path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-03-19 10:28:01 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-07 18:36:49 -0400
commit255418da5d264fb2758bc70925adb2094f34adc3 (patch)
tree39e3d7f84571e750f2a087c1bc2ab87198e9b147 /compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs
parent3d2991f8b4c1b686323b2c9452ce845a60b8d94c (diff)
Modules: type-checker (#13009)
Update Haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs')
1 files changed, 2542 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9d93b063e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical(
+ canonicalize,
+ unifyDerived,
+ makeSuperClasses, maybeSym,
+ StopOrContinue(..), stopWith, continueWith,
+ solveCallStack -- For GHC.Tc.Solver
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
+import GHC.Core.Predicate
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify( swapOverTyVars, metaTyVarUpdateOK, MetaTyVarUpdateResult(..) )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten
+import GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import GHC.Tc.Types.EvTerm
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep -- cleverly decomposes types, good for completeness checking
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Types.Id( idType, mkTemplateLocals )
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInstEnvs )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family ( tcTopNormaliseNewTypeTF_maybe )
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env( mkInScopeSet )
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set( delVarSetList )
+import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence ( OccName )
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Driver.Session( DynFlags )
+import GHC.Types.Name.Set
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Hs.Types( HsIPName(..) )
+import Pair
+import Util
+import Bag
+import MonadUtils
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
+import Data.List ( zip4 )
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import Data.Bifunctor ( bimap )
+import Data.Foldable ( traverse_ )
+* *
+* The Canonicaliser *
+* *
+Note [Canonicalization]
+Canonicalization converts a simple constraint to a canonical form. It is
+unary (i.e. treats individual constraints one at a time).
+Constraints originating from user-written code come into being as
+CNonCanonicals (except for CHoleCans, arising from holes). We know nothing
+about these constraints. So, first:
+ Classify CNonCanoncal constraints, depending on whether they
+ are equalities, class predicates, or other.
+Then proceed depending on the shape of the constraint. Generally speaking,
+each constraint gets flattened and then decomposed into one of several forms
+(see type Ct in GHC.Tc.Types).
+When an already-canonicalized constraint gets kicked out of the inert set,
+it must be recanonicalized. But we know a bit about its shape from the
+last time through, so we can skip the classification step.
+-- Top-level canonicalization
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+canonicalize :: Ct -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canonicalize (CNonCanonical { cc_ev = ev })
+ = {-# SCC "canNC" #-}
+ case classifyPredType pred of
+ ClassPred cls tys -> do traceTcS "canEvNC:cls" (ppr cls <+> ppr tys)
+ canClassNC ev cls tys
+ EqPred eq_rel ty1 ty2 -> do traceTcS "canEvNC:eq" (ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2)
+ canEqNC ev eq_rel ty1 ty2
+ IrredPred {} -> do traceTcS "canEvNC:irred" (ppr pred)
+ canIrred OtherCIS ev
+ ForAllPred tvs theta p -> do traceTcS "canEvNC:forall" (ppr pred)
+ canForAllNC ev tvs theta p
+ where
+ pred = ctEvPred ev
+canonicalize (CQuantCan (QCI { qci_ev = ev, qci_pend_sc = pend_sc }))
+ = canForAll ev pend_sc
+canonicalize (CIrredCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_status = status })
+ | EqPred eq_rel ty1 ty2 <- classifyPredType (ctEvPred ev)
+ = -- For insolubles (all of which are equalities, do /not/ flatten the arguments
+ -- In #14350 doing so led entire-unnecessary and ridiculously large
+ -- type function expansion. Instead, canEqNC just applies
+ -- the substitution to the predicate, and may do decomposition;
+ -- e.g. a ~ [a], where [G] a ~ [Int], can decompose
+ canEqNC ev eq_rel ty1 ty2
+ | otherwise
+ = canIrred status ev
+canonicalize (CDictCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_class = cls
+ , cc_tyargs = xis, cc_pend_sc = pend_sc })
+ = {-# SCC "canClass" #-}
+ canClass ev cls xis pend_sc
+canonicalize (CTyEqCan { cc_ev = ev
+ , cc_tyvar = tv
+ , cc_rhs = xi
+ , cc_eq_rel = eq_rel })
+ = {-# SCC "canEqLeafTyVarEq" #-}
+ canEqNC ev eq_rel (mkTyVarTy tv) xi
+ -- NB: Don't use canEqTyVar because that expects flattened types,
+ -- and tv and xi may not be flat w.r.t. an updated inert set
+canonicalize (CFunEqCan { cc_ev = ev
+ , cc_fun = fn
+ , cc_tyargs = xis1
+ , cc_fsk = fsk })
+ = {-# SCC "canEqLeafFunEq" #-}
+ canCFunEqCan ev fn xis1 fsk
+canonicalize (CHoleCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_occ = occ, cc_hole = hole })
+ = canHole ev occ hole
+* *
+* Class Canonicalization
+* *
+canClassNC :: CtEvidence -> Class -> [Type] -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- "NC" means "non-canonical"; that is, we have got here
+-- from a NonCanonical constraint, not from a CDictCan
+-- Precondition: EvVar is class evidence
+canClassNC ev cls tys
+ | isGiven ev -- See Note [Eagerly expand given superclasses]
+ = do { sc_cts <- mkStrictSuperClasses ev [] [] cls tys
+ ; emitWork sc_cts
+ ; canClass ev cls tys False }
+ | isWanted ev
+ , Just ip_name <- isCallStackPred cls tys
+ , OccurrenceOf func <- ctLocOrigin loc
+ -- If we're given a CallStack constraint that arose from a function
+ -- call, we need to push the current call-site onto the stack instead
+ -- of solving it directly from a given.
+ -- See Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks] in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+ -- and Note [Solving CallStack constraints] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+ = do { -- First we emit a new constraint that will capture the
+ -- given CallStack.
+ ; let new_loc = setCtLocOrigin loc (IPOccOrigin (HsIPName ip_name))
+ -- We change the origin to IPOccOrigin so
+ -- this rule does not fire again.
+ -- See Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks]
+ ; new_ev <- newWantedEvVarNC new_loc pred
+ -- Then we solve the wanted by pushing the call-site
+ -- onto the newly emitted CallStack
+ ; let ev_cs = EvCsPushCall func (ctLocSpan loc) (ctEvExpr new_ev)
+ ; solveCallStack ev ev_cs
+ ; canClass new_ev cls tys False }
+ | otherwise
+ = canClass ev cls tys (has_scs cls)
+ where
+ has_scs cls = not (null (classSCTheta cls))
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ pred = ctEvPred ev
+solveCallStack :: CtEvidence -> EvCallStack -> TcS ()
+-- Also called from GHC.Tc.Solver when defaulting call stacks
+solveCallStack ev ev_cs = do
+ -- We're given ev_cs :: CallStack, but the evidence term should be a
+ -- dictionary, so we have to coerce ev_cs to a dictionary for
+ -- `IP ip CallStack`. See Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks]
+ cs_tm <- evCallStack ev_cs
+ let ev_tm = mkEvCast cs_tm (wrapIP (ctEvPred ev))
+ setEvBindIfWanted ev ev_tm
+canClass :: CtEvidence
+ -> Class -> [Type]
+ -> Bool -- True <=> un-explored superclasses
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- Precondition: EvVar is class evidence
+canClass ev cls tys pend_sc
+ = -- all classes do *nominal* matching
+ ASSERT2( ctEvRole ev == Nominal, ppr ev $$ ppr cls $$ ppr tys )
+ do { (xis, cos, _kind_co) <- flattenArgsNom ev cls_tc tys
+ ; MASSERT( isTcReflCo _kind_co )
+ ; let co = mkTcTyConAppCo Nominal cls_tc cos
+ xi = mkClassPred cls xis
+ mk_ct new_ev = CDictCan { cc_ev = new_ev
+ , cc_tyargs = xis
+ , cc_class = cls
+ , cc_pend_sc = pend_sc }
+ ; mb <- rewriteEvidence ev xi co
+ ; traceTcS "canClass" (vcat [ ppr ev
+ , ppr xi, ppr mb ])
+ ; return (fmap mk_ct mb) }
+ where
+ cls_tc = classTyCon cls
+{- Note [The superclass story]
+We need to add superclass constraints for two reasons:
+* For givens [G], they give us a route to proof. E.g.
+ f :: Ord a => a -> Bool
+ f x = x == x
+ We get a Wanted (Eq a), which can only be solved from the superclass
+ of the Given (Ord a).
+* For wanteds [W], and deriveds [WD], [D], they may give useful
+ functional dependencies. E.g.
+ class C a b | a -> b where ...
+ class C a b => D a b where ...
+ Now a [W] constraint (D Int beta) has (C Int beta) as a superclass
+ and that might tell us about beta, via C's fundeps. We can get this
+ by generating a [D] (C Int beta) constraint. It's derived because
+ we don't actually have to cough up any evidence for it; it's only there
+ to generate fundep equalities.
+See Note [Why adding superclasses can help].
+For these reasons we want to generate superclass constraints for both
+Givens and Wanteds. But:
+* (Minor) they are often not needed, so generating them aggressively
+ is a waste of time.
+* (Major) if we want recursive superclasses, there would be an infinite
+ number of them. Here is a real-life example (#10318);
+ class (Frac (Frac a) ~ Frac a,
+ Fractional (Frac a),
+ IntegralDomain (Frac a))
+ => IntegralDomain a where
+ type Frac a :: *
+ Notice that IntegralDomain has an associated type Frac, and one
+ of IntegralDomain's superclasses is another IntegralDomain constraint.
+So here's the plan:
+1. Eagerly generate superclasses for given (but not wanted)
+ constraints; see Note [Eagerly expand given superclasses].
+ This is done using mkStrictSuperClasses in canClassNC, when
+ we take a non-canonical Given constraint and cannonicalise it.
+ However stop if you encounter the same class twice. That is,
+ mkStrictSuperClasses expands eagerly, but has a conservative
+ termination condition: see Note [Expanding superclasses] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType.
+2. Solve the wanteds as usual, but do no further expansion of
+ superclasses for canonical CDictCans in solveSimpleGivens or
+ solveSimpleWanteds; Note [Danger of adding superclasses during solving]
+ However, /do/ continue to eagerly expand superclasses for new /given/
+ /non-canonical/ constraints (canClassNC does this). As #12175
+ showed, a type-family application can expand to a class constraint,
+ and we want to see its superclasses for just the same reason as
+ Note [Eagerly expand given superclasses].
+3. If we have any remaining unsolved wanteds
+ (see Note [When superclasses help] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint)
+ try harder: take both the Givens and Wanteds, and expand
+ superclasses again. See the calls to expandSuperClasses in
+ GHC.Tc.Solver.simpl_loop and solveWanteds.
+ This may succeed in generating (a finite number of) extra Givens,
+ and extra Deriveds. Both may help the proof.
+3a An important wrinkle: only expand Givens from the current level.
+ Two reasons:
+ - We only want to expand it once, and that is best done at
+ the level it is bound, rather than repeatedly at the leaves
+ of the implication tree
+ - We may be inside a type where we can't create term-level
+ evidence anyway, so we can't superclass-expand, say,
+ (a ~ b) to get (a ~# b). This happened in #15290.
+4. Go round to (2) again. This loop (2,3,4) is implemented
+ in GHC.Tc.Solver.simpl_loop.
+The cc_pend_sc flag in a CDictCan records whether the superclasses of
+this constraint have been expanded. Specifically, in Step 3 we only
+expand superclasses for constraints with cc_pend_sc set to true (i.e.
+isPendingScDict holds).
+Why do we do this? Two reasons:
+* To avoid repeated work, by repeatedly expanding the superclasses of
+ same constraint,
+* To terminate the above loop, at least in the -XNoRecursiveSuperClasses
+ case. If there are recursive superclasses we could, in principle,
+ expand forever, always encountering new constraints.
+When we take a CNonCanonical or CIrredCan, but end up classifying it
+as a CDictCan, we set the cc_pend_sc flag to False.
+Note [Superclass loops]
+Suppose we have
+ class C a => D a
+ class D a => C a
+Then, when we expand superclasses, we'll get back to the self-same
+predicate, so we have reached a fixpoint in expansion and there is no
+point in fruitlessly expanding further. This case just falls out from
+our strategy. Consider
+ f :: C a => a -> Bool
+ f x = x==x
+Then canClassNC gets the [G] d1: C a constraint, and eager emits superclasses
+G] d2: D a, [G] d3: C a (psc). (The "psc" means it has its sc_pend flag set.)
+When processing d3 we find a match with d1 in the inert set, and we always
+keep the inert item (d1) if possible: see Note [Replacement vs keeping] in
+GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact. So d3 dies a quick, happy death.
+Note [Eagerly expand given superclasses]
+In step (1) of Note [The superclass story], why do we eagerly expand
+Given superclasses by one layer? (By "one layer" we mean expand transitively
+until you meet the same class again -- the conservative criterion embodied
+in expandSuperClasses. So a "layer" might be a whole stack of superclasses.)
+We do this eagerly for Givens mainly because of some very obscure
+cases like this:
+ instance Bad a => Eq (T a)
+ f :: (Ord (T a)) => blah
+ f x = ....needs Eq (T a), Ord (T a)....
+Here if we can't satisfy (Eq (T a)) from the givens we'll use the
+instance declaration; but then we are stuck with (Bad a). Sigh.
+This is really a case of non-confluent proofs, but to stop our users
+complaining we expand one layer in advance.
