path: root/compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-04-20 16:54:38 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-26 13:55:14 -0400
commitaf332442123878c1b61d236dce46418efcbe8750 (patch)
treeec4b332843cdd4fedb4aa60b11b7b8dba82a0764 /compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary.hs
parentb0fbfc7582fb81314dc28a056536737fb5eeaa6e (diff)
Modules: Utils and Data (#13009)
Update Haddock submodule Metric Increase: haddock.compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary.hs')
1 files changed, 1457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary.hs b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1283dd5ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1457 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -funbox-strict-fields #-}
+-- We always optimise this, otherwise performance of a non-optimised
+-- compiler is severely affected
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006
+-- Binary I/O library, with special tweaks for GHC
+-- Based on the nhc98 Binary library, which is copyright
+-- (c) Malcolm Wallace and Colin Runciman, University of York, 1998.
+-- Under the terms of the license for that software, we must tell you
+-- where you can obtain the original version of the Binary library, namely
+module GHC.Utils.Binary
+ ( {-type-} Bin,
+ {-class-} Binary(..),
+ {-type-} BinHandle,
+ SymbolTable, Dictionary,
+ BinData(..), dataHandle, handleData,
+ openBinMem,
+-- closeBin,
+ seekBin,
+ tellBin,
+ castBin,
+ withBinBuffer,
+ writeBinMem,
+ readBinMem,
+ putAt, getAt,
+ -- * For writing instances
+ putByte,
+ getByte,
+ -- * Variable length encodings
+ putULEB128,
+ getULEB128,
+ putSLEB128,
+ getSLEB128,
+ -- * Lazy Binary I/O
+ lazyGet,
+ lazyPut,
+ -- * User data
+ UserData(..), getUserData, setUserData,
+ newReadState, newWriteState,
+ putDictionary, getDictionary, putFS,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHC.Prelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Types.Name (Name)
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Data.FastMutInt
+import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Foreign
+import Data.Array
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Char ( ord, chr )
+import Data.Time
+import Data.List (unfoldr)
+import Type.Reflection
+import Type.Reflection.Unsafe
+import Data.Kind (Type)
+import GHC.Exts (TYPE, RuntimeRep(..), VecCount(..), VecElem(..))
+import Control.Monad ( when, (<$!>), unless )
+import System.IO as IO
+import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
+import System.IO.Error ( mkIOError, eofErrorType )
+import GHC.Real ( Ratio(..) )
+import GHC.Serialized
+type BinArray = ForeignPtr Word8
+-- BinData
+data BinData = BinData Int BinArray
+instance NFData BinData where
+ rnf (BinData sz _) = rnf sz
+instance Binary BinData where
+ put_ bh (BinData sz dat) = do
+ put_ bh sz
+ putPrim bh sz $ \dest ->
+ withForeignPtr dat $ \orig ->
+ copyBytes dest orig sz
+ --
+ get bh = do
+ sz <- get bh
+ dat <- mallocForeignPtrBytes sz
+ getPrim bh sz $ \orig ->
+ withForeignPtr dat $ \dest ->
+ copyBytes dest orig sz
+ return (BinData sz dat)
+dataHandle :: BinData -> IO BinHandle
+dataHandle (BinData size bin) = do
+ ixr <- newFastMutInt
+ szr <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt ixr 0
+ writeFastMutInt szr size
+ binr <- newIORef bin
+ return (BinMem noUserData ixr szr binr)
+handleData :: BinHandle -> IO BinData
+handleData (BinMem _ ixr _ binr) = BinData <$> readFastMutInt ixr <*> readIORef binr
+-- BinHandle
+data BinHandle
+ = BinMem { -- binary data stored in an unboxed array
+ bh_usr :: UserData, -- sigh, need parameterized modules :-)
+ _off_r :: !FastMutInt, -- the current offset
+ _sz_r :: !FastMutInt, -- size of the array (cached)
+ _arr_r :: !(IORef BinArray) -- the array (bounds: (0,size-1))
+ }
+ -- XXX: should really store a "high water mark" for dumping out
+ -- the binary data to a file.
+getUserData :: BinHandle -> UserData
+getUserData bh = bh_usr bh
+setUserData :: BinHandle -> UserData -> BinHandle
+setUserData bh us = bh { bh_usr = us }
+-- | Get access to the underlying buffer.
+-- It is quite important that no references to the 'ByteString' leak out of the
+-- continuation lest terrible things happen.
+withBinBuffer :: BinHandle -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
+withBinBuffer (BinMem _ ix_r _ arr_r) action = do
+ arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ withForeignPtr arr $ \ptr ->
+ BS.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, ix) >>= action
+-- Bin
+newtype Bin a = BinPtr Int
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded)
+castBin :: Bin a -> Bin b
+castBin (BinPtr i) = BinPtr i
+-- class Binary
+-- | Do not rely on instance sizes for general types,
+-- we use variable length encoding for many of them.
+class Binary a where
+ put_ :: BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+ put :: BinHandle -> a -> IO (Bin a)
+ get :: BinHandle -> IO a
+ -- define one of put_, put. Use of put_ is recommended because it
+ -- is more likely that tail-calls can kick in, and we rarely need the
+ -- position return value.
