path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-03-19 10:28:01 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-07 18:36:49 -0400
commit255418da5d264fb2758bc70925adb2094f34adc3 (patch)
tree39e3d7f84571e750f2a087c1bc2ab87198e9b147 /compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs
parent3d2991f8b4c1b686323b2c9452ce845a60b8d94c (diff)
Modules: type-checker (#13009)
Update Haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs')
1 files changed, 714 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81ee5aec71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs
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+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Instance.Class (
+ matchGlobalInst,
+ ClsInstResult(..),
+ InstanceWhat(..), safeOverlap, instanceReturnsDictCon,
+ AssocInstInfo(..), isNotAssociated
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Typeable
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import GHC.Core.Predicate
+import GHC.Rename.Env( addUsedGRE )
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader( lookupGRE_FieldLabel )
+import GHC.Core.InstEnv
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate( instDFunType )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family( tcGetFamInstEnvs, tcInstNewTyCon_maybe, tcLookupDataFamInst )
+import TysWiredIn
+import TysPrim( eqPrimTyCon, eqReprPrimTyCon )
+import PrelNames
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.Make ( mkStringExprFS, mkNaturalExpr )
+import GHC.Types.Name ( Name, pprDefinedAt )
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env ( VarEnv )
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Outputable
+import Util( splitAtList, fstOf3 )
+import Data.Maybe
+{- *******************************************************************
+* *
+ A helper for associated types within
+ class instance declarations
+* *
+-- | Extra information about the parent instance declaration, needed
+-- when type-checking associated types. The 'Class' is the enclosing
+-- class, the [TyVar] are the /scoped/ type variable of the instance decl.
+-- The @VarEnv Type@ maps class variables to their instance types.
+data AssocInstInfo
+ = NotAssociated
+ | InClsInst { ai_class :: Class
+ , ai_tyvars :: [TyVar] -- ^ The /scoped/ tyvars of the instance
+ -- Why scoped? See bind_me in
+ -- GHC.Tc.Validity.checkConsistentFamInst
+ , ai_inst_env :: VarEnv Type -- ^ Maps /class/ tyvars to their instance types
+ -- See Note [Matching in the consistent-instantiation check]
+ }
+isNotAssociated :: AssocInstInfo -> Bool
+isNotAssociated NotAssociated = True
+isNotAssociated (InClsInst {}) = False
+{- *******************************************************************
+* *
+ Class lookup
+* *
+-- | Indicates if Instance met the Safe Haskell overlapping instances safety
+-- check.
+-- See Note [Safe Haskell Overlapping Instances] in GHC.Tc.Solver
+-- See Note [Safe Haskell Overlapping Instances Implementation] in GHC.Tc.Solver
+type SafeOverlapping = Bool
+data ClsInstResult
+ = NoInstance -- Definitely no instance
+ | OneInst { cir_new_theta :: [TcPredType]
+ , cir_mk_ev :: [EvExpr] -> EvTerm
+ , cir_what :: InstanceWhat }
+ | NotSure -- Multiple matches and/or one or more unifiers
+data InstanceWhat
+ = BuiltinInstance
+ | BuiltinEqInstance -- A built-in "equality instance"; see the
+ -- GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad Note [Solved dictionaries]
+ | LocalInstance
+ | TopLevInstance { iw_dfun_id :: DFunId
+ , iw_safe_over :: SafeOverlapping }
+instance Outputable ClsInstResult where
+ ppr NoInstance = text "NoInstance"
+ ppr NotSure = text "NotSure"
+ ppr (OneInst { cir_new_theta = ev
+ , cir_what = what })
+ = text "OneInst" <+> vcat [ppr ev, ppr what]
+instance Outputable InstanceWhat where
+ ppr BuiltinInstance = text "a built-in instance"
+ ppr BuiltinEqInstance = text "a built-in equality instance"
+ ppr LocalInstance = text "a locally-quantified instance"
+ ppr (TopLevInstance { iw_dfun_id = dfun })
