path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2020-12-08 13:50:42 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2020-12-20 20:46:31 -0500
commit995a8f9d2bd0e98480a8c60498fdfff1fb8de009 (patch)
tree61242096fd19d009128a59fd22a09d66a656fa0d /compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
parent35fa0786b6ded2420f0a07446c8e45bff9bb01e0 (diff)
Kill floatEqualities completely
This patch delivers on #17656, by entirel killing off the complex floatEqualities mechanism. Previously, floatEqualities would float an equality out of an implication, so that it could be solved at an outer level. But now we simply do unification in-place, without floating the constraint, relying on level numbers to determine untouchability. There are a number of important new Notes: * GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify Note [Unification preconditions] describes the preconditions for unification, including both skolem-escape and touchability. * GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact Note [Solve by unification] describes what we do when we do unify * GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad Note [The Unification Level Flag] describes how we control solver iteration under this new scheme * GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad Note [Tracking Given equalities] describes how we track when we have Given equalities * GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint Note [HasGivenEqs] is a new explanation of the ic_given_eqs field of an implication A big raft of subtle Notes in Solver, concerning floatEqualities, disappears. Main code changes: * GHC.Tc.Solver.floatEqualities disappears entirely * GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad: new fields in InertCans, inert_given_eq_lvl and inert_given_eq, updated by updateGivenEqs See Note [Tracking Given equalities]. * In exchange for updateGivenEqa, GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.getHasGivenEqs is much simpler and more efficient * I found I could kill of metaTyVarUpdateOK entirely One test case T14683 showed a 5.1% decrease in compile-time allocation; and T5631 was down 2.2%. Other changes were small. Metric Decrease: T14683 T5631
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 396 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
index 8b21b72768..a31b15b285 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ floatKindEqualities wc = float_wc emptyVarSet wc
= Nothing -- A short cut /plus/ we must keep track of IC_BadTelescope
| otherwise
= do { (simples, holes) <- float_wc new_trapping_tvs wanted
- ; when (not (isEmptyBag simples) && given_eqs /= NoGivenEqs) $
+ ; when (not (isEmptyBag simples) && given_eqs == MaybeGivenEqs) $
-- If there are some constraints to float out, but we can't
-- because we don't float out past local equalities
@@ -1282,7 +1282,8 @@ decideMonoTyVars infer_mode name_taus psigs candidates
; traceTc "decideMonoTyVars" $ vcat
- [ text "mono_tvs0 =" <+> ppr mono_tvs0
+ [ text "infer_mode =" <+> ppr infer_mode
+ , text "mono_tvs0 =" <+> ppr mono_tvs0
, text "no_quant =" <+> ppr no_quant
, text "maybe_quant =" <+> ppr maybe_quant
, text "eq_constraints =" <+> ppr eq_constraints
@@ -1325,7 +1326,7 @@ defaultTyVarsAndSimplify :: TcLevel
-- and re-simplify in case the defaulting allows further simplification
defaultTyVarsAndSimplify rhs_tclvl mono_tvs candidates
= do { -- Promote any tyvars that we cannot generalise
- -- See Note [Promote momomorphic tyvars]
+ -- See Note [Promote monomorphic tyvars]
; traceTc "decideMonoTyVars: promotion:" (ppr mono_tvs)
; any_promoted <- promoteTyVarSet mono_tvs
@@ -1405,7 +1406,10 @@ decideQuantifiedTyVars name_taus psigs candidates
dvs_plus = dv { dv_kvs = pick cand_kvs, dv_tvs = pick cand_tvs }
; traceTc "decideQuantifiedTyVars" (vcat
- [ text "candidates =" <+> ppr candidates
+ [ text "tau_tys =" <+> ppr tau_tys
+ , text "candidates =" <+> ppr candidates
+ , text "cand_kvs =" <+> ppr cand_kvs
+ , text "cand_tvs =" <+> ppr cand_tvs
, text "tau_tys =" <+> ppr tau_tys
, text "seed_tys =" <+> ppr seed_tys
, text "seed_tcvs =" <+> ppr (tyCoVarsOfTypes seed_tys)
@@ -1434,7 +1438,7 @@ growThetaTyVars theta tcvs
pred_tcvs = tyCoVarsOfType pred
-{- Note [Promote momomorphic tyvars]
+{- Note [Promote monomorphic tyvars]
Promote any type variables that are free in the environment. Eg
f :: forall qtvs. bound_theta => zonked_tau
@@ -1448,7 +1452,7 @@ we don't quantify over beta (since it is fixed by envt)
so we must promote it! The inferred type is just
f :: beta -> beta
-NB: promoteTyVar ignores coercion variables
+NB: promoteTyVarSet ignores coercion variables
Note [Quantification and partial signatures]
@@ -1660,22 +1664,14 @@ solveWantedsAndDrop wanted
solveWanteds :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
-- so that the inert set doesn't mindlessly propagate.
