path: root/compiler/GHC/Utils
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authorWander Hillen <>2020-09-25 11:41:06 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2020-10-13 00:12:47 -0400
commit7fdcce6d4d13a10a1b2336c1d40482c64dba664d (patch)
tree66dfd350e5abef849793060d745d1a1df64e47df /compiler/GHC/Utils
parent9bbc84d20d0f50901351246cbe97c45234ca7d95 (diff)
Initial ShortText code and conversion of package db code
Metric Decrease: Naperian T10421 T10421a T10547 T12150 T12234 T12425 T13035 T18140 T18304 T5837 T6048 T13253-spj T18282 T18223 T3064 T9961 Metric Increase T13701 HFSKJH
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Utils')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 526 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Encoding.hs b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Encoding.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 68ebeedaf7..0000000000
--- a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Encoding.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
--- We always optimise this, otherwise performance of a non-optimised
--- compiler is severely affected
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- (c) The University of Glasgow, 1997-2006
--- Character encodings
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-module GHC.Utils.Encoding (
- -- * UTF-8
- utf8DecodeCharAddr#,
- utf8PrevChar,
- utf8CharStart,
- utf8DecodeChar,
- utf8DecodeByteString,
- utf8DecodeShortByteString,
- utf8CompareShortByteString,
- utf8DecodeStringLazy,
- utf8EncodeChar,
- utf8EncodeString,
- utf8EncodeShortByteString,
- utf8EncodedLength,
- countUTF8Chars,
- -- * Z-encoding
- zEncodeString,
- zDecodeString,
- -- * Base62-encoding
- toBase62,
- toBase62Padded
- ) where
-import GHC.Prelude
-import Foreign
-import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
-import Data.Char
-import qualified Data.Char as Char
-import Numeric
-import GHC.IO
-import GHC.ST
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
-import Data.ByteString.Short.Internal (ShortByteString(..))
-import GHC.Exts
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- UTF-8
--- We can't write the decoder as efficiently as we'd like without
--- resorting to unboxed extensions, unfortunately. I tried to write
--- an IO version of this function, but GHC can't eliminate boxed
--- results from an IO-returning function.
--- We assume we can ignore overflow when parsing a multibyte character here.
--- To make this safe, we add extra sentinel bytes to unparsed UTF-8 sequences
--- before decoding them (see "GHC.Data.StringBuffer").
-{-# INLINE utf8DecodeChar# #-}
-utf8DecodeChar# :: (Int# -> Word#) -> (# Char#, Int# #)
-utf8DecodeChar# indexWord8# =
- let !ch0 = word2Int# (indexWord8# 0#) in
- case () of
- _ | isTrue# (ch0 <=# 0x7F#) -> (# chr# ch0, 1# #)
- | isTrue# ((ch0 >=# 0xC0#) `andI#` (ch0 <=# 0xDF#)) ->
- let !ch1 = word2Int# (indexWord8# 1#) in
- if isTrue# ((ch1 <# 0x80#) `orI#` (ch1 >=# 0xC0#)) then fail 1# else
- (# chr# (((ch0 -# 0xC0#) `uncheckedIShiftL#` 6#) +#
- (ch1 -# 0x80#)),
- 2# #)
- | isTrue# ((ch0 >=# 0xE0#) `andI#` (ch0 <=# 0xEF#)) ->
- let !ch1 = word2Int# (indexWord8# 1#) in
- if isTrue# ((ch1 <# 0x80#) `orI#` (ch1 >=# 0xC0#)) then fail 1# else
- let !ch2 = word2Int# (indexWord8# 2#) in
- if isTrue# ((ch2 <# 0x80#) `orI#` (ch2 >=# 0xC0#)) then fail 2# else
- (# chr# (((ch0 -# 0xE0#) `uncheckedIShiftL#` 12#) +#
- ((ch1 -# 0x80#) `uncheckedIShiftL#` 6#) +#
- (ch2 -# 0x80#)),
- 3# #)
- | isTrue# ((ch0 >=# 0xF0#) `andI#` (ch0 <=# 0xF8#)) ->
- let !ch1 = word2Int# (indexWord8# 1#) in
- if isTrue# ((ch1 <# 0x80#) `orI#` (ch1 >=# 0xC0#)) then fail 1# else
- let !ch2 = word2Int# (indexWord8# 2#) in
- if isTrue# ((ch2 <# 0x80#) `orI#` (ch2 >=# 0xC0#)) then fail 2# else
- let !ch3 = word2Int# (indexWord8# 3#) in
- if isTrue# ((ch3 <# 0x80#) `orI#` (ch3 >=# 0xC0#)) then fail 3# else
- (# chr# (((ch0 -# 0xF0#) `uncheckedIShiftL#` 18#) +#
- ((ch1 -# 0x80#) `uncheckedIShiftL#` 12#) +#
- ((ch2 -# 0x80#) `uncheckedIShiftL#` 6#) +#
- (ch3 -# 0x80#)),
- 4# #)
- | otherwise -> fail 1#
- where
- -- all invalid sequences end up here:
- fail :: Int# -> (# Char#, Int# #)
- fail nBytes# = (# '\0'#, nBytes# #)
- -- '\xFFFD' would be the usual replacement character, but
- -- that's a valid symbol in Haskell, so will result in a
- -- confusing parse error later on. Instead we use '\0' which
- -- will signal a lexer error immediately.
