path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2020-07-15 23:50:42 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-09-24 13:16:32 -0400
commit97cff9190d346c3b51c32c88fd145fcf1e6678f1 (patch)
treebf5f482cb2efb3ed0396cbc76cf236f50bdc8ee1 /compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
parent04d6433158d95658684cf419c4ba5725d2aa539e (diff)
Implement Quick Look impredicativity
This patch implements Quick Look impredicativity (#18126), sticking very closely to the design in A quick look at impredicativity, Serrano et al, ICFP 2020 The main change is that a big chunk of GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr has been extracted to two new modules GHC.Tc.Gen.App GHC.Tc.Gen.Head which deal with typechecking n-ary applications, and the head of such applications, respectively. Both contain a good deal of documentation. Three other loosely-related changes are in this patch: * I implemented (partly by accident) points (2,3)) of the accepted GHC proposal "Clean up printing of foralls", namely master/proposals/0179-printing-foralls.rst (see #16320). In particular, see Note [TcRnExprMode] in GHC.Tc.Module - :type instantiates /inferred/, but not /specified/, quantifiers - :type +d instantiates /all/ quantifiers - :type +v is killed off That completes the implementation of the proposal, since point (1) was done in commit df08468113ab46832b7ac0a7311b608d1b418c4d Author: Krzysztof Gogolewski <> Date: Mon Feb 3 21:17:11 2020 +0100 Always display inferred variables using braces * HsRecFld (which the renamer introduces for record field selectors), is now preserved by the typechecker, rather than being rewritten back to HsVar. This is more uniform, and turned out to be more convenient in the new scheme of things. * The GHCi debugger uses a non-standard unification that allows the unification variables to unify with polytypes. We used to hack this by using ImpredicativeTypes, but that doesn't work anymore so I introduces RuntimeUnkTv. See Note [RuntimeUnkTv] in GHC.Runtime.Heap.Inspect Updates haddock submodule. WARNING: this patch won't validate on its own. It was too hard to fully disentangle it from the following patch, on type errors and kind generalisation. Changes to tests * Fixes #9730 (test added) * Fixes #7026 (test added) * Fixes most of #8808, except function `g2'` which uses a section (which doesn't play with QL yet -- see #18126) Test added * Fixes #1330. NB Church1.hs subsumes Church2.hs, which is now deleted * Fixes #17332 (test added) * Fixes #4295 * This patch makes typecheck/should_run/T7861 fail. But that turns out to be a pre-existing bug: #18467. So I have just made T7861 into expect_broken(18467)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
index 6a83348b2a..0c29a6557f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify (
- matchActualFunTysRho, matchActualFunTySigma,
+ matchActualFunTySigma, matchActualFunTysRho,
metaTyVarUpdateOK, occCheckForErrors, MetaTyVarUpdateResult(..)