-- NB: wc_simples may be wanted /or/ derived now
-solveWanteds wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics, wc_holes = holes })
+solveWanteds wc@(WC { wc_holes = holes })
= do { cur_lvl <- TcS.getTcLevel
; traceTcS "solveWanteds {" $
vcat [ text "Level =" <+> ppr cur_lvl
, ppr wc ]
- ; wc1 <- solveSimpleWanteds simples
- -- Any insoluble constraints are in 'simples' and so get rewritten
- -- See Note [Rewrite insolubles] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
- ; (floated_eqs, implics2) <- solveNestedImplications $
- implics `unionBags` wc_impl wc1
- ; dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; solved_wc <- simpl_loop 0 (solverIterations dflags) floated_eqs
- (wc1 { wc_impl = implics2 })
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; solved_wc <- simplify_loop 0 (solverIterations dflags) True wc
; holes' <- simplifyHoles holes
; let final_wc = solved_wc { wc_holes = holes' }
@@ -1688,9 +1684,44 @@ solveWanteds wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics, wc_holes = holes }
; return final_wc }
-simpl_loop :: Int -> IntWithInf -> Cts
- -> WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
-simpl_loop n limit floated_eqs wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples })
+simplify_loop :: Int -> IntWithInf -> Bool
+ -> WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
+-- Do a round of solving, and call maybe_simplify_again to iterate
+-- The 'definitely_redo_implications' flags is False if the only reason we
+-- are iterating is that we have added some new Derived superclasses (from Wanteds)
+-- hoping for fundeps to help us; see Note [Superclass iteration]
+-- Does not affect wc_holes at all; reason: wc_holes never affects anything
+-- else, so we do them once, at the end in solveWanteds
+simplify_loop n limit definitely_redo_implications
+ wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
+ = do { csTraceTcS $
+ text "simplify_loop iteration=" <> int n
+ <+> (parens $ hsep [ text "definitely_redo =" <+> ppr definitely_redo_implications <> comma
+ , int (lengthBag simples) <+> text "simples to solve" ])
+ ; traceTcS "simplify_loop: wc =" (ppr wc)
+ ; (unifs1, wc1) <- reportUnifications $ -- See Note [Superclass iteration]
+ solveSimpleWanteds simples
+ -- Any insoluble constraints are in 'simples' and so get rewritten
+ -- See Note [Rewrite insolubles] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+ ; wc2 <- if not definitely_redo_implications -- See Note [Superclass iteration]
+ && unifs1 == 0 -- for this conditional
+ && isEmptyBag (wc_impl wc1)
+ then return (wc { wc_simple = wc_simple wc1 }) -- Short cut
+ else do { implics2 <- solveNestedImplications $
+ implics `unionBags` (wc_impl wc1)
+ ; return (wc { wc_simple = wc_simple wc1
+ , wc_impl = implics2 }) }
+ ; unif_happened <- resetUnificationFlag
+ -- Note [The Unification Level Flag] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+ ; maybe_simplify_again (n+1) limit unif_happened wc2 }
+maybe_simplify_again :: Int -> IntWithInf -> Bool
+ -> WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
+maybe_simplify_again n limit unif_happened wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples })
| n `intGtLimit` limit
= do { -- Add an error (not a warning) if we blow the limit,
-- Typically if we blow the limit we are going to report some other error
@@ -1699,17 +1730,12 @@ simpl_loop n limit floated_eqs wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples })
addErrTcS (hang (text "solveWanteds: too many iterations"
<+> parens (text "limit =" <+> ppr limit))
2 (vcat [ text "Unsolved:" <+> ppr wc
- , ppUnless (isEmptyBag floated_eqs) $
- text "Floated equalities:" <+> ppr floated_eqs
, text "Set limit with -fconstraint-solver-iterations=n; n=0 for no limit"
; return wc }
- | not (isEmptyBag floated_eqs)