-utf8DecodeCharAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> (# Char#, Int# #)
-utf8DecodeCharAddr# a# off# =
- utf8DecodeChar# (\i# -> indexWord8OffAddr# a# (i# +# off#))
-utf8DecodeCharByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> (# Char#, Int# #)
-utf8DecodeCharByteArray# ba# off# =
- utf8DecodeChar# (\i# -> indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# off#))
-utf8DecodeChar :: Ptr Word8 -> (Char, Int)
-utf8DecodeChar !(Ptr a#) =
- case utf8DecodeCharAddr# a# 0# of
- (# c#, nBytes# #) -> ( C# c#, I# nBytes# )
--- UTF-8 is cleverly designed so that we can always figure out where
--- the start of the current character is, given any position in a
--- stream. This function finds the start of the previous character,
--- assuming there *is* a previous character.
-utf8PrevChar :: Ptr Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8)
-utf8PrevChar p = utf8CharStart (p `plusPtr` (-1))
-utf8CharStart :: Ptr Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8)
-utf8CharStart p = go p
- where go p = do w <- peek p
- if w >= 0x80 && w < 0xC0
- then go (p `plusPtr` (-1))
- else return p
-{-# INLINE utf8DecodeLazy# #-}
-utf8DecodeLazy# :: (IO ()) -> (Int# -> (# Char#, Int# #)) -> Int# -> IO [Char]
-utf8DecodeLazy# retain decodeChar# len#
- = unpack 0#
- where
- unpack i#
- | isTrue# (i# >=# len#) = retain >> return []
- | otherwise =
- case decodeChar# i# of
- (# c#, nBytes# #) -> do
- rest <- unsafeDupableInterleaveIO $ unpack (i# +# nBytes#)
- return (C# c# : rest)
-utf8DecodeByteString :: ByteString -> [Char]
-utf8DecodeByteString (BS.PS fptr offset len)
- = utf8DecodeStringLazy fptr offset len
-utf8DecodeStringLazy :: ForeignPtr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> [Char]
-utf8DecodeStringLazy fp offset (I# len#)
- = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
- let !(Ptr a#) = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fp `plusPtr` offset
- utf8DecodeLazy# (touchForeignPtr fp) (utf8DecodeCharAddr# a#) len#
--- Note that since utf8DecodeLazy# returns a thunk the lifetime of the
--- ForeignPtr actually needs to be longer than the lexical lifetime
--- withForeignPtr would provide here. That's why we use touchForeignPtr to
--- keep the fp alive until the last character has actually been decoded.
-utf8CompareShortByteString :: ShortByteString -> ShortByteString -> Ordering
-utf8CompareShortByteString (SBS a1) (SBS a2) = go 0# 0#
- -- UTF-8 has the property that sorting by bytes values also sorts by
- -- code-points.
- -- BUT we use "Modified UTF-8" which encodes \0 as 0xC080 so this property
- -- doesn't hold and we must explicitly check this case here.
- -- Note that decoding every code point would also work but it would be much
- -- more costly.