@@ -69,13 +69,155 @@ import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Utils.Misc
-import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow ( second )
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ matchActualFunTys
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- | matchActualFunTySigma does looks for just one function arrow
+-- returning an uninstantiated sigma-type
+ :: SDoc -- See Note [Herald for matchExpectedFunTys]
+ -> Maybe SDoc -- The thing with type TcSigmaType
+ -> (Arity, [Scaled TcSigmaType]) -- Total number of value args in the call, and
+ -- types of values args to which function has
+ -- been applied already (reversed)
+ -- Both are used only for error messages)
+ -> TcRhoType -- Type to analyse: a TcRhoType
+ -> TcM (HsWrapper, Scaled TcSigmaType, TcSigmaType)
+-- The /argument/ is a RhoType
+-- The /result/ is an (uninstantiated) SigmaType
+-- See Note [matchActualFunTy error handling] for the first three arguments
+-- If (wrap, arg_ty, res_ty) = matchActualFunTySigma ... fun_ty
+-- then wrap :: fun_ty ~> (arg_ty -> res_ty)
+-- and NB: res_ty is an (uninstantiated) SigmaType
+matchActualFunTySigma herald mb_thing err_info fun_ty
+ = ASSERT2( isRhoTy fun_ty, ppr fun_ty )
+ go fun_ty
+ where
+ -- Does not allocate unnecessary meta variables: if the input already is
+ -- a function, we just take it apart. Not only is this efficient,
+ -- it's important for higher rank: the argument might be of form
+ -- (forall a. ty) -> other
+ -- If allocated (fresh-meta-var1 -> fresh-meta-var2) and unified, we'd
+ -- hide the forall inside a meta-variable
+ go :: TcRhoType -- The type we're processing, perhaps after
+ -- expanding any type synonym
+ -> TcM (HsWrapper, Scaled TcSigmaType, TcSigmaType)
+ go ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty = go ty'
+ go (FunTy { ft_af = af, ft_mult = w, ft_arg = arg_ty, ft_res = res_ty })
+ = ASSERT( af == VisArg )
+ return (idHsWrapper, Scaled w arg_ty, res_ty)
+ go ty@(TyVarTy tv)
+ | isMetaTyVar tv
+ = do { cts <- readMetaTyVar tv
+ ; case cts of
+ Indirect ty' -> go ty'
+ Flexi -> defer ty }
+ -- In all other cases we bale out into ordinary unification
+ -- However unlike the meta-tyvar case, we are sure that the
+ -- number of arguments doesn't match arity of the original
+ -- type, so we can add a bit more context to the error message
+ -- (cf #7869).
+ --
+ -- It is not always an error, because specialized type may have
+ -- different arity, for example:
+ --
+ -- > f1 = f2 'a'
+ -- > f2 :: Monad m => m Bool
+ -- > f2 = undefined
+ --
+ -- But in that case we add specialized type into error context
+ -- anyway, because it may be useful. See also #9605.
+ go ty = addErrCtxtM (mk_ctxt ty) (defer ty)
+ ------------
+ defer fun_ty
+ = do { arg_ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
+ ; res_ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
+ ; let unif_fun_ty = mkVisFunTyMany arg_ty res_ty
+ ; co <- unifyType mb_thing fun_ty unif_fun_ty
+ ; return (mkWpCastN co, unrestricted arg_ty, res_ty) }
+ ------------
+ mk_ctxt :: TcType -> TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, MsgDoc)
+ mk_ctxt res_ty env = mkFunTysMsg env herald (reverse arg_tys_so_far)
+ res_ty n_val_args_in_call
+ (n_val_args_in_call, arg_tys_so_far) = err_info
+{- Note [matchActualFunTy error handling]
+matchActualFunTySigma is made much more complicated by the
+desire to produce good error messages. Consider the application
+ f @Int x y
+In GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr.tcArgs we deal with visible type arguments,
+and then call matchActualFunTysPart for each individual value
+argument. It, in turn, must instantiate any type/dictionary args,
+before looking for an arrow type.
+But if it doesn't find an arrow type, it wants to generate a message
+like "f is applied to two arguments but its type only has one".
+To do that, it needs to konw about the args that tcArgs has already
+munched up -- hence passing in n_val_args_in_call and arg_tys_so_far;
+and hence also the accumulating so_far arg to 'go'.
+This allows us (in mk_ctxt) to construct f's /instantiated/ type,
+with just the values-arg arrows, which is what we really want
+in the error message.
