path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-03-19 10:28:01 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-07 18:36:49 -0400
commit255418da5d264fb2758bc70925adb2094f34adc3 (patch)
tree39e3d7f84571e750f2a087c1bc2ab87198e9b147 /compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs
parent3d2991f8b4c1b686323b2c9452ce845a60b8d94c (diff)
Modules: type-checker (#13009)
Update Haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs')
1 files changed, 2907 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fe9d16595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections, ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Validity (
+ Rank, UserTypeCtxt(..), checkValidType, checkValidMonoType,
+ checkValidTheta,
+ checkValidInstance, checkValidInstHead, validDerivPred,
+ checkTySynRhs,
+ checkValidCoAxiom, checkValidCoAxBranch,
+ checkValidTyFamEqn, checkConsistentFamInst,
+ badATErr, arityErr,
+ checkTyConTelescope,
+ allDistinctTyVars
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import Maybes
+-- friends:
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify ( tcSubType_NC )
+import GHC.Tc.Solver ( simplifyAmbiguityCheck )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Class ( matchGlobalInst, ClsInstResult(..), InstanceWhat(..), AssocInstInfo(..) )
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType hiding ( sizeType, sizeTypes )
+import TysWiredIn ( heqTyConName, eqTyConName, coercibleTyConName )
+import PrelNames
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.Unify ( tcMatchTyX_BM, BindFlag(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Predicate
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+-- others:
+import GHC.Iface.Type ( pprIfaceType, pprIfaceTypeApp )
+import GHC.CoreToIface ( toIfaceTyCon, toIfaceTcArgs, toIfaceType )
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env ( tcInitTidyEnv, tcInitOpenTidyEnv )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.FunDeps
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+ ( isDominatedBy, injectiveBranches, InjectivityCheckResult(..) )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Types.Var ( VarBndr(..), mkTyVar )
+import FV
+import ErrUtils
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Util
+import ListSetOps
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Types.Unique ( mkAlphaTyVarUnique )
+import Bag ( emptyBag )
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.List ( (\\), nub )
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
+* *
+ Checking for ambiguity
+* *
+Note [The ambiguity check for type signatures]
+checkAmbiguity is a check on *user-supplied type signatures*. It is
+*purely* there to report functions that cannot possibly be called. So for
+example we want to reject:
+ f :: C a => Int
+The idea is there can be no legal calls to 'f' because every call will
+give rise to an ambiguous constraint. We could soundly omit the
+ambiguity check on type signatures entirely, at the expense of
+delaying ambiguity errors to call sites. Indeed, the flag
+-XAllowAmbiguousTypes switches off the ambiguity check.
+What about things like this:
+ class D a b | a -> b where ..
+ h :: D Int b => Int
+The Int may well fix 'b' at the call site, so that signature should
+not be rejected. Moreover, using *visible* fundeps is too
+conservative. Consider
+ class X a b where ...
+ class D a b | a -> b where ...
+ instance D a b => X [a] b where...
+ h :: X a b => a -> a
+Here h's type looks ambiguous in 'b', but here's a legal call:
+ ...(h [True])...
+That gives rise to a (X [Bool] beta) constraint, and using the
+instance means we need (D Bool beta) and that fixes 'beta' via D's
+Behind all these special cases there is a simple guiding principle.
+ f :: <type>
+ f = ...blah...
+ g :: <type>
+ g = f
+You would think that the definition of g would surely typecheck!
+After all f has exactly the same type, and g=f. But in fact f's type
+is instantiated and the instantiated constraints are solved against
+the originals, so in the case an ambiguous type it won't work.
+Consider our earlier example f :: C a => Int. Then in g's definition,
+we'll instantiate to (C alpha) and try to deduce (C alpha) from (C a),
+and fail.
+So in fact we use this as our *definition* of ambiguity. We use a
+very similar test for *inferred* types, to ensure that they are
+unambiguous. See Note [Impedance matching] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.
+This test is very conveniently implemented by calling
+ tcSubType <type> <type>
+This neatly takes account of the functional dependency stuff above,
+and implicit parameter (see Note [Implicit parameters and ambiguity]).
+And this is what checkAmbiguity does.
+What about this, though?
+ g :: C [a] => Int
+Is every call to 'g' ambiguous? After all, we might have
+ instance C [a] where ...
+at the call site. So maybe that type is ok! Indeed even f's
+quintessentially ambiguous type might, just possibly be callable:
+with -XFlexibleInstances we could have
+ instance C a where ...
+and now a call could be legal after all! Well, we'll reject this
+unless the instance is available *here*.
+Note [When to call checkAmbiguity]
+We call checkAmbiguity
+ (a) on user-specified type signatures
+ (b) in checkValidType
+Conncerning (b), you might wonder about nested foralls. What about
+ f :: forall b. (forall a. Eq a => b) -> b
+The nested forall is ambiguous. Originally we called checkAmbiguity
+in the forall case of check_type, but that had two bad consequences:
+ * We got two error messages about (Eq b) in a nested forall like this:
+ g :: forall a. Eq a => forall b. Eq b => a -> a
+ * If we try to check for ambiguity of a nested forall like
+ (forall a. Eq a => b), the implication constraint doesn't bind
+ all the skolems, which results in "No skolem info" in error
+ messages (see #10432).
+To avoid this, we call checkAmbiguity once, at the top, in checkValidType.
+(I'm still a bit worried about unbound skolems when the type mentions
+in-scope type variables.)
+In fact, because of the co/contra-variance implemented in tcSubType,
+this *does* catch function f above. too.
+Concerning (a) the ambiguity check is only used for *user* types, not
+for types coming from interface files. The latter can legitimately
+have ambiguous types. Example
+ class S a where s :: a -> (Int,Int)
+ instance S Char where s _ = (1,1)
+ f:: S a => [a] -> Int -> (Int,Int)
+ f (_::[a]) x = (a*x,b)
+ where (a,b) = s (undefined::a)
+Here the worker for f gets the type
+ fw :: forall a. S a => Int -> (# Int, Int #)
+Note [Implicit parameters and ambiguity]
+Only a *class* predicate can give rise to ambiguity
+An *implicit parameter* cannot. For example:
+ foo :: (?x :: [a]) => Int
+ foo = length ?x
+is fine. The call site will supply a particular 'x'
+Furthermore, the type variables fixed by an implicit parameter
+propagate to the others. E.g.
+ foo :: (Show a, ?x::[a]) => Int
+ foo = show (?x++?x)
+The type of foo looks ambiguous. But it isn't, because at a call site
+we might have
+ let ?x = 5::Int in foo
+and all is well. In effect, implicit parameters are, well, parameters,
+so we can take their type variables into account as part of the
+"tau-tvs" stuff. This is done in the function 'GHC.Tc.Instance.FunDeps.grow'.
+checkAmbiguity :: UserTypeCtxt -> Type -> TcM ()
+checkAmbiguity ctxt ty
+ | wantAmbiguityCheck ctxt
+ = do { traceTc "Ambiguity check for" (ppr ty)
+ -- Solve the constraints eagerly because an ambiguous type
+ -- can cause a cascade of further errors. Since the free
+ -- tyvars are skolemised, we can safely use tcSimplifyTop
+ ; allow_ambiguous <- xoptM LangExt.AllowAmbiguousTypes
+ ; (_wrap, wanted) <- addErrCtxt (mk_msg allow_ambiguous) $
+ captureConstraints $
+ tcSubType_NC ctxt ty ty
+ ; simplifyAmbiguityCheck ty wanted
+ ; traceTc "Done ambiguity check for" (ppr ty) }
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+ where
+ mk_msg allow_ambiguous
+ = vcat [ text "In the ambiguity check for" <+> what
+ , ppUnless allow_ambiguous ambig_msg ]
+ ambig_msg = text "To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes"
+ what | Just n <- isSigMaybe ctxt = quotes (ppr n)
+ | otherwise = pprUserTypeCtxt ctxt
+wantAmbiguityCheck :: UserTypeCtxt -> Bool
+wantAmbiguityCheck ctxt
+ = case ctxt of -- See Note [When we don't check for ambiguity]
+ GhciCtxt {} -> False
+ TySynCtxt {} -> False
+ TypeAppCtxt -> False
+ StandaloneKindSigCtxt{} -> False
+ _ -> True
+checkUserTypeError :: Type -> TcM ()
+-- Check to see if the type signature mentions "TypeError blah"
+-- anywhere in it, and fail if so.
+-- Very unsatisfactorily (#11144) we need to tidy the type
+-- because it may have come from an /inferred/ signature, not a
+-- user-supplied one. This is really only a half-baked fix;
+-- the other errors in checkValidType don't do tidying, and so
+-- may give bad error messages when given an inferred type.
+checkUserTypeError = check
+ where
+ check ty
+ | Just msg <- userTypeError_maybe ty = fail_with msg
+ | Just (_,ts) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty = mapM_ check ts
+ | Just (t1,t2) <- splitAppTy_maybe ty = check t1 >> check t2
+ | Just (_,t1) <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty = check t1
+ | otherwise = return ()
+ fail_with msg = do { env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
+ ; let (env1, tidy_msg) = tidyOpenType env0 msg
+ ; failWithTcM (env1, pprUserTypeErrorTy tidy_msg) }
+{- Note [When we don't check for ambiguity]
+In a few places we do not want to check a user-specified type for ambiguity
+* GhciCtxt: Allow ambiguous types in GHCi's :kind command
+ E.g. type family T a :: * -- T :: forall k. k -> *
+ Then :k T should work in GHCi, not complain that
+ (T k) is ambiguous!
+* TySynCtxt: type T a b = C a b => blah
+ It may be that when we /use/ T, we'll give an 'a' or 'b' that somehow
+ cure the ambiguity. So we defer the ambiguity check to the use site.
+ There is also an implementation reason (#11608). In the RHS of
+ a type synonym we don't (currently) instantiate 'a' and 'b' with
+ TcTyVars before calling checkValidType, so we get assertion failures
+ from doing an ambiguity check on a type with TyVars in it. Fixing this
+ would not be hard, but let's wait till there's a reason.
+* TypeAppCtxt: visible type application
+ f @ty
+ No need to check ty for ambiguity
+* StandaloneKindSigCtxt: type T :: ksig
+ Kinds need a different ambiguity check than types, and the currently
+ implemented check is only good for types. See #14419, in particular
+* *
+ Checking validity of a user-defined type
+* *
+When dealing with a user-written type, we first translate it from an HsType
+to a Type, performing kind checking, and then check various things that should
+be true about it. We don't want to perform these checks at the same time
+as the initial translation because (a) they are unnecessary for interface-file
+types and (b) when checking a mutually recursive group of type and class decls,
+we can't "look" at the tycons/classes yet. Also, the checks are rather
+diverse, and used to really mess up the other code.
+One thing we check for is 'rank'.
+ Rank 0: monotypes (no foralls)
+ Rank 1: foralls at the front only, Rank 0 inside
+ Rank 2: foralls at the front, Rank 1 on left of fn arrow,
+ basic ::= tyvar | T basic ... basic
+ r2 ::= forall tvs. cxt => r2a
+ r2a ::= r1 -> r2a | basic
+ r1 ::= forall tvs. cxt => r0
+ r0 ::= r0 -> r0 | basic
+Another thing is to check that type synonyms are saturated.
+This might not necessarily show up in kind checking.
+ type A i = i
+ data T k = MkT (k Int)
+ f :: T A -- BAD!
+checkValidType :: UserTypeCtxt -> Type -> TcM ()
+-- Checks that a user-written type is valid for the given context
+-- Assumes argument is fully zonked
+-- Not used for instance decls; checkValidInstance instead
+checkValidType ctxt ty
+ = do { traceTc "checkValidType" (ppr ty <+> text "::" <+> ppr (tcTypeKind ty))
+ ; rankn_flag <- xoptM LangExt.RankNTypes
+ ; impred_flag <- xoptM LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes
+ ; let gen_rank :: Rank -> Rank
+ gen_rank r | rankn_flag = ArbitraryRank
+ | otherwise = r
+ rank1 = gen_rank r1
+ rank0 = gen_rank r0
+ r0 = rankZeroMonoType
+ r1 = LimitedRank True r0
+ rank
+ = case ctxt of
+ DefaultDeclCtxt-> MustBeMonoType
+ ResSigCtxt -> MustBeMonoType
+ PatSigCtxt -> rank0
+ RuleSigCtxt _ -> rank1
+ TySynCtxt _ -> rank0
+ ExprSigCtxt -> rank1
+ KindSigCtxt -> rank1
+ StandaloneKindSigCtxt{} -> rank1
+ TypeAppCtxt | impred_flag -> ArbitraryRank
+ | otherwise -> tyConArgMonoType
+ -- Normally, ImpredicativeTypes is handled in check_arg_type,
+ -- but visible type applications don't go through there.
+ -- So we do this check here.