- where
- !sz1 = sizeofByteArray# a1
- !sz2 = sizeofByteArray# a2
- go off1 off2
- | isTrue# ((off1 >=# sz1) `andI#` (off2 >=# sz2)) = EQ
- | isTrue# (off1 >=# sz1) = LT
- | isTrue# (off2 >=# sz2) = GT
- | otherwise =
- let !b1_1 = indexWord8Array# a1 off1
- !b2_1 = indexWord8Array# a2 off2
- in case b1_1 of
- 0xC0## -> case b2_1 of
- 0xC0## -> go (off1 +# 1#) (off2 +# 1#)
- _ -> case indexWord8Array# a1 (off1 +# 1#) of
- 0x80## -> LT
- _ -> go (off1 +# 1#) (off2 +# 1#)
- _ -> case b2_1 of
- 0xC0## -> case indexWord8Array# a2 (off2 +# 1#) of
- 0x80## -> GT
- _ -> go (off1 +# 1#) (off2 +# 1#)
- _ | isTrue# (b1_1 `gtWord#` b2_1) -> GT
- | isTrue# (b1_1 `ltWord#` b2_1) -> LT
- | otherwise -> go (off1 +# 1#) (off2 +# 1#)
-utf8DecodeShortByteString :: ShortByteString -> [Char]
-utf8DecodeShortByteString (SBS ba#)
- = unsafeDupablePerformIO $
- let len# = sizeofByteArray# ba# in
- utf8DecodeLazy# (return ()) (utf8DecodeCharByteArray# ba#) len#
-countUTF8Chars :: ShortByteString -> IO Int
-countUTF8Chars (SBS ba) = go 0# 0#
- where
- len# = sizeofByteArray# ba
- go i# n#
- | isTrue# (i# >=# len#) =
- return (I# n#)
- | otherwise = do
- case utf8DecodeCharByteArray# ba i# of
- (# _, nBytes# #) -> go (i# +# nBytes#) (n# +# 1#)
-{-# INLINE utf8EncodeChar #-}
-utf8EncodeChar :: (Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s)
- -> Char -> ST s Int
-utf8EncodeChar write# c =
- let x = ord c in
- case () of
- _ | x > 0 && x <= 0x007f -> do
- write 0 x
- return 1
- -- NB. '\0' is encoded as '\xC0\x80', not '\0'. This is so that we
- -- can have 0-terminated UTF-8 strings (see GHC.Base.unpackCStringUtf8).
- | x <= 0x07ff -> do
- write 0 (0xC0 .|. ((x `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x1F))
- write 1 (0x80 .|. (x .&. 0x3F))
- return 2
- | x <= 0xffff -> do
- write 0 (0xE0 .|. (x `shiftR` 12) .&. 0x0F)
- write 1 (0x80 .|. (x `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x3F)
- write 2 (0x80 .|. (x .&. 0x3F))
- return 3
- | otherwise -> do
- write 0 (0xF0 .|. (x `shiftR` 18))
- write 1 (0x80 .|. ((x `shiftR` 12) .&. 0x3F))
- write 2 (0x80 .|. ((x `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x3F))
- write 3 (0x80 .|. (x .&. 0x3F))
- return 4
- where
- {-# INLINE write #-}
- write (I# off#) (I# c#) = ST $ \s ->
- case write# off# (int2Word# c#) s of
- s -> (# s, () #)
-utf8EncodeString :: Ptr Word8 -> String -> IO ()
-utf8EncodeString (Ptr a#) str = go a# str
- where go !_ [] = return ()
- go a# (c:cs) = do
- I# off# <- stToIO $ utf8EncodeChar (writeWord8OffAddr# a#) c
- go (a# `plusAddr#` off#) cs
-utf8EncodeShortByteString :: String -> IO ShortByteString
-utf8EncodeShortByteString str = IO $ \s ->
- case utf8EncodedLength str of { I# len# ->
- case newByteArray# len# s of { (# s, mba# #) ->
- case go mba# 0# str of { ST f_go ->
- case f_go s of { (# s, () #) ->
- case unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba# s of { (# s, ba# #) ->
- (# s, SBS ba# #) }}}}}
- where
- go _ _ [] = return ()
- go mba# i# (c:cs) = do
- I# off# <- utf8EncodeChar (\j# -> writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# j#)) c
- go mba# (i# +# off#) cs
-utf8EncodedLength :: String -> Int
-utf8EncodedLength str = go 0 str
- where go !n [] = n
- go n (c:cs)
- | ord c > 0 && ord c <= 0x007f = go (n+1) cs
- | ord c <= 0x07ff = go (n+2) cs
- | ord c <= 0xffff = go (n+3) cs
- | otherwise = go (n+4) cs
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Note [Z-Encoding]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-This is the main name-encoding and decoding function. It encodes any
-string into a string that is acceptable as a C name. This is done
-right before we emit a symbol name into the compiled C or asm code.
