMachOp (mo_wordAdd dflags) [aa,bb]),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_c) $
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordUShr dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordAnd dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordNot dflags) [CmmMachOp (mo_wordXor dflags) [aa,bb]],
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordXor dflags) [aa, CmmReg (CmmLocal res_r)]
+ ],
+ mkIntExpr dflags (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS dflags - 1)
+ ]
+ ]
+genericIntAddCOp _ _ = panic "genericIntAddCOp"
+genericIntSubCOp :: GenericOp
+genericIntSubCOp [res_r, res_c] [aa, bb]
+{- Similarly:
+ #define subIntCzh(r,c,a,b) \
+ { r = ((I_)(a)) - ((I_)(b)); \
+ c = ((StgWord)((((I_)(a))^((I_)(b))) & (((I_)(a))^r))) \
+ >> (BITS_IN (I_) - 1); \
+ }
+ c = ((a^b) & (a^r)) >>unsigned (BITS_IN(I_)-1)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emit $ catAGraphs [
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) (CmmMachOp (mo_wordSub dflags) [aa,bb]),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_c) $
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordUShr dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordAnd dflags) [
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordXor dflags) [aa,bb],
+ CmmMachOp (mo_wordXor dflags) [aa, CmmReg (CmmLocal res_r)]
+ ],
+ mkIntExpr dflags (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS dflags - 1)
+ ]
+ ]
+genericIntSubCOp _ _ = panic "genericIntSubCOp"
+genericWordMul2Op :: GenericOp
+genericWordMul2Op [res_h, res_l] [arg_x, arg_y]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let t = cmmExprType dflags arg_x
+ xlyl <- liftM CmmLocal $ newTemp t
+ xlyh <- liftM CmmLocal $ newTemp t
+ xhyl <- liftM CmmLocal $ newTemp t
+ r <- liftM CmmLocal $ newTemp t
+ -- This generic implementation is very simple and slow. We might
+ -- well be able to do better, but for now this at least works.
+ let topHalf x = CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr (wordWidth dflags)) [x, hww]
+ toTopHalf x = CmmMachOp (MO_Shl (wordWidth dflags)) [x, hww]
+ bottomHalf x = CmmMachOp (MO_And (wordWidth dflags)) [x, hwm]
+ add x y = CmmMachOp (MO_Add (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ sum = foldl1 add
+ mul x y = CmmMachOp (MO_Mul (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ or x y = CmmMachOp (MO_Or (wordWidth dflags)) [x, y]
+ hww = CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral (widthInBits (halfWordWidth dflags)))
+ (wordWidth dflags))
+ hwm = CmmLit (CmmInt (halfWordMask dflags) (wordWidth dflags))
+ emit $ catAGraphs
+ [mkAssign xlyl
+ (mul (bottomHalf arg_x) (bottomHalf arg_y)),
+ mkAssign xlyh
+ (mul (bottomHalf arg_x) (topHalf arg_y)),
+ mkAssign xhyl
+ (mul (topHalf arg_x) (bottomHalf arg_y)),
+ mkAssign r
+ (sum [topHalf (CmmReg xlyl),
+ bottomHalf (CmmReg xhyl),
+ bottomHalf (CmmReg xlyh)]),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_l)
+ (or (bottomHalf (CmmReg xlyl))
+ (toTopHalf (CmmReg r))),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_h)
+ (sum [mul (topHalf arg_x) (topHalf arg_y),
+ topHalf (CmmReg xhyl),
+ topHalf (CmmReg xlyh),
+ topHalf (CmmReg r)])]
+genericWordMul2Op _ _ = panic "genericWordMul2Op"
+-- This replicates what we had in libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs:
+-- abs x | x == 0 = 0 -- handles (-0.0)
+-- | x > 0 = x
+-- | otherwise = negateFloat x
+genericFabsOp :: Width -> GenericOp
+genericFabsOp w [res_r] [aa]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let zero = CmmLit (CmmFloat 0 w)
+ eq x y = CmmMachOp (MO_F_Eq w) [x, y]
+ gt x y = CmmMachOp (MO_F_Gt w) [x, y]
+ neg x = CmmMachOp (MO_F_Neg w) [x]
+ g1 = catAGraphs [mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) zero]
+ g2 = catAGraphs [mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) aa]
+ res_t <- CmmLocal <$> newTemp (cmmExprType dflags aa)
+ let g3 = catAGraphs [mkAssign res_t aa,
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) (neg (CmmReg res_t))]
+ g4 <- mkCmmIfThenElse (gt aa zero) g2 g3
+ emit =<< mkCmmIfThenElse (eq aa zero) g1 g4
+genericFabsOp _ _ _ = panic "genericFabsOp"
+-- These PrimOps are NOPs in Cmm
+nopOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
+nopOp Int2WordOp = True
+nopOp Word2IntOp = True
+nopOp Int2AddrOp = True
+nopOp Addr2IntOp = True
+nopOp ChrOp = True -- Int# and Char# are rep'd the same
+nopOp OrdOp = True
+nopOp _ = False
+-- These PrimOps turn into double casts
+narrowOp :: PrimOp -> Maybe (Width -> Width -> MachOp, Width)
+narrowOp Narrow8IntOp = Just (MO_SS_Conv, W8)
+narrowOp Narrow16IntOp = Just (MO_SS_Conv, W16)
+narrowOp Narrow32IntOp = Just (MO_SS_Conv, W32)
+narrowOp Narrow8WordOp = Just (MO_UU_Conv, W8)
+narrowOp Narrow16WordOp = Just (MO_UU_Conv, W16)
+narrowOp Narrow32WordOp = Just (MO_UU_Conv, W32)
+narrowOp _ = Nothing
+-- Native word signless ops
+translateOp :: DynFlags -> PrimOp -> Maybe MachOp
+translateOp dflags IntAddOp = Just (mo_wordAdd dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntSubOp = Just (mo_wordSub dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordAddOp = Just (mo_wordAdd dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordSubOp = Just (mo_wordSub dflags)
+translateOp dflags AddrAddOp = Just (mo_wordAdd dflags)
+translateOp dflags AddrSubOp = Just (mo_wordSub dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntEqOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntNeOp = Just (mo_wordNe dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordEqOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordNeOp = Just (mo_wordNe dflags)
+translateOp dflags AddrEqOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags AddrNeOp = Just (mo_wordNe dflags)
+translateOp dflags AndOp = Just (mo_wordAnd dflags)
+translateOp dflags OrOp = Just (mo_wordOr dflags)
+translateOp dflags XorOp = Just (mo_wordXor dflags)
+translateOp dflags NotOp = Just (mo_wordNot dflags)
+translateOp dflags SllOp = Just (mo_wordShl dflags)
+translateOp dflags SrlOp = Just (mo_wordUShr dflags)
+translateOp dflags AddrRemOp = Just (mo_wordURem dflags)
+-- Native word signed ops
+translateOp dflags IntMulOp = Just (mo_wordMul dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntMulMayOfloOp = Just (MO_S_MulMayOflo (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags IntQuotOp = Just (mo_wordSQuot dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntRemOp = Just (mo_wordSRem dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntNegOp = Just (mo_wordSNeg dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntGeOp = Just (mo_wordSGe dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntLeOp = Just (mo_wordSLe dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntGtOp = Just (mo_wordSGt dflags)
+translateOp dflags IntLtOp = Just (mo_wordSLt dflags)
+translateOp dflags AndIOp = Just (mo_wordAnd dflags)
+translateOp dflags OrIOp = Just (mo_wordOr dflags)
+translateOp dflags XorIOp = Just (mo_wordXor dflags)
+translateOp dflags NotIOp = Just (mo_wordNot dflags)
+translateOp dflags ISllOp = Just (mo_wordShl dflags)
+translateOp dflags ISraOp = Just (mo_wordSShr dflags)
+translateOp dflags ISrlOp = Just (mo_wordUShr dflags)