+ FunSigCtxt {} -> rank1
+ InfSigCtxt {} -> rank1 -- Inferred types should obey the
+ -- same rules as declared ones
+ ConArgCtxt _ -> rank1 -- We are given the type of the entire
+ -- constructor, hence rank 1
+ PatSynCtxt _ -> rank1
+ ForSigCtxt _ -> rank1
+ SpecInstCtxt -> rank1
+ ThBrackCtxt -> rank1
+ GhciCtxt {} -> ArbitraryRank
+ TyVarBndrKindCtxt _ -> rank0
+ DataKindCtxt _ -> rank1
+ TySynKindCtxt _ -> rank1
+ TyFamResKindCtxt _ -> rank1
+ _ -> panic "checkValidType"
+ -- Can't happen; not used for *user* sigs
+ ; env <- tcInitOpenTidyEnv (tyCoVarsOfTypeList ty)
+ ; expand <- initialExpandMode
+ ; let ve = ValidityEnv{ ve_tidy_env = env, ve_ctxt = ctxt
+ , ve_rank = rank, ve_expand = expand }
+ -- Check the internal validity of the type itself
+ -- Fail if bad things happen, else we misleading
+ -- (and more complicated) errors in checkAmbiguity
+ ; checkNoErrs $
+ do { check_type ve ty
+ ; checkUserTypeError ty
+ ; traceTc "done ct" (ppr ty) }
+ -- Check for ambiguous types. See Note [When to call checkAmbiguity]
+ -- NB: this will happen even for monotypes, but that should be cheap;
+ -- and there may be nested foralls for the subtype test to examine
+ ; checkAmbiguity ctxt ty
+ ; traceTc "checkValidType done" (ppr ty <+> text "::" <+> ppr (tcTypeKind ty)) }
+checkValidMonoType :: Type -> TcM ()
+-- Assumes argument is fully zonked
+checkValidMonoType ty
+ = do { env <- tcInitOpenTidyEnv (tyCoVarsOfTypeList ty)
+ ; expand <- initialExpandMode
+ ; let ve = ValidityEnv{ ve_tidy_env = env, ve_ctxt = SigmaCtxt
+ , ve_rank = MustBeMonoType, ve_expand = expand }
+ ; check_type ve ty }
+checkTySynRhs :: UserTypeCtxt -> TcType -> TcM ()
+checkTySynRhs ctxt ty
+ | tcReturnsConstraintKind actual_kind
+ = do { ck <- xoptM LangExt.ConstraintKinds
+ ; if ck
+ then when (tcIsConstraintKind actual_kind)
+ (do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; expand <- initialExpandMode
+ ; check_pred_ty emptyTidyEnv dflags ctxt expand ty })
+ else addErrTcM (constraintSynErr emptyTidyEnv actual_kind) }
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+ where
+ actual_kind = tcTypeKind ty
+Note [Higher rank types]
+ Int -> forall a. a->a
+is still a rank-1 type, but it's not Haskell 98 (#5957). So the
+validity checker allow a forall after an arrow only if we allow it
+before -- that is, with Rank2Types or RankNTypes
+data Rank = ArbitraryRank -- Any rank ok
+ | LimitedRank -- Note [Higher rank types]
+ Bool -- Forall ok at top
+ Rank -- Use for function arguments
+ | MonoType SDoc -- Monotype, with a suggestion of how it could be a polytype
+ | MustBeMonoType -- Monotype regardless of flags
+instance Outputable Rank where
+ ppr ArbitraryRank = text "ArbitraryRank"
+ ppr (LimitedRank top_forall_ok r)
+ = text "LimitedRank" <+> ppr top_forall_ok
+ <+> parens (ppr r)
+ ppr (MonoType msg) = text "MonoType" <+> parens msg
+ ppr MustBeMonoType = text "MustBeMonoType"
+rankZeroMonoType, tyConArgMonoType, synArgMonoType, constraintMonoType :: Rank
+rankZeroMonoType = MonoType (text "Perhaps you intended to use RankNTypes")
+tyConArgMonoType = MonoType (text "GHC doesn't yet support impredicative polymorphism")
+synArgMonoType = MonoType (text "Perhaps you intended to use LiberalTypeSynonyms")
+constraintMonoType = MonoType (vcat [ text "A constraint must be a monotype"
+ , text "Perhaps you intended to use QuantifiedConstraints" ])
+funArgResRank :: Rank -> (Rank, Rank) -- Function argument and result
+funArgResRank (LimitedRank _ arg_rank) = (arg_rank, LimitedRank (forAllAllowed arg_rank) arg_rank)
+funArgResRank other_rank = (other_rank, other_rank)
+forAllAllowed :: Rank -> Bool
+forAllAllowed ArbitraryRank = True
+forAllAllowed (LimitedRank forall_ok _) = forall_ok
+forAllAllowed _ = False
+allConstraintsAllowed :: UserTypeCtxt -> Bool
+-- We don't allow arbitrary constraints in kinds
+allConstraintsAllowed (TyVarBndrKindCtxt {}) = False
+allConstraintsAllowed (DataKindCtxt {}) = False
+allConstraintsAllowed (TySynKindCtxt {}) = False
+allConstraintsAllowed (TyFamResKindCtxt {}) = False
+allConstraintsAllowed (StandaloneKindSigCtxt {}) = False
+allConstraintsAllowed _ = True
+-- | Returns 'True' if the supplied 'UserTypeCtxt' is unambiguously not the
+-- context for the type of a term, where visible, dependent quantification is
+-- currently disallowed.
+-- An example of something that is unambiguously the type of a term is the
+-- @forall a -> a -> a@ in @foo :: forall a -> a -> a@. On the other hand, the
+-- same type in @type family Foo :: forall a -> a -> a@ is unambiguously the
+-- kind of a type, not the type of a term, so it is permitted.
+-- For more examples, see
+-- @testsuite/tests/dependent/should_compile/T16326_Compile*.hs@ (for places
+-- where VDQ is permitted) and
+-- @testsuite/tests/dependent/should_fail/T16326_Fail*.hs@ (for places where
+-- VDQ is disallowed).
+vdqAllowed :: UserTypeCtxt -> Bool
+-- Currently allowed in the kinds of types...
+vdqAllowed (KindSigCtxt {}) = True
+vdqAllowed (StandaloneKindSigCtxt {}) = True
+vdqAllowed (TySynCtxt {}) = True
+vdqAllowed (ThBrackCtxt {}) = True
+vdqAllowed (GhciCtxt {}) = True
+vdqAllowed (TyVarBndrKindCtxt {}) = True
+vdqAllowed (DataKindCtxt {}) = True
+vdqAllowed (TySynKindCtxt {}) = True
+vdqAllowed (TyFamResKindCtxt {}) = True
+-- ...but not in the types of terms.
+vdqAllowed (ConArgCtxt {}) = False
+ -- We could envision allowing VDQ in data constructor types so long as the
+ -- constructor is only ever used at the type level, but for now, GHC adopts
+ -- the stance that VDQ is never allowed in data constructor types.
+vdqAllowed (FunSigCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (InfSigCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (ExprSigCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (TypeAppCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (PatSynCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (PatSigCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (RuleSigCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (ResSigCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (ForSigCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (DefaultDeclCtxt {}) = False
+-- We count class constraints as "types of terms". All of the cases below deal
+-- with class constraints.
+vdqAllowed (InstDeclCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (SpecInstCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (GenSigCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (ClassSCCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (SigmaCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (DataTyCtxt {}) = False
+vdqAllowed (DerivClauseCtxt {}) = False
+Note [Correctness and performance of type synonym validity checking]
+Consider the type A arg1 arg2, where A is a type synonym. How should we check
+this type for validity? We have three distinct choices, corresponding to the
+three constructors of ExpandMode:
+1. Expand the application of A, and check the resulting type (`Expand`).
+2. Don't expand the application of A. Only check the arguments (`NoExpand`).
+3. Check the arguments *and* check the expanded type (`Both`).
+It's tempting to think that we could always just pick choice (3), but this
+results in serious performance issues when checking a type like in the
+signature for `f` below:
+ type S = ...
+ f :: S (S (S (S (S (S ....(S Int)...))))
+When checking the type of `f`, we'll check the outer `S` application with and
+without expansion, and in *each* of those checks, we'll check the next `S`
+application with and without expansion... the result is exponential blowup! So
+clearly we don't want to use `Both` 100% of the time.
+On the other hand, neither is it correct to use exclusively `Expand` or
+exclusively `NoExpand` 100% of the time:
+* If one always expands, then one can miss erroneous programs like the one in
+ the `tcfail129` test case:
+ type Foo a = String -> Maybe a
+ type Bar m = m Int
+ blah = undefined :: Bar Foo
+ If we expand `Bar Foo` immediately, we'll miss the fact that the `Foo` type
+ synonyms is unsaturated.
+* If one never expands and only checks the arguments, then one can miss
+ erroneous programs like the one in #16059:
+ type Foo b = Eq b => b
+ f :: forall b (a :: Foo b). Int
+ The kind of `a` contains a constraint, which is illegal, but this will only
+ be caught if `Foo b` is expanded.
+Therefore, it's impossible to have these validity checks be simultaneously
+correct and performant if one sticks exclusively to a single `ExpandMode`. In
+that case, the solution is to vary the `ExpandMode`s! In more detail:
+1. When we start validity checking, we start with `Expand` if
+ LiberalTypeSynonyms is enabled (see Note [Liberal type synonyms] for why we
+ do this), and we start with `Both` otherwise. The `initialExpandMode`
+ function is responsible for this.
+2. When expanding an application of a type synonym (in `check_syn_tc_app`), we
+ determine which things to check based on the current `ExpandMode` argument.
+ Importantly, if the current mode is `Both`, then we check the arguments in
+ `NoExpand` mode and check the expanded type in `Both` mode.
+ Switching to `NoExpand` when checking the arguments is vital to avoid
+ exponential blowup. One consequence of this choice is that if you have
+ the following type synonym in one module (with RankNTypes enabled):
+ {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+ module A where
+ type A = forall a. a
+ And you define the following in a separate module *without* RankNTypes
+ enabled:
+ module B where
+ import A
+ type Const a b = a
+ f :: Const Int A -> Int
+ Then `f` will be accepted, even though `A` (which is technically a rank-n
+ type) appears in its type. We view this as an acceptable compromise, since
+ `A` never appears in the type of `f` post-expansion. If `A` _did_ appear in
+ a type post-expansion, such as in the following variant:
+ g :: Const A A -> Int
+ Then that would be rejected unless RankNTypes were enabled.
+-- | When validity-checking an application of a type synonym, should we
+-- check the arguments, check the expanded type, or both?
+-- See Note [Correctness and performance of type synonym validity checking]
+data ExpandMode
+ = Expand -- ^ Only check the expanded type.
+ | NoExpand -- ^ Only check the arguments.
+ | Both -- ^ Check both the arguments and the expanded type.
+instance Outputable ExpandMode where
+ ppr e = text $ case e of
+ Expand -> "Expand"
+ NoExpand -> "NoExpand"
+ Both -> "Both"
+-- | If @LiberalTypeSynonyms@ is enabled, we start in 'Expand' mode for the
+-- reasons explained in @Note [Liberal type synonyms]@. Otherwise, we start
+-- in 'Both' mode.
+initialExpandMode :: TcM ExpandMode
+initialExpandMode = do
+ liberal_flag <- xoptM LangExt.LiberalTypeSynonyms
+ pure $ if liberal_flag then Expand else Both
+-- | Information about a type being validity-checked.
+data ValidityEnv = ValidityEnv
+ { ve_tidy_env :: TidyEnv
+ , ve_ctxt :: UserTypeCtxt
+ , ve_rank :: Rank
+ , ve_expand :: ExpandMode }
+instance Outputable ValidityEnv where
+ ppr (ValidityEnv{ ve_tidy_env = env, ve_ctxt = ctxt
+ , ve_rank = rank, ve_expand = expand }) =
+ hang (text "ValidityEnv")
+ 2 (vcat [ text "ve_tidy_env" <+> ppr env
+ , text "ve_ctxt" <+> pprUserTypeCtxt ctxt
+ , text "ve_rank" <+> ppr rank
+ , text "ve_expand" <+> ppr expand ])
+check_type :: ValidityEnv -> Type -> TcM ()
+-- The args say what the *type context* requires, independent
+-- of *flag* settings. You test the flag settings at usage sites.
+-- Rank is allowed rank for function args
+-- Rank 0 means no for-alls anywhere
+check_type _ (TyVarTy _) = return ()
+check_type ve (AppTy ty1 ty2)
+ = do { check_type ve ty1
+ ; check_arg_type False ve ty2 }
+check_type ve ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
+ | isTypeSynonymTyCon tc || isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+ = check_syn_tc_app ve ty tc tys
+ | isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc = check_ubx_tuple ve ty tys
+ | otherwise = mapM_ (check_arg_type False ve) tys
+check_type _ (LitTy {}) = return ()
+check_type ve (CastTy ty _) = check_type ve ty
+-- Check for rank-n types, such as (forall x. x -> x) or (Show x => x).
+-- Critically, this case must come *after* the case for TyConApp.
+-- See Note [Liberal type synonyms].
+check_type ve@(ValidityEnv{ ve_tidy_env = env, ve_ctxt = ctxt
+ , ve_rank = rank, ve_expand = expand }) ty
+ | not (null tvbs && null theta)
+ = do { traceTc "check_type" (ppr ty $$ ppr rank)
+ ; checkTcM (forAllAllowed rank) (forAllTyErr env rank ty)
+ -- Reject e.g. (Maybe (?x::Int => Int)),
+ -- with a decent error message
+ ; checkConstraintsOK ve theta ty
+ -- Reject forall (a :: Eq b => b). blah
+ -- In a kind signature we don't allow constraints
+ ; checkTcM (all (isInvisibleArgFlag . binderArgFlag) tvbs
+ || vdqAllowed ctxt)
+ (illegalVDQTyErr env ty)
+ -- Reject visible, dependent quantification in the type of a
+ -- term (e.g., `f :: forall a -> a -> Maybe a`)
+ ; check_valid_theta env' SigmaCtxt expand theta
+ -- Allow type T = ?x::Int => Int -> Int
+ -- but not type T = ?x::Int
+ ; check_type (ve{ve_tidy_env = env'}) tau
+ -- Allow foralls to right of arrow
+ ; checkEscapingKind env' tvbs' theta tau }
+ where
+ (tvbs, phi) = tcSplitForAllVarBndrs ty
+ (theta, tau) = tcSplitPhiTy phi
+ (env', tvbs') = tidyTyCoVarBinders env tvbs
+check_type (ve@ValidityEnv{ve_rank = rank}) (FunTy _ arg_ty res_ty)
+ = do { check_type (ve{ve_rank = arg_rank}) arg_ty
+ ; check_type (ve{ve_rank = res_rank}) res_ty }
+ where
+ (arg_rank, res_rank) = funArgResRank rank
+check_type _ ty = pprPanic "check_type" (ppr ty)
+check_syn_tc_app :: ValidityEnv
+ -> KindOrType -> TyCon -> [KindOrType] -> TcM ()
+-- Used for type synonyms and type synonym families,
+-- which must be saturated,
+-- but not data families, which need not be saturated
+check_syn_tc_app (ve@ValidityEnv{ ve_ctxt = ctxt, ve_expand = expand })
+ ty tc tys
+ | tys `lengthAtLeast` tc_arity -- Saturated
+ -- Check that the synonym has enough args
+ -- This applies equally to open and closed synonyms
+ -- It's OK to have an *over-applied* type synonym
+ -- data Tree a b = ...
+ -- type Foo a = Tree [a]
+ -- f :: Foo a b -> ...
+ = case expand of
+ _ | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+ -> check_args_only expand
+ -- See Note [Correctness and performance of type synonym validity
+ -- checking]
+ Expand -> check_expansion_only expand
+ NoExpand -> check_args_only expand
+ Both -> check_args_only NoExpand *> check_expansion_only Both
+ | GhciCtxt True <- ctxt -- Accept outermost under-saturated type synonym or
+ -- type family constructors in GHCi :kind commands.