-Z-encoding of strings is cached in the FastString interface, so we
-never encode the same string more than once.
-The basic encoding scheme is this.
-* Tuples (,,,) are coded as Z3T
-* Alphabetic characters (upper and lower) and digits
- all translate to themselves;
- except 'Z', which translates to 'ZZ'
- and 'z', which translates to 'zz'
- We need both so that we can preserve the variable/tycon distinction
-* Most other printable characters translate to 'zx' or 'Zx' for some
- alphabetic character x
-* The others translate as 'znnnU' where 'nnn' is the decimal number
- of the character
- Before After
- --------------------------
- Trak Trak
- foo_wib foozuwib
- > zg
- >1 zg1
- foo# foozh
- foo## foozhzh
- foo##1 foozhzh1
- fooZ fooZZ
- :+ ZCzp
- () Z0T 0-tuple
- (,,,,) Z5T 5-tuple
- (# #) Z1H unboxed 1-tuple (note the space)
- (#,,,,#) Z5H unboxed 5-tuple
- (NB: There is no Z1T nor Z0H.)
-type UserString = String -- As the user typed it
-type EncodedString = String -- Encoded form
-zEncodeString :: UserString -> EncodedString
-zEncodeString cs = case maybe_tuple cs of
- Just n -> n -- Tuples go to Z2T etc
- Nothing -> go cs
- where
- go [] = []
- go (c:cs) = encode_digit_ch c ++ go' cs
- go' [] = []
- go' (c:cs) = encode_ch c ++ go' cs
-unencodedChar :: Char -> Bool -- True for chars that don't need encoding
-unencodedChar 'Z' = False
-unencodedChar 'z' = False
-unencodedChar c = c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'
- || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'
- || c >= '0' && c <= '9'
--- If a digit is at the start of a symbol then we need to encode it.
--- Otherwise package names like 9pH-0.1 give linker errors.
-encode_digit_ch :: Char -> EncodedString
-encode_digit_ch c | c >= '0' && c <= '9' = encode_as_unicode_char c
-encode_digit_ch c | otherwise = encode_ch c
-encode_ch :: Char -> EncodedString
-encode_ch c | unencodedChar c = [c] -- Common case first
--- Constructors
-encode_ch '(' = "ZL" -- Needed for things like (,), and (->)
-encode_ch ')' = "ZR" -- For symmetry with (
-encode_ch '[' = "ZM"
-encode_ch ']' = "ZN"
-encode_ch ':' = "ZC"
-encode_ch 'Z' = "ZZ"
--- Variables
-encode_ch 'z' = "zz"
-encode_ch '&' = "za"
-encode_ch '|' = "zb"
-encode_ch '^' = "zc"
-encode_ch '$' = "zd"
-encode_ch '=' = "ze"
-encode_ch '>' = "zg"
-encode_ch '#' = "zh"
-encode_ch '.' = "zi"
-encode_ch '<' = "zl"
-encode_ch '-' = "zm"
-encode_ch '!' = "zn"
-encode_ch '+' = "zp"
-encode_ch '\'' = "zq"
-encode_ch '\\' = "zr"
-encode_ch '/' = "zs"
-encode_ch '*' = "zt"
-encode_ch '_' = "zu"
-encode_ch '%' = "zv"
-encode_ch c = encode_as_unicode_char c
-encode_as_unicode_char :: Char -> EncodedString
-encode_as_unicode_char c = 'z' : if isDigit (head hex_str) then hex_str
- else '0':hex_str
- where hex_str = showHex (ord c) "U"
- -- ToDo: we could improve the encoding here in various ways.
- -- eg. strings of unicode characters come out as 'z1234Uz5678U', we
- -- could remove the 'U' in the middle (the 'z' works as a separator).
-zDecodeString :: EncodedString -> UserString
-zDecodeString [] = []
-zDecodeString ('Z' : d : rest)
- | isDigit d = decode_tuple d rest
- | otherwise = decode_upper d : zDecodeString rest
-zDecodeString ('z' : d : rest)
- | isDigit d = decode_num_esc d rest
- | otherwise = decode_lower d : zDecodeString rest
-zDecodeString (c : rest) = c : zDecodeString rest
-decode_upper, decode_lower :: Char -> Char
-decode_upper 'L' = '('
-decode_upper 'R' = ')'
-decode_upper 'M' = '['
-decode_upper 'N' = ']'
-decode_upper 'C' = ':'
-decode_upper 'Z' = 'Z'
-decode_upper ch = {-pprTrace "decode_upper" (char ch)-} ch
-decode_lower 'z' = 'z'
-decode_lower 'a' = '&'
-decode_lower 'b' = '|'
-decode_lower 'c' = '^'
-decode_lower 'd' = '$'
-decode_lower 'e' = '='
-decode_lower 'g' = '>'
-decode_lower 'h' = '#'
-decode_lower 'i' = '.'