+Note [Instance and Given overlap] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.
+We also want to do this if we have
+ f :: F (T a) => blah
+ type instance F (T a) = Ord (T a)
+So we may need to do a little work on the givens to expose the
+class that has the superclasses. That's why the superclass
+expansion for Givens happens in canClassNC.
+This same scenario happens with quantified constraints, whose superclasses
+are also eagerly expanded. Test case: typecheck/should_compile/T16502b
+These are handled in canForAllNC, analogously to canClassNC.
+Note [Why adding superclasses can help]
+Examples of how adding superclasses can help:
+ --- Example 1
+ class C a b | a -> b
+ Suppose we want to solve
+ [G] C a b
+ [W] C a beta
+ Then adding [D] beta~b will let us solve it.
+ -- Example 2 (similar but using a type-equality superclass)
+ class (F a ~ b) => C a b
+ And try to sllve:
+ [G] C a b
+ [W] C a beta
+ Follow the superclass rules to add
+ [G] F a ~ b
+ [D] F a ~ beta
+ Now we get [D] beta ~ b, and can solve that.
+ -- Example (tcfail138)
+ class L a b | a -> b
+ class (G a, L a b) => C a b
+ instance C a b' => G (Maybe a)
+ instance C a b => C (Maybe a) a
+ instance L (Maybe a) a
+ When solving the superclasses of the (C (Maybe a) a) instance, we get
+ [G] C a b, and hance by superclasses, [G] G a, [G] L a b
+ [W] G (Maybe a)
+ Use the instance decl to get
+ [W] C a beta
+ Generate its derived superclass
+ [D] L a beta. Now using fundeps, combine with [G] L a b to get
+ [D] beta ~ b
+ which is what we want.
+Note [Danger of adding superclasses during solving]
+Here's a serious, but now out-dated example, from #4497:
+ class Num (RealOf t) => Normed t
+ type family RealOf x
+Assume the generated wanted constraint is:
+ [W] RealOf e ~ e
+ [W] Normed e
+If we were to be adding the superclasses during simplification we'd get:
+ [W] RealOf e ~ e
+ [W] Normed e
+ [D] RealOf e ~ fuv
+ [D] Num fuv
+ e := fuv, Num fuv, Normed fuv, RealOf fuv ~ fuv
+While looks exactly like our original constraint. If we add the
+superclass of (Normed fuv) again we'd loop. By adding superclasses
+definitely only once, during canonicalisation, this situation can't
+Mind you, now that Wanteds cannot rewrite Derived, I think this particular
+situation can't happen.
+Note [Nested quantified constraint superclasses]
+Consider (typecheck/should_compile/T17202)
+ class C1 a
+ class (forall c. C1 c) => C2 a
+ class (forall b. (b ~ F a) => C2 a) => C3 a
+Elsewhere in the code, we get a [G] g1 :: C3 a. We expand its superclass
+to get [G] g2 :: (forall b. (b ~ F a) => C2 a). This constraint has a
+superclass, as well. But we now must be careful: we cannot just add
+(forall c. C1 c) as a Given, because we need to remember g2's context.
+That new constraint is Given only when forall b. (b ~ F a) is true.
+It's tempting to make the new Given be (forall b. (b ~ F a) => forall c. C1 c),
+but that's problematic, because it's nested, and ForAllPred is not capable
+of representing a nested quantified constraint. (We could change ForAllPred
+to allow this, but the solution in this Note is much more local and simpler.)
+So, we swizzle it around to get (forall b c. (b ~ F a) => C1 c).
+More generally, if we are expanding the superclasses of
+ g0 :: forall tvs. theta => cls tys
+and find a superclass constraint
+ forall sc_tvs. sc_theta => sc_inner_pred
+we must have a selector
+ sel_id :: forall cls_tvs. cls cls_tvs -> forall sc_tvs. sc_theta => sc_inner_pred
+and thus build
+ g_sc :: forall tvs sc_tvs. theta => sc_theta => sc_inner_pred
+ g_sc = /\ tvs. /\ sc_tvs. \ theta_ids. \ sc_theta_ids.
+ sel_id tys (g0 tvs theta_ids) sc_tvs sc_theta_ids
+Actually, we cheat a bit by eta-reducing: note that sc_theta_ids are both the
+last bound variables and the last arguments. This avoids the need to produce
+the sc_theta_ids at all. So our final construction is
+ g_sc = /\ tvs. /\ sc_tvs. \ theta_ids.
+ sel_id tys (g0 tvs theta_ids) sc_tvs
+ -}
+makeSuperClasses :: [Ct] -> TcS [Ct]
+-- Returns strict superclasses, transitively, see Note [The superclasses story]
+-- See Note [The superclass story]
+-- The loop-breaking here follows Note [Expanding superclasses] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+-- Specifically, for an incoming (C t) constraint, we return all of (C t)'s
+-- superclasses, up to /and including/ the first repetition of C
+-- Example: class D a => C a
+-- class C [a] => D a
+-- makeSuperClasses (C x) will return (D x, C [x])
+-- NB: the incoming constraints have had their cc_pend_sc flag already
+-- flipped to False, by isPendingScDict, so we are /obliged/ to at
+-- least produce the immediate superclasses
+makeSuperClasses cts = concatMapM go cts
+ where
+ go (CDictCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = tys })
+ = mkStrictSuperClasses ev [] [] cls tys
+ go (CQuantCan (QCI { qci_pred = pred, qci_ev = ev }))
+ = ASSERT2( isClassPred pred, ppr pred ) -- The cts should all have
+ -- class pred heads
+ mkStrictSuperClasses ev tvs theta cls tys
+ where
+ (tvs, theta, cls, tys) = tcSplitDFunTy (ctEvPred ev)
+ go ct = pprPanic "makeSuperClasses" (ppr ct)
+ :: CtEvidence
+ -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -- These two args are non-empty only when taking
+ -- superclasses of a /quantified/ constraint
+ -> Class -> [Type] -> TcS [Ct]
+-- Return constraints for the strict superclasses of
+-- ev :: forall as. theta => cls tys
+mkStrictSuperClasses ev tvs theta cls tys
+ = mk_strict_superclasses (unitNameSet (className cls))
+ ev tvs theta cls tys
+mk_strict_superclasses :: NameSet -> CtEvidence
+ -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType
+ -> Class -> [Type] -> TcS [Ct]
+-- Always return the immediate superclasses of (cls tys);
+-- and expand their superclasses, provided none of them are in rec_clss
+-- nor are repeated
+mk_strict_superclasses rec_clss (CtGiven { ctev_evar = evar, ctev_loc = loc })
+ tvs theta cls tys
+ = concatMapM (do_one_given (mk_given_loc loc)) $
+ classSCSelIds cls
+ where
+ dict_ids = mkTemplateLocals theta
+ size = sizeTypes tys
+ do_one_given given_loc sel_id
+ | isUnliftedType sc_pred
+ , not (null tvs && null theta)
+ = -- See Note [Equality superclasses in quantified constraints]
+ return []
+ | otherwise
+ = do { given_ev <- newGivenEvVar given_loc $
+ mk_given_desc sel_id sc_pred
+ ; mk_superclasses rec_clss given_ev tvs theta sc_pred }
+ where
+ sc_pred = funResultTy (piResultTys (idType sel_id) tys)
+ -- See Note [Nested quantified constraint superclasses]
+ mk_given_desc :: Id -> PredType -> (PredType, EvTerm)
+ mk_given_desc sel_id sc_pred
+ = (swizzled_pred, swizzled_evterm)
+ where
+ (sc_tvs, sc_rho) = splitForAllTys sc_pred
+ (sc_theta, sc_inner_pred) = splitFunTys sc_rho
+ all_tvs = tvs `chkAppend` sc_tvs
+ all_theta = theta `chkAppend` sc_theta
+ swizzled_pred = mkInfSigmaTy all_tvs all_theta sc_inner_pred
+ -- evar :: forall tvs. theta => cls tys
+ -- sel_id :: forall cls_tvs. cls cls_tvs
+ -- -> forall sc_tvs. sc_theta => sc_inner_pred
+ -- swizzled_evterm :: forall tvs sc_tvs. theta => sc_theta => sc_inner_pred
+ swizzled_evterm = EvExpr $
+ mkLams all_tvs $
+ mkLams dict_ids $
+ Var sel_id
+ `mkTyApps` tys
+ `App` (evId evar `mkVarApps` (tvs ++ dict_ids))
+ `mkVarApps` sc_tvs
+ mk_given_loc loc
+ | isCTupleClass cls
+ = loc -- For tuple predicates, just take them apart, without
+ -- adding their (large) size into the chain. When we
+ -- get down to a base predicate, we'll include its size.
+ -- #10335
+ | GivenOrigin skol_info <- ctLocOrigin loc
+ -- See Note [Solving superclass constraints] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance
+ -- for explantation of this transformation for givens
+ = case skol_info of
+ InstSkol -> loc { ctl_origin = GivenOrigin (InstSC size) }
+ InstSC n -> loc { ctl_origin = GivenOrigin (InstSC (n `max` size)) }
+ _ -> loc
+ | otherwise -- Probably doesn't happen, since this function
+ = loc -- is only used for Givens, but does no harm
+mk_strict_superclasses rec_clss ev tvs theta cls tys
+ | all noFreeVarsOfType tys
+ = return [] -- Wanteds with no variables yield no deriveds.
+ -- See Note [Improvement from Ground Wanteds]
+ | otherwise -- Wanted/Derived case, just add Derived superclasses
+ -- that can lead to improvement.
+ = ASSERT2( null tvs && null theta, ppr tvs $$ ppr theta )
+ concatMapM do_one_derived (immSuperClasses cls tys)
+ where
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ do_one_derived sc_pred
+ = do { sc_ev <- newDerivedNC loc sc_pred
+ ; mk_superclasses rec_clss sc_ev [] [] sc_pred }
+{- Note [Improvement from Ground Wanteds]
+Suppose class C b a => D a b
+and consider
+ [W] D Int Bool
+Is there any point in emitting [D] C Bool Int? No! The only point of
+emitting superclass constraints for W/D constraints is to get
+improvement, extra unifications that result from functional
+dependencies. See Note [Why adding superclasses can help] above.
+But no variables means no improvement; case closed.
+mk_superclasses :: NameSet -> CtEvidence
+ -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -> PredType -> TcS [Ct]
+-- Return this constraint, plus its superclasses, if any
+mk_superclasses rec_clss ev tvs theta pred
+ | ClassPred cls tys <- classifyPredType pred
+ = mk_superclasses_of rec_clss ev tvs theta cls tys
+ | otherwise -- Superclass is not a class predicate
+ = return [mkNonCanonical ev]
+mk_superclasses_of :: NameSet -> CtEvidence
+ -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -> Class -> [Type]
+ -> TcS [Ct]
+-- Always return this class constraint,
+-- and expand its superclasses
+mk_superclasses_of rec_clss ev tvs theta cls tys
+ | loop_found = do { traceTcS "mk_superclasses_of: loop" (ppr cls <+> ppr tys)
+ ; return [this_ct] } -- cc_pend_sc of this_ct = True
+ | otherwise = do { traceTcS "mk_superclasses_of" (vcat [ ppr cls <+> ppr tys
+ , ppr (isCTupleClass cls)
+ , ppr rec_clss
+ ])
+ ; sc_cts <- mk_strict_superclasses rec_clss' ev tvs theta cls tys
+ ; return (this_ct : sc_cts) }
+ -- cc_pend_sc of this_ct = False
+ where
+ cls_nm = className cls
+ loop_found = not (isCTupleClass cls) && cls_nm `elemNameSet` rec_clss
+ -- Tuples never contribute to recursion, and can be nested
+ rec_clss' = rec_clss `extendNameSet` cls_nm
+ this_ct | null tvs, null theta
+ = CDictCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = tys
+ , cc_pend_sc = loop_found }
+ -- NB: If there is a loop, we cut off, so we have not
+ -- added the superclasses, hence cc_pend_sc = True
+ | otherwise
+ = CQuantCan (QCI { qci_tvs = tvs, qci_pred = mkClassPred cls tys
+ , qci_ev = ev
+ , qci_pend_sc = loop_found })
+{- Note [Equality superclasses in quantified constraints]
+Consider (#15359, #15593, #15625)
+ f :: (forall a. theta => a ~ b) => stuff
+It's a bit odd to have a local, quantified constraint for `(a~b)`,
+but some people want such a thing (see the tickets). And for
+Coercible it is definitely useful
+ f :: forall m. (forall p q. Coercible p q => Coercible (m p) (m q)))
+ => stuff
+Moreover it's not hard to arrange; we just need to look up /equality/
+constraints in the quantified-constraint environment, which we do in
+There is a wrinkle though, in the case where 'theta' is empty, so
+we have
+ f :: (forall a. a~b) => stuff
+Now, potentially, the superclass machinery kicks in, in
+makeSuperClasses, giving us a a second quantified constraint
+ (forall a. a ~# b)
+BUT this is an unboxed value! And nothing has prepared us for
+dictionary "functions" that are unboxed. Actually it does just
+about work, but the simplifier ends up with stuff like
+ case (/\a. eq_sel d) of df -> ...(df @Int)...
+and fails to simplify that any further. And it doesn't satisfy
+isPredTy any more.
+So for now we simply decline to take superclasses in the quantified
+case. Instead we have a special case in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.doTopReactOther,
+which looks for primitive equalities specially in the quantified
+See also Note [Evidence for quantified constraints] in GHC.Core.Predicate.