+ put_ bh a = do _ <- put bh a; return ()
+ put bh a = do p <- tellBin bh; put_ bh a; return p
+putAt :: Binary a => BinHandle -> Bin a -> a -> IO ()
+putAt bh p x = do seekBin bh p; put_ bh x; return ()
+getAt :: Binary a => BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO a
+getAt bh p = do seekBin bh p; get bh
+openBinMem :: Int -> IO BinHandle
+openBinMem size
+ | size <= 0 = error "Data.Binary.openBinMem: size must be >= 0"
+ | otherwise = do
+ arr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes size
+ arr_r <- newIORef arr
+ ix_r <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r 0
+ sz_r <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt sz_r size
+ return (BinMem noUserData ix_r sz_r arr_r)
+tellBin :: BinHandle -> IO (Bin a)
+tellBin (BinMem _ r _ _) = do ix <- readFastMutInt r; return (BinPtr ix)
+seekBin :: BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
+seekBin h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r _) (BinPtr !p) = do
+ sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+ if (p >= sz)
+ then do expandBin h p; writeFastMutInt ix_r p
+ else writeFastMutInt ix_r p
+writeBinMem :: BinHandle -> FilePath -> IO ()
+writeBinMem (BinMem _ ix_r _ arr_r) fn = do
+ h <- openBinaryFile fn WriteMode
+ arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ withForeignPtr arr $ \p -> hPutBuf h p ix
+ hClose h
+readBinMem :: FilePath -> IO BinHandle
+-- Return a BinHandle with a totally undefined State
+readBinMem filename = do
+ h <- openBinaryFile filename ReadMode
+ filesize' <- hFileSize h
+ let filesize = fromIntegral filesize'
+ arr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes filesize
+ count <- withForeignPtr arr $ \p -> hGetBuf h p filesize
+ when (count /= filesize) $
+ error ("Binary.readBinMem: only read " ++ show count ++ " bytes")
+ hClose h
+ arr_r <- newIORef arr
+ ix_r <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r 0
+ sz_r <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt sz_r filesize
+ return (BinMem noUserData ix_r sz_r arr_r)
+-- expand the size of the array to include a specified offset
+expandBin :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO ()
+expandBin (BinMem _ _ sz_r arr_r) !off = do
+ !sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+ let !sz' = getSize sz
+ arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ arr' <- mallocForeignPtrBytes sz'
+ withForeignPtr arr $ \old ->
+ withForeignPtr arr' $ \new ->
+ copyBytes new old sz
+ writeFastMutInt sz_r sz'
+ writeIORef arr_r arr'
+ where
+ getSize :: Int -> Int
+ getSize !sz
+ | sz > off
+ = sz
+ | otherwise
+ = getSize (sz * 2)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Low-level reading/writing of bytes
+-- | Takes a size and action writing up to @size@ bytes.
+-- After the action has run advance the index to the buffer
+-- by size bytes.
+putPrim :: BinHandle -> Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+putPrim h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) size f = do
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+ when (ix + size > sz) $
+ expandBin h (ix + size)
+ arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ withForeignPtr arr $ \op -> f (op `plusPtr` ix)
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix + size)
+-- -- | Similar to putPrim but advances the index by the actual number of
+-- -- bytes written.
+-- putPrimMax :: BinHandle -> Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO Int) -> IO ()
+-- putPrimMax h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) size f = do
+-- ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+-- sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+-- when (ix + size > sz) $
+-- expandBin h (ix + size)
+-- arr <- readIORef arr_r
+-- written <- withForeignPtr arr $ \op -> f (op `plusPtr` ix)
+-- writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix + written)
+getPrim :: BinHandle -> Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
+getPrim (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) size f = do
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+ when (ix + size > sz) $
+ ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType "Data.Binary.getPrim" Nothing Nothing)
+ arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ w <- withForeignPtr arr $ \op -> f (op `plusPtr` ix)
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix + size)
+ return w
+putWord8 :: BinHandle -> Word8 -> IO ()
+putWord8 h !w = putPrim h 1 (\op -> poke op w)
+getWord8 :: BinHandle -> IO Word8
+getWord8 h = getPrim h 1 peek
+-- putWord16 :: BinHandle -> Word16 -> IO ()
+-- putWord16 h w = putPrim h 2 (\op -> do
+-- pokeElemOff op 0 (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 8))
+-- pokeElemOff op 1 (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xFF))
+-- )
+-- getWord16 :: BinHandle -> IO Word16
+-- getWord16 h = getPrim h 2 (\op -> do
+-- w0 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 0
+-- w1 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 1
+-- return $! w0 `shiftL` 8 .|. w1
+-- )
+putWord32 :: BinHandle -> Word32 -> IO ()
+putWord32 h w = putPrim h 4 (\op -> do
+ pokeElemOff op 0 (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 24))
+ pokeElemOff op 1 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFF))
+ pokeElemOff op 2 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xFF))
+ pokeElemOff op 3 (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xFF))
+ )
+getWord32 :: BinHandle -> IO Word32
+getWord32 h = getPrim h 4 (\op -> do
+ w0 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 0
+ w1 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 1
+ w2 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 2
+ w3 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 3
+ return $! (w0 `shiftL` 24) .|.
+ (w1 `shiftL` 16) .|.
+ (w2 `shiftL` 8) .|.
+ w3
+ )
+-- putWord64 :: BinHandle -> Word64 -> IO ()
+-- putWord64 h w = putPrim h 8 (\op -> do
+-- pokeElemOff op 0 (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 56))
+-- pokeElemOff op 1 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 48) .&. 0xFF))
+-- pokeElemOff op 2 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 40) .&. 0xFF))
+-- pokeElemOff op 3 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 32) .&. 0xFF))
+-- pokeElemOff op 4 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xFF))
+-- pokeElemOff op 5 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFF))
+-- pokeElemOff op 6 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xFF))
+-- pokeElemOff op 7 (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xFF))
+-- )
+-- getWord64 :: BinHandle -> IO Word64
+-- getWord64 h = getPrim h 8 (\op -> do
+-- w0 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 0
+-- w1 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 1
+-- w2 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 2
+-- w3 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 3
+-- w4 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 4
+-- w5 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 5
+-- w6 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 6
+-- w7 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 7
+-- return $! (w0 `shiftL` 56) .|.