- = simplify_again n limit True (wc { wc_simple = floated_eqs `unionBags` simples })
- -- Put floated_eqs first so they get solved first
- -- NB: the floated_eqs may include /derived/ equalities
- -- arising from fundeps inside an implication
+ | unif_happened
+ = simplify_loop n limit True wc
| superClassesMightHelp wc
= -- We still have unsolved goals, and apparently no way to solve them,
@@ -1722,82 +1748,65 @@ simpl_loop n limit floated_eqs wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples })
do { new_given <- makeSuperClasses pending_given
; new_wanted <- makeSuperClasses pending_wanted
; solveSimpleGivens new_given -- Add the new Givens to the inert set
- ; simplify_again n limit (null pending_given)
+ ; simplify_loop n limit (not (null pending_given)) $
wc { wc_simple = simples1 `unionBags` listToBag new_wanted } } }
+ -- (not (null pending_given)): see Note [Superclass iteration]
| otherwise
= return wc
-simplify_again :: Int -> IntWithInf -> Bool
- -> WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
--- We have definitely decided to have another go at solving
--- the wanted constraints (we have tried at least once already
-simplify_again n limit no_new_given_scs
- wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
- = do { csTraceTcS $
- text "simpl_loop iteration=" <> int n
- <+> (parens $ hsep [ text "no new given superclasses =" <+> ppr no_new_given_scs <> comma
- , int (lengthBag simples) <+> text "simples to solve" ])
- ; traceTcS "simpl_loop: wc =" (ppr wc)
- ; (unifs1, wc1) <- reportUnifications $
- solveSimpleWanteds $
- simples
- -- See Note [Cutting off simpl_loop]
- -- We have already tried to solve the nested implications once
- -- Try again only if we have unified some meta-variables
- -- (which is a bit like adding more givens), or we have some
- -- new Given superclasses
- ; let new_implics = wc_impl wc1
- ; if unifs1 == 0 &&
- no_new_given_scs &&
- isEmptyBag new_implics
- then -- Do not even try to solve the implications
- simpl_loop (n+1) limit emptyBag (wc1 { wc_impl = implics })
- else -- Try to solve the implications
- do { (floated_eqs2, implics2) <- solveNestedImplications $
- implics `unionBags` new_implics
- ; simpl_loop (n+1) limit floated_eqs2 (wc1 { wc_impl = implics2 })
- } }
+{- Note [Superclass iteration]
+Consider this implication constraint
+ forall a.
+ [W] d: C Int beta
+ forall b. blah
+ class D a b | a -> b
+ class D a b => C a b
+We will expand d's superclasses, giving [D] D Int beta, in the hope of geting
+fundeps to unify beta. Doing so is usually fruitless (no useful fundeps),
+and if so it seems a pity to waste time iterating the implications (forall b. blah)
+(If we add new Given superclasses it's a different matter: it's really worth looking
+at the implications.)
+Hence the definitely_redo_implications flag to simplify_loop. It's usually
+True, but False in the case where the only reason to iterate is new Derived
+superclasses. In that case we check whether the new Deriveds actually led to
+any new unifications, and iterate the implications only if so.
solveNestedImplications :: Bag Implication
- -> TcS (Cts, Bag Implication)
+ -> TcS (Bag Implication)
-- Precondition: the TcS inerts may contain unsolved simples which have
-- to be converted to givens before we go inside a nested implication.
solveNestedImplications implics
| isEmptyBag implics
- = return (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+ = return (emptyBag)
| otherwise
= do { traceTcS "solveNestedImplications starting {" empty
- ; (floated_eqs_s, unsolved_implics) <- mapAndUnzipBagM solveImplication implics
- ; let floated_eqs = concatBag floated_eqs_s
+ ; unsolved_implics <- mapBagM solveImplication implics
-- ... and we are back in the original TcS inerts
-- Notice that the original includes the _insoluble_simples so it was safe to ignore
-- them in the beginning of this function.
