path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
diff options
authorsheaf <>2021-11-19 10:19:19 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2021-11-20 18:13:23 -0500
commit742d8b6049c30f3b0cd1704d7a34d865bef41712 (patch)
treeb22ad862ca4db2e9004d8b4ab4aafbc11bcde0a9 /compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
parentbc7e9f038112496c45aeb81d1504e57acb3722c7 (diff)
Include "not more specific" info in overlap msg
When instances overlap, we now include additional information about why we weren't able to select an instance: perhaps one instance overlapped another but was not strictly more specific, so we aren't able to directly choose it. Fixes #20542
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
index 6a6ccecf20..0d84dddb1e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
@@ -85,7 +86,9 @@ import Control.Monad ( unless, when, foldM, forM_ )
import Data.Foldable ( toList )
import Data.Functor ( (<&>) )
import Data.Function ( on )
-import Data.List ( partition, mapAccumL, sortBy, unfoldr )
+import Data.List ( groupBy, partition, mapAccumL
+ , sortBy, tails, unfoldr )
+import Data.Ord ( comparing )
-- import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup )
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
@@ -2615,16 +2618,13 @@ mk_dict_err ctxt@(CEC {cec_encl = implics}) (ct, (matches, unifiers, unsafe_over
= ppWhen (not (null unifiers) && want_potential orig) $
- sdocOption sdocPrintPotentialInstances $ \print_insts ->
- getPprStyle $ \sty ->
- pprPotentials (PrintPotentialInstances print_insts) sty potential_hdr unifiers
+ potential_hdr $$
+ potentialInstancesErrMsg (PotentialInstances { matches = [], unifiers })
- = vcat [ ppWhen lead_with_ambig $
- text "Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what"
- <+> pprQuotedList ambig_tvs <+> text "should be."
- , thisOrThese unifiers <+> text "potential instance" <> plural unifiers
- <+> text "exist" <> singular unifiers <> text ":"]
+ = ppWhen lead_with_ambig $
+ text "Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what"
+ <+> pprQuotedList ambig_tvs <+> text "should be."
mb_patsyn_prov :: Maybe SDoc
@@ -2676,10 +2676,8 @@ mk_dict_err ctxt@(CEC {cec_encl = implics}) (ct, (matches, unifiers, unsafe_over
sep [text "Matching givens (or their superclasses):"
, nest 2 (vcat matching_givens)]
- , sdocOption sdocPrintPotentialInstances $ \print_insts ->
- getPprStyle $ \sty ->
- pprPotentials (PrintPotentialInstances print_insts) sty (text "Matching instances:") $
- ispecs ++ unifiers
+ , potentialInstancesErrMsg
+ (PotentialInstances { matches = map fst matches, unifiers })
, ppWhen (null matching_givens && isSingleton matches && null unifiers) $
-- Intuitively, some given matched the wanted in their
@@ -2907,36 +2905,88 @@ show_fixes (f:fs) = sep [ text "Possible fix:"
, nest 2 (vcat (f : map (text "or" <+>) fs))]
--- Avoid boolean blindness
-newtype PrintPotentialInstances = PrintPotentialInstances Bool
-pprPotentials :: PrintPotentialInstances -> PprStyle -> SDoc -> [ClsInst] -> SDoc
+-- | This datatype collates instances that match or unifier,
+-- in order to report an error message for an unsolved typeclass constraint.
+data PotentialInstances
+ = PotentialInstances
+ { matches :: [ClsInst]
+ , unifiers :: [ClsInst]
+ }
+-- | Directly display the given matching and unifying instances,
+-- with a header for each: `Matching instances`/`Potentially matching instances`.
+pprPotentialInstances :: (ClsInst -> SDoc) -> PotentialInstances -> SDoc
+pprPotentialInstances ppr_inst (PotentialInstances { matches, unifiers }) =
+ vcat
+ [ ppWhen (not $ null matches) $
+ text "Matching instance" <> plural matches <> colon $$
+ nest 2 (vcat (map ppr_inst matches))
+ , ppWhen (not $ null unifiers) $
+ (text "Potentially matching instance" <> plural unifiers <> colon) $$
+ nest 2 (vcat (map ppr_inst unifiers))
+ ]
+-- | Display a summary of available instances, omitting those involving
+-- out-of-scope types, in order to explain why we couldn't solve a particular
+-- constraint, e.g. due to instance overlap or out-of-scope types.
+-- To directly display a collection of matching/unifying instances,
+-- use 'pprPotentialInstances'.
+potentialInstancesErrMsg :: PotentialInstances -> SDoc
-- See Note [Displaying potential instances]
-pprPotentials (PrintPotentialInstances show_potentials) sty herald insts
- | null insts
+potentialInstancesErrMsg potentials =
+ sdocOption sdocPrintPotentialInstances $ \print_insts ->
+ getPprStyle $ \sty ->
+ potentials_msg_with_options potentials print_insts sty
+-- | Display a summary of available instances, omitting out-of-scope ones.
+-- Use 'potentialInstancesErrMsg' to automatically set the pretty-printing
+-- options.