+ = hang (text "instance" <+> pprSigmaType (idType dfun))
+ 2 (text "--" <+> pprDefinedAt (idName dfun))
+safeOverlap :: InstanceWhat -> Bool
+safeOverlap (TopLevInstance { iw_safe_over = so }) = so
+safeOverlap _ = True
+instanceReturnsDictCon :: InstanceWhat -> Bool
+-- See Note [Solved dictionaries] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+instanceReturnsDictCon (TopLevInstance {}) = True
+instanceReturnsDictCon BuiltinInstance = True
+instanceReturnsDictCon BuiltinEqInstance = False
+instanceReturnsDictCon LocalInstance = False
+matchGlobalInst :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- True <=> caller is the short-cut solver
+ -- See Note [Shortcut solving: overlap]
+ -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+matchGlobalInst dflags short_cut clas tys
+ | cls_name == knownNatClassName
+ = matchKnownNat dflags short_cut clas tys
+ | cls_name == knownSymbolClassName
+ = matchKnownSymbol dflags short_cut clas tys
+ | isCTupleClass clas = matchCTuple clas tys
+ | cls_name == typeableClassName = matchTypeable clas tys
+ | clas `hasKey` heqTyConKey = matchHeteroEquality tys
+ | clas `hasKey` eqTyConKey = matchHomoEquality tys
+ | clas `hasKey` coercibleTyConKey = matchCoercible tys
+ | cls_name == hasFieldClassName = matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys
+ | otherwise = matchInstEnv dflags short_cut clas tys
+ where
+ cls_name = className clas
+{- ********************************************************************
+* *
+ Looking in the instance environment
+* *
+matchInstEnv :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+matchInstEnv dflags short_cut_solver clas tys
+ = do { instEnvs <- tcGetInstEnvs
+ ; let safeOverlapCheck = safeHaskell dflags `elem` [Sf_Safe, Sf_Trustworthy]
+ (matches, unify, unsafeOverlaps) = lookupInstEnv True instEnvs clas tys
+ safeHaskFail = safeOverlapCheck && not (null unsafeOverlaps)
+ ; traceTc "matchInstEnv" $
+ vcat [ text "goal:" <+> ppr clas <+> ppr tys
+ , text "matches:" <+> ppr matches
+ , text "unify:" <+> ppr unify ]
+ ; case (matches, unify, safeHaskFail) of
+ -- Nothing matches
+ ([], [], _)
+ -> do { traceTc "matchClass not matching" (ppr pred)
+ ; return NoInstance }
+ -- A single match (& no safe haskell failure)
+ ([(ispec, inst_tys)], [], False)
+ | short_cut_solver -- Called from the short-cut solver
+ , isOverlappable ispec
+ -- If the instance has OVERLAPPABLE or OVERLAPS or INCOHERENT
+ -- then don't let the short-cut solver choose it, because a
+ -- later instance might overlap it. #14434 is an example
+ -- See Note [Shortcut solving: overlap]
+ -> do { traceTc "matchClass: ignoring overlappable" (ppr pred)
+ ; return NotSure }
+ | otherwise
+ -> do { let dfun_id = instanceDFunId ispec
+ ; traceTc "matchClass success" $
+ vcat [text "dict" <+> ppr pred,
+ text "witness" <+> ppr dfun_id
+ <+> ppr (idType dfun_id) ]
+ -- Record that this dfun is needed
+ ; match_one (null unsafeOverlaps) dfun_id inst_tys }
+ -- More than one matches (or Safe Haskell fail!). Defer any
+ -- reactions of a multitude until we learn more about the reagent
+ _ -> do { traceTc "matchClass multiple matches, deferring choice" $
+ vcat [text "dict" <+> ppr pred,
+ text "matches" <+> ppr matches]
+ ; return NotSure } }
+ where
+ pred = mkClassPred clas tys
+match_one :: SafeOverlapping -> DFunId -> [DFunInstType] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+ -- See Note [DFunInstType: instantiating types] in GHC.Core.InstEnv
+match_one so dfun_id mb_inst_tys
+ = do { traceTc "match_one" (ppr dfun_id $$ ppr mb_inst_tys)
+ ; (tys, theta) <- instDFunType dfun_id mb_inst_tys
+ ; traceTc "match_one 2" (ppr dfun_id $$ ppr tys $$ ppr theta)
+ ; return $ OneInst { cir_new_theta = theta
+ , cir_mk_ev = evDFunApp dfun_id tys
+ , cir_what = TopLevInstance { iw_dfun_id = dfun_id
+ , iw_safe_over = so } } }
+{- Note [Shortcut solving: overlap]
+Suppose we have
+ instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} C a where ...