-decode_lower 'l' = '<'
-decode_lower 'm' = '-'
-decode_lower 'n' = '!'
-decode_lower 'p' = '+'
-decode_lower 'q' = '\''
-decode_lower 'r' = '\\'
-decode_lower 's' = '/'
-decode_lower 't' = '*'
-decode_lower 'u' = '_'
-decode_lower 'v' = '%'
-decode_lower ch = {-pprTrace "decode_lower" (char ch)-} ch
--- Characters not having a specific code are coded as z224U (in hex)
-decode_num_esc :: Char -> EncodedString -> UserString
-decode_num_esc d rest
- = go (digitToInt d) rest
- where
- go n (c : rest) | isHexDigit c = go (16*n + digitToInt c) rest
- go n ('U' : rest) = chr n : zDecodeString rest
- go n other = error ("decode_num_esc: " ++ show n ++ ' ':other)
-decode_tuple :: Char -> EncodedString -> UserString
-decode_tuple d rest
- = go (digitToInt d) rest
- where
- -- NB. recurse back to zDecodeString after decoding the tuple, because
- -- the tuple might be embedded in a longer name.
- go n (c : rest) | isDigit c = go (10*n + digitToInt c) rest
- go 0 ('T':rest) = "()" ++ zDecodeString rest
- go n ('T':rest) = '(' : replicate (n-1) ',' ++ ")" ++ zDecodeString rest
- go 1 ('H':rest) = "(# #)" ++ zDecodeString rest
- go n ('H':rest) = '(' : '#' : replicate (n-1) ',' ++ "#)" ++ zDecodeString rest
- go n other = error ("decode_tuple: " ++ show n ++ ' ':other)
-Tuples are encoded as
- Z3T or Z3H
-for 3-tuples or unboxed 3-tuples respectively. No other encoding starts
- Z<digit>
-* "(# #)" is the tycon for an unboxed 1-tuple (not 0-tuple)
- There are no unboxed 0-tuples.
-* "()" is the tycon for a boxed 0-tuple.
- There are no boxed 1-tuples.
-maybe_tuple :: UserString -> Maybe EncodedString
-maybe_tuple "(# #)" = Just("Z1H")
-maybe_tuple ('(' : '#' : cs) = case count_commas (0::Int) cs of
- (n, '#' : ')' : _) -> Just ('Z' : shows (n+1) "H")
- _ -> Nothing
-maybe_tuple "()" = Just("Z0T")
-maybe_tuple ('(' : cs) = case count_commas (0::Int) cs of
- (n, ')' : _) -> Just ('Z' : shows (n+1) "T")
- _ -> Nothing
-maybe_tuple _ = Nothing
-count_commas :: Int -> String -> (Int, String)
-count_commas n (',' : cs) = count_commas (n+1) cs
-count_commas n cs = (n,cs)
-* *
- Base 62
-* *
-Note [Base 62 encoding 128-bit integers]
-Instead of base-62 encoding a single 128-bit integer
-(ceil(21.49) characters), we'll base-62 a pair of 64-bit integers
-(2 * ceil(10.75) characters). Luckily for us, it's the same number of
--- Base 62
--- The base-62 code is based off of 'locators'
--- ((c) Operational Dynamics Consulting, BSD3 licensed)
--- | Size of a 64-bit word when written as a base-62 string
-word64Base62Len :: Int
-word64Base62Len = 11
--- | Converts a 64-bit word into a base-62 string
-toBase62Padded :: Word64 -> String
-toBase62Padded w = pad ++ str
- where
- pad = replicate len '0'
- len = word64Base62Len - length str -- 11 == ceil(64 / lg 62)
- str = toBase62 w
-toBase62 :: Word64 -> String
-toBase62 w = showIntAtBase 62 represent w ""
- where
- represent :: Int -> Char
- represent x
- | x < 10 = Char.chr (48 + x)
- | x < 36 = Char.chr (65 + x - 10)
- | x < 62 = Char.chr (97 + x - 36)
- | otherwise = error "represent (base 62): impossible!"