+-- (w1 `shiftL` 48) .|.
+-- (w2 `shiftL` 40) .|.
+-- (w3 `shiftL` 32) .|.
+-- (w4 `shiftL` 24) .|.
+-- (w5 `shiftL` 16) .|.
+-- (w6 `shiftL` 8) .|.
+-- w7
+-- )
+putByte :: BinHandle -> Word8 -> IO ()
+putByte bh !w = putWord8 bh w
+getByte :: BinHandle -> IO Word8
+getByte h = getWord8 h
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Encode numbers in LEB128 encoding.
+-- Requires one byte of space per 7 bits of data.
+-- There are signed and unsigned variants.
+-- Do NOT use the unsigned one for signed values, at worst it will
+-- result in wrong results, at best it will lead to bad performance
+-- when coercing negative values to an unsigned type.
+-- We mark them as SPECIALIZE as it's extremely critical that they get specialized
+-- to their specific types.
+-- TODO: Each use of putByte performs a bounds check,
+-- we should use putPrimMax here. However it's quite hard to return
+-- the number of bytes written into putPrimMax without allocating an
+-- Int for it, while the code below does not allocate at all.
+-- So we eat the cost of the bounds check instead of increasing allocations
+-- for now.
+-- Unsigned numbers
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word64 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word32 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word16 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int64 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int32 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int16 -> IO () #-}
+putULEB128 :: forall a. (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+putULEB128 bh w =
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ (if w < 0 then panic "putULEB128: Signed number" else id) $
+ go w
+ where
+ go :: a -> IO ()
+ go w
+ | w <= (127 :: a)
+ = putByte bh (fromIntegral w :: Word8)
+ | otherwise = do
+ -- bit 7 (8th bit) indicates more to come.
+ let !byte = setBit (fromIntegral w) 7 :: Word8
+ putByte bh byte
+ go (w `unsafeShiftR` 7)
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word64 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word32 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word16 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int64 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int32 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int16 #-}
+getULEB128 :: forall a. (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => BinHandle -> IO a
+getULEB128 bh =
+ go 0 0
+ where
+ go :: Int -> a -> IO a
+ go shift w = do
+ b <- getByte bh
+ let !hasMore = testBit b 7
+ let !val = w .|. ((clearBit (fromIntegral b) 7) `unsafeShiftL` shift) :: a
+ if hasMore
+ then do
+ go (shift+7) val
+ else
+ return $! val
+-- Signed numbers
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word64 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word32 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word16 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int64 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int32 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int16 -> IO () #-}
+putSLEB128 :: forall a. (Integral a, Bits a) => BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+putSLEB128 bh initial = go initial
+ where
+ go :: a -> IO ()
+ go val = do
+ let !byte = fromIntegral (clearBit val 7) :: Word8
+ let !val' = val `unsafeShiftR` 7
+ let !signBit = testBit byte 6
+ let !done =
+ -- Unsigned value, val' == 0 and last value can
+ -- be discriminated from a negative number.
+ ((val' == 0 && not signBit) ||
+ -- Signed value,
+ (val' == -1 && signBit))
+ let !byte' = if done then byte else setBit byte 7
+ putByte bh byte'
+ unless done $ go val'
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word64 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word32 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word16 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int64 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int32 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int16 #-}
+getSLEB128 :: forall a. (Show a, Integral a, FiniteBits a) => BinHandle -> IO a
+getSLEB128 bh = do
+ (val,shift,signed) <- go 0 0
+ if signed && (shift < finiteBitSize val )
+ then return $! ((complement 0 `unsafeShiftL` shift) .|. val)
+ else return val
+ where
+ go :: Int -> a -> IO (a,Int,Bool)
+ go shift val = do
+ byte <- getByte bh
+ let !byteVal = fromIntegral (clearBit byte 7) :: a
+ let !val' = val .|. (byteVal `unsafeShiftL` shift)
+ let !more = testBit byte 7
+ let !shift' = shift+7
+ if more
+ then go (shift') val'
+ else do
+ let !signed = testBit byte 6
+ return (val',shift',signed)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Primitive Word writes
+instance Binary Word8 where
+ put_ bh !w = putWord8 bh w
+ get = getWord8
+instance Binary Word16 where
+ put_ = putULEB128
+ get = getULEB128
+instance Binary Word32 where
+ put_ = putULEB128
+ get = getULEB128
+instance Binary Word64 where
+ put_ = putULEB128
+ get = getULEB128
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Primitive Int writes
+instance Binary Int8 where
+ put_ h w = put_ h (fromIntegral w :: Word8)
+ get h = do w <- get h; return $! (fromIntegral (w::Word8))
+instance Binary Int16 where
+ put_ = putSLEB128
+ get = getSLEB128
+instance Binary Int32 where
+ put_ = putSLEB128
+ get = getSLEB128
+instance Binary Int64 where
+ put_ h w = putSLEB128 h w
+ get h = getSLEB128 h
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Instances for standard types
+instance Binary () where
+ put_ _ () = return ()
+ get _ = return ()
+instance Binary Bool where
+ put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
+ get bh = do x <- getWord8 bh; return $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
+instance Binary Char where
+ put_ bh c = put_ bh (fromIntegral (ord c) :: Word32)
+ get bh = do x <- get bh; return $! (chr (fromIntegral (x :: Word32)))
+instance Binary Int where
+ put_ bh i = put_ bh (fromIntegral i :: Int64)
+ get bh = do
+ x <- get bh
+ return $! (fromIntegral (x :: Int64))
+instance Binary a => Binary [a] where
+ put_ bh l = do
+ let len = length l
+ put_ bh len
+ mapM_ (put_ bh) l
+ get bh = do
+ len <- get bh :: IO Int -- Int is variable length encoded so only
+ -- one byte for small lists.