; traceTcS "solveNestedImplications end }" $
- vcat [ text "all floated_eqs =" <+> ppr floated_eqs
- , text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]
+ vcat [ text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]
- ; return (floated_eqs, catBagMaybes unsolved_implics) }
+ ; return (catBagMaybes unsolved_implics) }
solveImplication :: Implication -- Wanted
- -> TcS (Cts, -- All wanted or derived floated equalities: var = type
- Maybe Implication) -- Simplified implication (empty or singleton)
+ -> TcS (Maybe Implication) -- Simplified implication (empty or singleton)
-- Precondition: The TcS monad contains an empty worklist and given-only inerts
-- which after trying to solve this implication we must restore to their original value
solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl = tclvl
, ic_binds = ev_binds_var
- , ic_skols = skols
, ic_given = given_ids
, ic_wanted = wanteds
, ic_info = info
, ic_status = status })
| isSolvedStatus status
- = return (emptyCts, Just imp) -- Do nothing
+ = return (Just imp) -- Do nothing
| otherwise -- Even for IC_Insoluble it is worth doing more work
-- The insoluble stuff might be in one sub-implication
@@ -1819,7 +1828,7 @@ solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl = tclvl
; residual_wanted <- solveWanteds wanteds
-- solveWanteds, *not* solveWantedsAndDrop, because
-- we want to retain derived equalities so we can float
- -- them out in floatEqualities
+ -- them out in floatEqualities.
; (has_eqs, given_insols) <- getHasGivenEqs tclvl
-- Call getHasGivenEqs /after/ solveWanteds, because
@@ -1828,10 +1837,6 @@ solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl = tclvl
; return (has_eqs, given_insols, residual_wanted) }
- ; (floated_eqs, residual_wanted)
- <- floatEqualities skols given_ids ev_binds_var
- has_given_eqs residual_wanted
; traceTcS "solveImplication 2"
(ppr given_insols $$ ppr residual_wanted)
; let final_wanted = residual_wanted `addInsols` given_insols
@@ -1845,15 +1850,14 @@ solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl = tclvl
; tcvs <- TcS.getTcEvTyCoVars ev_binds_var
; traceTcS "solveImplication end }" $ vcat
[ text "has_given_eqs =" <+> ppr has_given_eqs
- , text "floated_eqs =" <+> ppr floated_eqs
, text "res_implic =" <+> ppr res_implic
, text "implication evbinds =" <+> ppr (evBindMapBinds evbinds)
, text "implication tvcs =" <+> ppr tcvs ]
- ; return (floated_eqs, res_implic) }
+ ; return res_implic }
-- TcLevels must be strictly increasing (see (ImplicInv) in
- -- Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType),
+ -- Note [TcLevel invariants] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType),
-- and in fact I think they should always increase one level at a time.
-- Though sensible, this check causes lots of testsuite failures. It is
@@ -2237,49 +2241,8 @@ Consider (see #9939)
We report (Eq a) as redundant, whereas actually (Ord a) is. But it's
really not easy to detect that!
-Note [Cutting off simpl_loop]
-It is very important not to iterate in simpl_loop unless there is a chance
-of progress. #8474 is a classic example:
- * There's a deeply-nested chain of implication constraints.
- ?x:alpha => ?y1:beta1 => ... ?yn:betan => [W] ?x:Int
- * From the innermost one we get a [D] alpha ~ Int,
- but alpha is untouchable until we get out to the outermost one
- * We float [D] alpha~Int out (it is in floated_eqs), but since alpha
- is untouchable, the solveInteract in simpl_loop makes no progress
- * So there is no point in attempting to re-solve
- ?yn:betan => [W] ?x:Int
- via solveNestedImplications, because we'll just get the
- same [D] again
- * If we *do* re-solve, we'll get an infinite loop. It is cut off by
- the fixed bound of 10, but solving the next takes 10*10*...*10 (ie
- exponentially many) iterations!
-Conclusion: we should call solveNestedImplications only if we did
-some unification in solveSimpleWanteds; because that's the only way
-we'll get more Givens (a unification is like adding a Given) to
-allow the implication to make progress.