+ -- See Note [Unsaturated type synonyms in GHCi]
+ = check_args_only expand
+ | otherwise
+ = failWithTc (tyConArityErr tc tys)
+ where
+ tc_arity = tyConArity tc
+ check_arg :: ExpandMode -> KindOrType -> TcM ()
+ check_arg expand =
+ check_arg_type (isTypeSynonymTyCon tc) (ve{ve_expand = expand})
+ check_args_only, check_expansion_only :: ExpandMode -> TcM ()
+ check_args_only expand = mapM_ (check_arg expand) tys
+ check_expansion_only expand
+ = ASSERT2( isTypeSynonymTyCon tc, ppr tc )
+ case tcView ty of
+ Just ty' -> let err_ctxt = text "In the expansion of type synonym"
+ <+> quotes (ppr tc)
+ in addErrCtxt err_ctxt $
+ check_type (ve{ve_expand = expand}) ty'
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "check_syn_tc_app" (ppr ty)
+Note [Unsaturated type synonyms in GHCi]
+Generally speaking, GHC disallows unsaturated uses of type synonyms or type
+families. For instance, if one defines `type Const a b = a`, then GHC will not
+permit using `Const` unless it is applied to (at least) two arguments. There is
+an exception to this rule, however: GHCi's :kind command. For instance, it
+is quite common to look up the kind of a type constructor like so:
+ λ> :kind Const
+ Const :: j -> k -> j
+ λ> :kind Const Int
+ Const Int :: k -> Type
+Strictly speaking, the two uses of `Const` above are unsaturated, but this
+is an extremely benign (and useful) example of unsaturation, so we allow it
+here as a special case.
+That being said, we do not allow unsaturation carte blanche in GHCi. Otherwise,
+this GHCi interaction would be possible:
+ λ> newtype Fix f = MkFix (f (Fix f))
+ λ> type Id a = a
+ λ> :kind Fix Id
+ Fix Id :: Type
+This is rather dodgy, so we move to disallow this. We only permit unsaturated
+synonyms in GHCi if they are *top-level*—that is, if the synonym is the
+outermost type being applied. This allows `Const` and `Const Int` in the
+first example, but not `Fix Id` in the second example, as `Id` is not the
+outermost type being applied (`Fix` is).
+We track this outermost property in the GhciCtxt constructor of UserTypeCtxt.
+A field of True in GhciCtxt indicates that we're in an outermost position. Any
+time we invoke `check_arg` to check the validity of an argument, we switch the
+field to False.
+check_ubx_tuple :: ValidityEnv -> KindOrType -> [KindOrType] -> TcM ()
+check_ubx_tuple (ve@ValidityEnv{ve_tidy_env = env}) ty tys
+ = do { ub_tuples_allowed <- xoptM LangExt.UnboxedTuples
+ ; checkTcM ub_tuples_allowed (ubxArgTyErr env ty)
+ ; impred <- xoptM LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes
+ ; let rank' = if impred then ArbitraryRank else tyConArgMonoType
+ -- c.f. check_arg_type
+ -- However, args are allowed to be unlifted, or
+ -- more unboxed tuples, so can't use check_arg_ty
+ ; mapM_ (check_type (ve{ve_rank = rank'})) tys }
+ :: Bool -- ^ Is this the argument to a type synonym?
+ -> ValidityEnv -> KindOrType -> TcM ()
+-- The sort of type that can instantiate a type variable,
+-- or be the argument of a type constructor.
+-- Not an unboxed tuple, but now *can* be a forall (since impredicativity)
+-- Other unboxed types are very occasionally allowed as type
+-- arguments depending on the kind of the type constructor
+-- For example, we want to reject things like:
+-- instance Ord a => Ord (forall s. T s a)
+-- and
+-- g :: T s (forall b.b)
+-- NB: unboxed tuples can have polymorphic or unboxed args.
+-- This happens in the workers for functions returning
+-- product types with polymorphic components.
+-- But not in user code.
+-- Anyway, they are dealt with by a special case in check_tau_type
+check_arg_type _ _ (CoercionTy {}) = return ()
+check_arg_type type_syn (ve@ValidityEnv{ve_ctxt = ctxt, ve_rank = rank}) ty
+ = do { impred <- xoptM LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes
+ ; let rank' = case rank of -- Predictive => must be monotype
+ -- Rank-n arguments to type synonyms are OK, provided
+ -- that LiberalTypeSynonyms is enabled.
+ _ | type_syn -> synArgMonoType
+ MustBeMonoType -> MustBeMonoType -- Monotype, regardless
+ _other | impred -> ArbitraryRank
+ | otherwise -> tyConArgMonoType
+ -- Make sure that MustBeMonoType is propagated,
+ -- so that we don't suggest -XImpredicativeTypes in
+ -- (Ord (forall a.a)) => a -> a
+ -- and so that if it Must be a monotype, we check that it is!
+ ctxt' :: UserTypeCtxt
+ ctxt'
+ | GhciCtxt _ <- ctxt = GhciCtxt False
+ -- When checking an argument, set the field of GhciCtxt to
+ -- False to indicate that we are no longer in an outermost
+ -- position (and thus unsaturated synonyms are no longer
+ -- allowed).
+ -- See Note [Unsaturated type synonyms in GHCi]
+ | otherwise = ctxt
+ ; check_type (ve{ve_ctxt = ctxt', ve_rank = rank'}) ty }
+forAllTyErr :: TidyEnv -> Rank -> Type -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+forAllTyErr env rank ty
+ = ( env
+ , vcat [ hang herald 2 (ppr_tidy env ty)
+ , suggestion ] )
+ where
+ (tvs, _theta, _tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy ty
+ herald | null tvs = text "Illegal qualified type:"
+ | otherwise = text "Illegal polymorphic type:"
+ suggestion = case rank of
+ LimitedRank {} -> text "Perhaps you intended to use RankNTypes"
+ MonoType d -> d
+ _ -> Outputable.empty -- Polytype is always illegal
+-- | Reject type variables that would escape their escape through a kind.
+-- See @Note [Type variables escaping through kinds]@.
+checkEscapingKind :: TidyEnv -> [TyVarBinder] -> ThetaType -> Type -> TcM ()
+checkEscapingKind env tvbs theta tau =
+ case occCheckExpand (binderVars tvbs) phi_kind of
+ -- Ensure that none of the tvs occur in the kind of the forall
+ -- /after/ expanding type synonyms.
+ -- See Note [Phantom type variables in kinds] in GHC.Core.Type
+ Nothing -> failWithTcM $ forAllEscapeErr env tvbs theta tau tau_kind
+ Just _ -> pure ()
+ where
+ tau_kind = tcTypeKind tau
+ phi_kind | null theta = tau_kind
+ | otherwise = liftedTypeKind
+ -- If there are any constraints, the kind is *. (#11405)
+forAllEscapeErr :: TidyEnv -> [TyVarBinder] -> ThetaType -> Type -> Kind
+ -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+forAllEscapeErr env tvbs theta tau tau_kind
+ = ( env
+ , vcat [ hang (text "Quantified type's kind mentions quantified type variable")
+ 2 (text "type:" <+> quotes (ppr (mkSigmaTy tvbs theta tau)))
+ -- NB: Don't tidy this type since the tvbs were already tidied
+ -- previously, and re-tidying them will make the names of type
+ -- variables different from tau_kind.
+ , hang (text "where the body of the forall has this kind:")
+ 2 (quotes (ppr_tidy env tau_kind)) ] )
+Note [Type variables escaping through kinds]
+ type family T (r :: RuntimeRep) :: TYPE r
+ foo :: forall r. T r
+Something smells funny about the type of `foo`. If you spell out the kind
+explicitly, it becomes clearer from where the smell originates:
+ foo :: ((forall r. T r) :: TYPE r)
+The type variable `r` appears in the result kind, which escapes the scope of
+its binding site! This is not desirable, so we establish a validity check
+(`checkEscapingKind`) to catch any type variables that might escape through
+kinds in this way.
+ubxArgTyErr :: TidyEnv -> Type -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+ubxArgTyErr env ty
+ = ( env, vcat [ sep [ text "Illegal unboxed tuple type as function argument:"
+ , ppr_tidy env ty ]
+ , text "Perhaps you intended to use UnboxedTuples" ] )
+checkConstraintsOK :: ValidityEnv -> ThetaType -> Type -> TcM ()
+checkConstraintsOK ve theta ty
+ | null theta = return ()
+ | allConstraintsAllowed (ve_ctxt ve) = return ()
+ | otherwise
+ = -- We are in a kind, where we allow only equality predicates
+ -- See Note [Constraints in kinds] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep, and #16263
+ checkTcM (all isEqPred theta) $
+ constraintTyErr (ve_tidy_env ve) ty
+constraintTyErr :: TidyEnv -> Type -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+constraintTyErr env ty
+ = (env, text "Illegal constraint in a kind:" <+> ppr_tidy env ty)
+-- | Reject a use of visible, dependent quantification in the type of a term.
+illegalVDQTyErr :: TidyEnv -> Type -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+illegalVDQTyErr env ty =
+ (env, vcat
+ [ hang (text "Illegal visible, dependent quantification" <+>
+ text "in the type of a term:")
+ 2 (ppr_tidy env ty)
+ , text "(GHC does not yet support this)" ] )
+Note [Liberal type synonyms]
+If -XLiberalTypeSynonyms is on, expand closed type synonyms *before*
+doing validity checking. This allows us to instantiate a synonym defn
+with a for-all type, or with a partially-applied type synonym.
+ e.g. type T a b = a
+ type S m = m ()
+ f :: S (T Int)
+Here, T is partially applied, so it's illegal in H98. But if you
+expand S first, then T we get just
+ f :: Int
+which is fine.
+IMPORTANT: suppose T is a type synonym. Then we must do validity
+checking on an application (T ty1 ty2)
+ *either* before expansion (i.e. check ty1, ty2)
+ *or* after expansion (i.e. expand T ty1 ty2, and then check)
+If we do both, we get exponential behaviour!!
+ data TIACons1 i r c = c i ::: r c
+ type TIACons2 t x = TIACons1 t (TIACons1 t x)
+ type TIACons3 t x = TIACons2 t (TIACons1 t x)
+ type TIACons4 t x = TIACons2 t (TIACons2 t x)
+ type TIACons7 t x = TIACons4 t (TIACons3 t x)
+The order in which you do validity checking is also somewhat delicate. Consider
+the `check_type` function, which drives the validity checking for unsaturated
+uses of type synonyms. There is a special case for rank-n types, such as
+(forall x. x -> x) or (Show x => x), since those require at least one language
+extension to use. It used to be the case that this case came before every other
+case, but this can lead to bugs. Imagine you have this scenario (from #15954):
+ type A a = Int
+ type B (a :: Type -> Type) = forall x. x -> x
+ type C = B A
+If the rank-n case came first, then in the process of checking for `forall`s
+or contexts, we would expand away `B A` to `forall x. x -> x`. This is because
+the functions that split apart `forall`s/contexts
+(tcSplitForAllVarBndrs/tcSplitPhiTy) expand type synonyms! If `B A` is expanded
+away to `forall x. x -> x` before the actually validity checks occur, we will
+have completely obfuscated the fact that we had an unsaturated application of
+the `A` type synonym.
+We have since learned from our mistakes and now put this rank-n case /after/
+the case for TyConApp, which ensures that an unsaturated `A` TyConApp will be
+caught properly. But be careful! We can't make the rank-n case /last/ either,
+as the FunTy case must came after the rank-n case. Otherwise, something like
+(Eq a => Int) would be treated as a function type (FunTy), which just
+wouldn't do.
+* *
+\subsection{Checking a theta or source type}
+* *
+Note [Implicit parameters in instance decls]
+Implicit parameters _only_ allowed in type signatures; not in instance
+decls, superclasses etc. The reason for not allowing implicit params in
+instances is a bit subtle. If we allowed
+ instance (?x::Int, Eq a) => Foo [a] where ...
+then when we saw
+ (e :: (?x::Int) => t)
+it would be unclear how to discharge all the potential uses of the ?x
+in e. For example, a constraint Foo [Int] might come out of e, and
+applying the instance decl would show up two uses of ?x. #8912.
+checkValidTheta :: UserTypeCtxt -> ThetaType -> TcM ()
+-- Assumes argument is fully zonked
+checkValidTheta ctxt theta
+ = addErrCtxtM (checkThetaCtxt ctxt theta) $
+ do { env <- tcInitOpenTidyEnv (tyCoVarsOfTypesList theta)
+ ; expand <- initialExpandMode
+ ; check_valid_theta env ctxt expand theta }
+check_valid_theta :: TidyEnv -> UserTypeCtxt -> ExpandMode
+ -> [PredType] -> TcM ()
+check_valid_theta _ _ _ []
+ = return ()
+check_valid_theta env ctxt expand theta
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; warnTcM (Reason Opt_WarnDuplicateConstraints)
+ (wopt Opt_WarnDuplicateConstraints dflags && notNull dups)
+ (dupPredWarn env dups)
+ ; traceTc "check_valid_theta" (ppr theta)
+ ; mapM_ (check_pred_ty env dflags ctxt expand) theta }
+ where
+ (_,dups) = removeDups nonDetCmpType theta
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetCmpType because dups only appears in the
+ -- warning
+{- Note [Validity checking for constraints]
+We look through constraint synonyms so that we can see the underlying
+constraint(s). For example
+ type Foo = ?x::Int
+ instance Foo => C T
+We should reject the instance because it has an implicit parameter in
+the context.
+But we record, in 'under_syn', whether we have looked under a synonym
+to avoid requiring language extensions at the use site. Main example
+ {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+ module A where
+ type EqShow a = (Eq a, Show a)
+ module B where
+ import A
+ foo :: EqShow a => a -> String
+We don't want to require ConstraintKinds in module B.