+-- Like 'matchExpectedFunTys', but used when you have an "actual" type,
+-- for example in function application
+matchActualFunTysRho :: SDoc -- See Note [Herald for matchExpectedFunTys]
+ -> CtOrigin
+ -> Maybe SDoc -- the thing with type TcSigmaType
+ -> Arity
+ -> TcSigmaType
+ -> TcM (HsWrapper, [Scaled TcSigmaType], TcRhoType)
+-- If matchActualFunTysRho n ty = (wrap, [t1,..,tn], res_ty)
+-- then wrap : ty ~> (t1 -> ... -> tn -> res_ty)
+-- and res_ty is a RhoType
+-- NB: the returned type is top-instantiated; it's a RhoType
+matchActualFunTysRho herald ct_orig mb_thing n_val_args_wanted fun_ty
+ = go n_val_args_wanted [] fun_ty
+ where
+ go n so_far fun_ty
+ | not (isRhoTy fun_ty)
+ = do { (wrap1, rho) <- topInstantiate ct_orig fun_ty
+ ; (wrap2, arg_tys, res_ty) <- go n so_far rho
+ ; return (wrap2 <.> wrap1, arg_tys, res_ty) }
+ go 0 _ fun_ty = return (idHsWrapper, [], fun_ty)
+ go n so_far fun_ty
+ = do { (wrap_fun1, arg_ty1, res_ty1) <- matchActualFunTySigma
+ herald mb_thing
+ (n_val_args_wanted, so_far)
+ fun_ty
+ ; (wrap_res, arg_tys, res_ty) <- go (n-1) (arg_ty1:so_far) res_ty1
+ ; let wrap_fun2 = mkWpFun idHsWrapper wrap_res arg_ty1 res_ty doc
+ ; return (wrap_fun2 <.> wrap_fun1, arg_ty1:arg_tys, res_ty) }
+ where
+ doc = text "When inferring the argument type of a function with type" <+>
+ quotes (ppr fun_ty)
* *
@@ -226,167 +368,32 @@ matchExpectedFunTys herald ctx arity orig_ty thing_inside
mk_ctxt :: [Scaled ExpSigmaType] -> TcType -> TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, MsgDoc)
mk_ctxt arg_tys res_ty env
- = do { (env', ty) <- zonkTidyTcType env (mkVisFunTys arg_tys' res_ty)
- ; return ( env', mk_fun_tys_msg herald ty arity) }
+ = mkFunTysMsg env herald arg_tys' res_ty arity
- arg_tys' = map (\(Scaled u v) -> Scaled u (checkingExpType "matchExpectedFunTys" v)) (reverse arg_tys)
+ arg_tys' = map (\(Scaled u v) -> Scaled u (checkingExpType "matchExpectedFunTys" v)) $
+ reverse arg_tys
-- this is safe b/c we're called from "go"
--- Like 'matchExpectedFunTys', but used when you have an "actual" type,
--- for example in function application
-matchActualFunTysRho :: SDoc -- See Note [Herald for matchExpectedFunTys]
- -> CtOrigin
- -> Maybe (HsExpr GhcRn) -- the thing with type TcSigmaType
- -> Arity
- -> TcSigmaType
- -> TcM (HsWrapper, [Scaled TcSigmaType], TcRhoType)
--- If matchActualFunTysRho n ty = (wrap, [t1,..,tn], res_ty)
--- then wrap : ty ~> (t1 -> ... -> tn -> res_ty)
--- and res_ty is a RhoType
--- NB: the returned type is top-instantiated; it's a RhoType
-matchActualFunTysRho herald ct_orig mb_thing n_val_args_wanted fun_ty
- = go n_val_args_wanted [] fun_ty
- where
- go 0 _ fun_ty
- = do { (wrap, rho) <- topInstantiate ct_orig fun_ty
- ; return (wrap, [], rho) }
- go n so_far fun_ty
- = do { (wrap_fun1, arg_ty1, res_ty1) <- matchActualFunTySigma
- herald ct_orig mb_thing
- (n_val_args_wanted, so_far)
- fun_ty
- ; (wrap_res, arg_tys, res_ty) <- go (n-1) (arg_ty1:so_far) res_ty1
- ; let wrap_fun2 = mkWpFun idHsWrapper wrap_res arg_ty1 res_ty doc
- ; return (wrap_fun2 <.> wrap_fun1, arg_ty1:arg_tys, res_ty) }
- where
- doc = text "When inferring the argument type of a function with type" <+>
- quotes (ppr fun_ty)
--- | matchActualFunTySigm does looks for just one function arrow
--- returning an uninstantiated sigma-type