-promoteTyVarTcS :: TcTyVar -> TcS ()
--- When we float a constraint out of an implication we must restore
--- invariant (WantedInv) in Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
--- See Note [Promoting unification variables]
--- We don't just call promoteTyVar because we want to use unifyTyVar,
--- not writeMetaTyVar
-promoteTyVarTcS tv
- = do { tclvl <- TcS.getTcLevel
- ; when (isFloatedTouchableMetaTyVar tclvl tv) $
- do { cloned_tv <- TcS.cloneMetaTyVar tv
- ; let rhs_tv = setMetaTyVarTcLevel cloned_tv tclvl
- ; unifyTyVar tv (mkTyVarTy rhs_tv) } }
-- | Like 'defaultTyVar', but in the TcS monad.
defaultTyVarTcS :: TcTyVar -> TcS Bool
defaultTyVarTcS the_tv
@@ -2314,7 +2277,7 @@ approximateWC float_past_equalities wc
concatMapBag (float_implic trapping_tvs) implics
float_implic :: TcTyCoVarSet -> Implication -> Cts
float_implic trapping_tvs imp
- | float_past_equalities || ic_given_eqs imp == NoGivenEqs
+ | float_past_equalities || ic_given_eqs imp /= MaybeGivenEqs
= float_wc new_trapping_tvs (ic_wanted imp)
| otherwise -- Take care with equalities
= emptyCts -- See (1) under Note [ApproximateWC]
@@ -2414,7 +2377,7 @@ approximateWC to produce a list of candidate constraints. Then we MUST
a) Promote any meta-tyvars that have been floated out by
approximateWC, to restore invariant (WantedInv) described in
- Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType.
+ Note [TcLevel invariants] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType.
b) Default the kind of any meta-tyvars that are not mentioned in
in the environment.
@@ -2430,8 +2393,7 @@ Note [Promoting unification variables]
When we float an equality out of an implication we must "promote" free
unification variables of the equality, in order to maintain Invariant
-(WantedInv) from Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in
-TcType. for the leftover implication.
+(WantedInv) from Note [TcLevel invariants] in GHC.Tc.Types.TcType.
This is absolutely necessary. Consider the following example. We start
with two implications and a class with a functional dependency.
@@ -2468,276 +2430,6 @@ beta! Concrete example is in indexed_types/should_fail/ExtraTcsUntch.hs:
in (g1 '3', g2 undefined)
-* *
-* Floating equalities *
-* *
-Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
-For ordinary pattern matches (including existentials) we float
-equalities out of implications, for instance:
- data T where
- MkT :: Eq a => a -> T
- f x y = case x of MkT _ -> (y::Int)
-We get the implication constraint (x::T) (y::alpha):
- forall a. [untouchable=alpha] Eq a => alpha ~ Int
-We want to float out the equality into a scope where alpha is no
-longer untouchable, to solve the implication!
-But we cannot float equalities out of implications whose givens may
-yield or contain equalities:
- data T a where
- T1 :: T Int
- T2 :: T Bool
- T3 :: T a
- h :: T a -> a -> Int
- f x y = case x of
- T1 -> y::Int
- T2 -> y::Bool
- T3 -> h x y
-We generate constraint, for (x::T alpha) and (y :: beta):
- [untouchables = beta] (alpha ~ Int => beta ~ Int) -- From 1st branch
- [untouchables = beta] (alpha ~ Bool => beta ~ Bool) -- From 2nd branch
- (alpha ~ beta) -- From 3rd branch
-If we float the equality (beta ~ Int) outside of the first implication and
-the equality (beta ~ Bool) out of the second we get an insoluble constraint.
-But if we just leave them inside the implications, we unify alpha := beta and
-solve everything.
- We do not want to float equalities out which may
- need the given *evidence* to become soluble.
-Consequence: classes with functional dependencies don't matter (since there is
-no evidence for a fundep equality), but equality superclasses do matter (since
-they carry evidence).
-floatEqualities :: [TcTyVar] -> [EvId] -> EvBindsVar -> HasGivenEqs
- -> WantedConstraints
- -> TcS (Cts, WantedConstraints)
--- Main idea: see Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
--- Precondition: the wc_simple of the incoming WantedConstraints are
--- fully zonked, so that we can see their free variables
--- Postcondition: The returned floated constraints (Cts) are only
--- Wanted or Derived
--- Also performs some unifications (via promoteTyVar), adding to
--- monadically-carried ty_binds. These will be used when processing
--- floated_eqs later
--- Subtleties: Note [Float equalities from under a skolem binding]
--- Note [Skolem escape]
--- Note [What prevents a constraint from floating]
-floatEqualities skols given_ids ev_binds_var has_given_eqs
- wanteds@(WC { wc_simple = simples })
- | MaybeGivenEqs <- has_given_eqs -- There are some given equalities, so don't float
- = return (emptyBag, wanteds) -- Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
- | otherwise
- = do { -- First zonk: the inert set (from whence they came) is not
- -- necessarily fully zonked; equalities are not kicked out
- -- if a unification cannot make progress. See Note
- -- [inert_eqs: the inert equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad, which
- -- describes how the inert set might not actually be inert.