+* *
+* Irreducibles canonicalization
+* *
+canIrred :: CtIrredStatus -> CtEvidence -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- Precondition: ty not a tuple and no other evidence form
+canIrred status ev
+ = do { let pred = ctEvPred ev
+ ; traceTcS "can_pred" (text "IrredPred = " <+> ppr pred)
+ ; (xi,co) <- flatten FM_FlattenAll ev pred -- co :: xi ~ pred
+ ; rewriteEvidence ev xi co `andWhenContinue` \ new_ev ->
+ do { -- Re-classify, in case flattening has improved its shape
+ ; case classifyPredType (ctEvPred new_ev) of
+ ClassPred cls tys -> canClassNC new_ev cls tys
+ EqPred eq_rel ty1 ty2 -> canEqNC new_ev eq_rel ty1 ty2
+ _ -> continueWith $
+ mkIrredCt status new_ev } }
+canHole :: CtEvidence -> OccName -> HoleSort -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canHole ev occ hole_sort
+ = do { let pred = ctEvPred ev
+ ; (xi,co) <- flatten FM_SubstOnly ev pred -- co :: xi ~ pred
+ ; rewriteEvidence ev xi co `andWhenContinue` \ new_ev ->
+ do { updInertIrreds (`snocCts` (CHoleCan { cc_ev = new_ev
+ , cc_occ = occ
+ , cc_hole = hole_sort }))
+ ; stopWith new_ev "Emit insoluble hole" } }
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+* Quantified predicates
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [Quantified constraints]
+The -XQuantifiedConstraints extension allows type-class contexts like this:
+ data Rose f x = Rose x (f (Rose f x))
+ instance (Eq a, forall b. Eq b => Eq (f b))
+ => Eq (Rose f a) where
+ (Rose x1 rs1) == (Rose x2 rs2) = x1==x2 && rs1 == rs2
+Note the (forall b. Eq b => Eq (f b)) in the instance contexts.
+This quantified constraint is needed to solve the
+ [W] (Eq (f (Rose f x)))
+constraint which arises form the (==) definition.
+The wiki page is
+which in turn contains a link to the GHC Proposal where the change
+is specified, and a Haskell Symposium paper about it.
+We implement two main extensions to the design in the paper:
+ 1. We allow a variable in the instance head, e.g.
+ f :: forall m a. (forall b. m b) => D (m a)
+ Notice the 'm' in the head of the quantified constraint, not
+ a class.
+ 2. We support superclasses to quantified constraints.
+ For example (contrived):
+ f :: (Ord b, forall b. Ord b => Ord (m b)) => m a -> m a -> Bool
+ f x y = x==y
+ Here we need (Eq (m a)); but the quantified constraint deals only
+ with Ord. But we can make it work by using its superclass.
+Here are the moving parts
+ * Language extension {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
+ and add it to ghc-boot-th:GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type.Extension
+ * A new form of evidence, EvDFun, that is used to discharge
+ such wanted constraints
+ * checkValidType gets some changes to accept forall-constraints
+ only in the right places.
+ * Predicate.Pred gets a new constructor ForAllPred, and
+ and classifyPredType analyses a PredType to decompose
+ the new forall-constraints
+ * GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.InertCans gets an extra field, inert_insts,
+ which holds all the Given forall-constraints. In effect,
+ such Given constraints are like local instance decls.
+ * When trying to solve a class constraint, via
+ GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.matchInstEnv, use the InstEnv from inert_insts
+ so that we include the local Given forall-constraints
+ in the lookup. (See GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.getInstEnvs.)
+ * GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canForAll deals with solving a
+ forall-constraint. See
+ Note [Solving a Wanted forall-constraint]
+ * We augment the kick-out code to kick out an inert
+ forall constraint if it can be rewritten by a new
+ type equality; see GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.kick_out_rewritable
+Note that a quantified constraint is never /inferred/
+(by GHC.Tc.Solver.simplifyInfer). A function can only have a
+quantified constraint in its type if it is given an explicit
+type signature.
+canForAllNC :: CtEvidence -> [TyVar] -> TcThetaType -> TcPredType
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canForAllNC ev tvs theta pred
+ | isGiven ev -- See Note [Eagerly expand given superclasses]
+ , Just (cls, tys) <- cls_pred_tys_maybe
+ = do { sc_cts <- mkStrictSuperClasses ev tvs theta cls tys
+ ; emitWork sc_cts
+ ; canForAll ev False }
+ | otherwise
+ = canForAll ev (isJust cls_pred_tys_maybe)
+ where
+ cls_pred_tys_maybe = getClassPredTys_maybe pred
+canForAll :: CtEvidence -> Bool -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- We have a constraint (forall as. blah => C tys)
+canForAll ev pend_sc
+ = do { -- First rewrite it to apply the current substitution
+ -- Do not bother with type-family reductions; we can't
+ -- do them under a forall anyway (c.f. Flatten.flatten_one
+ -- on a forall type)
+ let pred = ctEvPred ev
+ ; (xi,co) <- flatten FM_SubstOnly ev pred -- co :: xi ~ pred
+ ; rewriteEvidence ev xi co `andWhenContinue` \ new_ev ->
+ do { -- Now decompose into its pieces and solve it
+ -- (It takes a lot less code to flatten before decomposing.)
+ ; case classifyPredType (ctEvPred new_ev) of
+ ForAllPred tvs theta pred
+ -> solveForAll new_ev tvs theta pred pend_sc
+ _ -> pprPanic "canForAll" (ppr new_ev)
+ } }
+solveForAll :: CtEvidence -> [TyVar] -> TcThetaType -> PredType -> Bool
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+solveForAll ev tvs theta pred pend_sc
+ | CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest } <- ev
+ = -- See Note [Solving a Wanted forall-constraint]
+ do { let skol_info = QuantCtxtSkol
+ empty_subst = mkEmptyTCvSubst $ mkInScopeSet $
+ tyCoVarsOfTypes (pred:theta) `delVarSetList` tvs
+ ; (subst, skol_tvs) <- tcInstSkolTyVarsX empty_subst tvs
+ ; given_ev_vars <- mapM newEvVar (substTheta subst theta)
+ ; (lvl, (w_id, wanteds))
+ <- pushLevelNoWorkList (ppr skol_info) $
+ do { wanted_ev <- newWantedEvVarNC loc $
+ substTy subst pred
+ ; return ( ctEvEvId wanted_ev
+ , unitBag (mkNonCanonical wanted_ev)) }
+ ; ev_binds <- emitImplicationTcS lvl skol_info skol_tvs
+ given_ev_vars wanteds
+ ; setWantedEvTerm dest $
+ EvFun { et_tvs = skol_tvs, et_given = given_ev_vars
+ , et_binds = ev_binds, et_body = w_id }
+ ; stopWith ev "Wanted forall-constraint" }
+ | isGiven ev -- See Note [Solving a Given forall-constraint]
+ = do { addInertForAll qci
+ ; stopWith ev "Given forall-constraint" }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceTcS "discarding derived forall-constraint" (ppr ev)
+ ; stopWith ev "Derived forall-constraint" }
+ where
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ qci = QCI { qci_ev = ev, qci_tvs = tvs
+ , qci_pred = pred, qci_pend_sc = pend_sc }
+{- Note [Solving a Wanted forall-constraint]
+Solving a wanted forall (quantified) constraint
+ [W] df :: forall ab. (Eq a, Ord b) => C x a b
+is delightfully easy. Just build an implication constraint
+ forall ab. (g1::Eq a, g2::Ord b) => [W] d :: C x a
+and discharge df thus:
+ df = /\ab. \g1 g2. let <binds> in d
+where <binds> is filled in by solving the implication constraint.
+All the machinery is to hand; there is little to do.
+Note [Solving a Given forall-constraint]
+For a Given constraint
+ [G] df :: forall ab. (Eq a, Ord b) => C x a b
+we just add it to TcS's local InstEnv of known instances,
+via addInertForall. Then, if we look up (C x Int Bool), say,
+we'll find a match in the InstEnv.
+* *
+* Equalities
+* *
+Note [Canonicalising equalities]
+In order to canonicalise an equality, we look at the structure of the
+two types at hand, looking for similarities. A difficulty is that the
+types may look dissimilar before flattening but similar after flattening.
+However, we don't just want to jump in and flatten right away, because
+this might be wasted effort. So, after looking for similarities and failing,
+we flatten and then try again. Of course, we don't want to loop, so we
+track whether or not we've already flattened.
+It is conceivable to do a better job at tracking whether or not a type
+is flattened, but this is left as future work. (Mar '15)
+Note [FunTy and decomposing tycon applications]
+When can_eq_nc' attempts to decompose a tycon application we haven't yet zonked.
+This means that we may very well have a FunTy containing a type of some unknown
+kind. For instance, we may have,
+ FunTy (a :: k) Int
+Where k is a unification variable. tcRepSplitTyConApp_maybe panics in the event
+that it sees such a type as it cannot determine the RuntimeReps which the (->)
+is applied to. Consequently, it is vital that we instead use
+tcRepSplitTyConApp_maybe', which simply returns Nothing in such a case.
+When this happens can_eq_nc' will fail to decompose, zonk, and try again.
+Zonking should fill the variable k, meaning that decomposition will succeed the
+second time around.
+canEqNC :: CtEvidence -> EqRel -> Type -> Type -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canEqNC ev eq_rel ty1 ty2
+ = do { result <- zonk_eq_types ty1 ty2
+ ; case result of
+ Left (Pair ty1' ty2') -> can_eq_nc False ev eq_rel ty1' ty1 ty2' ty2
+ Right ty -> canEqReflexive ev eq_rel ty }
+ :: Bool -- True => both types are flat
+ -> CtEvidence
+ -> EqRel
+ -> Type -> Type -- LHS, after and before type-synonym expansion, resp
+ -> Type -> Type -- RHS, after and before type-synonym expansion, resp
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+can_eq_nc flat ev eq_rel ty1 ps_ty1 ty2 ps_ty2
+ = do { traceTcS "can_eq_nc" $
+ vcat [ ppr flat, ppr ev, ppr eq_rel, ppr ty1, ppr ps_ty1, ppr ty2, ppr ps_ty2 ]
+ ; rdr_env <- getGlobalRdrEnvTcS
+ ; fam_insts <- getFamInstEnvs
+ ; can_eq_nc' flat rdr_env fam_insts ev eq_rel ty1 ps_ty1 ty2 ps_ty2 }
+ :: Bool -- True => both input types are flattened
+ -> GlobalRdrEnv -- needed to see which newtypes are in scope
+ -> FamInstEnvs -- needed to unwrap data instances
+ -> CtEvidence
+ -> EqRel
+ -> Type -> Type -- LHS, after and before type-synonym expansion, resp
+ -> Type -> Type -- RHS, after and before type-synonym expansion, resp
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- Expand synonyms first; see Note [Type synonyms and canonicalization]
+can_eq_nc' flat rdr_env envs ev eq_rel ty1 ps_ty1 ty2 ps_ty2
+ | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = can_eq_nc' flat rdr_env envs ev eq_rel ty1' ps_ty1 ty2 ps_ty2
+ | Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = can_eq_nc' flat rdr_env envs ev eq_rel ty1 ps_ty1 ty2' ps_ty2
+-- need to check for reflexivity in the ReprEq case.
+-- See Note [Eager reflexivity check]
+-- Check only when flat because the zonk_eq_types check in canEqNC takes
+-- care of the non-flat case.
+can_eq_nc' True _rdr_env _envs ev ReprEq ty1 _ ty2 _
+ | ty1 `tcEqType` ty2
+ = canEqReflexive ev ReprEq ty1
+-- When working with ReprEq, unwrap newtypes.
+-- See Note [Unwrap newtypes first]
+-- This must be above the TyVarTy case, in order to guarantee (TyEq:N)
+can_eq_nc' _flat rdr_env envs ev eq_rel ty1 ps_ty1 ty2 ps_ty2
+ | ReprEq <- eq_rel
+ , Just stuff1 <- tcTopNormaliseNewTypeTF_maybe envs rdr_env ty1
+ = can_eq_newtype_nc ev NotSwapped ty1 stuff1 ty2 ps_ty2
+ | ReprEq <- eq_rel
+ , Just stuff2 <- tcTopNormaliseNewTypeTF_maybe envs rdr_env ty2
+ = can_eq_newtype_nc ev IsSwapped ty2 stuff2 ty1 ps_ty1
+-- Then, get rid of casts
+can_eq_nc' flat _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel (CastTy ty1 co1) _ ty2 ps_ty2
+ | not (isTyVarTy ty2) -- See (3) in Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
+ = canEqCast flat ev eq_rel NotSwapped ty1 co1 ty2 ps_ty2
+can_eq_nc' flat _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel ty1 ps_ty1 (CastTy ty2 co2) _
+ | not (isTyVarTy ty1) -- See (3) in Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
+ = canEqCast flat ev eq_rel IsSwapped ty2 co2 ty1 ps_ty1
+-- NB: pattern match on True: we want only flat types sent to canEqTyVar.