+potentials_msg_with_options :: PotentialInstances
+ -> Bool -- ^ Whether to print /all/ potential instances
+ -> PprStyle
+ -> SDoc
+ (PotentialInstances { matches, unifiers })
+ show_all_potentials sty
+ | null matches && null unifiers
= empty
- | null show_these
- = hang herald
- 2 (vcat [ not_in_scope_msg empty
- , flag_hint ])
+ | null show_these_matches && null show_these_unifiers
+ = vcat [ not_in_scope_msg empty
+ , flag_hint ]
| otherwise
- = hang herald
- 2 (vcat [ pprInstances show_these
- , ppWhen (n_in_scope_hidden > 0) $
- text ""
- <+> speakNOf n_in_scope_hidden (text "other")
- , not_in_scope_msg (text "")
- , flag_hint ])
+ = vcat [ pprPotentialInstances
+ pprInstance -- print instance + location info
+ (PotentialInstances
+ { matches = show_these_matches
+ , unifiers = show_these_unifiers })
+ , overlapping_but_not_more_specific_msg sorted_matches
+ , nest 2 $ vcat
+ [ ppWhen (n_in_scope_hidden > 0) $
+ text ""
+ <+> speakNOf n_in_scope_hidden (text "other")
+ , ppWhen (not_in_scopes > 0) $
+ not_in_scope_msg (text "")
+ , flag_hint ] ]
- n_show = 3 :: Int
- (in_scope, not_in_scope) = partition inst_in_scope insts
- sorted = sortBy fuzzyClsInstCmp in_scope
- show_these | show_potentials = sorted
- | otherwise = take n_show sorted
- n_in_scope_hidden = length sorted - length show_these
+ n_show_matches, n_show_unifiers :: Int
+ n_show_matches = 3
+ n_show_unifiers = 2
+ (in_scope_matches, not_in_scope_matches) = partition inst_in_scope matches
+ (in_scope_unifiers, not_in_scope_unifiers) = partition inst_in_scope unifiers
+ sorted_matches = sortBy fuzzyClsInstCmp in_scope_matches
+ sorted_unifiers = sortBy fuzzyClsInstCmp in_scope_unifiers
+ (show_these_matches, show_these_unifiers)
+ | show_all_potentials = (sorted_matches, sorted_unifiers)
+ | otherwise = (take n_show_matches sorted_matches
+ ,take n_show_unifiers sorted_unifiers)
+ n_in_scope_hidden
+ = length sorted_matches + length sorted_unifiers
+ - length show_these_matches - length show_these_unifiers
-- "in scope" means that all the type constructors
-- are lexically in scope; these instances are likely
@@ -2958,17 +3008,73 @@ pprPotentials (PrintPotentialInstances show_potentials) sty herald insts
qual_in_scope (NameQual {}) = True
qual_in_scope _ = False
- not_in_scope_msg herald
- | null not_in_scope
- = empty
- | otherwise
- = hang (herald <+> speakNOf (length not_in_scope) (text "instance")
- <+> text "involving out-of-scope types")
- 2 (ppWhen show_potentials (pprInstances not_in_scope))
+ not_in_scopes :: Int
+ not_in_scopes = length not_in_scope_matches + length not_in_scope_unifiers
- flag_hint = ppUnless (show_potentials || equalLength show_these insts) $
+ not_in_scope_msg herald =
+ hang (herald <+> speakNOf not_in_scopes (text "instance")
+ <+> text "involving out-of-scope types")
+ 2 (ppWhen show_all_potentials $
+ pprPotentialInstances
+ pprInstanceHdr -- only print the header, not the instance location info
+ (PotentialInstances
+ { matches = not_in_scope_matches
+ , unifiers = not_in_scope_unifiers
+ }))
+ flag_hint = ppUnless (show_all_potentials
+ || (equalLength show_these_matches matches
+ && equalLength show_these_unifiers unifiers)) $
text "(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)"
+-- | Compute a message informing the user of any instances that are overlapped
+-- but were not discarded because the instance overlapping them wasn't
+-- strictly more specific.
+overlapping_but_not_more_specific_msg :: [ClsInst] -> SDoc
+overlapping_but_not_more_specific_msg insts
+ -- Only print one example of "overlapping but not strictly more specific",
+ -- to avoid information overload.
+ | overlap : _ <- overlapping_but_not_more_specific
+ = overlap_header $$ ppr_overlapping overlap
+ | otherwise
+ = empty
+ where
+ overlap_header :: SDoc
+ overlap_header
+ | [_] <- overlapping_but_not_more_specific
+ = text "An overlapping instance can only be chosen when it is strictly more specific."
+ | otherwise
+ = text "Overlapping instances can only be chosen when they are strictly more specific."
+ overlapping_but_not_more_specific :: [(ClsInst, ClsInst)]
+ overlapping_but_not_more_specific
+ = nubOrdBy (comparing (is_dfun . fst))
+ [ (overlapper, overlappee)
+ | these <- groupBy ((==) `on` is_cls_nm) insts
+ -- Take all pairs of distinct instances...
+ , one:others <- tails these -- if `these = [inst_1, inst_2, ...]`
+ , other <- others -- then we get pairs `(one, other) = (inst_i, inst_j)` with `i < j`
+ -- ... such that one instance in the pair overlaps the other...
+ , let mb_overlapping
+ | hasOverlappingFlag (overlapMode $ is_flag one)
+ || hasOverlappableFlag (overlapMode $ is_flag other)
+ = [(one, other)]
+ | hasOverlappingFlag (overlapMode $ is_flag other)
+ || hasOverlappableFlag (overlapMode $ is_flag one)
+ = [(other, one)]
+ | otherwise
+ = []
+ , (overlapper, overlappee) <- mb_overlapping
+ -- ... but the overlapper is not more specific than the overlappee.
+ , not (overlapper `more_specific_than` overlappee)
+ ]
+ more_specific_than :: ClsInst -> ClsInst -> Bool
+ is1 `more_specific_than` is2
+ = isJust (tcMatchTys (is_tys is1) (is_tys is2))
+ ppr_overlapping :: (ClsInst, ClsInst) -> SDoc
+ ppr_overlapping (overlapper, overlappee)
+ = text "The first instance that follows overlaps the second, but is not more specific than it:"
+ $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map pprInstanceHdr [overlapper, overlappee])
{- Note [Displaying potential instances]
When showing a list of instances for