path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2020-07-15 23:50:42 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-09-24 13:16:32 -0400
commit97cff9190d346c3b51c32c88fd145fcf1e6678f1 (patch)
treebf5f482cb2efb3ed0396cbc76cf236f50bdc8ee1 /compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen
parent04d6433158d95658684cf419c4ba5725d2aa539e (diff)
Implement Quick Look impredicativity
This patch implements Quick Look impredicativity (#18126), sticking very closely to the design in A quick look at impredicativity, Serrano et al, ICFP 2020 The main change is that a big chunk of GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr has been extracted to two new modules GHC.Tc.Gen.App GHC.Tc.Gen.Head which deal with typechecking n-ary applications, and the head of such applications, respectively. Both contain a good deal of documentation. Three other loosely-related changes are in this patch: * I implemented (partly by accident) points (2,3)) of the accepted GHC proposal "Clean up printing of foralls", namely master/proposals/0179-printing-foralls.rst (see #16320). In particular, see Note [TcRnExprMode] in GHC.Tc.Module - :type instantiates /inferred/, but not /specified/, quantifiers - :type +d instantiates /all/ quantifiers - :type +v is killed off That completes the implementation of the proposal, since point (1) was done in commit df08468113ab46832b7ac0a7311b608d1b418c4d Author: Krzysztof Gogolewski <> Date: Mon Feb 3 21:17:11 2020 +0100 Always display inferred variables using braces * HsRecFld (which the renamer introduces for record field selectors), is now preserved by the typechecker, rather than being rewritten back to HsVar. This is more uniform, and turned out to be more convenient in the new scheme of things. * The GHCi debugger uses a non-standard unification that allows the unification variables to unify with polytypes. We used to hack this by using ImpredicativeTypes, but that doesn't work anymore so I introduces RuntimeUnkTv. See Note [RuntimeUnkTv] in GHC.Runtime.Heap.Inspect Updates haddock submodule. WARNING: this patch won't validate on its own. It was too hard to fully disentangle it from the following patch, on type errors and kind generalisation. Changes to tests * Fixes #9730 (test added) * Fixes #7026 (test added) * Fixes most of #8808, except function `g2'` which uses a section (which doesn't play with QL yet -- see #18126) Test added * Fixes #1330. NB Church1.hs subsumes Church2.hs, which is now deleted * Fixes #17332 (test added) * Fixes #4295 * This patch makes typecheck/should_run/T7861 fail. But that turns out to be a pre-existing bug: #18467. So I have just made T7861 into expect_broken(18467)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen')
7 files changed, 2306 insertions, 1350 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79749c70c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1083 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds, GADTs, TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Wrinkle in Note [Trees That Grow]
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Gen.App
+ ( tcApp
+ , tcInferSigma
+ , tcValArg
+ , tcExprPrag ) where
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr( tcCheckPolyExprNC )
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Head
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family ( tcGetFamInstEnvs, tcLookupDataFamInst_maybe )
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType as TcType
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst (substTyWithInScope)
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs( shallowTyCoVarsOfType )
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps( tagToEnumKey )
+import GHC.Builtin.Names
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env ( emptyTidyEnv, mkInScopeSet )
+import GHC.Data.Maybe
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Function
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHC.Prelude
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Quick Look overview
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [Quick Look]
+The implementation of Quick Look closely follows the QL paper
+ A quick look at impredicativity, Serrano et al, ICFP 2020
+All the moving parts are in this module, GHC.Tc.Gen.App, so named
+because it deal with n-ary application. The main workhorse is tcApp.
+Some notes relative to the paper
+* The "instantiation variables" of the paper are ordinary unification
+ variables. We keep track of which variables are instantiation variables
+ by keeping a set Delta of instantiation variables.
+* When we learn what an instantiation variable must be, we simply unify
+ it with that type; this is done in qlUnify, which is the function mgu_ql(t1,t2)
+ of the paper. This may fill in a (mutable) instantiation variable with
+ a polytype.
+* When QL is done, we don't need to turn the un-filled-in
+ instantiation variables into unification variables -- they already
+ are!
+ Moreover, all filled-in occurrences of instantiation variables
+ have been zonked away (see "Crucial step" in tcValArgs), and
+ so the rest of the type checker never sees a meta-type variable
+ filled in with a polytype. For the rest of the typechecker,
+ a meta type variable stands (only) for a monotype.
+* We cleverly avoid the quadratic cost of QL, alluded to in the paper.
+ See Note [Quick Look at value arguments]
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ tcInferSigma
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcInferSigma :: Bool -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM TcSigmaType
+-- Used only to implement :type; see GHC.Tc.Module.tcRnExpr
+-- True <=> instantiate -- return a rho-type
+-- False <=> don't instantiate -- return a sigma-type
+tcInferSigma inst (L loc rn_expr)
+ | (rn_fun, rn_args, _) <- splitHsApps rn_expr
+ = addExprCtxt rn_expr $
+ setSrcSpan loc $
+ do { do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
+ ; (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead rn_fun rn_args Nothing
+ ; (_delta, inst_args, app_res_sigma) <- tcInstFun do_ql inst rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args
+ ; _tc_args <- tcValArgs do_ql tc_fun inst_args
+ ; return app_res_sigma }
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Typechecking n-ary applications
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [Application chains and heads]
+Quick Look treats application chains specially. What is an
+"application chain"? See Fig 2, of the QL paper: "A quick look at
+impredicativity" (ICFP'20). Here's the syntax:
+app :: head
+ | app expr -- HsApp: ordinary application
+ | app @type -- HsTypeApp: VTA
+ | expr `head` expr -- OpApp: infix applications
+ | ( app ) -- HsPar: parens
+ | {-# PRAGMA #-} app -- HsPragE: pragmas
+head ::= f -- HsVar: variables
+ | fld -- HsRecFld: record field selectors
+ | (expr :: ty) -- ExprWithTySig: expr with user type sig
+ | other_expr -- Other expressions
+When tcExpr sees something that starts an application chain (namely,
+any of the constructors in 'app' or 'head'), it invokes tcApp to
+typecheck it: see Note [tcApp: typechecking applications]. However,
+for HsPar and HsPragE, there is no tcWrapResult (which would
+instantiate types, bypassing Quick Look), so nothing is gained by
+using the application chain route, and we can just recurse to tcExpr.
+A "head" has three special cases (for which we can infer a polytype
+using tcInferAppHead_maybe); otherwise is just any old expression (for
+which we can infer a rho-type (via tcInfer).
+There is no special treatment for HsUnboundVar, HsOverLit etc, because
+we can't get a polytype from them.
+Left and right sections (e.g. (x +) and (+ x)) are not yet supported.
+Probably left sections (x +) would be esay to add, since x is the
+first arg of (+); but right sections are not so easy. For symmetry
+reasons I've left both unchanged, in GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr.
+It may not be immediately obvious why ExprWithTySig (e::ty) should be
+dealt with by tcApp, even when it is not applied to anything. Consider
+ f :: [forall a. a->a] -> Int
+ ...(f (undefined :: forall b. b))...
+Clearly this should work! But it will /only/ work because if we
+instantiate that (forall b. b) impredicatively! And that only happens
+in tcApp.
+Note [tcApp: typechecking applications]
+tcApp implements the APP-Downarrow/Uparrow rule of
+Fig 3, plus the modification in Fig 5, of the QL paper:
+"A quick look at impredicativity" (ICFP'20).
+It treats application chains (f e1 @ty e2) specially:
+* So we can report errors like "in the third arument of a call of f"
+* So we can do Visible Type Application (VTA), for which we must not
+ eagerly instantiate the function part of the application.
+* So that we can do Quick Look impredicativity.
+tcApp works like this:
+1. Use splitHsApps, which peels off
+ HsApp, HsTypeApp, HsPrag, HsPar
+ returning the function in the corner and the arguments
+ splitHsApps can deal with infix as well as prefix application,
+ and returns a Rebuilder to re-assemble the the application after
+ typechecking.
+ The "list of arguments" is [HsExprArg], described in Note [HsExprArg].
+ in GHC.Tc.Gen.Head
+2. Use tcInferAppHead to infer the type of the fuction,
+ as an (uninstantiated) TcSigmaType
+ There are special cases for
+ HsVar, HsRecFld, and ExprWithTySig
+ Otherwise, delegate back to tcExpr, which
+ infers an (instantiated) TcRhoType
+3. Use tcInstFun to instantiate the function, Quick-Looking as we go.
+ This implements the |-inst judgement in Fig 4, plus the
+ modification in Fig 5, of the QL paper:
+ "A quick look at impredicativity" (ICFP'20).
+ In tcInstFun we take a quick look at value arguments, using
+ quickLookArg. See Note [Quick Look at value arguments].
+4. Use quickLookResultType to take a quick look at the result type,
+ when in checking mode. This is the shaded part of APP-Downarrow
+ in Fig 5.
+5. Use tcValArgs to typecheck the value arguments
+6. After a gruesome special case for tagToEnum, rebuild the result.
+Some cases that /won't/ work:
+1. Consider this (which uses visible type application):
+ (let { f :: forall a. a -> a; f x = x } in f) @Int
+ Since 'let' is not among the special cases for tcInferAppHead,
+ we'll delegate back to tcExpr, which will instantiate f's type
+ and the type application to @Int will fail. Too bad!
+tcApp :: HsExpr GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
+-- See Note [tcApp: typechecking applications]
+tcApp rn_expr exp_res_ty
+ | (rn_fun, rn_args, rebuild) <- splitHsApps rn_expr
+ = do { (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead rn_fun rn_args
+ (checkingExpType_maybe exp_res_ty)
+ -- Instantiate
+ ; do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
+ ; (delta, inst_args, app_res_rho) <- tcInstFun do_ql True rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args
+ -- Quick look at result
+ ; quickLookResultType do_ql delta app_res_rho exp_res_ty
+ ; whenDOptM Opt_D_dump_tc_trace $
+ do { inst_args <- mapM zonkArg inst_args -- Only when tracing
+ ; traceTc "tcApp" (vcat [ text "rn_fun" <+> ppr rn_fun
+ , text "inst_args" <+> brackets (pprWithCommas pprHsExprArgTc inst_args)
+ , text "do_ql: " <+> ppr do_ql
+ , text "fun_sigma: " <+> ppr fun_sigma
+ , text "delta: " <+> ppr delta
+ , text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho
+ , text "exp_res_ty:" <+> ppr exp_res_ty
+ , text "rn_expr:" <+> ppr rn_expr ]) }
+ -- Typecheck the value arguments
+ ; tc_args <- tcValArgs do_ql tc_fun inst_args
+ -- Special case for tagToEnum#
+ ; if isTagToEnum rn_fun
+ then tcTagToEnum rn_expr tc_fun tc_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty
+ else
+ do { -- Reconstruct
+ ; let tc_expr = rebuild tc_fun tc_args
+ -- Wrap the result
+ -- NB: app_res_ty may be a polytype, via zonkQuickLook
+ ; addFunResCtxt tc_fun tc_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty $
+ tcWrapResult rn_expr tc_expr app_res_rho exp_res_ty } }
+-- zonkArg is used *only* during debug-tracing, to make it easier to
+-- see what is going on. For that reason, it is not a full zonk: add
+-- more if you need it.
+zonkArg :: HsExprArg 'TcpInst -> TcM (HsExprArg 'TcpInst)
+zonkArg eva@(EValArg { eva_arg_ty = Scaled m ty })
+ = do { ty' <- zonkTcType ty
+ ; return (eva { eva_arg_ty = Scaled m ty' }) }
+zonkArg arg = return arg
+wantQuickLook :: HsExpr GhcRn -> TcM Bool
+-- GHC switches on impredicativity all the time for ($)
+wantQuickLook (HsVar _ f) | unLoc f `hasKey` dollarIdKey = return True
+wantQuickLook _ = xoptM LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes
+tcValArgs :: Bool -- Quick-look on?
+ -> HsExpr GhcTc -- The function (for error messages)
+ -> [HsExprArg 'TcpInst] -- Actual argument
+ -> TcM [HsExprArg 'TcpTc] -- Resulting argument
+tcValArgs quick_look fun args
+ = go 1 args
+ where
+ go _ [] = return []
+ go n (arg:args) = do { (n',arg') <- tc_arg n arg
+ ; args' <- go n' args
+ ; return (arg' : args') }
+ tc_arg :: Int -> HsExprArg 'TcpInst -> TcM (Int, HsExprArg 'TcpTc)
+ tc_arg n (EPar l) = return (n, EPar l)
+ tc_arg n (EPrag l p) = return (n, EPrag l (tcExprPrag p))
+ tc_arg n (EWrap wrap) = return (n, EWrap wrap)
+ tc_arg n (ETypeArg l hs_ty ty) = return (n+1, ETypeArg l hs_ty ty)
+ tc_arg n eva@(EValArg { eva_arg = arg, eva_arg_ty = Scaled mult arg_ty })
+ = do { -- Crucial step: expose QL results before checking arg_ty
+ -- So far as the paper is concerned, this step applies
+ -- the poly-substitution Theta, learned by QL, so that we
+ -- "see" the polymorphism in that argument type. E.g.
+ -- (:) e ids, where ids :: [forall a. a->a]
+ -- (:) :: forall p. p->[p]->[p]
+ -- Then Theta = [p :-> forall a. a->a], and we want
+ -- to check 'e' with expected type (forall a. a->a)
+ arg_ty <- if quick_look then zonkTcType arg_ty
+ else return arg_ty
+ -- Now check the argument
+ ; arg' <- addErrCtxt (funAppCtxt fun (eValArgExpr arg) n) $
+ tcScalingUsage mult $
+ do { traceTc "tcEValArg" $
+ vcat [ ppr n <+> text "of" <+> ppr fun
+ , text "arg type:" <+> ppr arg_ty
+ , text "arg:" <+> ppr arg ]
+ ; tcEValArg arg arg_ty }
+ ; return (n+1, eva { eva_arg = ValArg arg'
+ , eva_arg_ty = Scaled mult arg_ty }) }
+tcEValArg :: EValArg 'TcpInst -> TcSigmaType -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+-- Typecheck one value argument of a function call
+tcEValArg (ValArg arg) exp_arg_sigma
+ = tcCheckPolyExprNC arg exp_arg_sigma
+tcEValArg (ValArgQL { va_expr = L loc _, va_fun = fun, va_args = args
+ , va_ty = app_res_rho, va_rebuild = rebuild }) exp_arg_sigma
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ do { traceTc "tcEValArg {" (vcat [ ppr fun <+> ppr args ])
+ ; tc_args <- tcValArgs True fun args
+ ; co <- unifyType Nothing app_res_rho exp_arg_sigma
+ ; traceTc "tcEValArg }" empty
+ ; return (L loc $ mkHsWrapCo co $ rebuild fun tc_args) }
+tcValArg :: HsExpr GhcRn -- The function (for error messages)
+ -> LHsExpr GhcRn -- Actual argument
+ -> Scaled TcSigmaType -- expected arg type
+ -> Int -- # of argument
+ -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc) -- Resulting argument
+-- tcValArg is called only from Gen.Expr, dealing with left and right sections
+tcValArg fun arg (Scaled mult arg_ty) arg_no
+ = addErrCtxt (funAppCtxt fun arg arg_no) $
+ tcScalingUsage mult $
+ do { traceTc "tcValArg" $
+ vcat [ ppr arg_no <+> text "of" <+> ppr fun
+ , text "arg type:" <+> ppr arg_ty
+ , text "arg:" <+> ppr arg ]
+ ; tcCheckPolyExprNC arg arg_ty }
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Instantiating the call
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+type Delta = TcTyVarSet -- Set of instantiation variables,
+ -- written \kappa in the QL paper
+ -- Just a set of ordinary unification variables,
+ -- but ones that QL may fill in with polytypes
+tcInstFun :: Bool -- True <=> Do quick-look
+ -> Bool -- False <=> Instantiate only /inferred/ variables at the end
+ -- so may return a sigma-typex
+ -- True <=> Instantiate all type variables at the end:
+ -- return a rho-type
+ -- The /only/ call site that passes in False is the one
+ -- in tcInferSigma, which is used only to implement :type
+ -- Otherwise we do eager instantiation; in Fig 5 of the paper
+ -- |-inst returns a rho-type
+ -> HsExpr GhcRn -> TcSigmaType -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn]
+ -> TcM ( Delta
+ , [HsExprArg 'TcpInst]
+ , TcSigmaType )
+-- This function implements the |-inst judgement in Fig 4, plus the
+-- modification in Fig 5, of the QL paper:
+-- "A quick look at impredicativity" (ICFP'20).
+tcInstFun do_ql inst_final rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args
+ = do { traceTc "tcInstFun" (ppr rn_fun $$ ppr rn_args $$ text "do_ql" <+> ppr do_ql)
+ ; go emptyVarSet [] [] fun_sigma rn_args }
+ where
+ fun_orig = exprCtOrigin rn_fun
+ herald = sep [ text "The function" <+> quotes (ppr rn_fun)
+ , text "is applied to"]
+ -- Count value args only when complaining about a function
+ -- applied to too many value args
+ -- See Note [Herald for matchExpectedFunTys] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.
+ n_val_args = count isHsValArg rn_args
+ fun_is_out_of_scope -- See Note [VTA for out-of-scope functions]
+ = case rn_fun of
+ HsUnboundVar {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+ inst_all :: ArgFlag -> Bool
+ inst_all (Invisible {}) = True
+ inst_all Required = False
+ inst_inferred :: ArgFlag -> Bool
+ inst_inferred (Invisible InferredSpec) = True
+ inst_inferred (Invisible SpecifiedSpec) = False
+ inst_inferred Required = False
+ inst_fun :: [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> ArgFlag -> Bool
+ inst_fun [] | inst_final = inst_all
+ | otherwise = inst_inferred
+ inst_fun (EValArg {} : _) = inst_all
+ inst_fun _ = inst_inferred
+ -----------
+ go, go1 :: Delta
+ -> [HsExprArg 'TcpInst] -- Accumulator, reversed
+ -> [Scaled TcSigmaType] -- Value args to which applied so far
+ -> TcSigmaType -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn]
+ -> TcM (Delta, [HsExprArg 'TcpInst], TcSigmaType)
+ -- go: If fun_ty=kappa, look it up in Theta
+ go delta acc so_far fun_ty args
+ | Just kappa <- tcGetTyVar_maybe fun_ty
+ , kappa `elemVarSet` delta
+ = do { cts <- readMetaTyVar kappa
+ ; case cts of
+ Indirect fun_ty' -> go delta acc so_far fun_ty' args
+ Flexi -> go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty args }
+ | otherwise
+ = go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty args
+ -- go1: fun_ty is not filled-in instantiation variable
+ -- ('go' dealt with that case)
+ -- Rule IALL from Fig 4 of the QL paper
+ go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty args
+ | (tvs, body1) <- tcSplitSomeForAllTys (inst_fun args) fun_ty
+ , (theta, body2) <- tcSplitPhiTy body1
+ , not (null tvs && null theta)
+ = do { (inst_tvs, wrap, fun_rho) <- setSrcSpanFromArgs rn_args $
+ instantiateSigma fun_orig tvs theta body2
+ -- setSrcSpanFromArgs: important for the class constraints
+ -- that may be emitted from instantiating fun_sigma
+ ; go (delta `extendVarSetList` inst_tvs)
+ (addArgWrap wrap acc) so_far fun_rho args }
+ -- Going around again means we deal easily with
+ -- nested forall a. Eq a => forall b. Show b => blah
+ -- Rule IRESULT from Fig 4 of the QL paper
+ go1 delta acc _ fun_ty []
+ = do { traceTc "tcInstFun:ret" (ppr fun_ty)
+ ; return (delta, reverse acc, fun_ty) }
+ go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty (EPar sp : args)
+ = go1 delta (EPar sp : acc) so_far fun_ty args
+ go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty (EPrag sp prag : args)
+ = go1 delta (EPrag sp prag : acc) so_far fun_ty args
+ -- Rule ITYARG from Fig 4 of the QL paper
+ go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty ( ETypeArg { eva_loc = loc, eva_hs_ty = hs_ty }
+ : rest_args )
+ | fun_is_out_of_scope -- See Note [VTA for out-of-scope functions]
+ = go delta acc so_far fun_ty rest_args
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (ty_arg, inst_ty) <- tcVTA fun_ty hs_ty
+ ; let arg' = ETypeArg { eva_loc = loc, eva_hs_ty = hs_ty, eva_ty = ty_arg }
+ ; go delta (arg' : acc) so_far inst_ty rest_args }
+ -- Rule IVAR from Fig 4 of the QL paper:
+ go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty args@(EValArg {} : _)
+ | Just kappa <- tcGetTyVar_maybe fun_ty
+ , kappa `elemVarSet` delta
+ = -- Function type was of form f :: forall a b. t1 -> t2 -> b
+ -- with 'b', one of the quantified type variables, in the corner
+ -- but the call applies it to three or more value args.