+-- Native word unsigned ops
+translateOp dflags WordGeOp = Just (mo_wordUGe dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordLeOp = Just (mo_wordULe dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordGtOp = Just (mo_wordUGt dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordLtOp = Just (mo_wordULt dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordMulOp = Just (mo_wordMul dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordQuotOp = Just (mo_wordUQuot dflags)
+translateOp dflags WordRemOp = Just (mo_wordURem dflags)
+translateOp dflags AddrGeOp = Just (mo_wordUGe dflags)
+translateOp dflags AddrLeOp = Just (mo_wordULe dflags)
+translateOp dflags AddrGtOp = Just (mo_wordUGt dflags)
+translateOp dflags AddrLtOp = Just (mo_wordULt dflags)
+-- Int8# signed ops
+translateOp dflags Int8Extend = Just (MO_SS_Conv W8 (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags Int8Narrow = Just (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W8)
+translateOp _ Int8NegOp = Just (MO_S_Neg W8)
+translateOp _ Int8AddOp = Just (MO_Add W8)
+translateOp _ Int8SubOp = Just (MO_Sub W8)
+translateOp _ Int8MulOp = Just (MO_Mul W8)
+translateOp _ Int8QuotOp = Just (MO_S_Quot W8)
+translateOp _ Int8RemOp = Just (MO_S_Rem W8)
+translateOp _ Int8EqOp = Just (MO_Eq W8)
+translateOp _ Int8GeOp = Just (MO_S_Ge W8)
+translateOp _ Int8GtOp = Just (MO_S_Gt W8)
+translateOp _ Int8LeOp = Just (MO_S_Le W8)
+translateOp _ Int8LtOp = Just (MO_S_Lt W8)
+translateOp _ Int8NeOp = Just (MO_Ne W8)
+-- Word8# unsigned ops
+translateOp dflags Word8Extend = Just (MO_UU_Conv W8 (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags Word8Narrow = Just (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W8)
+translateOp _ Word8NotOp = Just (MO_Not W8)
+translateOp _ Word8AddOp = Just (MO_Add W8)
+translateOp _ Word8SubOp = Just (MO_Sub W8)
+translateOp _ Word8MulOp = Just (MO_Mul W8)
+translateOp _ Word8QuotOp = Just (MO_U_Quot W8)
+translateOp _ Word8RemOp = Just (MO_U_Rem W8)
+translateOp _ Word8EqOp = Just (MO_Eq W8)
+translateOp _ Word8GeOp = Just (MO_U_Ge W8)
+translateOp _ Word8GtOp = Just (MO_U_Gt W8)
+translateOp _ Word8LeOp = Just (MO_U_Le W8)
+translateOp _ Word8LtOp = Just (MO_U_Lt W8)
+translateOp _ Word8NeOp = Just (MO_Ne W8)
+-- Int16# signed ops
+translateOp dflags Int16Extend = Just (MO_SS_Conv W16 (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags Int16Narrow = Just (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W16)
+translateOp _ Int16NegOp = Just (MO_S_Neg W16)
+translateOp _ Int16AddOp = Just (MO_Add W16)
+translateOp _ Int16SubOp = Just (MO_Sub W16)
+translateOp _ Int16MulOp = Just (MO_Mul W16)
+translateOp _ Int16QuotOp = Just (MO_S_Quot W16)
+translateOp _ Int16RemOp = Just (MO_S_Rem W16)
+translateOp _ Int16EqOp = Just (MO_Eq W16)
+translateOp _ Int16GeOp = Just (MO_S_Ge W16)
+translateOp _ Int16GtOp = Just (MO_S_Gt W16)
+translateOp _ Int16LeOp = Just (MO_S_Le W16)
+translateOp _ Int16LtOp = Just (MO_S_Lt W16)
+translateOp _ Int16NeOp = Just (MO_Ne W16)
+-- Word16# unsigned ops
+translateOp dflags Word16Extend = Just (MO_UU_Conv W16 (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags Word16Narrow = Just (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W16)
+translateOp _ Word16NotOp = Just (MO_Not W16)
+translateOp _ Word16AddOp = Just (MO_Add W16)
+translateOp _ Word16SubOp = Just (MO_Sub W16)
+translateOp _ Word16MulOp = Just (MO_Mul W16)
+translateOp _ Word16QuotOp = Just (MO_U_Quot W16)
+translateOp _ Word16RemOp = Just (MO_U_Rem W16)
+translateOp _ Word16EqOp = Just (MO_Eq W16)
+translateOp _ Word16GeOp = Just (MO_U_Ge W16)
+translateOp _ Word16GtOp = Just (MO_U_Gt W16)
+translateOp _ Word16LeOp = Just (MO_U_Le W16)
+translateOp _ Word16LtOp = Just (MO_U_Lt W16)
+translateOp _ Word16NeOp = Just (MO_Ne W16)
+-- Char# ops
+translateOp dflags CharEqOp = Just (MO_Eq (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags CharNeOp = Just (MO_Ne (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags CharGeOp = Just (MO_U_Ge (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags CharLeOp = Just (MO_U_Le (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags CharGtOp = Just (MO_U_Gt (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags CharLtOp = Just (MO_U_Lt (wordWidth dflags))
+-- Double ops
+translateOp _ DoubleEqOp = Just (MO_F_Eq W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleNeOp = Just (MO_F_Ne W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleGeOp = Just (MO_F_Ge W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleLeOp = Just (MO_F_Le W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleGtOp = Just (MO_F_Gt W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleLtOp = Just (MO_F_Lt W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleAddOp = Just (MO_F_Add W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleSubOp = Just (MO_F_Sub W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleMulOp = Just (MO_F_Mul W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleDivOp = Just (MO_F_Quot W64)
+translateOp _ DoubleNegOp = Just (MO_F_Neg W64)
+-- Float ops
+translateOp _ FloatEqOp = Just (MO_F_Eq W32)
+translateOp _ FloatNeOp = Just (MO_F_Ne W32)
+translateOp _ FloatGeOp = Just (MO_F_Ge W32)
+translateOp _ FloatLeOp = Just (MO_F_Le W32)
+translateOp _ FloatGtOp = Just (MO_F_Gt W32)
+translateOp _ FloatLtOp = Just (MO_F_Lt W32)
+translateOp _ FloatAddOp = Just (MO_F_Add W32)
+translateOp _ FloatSubOp = Just (MO_F_Sub W32)
+translateOp _ FloatMulOp = Just (MO_F_Mul W32)
+translateOp _ FloatDivOp = Just (MO_F_Quot W32)
+translateOp _ FloatNegOp = Just (MO_F_Neg W32)
+-- Vector ops
+translateOp _ (VecAddOp FloatVec n w) = Just (MO_VF_Add n w)
+translateOp _ (VecSubOp FloatVec n w) = Just (MO_VF_Sub n w)
+translateOp _ (VecMulOp FloatVec n w) = Just (MO_VF_Mul n w)
+translateOp _ (VecDivOp FloatVec n w) = Just (MO_VF_Quot n w)
+translateOp _ (VecNegOp FloatVec n w) = Just (MO_VF_Neg n w)
+translateOp _ (VecAddOp IntVec n w) = Just (MO_V_Add n w)
+translateOp _ (VecSubOp IntVec n w) = Just (MO_V_Sub n w)
+translateOp _ (VecMulOp IntVec n w) = Just (MO_V_Mul n w)
+translateOp _ (VecQuotOp IntVec n w) = Just (MO_VS_Quot n w)
+translateOp _ (VecRemOp IntVec n w) = Just (MO_VS_Rem n w)
+translateOp _ (VecNegOp IntVec n w) = Just (MO_VS_Neg n w)
+translateOp _ (VecAddOp WordVec n w) = Just (MO_V_Add n w)
+translateOp _ (VecSubOp WordVec n w) = Just (MO_V_Sub n w)
+translateOp _ (VecMulOp WordVec n w) = Just (MO_V_Mul n w)
+translateOp _ (VecQuotOp WordVec n w) = Just (MO_VU_Quot n w)
+translateOp _ (VecRemOp WordVec n w) = Just (MO_VU_Rem n w)
+-- Conversions
+translateOp dflags Int2DoubleOp = Just (MO_SF_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W64)
+translateOp dflags Double2IntOp = Just (MO_FS_Conv W64 (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp dflags Int2FloatOp = Just (MO_SF_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W32)
+translateOp dflags Float2IntOp = Just (MO_FS_Conv W32 (wordWidth dflags))
+translateOp _ Float2DoubleOp = Just (MO_FF_Conv W32 W64)
+translateOp _ Double2FloatOp = Just (MO_FF_Conv W64 W32)
+-- Word comparisons masquerading as more exotic things.