+and we are typechecking
+ f :: C a => a -> a
+ f = e -- Gives rise to [W] C a
+We don't want to solve the wanted constraint with the overlappable
+instance; rather we want to use the supplied (C a)! That was the whole
+point of it being overlappable! #14434 wwas an example.
+Alas even if the instance has no overlap flag, thus
+ instance C a where ...
+there is nothing to stop it being overlapped. GHC provides no way to
+declare an instance as "final" so it can't be overlapped. But really
+only final instances are OK for short-cut solving. Sigh. #15135
+was a puzzling example.
+{- ********************************************************************
+* *
+ Class lookup for CTuples
+* *
+matchCTuple :: Class -> [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+matchCTuple clas tys -- (isCTupleClass clas) holds
+ = return (OneInst { cir_new_theta = tys
+ , cir_mk_ev = tuple_ev
+ , cir_what = BuiltinInstance })
+ -- The dfun *is* the data constructor!
+ where
+ data_con = tyConSingleDataCon (classTyCon clas)
+ tuple_ev = evDFunApp (dataConWrapId data_con) tys
+{- ********************************************************************
+* *
+ Class lookup for Literals
+* *
+Note [KnownNat & KnownSymbol and EvLit]
+A part of the type-level literals implementation are the classes
+"KnownNat" and "KnownSymbol", which provide a "smart" constructor for
+defining singleton values. Here is the key stuff from GHC.TypeLits
+ class KnownNat (n :: Nat) where
+ natSing :: SNat n
+ newtype SNat (n :: Nat) = SNat Integer
+Conceptually, this class has infinitely many instances:
+ instance KnownNat 0 where natSing = SNat 0
+ instance KnownNat 1 where natSing = SNat 1
+ instance KnownNat 2 where natSing = SNat 2
+ ...
+In practice, we solve `KnownNat` predicates in the type-checker
+(see GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact) because we can't have infinitely many instances.
+The evidence (aka "dictionary") for `KnownNat` is of the form `EvLit (EvNum n)`.
+We make the following assumptions about dictionaries in GHC:
+ 1. The "dictionary" for classes with a single method---like `KnownNat`---is
+ a newtype for the type of the method, so using a evidence amounts
+ to a coercion, and
+ 2. Newtypes use the same representation as their definition types.
+So, the evidence for `KnownNat` is just a value of the representation type,
+wrapped in two newtype constructors: one to make it into a `SNat` value,
+and another to make it into a `KnownNat` dictionary.
+Also note that `natSing` and `SNat` are never actually exposed from the
+library---they are just an implementation detail. Instead, users see
+a more convenient function, defined in terms of `natSing`:
+ natVal :: KnownNat n => proxy n -> Integer
+The reason we don't use this directly in the class is that it is simpler
+and more efficient to pass around an integer rather than an entire function,
+especially when the `KnowNat` evidence is packaged up in an existential.
+The story for kind `Symbol` is analogous:
+ * class KnownSymbol
+ * newtype SSymbol
+ * Evidence: a Core literal (e.g. mkNaturalExpr)
+Note [Fabricating Evidence for Literals in Backpack]
+Let `T` be a type of kind `Nat`. When solving for a purported instance
+of `KnownNat T`, ghc tries to resolve the type `T` to an integer `n`,
+in which case the evidence `EvLit (EvNum n)` is generated on the
+fly. It might appear that this is sufficient as users cannot define
+their own instances of `KnownNat`. However, for backpack module this
+would not work (see issue #15379). Consider the signature `Abstract`
+> signature Abstract where
+> data T :: Nat
+> instance KnownNat T
+and a module `Util` that depends on it:
+> module Util where
+> import Abstract
+> printT :: IO ()
+> printT = do print $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy T)
+Clearly, we need to "use" the dictionary associated with `KnownNat T`
+in the module `Util`, but it is too early for the compiler to produce
+a real dictionary as we still have not fixed what `T` is. Only when we
+mixin a concrete module
+> module Concrete where
+> type T = 42
+do we really get hold of the underlying integer. So the strategy that
+we follow is the following
+1. If T is indeed available as a type alias for an integer constant,
+ generate the dictionary on the fly, failing which
+2. Look up the type class environment for the evidence.
