path: root/compiler/GHC
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-02-17 16:21:11 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-02-18 20:18:12 -0500
commit1500f0898e85316c7c97a2f759d83278a072ab0e (patch)
tree7246f4905a279679b1c5106ba6989d6e0e637f6b /compiler/GHC
parent192caf58ca1fc42806166872260d30bdb34dbace (diff)
Modules: Llvm (#13009)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC')
12 files changed, 5361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f84c2901a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeFamilies, ViewPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | This is the top-level module in the LLVM code generator.
+module GHC.CmmToLlvm
+ ( LlvmVersion
+ , llvmVersionList
+ , llvmCodeGen
+ , llvmFixupAsm
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Base
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.CodeGen
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Data
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Ppr
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Mangler
+import GHC.StgToCmm.CgUtils ( fixStgRegisters )
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Ppr
+import BufWrite
+import DynFlags
+import GHC.Platform ( platformArch, Arch(..) )
+import ErrUtils
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import SysTools ( figureLlvmVersion )
+import qualified Stream
+import Control.Monad ( when, forM_ )
+import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, catMaybes )
+import System.IO
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Top-level of the LLVM Code generator
+llvmCodeGen :: DynFlags -> Handle
+ -> Stream.Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
+ -> IO a
+llvmCodeGen dflags h cmm_stream
+ = withTiming dflags (text "LLVM CodeGen") (const ()) $ do
+ bufh <- newBufHandle h
+ -- Pass header
+ showPass dflags "LLVM CodeGen"
+ -- get llvm version, cache for later use
+ mb_ver <- figureLlvmVersion dflags
+ -- warn if unsupported
+ forM_ mb_ver $ \ver -> do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2
+ (text "Using LLVM version:" <+> text (llvmVersionStr ver))
+ let doWarn = wopt Opt_WarnUnsupportedLlvmVersion dflags
+ when (not (llvmVersionSupported ver) && doWarn) $ putMsg dflags $
+ "You are using an unsupported version of LLVM!" $$
+ "Currently only " <> text (llvmVersionStr supportedLlvmVersion) <> " is supported." <+>
+ "System LLVM version: " <> text (llvmVersionStr ver) $$
+ "We will try though..."
+ let isS390X = platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) == ArchS390X
+ let major_ver = head . llvmVersionList $ ver
+ when (isS390X && major_ver < 10 && doWarn) $ putMsg dflags $
+ "Warning: For s390x the GHC calling convention is only supported since LLVM version 10." <+>
+ "You are using LLVM version: " <> text (llvmVersionStr ver)
+ -- run code generation
+ a <- runLlvm dflags (fromMaybe supportedLlvmVersion mb_ver) bufh $
+ llvmCodeGen' (liftStream cmm_stream)
+ bFlush bufh
+ return a
+llvmCodeGen' :: Stream.Stream LlvmM RawCmmGroup a -> LlvmM a
+llvmCodeGen' cmm_stream
+ = do -- Preamble
+ renderLlvm header
+ ghcInternalFunctions
+ cmmMetaLlvmPrelude
+ -- Procedures
+ a <- Stream.consume cmm_stream llvmGroupLlvmGens
+ -- Declare aliases for forward references
+ renderLlvm . pprLlvmData =<< generateExternDecls
+ -- Postamble
+ cmmUsedLlvmGens
+ return a
+ where
+ header :: SDoc
+ header = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ let target = platformMisc_llvmTarget $ platformMisc dflags
+ in text ("target datalayout = \"" ++ getDataLayout dflags target ++ "\"")
+ $+$ text ("target triple = \"" ++ target ++ "\"")
+ getDataLayout :: DynFlags -> String -> String
+ getDataLayout dflags target =
+ case lookup target (llvmTargets $ llvmConfig dflags) of
+ Just (LlvmTarget {lDataLayout=dl}) -> dl
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "Failed to lookup LLVM data layout" $
+ text "Target:" <+> text target $$
+ hang (text "Available targets:") 4
+ (vcat $ map (text . fst) $ llvmTargets $ llvmConfig dflags)
+llvmGroupLlvmGens :: RawCmmGroup -> LlvmM ()
+llvmGroupLlvmGens cmm = do
+ -- Insert functions into map, collect data
+ let split (CmmData s d' ) = return $ Just (s, d')
+ split (CmmProc h l live g) = do
+ -- Set function type
+ let l' = case mapLookup (g_entry g) h of
+ Nothing -> l
+ Just (RawCmmStatics info_lbl _) -> info_lbl
+ lml <- strCLabel_llvm l'
+ funInsert lml =<< llvmFunTy live
+ return Nothing
+ cdata <- fmap catMaybes $ mapM split cmm
+ {-# SCC "llvm_datas_gen" #-}
+ cmmDataLlvmGens cdata
+ {-# SCC "llvm_procs_gen" #-}
+ mapM_ cmmLlvmGen cmm
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Do LLVM code generation on all these Cmms data sections.
+cmmDataLlvmGens :: [(Section,RawCmmStatics)] -> LlvmM ()
+cmmDataLlvmGens statics
+ = do lmdatas <- mapM genLlvmData statics
+ let (concat -> gs, tss) = unzip lmdatas
+ let regGlobal (LMGlobal (LMGlobalVar l ty _ _ _ _) _)
+ = funInsert l ty
+ regGlobal _ = pure ()
+ mapM_ regGlobal gs
+ gss' <- mapM aliasify $ gs
+ renderLlvm $ pprLlvmData (concat gss', concat tss)
+-- | Complete LLVM code generation phase for a single top-level chunk of Cmm.
+cmmLlvmGen ::RawCmmDecl -> LlvmM ()
+cmmLlvmGen cmm@CmmProc{} = do
+ -- rewrite assignments to global regs
+ dflags <- getDynFlag id
+ let fixed_cmm = {-# SCC "llvm_fix_regs" #-} fixStgRegisters dflags cmm
+ dumpIfSetLlvm Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm "Optimised Cmm"
+ FormatCMM (pprCmmGroup [fixed_cmm])
+ -- generate llvm code from cmm
+ llvmBC <- withClearVars $ genLlvmProc fixed_cmm
+ -- pretty print
+ (docs, ivars) <- fmap unzip $ mapM pprLlvmCmmDecl llvmBC
+ -- Output, note down used variables
+ renderLlvm (vcat docs)
+ mapM_ markUsedVar $ concat ivars
+cmmLlvmGen _ = return ()
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Generate meta data nodes
+cmmMetaLlvmPrelude :: LlvmM ()
+cmmMetaLlvmPrelude = do
+ metas <- flip mapM stgTBAA $ \(uniq, name, parent) -> do
+ -- Generate / lookup meta data IDs
+ tbaaId <- getMetaUniqueId
+ setUniqMeta uniq tbaaId
+ parentId <- maybe (return Nothing) getUniqMeta parent
+ -- Build definition
+ return $ MetaUnnamed tbaaId $ MetaStruct $
+ case parentId of
+ Just p -> [ MetaStr name, MetaNode p ]
+ -- As of LLVM 4.0, a node without parents should be rendered as
+ -- just a name on its own. Previously `null` was accepted as the
+ -- name.
+ Nothing -> [ MetaStr name ]
+ renderLlvm $ ppLlvmMetas metas
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Marks variables as used where necessary
+cmmUsedLlvmGens :: LlvmM ()
+cmmUsedLlvmGens = do
+ -- LLVM would discard variables that are internal and not obviously
+ -- used if we didn't provide these hints. This will generate a
+ -- definition of the form
+ --
+ -- @llvm.used = appending global [42 x i8*] [i8* bitcast <var> to i8*, ...]
+ --
+ -- Which is the LLVM way of protecting them against getting removed.
+ ivars <- getUsedVars
+ let cast x = LMBitc (LMStaticPointer (pVarLift x)) i8Ptr
+ ty = (LMArray (length ivars) i8Ptr)
+ usedArray = LMStaticArray (map cast ivars) ty
+ sectName = Just $ fsLit "llvm.metadata"
+ lmUsedVar = LMGlobalVar (fsLit "llvm.used") ty Appending sectName Nothing Constant
+ lmUsed = LMGlobal lmUsedVar (Just usedArray)
+ if null ivars
+ then return ()
+ else renderLlvm $ pprLlvmData ([lmUsed], [])
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Base.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Base.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0bd742840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Base.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Base LLVM Code Generation module
+-- Contains functions useful through out the code generator.
+module GHC.CmmToLlvm.Base (
+ LlvmCmmDecl, LlvmBasicBlock,
+ LiveGlobalRegs,
+ LlvmUnresData, LlvmData, UnresLabel, UnresStatic,
+ LlvmVersion, supportedLlvmVersion, llvmVersionSupported, parseLlvmVersion,
+ llvmVersionStr, llvmVersionList,
+ LlvmM,
+ runLlvm, liftStream, withClearVars, varLookup, varInsert,
+ markStackReg, checkStackReg,
+ funLookup, funInsert, getLlvmVer, getDynFlags, getDynFlag, getLlvmPlatform,
+ dumpIfSetLlvm, renderLlvm, markUsedVar, getUsedVars,
+ ghcInternalFunctions,
+ getMetaUniqueId,
+ setUniqMeta, getUniqMeta,
+ cmmToLlvmType, widthToLlvmFloat, widthToLlvmInt, llvmFunTy,
+ llvmFunSig, llvmFunArgs, llvmStdFunAttrs, llvmFunAlign, llvmInfAlign,
+ llvmPtrBits, tysToParams, llvmFunSection, padLiveArgs, isFPR,
+ strCLabel_llvm, strDisplayName_llvm, strProcedureName_llvm,
+ getGlobalPtr, generateExternDecls,
+ aliasify, llvmDefLabel
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+#include "ghcautoconf.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Platform.Regs ( activeStgRegs )
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import GHC.Cmm hiding ( succ )
+import GHC.Cmm.Utils (regsOverlap)
+import Outputable as Outp
+import GHC.Platform
+import UniqFM
+import Unique
+import BufWrite ( BufHandle )
+import UniqSet
+import UniqSupply
+import ErrUtils
+import qualified Stream
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
+import Control.Monad (ap)
+import Data.Char (isDigit)
+import Data.List (sort, groupBy, intercalate)
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Some Data Types
+type LlvmCmmDecl = GenCmmDecl [LlvmData] (Maybe RawCmmStatics) (ListGraph LlvmStatement)
+type LlvmBasicBlock = GenBasicBlock LlvmStatement
+-- | Global registers live on proc entry
+type LiveGlobalRegs = [GlobalReg]
+-- | Unresolved code.
+-- Of the form: (data label, data type, unresolved data)
+type LlvmUnresData = (CLabel, Section, LlvmType, [UnresStatic])
+-- | Top level LLVM Data (globals and type aliases)
+type LlvmData = ([LMGlobal], [LlvmType])
+-- | An unresolved Label.
+-- Labels are unresolved when we haven't yet determined if they are defined in
+-- the module we are currently compiling, or an external one.
+type UnresLabel = CmmLit
+type UnresStatic = Either UnresLabel LlvmStatic
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Type translations
+-- | Translate a basic CmmType to an LlvmType.
+cmmToLlvmType :: CmmType -> LlvmType
+cmmToLlvmType ty | isVecType ty = LMVector (vecLength ty) (cmmToLlvmType (vecElemType ty))
+ | isFloatType ty = widthToLlvmFloat $ typeWidth ty
+ | otherwise = widthToLlvmInt $ typeWidth ty
+-- | Translate a Cmm Float Width to a LlvmType.
+widthToLlvmFloat :: Width -> LlvmType
+widthToLlvmFloat W32 = LMFloat
+widthToLlvmFloat W64 = LMDouble
+widthToLlvmFloat W128 = LMFloat128
+widthToLlvmFloat w = panic $ "widthToLlvmFloat: Bad float size: " ++ show w
+-- | Translate a Cmm Bit Width to a LlvmType.
+widthToLlvmInt :: Width -> LlvmType
+widthToLlvmInt w = LMInt $ widthInBits w
+-- | GHC Call Convention for LLVM
+llvmGhcCC :: DynFlags -> LlvmCallConvention
+llvmGhcCC dflags
+ | platformUnregisterised (targetPlatform dflags) = CC_Ccc
+ | otherwise = CC_Ghc
+-- | Llvm Function type for Cmm function
+llvmFunTy :: LiveGlobalRegs -> LlvmM LlvmType
+llvmFunTy live = return . LMFunction =<< llvmFunSig' live (fsLit "a") ExternallyVisible
+-- | Llvm Function signature
+llvmFunSig :: LiveGlobalRegs -> CLabel -> LlvmLinkageType -> LlvmM LlvmFunctionDecl
+llvmFunSig live lbl link = do
+ lbl' <- strCLabel_llvm lbl
+ llvmFunSig' live lbl' link
+llvmFunSig' :: LiveGlobalRegs -> LMString -> LlvmLinkageType -> LlvmM LlvmFunctionDecl
+llvmFunSig' live lbl link
+ = do let toParams x | isPointer x = (x, [NoAlias, NoCapture])
+ | otherwise = (x, [])
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return $ LlvmFunctionDecl lbl link (llvmGhcCC dflags) LMVoid FixedArgs
+ (map (toParams . getVarType) (llvmFunArgs dflags live))
+ (llvmFunAlign dflags)
+-- | Alignment to use for functions
+llvmFunAlign :: DynFlags -> LMAlign
+llvmFunAlign dflags = Just (wORD_SIZE dflags)
+-- | Alignment to use for into tables
+llvmInfAlign :: DynFlags -> LMAlign
+llvmInfAlign dflags = Just (wORD_SIZE dflags)
+-- | Section to use for a function
+llvmFunSection :: DynFlags -> LMString -> LMSection
+llvmFunSection dflags lbl
+ | gopt Opt_SplitSections dflags = Just (concatFS [fsLit ".text.", lbl])
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+-- | A Function's arguments
+llvmFunArgs :: DynFlags -> LiveGlobalRegs -> [LlvmVar]
+llvmFunArgs dflags live =
+ map (lmGlobalRegArg dflags) (filter isPassed allRegs)
+ where platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ allRegs = activeStgRegs platform
+ paddedLive = map (\(_,r) -> r) $ padLiveArgs dflags live
+ isLive r = r `elem` alwaysLive || r `elem` paddedLive
+ isPassed r = not (isFPR r) || isLive r
+isFPR :: GlobalReg -> Bool
+isFPR (FloatReg _) = True
+isFPR (DoubleReg _) = True
+isFPR (XmmReg _) = True
+isFPR (YmmReg _) = True
+isFPR (ZmmReg _) = True
+isFPR _ = False
+sameFPRClass :: GlobalReg -> GlobalReg -> Bool
+sameFPRClass (FloatReg _) (FloatReg _) = True
+sameFPRClass (DoubleReg _) (DoubleReg _) = True
+sameFPRClass (XmmReg _) (XmmReg _) = True
+sameFPRClass (YmmReg _) (YmmReg _) = True
+sameFPRClass (ZmmReg _) (ZmmReg _) = True
+sameFPRClass _ _ = False
+normalizeFPRNum :: GlobalReg -> GlobalReg
+normalizeFPRNum (FloatReg _) = FloatReg 1
+normalizeFPRNum (DoubleReg _) = DoubleReg 1
+normalizeFPRNum (XmmReg _) = XmmReg 1
+normalizeFPRNum (YmmReg _) = YmmReg 1
+normalizeFPRNum (ZmmReg _) = ZmmReg 1
+normalizeFPRNum _ = error "normalizeFPRNum expected only FPR regs"
+getFPRCtor :: GlobalReg -> Int -> GlobalReg
+getFPRCtor (FloatReg _) = FloatReg
+getFPRCtor (DoubleReg _) = DoubleReg
+getFPRCtor (XmmReg _) = XmmReg
+getFPRCtor (YmmReg _) = YmmReg
+getFPRCtor (ZmmReg _) = ZmmReg
+getFPRCtor _ = error "getFPRCtor expected only FPR regs"
+fprRegNum :: GlobalReg -> Int
+fprRegNum (FloatReg i) = i
+fprRegNum (DoubleReg i) = i
+fprRegNum (XmmReg i) = i
+fprRegNum (YmmReg i) = i
+fprRegNum (ZmmReg i) = i
+fprRegNum _ = error "fprRegNum expected only FPR regs"
+-- | Input: dynflags, and the list of live registers
+-- Output: An augmented list of live registers, where padding was
+-- added to the list of registers to ensure the calling convention is
+-- correctly used by LLVM.
+-- Each global reg in the returned list is tagged with a bool, which
+-- indicates whether the global reg was added as padding, or was an original
+-- live register.
+-- That is, True => padding, False => a real, live global register.
+-- Also, the returned list is not sorted in any particular order.
+padLiveArgs :: DynFlags -> LiveGlobalRegs -> [(Bool, GlobalReg)]
+padLiveArgs dflags live =
+ if platformUnregisterised plat
+ then taggedLive -- not using GHC's register convention for platform.
+ else padding ++ taggedLive
+ where
+ taggedLive = map (\x -> (False, x)) live
+ plat = targetPlatform dflags
+ fprLive = filter isFPR live
+ padding = concatMap calcPad $ groupBy sharesClass fprLive
+ sharesClass :: GlobalReg -> GlobalReg -> Bool
+ sharesClass a b = sameFPRClass a b || overlappingClass
+ where
+ overlappingClass = regsOverlap dflags (norm a) (norm b)
+ norm = CmmGlobal . normalizeFPRNum
+ calcPad :: [GlobalReg] -> [(Bool, GlobalReg)]
+ calcPad rs = getFPRPadding (getFPRCtor $ head rs) rs
+getFPRPadding :: (Int -> GlobalReg) -> LiveGlobalRegs -> [(Bool, GlobalReg)]
+getFPRPadding paddingCtor live = padding
+ where
+ fprRegNums = sort $ map fprRegNum live
+ (_, padding) = foldl assignSlots (1, []) $ fprRegNums
+ assignSlots (i, acc) regNum
+ | i == regNum = -- don't need padding here
+ (i+1, acc)
+ | i < regNum = let -- add padding for slots i .. regNum-1
+ numNeeded = regNum-i
+ acc' = genPad i numNeeded ++ acc
+ in
+ (regNum+1, acc')
+ | otherwise = error "padLiveArgs -- i > regNum ??"
+ genPad start n =
+ take n $ flip map (iterate (+1) start) (\i ->
+ (True, paddingCtor i))
+-- | Llvm standard fun attributes
+llvmStdFunAttrs :: [LlvmFuncAttr]
+llvmStdFunAttrs = [NoUnwind]
+-- | Convert a list of types to a list of function parameters
+-- (each with no parameter attributes)
+tysToParams :: [LlvmType] -> [LlvmParameter]
+tysToParams = map (\ty -> (ty, []))
+-- | Pointer width
+llvmPtrBits :: DynFlags -> Int
+llvmPtrBits dflags = widthInBits $ typeWidth $ gcWord dflags
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Llvm Version
+-- Newtype to avoid using the Eq instance!
+newtype LlvmVersion = LlvmVersion { llvmVersionNE :: NE.NonEmpty Int }
+parseLlvmVersion :: String -> Maybe LlvmVersion
+parseLlvmVersion =
+ fmap LlvmVersion . NE.nonEmpty . go [] . dropWhile (not . isDigit)
+ where
+ go vs s
+ | null ver_str
+ = reverse vs
+ | '.' : rest' <- rest
+ = go (read ver_str : vs) rest'
+ | otherwise
+ = reverse (read ver_str : vs)
+ where
+ (ver_str, rest) = span isDigit s
+-- | The LLVM Version that is currently supported.
+supportedLlvmVersion :: LlvmVersion
+supportedLlvmVersion = LlvmVersion (sUPPORTED_LLVM_VERSION NE.:| [])
+llvmVersionSupported :: LlvmVersion -> Bool
+llvmVersionSupported (LlvmVersion v) = NE.head v == sUPPORTED_LLVM_VERSION
+llvmVersionStr :: LlvmVersion -> String
+llvmVersionStr = intercalate "." . map show . llvmVersionList
+llvmVersionList :: LlvmVersion -> [Int]
+llvmVersionList = NE.toList . llvmVersionNE
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Environment Handling
+data LlvmEnv = LlvmEnv
+ { envVersion :: LlvmVersion -- ^ LLVM version
+ , envDynFlags :: DynFlags -- ^ Dynamic flags
+ , envOutput :: BufHandle -- ^ Output buffer
+ , envMask :: !Char -- ^ Mask for creating unique values
+ , envFreshMeta :: MetaId -- ^ Supply of fresh metadata IDs
+ , envUniqMeta :: UniqFM MetaId -- ^ Global metadata nodes
+ , envFunMap :: LlvmEnvMap -- ^ Global functions so far, with type
+ , envAliases :: UniqSet LMString -- ^ Globals that we had to alias, see [Llvm Forward References]
+ , envUsedVars :: [LlvmVar] -- ^ Pointers to be added to llvm.used (see @cmmUsedLlvmGens@)
+ -- the following get cleared for every function (see @withClearVars@)
+ , envVarMap :: LlvmEnvMap -- ^ Local variables so far, with type
+ , envStackRegs :: [GlobalReg] -- ^ Non-constant registers (alloca'd in the function prelude)
+ }
+type LlvmEnvMap = UniqFM LlvmType
+-- | The Llvm monad. Wraps @LlvmEnv@ state as well as the @IO@ monad
+newtype LlvmM a = LlvmM { runLlvmM :: LlvmEnv -> IO (a, LlvmEnv) }
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Applicative LlvmM where
+ pure x = LlvmM $ \env -> return (x, env)
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad LlvmM where
+ m >>= f = LlvmM $ \env -> do (x, env') <- runLlvmM m env
+ runLlvmM (f x) env'
+instance HasDynFlags LlvmM where
+ getDynFlags = LlvmM $ \env -> return (envDynFlags env, env)
+instance MonadUnique LlvmM where
+ getUniqueSupplyM = do
+ mask <- getEnv envMask
+ liftIO $! mkSplitUniqSupply mask
+ getUniqueM = do
+ mask <- getEnv envMask
+ liftIO $! uniqFromMask mask
+-- | Lifting of IO actions. Not exported, as we want to encapsulate IO.
+liftIO :: IO a -> LlvmM a
+liftIO m = LlvmM $ \env -> do x <- m
+ return (x, env)
+-- | Get initial Llvm environment.
+runLlvm :: DynFlags -> LlvmVersion -> BufHandle -> LlvmM a -> IO a
+runLlvm dflags ver out m = do
+ (a, _) <- runLlvmM m env
+ return a
+ where env = LlvmEnv { envFunMap = emptyUFM
+ , envVarMap = emptyUFM
+ , envStackRegs = []
+ , envUsedVars = []
+ , envAliases = emptyUniqSet
+ , envVersion = ver
+ , envDynFlags = dflags
+ , envOutput = out
+ , envMask = 'n'
+ , envFreshMeta = MetaId 0
+ , envUniqMeta = emptyUFM
+ }
+-- | Get environment (internal)
+getEnv :: (LlvmEnv -> a) -> LlvmM a
+getEnv f = LlvmM (\env -> return (f env, env))
+-- | Modify environment (internal)
+modifyEnv :: (LlvmEnv -> LlvmEnv) -> LlvmM ()
+modifyEnv f = LlvmM (\env -> return ((), f env))
+-- | Lift a stream into the LlvmM monad
+liftStream :: Stream.Stream IO a x -> Stream.Stream LlvmM a x
+liftStream s = Stream.Stream $ do
+ r <- liftIO $ Stream.runStream s
+ case r of
+ Left b -> return (Left b)
+ Right (a, r2) -> return (Right (a, liftStream r2))
+-- | Clear variables from the environment for a subcomputation
+withClearVars :: LlvmM a -> LlvmM a
+withClearVars m = LlvmM $ \env -> do
+ (x, env') <- runLlvmM m env { envVarMap = emptyUFM, envStackRegs = [] }
+ return (x, env' { envVarMap = emptyUFM, envStackRegs = [] })
+-- | Insert variables or functions into the environment.