+translateOp dflags SameMutVarOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags SameMVarOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags SameMutableArrayOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags SameMutableByteArrayOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags SameMutableArrayArrayOp= Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags SameSmallMutableArrayOp= Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags SameTVarOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp dflags EqStablePtrOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+-- See Note [Comparing stable names]
+translateOp dflags EqStableNameOp = Just (mo_wordEq dflags)
+translateOp _ _ = Nothing
+-- Note [Comparing stable names]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- A StableName# is actually a pointer to a stable name object (SNO)
+-- containing an index into the stable name table (SNT). We
+-- used to compare StableName#s by following the pointers to the
+-- SNOs and checking whether they held the same SNT indices. However,
+-- this is not necessary: there is a one-to-one correspondence
+-- between SNOs and entries in the SNT, so simple pointer equality
+-- does the trick.
+-- These primops are implemented by CallishMachOps, because they sometimes
+-- turn into foreign calls depending on the backend.
+callishOp :: PrimOp -> Maybe CallishMachOp
+callishOp DoublePowerOp = Just MO_F64_Pwr
+callishOp DoubleSinOp = Just MO_F64_Sin
+callishOp DoubleCosOp = Just MO_F64_Cos
+callishOp DoubleTanOp = Just MO_F64_Tan
+callishOp DoubleSinhOp = Just MO_F64_Sinh
+callishOp DoubleCoshOp = Just MO_F64_Cosh
+callishOp DoubleTanhOp = Just MO_F64_Tanh
+callishOp DoubleAsinOp = Just MO_F64_Asin
+callishOp DoubleAcosOp = Just MO_F64_Acos
+callishOp DoubleAtanOp = Just MO_F64_Atan
+callishOp DoubleAsinhOp = Just MO_F64_Asinh
+callishOp DoubleAcoshOp = Just MO_F64_Acosh
+callishOp DoubleAtanhOp = Just MO_F64_Atanh
+callishOp DoubleLogOp = Just MO_F64_Log
+callishOp DoubleLog1POp = Just MO_F64_Log1P
+callishOp DoubleExpOp = Just MO_F64_Exp
+callishOp DoubleExpM1Op = Just MO_F64_ExpM1
+callishOp DoubleSqrtOp = Just MO_F64_Sqrt
+callishOp FloatPowerOp = Just MO_F32_Pwr
+callishOp FloatSinOp = Just MO_F32_Sin
+callishOp FloatCosOp = Just MO_F32_Cos
+callishOp FloatTanOp = Just MO_F32_Tan
+callishOp FloatSinhOp = Just MO_F32_Sinh
+callishOp FloatCoshOp = Just MO_F32_Cosh
+callishOp FloatTanhOp = Just MO_F32_Tanh
+callishOp FloatAsinOp = Just MO_F32_Asin
+callishOp FloatAcosOp = Just MO_F32_Acos
+callishOp FloatAtanOp = Just MO_F32_Atan
+callishOp FloatAsinhOp = Just MO_F32_Asinh
+callishOp FloatAcoshOp = Just MO_F32_Acosh
+callishOp FloatAtanhOp = Just MO_F32_Atanh
+callishOp FloatLogOp = Just MO_F32_Log
+callishOp FloatLog1POp = Just MO_F32_Log1P
+callishOp FloatExpOp = Just MO_F32_Exp
+callishOp FloatExpM1Op = Just MO_F32_ExpM1
+callishOp FloatSqrtOp = Just MO_F32_Sqrt
+callishOp _ = Nothing
+-- Helpers for translating various minor variants of array indexing.
+doIndexOffAddrOp :: Maybe MachOp
+ -> CmmType
+ -> [LocalReg]
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doIndexOffAddrOp maybe_post_read_cast rep [res] [addr,idx]
+ = mkBasicIndexedRead 0 maybe_post_read_cast rep res addr rep idx
+doIndexOffAddrOp _ _ _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doIndexOffAddrOp"
+doIndexOffAddrOpAs :: Maybe MachOp
+ -> CmmType
+ -> CmmType
+ -> [LocalReg]
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doIndexOffAddrOpAs maybe_post_read_cast rep idx_rep [res] [addr,idx]
+ = mkBasicIndexedRead 0 maybe_post_read_cast rep res addr idx_rep idx
+doIndexOffAddrOpAs _ _ _ _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doIndexOffAddrOpAs"
+doIndexByteArrayOp :: Maybe MachOp
+ -> CmmType
+ -> [LocalReg]
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doIndexByteArrayOp maybe_post_read_cast rep [res] [addr,idx]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedRead (arrWordsHdrSize dflags) maybe_post_read_cast rep res addr rep idx
+doIndexByteArrayOp _ _ _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doIndexByteArrayOp"
+doIndexByteArrayOpAs :: Maybe MachOp
+ -> CmmType
+ -> CmmType
+ -> [LocalReg]
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doIndexByteArrayOpAs maybe_post_read_cast rep idx_rep [res] [addr,idx]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedRead (arrWordsHdrSize dflags) maybe_post_read_cast rep res addr idx_rep idx
+doIndexByteArrayOpAs _ _ _ _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doIndexByteArrayOpAs"
+doReadPtrArrayOp :: LocalReg
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+doReadPtrArrayOp res addr idx
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedRead (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags) Nothing (gcWord dflags) res addr (gcWord dflags) idx
+doWriteOffAddrOp :: Maybe MachOp
+ -> CmmType
+ -> [LocalReg]
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doWriteOffAddrOp maybe_pre_write_cast idx_ty [] [addr,idx,val]
+ = mkBasicIndexedWrite 0 maybe_pre_write_cast addr idx_ty idx val
+doWriteOffAddrOp _ _ _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doWriteOffAddrOp"
+doWriteByteArrayOp :: Maybe MachOp
+ -> CmmType
+ -> [LocalReg]
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doWriteByteArrayOp maybe_pre_write_cast idx_ty [] [addr,idx,val]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedWrite (arrWordsHdrSize dflags) maybe_pre_write_cast addr idx_ty idx val
+doWriteByteArrayOp _ _ _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doWriteByteArrayOp"
+doWritePtrArrayOp :: CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+doWritePtrArrayOp addr idx val
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let ty = cmmExprType dflags val
+ -- This write barrier is to ensure that the heap writes to the object
+ -- referred to by val have happened before we write val into the array.