+Finally actual code gets generate for Util only when a module like
+Concrete gets "mixed-in" in place of the signature Abstract. As a
+result all things, including the typeclass instances, in Concrete gets
+reexported. So `KnownNat` gets resolved the normal way post-Backpack.
+A similar generation works for `KnownSymbol` as well
+matchKnownNat :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- True <=> caller is the short-cut solver
+ -- See Note [Shortcut solving: overlap]
+ -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+matchKnownNat _ _ clas [ty] -- clas = KnownNat
+ | Just n <- isNumLitTy ty = do
+ et <- mkNaturalExpr n
+ makeLitDict clas ty et
+matchKnownNat df sc clas tys = matchInstEnv df sc clas tys
+ -- See Note [Fabricating Evidence for Literals in Backpack] for why
+ -- this lookup into the instance environment is required.
+matchKnownSymbol :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- True <=> caller is the short-cut solver
+ -- See Note [Shortcut solving: overlap]
+ -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+matchKnownSymbol _ _ clas [ty] -- clas = KnownSymbol
+ | Just s <- isStrLitTy ty = do
+ et <- mkStringExprFS s
+ makeLitDict clas ty et
+matchKnownSymbol df sc clas tys = matchInstEnv df sc clas tys
+ -- See Note [Fabricating Evidence for Literals in Backpack] for why
+ -- this lookup into the instance environment is required.
+makeLitDict :: Class -> Type -> EvExpr -> TcM ClsInstResult
+-- makeLitDict adds a coercion that will convert the literal into a dictionary
+-- of the appropriate type. See Note [KnownNat & KnownSymbol and EvLit]
+-- in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence. The coercion happens in 2 steps:
+-- Integer -> SNat n -- representation of literal to singleton
+-- SNat n -> KnownNat n -- singleton to dictionary
+-- The process is mirrored for Symbols:
+-- String -> SSymbol n
+-- SSymbol n -> KnownSymbol n
+makeLitDict clas ty et
+ | Just (_, co_dict) <- tcInstNewTyCon_maybe (classTyCon clas) [ty]
+ -- co_dict :: KnownNat n ~ SNat n
+ , [ meth ] <- classMethods clas
+ , Just tcRep <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe -- SNat
+ $ funResultTy -- SNat n
+ $ dropForAlls -- KnownNat n => SNat n
+ $ idType meth -- forall n. KnownNat n => SNat n
+ , Just (_, co_rep) <- tcInstNewTyCon_maybe tcRep [ty]
+ -- SNat n ~ Integer
+ , let ev_tm = mkEvCast et (mkTcSymCo (mkTcTransCo co_dict co_rep))
+ = return $ OneInst { cir_new_theta = []
+ , cir_mk_ev = \_ -> ev_tm
+ , cir_what = BuiltinInstance }
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "makeLitDict" $
+ text "Unexpected evidence for" <+> ppr (className clas)
+ $$ vcat (map (ppr . idType) (classMethods clas))
+{- ********************************************************************
+* *
+ Class lookup for Typeable
+* *
+-- | Assumes that we've checked that this is the 'Typeable' class,
+-- and it was applied to the correct argument.