+-- See also Note [No top-level newtypes on RHS of representational equalities]
+can_eq_nc' True _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel (TyVarTy tv1) ps_ty1 ty2 ps_ty2
+ = canEqTyVar ev eq_rel NotSwapped tv1 ps_ty1 ty2 ps_ty2
+can_eq_nc' True _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel ty1 ps_ty1 (TyVarTy tv2) ps_ty2
+ = canEqTyVar ev eq_rel IsSwapped tv2 ps_ty2 ty1 ps_ty1
+-- Otherwise try to decompose
+-- Literals
+can_eq_nc' _flat _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel ty1@(LitTy l1) _ (LitTy l2) _
+ | l1 == l2
+ = do { setEvBindIfWanted ev (evCoercion $ mkReflCo (eqRelRole eq_rel) ty1)
+ ; stopWith ev "Equal LitTy" }
+-- Try to decompose type constructor applications
+-- Including FunTy (s -> t)
+can_eq_nc' _flat _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel ty1 _ ty2 _
+ --- See Note [FunTy and decomposing type constructor applications].
+ | Just (tc1, tys1) <- repSplitTyConApp_maybe ty1
+ , Just (tc2, tys2) <- repSplitTyConApp_maybe ty2
+ , not (isTypeFamilyTyCon tc1)
+ , not (isTypeFamilyTyCon tc2)
+ = canTyConApp ev eq_rel tc1 tys1 tc2 tys2
+can_eq_nc' _flat _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel
+ s1@(ForAllTy {}) _ s2@(ForAllTy {}) _
+ = can_eq_nc_forall ev eq_rel s1 s2
+-- See Note [Canonicalising type applications] about why we require flat types
+can_eq_nc' True _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel (AppTy t1 s1) _ ty2 _
+ | NomEq <- eq_rel
+ , Just (t2, s2) <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe ty2
+ = can_eq_app ev t1 s1 t2 s2
+can_eq_nc' True _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel ty1 _ (AppTy t2 s2) _
+ | NomEq <- eq_rel
+ , Just (t1, s1) <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe ty1
+ = can_eq_app ev t1 s1 t2 s2
+-- No similarity in type structure detected. Flatten and try again.
+can_eq_nc' False rdr_env envs ev eq_rel _ ps_ty1 _ ps_ty2
+ = do { (xi1, co1) <- flatten FM_FlattenAll ev ps_ty1
+ ; (xi2, co2) <- flatten FM_FlattenAll ev ps_ty2
+ ; new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev NotSwapped xi1 xi2 co1 co2
+ ; can_eq_nc' True rdr_env envs new_ev eq_rel xi1 xi1 xi2 xi2 }
+-- We've flattened and the types don't match. Give up.
+can_eq_nc' True _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel _ ps_ty1 _ ps_ty2
+ = do { traceTcS "can_eq_nc' catch-all case" (ppr ps_ty1 $$ ppr ps_ty2)
+ ; case eq_rel of -- See Note [Unsolved equalities]
+ ReprEq -> continueWith (mkIrredCt OtherCIS ev)
+ NomEq -> continueWith (mkIrredCt InsolubleCIS ev) }
+ -- No need to call canEqFailure/canEqHardFailure because they
+ -- flatten, and the types involved here are already flat
+{- Note [Unsolved equalities]
+If we have an unsolved equality like
+ (a b ~R# Int)
+that is not necessarily insoluble! Maybe 'a' will turn out to be a newtype.
+So we want to make it a potentially-soluble Irred not an insoluble one.
+Missing this point is what caused #15431
+can_eq_nc_forall :: CtEvidence -> EqRel
+ -> Type -> Type -- LHS and RHS
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- (forall as. phi1) ~ (forall bs. phi2)
+-- Check for length match of as, bs
+-- Then build an implication constraint: forall as. phi1 ~ phi2[as/bs]
+-- But remember also to unify the kinds of as and bs
+-- (this is the 'go' loop), and actually substitute phi2[as |> cos / bs]
+-- Remember also that we might have forall z (a:z). blah
+-- so we must proceed one binder at a time (#13879)
+can_eq_nc_forall ev eq_rel s1 s2
+ | CtWanted { ctev_loc = loc, ctev_dest = orig_dest } <- ev
+ = do { let free_tvs = tyCoVarsOfTypes [s1,s2]
+ (bndrs1, phi1) = tcSplitForAllVarBndrs s1
+ (bndrs2, phi2) = tcSplitForAllVarBndrs s2
+ ; if not (equalLength bndrs1 bndrs2)
+ then do { traceTcS "Forall failure" $
+ vcat [ ppr s1, ppr s2, ppr bndrs1, ppr bndrs2
+ , ppr (map binderArgFlag bndrs1)
+ , ppr (map binderArgFlag bndrs2) ]
+ ; canEqHardFailure ev s1 s2 }
+ else
+ do { traceTcS "Creating implication for polytype equality" $ ppr ev
+ ; let empty_subst1 = mkEmptyTCvSubst $ mkInScopeSet free_tvs
+ ; (subst1, skol_tvs) <- tcInstSkolTyVarsX empty_subst1 $
+ binderVars bndrs1
+ ; let skol_info = UnifyForAllSkol phi1
+ phi1' = substTy subst1 phi1
+ -- Unify the kinds, extend the substitution
+ go :: [TcTyVar] -> TCvSubst -> [TyVarBinder]
+ -> TcS (TcCoercion, Cts)
+ go (skol_tv:skol_tvs) subst (bndr2:bndrs2)
+ = do { let tv2 = binderVar bndr2
+ ; (kind_co, wanteds1) <- unify loc Nominal (tyVarKind skol_tv)
+ (substTy subst (tyVarKind tv2))
+ ; let subst' = extendTvSubstAndInScope subst tv2
+ (mkCastTy (mkTyVarTy skol_tv) kind_co)
+ -- skol_tv is already in the in-scope set, but the
+ -- free vars of kind_co are not; hence "...AndInScope"
+ ; (co, wanteds2) <- go skol_tvs subst' bndrs2
+ ; return ( mkTcForAllCo skol_tv kind_co co
+ , wanteds1 `unionBags` wanteds2 ) }
+ -- Done: unify phi1 ~ phi2
+ go [] subst bndrs2
+ = ASSERT( null bndrs2 )
+ unify loc (eqRelRole eq_rel) phi1' (substTyUnchecked subst phi2)
+ go _ _ _ = panic "cna_eq_nc_forall" -- case (s:ss) []
+ empty_subst2 = mkEmptyTCvSubst (getTCvInScope subst1)
+ ; (lvl, (all_co, wanteds)) <- pushLevelNoWorkList (ppr skol_info) $
+ go skol_tvs empty_subst2 bndrs2
+ ; emitTvImplicationTcS lvl skol_info skol_tvs wanteds
+ ; setWantedEq orig_dest all_co
+ ; stopWith ev "Deferred polytype equality" } }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceTcS "Omitting decomposition of given polytype equality" $
+ pprEq s1 s2 -- See Note [Do not decompose given polytype equalities]
+ ; stopWith ev "Discard given polytype equality" }
+ where
+ unify :: CtLoc -> Role -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS (TcCoercion, Cts)
+ -- This version returns the wanted constraint rather
+ -- than putting it in the work list
+ unify loc role ty1 ty2
+ | ty1 `tcEqType` ty2
+ = return (mkTcReflCo role ty1, emptyBag)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (wanted, co) <- newWantedEq loc role ty1 ty2
+ ; return (co, unitBag (mkNonCanonical wanted)) }
+-- | Compare types for equality, while zonking as necessary. Gives up
+-- as soon as it finds that two types are not equal.
+-- This is quite handy when some unification has made two
+-- types in an inert Wanted to be equal. We can discover the equality without
+-- flattening, which is sometimes very expensive (in the case of type functions).
+-- In particular, this function makes a ~20% improvement in test case
+-- perf/compiler/T5030.
+-- Returns either the (partially zonked) types in the case of
+-- inequality, or the one type in the case of equality. canEqReflexive is
+-- a good next step in the 'Right' case. Returning 'Left' is always safe.
+-- NB: This does *not* look through type synonyms. In fact, it treats type
+-- synonyms as rigid constructors. In the future, it might be convenient
+-- to look at only those arguments of type synonyms that actually appear
+-- in the synonym RHS. But we're not there yet.
+zonk_eq_types :: TcType -> TcType -> TcS (Either (Pair TcType) TcType)
+zonk_eq_types = go
+ where
+ go (TyVarTy tv1) (TyVarTy tv2) = tyvar_tyvar tv1 tv2
+ go (TyVarTy tv1) ty2 = tyvar NotSwapped tv1 ty2
+ go ty1 (TyVarTy tv2) = tyvar IsSwapped tv2 ty1
+ -- We handle FunTys explicitly here despite the fact that they could also be
+ -- treated as an application. Why? Well, for one it's cheaper to just look
+ -- at two types (the argument and result types) than four (the argument,
+ -- result, and their RuntimeReps). Also, we haven't completely zonked yet,
+ -- so we may run into an unzonked type variable while trying to compute the
+ -- RuntimeReps of the argument and result types. This can be observed in
+ -- testcase tc269.
+ go ty1 ty2
+ | Just (arg1, res1) <- split1
+ , Just (arg2, res2) <- split2
+ = do { res_a <- go arg1 arg2
+ ; res_b <- go res1 res2
+ ; return $ combine_rev mkVisFunTy res_b res_a
+ }
+ | isJust split1 || isJust split2
+ = bale_out ty1 ty2
+ where
+ split1 = tcSplitFunTy_maybe ty1
+ split2 = tcSplitFunTy_maybe ty2
+ go ty1 ty2
+ | Just (tc1, tys1) <- repSplitTyConApp_maybe ty1
+ , Just (tc2, tys2) <- repSplitTyConApp_maybe ty2
+ = if tc1 == tc2 && tys1 `equalLength` tys2
+ -- Crucial to check for equal-length args, because
+ -- we cannot assume that the two args to 'go' have
+ -- the same kind. E.g go (Proxy * (Maybe Int))
+ -- (Proxy (*->*) Maybe)
+ -- We'll call (go (Maybe Int) Maybe)
+ -- See #13083
+ then tycon tc1 tys1 tys2
+ else bale_out ty1 ty2
+ go ty1 ty2
+ | Just (ty1a, ty1b) <- tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe ty1
+ , Just (ty2a, ty2b) <- tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe ty2
+ = do { res_a <- go ty1a ty2a
+ ; res_b <- go ty1b ty2b
+ ; return $ combine_rev mkAppTy res_b res_a }
+ go ty1@(LitTy lit1) (LitTy lit2)
+ | lit1 == lit2
+ = return (Right ty1)
+ go ty1 ty2 = bale_out ty1 ty2
+ -- We don't handle more complex forms here
+ bale_out ty1 ty2 = return $ Left (Pair ty1 ty2)
+ tyvar :: SwapFlag -> TcTyVar -> TcType
+ -> TcS (Either (Pair TcType) TcType)
+ -- Try to do as little as possible, as anything we do here is redundant
+ -- with flattening. In particular, no need to zonk kinds. That's why
+ -- we don't use the already-defined zonking functions
+ tyvar swapped tv ty
+ = case tcTyVarDetails tv of
+ MetaTv { mtv_ref = ref }
+ -> do { cts <- readTcRef ref
+ ; case cts of
+ Flexi -> give_up
+ Indirect ty' -> do { trace_indirect tv ty'
+ ; unSwap swapped go ty' ty } }
+ _ -> give_up
+ where
+ give_up = return $ Left $ unSwap swapped Pair (mkTyVarTy tv) ty
+ tyvar_tyvar tv1 tv2
+ | tv1 == tv2 = return (Right (mkTyVarTy tv1))
+ | otherwise = do { (ty1', progress1) <- quick_zonk tv1
+ ; (ty2', progress2) <- quick_zonk tv2
+ ; if progress1 || progress2
+ then go ty1' ty2'
+ else return $ Left (Pair (TyVarTy tv1) (TyVarTy tv2)) }
+ trace_indirect tv ty
+ = traceTcS "Following filled tyvar (zonk_eq_types)"
+ (ppr tv <+> equals <+> ppr ty)
+ quick_zonk tv = case tcTyVarDetails tv of
+ MetaTv { mtv_ref = ref }
+ -> do { cts <- readTcRef ref
+ ; case cts of
+ Flexi -> return (TyVarTy tv, False)
+ Indirect ty' -> do { trace_indirect tv ty'
+ ; return (ty', True) } }
+ _ -> return (TyVarTy tv, False)
+ -- This happens for type families, too. But recall that failure
+ -- here just means to try harder, so it's OK if the type function
+ -- isn't injective.
+ tycon :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> [TcType]
+ -> TcS (Either (Pair TcType) TcType)
+ tycon tc tys1 tys2
+ = do { results <- zipWithM go tys1 tys2
+ ; return $ case combine_results results of
+ Left tys -> Left (mkTyConApp tc <$> tys)
+ Right tys -> Right (mkTyConApp tc tys) }
+ combine_results :: [Either (Pair TcType) TcType]
+ -> Either (Pair [TcType]) [TcType]
+ combine_results = bimap (fmap reverse) reverse .
+ foldl' (combine_rev (:)) (Right [])
+ -- combine (in reverse) a new result onto an already-combined result
+ combine_rev :: (a -> b -> c)
+ -> Either (Pair b) b
+ -> Either (Pair a) a
+ -> Either (Pair c) c
+ combine_rev f (Left list) (Left elt) = Left (f <$> elt <*> list)
+ combine_rev f (Left list) (Right ty) = Left (f <$> pure ty <*> list)
+ combine_rev f (Right tys) (Left elt) = Left (f <$> elt <*> pure tys)
+ combine_rev f (Right tys) (Right ty) = Right (f ty tys)
+{- See Note [Unwrap newtypes first]
+ newtype N m a = MkN (m a)
+Then N will get a conservative, Nominal role for its second parameter 'a',
+because it appears as an argument to the unknown 'm'. Now consider
+ [W] N Maybe a ~R# N Maybe b
+If we decompose, we'll get
+ [W] a ~N# b
+But if instead we unwrap we'll get
+ [W] Maybe a ~R# Maybe b
+which in turn gives us
+ [W] a ~R# b
+which is easier to satisfy.