+varInsert, funInsert :: Uniquable key => key -> LlvmType -> LlvmM ()
+varInsert s t = modifyEnv $ \env -> env { envVarMap = addToUFM (envVarMap env) s t }
+funInsert s t = modifyEnv $ \env -> env { envFunMap = addToUFM (envFunMap env) s t }
+-- | Lookup variables or functions in the environment.
+varLookup, funLookup :: Uniquable key => key -> LlvmM (Maybe LlvmType)
+varLookup s = getEnv (flip lookupUFM s . envVarMap)
+funLookup s = getEnv (flip lookupUFM s . envFunMap)
+-- | Set a register as allocated on the stack
+markStackReg :: GlobalReg -> LlvmM ()
+markStackReg r = modifyEnv $ \env -> env { envStackRegs = r : envStackRegs env }
+-- | Check whether a register is allocated on the stack
+checkStackReg :: GlobalReg -> LlvmM Bool
+checkStackReg r = getEnv ((elem r) . envStackRegs)
+-- | Allocate a new global unnamed metadata identifier
+getMetaUniqueId :: LlvmM MetaId
+getMetaUniqueId = LlvmM $ \env ->
+ return (envFreshMeta env, env { envFreshMeta = succ $ envFreshMeta env })
+-- | Get the LLVM version we are generating code for
+getLlvmVer :: LlvmM LlvmVersion
+getLlvmVer = getEnv envVersion
+-- | Get the platform we are generating code for
+getDynFlag :: (DynFlags -> a) -> LlvmM a
+getDynFlag f = getEnv (f . envDynFlags)
+-- | Get the platform we are generating code for
+getLlvmPlatform :: LlvmM Platform
+getLlvmPlatform = getDynFlag targetPlatform
+-- | Dumps the document if the corresponding flag has been set by the user
+dumpIfSetLlvm :: DumpFlag -> String -> DumpFormat -> Outp.SDoc -> LlvmM ()
+dumpIfSetLlvm flag hdr fmt doc = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags flag hdr fmt doc
+-- | Prints the given contents to the output handle
+renderLlvm :: Outp.SDoc -> LlvmM ()
+renderLlvm sdoc = do
+ -- Write to output
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ out <- getEnv envOutput
+ liftIO $ Outp.bufLeftRenderSDoc dflags out
+ (Outp.mkCodeStyle Outp.CStyle) sdoc
+ -- Dump, if requested
+ dumpIfSetLlvm Opt_D_dump_llvm "LLVM Code" FormatLLVM sdoc
+ return ()
+-- | Marks a variable as "used"
+markUsedVar :: LlvmVar -> LlvmM ()
+markUsedVar v = modifyEnv $ \env -> env { envUsedVars = v : envUsedVars env }
+-- | Return all variables marked as "used" so far
+getUsedVars :: LlvmM [LlvmVar]
+getUsedVars = getEnv envUsedVars
+-- | Saves that at some point we didn't know the type of the label and
+-- generated a reference to a type variable instead
+saveAlias :: LMString -> LlvmM ()
+saveAlias lbl = modifyEnv $ \env -> env { envAliases = addOneToUniqSet (envAliases env) lbl }
+-- | Sets metadata node for a given unique
+setUniqMeta :: Unique -> MetaId -> LlvmM ()
+setUniqMeta f m = modifyEnv $ \env -> env { envUniqMeta = addToUFM (envUniqMeta env) f m }
+-- | Gets metadata node for given unique
+getUniqMeta :: Unique -> LlvmM (Maybe MetaId)
+getUniqMeta s = getEnv (flip lookupUFM s . envUniqMeta)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Internal functions
+-- | Here we pre-initialise some functions that are used internally by GHC
+-- so as to make sure they have the most general type in the case that
+-- user code also uses these functions but with a different type than GHC
+-- internally. (Main offender is treating return type as 'void' instead of
+-- 'void *'). Fixes trac #5486.
+ghcInternalFunctions :: LlvmM ()
+ghcInternalFunctions = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mk "memcpy" i8Ptr [i8Ptr, i8Ptr, llvmWord dflags]
+ mk "memmove" i8Ptr [i8Ptr, i8Ptr, llvmWord dflags]
+ mk "memset" i8Ptr [i8Ptr, llvmWord dflags, llvmWord dflags]
+ mk "newSpark" (llvmWord dflags) [i8Ptr, i8Ptr]
+ where
+ mk n ret args = do
+ let n' = llvmDefLabel $ fsLit n
+ decl = LlvmFunctionDecl n' ExternallyVisible CC_Ccc ret
+ FixedArgs (tysToParams args) Nothing
+ renderLlvm $ ppLlvmFunctionDecl decl
+ funInsert n' (LMFunction decl)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Label handling
+-- | Pretty print a 'CLabel'.
+strCLabel_llvm :: CLabel -> LlvmM LMString
+strCLabel_llvm lbl = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let sdoc = pprCLabel dflags lbl
+ str = Outp.renderWithStyle dflags sdoc (Outp.mkCodeStyle Outp.CStyle)
+ return (fsLit str)
+strDisplayName_llvm :: CLabel -> LlvmM LMString
+strDisplayName_llvm lbl = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let sdoc = pprCLabel dflags lbl
+ depth = Outp.PartWay 1
+ style = Outp.mkUserStyle dflags Outp.reallyAlwaysQualify depth
+ str = Outp.renderWithStyle dflags sdoc style
+ return (fsLit (dropInfoSuffix str))
+dropInfoSuffix :: String -> String
+dropInfoSuffix = go
+ where go "_info" = []
+ go "_static_info" = []
+ go "_con_info" = []
+ go (x:xs) = x:go xs
+ go [] = []
+strProcedureName_llvm :: CLabel -> LlvmM LMString
+strProcedureName_llvm lbl = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let sdoc = pprCLabel dflags lbl
+ depth = Outp.PartWay 1
+ style = Outp.mkUserStyle dflags Outp.neverQualify depth
+ str = Outp.renderWithStyle dflags sdoc style
+ return (fsLit str)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Global variables / forward references
+-- | Create/get a pointer to a global value. Might return an alias if
+-- the value in question hasn't been defined yet. We especially make
+-- no guarantees on the type of the returned pointer.
+getGlobalPtr :: LMString -> LlvmM LlvmVar
+getGlobalPtr llvmLbl = do
+ m_ty <- funLookup llvmLbl
+ let mkGlbVar lbl ty = LMGlobalVar lbl (LMPointer ty) Private Nothing Nothing
+ case m_ty of
+ -- Directly reference if we have seen it already
+ Just ty -> return $ mkGlbVar (llvmDefLabel llvmLbl) ty Global
+ -- Otherwise use a forward alias of it
+ Nothing -> do
+ saveAlias llvmLbl
+ return $ mkGlbVar llvmLbl i8 Alias
+-- | Derive the definition label. It has an identified
+-- structure type.
+llvmDefLabel :: LMString -> LMString
+llvmDefLabel = (`appendFS` fsLit "$def")
+-- | Generate definitions for aliases forward-referenced by @getGlobalPtr@.
+-- Must be called at a point where we are sure that no new global definitions
+-- will be generated anymore!
+generateExternDecls :: LlvmM ([LMGlobal], [LlvmType])
+generateExternDecls = do
+ delayed <- fmap nonDetEltsUniqSet $ getEnv envAliases
+ -- This is non-deterministic but we do not
+ -- currently support deterministic code-generation.
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ defss <- flip mapM delayed $ \lbl -> do
+ m_ty <- funLookup lbl
+ case m_ty of
+ -- If we have a definition we've already emitted the proper aliases
+ -- when the symbol itself was emitted by @aliasify@
+ Just _ -> return []
+ -- If we don't have a definition this is an external symbol and we
+ -- need to emit a declaration
+ Nothing ->
+ let var = LMGlobalVar lbl i8Ptr External Nothing Nothing Global
+ in return [LMGlobal var Nothing]
+ -- Reset forward list
+ modifyEnv $ \env -> env { envAliases = emptyUniqSet }
+ return (concat defss, [])
+-- | Here we take a global variable definition, rename it with a
+-- @$def@ suffix, and generate the appropriate alias.
+aliasify :: LMGlobal -> LlvmM [LMGlobal]
+-- See note [emit-time elimination of static indirections] in CLabel.
+-- Here we obtain the indirectee's precise type and introduce
+-- fresh aliases to both the precise typed label (lbl$def) and the i8*
+-- typed (regular) label of it with the matching new names.
+aliasify (LMGlobal (LMGlobalVar lbl ty@LMAlias{} link sect align Alias)
+ (Just orig)) = do
+ let defLbl = llvmDefLabel lbl
+ LMStaticPointer (LMGlobalVar origLbl _ oLnk Nothing Nothing Alias) = orig
+ defOrigLbl = llvmDefLabel origLbl
+ orig' = LMStaticPointer (LMGlobalVar origLbl i8Ptr oLnk Nothing Nothing Alias)
+ origType <- funLookup origLbl
+ let defOrig = LMBitc (LMStaticPointer (LMGlobalVar defOrigLbl
+ (pLift $ fromJust origType) oLnk
+ Nothing Nothing Alias))
+ (pLift ty)
+ pure [ LMGlobal (LMGlobalVar defLbl ty link sect align Alias) (Just defOrig)
+ , LMGlobal (LMGlobalVar lbl i8Ptr link sect align Alias) (Just orig')
+ ]
+aliasify (LMGlobal var val) = do
+ let LMGlobalVar lbl ty link sect align const = var
+ defLbl = llvmDefLabel lbl
+ defVar = LMGlobalVar defLbl ty Internal sect align const
+ defPtrVar = LMGlobalVar defLbl (LMPointer ty) link Nothing Nothing const
+ aliasVar = LMGlobalVar lbl i8Ptr link Nothing Nothing Alias
+ aliasVal = LMBitc (LMStaticPointer defPtrVar) i8Ptr
+ -- we need to mark the $def symbols as used so LLVM doesn't forget which
+ -- section they need to go in. This will vanish once we switch away from
+ -- mangling sections for TNTC.
+ markUsedVar defVar
+ return [ LMGlobal defVar val
+ , LMGlobal aliasVar (Just aliasVal)
+ ]
+-- Note [Llvm Forward References]
+-- The issue here is that LLVM insists on being strongly typed at
+-- every corner, so the first time we mention something, we have to
+-- settle what type we assign to it. That makes things awkward, as Cmm
+-- will often reference things before their definition, and we have no
+-- idea what (LLVM) type it is going to be before that point.
+-- Our work-around is to define "aliases" of a standard type (i8 *) in
+-- these kind of situations, which we later tell LLVM to be either
+-- references to their actual local definitions (involving a cast) or
+-- an external reference. This obviously only works for pointers.
+-- In particular when we encounter a reference to a symbol in a chunk of
+-- C-- there are three possible scenarios,
+-- 1. We have already seen a definition for the referenced symbol. This
+-- means we already know its type.
+-- 2. We have not yet seen a definition but we will find one later in this
+-- compilation unit. Since we want to be a good consumer of the
+-- C-- streamed to us from upstream, we don't know the type of the
+-- symbol at the time when we must emit the reference.
+-- 3. We have not yet seen a definition nor will we find one in this
+-- compilation unit. In this case the reference refers to an
+-- external symbol for which we do not know the type.
+-- Let's consider case (2) for a moment: say we see a reference to
+-- the symbol @fooBar@ for which we have not seen a definition. As we
+-- do not know the symbol's type, we assume it is of type @i8*@ and emit
+-- the appropriate casts in @getSymbolPtr@. Later on, when we
+-- encounter the definition of @fooBar@ we emit it but with a modified
+-- name, @fooBar$def@ (which we'll call the definition symbol), to
+-- since we have already had to assume that the symbol @fooBar@
+-- is of type @i8*@. We then emit @fooBar@ itself as an alias
+-- of @fooBar$def@ with appropriate casts. This all happens in
+-- @aliasify@.
+-- Case (3) is quite similar to (2): References are emitted assuming
+-- the referenced symbol is of type @i8*@. When we arrive at the end of
+-- the compilation unit and realize that the symbol is external, we emit
+-- an LLVM @external global@ declaration for the symbol @fooBar@
+-- (handled in @generateExternDecls@). This takes advantage of the
+-- fact that the aliases produced by @aliasify@ for exported symbols
+-- have external linkage and can therefore be used as normal symbols.
+-- Historical note: As of release 3.5 LLVM does not allow aliases to
+-- refer to declarations. This the reason why aliases are produced at the
+-- point of definition instead of the point of usage, as was previously
+-- done. See #9142 for details.
+-- Finally, case (1) is trivial. As we already have a definition for
+-- and therefore know the type of the referenced symbol, we can do
+-- away with casting the alias to the desired type in @getSymbolPtr@
+-- and instead just emit a reference to the definition symbol directly.
+-- This is the @Just@ case in @getSymbolPtr@.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33dd82c418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1995 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Handle conversion of CmmProc to LLVM code.
+module GHC.CmmToLlvm.CodeGen ( genLlvmProc ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Base
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.Platform.Regs ( activeStgRegs )
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Ppr as PprCmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Utils
+import GHC.Cmm.Switch
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import ForeignCall
+import Outputable hiding (panic, pprPanic)
+import qualified Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import OrdList
+import UniqSupply
+import Unique
+import Util
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
+import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
+import Data.List ( nub )
+import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
+type Atomic = Bool
+type LlvmStatements = OrdList LlvmStatement
+data Signage = Signed | Unsigned deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Top-level of the LLVM proc Code generator
+genLlvmProc :: RawCmmDecl -> LlvmM [LlvmCmmDecl]
+genLlvmProc (CmmProc infos lbl live graph) = do
+ let blocks = toBlockListEntryFirstFalseFallthrough graph
+ (lmblocks, lmdata) <- basicBlocksCodeGen live blocks
+ let info = mapLookup (g_entry graph) infos
+ proc = CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph lmblocks)
+ return (proc:lmdata)
+genLlvmProc _ = panic "genLlvmProc: case that shouldn't reach here!"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Block code generation
+-- | Generate code for a list of blocks that make up a complete
+-- procedure. The first block in the list is expected to be the entry
+-- point.
+basicBlocksCodeGen :: LiveGlobalRegs -> [CmmBlock]
+ -> LlvmM ([LlvmBasicBlock], [LlvmCmmDecl])
+basicBlocksCodeGen _ [] = panic "no entry block!"
+basicBlocksCodeGen live cmmBlocks
+ = do -- Emit the prologue
+ -- N.B. this must be its own block to ensure that the entry block of the
+ -- procedure has no predecessors, as required by the LLVM IR. See #17589
+ -- and #11649.
+ bid <- newBlockId
+ (prologue, prologueTops) <- funPrologue live cmmBlocks
+ let entryBlock = BasicBlock bid (fromOL prologue)
+ -- Generate code
+ (blocks, topss) <- fmap unzip $ mapM basicBlockCodeGen cmmBlocks
+ -- Compose
+ return (entryBlock : blocks, prologueTops ++ concat topss)
+-- | Generate code for one block
+basicBlockCodeGen :: CmmBlock -> LlvmM ( LlvmBasicBlock, [LlvmCmmDecl] )
+basicBlockCodeGen block
+ = do let (_, nodes, tail) = blockSplit block
+ id = entryLabel block
+ (mid_instrs, top) <- stmtsToInstrs $ blockToList nodes
+ (tail_instrs, top') <- stmtToInstrs tail
+ let instrs = fromOL (mid_instrs `appOL` tail_instrs)
+ return (BasicBlock id instrs, top' ++ top)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * CmmNode code generation
+-- A statement conversion return data.
+-- * LlvmStatements: The compiled LLVM statements.
+-- * LlvmCmmDecl: Any global data needed.
+type StmtData = (LlvmStatements, [LlvmCmmDecl])
+-- | Convert a list of CmmNode's to LlvmStatement's
+stmtsToInstrs :: [CmmNode e x] -> LlvmM StmtData
+stmtsToInstrs stmts
+ = do (instrss, topss) <- fmap unzip $ mapM stmtToInstrs stmts
+ return (concatOL instrss, concat topss)
+-- | Convert a CmmStmt to a list of LlvmStatement's
+stmtToInstrs :: CmmNode e x -> LlvmM StmtData
+stmtToInstrs stmt = case stmt of
+ CmmComment _ -> return (nilOL, []) -- nuke comments
+ CmmTick _ -> return (nilOL, [])
+ CmmUnwind {} -> return (nilOL, [])
+ CmmAssign reg src -> genAssign reg src
+ CmmStore addr src -> genStore addr src
+ CmmBranch id -> genBranch id
+ CmmCondBranch arg true false likely
+ -> genCondBranch arg true false likely
+ CmmSwitch arg ids -> genSwitch arg ids
+ -- Foreign Call
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall target res args
+ -> genCall target res args
+ -- Tail call
+ CmmCall { cml_target = arg,
+ cml_args_regs = live } -> genJump arg live
+ _ -> panic "Llvm.CodeGen.stmtToInstrs"
+-- | Wrapper function to declare an instrinct function by function type
+getInstrinct2 :: LMString -> LlvmType -> LlvmM ExprData
+getInstrinct2 fname fty@(LMFunction funSig) = do
+ let fv = LMGlobalVar fname fty (funcLinkage funSig) Nothing Nothing Constant
+ fn <- funLookup fname
+ tops <- case fn of
+ Just _ ->
+ return []
+ Nothing -> do
+ funInsert fname fty
+ un <- getUniqueM
+ let lbl = mkAsmTempLabel un
+ return [CmmData (Section Data lbl) [([],[fty])]]
+ return (fv, nilOL, tops)
+getInstrinct2 _ _ = error "getInstrinct2: Non-function type!"
+-- | Declares an instrinct function by return and parameter types
+getInstrinct :: LMString -> LlvmType -> [LlvmType] -> LlvmM ExprData
+getInstrinct fname retTy parTys =
+ let funSig = LlvmFunctionDecl fname ExternallyVisible CC_Ccc retTy
+ FixedArgs (tysToParams parTys) Nothing
+ fty = LMFunction funSig
+ in getInstrinct2 fname fty
+-- | Memory barrier instruction for LLVM >= 3.0
+barrier :: LlvmM StmtData
+barrier = do
+ let s = Fence False SyncSeqCst
+ return (unitOL s, [])
+-- | Insert a 'barrier', unless the target platform is in the provided list of
+-- exceptions (where no code will be emitted instead).
+barrierUnless :: [Arch] -> LlvmM StmtData
+barrierUnless exs = do
+ platform <- getLlvmPlatform
+ if platformArch platform `elem` exs
+ then return (nilOL, [])
+ else barrier
+-- | Foreign Calls
+genCall :: ForeignTarget -> [CmmFormal] -> [CmmActual]
+ -> LlvmM StmtData
+-- Barriers need to be handled specially as they are implemented as LLVM
+-- intrinsic functions.
+genCall (PrimTarget MO_ReadBarrier) _ _ =
+ barrierUnless [ArchX86, ArchX86_64, ArchSPARC]
+genCall (PrimTarget MO_WriteBarrier) _ _ = do
+ barrierUnless [ArchX86, ArchX86_64, ArchSPARC]
+genCall (PrimTarget MO_Touch) _ _
+ = return (nilOL, [])
+genCall (PrimTarget (MO_UF_Conv w)) [dst] [e] = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ dstV <- getCmmRegW (CmmLocal dst)
+ let ty = cmmToLlvmType $ localRegType dst
+ width = widthToLlvmFloat w
+ castV <- lift $ mkLocalVar ty
+ ve <- exprToVarW e
+ statement $ Assignment castV $ Cast LM_Uitofp ve width
+ statement $ Store castV dstV
+genCall (PrimTarget (MO_UF_Conv _)) [_] args =
+ panic $ "genCall: Too many arguments to MO_UF_Conv. " ++
+ "Can only handle 1, given" ++ show (length args) ++ "."
+-- Handle prefetching data
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_Prefetch_Data localityInt)) [] args
+ | 0 <= localityInt && localityInt <= 3 = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ let argTy = [i8Ptr, i32, i32, i32]
+ funTy = \name -> LMFunction $ LlvmFunctionDecl name ExternallyVisible
+ CC_Ccc LMVoid FixedArgs (tysToParams argTy) Nothing
+ let (_, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints t
+ let args_hints' = zip args arg_hints
+ argVars <- arg_varsW args_hints' ([], nilOL, [])
+ fptr <- liftExprData $ getFunPtr funTy t
+ argVars' <- castVarsW Signed $ zip argVars argTy
+ let argSuffix = [mkIntLit i32 0, mkIntLit i32 localityInt, mkIntLit i32 1]
+ statement $ Expr $ Call StdCall fptr (argVars' ++ argSuffix) []
+ | otherwise = panic $ "prefetch locality level integer must be between 0 and 3, given: " ++ (show localityInt)
+-- Handle PopCnt, Clz, Ctz, and BSwap that need to only convert arg
+-- and return types
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_PopCnt w)) dsts args =
+ genCallSimpleCast w t dsts args
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_Pdep w)) dsts args =
+ genCallSimpleCast2 w t dsts args
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_Pext w)) dsts args =
+ genCallSimpleCast2 w t dsts args
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_Clz w)) dsts args =
+ genCallSimpleCast w t dsts args
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_Ctz w)) dsts args =
+ genCallSimpleCast w t dsts args
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_BSwap w)) dsts args =
+ genCallSimpleCast w t dsts args
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_BRev w)) dsts args =
+ genCallSimpleCast w t dsts args
+genCall (PrimTarget (MO_AtomicRMW width amop)) [dst] [addr, n] = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ addrVar <- exprToVarW addr
+ nVar <- exprToVarW n
+ let targetTy = widthToLlvmInt width
+ ptrExpr = Cast LM_Inttoptr addrVar (pLift targetTy)
+ ptrVar <- doExprW (pLift targetTy) ptrExpr
+ dstVar <- getCmmRegW (CmmLocal dst)
+ let op = case amop of
+ AMO_Add -> LAO_Add
+ AMO_Sub -> LAO_Sub
+ AMO_And -> LAO_And
+ AMO_Nand -> LAO_Nand
+ AMO_Or -> LAO_Or
+ AMO_Xor -> LAO_Xor
+ retVar <- doExprW targetTy $ AtomicRMW op ptrVar nVar SyncSeqCst
+ statement $ Store retVar dstVar
+genCall (PrimTarget (MO_AtomicRead _)) [dst] [addr] = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ dstV <- getCmmRegW (CmmLocal dst)
+ v1 <- genLoadW True addr (localRegType dst)
+ statement $ Store v1 dstV
+genCall (PrimTarget (MO_Cmpxchg _width))
+ [dst] [addr, old, new] = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ addrVar <- exprToVarW addr
+ oldVar <- exprToVarW old
+ newVar <- exprToVarW new
+ let targetTy = getVarType oldVar
+ ptrExpr = Cast LM_Inttoptr addrVar (pLift targetTy)
+ ptrVar <- doExprW (pLift targetTy) ptrExpr
+ dstVar <- getCmmRegW (CmmLocal dst)
+ retVar <- doExprW (LMStructU [targetTy,i1])
+ $ CmpXChg ptrVar oldVar newVar SyncSeqCst SyncSeqCst
+ retVar' <- doExprW targetTy $ ExtractV retVar 0
+ statement $ Store retVar' dstVar
+genCall (PrimTarget (MO_AtomicWrite _width)) [] [addr, val] = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ addrVar <- exprToVarW addr
+ valVar <- exprToVarW val
+ let ptrTy = pLift $ getVarType valVar
+ ptrExpr = Cast LM_Inttoptr addrVar ptrTy
+ ptrVar <- doExprW ptrTy ptrExpr
+ statement $ Expr $ AtomicRMW LAO_Xchg ptrVar valVar SyncSeqCst
+-- Handle memcpy function specifically since llvm's intrinsic version takes
+-- some extra parameters.