- :: SDoc -- See Note [Herald for matchExpectedFunTys]
- -> CtOrigin
- -> Maybe (HsExpr GhcRn) -- The thing with type TcSigmaType
- -> (Arity, [Scaled TcSigmaType]) -- Total number of value args in the call, and
- -- types of values args to which function has
- -- been applied already (reversed)
- -- Both are used only for error messages)
- -> TcSigmaType -- Type to analyse
- -> TcM (HsWrapper, Scaled TcSigmaType, TcSigmaType)
--- See Note [matchActualFunTys error handling] for all these arguments
--- If (wrap, arg_ty, res_ty) = matchActualFunTySigma ... fun_ty
--- then wrap :: fun_ty ~> (arg_ty -> res_ty)
--- and NB: res_ty is an (uninstantiated) SigmaType
-matchActualFunTySigma herald ct_orig mb_thing err_info fun_ty
- = go fun_ty
--- Does not allocate unnecessary meta variables: if the input already is
--- a function, we just take it apart. Not only is this efficient,
--- it's important for higher rank: the argument might be of form
--- (forall a. ty) -> other
--- If allocated (fresh-meta-var1 -> fresh-meta-var2) and unified, we'd
--- hide the forall inside a meta-variable
--- (*) Sometimes it's necessary to call matchActualFunTys with only part
--- (that is, to the right of some arrows) of the type of the function in
--- question. (See GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr.tcArgs.) This argument is the reversed list of
--- arguments already seen (that is, not part of the TcSigmaType passed
--- in elsewhere).
+mkFunTysMsg :: TidyEnv -> SDoc -> [Scaled TcType] -> TcType -> Arity
+ -> TcM (TidyEnv, MsgDoc)
+mkFunTysMsg env herald arg_tys res_ty n_val_args_in_call
+ = do { (env', fun_rho) <- zonkTidyTcType env $
+ mkVisFunTys arg_tys res_ty
- where
- go :: TcSigmaType -- The remainder of the type as we're processing
- -> TcM (HsWrapper, Scaled TcSigmaType, TcSigmaType)
- go ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty = go ty'
+ ; let (all_arg_tys, _) = splitFunTys fun_rho
+ n_fun_args = length all_arg_tys
- go ty
- | not (null tvs && null theta)
- = do { (wrap1, rho) <- topInstantiate ct_orig ty
- ; (wrap2, arg_ty, res_ty) <- go rho
- ; return (wrap2 <.> wrap1, arg_ty, res_ty) }
- where
- (tvs, theta, _) = tcSplitSigmaTy ty
- go (FunTy { ft_af = af, ft_mult = w, ft_arg = arg_ty, ft_res = res_ty })
- = ASSERT( af == VisArg )
- return (idHsWrapper, Scaled w arg_ty, res_ty)
+ msg | n_val_args_in_call <= n_fun_args -- Enough args, in the end
+ = text "In the result of a function call"
+ | otherwise
+ = hang (full_herald <> comma)
+ 2 (sep [ text "but its type" <+> quotes (pprType fun_rho)
+ , if n_fun_args == 0 then text "has none"
+ else text "has only" <+> speakN n_fun_args])
- go ty@(TyVarTy tv)
- | isMetaTyVar tv
- = do { cts <- readMetaTyVar tv
- ; case cts of
- Indirect ty' -> go ty'
- Flexi -> defer ty }
- -- In all other cases we bale out into ordinary unification
- -- However unlike the meta-tyvar case, we are sure that the
- -- number of arguments doesn't match arity of the original
- -- type, so we can add a bit more context to the error message
- -- (cf #7869).
- --
- -- It is not always an error, because specialized type may have
- -- different arity, for example:
- --
- -- > f1 = f2 'a'
- -- > f2 :: Monad m => m Bool
- -- > f2 = undefined
- --
- -- But in that case we add specialized type into error context
- -- anyway, because it may be useful. See also #9605.