+ -- Suppose b is instantiated by kappa. Then we want to make fresh
+ -- instantiation variables nu1, nu2, and set kappa := nu1 -> nu2
+ --
+ -- In principle what is happening here is not unlike matchActualFunTysRho
+ -- but there are many small differences:
+ -- - We know that the function type in unfilled meta-tyvar
+ -- matchActualFunTysRho is much more general, has a loop, etc.
+ -- - We must be sure to actually update the variable right now,
+ -- not defer in any way, because this is a QL instantiation variable.
+ -- - We need the freshly allocated unification variables, to extend
+ -- delta with.
+ -- It's easier just to do the job directly here.
+ do { arg_nus <- replicateM (countLeadingValArgs args) newOpenFlexiTyVar
+ ; res_nu <- newOpenFlexiTyVar
+ ; kind_co <- unifyKind Nothing liftedTypeKind (tyVarKind kappa)
+ ; let delta' = delta `extendVarSetList` (res_nu:arg_nus)
+ arg_tys = mkTyVarTys arg_nus
+ res_ty = mkTyVarTy res_nu
+ fun_ty' = mkVisFunTysMany arg_tys res_ty
+ co_wrap = mkWpCastN (mkTcGReflLeftCo Nominal fun_ty' kind_co)
+ acc' = addArgWrap co_wrap acc
+ -- Suppose kappa :: kk
+ -- Then fun_ty :: kk, fun_ty' :: Type, kind_co :: Type ~ kk
+ -- co_wrap :: (fun_ty' |> kind_co) ~ fun_ty'
+ ; writeMetaTyVar kappa (mkCastTy fun_ty' kind_co)
+ -- kappa is uninstantiated ('go' already checked that)
+ ; go delta' acc' so_far fun_ty' args }
+ -- Rule IARG from Fig 4 of the QL paper:
+ go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty
+ (eva@(EValArg { eva_arg = ValArg arg }) : rest_args)
+ = do { (wrap, arg_ty, res_ty) <- matchActualFunTySigma herald
+ (Just (ppr rn_fun))
+ (n_val_args, so_far) fun_ty
+ ; let arg_no = 1 + count isVisibleArg acc
+ -- We could cache this in a pair with acc; but
+ -- it's only evaluated if there's a type error
+ ; (delta', arg') <- if do_ql
+ then addErrCtxt (funAppCtxt rn_fun arg arg_no) $
+ -- Context needed for constraints
+ -- generated by calls in arg
+ quickLookArg delta arg arg_ty
+ else return (delta, ValArg arg)
+ ; let acc' = eva { eva_arg = arg', eva_arg_ty = arg_ty }
+ : addArgWrap wrap acc
+ ; go delta' acc' (arg_ty:so_far) res_ty rest_args }
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Visible type application
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcVTA :: TcType -- Function type
+ -> LHsWcType GhcRn -- Argument type
+ -> TcM (TcType, TcType)
+-- Deal with a visible type application
+-- The function type has already had its Inferred binders instantiated
+tcVTA fun_ty hs_ty
+ | Just (tvb, inner_ty) <- tcSplitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
+ , binderArgFlag tvb == Specified
+ -- It really can't be Inferred, because we've just
+ -- instantiated those. But, oddly, it might just be Required.
+ -- See Note [Required quantifiers in the type of a term]
+ = do { let tv = binderVar tvb
+ kind = tyVarKind tv
+ ; ty_arg <- tcHsTypeApp hs_ty kind
+ ; inner_ty <- zonkTcType inner_ty
+ -- See Note [Visible type application zonk]
+ ; let in_scope = mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes [fun_ty, ty_arg])
+ insted_ty = substTyWithInScope in_scope [tv] [ty_arg] inner_ty
+ -- NB: tv and ty_arg have the same kind, so this
+ -- substitution is kind-respecting
+ ; traceTc "VTA" (vcat [ppr tv, debugPprType kind
+ , debugPprType ty_arg
+ , debugPprType (tcTypeKind ty_arg)
+ , debugPprType inner_ty
+ , debugPprType insted_ty ])
+ ; return (ty_arg, insted_ty) }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (_, fun_ty) <- zonkTidyTcType emptyTidyEnv fun_ty
+ ; failWith $
+ text "Cannot apply expression of type" <+> quotes (ppr fun_ty) $$
+ text "to a visible type argument" <+> quotes (ppr hs_ty) }
+{- Note [Required quantifiers in the type of a term]
+Consider (#15859)
+ data A k :: k -> Type -- A :: forall k -> k -> Type
+ type KindOf (a :: k) = k -- KindOf :: forall k. k -> Type
+ a = (undefind :: KindOf A) @Int
+With ImpredicativeTypes (thin ice, I know), we instantiate
+KindOf at type (forall k -> k -> Type), so
+ KindOf A = forall k -> k -> Type
+whose first argument is Required
+We want to reject this type application to Int, but in earlier
+GHCs we had an ASSERT that Required could not occur here.
+The ice is thin; c.f. Note [No Required TyCoBinder in terms]
+in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep.
+Note [VTA for out-of-scope functions]
+Suppose 'wurble' is not in scope, and we have
+ (wurble @Int @Bool True 'x')
+Then the renamer will make (HsUnboundVar "wurble) for 'wurble',
+and the typechecker will typecheck it with tcUnboundId, giving it
+a type 'alpha', and emitting a deferred Hole constraint, to
+be reported later.
+But then comes the visible type application. If we do nothing, we'll
+generate an immediate failure (in tc_app_err), saying that a function
+of type 'alpha' can't be applied to Bool. That's insane! And indeed
+users complain bitterly (#13834, #17150.)
+The right error is the Hole, which has /already/ been emitted by
+tcUnboundId. It later reports 'wurble' as out of scope, and tries to
+give its type.
+Fortunately in tcInstFun we still have access to the function, so we
+can check if it is a HsUnboundVar. We use this info to simply skip
+over any visible type arguments. We've already inferred the type of
+the function (in tcInferAppHead), so we'll /already/ have emitted a
+Hole constraint; failing preserves that constraint.
+We do /not/ want to fail altogether in this case (via failM) becuase
+that may abandon an entire instance decl, which (in the presence of
+-fdefer-type-errors) leads to leading to #17792.
+Downside; the typechecked term has lost its visible type arguments; we
+don't even kind-check them. But let's jump that bridge if we come to
+it. Meanwhile, let's not crash!
+Note [Visible type application zonk]
+* Substitutions should be kind-preserving, so we need kind(tv) = kind(ty_arg).
+* tcHsTypeApp only guarantees that
+ - ty_arg is zonked
+ - kind(zonk(tv)) = kind(ty_arg)
+ (checkExpectedKind zonks as it goes).
+So we must zonk inner_ty as well, to guarantee consistency between zonk(tv)
+and inner_ty. Otherwise we can build an ill-kinded type. An example was
+#14158, where we had:
+ id :: forall k. forall (cat :: k -> k -> *). forall (a :: k). cat a a
+and we had the visible type application
+ id @(->)
+* We instantiated k := kappa, yielding
+ forall (cat :: kappa -> kappa -> *). forall (a :: kappa). cat a a
+* Then we called tcHsTypeApp (->) with expected kind (kappa -> kappa -> *).
+* That instantiated (->) as ((->) q1 q1), and unified kappa := q1,
+ Here q1 :: RuntimeRep
+* Now we substitute
+ cat :-> (->) q1 q1 :: TYPE q1 -> TYPE q1 -> *
+ but we must first zonk the inner_ty to get
+ forall (a :: TYPE q1). cat a a
+ so that the result of substitution is well-kinded
+ Failing to do so led to #14158.
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Quick Look
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [Quick Look at value arguments]
+The function quickLookArg implements the "QL argument" judgement of
+the QL paper, in Fig 5 of "A quick look at impredicativity" (ICFP 2020),
+rather directly.
+* We avoid zonking, so quickLookArg thereby sees the argument type /before/
+ the QL substitution Theta is applied to it. So we achieve argument-order
+ independence for free (see 5.7 in the paper).
+* When we quick-look at an argument, we save the work done, by returning
+ an EValArg with a ValArgQL inside it. (It started life with a ValArg
+ inside.) The ValArgQL remembers all the work that QL did (notably,
+ decomposing the argument and instantiating) so that tcValArgs does
+ not need to repeat it. Rather neat, and remarkably easy.
+quickLookArg :: Delta
+ -> LHsExpr GhcRn -- Argument
+ -> Scaled TcSigmaType -- Type expected by the function
+ -> TcM (Delta, EValArg 'TcpInst)
+-- See Note [Quick Look at value arguments]
+-- The returned Delta is a superset of the one passed in
+-- with added instantiation variables from
+-- (a) the call itself
+-- (b) the arguments of the call
+quickLookArg delta larg (Scaled _ arg_ty)
+ | isEmptyVarSet delta = skipQuickLook delta larg
+ | otherwise = go arg_ty
+ where
+ guarded = isGuardedTy arg_ty
+ -- NB: guardedness is computed based on the original,
+ -- unzonked arg_ty, so we deliberately do not exploit
+ -- guardedness that emerges a result of QL on earlier args
+ go arg_ty | not (isRhoTy arg_ty)
+ = skipQuickLook delta larg
+ -- This top-level zonk step, which is the reason
+ -- we need a local 'go' loop, is subtle
+ -- See Section 9 of the QL paper
+ | Just kappa <- tcGetTyVar_maybe arg_ty
+ , kappa `elemVarSet` delta
+ = do { info <- readMetaTyVar kappa
+ ; case info of
+ Indirect arg_ty' -> go arg_ty'
+ Flexi -> quickLookArg1 guarded delta larg arg_ty }
+ | otherwise
+ = quickLookArg1 guarded delta larg arg_ty
+isGuardedTy :: TcType -> Bool
+isGuardedTy ty
+ | Just (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty = isGenerativeTyCon tc Nominal
+ | Just {} <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe ty = True
+ | otherwise = False
+quickLookArg1 :: Bool -> Delta -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcSigmaType
+ -> TcM (Delta, EValArg 'TcpInst)
+quickLookArg1 guarded delta larg@(L loc arg) arg_ty
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ do { let (rn_fun,rn_args,rebuild) = splitHsApps arg
+ ; mb_fun_ty <- tcInferAppHead_maybe rn_fun rn_args (Just arg_ty)
+ ; traceTc "quickLookArg 1" $
+ vcat [ text "arg:" <+> ppr arg
+ , text "head:" <+> ppr rn_fun <+> dcolon <+> ppr mb_fun_ty
+ , text "args:" <+> ppr rn_args ]
+ ; case mb_fun_ty of {
+ Nothing -> -- fun is too complicated
+ skipQuickLook delta larg ;
+ Just (fun', fun_sigma) ->
+ do { let no_free_kappas = findNoQuantVars fun_sigma rn_args
+ ; traceTc "quickLookArg 2" $
+ vcat [ text "no_free_kappas:" <+> ppr no_free_kappas
+ , text "guarded:" <+> ppr guarded ]
+ ; if not (guarded || no_free_kappas)
+ then skipQuickLook delta larg
+ else
+ do { do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
+ ; (delta_app, inst_args, app_res_rho)
+ <- tcInstFun do_ql True rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args
+ ; traceTc "quickLookArg" $
+ vcat [ text "arg:" <+> ppr arg
+ , text "delta:" <+> ppr delta
+ , text "delta_app:" <+> ppr delta_app
+ , text "arg_ty:" <+> ppr arg_ty
+ , text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho ]
+ -- Do quick-look unification
+ -- NB: arg_ty may not be zonked, but that's ok
+ ; let delta' = delta `unionVarSet` delta_app
+ ; qlUnify delta' arg_ty app_res_rho
+ ; let ql_arg = ValArgQL { va_expr = larg, va_fun = fun'
+ , va_args = inst_args
+ , va_ty = app_res_rho
+ , va_rebuild = rebuild }
+ ; return (delta', ql_arg) } } } }
+skipQuickLook :: Delta -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM (Delta, EValArg 'TcpInst)
+skipQuickLook delta larg = return (delta, ValArg larg)
+quickLookResultType :: Bool -> Delta -> TcRhoType -> ExpRhoType -> TcM ()
+-- This function implements the shaded bit of rule APP-Downarrow in
+-- Fig 5 of the QL paper: "A quick look at impredicativity" (ICFP'20).
+quickLookResultType do_ql delta app_res_rho exp_res_ty
+ | do_ql
+ , not (isEmptyVarSet delta) -- Optimisation only
+ , Just exp_rho <- checkingExpType_maybe exp_res_ty
+ -- In checking mode only
+ = qlUnify delta app_res_rho exp_rho
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+qlUnify :: Delta -> TcType -> TcType -> TcM ()
+-- Unify ty1 with ty2, unifying only variables in delta
+qlUnify delta ty1 ty2
+ = do { traceTc "qlUnify" (ppr delta $$ ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2)
+ ; go (emptyVarSet,emptyVarSet) ty1 ty2 }
+ where
+ go :: (TyVarSet, TcTyVarSet)
+ -> TcType -> TcType
+ -> TcM ()
+ -- The TyVarSets give the variables bound by enclosing foralls
+ -- for the corresponding type. Don't unify with these.
+ go bvs (TyVarTy tv) ty2
+ | tv `elemVarSet` delta = go_kappa bvs tv ty2
+ go (bvs1, bvs2) ty1 (TyVarTy tv)
+ | tv `elemVarSet` delta = go_kappa (bvs2,bvs1) tv ty1
+ go bvs (CastTy ty1 _) ty2 = go bvs ty1 ty2
+ go bvs ty1 (CastTy ty2 _) = go bvs ty1 ty2
+ go _ (TyConApp tc1 []) (TyConApp tc2 [])
+ | tc1 == tc2 -- See GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
+ = return () -- Note [Expanding synonyms during unification]
+ -- Now, and only now, expand synonyms
+ go bvs rho1 rho2
+ | Just rho1 <- tcView rho1 = go bvs rho1 rho2
+ | Just rho2 <- tcView rho2 = go bvs rho1 rho2
+ go bvs (TyConApp tc1 tys1) (TyConApp tc2 tys2)
+ | tc1 == tc2
+ , not (isTypeFamilyTyCon tc1)
+ , tys1 `equalLength` tys2
+ = zipWithM_ (go bvs) tys1 tys2
+ -- Decompose (arg1 -> res1) ~ (arg2 -> res2)
+ -- and (c1 => res1) ~ (c2 => res2)
+ -- But for the latter we only learn instantiation info from t1~t2
+ -- We look at the multiplicity too, although the chances of getting
+ -- impredicative instantiation info from there seems...remote.
+ go bvs (FunTy { ft_af = af1, ft_arg = arg1, ft_res = res1, ft_mult = mult1 })
+ (FunTy { ft_af = af2, ft_arg = arg2, ft_res = res2, ft_mult = mult2 })
+ | af1 == af2
+ = do { when (af1 == VisArg) $
+ do { go bvs arg1 arg2; go bvs mult1 mult2 }
+ ; go bvs res1 res2 }
+ -- ToDo: c.f. Tc.Utils.unify.uType,
+ -- which does not split FunTy here
+ -- Also NB tcRepSplitAppTy here, which does not split (c => t)
+ go bvs (AppTy t1a t1b) ty2
+ | Just (t2a, t2b) <- tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe ty2
+ = do { go bvs t1a t2a; go bvs t1b t2b }
+ go bvs ty1 (AppTy t2a t2b)
+ | Just (t1a, t1b) <- tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe ty1
+ = do { go bvs t1a t2a; go bvs t1b t2b }
+ go (bvs1, bvs2) (ForAllTy bv1 ty1) (ForAllTy bv2 ty2)
+ = go (bvs1',bvs2') ty1 ty2
+ where
+ bvs1' = bvs1 `extendVarSet` binderVar bv1
+ bvs2' = bvs2 `extendVarSet` binderVar bv2
+ go _ _ _ = return ()
+ ----------------
+ go_kappa bvs kappa ty2
+ = ASSERT2( isMetaTyVar kappa, ppr kappa )
+ do { info <- readMetaTyVar kappa
+ ; case info of
+ Indirect ty1 -> go bvs ty1 ty2
+ Flexi -> do { ty2 <- zonkTcType ty2
+ ; go_flexi bvs kappa ty2 } }
+ ----------------
+ go_flexi (_,bvs2) kappa ty2 -- ty2 is zonked
+ | -- See Note [Actual unification in qlUnify]
+ let ty2_tvs = shallowTyCoVarsOfType ty2
+ , not (ty2_tvs `intersectsVarSet` bvs2)
+ -- Can't instantiate a delta-varto a forall-bound variable
+ , Just ty2 <- occCheckExpand [kappa] ty2
+ -- Passes the occurs check
+ = do { let ty2_kind = typeKind ty2
+ kappa_kind = tyVarKind kappa
+ ; co <- unifyKind (Just (ppr ty2)) ty2_kind kappa_kind
+ -- unifyKind: see Note [Actual unification in qlUnify]
+ ; traceTc "qlUnify:update" $
+ vcat [ hang (ppr kappa <+> dcolon <+> ppr kappa_kind)
+ 2 (text ":=" <+> ppr ty2 <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty2_kind)
+ , text "co:" <+> ppr co ]
+ ; writeMetaTyVar kappa (mkCastTy ty2 co) }
+ | otherwise
+ = return () -- Occurs-check or forall-bound varialbe
+{- Note [Actual unification in qlUnify]
+In qlUnify, if we find (kappa ~ ty), we are going to update kappa := ty.
+That is the entire point of qlUnify! Wrinkles:
+* We must not unify with anything bound by an enclosing forall; e.g.
+ (forall a. kappa -> Int) ~ forall a. a -> Int)
+ That's tracked by the 'bvs' arg of 'go'.
+* We must not make an occurs-check; we use occCheckExpand for that.
+* metaTyVarUpdateOK also checks for various other things, including
+ - foralls, and predicate types (which we want to allow here)
+ - type families (relates to a very specific and exotic performance
+ question, that is unlikely to bite here)
+ - blocking coercion holes
+ After some thought we believe that none of these are relevant
+ here
+* What if kappa and ty have different kinds? We solve that problem by
+ calling unifyKind, producing a coercion perhaps emitting some deferred
+ equality constraints. That is /different/ from the approach we use in
+ the main constraint solver for herterogeneous equalities; see Note
+ [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in Solver.Canonical
+ Why different? Because:
+ - We can't use qlUnify to solve the kind constraint because qlUnify
+ won't unify ordinary (non-instantiation) unification variables.
+ (It would have to worry about lots of things like untouchability
+ if it did.)
+ - qlUnify can't give up if the kinds look un-equal because that would
+ mean that it might succeed some times (when the eager unifier
+ has already unified those kinds) but not others -- order
+ dependence.
+ - We can't use the ordinary unifier/constraint solver instead,
+ because it doesn't unify polykinds, and has all kinds of other
+ magic. qlUnify is very focused.
+ TL;DR Calling unifyKind seems like the lesser evil.