+genCall t@(PrimTarget op) [] args
+ | Just align <- machOpMemcpyishAlign op = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let isVolTy = [i1]
+ isVolVal = [mkIntLit i1 0]
+ argTy | MO_Memset _ <- op = [i8Ptr, i8, llvmWord dflags, i32] ++ isVolTy
+ | otherwise = [i8Ptr, i8Ptr, llvmWord dflags, i32] ++ isVolTy
+ funTy = \name -> LMFunction $ LlvmFunctionDecl name ExternallyVisible
+ CC_Ccc LMVoid FixedArgs (tysToParams argTy) Nothing
+ let (_, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints t
+ let args_hints = zip args arg_hints
+ argVars <- arg_varsW args_hints ([], nilOL, [])
+ fptr <- getFunPtrW funTy t
+ argVars' <- castVarsW Signed $ zip argVars argTy
+ let alignVal = mkIntLit i32 align
+ arguments = argVars' ++ (alignVal:isVolVal)
+ statement $ Expr $ Call StdCall fptr arguments []
+-- We handle MO_U_Mul2 by simply using a 'mul' instruction, but with operands
+-- twice the width (we first zero-extend them), e.g., on 64-bit arch we will
+-- generate 'mul' on 128-bit operands. Then we only need some plumbing to
+-- extract the two 64-bit values out of 128-bit result.
+genCall (PrimTarget (MO_U_Mul2 w)) [dstH, dstL] [lhs, rhs] = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ let width = widthToLlvmInt w
+ bitWidth = widthInBits w
+ width2x = LMInt (bitWidth * 2)
+ -- First zero-extend the operands ('mul' instruction requires the operands
+ -- and the result to be of the same type). Note that we don't use 'castVars'
+ -- because it tries to do LM_Sext.
+ lhsVar <- exprToVarW lhs
+ rhsVar <- exprToVarW rhs
+ lhsExt <- doExprW width2x $ Cast LM_Zext lhsVar width2x
+ rhsExt <- doExprW width2x $ Cast LM_Zext rhsVar width2x
+ -- Do the actual multiplication (note that the result is also 2x width).
+ retV <- doExprW width2x $ LlvmOp LM_MO_Mul lhsExt rhsExt
+ -- Extract the lower bits of the result into retL.
+ retL <- doExprW width $ Cast LM_Trunc retV width
+ -- Now we right-shift the higher bits by width.
+ let widthLlvmLit = LMLitVar $ LMIntLit (fromIntegral bitWidth) width
+ retShifted <- doExprW width2x $ LlvmOp LM_MO_LShr retV widthLlvmLit
+ -- And extract them into retH.
+ retH <- doExprW width $ Cast LM_Trunc retShifted width
+ dstRegL <- getCmmRegW (CmmLocal dstL)
+ dstRegH <- getCmmRegW (CmmLocal dstH)
+ statement $ Store retL dstRegL
+ statement $ Store retH dstRegH
+-- MO_U_QuotRem2 is another case we handle by widening the registers to double
+-- the width and use normal LLVM instructions (similarly to the MO_U_Mul2). The
+-- main difference here is that we need to combine two words into one register
+-- and then use both 'udiv' and 'urem' instructions to compute the result.
+genCall (PrimTarget (MO_U_QuotRem2 w))
+ [dstQ, dstR] [lhsH, lhsL, rhs] = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ let width = widthToLlvmInt w
+ bitWidth = widthInBits w
+ width2x = LMInt (bitWidth * 2)
+ -- First zero-extend all parameters to double width.
+ let zeroExtend expr = do
+ var <- exprToVarW expr
+ doExprW width2x $ Cast LM_Zext var width2x
+ lhsExtH <- zeroExtend lhsH
+ lhsExtL <- zeroExtend lhsL
+ rhsExt <- zeroExtend rhs
+ -- Now we combine the first two parameters (that represent the high and low
+ -- bits of the value). So first left-shift the high bits to their position
+ -- and then bit-or them with the low bits.
+ let widthLlvmLit = LMLitVar $ LMIntLit (fromIntegral bitWidth) width
+ lhsExtHShifted <- doExprW width2x $ LlvmOp LM_MO_Shl lhsExtH widthLlvmLit
+ lhsExt <- doExprW width2x $ LlvmOp LM_MO_Or lhsExtHShifted lhsExtL
+ -- Finally, we can call 'udiv' and 'urem' to compute the results.
+ retExtDiv <- doExprW width2x $ LlvmOp LM_MO_UDiv lhsExt rhsExt
+ retExtRem <- doExprW width2x $ LlvmOp LM_MO_URem lhsExt rhsExt
+ -- And since everything is in 2x width, we need to truncate the results and
+ -- then return them.
+ let narrow var = doExprW width $ Cast LM_Trunc var width
+ retDiv <- narrow retExtDiv
+ retRem <- narrow retExtRem
+ dstRegQ <- lift $ getCmmReg (CmmLocal dstQ)
+ dstRegR <- lift $ getCmmReg (CmmLocal dstR)
+ statement $ Store retDiv dstRegQ
+ statement $ Store retRem dstRegR
+-- Handle the MO_{Add,Sub}IntC separately. LLVM versions return a record from
+-- which we need to extract the actual values.
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_AddIntC w)) [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs] =
+ genCallWithOverflow t w [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs]
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_SubIntC w)) [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs] =
+ genCallWithOverflow t w [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs]
+-- Similar to MO_{Add,Sub}IntC, but MO_Add2 expects the first element of the
+-- return tuple to be the overflow bit and the second element to contain the
+-- actual result of the addition. So we still use genCallWithOverflow but swap
+-- the return registers.
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_Add2 w)) [dstO, dstV] [lhs, rhs] =
+ genCallWithOverflow t w [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs]
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_AddWordC w)) [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs] =
+ genCallWithOverflow t w [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs]
+genCall t@(PrimTarget (MO_SubWordC w)) [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs] =
+ genCallWithOverflow t w [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs]
+-- Handle all other foreign calls and prim ops.
+genCall target res args = runStmtsDecls $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- parameter types
+ let arg_type (_, AddrHint) = i8Ptr
+ -- cast pointers to i8*. Llvm equivalent of void*
+ arg_type (expr, _) = cmmToLlvmType $ cmmExprType dflags expr
+ -- ret type
+ let ret_type [] = LMVoid
+ ret_type [(_, AddrHint)] = i8Ptr
+ ret_type [(reg, _)] = cmmToLlvmType $ localRegType reg
+ ret_type t = panic $ "genCall: Too many return values! Can only handle"
+ ++ " 0 or 1, given " ++ show (length t) ++ "."
+ -- extract Cmm call convention, and translate to LLVM call convention
+ platform <- lift $ getLlvmPlatform
+ let lmconv = case target of
+ ForeignTarget _ (ForeignConvention conv _ _ _) ->
+ case conv of
+ StdCallConv -> case platformArch platform of
+ ArchX86 -> CC_X86_Stdcc
+ ArchX86_64 -> CC_X86_Stdcc
+ _ -> CC_Ccc
+ CCallConv -> CC_Ccc
+ CApiConv -> CC_Ccc
+ PrimCallConv -> panic "GHC.CmmToLlvm.CodeGen.genCall: PrimCallConv"
+ JavaScriptCallConv -> panic "GHC.CmmToLlvm.CodeGen.genCall: JavaScriptCallConv"
+ PrimTarget _ -> CC_Ccc
+ {-
+ CC_Ccc of the possibilities here are a worry with the use of a custom
+ calling convention for passing STG args. In practice the more
+ dangerous combinations (e.g StdCall + llvmGhcCC) don't occur.
+ The native code generator only handles StdCall and CCallConv.
+ -}
+ -- call attributes
+ let fnAttrs | never_returns = NoReturn : llvmStdFunAttrs
+ | otherwise = llvmStdFunAttrs
+ never_returns = case target of
+ ForeignTarget _ (ForeignConvention _ _ _ CmmNeverReturns) -> True
+ _ -> False
+ -- fun type
+ let (res_hints, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints target
+ let args_hints = zip args arg_hints
+ let ress_hints = zip res res_hints
+ let ccTy = StdCall -- tail calls should be done through CmmJump
+ let retTy = ret_type ress_hints
+ let argTy = tysToParams $ map arg_type args_hints
+ let funTy = \name -> LMFunction $ LlvmFunctionDecl name ExternallyVisible
+ lmconv retTy FixedArgs argTy (llvmFunAlign dflags)
+ argVars <- arg_varsW args_hints ([], nilOL, [])
+ fptr <- getFunPtrW funTy target
+ let doReturn | ccTy == TailCall = statement $ Return Nothing
+ | never_returns = statement $ Unreachable
+ | otherwise = return ()
+ -- make the actual call
+ case retTy of
+ LMVoid -> do
+ statement $ Expr $ Call ccTy fptr argVars fnAttrs
+ _ -> do
+ v1 <- doExprW retTy $ Call ccTy fptr argVars fnAttrs
+ -- get the return register
+ let ret_reg [reg] = reg
+ ret_reg t = panic $ "genCall: Bad number of registers! Can only handle"
+ ++ " 1, given " ++ show (length t) ++ "."
+ let creg = ret_reg res
+ vreg <- getCmmRegW (CmmLocal creg)
+ if retTy == pLower (getVarType vreg)
+ then do
+ statement $ Store v1 vreg
+ doReturn
+ else do
+ let ty = pLower $ getVarType vreg
+ let op = case ty of
+ vt | isPointer vt -> LM_Bitcast
+ | isInt vt -> LM_Ptrtoint
+ | otherwise ->
+ panic $ "genCall: CmmReg bad match for"
+ ++ " returned type!"
+ v2 <- doExprW ty $ Cast op v1 ty
+ statement $ Store v2 vreg
+ doReturn
+-- | Generate a call to an LLVM intrinsic that performs arithmetic operation
+-- with overflow bit (i.e., returns a struct containing the actual result of the
+-- operation and an overflow bit). This function will also extract the overflow
+-- bit and zero-extend it (all the corresponding Cmm PrimOps represent the
+-- overflow "bit" as a usual Int# or Word#).
+ :: ForeignTarget -> Width -> [CmmFormal] -> [CmmActual] -> LlvmM StmtData
+genCallWithOverflow t@(PrimTarget op) w [dstV, dstO] [lhs, rhs] = do
+ -- So far this was only tested for the following four CallishMachOps.
+ let valid = op `elem` [ MO_Add2 w
+ , MO_AddIntC w
+ , MO_SubIntC w
+ , MO_AddWordC w
+ , MO_SubWordC w
+ ]
+ MASSERT(valid)
+ let width = widthToLlvmInt w
+ -- This will do most of the work of generating the call to the intrinsic and
+ -- extracting the values from the struct.
+ (value, overflowBit, (stmts, top)) <-
+ genCallExtract t w (lhs, rhs) (width, i1)
+ -- value is i<width>, but overflowBit is i1, so we need to cast (Cmm expects
+ -- both to be i<width>)
+ (overflow, zext) <- doExpr width $ Cast LM_Zext overflowBit width
+ dstRegV <- getCmmReg (CmmLocal dstV)
+ dstRegO <- getCmmReg (CmmLocal dstO)
+ let storeV = Store value dstRegV
+ storeO = Store overflow dstRegO
+ return (stmts `snocOL` zext `snocOL` storeV `snocOL` storeO, top)
+genCallWithOverflow _ _ _ _ =
+ panic "genCallExtract: wrong ForeignTarget or number of arguments"
+-- | A helper function for genCallWithOverflow that handles generating the call
+-- to the LLVM intrinsic and extracting the result from the struct to LlvmVars.
+ :: ForeignTarget -- ^ PrimOp
+ -> Width -- ^ Width of the operands.
+ -> (CmmActual, CmmActual) -- ^ Actual arguments.
+ -> (LlvmType, LlvmType) -- ^ LLVM types of the returned struct.
+ -> LlvmM (LlvmVar, LlvmVar, StmtData)
+genCallExtract target@(PrimTarget op) w (argA, argB) (llvmTypeA, llvmTypeB) = do
+ let width = widthToLlvmInt w
+ argTy = [width, width]
+ retTy = LMStructU [llvmTypeA, llvmTypeB]
+ -- Process the arguments.
+ let args_hints = zip [argA, argB] (snd $ foreignTargetHints target)
+ (argsV1, args1, top1) <- arg_vars args_hints ([], nilOL, [])
+ (argsV2, args2) <- castVars Signed $ zip argsV1 argTy
+ -- Get the function and make the call.
+ fname <- cmmPrimOpFunctions op
+ (fptr, _, top2) <- getInstrinct fname retTy argTy
+ -- We use StdCall for primops. See also the last case of genCall.
+ (retV, call) <- doExpr retTy $ Call StdCall fptr argsV2 []
+ -- This will result in a two element struct, we need to use "extractvalue"
+ -- to get them out of it.
+ (res1, ext1) <- doExpr llvmTypeA (ExtractV retV 0)
+ (res2, ext2) <- doExpr llvmTypeB (ExtractV retV 1)
+ let stmts = args1 `appOL` args2 `snocOL` call `snocOL` ext1 `snocOL` ext2
+ tops = top1 ++ top2
+ return (res1, res2, (stmts, tops))
+genCallExtract _ _ _ _ =
+ panic "genCallExtract: unsupported ForeignTarget"
+-- Handle simple function call that only need simple type casting, of the form:
+-- truncate arg >>= \a -> call(a) >>= zext
+-- since GHC only really has i32 and i64 types and things like Word8 are backed
+-- by an i32 and just present a logical i8 range. So we must handle conversions
+-- from i32 to i8 explicitly as LLVM is strict about types.
+genCallSimpleCast :: Width -> ForeignTarget -> [CmmFormal] -> [CmmActual]
+ -> LlvmM StmtData
+genCallSimpleCast w t@(PrimTarget op) [dst] args = do
+ let width = widthToLlvmInt w
+ dstTy = cmmToLlvmType $ localRegType dst
+ fname <- cmmPrimOpFunctions op
+ (fptr, _, top3) <- getInstrinct fname width [width]
+ dstV <- getCmmReg (CmmLocal dst)
+ let (_, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints t
+ let args_hints = zip args arg_hints
+ (argsV, stmts2, top2) <- arg_vars args_hints ([], nilOL, [])
+ (argsV', stmts4) <- castVars Signed $ zip argsV [width]
+ (retV, s1) <- doExpr width $ Call StdCall fptr argsV' []
+ (retVs', stmts5) <- castVars (cmmPrimOpRetValSignage op) [(retV,dstTy)]
+ let retV' = singletonPanic "genCallSimpleCast" retVs'
+ let s2 = Store retV' dstV
+ let stmts = stmts2 `appOL` stmts4 `snocOL`
+ s1 `appOL` stmts5 `snocOL` s2
+ return (stmts, top2 ++ top3)
+genCallSimpleCast _ _ dsts _ =
+ panic ("genCallSimpleCast: " ++ show (length dsts) ++ " dsts")
+-- Handle simple function call that only need simple type casting, of the form:
+-- truncate arg >>= \a -> call(a) >>= zext
+-- since GHC only really has i32 and i64 types and things like Word8 are backed
+-- by an i32 and just present a logical i8 range. So we must handle conversions
+-- from i32 to i8 explicitly as LLVM is strict about types.
+genCallSimpleCast2 :: Width -> ForeignTarget -> [CmmFormal] -> [CmmActual]
+ -> LlvmM StmtData
+genCallSimpleCast2 w t@(PrimTarget op) [dst] args = do
+ let width = widthToLlvmInt w
+ dstTy = cmmToLlvmType $ localRegType dst
+ fname <- cmmPrimOpFunctions op
+ (fptr, _, top3) <- getInstrinct fname width (const width <$> args)
+ dstV <- getCmmReg (CmmLocal dst)
+ let (_, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints t
+ let args_hints = zip args arg_hints
+ (argsV, stmts2, top2) <- arg_vars args_hints ([], nilOL, [])
+ (argsV', stmts4) <- castVars Signed $ zip argsV (const width <$> argsV)
+ (retV, s1) <- doExpr width $ Call StdCall fptr argsV' []
+ (retVs', stmts5) <- castVars (cmmPrimOpRetValSignage op) [(retV,dstTy)]
+ let retV' = singletonPanic "genCallSimpleCast2" retVs'
+ let s2 = Store retV' dstV
+ let stmts = stmts2 `appOL` stmts4 `snocOL`
+ s1 `appOL` stmts5 `snocOL` s2
+ return (stmts, top2 ++ top3)
+genCallSimpleCast2 _ _ dsts _ =
+ panic ("genCallSimpleCast2: " ++ show (length dsts) ++ " dsts")
+-- | Create a function pointer from a target.
+getFunPtrW :: (LMString -> LlvmType) -> ForeignTarget
+ -> WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM LlvmVar
+getFunPtrW funTy targ = liftExprData $ getFunPtr funTy targ
+-- | Create a function pointer from a target.
+getFunPtr :: (LMString -> LlvmType) -> ForeignTarget
+ -> LlvmM ExprData
+getFunPtr funTy targ = case targ of
+ ForeignTarget (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) _ -> do
+ name <- strCLabel_llvm lbl
+ getHsFunc' name (funTy name)
+ ForeignTarget expr _ -> do
+ (v1, stmts, top) <- exprToVar expr
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let fty = funTy $ fsLit "dynamic"
+ cast = case getVarType v1 of
+ ty | isPointer ty -> LM_Bitcast
+ ty | isInt ty -> LM_Inttoptr
+ ty -> panic $ "genCall: Expr is of bad type for function"
+ ++ " call! (" ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr ty) ++ ")"
+ (v2,s1) <- doExpr (pLift fty) $ Cast cast v1 (pLift fty)
+ return (v2, stmts `snocOL` s1, top)
+ PrimTarget mop -> do
+ name <- cmmPrimOpFunctions mop
+ let fty = funTy name
+ getInstrinct2 name fty
+-- | Conversion of call arguments.
+arg_varsW :: [(CmmActual, ForeignHint)]
+ -> ([LlvmVar], LlvmStatements, [LlvmCmmDecl])
+ -> WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM [LlvmVar]
+arg_varsW xs ys = do
+ (vars, stmts, decls) <- lift $ arg_vars xs ys
+ tell $ LlvmAccum stmts decls
+ return vars
+-- | Conversion of call arguments.
+arg_vars :: [(CmmActual, ForeignHint)]
+ -> ([LlvmVar], LlvmStatements, [LlvmCmmDecl])
+ -> LlvmM ([LlvmVar], LlvmStatements, [LlvmCmmDecl])
+arg_vars [] (vars, stmts, tops)
+ = return (vars, stmts, tops)
+arg_vars ((e, AddrHint):rest) (vars, stmts, tops)
+ = do (v1, stmts', top') <- exprToVar e
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let op = case getVarType v1 of
+ ty | isPointer ty -> LM_Bitcast
+ ty | isInt ty -> LM_Inttoptr
+ a -> panic $ "genCall: Can't cast llvmType to i8*! ("
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr a) ++ ")"
+ (v2, s1) <- doExpr i8Ptr $ Cast op v1 i8Ptr
+ arg_vars rest (vars ++ [v2], stmts `appOL` stmts' `snocOL` s1,
+ tops ++ top')
+arg_vars ((e, _):rest) (vars, stmts, tops)
+ = do (v1, stmts', top') <- exprToVar e
+ arg_vars rest (vars ++ [v1], stmts `appOL` stmts', tops ++ top')
+-- | Cast a collection of LLVM variables to specific types.
+castVarsW :: Signage
+ -> [(LlvmVar, LlvmType)]
+ -> WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM [LlvmVar]
+castVarsW signage vars = do
+ (vars, stmts) <- lift $ castVars signage vars
+ tell $ LlvmAccum stmts mempty
+ return vars
+-- | Cast a collection of LLVM variables to specific types.
+castVars :: Signage -> [(LlvmVar, LlvmType)]
+ -> LlvmM ([LlvmVar], LlvmStatements)
+castVars signage vars = do
+ done <- mapM (uncurry (castVar signage)) vars
+ let (vars', stmts) = unzip done
+ return (vars', toOL stmts)
+-- | Cast an LLVM variable to a specific type, panicing if it can't be done.
+castVar :: Signage -> LlvmVar -> LlvmType -> LlvmM (LlvmVar, LlvmStatement)
+castVar signage v t | getVarType v == t
+ = return (v, Nop)
+ | otherwise
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let op = case (getVarType v, t) of
+ (LMInt n, LMInt m)
+ -> if n < m then extend else LM_Trunc
+ (vt, _) | isFloat vt && isFloat t
+ -> if llvmWidthInBits dflags vt < llvmWidthInBits dflags t
+ then LM_Fpext else LM_Fptrunc
+ (vt, _) | isInt vt && isFloat t -> LM_Sitofp
+ (vt, _) | isFloat vt && isInt t -> LM_Fptosi
+ (vt, _) | isInt vt && isPointer t -> LM_Inttoptr
+ (vt, _) | isPointer vt && isInt t -> LM_Ptrtoint
+ (vt, _) | isPointer vt && isPointer t -> LM_Bitcast
+ (vt, _) | isVector vt && isVector t -> LM_Bitcast
+ (vt, _) -> panic $ "castVars: Can't cast this type ("
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr vt) ++ ") to (" ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr t) ++ ")"
+ doExpr t $ Cast op v t
+ where extend = case signage of
+ Signed -> LM_Sext
+ Unsigned -> LM_Zext
+cmmPrimOpRetValSignage :: CallishMachOp -> Signage
+cmmPrimOpRetValSignage mop = case mop of
+ MO_Pdep _ -> Unsigned
+ MO_Pext _ -> Unsigned
+ _ -> Signed
+-- | Decide what C function to use to implement a CallishMachOp
+cmmPrimOpFunctions :: CallishMachOp -> LlvmM LMString
+cmmPrimOpFunctions mop = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let intrinTy1 = "p0i8.p0i8." ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ llvmWord dflags)
+ intrinTy2 = "p0i8." ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ llvmWord dflags)
+ unsupported = panic ("cmmPrimOpFunctions: " ++ show mop
+ ++ " not supported here")
+ return $ case mop of
+ MO_F32_Exp -> fsLit "expf"
+ MO_F32_ExpM1 -> fsLit "expm1f"
+ MO_F32_Log -> fsLit "logf"
+ MO_F32_Log1P -> fsLit "log1pf"
+ MO_F32_Sqrt -> fsLit "llvm.sqrt.f32"
+ MO_F32_Fabs -> fsLit "llvm.fabs.f32"
+ MO_F32_Pwr -> fsLit "llvm.pow.f32"
+ MO_F32_Sin -> fsLit "llvm.sin.f32"
+ MO_F32_Cos -> fsLit "llvm.cos.f32"
+ MO_F32_Tan -> fsLit "tanf"
+ MO_F32_Asin -> fsLit "asinf"
+ MO_F32_Acos -> fsLit "acosf"
+ MO_F32_Atan -> fsLit "atanf"
+ MO_F32_Sinh -> fsLit "sinhf"
+ MO_F32_Cosh -> fsLit "coshf"
+ MO_F32_Tanh -> fsLit "tanhf"
+ MO_F32_Asinh -> fsLit "asinhf"
+ MO_F32_Acosh -> fsLit "acoshf"
+ MO_F32_Atanh -> fsLit "atanhf"
+ MO_F64_Exp -> fsLit "exp"
+ MO_F64_ExpM1 -> fsLit "expm1"
+ MO_F64_Log -> fsLit "log"
+ MO_F64_Log1P -> fsLit "log1p"
+ MO_F64_Sqrt -> fsLit "llvm.sqrt.f64"
+ MO_F64_Fabs -> fsLit "llvm.fabs.f64"
+ MO_F64_Pwr -> fsLit "llvm.pow.f64"
+ MO_F64_Sin -> fsLit "llvm.sin.f64"
+ MO_F64_Cos -> fsLit "llvm.cos.f64"
+ MO_F64_Tan -> fsLit "tan"
+ MO_F64_Asin -> fsLit "asin"
+ MO_F64_Acos -> fsLit "acos"
+ MO_F64_Atan -> fsLit "atan"
+ MO_F64_Sinh -> fsLit "sinh"
+ MO_F64_Cosh -> fsLit "cosh"
+ MO_F64_Tanh -> fsLit "tanh"
+ MO_F64_Asinh -> fsLit "asinh"
+ MO_F64_Acosh -> fsLit "acosh"
+ MO_F64_Atanh -> fsLit "atanh"
+ MO_Memcpy _ -> fsLit $ "llvm.memcpy." ++ intrinTy1
+ MO_Memmove _ -> fsLit $ "llvm.memmove." ++ intrinTy1
+ MO_Memset _ -> fsLit $ "llvm.memset." ++ intrinTy2
+ MO_Memcmp _ -> fsLit $ "memcmp"
+ (MO_PopCnt w) -> fsLit $ "llvm.ctpop." ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ (MO_BSwap w) -> fsLit $ "llvm.bswap." ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ (MO_BRev w) -> fsLit $ "llvm.bitreverse." ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ (MO_Clz w) -> fsLit $ "llvm.ctlz." ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ (MO_Ctz w) -> fsLit $ "llvm.cttz." ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ (MO_Pdep w) -> let w' = showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthInBits w)
+ in if isBmi2Enabled dflags
+ then fsLit $ "llvm.x86.bmi.pdep." ++ w'
+ else fsLit $ "hs_pdep" ++ w'
+ (MO_Pext w) -> let w' = showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthInBits w)
+ in if isBmi2Enabled dflags
+ then fsLit $ "llvm.x86.bmi.pext." ++ w'
+ else fsLit $ "hs_pext" ++ w'
+ (MO_Prefetch_Data _ )-> fsLit "llvm.prefetch"
+ MO_AddIntC w -> fsLit $ "llvm.sadd.with.overflow."