+Bottom line: unwrap newtypes before decomposing them!
+c.f. #9123 comment:52,53 for a compelling example.
+Note [Newtypes can blow the stack]
+Suppose we have
+ newtype X = MkX (Int -> X)
+ newtype Y = MkY (Int -> Y)
+and now wish to prove
+ [W] X ~R Y
+This Wanted will loop, expanding out the newtypes ever deeper looking
+for a solid match or a solid discrepancy. Indeed, there is something
+appropriate to this looping, because X and Y *do* have the same representation,
+in the limit -- they're both (Fix ((->) Int)). However, no finitely-sized
+coercion will ever witness it. This loop won't actually cause GHC to hang,
+though, because we check our depth when unwrapping newtypes.
+Note [Eager reflexivity check]
+Suppose we have
+ newtype X = MkX (Int -> X)
+ [W] X ~R X
+Naively, we would start unwrapping X and end up in a loop. Instead,
+we do this eager reflexivity check. This is necessary only for representational
+equality because the flattener technology deals with the similar case
+(recursive type families) for nominal equality.
+Note that this check does not catch all cases, but it will catch the cases
+we're most worried about, types like X above that are actually inhabited.
+Here's another place where this reflexivity check is key:
+Consider trying to prove (f a) ~R (f a). The AppTys in there can't
+be decomposed, because representational equality isn't congruent with respect
+to AppTy. So, when canonicalising the equality above, we get stuck and
+would normally produce a CIrredCan. However, we really do want to
+be able to solve (f a) ~R (f a). So, in the representational case only,
+we do a reflexivity check.
+(This would be sound in the nominal case, but unnecessary, and I [Richard
+E.] am worried that it would slow down the common case.)
+-- | We're able to unwrap a newtype. Update the bits accordingly.
+can_eq_newtype_nc :: CtEvidence -- ^ :: ty1 ~ ty2
+ -> SwapFlag
+ -> TcType -- ^ ty1
+ -> ((Bag GlobalRdrElt, TcCoercion), TcType) -- ^ :: ty1 ~ ty1'
+ -> TcType -- ^ ty2
+ -> TcType -- ^ ty2, with type synonyms
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+can_eq_newtype_nc ev swapped ty1 ((gres, co), ty1') ty2 ps_ty2
+ = do { traceTcS "can_eq_newtype_nc" $
+ vcat [ ppr ev, ppr swapped, ppr co, ppr gres, ppr ty1', ppr ty2 ]
+ -- check for blowing our stack:
+ -- See Note [Newtypes can blow the stack]
+ ; checkReductionDepth (ctEvLoc ev) ty1
+ -- Next, we record uses of newtype constructors, since coercing
+ -- through newtypes is tantamount to using their constructors.
+ ; addUsedGREs gre_list
+ -- If a newtype constructor was imported, don't warn about not
+ -- importing it...
+ ; traverse_ keepAlive $ map gre_name gre_list
+ -- ...and similarly, if a newtype constructor was defined in the same
+ -- module, don't warn about it being unused.
+ -- See Note [Tracking unused binding and imports] in GHC.Tc.Utils.
+ ; new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev swapped ty1' ps_ty2
+ (mkTcSymCo co) (mkTcReflCo Representational ps_ty2)
+ ; can_eq_nc False new_ev ReprEq ty1' ty1' ty2 ps_ty2 }
+ where
+ gre_list = bagToList gres
+-- ^ Decompose a type application.
+-- All input types must be flat. See Note [Canonicalising type applications]
+-- Nominal equality only!
+can_eq_app :: CtEvidence -- :: s1 t1 ~N s2 t2
+ -> Xi -> Xi -- s1 t1
+ -> Xi -> Xi -- s2 t2
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- AppTys only decompose for nominal equality, so this case just leads
+-- to an irreducible constraint; see typecheck/should_compile/T10494
+-- See Note [Decomposing equality], note {4}
+can_eq_app ev s1 t1 s2 t2
+ | CtDerived {} <- ev
+ = do { unifyDeriveds loc [Nominal, Nominal] [s1, t1] [s2, t2]
+ ; stopWith ev "Decomposed [D] AppTy" }
+ | CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest } <- ev
+ = do { co_s <- unifyWanted loc Nominal s1 s2
+ ; let arg_loc
+ | isNextArgVisible s1 = loc
+ | otherwise = updateCtLocOrigin loc toInvisibleOrigin
+ ; co_t <- unifyWanted arg_loc Nominal t1 t2
+ ; let co = mkAppCo co_s co_t
+ ; setWantedEq dest co
+ ; stopWith ev "Decomposed [W] AppTy" }
+ -- If there is a ForAll/(->) mismatch, the use of the Left coercion
+ -- below is ill-typed, potentially leading to a panic in splitTyConApp
+ -- Test case: typecheck/should_run/Typeable1
+ -- We could also include this mismatch check above (for W and D), but it's slow
+ -- and we'll get a better error message not doing it
+ | s1k `mismatches` s2k
+ = canEqHardFailure ev (s1 `mkAppTy` t1) (s2 `mkAppTy` t2)
+ | CtGiven { ctev_evar = evar } <- ev
+ = do { let co = mkTcCoVarCo evar
+ co_s = mkTcLRCo CLeft co
+ co_t = mkTcLRCo CRight co
+ ; evar_s <- newGivenEvVar loc ( mkTcEqPredLikeEv ev s1 s2
+ , evCoercion co_s )
+ ; evar_t <- newGivenEvVar loc ( mkTcEqPredLikeEv ev t1 t2
+ , evCoercion co_t )
+ ; emitWorkNC [evar_t]
+ ; canEqNC evar_s NomEq s1 s2 }
+ where
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ s1k = tcTypeKind s1
+ s2k = tcTypeKind s2
+ k1 `mismatches` k2
+ = isForAllTy k1 && not (isForAllTy k2)
+ || not (isForAllTy k1) && isForAllTy k2
+-- | Break apart an equality over a casted type
+-- looking like (ty1 |> co1) ~ ty2 (modulo a swap-flag)
+canEqCast :: Bool -- are both types flat?
+ -> CtEvidence
+ -> EqRel
+ -> SwapFlag
+ -> TcType -> Coercion -- LHS (res. RHS), ty1 |> co1
+ -> TcType -> TcType -- RHS (res. LHS), ty2 both normal and pretty
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canEqCast flat ev eq_rel swapped ty1 co1 ty2 ps_ty2
+ = do { traceTcS "Decomposing cast" (vcat [ ppr ev
+ , ppr ty1 <+> text "|>" <+> ppr co1
+ , ppr ps_ty2 ])
+ ; new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev swapped ty1 ps_ty2
+ (mkTcGReflRightCo role ty1 co1)
+ (mkTcReflCo role ps_ty2)
+ ; can_eq_nc flat new_ev eq_rel ty1 ty1 ty2 ps_ty2 }
+ where
+ role = eqRelRole eq_rel
+canTyConApp :: CtEvidence -> EqRel
+ -> TyCon -> [TcType]
+ -> TyCon -> [TcType]
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- See Note [Decomposing TyConApps]
+canTyConApp ev eq_rel tc1 tys1 tc2 tys2
+ | tc1 == tc2
+ , tys1 `equalLength` tys2
+ = do { inerts <- getTcSInerts
+ ; if can_decompose inerts
+ then do { traceTcS "canTyConApp"
+ (ppr ev $$ ppr eq_rel $$ ppr tc1 $$ ppr tys1 $$ ppr tys2)
+ ; canDecomposableTyConAppOK ev eq_rel tc1 tys1 tys2
+ ; stopWith ev "Decomposed TyConApp" }
+ else canEqFailure ev eq_rel ty1 ty2 }
+ -- See Note [Skolem abstract data] (at tyConSkolem)
+ | tyConSkolem tc1 || tyConSkolem tc2
+ = do { traceTcS "canTyConApp: skolem abstract" (ppr tc1 $$ ppr tc2)
+ ; continueWith (mkIrredCt OtherCIS ev) }
+ -- Fail straight away for better error messages
+ -- See Note [Use canEqFailure in canDecomposableTyConApp]
+ | eq_rel == ReprEq && not (isGenerativeTyCon tc1 Representational &&
+ isGenerativeTyCon tc2 Representational)
+ = canEqFailure ev eq_rel ty1 ty2
+ | otherwise
+ = canEqHardFailure ev ty1 ty2
+ where
+ ty1 = mkTyConApp tc1 tys1
+ ty2 = mkTyConApp tc2 tys2
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ pred = ctEvPred ev
+ -- See Note [Decomposing equality]
+ can_decompose inerts
+ = isInjectiveTyCon tc1 (eqRelRole eq_rel)
+ || (ctEvFlavour ev /= Given && isEmptyBag (matchableGivens loc pred inerts))
+Note [Use canEqFailure in canDecomposableTyConApp]
+We must use canEqFailure, not canEqHardFailure here, because there is
+the possibility of success if working with a representational equality.
+Here is one case:
+ type family TF a where TF Char = Bool
+ data family DF a
+ newtype instance DF Bool = MkDF Int
+Suppose we are canonicalising (Int ~R DF (TF a)), where we don't yet
+know `a`. This is *not* a hard failure, because we might soon learn
+that `a` is, in fact, Char, and then the equality succeeds.
+Here is another case:
+ [G] Age ~R Int
+where Age's constructor is not in scope. We don't want to report
+an "inaccessible code" error in the context of this Given!
+For example, see typecheck/should_compile/T10493, repeated here:
+ import Data.Ord (Down) -- no constructor
+ foo :: Coercible (Down Int) Int => Down Int -> Int
+ foo = coerce
+That should compile, but only because we use canEqFailure and not
+Note [Decomposing equality]
+If we have a constraint (of any flavour and role) that looks like
+T tys1 ~ T tys2, what can we conclude about tys1 and tys2? The answer,
+of course, is "it depends". This Note spells it all out.
+In this Note, "decomposition" refers to taking the constraint
+ [fl] (T tys1 ~X T tys2)
+(for some flavour fl and some role X) and replacing it with
+ [fls'] (tys1 ~Xs' tys2)
+where that notation indicates a list of new constraints, where the
+new constraints may have different flavours and different roles.
+The key property to consider is injectivity. When decomposing a Given the
+decomposition is sound if and only if T is injective in all of its type
+arguments. When decomposing a Wanted, the decomposition is sound (assuming the
+correct roles in the produced equality constraints), but it may be a guess --
+that is, an unforced decision by the constraint solver. Decomposing Wanteds
+over injective TyCons does not entail guessing. But sometimes we want to
+decompose a Wanted even when the TyCon involved is not injective! (See below.)
+So, in broad strokes, we want this rule:
+(*) Decompose a constraint (T tys1 ~X T tys2) if and only if T is injective
+at role X.
+Pursuing the details requires exploring three axes:
+* Flavour: Given vs. Derived vs. Wanted
+* Role: Nominal vs. Representational
+* TyCon species: datatype vs. newtype vs. data family vs. type family vs. type variable
+(So a type variable isn't a TyCon, but it's convenient to put the AppTy case
+in the same table.)
+Right away, we can say that Derived behaves just as Wanted for the purposes
+of decomposition. The difference between Derived and Wanted is the handling of
+evidence. Since decomposition in these cases isn't a matter of soundness but of
+guessing, we want the same behavior regardless of evidence.
+Here is a table (discussion following) detailing where decomposition of
+ (T s1 ... sn) ~r (T t1 .. tn)
+is allowed. The first four lines (Data types ... type family) refer
+to TyConApps with various TyCons T; the last line is for AppTy, where
+there is presumably a type variable at the head, so it's actually
+ (s s1 ... sn) ~r (t t1 .. tn)
+Datatype YES YES
+Newtype YES YES
+Data family YES YES
+Type family YES, in injective args{1} YES, in injective args{1}
+Type variable YES YES
+Datatype YES YES
+Newtype NO{2} MAYBE{2}
+Data family NO{3} MAYBE{3}
+Type family NO NO
+Type variable NO{4} NO{4}
+{1}: Type families can be injective in some, but not all, of their arguments,
+so we want to do partial decomposition. This is quite different than the way
+other decomposition is done, where the decomposed equalities replace the original
+one. We thus proceed much like we do with superclasses: emitting new Givens
+when "decomposing" a partially-injective type family Given and new Deriveds
+when "decomposing" a partially-injective type family Wanted. (As of the time of
+writing, 13 June 2015, the implementation of injective type families has not
+been merged, but it should be soon. Please delete this parenthetical if the
+implementation is indeed merged.)
+{2}: See Note [Decomposing newtypes at representational role]
+{3}: Because of the possibility of newtype instances, we must treat
+data families like newtypes. See also Note [Decomposing newtypes at
+representational role]. See #10534 and test case
+{4}: Because type variables can stand in for newtypes, we conservatively do not
+decompose AppTys over representational equality.
+In the implementation of can_eq_nc and friends, we don't directly pattern
+match using lines like in the tables above, as those tables don't cover
+all cases (what about PrimTyCon? tuples?). Instead we just ask about injectivity,
+boiling the tables above down to rule (*). The exceptions to rule (*) are for
+injective type families, which are handled separately from other decompositions,
+and the MAYBE entries above.