+check_pred_ty :: TidyEnv -> DynFlags -> UserTypeCtxt -> ExpandMode
+ -> PredType -> TcM ()
+-- Check the validity of a predicate in a signature
+-- See Note [Validity checking for constraints]
+check_pred_ty env dflags ctxt expand pred
+ = do { check_type ve pred
+ ; check_pred_help False env dflags ctxt pred }
+ where
+ rank | xopt LangExt.QuantifiedConstraints dflags
+ = ArbitraryRank
+ | otherwise
+ = constraintMonoType
+ ve :: ValidityEnv
+ ve = ValidityEnv{ ve_tidy_env = env
+ , ve_ctxt = SigmaCtxt
+ , ve_rank = rank
+ , ve_expand = expand }
+check_pred_help :: Bool -- True <=> under a type synonym
+ -> TidyEnv
+ -> DynFlags -> UserTypeCtxt
+ -> PredType -> TcM ()
+check_pred_help under_syn env dflags ctxt pred
+ | Just pred' <- tcView pred -- Switch on under_syn when going under a
+ -- synonym (#9838, yuk)
+ = check_pred_help True env dflags ctxt pred'
+ | otherwise -- A bit like classifyPredType, but not the same
+ -- E.g. we treat (~) like (~#); and we look inside tuples
+ = case classifyPredType pred of
+ ClassPred cls tys
+ | isCTupleClass cls -> check_tuple_pred under_syn env dflags ctxt pred tys
+ | otherwise -> check_class_pred env dflags ctxt pred cls tys
+ EqPred _ _ _ -> pprPanic "check_pred_help" (ppr pred)
+ -- EqPreds, such as (t1 ~ #t2) or (t1 ~R# t2), don't even have kind Constraint
+ -- and should never appear before the '=>' of a type. Thus
+ -- f :: (a ~# b) => blah
+ -- is wrong. For user written signatures, it'll be rejected by kind-checking
+ -- well before we get to validity checking. For inferred types we are careful
+ -- to box such constraints in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType.pickQuantifiablePreds, as described
+ -- in Note [Lift equality constraints when quantifying] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+ ForAllPred _ theta head -> check_quant_pred env dflags ctxt pred theta head
+ IrredPred {} -> check_irred_pred under_syn env dflags ctxt pred
+check_eq_pred :: TidyEnv -> DynFlags -> PredType -> TcM ()
+check_eq_pred env dflags pred
+ = -- Equational constraints are valid in all contexts if type
+ -- families are permitted
+ checkTcM (xopt LangExt.TypeFamilies dflags
+ || xopt LangExt.GADTs dflags)
+ (eqPredTyErr env pred)
+check_quant_pred :: TidyEnv -> DynFlags -> UserTypeCtxt
+ -> PredType -> ThetaType -> PredType -> TcM ()
+check_quant_pred env dflags ctxt pred theta head_pred
+ = addErrCtxt (text "In the quantified constraint" <+> quotes (ppr pred)) $
+ do { -- Check the instance head
+ case classifyPredType head_pred of
+ -- SigmaCtxt tells checkValidInstHead that
+ -- this is the head of a quantified constraint
+ ClassPred cls tys -> do { checkValidInstHead SigmaCtxt cls tys
+ ; check_pred_help False env dflags ctxt head_pred }
+ -- need check_pred_help to do extra pred-only validity
+ -- checks, such as for (~). Otherwise, we get #17563
+ -- NB: checks for the context are covered by the check_type
+ -- in check_pred_ty
+ IrredPred {} | hasTyVarHead head_pred
+ -> return ()
+ _ -> failWithTcM (badQuantHeadErr env pred)
+ -- Check for termination
+ ; unless (xopt LangExt.UndecidableInstances dflags) $
+ checkInstTermination theta head_pred
+ }
+check_tuple_pred :: Bool -> TidyEnv -> DynFlags -> UserTypeCtxt -> PredType -> [PredType] -> TcM ()
+check_tuple_pred under_syn env dflags ctxt pred ts
+ = do { -- See Note [ConstraintKinds in predicates]
+ checkTcM (under_syn || xopt LangExt.ConstraintKinds dflags)
+ (predTupleErr env pred)
+ ; mapM_ (check_pred_help under_syn env dflags ctxt) ts }
+ -- This case will not normally be executed because without
+ -- -XConstraintKinds tuple types are only kind-checked as *
+check_irred_pred :: Bool -> TidyEnv -> DynFlags -> UserTypeCtxt -> PredType -> TcM ()
+check_irred_pred under_syn env dflags ctxt pred
+ -- The predicate looks like (X t1 t2) or (x t1 t2) :: Constraint
+ -- where X is a type function
+ = do { -- If it looks like (x t1 t2), require ConstraintKinds
+ -- see Note [ConstraintKinds in predicates]
+ -- But (X t1 t2) is always ok because we just require ConstraintKinds
+ -- at the definition site (#9838)
+ failIfTcM (not under_syn && not (xopt LangExt.ConstraintKinds dflags)
+ && hasTyVarHead pred)
+ (predIrredErr env pred)
+ -- Make sure it is OK to have an irred pred in this context
+ -- See Note [Irreducible predicates in superclasses]
+ ; failIfTcM (is_superclass ctxt
+ && not (xopt LangExt.UndecidableInstances dflags)
+ && has_tyfun_head pred)
+ (predSuperClassErr env pred) }
+ where
+ is_superclass ctxt = case ctxt of { ClassSCCtxt _ -> True; _ -> False }
+ has_tyfun_head ty
+ = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc, _) -> isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+ Nothing -> False
+{- Note [ConstraintKinds in predicates]
+Don't check for -XConstraintKinds under a type synonym, because that
+was done at the type synonym definition site; see #9838
+e.g. module A where
+ type C a = (Eq a, Ix a) -- Needs -XConstraintKinds
+ module B where
+ import A
+ f :: C a => a -> a -- Does *not* need -XConstraintKinds
+Note [Irreducible predicates in superclasses]
+Allowing type-family calls in class superclasses is somewhat dangerous
+because we can write:
+ type family Fooish x :: * -> Constraint
+ type instance Fooish () = Foo
+ class Fooish () a => Foo a where
+This will cause the constraint simplifier to loop because every time we canonicalise a
+(Foo a) class constraint we add a (Fooish () a) constraint which will be immediately
+solved to add+canonicalise another (Foo a) constraint. -}
+check_class_pred :: TidyEnv -> DynFlags -> UserTypeCtxt
+ -> PredType -> Class -> [TcType] -> TcM ()
+check_class_pred env dflags ctxt pred cls tys
+ | isEqPredClass cls -- (~) and (~~) are classified as classes,
+ -- but here we want to treat them as equalities
+ = check_eq_pred env dflags pred
+ | isIPClass cls
+ = do { check_arity
+ ; checkTcM (okIPCtxt ctxt) (badIPPred env pred) }
+ | otherwise -- Includes Coercible
+ = do { check_arity
+ ; checkSimplifiableClassConstraint env dflags ctxt cls tys
+ ; checkTcM arg_tys_ok (predTyVarErr env pred) }
+ where
+ check_arity = checkTc (tys `lengthIs` classArity cls)
+ (tyConArityErr (classTyCon cls) tys)
+ -- Check the arguments of a class constraint
+ flexible_contexts = xopt LangExt.FlexibleContexts dflags
+ undecidable_ok = xopt LangExt.UndecidableInstances dflags
+ arg_tys_ok = case ctxt of
+ SpecInstCtxt -> True -- {-# SPECIALISE instance Eq (T Int) #-} is fine
+ InstDeclCtxt {} -> checkValidClsArgs (flexible_contexts || undecidable_ok) cls tys
+ -- Further checks on head and theta
+ -- in checkInstTermination
+ _ -> checkValidClsArgs flexible_contexts cls tys
+checkSimplifiableClassConstraint :: TidyEnv -> DynFlags -> UserTypeCtxt
+ -> Class -> [TcType] -> TcM ()
+-- See Note [Simplifiable given constraints]
+checkSimplifiableClassConstraint env dflags ctxt cls tys
+ | not (wopt Opt_WarnSimplifiableClassConstraints dflags)
+ = return ()
+ | xopt LangExt.MonoLocalBinds dflags
+ = return ()
+ | DataTyCtxt {} <- ctxt -- Don't do this check for the "stupid theta"
+ = return () -- of a data type declaration
+ | cls `hasKey` coercibleTyConKey
+ = return () -- Oddly, we treat (Coercible t1 t2) as unconditionally OK
+ -- matchGlobalInst will reply "yes" because we can reduce
+ -- (Coercible a b) to (a ~R# b)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { result <- matchGlobalInst dflags False cls tys
+ ; case result of
+ OneInst { cir_what = what }
+ -> addWarnTc (Reason Opt_WarnSimplifiableClassConstraints)
+ (simplifiable_constraint_warn what)
+ _ -> return () }
+ where
+ pred = mkClassPred cls tys
+ simplifiable_constraint_warn :: InstanceWhat -> SDoc
+ simplifiable_constraint_warn what
+ = vcat [ hang (text "The constraint" <+> quotes (ppr (tidyType env pred))
+ <+> text "matches")
+ 2 (ppr what)
+ , hang (text "This makes type inference for inner bindings fragile;")
+ 2 (text "either use MonoLocalBinds, or simplify it using the instance") ]
+{- Note [Simplifiable given constraints]
+A type signature like
+ f :: Eq [(a,b)] => a -> b
+is very fragile, for reasons described at length in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact
+Note [Instance and Given overlap]. As that Note discusses, for the
+most part the clever stuff in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact means that we don't use a
+top-level instance if a local Given might fire, so there is no
+fragility. But if we /infer/ the type of a local let-binding, things
+can go wrong (#11948 is an example, discussed in the Note).
+So this warning is switched on only if we have NoMonoLocalBinds; in
+that case the warning discourages users from writing simplifiable
+class constraints.
+The warning only fires if the constraint in the signature
+matches the top-level instances in only one way, and with no
+unifiers -- that is, under the same circumstances that
+GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.matchInstEnv fires an interaction with the top
+level instances. For example (#13526), consider
+ instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Eq (T a) where ...
+ instance Eq (T Char) where ..
+ f :: Eq (T a) => ...
+We don't want to complain about this, even though the context
+(Eq (T a)) matches an instance, because the user may be
+deliberately deferring the choice so that the Eq (T Char)
+has a chance to fire when 'f' is called. And the fragility
+only matters when there's a risk that the instance might
+fire instead of the local 'given'; and there is no such
+risk in this case. Just use the same rules as for instance
+okIPCtxt :: UserTypeCtxt -> Bool
+ -- See Note [Implicit parameters in instance decls]
+okIPCtxt (FunSigCtxt {}) = True
+okIPCtxt (InfSigCtxt {}) = True
+okIPCtxt ExprSigCtxt = True
+okIPCtxt TypeAppCtxt = True
+okIPCtxt PatSigCtxt = True
+okIPCtxt ResSigCtxt = True
+okIPCtxt GenSigCtxt = True
+okIPCtxt (ConArgCtxt {}) = True
+okIPCtxt (ForSigCtxt {}) = True -- ??
+okIPCtxt ThBrackCtxt = True
+okIPCtxt (GhciCtxt {}) = True
+okIPCtxt SigmaCtxt = True
+okIPCtxt (DataTyCtxt {}) = True
+okIPCtxt (PatSynCtxt {}) = True
+okIPCtxt (TySynCtxt {}) = True -- e.g. type Blah = ?x::Int
+ -- #11466
+okIPCtxt (KindSigCtxt {}) = False
+okIPCtxt (StandaloneKindSigCtxt {}) = False
+okIPCtxt (ClassSCCtxt {}) = False
+okIPCtxt (InstDeclCtxt {}) = False
+okIPCtxt (SpecInstCtxt {}) = False
+okIPCtxt (RuleSigCtxt {}) = False
+okIPCtxt DefaultDeclCtxt = False
+okIPCtxt DerivClauseCtxt = False
+okIPCtxt (TyVarBndrKindCtxt {}) = False
+okIPCtxt (DataKindCtxt {}) = False
+okIPCtxt (TySynKindCtxt {}) = False
+okIPCtxt (TyFamResKindCtxt {}) = False
+Note [Kind polymorphic type classes]
+MultiParam check:
+ class C f where... -- C :: forall k. k -> Constraint
+ instance C Maybe where...
+ The dictionary gets type [C * Maybe] even if it's not a MultiParam
+ type class.
+Flexibility check:
+ class C f where... -- C :: forall k. k -> Constraint
+ data D a = D a
+ instance C D where
+ The dictionary gets type [C * (D *)]. IA0_TODO it should be
+ generalized actually.
+checkThetaCtxt :: UserTypeCtxt -> ThetaType -> TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+checkThetaCtxt ctxt theta env
+ = return ( env
+ , vcat [ text "In the context:" <+> pprTheta (tidyTypes env theta)
+ , text "While checking" <+> pprUserTypeCtxt ctxt ] )
+eqPredTyErr, predTupleErr, predIrredErr,
+ predSuperClassErr, badQuantHeadErr :: TidyEnv -> PredType -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+badQuantHeadErr env pred
+ = ( env
+ , hang (text "Quantified predicate must have a class or type variable head:")
+ 2 (ppr_tidy env pred) )
+eqPredTyErr env pred
+ = ( env
+ , text "Illegal equational constraint" <+> ppr_tidy env pred $$
+ parens (text "Use GADTs or TypeFamilies to permit this") )
+predTupleErr env pred
+ = ( env
+ , hang (text "Illegal tuple constraint:" <+> ppr_tidy env pred)
+ 2 (parens constraintKindsMsg) )
+predIrredErr env pred
+ = ( env
+ , hang (text "Illegal constraint:" <+> ppr_tidy env pred)
+ 2 (parens constraintKindsMsg) )
+predSuperClassErr env pred
+ = ( env
+ , hang (text "Illegal constraint" <+> quotes (ppr_tidy env pred)
+ <+> text "in a superclass context")
+ 2 (parens undecidableMsg) )
+predTyVarErr :: TidyEnv -> PredType -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+predTyVarErr env pred
+ = (env
+ , vcat [ hang (text "Non type-variable argument")
+ 2 (text "in the constraint:" <+> ppr_tidy env pred)
+ , parens (text "Use FlexibleContexts to permit this") ])
+badIPPred :: TidyEnv -> PredType -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+badIPPred env pred
+ = ( env
+ , text "Illegal implicit parameter" <+> quotes (ppr_tidy env pred) )
+constraintSynErr :: TidyEnv -> Type -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+constraintSynErr env kind
+ = ( env
+ , hang (text "Illegal constraint synonym of kind:" <+> quotes (ppr_tidy env kind))
+ 2 (parens constraintKindsMsg) )
+dupPredWarn :: TidyEnv -> [NE.NonEmpty PredType] -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+dupPredWarn env dups
+ = ( env
+ , text "Duplicate constraint" <> plural primaryDups <> text ":"
+ <+> pprWithCommas (ppr_tidy env) primaryDups )
+ where
+ primaryDups = map NE.head dups
+tyConArityErr :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> SDoc
+-- For type-constructor arity errors, be careful to report
+-- the number of /visible/ arguments required and supplied,
+-- ignoring the /invisible/ arguments, which the user does not see.