+ -}
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Guardedness
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+findNoQuantVars :: TcSigmaType -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> Bool
+-- True <=> there are no free quantified variables
+-- in the result of the call
+-- E.g. in the call (f e1 e2), if
+-- f :: forall a b. a -> b -> Int return True
+-- f :: forall a b. a -> b -> b return False (b is free)
+findNoQuantVars fun_ty args
+ = go emptyVarSet fun_ty args
+ where
+ need_instantiation [] = True
+ need_instantiation (EValArg {} : _) = True
+ need_instantiation _ = False
+ go :: TyVarSet -> TcSigmaType -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> Bool
+ go bvs fun_ty args
+ | need_instantiation args
+ , (tvs, theta, rho) <- tcSplitSigmaTy fun_ty
+ , not (null tvs && null theta)
+ = go (bvs `extendVarSetList` tvs) rho args
+ go bvs fun_ty [] = tyCoVarsOfType fun_ty `disjointVarSet` bvs
+ go bvs fun_ty (EPar {} : args) = go bvs fun_ty args
+ go bvs fun_ty (EPrag {} : args) = go bvs fun_ty args
+ go bvs fun_ty args@(ETypeArg {} : rest_args)
+ | (tvs, body1) <- tcSplitSomeForAllTys (== Inferred) fun_ty
+ , (theta, body2) <- tcSplitPhiTy body1
+ , not (null tvs && null theta)
+ = go (bvs `extendVarSetList` tvs) body2 args
+ | Just (_tv, res_ty) <- tcSplitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
+ = go bvs res_ty rest_args
+ | otherwise
+ = False -- E.g. head ids @Int
+ go bvs fun_ty (EValArg {} : rest_args)
+ | Just (_, res_ty) <- tcSplitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
+ = go bvs res_ty rest_args
+ | otherwise
+ = False -- E.g. head id 'x'
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ tagToEnum#
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [tagToEnum#]
+Nasty check to ensure that tagToEnum# is applied to a type that is an
+enumeration TyCon. Unification may refine the type later, but this
+check won't see that, alas. It's crude, because it relies on our
+knowing *now* that the type is ok, which in turn relies on the
+eager-unification part of the type checker pushing enough information
+here. In theory the Right Thing to do is to have a new form of
+constraint but I definitely cannot face that! And it works ok as-is.
+Here's are two cases that should fail
+ f :: forall a. a
+ f = tagToEnum# 0 -- Can't do tagToEnum# at a type variable
+ g :: Int
+ g = tagToEnum# 0 -- Int is not an enumeration
+When data type families are involved it's a bit more complicated.
+ data family F a
+ data instance F [Int] = A | B | C
+Then we want to generate something like
+ tagToEnum# R:FListInt 3# |> co :: R:FListInt ~ F [Int]
+Usually that coercion is hidden inside the wrappers for
+constructors of F [Int] but here we have to do it explicitly.
+It's all grotesquely complicated.
+isTagToEnum :: HsExpr GhcRn -> Bool
+isTagToEnum (HsVar _ (L _ fun_id)) = fun_id `hasKey` tagToEnumKey
+isTagToEnum _ = False
+tcTagToEnum :: HsExpr GhcRn -> HsExpr GhcTc -> [HsExprArg 'TcpTc]
+ -> TcRhoType -> ExpRhoType
+ -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
+-- tagToEnum# :: forall a. Int# -> a
+-- See Note [tagToEnum#] Urgh!
+tcTagToEnum expr fun args app_res_ty res_ty
+ | null val_args
+ = failWithTc (text "tagToEnum# must appear applied to one argument")
+ | otherwise
+ = do { res_ty <- readExpType res_ty
+ ; ty' <- zonkTcType res_ty
+ -- Check that the type is algebraic
+ ; case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty' of {
+ Nothing -> do { addErrTc (mk_error ty' doc1)
+ ; vanilla_result } ;
+ Just (tc, tc_args) ->
+ do { -- Look through any type family
+ ; fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ ; case tcLookupDataFamInst_maybe fam_envs tc tc_args of {
+ Nothing -> do { check_enumeration ty' tc
+ ; vanilla_result } ;
+ Just (rep_tc, rep_args, coi) ->
+ do { -- coi :: tc tc_args ~R rep_tc rep_args
+ check_enumeration ty' rep_tc
+ ; let rep_ty = mkTyConApp rep_tc rep_args
+ fun' = mkHsWrap (WpTyApp rep_ty) fun
+ expr' = rebuildPrefixApps fun' val_args
+ df_wrap = mkWpCastR (mkTcSymCo coi)
+ ; return (mkHsWrap df_wrap expr') }}}}}
+ where
+ val_args = dropWhile (not . isHsValArg) args
+ vanilla_result
+ = do { let expr' = rebuildPrefixApps fun args
+ ; tcWrapResult expr expr' app_res_ty res_ty }
+ check_enumeration ty' tc
+ | isEnumerationTyCon tc = return ()
+ | otherwise = addErrTc (mk_error ty' doc2)
+ doc1 = vcat [ text "Specify the type by giving a type signature"
+ , text "e.g. (tagToEnum# x) :: Bool" ]
+ doc2 = text "Result type must be an enumeration type"
+ mk_error :: TcType -> SDoc -> SDoc
+ mk_error ty what
+ = hang (text "Bad call to tagToEnum#"
+ <+> text "at type" <+> ppr ty)
+ 2 what
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Pragmas on expressions
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcExprPrag :: HsPragE GhcRn -> HsPragE GhcTc
+tcExprPrag (HsPragSCC x1 src ann) = HsPragSCC x1 src ann
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Arrow.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Arrow.hs
index 1cbdcc005b..82d405f0bb 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Arrow.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Arrow.hs
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ module GHC.Tc.Gen.Arrow ( tcProc ) where
import GHC.Prelude
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr( tcCheckMonoExpr, tcInferRho, tcSyntaxOp
- , tcCheckId, tcCheckPolyExpr )
+ , tcCheckPolyExpr )
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Tc.Gen.Match
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Head( tcCheckId )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Zonk( hsLPatType )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
index 9870c36ff5..9d40225a55 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
module GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr
- ( tcCheckPolyExpr,
+ ( tcCheckPolyExpr, tcCheckPolyExprNC,
tcCheckMonoExpr, tcCheckMonoExprNC, tcMonoExpr, tcMonoExprNC,
- tcInferSigma, tcInferRho, tcInferRhoNC,
+ tcInferRho, tcInferRhoNC,
tcSyntaxOp, tcSyntaxOpGen, SyntaxOpType(..), synKnownType,
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ module GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr
import GHC.Prelude
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Gen.Splice( tcSpliceExpr, tcTypedBracket, tcUntypedBracket )
-import GHC.Builtin.Names.TH( liftStringName, liftName )
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Zonk
@@ -38,18 +37,16 @@ import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
import GHC.Core.UsageEnv
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
-import GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind ( chooseInferredQuantifiers, tcLocalBinds )
-import GHC.Tc.Gen.Sig ( tcUserTypeSig, tcInstSig )
-import GHC.Tc.Solver ( simplifyInfer, InferMode(..) )
-import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family ( tcGetFamInstEnvs, tcLookupDataFamInst, tcLookupDataFamInst_maybe )
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.App
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Head
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind ( tcLocalBinds )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family ( tcGetFamInstEnvs )
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInstEnvs )
import GHC.Rename.Env ( addUsedGRE )
-import GHC.Rename.Utils ( addNameClashErrRn, unknownSubordinateErr )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
import GHC.Tc.Gen.Arrow
import GHC.Tc.Gen.Match
import GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
-import GHC.Tc.TyCl.PatSyn ( tcPatSynBuilderOcc, nonBidirectionalErr )
import GHC.Tc.Gen.Pat
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
@@ -64,19 +61,14 @@ import GHC.Types.Name.Env
import GHC.Types.Name.Set
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import GHC.Core.TyCon
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst (substTyWithInScope)
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Builtin.Types
-import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps( tagToEnumKey )
import GHC.Builtin.Names
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Utils.Misc
-import GHC.Types.Var.Env ( emptyTidyEnv, mkInScopeSet )
import GHC.Data.List.SetOps
import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
@@ -84,7 +76,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Data.FastString
import Control.Monad
import GHC.Core.Class(classTyCon)
-import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set ( UniqSet, mkUniqSet, elementOfUniqSet, nonDetEltsUniqSet )
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import Data.Function
@@ -118,7 +110,7 @@ tcPolyExpr, tcPolyExprNC
-> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
tcPolyExpr expr res_ty
- = addExprCtxt expr $
+ = addLExprCtxt expr $
do { traceTc "tcPolyExpr" (ppr res_ty)
; tcPolyExprNC expr res_ty }
@@ -134,21 +126,11 @@ tcPolyExprNC (L loc expr) res_ty
set_loc_and_ctxt l e m = do
inGenCode <- inGeneratedCode
if inGenCode && not (isGeneratedSrcSpan l)
- then setSrcSpan l $ addExprCtxt (L l e) m
+ then setSrcSpan l $
+ addExprCtxt e m
else setSrcSpan l m
-tcInferSigma :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
--- Used by tcRnExpr to implement GHCi :type
--- It goes against the principle of eager instantiation,
--- so we expect very very few calls to this function
--- Most clients will want tcInferRho
-tcInferSigma le@(L loc expr)
- = addExprCtxt le $ setSrcSpan loc $
- do { (fun, args, ty) <- tcInferApp expr
- ; return (L loc (applyHsArgs fun args), ty) }
tcCheckMonoExpr, tcCheckMonoExprNC
:: LHsExpr GhcRn -- Expression to type check
-> TcRhoType -- Expected type
@@ -164,7 +146,7 @@ tcMonoExpr, tcMonoExprNC
-> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
tcMonoExpr expr res_ty
- = addExprCtxt expr $
+ = addLExprCtxt expr $
tcMonoExprNC expr res_ty
tcMonoExprNC (L loc expr) res_ty
@@ -175,7 +157,8 @@ tcMonoExprNC (L loc expr) res_ty
tcInferRho, tcInferRhoNC :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc, TcRhoType)
-- Infer a *rho*-type. The return type is always instantiated.
-tcInferRho le = addExprCtxt le (tcInferRhoNC le)
+tcInferRho le = addLExprCtxt le $
+ tcInferRhoNC le
tcInferRhoNC (L loc expr)
= setSrcSpan loc $
@@ -189,36 +172,45 @@ tcInferRhoNC (L loc expr)
* *
********************************************************************* -}
-tcLExpr, tcLExprNC
- :: LHsExpr GhcRn -- Expression to type check
- -> ExpRhoType -- Expected type
- -- Definitely no foralls at the top
- -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-tcLExpr expr res_ty
- = setSrcSpan (getLoc expr) $ addExprCtxt expr (tcLExprNC expr res_ty)
-tcLExprNC (L loc expr) res_ty
- = setSrcSpan loc $
- do { expr' <- tcExpr expr res_ty
- ; return (L loc expr') }
tcExpr :: HsExpr GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
-tcExpr (HsVar _ (L _ name)) res_ty = tcCheckId name res_ty
-tcExpr e@(HsUnboundVar _ uv) res_ty = tcUnboundId e uv res_ty
-tcExpr e@(HsApp {}) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
-tcExpr e@(HsAppType {}) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
+-- Use tcApp to typecheck appplications, which are treated specially
+-- by Quick Look. Specifically:
+-- - HsApp: value applications
+-- - HsTypeApp: type applications
+-- - HsVar: lone variables, to ensure that they can get an
+-- impredicative instantiation (via Quick Look
+-- driven by res_ty (in checking mode).
+-- - ExprWithTySig: (e :: type)
+-- See Note [Application chains and heads] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
+tcExpr e@(HsVar {}) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
+tcExpr e@(HsApp {}) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
+tcExpr e@(HsAppType {}) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
+tcExpr e@(ExprWithTySig {}) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
+tcExpr e@(HsRecFld {}) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
+-- Typecheck an occurrence of an unbound Id
+-- Some of these started life as a true expression hole "_".
+-- Others might simply be variables that accidentally have no binding site
+tcExpr e@(HsUnboundVar _ occ) res_ty
+ = do { ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy -- Allow Int# etc (#12531)
+ ; name <- newSysName occ
+ ; let ev = mkLocalId name Many ty
+ ; emitNewExprHole occ ev ty
+ ; tcWrapResultO (UnboundOccurrenceOf occ) e
+ (HsUnboundVar ev occ) ty res_ty }
tcExpr e@(HsLit x lit) res_ty
= do { let lit_ty = hsLitType lit
; tcWrapResult e (HsLit x (convertLit lit)) lit_ty res_ty }
-tcExpr (HsPar x expr) res_ty = do { expr' <- tcLExprNC expr res_ty
- ; return (HsPar x expr') }
+tcExpr (HsPar x expr) res_ty
+ = do { expr' <- tcMonoExprNC expr res_ty
+ ; return (HsPar x expr') }
tcExpr (HsPragE x prag expr) res_ty
- = do { expr' <- tcLExpr expr res_ty
+ = do { expr' <- tcMonoExpr expr res_ty
; return (HsPragE x (tcExprPrag prag) expr') }
tcExpr (HsOverLit x lit) res_ty
@@ -229,7 +221,7 @@ tcExpr (NegApp x expr neg_expr) res_ty
= do { (expr', neg_expr')
<- tcSyntaxOp NegateOrigin neg_expr [SynAny] res_ty $
\[arg_ty] [arg_mult] ->
- tcScalingUsage arg_mult $ tcLExpr expr (mkCheckExpType arg_ty)
+ tcScalingUsage arg_mult $ tcCheckMonoExpr expr arg_ty
; return (NegApp x expr' neg_expr') }
tcExpr e@(HsIPVar _ x) res_ty
@@ -297,10 +289,6 @@ tcExpr e@(HsLamCase x matches) res_ty
, text "requires"]
match_ctxt = MC { mc_what = CaseAlt, mc_body = tcBody }
-tcExpr e@(ExprWithTySig _ expr hs_ty) res_ty
- = do { (expr', poly_ty) <- tcExprWithSig expr hs_ty
- ; tcWrapResult e expr' poly_ty res_ty }
Note [Type-checking overloaded labels]
@@ -345,102 +333,10 @@ With PostfixOperators we don't actually require the function to take
two arguments at all. For example, (x `not`) means (not x); you get
postfix operators! Not Haskell 98, but it's less work and kind of
-Note [Typing rule for ($)]
-People write
- runST $ blah
-so much, where
- runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a
-that I have finally given in and written a special type-checking
-rule just for saturated applications of ($).
- * Infer the type of the first argument
- * Decompose it; should be of form (arg2_ty -> res_ty),
- where arg2_ty might be a polytype
- * Use arg2_ty to typecheck arg2
-tcExpr expr@(OpApp fix arg1 op arg2) res_ty
- | (L loc (HsVar _ (L lv op_name))) <- op
- , op_name `hasKey` dollarIdKey -- Note [Typing rule for ($)]
- = do { traceTc "Application rule" (ppr op)
- ; (arg1', arg1_ty) <- addErrCtxt (funAppCtxt op arg1 1) $
- tcInferRhoNC arg1
- ; let doc = text "The first argument of ($) takes"
- orig1 = lexprCtOrigin arg1
- ; (wrap_arg1, [arg2_sigma], op_res_ty) <-
- matchActualFunTysRho doc orig1 (Just (unLoc arg1)) 1 arg1_ty
- ; mult_wrap <- tcSubMult AppOrigin Many (scaledMult arg2_sigma)
- -- See Note [Wrapper returned from tcSubMult] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.
- --
- -- When ($) becomes multiplicity-polymorphic, then the above check will
- -- need to go. But in the meantime, it would produce ill-typed
- -- desugared code to accept linear functions to the left of a ($).
- -- We have (arg1 $ arg2)
- -- So: arg1_ty = arg2_ty -> op_res_ty
- -- where arg2_sigma maybe polymorphic; that's the point
- ; arg2' <- tcArg nl_op arg2 arg2_sigma 2
- -- Make sure that the argument type has kind '*'
- -- ($) :: forall (r:RuntimeRep) (a:*) (b:TYPE r). (a->b) -> a -> b
- -- Eg we do not want to allow (D# $ 4.0#) #5570
- -- (which gives a seg fault)
- ; _ <- unifyKind (Just (XHsType $ NHsCoreTy (scaledThing arg2_sigma)))
- (tcTypeKind (scaledThing arg2_sigma)) liftedTypeKind
- -- Ignore the evidence. arg2_sigma must have type * or #,
- -- because we know (arg2_sigma -> op_res_ty) is well-kinded
- -- (because otherwise matchActualFunTysRho would fail)
- -- So this 'unifyKind' will either succeed with Refl, or will
- -- produce an insoluble constraint * ~ #, which we'll report later.
- -- NB: unlike the argument type, the *result* type, op_res_ty can
- -- have any kind (#8739), so we don't need to check anything for that
- ; op_id <- tcLookupId op_name
- ; let op' = L loc (mkHsWrap (mkWpTyApps [ getRuntimeRep op_res_ty
- , scaledThing arg2_sigma
- , op_res_ty])
- (HsVar noExtField (L lv op_id)))
- -- arg1' :: arg1_ty
- -- wrap_arg1 :: arg1_ty "->" (arg2_sigma -> op_res_ty)
- -- op' :: (a2_ty -> op_res_ty) -> a2_ty -> op_res_ty
- expr' = OpApp fix (mkLHsWrap (wrap_arg1 <.> mult_wrap) arg1') op' arg2'
- ; tcWrapResult expr expr' op_res_ty res_ty }
- | L loc (HsRecFld _ (Ambiguous _ lbl)) <- op
- , Just sig_ty <- obviousSig (unLoc arg1)
- -- See Note [Disambiguating record fields]
- = do { sig_tc_ty <- tcHsSigWcType ExprSigCtxt sig_ty
- ; sel_name <- disambiguateSelector lbl sig_tc_ty
- ; let op' = L loc (HsRecFld noExtField (Unambiguous sel_name lbl))
- ; tcExpr (OpApp fix arg1 op' arg2) res_ty
- }
- | otherwise
- = do { traceTc "Non Application rule" (ppr op)
- ; (op', op_ty) <- tcInferRhoNC op
- ; (wrap_fun, [arg1_ty, arg2_ty], op_res_ty)
- <- matchActualFunTysRho (mk_op_msg op) fn_orig
- (Just (unLoc op)) 2 op_ty
- -- You might think we should use tcInferApp here, but there is
- -- too much impedance-matching, because tcApp may return wrappers as
- -- well as type-checked arguments.
- ; arg1' <- tcArg nl_op arg1 arg1_ty 1
- ; arg2' <- tcArg nl_op arg2 arg2_ty 2
- ; let expr' = OpApp fix arg1' (mkLHsWrap wrap_fun op') arg2'
- ; tcWrapResult expr expr' op_res_ty res_ty }
- where
- fn_orig = exprCtOrigin nl_op
- nl_op = unLoc op
+tcExpr expr@(OpApp {}) res_ty
+ = tcApp expr res_ty
-- Right sections, equivalent to \ x -> x `op` expr, or
-- \ x -> op x expr
@@ -449,8 +345,8 @@ tcExpr expr@(SectionR x op arg2) res_ty
= do { (op', op_ty) <- tcInferRhoNC op
; (wrap_fun, [Scaled arg1_mult arg1_ty, arg2_ty], op_res_ty)
<- matchActualFunTysRho (mk_op_msg op) fn_orig
- (Just (unLoc op)) 2 op_ty
- ; arg2' <- tcArg (unLoc op) arg2 arg2_ty 2
+ (Just (ppr op)) 2 op_ty
+ ; arg2' <- tcValArg (unLoc op) arg2 arg2_ty 2
; let expr' = SectionR x (mkLHsWrap wrap_fun op') arg2'
act_res_ty = mkVisFunTy arg1_mult arg1_ty op_res_ty
; tcWrapResultMono expr expr' act_res_ty res_ty }
@@ -469,8 +365,8 @@ tcExpr expr@(SectionL x arg1 op) res_ty
; (wrap_fn, (arg1_ty:arg_tys), op_res_ty)
<- matchActualFunTysRho (mk_op_msg op) fn_orig
- (Just (unLoc op)) n_reqd_args op_ty
- ; arg1' <- tcArg (unLoc op) arg1 arg1_ty 1
+ (Just (ppr op)) n_reqd_args op_ty
+ ; arg1' <- tcValArg (unLoc op) arg1 arg1_ty 1
; let expr' = SectionL x arg1' (mkLHsWrap wrap_fn op')
act_res_ty = mkVisFunTys arg_tys op_res_ty
; tcWrapResultMono expr expr' act_res_ty res_ty }
@@ -510,7 +406,7 @@ tcExpr expr@(ExplicitTuple x tup_args boxity) res_ty
; let expr' = ExplicitTuple x tup_args1 boxity
missing_tys = [Scaled mult ty | (L _ (Missing (Scaled mult _)), ty) <- zip tup_args1 arg_tys]
- -- See Note [Linear fields generalization]
+ -- See Note [Linear fields generalization] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
= mkVisFunTys missing_tys (mkTupleTy1 boxity arg_tys)
-- See Note [Don't flatten tuples from HsSyn] in GHC.Core.Make
@@ -565,7 +461,7 @@ tcExpr (ExplicitList _ witness exprs) res_ty
tcExpr (HsLet x (L l binds) expr) res_ty
= do { (binds', expr') <- tcLocalBinds binds $
- tcLExpr expr res_ty
+ tcMonoExpr expr res_ty
; return (HsLet x (L l binds') expr') }
tcExpr (HsCase x scrut matches) res_ty
@@ -598,9 +494,9 @@ tcExpr (HsCase x scrut matches) res_ty
mc_body = tcBody }
tcExpr (HsIf x pred b1 b2) res_ty
- = do { pred' <- tcLExpr pred (mkCheckExpType boolTy)
- ; (u1,b1') <- tcCollectingUsage $ tcLExpr b1 res_ty
- ; (u2,b2') <- tcCollectingUsage $ tcLExpr b2 res_ty
+ = do { pred' <- tcCheckMonoExpr pred boolTy
+ ; (u1,b1') <- tcCollectingUsage $ tcMonoExpr b1 res_ty
+ ; (u2,b2') <- tcCollectingUsage $ tcMonoExpr b2 res_ty
; tcEmitBindingUsage (supUE u1 u2)
; return (HsIf x pred' b1' b2') }
@@ -858,7 +754,7 @@ tcExpr expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = rbnds }) res_ty
-- This should definitely *not* typecheck.