+ let loop 0 = return []
+ loop n = do a <- get bh; as <- loop (n-1); return (a:as)
+ loop len
+instance (Ix a, Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Array a b) where
+ put_ bh arr = do
+ put_ bh $ bounds arr
+ put_ bh $ elems arr
+ get bh = do
+ bounds <- get bh
+ xs <- get bh
+ return $ listArray bounds xs
+instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (a,b) where
+ put_ bh (a,b) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b
+ get bh = do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ return (a,b)
+instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c) => Binary (a,b,c) where
+ put_ bh (a,b,c) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b; put_ bh c
+ get bh = do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ return (a,b,c)
+instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c, Binary d) => Binary (a,b,c,d) where
+ put_ bh (a,b,c,d) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b; put_ bh c; put_ bh d
+ get bh = do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ d <- get bh
+ return (a,b,c,d)
+instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c, Binary d, Binary e) => Binary (a,b,c,d, e) where
+ put_ bh (a,b,c,d, e) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b; put_ bh c; put_ bh d; put_ bh e;
+ get bh = do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ d <- get bh
+ e <- get bh
+ return (a,b,c,d,e)
+instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c, Binary d, Binary e, Binary f) => Binary (a,b,c,d, e, f) where
+ put_ bh (a,b,c,d, e, f) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b; put_ bh c; put_ bh d; put_ bh e; put_ bh f;
+ get bh = do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ d <- get bh
+ e <- get bh
+ f <- get bh
+ return (a,b,c,d,e,f)
+instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c, Binary d, Binary e, Binary f, Binary g) => Binary (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where
+ put_ bh (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b; put_ bh c; put_ bh d; put_ bh e; put_ bh f; put_ bh g
+ get bh = do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ d <- get bh
+ e <- get bh
+ f <- get bh
+ g <- get bh
+ return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
+instance Binary a => Binary (Maybe a) where
+ put_ bh Nothing = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (Just a) = do putByte bh 1; put_ bh a
+ get bh = do h <- getWord8 bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> return Nothing
+ _ -> do x <- get bh; return (Just x)
+instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Either a b) where
+ put_ bh (Left a) = do putByte bh 0; put_ bh a
+ put_ bh (Right b) = do putByte bh 1; put_ bh b
+ get bh = do h <- getWord8 bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do a <- get bh ; return (Left a)
+ _ -> do b <- get bh ; return (Right b)
+instance Binary UTCTime where
+ put_ bh u = do put_ bh (utctDay u)
+ put_ bh (utctDayTime u)
+ get bh = do day <- get bh
+ dayTime <- get bh
+ return $ UTCTime { utctDay = day, utctDayTime = dayTime }
+instance Binary Day where
+ put_ bh d = put_ bh (toModifiedJulianDay d)
+ get bh = do i <- get bh
+ return $ ModifiedJulianDay { toModifiedJulianDay = i }
+instance Binary DiffTime where
+ put_ bh dt = put_ bh (toRational dt)
+ get bh = do r <- get bh
+ return $ fromRational r
+Finally - a reasonable portable Integer instance.
+We used to encode values in the Int32 range as such,
+falling back to a string of all things. In either case
+we stored a tag byte to discriminate between the two cases.
+This made some sense as it's highly portable but also not very
+However GHC stores a surprisingly large number off large Integer
+values. In the examples looked at between 25% and 50% of Integers
+serialized were outside of the Int32 range.
+Consider a valie like `2724268014499746065`, some sort of hash
+actually generated by GHC.
+In the old scheme this was encoded as a list of 19 chars. This
+gave a size of 77 Bytes, one for the length of the list and 76
+since we encode chars as Word32 as well.
+We can easily do better. The new plan is:
+* Start with a tag byte
+ * 0 => Int64 (LEB128 encoded)
+ * 1 => Negative large interger
+ * 2 => Positive large integer
+* Followed by the value:
+ * Int64 is encoded as usual
+ * Large integers are encoded as a list of bytes (Word8).
+ We use Data.Bits which defines a bit order independent of the representation.
+ Values are stored LSB first.
+This means our example value `2724268014499746065` is now only 10 bytes large.
+* One byte tag
+* One byte for the length of the [Word8] list.
+* 8 bytes for the actual date.
+The new scheme also does not depend in any way on
+architecture specific details.
+We still use this scheme even with LEB128 available,
+as it has less overhead for truly large numbers. (> maxBound :: Int64)
+The instance is used for in Binary Integer and Binary Rational in GHC.Types.Literal
+instance Binary Integer where
+ put_ bh i
+ | i >= lo64 && i <= hi64 = do
+ putWord8 bh 0
+ put_ bh (fromIntegral i :: Int64)
+ | otherwise = do
+ if i < 0
+ then putWord8 bh 1
+ else putWord8 bh 2
+ put_ bh (unroll $ abs i)
+ where
+ lo64 = fromIntegral (minBound :: Int64)
+ hi64 = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int64)
+ get bh = do
+ int_kind <- getWord8 bh
+ case int_kind of
+ 0 -> fromIntegral <$!> (get bh :: IO Int64)
+ -- Large integer
+ 1 -> negate <$!> getInt
+ 2 -> getInt
+ _ -> panic "Binary Integer - Invalid byte"
+ where
+ getInt :: IO Integer
+ getInt = roll <$!> (get bh :: IO [Word8])
+unroll :: Integer -> [Word8]
+unroll = unfoldr step
+ where
+ step 0 = Nothing
+ step i = Just (fromIntegral i, i `shiftR` 8)
+roll :: [Word8] -> Integer
+roll = foldl' unstep 0 . reverse
+ where
+ unstep a b = a `shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral b
+ {-
+ -- This code is currently commented out.