+-- (e.g. #10516)
+tyConArityErr tc tks
+ = arityErr (ppr (tyConFlavour tc)) (tyConName tc)
+ tc_type_arity tc_type_args
+ where
+ vis_tks = filterOutInvisibleTypes tc tks
+ -- tc_type_arity = number of *type* args expected
+ -- tc_type_args = number of *type* args encountered
+ tc_type_arity = count isVisibleTyConBinder (tyConBinders tc)
+ tc_type_args = length vis_tks
+arityErr :: Outputable a => SDoc -> a -> Int -> Int -> SDoc
+arityErr what name n m
+ = hsep [ text "The" <+> what, quotes (ppr name), text "should have",
+ n_arguments <> comma, text "but has been given",
+ if m==0 then text "none" else int m]
+ where
+ n_arguments | n == 0 = text "no arguments"
+ | n == 1 = text "1 argument"
+ | True = hsep [int n, text "arguments"]
+* *
+\subsection{Checking for a decent instance head type}
+* *
+@checkValidInstHead@ checks the type {\em and} its syntactic constraints:
+it must normally look like: @instance Foo (Tycon a b c ...) ...@
+The exceptions to this syntactic checking: (1)~if the @GlasgowExts@
+flag is on, or (2)~the instance is imported (they must have been
+compiled elsewhere). In these cases, we let them go through anyway.
+We can also have instances for functions: @instance Foo (a -> b) ...@.
+checkValidInstHead :: UserTypeCtxt -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ()
+checkValidInstHead ctxt clas cls_args
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; is_boot <- tcIsHsBootOrSig
+ ; is_sig <- tcIsHsig
+ ; check_special_inst_head dflags is_boot is_sig ctxt clas cls_args
+ ; checkValidTypePats (classTyCon clas) cls_args
+ }
+Note [Instances of built-in classes in signature files]
+User defined instances for KnownNat, KnownSymbol and Typeable are
+disallowed -- they are generated when needed by GHC itself on-the-fly.
+However, if they occur in a Backpack signature file, they have an
+entirely different meaning. Suppose in M.hsig we see
+ signature M where
+ data T :: Nat
+ instance KnownNat T
+That says that any module satisfying M.hsig must provide a KnownNat
+instance for T. We absolultely need that instance when compiling a
+module that imports M.hsig: see #15379 and
+Note [Fabricating Evidence for Literals in Backpack] in GHC.Tc.Instance.Class.
+Hence, checkValidInstHead accepts a user-written instance declaration
+in hsig files, where `is_sig` is True.
+check_special_inst_head :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Bool
+ -> UserTypeCtxt -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ()
+-- Wow! There are a surprising number of ad-hoc special cases here.
+check_special_inst_head dflags is_boot is_sig ctxt clas cls_args
+ -- If not in an hs-boot file, abstract classes cannot have instances
+ | isAbstractClass clas
+ , not is_boot
+ = failWithTc abstract_class_msg
+ -- For Typeable, don't complain about instances for
+ -- standalone deriving; they are no-ops, and we warn about
+ -- it in GHC.Tc.Deriv.deriveStandalone.
+ | clas_nm == typeableClassName
+ , not is_sig
+ -- Note [Instances of built-in classes in signature files]
+ , hand_written_bindings
+ = failWithTc rejected_class_msg
+ -- Handwritten instances of KnownNat/KnownSymbol class
+ -- are always forbidden (#12837)
+ | clas_nm `elem` [ knownNatClassName, knownSymbolClassName ]
+ , not is_sig
+ -- Note [Instances of built-in classes in signature files]
+ , hand_written_bindings
+ = failWithTc rejected_class_msg
+ -- For the most part we don't allow
+ -- instances for (~), (~~), or Coercible;
+ -- but we DO want to allow them in quantified constraints:
+ -- f :: (forall a b. Coercible a b => Coercible (m a) (m b)) => ...m...
+ | clas_nm `elem` [ heqTyConName, eqTyConName, coercibleTyConName ]
+ , not quantified_constraint
+ = failWithTc rejected_class_msg
+ -- Check for hand-written Generic instances (disallowed in Safe Haskell)
+ | clas_nm `elem` genericClassNames
+ , hand_written_bindings
+ = do { failIfTc (safeLanguageOn dflags) gen_inst_err
+ ; when (safeInferOn dflags) (recordUnsafeInfer emptyBag) }
+ | clas_nm == hasFieldClassName
+ = checkHasFieldInst clas cls_args
+ | isCTupleClass clas
+ = failWithTc tuple_class_msg
+ -- Check language restrictions on the args to the class
+ | check_h98_arg_shape
+ , Just msg <- mb_ty_args_msg
+ = failWithTc (instTypeErr clas cls_args msg)
+ | otherwise
+ = pure ()
+ where
+ clas_nm = getName clas
+ ty_args = filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon clas) cls_args
+ hand_written_bindings
+ = case ctxt of
+ InstDeclCtxt stand_alone -> not stand_alone
+ SpecInstCtxt -> False
+ DerivClauseCtxt -> False
+ _ -> True
+ check_h98_arg_shape = case ctxt of
+ SpecInstCtxt -> False
+ DerivClauseCtxt -> False
+ SigmaCtxt -> False
+ _ -> True
+ -- SigmaCtxt: once we are in quantified-constraint land, we
+ -- aren't so picky about enforcing H98-language restrictions
+ -- E.g. we want to allow a head like Coercible (m a) (m b)
+ -- When we are looking at the head of a quantified constraint,
+ -- check_quant_pred sets ctxt to SigmaCtxt
+ quantified_constraint = case ctxt of
+ SigmaCtxt -> True
+ _ -> False
+ head_type_synonym_msg = parens (
+ text "All instance types must be of the form (T t1 ... tn)" $$
+ text "where T is not a synonym." $$
+ text "Use TypeSynonymInstances if you want to disable this.")
+ head_type_args_tyvars_msg = parens (vcat [
+ text "All instance types must be of the form (T a1 ... an)",
+ text "where a1 ... an are *distinct type variables*,",
+ text "and each type variable appears at most once in the instance head.",
+ text "Use FlexibleInstances if you want to disable this."])
+ head_one_type_msg = parens $
+ text "Only one type can be given in an instance head." $$
+ text "Use MultiParamTypeClasses if you want to allow more, or zero."
+ rejected_class_msg = text "Class" <+> quotes (ppr clas_nm)
+ <+> text "does not support user-specified instances"
+ tuple_class_msg = text "You can't specify an instance for a tuple constraint"
+ gen_inst_err = rejected_class_msg $$ nest 2 (text "(in Safe Haskell)")
+ abstract_class_msg = text "Cannot define instance for abstract class"
+ <+> quotes (ppr clas_nm)
+ mb_ty_args_msg
+ | not (xopt LangExt.TypeSynonymInstances dflags)
+ , not (all tcInstHeadTyNotSynonym ty_args)
+ = Just head_type_synonym_msg
+ | not (xopt LangExt.FlexibleInstances dflags)
+ , not (all tcInstHeadTyAppAllTyVars ty_args)
+ = Just head_type_args_tyvars_msg
+ | length ty_args /= 1
+ , not (xopt LangExt.MultiParamTypeClasses dflags)
+ , not (xopt LangExt.NullaryTypeClasses dflags && null ty_args)
+ = Just head_one_type_msg
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+tcInstHeadTyNotSynonym :: Type -> Bool
+-- Used in Haskell-98 mode, for the argument types of an instance head
+-- These must not be type synonyms, but everywhere else type synonyms
+-- are transparent, so we need a special function here
+tcInstHeadTyNotSynonym ty
+ = case ty of -- Do not use splitTyConApp,
+ -- because that expands synonyms!
+ TyConApp tc _ -> not (isTypeSynonymTyCon tc)
+ _ -> True
+tcInstHeadTyAppAllTyVars :: Type -> Bool
+-- Used in Haskell-98 mode, for the argument types of an instance head
+-- These must be a constructor applied to type variable arguments
+-- or a type-level literal.
+-- But we allow kind instantiations.
+tcInstHeadTyAppAllTyVars ty
+ | Just (tc, tys) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe (dropCasts ty)
+ = ok (filterOutInvisibleTypes tc tys) -- avoid kinds
+ | LitTy _ <- ty = True -- accept type literals (#13833)
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ where
+ -- Check that all the types are type variables,
+ -- and that each is distinct
+ ok tys = equalLength tvs tys && hasNoDups tvs
+ where
+ tvs = mapMaybe tcGetTyVar_maybe tys
+dropCasts :: Type -> Type
+-- See Note [Casts during validity checking]
+-- This function can turn a well-kinded type into an ill-kinded
+-- one, so I've kept it local to this module
+-- To consider: drop only HoleCo casts
+dropCasts (CastTy ty _) = dropCasts ty
+dropCasts (AppTy t1 t2) = mkAppTy (dropCasts t1) (dropCasts t2)
+dropCasts ty@(FunTy _ t1 t2) = ty { ft_arg = dropCasts t1, ft_res = dropCasts t2 }
+dropCasts (TyConApp tc tys) = mkTyConApp tc (map dropCasts tys)
+dropCasts (ForAllTy b ty) = ForAllTy (dropCastsB b) (dropCasts ty)
+dropCasts ty = ty -- LitTy, TyVarTy, CoercionTy
+dropCastsB :: TyVarBinder -> TyVarBinder
+dropCastsB b = b -- Don't bother in the kind of a forall
+instTypeErr :: Class -> [Type] -> SDoc -> SDoc
+instTypeErr cls tys msg
+ = hang (hang (text "Illegal instance declaration for")
+ 2 (quotes (pprClassPred cls tys)))
+ 2 msg
+-- | See Note [Validity checking of HasField instances]
+checkHasFieldInst :: Class -> [Type] -> TcM ()
+checkHasFieldInst cls tys@[_k_ty, x_ty, r_ty, _a_ty] =
+ case splitTyConApp_maybe r_ty of
+ Nothing -> whoops (text "Record data type must be specified")
+ Just (tc, _)
+ | isFamilyTyCon tc
+ -> whoops (text "Record data type may not be a data family")
+ | otherwise -> case isStrLitTy x_ty of
+ Just lbl
+ | isJust (lookupTyConFieldLabel lbl tc)
+ -> whoops (ppr tc <+> text "already has a field"
+ <+> quotes (ppr lbl))
+ | otherwise -> return ()
+ Nothing
+ | null (tyConFieldLabels tc) -> return ()
+ | otherwise -> whoops (ppr tc <+> text "has fields")
+ where
+ whoops = addErrTc . instTypeErr cls tys
+checkHasFieldInst _ tys = pprPanic "checkHasFieldInst" (ppr tys)
+{- Note [Casts during validity checking]
+Consider the (bogus)
+ instance Eq Char#
+We elaborate to 'Eq (Char# |> UnivCo(hole))' where the hole is an
+insoluble equality constraint for * ~ #. We'll report the insoluble
+constraint separately, but we don't want to *also* complain that Eq is
+not applied to a type constructor. So we look gaily look through
+CastTys here.
+Another example: Eq (Either a). Then we actually get a cast in
+the middle:
+ Eq ((Either |> g) a)
+Note [Validity checking of HasField instances]
+The HasField class has magic constraint solving behaviour (see Note
+[HasField instances] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact). However, we permit users to
+declare their own instances, provided they do not clash with the
+built-in behaviour. In particular, we forbid:
+ 1. `HasField _ r _` where r is a variable
+ 2. `HasField _ (T ...) _` if T is a data family
+ (because it might have fields introduced later)
+ 3. `HasField x (T ...) _` where x is a variable,
+ if T has any fields at all
+ 4. `HasField "foo" (T ...) _` if T has a "foo" field
+The usual functional dependency checks also apply.
+Note [Valid 'deriving' predicate]
+validDerivPred checks for OK 'deriving' context. See Note [Exotic
+derived instance contexts] in GHC.Tc.Deriv. However the predicate is
+here because it uses sizeTypes, fvTypes.
+It checks for three things
+ * No repeated variables (hasNoDups fvs)
+ * No type constructors. This is done by comparing
+ sizeTypes tys == length (fvTypes tys)
+ sizeTypes counts variables and constructors; fvTypes returns variables.
+ So if they are the same, there must be no constructors. But there
+ might be applications thus (f (g x)).
+ Note that tys only includes the visible arguments of the class type
+ constructor. Including the non-visible arguments can cause the following,
+ perfectly valid instance to be rejected:
+ class Category (cat :: k -> k -> *) where ...
+ newtype T (c :: * -> * -> *) a b = MkT (c a b)
+ instance Category c => Category (T c) where ...
+ since the first argument to Category is a non-visible *, which sizeTypes
+ would count as a constructor! See #11833.
+ * Also check for a bizarre corner case, when the derived instance decl
+ would look like
+ instance C a b => D (T a) where ...
+ Note that 'b' isn't a parameter of T. This gives rise to all sorts of
+ problems; in particular, it's hard to compare solutions for equality
+ when finding the fixpoint, and that means the inferContext loop does
+ not converge. See #5287.
+Note [Equality class instances]
+We can't have users writing instances for the equality classes. But we
+still need to be able to write instances for them ourselves. So we allow
+instances only in the defining module.
+validDerivPred :: TyVarSet -> PredType -> Bool
+-- See Note [Valid 'deriving' predicate]
+validDerivPred tv_set pred
+ = case classifyPredType pred of
+ ClassPred cls tys -> cls `hasKey` typeableClassKey
+ -- Typeable constraints are bigger than they appear due
+ -- to kind polymorphism, but that's OK
+ || check_tys cls tys
+ EqPred {} -> False -- reject equality constraints
+ _ -> True -- Non-class predicates are ok
+ where
+ check_tys cls tys
+ = hasNoDups fvs
+ -- use sizePred to ignore implicit args
+ && lengthIs fvs (sizePred pred)
+ && all (`elemVarSet` tv_set) fvs
+ where tys' = filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon cls) tys
+ fvs = fvTypes tys'
+* *
+\subsection{Checking instance for termination}
+* *
+{- Note [Instances and constraint synonyms]
+Currently, we don't allow instances for constraint synonyms at all.
+Consider these (#13267):
+ type C1 a = Show (a -> Bool)
+ instance C1 Int where -- I1
+ show _ = "ur"
+This elicits "show is not a (visible) method of class C1", which isn't
+a great message. But it comes from the renamer, so it's hard to improve.