- go ty = addErrCtxtM (mk_ctxt ty) (defer ty)
- ------------
- defer fun_ty
- = do { arg_ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
- ; res_ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
- ; let unif_fun_ty = mkVisFunTyMany arg_ty res_ty
- ; co <- unifyType mb_thing fun_ty unif_fun_ty
- ; return (mkWpCastN co, unrestricted arg_ty, res_ty) }
- ------------
- mk_ctxt :: TcType -> TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, MsgDoc)
- mk_ctxt res_ty env
- = do { (env', ty) <- zonkTidyTcType env $
- mkVisFunTys (reverse arg_tys_so_far) res_ty
- ; return (env', mk_fun_tys_msg herald ty n_val_args_in_call) }
- (n_val_args_in_call, arg_tys_so_far) = err_info
-mk_fun_tys_msg :: SDoc -> TcType -> Arity -> SDoc
-mk_fun_tys_msg herald ty n_args_in_call
- | n_args_in_call <= n_fun_args -- Enough args, in the end
- = text "In the result of a function call"
- | otherwise
- = hang (herald <+> speakNOf n_args_in_call (text "value argument") <> comma)
- 2 (sep [ text "but its type" <+> quotes (pprType ty)
- , if n_fun_args == 0 then text "has none"
- else text "has only" <+> speakN n_fun_args])
- where
- (args, _) = tcSplitFunTys ty
- n_fun_args = length args
-{- Note [matchActualFunTys error handling]
-matchActualFunTysPart is made much more complicated by the
-desire to produce good error messages. Consider the application
- f @Int x y
-In GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr.tcArgs we deal with visible type arguments,
-and then call matchActualFunTysPart for each individual value
-argument. It, in turn, must instantiate any type/dictionary args,
-before looking for an arrow type.
-But if it doesn't find an arrow type, it wants to generate a message
-like "f is applied to two arguments but its type only has one".
-To do that, it needs to konw about the args that tcArgs has already
-munched up -- hence passing in n_val_args_in_call and arg_tys_so_far;
-and hence also the accumulating so_far arg to 'go'.
-This allows us (in mk_ctxt) to construct f's /instantiated/ type,
-with just the values-arg arrows, which is what we really want
-in the error message.
+ ; return (env', msg) }
+ where
+ full_herald = herald <+> speakNOf n_val_args_in_call (text "value argument")
matchExpectedListTy :: TcRhoType -> TcM (TcCoercionN, TcRhoType)
@@ -519,7 +526,7 @@ tcWrapResultO :: CtOrigin -> HsExpr GhcRn -> HsExpr GhcTc -> TcSigmaType -> ExpR
tcWrapResultO orig rn_expr expr actual_ty res_ty
= do { traceTc "tcWrapResult" (vcat [ text "Actual: " <+> ppr actual_ty
, text "Expected:" <+> ppr res_ty ])
- ; wrap <- tcSubTypeNC orig GenSigCtxt (Just rn_expr) actual_ty res_ty
+ ; wrap <- tcSubTypeNC orig GenSigCtxt (Just (ppr rn_expr)) actual_ty res_ty
; return (mkHsWrap wrap expr) }
tcWrapResultMono :: HsExpr GhcRn -> HsExpr GhcTc
@@ -533,7 +540,7 @@ tcWrapResultMono rn_expr expr act_ty res_ty
= ASSERT2( isRhoTy act_ty, ppr act_ty $$ ppr rn_expr )
do { co <- case res_ty of
Infer inf_res -> fillInferResult act_ty inf_res
- Check exp_ty -> unifyType (Just rn_expr) act_ty exp_ty
+ Check exp_ty -> unifyType (Just (ppr rn_expr)) act_ty exp_ty
; return (mkHsWrapCo co expr) }
@@ -565,7 +572,7 @@ tcSubType orig ctxt ty_actual ty_expected
tcSubTypeNC :: CtOrigin -- Used when instantiating
-> UserTypeCtxt -- Used when skolemising
- -> Maybe (HsExpr GhcRn) -- The expression that has type 'actual' (if known)
+ -> Maybe SDoc -- The expression that has type 'actual' (if known)
-> TcSigmaType -- Actual type
-> ExpRhoType -- Expected type
-> TcM HsWrapper
@@ -661,12 +668,7 @@ tc_sub_type unify inst_orig ctxt ty_actual ty_expected
; return (sk_wrap <.> inner_wrap) }
- possibly_poly ty
- | isForAllTy ty = True
- | Just (_, _, res) <- splitFunTy_maybe ty = possibly_poly res
- | otherwise = False
- -- NB *not* tcSplitFunTy, because here we want
- -- to decompose type-class arguments too
+ possibly_poly ty = not (isRhoTy ty)
definitely_poly ty
| (tvs, theta, tau) <- tcSplitSigmaTy ty
@@ -719,9 +721,6 @@ So roughly:
then we can revert to simple equality. But we need to be careful.
