path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2021-03-13 23:46:50 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2021-03-31 11:12:52 -0400
commitdbadd672ba7da67533c34d8594ac7f91dde0f415 (patch)
tree4c40cc05d77aa270d754c4090ebcaa1fbe62d8f4 /compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen
parent44774dc591206291d06e6181f599151631062332 (diff)
The result kind of a signature can't mention quantified vars
This patch fixes a small but egregious bug, which allowed a type signature like f :: forall a. blah not to fail if (blah :: a). Acutally this only showed up as a ASSERT error (#19495). The fix is very short, but took quite a bit of head scratching Hence the long Note [Escaping kind in type signatures] While I was in town, I also added a short-cut for the common case of having no quantifiers to tcImplicitTKBndrsX. Metric Decrease: T9198 Metric Increase: T9198
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs
index f7ad3a2af6..bf836e5602 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs
@@ -445,17 +445,22 @@ tc_lhs_sig_type :: SkolemInfo -> LHsSigType GhcRn
-- This will never emit constraints, as it uses solveEqualities internally.
-- No validity checking or zonking
-- Returns also an implication for the unsolved constraints
-tc_lhs_sig_type skol_info (L loc (HsSig { sig_bndrs = hs_outer_bndrs
- , sig_body = hs_ty })) ctxt_kind
+tc_lhs_sig_type skol_info full_hs_ty@(L loc (HsSig { sig_bndrs = hs_outer_bndrs
+ , sig_body = hs_ty })) ctxt_kind
= setSrcSpanA loc $
- do { (tc_lvl, wanted, (outer_bndrs, ty))
+ do { (tc_lvl, wanted, (exp_kind, (outer_bndrs, ty)))
<- pushLevelAndSolveEqualitiesX "tc_lhs_sig_type" $
-- See Note [Failure in local type signatures]
- tcOuterTKBndrs skol_info hs_outer_bndrs $
- do { kind <- newExpectedKind ctxt_kind
- ; tcLHsType hs_ty kind }
- -- Any remaining variables (unsolved in the solveEqualities)
- -- should be in the global tyvars, and therefore won't be quantified
+ do { exp_kind <- newExpectedKind ctxt_kind
+ -- See Note [Escaping kind in type signatures]
+ ; stuff <- tcOuterTKBndrs skol_info hs_outer_bndrs $
+ tcLHsType hs_ty exp_kind
+ ; return (exp_kind, stuff) }
+ -- Default any unconstrained variables free in the kind
+ -- See Note [Escaping kind in type signatures]
+ ; exp_kind_dvs <- candidateQTyVarsOfType exp_kind
+ ; doNotQuantifyTyVars exp_kind_dvs (mk_doc exp_kind)
; traceTc "tc_lhs_sig_type" (ppr hs_outer_bndrs $$ ppr outer_bndrs)
; (outer_tv_bndrs :: [InvisTVBinder]) <- scopedSortOuter outer_bndrs
@@ -469,9 +474,68 @@ tc_lhs_sig_type skol_info (L loc (HsSig { sig_bndrs = hs_outer_bndrs
; implic <- buildTvImplication skol_info kvs tc_lvl wanted
; return (implic, mkInfForAllTys kvs ty1) }
+ where
+ mk_doc exp_kind tidy_env
+ = do { (tidy_env2, exp_kind) <- zonkTidyTcType tidy_env exp_kind
+ ; return (tidy_env2, hang (text "The kind" <+> ppr exp_kind)
+ 2 (text "of type signature:" <+> ppr full_hs_ty)) }
-{- Note [Skolem escape in type signatures]
+{- Note [Escaping kind in type signatures]
+Consider kind-checking the signature for `foo` (#19495):
+ type family T (r :: RuntimeRep) :: TYPE r
+ foo :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). T r
+ foo = ...
+We kind-check the type with expected kind `TYPE delta` (see newExpectedKind),
+where `delta :: RuntimeRep` is as-yet unknown. (We can't use `TYPE LiftedRep`
+because we allow signatures like `foo :: Int#`.)
+Suppose we are at level L currently. We do this
+ * pushLevelAndSolveEqualitiesX: moves to level L+1
+ * newExpectedKind: allocates delta{L+1}
+ * tcOuterTKBndrs: pushes the level again to L+2, binds skolem r{L+2}
+ * kind-check the body (T r) :: TYPE delta{L+1}
+* We can't unify delta{L+1} with r{L+2}.
+ And rightly so: skolem would escape.
+* If delta{L+1} is unified with some-kind{L}, that is fine.
+ This can happen
+ \(x::a) -> let y :: a; y = x in ...(x :: Int#)...
+ Here (x :: a :: TYPE gamma) is in the environment when we check
+ the signature y::a. We unify delta := gamma, and all is well.
+* If delta{L+1} is unconstrained, we /must not/ quantify over it!
+ E.g. Consider f :: Any where Any :: forall k. k
+ We kind-check this with expected kind TYPE kappa. We get
+ Any @(TYPE kappa) :: TYPE kappa
+ We don't want to generalise to forall k. Any @k
+ because that is ill-kinded: the kind of the body of the forall,
+ (Any @k :: k) mentions the bound variable k.
+ Instead we want to default it to LiftedRep.
+ An alternative would be to promote it, similar to the monomorphism
+ restriction, but the MR is pretty confusing. Defaulting seems better
+How does that defaulting happen? Well, since we /currently/ default
+RuntimeRep variables during generalisation, it'll happen in
+kindGeneralize. But in principle we might allow generalisation over
+RuntimeRep variables in future. Moreover, what if we had
+ kappa{L+1} := F alpha{L+1}
+where F :: Type -> RuntimeRep. Now it's alpha that is free in the kind
+and it /won't/ be defaulted.
+So we use doNotQuantifyTyVars to either default the free vars of
+exp_kind (if possible), or error (if not).
+Note [Skolem escape in type signatures]
tcHsSigType is tricky. Consider (T11142)
foo :: forall b. (forall k (a :: k). SameKind a b) -> ()
This is ill-kinded because of a nested skolem-escape.
@@ -3210,6 +3274,12 @@ tcImplicitTKBndrsX :: SkolemMode -> SkolemInfo
-- and emit an implication constraint with a ForAllSkol ic_info,
-- so that it is subject to a telescope test.
tcImplicitTKBndrsX skol_mode skol_info bndrs thing_inside
+ | null bndrs -- Short-cut the common case with no quantifiers
+ -- E.g. f :: Int -> Int
+ -- makes a HsOuterImplicit with empty bndrs,
+ -- and tcOuterTKBndrsX goes via here
+ = do { res <- thing_inside; return ([], res) }
+ | otherwise
= do { (tclvl, wanted, (skol_tvs, res))
<- pushLevelAndCaptureConstraints $
bindImplicitTKBndrsX skol_mode bndrs $