- -- STEP -1 See Note [Disambiguating record fields]
+ -- STEP -1 See Note [Disambiguating record fields] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Head
-- After this we know that rbinds is unambiguous
; rbinds <- disambiguateRecordBinds record_expr record_rho rbnds res_ty
; let upd_flds = map (unLoc . hsRecFieldLbl . unLoc) rbinds
@@ -929,7 +825,7 @@ tcExpr expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = rbnds }) res_ty
-- Check that we're not dealing with a unidirectional pattern
-- synonym
; unless (isJust $ conLikeWrapId_maybe con1)
- (nonBidirectionalErr (conLikeName con1))
+ (nonBidirectionalErr (conLikeName con1))
-- STEP 3 Note [Criteria for update]
-- Check that each updated field is polymorphic; that is, its type
@@ -972,7 +868,7 @@ tcExpr expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = rbnds }) res_ty
scrut_ty = TcType.substTy scrut_subst con1_res_ty
con1_arg_tys' = map (TcType.substTy result_subst) con1_arg_tys
- ; co_scrut <- unifyType (Just (unLoc record_expr)) record_rho scrut_ty
+ ; co_scrut <- unifyType (Just (ppr record_expr)) record_rho scrut_ty
-- NB: normal unification is OK here (as opposed to subsumption),
-- because for this to work out, both record_rho and scrut_ty have
-- to be normal datatypes -- no contravariant stuff can go on
@@ -1012,8 +908,6 @@ tcExpr expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = rbnds }) res_ty
; tcWrapResult expr expr' rec_res_ty res_ty }
-tcExpr e@(HsRecFld _ f) res_ty
- = tcCheckRecSelId e f res_ty
@@ -1069,37 +963,11 @@ tcExpr (XExpr (HsExpanded a b)) t
-tcExpr other _ = pprPanic "tcLExpr" (ppr other)
+tcExpr other _ = pprPanic "tcExpr" (ppr other)
-- Include ArrForm, ArrApp, which shouldn't appear at all
-- Also HsTcBracketOut, HsQuasiQuoteE
-{- *********************************************************************
-* *
- Pragmas on expressions
-* *
-********************************************************************* -}
-tcExprPrag :: HsPragE GhcRn -> HsPragE GhcTc
-tcExprPrag (HsPragSCC x1 src ann) = HsPragSCC x1 src ann
-{- *********************************************************************
-* *
- Expression with type signature e::ty
-* *
-********************************************************************* -}
-tcExprWithSig :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> LHsSigWcType (NoGhcTc GhcRn)
- -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
-tcExprWithSig expr hs_ty
- = do { sig_info <- checkNoErrs $ -- Avoid error cascade
- tcUserTypeSig loc hs_ty Nothing
- ; (expr', poly_ty) <- tcExprSig expr sig_info
- ; return (ExprWithTySig noExtField expr' hs_ty, poly_ty) }
- where
- loc = getLoc (hsSigWcType hs_ty)
* *
@@ -1160,400 +1028,13 @@ arithSeqEltType (Just fl) res_ty
\ [elt_ty] [elt_mult] -> return (elt_mult, elt_ty)
; return (idHsWrapper, elt_mult, elt_ty, Just fl') }
-* *
- Applications
-* *
-{- Note [Typechecking applications]
-We typecheck application chains (f e1 @ty e2) specially:
-* So we can report errors like "in the third arument of a call of f"
-* So we can do Visible Type Application (VTA), for which we must not
- eagerly instantiate the function part of the application.
-* So that we can do Quick Look impredicativity.
-The idea is:
-* Use collectHsArgs, which peels off
- HsApp, HsTypeApp, HsPrag, HsPar
- returning the function in the corner and the arguments
-* Use tcInferAppHead to infer the type of the fuction,
- as an (uninstantiated) TcSigmaType
- There are special cases for
- HsVar, HsREcFld, and ExprWithTySig
- Otherwise, delegate back to tcExpr, which
- infers an (instantiated) TcRhoType
-Some cases that /won't/ work:
-1. Consider this (which uses visible type application):
- (let { f :: forall a. a -> a; f x = x } in f) @Int
- Since 'let' is not among the special cases for tcInferAppHead,
- we'll delegate back to tcExpr, which will instantiate f's type
- and the type application to @Int will fail. Too bad!
--- HsExprArg is a very local type, used only within this module.
--- It's really a zipper for an application chain
--- It's a GHC-specific type, so using TTG only where necessary
-data HsExprArg id
- = HsEValArg SrcSpan -- Of the function
- (LHsExpr (GhcPass id))
- | HsETypeArg SrcSpan -- Of the function
- (LHsWcType (NoGhcTc (GhcPass id)))
- !(XExprTypeArg id)
- | HsEPrag SrcSpan
- (HsPragE (GhcPass id))
- | HsEPar SrcSpan -- Of the nested expr
- | HsEWrap !(XArgWrap id) -- Wrapper, after typechecking only
--- The outer location is the location of the application itself
-type LHsExprArgIn = HsExprArg 'Renamed
-type LHsExprArgOut = HsExprArg 'Typechecked
-instance OutputableBndrId id => Outputable (HsExprArg id) where
- ppr (HsEValArg _ tm) = ppr tm
- ppr (HsEPrag _ p) = text "HsPrag" <+> ppr p
- ppr (HsETypeArg _ hs_ty _) = char '@' <> ppr hs_ty
- ppr (HsEPar _) = text "HsEPar"
- ppr (HsEWrap w) = case ghcPass @id of
- GhcTc -> text "HsEWrap" <+> ppr w
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 900
- _ -> empty
-type family XExprTypeArg id where
- XExprTypeArg 'Parsed = NoExtField
- XExprTypeArg 'Renamed = NoExtField
- XExprTypeArg 'Typechecked = Type
-type family XArgWrap id where
- XArgWrap 'Parsed = NoExtCon
- XArgWrap 'Renamed = NoExtCon
- XArgWrap 'Typechecked = HsWrapper
-addArgWrap :: HsWrapper -> [LHsExprArgOut] -> [LHsExprArgOut]
-addArgWrap wrap args
- | isIdHsWrapper wrap = args
- | otherwise = HsEWrap wrap : args
-collectHsArgs :: HsExpr GhcRn -> (HsExpr GhcRn, [LHsExprArgIn])
-collectHsArgs e = go e []
- where
- go (HsPar _ (L l fun)) args = go fun (HsEPar l : args)
- go (HsPragE _ p (L l fun)) args = go fun (HsEPrag l p : args)
- go (HsApp _ (L l fun) arg) args = go fun (HsEValArg l arg : args)
- go (HsAppType _ (L l fun) hs_ty) args = go fun (HsETypeArg l hs_ty noExtField : args)
- go e args = (e,args)
-applyHsArgs :: HsExpr GhcTc -> [LHsExprArgOut]-> HsExpr GhcTc
-applyHsArgs fun args
- = go fun args
- where
- go fun [] = fun
- go fun (HsEWrap wrap : args) = go (mkHsWrap wrap fun) args
- go fun (HsEValArg l arg : args) = go (HsApp noExtField (L l fun) arg) args
- go fun (HsETypeArg l hs_ty ty : args) = go (HsAppType ty (L l fun) hs_ty) args
- go fun (HsEPar l : args) = go (HsPar noExtField (L l fun)) args
- go fun (HsEPrag l p : args) = go (HsPragE noExtField p (L l fun)) args
-isHsValArg :: HsExprArg id -> Bool
-isHsValArg (HsEValArg {}) = True
-isHsValArg _ = False
-isArgPar :: HsExprArg id -> Bool
-isArgPar (HsEPar {}) = True
-isArgPar _ = False
-getFunLoc :: [HsExprArg 'Renamed] -> Maybe SrcSpan
-getFunLoc [] = Nothing
-getFunLoc (a:_) = Just $ case a of
- HsEValArg l _ -> l
- HsETypeArg l _ _ -> l
- HsEPrag l _ -> l
- HsEPar l -> l
-tcApp :: HsExpr GhcRn -- either HsApp or HsAppType
- -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
--- See Note [Typechecking applications]
-tcApp expr res_ty
- = do { (fun, args, app_res_ty) <- tcInferApp expr
- ; if isTagToEnum fun
- then tcTagToEnum expr fun args app_res_ty res_ty
- -- Done here because we have res_ty,
- -- whereas tcInferApp does not
- else
- -- The wildly common case
- do { let expr' = applyHsArgs fun args
- ; addFunResCtxt True fun app_res_ty res_ty $
- tcWrapResult expr expr' app_res_ty res_ty } }
-tcInferApp :: HsExpr GhcRn
- -> TcM ( HsExpr GhcTc -- Function
- , [LHsExprArgOut] -- Arguments
- , TcSigmaType) -- Inferred type: a sigma-type!
--- Also used by Module.tcRnExpr to implement GHCi :type
-tcInferApp expr
- | -- Gruesome special case for ambiguous record selectors
- HsRecFld _ fld_lbl <- fun
- , Ambiguous _ lbl <- fld_lbl -- Still ambiguous
- , HsEValArg _ (L _ arg) : _ <- filterOut isArgPar args -- A value arg is first
- , Just sig_ty <- obviousSig arg -- A type sig on the arg disambiguates
- = do { sig_tc_ty <- tcHsSigWcType ExprSigCtxt sig_ty
- ; sel_name <- disambiguateSelector lbl sig_tc_ty
- ; (tc_fun, fun_ty) <- tcInferRecSelId (Unambiguous sel_name lbl)
- ; tcInferApp_finish fun tc_fun fun_ty args }
- | otherwise -- The wildly common case
- = do { (tc_fun, fun_ty) <- set_fun_loc (tcInferAppHead fun)
- ; tcInferApp_finish fun tc_fun fun_ty args }
- where
- (fun, args) = collectHsArgs expr
- set_fun_loc thing_inside
- = case getFunLoc args of
- Nothing -> thing_inside -- Don't set the location twice
- Just loc -> setSrcSpan loc thing_inside
- :: HsExpr GhcRn -- Renamed function
- -> HsExpr GhcTc -> TcSigmaType -- Function and its type
- -> [LHsExprArgIn] -- Arguments
- -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, [LHsExprArgOut], TcSigmaType)
-tcInferApp_finish rn_fun tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
- = do { (tc_args, actual_res_ty) <- tcArgs rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args
- ; return (tc_fun, tc_args, actual_res_ty) }
-mk_op_msg :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> SDoc
-mk_op_msg op = text "The operator" <+> quotes (ppr op) <+> text "takes"
-tcInferAppHead :: HsExpr GhcRn -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
--- Infer type of the head of an application, returning a /SigmaType/
--- i.e. the 'f' in (f e1 ... en)
--- We get back a SigmaType because we have special cases for
--- * A bare identifier (just look it up)
--- This case also covers a record selectro HsRecFld
--- * An expression with a type signature (e :: ty)
--- Note that [] and (,,) are both HsVar:
--- see Note [Empty lists] and [ExplicitTuple] in GHC.Hs.Expr
--- NB: 'e' cannot be HsApp, HsTyApp, HsPrag, HsPar, because those
--- cases are dealt with by collectHsArgs.
--- See Note [Typechecking applications]
-tcInferAppHead e
- = case e of
- HsVar _ (L _ nm) -> tcInferId nm
- HsRecFld _ f -> tcInferRecSelId f
- ExprWithTySig _ e hs_ty -> add_ctxt $ tcExprWithSig e hs_ty
- _ -> add_ctxt $ tcInfer (tcExpr e)
- where
- add_ctxt thing = addErrCtxt (exprCtxt e) thing
--- | Type-check the arguments to a function, possibly including visible type
--- applications
-tcArgs :: HsExpr GhcRn -- ^ The function itself (for err msgs only)
- -> TcSigmaType -- ^ the (uninstantiated) type of the function
- -> [LHsExprArgIn] -- ^ the args
- -> TcM ([LHsExprArgOut], TcSigmaType)
- -- ^ (a wrapper for the function, the tc'd args, result type)
-tcArgs fun orig_fun_ty orig_args
- = go 1 [] orig_fun_ty orig_args
- where
- fun_orig = exprCtOrigin fun
- herald = sep [ text "The function" <+> quotes (ppr fun)
- , text "is applied to"]
- -- Count value args only when complaining about a function
- -- applied to too many value args
- -- See Note [Herald for matchExpectedFunTys] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.
- n_val_args = count isHsValArg orig_args
- fun_is_out_of_scope -- See Note [VTA for out-of-scope functions]
- = case fun of
- HsUnboundVar {} -> True
- _ -> False
- go :: Int -- Which argment number this is (incl type args)
- -> [Scaled TcSigmaType] -- Value args to which applied so far
- -> TcSigmaType
- -> [LHsExprArgIn] -> TcM ([LHsExprArgOut], TcSigmaType)
- go _ _ fun_ty [] = traceTc "tcArgs:ret" (ppr fun_ty) >> return ([], fun_ty)
- go n so_far fun_ty (HsEPar sp : args)
- = do { (args', res_ty) <- go n so_far fun_ty args
- ; return (HsEPar sp : args', res_ty) }
- go n so_far fun_ty (HsEPrag sp prag : args)
- = do { (args', res_ty) <- go n so_far fun_ty args
- ; return (HsEPrag sp (tcExprPrag prag) : args', res_ty) }
- go n so_far fun_ty (HsETypeArg loc hs_ty_arg _ : args)
- | fun_is_out_of_scope -- See Note [VTA for out-of-scope functions]
- = go (n+1) so_far fun_ty args
- | otherwise
- = do { (wrap1, upsilon_ty) <- topInstantiateInferred fun_orig fun_ty
- -- wrap1 :: fun_ty "->" upsilon_ty
- ; case tcSplitForAllTy_maybe upsilon_ty of
- Just (tvb, inner_ty)
- | binderArgFlag tvb == Specified ->
- -- It really can't be Inferred, because we've justn
- -- instantiated those. But, oddly, it might just be Required.
- -- See Note [Required quantifiers in the type of a term]
- do { let tv = binderVar tvb
- kind = tyVarKind tv
- ; ty_arg <- tcHsTypeApp hs_ty_arg kind
- ; inner_ty <- zonkTcType inner_ty
- -- See Note [Visible type application zonk]
- ; let in_scope = mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes [upsilon_ty, ty_arg])
- insted_ty = substTyWithInScope in_scope [tv] [ty_arg] inner_ty
- -- NB: tv and ty_arg have the same kind, so this
- -- substitution is kind-respecting
- ; traceTc "VTA" (vcat [ppr tv, debugPprType kind
- , debugPprType ty_arg
- , debugPprType (tcTypeKind ty_arg)
- , debugPprType inner_ty
- , debugPprType insted_ty ])
- ; (args', res_ty) <- go (n+1) so_far insted_ty args
- ; return ( addArgWrap wrap1 $ HsETypeArg loc hs_ty_arg ty_arg : args'
- , res_ty ) }
- _ -> ty_app_err upsilon_ty hs_ty_arg }
- go n so_far fun_ty (HsEValArg loc arg : args)
- = do { (wrap, arg_ty, res_ty)
- <- matchActualFunTySigma herald fun_orig (Just fun)
- (n_val_args, so_far) fun_ty
- ; arg' <- tcArg fun arg arg_ty n
- ; (args', inner_res_ty) <- go (n+1) (arg_ty:so_far) res_ty args
- ; return ( addArgWrap wrap $ HsEValArg loc arg' : args'
- , inner_res_ty ) }
- ty_app_err ty arg
- = do { (_, ty) <- zonkTidyTcType emptyTidyEnv ty
- ; failWith $
- text "Cannot apply expression of type" <+> quotes (ppr ty) $$
- text "to a visible type argument" <+> quotes (ppr arg) }
-{- Note [Required quantifiers in the type of a term]
-Consider (#15859)
- data A k :: k -> Type -- A :: forall k -> k -> Type
- type KindOf (a :: k) = k -- KindOf :: forall k. k -> Type
- a = (undefind :: KindOf A) @Int
-With ImpredicativeTypes (thin ice, I know), we instantiate
-KindOf at type (forall k -> k -> Type), so
- KindOf A = forall k -> k -> Type
-whose first argument is Required
-We want to reject this type application to Int, but in earlier
-GHCs we had an ASSERT that Required could not occur here.
-The ice is thin; c.f. Note [No Required TyCoBinder in terms]
-in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep.
-Note [VTA for out-of-scope functions]
-Suppose 'wurble' is not in scope, and we have
- (wurble @Int @Bool True 'x')
-Then the renamer will make (HsUnboundVar "wurble) for 'wurble',
-and the typechecker will typecheck it with tcUnboundId, giving it
-a type 'alpha', and emitting a deferred Hole, to be reported later.
-But then comes the visible type application. If we do nothing, we'll
-generate an immediate failure (in tc_app_err), saying that a function
-of type 'alpha' can't be applied to Bool. That's insane! And indeed
-users complain bitterly (#13834, #17150.)
-The right error is the Hole, which has /already/ been emitted by
-tcUnboundId. It later reports 'wurble' as out of scope, and tries to
-give its type.
-Fortunately in tcArgs we still have access to the function, so we can
-check if it is a HsUnboundVar. We use this info to simply skip over
-any visible type arguments. We've already inferred the type of the
-function, so we'll /already/ have emitted a Hole;
-failing preserves that constraint.
-We do /not/ want to fail altogether in this case (via failM) becuase
-that may abandon an entire instance decl, which (in the presence of
--fdefer-type-errors) leads to leading to #17792.
-Downside; the typechecked term has lost its visible type arguments; we
-don't even kind-check them. But let's jump that bridge if we come to
-it. Meanwhile, let's not crash!
-Note [Visible type application zonk]
-* Substitutions should be kind-preserving, so we need kind(tv) = kind(ty_arg).
-* tcHsTypeApp only guarantees that
- - ty_arg is zonked
- - kind(zonk(tv)) = kind(ty_arg)
- (checkExpectedKind zonks as it goes).
-So we must zonk inner_ty as well, to guarantee consistency between zonk(tv)
-and inner_ty. Otherwise we can build an ill-kinded type. An example was
-#14158, where we had:
- id :: forall k. forall (cat :: k -> k -> *). forall (a :: k). cat a a
-and we had the visible type application
- id @(->)
-* We instantiated k := kappa, yielding
- forall (cat :: kappa -> kappa -> *). forall (a :: kappa). cat a a
-* Then we called tcHsTypeApp (->) with expected kind (kappa -> kappa -> *).
-* That instantiated (->) as ((->) q1 q1), and unified kappa := q1,
- Here q1 :: RuntimeRep
-* Now we substitute
- cat :-> (->) q1 q1 :: TYPE q1 -> TYPE q1 -> *
- but we must first zonk the inner_ty to get
- forall (a :: TYPE q1). cat a a
- so that the result of substitution is well-kinded
- Failing to do so led to #14158.