+This needs a bit more care:
+ type C2 a = (Show a, Show Int)
+ instance C2 Int -- I2
+If we use (splitTyConApp_maybe tau) in checkValidInstance to decompose
+the instance head, we'll expand the synonym on fly, and it'll look like
+ instance (%,%) (Show Int, Show Int)
+and we /really/ don't want that. So we carefully do /not/ expand
+synonyms, by matching on TyConApp directly.
+checkValidInstance :: UserTypeCtxt -> LHsSigType GhcRn -> Type -> TcM ()
+checkValidInstance ctxt hs_type ty
+ | not is_tc_app
+ = failWithTc (hang (text "Instance head is not headed by a class:")
+ 2 ( ppr tau))
+ | isNothing mb_cls
+ = failWithTc (vcat [ text "Illegal instance for a" <+> ppr (tyConFlavour tc)
+ , text "A class instance must be for a class" ])
+ | not arity_ok
+ = failWithTc (text "Arity mis-match in instance head")
+ | otherwise
+ = do { setSrcSpan head_loc $
+ checkValidInstHead ctxt clas inst_tys
+ ; traceTc "checkValidInstance {" (ppr ty)
+ ; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
+ ; expand <- initialExpandMode
+ ; check_valid_theta env0 ctxt expand theta
+ -- The Termination and Coverate Conditions
+ -- Check that instance inference will terminate (if we care)
+ -- For Haskell 98 this will already have been done by checkValidTheta,
+ -- but as we may be using other extensions we need to check.
+ --
+ -- Note that the Termination Condition is *more conservative* than
+ -- the checkAmbiguity test we do on other type signatures
+ -- e.g. Bar a => Bar Int is ambiguous, but it also fails
+ -- the termination condition, because 'a' appears more often
+ -- in the constraint than in the head
+ ; undecidable_ok <- xoptM LangExt.UndecidableInstances
+ ; if undecidable_ok
+ then checkAmbiguity ctxt ty
+ else checkInstTermination theta tau
+ ; traceTc "cvi 2" (ppr ty)
+ ; case (checkInstCoverage undecidable_ok clas theta inst_tys) of
+ IsValid -> return () -- Check succeeded
+ NotValid msg -> addErrTc (instTypeErr clas inst_tys msg)
+ ; traceTc "End checkValidInstance }" empty
+ ; return () }
+ where
+ (_tvs, theta, tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy ty
+ is_tc_app = case tau of { TyConApp {} -> True; _ -> False }
+ TyConApp tc inst_tys = tau -- See Note [Instances and constraint synonyms]
+ mb_cls = tyConClass_maybe tc
+ Just clas = mb_cls
+ arity_ok = inst_tys `lengthIs` classArity clas
+ -- The location of the "head" of the instance
+ head_loc = getLoc (getLHsInstDeclHead hs_type)
+Note [Paterson conditions]
+Termination test: the so-called "Paterson conditions" (see Section 5 of
+"Understanding functional dependencies via Constraint Handling Rules,
+JFP Jan 2007).
+We check that each assertion in the context satisfies:
+ (1) no variable has more occurrences in the assertion than in the head, and
+ (2) the assertion has fewer constructors and variables (taken together
+ and counting repetitions) than the head.
+This is only needed with -fglasgow-exts, as Haskell 98 restrictions
+(which have already been checked) guarantee termination.
+The underlying idea is that
+ for any ground substitution, each assertion in the
+ context has fewer type constructors than the head.
+checkInstTermination :: ThetaType -> TcPredType -> TcM ()
+-- See Note [Paterson conditions]
+checkInstTermination theta head_pred
+ = check_preds emptyVarSet theta
+ where
+ head_fvs = fvType head_pred
+ head_size = sizeType head_pred
+ check_preds :: VarSet -> [PredType] -> TcM ()
+ check_preds foralld_tvs preds = mapM_ (check foralld_tvs) preds
+ check :: VarSet -> PredType -> TcM ()
+ check foralld_tvs pred
+ = case classifyPredType pred of
+ EqPred {} -> return () -- See #4200.
+ IrredPred {} -> check2 foralld_tvs pred (sizeType pred)
+ ClassPred cls tys
+ | isTerminatingClass cls
+ -> return ()
+ | isCTupleClass cls -- Look inside tuple predicates; #8359
+ -> check_preds foralld_tvs tys
+ | otherwise -- Other ClassPreds
+ -> check2 foralld_tvs pred bogus_size
+ where
+ bogus_size = 1 + sizeTypes (filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon cls) tys)
+ -- See Note [Invisible arguments and termination]
+ ForAllPred tvs _ head_pred'
+ -> check (foralld_tvs `extendVarSetList` tvs) head_pred'
+ -- Termination of the quantified predicate itself is checked
+ -- when the predicates are individually checked for validity
+ check2 foralld_tvs pred pred_size
+ | not (null bad_tvs) = failWithTc (noMoreMsg bad_tvs what (ppr head_pred))
+ | not (isTyFamFree pred) = failWithTc (nestedMsg what)
+ | pred_size >= head_size = failWithTc (smallerMsg what (ppr head_pred))
+ | otherwise = return ()
+ -- isTyFamFree: see Note [Type families in instance contexts]
+ where
+ what = text "constraint" <+> quotes (ppr pred)
+ bad_tvs = filterOut (`elemVarSet` foralld_tvs) (fvType pred)
+ \\ head_fvs
+smallerMsg :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+smallerMsg what inst_head
+ = vcat [ hang (text "The" <+> what)
+ 2 (sep [ text "is no smaller than"
+ , text "the instance head" <+> quotes inst_head ])
+ , parens undecidableMsg ]
+noMoreMsg :: [TcTyVar] -> SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+noMoreMsg tvs what inst_head
+ = vcat [ hang (text "Variable" <> plural tvs1 <+> quotes (pprWithCommas ppr tvs1)
+ <+> occurs <+> text "more often")
+ 2 (sep [ text "in the" <+> what
+ , text "than in the instance head" <+> quotes inst_head ])
+ , parens undecidableMsg ]
+ where
+ tvs1 = nub tvs
+ occurs = if isSingleton tvs1 then text "occurs"
+ else text "occur"
+undecidableMsg, constraintKindsMsg :: SDoc
+undecidableMsg = text "Use UndecidableInstances to permit this"
+constraintKindsMsg = text "Use ConstraintKinds to permit this"
+{- Note [Type families in instance contexts]
+Are these OK?
+ type family F a
+ instance F a => C (Maybe [a]) where ...
+ instance C (F a) => C [[[a]]] where ...
+No: the type family in the instance head might blow up to an
+arbitrarily large type, depending on how 'a' is instantiated.
+So we require UndecidableInstances if we have a type family
+in the instance head. #15172.
+Note [Invisible arguments and termination]
+When checking the ​Paterson conditions for termination an instance
+declaration, we check for the number of "constructors and variables"
+in the instance head and constraints. Question: Do we look at
+ * All the arguments, visible or invisible?
+ * Just the visible arguments?
+I think both will ensure termination, provided we are consistent.
+Currently we are /not/ consistent, which is really a bug. It's
+described in #15177, which contains a number of examples.
+The suspicious bits are the calls to filterOutInvisibleTypes.
+* *
+ Checking type instance well-formedness and termination
+* *
+checkValidCoAxiom :: CoAxiom Branched -> TcM ()
+checkValidCoAxiom ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = fam_tc, co_ax_branches = branches })
+ = do { mapM_ (checkValidCoAxBranch fam_tc) branch_list
+ ; foldlM_ check_branch_compat [] branch_list }
+ where
+ branch_list = fromBranches branches
+ injectivity = tyConInjectivityInfo fam_tc
+ check_branch_compat :: [CoAxBranch] -- previous branches in reverse order
+ -> CoAxBranch -- current branch
+ -> TcM [CoAxBranch]-- current branch : previous branches
+ -- Check for
+ -- (a) this branch is dominated by previous ones
+ -- (b) failure of injectivity
+ check_branch_compat prev_branches cur_branch
+ | cur_branch `isDominatedBy` prev_branches
+ = do { addWarnAt NoReason (coAxBranchSpan cur_branch) $
+ inaccessibleCoAxBranch fam_tc cur_branch
+ ; return prev_branches }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { check_injectivity prev_branches cur_branch
+ ; return (cur_branch : prev_branches) }
+ -- Injectivity check: check whether a new (CoAxBranch) can extend
+ -- already checked equations without violating injectivity
+ -- annotation supplied by the user.
+ -- See Note [Verifying injectivity annotation] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+ check_injectivity prev_branches cur_branch
+ | Injective inj <- injectivity
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let conflicts =
+ fst $ foldl' (gather_conflicts inj prev_branches cur_branch)
+ ([], 0) prev_branches
+ ; reportConflictingInjectivityErrs fam_tc conflicts cur_branch
+ ; reportInjectivityErrors dflags ax cur_branch inj }
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+ gather_conflicts inj prev_branches cur_branch (acc, n) branch
+ -- n is 0-based index of branch in prev_branches
+ = case injectiveBranches inj cur_branch branch of
+ -- Case 1B2 in Note [Verifying injectivity annotation] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+ InjectivityUnified ax1 ax2
+ | ax1 `isDominatedBy` (replace_br prev_branches n ax2)
+ -> (acc, n + 1)
+ | otherwise
+ -> (branch : acc, n + 1)
+ InjectivityAccepted -> (acc, n + 1)
+ -- Replace n-th element in the list. Assumes 0-based indexing.
+ replace_br :: [CoAxBranch] -> Int -> CoAxBranch -> [CoAxBranch]
+ replace_br brs n br = take n brs ++ [br] ++ drop (n+1) brs
+-- Check that a "type instance" is well-formed (which includes decidability
+-- unless -XUndecidableInstances is given).
+checkValidCoAxBranch :: TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> TcM ()
+checkValidCoAxBranch fam_tc
+ (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_cvs = cvs
+ , cab_lhs = typats
+ , cab_rhs = rhs, cab_loc = loc })
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ checkValidTyFamEqn fam_tc (tvs++cvs) typats rhs
+-- | Do validity checks on a type family equation, including consistency
+-- with any enclosing class instance head, termination, and lack of
+-- polytypes.
+checkValidTyFamEqn :: TyCon -- ^ of the type family
+ -> [Var] -- ^ Bound variables in the equation
+ -> [Type] -- ^ Type patterns
+ -> Type -- ^ Rhs
+ -> TcM ()
+checkValidTyFamEqn fam_tc qvs typats rhs
+ = do { checkValidTypePats fam_tc typats
+ -- Check for things used on the right but not bound on the left
+ ; checkFamPatBinders fam_tc qvs typats rhs
+ -- Check for oversaturated visible kind arguments in a type family
+ -- equation.
+ -- See Note [Oversaturated type family equations]
+ ; when (isTypeFamilyTyCon fam_tc) $
+ case drop (tyConArity fam_tc) typats of
+ [] -> pure ()
+ spec_arg:_ ->
+ addErr $ text "Illegal oversaturated visible kind argument:"
+ <+> quotes (char '@' <> pprParendType spec_arg)
+ -- The argument patterns, and RHS, are all boxed tau types
+ -- E.g Reject type family F (a :: k1) :: k2
+ -- type instance F (forall a. a->a) = ...
+ -- type instance F Int# = ...
+ -- type instance F Int = forall a. a->a
+ -- type instance F Int = Int#
+ -- See #9357
+ ; checkValidMonoType rhs
+ -- We have a decidable instance unless otherwise permitted
+ ; undecidable_ok <- xoptM LangExt.UndecidableInstances
+ ; traceTc "checkVTFE" (ppr fam_tc $$ ppr rhs $$ ppr (tcTyFamInsts rhs))
+ ; unless undecidable_ok $
+ mapM_ addErrTc (checkFamInstRhs fam_tc typats (tcTyFamInsts rhs)) }
+-- Make sure that each type family application is
+-- (1) strictly smaller than the lhs,
+-- (2) mentions no type variable more often than the lhs, and
+-- (3) does not contain any further type family instances.
+checkFamInstRhs :: TyCon -> [Type] -- LHS
+ -> [(TyCon, [Type])] -- type family calls in RHS
+ -> [MsgDoc]
+checkFamInstRhs lhs_tc lhs_tys famInsts
+ = mapMaybe check famInsts
+ where
+ lhs_size = sizeTyConAppArgs lhs_tc lhs_tys
+ inst_head = pprType (TyConApp lhs_tc lhs_tys)
+ lhs_fvs = fvTypes lhs_tys
+ check (tc, tys)
+ | not (all isTyFamFree tys) = Just (nestedMsg what)
+ | not (null bad_tvs) = Just (noMoreMsg bad_tvs what inst_head)
+ | lhs_size <= fam_app_size = Just (smallerMsg what inst_head)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ what = text "type family application"
+ <+> quotes (pprType (TyConApp tc tys))
+ fam_app_size = sizeTyConAppArgs tc tys
+ bad_tvs = fvTypes tys \\ lhs_fvs
+ -- The (\\) is list difference; e.g.
+ -- [a,b,a,a] \\ [a,a] = [b,a]
+ -- So we are counting repetitions
+checkFamPatBinders :: TyCon
+ -> [TcTyVar] -- Bound on LHS of family instance
+ -> [TcType] -- LHS patterns
+ -> Type -- RHS
+ -> TcM ()
+-- We do these binder checks now, in tcFamTyPatsAndGen, rather
+-- than later, in checkValidFamEqn, for two reasons:
+-- - We have the implicitly and explicitly
+-- bound type variables conveniently to hand
+-- - If implicit variables are out of scope it may
+-- cause a crash; notably in tcConDecl in tcDataFamInstDecl
+checkFamPatBinders fam_tc qtvs pats rhs
+ = do { traceTc "checkFamPatBinders" $
+ vcat [ debugPprType (mkTyConApp fam_tc pats)
+ , ppr (mkTyConApp fam_tc pats)
+ , text "qtvs:" <+> ppr qtvs
+ , text "rhs_tvs:" <+> ppr (fvVarSet rhs_fvs)
+ , text "pat_tvs:" <+> ppr pat_tvs
+ , text "inj_pat_tvs:" <+> ppr inj_pat_tvs ]
+ -- Check for implicitly-bound tyvars, mentioned on the
+ -- RHS but not bound on the LHS
+ -- data T = MkT (forall (a::k). blah)
+ -- data family D Int = MkD (forall (a::k). blah)
+ -- In both cases, 'k' is not bound on the LHS, but is used on the RHS
+ -- We catch the former in kcDeclHeader, and the latter right here
+ -- See Note [Check type-family instance binders]
+ ; check_tvs bad_rhs_tvs (text "mentioned in the RHS")
+ (text "bound on the LHS of")
+ -- Check for explicitly forall'd variable that is not bound on LHS
+ -- data instance forall a. T Int = MkT Int
+ -- See Note [Unused explicitly bound variables in a family pattern]
+ -- See Note [Check type-family instance binders]
+ ; check_tvs bad_qtvs (text "bound by a forall")
+ (text "used in")
+ }
+ where
+ pat_tvs = tyCoVarsOfTypes pats
+ inj_pat_tvs = fvVarSet $ injectiveVarsOfTypes False pats
+ -- The type variables that are in injective positions.
