path: root/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-04-11 17:03:18 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-30 01:56:56 -0400
commit8bfb0219587b969d5c8f723c46d433e9493958b4 (patch)
tree7ed243039324e5a85905985589d7defd91543625 /compiler/GHC/Unit/Module
parent10d15f1ec4bab4dd6152d87fc66e61658a705eb3 (diff)
Unit: split and rename modules
Introduce GHC.Unit.* hierarchy for everything concerning units, packages and modules. Update Haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Unit/Module')
5 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Env.hs b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Env.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d01b21c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Env.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+-- | Module environment
+module GHC.Unit.Module.Env
+ ( -- * Module mappings
+ ModuleEnv
+ , elemModuleEnv, extendModuleEnv, extendModuleEnvList
+ , extendModuleEnvList_C, plusModuleEnv_C
+ , delModuleEnvList, delModuleEnv, plusModuleEnv, lookupModuleEnv
+ , lookupWithDefaultModuleEnv, mapModuleEnv, mkModuleEnv, emptyModuleEnv
+ , moduleEnvKeys, moduleEnvElts, moduleEnvToList
+ , unitModuleEnv, isEmptyModuleEnv
+ , extendModuleEnvWith, filterModuleEnv
+ -- * ModuleName mappings
+ , ModuleNameEnv, DModuleNameEnv
+ -- * Sets of Modules
+ , ModuleSet
+ , emptyModuleSet, mkModuleSet, moduleSetElts
+ , extendModuleSet, extendModuleSetList, delModuleSet
+ , elemModuleSet, intersectModuleSet, minusModuleSet, unionModuleSet
+ , unitModuleSet
+ -- * InstalledModuleEnv
+ , InstalledModuleEnv
+ , emptyInstalledModuleEnv
+ , lookupInstalledModuleEnv
+ , extendInstalledModuleEnv
+ , filterInstalledModuleEnv
+ , delInstalledModuleEnv
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM
+import GHC.Unit.Types
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import Data.List (sortBy, sort)
+import Data.Ord
+import Data.Coerce
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified GHC.Data.FiniteMap as Map
+-- | A map keyed off of 'Module's
+newtype ModuleEnv elt = ModuleEnv (Map NDModule elt)
+Note [ModuleEnv performance and determinism]
+To prevent accidental reintroduction of nondeterminism the Ord instance
+for Module was changed to not depend on Unique ordering and to use the
+lexicographic order. This is potentially expensive, but when measured
+there was no difference in performance.
+To be on the safe side and not pessimize ModuleEnv uses nondeterministic
+ordering on Module and normalizes by doing the lexicographic sort when
+turning the env to a list.
+See Note [Unique Determinism] for more information about the source of
+nondeterminismand and Note [Deterministic UniqFM] for explanation of why
+it matters for maps.
+newtype NDModule = NDModule { unNDModule :: Module }
+ deriving Eq
+ -- A wrapper for Module with faster nondeterministic Ord.