-tcArg :: HsExpr GhcRn -- The function (for error messages)
- -> LHsExpr GhcRn -- Actual arguments
- -> Scaled TcSigmaType -- expected arg type
- -> Int -- # of argument
- -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc) -- Resulting argument
-tcArg fun arg (Scaled mult ty) arg_no
- = addErrCtxt (funAppCtxt fun arg arg_no) $
- do { traceTc "tcArg" $
- vcat [ ppr arg_no <+> text "of" <+> ppr fun
- , text "arg type:" <+> ppr ty
- , text "arg:" <+> ppr arg ]
- ; tcScalingUsage mult $ tcCheckPolyExprNC arg ty }
tcTupArgs :: [LHsTupArg GhcRn] -> [TcSigmaType] -> TcM [LHsTupArg GhcTc]
tcTupArgs args tys
= ASSERT( equalLength args tys ) mapM go (args `zip` tys)
- go (L l (Missing {}), arg_ty) = do { mult <- newFlexiTyVarTy multiplicityTy
- ; return (L l (Missing (Scaled mult arg_ty))) }
+ go (L l (Missing {}), arg_ty) = do { mult <- newFlexiTyVarTy multiplicityTy
+ ; return (L l (Missing (Scaled mult arg_ty))) }
go (L l (Present x expr), arg_ty) = do { expr' <- tcCheckPolyExpr expr arg_ty
; return (L l (Present x expr')) }
@@ -1570,7 +1051,7 @@ tcSyntaxOp :: CtOrigin
-> TcM (a, SyntaxExprTc)
-- ^ Typecheck a syntax operator
-- The operator is a variable or a lambda at this stage (i.e. renamer
--- output)
+-- output)t
tcSyntaxOp orig expr arg_tys res_ty
= tcSyntaxOpGen orig expr arg_tys (SynType res_ty)
@@ -1583,7 +1064,9 @@ tcSyntaxOpGen :: CtOrigin
-> ([TcSigmaType] -> [Mult] -> TcM a)
-> TcM (a, SyntaxExprTc)
tcSyntaxOpGen orig (SyntaxExprRn op) arg_tys res_ty thing_inside
- = do { (expr, sigma) <- tcInferAppHead op
+ = do { (expr, sigma) <- tcInferAppHead op [] Nothing
+ -- Nothing here might be improved, but all this
+ -- code is scheduled for demolition anyway
; traceTc "tcSyntaxOpGen" (ppr op $$ ppr expr $$ ppr sigma)
; (result, expr_wrap, arg_wraps, res_wrap)
<- tcSynArgA orig sigma arg_tys res_ty $
@@ -1756,497 +1239,14 @@ Here's an example where it actually makes a real difference
With the change, f1 will type-check, because the 'Char' info from
the signature is propagated into MkQ's argument. With the check
in the other order, the extra signature in f2 is reqd.
-* *
- Expressions with a type signature
- expr :: type
-* *
-********************************************************************* -}
-tcExprSig :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcIdSigInfo -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc, TcType)
-tcExprSig expr (CompleteSig { sig_bndr = poly_id, sig_loc = loc })
- = setSrcSpan loc $ -- Sets the location for the implication constraint
- do { let poly_ty = idType poly_id
- ; (wrap, expr') <- tcSkolemiseScoped ExprSigCtxt poly_ty $ \rho_ty ->
- tcCheckMonoExprNC expr rho_ty
- ; return (mkLHsWrap wrap expr', poly_ty) }
-tcExprSig expr sig@(PartialSig { psig_name = name, sig_loc = loc })
- = setSrcSpan loc $ -- Sets the location for the implication constraint
- do { (tclvl, wanted, (expr', sig_inst))
- <- pushLevelAndCaptureConstraints $
- do { sig_inst <- tcInstSig sig
- ; expr' <- tcExtendNameTyVarEnv (mapSnd binderVar $ sig_inst_skols sig_inst) $
- tcExtendNameTyVarEnv (sig_inst_wcs sig_inst) $
- tcCheckPolyExprNC expr (sig_inst_tau sig_inst)
- ; return (expr', sig_inst) }
- -- See Note [Partial expression signatures]
- ; let tau = sig_inst_tau sig_inst
- infer_mode | null (sig_inst_theta sig_inst)
- , isNothing (sig_inst_wcx sig_inst)
- = ApplyMR
- | otherwise
- = NoRestrictions
- ; (qtvs, givens, ev_binds, residual, _)
- <- simplifyInfer tclvl infer_mode [sig_inst] [(name, tau)] wanted
- ; emitConstraints residual
- ; tau <- zonkTcType tau
- ; let inferred_theta = map evVarPred givens
- tau_tvs = tyCoVarsOfType tau
- ; (binders, my_theta) <- chooseInferredQuantifiers inferred_theta
- tau_tvs qtvs (Just sig_inst)
- ; let inferred_sigma = mkInfSigmaTy qtvs inferred_theta tau
- my_sigma = mkInvisForAllTys binders (mkPhiTy my_theta tau)
- ; wrap <- if inferred_sigma `eqType` my_sigma -- NB: eqType ignores vis.
- then return idHsWrapper -- Fast path; also avoids complaint when we infer
- -- an ambiguous type and have AllowAmbiguousType
- -- e..g infer x :: forall a. F a -> Int
- else tcSubTypeSigma ExprSigCtxt inferred_sigma my_sigma
- ; traceTc "tcExpSig" (ppr qtvs $$ ppr givens $$ ppr inferred_sigma $$ ppr my_sigma)
- ; let poly_wrap = wrap
- <.> mkWpTyLams qtvs
- <.> mkWpLams givens
- <.> mkWpLet ev_binds
- ; return (mkLHsWrap poly_wrap expr', my_sigma) }
-{- Note [Partial expression signatures]
-Partial type signatures on expressions are easy to get wrong. But
-here is a guiding principile
- e :: ty
-should behave like
- let x :: ty
- x = e
- in x
-So for partial signatures we apply the MR if no context is given. So
- e :: IO _ apply the MR
- e :: _ => IO _ do not apply the MR
-just like in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.decideGeneralisationPlan
-This makes a difference (#11670):
- peek :: Ptr a -> IO CLong
- peek ptr = peekElemOff undefined 0 :: _
-from (peekElemOff undefined 0) we get
- type: IO w
- constraints: Storable w
-We must NOT try to generalise over 'w' because the signature specifies
-no constraints so we'll complain about not being able to solve
-Storable w. Instead, don't generalise; then _ gets instantiated to
-CLong, as it should.
{- *********************************************************************
* *
- tcInferId
+ Record bindings
* *
********************************************************************* -}
-tcCheckId :: Name -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
-tcCheckId name res_ty
- | name `hasKey` tagToEnumKey
- = failWithTc (text "tagToEnum# must appear applied to one argument")
- -- tcApp catches the case (tagToEnum# arg)
- | otherwise
- = do { (expr, actual_res_ty) <- tcInferId name
- ; traceTc "tcCheckId" (vcat [ppr name, ppr actual_res_ty, ppr res_ty])
- ; addFunResCtxt False expr actual_res_ty res_ty $
- tcWrapResultO (OccurrenceOf name) (HsVar noExtField (noLoc name)) expr
- actual_res_ty res_ty }
-tcCheckRecSelId :: HsExpr GhcRn -> AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
-tcCheckRecSelId rn_expr f@(Unambiguous {}) res_ty
- = do { (expr, actual_res_ty) <- tcInferRecSelId f
- ; tcWrapResult rn_expr expr actual_res_ty res_ty }
-tcCheckRecSelId rn_expr (Ambiguous _ lbl) res_ty
- = case tcSplitFunTy_maybe =<< checkingExpType_maybe res_ty of
- Nothing -> ambiguousSelector lbl
- Just (arg, _) -> do { sel_name <- disambiguateSelector lbl (scaledThing arg)
- ; tcCheckRecSelId rn_expr (Unambiguous sel_name lbl)
- res_ty }
-tcInferRecSelId :: AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcRhoType)
-tcInferRecSelId (Unambiguous sel (L _ lbl))
- = do { (expr', ty) <- tc_infer_id lbl sel
- ; return (expr', ty) }
-tcInferRecSelId (Ambiguous _ lbl)
- = ambiguousSelector lbl
-tcInferId :: Name -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
--- Look up an occurrence of an Id
--- Do not instantiate its type
-tcInferId id_name
- | id_name `hasKey` assertIdKey
- = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; if gopt Opt_IgnoreAsserts dflags
- then tc_infer_id (nameRdrName id_name) id_name
- else tc_infer_assert id_name }
- | otherwise
- = do { (expr, ty) <- tc_infer_id (nameRdrName id_name) id_name
- ; traceTc "tcInferId" (ppr id_name <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty)
- ; return (expr, ty) }
-tc_infer_assert :: Name -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
--- Deal with an occurrence of 'assert'
--- See Note [Adding the implicit parameter to 'assert']
-tc_infer_assert assert_name
- = do { assert_error_id <- tcLookupId assertErrorName
- ; (wrap, id_rho) <- topInstantiate (OccurrenceOf assert_name)
- (idType assert_error_id)
- ; return (mkHsWrap wrap (HsVar noExtField (noLoc assert_error_id)), id_rho)
- }
-tc_infer_id :: RdrName -> Name -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
-tc_infer_id lbl id_name
- = do { thing <- tcLookup id_name
- ; case thing of
- ATcId { tct_id = id }
- -> do { check_naughty id -- Note [Local record selectors]
- ; checkThLocalId id
- ; tcEmitBindingUsage $ unitUE id_name One
- ; return_id id }
- AGlobal (AnId id)
- -> do { check_naughty id
- ; return_id id }
- -- A global cannot possibly be ill-staged
- -- nor does it need the 'lifting' treatment
- -- hence no checkTh stuff here
- AGlobal (AConLike cl) -> case cl of
- RealDataCon con -> return_data_con con
- PatSynCon ps -> tcPatSynBuilderOcc ps
- _ -> failWithTc $
- ppr thing <+> text "used where a value identifier was expected" }
- where
- return_id id = return (HsVar noExtField (noLoc id), idType id)
- return_data_con con
- = do { let tvs = dataConUserTyVarBinders con
- theta = dataConOtherTheta con
- args = dataConOrigArgTys con
- res = dataConOrigResTy con
- -- See Note [Linear fields generalization]
- ; mul_vars <- newFlexiTyVarTys (length args) multiplicityTy
- ; let scaleArgs args' = zipWithEqual "return_data_con" combine mul_vars args'
- combine var (Scaled One ty) = Scaled var ty
- combine _ scaled_ty = scaled_ty
- -- The combine function implements the fact that, as
- -- described in Note [Linear fields generalization], if a
- -- field is not linear (last line) it isn't made polymorphic.
- etaWrapper arg_tys = foldr (\scaled_ty wr -> WpFun WpHole wr scaled_ty empty) WpHole arg_tys
- -- See Note [Instantiating stupid theta]
- ; let shouldInstantiate = (not (null (dataConStupidTheta con)) ||
- isKindLevPoly (tyConResKind (dataConTyCon con)))
- ; case shouldInstantiate of
- True -> do { (subst, tvs') <- newMetaTyVars (binderVars tvs)
- ; let tys' = mkTyVarTys tvs'
- theta' = substTheta subst theta
- args' = substScaledTys subst args
- res' = substTy subst res
- ; wrap <- instCall (OccurrenceOf id_name) tys' theta'
- ; let scaled_arg_tys = scaleArgs args'
- eta_wrap = etaWrapper scaled_arg_tys
- ; addDataConStupidTheta con tys'
- ; return ( mkHsWrap (eta_wrap <.> wrap)
- (HsConLikeOut noExtField (RealDataCon con))
- , mkVisFunTys scaled_arg_tys res')
- }
- False -> let scaled_arg_tys = scaleArgs args
- wrap1 = mkWpTyApps (mkTyVarTys $ binderVars tvs)
- eta_wrap = etaWrapper (map unrestricted theta ++ scaled_arg_tys)
- wrap2 = mkWpTyLams $ binderVars tvs
- in return ( mkHsWrap (wrap2 <.> eta_wrap <.> wrap1)
- (HsConLikeOut noExtField (RealDataCon con))
- , mkInvisForAllTys tvs $ mkInvisFunTysMany theta $ mkVisFunTys scaled_arg_tys res)
- }
- check_naughty id
- | isNaughtyRecordSelector id = failWithTc (naughtyRecordSel lbl)
- | otherwise = return ()
-tcUnboundId :: HsExpr GhcRn -> OccName -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
--- Typecheck an occurrence of an unbound Id
--- Some of these started life as a true expression hole "_".
--- Others might simply be variables that accidentally have no binding site
--- We turn all of them into HsVar, since HsUnboundVar can't contain an
--- Id; and indeed the evidence for the ExprHole does bind it, so it's
--- not unbound any more!
-tcUnboundId rn_expr occ res_ty
- = do { ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy -- Allow Int# etc (#12531)
- ; name <- newSysName occ
- ; let ev = mkLocalId name Many ty
- ; emitNewExprHole occ ev ty
- ; tcWrapResultO (UnboundOccurrenceOf occ) rn_expr
- (HsVar noExtField (noLoc ev)) ty res_ty }
-Note [Adding the implicit parameter to 'assert']
-The typechecker transforms (assert e1 e2) to (assertError e1 e2).
-This isn't really the Right Thing because there's no way to "undo"
-if you want to see the original source code in the typechecker
-output. We'll have fix this in due course, when we care more about
-being able to reconstruct the exact original program.
-Note [tagToEnum#]
-Nasty check to ensure that tagToEnum# is applied to a type that is an
-enumeration TyCon. Unification may refine the type later, but this
-check won't see that, alas. It's crude, because it relies on our
-knowing *now* that the type is ok, which in turn relies on the
-eager-unification part of the type checker pushing enough information
-here. In theory the Right Thing to do is to have a new form of
-constraint but I definitely cannot face that! And it works ok as-is.
-Here's are two cases that should fail
- f :: forall a. a
- f = tagToEnum# 0 -- Can't do tagToEnum# at a type variable
- g :: Int
- g = tagToEnum# 0 -- Int is not an enumeration
-When data type families are involved it's a bit more complicated.
- data family F a
- data instance F [Int] = A | B | C
-Then we want to generate something like
- tagToEnum# R:FListInt 3# |> co :: R:FListInt ~ F [Int]
-Usually that coercion is hidden inside the wrappers for
-constructors of F [Int] but here we have to do it explicitly.
-It's all grotesquely complicated.
-Note [Instantiating stupid theta]
-Normally, when we infer the type of an Id, we don't instantiate,
-because we wish to allow for visible type application later on.
-But if a datacon has a stupid theta, we're a bit stuck. We need
-to emit the stupid theta constraints with instantiated types. It's
-difficult to defer this to the lazy instantiation, because a stupid
-theta has no spot to put it in a type. So we just instantiate eagerly
-in this case. Thus, users cannot use visible type application with
-a data constructor sporting a stupid theta. I won't feel so bad for
-the users that complain.
-Note [Linear fields generalization]
-As per Note [Polymorphisation of linear fields], linear field of data
-constructors get a polymorphic type when the data constructor is used as a term.
- Just :: forall {p} a. a #p-> Maybe a
-This rule is known only to the typechecker: Just keeps its linear type in Core.
-In order to desugar this generalised typing rule, we simply eta-expand:
- \a (x # p :: a) -> Just @a x
-has the appropriate type. We insert these eta-expansion with WpFun wrappers.
-A small hitch: if the constructor is levity-polymorphic (unboxed tuples, sums,
-certain newtypes with -XUnliftedNewtypes) then this strategy produces
- \r1 r2 a b (x # p :: a) (y # q :: b) -> (# a, b #)
-Which has type
- forall r1 r2 a b. a #p-> b #q-> (# a, b #)
-Which violates the levity-polymorphism restriction see Note [Levity polymorphism
-checking] in DsMonad.
-So we really must instantiate r1 and r2 rather than quantify over them. For
-simplicity, we just instantiate the entire type, as described in Note
-[Instantiating stupid theta]. It breaks visible type application with unboxed
-tuples, sums and levity-polymorphic newtypes, but this doesn't appear to be used
-A better plan: let's force all representation variable to be *inferred*, so that
-they are not subject to visible type applications. Then we can instantiate
-inferred argument eagerly.
-isTagToEnum :: HsExpr GhcTc -> Bool
-isTagToEnum (HsVar _ (L _ fun_id)) = fun_id `hasKey` tagToEnumKey
-isTagToEnum _ = False
-tcTagToEnum :: HsExpr GhcRn -> HsExpr GhcTc -> [LHsExprArgOut]
- -> TcSigmaType -> ExpRhoType
- -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
--- tagToEnum# :: forall a. Int# -> a
--- See Note [tagToEnum#] Urgh!
-tcTagToEnum expr fun args app_res_ty res_ty
- = do { res_ty <- readExpType res_ty
- ; ty' <- zonkTcType res_ty
- -- Check that the type is algebraic
- ; case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty' of {
- Nothing -> do { addErrTc (mk_error ty' doc1)
- ; vanilla_result } ;
- Just (tc, tc_args) ->
- do { -- Look through any type family
- ; fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
- ; case tcLookupDataFamInst_maybe fam_envs tc tc_args of {
- Nothing -> do { check_enumeration ty' tc
- ; vanilla_result } ;
- Just (rep_tc, rep_args, coi) ->
- do { -- coi :: tc tc_args ~R rep_tc rep_args
- check_enumeration ty' rep_tc
- ; let val_arg = dropWhile (not . isHsValArg) args
- rep_ty = mkTyConApp rep_tc rep_args
- fun' = mkHsWrap (WpTyApp rep_ty) fun
- expr' = applyHsArgs fun' val_arg
- df_wrap = mkWpCastR (mkTcSymCo coi)
- ; return (mkHsWrap df_wrap expr') }}}}}
- where
- vanilla_result
- = do { let expr' = applyHsArgs fun args
- ; tcWrapResult expr expr' app_res_ty res_ty }
- check_enumeration ty' tc
- | isEnumerationTyCon tc = return ()
- | otherwise = addErrTc (mk_error ty' doc2)
- doc1 = vcat [ text "Specify the type by giving a type signature"
- , text "e.g. (tagToEnum# x) :: Bool" ]
- doc2 = text "Result type must be an enumeration type"
- mk_error :: TcType -> SDoc -> SDoc
- mk_error ty what
- = hang (text "Bad call to tagToEnum#"
- <+> text "at type" <+> ppr ty)
- 2 what
-* *
- Template Haskell checks
-* *
-checkThLocalId :: Id -> TcM ()
--- The renamer has already done checkWellStaged,
--- in 'GHC.Rename.Splice.checkThLocalName', so don't repeat that here.
--- Here we just add constraints fro cross-stage lifting
-checkThLocalId id
- = do { mb_local_use <- getStageAndBindLevel (idName id)
- ; case mb_local_use of
- Just (top_lvl, bind_lvl, use_stage)
- | thLevel use_stage > bind_lvl
- -> checkCrossStageLifting top_lvl id use_stage
- _ -> return () -- Not a locally-bound thing, or
- -- no cross-stage link
- }
-checkCrossStageLifting :: TopLevelFlag -> Id -> ThStage -> TcM ()
--- If we are inside typed brackets, and (use_lvl > bind_lvl)
--- we must check whether there's a cross-stage lift to do
--- Examples \x -> [|| x ||]
--- [|| map ||]
--- This is similar to checkCrossStageLifting in GHC.Rename.Splice, but
--- this code is applied to *typed* brackets.
-checkCrossStageLifting top_lvl id (Brack _ (TcPending ps_var lie_var q))
- | isTopLevel top_lvl
- = when (isExternalName id_name) (keepAlive id_name)
- -- See Note [Keeping things alive for Template Haskell] in GHC.Rename.Splice
- | otherwise
- = -- Nested identifiers, such as 'x' in
- -- E.g. \x -> [|| h x ||]
- -- We must behave as if the reference to x was
- -- h $(lift x)
- -- We use 'x' itself as the splice proxy, used by
- -- the desugarer to stitch it all back together.
- -- If 'x' occurs many times we may get many identical
- -- bindings of the same splice proxy, but that doesn't
- -- matter, although it's a mite untidy.