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ MO_SubIntC w -> fsLit $ "llvm.ssub.with.overflow."
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ MO_Add2 w -> fsLit $ "llvm.uadd.with.overflow."
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ MO_AddWordC w -> fsLit $ "llvm.uadd.with.overflow."
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ MO_SubWordC w -> fsLit $ "llvm.usub.with.overflow."
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr $ widthToLlvmInt w)
+ MO_S_Mul2 {} -> unsupported
+ MO_S_QuotRem {} -> unsupported
+ MO_U_QuotRem {} -> unsupported
+ MO_U_QuotRem2 {} -> unsupported
+ -- We support MO_U_Mul2 through ordinary LLVM mul instruction, see the
+ -- appropriate case of genCall.
+ MO_U_Mul2 {} -> unsupported
+ MO_ReadBarrier -> unsupported
+ MO_WriteBarrier -> unsupported
+ MO_Touch -> unsupported
+ MO_UF_Conv _ -> unsupported
+ MO_AtomicRead _ -> unsupported
+ MO_AtomicRMW _ _ -> unsupported
+ MO_AtomicWrite _ -> unsupported
+ MO_Cmpxchg _ -> unsupported
+-- | Tail function calls
+genJump :: CmmExpr -> [GlobalReg] -> LlvmM StmtData
+-- Call to known function
+genJump (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) live = do
+ (vf, stmts, top) <- getHsFunc live lbl
+ (stgRegs, stgStmts) <- funEpilogue live
+ let s1 = Expr $ Call TailCall vf stgRegs llvmStdFunAttrs
+ let s2 = Return Nothing
+ return (stmts `appOL` stgStmts `snocOL` s1 `snocOL` s2, top)
+-- Call to unknown function / address
+genJump expr live = do
+ fty <- llvmFunTy live
+ (vf, stmts, top) <- exprToVar expr
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let cast = case getVarType vf of
+ ty | isPointer ty -> LM_Bitcast
+ ty | isInt ty -> LM_Inttoptr
+ ty -> panic $ "genJump: Expr is of bad type for function call! ("
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr ty) ++ ")"
+ (v1, s1) <- doExpr (pLift fty) $ Cast cast vf (pLift fty)
+ (stgRegs, stgStmts) <- funEpilogue live
+ let s2 = Expr $ Call TailCall v1 stgRegs llvmStdFunAttrs
+ let s3 = Return Nothing
+ return (stmts `snocOL` s1 `appOL` stgStmts `snocOL` s2 `snocOL` s3,
+ top)
+-- | CmmAssign operation
+-- We use stack allocated variables for CmmReg. The optimiser will replace
+-- these with registers when possible.
+genAssign :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> LlvmM StmtData
+genAssign reg val = do
+ vreg <- getCmmReg reg
+ (vval, stmts2, top2) <- exprToVar val
+ let stmts = stmts2
+ let ty = (pLower . getVarType) vreg
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ case ty of
+ -- Some registers are pointer types, so need to cast value to pointer
+ LMPointer _ | getVarType vval == llvmWord dflags -> do
+ (v, s1) <- doExpr ty $ Cast LM_Inttoptr vval ty
+ let s2 = Store v vreg
+ return (stmts `snocOL` s1 `snocOL` s2, top2)
+ LMVector _ _ -> do
+ (v, s1) <- doExpr ty $ Cast LM_Bitcast vval ty
+ let s2 = Store v vreg
+ return (stmts `snocOL` s1 `snocOL` s2, top2)
+ _ -> do
+ let s1 = Store vval vreg
+ return (stmts `snocOL` s1, top2)
+-- | CmmStore operation
+genStore :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> LlvmM StmtData
+-- First we try to detect a few common cases and produce better code for
+-- these then the default case. We are mostly trying to detect Cmm code
+-- like I32[Sp + n] and use 'getelementptr' operations instead of the
+-- generic case that uses casts and pointer arithmetic
+genStore addr@(CmmReg (CmmGlobal r)) val
+ = genStore_fast addr r 0 val
+genStore addr@(CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal r) n) val
+ = genStore_fast addr r n val
+genStore addr@(CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [
+ (CmmReg (CmmGlobal r)),
+ (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))])
+ val
+ = genStore_fast addr r (fromInteger n) val
+genStore addr@(CmmMachOp (MO_Sub _) [
+ (CmmReg (CmmGlobal r)),
+ (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))])
+ val
+ = genStore_fast addr r (negate $ fromInteger n) val
+-- generic case
+genStore addr val
+ = getTBAAMeta topN >>= genStore_slow addr val
+-- | CmmStore operation
+-- This is a special case for storing to a global register pointer
+-- offset such as I32[Sp+8].
+genStore_fast :: CmmExpr -> GlobalReg -> Int -> CmmExpr
+ -> LlvmM StmtData
+genStore_fast addr r n val
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (gv, grt, s1) <- getCmmRegVal (CmmGlobal r)
+ meta <- getTBAARegMeta r
+ let (ix,rem) = n `divMod` ((llvmWidthInBits dflags . pLower) grt `div` 8)
+ case isPointer grt && rem == 0 of
+ True -> do
+ (vval, stmts, top) <- exprToVar val
+ (ptr, s2) <- doExpr grt $ GetElemPtr True gv [toI32 ix]
+ -- We might need a different pointer type, so check
+ case pLower grt == getVarType vval of
+ -- were fine
+ True -> do
+ let s3 = MetaStmt meta $ Store vval ptr
+ return (stmts `appOL` s1 `snocOL` s2
+ `snocOL` s3, top)
+ -- cast to pointer type needed
+ False -> do
+ let ty = (pLift . getVarType) vval
+ (ptr', s3) <- doExpr ty $ Cast LM_Bitcast ptr ty
+ let s4 = MetaStmt meta $ Store vval ptr'
+ return (stmts `appOL` s1 `snocOL` s2
+ `snocOL` s3 `snocOL` s4, top)
+ -- If its a bit type then we use the slow method since
+ -- we can't avoid casting anyway.
+ False -> genStore_slow addr val meta
+-- | CmmStore operation
+-- Generic case. Uses casts and pointer arithmetic if needed.
+genStore_slow :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> [MetaAnnot] -> LlvmM StmtData
+genStore_slow addr val meta = do
+ (vaddr, stmts1, top1) <- exprToVar addr
+ (vval, stmts2, top2) <- exprToVar val
+ let stmts = stmts1 `appOL` stmts2
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ case getVarType vaddr of
+ -- sometimes we need to cast an int to a pointer before storing
+ LMPointer ty@(LMPointer _) | getVarType vval == llvmWord dflags -> do
+ (v, s1) <- doExpr ty $ Cast LM_Inttoptr vval ty
+ let s2 = MetaStmt meta $ Store v vaddr
+ return (stmts `snocOL` s1 `snocOL` s2, top1 ++ top2)
+ LMPointer _ -> do
+ let s1 = MetaStmt meta $ Store vval vaddr
+ return (stmts `snocOL` s1, top1 ++ top2)
+ i@(LMInt _) | i == llvmWord dflags -> do
+ let vty = pLift $ getVarType vval
+ (vptr, s1) <- doExpr vty $ Cast LM_Inttoptr vaddr vty
+ let s2 = MetaStmt meta $ Store vval vptr
+ return (stmts `snocOL` s1 `snocOL` s2, top1 ++ top2)
+ other ->
+ pprPanic "genStore: ptr not right type!"
+ (PprCmm.pprExpr addr <+> text (
+ "Size of Ptr: " ++ show (llvmPtrBits dflags) ++
+ ", Size of var: " ++ show (llvmWidthInBits dflags other) ++
+ ", Var: " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr vaddr)))
+-- | Unconditional branch
+genBranch :: BlockId -> LlvmM StmtData
+genBranch id =
+ let label = blockIdToLlvm id
+ in return (unitOL $ Branch label, [])
+-- | Conditional branch
+genCondBranch :: CmmExpr -> BlockId -> BlockId -> Maybe Bool -> LlvmM StmtData
+genCondBranch cond idT idF likely = do
+ let labelT = blockIdToLlvm idT
+ let labelF = blockIdToLlvm idF
+ -- See Note [Literals and branch conditions].
+ (vc, stmts1, top1) <- exprToVarOpt i1Option cond
+ if getVarType vc == i1
+ then do
+ (vc', (stmts2, top2)) <- case likely of
+ Just b -> genExpectLit (if b then 1 else 0) i1 vc
+ _ -> pure (vc, (nilOL, []))
+ let s1 = BranchIf vc' labelT labelF
+ return (stmts1 `appOL` stmts2 `snocOL` s1, top1 ++ top2)
+ else do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ panic $ "genCondBranch: Cond expr not bool! (" ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr vc) ++ ")"
+-- | Generate call to llvm.expect.x intrinsic. Assigning result to a new var.
+genExpectLit :: Integer -> LlvmType -> LlvmVar -> LlvmM (LlvmVar, StmtData)
+genExpectLit expLit expTy var = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let
+ lit = LMLitVar $ LMIntLit expLit expTy
+ llvmExpectName
+ | isInt expTy = fsLit $ "llvm.expect." ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr expTy)
+ | otherwise = panic $ "genExpectedLit: Type not an int!"
+ (llvmExpect, stmts, top) <-
+ getInstrinct llvmExpectName expTy [expTy, expTy]
+ (var', call) <- doExpr expTy $ Call StdCall llvmExpect [var, lit] []
+ return (var', (stmts `snocOL` call, top))
+{- Note [Literals and branch conditions]
+It is important that whenever we generate branch conditions for
+literals like '1', they are properly narrowed to an LLVM expression of
+type 'i1' (for bools.) Otherwise, nobody is happy. So when we convert
+a CmmExpr to an LLVM expression for a branch conditional, exprToVarOpt
+must be certain to return a properly narrowed type. genLit is
+responsible for this, in the case of literal integers.
+Often, we won't see direct statements like:
+ if(1) {
+ ...
+ } else {
+ ...
+ }
+at this point in the pipeline, because the Glorious Code Generator
+will do trivial branch elimination in the sinking pass (among others,)
+which will eliminate the expression entirely.
+However, it's certainly possible and reasonable for this to occur in
+hand-written C-- code. Consider something like:
+ #if !defined(SOME_CONDITIONAL)
+ #define CHECK_THING(x) 1
+ #else
+ #define CHECK_THING(x) some_operation((x))
+ #endif
+ f() {
+ if (CHECK_THING(xyz)) {
+ ...
+ } else {
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+In such an instance, CHECK_THING might result in an *expression* in
+one case, and a *literal* in the other, depending on what in
+particular was #define'd. So we must be sure to properly narrow the
+literal in this case to i1 as it won't be eliminated beforehand.
+For a real example of this, see ./rts/StgStdThunks.cmm
+-- | Switch branch
+genSwitch :: CmmExpr -> SwitchTargets -> LlvmM StmtData
+genSwitch cond ids = do
+ (vc, stmts, top) <- exprToVar cond
+ let ty = getVarType vc
+ let labels = [ (mkIntLit ty ix, blockIdToLlvm b)
+ | (ix, b) <- switchTargetsCases ids ]
+ -- out of range is undefined, so let's just branch to first label
+ let defLbl | Just l <- switchTargetsDefault ids = blockIdToLlvm l
+ | otherwise = snd (head labels)
+ let s1 = Switch vc defLbl labels
+ return $ (stmts `snocOL` s1, top)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * CmmExpr code generation
+-- | An expression conversion return data:
+-- * LlvmVar: The var holding the result of the expression
+-- * LlvmStatements: Any statements needed to evaluate the expression
+-- * LlvmCmmDecl: Any global data needed for this expression
+type ExprData = (LlvmVar, LlvmStatements, [LlvmCmmDecl])
+-- | Values which can be passed to 'exprToVar' to configure its
+-- behaviour in certain circumstances.
+-- Currently just used for determining if a comparison should return
+-- a boolean (i1) or a word. See Note [Literals and branch conditions].
+newtype EOption = EOption { i1Expected :: Bool }
+-- XXX: EOption is an ugly and inefficient solution to this problem.
+-- | i1 type expected (condition scrutinee).
+i1Option :: EOption
+i1Option = EOption True
+-- | Word type expected (usual).
+wordOption :: EOption
+wordOption = EOption False
+-- | Convert a CmmExpr to a list of LlvmStatements with the result of the
+-- expression being stored in the returned LlvmVar.
+exprToVar :: CmmExpr -> LlvmM ExprData
+exprToVar = exprToVarOpt wordOption
+exprToVarOpt :: EOption -> CmmExpr -> LlvmM ExprData
+exprToVarOpt opt e = case e of
+ CmmLit lit
+ -> genLit opt lit
+ CmmLoad e' ty
+ -> genLoad False e' ty
+ -- Cmmreg in expression is the value, so must load. If you want actual
+ -- reg pointer, call getCmmReg directly.
+ CmmReg r -> do
+ (v1, ty, s1) <- getCmmRegVal r
+ case isPointer ty of
+ True -> do
+ -- Cmm wants the value, so pointer types must be cast to ints
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (v2, s2) <- doExpr (llvmWord dflags) $ Cast LM_Ptrtoint v1 (llvmWord dflags)
+ return (v2, s1 `snocOL` s2, [])
+ False -> return (v1, s1, [])
+ CmmMachOp op exprs
+ -> genMachOp opt op exprs
+ CmmRegOff r i
+ -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ exprToVar $ expandCmmReg dflags (r, i)
+ CmmStackSlot _ _
+ -> panic "exprToVar: CmmStackSlot not supported!"
+-- | Handle CmmMachOp expressions
+genMachOp :: EOption -> MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> LlvmM ExprData
+-- Unary Machop
+genMachOp _ op [x] = case op of
+ MO_Not w ->
+ let all1 = mkIntLit (widthToLlvmInt w) (-1)
+ in negate (widthToLlvmInt w) all1 LM_MO_Xor
+ MO_S_Neg w ->
+ let all0 = mkIntLit (widthToLlvmInt w) 0
+ in negate (widthToLlvmInt w) all0 LM_MO_Sub
+ MO_F_Neg w ->
+ let all0 = LMLitVar $ LMFloatLit (-0) (widthToLlvmFloat w)
+ in negate (widthToLlvmFloat w) all0 LM_MO_FSub
+ MO_SF_Conv _ w -> fiConv (widthToLlvmFloat w) LM_Sitofp
+ MO_FS_Conv _ w -> fiConv (widthToLlvmInt w) LM_Fptosi
+ MO_SS_Conv from to
+ -> sameConv from (widthToLlvmInt to) LM_Trunc LM_Sext
+ MO_UU_Conv from to
+ -> sameConv from (widthToLlvmInt to) LM_Trunc LM_Zext
+ MO_XX_Conv from to
+ -> sameConv from (widthToLlvmInt to) LM_Trunc LM_Zext
+ MO_FF_Conv from to
+ -> sameConv from (widthToLlvmFloat to) LM_Fptrunc LM_Fpext
+ MO_VS_Neg len w ->
+ let ty = widthToLlvmInt w
+ vecty = LMVector len ty
+ all0 = LMIntLit (-0) ty
+ all0s = LMLitVar $ LMVectorLit (replicate len all0)
+ in negateVec vecty all0s LM_MO_Sub
+ MO_VF_Neg len w ->
+ let ty = widthToLlvmFloat w
+ vecty = LMVector len ty
+ all0 = LMFloatLit (-0) ty
+ all0s = LMLitVar $ LMVectorLit (replicate len all0)
+ in negateVec vecty all0s LM_MO_FSub
+ MO_AlignmentCheck _ _ -> panic "-falignment-sanitisation is not supported by -fllvm"
+ -- Handle unsupported cases explicitly so we get a warning
+ -- of missing case when new MachOps added
+ MO_Add _ -> panicOp
+ MO_Mul _ -> panicOp
+ MO_Sub _ -> panicOp
+ MO_S_MulMayOflo _ -> panicOp
+ MO_S_Quot _ -> panicOp
+ MO_S_Rem _ -> panicOp
+ MO_U_MulMayOflo _ -> panicOp
+ MO_U_Quot _ -> panicOp
+ MO_U_Rem _ -> panicOp
+ MO_Eq _ -> panicOp
+ MO_Ne _ -> panicOp
+ MO_S_Ge _ -> panicOp
+ MO_S_Gt _ -> panicOp
+ MO_S_Le _ -> panicOp
+ MO_S_Lt _ -> panicOp
+ MO_U_Ge _ -> panicOp
+ MO_U_Gt _ -> panicOp
+ MO_U_Le _ -> panicOp
+ MO_U_Lt _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Add _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Sub _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Mul _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Quot _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Eq _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Ne _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Ge _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Gt _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Le _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Lt _ -> panicOp
+ MO_And _ -> panicOp
+ MO_Or _ -> panicOp
+ MO_Xor _ -> panicOp
+ MO_Shl _ -> panicOp
+ MO_U_Shr _ -> panicOp
+ MO_S_Shr _ -> panicOp
+ MO_V_Insert _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_V_Extract _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_V_Add _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_V_Sub _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_V_Mul _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VS_Quot _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VS_Rem _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VU_Quot _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VU_Rem _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VF_Insert _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VF_Extract _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VF_Add _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VF_Sub _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VF_Mul _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_VF_Quot _ _ -> panicOp
+ where
+ negate ty v2 negOp = do
+ (vx, stmts, top) <- exprToVar x
+ (v1, s1) <- doExpr ty $ LlvmOp negOp v2 vx
+ return (v1, stmts `snocOL` s1, top)
+ negateVec ty v2 negOp = do
+ (vx, stmts1, top) <- exprToVar x
+ (vxs', stmts2) <- castVars Signed [(vx, ty)]
+ let vx' = singletonPanic "genMachOp: negateVec" vxs'
+ (v1, s1) <- doExpr ty $ LlvmOp negOp v2 vx'
+ return (v1, stmts1 `appOL` stmts2 `snocOL` s1, top)
+ fiConv ty convOp = do
+ (vx, stmts, top) <- exprToVar x
+ (v1, s1) <- doExpr ty $ Cast convOp vx ty
+ return (v1, stmts `snocOL` s1, top)
+ sameConv from ty reduce expand = do
+ x'@(vx, stmts, top) <- exprToVar x
+ let sameConv' op = do
+ (v1, s1) <- doExpr ty $ Cast op vx ty
+ return (v1, stmts `snocOL` s1, top)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let toWidth = llvmWidthInBits dflags ty
+ -- LLVM doesn't like trying to convert to same width, so
+ -- need to check for that as we do get Cmm code doing it.
+ case widthInBits from of
+ w | w < toWidth -> sameConv' expand
+ w | w > toWidth -> sameConv' reduce
+ _w -> return x'
+ panicOp = panic $ "LLVM.CodeGen.genMachOp: non unary op encountered"
+ ++ "with one argument! (" ++ show op ++ ")"
+-- Handle GlobalRegs pointers
+genMachOp opt o@(MO_Add _) e@[(CmmReg (CmmGlobal r)), (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))]
+ = genMachOp_fast opt o r (fromInteger n) e
+genMachOp opt o@(MO_Sub _) e@[(CmmReg (CmmGlobal r)), (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))]
+ = genMachOp_fast opt o r (negate . fromInteger $ n) e
+-- Generic case
+genMachOp opt op e = genMachOp_slow opt op e
+-- | Handle CmmMachOp expressions
+-- This is a specialised method that handles Global register manipulations like
+-- 'Sp - 16', using the getelementptr instruction.
+genMachOp_fast :: EOption -> MachOp -> GlobalReg -> Int -> [CmmExpr]
+ -> LlvmM ExprData
+genMachOp_fast opt op r n e
+ = do (gv, grt, s1) <- getCmmRegVal (CmmGlobal r)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let (ix,rem) = n `divMod` ((llvmWidthInBits dflags . pLower) grt `div` 8)
+ case isPointer grt && rem == 0 of
+ True -> do
+ (ptr, s2) <- doExpr grt $ GetElemPtr True gv [toI32 ix]
+ (var, s3) <- doExpr (llvmWord dflags) $ Cast LM_Ptrtoint ptr (llvmWord dflags)
+ return (var, s1 `snocOL` s2 `snocOL` s3, [])
+ False -> genMachOp_slow opt op e
+-- | Handle CmmMachOp expressions
+-- This handles all the cases not handle by the specialised genMachOp_fast.
+genMachOp_slow :: EOption -> MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> LlvmM ExprData
+-- Element extraction
+genMachOp_slow _ (MO_V_Extract l w) [val, idx] = runExprData $ do
+ vval <- exprToVarW val
+ vidx <- exprToVarW idx
+ vval' <- singletonPanic "genMachOp_slow" <$>
+ castVarsW Signed [(vval, LMVector l ty)]
+ doExprW ty $ Extract vval' vidx
+ where
+ ty = widthToLlvmInt w
+genMachOp_slow _ (MO_VF_Extract l w) [val, idx] = runExprData $ do
+ vval <- exprToVarW val
+ vidx <- exprToVarW idx
+ vval' <- singletonPanic "genMachOp_slow" <$>
+ castVarsW Signed [(vval, LMVector l ty)]
+ doExprW ty $ Extract vval' vidx
+ where
+ ty = widthToLlvmFloat w
+-- Element insertion
+genMachOp_slow _ (MO_V_Insert l w) [val, elt, idx] = runExprData $ do
+ vval <- exprToVarW val
+ velt <- exprToVarW elt
+ vidx <- exprToVarW idx
+ vval' <- singletonPanic "genMachOp_slow" <$>
+ castVarsW Signed [(vval, ty)]
+ doExprW ty $ Insert vval' velt vidx
+ where
+ ty = LMVector l (widthToLlvmInt w)
+genMachOp_slow _ (MO_VF_Insert l w) [val, elt, idx] = runExprData $ do
+ vval <- exprToVarW val
+ velt <- exprToVarW elt
+ vidx <- exprToVarW idx
+ vval' <- singletonPanic "genMachOp_slow" <$>
+ castVarsW Signed [(vval, ty)]
+ doExprW ty $ Insert vval' velt vidx
+ where
+ ty = LMVector l (widthToLlvmFloat w)
+-- Binary MachOp
+genMachOp_slow opt op [x, y] = case op of
+ MO_Eq _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Eq
+ MO_Ne _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Ne
+ MO_S_Gt _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Sgt
+ MO_S_Ge _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Sge
+ MO_S_Lt _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Slt
+ MO_S_Le _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Sle
+ MO_U_Gt _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Ugt
+ MO_U_Ge _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Uge
+ MO_U_Lt _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Ult
+ MO_U_Le _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Ule
+ MO_Add _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_Add
+ MO_Sub _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_Sub
+ MO_Mul _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_Mul
+ MO_U_MulMayOflo _ -> panic "genMachOp: MO_U_MulMayOflo unsupported!"