+ -- See #12469 for details.
+ emitPrimCall [] MO_WriteBarrier []
+ mkBasicIndexedWrite (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags) Nothing addr ty idx val
+ emit (setInfo addr (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
+ -- the write barrier. We must write a byte into the mark table:
+ -- bits8[a + header_size + StgMutArrPtrs_size(a) + x >> N]
+ emit $ mkStore (
+ cmmOffsetExpr dflags
+ (cmmOffsetExprW dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags addr (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags))
+ (loadArrPtrsSize dflags addr))
+ (CmmMachOp (mo_wordUShr dflags) [idx,
+ mkIntExpr dflags (mUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS dflags)])
+ ) (CmmLit (CmmInt 1 W8))
+loadArrPtrsSize :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+loadArrPtrsSize dflags addr = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB dflags addr off) (bWord dflags)
+ where off = fixedHdrSize dflags + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs dflags
+mkBasicIndexedRead :: ByteOff -- Initial offset in bytes
+ -> Maybe MachOp -- Optional result cast
+ -> CmmType -- Type of element we are accessing
+ -> LocalReg -- Destination
+ -> CmmExpr -- Base address
+ -> CmmType -- Type of element by which we are indexing
+ -> CmmExpr -- Index
+ -> FCode ()
+mkBasicIndexedRead off Nothing ty res base idx_ty idx
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexOffExpr dflags off ty base idx_ty idx)
+mkBasicIndexedRead off (Just cast) ty res base idx_ty idx
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp cast [
+ cmmLoadIndexOffExpr dflags off ty base idx_ty idx])
+mkBasicIndexedWrite :: ByteOff -- Initial offset in bytes
+ -> Maybe MachOp -- Optional value cast
+ -> CmmExpr -- Base address
+ -> CmmType -- Type of element by which we are indexing
+ -> CmmExpr -- Index
+ -> CmmExpr -- Value to write
+ -> FCode ()
+mkBasicIndexedWrite off Nothing base idx_ty idx val
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitStore (cmmIndexOffExpr dflags off (typeWidth idx_ty) base idx) val
+mkBasicIndexedWrite off (Just cast) base idx_ty idx val
+ = mkBasicIndexedWrite off Nothing base idx_ty idx (CmmMachOp cast [val])
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Misc utils
+cmmIndexOffExpr :: DynFlags
+ -> ByteOff -- Initial offset in bytes
+ -> Width -- Width of element by which we are indexing
+ -> CmmExpr -- Base address
+ -> CmmExpr -- Index
+ -> CmmExpr
+cmmIndexOffExpr dflags off width base idx
+ = cmmIndexExpr dflags width (cmmOffsetB dflags base off) idx
+cmmLoadIndexOffExpr :: DynFlags
+ -> ByteOff -- Initial offset in bytes
+ -> CmmType -- Type of element we are accessing
+ -> CmmExpr -- Base address
+ -> CmmType -- Type of element by which we are indexing
+ -> CmmExpr -- Index
+ -> CmmExpr
+cmmLoadIndexOffExpr dflags off ty base idx_ty idx
+ = CmmLoad (cmmIndexOffExpr dflags off (typeWidth idx_ty) base idx) ty
+setInfo :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
+setInfo closure_ptr info_ptr = mkStore closure_ptr info_ptr
+-- Helpers for translating vector primops.
+vecVmmType :: PrimOpVecCat -> Length -> Width -> CmmType
+vecVmmType pocat n w = vec n (vecCmmCat pocat w)
+vecCmmCat :: PrimOpVecCat -> Width -> CmmType
+vecCmmCat IntVec = cmmBits
+vecCmmCat WordVec = cmmBits
+vecCmmCat FloatVec = cmmFloat
+vecElemInjectCast :: DynFlags -> PrimOpVecCat -> Width -> Maybe MachOp
+vecElemInjectCast _ FloatVec _ = Nothing
+vecElemInjectCast dflags IntVec W8 = Just (mo_WordTo8 dflags)
+vecElemInjectCast dflags IntVec W16 = Just (mo_WordTo16 dflags)
+vecElemInjectCast dflags IntVec W32 = Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)
+vecElemInjectCast _ IntVec W64 = Nothing
+vecElemInjectCast dflags WordVec W8 = Just (mo_WordTo8 dflags)
+vecElemInjectCast dflags WordVec W16 = Just (mo_WordTo16 dflags)
+vecElemInjectCast dflags WordVec W32 = Just (mo_WordTo32 dflags)
+vecElemInjectCast _ WordVec W64 = Nothing
+vecElemInjectCast _ _ _ = Nothing
+vecElemProjectCast :: DynFlags -> PrimOpVecCat -> Width -> Maybe MachOp
+vecElemProjectCast _ FloatVec _ = Nothing
+vecElemProjectCast dflags IntVec W8 = Just (mo_s_8ToWord dflags)
+vecElemProjectCast dflags IntVec W16 = Just (mo_s_16ToWord dflags)
+vecElemProjectCast dflags IntVec W32 = Just (mo_s_32ToWord dflags)
+vecElemProjectCast _ IntVec W64 = Nothing
+vecElemProjectCast dflags WordVec W8 = Just (mo_u_8ToWord dflags)
+vecElemProjectCast dflags WordVec W16 = Just (mo_u_16ToWord dflags)
+vecElemProjectCast dflags WordVec W32 = Just (mo_u_32ToWord dflags)
+vecElemProjectCast _ WordVec W64 = Nothing
+vecElemProjectCast _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- NOTE [SIMD Design for the future]
+-- Check to make sure that we can generate code for the specified vector type
+-- given the current set of dynamic flags.
+-- Currently these checks are specific to x86 and x86_64 architecture.
+-- This should be fixed!
+-- In particular,
+-- 1) Add better support for other architectures! (this may require a redesign)
+-- 2) Decouple design choices from LLVM's pseudo SIMD model!
+-- The high level LLVM naive rep makes per CPU family SIMD generation is own
+-- optimization problem, and hides important differences in eg ARM vs x86_64 simd
+-- 3) Depending on the architecture, the SIMD registers may also support general
+-- computations on Float/Double/Word/Int scalars, but currently on
+-- for example x86_64, we always put Word/Int (or sized) in GPR
+-- (general purpose) registers. Would relaxing that allow for
+-- useful optimization opportunities?