- do { let id_ty = idType id
- ; checkTc (isTauTy id_ty) (polySpliceErr id)
- -- If x is polymorphic, its occurrence sites might
- -- have different instantiations, so we can't use plain
- -- 'x' as the splice proxy name. I don't know how to
- -- solve this, and it's probably unimportant, so I'm
- -- just going to flag an error for now
- ; lift <- if isStringTy id_ty then
- do { sid <- tcLookupId GHC.Builtin.Names.TH.liftStringName
- -- See Note [Lifting strings]
- ; return (HsVar noExtField (noLoc sid)) }
- else
- setConstraintVar lie_var $
- -- Put the 'lift' constraint into the right LIE
- newMethodFromName (OccurrenceOf id_name)
- GHC.Builtin.Names.TH.liftName
- [getRuntimeRep id_ty, id_ty]
- -- Update the pending splices
- ; ps <- readMutVar ps_var
- ; let pending_splice = PendingTcSplice id_name
- (nlHsApp (mkLHsWrap (applyQuoteWrapper q) (noLoc lift))
- (nlHsVar id))
- ; writeMutVar ps_var (pending_splice : ps)
- ; return () }
- where
- id_name = idName id
-checkCrossStageLifting _ _ _ = return ()
-polySpliceErr :: Id -> SDoc
-polySpliceErr id
- = text "Can't splice the polymorphic local variable" <+> quotes (ppr id)
-Note [Lifting strings]
-If we see $(... [| s |] ...) where s::String, we don't want to
-generate a mass of Cons (CharL 'x') (Cons (CharL 'y') ...)) etc.
-So this conditional short-circuits the lifting mechanism to generate
-(liftString "xy") in that case. I didn't want to use overlapping instances
-for the Lift class in TH.Syntax, because that can lead to overlapping-instance
-errors in a polymorphic situation.
-If this check fails (which isn't impossible) we get another chance; see
-Note [Converting strings] in "GHC.ThToHs"
-Local record selectors
-Record selectors for TyCons in this module are ordinary local bindings,
-which show up as ATcIds rather than AGlobals. So we need to check for
-naughtiness in both branches. c.f. TcTyClsBindings.mkAuxBinds.
-* *
-\subsection{Record bindings}
-* *
getFixedTyVars :: [FieldLabelString] -> [TyVar] -> [ConLike] -> TyVarSet
-- These tyvars must not change across the updates
getFixedTyVars upd_fld_occs univ_tvs cons
@@ -2271,129 +1271,9 @@ getFixedTyVars upd_fld_occs univ_tvs cons
, (tv1,tv) <- univ_tvs `zip` u_tvs
, tv `elemVarSet` fixed_tvs ]
-Note [Disambiguating record fields]
-When the -XDuplicateRecordFields extension is used, and the renamer
-encounters a record selector or update that it cannot immediately
-disambiguate (because it involves fields that belong to multiple
-datatypes), it will defer resolution of the ambiguity to the
-typechecker. In this case, the `Ambiguous` constructor of
-`AmbiguousFieldOcc` is used.
-Consider the following definitions:
- data S = MkS { foo :: Int }
- data T = MkT { foo :: Int, bar :: Int }
- data U = MkU { bar :: Int, baz :: Int }
-When the renamer sees `foo` as a selector or an update, it will not
-know which parent datatype is in use.
-For selectors, there are two possible ways to disambiguate:
-1. Check if the pushed-in type is a function whose domain is a
- datatype, for example:
- f s = (foo :: S -> Int) s
- g :: T -> Int
- g = foo
- This is checked by `tcCheckRecSelId` when checking `HsRecFld foo`.
-2. Check if the selector is applied to an argument that has a type
- signature, for example:
- h = foo (s :: S)
- This is checked by `tcApp`.
-Updates are slightly more complex. The `disambiguateRecordBinds`
-function tries to determine the parent datatype in three ways:
-1. Check for types that have all the fields being updated. For example:
- f x = x { foo = 3, bar = 2 }
- Here `f` must be updating `T` because neither `S` nor `U` have
- both fields. This may also discover that no possible type exists.
- For example the following will be rejected:
- f' x = x { foo = 3, baz = 3 }
-2. Use the type being pushed in, if it is already a TyConApp. The
- following are valid updates to `T`:
- g :: T -> T
- g x = x { foo = 3 }
- g' x = x { foo = 3 } :: T
-3. Use the type signature of the record expression, if it exists and
- is a TyConApp. Thus this is valid update to `T`:
- h x = (x :: T) { foo = 3 }
-Note that we do not look up the types of variables being updated, and
-no constraint-solving is performed, so for example the following will
-be rejected as ambiguous:
- let bad (s :: S) = foo s
- let r :: T
- r = blah
- in r { foo = 3 }
- \r. (r { foo = 3 }, r :: T )
-We could add further tests, of a more heuristic nature. For example,
-rather than looking for an explicit signature, we could try to infer
-the type of the argument to a selector or the record expression being
-updated, in case we are lucky enough to get a TyConApp straight
-away. However, it might be hard for programmers to predict whether a
-particular update is sufficiently obvious for the signature to be
-omitted. Moreover, this might change the behaviour of typechecker in
-non-obvious ways.
-See also Note [HsRecField and HsRecUpdField] in GHC.Hs.Pat.
--- Given a RdrName that refers to multiple record fields, and the type
--- of its argument, try to determine the name of the selector that is
--- meant.
-disambiguateSelector :: Located RdrName -> Type -> TcM Name
-disambiguateSelector lr@(L _ rdr) parent_type
- = do { fam_inst_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
- ; case tyConOf fam_inst_envs parent_type of
- Nothing -> ambiguousSelector lr
- Just p ->
- do { xs <- lookupParents rdr
- ; let parent = RecSelData p
- ; case lookup parent xs of
- Just gre -> do { addUsedGRE True gre
- ; return (gre_name gre) }
- Nothing -> failWithTc (fieldNotInType parent rdr) } }
--- This field name really is ambiguous, so add a suitable "ambiguous
--- occurrence" error, then give up.
-ambiguousSelector :: Located RdrName -> TcM a
-ambiguousSelector (L _ rdr)
- = do { addAmbiguousNameErr rdr
- ; failM }
--- | This name really is ambiguous, so add a suitable "ambiguous
--- occurrence" error, then continue
-addAmbiguousNameErr :: RdrName -> TcM ()
-addAmbiguousNameErr rdr
- = do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
- ; let gres = lookupGRE_RdrName rdr env
- ; setErrCtxt [] $ addNameClashErrRn rdr gres}
-- Disambiguate the fields in a record update.
--- See Note [Disambiguating record fields]
+-- See Note [Disambiguating record fields] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Head
disambiguateRecordBinds :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcRhoType
-> [LHsRecUpdField GhcRn] -> ExpRhoType
-> TcM [LHsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) (LHsExpr GhcRn)]
@@ -2488,44 +1368,6 @@ disambiguateRecordBinds record_expr record_rho rbnds res_ty
= L loc (Unambiguous i (L loc lbl)) } }
--- Extract the outermost TyCon of a type, if there is one; for
--- data families this is the representation tycon (because that's
--- where the fields live).
-tyConOf :: FamInstEnvs -> TcSigmaType -> Maybe TyCon
-tyConOf fam_inst_envs ty0
- = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tc, tys) -> Just (fstOf3 (tcLookupDataFamInst fam_inst_envs tc tys))
- Nothing -> Nothing
- where
- (_, _, ty) = tcSplitSigmaTy ty0
--- Variant of tyConOf that works for ExpTypes
-tyConOfET :: FamInstEnvs -> ExpRhoType -> Maybe TyCon
-tyConOfET fam_inst_envs ty0 = tyConOf fam_inst_envs =<< checkingExpType_maybe ty0
--- For an ambiguous record field, find all the candidate record
--- selectors (as GlobalRdrElts) and their parents.
-lookupParents :: RdrName -> RnM [(RecSelParent, GlobalRdrElt)]
-lookupParents rdr
- = do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
- ; let gres = lookupGRE_RdrName rdr env
- ; mapM lookupParent gres }
- where
- lookupParent :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM (RecSelParent, GlobalRdrElt)
- lookupParent gre = do { id <- tcLookupId (gre_name gre)
- ; if isRecordSelector id
- then return (recordSelectorTyCon id, gre)
- else failWithTc (notSelector (gre_name gre)) }
--- A type signature on the argument of an ambiguous record selector or
--- the record expression in an update must be "obvious", i.e. the
--- outermost constructor ignoring parentheses.
-obviousSig :: HsExpr GhcRn -> Maybe (LHsSigWcType GhcRn)
-obviousSig (ExprWithTySig _ _ ty) = Just ty
-obviousSig (HsPar _ p) = obviousSig (unLoc p)
-obviousSig _ = Nothing
Game plan for record bindings
@@ -2538,7 +1380,7 @@ For each binding field = value
3. Instantiate the field type (from the field label) using the type
envt from step 2.
-4 Type check the value using tcArg, passing the field type as
+4 Type check the value using tcValArg, passing the field type as
the expected argument type.
This extends OK when the field types are universally quantified.
@@ -2678,103 +1520,8 @@ fieldCtxt :: FieldLabelString -> SDoc
fieldCtxt field_name
= text "In the" <+> quotes (ppr field_name) <+> ptext (sLit "field of a record")
-addExprCtxt :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcRn a -> TcRn a
-addExprCtxt e thing_inside = addErrCtxt (exprCtxt (unLoc e)) thing_inside
-exprCtxt :: HsExpr GhcRn -> SDoc
-exprCtxt expr = hang (text "In the expression:") 2 (ppr (stripParensHsExpr expr))
-addFunResCtxt :: Bool -- There is at least one argument
- -> HsExpr GhcTc -> TcType -> ExpRhoType
- -> TcM a -> TcM a
--- When we have a mis-match in the return type of a function
--- try to give a helpful message about too many/few arguments
--- Used for naked variables too; but with has_args = False
-addFunResCtxt has_args fun fun_res_ty env_ty
- = addLandmarkErrCtxtM (\env -> (env, ) <$> mk_msg)
- -- NB: use a landmark error context, so that an empty context
- -- doesn't suppress some more useful context
- where
- mk_msg
- = do { mb_env_ty <- readExpType_maybe env_ty
- -- by the time the message is rendered, the ExpType
- -- will be filled in (except if we're debugging)
- ; fun_res' <- zonkTcType fun_res_ty
- ; env' <- case mb_env_ty of
- Just env_ty -> zonkTcType env_ty
- Nothing ->
- do { dumping <- doptM Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
- ; MASSERT( dumping )
- ; newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind }
- ; let -- See Note [Splitting nested sigma types in mismatched
- -- function types]
- (_, _, fun_tau) = tcSplitNestedSigmaTys fun_res'
- -- No need to call tcSplitNestedSigmaTys here, since env_ty is
- -- an ExpRhoTy, i.e., it's already instantiated.
- (_, _, env_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy env'
- (args_fun, res_fun) = tcSplitFunTys fun_tau
- (args_env, res_env) = tcSplitFunTys env_tau
- n_fun = length args_fun
- n_env = length args_env
- info | n_fun == n_env = Outputable.empty
- | n_fun > n_env
- , not_fun res_env
- = text "Probable cause:" <+> quotes (ppr fun)
- <+> text "is applied to too few arguments"
- | has_args
- , not_fun res_fun
- = text "Possible cause:" <+> quotes (ppr fun)
- <+> text "is applied to too many arguments"
- | otherwise
- = Outputable.empty -- Never suggest that a naked variable is -- applied to too many args!
- ; return info }
- where
- not_fun ty -- ty is definitely not an arrow type,
- -- and cannot conceivably become one
- = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tc, _) -> isAlgTyCon tc
- Nothing -> False
-Note [Splitting nested sigma types in mismatched function types]
-When one applies a function to too few arguments, GHC tries to determine this
-fact if possible so that it may give a helpful error message. It accomplishes
-this by checking if the type of the applied function has more argument types
-than supplied arguments.
-Previously, GHC computed the number of argument types through tcSplitSigmaTy.
-This is incorrect in the face of nested foralls, however! This caused Trac
-#13311, for instance:
- f :: forall a. (Monoid a) => forall b. (Monoid b) => Maybe a -> Maybe b
-If one uses `f` like so:
- do { f; putChar 'a' }
-Then tcSplitSigmaTy will decompose the type of `f` into:
- Tyvars: [a]
- Context: (Monoid a)
- Argument types: []
- Return type: forall b. Monoid b => Maybe a -> Maybe b
-That is, it will conclude that there are *no* argument types, and since `f`
-was given no arguments, it won't print a helpful error message. On the other
-hand, tcSplitNestedSigmaTys correctly decomposes `f`'s type down to:
- Tyvars: [a, b]
- Context: (Monoid a, Monoid b)
- Argument types: [Maybe a]
- Return type: Maybe b
-So now GHC recognizes that `f` has one more argument type than it was actually
+mk_op_msg :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> SDoc
+mk_op_msg op = text "The operator" <+> quotes (ppr op) <+> text "takes"
badFieldTypes :: [(FieldLabelString,TcType)] -> SDoc
badFieldTypes prs
@@ -2818,7 +1565,7 @@ badFieldsUpd rbinds data_cons
-- For each field, which constructors contain the field?
membership :: [(FieldLabelString, [Bool])]
membership = sortMembership $
- map (\fld -> (fld, map (elementOfUniqSet fld) fieldLabelSets)) $
+ map (\fld -> (fld, map (fld `elementOfUniqSet`) fieldLabelSets)) $
map (occNameFS . rdrNameOcc . rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc . unLoc . hsRecFieldLbl . unLoc) rbinds
fieldLabelSets :: [UniqSet FieldLabelString]
@@ -2858,16 +1605,6 @@ Finding the smallest subset is hard, so the code here makes
a decent stab, no more. See #7989.
-naughtyRecordSel :: RdrName -> SDoc
-naughtyRecordSel sel_id
- = text "Cannot use record selector" <+> quotes (ppr sel_id) <+>
- text "as a function due to escaped type variables" $$
- text "Probable fix: use pattern-matching syntax instead"
-notSelector :: Name -> SDoc
-notSelector field
- = hsep [quotes (ppr field), text "is not a record selector"]
mixedSelectors :: [Id] -> [Id] -> SDoc
mixedSelectors data_sels@(dc_rep_id:_) pat_syn_sels@(ps_rep_id:_)
= ptext
@@ -2918,10 +1655,6 @@ noPossibleParents rbinds
badOverloadedUpdate :: SDoc
badOverloadedUpdate = text "Record update is ambiguous, and requires a type signature"
-fieldNotInType :: RecSelParent -> RdrName -> SDoc
-fieldNotInType p rdr
- = unknownSubordinateErr (text "field of type" <+> quotes (ppr p)) rdr
* *
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs-boot
index 0676799b11..0a04b6d9e9 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs-boot
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
module GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr where
-import GHC.Types.Name
-import GHC.Hs ( HsExpr, LHsExpr, SyntaxExprRn, SyntaxExprTc )
+import GHC.Hs ( HsExpr, LHsExpr, SyntaxExprRn
+ , SyntaxExprTc )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType ( TcRhoType, TcSigmaType, SyntaxOpType, ExpType, ExpRhoType )
import GHC.Tc.Types ( TcM )
import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin ( CtOrigin )
import GHC.Core.Type ( Mult )
import GHC.Hs.Extension ( GhcRn, GhcTc )
-tcCheckPolyExpr ::
+tcCheckPolyExpr, tcCheckPolyExprNC ::
LHsExpr GhcRn
-> TcSigmaType
-> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ tcCheckMonoExpr, tcCheckMonoExprNC ::
tcExpr :: HsExpr GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
-tcInferSigma :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
tcInferRho, tcInferRhoNC ::
LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc, TcRhoType)
@@ -42,5 +40,3 @@ tcSyntaxOpGen :: CtOrigin
-> ([TcSigmaType] -> [Mult] -> TcM a)
-> TcM (a, SyntaxExprTc)
-tcCheckId :: Name -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Head.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Head.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..530f985a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Head.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds, GADTs, TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Wrinkle in Note [Trees That Grow]
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Gen.Head
+ ( HsExprArg(..), EValArg(..), TcPass(..), Rebuilder
+ , splitHsApps
+ , addArgWrap, eValArgExpr, isHsValArg, setSrcSpanFromArgs
+ , countLeadingValArgs, isVisibleArg, pprHsExprArgTc, rebuildPrefixApps
+ , tcInferAppHead, tcInferAppHead_maybe
+ , tcInferId, tcCheckId
+ , obviousSig, addAmbiguousNameErr
+ , tyConOf, tyConOfET, lookupParents, fieldNotInType
+ , notSelector, nonBidirectionalErr
+ , addExprCtxt, addLExprCtxt, addFunResCtxt ) where
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr( tcExpr, tcCheckMonoExprNC, tcCheckPolyExprNC )
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Pat
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind( chooseInferredQuantifiers )
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Sig( tcUserTypeSig, tcInstSig )
+import GHC.Tc.TyCl.PatSyn( patSynBuilderOcc )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family ( tcGetFamInstEnvs, tcLookupDataFamInst )
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInstEnvs )
+import GHC.Core.UsageEnv ( unitUE )
+import GHC.Rename.Env ( addUsedGRE )
+import GHC.Rename.Utils ( addNameClashErrRn, unknownSubordinateErr )
+import GHC.Tc.Solver ( InferMode(..), simplifyInfer )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType as TcType
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Id.Info
+import GHC.Core.ConLike
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import GHC.Builtin.Types( multiplicityTy )
+import GHC.Builtin.Names
+import GHC.Builtin.Names.TH( liftStringName, liftName )
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Data.Maybe
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Function
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHC.Prelude
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ HsExprArg: auxiliary data type
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [HsExprArg]
+The data type HsExprArg :: TcPass -> Type
+is a very local type, used only within this module and GHC.Tc.Gen.App
+* It's really a zipper for an application chain
+ See Note [Application chains and heads] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App for
+ what an "application chain" is.
+* It's a GHC-specific type, so using TTG only where necessary
+* It is indexed by TcPass, meaning
+ - HsExprArg TcpRn:
+ The result of splitHsApps, which decomposes a HsExpr GhcRn
+ - HsExprArg TcpInst:
+ The result of tcInstFun, which instantiates the function type
+ Adds EWrap nodes, the argument type in EValArg,
+ and the kind-checked type in ETypeArg
+ - HsExprArg TcpTc:
+ The result of tcArg, which typechecks the value args
+ In EValArg we now have a (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+* rebuildPrefixApps is dual to splitHsApps, and zips an application
+ back into a HsExpr
+Note [EValArg]
+The data type EValArg is the payload of the EValArg constructor of
+HsExprArg; i.e. a value argument of the application. EValArg has two
+* ValArg: payload is just the expression itself. Simple.
+* ValArgQL: captures the results of applying quickLookArg to the
+ argument in a ValArg. When we later want to typecheck that argument
+ we can just carry on from where quick-look left off. The fields of
+ ValArgQL exactly capture what is needed to complete the job.
+1. With QL switched off, all arguments are ValArg; no ValArgQL
+2. With QL switched on, tcInstFun converts some ValArgs to ValArgQL,
+ under the conditions when quick-look should happen (eg the argument
+ type is guarded) -- see quickLookArg
+Note [splitHsApps and Rebuilder]
+The key function
+ splitHsApps :: HsExpr GhcRn -> (HsExpr GhcRn, [HsExprArg 'TcpRn], Rebuilder)
+takes apart either an HsApp, or an infix OpApp, returning
+* The "head" of the application, an expression that is often a variable
+* A list of HsExprArg, the arguments
+* A Rebuilder function which reconstructs the original form, given the
+ head and arguments. This allows us to reconstruct infix
+ applications (OpApp) as well as prefix applications (HsApp),
+ thereby retaining the structure of the original tree.