These examples are all fine:
- * (Char -> forall a. a->a) <= (forall a. Char -> a -> a)
- Polymorphism is buried in ty_actual
* (Char->Char) <= (forall a. Char -> Char)
ty_expected isn't really polymorphic
@@ -832,10 +831,11 @@ to checkConstraints.
tcSkolemiseScoped is very similar, but differs in two ways:
-* It deals specially with just the outer forall, bringing those
- type variables into lexical scope. To my surprise, I found that
- doing this regardless (in tcSkolemise) caused a non-trivial (1%-ish)
- perf hit on the compiler.
+* It deals specially with just the outer forall, bringing those type
+ variables into lexical scope. To my surprise, I found that doing
+ this unconditionally in tcSkolemise (i.e. doing it even if we don't
+ need to bring the variables into lexical scope, which is harmless)
+ caused a non-trivial (1%-ish) perf hit on the compiler.
* It always calls checkConstraints, even if there are no skolem
variables at all. Reason: there might be nested deferred errors
@@ -848,6 +848,8 @@ tcSkolemise, tcSkolemiseScoped
-> (TcType -> TcM result)
-> TcM (HsWrapper, result)
-- ^ The wrapper has type: spec_ty ~> expected_ty
+-- See Note [Skolemisation] for the differences between
+-- tcSkolemiseScoped and tcSkolemise
tcSkolemiseScoped ctxt expected_ty thing_inside
= do { (wrap, tv_prs, given, rho_ty) <- topSkolemise expected_ty
@@ -1039,7 +1041,7 @@ take care:
[W] C Int b2 -- from g_blan
and fundpes can yield [D] b1 ~ b2, even though the two functions have
literally nothing to do with each other. #14185 is an example.
- Building an implication keeps them separage.
+ Building an implication keeps them separate.
@@ -1053,8 +1055,9 @@ The exported functions are all defined as versions of some
non-exported generic functions.
-unifyType :: Maybe (HsExpr GhcRn) -- ^ If present, has type 'ty1'
- -> TcTauType -> TcTauType -> TcM TcCoercionN
+unifyType :: Maybe SDoc -- ^ If present, the thing that has type ty1
+ -> TcTauType -> TcTauType -- ty1, ty2
+ -> TcM TcCoercionN -- :: ty1 ~# ty2
-- Actual and expected types
-- Returns a coercion : ty1 ~ ty2
unifyType thing ty1 ty2
@@ -1077,13 +1080,13 @@ unifyTypeET ty1 ty2
, uo_visible = True }
-unifyKind :: Maybe (HsType GhcRn) -> TcKind -> TcKind -> TcM CoercionN
-unifyKind thing ty1 ty2
+unifyKind :: Maybe SDoc -> TcKind -> TcKind -> TcM CoercionN
+unifyKind mb_thing ty1 ty2
= uType KindLevel origin ty1 ty2
origin = TypeEqOrigin { uo_actual = ty1
, uo_expected = ty2
- , uo_thing = ppr <$> thing
+ , uo_thing = mb_thing
, uo_visible = True }
@@ -1186,10 +1189,12 @@ uType t_or_k origin orig_ty1 orig_ty2
| Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = go ty1' ty2
| Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = go ty1 ty2'
- -- Functions (or predicate functions) just check the two parts