+ -- See for
+ -- discussion.
+ put_ bh (S# i#) = do putByte bh 0; put_ bh (I# i#)
+ put_ bh (J# s# a#) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh (I# s#)
+ let sz# = sizeofByteArray# a# -- in *bytes*
+ put_ bh (I# sz#) -- in *bytes*
+ putByteArray bh a# sz#
+ get bh = do
+ b <- getByte bh
+ case b of
+ 0 -> do (I# i#) <- get bh
+ return (S# i#)
+ _ -> do (I# s#) <- get bh
+ sz <- get bh
+ (BA a#) <- getByteArray bh sz
+ return (J# s# a#)
+putByteArray :: BinHandle -> ByteArray# -> Int# -> IO ()
+putByteArray bh a s# = loop 0#
+ where loop n#
+ | n# ==# s# = return ()
+ | otherwise = do
+ putByte bh (indexByteArray a n#)
+ loop (n# +# 1#)
+getByteArray :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO ByteArray
+getByteArray bh (I# sz) = do
+ (MBA arr) <- newByteArray sz
+ let loop n
+ | n ==# sz = return ()
+ | otherwise = do
+ w <- getByte bh
+ writeByteArray arr n w
+ loop (n +# 1#)
+ loop 0#
+ freezeByteArray arr
+ -}
+data ByteArray = BA ByteArray#
+data MBA = MBA (MutableByteArray# RealWorld)
+newByteArray :: Int# -> IO MBA
+newByteArray sz = IO $ \s ->
+ case newByteArray# sz s of { (# s, arr #) ->
+ (# s, MBA arr #) }
+freezeByteArray :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> IO ByteArray
+freezeByteArray arr = IO $ \s ->
+ case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr s of { (# s, arr #) ->
+ (# s, BA arr #) }
+writeByteArray :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int# -> Word8 -> IO ()
+writeByteArray arr i (W8# w) = IO $ \s ->
+ case writeWord8Array# arr i w s of { s ->
+ (# s, () #) }
+indexByteArray :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word8
+indexByteArray a# n# = W8# (indexWord8Array# a# n#)
+instance (Binary a) => Binary (Ratio a) where
+ put_ bh (a :% b) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b
+ get bh = do a <- get bh; b <- get bh; return (a :% b)
+-- Instance uses fixed-width encoding to allow inserting
+-- Bin placeholders in the stream.
+instance Binary (Bin a) where
+ put_ bh (BinPtr i) = putWord32 bh (fromIntegral i :: Word32)
+ get bh = do i <- getWord32 bh; return (BinPtr (fromIntegral (i :: Word32)))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Instances for Data.Typeable stuff
+instance Binary TyCon where
+ put_ bh tc = do
+ put_ bh (tyConPackage tc)
+ put_ bh (tyConModule tc)
+ put_ bh (tyConName tc)
+ put_ bh (tyConKindArgs tc)
+ put_ bh (tyConKindRep tc)
+ get bh =
+ mkTyCon <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+instance Binary VecCount where
+ put_ bh = putByte bh . fromIntegral . fromEnum
+ get bh = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> getByte bh
+instance Binary VecElem where
+ put_ bh = putByte bh . fromIntegral . fromEnum
+ get bh = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> getByte bh
+instance Binary RuntimeRep where
+ put_ bh (VecRep a b) = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh a >> put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (TupleRep reps) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh reps
+ put_ bh (SumRep reps) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh reps
+ put_ bh LiftedRep = putByte bh 3
+ put_ bh UnliftedRep = putByte bh 4
+ put_ bh IntRep = putByte bh 5
+ put_ bh WordRep = putByte bh 6
+ put_ bh Int64Rep = putByte bh 7
+ put_ bh Word64Rep = putByte bh 8
+ put_ bh AddrRep = putByte bh 9
+ put_ bh FloatRep = putByte bh 10
+ put_ bh DoubleRep = putByte bh 11
+ put_ bh Int8Rep = putByte bh 12
+ put_ bh Word8Rep = putByte bh 13
+ put_ bh Int16Rep = putByte bh 14
+ put_ bh Word16Rep = putByte bh 15
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 809
+ put_ bh Int32Rep = putByte bh 16
+ put_ bh Word32Rep = putByte bh 17
+ get bh = do
+ tag <- getByte bh
+ case tag of
+ 0 -> VecRep <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 1 -> TupleRep <$> get bh
+ 2 -> SumRep <$> get bh
+ 3 -> pure LiftedRep
+ 4 -> pure UnliftedRep
+ 5 -> pure IntRep
+ 6 -> pure WordRep
+ 7 -> pure Int64Rep
+ 8 -> pure Word64Rep
+ 9 -> pure AddrRep
+ 10 -> pure FloatRep
+ 11 -> pure DoubleRep
+ 12 -> pure Int8Rep
+ 13 -> pure Word8Rep
+ 14 -> pure Int16Rep
+ 15 -> pure Word16Rep
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 809
+ 16 -> pure Int32Rep
+ 17 -> pure Word32Rep
+ _ -> fail "Binary.putRuntimeRep: invalid tag"
+instance Binary KindRep where
+ put_ bh (KindRepTyConApp tc k) = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh tc >> put_ bh k
+ put_ bh (KindRepVar bndr) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh bndr
+ put_ bh (KindRepApp a b) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh a >> put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (KindRepFun a b) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh a >> put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (KindRepTYPE r) = putByte bh 4 >> put_ bh r
+ put_ bh (KindRepTypeLit sort r) = putByte bh 5 >> put_ bh sort >> put_ bh r
+ get bh = do
+ tag <- getByte bh
+ case tag of
+ 0 -> KindRepTyConApp <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 1 -> KindRepVar <$> get bh
+ 2 -> KindRepApp <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 3 -> KindRepFun <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 4 -> KindRepTYPE <$> get bh
+ 5 -> KindRepTypeLit <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ _ -> fail "Binary.putKindRep: invalid tag"
+instance Binary TypeLitSort where
+ put_ bh TypeLitSymbol = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh TypeLitNat = putByte bh 1
+ get bh = do
+ tag <- getByte bh
+ case tag of
+ 0 -> pure TypeLitSymbol
+ 1 -> pure TypeLitNat
+ _ -> fail "Binary.putTypeLitSort: invalid tag"
+putTypeRep :: BinHandle -> TypeRep a -> IO ()
+-- Special handling for TYPE, (->), and RuntimeRep due to recursive kind
+-- relations.