+matchTypeable :: Class -> [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+matchTypeable clas [k,t] -- clas = Typeable
+ -- For the first two cases, See Note [No Typeable for polytypes or qualified types]
+ | isForAllTy k = return NoInstance -- Polytype
+ | isJust (tcSplitPredFunTy_maybe t) = return NoInstance -- Qualified type
+ -- Now cases that do work
+ | k `eqType` typeNatKind = doTyLit knownNatClassName t
+ | k `eqType` typeSymbolKind = doTyLit knownSymbolClassName t
+ | tcIsConstraintKind t = doTyConApp clas t constraintKindTyCon []
+ | Just (arg,ret) <- splitFunTy_maybe t = doFunTy clas t arg ret
+ | Just (tc, ks) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t -- See Note [Typeable (T a b c)]
+ , onlyNamedBndrsApplied tc ks = doTyConApp clas t tc ks
+ | Just (f,kt) <- splitAppTy_maybe t = doTyApp clas t f kt
+matchTypeable _ _ = return NoInstance
+-- | Representation for a type @ty@ of the form @arg -> ret@.
+doFunTy :: Class -> Type -> Type -> Type -> TcM ClsInstResult
+doFunTy clas ty arg_ty ret_ty
+ = return $ OneInst { cir_new_theta = preds
+ , cir_mk_ev = mk_ev
+ , cir_what = BuiltinInstance }
+ where
+ preds = map (mk_typeable_pred clas) [arg_ty, ret_ty]
+ mk_ev [arg_ev, ret_ev] = evTypeable ty $
+ EvTypeableTrFun (EvExpr arg_ev) (EvExpr ret_ev)
+ mk_ev _ = panic "GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.doFunTy"
+-- | Representation for type constructor applied to some kinds.
+-- 'onlyNamedBndrsApplied' has ensured that this application results in a type
+-- of monomorphic kind (e.g. all kind variables have been instantiated).
+doTyConApp :: Class -> Type -> TyCon -> [Kind] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+doTyConApp clas ty tc kind_args
+ | tyConIsTypeable tc
+ = return $ OneInst { cir_new_theta = (map (mk_typeable_pred clas) kind_args)
+ , cir_mk_ev = mk_ev
+ , cir_what = BuiltinInstance }
+ | otherwise
+ = return NoInstance
+ where
+ mk_ev kinds = evTypeable ty $ EvTypeableTyCon tc (map EvExpr kinds)
+-- | Representation for TyCon applications of a concrete kind. We just use the
+-- kind itself, but first we must make sure that we've instantiated all kind-
+-- polymorphism, but no more.
+onlyNamedBndrsApplied :: TyCon -> [KindOrType] -> Bool
+onlyNamedBndrsApplied tc ks
+ = all isNamedTyConBinder used_bndrs &&
+ not (any isNamedTyConBinder leftover_bndrs)
+ where
+ bndrs = tyConBinders tc
+ (used_bndrs, leftover_bndrs) = splitAtList ks bndrs
+doTyApp :: Class -> Type -> Type -> KindOrType -> TcM ClsInstResult
+-- Representation for an application of a type to a type-or-kind.
+-- This may happen when the type expression starts with a type variable.
+-- Example (ignoring kind parameter):
+-- Typeable (f Int Char) -->
+-- (Typeable (f Int), Typeable Char) -->
+-- (Typeable f, Typeable Int, Typeable Char) --> (after some simp. steps)
+-- Typeable f
+doTyApp clas ty f tk
+ | isForAllTy (tcTypeKind f)
+ = return NoInstance -- We can't solve until we know the ctr.
+ | otherwise
+ = return $ OneInst { cir_new_theta = map (mk_typeable_pred clas) [f, tk]
+ , cir_mk_ev = mk_ev
+ , cir_what = BuiltinInstance }
+ where
+ mk_ev [t1,t2] = evTypeable ty $ EvTypeableTyApp (EvExpr t1) (EvExpr t2)
+ mk_ev _ = panic "doTyApp"
+-- Emit a `Typeable` constraint for the given type.
+mk_typeable_pred :: Class -> Type -> PredType
+mk_typeable_pred clas ty = mkClassPred clas [ tcTypeKind ty, ty ]
+ -- Typeable is implied by KnownNat/KnownSymbol. In the case of a type literal
+ -- we generate a sub-goal for the appropriate class.