+Note [Decomposing newtypes at representational role]
+This note discusses the 'newtype' line in the REPRESENTATIONAL table
+in Note [Decomposing equality]. (At nominal role, newtypes are fully
+Here is a representative example of why representational equality over
+newtypes is tricky:
+ newtype Nt a = Mk Bool -- NB: a is not used in the RHS,
+ type role Nt representational -- but the user gives it an R role anyway
+If we have [W] Nt alpha ~R Nt beta, we *don't* want to decompose to
+[W] alpha ~R beta, because it's possible that alpha and beta aren't
+representationally equal. Here's another example.
+ newtype Nt a = MkNt (Id a)
+ type family Id a where Id a = a
+ [W] Nt Int ~R Nt Age
+Because of its use of a type family, Nt's parameter will get inferred to have
+a nominal role. Thus, decomposing the wanted will yield [W] Int ~N Age, which
+is unsatisfiable. Unwrapping, though, leads to a solution.
+ * Unwrap newtypes before attempting to decompose them.
+ This is done in can_eq_nc'.
+It all comes from the fact that newtypes aren't necessarily injective
+w.r.t. representational equality.
+Furthermore, as explained in Note [NthCo and newtypes] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep, we can't use
+NthCo on representational coercions over newtypes. NthCo comes into play
+only when decomposing givens.
+ * Do not decompose [G] N s ~R N t
+Is it sensible to decompose *Wanted* constraints over newtypes? Yes!
+It's the only way we could ever prove (IO Int ~R IO Age), recalling
+that IO is a newtype.
+However we must be careful. Consider
+ type role Nt representational
+ [G] Nt a ~R Nt b (1)
+ [W] NT alpha ~R Nt b (2)
+ [W] alpha ~ a (3)
+If we focus on (3) first, we'll substitute in (2), and now it's
+identical to the given (1), so we succeed. But if we focus on (2)
+first, and decompose it, we'll get (alpha ~R b), which is not soluble.
+This is exactly like the question of overlapping Givens for class
+constraints: see Note [Instance and Given overlap] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.
+ * Decompose [W] N s ~R N t iff there no given constraint that could
+ later solve it.
+canDecomposableTyConAppOK :: CtEvidence -> EqRel
+ -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> [TcType]
+ -> TcS ()
+-- Precondition: tys1 and tys2 are the same length, hence "OK"
+canDecomposableTyConAppOK ev eq_rel tc tys1 tys2
+ = ASSERT( tys1 `equalLength` tys2 )
+ case ev of
+ CtDerived {}
+ -> unifyDeriveds loc tc_roles tys1 tys2
+ CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest }
+ -- new_locs and tc_roles are both infinite, so
+ -- we are guaranteed that cos has the same length
+ -- as tys1 and tys2
+ -> do { cos <- zipWith4M unifyWanted new_locs tc_roles tys1 tys2
+ ; setWantedEq dest (mkTyConAppCo role tc cos) }
+ CtGiven { ctev_evar = evar }
+ -> do { let ev_co = mkCoVarCo evar
+ ; given_evs <- newGivenEvVars loc $
+ [ ( mkPrimEqPredRole r ty1 ty2
+ , evCoercion $ mkNthCo r i ev_co )
+ | (r, ty1, ty2, i) <- zip4 tc_roles tys1 tys2 [0..]
+ , r /= Phantom
+ , not (isCoercionTy ty1) && not (isCoercionTy ty2) ]
+ ; emitWorkNC given_evs }
+ where
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ role = eqRelRole eq_rel
+ -- infinite, as tyConRolesX returns an infinite tail of Nominal
+ tc_roles = tyConRolesX role tc
+ -- Add nuances to the location during decomposition:
+ -- * if the argument is a kind argument, remember this, so that error
+ -- messages say "kind", not "type". This is determined based on whether
+ -- the corresponding tyConBinder is named (that is, dependent)
+ -- * if the argument is invisible, note this as well, again by
+ -- looking at the corresponding binder
+ -- For oversaturated tycons, we need the (repeat loc) tail, which doesn't
+ -- do either of these changes. (Forgetting to do so led to #16188)
+ --
+ -- NB: infinite in length
+ new_locs = [ new_loc
+ | bndr <- tyConBinders tc
+ , let new_loc0 | isNamedTyConBinder bndr = toKindLoc loc
+ | otherwise = loc
+ new_loc | isVisibleTyConBinder bndr
+ = updateCtLocOrigin new_loc0 toInvisibleOrigin
+ | otherwise
+ = new_loc0 ]
+ ++ repeat loc
+-- | Call when canonicalizing an equality fails, but if the equality is
+-- representational, there is some hope for the future.
+-- Examples in Note [Use canEqFailure in canDecomposableTyConApp]
+canEqFailure :: CtEvidence -> EqRel
+ -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canEqFailure ev NomEq ty1 ty2
+ = canEqHardFailure ev ty1 ty2
+canEqFailure ev ReprEq ty1 ty2
+ = do { (xi1, co1) <- flatten FM_FlattenAll ev ty1
+ ; (xi2, co2) <- flatten FM_FlattenAll ev ty2
+ -- We must flatten the types before putting them in the
+ -- inert set, so that we are sure to kick them out when
+ -- new equalities become available
+ ; traceTcS "canEqFailure with ReprEq" $
+ vcat [ ppr ev, ppr ty1, ppr ty2, ppr xi1, ppr xi2 ]
+ ; new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev NotSwapped xi1 xi2 co1 co2
+ ; continueWith (mkIrredCt OtherCIS new_ev) }
+-- | Call when canonicalizing an equality fails with utterly no hope.
+canEqHardFailure :: CtEvidence
+ -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- See Note [Make sure that insolubles are fully rewritten]
+canEqHardFailure ev ty1 ty2
+ = do { (s1, co1) <- flatten FM_SubstOnly ev ty1
+ ; (s2, co2) <- flatten FM_SubstOnly ev ty2
+ ; new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev NotSwapped s1 s2 co1 co2
+ ; continueWith (mkIrredCt InsolubleCIS new_ev) }
+Note [Decomposing TyConApps]
+If we see (T s1 t1 ~ T s2 t2), then we can just decompose to
+ (s1 ~ s2, t1 ~ t2)
+and push those back into the work list. But if
+ s1 = K k1 s2 = K k2
+then we will just decomopose s1~s2, and it might be better to
+do so on the spot. An important special case is where s1=s2,
+and we get just Refl.
+So canDecomposableTyCon is a fast-path decomposition that uses
+unifyWanted etc to short-cut that work.
+Note [Canonicalising type applications]
+Given (s1 t1) ~ ty2, how should we proceed?
+The simple things is to see if ty2 is of form (s2 t2), and
+decompose. By this time s1 and s2 can't be saturated type
+function applications, because those have been dealt with
+by an earlier equation in can_eq_nc, so it is always sound to
+However, over-eager decomposition gives bad error messages
+for things like
+ a b ~ Maybe c
+ e f ~ p -> q
+Suppose (in the first example) we already know a~Array. Then if we
+decompose the application eagerly, yielding
+ a ~ Maybe
+ b ~ c
+we get an error "Can't match Array ~ Maybe",
+but we'd prefer to get "Can't match Array b ~ Maybe c".
+So instead can_eq_wanted_app flattens the LHS and RHS, in the hope of
+replacing (a b) by (Array b), before using try_decompose_app to
+decompose it.
+Note [Make sure that insolubles are fully rewritten]
+When an equality fails, we still want to rewrite the equality
+all the way down, so that it accurately reflects
+ (a) the mutable reference substitution in force at start of solving
+ (b) any ty-binds in force at this point in solving
+See Note [Rewrite insolubles] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.
+And if we don't do this there is a bad danger that
+GHC.Tc.Solver.applyTyVarDefaulting will find a variable
+that has in fact been substituted.
+Note [Do not decompose Given polytype equalities]
+Consider [G] (forall a. t1 ~ forall a. t2). Can we decompose this?
+No -- what would the evidence look like? So instead we simply discard
+this given evidence.
+Note [Combining insoluble constraints]
+As this point we have an insoluble constraint, like Int~Bool.
+ * If it is Wanted, delete it from the cache, so that subsequent
+ Int~Bool constraints give rise to separate error messages
+ * But if it is Derived, DO NOT delete from cache. A class constraint
+ may get kicked out of the inert set, and then have its functional
+ dependency Derived constraints generated a second time. In that
+ case we don't want to get two (or more) error messages by
+ generating two (or more) insoluble fundep constraints from the same
+ class constraint.
+Note [No top-level newtypes on RHS of representational equalities]
+Suppose we're in this situation:
+ work item: [W] c1 : a ~R b
+ inert: [G] c2 : b ~R Id a
+ newtype Id a = Id a
+We want to make sure canEqTyVar sees [W] a ~R a, after b is flattened
+and the Id newtype is unwrapped. This is assured by requiring only flat
+types in canEqTyVar *and* having the newtype-unwrapping check above
+the tyvar check in can_eq_nc.
+Note [Occurs check error]
+If we have an occurs check error, are we necessarily hosed? Say our
+tyvar is tv1 and the type it appears in is xi2. Because xi2 is function
+free, then if we're computing w.r.t. nominal equality, then, yes, we're
+hosed. Nothing good can come from (a ~ [a]). If we're computing w.r.t.
+representational equality, this is a little subtler. Once again, (a ~R [a])
+is a bad thing, but (a ~R N a) for a newtype N might be just fine. This
+means also that (a ~ b a) might be fine, because `b` might become a newtype.
+So, we must check: does tv1 appear in xi2 under any type constructor
+that is generative w.r.t. representational equality? That's what
+isInsolubleOccursCheck does.
+See also #10715, which induced this addition.
+Note [canCFunEqCan]
+Flattening the arguments to a type family can change the kind of the type
+family application. As an easy example, consider (Any k) where (k ~ Type)
+is in the inert set. The original (Any k :: k) becomes (Any Type :: Type).
+The problem here is that the fsk in the CFunEqCan will have the old kind.
+The solution is to come up with a new fsk/fmv of the right kind. For
+givens, this is easy: just introduce a new fsk and update the flat-cache
+with the new one. For wanteds, we want to solve the old one if favor of
+the new one, so we use dischargeFmv. This also kicks out constraints
+from the inert set; this behavior is correct, as the kind-change may
+allow more constraints to be solved.
+We use `isTcReflexiveCo`, to ensure that we only use the hetero-kinded case
+if we really need to. Of course `flattenArgsNom` should return `Refl`
+whenever possible, but #15577 was an infinite loop because even
+though the coercion was homo-kinded, `kind_co` was not `Refl`, so we
+made a new (identical) CFunEqCan, and then the entire process repeated.
+canCFunEqCan :: CtEvidence
+ -> TyCon -> [TcType] -- LHS
+ -> TcTyVar -- RHS
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- ^ Canonicalise a CFunEqCan. We know that
+-- the arg types are already flat,
+-- and the RHS is a fsk, which we must *not* substitute.