+-- See Note [Mutually recursive representations of primitive types]
+putTypeRep bh rep
+ | Just HRefl <- rep `eqTypeRep` (typeRep :: TypeRep Type)
+ = put_ bh (0 :: Word8)
+putTypeRep bh (Con' con ks) = do
+ put_ bh (1 :: Word8)
+ put_ bh con
+ put_ bh ks
+putTypeRep bh (App f x) = do
+ put_ bh (2 :: Word8)
+ putTypeRep bh f
+ putTypeRep bh x
+putTypeRep bh (Fun arg res) = do
+ put_ bh (3 :: Word8)
+ putTypeRep bh arg
+ putTypeRep bh res
+getSomeTypeRep :: BinHandle -> IO SomeTypeRep
+getSomeTypeRep bh = do
+ tag <- get bh :: IO Word8
+ case tag of
+ 0 -> return $ SomeTypeRep (typeRep :: TypeRep Type)
+ 1 -> do con <- get bh :: IO TyCon
+ ks <- get bh :: IO [SomeTypeRep]
+ return $ SomeTypeRep $ mkTrCon con ks
+ 2 -> do SomeTypeRep f <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ SomeTypeRep x <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ case typeRepKind f of
+ Fun arg res ->
+ case arg `eqTypeRep` typeRepKind x of
+ Just HRefl ->
+ case typeRepKind res `eqTypeRep` (typeRep :: TypeRep Type) of
+ Just HRefl -> return $ SomeTypeRep $ mkTrApp f x
+ _ -> failure "Kind mismatch in type application" []
+ _ -> failure "Kind mismatch in type application"
+ [ " Found argument of kind: " ++ show (typeRepKind x)
+ , " Where the constructor: " ++ show f
+ , " Expects kind: " ++ show arg
+ ]
+ _ -> failure "Applied non-arrow"
+ [ " Applied type: " ++ show f
+ , " To argument: " ++ show x
+ ]
+ 3 -> do SomeTypeRep arg <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ SomeTypeRep res <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ if
+ | App argkcon _ <- typeRepKind arg
+ , App reskcon _ <- typeRepKind res
+ , Just HRefl <- argkcon `eqTypeRep` tYPErep
+ , Just HRefl <- reskcon `eqTypeRep` tYPErep
+ -> return $ SomeTypeRep $ Fun arg res
+ | otherwise -> failure "Kind mismatch" []
+ _ -> failure "Invalid SomeTypeRep" []
+ where
+ tYPErep :: TypeRep TYPE
+ tYPErep = typeRep
+ failure description info =
+ fail $ unlines $ [ "Binary.getSomeTypeRep: "++description ]
+ ++ map (" "++) info
+instance Typeable a => Binary (TypeRep (a :: k)) where
+ put_ = putTypeRep
+ get bh = do
+ SomeTypeRep rep <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ case rep `eqTypeRep` expected of
+ Just HRefl -> pure rep
+ Nothing -> fail $ unlines
+ [ "Binary: Type mismatch"
+ , " Deserialized type: " ++ show rep
+ , " Expected type: " ++ show expected
+ ]
+ where expected = typeRep :: TypeRep a
+instance Binary SomeTypeRep where
+ put_ bh (SomeTypeRep rep) = putTypeRep bh rep
+ get = getSomeTypeRep
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Lazy reading/writing
+lazyPut :: Binary a => BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+lazyPut bh a = do
+ -- output the obj with a ptr to skip over it:
+ pre_a <- tellBin bh
+ put_ bh pre_a -- save a slot for the ptr
+ put_ bh a -- dump the object
+ q <- tellBin bh -- q = ptr to after object
+ putAt bh pre_a q -- fill in slot before a with ptr to q
+ seekBin bh q -- finally carry on writing at q
+lazyGet :: Binary a => BinHandle -> IO a
+lazyGet bh = do
+ p <- get bh -- a BinPtr
+ p_a <- tellBin bh
+ a <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
+ -- NB: Use a fresh off_r variable in the child thread, for thread
+ -- safety.