+ -- Don't export, See [ModuleEnv performance and determinism]
+instance Ord NDModule where
+ compare (NDModule (Module p1 n1)) (NDModule (Module p2 n2)) =
+ (getUnique p1 `nonDetCmpUnique` getUnique p2) `thenCmp`
+ (getUnique n1 `nonDetCmpUnique` getUnique n2)
+filterModuleEnv :: (Module -> a -> Bool) -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a
+filterModuleEnv f (ModuleEnv e) =
+ ModuleEnv (Map.filterWithKey (f . unNDModule) e)
+elemModuleEnv :: Module -> ModuleEnv a -> Bool
+elemModuleEnv m (ModuleEnv e) = Map.member (NDModule m) e
+extendModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> Module -> a -> ModuleEnv a
+extendModuleEnv (ModuleEnv e) m x = ModuleEnv (Map.insert (NDModule m) x e)
+extendModuleEnvWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> ModuleEnv a -> Module -> a
+ -> ModuleEnv a
+extendModuleEnvWith f (ModuleEnv e) m x =
+ ModuleEnv (Map.insertWith f (NDModule m) x e)
+extendModuleEnvList :: ModuleEnv a -> [(Module, a)] -> ModuleEnv a
+extendModuleEnvList (ModuleEnv e) xs =
+ ModuleEnv (Map.insertList [(NDModule k, v) | (k,v) <- xs] e)
+extendModuleEnvList_C :: (a -> a -> a) -> ModuleEnv a -> [(Module, a)]
+ -> ModuleEnv a
+extendModuleEnvList_C f (ModuleEnv e) xs =
+ ModuleEnv (Map.insertListWith f [(NDModule k, v) | (k,v) <- xs] e)
+plusModuleEnv_C :: (a -> a -> a) -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a
+plusModuleEnv_C f (ModuleEnv e1) (ModuleEnv e2) =
+ ModuleEnv (Map.unionWith f e1 e2)
+delModuleEnvList :: ModuleEnv a -> [Module] -> ModuleEnv a
+delModuleEnvList (ModuleEnv e) ms =
+ ModuleEnv (Map.deleteList (map NDModule ms) e)
+delModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> Module -> ModuleEnv a
+delModuleEnv (ModuleEnv e) m = ModuleEnv (Map.delete (NDModule m) e)
+plusModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a
+plusModuleEnv (ModuleEnv e1) (ModuleEnv e2) = ModuleEnv (Map.union e1 e2)
+lookupModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> Module -> Maybe a
+lookupModuleEnv (ModuleEnv e) m = Map.lookup (NDModule m) e
+lookupWithDefaultModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> a -> Module -> a
+lookupWithDefaultModuleEnv (ModuleEnv e) x m =
+ Map.findWithDefault x (NDModule m) e
+mapModuleEnv :: (a -> b) -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv b
+mapModuleEnv f (ModuleEnv e) = ModuleEnv (Map.mapWithKey (\_ v -> f v) e)
+mkModuleEnv :: [(Module, a)] -> ModuleEnv a
+mkModuleEnv xs = ModuleEnv (Map.fromList [(NDModule k, v) | (k,v) <- xs])
+emptyModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a
+emptyModuleEnv = ModuleEnv Map.empty
+moduleEnvKeys :: ModuleEnv a -> [Module]
+moduleEnvKeys (ModuleEnv e) = sort $ map unNDModule $ Map.keys e
+ -- See Note [ModuleEnv performance and determinism]
+moduleEnvElts :: ModuleEnv a -> [a]
+moduleEnvElts e = map snd $ moduleEnvToList e
+ -- See Note [ModuleEnv performance and determinism]
+moduleEnvToList :: ModuleEnv a -> [(Module, a)]
+moduleEnvToList (ModuleEnv e) =
+ sortBy (comparing fst) [(m, v) | (NDModule m, v) <- Map.toList e]
+ -- See Note [ModuleEnv performance and determinism]
+unitModuleEnv :: Module -> a -> ModuleEnv a
+unitModuleEnv m x = ModuleEnv (Map.singleton (NDModule m) x)
+isEmptyModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> Bool
+isEmptyModuleEnv (ModuleEnv e) = Map.null e
+-- | A set of 'Module's
+type ModuleSet = Set NDModule
+mkModuleSet :: [Module] -> ModuleSet
+mkModuleSet = Set.fromList . coerce
+extendModuleSet :: ModuleSet -> Module -> ModuleSet
+extendModuleSet s m = Set.insert (NDModule m) s
+extendModuleSetList :: ModuleSet -> [Module] -> ModuleSet
+extendModuleSetList s ms = foldl' (coerce . flip Set.insert) s ms
+emptyModuleSet :: ModuleSet
+emptyModuleSet = Set.empty
+moduleSetElts :: ModuleSet -> [Module]
+moduleSetElts = sort . coerce . Set.toList
+elemModuleSet :: Module -> ModuleSet -> Bool
+elemModuleSet = Set.member . coerce