+-- So just substitute in the LHS
+canCFunEqCan ev fn tys fsk
+ = do { (tys', cos, kind_co) <- flattenArgsNom ev fn tys
+ -- cos :: tys' ~ tys
+ ; let lhs_co = mkTcTyConAppCo Nominal fn cos
+ -- :: F tys' ~ F tys
+ new_lhs = mkTyConApp fn tys'
+ flav = ctEvFlavour ev
+ ; (ev', fsk')
+ <- if isTcReflexiveCo kind_co -- See Note [canCFunEqCan]
+ then do { traceTcS "canCFunEqCan: refl" (ppr new_lhs)
+ ; let fsk_ty = mkTyVarTy fsk
+ ; ev' <- rewriteEqEvidence ev NotSwapped new_lhs fsk_ty
+ lhs_co (mkTcNomReflCo fsk_ty)
+ ; return (ev', fsk) }
+ else do { traceTcS "canCFunEqCan: non-refl" $
+ vcat [ text "Kind co:" <+> ppr kind_co
+ , text "RHS:" <+> ppr fsk <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind fsk)
+ , text "LHS:" <+> hang (ppr (mkTyConApp fn tys))
+ 2 (dcolon <+> ppr (tcTypeKind (mkTyConApp fn tys)))
+ , text "New LHS" <+> hang (ppr new_lhs)
+ 2 (dcolon <+> ppr (tcTypeKind new_lhs)) ]
+ ; (ev', new_co, new_fsk)
+ <- newFlattenSkolem flav (ctEvLoc ev) fn tys'
+ ; let xi = mkTyVarTy new_fsk `mkCastTy` kind_co
+ -- sym lhs_co :: F tys ~ F tys'
+ -- new_co :: F tys' ~ new_fsk
+ -- co :: F tys ~ (new_fsk |> kind_co)
+ co = mkTcSymCo lhs_co `mkTcTransCo`
+ mkTcCoherenceRightCo Nominal
+ (mkTyVarTy new_fsk)
+ kind_co
+ new_co
+ ; traceTcS "Discharging fmv/fsk due to hetero flattening" (ppr ev)
+ ; dischargeFunEq ev fsk co xi
+ ; return (ev', new_fsk) }
+ ; extendFlatCache fn tys' (ctEvCoercion ev', mkTyVarTy fsk', ctEvFlavour ev')
+ ; continueWith (CFunEqCan { cc_ev = ev', cc_fun = fn
+ , cc_tyargs = tys', cc_fsk = fsk' }) }
+canEqTyVar :: CtEvidence -- ev :: lhs ~ rhs
+ -> EqRel -> SwapFlag
+ -> TcTyVar -- tv1
+ -> TcType -- lhs: pretty lhs, already flat
+ -> TcType -> TcType -- rhs: already flat
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canEqTyVar ev eq_rel swapped tv1 ps_xi1 xi2 ps_xi2
+ | k1 `tcEqType` k2
+ = canEqTyVarHomo ev eq_rel swapped tv1 ps_xi1 xi2 ps_xi2
+ | otherwise
+ = canEqTyVarHetero ev eq_rel swapped tv1 ps_xi1 k1 xi2 ps_xi2 k2
+ where
+ k1 = tyVarKind tv1
+ k2 = tcTypeKind xi2
+canEqTyVarHetero :: CtEvidence -- :: (tv1 :: ki1) ~ (xi2 :: ki2)
+ -> EqRel -> SwapFlag
+ -> TcTyVar -> TcType -- tv1, pretty tv1
+ -> TcKind -- ki1
+ -> TcType -> TcType -- xi2, pretty xi2 :: ki2
+ -> TcKind -- ki2
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canEqTyVarHetero ev eq_rel swapped tv1 ps_tv1 ki1 xi2 ps_xi2 ki2
+ -- See Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
+ = do { kind_co <- emit_kind_co -- :: ki2 ~N ki1
+ ; let -- kind_co :: (ki2 :: *) ~N (ki1 :: *) (whether swapped or not)
+ -- co1 :: kind(tv1) ~N ki1
+ rhs' = xi2 `mkCastTy` kind_co -- :: ki1
+ ps_rhs' = ps_xi2 `mkCastTy` kind_co -- :: ki1
+ rhs_co = mkTcGReflLeftCo role xi2 kind_co
+ -- rhs_co :: (xi2 |> kind_co) ~ xi2
+ lhs' = mkTyVarTy tv1 -- same as old lhs
+ lhs_co = mkTcReflCo role lhs'
+ ; traceTcS "Hetero equality gives rise to kind equality"
+ (ppr kind_co <+> dcolon <+> sep [ ppr ki2, text "~#", ppr ki1 ])
+ ; type_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev swapped lhs' rhs' lhs_co rhs_co
+ -- rewriteEqEvidence carries out the swap, so we're NotSwapped any more
+ ; canEqTyVarHomo type_ev eq_rel NotSwapped tv1 ps_tv1 rhs' ps_rhs' }
+ where
+ emit_kind_co :: TcS CoercionN
+ emit_kind_co
+ | CtGiven { ctev_evar = evar } <- ev
+ = do { let kind_co = maybe_sym $ mkTcKindCo (mkTcCoVarCo evar) -- :: k2 ~ k1
+ ; kind_ev <- newGivenEvVar kind_loc (kind_pty, evCoercion kind_co)
+ ; emitWorkNC [kind_ev]
+ ; return (ctEvCoercion kind_ev) }
+ | otherwise
+ = unifyWanted kind_loc Nominal ki2 ki1
+ loc = ctev_loc ev
+ role = eqRelRole eq_rel
+ kind_loc = mkKindLoc (mkTyVarTy tv1) xi2 loc
+ kind_pty = mkHeteroPrimEqPred liftedTypeKind liftedTypeKind ki2 ki1
+ maybe_sym = case swapped of
+ IsSwapped -> id -- if the input is swapped, then we already
+ -- will have k2 ~ k1
+ NotSwapped -> mkTcSymCo
+-- guaranteed that tcTypeKind lhs == tcTypeKind rhs
+canEqTyVarHomo :: CtEvidence
+ -> EqRel -> SwapFlag
+ -> TcTyVar -- lhs: tv1
+ -> TcType -- pretty lhs, flat
+ -> TcType -> TcType -- rhs, flat
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canEqTyVarHomo ev eq_rel swapped tv1 ps_xi1 xi2 _
+ | Just (tv2, _) <- tcGetCastedTyVar_maybe xi2
+ , tv1 == tv2
+ = canEqReflexive ev eq_rel (mkTyVarTy tv1)
+ -- we don't need to check co because it must be reflexive
+ -- this guarantees (TyEq:TV)
+ | Just (tv2, co2) <- tcGetCastedTyVar_maybe xi2
+ , swapOverTyVars tv1 tv2
+ = do { traceTcS "canEqTyVar swapOver" (ppr tv1 $$ ppr tv2 $$ ppr swapped)
+ ; let role = eqRelRole eq_rel
+ sym_co2 = mkTcSymCo co2
+ ty1 = mkTyVarTy tv1
+ new_lhs = ty1 `mkCastTy` sym_co2
+ lhs_co = mkTcGReflLeftCo role ty1 sym_co2
+ new_rhs = mkTyVarTy tv2
+ rhs_co = mkTcGReflRightCo role new_rhs co2
+ ; new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev swapped new_lhs new_rhs lhs_co rhs_co
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; canEqTyVar2 dflags new_ev eq_rel IsSwapped tv2 (ps_xi1 `mkCastTy` sym_co2) }
+canEqTyVarHomo ev eq_rel swapped tv1 _ _ ps_xi2
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; canEqTyVar2 dflags ev eq_rel swapped tv1 ps_xi2 }
+-- The RHS here is either not a casted tyvar, or it's a tyvar but we want
+-- to rewrite the LHS to the RHS (as per swapOverTyVars)
+canEqTyVar2 :: DynFlags
+ -> CtEvidence -- lhs ~ rhs (or, if swapped, orhs ~ olhs)
+ -> EqRel
+ -> SwapFlag
+ -> TcTyVar -- lhs = tv, flat
+ -> TcType -- rhs, flat
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- LHS is an inert type variable,
+-- and RHS is fully rewritten, but with type synonyms
+-- preserved as much as possible
+-- guaranteed that tyVarKind lhs == typeKind rhs, for (TyEq:K)
+-- the "flat" requirement guarantees (TyEq:AFF)
+-- (TyEq:N) is checked in can_eq_nc', and (TyEq:TV) is handled in canEqTyVarHomo
+canEqTyVar2 dflags ev eq_rel swapped tv1 rhs
+ -- this next line checks also for coercion holes; see
+ -- Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
+ | MTVU_OK rhs' <- mtvu -- No occurs check
+ -- Must do the occurs check even on tyvar/tyvar
+ -- equalities, in case have x ~ (y :: ..x...)
+ -- #12593
+ -- guarantees (TyEq:OC), (TyEq:F), and (TyEq:H)
+ = do { new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev swapped lhs rhs' rewrite_co1 rewrite_co2
+ ; continueWith (CTyEqCan { cc_ev = new_ev, cc_tyvar = tv1
+ , cc_rhs = rhs', cc_eq_rel = eq_rel }) }
+ | otherwise -- For some reason (occurs check, or forall) we can't unify
+ -- We must not use it for further rewriting!
+ = do { traceTcS "canEqTyVar2 can't unify" (ppr tv1 $$ ppr rhs)
+ ; new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev swapped lhs rhs rewrite_co1 rewrite_co2
+ ; let status | isInsolubleOccursCheck eq_rel tv1 rhs
+ = InsolubleCIS
+ -- If we have a ~ [a], it is not canonical, and in particular
+ -- we don't want to rewrite existing inerts with it, otherwise
+ -- we'd risk divergence in the constraint solver
+ | MTVU_HoleBlocker <- mtvu
+ = BlockedCIS
+ -- This is the case detailed in
+ -- Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
+ | otherwise
+ = OtherCIS
+ -- A representational equality with an occurs-check problem isn't
+ -- insoluble! For example:
+ -- a ~R b a
+ -- We might learn that b is the newtype Id.
+ -- But, the occurs-check certainly prevents the equality from being
+ -- canonical, and we might loop if we were to use it in rewriting.
+ ; continueWith (mkIrredCt status new_ev) }
+ where
+ mtvu = metaTyVarUpdateOK dflags tv1 rhs
+ role = eqRelRole eq_rel
+ lhs = mkTyVarTy tv1
+ rewrite_co1 = mkTcReflCo role lhs
+ rewrite_co2 = mkTcReflCo role rhs
+-- | Solve a reflexive equality constraint
+canEqReflexive :: CtEvidence -- ty ~ ty
+ -> EqRel
+ -> TcType -- ty
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct) -- always Stop
+canEqReflexive ev eq_rel ty
+ = do { setEvBindIfWanted ev (evCoercion $
+ mkTcReflCo (eqRelRole eq_rel) ty)
+ ; stopWith ev "Solved by reflexivity" }
+{- Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
+What do we do when we have an equality
+ (tv :: k1) ~ (rhs :: k2)
+where k1 and k2 differ? Easy: we create a coercion that relates k1 and
+k2 and use this to cast. To wit, from
+ [X] (tv :: k1) ~ (rhs :: k2)
+we go to
+ [noDerived X] co :: k2 ~ k1
+ [X] (tv :: k1) ~ ((rhs |> co) :: k1)
+ noDerived G = G
+ noDerived _ = W
+ (1) The noDerived step is because Derived equalities have no evidence.
+ And yet we absolutely need evidence to be able to proceed here.
+ Given evidence will use the KindCo coercion; Wanted evidence will
+ be a coercion hole. Even a Derived hetero equality begets a Wanted
+ kind equality.
+ (2) Though it would be sound to do so, we must not mark the rewritten Wanted
+ [W] (tv :: k1) ~ ((rhs |> co) :: k1)
+ as canonical in the inert set. In particular, we must not unify tv.
+ If we did, the Wanted becomes a Given (effectively), and then can
+ rewrite other Wanteds. But that's bad: See Note [Wanteds to not rewrite Wanteds]
+ in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint. The problem is about poor error messages. See #11198 for
+ tales of destruction.
+ So, we have an invariant on CTyEqCan (TyEq:H) that the RHS does not have
+ any coercion holes. This is checked in metaTyVarUpdateOK. We also
+ must be sure to kick out any constraints that mention coercion holes
+ when those holes get filled in.
+ (2a) We don't want to do this for CoercionHoles that witness
+ CFunEqCans (that are produced by the flattener), as these will disappear
+ once we unflatten. So we remember in the CoercionHole structure
+ whether the presence of the hole should block substitution or not.
+ A bit gross, this.
+ (2b) We must now absolutely make sure to kick out any constraints that
+ mention a newly-filled-in coercion hole. This is done in
+ kickOutAfterFillingCoercionHole.
+ (3) Suppose we have [W] (a :: k1) ~ (rhs :: k2). We duly follow the
+ algorithm detailed here, producing [W] co :: k2 ~ k1, and adding
+ [W] (a :: k1) ~ ((rhs |> co) :: k1) to the irreducibles. Some time
+ later, we solve co, and fill in co's coercion hole. This kicks out
+ the irreducible as described in (2b).
+ But now, during canonicalization, we see the cast
+ and remove it, in canEqCast. By the time we get into canEqTyVar, the equality
+ is heterogeneous again, and the process repeats.
+ To avoid this, we don't strip casts off a type if the other type
+ in the equality is a tyvar. And this is an improvement regardless:
+ because tyvars can, generally, unify with casted types, there's no
+ reason to go through the work of stripping off the cast when the
+ cast appears opposite a tyvar. This is implemented in the cast case
+ of can_eq_nc'.
+ (4) Reporting an error for a constraint that is blocked only because
+ of wrinkle (2) is hard: what would we say to users? And we don't
+ really need to report, because if a constraint is blocked, then
+ there is unsolved wanted blocking it; that unsolved wanted will
+ be reported. We thus push such errors to the bottom of the queue
+ in the error-reporting code; they should never be printed.
+ (4a) It would seem possible to do this filtering just based on the
+ presence of a blocking coercion hole. However, this is no good,
+ as it suppresses e.g. no-instance-found errors. We thus record
+ a CtIrredStatus in CIrredCan and filter based on this status.
+ This happened in T14584. An alternative approach is to expressly
+ look for *equalities* with blocking coercion holes, but actually
+ recording the blockage in a status field seems nicer.
+ (4b) The error message might be printed with -fdefer-type-errors,
+ so it still must exist. This is the only reason why there is
+ a message at all. Otherwise, we could simply do nothing.
+Historical note:
+We used to do this via emitting a Derived kind equality and then parking
+the heterogeneous equality as irreducible. But this new approach is much
+more direct. And it doesn't produce duplicate Deriveds (as the old one did).
+Note [Type synonyms and canonicalization]
+We treat type synonym applications as xi types, that is, they do not
+count as type function applications. However, we do need to be a bit
+careful with type synonyms: like type functions they may not be
+generative or injective. However, unlike type functions, they are
+parametric, so there is no problem in expanding them whenever we see
+them, since we do not need to know anything about their arguments in
+order to expand them; this is what justifies not having to treat them
+as specially as type function applications. The thing that causes
+some subtleties is that we prefer to leave type synonym applications
+*unexpanded* whenever possible, in order to generate better error
+If we encounter an equality constraint with type synonym applications
+on both sides, or a type synonym application on one side and some sort
+of type application on the other, we simply must expand out the type
+synonyms in order to continue decomposing the equality constraint into
+primitive equality constraints. For example, suppose we have
+ type F a = [Int]
+and we encounter the equality
+ F a ~ [b]
+In order to continue we must expand F a into [Int], giving us the
+ [Int] ~ [b]
+which we can then decompose into the more primitive equality
+ Int ~ b.