+ off_r <- newFastMutInt
+ getAt bh { _off_r = off_r } p_a
+ seekBin bh p -- skip over the object for now
+ return a
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- UserData
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Information we keep around during interface file
+-- serialization/deserialization. Namely we keep the functions for serializing
+-- and deserializing 'Name's and 'FastString's. We do this because we actually
+-- use serialization in two distinct settings,
+-- * When serializing interface files themselves
+-- * When computing the fingerprint of an IfaceDecl (which we computing by
+-- hashing its Binary serialization)
+-- These two settings have different needs while serializing Names:
+-- * Names in interface files are serialized via a symbol table (see Note
+-- [Symbol table representation of names] in GHC.Iface.Binary).
+-- * During fingerprinting a binding Name is serialized as the OccName and a
+-- non-binding Name is serialized as the fingerprint of the thing they
+-- represent. See Note [Fingerprinting IfaceDecls] for further discussion.
+data UserData =
+ UserData {
+ -- for *deserialising* only:
+ ud_get_name :: BinHandle -> IO Name,
+ ud_get_fs :: BinHandle -> IO FastString,
+ -- for *serialising* only:
+ ud_put_nonbinding_name :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO (),
+ -- ^ serialize a non-binding 'Name' (e.g. a reference to another
+ -- binding).
+ ud_put_binding_name :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO (),
+ -- ^ serialize a binding 'Name' (e.g. the name of an IfaceDecl)
+ ud_put_fs :: BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
+ }
+newReadState :: (BinHandle -> IO Name) -- ^ how to deserialize 'Name's
+ -> (BinHandle -> IO FastString)
+ -> UserData
+newReadState get_name get_fs
+ = UserData { ud_get_name = get_name,
+ ud_get_fs = get_fs,
+ ud_put_nonbinding_name = undef "put_nonbinding_name",
+ ud_put_binding_name = undef "put_binding_name",
+ ud_put_fs = undef "put_fs"
+ }
+newWriteState :: (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+ -- ^ how to serialize non-binding 'Name's
+ -> (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+ -- ^ how to serialize binding 'Name's
+ -> (BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ())
+ -> UserData
+newWriteState put_nonbinding_name put_binding_name put_fs
+ = UserData { ud_get_name = undef "get_name",
+ ud_get_fs = undef "get_fs",
+ ud_put_nonbinding_name = put_nonbinding_name,
+ ud_put_binding_name = put_binding_name,
+ ud_put_fs = put_fs
+ }
+noUserData :: a
+noUserData = undef "UserData"
+undef :: String -> a
+undef s = panic ("Binary.UserData: no " ++ s)
+-- The Dictionary
+type Dictionary = Array Int FastString -- The dictionary
+ -- Should be 0-indexed
+putDictionary :: BinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM (Int,FastString) -> IO ()
+putDictionary bh sz dict = do
+ put_ bh sz
+ mapM_ (putFS bh) (elems (array (0,sz-1) (nonDetEltsUFM dict)))
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here because the elements have indices
+ -- that array uses to create order
+getDictionary :: BinHandle -> IO Dictionary
+getDictionary bh = do
+ sz <- get bh
+ elems <- sequence (take sz (repeat (getFS bh)))
+ return (listArray (0,sz-1) elems)
+-- The Symbol Table
+-- On disk, the symbol table is an array of IfExtName, when
+-- reading it in we turn it into a SymbolTable.
+type SymbolTable = Array Int Name
+-- Reading and writing FastStrings
+putFS :: BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
+putFS bh fs = putBS bh $ bytesFS fs
+getFS :: BinHandle -> IO FastString
+getFS bh = do
+ l <- get bh :: IO Int
+ getPrim bh l (\src -> pure $! mkFastStringBytes src l )
+putBS :: BinHandle -> ByteString -> IO ()
+putBS bh bs =
+ BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, l) -> do
+ put_ bh l
+ putPrim bh l (\op -> BS.memcpy op (castPtr ptr) l)
+getBS :: BinHandle -> IO ByteString
+getBS bh = do
+ l <- get bh :: IO Int
+ BS.create l $ \dest -> do
+ getPrim bh l (\src -> BS.memcpy dest src l)
+instance Binary ByteString where
+ put_ bh f = putBS bh f
+ get bh = getBS bh
+instance Binary FastString where
+ put_ bh f =
+ case getUserData bh of
+ UserData { ud_put_fs = put_fs } -> put_fs bh f
+ get bh =
+ case getUserData bh of
+ UserData { ud_get_fs = get_fs } -> get_fs bh
+-- Here to avoid loop
+instance Binary LeftOrRight where
+ put_ bh CLeft = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh CRight = putByte bh 1
+ get bh = do { h <- getByte bh
+ ; case h of
+ 0 -> return CLeft
+ _ -> return CRight }
+instance Binary PromotionFlag where
+ put_ bh NotPromoted = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh IsPromoted = putByte bh 1
+ get bh = do
+ n <- getByte bh
+ case n of
+ 0 -> return NotPromoted
+ 1 -> return IsPromoted
+ _ -> fail "Binary(IsPromoted): fail)"
+instance Binary Fingerprint where
+ put_ h (Fingerprint w1 w2) = do put_ h w1; put_ h w2
+ get h = do w1 <- get h; w2 <- get h; return (Fingerprint w1 w2)
+instance Binary FunctionOrData where
+ put_ bh IsFunction = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh IsData = putByte bh 1
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> return IsFunction
+ 1 -> return IsData
+ _ -> panic "Binary FunctionOrData"
+instance Binary TupleSort where
+ put_ bh BoxedTuple = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh UnboxedTuple = putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh ConstraintTuple = putByte bh 2
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do return BoxedTuple
+ 1 -> do return UnboxedTuple