+-- Phrased differently, it is worth experimenting with supporting
+-- different register mapping strategies than we currently have, especially if
+-- someday we want SIMD to be a first class denizen in GHC along with scalar
+-- values!
+-- The current design with respect to register mapping of scalars could
+-- very well be the best,but exploring the design space and doing careful
+-- measurments is the only only way to validate that.
+-- In some next generation CPU ISAs, notably RISC V, the SIMD extension
+-- includes support for a sort of run time CPU dependent vectorization parameter,
+-- where a loop may act upon a single scalar each iteration OR some 2,4,8 ...
+-- element chunk! Time will tell if that direction sees wide adoption,
+-- but it is from that context that unifying our handling of simd and scalars
+-- may benefit. It is not likely to benefit current architectures, though
+-- it may very well be a design perspective that helps guide improving the NCG.
+checkVecCompatibility :: DynFlags -> PrimOpVecCat -> Length -> Width -> FCode ()
+checkVecCompatibility dflags vcat l w = do
+ when (hscTarget dflags /= HscLlvm) $ do
+ sorry $ unlines ["SIMD vector instructions require the LLVM back-end."
+ ,"Please use -fllvm."]
+ check vecWidth vcat l w
+ where
+ check :: Width -> PrimOpVecCat -> Length -> Width -> FCode ()
+ check W128 FloatVec 4 W32 | not (isSseEnabled dflags) =
+ sorry $ "128-bit wide single-precision floating point " ++
+ "SIMD vector instructions require at least -msse."
+ check W128 _ _ _ | not (isSse2Enabled dflags) =
+ sorry $ "128-bit wide integer and double precision " ++
+ "SIMD vector instructions require at least -msse2."
+ check W256 FloatVec _ _ | not (isAvxEnabled dflags) =
+ sorry $ "256-bit wide floating point " ++
+ "SIMD vector instructions require at least -mavx."
+ check W256 _ _ _ | not (isAvx2Enabled dflags) =
+ sorry $ "256-bit wide integer " ++
+ "SIMD vector instructions require at least -mavx2."
+ check W512 _ _ _ | not (isAvx512fEnabled dflags) =
+ sorry $ "512-bit wide " ++
+ "SIMD vector instructions require -mavx512f."
+ check _ _ _ _ = return ()
+ vecWidth = typeWidth (vecVmmType vcat l w)
+-- Helpers for translating vector packing and unpacking.
+doVecPackOp :: Maybe MachOp -- Cast from element to vector component
+ -> CmmType -- Type of vector
+ -> CmmExpr -- Initial vector
+ -> [CmmExpr] -- Elements
+ -> CmmFormal -- Destination for result
+ -> FCode ()
+doVecPackOp maybe_pre_write_cast ty z es res = do
+ dst <- newTemp ty
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal dst) z
+ vecPack dst es 0
+ where
+ vecPack :: CmmFormal -> [CmmExpr] -> Int -> FCode ()
+ vecPack src [] _ =
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmReg (CmmLocal src))
+ vecPack src (e : es) i = do
+ dst <- newTemp ty
+ if isFloatType (vecElemType ty)
+ then emitAssign (CmmLocal dst) (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Insert len wid)
+ [CmmReg (CmmLocal src), cast e, iLit])
+ else emitAssign (CmmLocal dst) (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Insert len wid)
+ [CmmReg (CmmLocal src), cast e, iLit])
+ vecPack dst es (i + 1)
+ where
+ -- vector indices are always 32-bits
+ iLit = CmmLit (CmmInt (toInteger i) W32)
+ cast :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ cast val = case maybe_pre_write_cast of
+ Nothing -> val
+ Just cast -> CmmMachOp cast [val]
+ len :: Length
+ len = vecLength ty
+ wid :: Width
+ wid = typeWidth (vecElemType ty)
+doVecUnpackOp :: Maybe MachOp -- Cast from vector component to element result
+ -> CmmType -- Type of vector
+ -> CmmExpr -- Vector
+ -> [CmmFormal] -- Element results
+ -> FCode ()
+doVecUnpackOp maybe_post_read_cast ty e res =
+ vecUnpack res 0
+ where
+ vecUnpack :: [CmmFormal] -> Int -> FCode ()
+ vecUnpack [] _ =
+ return ()
+ vecUnpack (r : rs) i = do
+ if isFloatType (vecElemType ty)
+ then emitAssign (CmmLocal r) (cast (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Extract len wid)
+ [e, iLit]))
+ else emitAssign (CmmLocal r) (cast (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Extract len wid)
+ [e, iLit]))
+ vecUnpack rs (i + 1)
+ where
+ -- vector indices are always 32-bits
+ iLit = CmmLit (CmmInt (toInteger i) W32)
+ cast :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ cast val = case maybe_post_read_cast of
+ Nothing -> val
+ Just cast -> CmmMachOp cast [val]
+ len :: Length
+ len = vecLength ty
+ wid :: Width
+ wid = typeWidth (vecElemType ty)
+doVecInsertOp :: Maybe MachOp -- Cast from element to vector component
+ -> CmmType -- Vector type
+ -> CmmExpr -- Source vector
+ -> CmmExpr -- Element
+ -> CmmExpr -- Index at which to insert element
+ -> CmmFormal -- Destination for result
+ -> FCode ()
+doVecInsertOp maybe_pre_write_cast ty src e idx res = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- vector indices are always 32-bits
+ let idx' :: CmmExpr
+ idx' = CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth dflags) W32) [idx]
+ if isFloatType (vecElemType ty)
+ then emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Insert len wid) [src, cast e, idx'])
+ else emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Insert len wid) [src, cast e, idx'])
+ where
+ cast :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ cast val = case maybe_pre_write_cast of
+ Nothing -> val
+ Just cast -> CmmMachOp cast [val]
+ len :: Length
+ len = vecLength ty
+ wid :: Width
+ wid = typeWidth (vecElemType ty)
+-- Helpers for translating prefetching.
+-- | Translate byte array prefetch operations into proper primcalls.
+doPrefetchByteArrayOp :: Int
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doPrefetchByteArrayOp locality [addr,idx]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicPrefetch locality (arrWordsHdrSize dflags) addr idx
+doPrefetchByteArrayOp _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doPrefetchByteArrayOp"
+-- | Translate mutable byte array prefetch operations into proper primcalls.
+doPrefetchMutableByteArrayOp :: Int
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doPrefetchMutableByteArrayOp locality [addr,idx]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicPrefetch locality (arrWordsHdrSize dflags) addr idx
+doPrefetchMutableByteArrayOp _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doPrefetchByteArrayOp"
+-- | Translate address prefetch operations into proper primcalls.
+doPrefetchAddrOp ::Int
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doPrefetchAddrOp locality [addr,idx]
+ = mkBasicPrefetch locality 0 addr idx
+doPrefetchAddrOp _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doPrefetchAddrOp"
+-- | Translate value prefetch operations into proper primcalls.