+data TcPass = TcpRn -- Arguments decomposed
+ | TcpInst -- Function instantiated
+ | TcpTc -- Typechecked
+data HsExprArg (p :: TcPass)
+ = -- See Note [HsExprArg]
+ EValArg { eva_loc :: SrcSpan -- Of the function
+ , eva_arg :: EValArg p
+ , eva_arg_ty :: !(XEVAType p) }
+ | ETypeArg { eva_loc :: SrcSpan -- Of the function
+ , eva_hs_ty :: LHsWcType GhcRn -- The type arg
+ , eva_ty :: !(XETAType p) } -- Kind-checked type arg
+ | EPrag SrcSpan
+ (HsPragE (GhcPass (XPass p)))
+ | EPar SrcSpan -- Of the nested expr
+ | EWrap !(XEWrap p) -- Wrapper, after instantiation
+data EValArg (p :: TcPass) where -- See Note [EValArg]
+ ValArg :: LHsExpr (GhcPass (XPass p))
+ -> EValArg p
+ ValArgQL :: { va_expr :: LHsExpr GhcRn -- Original expression
+ -- For location and error msgs
+ , va_fun :: HsExpr GhcTc -- Function, typechecked
+ , va_args :: [HsExprArg 'TcpInst] -- Args, instantiated
+ , va_ty :: TcRhoType -- Result type
+ , va_rebuild :: Rebuilder } -- How to reassemble
+ -> EValArg 'TcpInst -- Only exists in TcpInst phase
+type Rebuilder = HsExpr GhcTc -> [HsExprArg 'TcpTc]-> HsExpr GhcTc
+-- See Note [splitHsApps and Rebuilder]
+type family XPass p where
+ XPass 'TcpRn = 'Renamed
+ XPass 'TcpInst = 'Renamed
+ XPass 'TcpTc = 'Typechecked
+type family XETAType p where -- Type arguments
+ XETAType 'TcpRn = NoExtField
+ XETAType _ = Type
+type family XEVAType p where -- Value arguments
+ XEVAType 'TcpRn = NoExtField
+ XEVAType _ = Scaled Type
+type family XEWrap p where
+ XEWrap 'TcpRn = NoExtCon
+ XEWrap _ = HsWrapper
+mkEValArg :: SrcSpan -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> HsExprArg 'TcpRn
+mkEValArg l e = EValArg { eva_loc = l, eva_arg = ValArg e
+ , eva_arg_ty = noExtField }
+mkETypeArg :: SrcSpan -> LHsWcType GhcRn -> HsExprArg 'TcpRn
+mkETypeArg l hs_ty = ETypeArg { eva_loc = l, eva_hs_ty = hs_ty
+ , eva_ty = noExtField }
+eValArgExpr :: EValArg 'TcpInst -> LHsExpr GhcRn
+eValArgExpr (ValArg e) = e
+eValArgExpr (ValArgQL { va_expr = e }) = e
+addArgWrap :: HsWrapper -> [HsExprArg 'TcpInst] -> [HsExprArg 'TcpInst]
+addArgWrap wrap args
+ | isIdHsWrapper wrap = args
+ | otherwise = EWrap wrap : args
+splitHsApps :: HsExpr GhcRn -> (HsExpr GhcRn, [HsExprArg 'TcpRn], Rebuilder)
+-- See Note [splitHsApps and Rebuilder]
+splitHsApps e
+ = go e []
+ where
+ go (HsPar _ (L l fun)) args = go fun (EPar l : args)
+ go (HsPragE _ p (L l fun)) args = go fun (EPrag l p : args)
+ go (HsAppType _ (L l fun) hs_ty) args = go fun (mkETypeArg l hs_ty : args)
+ go (HsApp _ (L l fun) arg) args = go fun (mkEValArg l arg : args)
+ go (OpApp fix arg1 (L l op) arg2) args
+ = (op, mkEValArg l arg1 : mkEValArg l arg2 : args, rebuild_infix fix)
+ go e args = (e, args, rebuildPrefixApps)
+ rebuild_infix :: Fixity -> Rebuilder
+ rebuild_infix fix fun args
+ = go fun args
+ where
+ go fun (EValArg { eva_arg = ValArg arg1, eva_loc = l } :
+ EValArg { eva_arg = ValArg arg2 } : args)
+ = rebuildPrefixApps (OpApp fix arg1 (L l fun) arg2) args
+ go fun (EWrap wrap : args) = go (mkHsWrap wrap fun) args
+ go fun args = rebuildPrefixApps fun args
+ -- This last case fails to rebuild a OpApp, which is sad.
+ -- It can happen if we have (e1 `op` e2),
+ -- and op :: Int -> forall a. a -> Int, and e2 :: Bool
+ -- Then we'll get [ e1, @Bool, e2 ]
+ -- Could be fixed with WpFun, but extra complexity.
+rebuildPrefixApps :: Rebuilder
+rebuildPrefixApps fun args
+ = go fun args
+ where
+ go fun [] = fun
+ go fun (EWrap wrap : args) = go (mkHsWrap wrap fun) args
+ go fun (EValArg { eva_arg = ValArg arg
+ , eva_loc = l } : args) = go (HsApp noExtField (L l fun) arg) args
+ go fun (ETypeArg { eva_hs_ty = hs_ty
+ , eva_ty = ty
+ , eva_loc = l } : args) = go (HsAppType ty (L l fun) hs_ty) args
+ go fun (EPar l : args) = go (HsPar noExtField (L l fun)) args
+ go fun (EPrag l p : args) = go (HsPragE noExtField p (L l fun)) args
+isHsValArg :: HsExprArg id -> Bool
+isHsValArg (EValArg {}) = True
+isHsValArg _ = False
+countLeadingValArgs :: [HsExprArg id] -> Int
+countLeadingValArgs (EValArg {} : args) = 1 + countLeadingValArgs args
+countLeadingValArgs (EPar {} : args) = countLeadingValArgs args
+countLeadingValArgs (EPrag {} : args) = countLeadingValArgs args
+countLeadingValArgs _ = 0
+isValArg :: HsExprArg id -> Bool
+isValArg (EValArg {}) = True
+isValArg _ = False
+isVisibleArg :: HsExprArg id -> Bool
+isVisibleArg (EValArg {}) = True
+isVisibleArg (ETypeArg {}) = True
+isVisibleArg _ = False
+setSrcSpanFromArgs :: [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> TcM a -> TcM a
+setSrcSpanFromArgs [] thing_inside
+ = thing_inside
+setSrcSpanFromArgs (arg:_) thing_inside
+ = setSrcSpan (argFunLoc arg) thing_inside
+argFunLoc :: HsExprArg 'TcpRn -> SrcSpan
+argFunLoc (EValArg { eva_loc = l }) = l
+argFunLoc (ETypeArg { eva_loc = l}) = l
+argFunLoc (EPrag l _) = l
+argFunLoc (EPar l) = l
+instance OutputableBndrId (XPass p) => Outputable (HsExprArg p) where
+ ppr (EValArg { eva_arg = arg }) = text "EValArg" <+> ppr arg
+ ppr (EPrag _ p) = text "EPrag" <+> ppr p
+ ppr (ETypeArg { eva_hs_ty = hs_ty }) = char '@' <> ppr hs_ty
+ ppr (EPar _) = text "EPar"
+ ppr (EWrap _) = text "EWrap"
+ -- ToDo: to print the wrapper properly we'll need to work harder
+ -- "Work harder" = replicate the ghcPass approach, but I didn't
+ -- think it was worth the effort to do so.
+instance OutputableBndrId (XPass p) => Outputable (EValArg p) where
+ ppr (ValArg e) = ppr e
+ ppr (ValArgQL { va_fun = fun, va_args = args, va_ty = ty})
+ = hang (text "ValArgQL" <+> ppr fun)
+ 2 (vcat [ ppr args, text "va_ty:" <+> ppr ty ])
+pprHsExprArgTc :: HsExprArg 'TcpInst -> SDoc
+pprHsExprArgTc (EValArg { eva_arg = tm, eva_arg_ty = ty })
+ = text "EValArg" <+> hang (ppr tm) 2 (dcolon <+> ppr ty)
+pprHsExprArgTc arg = ppr arg
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ tcInferAppHead
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcInferAppHead :: HsExpr GhcRn
+ -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> Maybe TcRhoType
+ -- These two args are solely for tcInferRecSelId
+ -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
+-- Infer type of the head of an application
+-- i.e. the 'f' in (f e1 ... en)
+-- See Note [Application chains and heads] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
+-- We get back a /SigmaType/ because we have special cases for
+-- * A bare identifier (just look it up)
+-- This case also covers a record selectro HsRecFld
+-- * An expression with a type signature (e :: ty)
+-- See Note [Application chains and heads] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
+-- Why do we need the arguments to infer the type of the head of
+-- the application? For two reasons:
+-- * (Legitimate) The first arg has the source location of the head
+-- * (Disgusting) Needed for record disambiguation; see tcInferRecSelId
+-- Note that [] and (,,) are both HsVar:
+-- see Note [Empty lists] and [ExplicitTuple] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+-- NB: 'e' cannot be HsApp, HsTyApp, HsPrag, HsPar, because those
+-- cases are dealt with by splitHsApps.
+-- See Note [tcApp: typechecking applications] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
+tcInferAppHead fun args mb_res_ty
+ = setSrcSpanFromArgs args $
+ do { mb_tc_fun <- tcInferAppHead_maybe fun args mb_res_ty
+ ; case mb_tc_fun of
+ Just (fun', fun_sigma) -> return (fun', fun_sigma)
+ Nothing -> add_head_ctxt fun args $
+ tcInfer (tcExpr fun) }
+tcInferAppHead_maybe :: HsExpr GhcRn
+ -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> Maybe TcRhoType
+ -- These two args are solely for tcInferRecSelId
+ -> TcM (Maybe (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType))
+-- See Note [Application chains and heads] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
+-- Returns Nothing for a complicated head
+tcInferAppHead_maybe fun args mb_res_ty
+ = case fun of
+ HsVar _ (L _ nm) -> Just <$> tcInferId nm
+ HsRecFld _ f -> Just <$> tcInferRecSelId f args mb_res_ty
+ ExprWithTySig _ e hs_ty -> add_head_ctxt fun args $
+ Just <$> tcExprWithSig e hs_ty
+ _ -> return Nothing
+add_head_ctxt :: HsExpr GhcRn -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> TcM a -> TcM a
+-- Don't push an expression context if the arguments are empty,
+-- because it has already been pushed by tcExpr
+add_head_ctxt fun args thing_inside
+ | null args = thing_inside
+ | otherwise = addExprCtxt fun thing_inside
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Record selectors
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [Disambiguating record fields]
+When the -XDuplicateRecordFields extension is used, and the renamer
+encounters a record selector or update that it cannot immediately
+disambiguate (because it involves fields that belong to multiple
+datatypes), it will defer resolution of the ambiguity to the
+typechecker. In this case, the `Ambiguous` constructor of
+`AmbiguousFieldOcc` is used.
+Consider the following definitions:
+ data S = MkS { foo :: Int }
+ data T = MkT { foo :: Int, bar :: Int }
+ data U = MkU { bar :: Int, baz :: Int }
+When the renamer sees `foo` as a selector or an update, it will not
+know which parent datatype is in use.
+For selectors, there are two possible ways to disambiguate:
+1. Check if the pushed-in type is a function whose domain is a
+ datatype, for example:
+ f s = (foo :: S -> Int) s
+ g :: T -> Int
+ g = foo
+ This is checked by `tcCheckRecSelId` when checking `HsRecFld foo`.
+2. Check if the selector is applied to an argument that has a type
+ signature, for example:
+ h = foo (s :: S)
+ This is checked by `tcInferRecSelId`.
+Updates are slightly more complex. The `disambiguateRecordBinds`
+function tries to determine the parent datatype in three ways:
+1. Check for types that have all the fields being updated. For example:
+ f x = x { foo = 3, bar = 2 }
+ Here `f` must be updating `T` because neither `S` nor `U` have
+ both fields. This may also discover that no possible type exists.
+ For example the following will be rejected:
+ f' x = x { foo = 3, baz = 3 }
+2. Use the type being pushed in, if it is already a TyConApp. The
+ following are valid updates to `T`:
+ g :: T -> T
+ g x = x { foo = 3 }
+ g' x = x { foo = 3 } :: T
+3. Use the type signature of the record expression, if it exists and
+ is a TyConApp. Thus this is valid update to `T`:
+ h x = (x :: T) { foo = 3 }
+Note that we do not look up the types of variables being updated, and
+no constraint-solving is performed, so for example the following will
+be rejected as ambiguous:
+ let bad (s :: S) = foo s
+ let r :: T
+ r = blah
+ in r { foo = 3 }
+ \r. (r { foo = 3 }, r :: T )
+We could add further tests, of a more heuristic nature. For example,
+rather than looking for an explicit signature, we could try to infer
+the type of the argument to a selector or the record expression being
+updated, in case we are lucky enough to get a TyConApp straight
+away. However, it might be hard for programmers to predict whether a
+particular update is sufficiently obvious for the signature to be
+omitted. Moreover, this might change the behaviour of typechecker in
+non-obvious ways.
+See also Note [HsRecField and HsRecUpdField] in GHC.Hs.Pat.
+tcInferRecSelId :: AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn
+ -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> Maybe TcRhoType
+ -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
+tcInferRecSelId (Unambiguous sel_name lbl) _args _mb_res_ty
+ = do { sel_id <- tc_rec_sel_id lbl sel_name
+ ; let expr = HsRecFld noExtField (Unambiguous sel_id lbl)
+ ; return (expr, idType sel_id) }
+tcInferRecSelId (Ambiguous _ lbl) args mb_res_ty
+ = do { sel_name <- tcInferAmbiguousRecSelId lbl args mb_res_ty
+ ; sel_id <- tc_rec_sel_id lbl sel_name
+ ; let expr = HsRecFld noExtField (Ambiguous sel_id lbl)
+ ; return (expr, idType sel_id) }
+tc_rec_sel_id :: Located RdrName -> Name -> TcM TcId
+-- Like tc_infer_id, but returns an Id not a HsExpr,
+-- so we can wrap it back up into a HsRecFld
+tc_rec_sel_id lbl sel_name
+ = do { thing <- tcLookup sel_name
+ ; case thing of
+ ATcId { tct_id = id }
+ -> do { check_local_id occ id
+ ; return id }
+ AGlobal (AnId id)
+ -> do { check_global_id occ id
+ ; return id }
+ -- A global cannot possibly be ill-staged
+ -- nor does it need the 'lifting' treatment
+ -- hence no checkTh stuff here
+ _ -> failWithTc $
+ ppr thing <+> text "used where a value identifier was expected" }
+ where
+ occ = rdrNameOcc (unLoc lbl)
+tcInferAmbiguousRecSelId :: Located RdrName
+ -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> Maybe TcRhoType
+ -> TcM Name
+-- Disgusting special case for ambiguous record selectors
+-- Given a RdrName that refers to multiple record fields, and the type
+-- of its argument, try to determine the name of the selector that is
+-- meant.
+-- See Note [Disambiguating record fields]
+tcInferAmbiguousRecSelId lbl args mb_res_ty
+ | arg1 : _ <- dropWhile (not . isVisibleArg) args -- A value arg is first
+ , EValArg { eva_arg = ValArg (L _ arg) } <- arg1
+ , Just sig_ty <- obviousSig arg -- A type sig on the arg disambiguates
+ = do { sig_tc_ty <- tcHsSigWcType ExprSigCtxt sig_ty
+ ; finish_ambiguous_selector lbl sig_tc_ty }
+ | Just res_ty <- mb_res_ty
+ , Just (arg_ty,_) <- tcSplitFunTy_maybe res_ty
+ = finish_ambiguous_selector lbl (scaledThing arg_ty)
+ | otherwise
+ = ambiguousSelector lbl
+finish_ambiguous_selector :: Located RdrName -> Type -> TcM Name
+finish_ambiguous_selector lr@(L _ rdr) parent_type
+ = do { fam_inst_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ ; case tyConOf fam_inst_envs parent_type of {
+ Nothing -> ambiguousSelector lr ;
+ Just p ->
+ do { xs <- lookupParents rdr
+ ; let parent = RecSelData p
+ ; case lookup parent xs of {
+ Nothing -> failWithTc (fieldNotInType parent rdr) ;
+ Just gre ->
+ do { addUsedGRE True gre
+ ; return (gre_name gre) } } } } }
+-- This field name really is ambiguous, so add a suitable "ambiguous
+-- occurrence" error, then give up.
+ambiguousSelector :: Located RdrName -> TcM a
+ambiguousSelector (L _ rdr)
+ = do { addAmbiguousNameErr rdr
+ ; failM }
+-- | This name really is ambiguous, so add a suitable "ambiguous
+-- occurrence" error, then continue
+addAmbiguousNameErr :: RdrName -> TcM ()
+addAmbiguousNameErr rdr
+ = do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
+ ; let gres = lookupGRE_RdrName rdr env
+ ; setErrCtxt [] $ addNameClashErrRn rdr gres}
+-- A type signature on the argument of an ambiguous record selector or
+-- the record expression in an update must be "obvious", i.e. the
+-- outermost constructor ignoring parentheses.
+obviousSig :: HsExpr GhcRn -> Maybe (LHsSigWcType GhcRn)
+obviousSig (ExprWithTySig _ _ ty) = Just ty
+obviousSig (HsPar _ p) = obviousSig (unLoc p)
+obviousSig (HsPragE _ _ p) = obviousSig (unLoc p)
+obviousSig _ = Nothing
+-- Extract the outermost TyCon of a type, if there is one; for
+-- data families this is the representation tycon (because that's
+-- where the fields live).
+tyConOf :: FamInstEnvs -> TcSigmaType -> Maybe TyCon
+tyConOf fam_inst_envs ty0
+ = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc, tys) -> Just (fstOf3 (tcLookupDataFamInst fam_inst_envs tc tys))
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ where
+ (_, _, ty) = tcSplitSigmaTy ty0
+-- Variant of tyConOf that works for ExpTypes
+tyConOfET :: FamInstEnvs -> ExpRhoType -> Maybe TyCon
+tyConOfET fam_inst_envs ty0 = tyConOf fam_inst_envs =<< checkingExpType_maybe ty0
+-- For an ambiguous record field, find all the candidate record
+-- selectors (as GlobalRdrElts) and their parents.
+lookupParents :: RdrName -> RnM [(RecSelParent, GlobalRdrElt)]
+lookupParents rdr
+ = do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
+ ; let gres = lookupGRE_RdrName rdr env
+ ; mapM lookupParent gres }
+ where
+ lookupParent :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM (RecSelParent, GlobalRdrElt)
+ lookupParent gre = do { id <- tcLookupId (gre_name gre)
+ ; if isRecordSelector id
+ then return (recordSelectorTyCon id, gre)
+ else failWithTc (notSelector (gre_name gre)) }
+fieldNotInType :: RecSelParent -> RdrName -> SDoc
+fieldNotInType p rdr
+ = unknownSubordinateErr (text "field of type" <+> quotes (ppr p)) rdr
+notSelector :: Name -> SDoc
+notSelector field
+ = hsep [quotes (ppr field), text "is not a record selector"]
+naughtyRecordSel :: OccName -> SDoc
+naughtyRecordSel lbl
+ = text "Cannot use record selector" <+> quotes (ppr lbl) <+>
+ text "as a function due to escaped type variables" $$
+ text "Probable fix: use pattern-matching syntax instead"
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Expressions with a type signature
+ expr :: type
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcExprWithSig :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> LHsSigWcType (NoGhcTc GhcRn)
+ -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
+tcExprWithSig expr hs_ty
+ = do { sig_info <- checkNoErrs $ -- Avoid error cascade
+ tcUserTypeSig loc hs_ty Nothing
+ ; (expr', poly_ty) <- tcExprSig expr sig_info
+ ; return (ExprWithTySig noExtField expr' hs_ty, poly_ty) }
+ where
+ loc = getLoc (hsSigWcType hs_ty)
+tcExprSig :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcIdSigInfo -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc, TcType)
+tcExprSig expr (CompleteSig { sig_bndr = poly_id, sig_loc = loc })
+ = setSrcSpan loc $ -- Sets the location for the implication constraint
+ do { let poly_ty = idType poly_id
+ ; (wrap, expr') <- tcSkolemiseScoped ExprSigCtxt poly_ty $ \rho_ty ->
+ tcCheckMonoExprNC expr rho_ty
+ ; return (mkLHsWrap wrap expr', poly_ty) }
+tcExprSig expr sig@(PartialSig { psig_name = name, sig_loc = loc })
+ = setSrcSpan loc $ -- Sets the location for the implication constraint
+ do { (tclvl, wanted, (expr', sig_inst))
+ <- pushLevelAndCaptureConstraints $
+ do { sig_inst <- tcInstSig sig
+ ; expr' <- tcExtendNameTyVarEnv (mapSnd binderVar $ sig_inst_skols sig_inst) $
+ tcExtendNameTyVarEnv (sig_inst_wcs sig_inst) $
+ tcCheckPolyExprNC expr (sig_inst_tau sig_inst)
+ ; return (expr', sig_inst) }
+ -- See Note [Partial expression signatures]
+ ; let tau = sig_inst_tau sig_inst
+ infer_mode | null (sig_inst_theta sig_inst)
+ , isNothing (sig_inst_wcx sig_inst)
+ = ApplyMR
+ | otherwise
+ = NoRestrictions
+ ; (qtvs, givens, ev_binds, residual, _)
+ <- simplifyInfer tclvl infer_mode [sig_inst] [(name, tau)] wanted
+ ; emitConstraints residual
+ ; tau <- zonkTcType tau
+ ; let inferred_theta = map evVarPred givens
+ tau_tvs = tyCoVarsOfType tau
+ ; (binders, my_theta) <- chooseInferredQuantifiers inferred_theta
+ tau_tvs qtvs (Just sig_inst)
+ ; let inferred_sigma = mkInfSigmaTy qtvs inferred_theta tau
+ my_sigma = mkInvisForAllTys binders (mkPhiTy my_theta tau)
+ ; wrap <- if inferred_sigma `eqType` my_sigma -- NB: eqType ignores vis.