+ MO_S_MulMayOflo w -> isSMulOK w x y
+ MO_S_Quot _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_SDiv
+ MO_S_Rem _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_SRem
+ MO_U_Quot _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_UDiv
+ MO_U_Rem _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_URem
+ MO_F_Eq _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Feq
+ MO_F_Ne _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Fne
+ MO_F_Gt _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Fgt
+ MO_F_Ge _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Fge
+ MO_F_Lt _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Flt
+ MO_F_Le _ -> genBinComp opt LM_CMP_Fle
+ MO_F_Add _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_FAdd
+ MO_F_Sub _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_FSub
+ MO_F_Mul _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_FMul
+ MO_F_Quot _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_FDiv
+ MO_And _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_And
+ MO_Or _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_Or
+ MO_Xor _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_Xor
+ MO_Shl _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_Shl
+ MO_U_Shr _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_LShr
+ MO_S_Shr _ -> genBinMach LM_MO_AShr
+ MO_V_Add l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmInt w)) LM_MO_Add
+ MO_V_Sub l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmInt w)) LM_MO_Sub
+ MO_V_Mul l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmInt w)) LM_MO_Mul
+ MO_VS_Quot l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmInt w)) LM_MO_SDiv
+ MO_VS_Rem l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmInt w)) LM_MO_SRem
+ MO_VU_Quot l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmInt w)) LM_MO_UDiv
+ MO_VU_Rem l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmInt w)) LM_MO_URem
+ MO_VF_Add l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmFloat w)) LM_MO_FAdd
+ MO_VF_Sub l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmFloat w)) LM_MO_FSub
+ MO_VF_Mul l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmFloat w)) LM_MO_FMul
+ MO_VF_Quot l w -> genCastBinMach (LMVector l (widthToLlvmFloat w)) LM_MO_FDiv
+ MO_Not _ -> panicOp
+ MO_S_Neg _ -> panicOp
+ MO_F_Neg _ -> panicOp
+ MO_SF_Conv _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_FS_Conv _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_SS_Conv _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_UU_Conv _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_XX_Conv _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_FF_Conv _ _ -> panicOp
+ MO_V_Insert {} -> panicOp
+ MO_V_Extract {} -> panicOp
+ MO_VS_Neg {} -> panicOp
+ MO_VF_Insert {} -> panicOp
+ MO_VF_Extract {} -> panicOp
+ MO_VF_Neg {} -> panicOp
+ MO_AlignmentCheck {} -> panicOp
+ where
+ binLlvmOp ty binOp = runExprData $ do
+ vx <- exprToVarW x
+ vy <- exprToVarW y
+ if getVarType vx == getVarType vy
+ then do
+ doExprW (ty vx) $ binOp vx vy
+ else do
+ -- Error. Continue anyway so we can debug the generated ll file.
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let style = mkCodeStyle CStyle
+ toString doc = renderWithStyle dflags doc style
+ cmmToStr = (lines . toString . PprCmm.pprExpr)
+ statement $ Comment $ map fsLit $ cmmToStr x
+ statement $ Comment $ map fsLit $ cmmToStr y
+ doExprW (ty vx) $ binOp vx vy
+ binCastLlvmOp ty binOp = runExprData $ do
+ vx <- exprToVarW x
+ vy <- exprToVarW y
+ vxy' <- castVarsW Signed [(vx, ty), (vy, ty)]
+ case vxy' of
+ [vx',vy'] -> doExprW ty $ binOp vx' vy'
+ _ -> panic "genMachOp_slow: binCastLlvmOp"
+ -- | Need to use EOption here as Cmm expects word size results from
+ -- comparisons while LLVM return i1. Need to extend to llvmWord type
+ -- if expected. See Note [Literals and branch conditions].
+ genBinComp opt cmp = do
+ ed@(v1, stmts, top) <- binLlvmOp (\_ -> i1) (Compare cmp)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if getVarType v1 == i1
+ then case i1Expected opt of
+ True -> return ed
+ False -> do
+ let w_ = llvmWord dflags
+ (v2, s1) <- doExpr w_ $ Cast LM_Zext v1 w_
+ return (v2, stmts `snocOL` s1, top)
+ else
+ panic $ "genBinComp: Compare returned type other then i1! "
+ ++ (showSDoc dflags $ ppr $ getVarType v1)
+ genBinMach op = binLlvmOp getVarType (LlvmOp op)
+ genCastBinMach ty op = binCastLlvmOp ty (LlvmOp op)
+ -- | Detect if overflow will occur in signed multiply of the two
+ -- CmmExpr's. This is the LLVM assembly equivalent of the NCG
+ -- implementation. Its much longer due to type information/safety.
+ -- This should actually compile to only about 3 asm instructions.
+ isSMulOK :: Width -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> LlvmM ExprData
+ isSMulOK _ x y = runExprData $ do
+ vx <- exprToVarW x
+ vy <- exprToVarW y
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let word = getVarType vx
+ let word2 = LMInt $ 2 * (llvmWidthInBits dflags $ getVarType vx)
+ let shift = llvmWidthInBits dflags word
+ let shift1 = toIWord dflags (shift - 1)
+ let shift2 = toIWord dflags shift
+ if isInt word
+ then do
+ x1 <- doExprW word2 $ Cast LM_Sext vx word2
+ y1 <- doExprW word2 $ Cast LM_Sext vy word2
+ r1 <- doExprW word2 $ LlvmOp LM_MO_Mul x1 y1
+ rlow1 <- doExprW word $ Cast LM_Trunc r1 word
+ rlow2 <- doExprW word $ LlvmOp LM_MO_AShr rlow1 shift1
+ rhigh1 <- doExprW word2 $ LlvmOp LM_MO_AShr r1 shift2
+ rhigh2 <- doExprW word $ Cast LM_Trunc rhigh1 word
+ doExprW word $ LlvmOp LM_MO_Sub rlow2 rhigh2
+ else
+ panic $ "isSMulOK: Not bit type! (" ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr word) ++ ")"
+ panicOp = panic $ "LLVM.CodeGen.genMachOp_slow: unary op encountered"
+ ++ "with two arguments! (" ++ show op ++ ")"
+-- More than two expression, invalid!
+genMachOp_slow _ _ _ = panic "genMachOp: More than 2 expressions in MachOp!"
+-- | Handle CmmLoad expression.
+genLoad :: Atomic -> CmmExpr -> CmmType -> LlvmM ExprData
+-- First we try to detect a few common cases and produce better code for
+-- these then the default case. We are mostly trying to detect Cmm code
+-- like I32[Sp + n] and use 'getelementptr' operations instead of the
+-- generic case that uses casts and pointer arithmetic
+genLoad atomic e@(CmmReg (CmmGlobal r)) ty
+ = genLoad_fast atomic e r 0 ty
+genLoad atomic e@(CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal r) n) ty
+ = genLoad_fast atomic e r n ty
+genLoad atomic e@(CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [
+ (CmmReg (CmmGlobal r)),
+ (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))])
+ ty
+ = genLoad_fast atomic e r (fromInteger n) ty
+genLoad atomic e@(CmmMachOp (MO_Sub _) [
+ (CmmReg (CmmGlobal r)),
+ (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))])
+ ty
+ = genLoad_fast atomic e r (negate $ fromInteger n) ty
+-- generic case
+genLoad atomic e ty
+ = getTBAAMeta topN >>= genLoad_slow atomic e ty
+-- | Handle CmmLoad expression.
+-- This is a special case for loading from a global register pointer
+-- offset such as I32[Sp+8].
+genLoad_fast :: Atomic -> CmmExpr -> GlobalReg -> Int -> CmmType
+ -> LlvmM ExprData
+genLoad_fast atomic e r n ty = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (gv, grt, s1) <- getCmmRegVal (CmmGlobal r)
+ meta <- getTBAARegMeta r
+ let ty' = cmmToLlvmType ty
+ (ix,rem) = n `divMod` ((llvmWidthInBits dflags . pLower) grt `div` 8)
+ case isPointer grt && rem == 0 of
+ True -> do
+ (ptr, s2) <- doExpr grt $ GetElemPtr True gv [toI32 ix]
+ -- We might need a different pointer type, so check
+ case grt == ty' of
+ -- were fine
+ True -> do
+ (var, s3) <- doExpr ty' (MExpr meta $ loadInstr ptr)
+ return (var, s1 `snocOL` s2 `snocOL` s3,
+ [])
+ -- cast to pointer type needed
+ False -> do
+ let pty = pLift ty'
+ (ptr', s3) <- doExpr pty $ Cast LM_Bitcast ptr pty
+ (var, s4) <- doExpr ty' (MExpr meta $ loadInstr ptr')
+ return (var, s1 `snocOL` s2 `snocOL` s3
+ `snocOL` s4, [])
+ -- If its a bit type then we use the slow method since
+ -- we can't avoid casting anyway.
+ False -> genLoad_slow atomic e ty meta
+ where
+ loadInstr ptr | atomic = ALoad SyncSeqCst False ptr
+ | otherwise = Load ptr
+-- | Handle Cmm load expression.
+-- Generic case. Uses casts and pointer arithmetic if needed.
+genLoad_slow :: Atomic -> CmmExpr -> CmmType -> [MetaAnnot] -> LlvmM ExprData
+genLoad_slow atomic e ty meta = runExprData $ do
+ iptr <- exprToVarW e
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ case getVarType iptr of
+ LMPointer _ -> do
+ doExprW (cmmToLlvmType ty) (MExpr meta $ loadInstr iptr)
+ i@(LMInt _) | i == llvmWord dflags -> do
+ let pty = LMPointer $ cmmToLlvmType ty
+ ptr <- doExprW pty $ Cast LM_Inttoptr iptr pty
+ doExprW (cmmToLlvmType ty) (MExpr meta $ loadInstr ptr)
+ other -> do pprPanic "exprToVar: CmmLoad expression is not right type!"
+ (PprCmm.pprExpr e <+> text (
+ "Size of Ptr: " ++ show (llvmPtrBits dflags) ++
+ ", Size of var: " ++ show (llvmWidthInBits dflags other) ++
+ ", Var: " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr iptr)))
+ where
+ loadInstr ptr | atomic = ALoad SyncSeqCst False ptr
+ | otherwise = Load ptr
+-- | Handle CmmReg expression. This will return a pointer to the stack
+-- location of the register. Throws an error if it isn't allocated on
+-- the stack.
+getCmmReg :: CmmReg -> LlvmM LlvmVar
+getCmmReg (CmmLocal (LocalReg un _))
+ = do exists <- varLookup un
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ case exists of
+ Just ety -> return (LMLocalVar un $ pLift ety)
+ Nothing -> panic $ "getCmmReg: Cmm register " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr un) ++ " was not allocated!"
+ -- This should never happen, as every local variable should
+ -- have been assigned a value at some point, triggering
+ -- "funPrologue" to allocate it on the stack.
+getCmmReg (CmmGlobal g)
+ = do onStack <- checkStackReg g
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if onStack
+ then return (lmGlobalRegVar dflags g)
+ else panic $ "getCmmReg: Cmm register " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr g) ++ " not stack-allocated!"
+-- | Return the value of a given register, as well as its type. Might
+-- need to be load from stack.
+getCmmRegVal :: CmmReg -> LlvmM (LlvmVar, LlvmType, LlvmStatements)
+getCmmRegVal reg =
+ case reg of
+ CmmGlobal g -> do
+ onStack <- checkStackReg g
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if onStack then loadFromStack else do
+ let r = lmGlobalRegArg dflags g
+ return (r, getVarType r, nilOL)
+ _ -> loadFromStack
+ where loadFromStack = do
+ ptr <- getCmmReg reg
+ let ty = pLower $ getVarType ptr
+ (v, s) <- doExpr ty (Load ptr)
+ return (v, ty, unitOL s)
+-- | Allocate a local CmmReg on the stack
+allocReg :: CmmReg -> (LlvmVar, LlvmStatements)
+allocReg (CmmLocal (LocalReg un ty))
+ = let ty' = cmmToLlvmType ty
+ var = LMLocalVar un (LMPointer ty')
+ alc = Alloca ty' 1
+ in (var, unitOL $ Assignment var alc)
+allocReg _ = panic $ "allocReg: Global reg encountered! Global registers should"
+ ++ " have been handled elsewhere!"
+-- | Generate code for a literal
+genLit :: EOption -> CmmLit -> LlvmM ExprData
+genLit opt (CmmInt i w)
+ -- See Note [Literals and branch conditions].
+ = let width | i1Expected opt = i1
+ | otherwise = LMInt (widthInBits w)
+ -- comm = Comment [ fsLit $ "EOption: " ++ show opt
+ -- , fsLit $ "Width : " ++ show w
+ -- , fsLit $ "Width' : " ++ show (widthInBits w)
+ -- ]
+ in return (mkIntLit width i, nilOL, [])
+genLit _ (CmmFloat r w)
+ = return (LMLitVar $ LMFloatLit (fromRational r) (widthToLlvmFloat w),
+ nilOL, [])
+genLit opt (CmmVec ls)
+ = do llvmLits <- mapM toLlvmLit ls
+ return (LMLitVar $ LMVectorLit llvmLits, nilOL, [])
+ where
+ toLlvmLit :: CmmLit -> LlvmM LlvmLit
+ toLlvmLit lit = do
+ (llvmLitVar, _, _) <- genLit opt lit
+ case llvmLitVar of
+ LMLitVar llvmLit -> return llvmLit
+ _ -> panic "genLit"
+genLit _ cmm@(CmmLabel l)
+ = do var <- getGlobalPtr =<< strCLabel_llvm l
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let lmty = cmmToLlvmType $ cmmLitType dflags cmm
+ (v1, s1) <- doExpr lmty $ Cast LM_Ptrtoint var (llvmWord dflags)
+ return (v1, unitOL s1, [])
+genLit opt (CmmLabelOff label off) = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (vlbl, stmts, stat) <- genLit opt (CmmLabel label)
+ let voff = toIWord dflags off
+ (v1, s1) <- doExpr (getVarType vlbl) $ LlvmOp LM_MO_Add vlbl voff
+ return (v1, stmts `snocOL` s1, stat)
+genLit opt (CmmLabelDiffOff l1 l2 off w) = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (vl1, stmts1, stat1) <- genLit opt (CmmLabel l1)
+ (vl2, stmts2, stat2) <- genLit opt (CmmLabel l2)
+ let voff = toIWord dflags off
+ let ty1 = getVarType vl1
+ let ty2 = getVarType vl2
+ if (isInt ty1) && (isInt ty2)
+ && (llvmWidthInBits dflags ty1 == llvmWidthInBits dflags ty2)
+ then do
+ (v1, s1) <- doExpr (getVarType vl1) $ LlvmOp LM_MO_Sub vl1 vl2
+ (v2, s2) <- doExpr (getVarType v1 ) $ LlvmOp LM_MO_Add v1 voff
+ let ty = widthToLlvmInt w
+ let stmts = stmts1 `appOL` stmts2 `snocOL` s1 `snocOL` s2
+ if w /= wordWidth dflags
+ then do
+ (v3, s3) <- doExpr ty $ Cast LM_Trunc v2 ty
+ return (v3, stmts `snocOL` s3, stat1 ++ stat2)
+ else
+ return (v2, stmts, stat1 ++ stat2)
+ else
+ panic "genLit: CmmLabelDiffOff encountered with different label ty!"
+genLit opt (CmmBlock b)
+ = genLit opt (CmmLabel $ infoTblLbl b)
+genLit _ CmmHighStackMark
+ = panic "genStaticLit - CmmHighStackMark unsupported!"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Misc
+-- | Find CmmRegs that get assigned and allocate them on the stack
+-- Any register that gets written needs to be allocated on the
+-- stack. This avoids having to map a CmmReg to an equivalent SSA form
+-- and avoids having to deal with Phi node insertion. This is also
+-- the approach recommended by LLVM developers.
+-- On the other hand, this is unnecessarily verbose if the register in
+-- question is never written. Therefore we skip it where we can to
+-- save a few lines in the output and hopefully speed compilation up a
+-- bit.
+funPrologue :: LiveGlobalRegs -> [CmmBlock] -> LlvmM StmtData
+funPrologue live cmmBlocks = do
+ let getAssignedRegs :: CmmNode O O -> [CmmReg]
+ getAssignedRegs (CmmAssign reg _) = [reg]
+ getAssignedRegs (CmmUnsafeForeignCall _ rs _) = map CmmLocal rs
+ getAssignedRegs _ = []
+ getRegsBlock (_, body, _) = concatMap getAssignedRegs $ blockToList body
+ assignedRegs = nub $ concatMap (getRegsBlock . blockSplit) cmmBlocks
+ isLive r = r `elem` alwaysLive || r `elem` live
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtss <- flip mapM assignedRegs $ \reg ->
+ case reg of
+ CmmLocal (LocalReg un _) -> do
+ let (newv, stmts) = allocReg reg
+ varInsert un (pLower $ getVarType newv)
+ return stmts
+ CmmGlobal r -> do
+ let reg = lmGlobalRegVar dflags r
+ arg = lmGlobalRegArg dflags r
+ ty = (pLower . getVarType) reg
+ trash = LMLitVar $ LMUndefLit ty
+ rval = if isLive r then arg else trash
+ alloc = Assignment reg $ Alloca (pLower $ getVarType reg) 1
+ markStackReg r
+ return $ toOL [alloc, Store rval reg]
+ return (concatOL stmtss `snocOL` jumpToEntry, [])
+ where
+ entryBlk : _ = cmmBlocks
+ jumpToEntry = Branch $ blockIdToLlvm (entryLabel entryBlk)
+-- | Function epilogue. Load STG variables to use as argument for call.
+-- STG Liveness optimisation done here.
+funEpilogue :: LiveGlobalRegs -> LlvmM ([LlvmVar], LlvmStatements)
+funEpilogue live = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- the bool indicates whether the register is padding.
+ let alwaysNeeded = map (\r -> (False, r)) alwaysLive
+ livePadded = alwaysNeeded ++ padLiveArgs dflags live
+ -- Set to value or "undef" depending on whether the register is
+ -- actually live
+ let loadExpr r = do
+ (v, _, s) <- getCmmRegVal (CmmGlobal r)
+ return (Just $ v, s)
+ loadUndef r = do
+ let ty = (pLower . getVarType $ lmGlobalRegVar dflags r)
+ return (Just $ LMLitVar $ LMUndefLit ty, nilOL)
+ platform <- getDynFlag targetPlatform
+ let allRegs = activeStgRegs platform
+ loads <- flip mapM allRegs $ \r -> case () of
+ _ | (False, r) `elem` livePadded
+ -> loadExpr r -- if r is not padding, load it
+ | not (isFPR r) || (True, r) `elem` livePadded
+ -> loadUndef r
+ | otherwise -> return (Nothing, nilOL)
+ let (vars, stmts) = unzip loads
+ return (catMaybes vars, concatOL stmts)
+-- | Get a function pointer to the CLabel specified.
+-- This is for Haskell functions, function type is assumed, so doesn't work
+-- with foreign functions.
+getHsFunc :: LiveGlobalRegs -> CLabel -> LlvmM ExprData
+getHsFunc live lbl
+ = do fty <- llvmFunTy live
+ name <- strCLabel_llvm lbl
+ getHsFunc' name fty
+getHsFunc' :: LMString -> LlvmType -> LlvmM ExprData
+getHsFunc' name fty
+ = do fun <- getGlobalPtr name
+ if getVarType fun == fty
+ then return (fun, nilOL, [])
+ else do (v1, s1) <- doExpr (pLift fty)
+ $ Cast LM_Bitcast fun (pLift fty)
+ return (v1, unitOL s1, [])
+-- | Create a new local var
+mkLocalVar :: LlvmType -> LlvmM LlvmVar
+mkLocalVar ty = do
+ un <- getUniqueM
+ return $ LMLocalVar un ty
+-- | Execute an expression, assigning result to a var
+doExpr :: LlvmType -> LlvmExpression -> LlvmM (LlvmVar, LlvmStatement)
+doExpr ty expr = do
+ v <- mkLocalVar ty
+ return (v, Assignment v expr)
+-- | Expand CmmRegOff
+expandCmmReg :: DynFlags -> (CmmReg, Int) -> CmmExpr
+expandCmmReg dflags (reg, off)
+ = let width = typeWidth (cmmRegType dflags reg)
+ voff = CmmLit $ CmmInt (fromIntegral off) width
+ in CmmMachOp (MO_Add width) [CmmReg reg, voff]
+-- | Convert a block id into a appropriate Llvm label
+blockIdToLlvm :: BlockId -> LlvmVar
+blockIdToLlvm bid = LMLocalVar (getUnique bid) LMLabel
+-- | Create Llvm int Literal
+mkIntLit :: Integral a => LlvmType -> a -> LlvmVar
+mkIntLit ty i = LMLitVar $ LMIntLit (toInteger i) ty
+-- | Convert int type to a LLvmVar of word or i32 size
+toI32 :: Integral a => a -> LlvmVar
+toI32 = mkIntLit i32
+toIWord :: Integral a => DynFlags -> a -> LlvmVar
+toIWord dflags = mkIntLit (llvmWord dflags)
+-- | Error functions
+panic :: String -> a
+panic s = Outputable.panic $ "GHC.CmmToLlvm.CodeGen." ++ s
+pprPanic :: String -> SDoc -> a
+pprPanic s d = Outputable.pprPanic ("GHC.CmmToLlvm.CodeGen." ++ s) d
+-- | Returns TBAA meta data by unique
+getTBAAMeta :: Unique -> LlvmM [MetaAnnot]
+getTBAAMeta u = do
+ mi <- getUniqMeta u
+ return [MetaAnnot tbaa (MetaNode i) | let Just i = mi]
+-- | Returns TBAA meta data for given register
+getTBAARegMeta :: GlobalReg -> LlvmM [MetaAnnot]
+getTBAARegMeta = getTBAAMeta . getTBAA
+-- | A more convenient way of accumulating LLVM statements and declarations.