- simples <- TcS.zonkSimples simples
- ; binds <- TcS.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var
- -- Now we can pick the ones to float
- -- The constraints are de-canonicalised
- ; let (candidate_eqs, no_float_cts) = partitionBag is_float_eq_candidate simples
- seed_skols = mkVarSet skols `unionVarSet`
- mkVarSet given_ids `unionVarSet`
- foldr add_non_flt_ct emptyVarSet no_float_cts `unionVarSet`
- evBindMapToVarSet binds
- -- seed_skols: See Note [What prevents a constraint from floating] (1,2,3)
- -- Include the EvIds of any non-floating constraints
- extended_skols = transCloVarSet (add_captured_ev_ids candidate_eqs) seed_skols
- -- extended_skols contains the EvIds of all the trapped constraints
- -- See Note [What prevents a constraint from floating] (3)
- (flt_eqs, no_flt_eqs) = partitionBag (is_floatable extended_skols)
- candidate_eqs
- remaining_simples = no_float_cts `andCts` no_flt_eqs
- -- Promote any unification variables mentioned in the floated equalities
- -- See Note [Promoting unification variables]
- ; mapM_ promoteTyVarTcS (tyCoVarsOfCtsList flt_eqs)
- ; traceTcS "floatEqualities" (vcat [ text "Skols =" <+> ppr skols
- , text "Extended skols =" <+> ppr extended_skols
- , text "Simples =" <+> ppr simples
- , text "Candidate eqs =" <+> ppr candidate_eqs
- , text "Floated eqs =" <+> ppr flt_eqs])
- ; return ( flt_eqs, wanteds { wc_simple = remaining_simples } ) }
- where
- add_non_flt_ct :: Ct -> VarSet -> VarSet
- add_non_flt_ct ct acc | isDerivedCt ct = acc
- | otherwise = extendVarSet acc (ctEvId ct)
- is_floatable :: VarSet -> Ct -> Bool
- is_floatable skols ct
- | isDerivedCt ct = tyCoVarsOfCt ct `disjointVarSet` skols
- | otherwise = not (ctEvId ct `elemVarSet` skols)
- add_captured_ev_ids :: Cts -> VarSet -> VarSet
- add_captured_ev_ids cts skols = foldr extra_skol emptyVarSet cts
- where
- extra_skol ct acc
- | isDerivedCt ct = acc
- | tyCoVarsOfCt ct `intersectsVarSet` skols = extendVarSet acc (ctEvId ct)
- | otherwise = acc
- -- Identify which equalities are candidates for floating
- -- Float out alpha ~ ty which might be unified outside
- -- See Note [Which equalities to float]
- is_float_eq_candidate ct
- | pred <- ctPred ct
- , EqPred NomEq ty1 ty2 <- classifyPredType pred
- , case ct of
- CIrredCan {} -> False -- See Note [Do not float blocked constraints]
- _ -> True -- See #18855
- = float_eq ty1 ty2 || float_eq ty2 ty1
- | otherwise
- = False
- float_eq ty1 ty2
- = case getTyVar_maybe ty1 of
- Just tv1 -> isMetaTyVar tv1
- && (not (isTyVarTyVar tv1) || isTyVarTy ty2)
- Nothing -> False
-{- Note [Do not float blocked constraints]
-As #18855 showed, we must not float an equality that is blocked.
- forall a[4]. [W] co1: alpha[4] ~ Maybe (a[4] |> bco)
- [W] co2: alpha[4] ~ Maybe (beta[4] |> bco])
- [W] bco: kappa[2] ~ Type
-Now co1, co2 are blocked by bco. We will eventually float out bco
-and solve it at level 2. But the danger is that we will *also*
-float out co2, and that is bad bad bad. Because we'll promote alpha
-and beta to level 2, and then fail to unify the promoted beta
-with the skolem a[4].