+doPrefetchValueOp :: Int
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> FCode ()
+doPrefetchValueOp locality [addr]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicPrefetch locality 0 addr (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 (wordWidth dflags)))
+doPrefetchValueOp _ _
+ = panic "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim: doPrefetchValueOp"
+-- | helper to generate prefetch primcalls
+mkBasicPrefetch :: Int -- Locality level 0-3
+ -> ByteOff -- Initial offset in bytes
+ -> CmmExpr -- Base address
+ -> CmmExpr -- Index
+ -> FCode ()
+mkBasicPrefetch locality off base idx
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitPrimCall [] (MO_Prefetch_Data locality) [cmmIndexExpr dflags W8 (cmmOffsetB dflags base off) idx]
+ return ()
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Allocating byte arrays
+-- | Takes a register to return the newly allocated array in and the
+-- size of the new array in bytes. Allocates a new
+-- 'MutableByteArray#'.
+doNewByteArrayOp :: CmmFormal -> ByteOff -> FCode ()
+doNewByteArrayOp res_r n = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let info_ptr = mkLblExpr mkArrWords_infoLabel
+ rep = arrWordsRep dflags n
+ tickyAllocPrim (mkIntExpr dflags (arrWordsHdrSize dflags))
+ (mkIntExpr dflags (nonHdrSize dflags rep))
+ (zeroExpr dflags)
+ let hdr_size = fixedHdrSize dflags
+ base <- allocHeapClosure rep info_ptr cccsExpr
+ [ (mkIntExpr dflags n,
+ hdr_size + oFFSET_StgArrBytes_bytes dflags)
+ ]
+ emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) base
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Comparing byte arrays
+doCompareByteArraysOp :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+doCompareByteArraysOp res ba1 ba1_off ba2 ba2_off n = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ba1_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags ba1 (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) ba1_off
+ ba2_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags ba2 (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) ba2_off
+ -- short-cut in case of equal pointers avoiding a costly
+ -- subroutine call to the memcmp(3) routine; the Cmm logic below
+ -- results in assembly code being generated for
+ --
+ -- cmpPrefix10 :: ByteArray# -> ByteArray# -> Int#
+ -- cmpPrefix10 ba1 ba2 = compareByteArrays# ba1 0# ba2 0# 10#
+ --
+ -- that looks like
+ --
+ -- leaq 16(%r14),%rax
+ -- leaq 16(%rsi),%rbx
+ -- xorl %ecx,%ecx
+ -- cmpq %rbx,%rax
+ -- je l_ptr_eq
+ --
+ -- ; NB: the common case (unequal pointers) falls-through
+ -- ; the conditional jump, and therefore matches the
+ -- ; usual static branch prediction convention of modern cpus
+ --
+ -- subq $8,%rsp
+ -- movq %rbx,%rsi
+ -- movq %rax,%rdi
+ -- movl $10,%edx
+ -- xorl %eax,%eax
+ -- call memcmp
+ -- addq $8,%rsp
+ -- movslq %eax,%rax
+ -- movq %rax,%rcx
+ -- l_ptr_eq:
+ -- movq %rcx,%rbx
+ -- jmp *(%rbp)
+ l_ptr_eq <- newBlockId
+ l_ptr_ne <- newBlockId
+ emit (mkAssign (CmmLocal res) (zeroExpr dflags))
+ emit (mkCbranch (cmmEqWord dflags ba1_p ba2_p)
+ l_ptr_eq l_ptr_ne (Just False))
+ emitLabel l_ptr_ne
+ emitMemcmpCall res ba1_p ba2_p n 1
+ emitLabel l_ptr_eq
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Copying byte arrays
+-- | Takes a source 'ByteArray#', an offset in the source array, a
+-- destination 'MutableByteArray#', an offset into the destination
+-- array, and the number of bytes to copy. Copies the given number of
+-- bytes from the source array to the destination array.
+doCopyByteArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+doCopyByteArrayOp = emitCopyByteArray copy
+ where
+ -- Copy data (we assume the arrays aren't overlapping since
+ -- they're of different types)
+ copy _src _dst dst_p src_p bytes align =
+ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p bytes align
+-- | Takes a source 'MutableByteArray#', an offset in the source
+-- array, a destination 'MutableByteArray#', an offset into the
+-- destination array, and the number of bytes to copy. Copies the
+-- given number of bytes from the source array to the destination
+-- array.
+doCopyMutableByteArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+doCopyMutableByteArrayOp = emitCopyByteArray copy
+ where
+ -- The only time the memory might overlap is when the two arrays
+ -- we were provided are the same array!
+ -- TODO: Optimize branch for common case of no aliasing.
+ copy src dst dst_p src_p bytes align = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (moveCall, cpyCall) <- forkAltPair
+ (getCode $ emitMemmoveCall dst_p src_p bytes align)
+ (getCode $ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p bytes align)
+ emit =<< mkCmmIfThenElse (cmmEqWord dflags src dst) moveCall cpyCall
+emitCopyByteArray :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ -> Alignment -> FCode ())
+ -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+emitCopyByteArray copy src src_off dst dst_off n = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let byteArrayAlignment = wordAlignment dflags
+ srcOffAlignment = cmmExprAlignment src_off
+ dstOffAlignment = cmmExprAlignment dst_off
+ align = minimum [byteArrayAlignment, srcOffAlignment, dstOffAlignment]
+ dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags dst (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) dst_off
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags src (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) src_off
+ copy src dst dst_p src_p n align
+-- | Takes a source 'ByteArray#', an offset in the source array, a
+-- destination 'Addr#', and the number of bytes to copy. Copies the given
+-- number of bytes from the source array to the destination memory region.
+doCopyByteArrayToAddrOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+doCopyByteArrayToAddrOp src src_off dst_p bytes = do
+ -- Use memcpy (we are allowed to assume the arrays aren't overlapping)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags src (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) src_off
+ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p bytes (mkAlignment 1)
+-- | Takes a source 'MutableByteArray#', an offset in the source array, a
+-- destination 'Addr#', and the number of bytes to copy. Copies the given
+-- number of bytes from the source array to the destination memory region.
+doCopyMutableByteArrayToAddrOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+doCopyMutableByteArrayToAddrOp = doCopyByteArrayToAddrOp
+-- | Takes a source 'Addr#', a destination 'MutableByteArray#', an offset into
+-- the destination array, and the number of bytes to copy. Copies the given
+-- number of bytes from the source memory region to the destination array.
+doCopyAddrToByteArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+doCopyAddrToByteArrayOp src_p dst dst_off bytes = do
+ -- Use memcpy (we are allowed to assume the arrays aren't overlapping)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags dst (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) dst_off
+ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p bytes (mkAlignment 1)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Setting byte arrays
+-- | Takes a 'MutableByteArray#', an offset into the array, a length,
+-- and a byte, and sets each of the selected bytes in the array to the
+-- character.
+doSetByteArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+doSetByteArrayOp ba off len c = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let byteArrayAlignment = wordAlignment dflags -- known since BA is allocated on heap
+ offsetAlignment = cmmExprAlignment off
+ align = min byteArrayAlignment offsetAlignment
+ p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags ba (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) off
+ emitMemsetCall p c len align
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Allocating arrays
+-- | Allocate a new array.