+data LlvmAccum = LlvmAccum LlvmStatements [LlvmCmmDecl]
+instance Semigroup LlvmAccum where
+ LlvmAccum stmtsA declsA <> LlvmAccum stmtsB declsB =
+ LlvmAccum (stmtsA Semigroup.<> stmtsB) (declsA Semigroup.<> declsB)
+instance Monoid LlvmAccum where
+ mempty = LlvmAccum nilOL []
+ mappend = (Semigroup.<>)
+liftExprData :: LlvmM ExprData -> WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM LlvmVar
+liftExprData action = do
+ (var, stmts, decls) <- lift action
+ tell $ LlvmAccum stmts decls
+ return var
+statement :: LlvmStatement -> WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM ()
+statement stmt = tell $ LlvmAccum (unitOL stmt) []
+doExprW :: LlvmType -> LlvmExpression -> WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM LlvmVar
+doExprW a b = do
+ (var, stmt) <- lift $ doExpr a b
+ statement stmt
+ return var
+exprToVarW :: CmmExpr -> WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM LlvmVar
+exprToVarW = liftExprData . exprToVar
+runExprData :: WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM LlvmVar -> LlvmM ExprData
+runExprData action = do
+ (var, LlvmAccum stmts decls) <- runWriterT action
+ return (var, stmts, decls)
+runStmtsDecls :: WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM () -> LlvmM (LlvmStatements, [LlvmCmmDecl])
+runStmtsDecls action = do
+ LlvmAccum stmts decls <- execWriterT action
+ return (stmts, decls)
+getCmmRegW :: CmmReg -> WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM LlvmVar
+getCmmRegW = lift . getCmmReg
+genLoadW :: Atomic -> CmmExpr -> CmmType -> WriterT LlvmAccum LlvmM LlvmVar
+genLoadW atomic e ty = liftExprData $ genLoad atomic e ty
+-- | Return element of single-element list; 'panic' if list is not a single-element list
+singletonPanic :: String -> [a] -> a
+singletonPanic _ [x] = x
+singletonPanic s _ = panic s
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Data.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Data.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b20c9bd360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Data.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Handle conversion of CmmData to LLVM code.
+module GHC.CmmToLlvm.Data (
+ genLlvmData, genData
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Base
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Cmm
+import DynFlags
+import GHC.Platform
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Constants
+-- | The string appended to a variable name to create its structure type alias
+structStr :: LMString
+structStr = fsLit "_struct"
+-- | The LLVM visibility of the label
+linkage :: CLabel -> LlvmLinkageType
+linkage lbl = if externallyVisibleCLabel lbl
+ then ExternallyVisible else Internal
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Top level
+-- | Pass a CmmStatic section to an equivalent Llvm code.
+genLlvmData :: (Section, RawCmmStatics) -> LlvmM LlvmData
+-- See note [emit-time elimination of static indirections] in CLabel.
+genLlvmData (_, RawCmmStatics alias [CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel lbl), CmmStaticLit ind, _, _])
+ | lbl == mkIndStaticInfoLabel
+ , let labelInd (CmmLabelOff l _) = Just l
+ labelInd (CmmLabel l) = Just l
+ labelInd _ = Nothing
+ , Just ind' <- labelInd ind
+ , alias `mayRedirectTo` ind' = do
+ label <- strCLabel_llvm alias
+ label' <- strCLabel_llvm ind'
+ let link = linkage alias
+ link' = linkage ind'
+ -- the LLVM type we give the alias is an empty struct type
+ -- but it doesn't really matter, as the pointer is only
+ -- used for (bit/int)casting.
+ tyAlias = LMAlias (label `appendFS` structStr, LMStructU [])
+ aliasDef = LMGlobalVar label tyAlias link Nothing Nothing Alias
+ -- we don't know the type of the indirectee here
+ indType = panic "will be filled by 'aliasify', later"
+ orig = LMStaticPointer $ LMGlobalVar label' indType link' Nothing Nothing Alias
+ pure ([LMGlobal aliasDef $ Just orig], [tyAlias])
+genLlvmData (sec, RawCmmStatics lbl xs) = do
+ label <- strCLabel_llvm lbl
+ static <- mapM genData xs
+ lmsec <- llvmSection sec
+ platform <- getLlvmPlatform
+ let types = map getStatType static
+ strucTy = LMStruct types
+ tyAlias = LMAlias (label `appendFS` structStr, strucTy)
+ struct = Just $ LMStaticStruc static tyAlias
+ link = linkage lbl
+ align = case sec of
+ Section CString _ -> if (platformArch platform == ArchS390X)
+ then Just 2 else Just 1
+ _ -> Nothing
+ const = if isSecConstant sec then Constant else Global
+ varDef = LMGlobalVar label tyAlias link lmsec align const
+ globDef = LMGlobal varDef struct
+ return ([globDef], [tyAlias])
+-- | Format the section type part of a Cmm Section
+llvmSectionType :: Platform -> SectionType -> FastString
+llvmSectionType p t = case t of
+ Text -> fsLit ".text"
+ ReadOnlyData -> case platformOS p of
+ OSMinGW32 -> fsLit ".rdata"
+ _ -> fsLit ".rodata"
+ RelocatableReadOnlyData -> case platformOS p of
+ OSMinGW32 -> fsLit ".rdata$"
+ _ -> fsLit ""
+ ReadOnlyData16 -> case platformOS p of
+ OSMinGW32 -> fsLit ".rdata$cst16"
+ _ -> fsLit ".rodata.cst16"
+ Data -> fsLit ".data"
+ UninitialisedData -> fsLit ".bss"
+ CString -> case platformOS p of
+ OSMinGW32 -> fsLit ".rdata$str"
+ _ -> fsLit ".rodata.str"
+ (OtherSection _) -> panic "llvmSectionType: unknown section type"
+-- | Format a Cmm Section into a LLVM section name
+llvmSection :: Section -> LlvmM LMSection
+llvmSection (Section t suffix) = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let splitSect = gopt Opt_SplitSections dflags
+ platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ if not splitSect
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ lmsuffix <- strCLabel_llvm suffix
+ let result sep = Just (concatFS [llvmSectionType platform t
+ , fsLit sep, lmsuffix])
+ case platformOS platform of
+ OSMinGW32 -> return (result "$")
+ _ -> return (result ".")
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Generate static data
+-- | Handle static data
+genData :: CmmStatic -> LlvmM LlvmStatic
+genData (CmmString str) = do
+ let v = map (\x -> LMStaticLit $ LMIntLit (fromIntegral x) i8)
+ (BS.unpack str)
+ ve = v ++ [LMStaticLit $ LMIntLit 0 i8]
+ return $ LMStaticArray ve (LMArray (length ve) i8)
+genData (CmmUninitialised bytes)
+ = return $ LMUninitType (LMArray bytes i8)
+genData (CmmStaticLit lit)
+ = genStaticLit lit
+-- | Generate Llvm code for a static literal.
+-- Will either generate the code or leave it unresolved if it is a 'CLabel'
+-- which isn't yet known.
+genStaticLit :: CmmLit -> LlvmM LlvmStatic
+genStaticLit (CmmInt i w)
+ = return $ LMStaticLit (LMIntLit i (LMInt $ widthInBits w))
+genStaticLit (CmmFloat r w)
+ = return $ LMStaticLit (LMFloatLit (fromRational r) (widthToLlvmFloat w))
+genStaticLit (CmmVec ls)
+ = do sls <- mapM toLlvmLit ls
+ return $ LMStaticLit (LMVectorLit sls)
+ where
+ toLlvmLit :: CmmLit -> LlvmM LlvmLit
+ toLlvmLit lit = do
+ slit <- genStaticLit lit
+ case slit of
+ LMStaticLit llvmLit -> return llvmLit
+ _ -> panic "genStaticLit"
+-- Leave unresolved, will fix later
+genStaticLit cmm@(CmmLabel l) = do
+ var <- getGlobalPtr =<< strCLabel_llvm l
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let ptr = LMStaticPointer var
+ lmty = cmmToLlvmType $ cmmLitType dflags cmm
+ return $ LMPtoI ptr lmty
+genStaticLit (CmmLabelOff label off) = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ var <- genStaticLit (CmmLabel label)
+ let offset = LMStaticLit $ LMIntLit (toInteger off) (llvmWord dflags)
+ return $ LMAdd var offset
+genStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff l1 l2 off w) = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ var1 <- genStaticLit (CmmLabel l1)
+ var2 <- genStaticLit (CmmLabel l2)
+ let var
+ | w == wordWidth dflags = LMSub var1 var2
+ | otherwise = LMTrunc (LMSub var1 var2) (widthToLlvmInt w)
+ offset = LMStaticLit $ LMIntLit (toInteger off) (LMInt $ widthInBits w)
+ return $ LMAdd var offset
+genStaticLit (CmmBlock b) = genStaticLit $ CmmLabel $ infoTblLbl b
+genStaticLit (CmmHighStackMark)
+ = panic "genStaticLit: CmmHighStackMark unsupported!"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Mangler.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Mangler.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cdad2009f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Mangler.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | GHC LLVM Mangler
+-- This script processes the assembly produced by LLVM, rewriting all symbols
+-- of type @function to @object. This keeps them from going through the PLT,
+-- which would be bad due to tables-next-to-code. On x86_64,
+-- it also rewrites AVX instructions that require alignment to their
+-- unaligned counterparts, since the stack is only 16-byte aligned but these
+-- instructions require 32-byte alignment.
+module GHC.CmmToLlvm.Mangler ( llvmFixupAsm ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags, targetPlatform )
+import GHC.Platform ( platformArch, Arch(..) )
+import ErrUtils ( withTiming )
+import Outputable ( text )
+import Control.Exception
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
+import System.IO
+-- | Read in assembly file and process
+llvmFixupAsm :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+llvmFixupAsm dflags f1 f2 = {-# SCC "llvm_mangler" #-}
+ withTiming dflags (text "LLVM Mangler") id $
+ withBinaryFile f1 ReadMode $ \r -> withBinaryFile f2 WriteMode $ \w -> do
+ go r w
+ hClose r
+ hClose w
+ return ()
+ where
+ go :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
+ go r w = do
+ e_l <- try $ B.hGetLine r ::IO (Either IOError B.ByteString)
+ let writeline a = B.hPutStrLn w (rewriteLine dflags rewrites a) >> go r w
+ case e_l of
+ Right l -> writeline l
+ Left _ -> return ()
+-- | These are the rewrites that the mangler will perform
+rewrites :: [Rewrite]
+rewrites = [rewriteSymType, rewriteAVX]
+type Rewrite = DynFlags -> B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
+-- | Rewrite a line of assembly source with the given rewrites,
+-- taking the first rewrite that applies.
+rewriteLine :: DynFlags -> [Rewrite] -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+rewriteLine dflags rewrites l
+ -- We disable .subsections_via_symbols on darwin and ios, as the llvm code
+ -- gen uses prefix data for the info table. This however does not prevent
+ -- llvm from generating .subsections_via_symbols, which in turn with
+ -- -dead_strip, strips the info tables, and therefore breaks ghc.
+ | isSubsectionsViaSymbols l =
+ (B.pack "## no .subsection_via_symbols for ghc. We need our info tables!")
+ | otherwise =
+ case firstJust $ map (\rewrite -> rewrite dflags rest) rewrites of
+ Nothing -> l
+ Just rewritten -> B.concat $ [symbol, B.pack "\t", rewritten]
+ where
+ isSubsectionsViaSymbols = B.isPrefixOf (B.pack ".subsections_via_symbols")
+ (symbol, rest) = splitLine l
+ firstJust :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
+ firstJust (Just x:_) = Just x
+ firstJust [] = Nothing
+ firstJust (_:rest) = firstJust rest
+-- | This rewrites @.type@ annotations of function symbols to @%object@.
+-- This is done as the linker can relocate @%functions@ through the
+-- Procedure Linking Table (PLT). This is bad since we expect that the
+-- info table will appear directly before the symbol's location. In the
+-- case that the PLT is used, this will be not an info table but instead
+-- some random PLT garbage.
+rewriteSymType :: Rewrite
+rewriteSymType _ l
+ | isType l = Just $ rewrite '@' $ rewrite '%' l
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ isType = B.isPrefixOf (B.pack ".type")
+ rewrite :: Char -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+ rewrite prefix = replaceOnce funcType objType
+ where
+ funcType = prefix `B.cons` B.pack "function"
+ objType = prefix `B.cons` B.pack "object"
+-- | This rewrites aligned AVX instructions to their unaligned counterparts on
+-- x86-64. This is necessary because the stack is not adequately aligned for
+-- aligned AVX spills, so LLVM would emit code that adjusts the stack pointer
+-- and disable tail call optimization. Both would be catastrophic here so GHC
+-- tells LLVM that the stack is 32-byte aligned (even though it isn't) and then
+-- rewrites the instructions in the mangler.
+rewriteAVX :: Rewrite
+rewriteAVX dflags s
+ | not isX86_64 = Nothing
+ | isVmovdqa s = Just $ replaceOnce (B.pack "vmovdqa") (B.pack "vmovdqu") s
+ | isVmovap s = Just $ replaceOnce (B.pack "vmovap") (B.pack "vmovup") s
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ isX86_64 = platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) == ArchX86_64
+ isVmovdqa = B.isPrefixOf (B.pack "vmovdqa")
+ isVmovap = B.isPrefixOf (B.pack "vmovap")
+-- | @replaceOnce match replace bs@ replaces the first occurrence of the
+-- substring @match@ in @bs@ with @replace@.
+replaceOnce :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+replaceOnce matchBS replaceOnceBS = loop
+ where
+ loop :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+ loop cts =
+ case B.breakSubstring matchBS cts of
+ (hd,tl) | B.null tl -> hd
+ | otherwise -> hd `B.append` replaceOnceBS `B.append`
+ B.drop (B.length matchBS) tl
+-- | This function splits a line of assembly code into the label and the
+-- rest of the code.
+splitLine :: B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)
+splitLine l = (symbol, B.dropWhile isSpace rest)
+ where
+ isSpace ' ' = True
+ isSpace '\t' = True
+ isSpace _ = False
+ (symbol, rest) = B.span (not . isSpace) l
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Ppr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45a8285ec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Ppr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Pretty print helpers for the LLVM Code generator.
+module GHC.CmmToLlvm.Ppr (
+ pprLlvmCmmDecl, pprLlvmData, infoSection
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Base
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Data
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Cmm
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Top level
+-- | Pretty print LLVM data code
+pprLlvmData :: LlvmData -> SDoc
+pprLlvmData (globals, types) =
+ let ppLlvmTys (LMAlias a) = ppLlvmAlias a
+ ppLlvmTys (LMFunction f) = ppLlvmFunctionDecl f
+ ppLlvmTys _other = empty
+ types' = vcat $ map ppLlvmTys types
+ globals' = ppLlvmGlobals globals
+ in types' $+$ globals'
+-- | Pretty print LLVM code
+pprLlvmCmmDecl :: LlvmCmmDecl -> LlvmM (SDoc, [LlvmVar])
+pprLlvmCmmDecl (CmmData _ lmdata)
+ = return (vcat $ map pprLlvmData lmdata, [])
+pprLlvmCmmDecl (CmmProc mb_info entry_lbl live (ListGraph blks))
+ = do let lbl = case mb_info of
+ Nothing -> entry_lbl
+ Just (RawCmmStatics info_lbl _) -> info_lbl
+ link = if externallyVisibleCLabel lbl
+ then ExternallyVisible
+ else Internal
+ lmblocks = map (\(BasicBlock id stmts) ->
+ LlvmBlock (getUnique id) stmts) blks
+ funDec <- llvmFunSig live lbl link
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let buildArg = fsLit . showSDoc dflags . ppPlainName
+ funArgs = map buildArg (llvmFunArgs dflags live)
+ funSect = llvmFunSection dflags (decName funDec)
+ -- generate the info table
+ prefix <- case mb_info of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (RawCmmStatics _ statics) -> do
+ infoStatics <- mapM genData statics
+ let infoTy = LMStruct $ map getStatType infoStatics
+ return $ Just $ LMStaticStruc infoStatics infoTy
+ let fun = LlvmFunction funDec funArgs llvmStdFunAttrs funSect
+ prefix lmblocks
+ name = decName $ funcDecl fun
+ defName = llvmDefLabel name
+ funcDecl' = (funcDecl fun) { decName = defName }
+ fun' = fun { funcDecl = funcDecl' }
+ funTy = LMFunction funcDecl'
+ funVar = LMGlobalVar name
+ (LMPointer funTy)
+ link
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Alias
+ defVar = LMGlobalVar defName
+ (LMPointer funTy)
+ (funcLinkage funcDecl')
+ (funcSect fun)
+ (funcAlign funcDecl')
+ Alias
+ alias = LMGlobal funVar
+ (Just $ LMBitc (LMStaticPointer defVar)
+ i8Ptr)
+ return (ppLlvmGlobal alias $+$ ppLlvmFunction fun', [])
+-- | The section we are putting info tables and their entry code into, should
+-- be unique since we process the assembly pattern matching this.
+infoSection :: String
+infoSection = "X98A__STRIP,__me"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Regs.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Regs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60c27c8f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Regs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+-- | Deal with Cmm registers
+module GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs (
+ lmGlobalRegArg, lmGlobalRegVar, alwaysLive,
+ stgTBAA, baseN, stackN, heapN, rxN, topN, tbaa, getTBAA
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm
+import GHC.Cmm.Expr
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import Outputable ( panic )
+import Unique
+-- | Get the LlvmVar function variable storing the real register
+lmGlobalRegVar :: DynFlags -> GlobalReg -> LlvmVar
+lmGlobalRegVar dflags = pVarLift . lmGlobalReg dflags "_Var"
+-- | Get the LlvmVar function argument storing the real register
+lmGlobalRegArg :: DynFlags -> GlobalReg -> LlvmVar
+lmGlobalRegArg dflags = lmGlobalReg dflags "_Arg"
+{- Need to make sure the names here can't conflict with the unique generated
+ names. Uniques generated names containing only base62 chars. So using say
+ the '_' char guarantees this.
+lmGlobalReg :: DynFlags -> String -> GlobalReg -> LlvmVar
+lmGlobalReg dflags suf reg
+ = case reg of
+ BaseReg -> ptrGlobal $ "Base" ++ suf
+ Sp -> ptrGlobal $ "Sp" ++ suf
+ Hp -> ptrGlobal $ "Hp" ++ suf
+ VanillaReg 1 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R1" ++ suf
+ VanillaReg 2 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R2" ++ suf
+ VanillaReg 3 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R3" ++ suf
+ VanillaReg 4 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R4" ++ suf
+ VanillaReg 5 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R5" ++ suf
+ VanillaReg 6 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R6" ++ suf
+ VanillaReg 7 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R7" ++ suf
+ VanillaReg 8 _ -> wordGlobal $ "R8" ++ suf
+ SpLim -> wordGlobal $ "SpLim" ++ suf
+ FloatReg 1 -> floatGlobal $"F1" ++ suf
+ FloatReg 2 -> floatGlobal $"F2" ++ suf
+ FloatReg 3 -> floatGlobal $"F3" ++ suf
+ FloatReg 4 -> floatGlobal $"F4" ++ suf
+ FloatReg 5 -> floatGlobal $"F5" ++ suf
+ FloatReg 6 -> floatGlobal $"F6" ++ suf
+ DoubleReg 1 -> doubleGlobal $ "D1" ++ suf
+ DoubleReg 2 -> doubleGlobal $ "D2" ++ suf
+ DoubleReg 3 -> doubleGlobal $ "D3" ++ suf
+ DoubleReg 4 -> doubleGlobal $ "D4" ++ suf
+ DoubleReg 5 -> doubleGlobal $ "D5" ++ suf
+ DoubleReg 6 -> doubleGlobal $ "D6" ++ suf
+ XmmReg 1 -> xmmGlobal $ "XMM1" ++ suf
+ XmmReg 2 -> xmmGlobal $ "XMM2" ++ suf
+ XmmReg 3 -> xmmGlobal $ "XMM3" ++ suf
+ XmmReg 4 -> xmmGlobal $ "XMM4" ++ suf
+ XmmReg 5 -> xmmGlobal $ "XMM5" ++ suf
+ XmmReg 6 -> xmmGlobal $ "XMM6" ++ suf
+ YmmReg 1 -> ymmGlobal $ "YMM1" ++ suf
+ YmmReg 2 -> ymmGlobal $ "YMM2" ++ suf
+ YmmReg 3 -> ymmGlobal $ "YMM3" ++ suf
+ YmmReg 4 -> ymmGlobal $ "YMM4" ++ suf
+ YmmReg 5 -> ymmGlobal $ "YMM5" ++ suf
+ YmmReg 6 -> ymmGlobal $ "YMM6" ++ suf
+ ZmmReg 1 -> zmmGlobal $ "ZMM1" ++ suf
+ ZmmReg 2 -> zmmGlobal $ "ZMM2" ++ suf
+ ZmmReg 3 -> zmmGlobal $ "ZMM3" ++ suf
+ ZmmReg 4 -> zmmGlobal $ "ZMM4" ++ suf
+ ZmmReg 5 -> zmmGlobal $ "ZMM5" ++ suf
+ ZmmReg 6 -> zmmGlobal $ "ZMM6" ++ suf
+ MachSp -> wordGlobal $ "MachSp" ++ suf
+ _other -> panic $ "GHC.CmmToLlvm.Reg: GlobalReg (" ++ (show reg)
+ ++ ") not supported!"
+ -- LongReg, HpLim, CCSS, CurrentTSO, CurrentNusery, HpAlloc
+ -- EagerBlackholeInfo, GCEnter1, GCFun, BaseReg, PicBaseReg
+ where
+ wordGlobal name = LMNLocalVar (fsLit name) (llvmWord dflags)
+ ptrGlobal name = LMNLocalVar (fsLit name) (llvmWordPtr dflags)
+ floatGlobal name = LMNLocalVar (fsLit name) LMFloat
+ doubleGlobal name = LMNLocalVar (fsLit name) LMDouble
+ xmmGlobal name = LMNLocalVar (fsLit name) (LMVector 4 (LMInt 32))
+ ymmGlobal name = LMNLocalVar (fsLit name) (LMVector 8 (LMInt 32))
+ zmmGlobal name = LMNLocalVar (fsLit name) (LMVector 16 (LMInt 32))
+-- | A list of STG Registers that should always be considered alive
+alwaysLive :: [GlobalReg]
+alwaysLive = [BaseReg, Sp, Hp, SpLim, HpLim, node]
+-- | STG Type Based Alias Analysis hierarchy
+stgTBAA :: [(Unique, LMString, Maybe Unique)]
+ = [ (rootN, fsLit "root", Nothing)
+ , (topN, fsLit "top", Just rootN)
+ , (stackN, fsLit "stack", Just topN)
+ , (heapN, fsLit "heap", Just topN)
+ , (rxN, fsLit "rx", Just heapN)
+ , (baseN, fsLit "base", Just topN)
+ -- FIX: Not 100% sure if this hierarchy is complete. I think the big thing
+ -- is Sp is never aliased, so might want to change the hierarchy to have Sp
+ -- on its own branch that is never aliased (e.g never use top as a TBAA
+ -- node).
+ ]
+-- | Id values
+-- The `rootN` node is the root (there can be more than one) of the TBAA
+-- hierarchy and as of LLVM 4.0 should *only* be referenced by other nodes. It
+-- should never occur in any LLVM instruction statement.
+rootN, topN, stackN, heapN, rxN, baseN :: Unique
+rootN = getUnique (fsLit "GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs.rootN")
+topN = getUnique (fsLit "GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs.topN")
+stackN = getUnique (fsLit "GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs.stackN")
+heapN = getUnique (fsLit "GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs.heapN")
+rxN = getUnique (fsLit "GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs.rxN")
+baseN = getUnique (fsLit "GHC.CmmToLlvm.Regs.baseN")
+-- | The TBAA metadata identifier
+tbaa :: LMString
+tbaa = fsLit "tbaa"
+-- | Get the correct TBAA metadata information for this register type
+getTBAA :: GlobalReg -> Unique
+getTBAA BaseReg = baseN
+getTBAA Sp = stackN
+getTBAA Hp = heapN
+getTBAA (VanillaReg _ _) = rxN
+getTBAA _ = topN
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Llvm.hs b/compiler/GHC/Llvm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65389a7a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Llvm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | This module supplies bindings to generate Llvm IR from Haskell
+-- (<>).
+-- Note: this module is developed in a demand driven way. It is no complete
+-- LLVM binding library in Haskell, but enough to generate code for GHC.
+-- This code is derived from code taken from the Essential Haskell Compiler
+-- (EHC) project (<>).