- go (FunTy _ w1 fun1 arg1) (FunTy _ w2 fun2 arg2)
- = do { co_l <- uType t_or_k origin fun1 fun2
- ; co_r <- uType t_or_k origin arg1 arg2
+ -- Functions (t1 -> t2) just check the two parts
+ -- Do not attempt (c => t); just defer
+ go (FunTy { ft_af = VisArg, ft_mult = w1, ft_arg = arg1, ft_res = res1 })
+ (FunTy { ft_af = VisArg, ft_mult = w2, ft_arg = arg2, ft_res = res2 })
+ = do { co_l <- uType t_or_k origin arg1 arg2
+ ; co_r <- uType t_or_k origin res1 res2
; co_w <- uType t_or_k origin w1 w2
; return $ mkFunCo Nominal co_w co_l co_r }
@@ -1479,6 +1484,7 @@ swapOverTyVars is_given tv1 tv2
lhsPriority :: TcTyVar -> Int
-- Higher => more important to be on the LHS
+-- => more likely to be eliminated
-- See Note [TyVar/TyVar orientation]
lhsPriority tv
= ASSERT2( isTyVar tv, ppr tv)
@@ -1486,10 +1492,12 @@ lhsPriority tv
RuntimeUnk -> 0
SkolemTv {} -> 0
MetaTv { mtv_info = info } -> case info of
- FlatSkolTv -> 1
- TyVarTv -> 2
- TauTv -> 3
- FlatMetaTv -> 4
+ FlatSkolTv -> 1
+ TyVarTv -> 2
+ TauTv -> 3
+ FlatMetaTv -> 4
+ RuntimeUnkTv -> 5
{- Note [TyVar/TyVar orientation]
Given (a ~ b), should we orient the CTyEqCan as (a~b) or (b~a)?
@@ -1855,7 +1863,7 @@ matchExpectedFunKind hs_ty n k = go n k
Indirect fun_kind -> go n fun_kind
Flexi -> defer n k }
- go n (FunTy _ w arg res)
+ go n (FunTy { ft_mult = w, ft_arg = arg, ft_res = res })
= do { co <- go (n-1) res
; return (mkTcFunCo Nominal (mkTcNomReflCo w) (mkTcNomReflCo arg) co) }
@@ -1943,7 +1951,7 @@ occCheckForErrors :: DynFlags -> TcTyVar -> Type -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
-- a) the given variable occurs in the given type.
-- b) there is a forall in the type (unless we have -XImpredicativeTypes)
occCheckForErrors dflags tv ty
- = case preCheck dflags True tv ty of
+ = case mtvu_check dflags True tv ty of
MTVU_Bad -> MTVU_Bad
MTVU_HoleBlocker -> MTVU_HoleBlocker
@@ -1957,13 +1965,20 @@ metaTyVarUpdateOK :: DynFlags
-> TcType -- ty :: k2
-> MetaTyVarUpdateResult TcType -- possibly-expanded ty
-- (metaTyVarUpdateOK tv ty)
--- We are about to update the meta-tyvar tv with ty
--- Check (a) that tv doesn't occur in ty (occurs check)
+-- Checks that the equality tv~ty is OK to be used to rewrite
+-- other equalities. Equivalently, checks the conditions for CTyEqCan
+-- (a) that tv doesn't occur in ty (occurs check)
-- (b) that ty does not have any foralls
-- (in the impredicative case), or type functions
-- (c) that ty does not have any blocking coercion holes
-- See Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical"
+-- Used in two places:
+-- - In the eager unifier: uUnfilledVar2
+-- - In the canonicaliser: GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canEqTyVar2
+-- Note that in the latter case tv is not necessarily a meta-tyvar,
+-- despite the name of this function.