+ -- See Note [Dodgy binding sites in type family instances]
+ -- NB: The False above is irrelevant, as we never have type families in
+ -- patterns.
+ --
+ -- NB: It's OK to use the nondeterministic `fvVarSet` function here,
+ -- since the order of `inj_pat_tvs` is never revealed in an error
+ -- message.
+ rhs_fvs = tyCoFVsOfType rhs
+ used_tvs = pat_tvs `unionVarSet` fvVarSet rhs_fvs
+ bad_qtvs = filterOut (`elemVarSet` used_tvs) qtvs
+ -- Bound but not used at all
+ bad_rhs_tvs = filterOut (`elemVarSet` inj_pat_tvs) (fvVarList rhs_fvs)
+ -- Used on RHS but not bound on LHS
+ dodgy_tvs = pat_tvs `minusVarSet` inj_pat_tvs
+ check_tvs tvs what what2
+ = unless (null tvs) $ addErrAt (getSrcSpan (head tvs)) $
+ hang (text "Type variable" <> plural tvs <+> pprQuotedList tvs
+ <+> isOrAre tvs <+> what <> comma)
+ 2 (vcat [ text "but not" <+> what2 <+> text "the family instance"
+ , mk_extra tvs ])
+ -- mk_extra: #7536: give a decent error message for
+ -- type T a = Int
+ -- type instance F (T a) = a
+ mk_extra tvs = ppWhen (any (`elemVarSet` dodgy_tvs) tvs) $
+ hang (text "The real LHS (expanding synonyms) is:")
+ 2 (pprTypeApp fam_tc (map expandTypeSynonyms pats))
+-- | Checks that a list of type patterns is valid in a matching (LHS)
+-- position of a class instances or type/data family instance.
+-- Specifically:
+-- * All monotypes
+-- * No type-family applications
+checkValidTypePats :: TyCon -> [Type] -> TcM ()
+checkValidTypePats tc pat_ty_args
+ = do { -- Check that each of pat_ty_args is a monotype.
+ -- One could imagine generalising to allow
+ -- instance C (forall a. a->a)
+ -- but we don't know what all the consequences might be.
+ traverse_ checkValidMonoType pat_ty_args
+ -- Ensure that no type family applications occur a type pattern
+ ; case tcTyConAppTyFamInstsAndVis tc pat_ty_args of
+ [] -> pure ()
+ ((tf_is_invis_arg, tf_tc, tf_args):_) -> failWithTc $
+ ty_fam_inst_illegal_err tf_is_invis_arg
+ (mkTyConApp tf_tc tf_args) }
+ where
+ inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc pat_ty_args
+ ty_fam_inst_illegal_err :: Bool -> Type -> SDoc
+ ty_fam_inst_illegal_err invis_arg ty
+ = pprWithExplicitKindsWhen invis_arg $
+ hang (text "Illegal type synonym family application"
+ <+> quotes (ppr ty) <+> text "in instance" <> colon)
+ 2 (ppr inst_ty)
+-- Error messages
+inaccessibleCoAxBranch :: TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> SDoc
+inaccessibleCoAxBranch fam_tc cur_branch
+ = text "Type family instance equation is overlapped:" $$
+ nest 2 (pprCoAxBranchUser fam_tc cur_branch)
+nestedMsg :: SDoc -> SDoc
+nestedMsg what
+ = sep [ text "Illegal nested" <+> what
+ , parens undecidableMsg ]
+badATErr :: Name -> Name -> SDoc
+badATErr clas op
+ = hsep [text "Class", quotes (ppr clas),
+ text "does not have an associated type", quotes (ppr op)]
+checkConsistentFamInst :: AssocInstInfo
+ -> TyCon -- ^ Family tycon
+ -> CoAxBranch
+ -> TcM ()
+-- See Note [Checking consistent instantiation]
+checkConsistentFamInst NotAssociated _ _
+ = return ()
+checkConsistentFamInst (InClsInst { ai_class = clas
+ , ai_tyvars = inst_tvs
+ , ai_inst_env = mini_env })
+ fam_tc branch
+ = do { traceTc "checkConsistentFamInst" (vcat [ ppr inst_tvs
+ , ppr arg_triples
+ , ppr mini_env
+ , ppr ax_tvs
+ , ppr ax_arg_tys
+ , ppr arg_triples ])
+ -- Check that the associated type indeed comes from this class
+ -- See [Mismatched class methods and associated type families]
+ -- in TcInstDecls.
+ ; checkTc (Just (classTyCon clas) == tyConAssoc_maybe fam_tc)
+ (badATErr (className clas) (tyConName fam_tc))
+ ; check_match arg_triples
+ }
+ where
+ (ax_tvs, ax_arg_tys, _) = etaExpandCoAxBranch branch
+ arg_triples :: [(Type,Type, ArgFlag)]
+ arg_triples = [ (cls_arg_ty, at_arg_ty, vis)
+ | (fam_tc_tv, vis, at_arg_ty)
+ <- zip3 (tyConTyVars fam_tc)
+ (tyConArgFlags fam_tc ax_arg_tys)
+ ax_arg_tys
+ , Just cls_arg_ty <- [lookupVarEnv mini_env fam_tc_tv] ]
+ pp_wrong_at_arg vis
+ = pprWithExplicitKindsWhen (isInvisibleArgFlag vis) $
+ vcat [ text "Type indexes must match class instance head"
+ , text "Expected:" <+> pp_expected_ty
+ , text " Actual:" <+> pp_actual_ty ]
+ -- Fiddling around to arrange that wildcards unconditionally print as "_"
+ -- We only need to print the LHS, not the RHS at all
+ -- See Note [Printing conflicts with class header]
+ (tidy_env1, _) = tidyVarBndrs emptyTidyEnv inst_tvs
+ (tidy_env2, _) = tidyCoAxBndrsForUser tidy_env1 (ax_tvs \\ inst_tvs)
+ pp_expected_ty = pprIfaceTypeApp topPrec (toIfaceTyCon fam_tc) $
+ toIfaceTcArgs fam_tc $
+ [ case lookupVarEnv mini_env at_tv of
+ Just cls_arg_ty -> tidyType tidy_env2 cls_arg_ty
+ Nothing -> mk_wildcard at_tv
+ | at_tv <- tyConTyVars fam_tc ]
+ pp_actual_ty = pprIfaceTypeApp topPrec (toIfaceTyCon fam_tc) $
+ toIfaceTcArgs fam_tc $
+ tidyTypes tidy_env2 ax_arg_tys
+ mk_wildcard at_tv = mkTyVarTy (mkTyVar tv_name (tyVarKind at_tv))
+ tv_name = mkInternalName (mkAlphaTyVarUnique 1) (mkTyVarOcc "_") noSrcSpan
+ -- For check_match, bind_me, see
+ -- Note [Matching in the consistent-instantiation check]
+ check_match :: [(Type,Type,ArgFlag)] -> TcM ()
+ check_match triples = go emptyTCvSubst emptyTCvSubst triples
+ go _ _ [] = return ()
+ go lr_subst rl_subst ((ty1,ty2,vis):triples)
+ | Just lr_subst1 <- tcMatchTyX_BM bind_me lr_subst ty1 ty2
+ , Just rl_subst1 <- tcMatchTyX_BM bind_me rl_subst ty2 ty1
+ = go lr_subst1 rl_subst1 triples
+ | otherwise
+ = addErrTc (pp_wrong_at_arg vis)
+ -- The /scoped/ type variables from the class-instance header
+ -- should not be alpha-renamed. Inferred ones can be.
+ no_bind_set = mkVarSet inst_tvs
+ bind_me tv | tv `elemVarSet` no_bind_set = Skolem
+ | otherwise = BindMe
+{- Note [Check type-family instance binders]
+In a type family instance, we require (of course), type variables
+used on the RHS are matched on the LHS. This is checked by
+checkFamPatBinders. Here is an interesting example:
+ type family T :: k
+ type instance T = (Nothing :: Maybe a)
+Upon a cursory glance, it may appear that the kind variable `a` is unbound
+since there are no (visible) LHS patterns in `T`. However, there is an
+*invisible* pattern due to the return kind, so inside of GHC, the instance
+looks closer to this:
+ type family T @k :: k
+ type instance T @(Maybe a) = (Nothing :: Maybe a)
+Here, we can see that `a` really is bound by a LHS type pattern, so `a` is in
+fact not unbound. Contrast that with this example (#13985)
+ type instance T = Proxy (Nothing :: Maybe a)
+This would looks like this inside of GHC:
+ type instance T @(*) = Proxy (Nothing :: Maybe a)
+So this time, `a` is neither bound by a visible nor invisible type pattern on
+the LHS, so `a` would be reported as not in scope.
+Finally, here's one more brain-teaser (from #9574). In the example below:
+ class Funct f where
+ type Codomain f :: *
+ instance Funct ('KProxy :: KProxy o) where
+ type Codomain 'KProxy = NatTr (Proxy :: o -> *)
+As it turns out, `o` is in scope in this example. That is because `o` is
+bound by the kind signature of the LHS type pattern 'KProxy. To make this more
+obvious, one can also write the instance like so:
+ instance Funct ('KProxy :: KProxy o) where
+ type Codomain ('KProxy :: KProxy o) = NatTr (Proxy :: o -> *)
+Note [Dodgy binding sites in type family instances]
+Consider the following example (from #7536):
+ type T a = Int
+ type instance F (T a) = a
+This `F` instance is extremely fishy, since the RHS, `a`, purports to be
+"bound" by the LHS pattern `T a`. "Bound" has scare quotes around it because
+`T a` expands to `Int`, which doesn't mention at all, so it's as if one had
+actually written:
+ type instance F Int = a
+That is clearly bogus, so to reject this, we check that every type variable
+that is mentioned on the RHS is /actually/ bound on the LHS. In other words,
+we need to do something slightly more sophisticated that just compute the free
+variables of the LHS patterns.
+It's tempting to just expand all type synonyms on the LHS and then compute
+their free variables, but even that isn't sophisticated enough. After all,
+an impish user could write the following (#17008):
+ type family ConstType (a :: Type) :: Type where
+ ConstType _ = Type
+ type family F (x :: ConstType a) :: Type where
+ F (x :: ConstType a) = a
+Just like in the previous example, the `a` on the RHS isn't actually bound
+on the LHS, but this time a type family is responsible for the deception, not
+a type synonym.
+We avoid both issues by requiring that all RHS type variables are mentioned
+in injective positions on the left-hand side (by way of
+`injectiveVarsOfTypes`). For instance, the `a` in `T a` is not in an injective
+position, as `T` is not an injective type constructor, so we do not count that.
+Similarly for the `a` in `ConstType a`.
+Note [Matching in the consistent-instantiation check]
+Matching the class-instance header to family-instance tyvars is
+tricker than it sounds. Consider (#13972)
+ class C (a :: k) where
+ type T k :: Type
+ instance C Left where
+ type T (a -> Either a b) = Int
+Here there are no lexically-scoped variables from (C Left).
+Yet the real class-instance header is C @(p -> Either @p @q)) (Left @p @q)
+while the type-family instance is T (a -> Either @a @b)
+So we allow alpha-renaming of variables that don't come
+from the class-instance header.
+We track the lexically-scoped type variables from the
+class-instance header in ai_tyvars.
+Here's another example (#14045a)
+ class C (a :: k) where
+ data S (a :: k)
+ instance C (z :: Bool) where
+ data S :: Bool -> Type where
+Again, there is no lexical connection, but we will get
+ class-instance header: C @Bool (z::Bool)
+ family instance S @Bool (a::Bool)
+When looking for mis-matches, we check left-to-right,
+kinds first. If we look at types first, we'll fail to
+suggest -fprint-explicit-kinds for a mis-match with
+ T @k vs T @Type
+somewhere deep inside the type
+Note [Checking consistent instantiation]
+See #11450 for background discussion on this check.
+ class C a b where
+ type T a x b
+With this class decl, if we have an instance decl
+ instance C ty1 ty2 where ...
+then the type instance must look like
+ type T ty1 v ty2 = ...
+with exactly 'ty1' for 'a', 'ty2' for 'b', and some type 'v' for 'x'.
+For example:
+ instance C [p] Int
+ type T [p] y Int = (p,y,y)
+Note that
+* We used to allow completely different bound variables in the
+ associated type instance; e.g.
+ instance C [p] Int
+ type T [q] y Int = ...
+ But from GHC 8.2 onwards, we don't. It's much simpler this way.
+ See #11450.
+* When the class variable isn't used on the RHS of the type instance,
+ it's tempting to allow wildcards, thus
+ instance C [p] Int
+ type T [_] y Int = (y,y)
+ But it's awkward to do the test, and it doesn't work if the
+ variable is repeated:
+ instance C (p,p) Int
+ type T (_,_) y Int = (y,y)
+ Even though 'p' is not used on the RHS, we still need to use 'p'
+ on the LHS to establish the repeated pattern. So to keep it simple
+ we just require equality.
+* For variables in associated type families that are not bound by the class
+ itself, we do _not_ check if they are over-specific. In other words,
+ it's perfectly acceptable to have an instance like this:
+ instance C [p] Int where
+ type T [p] (Maybe x) Int = x
+ While the first and third arguments to T are required to be exactly [p] and
+ Int, respectively, since they are bound by C, the second argument is allowed
+ to be more specific than just a type variable. Furthermore, it is permissible
+ to define multiple equations for T that differ only in the non-class-bound
+ argument:
+ instance C [p] Int where
+ type T [p] (Maybe x) Int = x
+ type T [p] (Either x y) Int = x -> y
+ We once considered requiring that non-class-bound variables in associated
+ type family instances be instantiated with distinct type variables. However,
+ that requirement proved too restrictive in practice, as there were examples
+ of extremely simple associated type family instances that this check would
+ reject, and fixing them required tiresome boilerplate in the form of
+ auxiliary type families. For instance, you would have to define the above
+ example as:
+ instance C [p] Int where
+ type T [p] x Int = CAux x
+ type family CAux x where
+ CAux (Maybe x) = x
+ CAux (Either x y) = x -> y
+ We decided that this restriction wasn't buying us much, so we opted not
+ to pursue that design (see also GHC #13398).