+module GHC.Llvm (
+ -- * Modules, Functions and Blocks
+ LlvmModule(..),
+ LlvmFunction(..), LlvmFunctionDecl(..),
+ LlvmFunctions, LlvmFunctionDecls,
+ LlvmStatement(..), LlvmExpression(..),
+ LlvmBlocks, LlvmBlock(..), LlvmBlockId,
+ LlvmParamAttr(..), LlvmParameter,
+ -- * Atomic operations
+ LlvmAtomicOp(..),
+ -- * Fence synchronization
+ LlvmSyncOrdering(..),
+ -- * Call Handling
+ LlvmCallConvention(..), LlvmCallType(..), LlvmParameterListType(..),
+ LlvmLinkageType(..), LlvmFuncAttr(..),
+ -- * Operations and Comparisons
+ LlvmCmpOp(..), LlvmMachOp(..), LlvmCastOp(..),
+ -- * Variables and Type System
+ LlvmVar(..), LlvmStatic(..), LlvmLit(..), LlvmType(..),
+ LlvmAlias, LMGlobal(..), LMString, LMSection, LMAlign,
+ LMConst(..),
+ -- ** Some basic types
+ i64, i32, i16, i8, i1, i8Ptr, llvmWord, llvmWordPtr,
+ -- ** Metadata types
+ MetaExpr(..), MetaAnnot(..), MetaDecl(..), MetaId(..),
+ -- ** Operations on the type system.
+ isGlobal, getLitType, getVarType,
+ getLink, getStatType, pVarLift, pVarLower,
+ pLift, pLower, isInt, isFloat, isPointer, isVector, llvmWidthInBits,
+ -- * Pretty Printing
+ ppLit, ppName, ppPlainName,
+ ppLlvmModule, ppLlvmComments, ppLlvmComment, ppLlvmGlobals,
+ ppLlvmGlobal, ppLlvmFunctionDecls, ppLlvmFunctionDecl, ppLlvmFunctions,
+ ppLlvmFunction, ppLlvmAlias, ppLlvmAliases, ppLlvmMetas, ppLlvmMeta,
+ ) where
+import GHC.Llvm.Syntax
+import GHC.Llvm.MetaData
+import GHC.Llvm.Ppr
+import GHC.Llvm.Types
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Llvm/MetaData.hs b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/MetaData.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e319c7036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/MetaData.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module GHC.Llvm.MetaData where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm.Types
+import Outputable
+-- The LLVM Metadata System.
+-- The LLVM metadata feature is poorly documented but roughly follows the
+-- following design:
+-- * Metadata can be constructed in a few different ways (See below).
+-- * After which it can either be attached to LLVM statements to pass along
+-- extra information to the optimizer and code generator OR specifically named
+-- metadata has an affect on the whole module (i.e., linking behaviour).
+-- # Constructing metadata
+-- Metadata comes largely in three forms:
+-- * Metadata expressions -- these are the raw metadata values that encode
+-- information. They consist of metadata strings, metadata nodes, regular
+-- LLVM values (both literals and references to global variables) and
+-- metadata expressions (i.e., recursive data type). Some examples:
+-- !{ !"hello", !0, i32 0 }
+-- !{ !1, !{ i32 0 } }
+-- * Metadata nodes -- global metadata variables that attach a metadata
+-- expression to a number. For example:
+-- !0 = !{ [<metadata expressions>] !}
+-- * Named metadata -- global metadata variables that attach a metadata nodes
+-- to a name. Used ONLY to communicated module level information to LLVM
+-- through a meaningful name. For example:
+-- !llvm.module.linkage = !{ !0, !1 }
+-- # Using Metadata
+-- Using metadata depends on the form it is in:
+-- * Attach to instructions -- metadata can be attached to LLVM instructions
+-- using a specific reference as follows:
+-- %l = load i32* @glob, !nontemporal !10
+-- %m = load i32* @glob, !nontemporal !{ i32 0, !{ i32 0 } }
+-- Only metadata nodes or expressions can be attached, named metadata cannot.
+-- Refer to LLVM documentation for which instructions take metadata and its
+-- meaning.
+-- * As arguments -- llvm functions can take metadata as arguments, for
+-- example:
+-- call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata !{ i32 0 }, i64 0, metadata !1)
+-- As with instructions, only metadata nodes or expressions can be attached.
+-- * As a named metadata -- Here the metadata is simply declared in global
+-- scope using a specific name to communicate module level information to LLVM.
+-- For example:
+-- !llvm.module.linkage = !{ !0, !1 }
+-- | A reference to an un-named metadata node.
+newtype MetaId = MetaId Int
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)
+instance Outputable MetaId where
+ ppr (MetaId n) = char '!' <> int n
+-- | LLVM metadata expressions
+data MetaExpr = MetaStr !LMString
+ | MetaNode !MetaId
+ | MetaVar !LlvmVar
+ | MetaStruct [MetaExpr]
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable MetaExpr where
+ ppr (MetaVar (LMLitVar (LMNullLit _))) = text "null"
+ ppr (MetaStr s ) = char '!' <> doubleQuotes (ftext s)
+ ppr (MetaNode n ) = ppr n
+ ppr (MetaVar v ) = ppr v
+ ppr (MetaStruct es) = char '!' <> braces (ppCommaJoin es)
+-- | Associates some metadata with a specific label for attaching to an
+-- instruction.
+data MetaAnnot = MetaAnnot LMString MetaExpr
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Metadata declarations. Metadata can only be declared in global scope.
+data MetaDecl
+ -- | Named metadata. Only used for communicating module information to
+ -- LLVM. ('!name = !{ [!<n>] }' form).
+ = MetaNamed !LMString [MetaId]
+ -- | Metadata node declaration.
+ -- ('!0 = metadata !{ <metadata expression> }' form).
+ | MetaUnnamed !MetaId !MetaExpr
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Ppr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e8d279a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Ppr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+-- | Pretty print LLVM IR Code.
+module GHC.Llvm.Ppr (
+ -- * Top level LLVM objects.
+ ppLlvmModule,
+ ppLlvmComments,
+ ppLlvmComment,
+ ppLlvmGlobals,
+ ppLlvmGlobal,
+ ppLlvmAliases,
+ ppLlvmAlias,
+ ppLlvmMetas,
+ ppLlvmMeta,
+ ppLlvmFunctionDecls,
+ ppLlvmFunctionDecl,
+ ppLlvmFunctions,
+ ppLlvmFunction,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm.Syntax
+import GHC.Llvm.MetaData
+import GHC.Llvm.Types
+import Data.List ( intersperse )
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+import FastString ( sLit )
+-- * Top Level Print functions
+-- | Print out a whole LLVM module.
+ppLlvmModule :: LlvmModule -> SDoc
+ppLlvmModule (LlvmModule comments aliases meta globals decls funcs)
+ = ppLlvmComments comments $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmAliases aliases $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmMetas meta $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmGlobals globals $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmFunctionDecls decls $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppLlvmFunctions funcs
+-- | Print out a multi-line comment, can be inside a function or on its own
+ppLlvmComments :: [LMString] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmComments comments = vcat $ map ppLlvmComment comments
+-- | Print out a comment, can be inside a function or on its own
+ppLlvmComment :: LMString -> SDoc
+ppLlvmComment com = semi <+> ftext com
+-- | Print out a list of global mutable variable definitions
+ppLlvmGlobals :: [LMGlobal] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmGlobals ls = vcat $ map ppLlvmGlobal ls
+-- | Print out a global mutable variable definition
+ppLlvmGlobal :: LMGlobal -> SDoc
+ppLlvmGlobal (LMGlobal var@(LMGlobalVar _ _ link x a c) dat) =
+ let sect = case x of
+ Just x' -> text ", section" <+> doubleQuotes (ftext x')
+ Nothing -> empty
+ align = case a of
+ Just a' -> text ", align" <+> int a'
+ Nothing -> empty
+ rhs = case dat of
+ Just stat -> pprSpecialStatic stat
+ Nothing -> ppr (pLower $ getVarType var)
+ -- Position of linkage is different for aliases.
+ const = case c of
+ Global -> "global"
+ Constant -> "constant"
+ Alias -> "alias"
+ in ppAssignment var $ ppr link <+> text const <+> rhs <> sect <> align
+ $+$ newLine
+ppLlvmGlobal (LMGlobal var val) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ error $ "Non Global var ppr as global! "
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr var) ++ " " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr val)
+-- | Print out a list of LLVM type aliases.
+ppLlvmAliases :: [LlvmAlias] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmAliases tys = vcat $ map ppLlvmAlias tys
+-- | Print out an LLVM type alias.
+ppLlvmAlias :: LlvmAlias -> SDoc
+ppLlvmAlias (name, ty)
+ = char '%' <> ftext name <+> equals <+> text "type" <+> ppr ty
+-- | Print out a list of LLVM metadata.
+ppLlvmMetas :: [MetaDecl] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmMetas metas = vcat $ map ppLlvmMeta metas
+-- | Print out an LLVM metadata definition.
+ppLlvmMeta :: MetaDecl -> SDoc
+ppLlvmMeta (MetaUnnamed n m)
+ = ppr n <+> equals <+> ppr m
+ppLlvmMeta (MetaNamed n m)
+ = exclamation <> ftext n <+> equals <+> exclamation <> braces nodes
+ where
+ nodes = hcat $ intersperse comma $ map ppr m
+-- | Print out a list of function definitions.
+ppLlvmFunctions :: LlvmFunctions -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunctions funcs = vcat $ map ppLlvmFunction funcs
+-- | Print out a function definition.
+ppLlvmFunction :: LlvmFunction -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunction fun =
+ let attrDoc = ppSpaceJoin (funcAttrs fun)
+ secDoc = case funcSect fun of
+ Just s' -> text "section" <+> (doubleQuotes $ ftext s')
+ Nothing -> empty
+ prefixDoc = case funcPrefix fun of
+ Just v -> text "prefix" <+> ppr v
+ Nothing -> empty
+ in text "define" <+> ppLlvmFunctionHeader (funcDecl fun) (funcArgs fun)
+ <+> attrDoc <+> secDoc <+> prefixDoc
+ $+$ lbrace
+ $+$ ppLlvmBlocks (funcBody fun)
+ $+$ rbrace
+ $+$ newLine
+ $+$ newLine
+-- | Print out a function definition header.
+ppLlvmFunctionHeader :: LlvmFunctionDecl -> [LMString] -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunctionHeader (LlvmFunctionDecl n l c r varg p a) args
+ = let varg' = case varg of
+ VarArgs | null p -> sLit "..."
+ | otherwise -> sLit ", ..."
+ _otherwise -> sLit ""
+ align = case a of
+ Just a' -> text " align " <> ppr a'
+ Nothing -> empty
+ args' = map (\((ty,p),n) -> ppr ty <+> ppSpaceJoin p <+> char '%'
+ <> ftext n)
+ (zip p args)
+ in ppr l <+> ppr c <+> ppr r <+> char '@' <> ftext n <> lparen <>
+ (hsep $ punctuate comma args') <> ptext varg' <> rparen <> align
+-- | Print out a list of function declaration.
+ppLlvmFunctionDecls :: LlvmFunctionDecls -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunctionDecls decs = vcat $ map ppLlvmFunctionDecl decs
+-- | Print out a function declaration.
+-- Declarations define the function type but don't define the actual body of
+-- the function.
+ppLlvmFunctionDecl :: LlvmFunctionDecl -> SDoc
+ppLlvmFunctionDecl (LlvmFunctionDecl n l c r varg p a)
+ = let varg' = case varg of
+ VarArgs | null p -> sLit "..."
+ | otherwise -> sLit ", ..."
+ _otherwise -> sLit ""
+ align = case a of
+ Just a' -> text " align" <+> ppr a'
+ Nothing -> empty
+ args = hcat $ intersperse (comma <> space) $
+ map (\(t,a) -> ppr t <+> ppSpaceJoin a) p
+ in text "declare" <+> ppr l <+> ppr c <+> ppr r <+> char '@' <>
+ ftext n <> lparen <> args <> ptext varg' <> rparen <> align $+$ newLine
+-- | Print out a list of LLVM blocks.
+ppLlvmBlocks :: LlvmBlocks -> SDoc
+ppLlvmBlocks blocks = vcat $ map ppLlvmBlock blocks
+-- | Print out an LLVM block.
+-- It must be part of a function definition.
+ppLlvmBlock :: LlvmBlock -> SDoc
+ppLlvmBlock (LlvmBlock blockId stmts) =
+ let isLabel (MkLabel _) = True
+ isLabel _ = False
+ (block, rest) = break isLabel stmts
+ ppRest = case rest of
+ MkLabel id:xs -> ppLlvmBlock (LlvmBlock id xs)
+ _ -> empty
+ in ppLlvmBlockLabel blockId
+ $+$ (vcat $ map ppLlvmStatement block)
+ $+$ newLine
+ $+$ ppRest
+-- | Print out an LLVM block label.
+ppLlvmBlockLabel :: LlvmBlockId -> SDoc
+ppLlvmBlockLabel id = pprUniqueAlways id <> colon
+-- | Print out an LLVM statement.
+ppLlvmStatement :: LlvmStatement -> SDoc
+ppLlvmStatement stmt =
+ let ind = (text " " <>)
+ in case stmt of
+ Assignment dst expr -> ind $ ppAssignment dst (ppLlvmExpression expr)
+ Fence st ord -> ind $ ppFence st ord
+ Branch target -> ind $ ppBranch target
+ BranchIf cond ifT ifF -> ind $ ppBranchIf cond ifT ifF
+ Comment comments -> ind $ ppLlvmComments comments
+ MkLabel label -> ppLlvmBlockLabel label
+ Store value ptr -> ind $ ppStore value ptr
+ Switch scrut def tgs -> ind $ ppSwitch scrut def tgs
+ Return result -> ind $ ppReturn result
+ Expr expr -> ind $ ppLlvmExpression expr
+ Unreachable -> ind $ text "unreachable"
+ Nop -> empty
+ MetaStmt meta s -> ppMetaStatement meta s
+-- | Print out an LLVM expression.
+ppLlvmExpression :: LlvmExpression -> SDoc
+ppLlvmExpression expr
+ = case expr of
+ Alloca tp amount -> ppAlloca tp amount
+ LlvmOp op left right -> ppMachOp op left right
+ Call tp fp args attrs -> ppCall tp fp (map MetaVar args) attrs
+ CallM tp fp args attrs -> ppCall tp fp args attrs
+ Cast op from to -> ppCast op from to
+ Compare op left right -> ppCmpOp op left right
+ Extract vec idx -> ppExtract vec idx
+ ExtractV struct idx -> ppExtractV struct idx
+ Insert vec elt idx -> ppInsert vec elt idx
+ GetElemPtr inb ptr indexes -> ppGetElementPtr inb ptr indexes
+ Load ptr -> ppLoad ptr
+ ALoad ord st ptr -> ppALoad ord st ptr
+ Malloc tp amount -> ppMalloc tp amount
+ AtomicRMW aop tgt src ordering -> ppAtomicRMW aop tgt src ordering
+ CmpXChg addr old new s_ord f_ord -> ppCmpXChg addr old new s_ord f_ord
+ Phi tp predecessors -> ppPhi tp predecessors
+ Asm asm c ty v se sk -> ppAsm asm c ty v se sk
+ MExpr meta expr -> ppMetaExpr meta expr
+-- * Individual print functions
+-- | Should always be a function pointer. So a global var of function type
+-- (since globals are always pointers) or a local var of pointer function type.
+ppCall :: LlvmCallType -> LlvmVar -> [MetaExpr] -> [LlvmFuncAttr] -> SDoc
+ppCall ct fptr args attrs = case fptr of
+ --
+ -- if local var function pointer, unwrap
+ LMLocalVar _ (LMPointer (LMFunction d)) -> ppCall' d
+ -- should be function type otherwise
+ LMGlobalVar _ (LMFunction d) _ _ _ _ -> ppCall' d
+ -- not pointer or function, so error
+ _other -> error $ "ppCall called with non LMFunction type!\nMust be "
+ ++ " called with either global var of function type or "
+ ++ "local var of pointer function type."
+ where
+ ppCall' (LlvmFunctionDecl _ _ cc ret argTy params _) =
+ let tc = if ct == TailCall then text "tail " else empty
+ ppValues = hsep $ punctuate comma $ map ppCallMetaExpr args
+ ppArgTy = (ppCommaJoin $ map fst params) <>
+ (case argTy of
+ VarArgs -> text ", ..."
+ FixedArgs -> empty)
+ fnty = space <> lparen <> ppArgTy <> rparen
+ attrDoc = ppSpaceJoin attrs
+ in tc <> text "call" <+> ppr cc <+> ppr ret
+ <> fnty <+> ppName fptr <> lparen <+> ppValues
+ <+> rparen <+> attrDoc
+ -- Metadata needs to be marked as having the `metadata` type when used
+ -- in a call argument
+ ppCallMetaExpr (MetaVar v) = ppr v
+ ppCallMetaExpr v = text "metadata" <+> ppr v
+ppMachOp :: LlvmMachOp -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppMachOp op left right =
+ (ppr op) <+> (ppr (getVarType left)) <+> ppName left
+ <> comma <+> ppName right
+ppCmpOp :: LlvmCmpOp -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppCmpOp op left right =
+ let cmpOp
+ | isInt (getVarType left) && isInt (getVarType right) = text "icmp"
+ | isFloat (getVarType left) && isFloat (getVarType right) = text "fcmp"
+ | otherwise = text "icmp" -- Just continue as its much easier to debug
+ {-
+ | otherwise = error ("can't compare different types, left = "
+ ++ (show $ getVarType left) ++ ", right = "
+ ++ (show $ getVarType right))
+ -}
+ in cmpOp <+> ppr op <+> ppr (getVarType left)
+ <+> ppName left <> comma <+> ppName right
+ppAssignment :: LlvmVar -> SDoc -> SDoc
+ppAssignment var expr = ppName var <+> equals <+> expr
+ppFence :: Bool -> LlvmSyncOrdering -> SDoc
+ppFence st ord =
+ let singleThread = case st of True -> text "singlethread"
+ False -> empty
+ in text "fence" <+> singleThread <+> ppSyncOrdering ord
+ppSyncOrdering :: LlvmSyncOrdering -> SDoc
+ppSyncOrdering SyncUnord = text "unordered"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncMonotonic = text "monotonic"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncAcquire = text "acquire"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncRelease = text "release"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncAcqRel = text "acq_rel"
+ppSyncOrdering SyncSeqCst = text "seq_cst"
+ppAtomicOp :: LlvmAtomicOp -> SDoc
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Xchg = text "xchg"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Add = text "add"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Sub = text "sub"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_And = text "and"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Nand = text "nand"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Or = text "or"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Xor = text "xor"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Max = text "max"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Min = text "min"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Umax = text "umax"
+ppAtomicOp LAO_Umin = text "umin"
+ppAtomicRMW :: LlvmAtomicOp -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> LlvmSyncOrdering -> SDoc
+ppAtomicRMW aop tgt src ordering =
+ text "atomicrmw" <+> ppAtomicOp aop <+> ppr tgt <> comma
+ <+> ppr src <+> ppSyncOrdering ordering
+ppCmpXChg :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar
+ -> LlvmSyncOrdering -> LlvmSyncOrdering -> SDoc
+ppCmpXChg addr old new s_ord f_ord =
+ text "cmpxchg" <+> ppr addr <> comma <+> ppr old <> comma <+> ppr new
+ <+> ppSyncOrdering s_ord <+> ppSyncOrdering f_ord
+-- XXX: On x86, vector types need to be 16-byte aligned for aligned access, but
+-- we have no way of guaranteeing that this is true with GHC (we would need to
+-- modify the layout of the stack and closures, change the storage manager,
+-- etc.). So, we blindly tell LLVM that *any* vector store or load could be
+-- unaligned. In the future we may be able to guarantee that certain vector
+-- access patterns are aligned, in which case we will need a more granular way
+-- of specifying alignment.
+ppLoad :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppLoad var = text "load" <+> ppr derefType <> comma <+> ppr var <> align
+ where
+ derefType = pLower $ getVarType var
+ align | isVector . pLower . getVarType $ var = text ", align 1"
+ | otherwise = empty
+ppALoad :: LlvmSyncOrdering -> SingleThreaded -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppALoad ord st var = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ let alignment = (llvmWidthInBits dflags $ getVarType var) `quot` 8
+ align = text ", align" <+> ppr alignment
+ sThreaded | st = text " singlethread"
+ | otherwise = empty
+ derefType = pLower $ getVarType var
+ in text "load atomic" <+> ppr derefType <> comma <+> ppr var <> sThreaded
+ <+> ppSyncOrdering ord <> align
+ppStore :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppStore val dst
+ | isVecPtrVar dst = text "store" <+> ppr val <> comma <+> ppr dst <>
+ comma <+> text "align 1"
+ | otherwise = text "store" <+> ppr val <> comma <+> ppr dst
+ where
+ isVecPtrVar :: LlvmVar -> Bool
+ isVecPtrVar = isVector . pLower . getVarType
+ppCast :: LlvmCastOp -> LlvmVar -> LlvmType -> SDoc
+ppCast op from to
+ = ppr op
+ <+> ppr (getVarType from) <+> ppName from
+ <+> text "to"
+ <+> ppr to
+ppMalloc :: LlvmType -> Int -> SDoc
+ppMalloc tp amount =
+ let amount' = LMLitVar $ LMIntLit (toInteger amount) i32
+ in text "malloc" <+> ppr tp <> comma <+> ppr amount'
+ppAlloca :: LlvmType -> Int -> SDoc
+ppAlloca tp amount =
+ let amount' = LMLitVar $ LMIntLit (toInteger amount) i32
+ in text "alloca" <+> ppr tp <> comma <+> ppr amount'
+ppGetElementPtr :: Bool -> LlvmVar -> [LlvmVar] -> SDoc
+ppGetElementPtr inb ptr idx =
+ let indexes = comma <+> ppCommaJoin idx
+ inbound = if inb then text "inbounds" else empty
+ derefType = pLower $ getVarType ptr
+ in text "getelementptr" <+> inbound <+> ppr derefType <> comma <+> ppr ptr
+ <> indexes
+ppReturn :: Maybe LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppReturn (Just var) = text "ret" <+> ppr var
+ppReturn Nothing = text "ret" <+> ppr LMVoid
+ppBranch :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppBranch var = text "br" <+> ppr var
+ppBranchIf :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppBranchIf cond trueT falseT
+ = text "br" <+> ppr cond <> comma <+> ppr trueT <> comma <+> ppr falseT
+ppPhi :: LlvmType -> [(LlvmVar,LlvmVar)] -> SDoc
+ppPhi tp preds =
+ let ppPreds (val, label) = brackets $ ppName val <> comma <+> ppName label
+ in text "phi" <+> ppr tp <+> hsep (punctuate comma $ map ppPreds preds)
+ppSwitch :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> [(LlvmVar,LlvmVar)] -> SDoc
+ppSwitch scrut dflt targets =
+ let ppTarget (val, lab) = ppr val <> comma <+> ppr lab
+ ppTargets xs = brackets $ vcat (map ppTarget xs)
+ in text "switch" <+> ppr scrut <> comma <+> ppr dflt
+ <+> ppTargets targets
+ppAsm :: LMString -> LMString -> LlvmType -> [LlvmVar] -> Bool -> Bool -> SDoc
+ppAsm asm constraints rty vars sideeffect alignstack =
+ let asm' = doubleQuotes $ ftext asm
+ cons = doubleQuotes $ ftext constraints
+ rty' = ppr rty
+ vars' = lparen <+> ppCommaJoin vars <+> rparen
+ side = if sideeffect then text "sideeffect" else empty
+ align = if alignstack then text "alignstack" else empty
+ in text "call" <+> rty' <+> text "asm" <+> side <+> align <+> asm' <> comma
+ <+> cons <> vars'
+ppExtract :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppExtract vec idx =
+ text "extractelement"
+ <+> ppr (getVarType vec) <+> ppName vec <> comma
+ <+> ppr idx
+ppExtractV :: LlvmVar -> Int -> SDoc
+ppExtractV struct idx =
+ text "extractvalue"
+ <+> ppr (getVarType struct) <+> ppName struct <> comma
+ <+> ppr idx
+ppInsert :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppInsert vec elt idx =
+ text "insertelement"
+ <+> ppr (getVarType vec) <+> ppName vec <> comma
+ <+> ppr (getVarType elt) <+> ppName elt <> comma
+ <+> ppr idx
+ppMetaStatement :: [MetaAnnot] -> LlvmStatement -> SDoc
+ppMetaStatement meta stmt = ppLlvmStatement stmt <> ppMetaAnnots meta
+ppMetaExpr :: [MetaAnnot] -> LlvmExpression -> SDoc
+ppMetaExpr meta expr = ppLlvmExpression expr <> ppMetaAnnots meta
+ppMetaAnnots :: [MetaAnnot] -> SDoc
+ppMetaAnnots meta = hcat $ map ppMeta meta
+ where
+ ppMeta (MetaAnnot name e)
+ = comma <+> exclamation <> ftext name <+>
+ case e of
+ MetaNode n -> ppr n
+ MetaStruct ms -> exclamation <> braces (ppCommaJoin ms)
+ other -> exclamation <> braces (ppr other) -- possible?