+doNewArrayOp :: CmmFormal -- ^ return register
+ -> SMRep -- ^ representation of the array
+ -> CLabel -- ^ info pointer
+ -> [(CmmExpr, ByteOff)] -- ^ header payload
+ -> WordOff -- ^ array size
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ initial element
+ -> FCode ()
+doNewArrayOp res_r rep info payload n init = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let info_ptr = mkLblExpr info
+ tickyAllocPrim (mkIntExpr dflags (hdrSize dflags rep))
+ (mkIntExpr dflags (nonHdrSize dflags rep))
+ (zeroExpr dflags)
+ base <- allocHeapClosure rep info_ptr cccsExpr payload
+ arr <- CmmLocal `fmap` newTemp (bWord dflags)
+ emit $ mkAssign arr base
+ -- Initialise all elements of the array
+ let mkOff off = cmmOffsetW dflags (CmmReg arr) (hdrSizeW dflags rep + off)
+ initialization = [ mkStore (mkOff off) init | off <- [0.. n - 1] ]
+ emit (catAGraphs initialization)
+ emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) (CmmReg arr)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Copying pointer arrays
+-- EZY: This code has an unusually high amount of assignTemp calls, seen
+-- nowhere else in the code generator. This is mostly because these
+-- "primitive" ops result in a surprisingly large amount of code. It
+-- will likely be worthwhile to optimize what is emitted here, so that
+-- our optimization passes don't waste time repeatedly optimizing the
+-- same bits of code.
+-- More closely imitates 'assignTemp' from the old code generator, which
+-- returns a CmmExpr rather than a LocalReg.
+assignTempE :: CmmExpr -> FCode CmmExpr
+assignTempE e = do
+ t <- assignTemp e
+ return (CmmReg (CmmLocal t))
+-- | Takes a source 'Array#', an offset in the source array, a
+-- destination 'MutableArray#', an offset into the destination array,
+-- and the number of elements to copy. Copies the given number of
+-- elements from the source array to the destination array.
+doCopyArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> WordOff
+ -> FCode ()
+doCopyArrayOp = emitCopyArray copy
+ where
+ -- Copy data (we assume the arrays aren't overlapping since
+ -- they're of different types)
+ copy _src _dst dst_p src_p bytes =
+ do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags bytes)
+ (wordAlignment dflags)
+-- | Takes a source 'MutableArray#', an offset in the source array, a
+-- destination 'MutableArray#', an offset into the destination array,
+-- and the number of elements to copy. Copies the given number of
+-- elements from the source array to the destination array.
+doCopyMutableArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> WordOff
+ -> FCode ()
+doCopyMutableArrayOp = emitCopyArray copy
+ where
+ -- The only time the memory might overlap is when the two arrays
+ -- we were provided are the same array!
+ -- TODO: Optimize branch for common case of no aliasing.
+ copy src dst dst_p src_p bytes = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (moveCall, cpyCall) <- forkAltPair
+ (getCode $ emitMemmoveCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags bytes)
+ (wordAlignment dflags))
+ (getCode $ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags bytes)
+ (wordAlignment dflags))
+ emit =<< mkCmmIfThenElse (cmmEqWord dflags src dst) moveCall cpyCall
+emitCopyArray :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> ByteOff
+ -> FCode ()) -- ^ copy function
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ source array
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ offset in source array
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ destination array
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ offset in destination array
+ -> WordOff -- ^ number of elements to copy
+ -> FCode ()
+emitCopyArray copy src0 src_off dst0 dst_off0 n =
+ when (n /= 0) $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Passed as arguments (be careful)
+ src <- assignTempE src0
+ dst <- assignTempE dst0
+ dst_off <- assignTempE dst_off0
+ -- Set the dirty bit in the header.
+ emit (setInfo dst (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
+ dst_elems_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetB dflags dst
+ (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)
+ dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dflags dst_elems_p dst_off
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dflags
+ (cmmOffsetB dflags src (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)) src_off
+ let bytes = wordsToBytes dflags n
+ copy src dst dst_p src_p bytes
+ -- The base address of the destination card table
+ dst_cards_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dflags dst_elems_p
+ (loadArrPtrsSize dflags dst)
+ emitSetCards dst_off dst_cards_p n
+doCopySmallArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> WordOff
+ -> FCode ()
+doCopySmallArrayOp = emitCopySmallArray copy
+ where
+ -- Copy data (we assume the arrays aren't overlapping since
+ -- they're of different types)
+ copy _src _dst dst_p src_p bytes =
+ do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags bytes)
+ (wordAlignment dflags)
+doCopySmallMutableArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> WordOff
+ -> FCode ()
+doCopySmallMutableArrayOp = emitCopySmallArray copy
+ where
+ -- The only time the memory might overlap is when the two arrays
+ -- we were provided are the same array!
+ -- TODO: Optimize branch for common case of no aliasing.
+ copy src dst dst_p src_p bytes = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (moveCall, cpyCall) <- forkAltPair
+ (getCode $ emitMemmoveCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags bytes)
+ (wordAlignment dflags))
+ (getCode $ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags bytes)
+ (wordAlignment dflags))
+ emit =<< mkCmmIfThenElse (cmmEqWord dflags src dst) moveCall cpyCall
+emitCopySmallArray :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> ByteOff
+ -> FCode ()) -- ^ copy function
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ source array
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ offset in source array
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ destination array
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ offset in destination array
+ -> WordOff -- ^ number of elements to copy
+ -> FCode ()
+emitCopySmallArray copy src0 src_off dst0 dst_off n =
+ when (n /= 0) $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Passed as arguments (be careful)
+ src <- assignTempE src0
+ dst <- assignTempE dst0
+ -- Set the dirty bit in the header.
+ emit (setInfo dst (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
+ dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dflags
+ (cmmOffsetB dflags dst (smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags)) dst_off
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dflags
+ (cmmOffsetB dflags src (smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags)) src_off
+ let bytes = wordsToBytes dflags n
+ copy src dst dst_p src_p bytes
+-- | Takes an info table label, a register to return the newly
+-- allocated array in, a source array, an offset in the source array,
+-- and the number of elements to copy. Allocates a new array and
+-- initializes it from the source array.
+emitCloneArray :: CLabel -> CmmFormal -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> WordOff
+ -> FCode ()
+emitCloneArray info_p res_r src src_off n = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let info_ptr = mkLblExpr info_p
+ rep = arrPtrsRep dflags n
+ tickyAllocPrim (mkIntExpr dflags (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags))
+ (mkIntExpr dflags (nonHdrSize dflags rep))
+ (zeroExpr dflags)
+ let hdr_size = fixedHdrSize dflags
+ base <- allocHeapClosure rep info_ptr cccsExpr
+ [ (mkIntExpr dflags n,
+ hdr_size + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs dflags)
+ , (mkIntExpr dflags (nonHdrSizeW rep),
+ hdr_size + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_size dflags)
+ ]
+ arr <- CmmLocal `fmap` newTemp (bWord dflags)
+ emit $ mkAssign arr base
+ dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetB dflags (CmmReg arr)
+ (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dflags src
+ (cmmAddWord dflags
+ (mkIntExpr dflags (arrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags)) src_off)
+ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags (wordsToBytes dflags n))
+ (wordAlignment dflags)
+ emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) (CmmReg arr)
+-- | Takes an info table label, a register to return the newly
+-- allocated array in, a source array, an offset in the source array,
+-- and the number of elements to copy. Allocates a new array and
+-- initializes it from the source array.