-- We have two possible outcomes:
-- (1) Return the type to update the type variable with,
-- [we know the update is ok]
@@ -1982,7 +1997,7 @@ metaTyVarUpdateOK :: DynFlags
-- See Note [Refactoring hazard: checkTauTvUpdate]
metaTyVarUpdateOK dflags tv ty
- = case preCheck dflags False tv ty of
+ = case mtvu_check dflags False tv ty of
-- False <=> type families not ok
-- See Note [Prevent unification with type families]
@@ -1992,11 +2007,11 @@ metaTyVarUpdateOK dflags tv ty
Just expanded_ty -> MTVU_OK expanded_ty
Nothing -> MTVU_Occurs
-preCheck :: DynFlags -> Bool -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
--- A quick check for
--- (a) a forall type (unless -XImpredicativeTypes)
--- (b) a predicate type (unless -XImpredicativeTypes)
--- (c) a type family
+mtvu_check :: DynFlags -> Bool -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
+-- Checks the invariants for CTyEqCan. In particular:
+-- (a) a forall type (forall a. blah)
+-- (b) a predicate type (c => ty)
+-- (c) a type family; see Note [Prevent unification with type families]
-- (d) a blocking coercion hole
-- (e) an occurrence of the type variable (occurs check)
@@ -2004,15 +2019,20 @@ preCheck :: DynFlags -> Bool -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
-- inside the kinds of variables it mentions. For (d) we look deeply
-- in coercions, and for (e) we do look in the kinds of course.
-preCheck dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
+mtvu_check dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
= fast_check ty
- details = tcTyVarDetails tv
- impredicative_ok = canUnifyWithPolyType dflags details
ok :: MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
ok = MTVU_OK ()
+ -- The GHCi runtime debugger does its type-matching with
+ -- unification variables that can unify with a polytype
+ -- or a TyCon that would usually be disallowed by bad_tc
+ -- See Note [RuntimeUnkTv] in GHC.Runtime.Heap.Inspect
+ ghci_tv = case tcTyVarDetails tv of
+ MetaTv { mtv_info = RuntimeUnkTv } -> True
+ _ -> False
fast_check :: TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
fast_check (TyVarTy tv')
| tv == tv' = MTVU_Occurs
@@ -2021,19 +2041,19 @@ preCheck dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
-- in GHC.Core.Type
fast_check (TyConApp tc tys)
- | bad_tc tc = MTVU_Bad
+ | bad_tc tc, not ghci_tv = MTVU_Bad
| otherwise = mapM fast_check tys >> ok
fast_check (LitTy {}) = ok
fast_check (FunTy{ft_af = af, ft_mult = w, ft_arg = a, ft_res = r})
| InvisArg <- af
- , not impredicative_ok = MTVU_Bad
+ , not ghci_tv = MTVU_Bad
| otherwise = fast_check w >> fast_check a >> fast_check r
fast_check (AppTy fun arg) = fast_check fun >> fast_check arg
fast_check (CastTy ty co) = fast_check ty >> fast_check_co co
fast_check (CoercionTy co) = fast_check_co co
fast_check (ForAllTy (Bndr tv' _) ty)
- | not impredicative_ok = MTVU_Bad
- | tv == tv' = ok
+ | not ghci_tv = MTVU_Bad
+ | tv == tv' = ok
| otherwise = do { fast_check_occ (tyVarKind tv')
; fast_check_occ ty }
-- Under a forall we look only for occurrences of
@@ -2056,14 +2076,6 @@ preCheck dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
bad_tc :: TyCon -> Bool
bad_tc tc
- | not (impredicative_ok || isTauTyCon tc) = True
- | not (ty_fam_ok || isFamFreeTyCon tc) = True
- | otherwise = False
-canUnifyWithPolyType :: DynFlags -> TcTyVarDetails -> Bool
-canUnifyWithPolyType dflags details
- = case details of
- MetaTv { mtv_info = TyVarTv } -> False
- MetaTv { mtv_info = TauTv } -> xopt LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes dflags
- _other -> True
- -- We can have non-meta tyvars in given constraints
+ | not (isTauTyCon tc) = True
+ | not (ty_fam_ok || isFamFreeTyCon tc) = True
+ | otherwise = False