+intersectModuleSet :: ModuleSet -> ModuleSet -> ModuleSet
+intersectModuleSet = coerce Set.intersection
+minusModuleSet :: ModuleSet -> ModuleSet -> ModuleSet
+minusModuleSet = coerce Set.difference
+delModuleSet :: ModuleSet -> Module -> ModuleSet
+delModuleSet = coerce (flip Set.delete)
+unionModuleSet :: ModuleSet -> ModuleSet -> ModuleSet
+unionModuleSet = coerce Set.union
+unitModuleSet :: Module -> ModuleSet
+unitModuleSet = coerce Set.singleton
+A ModuleName has a Unique, so we can build mappings of these using
+-- | A map keyed off of 'ModuleName's (actually, their 'Unique's)
+type ModuleNameEnv elt = UniqFM elt
+-- | A map keyed off of 'ModuleName's (actually, their 'Unique's)
+-- Has deterministic folds and can be deterministically converted to a list
+type DModuleNameEnv elt = UniqDFM elt
+-- InstalledModuleEnv
+-- | A map keyed off of 'InstalledModule'
+newtype InstalledModuleEnv elt = InstalledModuleEnv (Map InstalledModule elt)
+emptyInstalledModuleEnv :: InstalledModuleEnv a
+emptyInstalledModuleEnv = InstalledModuleEnv Map.empty
+lookupInstalledModuleEnv :: InstalledModuleEnv a -> InstalledModule -> Maybe a
+lookupInstalledModuleEnv (InstalledModuleEnv e) m = Map.lookup m e
+extendInstalledModuleEnv :: InstalledModuleEnv a -> InstalledModule -> a -> InstalledModuleEnv a
+extendInstalledModuleEnv (InstalledModuleEnv e) m x = InstalledModuleEnv (Map.insert m x e)
+filterInstalledModuleEnv :: (InstalledModule -> a -> Bool) -> InstalledModuleEnv a -> InstalledModuleEnv a
+filterInstalledModuleEnv f (InstalledModuleEnv e) =
+ InstalledModuleEnv (Map.filterWithKey f e)
+delInstalledModuleEnv :: InstalledModuleEnv a -> InstalledModule -> InstalledModuleEnv a
+delInstalledModuleEnv (InstalledModuleEnv e) m = InstalledModuleEnv (Map.delete m e)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Env.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Env.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..657f55490c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Env.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module GHC.Unit.Module.Env where
+import GhcPrelude ()
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+type ModuleNameEnv elt = UniqFM elt
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Location.hs b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Location.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..540f2305d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Location.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+-- | Module location
+module GHC.Unit.Module.Location
+ ( ModLocation(..)
+ , addBootSuffix
+ , addBootSuffix_maybe
+ , addBootSuffixLocn
+ , addBootSuffixLocnOut
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+-- | Module Location
+-- Where a module lives on the file system: the actual locations
+-- of the .hs, .hi and .o files, if we have them.
+-- For a module in another package, the ml_hs_file and ml_obj_file components of
+-- ModLocation are undefined.
+-- The locations specified by a ModLocation may or may not
+-- correspond to actual files yet: for example, even if the object
+-- file doesn't exist, the ModLocation still contains the path to
+-- where the object file will reside if/when it is created.
+data ModLocation
+ = ModLocation {
+ ml_hs_file :: Maybe FilePath,
+ -- ^ The source file, if we have one. Package modules
+ -- probably don't have source files.
+ ml_hi_file :: FilePath,
+ -- ^ Where the .hi file is, whether or not it exists
+ -- yet. Always of form foo.hi, even if there is an
+ -- hi-boot file (we add the -boot suffix later)
+ ml_obj_file :: FilePath,
+ -- ^ Where the .o file is, whether or not it exists yet.
+ -- (might not exist either because the module hasn't
+ -- been compiled yet, or because it is part of a
+ -- package with a .a file)
+ ml_hie_file :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Where the .hie file is, whether or not it exists
+ -- yet.