+ then return idHsWrapper -- Fast path; also avoids complaint when we infer
+ -- an ambiguous type and have AllowAmbiguousType
+ -- e..g infer x :: forall a. F a -> Int
+ else tcSubTypeSigma ExprSigCtxt inferred_sigma my_sigma
+ ; traceTc "tcExpSig" (ppr qtvs $$ ppr givens $$ ppr inferred_sigma $$ ppr my_sigma)
+ ; let poly_wrap = wrap
+ <.> mkWpTyLams qtvs
+ <.> mkWpLams givens
+ <.> mkWpLet ev_binds
+ ; return (mkLHsWrap poly_wrap expr', my_sigma) }
+{- Note [Partial expression signatures]
+Partial type signatures on expressions are easy to get wrong. But
+here is a guiding principile
+ e :: ty
+should behave like
+ let x :: ty
+ x = e
+ in x
+So for partial signatures we apply the MR if no context is given. So
+ e :: IO _ apply the MR
+ e :: _ => IO _ do not apply the MR
+just like in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.decideGeneralisationPlan
+This makes a difference (#11670):
+ peek :: Ptr a -> IO CLong
+ peek ptr = peekElemOff undefined 0 :: _
+from (peekElemOff undefined 0) we get
+ type: IO w
+ constraints: Storable w
+We must NOT try to generalise over 'w' because the signature specifies
+no constraints so we'll complain about not being able to solve
+Storable w. Instead, don't generalise; then _ gets instantiated to
+CLong, as it should.
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ tcInferId, tcCheckId
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcCheckId :: Name -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
+tcCheckId name res_ty
+ = do { (expr, actual_res_ty) <- tcInferId name
+ ; traceTc "tcCheckId" (vcat [ppr name, ppr actual_res_ty, ppr res_ty])
+ ; addFunResCtxt expr [] actual_res_ty res_ty $
+ tcWrapResultO (OccurrenceOf name) (HsVar noExtField (noLoc name)) expr
+ actual_res_ty res_ty }
+tcInferId :: Name -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
+-- Look up an occurrence of an Id
+-- Do not instantiate its type
+tcInferId id_name
+ | id_name `hasKey` assertIdKey
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; if gopt Opt_IgnoreAsserts dflags
+ then tc_infer_id id_name
+ else tc_infer_assert id_name }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (expr, ty) <- tc_infer_id id_name
+ ; traceTc "tcInferId" (ppr id_name <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty)
+ ; return (expr, ty) }
+tc_infer_assert :: Name -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
+-- Deal with an occurrence of 'assert'
+-- See Note [Adding the implicit parameter to 'assert']
+tc_infer_assert assert_name
+ = do { assert_error_id <- tcLookupId assertErrorName
+ ; (wrap, id_rho) <- topInstantiate (OccurrenceOf assert_name)
+ (idType assert_error_id)
+ ; return (mkHsWrap wrap (HsVar noExtField (noLoc assert_error_id)), id_rho)
+ }
+tc_infer_id :: Name -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
+tc_infer_id id_name
+ = do { thing <- tcLookup id_name
+ ; case thing of
+ ATcId { tct_id = id }
+ -> do { check_local_id occ id
+ ; return_id id }
+ AGlobal (AnId id)
+ -> do { check_global_id occ id
+ ; return_id id }
+ AGlobal (AConLike cl) -> case cl of
+ RealDataCon con -> return_data_con con
+ PatSynCon ps
+ | Just (expr, ty) <- patSynBuilderOcc ps
+ -> return (expr, ty)
+ | otherwise
+ -> nonBidirectionalErr id_name
+ _ -> failWithTc $
+ ppr thing <+> text "used where a value identifier was expected" }
+ where
+ occ = nameOccName id_name
+ return_id id = return (HsVar noExtField (noLoc id), idType id)
+ return_data_con con
+ = do { let tvs = dataConUserTyVarBinders con
+ theta = dataConOtherTheta con
+ args = dataConOrigArgTys con
+ res = dataConOrigResTy con
+ -- See Note [Linear fields generalization]
+ ; mul_vars <- newFlexiTyVarTys (length args) multiplicityTy
+ ; let scaleArgs args' = zipWithEqual "return_data_con" combine mul_vars args'
+ combine var (Scaled One ty) = Scaled var ty
+ combine _ scaled_ty = scaled_ty
+ -- The combine function implements the fact that, as
+ -- described in Note [Linear fields generalization], if a
+ -- field is not linear (last line) it isn't made polymorphic.
+ etaWrapper arg_tys = foldr (\scaled_ty wr -> WpFun WpHole wr scaled_ty empty) WpHole arg_tys
+ -- See Note [Instantiating stupid theta]
+ ; let shouldInstantiate = (not (null (dataConStupidTheta con)) ||
+ isKindLevPoly (tyConResKind (dataConTyCon con)))
+ ; case shouldInstantiate of
+ True -> do { (subst, tvs') <- newMetaTyVars (binderVars tvs)
+ ; let tys' = mkTyVarTys tvs'
+ theta' = substTheta subst theta
+ args' = substScaledTys subst args
+ res' = substTy subst res
+ ; wrap <- instCall (OccurrenceOf id_name) tys' theta'
+ ; let scaled_arg_tys = scaleArgs args'
+ eta_wrap = etaWrapper scaled_arg_tys
+ ; addDataConStupidTheta con tys'
+ ; return ( mkHsWrap (eta_wrap <.> wrap)
+ (HsConLikeOut noExtField (RealDataCon con))
+ , mkVisFunTys scaled_arg_tys res')
+ }
+ False -> let scaled_arg_tys = scaleArgs args
+ wrap1 = mkWpTyApps (mkTyVarTys $ binderVars tvs)
+ eta_wrap = etaWrapper (map unrestricted theta ++ scaled_arg_tys)
+ wrap2 = mkWpTyLams $ binderVars tvs
+ in return ( mkHsWrap (wrap2 <.> eta_wrap <.> wrap1)
+ (HsConLikeOut noExtField (RealDataCon con))
+ , mkInvisForAllTys tvs $ mkInvisFunTysMany theta $ mkVisFunTys scaled_arg_tys res)
+ }
+check_local_id :: OccName -> Id -> TcM ()
+check_local_id occ id
+ = do { check_naughty occ id -- See Note [HsVar: naughty record selectors]
+ ; checkThLocalId id
+ ; tcEmitBindingUsage $ unitUE (idName id) One }
+check_global_id :: OccName -> Id -> TcM ()
+check_global_id occ id
+ = check_naughty occ id -- See Note [HsVar: naughty record selectors]
+ -- A global cannot possibly be ill-staged
+ -- nor does it need the 'lifting' treatment
+ -- Hence no checkTh stuff here
+check_naughty :: OccName -> TcId -> TcM ()
+check_naughty lbl id
+ | isNaughtyRecordSelector id = failWithTc (naughtyRecordSel lbl)
+ | otherwise = return ()
+nonBidirectionalErr :: Outputable name => name -> TcM a
+nonBidirectionalErr name = failWithTc $
+ text "non-bidirectional pattern synonym"
+ <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "used in an expression"
+{- Note [HsVar: naughty record selectors]
+All record selectors should really be HsRecFld (ambiguous or
+unambiguous), but currently not all of them are: see #18452. So we
+need to check for naughty record selectors in tc_infer_id, as well as
+in tc_rec_sel_id.
+Remove this code when fixing #18452.
+Note [Linear fields generalization]
+As per Note [Polymorphisation of linear fields], linear field of data
+constructors get a polymorphic type when the data constructor is used as a term.
+ Just :: forall {p} a. a #p-> Maybe a
+This rule is known only to the typechecker: Just keeps its linear type in Core.
+In order to desugar this generalised typing rule, we simply eta-expand:
+ \a (x # p :: a) -> Just @a x
+has the appropriate type. We insert these eta-expansion with WpFun wrappers.
+A small hitch: if the constructor is levity-polymorphic (unboxed tuples, sums,
+certain newtypes with -XUnliftedNewtypes) then this strategy produces
+ \r1 r2 a b (x # p :: a) (y # q :: b) -> (# a, b #)
+Which has type
+ forall r1 r2 a b. a #p-> b #q-> (# a, b #)
+Which violates the levity-polymorphism restriction see Note [Levity polymorphism
+checking] in DsMonad.
+So we really must instantiate r1 and r2 rather than quantify over them. For
+simplicity, we just instantiate the entire type, as described in Note
+[Instantiating stupid theta]. It breaks visible type application with unboxed
+tuples, sums and levity-polymorphic newtypes, but this doesn't appear to be used
+A better plan: let's force all representation variable to be *inferred*, so that
+they are not subject to visible type applications. Then we can instantiate
+inferred argument eagerly.
+Note [Adding the implicit parameter to 'assert']
+The typechecker transforms (assert e1 e2) to (assertError e1 e2).
+This isn't really the Right Thing because there's no way to "undo"
+if you want to see the original source code in the typechecker
+output. We'll have fix this in due course, when we care more about
+being able to reconstruct the exact original program.
+Note [Instantiating stupid theta]
+Normally, when we infer the type of an Id, we don't instantiate,
+because we wish to allow for visible type application later on.
+But if a datacon has a stupid theta, we're a bit stuck. We need
+to emit the stupid theta constraints with instantiated types. It's
+difficult to defer this to the lazy instantiation, because a stupid
+theta has no spot to put it in a type. So we just instantiate eagerly
+in this case. Thus, users cannot use visible type application with
+a data constructor sporting a stupid theta. I won't feel so bad for
+the users that complain.
+* *
+ Template Haskell checks
+* *
+checkThLocalId :: Id -> TcM ()
+-- The renamer has already done checkWellStaged,
+-- in RnSplice.checkThLocalName, so don't repeat that here.
+-- Here we just add constraints for cross-stage lifting
+checkThLocalId id
+ = do { mb_local_use <- getStageAndBindLevel (idName id)
+ ; case mb_local_use of
+ Just (top_lvl, bind_lvl, use_stage)
+ | thLevel use_stage > bind_lvl
+ -> checkCrossStageLifting top_lvl id use_stage
+ _ -> return () -- Not a locally-bound thing, or
+ -- no cross-stage link
+ }
+checkCrossStageLifting :: TopLevelFlag -> Id -> ThStage -> TcM ()
+-- If we are inside typed brackets, and (use_lvl > bind_lvl)
+-- we must check whether there's a cross-stage lift to do
+-- Examples \x -> [|| x ||]
+-- [|| map ||]
+-- This is similar to checkCrossStageLifting in GHC.Rename.Splice, but
+-- this code is applied to *typed* brackets.
+checkCrossStageLifting top_lvl id (Brack _ (TcPending ps_var lie_var q))
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl
+ = when (isExternalName id_name) (keepAlive id_name)
+ -- See Note [Keeping things alive for Template Haskell] in GHC.Rename.Splice
+ | otherwise
+ = -- Nested identifiers, such as 'x' in
+ -- E.g. \x -> [|| h x ||]
+ -- We must behave as if the reference to x was
+ -- h $(lift x)
+ -- We use 'x' itself as the splice proxy, used by
+ -- the desugarer to stitch it all back together.
+ -- If 'x' occurs many times we may get many identical
+ -- bindings of the same splice proxy, but that doesn't
+ -- matter, although it's a mite untidy.
+ do { let id_ty = idType id
+ ; checkTc (isTauTy id_ty) (polySpliceErr id)
+ -- If x is polymorphic, its occurrence sites might
+ -- have different instantiations, so we can't use plain
+ -- 'x' as the splice proxy name. I don't know how to
+ -- solve this, and it's probably unimportant, so I'm
+ -- just going to flag an error for now
+ ; lift <- if isStringTy id_ty then
+ do { sid <- tcLookupId GHC.Builtin.Names.TH.liftStringName
+ -- See Note [Lifting strings]
+ ; return (HsVar noExtField (noLoc sid)) }
+ else
+ setConstraintVar lie_var $
+ -- Put the 'lift' constraint into the right LIE
+ newMethodFromName (OccurrenceOf id_name)
+ GHC.Builtin.Names.TH.liftName
+ [getRuntimeRep id_ty, id_ty]
+ -- Update the pending splices
+ ; ps <- readMutVar ps_var
+ ; let pending_splice = PendingTcSplice id_name
+ (nlHsApp (mkLHsWrap (applyQuoteWrapper q) (noLoc lift))
+ (nlHsVar id))
+ ; writeMutVar ps_var (pending_splice : ps)
+ ; return () }
+ where
+ id_name = idName id
+checkCrossStageLifting _ _ _ = return ()
+polySpliceErr :: Id -> SDoc
+polySpliceErr id
+ = text "Can't splice the polymorphic local variable" <+> quotes (ppr id)
+Note [Lifting strings]
+If we see $(... [| s |] ...) where s::String, we don't want to
+generate a mass of Cons (CharL 'x') (Cons (CharL 'y') ...)) etc.
+So this conditional short-circuits the lifting mechanism to generate
+(liftString "xy") in that case. I didn't want to use overlapping instances
+for the Lift class in TH.Syntax, because that can lead to overlapping-instance
+errors in a polymorphic situation.
+If this check fails (which isn't impossible) we get another chance; see
+Note [Converting strings] in Convert.hs
+Local record selectors
+Record selectors for TyCons in this module are ordinary local bindings,
+which show up as ATcIds rather than AGlobals. So we need to check for
+naughtiness in both branches. c.f. TcTyClsBindings.mkAuxBinds.
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Error reporting for function result mis-matches
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+addFunResCtxt :: HsExpr GhcTc -> [HsExprArg 'TcpTc]
+ -> TcType -> ExpRhoType
+ -> TcM a -> TcM a
+-- When we have a mis-match in the return type of a function
+-- try to give a helpful message about too many/few arguments
+addFunResCtxt fun args fun_res_ty env_ty
+ = addLandmarkErrCtxtM (\env -> (env, ) <$> mk_msg)
+ -- NB: use a landmark error context, so that an empty context
+ -- doesn't suppress some more useful context
+ where
+ mk_msg
+ = do { mb_env_ty <- readExpType_maybe env_ty
+ -- by the time the message is rendered, the ExpType
+ -- will be filled in (except if we're debugging)
+ ; fun_res' <- zonkTcType fun_res_ty
+ ; env' <- case mb_env_ty of
+ Just env_ty -> zonkTcType env_ty
+ Nothing ->
+ do { dumping <- doptM Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
+ ; MASSERT( dumping )
+ ; newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind }
+ ; let -- See Note [Splitting nested sigma types in mismatched
+ -- function types]
+ (_, _, fun_tau) = tcSplitNestedSigmaTys fun_res'
+ -- No need to call tcSplitNestedSigmaTys here, since env_ty is
+ -- an ExpRhoTy, i.e., it's already instantiated.
+ (_, _, env_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy env'
+ (args_fun, res_fun) = tcSplitFunTys fun_tau
+ (args_env, res_env) = tcSplitFunTys env_tau
+ n_fun = length args_fun
+ n_env = length args_env
+ info | -- Check for too few args
+ -- fun_tau = a -> b, res_tau = Int
+ n_fun > n_env
+ , not_fun res_env
+ = text "Probable cause:" <+> quotes (ppr fun)
+ <+> text "is applied to too few arguments"
+ | -- Check for too many args
+ -- fun_tau = a -> Int, res_tau = a -> b -> c -> d
+ -- The final guard suppresses the message when there
+ -- aren't enough args to drop; eg. the call is (f e1)
+ n_fun < n_env
+ , not_fun res_fun
+ , (n_fun + count isValArg args) >= n_env
+ -- Never suggest that a naked variable is
+ -- applied to too many args!
+ = text "Possible cause:" <+> quotes (ppr fun)
+ <+> text "is applied to too many arguments"
+ | otherwise
+ = Outputable.empty
+ ; return info }
+ where
+ not_fun ty -- ty is definitely not an arrow type,
+ -- and cannot conceivably become one
+ = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc, _) -> isAlgTyCon tc
+ Nothing -> False
+Note [Splitting nested sigma types in mismatched function types]
+When one applies a function to too few arguments, GHC tries to determine this
+fact if possible so that it may give a helpful error message. It accomplishes
+this by checking if the type of the applied function has more argument types
+than supplied arguments.
+Previously, GHC computed the number of argument types through tcSplitSigmaTy.
+This is incorrect in the face of nested foralls, however! This caused Trac
+#13311, for instance:
+ f :: forall a. (Monoid a) => forall b. (Monoid b) => Maybe a -> Maybe b
+If one uses `f` like so:
+ do { f; putChar 'a' }
+Then tcSplitSigmaTy will decompose the type of `f` into:
+ Tyvars: [a]
+ Context: (Monoid a)
+ Argument types: []
+ Return type: forall b. Monoid b => Maybe a -> Maybe b
+That is, it will conclude that there are *no* argument types, and since `f`
+was given no arguments, it won't print a helpful error message. On the other
+hand, tcSplitNestedSigmaTys correctly decomposes `f`'s type down to:
+ Tyvars: [a, b]
+ Context: (Monoid a, Monoid b)
+ Argument types: [Maybe a]
+ Return type: Maybe b
+So now GHC recognizes that `f` has one more argument type than it was actually
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Misc utility functions
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+addLExprCtxt :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcRn a -> TcRn a
+addLExprCtxt (L _ e) thing_inside = addExprCtxt e thing_inside
+addExprCtxt :: HsExpr GhcRn -> TcRn a -> TcRn a
+addExprCtxt e thing_inside
+ = case e of
+ HsUnboundVar {} -> thing_inside
+ _ -> addErrCtxt (exprCtxt e) thing_inside
+ -- The HsUnboundVar special case addresses situations like
+ -- f x = _
+ -- when we don't want to say "In the expression: _",
+ -- because it is mentioned in the error message itself
+exprCtxt :: HsExpr GhcRn -> SDoc
+exprCtxt expr = hang (text "In the expression:") 2 (ppr (stripParensHsExpr expr))
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs
index d978f5dbf3..30fe0cad44 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs
@@ -39,13 +39,14 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr( tcSyntaxOp, tcInferRho, tcInferRhoNC
, tcMonoExpr, tcMonoExprNC, tcExpr
, tcCheckMonoExpr, tcCheckMonoExprNC
- , tcCheckPolyExpr, tcCheckId )
+ , tcCheckPolyExpr )
import GHC.Types.Basic (LexicalFixity(..))
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
import GHC.Tc.Gen.Pat
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Head( tcCheckId )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
import GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs
index f01f67b39b..27b2b1358b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs
@@ -426,10 +426,9 @@ tc_pat pat_ty penv ps_pat thing_inside = case ps_pat of
-- Note [View patterns and polymorphism]
-- Expression must be a function
- ; let expr_orig = lexprCtOrigin expr
- herald = text "A view pattern expression expects"
+ ; let herald = text "A view pattern expression expects"
; (expr_wrap1, Scaled _mult inf_arg_ty, inf_res_sigma)
- <- matchActualFunTySigma herald expr_orig (Just (unLoc expr)) (1,[]) expr_ty
+ <- matchActualFunTySigma herald (Just (ppr expr)) (1,[]) expr_ty
-- See Note [View patterns and polymorphism]
-- expr_wrap1 :: expr_ty "->" (inf_arg_ty -> inf_res_sigma)