+ -- See Note [Typeable for Nat and Symbol]
+doTyLit :: Name -> Type -> TcM ClsInstResult
+doTyLit kc t = do { kc_clas <- tcLookupClass kc
+ ; let kc_pred = mkClassPred kc_clas [ t ]
+ mk_ev [ev] = evTypeable t $ EvTypeableTyLit (EvExpr ev)
+ mk_ev _ = panic "doTyLit"
+ ; return (OneInst { cir_new_theta = [kc_pred]
+ , cir_mk_ev = mk_ev
+ , cir_what = BuiltinInstance }) }
+{- Note [Typeable (T a b c)]
+For type applications we always decompose using binary application,
+via doTyApp, until we get to a *kind* instantiation. Example
+ Proxy :: forall k. k -> *
+To solve Typeable (Proxy (* -> *) Maybe) we
+ - First decompose with doTyApp,
+ to get (Typeable (Proxy (* -> *))) and Typeable Maybe
+ - Then solve (Typeable (Proxy (* -> *))) with doTyConApp
+If we attempt to short-cut by solving it all at once, via
+(this note is sadly truncated FIXME)
+Note [No Typeable for polytypes or qualified types]
+We do not support impredicative typeable, such as
+ Typeable (forall a. a->a)
+ Typeable (Eq a => a -> a)
+ Typeable (() => Int)
+ Typeable (((),()) => Int)
+See #9858. For forall's the case is clear: we simply don't have
+a TypeRep for them. For qualified but not polymorphic types, like
+(Eq a => a -> a), things are murkier. But:
+ * We don't need a TypeRep for these things. TypeReps are for
+ monotypes only.
+ * Perhaps we could treat `=>` as another type constructor for `Typeable`
+ purposes, and thus support things like `Eq Int => Int`, however,
+ at the current state of affairs this would be an odd exception as
+ no other class works with impredicative types.
+ For now we leave it off, until we have a better story for impredicativity.
+Note [Typeable for Nat and Symbol]
+We have special Typeable instances for Nat and Symbol. Roughly we
+have this instance, implemented here by doTyLit:
+ instance KnownNat n => Typeable (n :: Nat) where
+ typeRep = typeNatTypeRep @n
+ Data.Typeable.Internals.typeNatTypeRep :: KnownNat a => TypeRep a
+Ultimately typeNatTypeRep uses 'natSing' from KnownNat to get a
+runtime value 'n'; it turns it into a string with 'show' and uses
+that to whiz up a TypeRep TyCon for 'n', with mkTypeLitTyCon.
+See #10348.
+Because of this rule it's inadvisable (see #15322) to have a constraint
+ f :: (Typeable (n :: Nat)) => blah
+in a function signature; it gives rise to overlap problems just as
+if you'd written
+ f :: Eq [a] => blah
+{- ********************************************************************
+* *
+ Class lookup for lifted equality
+* *
+-- See also Note [The equality types story] in TysPrim
+matchHeteroEquality :: [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+-- Solves (t1 ~~ t2)
+matchHeteroEquality args
+ = return (OneInst { cir_new_theta = [ mkTyConApp eqPrimTyCon args ]
+ , cir_mk_ev = evDataConApp heqDataCon args
+ , cir_what = BuiltinEqInstance })
+matchHomoEquality :: [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+-- Solves (t1 ~ t2)
+matchHomoEquality args@[k,t1,t2]
+ = return (OneInst { cir_new_theta = [ mkTyConApp eqPrimTyCon [k,k,t1,t2] ]
+ , cir_mk_ev = evDataConApp eqDataCon args
+ , cir_what = BuiltinEqInstance })
+matchHomoEquality args = pprPanic "matchHomoEquality" (ppr args)
+-- See also Note [The equality types story] in TysPrim
+matchCoercible :: [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+matchCoercible args@[k, t1, t2]
+ = return (OneInst { cir_new_theta = [ mkTyConApp eqReprPrimTyCon args' ]
+ , cir_mk_ev = evDataConApp coercibleDataCon args
+ , cir_what = BuiltinEqInstance })
+ where
+ args' = [k, k, t1, t2]
+matchCoercible args = pprPanic "matchLiftedCoercible" (ppr args)
+{- ********************************************************************
+* *
+ Class lookup for overloaded record fields
+* *
+Note [HasField instances]
+Suppose we have
+ data T y = MkT { foo :: [y] }
+and `foo` is in scope. Then GHC will automatically solve a constraint like
+ HasField "foo" (T Int) b
+by emitting a new wanted
+ T alpha -> [alpha] ~# T Int -> b
+and building a HasField dictionary out of the selector function `foo`,
+appropriately cast.