+emitCloneSmallArray :: CLabel -> CmmFormal -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> WordOff
+ -> FCode ()
+emitCloneSmallArray info_p res_r src src_off n = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let info_ptr = mkLblExpr info_p
+ rep = smallArrPtrsRep n
+ tickyAllocPrim (mkIntExpr dflags (smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags))
+ (mkIntExpr dflags (nonHdrSize dflags rep))
+ (zeroExpr dflags)
+ let hdr_size = fixedHdrSize dflags
+ base <- allocHeapClosure rep info_ptr cccsExpr
+ [ (mkIntExpr dflags n,
+ hdr_size + oFFSET_StgSmallMutArrPtrs_ptrs dflags)
+ ]
+ arr <- CmmLocal `fmap` newTemp (bWord dflags)
+ emit $ mkAssign arr base
+ dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetB dflags (CmmReg arr)
+ (smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags)
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dflags src
+ (cmmAddWord dflags
+ (mkIntExpr dflags (smallArrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags)) src_off)
+ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags (wordsToBytes dflags n))
+ (wordAlignment dflags)
+ emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) (CmmReg arr)
+-- | Takes and offset in the destination array, the base address of
+-- the card table, and the number of elements affected (*not* the
+-- number of cards). The number of elements may not be zero.
+-- Marks the relevant cards as dirty.
+emitSetCards :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> WordOff -> FCode ()
+emitSetCards dst_start dst_cards_start n = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ start_card <- assignTempE $ cardCmm dflags dst_start
+ let end_card = cardCmm dflags
+ (cmmSubWord dflags
+ (cmmAddWord dflags dst_start (mkIntExpr dflags n))
+ (mkIntExpr dflags 1))
+ emitMemsetCall (cmmAddWord dflags dst_cards_start start_card)
+ (mkIntExpr dflags 1)
+ (cmmAddWord dflags (cmmSubWord dflags end_card start_card) (mkIntExpr dflags 1))
+ (mkAlignment 1) -- no alignment (1 byte)
+-- Convert an element index to a card index
+cardCmm :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+cardCmm dflags i =
+ cmmUShrWord dflags i (mkIntExpr dflags (mUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS dflags))
+-- SmallArray PrimOp implementations
+doReadSmallPtrArrayOp :: LocalReg
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+doReadSmallPtrArrayOp res addr idx = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedRead (smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags) Nothing (gcWord dflags) res addr
+ (gcWord dflags) idx
+doWriteSmallPtrArrayOp :: CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> FCode ()
+doWriteSmallPtrArrayOp addr idx val = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let ty = cmmExprType dflags val
+ emitPrimCall [] MO_WriteBarrier [] -- #12469
+ mkBasicIndexedWrite (smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags) Nothing addr ty idx val
+ emit (setInfo addr (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
+-- Atomic read-modify-write
+-- | Emit an atomic modification to a byte array element. The result
+-- reg contains that previous value of the element. Implies a full
+-- memory barrier.
+doAtomicRMW :: LocalReg -- ^ Result reg
+ -> AtomicMachOp -- ^ Atomic op (e.g. add)
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ MutableByteArray#
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ Index
+ -> CmmType -- ^ Type of element by which we are indexing
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ Op argument (e.g. amount to add)
+ -> FCode ()
+doAtomicRMW res amop mba idx idx_ty n = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let width = typeWidth idx_ty
+ addr = cmmIndexOffExpr dflags (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)
+ width mba idx
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_AtomicRMW width amop)
+ [ addr, n ]
+-- | Emit an atomic read to a byte array that acts as a memory barrier.
+ :: LocalReg -- ^ Result reg
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ MutableByteArray#
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ Index
+ -> CmmType -- ^ Type of element by which we are indexing
+ -> FCode ()
+doAtomicReadByteArray res mba idx idx_ty = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let width = typeWidth idx_ty
+ addr = cmmIndexOffExpr dflags (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)
+ width mba idx
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_AtomicRead width)
+ [ addr ]
+-- | Emit an atomic write to a byte array that acts as a memory barrier.
+ :: CmmExpr -- ^ MutableByteArray#
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ Index
+ -> CmmType -- ^ Type of element by which we are indexing
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ Value to write
+ -> FCode ()
+doAtomicWriteByteArray mba idx idx_ty val = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let width = typeWidth idx_ty
+ addr = cmmIndexOffExpr dflags (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)
+ width mba idx
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ {- no results -} ]
+ (MO_AtomicWrite width)
+ [ addr, val ]
+ :: LocalReg -- ^ Result reg
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ MutableByteArray#
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ Index
+ -> CmmType -- ^ Type of element by which we are indexing
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ Old value
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ New value
+ -> FCode ()
+doCasByteArray res mba idx idx_ty old new = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let width = (typeWidth idx_ty)
+ addr = cmmIndexOffExpr dflags (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)
+ width mba idx
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_Cmpxchg width)
+ [ addr, old, new ]
+-- Helpers for emitting function calls
+-- | Emit a call to @memcpy@.
+emitMemcpyCall :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Alignment -> FCode ()
+emitMemcpyCall dst src n align = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ {-no results-} ]
+ (MO_Memcpy (alignmentBytes align))
+ [ dst, src, n ]
+-- | Emit a call to @memmove@.
+emitMemmoveCall :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Alignment -> FCode ()
+emitMemmoveCall dst src n align = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ {- no results -} ]
+ (MO_Memmove (alignmentBytes align))
+ [ dst, src, n ]
+-- | Emit a call to @memset@. The second argument must fit inside an
+-- unsigned char.
+emitMemsetCall :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Alignment -> FCode ()
+emitMemsetCall dst c n align = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ {- no results -} ]
+ (MO_Memset (alignmentBytes align))
+ [ dst, c, n ]
+emitMemcmpCall :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Int -> FCode ()
+emitMemcmpCall res ptr1 ptr2 n align = do
+ -- 'MO_Memcmp' is assumed to return an 32bit 'CInt' because all
+ -- code-gens currently call out to the @memcmp(3)@ C function.
+ -- This was easier than moving the sign-extensions into
+ -- all the code-gens.
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let is32Bit = typeWidth (localRegType res) == W32
+ cres <- if is32Bit
+ then return res
+ else newTemp b32
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ cres ]
+ (MO_Memcmp align)
+ [ ptr1, ptr2, n ]
+ unless is32Bit $ do
+ emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res)
+ (CmmMachOp
+ (mo_s_32ToWord dflags)
+ [(CmmReg (CmmLocal cres))])
+emitBSwapCall :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> Width -> FCode ()
+emitBSwapCall res x width = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_BSwap width)
+ [ x ]
+emitBRevCall :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> Width -> FCode ()
+emitBRevCall res x width = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_BRev width)
+ [ x ]
+emitPopCntCall :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> Width -> FCode ()
+emitPopCntCall res x width = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_PopCnt width)
+ [ x ]
+emitPdepCall :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Width -> FCode ()
+emitPdepCall res x y width = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_Pdep width)
+ [ x, y ]
+emitPextCall :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Width -> FCode ()
+emitPextCall res x y width = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_Pext width)
+ [ x, y ]
+emitClzCall :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> Width -> FCode ()
+emitClzCall res x width = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_Clz width)
+ [ x ]
+emitCtzCall :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> Width -> FCode ()
+emitCtzCall res x width = do
+ emitPrimCall
+ [ res ]
+ (MO_Ctz width)
+ [ x ]