path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
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authorRichard Eisenberg <>2020-04-29 17:14:53 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-05-06 04:39:32 -0400
commit7ab6ab093c86227b6d33a5185ebbd11928ac9754 (patch)
tree9012ba8808f2e7d5271d2d8a225c2223f4ba6aa2 /compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
parent40c71c2cf38b4e134d81b7184a4d5e02949ae70c (diff)
Refactor hole constraints.
Previously, holes (both expression holes / out of scope variables and partial-type-signature wildcards) were emitted as *constraints* via the CHoleCan constructor. While this worked fine for error reporting, there was a fair amount of faff in keeping these constraints in line. In particular, and unlike other constraints, we could never change a CHoleCan to become CNonCanonical. In addition: * the "predicate" of a CHoleCan constraint was really the type of the hole, which is not a predicate at all * type-level holes (partial type signature wildcards) carried evidence, which was never used * tcNormalise (used in the pattern-match checker) had to create a hole constraint just to extract it again; it was quite messy The new approach is to record holes directly in WantedConstraints. It flows much more nicely now. Along the way, I did some cleaning up of commentary in GHC.Tc.Errors.Hole, which I had a hard time understanding. This was instigated by a future patch that will refactor the way predicates are handled. The fact that CHoleCan's "predicate" wasn't really a predicate is incompatible with that future patch. No test case, because this is meant to be purely internal. It turns out that this change improves the performance of the pattern-match checker, likely because fewer constraints are sloshing about in tcNormalise. I have not investigated deeply, but an improvement is not a surprise here: ------------------------- Metric Decrease: PmSeriesG -------------------------
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
index 92b739f00b..40266c3319 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Core.Class ( Class, classKey, classTyCon )
import GHC.Driver.Session
-import GHC.Types.Id ( idType, mkLocalId )
+import GHC.Types.Id ( idType )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
import GHC.Data.List.SetOps
import GHC.Types.Name
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Errors
import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
import GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact
import GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical ( makeSuperClasses, solveCallStack )
+import GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten ( flattenType )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType as TcM
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad as TcM
import GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad as TcS
@@ -145,8 +146,7 @@ simplifyTop wanteds
; saved_msg <- TcM.readTcRef errs_var
; TcM.writeTcRef errs_var emptyMessages
- ; warnAllUnsolved $ WC { wc_simple = unsafe_ol
- , wc_impl = emptyBag }
+ ; warnAllUnsolved $ emptyWC { wc_simple = unsafe_ol }
; whyUnsafe <- fst <$> TcM.readTcRef errs_var
; TcM.writeTcRef errs_var saved_msg
@@ -638,27 +638,15 @@ tcNormalise :: Bag EvVar -> Type -> TcM Type
tcNormalise given_ids ty
= do { lcl_env <- TcM.getLclEnv
; let given_loc = mkGivenLoc topTcLevel UnkSkol lcl_env
- ; wanted_ct <- mk_wanted_ct
+ ; norm_loc <- getCtLocM PatCheckOrigin Nothing
; (res, _ev_binds) <- runTcS $
do { traceTcS "tcNormalise {" (ppr given_ids)
; let given_cts = mkGivens given_loc (bagToList given_ids)
; solveSimpleGivens given_cts
- ; wcs <- solveSimpleWanteds (unitBag wanted_ct)
- -- It's an invariant that this wc_simple will always be
- -- a singleton Ct, since that's what we fed in as input.
- ; let ty' = case bagToList (wc_simple wcs) of
- (ct:_) -> ctEvPred (ctEvidence ct)
- cts -> pprPanic "tcNormalise" (ppr cts)
+ ; ty' <- flattenType norm_loc ty
; traceTcS "tcNormalise }" (ppr ty')
; pure ty' }
; return res }
- where
- mk_wanted_ct :: TcM Ct
- mk_wanted_ct = do
- let occ = mkVarOcc "$tcNorm"
- name <- newSysName occ
- let ev = mkLocalId name ty
- newHoleCt ExprHole ev ty
{- Note [Superclasses and satisfiability]
@@ -696,11 +684,8 @@ if some local equalities are solved for. See "Wrinkle: Local equalities"
in Note [Type normalisation] in Check.
To accomplish its stated goal, tcNormalise first feeds the local constraints
-into solveSimpleGivens, then stuffs the argument type in a CHoleCan, and feeds
-that singleton Ct into solveSimpleWanteds, which reduces the type in the
-CHoleCan as much as possible with respect to the local given constraints. When
-solveSimpleWanteds is finished, we dig out the type from the CHoleCan and
-return that.
+into solveSimpleGivens, then uses flattenType to simplify the desired type
+with respect to the givens.
* *
@@ -889,8 +874,8 @@ mkResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl ev_binds_var
, ic_no_eqs = False
, ic_info = skol_info }
- ; return (WC { wc_simple = outer_simple
- , wc_impl = implics })}
+ ; return (emptyWC { wc_simple = outer_simple
+ , wc_impl = implics })}
full_theta = map idType full_theta_vars
skol_info = InferSkol [ (name, mkSigmaTy [] full_theta ty)
@@ -1516,7 +1501,7 @@ solveWantedsAndDrop wanted
solveWanteds :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
-- so that the inert set doesn't mindlessly propagate.
-- NB: wc_simples may be wanted /or/ derived now
-solveWanteds wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
+solveWanteds wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics, wc_holes = holes })
= do { cur_lvl <- TcS.getTcLevel
; traceTcS "solveWanteds {" $
vcat [ text "Level =" <+> ppr cur_lvl
@@ -1530,9 +1515,12 @@ solveWanteds wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
implics `unionBags` wc_impl wc1
; dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; final_wc <- simpl_loop 0 (solverIterations dflags) floated_eqs
+ ; solved_wc <- simpl_loop 0 (solverIterations dflags) floated_eqs
(wc1 { wc_impl = implics2 })
+ ; holes' <- simplifyHoles holes
+ ; let final_wc = solved_wc { wc_holes = holes' }
; ev_binds_var <- getTcEvBindsVar
; bb <- TcS.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var
; traceTcS "solveWanteds }" $
@@ -1779,12 +1767,13 @@ setImplicationStatus implic@(Implic { ic_status = status
then Nothing
else Just final_implic }
- WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics } = wc
+ WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics, wc_holes = holes } = wc
pruned_simples = dropDerivedSimples simples
pruned_implics = filterBag keep_me implics
pruned_wc = WC { wc_simple = pruned_simples
- , wc_impl = pruned_implics }
+ , wc_impl = pruned_implics
+ , wc_holes = holes } -- do not prune holes; these should be reported
keep_me :: Implication -> Bool
keep_me ic
@@ -1898,6 +1887,14 @@ neededEvVars implic@(Implic { ic_given = givens
| is_given = needs -- Add the rhs vars of the Wanted bindings only
| otherwise = evVarsOfTerm rhs `unionVarSet` needs
+simplifyHoles :: Bag Hole -> TcS (Bag Hole)
+simplifyHoles = mapBagM simpl_hole
+ where
+ simpl_hole :: Hole -> TcS Hole
+ simpl_hole h@(Hole { hole_ty = ty, hole_loc = loc })
+ = do { ty' <- flattenType loc ty
+ ; return (h { hole_ty = ty' }) }
{- Note [Delete dead Given evidence bindings]
@@ -2143,7 +2140,6 @@ approximateWC float_past_equalities wc
is_floatable skol_tvs ct
| isGivenCt ct = False
- | isHoleCt ct = False
| insolubleEqCt ct = False
| otherwise = tyCoVarsOfCt ct `disjointVarSet` skol_tvs