+The HasField class is defined (in GHC.Records) thus:
+ class HasField (x :: k) r a | x r -> a where
+ getField :: r -> a
+Since this is a one-method class, it is represented as a newtype.
+Hence we can solve `HasField "foo" (T Int) b` by taking an expression
+of type `T Int -> b` and casting it using the newtype coercion.
+Note that
+ foo :: forall y . T y -> [y]
+so the expression we construct is
+ foo @alpha |> co
+ co :: (T alpha -> [alpha]) ~# HasField "foo" (T Int) b
+is built from
+ co1 :: (T alpha -> [alpha]) ~# (T Int -> b)
+which is the new wanted, and
+ co2 :: (T Int -> b) ~# HasField "foo" (T Int) b
+which can be derived from the newtype coercion.
+If `foo` is not in scope, or has a higher-rank or existentially
+quantified type, then the constraint is not solved automatically, but
+may be solved by a user-supplied HasField instance. Similarly, if we
+encounter a HasField constraint where the field is not a literal
+string, or does not belong to the type, then we fall back on the
+normal constraint solver behaviour.
+-- See Note [HasField instances]
+matchHasField :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ClsInstResult
+matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys
+ = do { fam_inst_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ ; rdr_env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
+ ; case tys of
+ -- We are matching HasField {k} x r a...
+ [_k_ty, x_ty, r_ty, a_ty]
+ -- x should be a literal string
+ | Just x <- isStrLitTy x_ty
+ -- r should be an applied type constructor
+ , Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe r_ty
+ -- use representation tycon (if data family); it has the fields
+ , let r_tc = fstOf3 (tcLookupDataFamInst fam_inst_envs tc args)
+ -- x should be a field of r
+ , Just fl <- lookupTyConFieldLabel x r_tc
+ -- the field selector should be in scope
+ , Just gre <- lookupGRE_FieldLabel rdr_env fl
+ -> do { sel_id <- tcLookupId (flSelector fl)
+ ; (tv_prs, preds, sel_ty) <- tcInstType newMetaTyVars sel_id
+ -- The first new wanted constraint equates the actual
+ -- type of the selector with the type (r -> a) within
+ -- the HasField x r a dictionary. The preds will
+ -- typically be empty, but if the datatype has a
+ -- "stupid theta" then we have to include it here.
+ ; let theta = mkPrimEqPred sel_ty (mkVisFunTy r_ty a_ty) : preds
+ -- Use the equality proof to cast the selector Id to
+ -- type (r -> a), then use the newtype coercion to cast
+ -- it to a HasField dictionary.
+ mk_ev (ev1:evs) = evSelector sel_id tvs evs `evCast` co
+ where
+ co = mkTcSubCo (evTermCoercion (EvExpr ev1))
+ `mkTcTransCo` mkTcSymCo co2
+ mk_ev [] = panic "matchHasField.mk_ev"
+ Just (_, co2) = tcInstNewTyCon_maybe (classTyCon clas)
+ tys
+ tvs = mkTyVarTys (map snd tv_prs)
+ -- The selector must not be "naughty" (i.e. the field
+ -- cannot have an existentially quantified type), and
+ -- it must not be higher-rank.
+ ; if not (isNaughtyRecordSelector sel_id) && isTauTy sel_ty
+ then do { addUsedGRE True gre
+ ; return OneInst { cir_new_theta = theta
+ , cir_mk_ev = mk_ev
+ , cir_what = BuiltinInstance } }
+ else matchInstEnv dflags short_cut clas tys }
+ _ -> matchInstEnv dflags short_cut clas tys }