+ * Form the mini-envt from the class type variables a,b
+ to the instance decl types [p],Int: [a->[p], b->Int]
+ * Look at the tyvars a,x,b of the type family constructor T
+ (it shares tyvars with the class C)
+ * Apply the mini-evnt to them, and check that the result is
+ consistent with the instance types [p] y Int. (where y can be any type, as
+ it is not scoped over the class type variables.
+We make all the instance type variables scope over the
+type instances, of course, which picks up non-obvious kinds. Eg
+ class Foo (a :: k) where
+ type F a
+ instance Foo (b :: k -> k) where
+ type F b = Int
+Here the instance is kind-indexed and really looks like
+ type F (k->k) (b::k->k) = Int
+But if the 'b' didn't scope, we would make F's instance too
+Note [Printing conflicts with class header]
+It's remarkably painful to give a decent error message for conflicts
+with the class header. Consider
+ clase C b where
+ type F a b c
+ instance C [b] where
+ type F x Int _ _ = ...
+Here we want to report a conflict between
+ Expected: F _ [b] _
+ Actual: F x Int _ _
+But if the type instance shadows the class variable like this
+ instance C [b] where
+ type forall b. F x (Tree b) _ _ = ...
+then we must use a fresh variable name
+ Expected: F _ [b] _
+ Actual: F x [b1] _ _
+Notice that:
+ - We want to print an underscore in the "Expected" type in
+ positions where the class header has no influence over the
+ parameter. Hence the fancy footwork in pp_expected_ty
+ - Although the binders in the axiom are already tidy, we must
+ re-tidy them to get a fresh variable name when we shadow
+ - The (ax_tvs \\ inst_tvs) is to avoid tidying one of the
+ class-instance variables a second time, from 'a' to 'a1' say.
+ Remember, the ax_tvs of the axiom share identity with the
+ class-instance variables, inst_tvs..
+ - We use tidyCoAxBndrsForUser to get underscores rather than
+ _1, _2, etc in the axiom tyvars; see the definition of
+ tidyCoAxBndrsForUser
+This all seems absurdly complicated.
+Note [Unused explicitly bound variables in a family pattern]
+Why is 'unusedExplicitForAllErr' not just a warning?
+Consider the following examples:
+ type instance F a = Maybe b
+ type instance forall b. F a = Bool
+ type instance forall b. F a = Maybe b
+In every case, b is a type variable not determined by the LHS pattern. The
+first is caught by the renamer, but we catch the last two here. Perhaps one
+could argue that the second should be accepted, albeit with a warning, but
+consider the fact that in a type family instance, there is no way to interact
+with such a varable. At least with @x :: forall a. Int@ we can use visibile
+type application, like @x \@Bool 1@. (Of course it does nothing, but it is
+permissible.) In the type family case, the only sensible explanation is that
+the user has made a mistake -- thus we throw an error.
+Note [Oversaturated type family equations]
+Type family tycons have very rigid arities. We want to reject something like
+ type family Foo :: Type -> Type where
+ Foo x = ...
+Because Foo has arity zero (i.e., it doesn't bind anything to the left of the
+double colon), we want to disallow any equation for Foo that has more than zero
+arguments, such as `Foo x = ...`. The algorithm here is pretty simple: if an
+equation has more arguments than the arity of the type family, reject.
+Things get trickier when visible kind application enters the picture. Consider
+the following example:
+ type family Bar (x :: j) :: forall k. Either j k where
+ Bar 5 @Symbol = ...
+The arity of Bar is two, since it binds two variables, `j` and `x`. But even
+though Bar's equation has two arguments, it's still invalid. Imagine the same
+equation in Core:
+ Bar Nat 5 Symbol = ...
+Here, it becomes apparent that Bar is actually taking /three/ arguments! So
+we can't just rely on a simple counting argument to reject
+`Bar 5 @Symbol = ...`, since it only has two user-written arguments.
+Moreover, there's one explicit argument (5) and one visible kind argument
+(@Symbol), which matches up perfectly with the fact that Bar has one required
+binder (x) and one specified binder (j), so that's not a valid way to detect
+oversaturation either.
+To solve this problem in a robust way, we do the following:
+1. When kind-checking, we count the number of user-written *required*
+ arguments and check if there is an equal number of required tycon binders.
+ If not, reject. (See `wrongNumberOfParmsErr` in GHC.Tc.TyCl.)
+ We perform this step during kind-checking, not during validity checking,
+ since we can give better error messages if we catch it early.
+2. When validity checking, take all of the (Core) type patterns from on
+ equation, drop the first n of them (where n is the arity of the type family
+ tycon), and check if there are any types leftover. If so, reject.
+ Why does this work? We know that after dropping the first n type patterns,
+ none of the leftover types can be required arguments, since step (1) would
+ have already caught that. Moreover, the only places where visible kind
+ applications should be allowed are in the first n types, since those are the
+ only arguments that can correspond to binding forms. Therefore, the
+ remaining arguments must correspond to oversaturated uses of visible kind
+ applications, which are precisely what we want to reject.
+Note that we only perform this check for type families, and not for data
+families. This is because it is perfectly acceptable to oversaturate data
+family instance equations: see Note [Arity of data families] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv.
+* *
+ Telescope checking
+* *
+Note [Bad TyCon telescopes]
+Now that we can mix type and kind variables, there are an awful lot of
+ways to shoot yourself in the foot. Here are some.
+ data SameKind :: k -> k -> * -- just to force unification
+1. data T1 a k (b :: k) (x :: SameKind a b)
+The problem here is that we discover that a and b should have the same
+kind. But this kind mentions k, which is bound *after* a.
+(Testcase: dependent/should_fail/BadTelescope)
+2. data T2 a (c :: Proxy b) (d :: Proxy a) (x :: SameKind b d)
+Note that b is not bound. Yet its kind mentions a. Because we have
+a nice rule that all implicitly bound variables come before others,
+this is bogus.
+To catch these errors, we call checkTyConTelescope during kind-checking
+datatype declarations. This checks for
+* Ill-scoped binders. From (1) and (2) above we can get putative
+ kinds like
+ T1 :: forall (a:k) (k:*) (b:k). SameKind a b -> *
+ where 'k' is mentioned a's kind before k is bound
+ This is easy to check for: just look for
+ out-of-scope variables in the kind
+* We should arguably also check for ambiguous binders
+ but we don't. See Note [Ambiguous kind vars].
+See also
+ * Note [Required, Specified, and Inferred for types] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.
+ * Note [Checking telescopes] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint discusses how
+ this check works for `forall x y z.` written in a type.
+Note [Ambiguous kind vars]
+We used to be concerned about ambiguous binders. Suppose we have the kind
+ S1 :: forall k -> * -> *
+ S2 :: forall k. * -> *
+Here S1 is OK, because k is Required, and at a use of S1 we will
+see (S1 *) or (S1 (*->*)) or whatever.
+But S2 is /not/ OK because 'k' is Specfied (and hence invisible) and
+we have no way (ever) to figure out how 'k' should be instantiated.
+For example if we see (S2 Int), that tells us nothing about k's
+instantiation. (In this case we'll instantiate it to Any, but that
+seems wrong.) This is really the same test as we make for ambiguous
+type in term type signatures.
+Now, it's impossible for a Specified variable not to occur
+at all in the kind -- after all, it is Specified so it must have
+occurred. (It /used/ to be possible; see tests T13983 and T7873. But
+with the advent of the forall-or-nothing rule for kind variables,
+those strange cases went away.)
+But one might worry about
+ type v k = *
+ S3 :: forall k. V k -> *
+which appears to mention 'k' but doesn't really. Or
+ S4 :: forall k. F k -> *
+where F is a type function. But we simply don't check for
+those cases of ambiguity, yet anyway. The worst that can happen
+is ambiguity at the call sites.
+Historical note: this test used to be called reportFloatingKvs.
+-- | Check a list of binders to see if they make a valid telescope.
+-- See Note [Bad TyCon telescopes]
+type TelescopeAcc
+ = ( TyVarSet -- Bound earlier in the telescope
+ , Bool -- At least one binder occurred (in a kind) before
+ -- it was bound in the telescope. E.g.
+ ) -- T :: forall (a::k) k. blah
+checkTyConTelescope :: TyCon -> TcM ()
+checkTyConTelescope tc
+ | bad_scope
+ = -- See "Ill-scoped binders" in Note [Bad TyCon telescopes]
+ addErr $
+ vcat [ hang (text "The kind of" <+> quotes (ppr tc) <+> text "is ill-scoped")
+ 2 pp_tc_kind
+ , extra
+ , hang (text "Perhaps try this order instead:")
+ 2 (pprTyVars sorted_tvs) ]
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+ where
+ tcbs = tyConBinders tc
+ tvs = binderVars tcbs
+ sorted_tvs = scopedSort tvs
+ (_, bad_scope) = foldl add_one (emptyVarSet, False) tcbs
+ add_one :: TelescopeAcc -> TyConBinder -> TelescopeAcc
+ add_one (bound, bad_scope) tcb
+ = ( bound `extendVarSet` tv
+ , bad_scope || not (isEmptyVarSet (fkvs `minusVarSet` bound)) )
+ where
+ tv = binderVar tcb
+ fkvs = tyCoVarsOfType (tyVarKind tv)
+ inferred_tvs = [ binderVar tcb
+ | tcb <- tcbs, Inferred == tyConBinderArgFlag tcb ]
+ specified_tvs = [ binderVar tcb
+ | tcb <- tcbs, Specified == tyConBinderArgFlag tcb ]
+ pp_inf = parens (text "namely:" <+> pprTyVars inferred_tvs)
+ pp_spec = parens (text "namely:" <+> pprTyVars specified_tvs)
+ pp_tc_kind = text "Inferred kind:" <+> ppr tc <+> dcolon <+> ppr_untidy (tyConKind tc)
+ ppr_untidy ty = pprIfaceType (toIfaceType ty)
+ -- We need ppr_untidy here because pprType will tidy the type, which
+ -- will turn the bogus kind we are trying to report
+ -- T :: forall (a::k) k (b::k) -> blah
+ -- into a misleadingly sanitised version
+ -- T :: forall (a::k) k1 (b::k1) -> blah
+ extra
+ | null inferred_tvs && null specified_tvs
+ = empty
+ | null inferred_tvs
+ = hang (text "NB: Specified variables")
+ 2 (sep [pp_spec, text "always come first"])
+ | null specified_tvs
+ = hang (text "NB: Inferred variables")
+ 2 (sep [pp_inf, text "always come first"])
+ | otherwise
+ = hang (text "NB: Inferred variables")
+ 2 (vcat [ sep [ pp_inf, text "always come first"]
+ , sep [text "then Specified variables", pp_spec]])
+* *
+\subsection{Auxiliary functions}
+* *
+-- Free variables of a type, retaining repetitions, and expanding synonyms
+-- This ignores coercions, as coercions aren't user-written
+fvType :: Type -> [TyCoVar]
+fvType ty | Just exp_ty <- tcView ty = fvType exp_ty
+fvType (TyVarTy tv) = [tv]
+fvType (TyConApp _ tys) = fvTypes tys
+fvType (LitTy {}) = []
+fvType (AppTy fun arg) = fvType fun ++ fvType arg
+fvType (FunTy _ arg res) = fvType arg ++ fvType res
+fvType (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty)
+ = fvType (tyVarKind tv) ++
+ filter (/= tv) (fvType ty)
+fvType (CastTy ty _) = fvType ty
+fvType (CoercionTy {}) = []
+fvTypes :: [Type] -> [TyVar]
+fvTypes tys = concatMap fvType tys
+sizeType :: Type -> Int
+-- Size of a type: the number of variables and constructors
+sizeType ty | Just exp_ty <- tcView ty = sizeType exp_ty
+sizeType (TyVarTy {}) = 1
+sizeType (TyConApp tc tys) = 1 + sizeTyConAppArgs tc tys
+sizeType (LitTy {}) = 1
+sizeType (AppTy fun arg) = sizeType fun + sizeType arg
+sizeType (FunTy _ arg res) = sizeType arg + sizeType res + 1
+sizeType (ForAllTy _ ty) = sizeType ty
+sizeType (CastTy ty _) = sizeType ty
+sizeType (CoercionTy _) = 0
+sizeTypes :: [Type] -> Int
+sizeTypes = foldr ((+) . sizeType) 0
+sizeTyConAppArgs :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Int
+sizeTyConAppArgs _tc tys = sizeTypes tys -- (filterOutInvisibleTypes tc tys)
+ -- See Note [Invisible arguments and termination]
+-- Size of a predicate
+-- We are considering whether class constraints terminate.
+-- Equality constraints and constraints for the implicit
+-- parameter class always terminate so it is safe to say "size 0".
+-- See #4200.
+sizePred :: PredType -> Int
+sizePred ty = goClass ty
+ where
+ goClass p = go (classifyPredType p)
+ go (ClassPred cls tys')
+ | isTerminatingClass cls = 0
+ | otherwise = sizeTypes (filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon cls) tys')
+ -- The filtering looks bogus
+ -- See Note [Invisible arguments and termination]
+ go (EqPred {}) = 0
+ go (IrredPred ty) = sizeType ty
+ go (ForAllPred _ _ pred) = goClass pred
+-- | When this says "True", ignore this class constraint during
+-- a termination check
+isTerminatingClass :: Class -> Bool
+isTerminatingClass cls
+ = isIPClass cls -- Implicit parameter constraints always terminate because
+ -- there are no instances for them --- they are only solved
+ -- by "local instances" in expressions
+ || isEqPredClass cls
+ || cls `hasKey` typeableClassKey
+ || cls `hasKey` coercibleTyConKey
+-- | Tidy before printing a type
+ppr_tidy :: TidyEnv -> Type -> SDoc
+ppr_tidy env ty = pprType (tidyType env ty)
+allDistinctTyVars :: TyVarSet -> [KindOrType] -> Bool
+-- (allDistinctTyVars tvs tys) returns True if tys are
+-- a) all tyvars
+-- b) all distinct
+-- c) disjoint from tvs
+allDistinctTyVars _ [] = True
+allDistinctTyVars tkvs (ty : tys)
+ = case getTyVar_maybe ty of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just tv | tv `elemVarSet` tkvs -> False
+ | otherwise -> allDistinctTyVars (tkvs `extendVarSet` tv) tys