+ } deriving Show
+instance Outputable ModLocation where
+ ppr = text . show
+-- | Add the @-boot@ suffix to .hs, .hi and .o files
+addBootSuffix :: FilePath -> FilePath
+addBootSuffix path = path ++ "-boot"
+-- | Add the @-boot@ suffix if the @Bool@ argument is @True@
+addBootSuffix_maybe :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath
+addBootSuffix_maybe is_boot path
+ | is_boot = addBootSuffix path
+ | otherwise = path
+-- | Add the @-boot@ suffix to all file paths associated with the module
+addBootSuffixLocn :: ModLocation -> ModLocation
+addBootSuffixLocn locn
+ = locn { ml_hs_file = fmap addBootSuffix (ml_hs_file locn)
+ , ml_hi_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hi_file locn)
+ , ml_obj_file = addBootSuffix (ml_obj_file locn)
+ , ml_hie_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hie_file locn) }
+-- | Add the @-boot@ suffix to all output file paths associated with the
+-- module, not including the input file itself
+addBootSuffixLocnOut :: ModLocation -> ModLocation
+addBootSuffixLocnOut locn
+ = locn { ml_hi_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hi_file locn)
+ , ml_obj_file = addBootSuffix (ml_obj_file locn)
+ , ml_hie_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hie_file locn) }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Name.hs b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Name.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad09fa7549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Name.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+-- | The ModuleName type
+module GHC.Unit.Module.Name
+ ( ModuleName
+ , pprModuleName
+ , moduleNameFS
+ , moduleNameString
+ , moduleNameSlashes, moduleNameColons
+ , mkModuleName
+ , mkModuleNameFS
+ , stableModuleNameCmp
+ , parseModuleName
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Utils.Binary
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Data.Data
+import System.FilePath
+import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as Parse
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP)
+import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
+-- | A ModuleName is essentially a simple string, e.g. @Data.List@.
+newtype ModuleName = ModuleName FastString
+instance Uniquable ModuleName where
+ getUnique (ModuleName nm) = getUnique nm
+instance Eq ModuleName where
+ nm1 == nm2 = getUnique nm1 == getUnique nm2
+instance Ord ModuleName where
+ nm1 `compare` nm2 = stableModuleNameCmp nm1 nm2
+instance Outputable ModuleName where
+ ppr = pprModuleName
+instance Binary ModuleName where
+ put_ bh (ModuleName fs) = put_ bh fs
+ get bh = do fs <- get bh; return (ModuleName fs)
+instance Data ModuleName where
+ -- don't traverse?
+ toConstr _ = abstractConstr "ModuleName"
+ gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold"
+ dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "ModuleName"
+instance NFData ModuleName where
+ rnf x = x `seq` ()
+stableModuleNameCmp :: ModuleName -> ModuleName -> Ordering
+-- ^ Compares module names lexically, rather than by their 'Unique's
+stableModuleNameCmp n1 n2 = moduleNameFS n1 `compare` moduleNameFS n2
+pprModuleName :: ModuleName -> SDoc
+pprModuleName (ModuleName nm) =
+ getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ if codeStyle sty
+ then ztext (zEncodeFS nm)
+ else ftext nm
+moduleNameFS :: ModuleName -> FastString
+moduleNameFS (ModuleName mod) = mod
+moduleNameString :: ModuleName -> String
+moduleNameString (ModuleName mod) = unpackFS mod
+mkModuleName :: String -> ModuleName
+mkModuleName s = ModuleName (mkFastString s)
+mkModuleNameFS :: FastString -> ModuleName
+mkModuleNameFS s = ModuleName s
+-- |Returns the string version of the module name, with dots replaced by slashes.
+moduleNameSlashes :: ModuleName -> String
+moduleNameSlashes = dots_to_slashes . moduleNameString
+ where dots_to_slashes = map (\c -> if c == '.' then pathSeparator else c)
+-- |Returns the string version of the module name, with dots replaced by colons.
+moduleNameColons :: ModuleName -> String
+moduleNameColons = dots_to_colons . moduleNameString
+ where dots_to_colons = map (\c -> if c == '.' then ':' else c)
+parseModuleName :: ReadP ModuleName
+parseModuleName = fmap mkModuleName
+ $ Parse.munch1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "_.")
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Name.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Name.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a48d807a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Name.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module GHC.Unit.Module.Name where
+import GHC.Prelude ()
+data ModuleName