+However, if we encounter an equality constraint with a type synonym
+application on one side and a variable on the other side, we should
+NOT (necessarily) expand the type synonym, since for the purpose of
+good error messages we want to leave type synonyms unexpanded as much
+as possible. Hence the ps_xi1, ps_xi2 argument passed to canEqTyVar.
+* *
+ Evidence transformation
+* *
+data StopOrContinue a
+ = ContinueWith a -- The constraint was not solved, although it may have
+ -- been rewritten
+ | Stop CtEvidence -- The (rewritten) constraint was solved
+ SDoc -- Tells how it was solved
+ -- Any new sub-goals have been put on the work list
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (StopOrContinue a) where
+ ppr (Stop ev s) = text "Stop" <> parens s <+> ppr ev
+ ppr (ContinueWith w) = text "ContinueWith" <+> ppr w
+continueWith :: a -> TcS (StopOrContinue a)
+continueWith = return . ContinueWith
+stopWith :: CtEvidence -> String -> TcS (StopOrContinue a)
+stopWith ev s = return (Stop ev (text s))
+andWhenContinue :: TcS (StopOrContinue a)
+ -> (a -> TcS (StopOrContinue b))
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue b)
+andWhenContinue tcs1 tcs2
+ = do { r <- tcs1
+ ; case r of
+ Stop ev s -> return (Stop ev s)
+ ContinueWith ct -> tcs2 ct }
+infixr 0 `andWhenContinue` -- allow chaining with ($)
+rewriteEvidence :: CtEvidence -- old evidence
+ -> TcPredType -- new predicate
+ -> TcCoercion -- Of type :: new predicate ~ <type of old evidence>
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue CtEvidence)
+-- Returns Just new_ev iff either (i) 'co' is reflexivity
+-- or (ii) 'co' is not reflexivity, and 'new_pred' not cached
+-- In either case, there is nothing new to do with new_ev
+ rewriteEvidence old_ev new_pred co
+Main purpose: create new evidence for new_pred;
+ unless new_pred is cached already
+* Returns a new_ev : new_pred, with same wanted/given/derived flag as old_ev
+* If old_ev was wanted, create a binding for old_ev, in terms of new_ev
+* If old_ev was given, AND not cached, create a binding for new_ev, in terms of old_ev
+* Returns Nothing if new_ev is already cached
+ Old evidence New predicate is Return new evidence
+ flavour of same flavor
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Wanted Already solved or in inert Nothing
+ or Derived Not Just new_evidence
+ Given Already in inert Nothing
+ Not Just new_evidence
+Note [Rewriting with Refl]
+If the coercion is just reflexivity then you may re-use the same
+variable. But be careful! Although the coercion is Refl, new_pred
+may reflect the result of unification alpha := ty, so new_pred might
+not _look_ the same as old_pred, and it's vital to proceed from now on
+using new_pred.
+qThe flattener preserves type synonyms, so they should appear in new_pred
+as well as in old_pred; that is important for good error messages.
+ -}
+rewriteEvidence old_ev@(CtDerived {}) new_pred _co
+ = -- If derived, don't even look at the coercion.
+ -- This is very important, DO NOT re-order the equations for
+ -- rewriteEvidence to put the isTcReflCo test first!
+ -- Why? Because for *Derived* constraints, c, the coercion, which
+ -- was produced by flattening, may contain suspended calls to
+ -- (ctEvExpr c), which fails for Derived constraints.
+ -- (Getting this wrong caused #7384.)
+ continueWith (old_ev { ctev_pred = new_pred })
+rewriteEvidence old_ev new_pred co
+ | isTcReflCo co -- See Note [Rewriting with Refl]
+ = continueWith (old_ev { ctev_pred = new_pred })
+rewriteEvidence ev@(CtGiven { ctev_evar = old_evar, ctev_loc = loc }) new_pred co
+ = do { new_ev <- newGivenEvVar loc (new_pred, new_tm)
+ ; continueWith new_ev }
+ where
+ -- mkEvCast optimises ReflCo
+ new_tm = mkEvCast (evId old_evar) (tcDowngradeRole Representational
+ (ctEvRole ev)
+ (mkTcSymCo co))
+rewriteEvidence ev@(CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest
+ , ctev_nosh = si
+ , ctev_loc = loc }) new_pred co
+ = do { mb_new_ev <- newWanted_SI si loc new_pred
+ -- The "_SI" variant ensures that we make a new Wanted
+ -- with the same shadow-info as the existing one
+ -- with the same shadow-info as the existing one (#16735)
+ ; MASSERT( tcCoercionRole co == ctEvRole ev )
+ ; setWantedEvTerm dest
+ (mkEvCast (getEvExpr mb_new_ev)
+ (tcDowngradeRole Representational (ctEvRole ev) co))
+ ; case mb_new_ev of
+ Fresh new_ev -> continueWith new_ev
+ Cached _ -> stopWith ev "Cached wanted" }
+rewriteEqEvidence :: CtEvidence -- Old evidence :: olhs ~ orhs (not swapped)
+ -- or orhs ~ olhs (swapped)
+ -> SwapFlag
+ -> TcType -> TcType -- New predicate nlhs ~ nrhs
+ -> TcCoercion -- lhs_co, of type :: nlhs ~ olhs
+ -> TcCoercion -- rhs_co, of type :: nrhs ~ orhs
+ -> TcS CtEvidence -- Of type nlhs ~ nrhs
+-- For (rewriteEqEvidence (Given g olhs orhs) False nlhs nrhs lhs_co rhs_co)
+-- we generate
+-- If not swapped
+-- g1 : nlhs ~ nrhs = lhs_co ; g ; sym rhs_co
+-- If 'swapped'
+-- g1 : nlhs ~ nrhs = lhs_co ; Sym g ; sym rhs_co
+-- For (Wanted w) we do the dual thing.
+-- New w1 : nlhs ~ nrhs
+-- If not swapped
+-- w : olhs ~ orhs = sym lhs_co ; w1 ; rhs_co
+-- If swapped
+-- w : orhs ~ olhs = sym rhs_co ; sym w1 ; lhs_co
+-- It's all a form of rewwriteEvidence, specialised for equalities
+rewriteEqEvidence old_ev swapped nlhs nrhs lhs_co rhs_co
+ | CtDerived {} <- old_ev -- Don't force the evidence for a Derived
+ = return (old_ev { ctev_pred = new_pred })
+ | NotSwapped <- swapped
+ , isTcReflCo lhs_co -- See Note [Rewriting with Refl]
+ , isTcReflCo rhs_co
+ = return (old_ev { ctev_pred = new_pred })
+ | CtGiven { ctev_evar = old_evar } <- old_ev
+ = do { let new_tm = evCoercion (lhs_co
+ `mkTcTransCo` maybeSym swapped (mkTcCoVarCo old_evar)
+ `mkTcTransCo` mkTcSymCo rhs_co)
+ ; newGivenEvVar loc' (new_pred, new_tm) }
+ | CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest, ctev_nosh = si } <- old_ev
+ = case dest of
+ HoleDest hole ->
+ do { (new_ev, hole_co) <- newWantedEq_SI (ch_blocker hole) si loc'
+ (ctEvRole old_ev) nlhs nrhs
+ -- The "_SI" variant ensures that we make a new Wanted
+ -- with the same shadow-info as the existing one (#16735)
+ ; let co = maybeSym swapped $
+ mkSymCo lhs_co
+ `mkTransCo` hole_co
+ `mkTransCo` rhs_co
+ ; setWantedEq dest co
+ ; traceTcS "rewriteEqEvidence" (vcat [ppr old_ev, ppr nlhs, ppr nrhs, ppr co])
+ ; return new_ev }
+ _ -> panic "rewriteEqEvidence"
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 810
+ | otherwise
+ = panic "rewriteEvidence"
+ where
+ new_pred = mkTcEqPredLikeEv old_ev nlhs nrhs
+ -- equality is like a type class. Bumping the depth is necessary because
+ -- of recursive newtypes, where "reducing" a newtype can actually make
+ -- it bigger. See Note [Newtypes can blow the stack].
+ loc = ctEvLoc old_ev
+ loc' = bumpCtLocDepth loc
+{- Note [unifyWanted and unifyDerived]
+When decomposing equalities we often create new wanted constraints for
+(s ~ t). But what if s=t? Then it'd be faster to return Refl right away.
+Similar remarks apply for Derived.
+Rather than making an equality test (which traverses the structure of the
+type, perhaps fruitlessly), unifyWanted traverses the common structure, and
+bales out when it finds a difference by creating a new Wanted constraint.
+But where it succeeds in finding common structure, it just builds a coercion
+to reflect it.
+unifyWanted :: CtLoc -> Role
+ -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS Coercion
+-- Return coercion witnessing the equality of the two types,
+-- emitting new work equalities where necessary to achieve that
+-- Very good short-cut when the two types are equal, or nearly so
+-- See Note [unifyWanted and unifyDerived]
+-- The returned coercion's role matches the input parameter
+unifyWanted loc Phantom ty1 ty2
+ = do { kind_co <- unifyWanted loc Nominal (tcTypeKind ty1) (tcTypeKind ty2)
+ ; return (mkPhantomCo kind_co ty1 ty2) }
+unifyWanted loc role orig_ty1 orig_ty2
+ = go orig_ty1 orig_ty2
+ where
+ go ty1 ty2 | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = go ty1' ty2
+ go ty1 ty2 | Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = go ty1 ty2'
+ go (FunTy _ s1 t1) (FunTy _ s2 t2)
+ = do { co_s <- unifyWanted loc role s1 s2
+ ; co_t <- unifyWanted loc role t1 t2
+ ; return (mkFunCo role co_s co_t) }
+ go (TyConApp tc1 tys1) (TyConApp tc2 tys2)
+ | tc1 == tc2, tys1 `equalLength` tys2
+ , isInjectiveTyCon tc1 role -- don't look under newtypes at Rep equality
+ = do { cos <- zipWith3M (unifyWanted loc)
+ (tyConRolesX role tc1) tys1 tys2
+ ; return (mkTyConAppCo role tc1 cos) }
+ go ty1@(TyVarTy tv) ty2
+ = do { mb_ty <- isFilledMetaTyVar_maybe tv
+ ; case mb_ty of
+ Just ty1' -> go ty1' ty2
+ Nothing -> bale_out ty1 ty2}
+ go ty1 ty2@(TyVarTy tv)
+ = do { mb_ty <- isFilledMetaTyVar_maybe tv
+ ; case mb_ty of
+ Just ty2' -> go ty1 ty2'
+ Nothing -> bale_out ty1 ty2 }
+ go ty1@(CoercionTy {}) (CoercionTy {})
+ = return (mkReflCo role ty1) -- we just don't care about coercions!
+ go ty1 ty2 = bale_out ty1 ty2
+ bale_out ty1 ty2
+ | ty1 `tcEqType` ty2 = return (mkTcReflCo role ty1)
+ -- Check for equality; e.g. a ~ a, or (m a) ~ (m a)
+ | otherwise = emitNewWantedEq loc role orig_ty1 orig_ty2
+unifyDeriveds :: CtLoc -> [Role] -> [TcType] -> [TcType] -> TcS ()
+-- See Note [unifyWanted and unifyDerived]
+unifyDeriveds loc roles tys1 tys2 = zipWith3M_ (unify_derived loc) roles tys1 tys2
+unifyDerived :: CtLoc -> Role -> Pair TcType -> TcS ()
+-- See Note [unifyWanted and unifyDerived]
+unifyDerived loc role (Pair ty1 ty2) = unify_derived loc role ty1 ty2
+unify_derived :: CtLoc -> Role -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS ()
+-- Create new Derived and put it in the work list
+-- Should do nothing if the two types are equal
+-- See Note [unifyWanted and unifyDerived]
+unify_derived _ Phantom _ _ = return ()
+unify_derived loc role orig_ty1 orig_ty2
+ = go orig_ty1 orig_ty2
+ where
+ go ty1 ty2 | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = go ty1' ty2
+ go ty1 ty2 | Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = go ty1 ty2'
+ go (FunTy _ s1 t1) (FunTy _ s2 t2)
+ = do { unify_derived loc role s1 s2
+ ; unify_derived loc role t1 t2 }
+ go (TyConApp tc1 tys1) (TyConApp tc2 tys2)
+ | tc1 == tc2, tys1 `equalLength` tys2
+ , isInjectiveTyCon tc1 role
+ = unifyDeriveds loc (tyConRolesX role tc1) tys1 tys2
+ go ty1@(TyVarTy tv) ty2
+ = do { mb_ty <- isFilledMetaTyVar_maybe tv
+ ; case mb_ty of
+ Just ty1' -> go ty1' ty2
+ Nothing -> bale_out ty1 ty2 }
+ go ty1 ty2@(TyVarTy tv)
+ = do { mb_ty <- isFilledMetaTyVar_maybe tv
+ ; case mb_ty of
+ Just ty2' -> go ty1 ty2'
+ Nothing -> bale_out ty1 ty2 }
+ go ty1 ty2 = bale_out ty1 ty2
+ bale_out ty1 ty2
+ | ty1 `tcEqType` ty2 = return ()
+ -- Check for equality; e.g. a ~ a, or (m a) ~ (m a)
+ | otherwise = emitNewDerivedEq loc role orig_ty1 orig_ty2
+maybeSym :: SwapFlag -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
+maybeSym IsSwapped co = mkTcSymCo co
+maybeSym NotSwapped co = co