+ _ -> do return ConstraintTuple
+instance Binary Activation where
+ put_ bh NeverActive = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh AlwaysActive = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh (ActiveBefore src aa) = do
+ putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh src
+ put_ bh aa
+ put_ bh (ActiveAfter src ab) = do
+ putByte bh 3
+ put_ bh src
+ put_ bh ab
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do return NeverActive
+ 1 -> do return AlwaysActive
+ 2 -> do src <- get bh
+ aa <- get bh
+ return (ActiveBefore src aa)
+ _ -> do src <- get bh
+ ab <- get bh
+ return (ActiveAfter src ab)
+instance Binary InlinePragma where
+ put_ bh (InlinePragma s a b c d) = do
+ put_ bh s
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh b
+ put_ bh c
+ put_ bh d
+ get bh = do
+ s <- get bh
+ a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ d <- get bh
+ return (InlinePragma s a b c d)
+instance Binary RuleMatchInfo where
+ put_ bh FunLike = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh ConLike = putByte bh 1
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ if h == 1 then return ConLike
+ else return FunLike
+instance Binary InlineSpec where
+ put_ bh NoUserInline = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh Inline = putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh Inlinable = putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh NoInline = putByte bh 3
+ get bh = do h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> return NoUserInline
+ 1 -> return Inline
+ 2 -> return Inlinable
+ _ -> return NoInline
+instance Binary RecFlag where
+ put_ bh Recursive = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh NonRecursive = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do return Recursive
+ _ -> do return NonRecursive
+instance Binary OverlapMode where
+ put_ bh (NoOverlap s) = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh s
+ put_ bh (Overlaps s) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh s
+ put_ bh (Incoherent s) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh s
+ put_ bh (Overlapping s) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh s
+ put_ bh (Overlappable s) = putByte bh 4 >> put_ bh s
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> (get bh) >>= \s -> return $ NoOverlap s
+ 1 -> (get bh) >>= \s -> return $ Overlaps s
+ 2 -> (get bh) >>= \s -> return $ Incoherent s
+ 3 -> (get bh) >>= \s -> return $ Overlapping s
+ 4 -> (get bh) >>= \s -> return $ Overlappable s
+ _ -> panic ("get OverlapMode" ++ show h)
+instance Binary OverlapFlag where
+ put_ bh flag = do put_ bh (overlapMode flag)
+ put_ bh (isSafeOverlap flag)
+ get bh = do
+ h <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ return OverlapFlag { overlapMode = h, isSafeOverlap = b }
+instance Binary FixityDirection where
+ put_ bh InfixL = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh InfixR = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh InfixN = do
+ putByte bh 2
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do return InfixL
+ 1 -> do return InfixR
+ _ -> do return InfixN
+instance Binary Fixity where
+ put_ bh (Fixity src aa ab) = do
+ put_ bh src
+ put_ bh aa
+ put_ bh ab
+ get bh = do
+ src <- get bh
+ aa <- get bh
+ ab <- get bh
+ return (Fixity src aa ab)
+instance Binary WarningTxt where
+ put_ bh (WarningTxt s w) = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh s
+ put_ bh w
+ put_ bh (DeprecatedTxt s d) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh s
+ put_ bh d
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do s <- get bh
+ w <- get bh
+ return (WarningTxt s w)
+ _ -> do s <- get bh
+ d <- get bh
+ return (DeprecatedTxt s d)
+instance Binary StringLiteral where
+ put_ bh (StringLiteral st fs) = do
+ put_ bh st
+ put_ bh fs
+ get bh = do
+ st <- get bh
+ fs <- get bh
+ return (StringLiteral st fs)
+instance Binary a => Binary (Located a) where
+ put_ bh (L l x) = do
+ put_ bh l
+ put_ bh x
+ get bh = do
+ l <- get bh
+ x <- get bh
+ return (L l x)
+instance Binary RealSrcSpan where
+ put_ bh ss = do
+ put_ bh (srcSpanFile ss)
+ put_ bh (srcSpanStartLine ss)
+ put_ bh (srcSpanStartCol ss)
+ put_ bh (srcSpanEndLine ss)
+ put_ bh (srcSpanEndCol ss)
+ get bh = do
+ f <- get bh
+ sl <- get bh
+ sc <- get bh
+ el <- get bh
+ ec <- get bh
+ return (mkRealSrcSpan (mkRealSrcLoc f sl sc)
+ (mkRealSrcLoc f el ec))
+instance Binary BufPos where
+ put_ bh (BufPos i) = put_ bh i
+ get bh = BufPos <$> get bh
+instance Binary BufSpan where
+ put_ bh (BufSpan start end) = do
+ put_ bh start
+ put_ bh end
+ get bh = do
+ start <- get bh
+ end <- get bh
+ return (BufSpan start end)
+instance Binary SrcSpan where
+ put_ bh (RealSrcSpan ss sb) = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh ss
+ put_ bh sb
+ put_ bh (UnhelpfulSpan s) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh s
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do ss <- get bh
+ sb <- get bh
+ return (RealSrcSpan ss sb)
+ _ -> do s <- get bh
+ return (UnhelpfulSpan s)
+instance Binary Serialized where
+ put_ bh (Serialized the_type bytes) = do
+ put_ bh the_type
+ put_ bh bytes
+ get bh = do
+ the_type <- get bh
+ bytes <- get bh
+ return (Serialized the_type bytes)
+instance Binary SourceText where
+ put_ bh NoSourceText = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (SourceText s) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh s
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> return NoSourceText
+ 1 -> do
+ s <- get bh
+ return (SourceText s)
+ _ -> panic $ "Binary SourceText:" ++ show h