-Solution: don't float out blocked equalities. Remember: we only want
-to float out if we can solve; see Note [Which equalities to float].
-(Future plan: kill floating altogether.)
-Note [Float equalities from under a skolem binding]
-Which of the simple equalities can we float out? Obviously, only
-ones that don't mention the skolem-bound variables. But that is
-over-eager. Consider
- [2] forall a. F a beta[1] ~ gamma[2], G beta[1] gamma[2] ~ Int
-The second constraint doesn't mention 'a'. But if we float it,
-we'll promote gamma[2] to gamma'[1]. Now suppose that we learn that
-beta := Bool, and F a Bool = a, and G Bool _ = Int. Then we'll
-we left with the constraint
- [2] forall a. a ~ gamma'[1]
-which is insoluble because gamma became untouchable.
-Solution: float only constraints that stand a jolly good chance of
-being soluble simply by being floated, namely ones of form
- a ~ ty
-where 'a' is a currently-untouchable unification variable, but may
-become touchable by being floated (perhaps by more than one level).
-We had a very complicated rule previously, but this is nice and
-simple. (To see the notes, look at this Note in a version of
-GHC.Tc.Solver prior to Oct 2014).
-Note [Which equalities to float]
-Which equalities should we float? We want to float ones where there
-is a decent chance that floating outwards will allow unification to
-happen. In particular, float out equalities that are:
-* Of form (alpha ~# ty) or (ty ~# alpha), where
- * alpha is a meta-tyvar.
- * And 'alpha' is not a TyVarTv with 'ty' being a non-tyvar. In that
- case, floating out won't help either, and it may affect grouping
- of error messages.
- NB: generally we won't see (ty ~ alpha), with alpha on the right because
- of Note [Unification variables on the left] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify,
- but if we have (F tys ~ alpha) and alpha is untouchable, then it will
- appear on the right. Example T4494.
-* Nominal. No point in floating (alpha ~R# ty), because we do not
- unify representational equalities even if alpha is touchable.
- See Note [Do not unify representational equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.
-Note [Skolem escape]
-You might worry about skolem escape with all this floating.
-For example, consider
- [2] forall a. (a ~ F beta[2] delta,
- Maybe beta[2] ~ gamma[1])
-The (Maybe beta ~ gamma) doesn't mention 'a', so we float it, and
-solve with gamma := beta. But what if later delta:=Int, and
- F b Int = b.
-Then we'd get a ~ beta[2], and solve to get beta:=a, and now the
-skolem has escaped!
-But it's ok: when we float (Maybe beta[2] ~ gamma[1]), we promote beta[2]
-to beta[1], and that means the (a ~ beta[1]) will be stuck, as it should be.
-Note [What prevents a constraint from floating]
-What /prevents/ a constraint from floating? If it mentions one of the
-"bound variables of the implication". What are they?
-The "bound variables of the implication" are
- 1. The skolem type variables `ic_skols`
- 2. The "given" evidence variables `ic_given`. Example:
- forall a. (co :: t1 ~# t2) => [W] co2 : (a ~# b |> co)
- Here 'co' is bound
- 3. The binders of all evidence bindings in `ic_binds`. Example
- forall a. (d :: t1 ~ t2)
- EvBinds { (co :: t1 ~# t2) = superclass-sel d }
- => [W] co2 : (a ~# b |> co)
- Here `co` is gotten by superclass selection from `d`, and the
- wanted constraint co2 must not float.
- 4. And the evidence variable of any equality constraint (incl
- Wanted ones) whose type mentions a bound variable. Example:
- forall k. [W] co1 :: t1 ~# t2 |> co2
- [W] co2 :: k ~# *
- Here, since `k` is bound, so is `co2` and hence so is `co1`.
-Here (1,2,3) are handled by the "seed_skols" calculation, and
-(4) is done by the transCloVarSet call.
-The possible dependence on givens, and evidence bindings, is more
-subtle than we'd realised at first. See #14584.
-How can (4) arise? Suppose we have (k :: *), (a :: k), and ([G} k ~ *).
-Then form an equality like (a ~ Int) we might end up with
- [W] co1 :: k ~ *
- [W] co2 :: (a |> co1) ~ Int
* *
* Defaulting and disambiguation *