+-- * Misc functions
+-- | Blank line.
+newLine :: SDoc
+newLine = empty
+-- | Exclamation point.
+exclamation :: SDoc
+exclamation = char '!'
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Syntax.hs b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Syntax.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d048215a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Syntax.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+-- | The LLVM abstract syntax.
+module GHC.Llvm.Syntax where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Llvm.MetaData
+import GHC.Llvm.Types
+import Unique
+-- | Block labels
+type LlvmBlockId = Unique
+-- | A block of LLVM code.
+data LlvmBlock = LlvmBlock {
+ -- | The code label for this block
+ blockLabel :: LlvmBlockId,
+ -- | A list of LlvmStatement's representing the code for this block.
+ -- This list must end with a control flow statement.
+ blockStmts :: [LlvmStatement]
+ }
+type LlvmBlocks = [LlvmBlock]
+-- | An LLVM Module. This is a top level container in LLVM.
+data LlvmModule = LlvmModule {
+ -- | Comments to include at the start of the module.
+ modComments :: [LMString],
+ -- | LLVM Alias type definitions.
+ modAliases :: [LlvmAlias],
+ -- | LLVM meta data.
+ modMeta :: [MetaDecl],
+ -- | Global variables to include in the module.
+ modGlobals :: [LMGlobal],
+ -- | LLVM Functions used in this module but defined in other modules.
+ modFwdDecls :: LlvmFunctionDecls,
+ -- | LLVM Functions defined in this module.
+ modFuncs :: LlvmFunctions
+ }
+-- | An LLVM Function
+data LlvmFunction = LlvmFunction {
+ -- | The signature of this declared function.
+ funcDecl :: LlvmFunctionDecl,
+ -- | The functions arguments
+ funcArgs :: [LMString],
+ -- | The function attributes.
+ funcAttrs :: [LlvmFuncAttr],
+ -- | The section to put the function into,
+ funcSect :: LMSection,
+ -- | Prefix data
+ funcPrefix :: Maybe LlvmStatic,
+ -- | The body of the functions.
+ funcBody :: LlvmBlocks
+ }
+type LlvmFunctions = [LlvmFunction]
+type SingleThreaded = Bool
+-- | LLVM ordering types for synchronization purposes. (Introduced in LLVM
+-- 3.0). Please see the LLVM documentation for a better description.
+data LlvmSyncOrdering
+ -- | Some partial order of operations exists.
+ = SyncUnord
+ -- | A single total order for operations at a single address exists.
+ | SyncMonotonic
+ -- | Acquire synchronization operation.
+ | SyncAcquire
+ -- | Release synchronization operation.
+ | SyncRelease
+ -- | Acquire + Release synchronization operation.
+ | SyncAcqRel
+ -- | Full sequential Consistency operation.
+ | SyncSeqCst
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | LLVM atomic operations. Please see the @atomicrmw@ instruction in
+-- the LLVM documentation for a complete description.
+data LlvmAtomicOp
+ = LAO_Xchg
+ | LAO_Add
+ | LAO_Sub
+ | LAO_And
+ | LAO_Nand
+ | LAO_Or
+ | LAO_Xor
+ | LAO_Max
+ | LAO_Min
+ | LAO_Umax
+ | LAO_Umin
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | Llvm Statements
+data LlvmStatement
+ {- |
+ Assign an expression to a variable:
+ * dest: Variable to assign to
+ * source: Source expression
+ -}
+ = Assignment LlvmVar LlvmExpression
+ {- |
+ Memory fence operation
+ -}
+ | Fence Bool LlvmSyncOrdering
+ {- |
+ Always branch to the target label
+ -}
+ | Branch LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Branch to label targetTrue if cond is true otherwise to label targetFalse
+ * cond: condition that will be tested, must be of type i1
+ * targetTrue: label to branch to if cond is true
+ * targetFalse: label to branch to if cond is false
+ -}
+ | BranchIf LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Comment
+ Plain comment.
+ -}
+ | Comment [LMString]
+ {- |
+ Set a label on this position.
+ * name: Identifier of this label, unique for this module
+ -}
+ | MkLabel LlvmBlockId
+ {- |
+ Store variable value in pointer ptr. If value is of type t then ptr must
+ be of type t*.
+ * value: Variable/Constant to store.
+ * ptr: Location to store the value in
+ -}
+ | Store LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Multiway branch
+ * scrutinee: Variable or constant which must be of integer type that is
+ determines which arm is chosen.
+ * def: The default label if there is no match in target.
+ * target: A list of (value,label) where the value is an integer
+ constant and label the corresponding label to jump to if the
+ scrutinee matches the value.
+ -}
+ | Switch LlvmVar LlvmVar [(LlvmVar, LlvmVar)]
+ {- |
+ Return a result.
+ * result: The variable or constant to return
+ -}
+ | Return (Maybe LlvmVar)
+ {- |
+ An instruction for the optimizer that the code following is not reachable
+ -}
+ | Unreachable
+ {- |
+ Raise an expression to a statement (if don't want result or want to use
+ Llvm unnamed values.
+ -}
+ | Expr LlvmExpression
+ {- |
+ A nop LLVM statement. Useful as its often more efficient to use this
+ then to wrap LLvmStatement in a Just or [].
+ -}
+ | Nop
+ {- |
+ A LLVM statement with metadata attached to it.
+ -}
+ | MetaStmt [MetaAnnot] LlvmStatement
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Llvm Expressions
+data LlvmExpression
+ {- |
+ Allocate amount * sizeof(tp) bytes on the stack
+ * tp: LlvmType to reserve room for
+ * amount: The nr of tp's which must be allocated
+ -}
+ = Alloca LlvmType Int
+ {- |
+ Perform the machine operator op on the operands left and right
+ * op: operator
+ * left: left operand
+ * right: right operand
+ -}
+ | LlvmOp LlvmMachOp LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Perform a compare operation on the operands left and right
+ * op: operator
+ * left: left operand
+ * right: right operand
+ -}
+ | Compare LlvmCmpOp LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Extract a scalar element from a vector
+ * val: The vector
+ * idx: The index of the scalar within the vector
+ -}
+ | Extract LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Extract a scalar element from a structure
+ * val: The structure
+ * idx: The index of the scalar within the structure
+ Corresponds to "extractvalue" instruction.
+ -}
+ | ExtractV LlvmVar Int
+ {- |
+ Insert a scalar element into a vector
+ * val: The source vector
+ * elt: The scalar to insert
+ * index: The index at which to insert the scalar
+ -}
+ | Insert LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Allocate amount * sizeof(tp) bytes on the heap
+ * tp: LlvmType to reserve room for
+ * amount: The nr of tp's which must be allocated
+ -}
+ | Malloc LlvmType Int
+ {- |
+ Load the value at location ptr
+ -}
+ | Load LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Atomic load of the value at location ptr
+ -}
+ | ALoad LlvmSyncOrdering SingleThreaded LlvmVar
+ {- |
+ Navigate in a structure, selecting elements
+ * inbound: Is the pointer inbounds? (computed pointer doesn't overflow)
+ * ptr: Location of the structure
+ * indexes: A list of indexes to select the correct value.
+ -}
+ | GetElemPtr Bool LlvmVar [LlvmVar]
+ {- |
+ Cast the variable from to the to type. This is an abstraction of three
+ cast operators in Llvm, inttoptr, ptrtoint and bitcast.
+ * cast: Cast type
+ * from: Variable to cast
+ * to: type to cast to
+ -}
+ | Cast LlvmCastOp LlvmVar LlvmType
+ {- |
+ Atomic read-modify-write operation
+ * op: Atomic operation
+ * addr: Address to modify
+ * operand: Operand to operation
+ * ordering: Ordering requirement
+ -}
+ | AtomicRMW LlvmAtomicOp LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmSyncOrdering
+ {- |
+ Compare-and-exchange operation
+ * addr: Address to modify
+ * old: Expected value
+ * new: New value
+ * suc_ord: Ordering required in success case
+ * fail_ord: Ordering required in failure case, can be no stronger than
+ suc_ord
+ Result is an @i1@, true if store was successful.
+ -}
+ | CmpXChg LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmSyncOrdering LlvmSyncOrdering
+ {- |
+ Call a function. The result is the value of the expression.
+ * tailJumps: CallType to signal if the function should be tail called
+ * fnptrval: An LLVM value containing a pointer to a function to be
+ invoked. Can be indirect. Should be LMFunction type.
+ * args: Concrete arguments for the parameters
+ * attrs: A list of function attributes for the call. Only NoReturn,
+ NoUnwind, ReadOnly and ReadNone are valid here.
+ -}
+ | Call LlvmCallType LlvmVar [LlvmVar] [LlvmFuncAttr]
+ {- |
+ Call a function as above but potentially taking metadata as arguments.
+ * tailJumps: CallType to signal if the function should be tail called
+ * fnptrval: An LLVM value containing a pointer to a function to be
+ invoked. Can be indirect. Should be LMFunction type.
+ * args: Arguments that may include metadata.
+ * attrs: A list of function attributes for the call. Only NoReturn,
+ NoUnwind, ReadOnly and ReadNone are valid here.
+ -}
+ | CallM LlvmCallType LlvmVar [MetaExpr] [LlvmFuncAttr]
+ {- |
+ Merge variables from different basic blocks which are predecessors of this
+ basic block in a new variable of type tp.
+ * tp: type of the merged variable, must match the types of the
+ predecessor variables.
+ * predecessors: A list of variables and the basic block that they originate
+ from.
+ -}
+ | Phi LlvmType [(LlvmVar,LlvmVar)]
+ {- |
+ Inline assembly expression. Syntax is very similar to the style used by GCC.
+ * assembly: Actual inline assembly code.
+ * constraints: Operand constraints.
+ * return ty: Return type of function.
+ * vars: Any variables involved in the assembly code.
+ * sideeffect: Does the expression have side effects not visible from the
+ constraints list.
+ * alignstack: Should the stack be conservatively aligned before this
+ expression is executed.
+ -}
+ | Asm LMString LMString LlvmType [LlvmVar] Bool Bool
+ {- |
+ A LLVM expression with metadata attached to it.
+ -}
+ | MExpr [MetaAnnot] LlvmExpression
+ deriving (Eq)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4fa9a9a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Llvm/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+-- | The LLVM Type System.
+module GHC.Llvm.Types where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Int
+import Numeric
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+-- from NCG
+import PprBase
+import GHC.Float
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * LLVM Basic Types and Variables
+-- | A global mutable variable. Maybe defined or external
+data LMGlobal = LMGlobal {
+ getGlobalVar :: LlvmVar, -- ^ Returns the variable of the 'LMGlobal'
+ getGlobalValue :: Maybe LlvmStatic -- ^ Return the value of the 'LMGlobal'
+ }
+-- | A String in LLVM
+type LMString = FastString
+-- | A type alias
+type LlvmAlias = (LMString, LlvmType)
+-- | Llvm Types
+data LlvmType
+ = LMInt Int -- ^ An integer with a given width in bits.
+ | LMFloat -- ^ 32 bit floating point
+ | LMDouble -- ^ 64 bit floating point
+ | LMFloat80 -- ^ 80 bit (x86 only) floating point
+ | LMFloat128 -- ^ 128 bit floating point
+ | LMPointer LlvmType -- ^ A pointer to a 'LlvmType'
+ | LMArray Int LlvmType -- ^ An array of 'LlvmType'
+ | LMVector Int LlvmType -- ^ A vector of 'LlvmType'
+ | LMLabel -- ^ A 'LlvmVar' can represent a label (address)
+ | LMVoid -- ^ Void type
+ | LMStruct [LlvmType] -- ^ Packed structure type
+ | LMStructU [LlvmType] -- ^ Unpacked structure type
+ | LMAlias LlvmAlias -- ^ A type alias
+ | LMMetadata -- ^ LLVM Metadata
+ -- | Function type, used to create pointers to functions
+ | LMFunction LlvmFunctionDecl
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmType where
+ ppr (LMInt size ) = char 'i' <> ppr size
+ ppr (LMFloat ) = text "float"
+ ppr (LMDouble ) = text "double"
+ ppr (LMFloat80 ) = text "x86_fp80"
+ ppr (LMFloat128 ) = text "fp128"
+ ppr (LMPointer x ) = ppr x <> char '*'
+ ppr (LMArray nr tp ) = char '[' <> ppr nr <> text " x " <> ppr tp <> char ']'
+ ppr (LMVector nr tp ) = char '<' <> ppr nr <> text " x " <> ppr tp <> char '>'
+ ppr (LMLabel ) = text "label"
+ ppr (LMVoid ) = text "void"
+ ppr (LMStruct tys ) = text "<{" <> ppCommaJoin tys <> text "}>"
+ ppr (LMStructU tys ) = text "{" <> ppCommaJoin tys <> text "}"
+ ppr (LMMetadata ) = text "metadata"
+ ppr (LMFunction (LlvmFunctionDecl _ _ _ r varg p _))
+ = ppr r <+> lparen <> ppParams varg p <> rparen
+ ppr (LMAlias (s,_)) = char '%' <> ftext s
+ppParams :: LlvmParameterListType -> [LlvmParameter] -> SDoc
+ppParams varg p
+ = let varg' = case varg of
+ VarArgs | null args -> sLit "..."
+ | otherwise -> sLit ", ..."
+ _otherwise -> sLit ""
+ -- by default we don't print param attributes
+ args = map fst p
+ in ppCommaJoin args <> ptext varg'
+-- | An LLVM section definition. If Nothing then let LLVM decide the section
+type LMSection = Maybe LMString
+type LMAlign = Maybe Int
+data LMConst = Global -- ^ Mutable global variable
+ | Constant -- ^ Constant global variable
+ | Alias -- ^ Alias of another variable
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | LLVM Variables
+data LlvmVar
+ -- | Variables with a global scope.
+ = LMGlobalVar LMString LlvmType LlvmLinkageType LMSection LMAlign LMConst
+ -- | Variables local to a function or parameters.
+ | LMLocalVar Unique LlvmType
+ -- | Named local variables. Sometimes we need to be able to explicitly name
+ -- variables (e.g for function arguments).
+ | LMNLocalVar LMString LlvmType
+ -- | A constant variable
+ | LMLitVar LlvmLit
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmVar where
+ ppr (LMLitVar x) = ppr x
+ ppr (x ) = ppr (getVarType x) <+> ppName x
+-- | Llvm Literal Data.
+-- These can be used inline in expressions.
+data LlvmLit
+ -- | Refers to an integer constant (i64 42).
+ = LMIntLit Integer LlvmType
+ -- | Floating point literal
+ | LMFloatLit Double LlvmType
+ -- | Literal NULL, only applicable to pointer types
+ | LMNullLit LlvmType
+ -- | Vector literal
+ | LMVectorLit [LlvmLit]
+ -- | Undefined value, random bit pattern. Useful for optimisations.
+ | LMUndefLit LlvmType
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmLit where
+ ppr l@(LMVectorLit {}) = ppLit l
+ ppr l = ppr (getLitType l) <+> ppLit l
+-- | Llvm Static Data.
+-- These represent the possible global level variables and constants.
+data LlvmStatic
+ = LMComment LMString -- ^ A comment in a static section
+ | LMStaticLit LlvmLit -- ^ A static variant of a literal value
+ | LMUninitType LlvmType -- ^ For uninitialised data
+ | LMStaticStr LMString LlvmType -- ^ Defines a static 'LMString'
+ | LMStaticArray [LlvmStatic] LlvmType -- ^ A static array
+ | LMStaticStruc [LlvmStatic] LlvmType -- ^ A static structure type
+ | LMStaticPointer LlvmVar -- ^ A pointer to other data
+ -- static expressions, could split out but leave
+ -- for moment for ease of use. Not many of them.
+ | LMTrunc LlvmStatic LlvmType -- ^ Truncate
+ | LMBitc LlvmStatic LlvmType -- ^ Pointer to Pointer conversion
+ | LMPtoI LlvmStatic LlvmType -- ^ Pointer to Integer conversion
+ | LMAdd LlvmStatic LlvmStatic -- ^ Constant addition operation
+ | LMSub LlvmStatic LlvmStatic -- ^ Constant subtraction operation
+instance Outputable LlvmStatic where
+ ppr (LMComment s) = text "; " <> ftext s
+ ppr (LMStaticLit l ) = ppr l
+ ppr (LMUninitType t) = ppr t <> text " undef"
+ ppr (LMStaticStr s t) = ppr t <> text " c\"" <> ftext s <> text "\\00\""
+ ppr (LMStaticArray d t) = ppr t <> text " [" <> ppCommaJoin d <> char ']'
+ ppr (LMStaticStruc d t) = ppr t <> text "<{" <> ppCommaJoin d <> text "}>"
+ ppr (LMStaticPointer v) = ppr v
+ ppr (LMTrunc v t)
+ = ppr t <> text " trunc (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t <> char ')'
+ ppr (LMBitc v t)
+ = ppr t <> text " bitcast (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t <> char ')'
+ ppr (LMPtoI v t)
+ = ppr t <> text " ptrtoint (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t <> char ')'
+ ppr (LMAdd s1 s2)
+ = pprStaticArith s1 s2 (sLit "add") (sLit "fadd") "LMAdd"
+ ppr (LMSub s1 s2)
+ = pprStaticArith s1 s2 (sLit "sub") (sLit "fsub") "LMSub"
+pprSpecialStatic :: LlvmStatic -> SDoc
+pprSpecialStatic (LMBitc v t) =
+ ppr (pLower t) <> text ", bitcast (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t
+ <> char ')'
+pprSpecialStatic v@(LMStaticPointer x) = ppr (pLower $ getVarType x) <> comma <+> ppr v
+pprSpecialStatic stat = ppr stat
+pprStaticArith :: LlvmStatic -> LlvmStatic -> PtrString -> PtrString
+ -> String -> SDoc
+pprStaticArith s1 s2 int_op float_op op_name =
+ let ty1 = getStatType s1
+ op = if isFloat ty1 then float_op else int_op
+ in if ty1 == getStatType s2
+ then ppr ty1 <+> ptext op <+> lparen <> ppr s1 <> comma <> ppr s2 <> rparen
+ else sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ error $ op_name ++ " with different types! s1: "
+ ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr s1) ++ ", s2: " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr s2)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ** Operations on LLVM Basic Types and Variables
+-- | Return the variable name or value of the 'LlvmVar'
+-- in Llvm IR textual representation (e.g. @\@x@, @%y@ or @42@).
+ppName :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppName v@(LMGlobalVar {}) = char '@' <> ppPlainName v
+ppName v@(LMLocalVar {}) = char '%' <> ppPlainName v
+ppName v@(LMNLocalVar {}) = char '%' <> ppPlainName v
+ppName v@(LMLitVar {}) = ppPlainName v
+-- | Return the variable name or value of the 'LlvmVar'
+-- in a plain textual representation (e.g. @x@, @y@ or @42@).
+ppPlainName :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
+ppPlainName (LMGlobalVar x _ _ _ _ _) = ftext x
+ppPlainName (LMLocalVar x LMLabel ) = text (show x)
+ppPlainName (LMLocalVar x _ ) = text ('l' : show x)
+ppPlainName (LMNLocalVar x _ ) = ftext x
+ppPlainName (LMLitVar x ) = ppLit x
+-- | Print a literal value. No type.
+ppLit :: LlvmLit -> SDoc
+ppLit (LMIntLit i (LMInt 32)) = ppr (fromInteger i :: Int32)
+ppLit (LMIntLit i (LMInt 64)) = ppr (fromInteger i :: Int64)
+ppLit (LMIntLit i _ ) = ppr ((fromInteger i)::Int)
+ppLit (LMFloatLit r LMFloat ) = ppFloat $ narrowFp r
+ppLit (LMFloatLit r LMDouble) = ppDouble r
+ppLit f@(LMFloatLit _ _) = sdocWithDynFlags (\dflags ->
+ error $ "Can't print this float literal!" ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr f))
+ppLit (LMVectorLit ls ) = char '<' <+> ppCommaJoin ls <+> char '>'
+ppLit (LMNullLit _ ) = text "null"
+-- #11487 was an issue where we passed undef for some arguments
+-- that were actually live. By chance the registers holding those
+-- arguments usually happened to have the right values anyways, but
+-- that was not guaranteed. To find such bugs reliably, we set the
+-- flag below when validating, which replaces undef literals (at
+-- common types) with values that are likely to cause a crash or test
+-- failure.
+ppLit (LMUndefLit t ) = sdocWithDynFlags f
+ where f dflags
+ | gopt Opt_LlvmFillUndefWithGarbage dflags,
+ Just lit <- garbageLit t = ppLit lit
+ | otherwise = text "undef"
+garbageLit :: LlvmType -> Maybe LlvmLit
+garbageLit t@(LMInt w) = Just (LMIntLit (0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb0 `mod` (2^w)) t)
+ -- Use a value that looks like an untagged pointer, so we are more
+ -- likely to try to enter it
+garbageLit t
+ | isFloat t = Just (LMFloatLit 12345678.9 t)
+garbageLit t@(LMPointer _) = Just (LMNullLit t)
+ -- Using null isn't totally ideal, since some functions may check for null.
+ -- But producing another value is inconvenient since it needs a cast,
+ -- and the knowledge for how to format casts is in PpLlvm.
+garbageLit _ = Nothing
+ -- More cases could be added, but this should do for now.
+-- | Return the 'LlvmType' of the 'LlvmVar'
+getVarType :: LlvmVar -> LlvmType
+getVarType (LMGlobalVar _ y _ _ _ _) = y
+getVarType (LMLocalVar _ y ) = y
+getVarType (LMNLocalVar _ y ) = y
+getVarType (LMLitVar l ) = getLitType l
+-- | Return the 'LlvmType' of a 'LlvmLit'
+getLitType :: LlvmLit -> LlvmType
+getLitType (LMIntLit _ t) = t
+getLitType (LMFloatLit _ t) = t
+getLitType (LMVectorLit []) = panic "getLitType"
+getLitType (LMVectorLit ls) = LMVector (length ls) (getLitType (head ls))
+getLitType (LMNullLit t) = t
+getLitType (LMUndefLit t) = t
+-- | Return the 'LlvmType' of the 'LlvmStatic'
+getStatType :: LlvmStatic -> LlvmType
+getStatType (LMStaticLit l ) = getLitType l
+getStatType (LMUninitType t) = t
+getStatType (LMStaticStr _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMStaticArray _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMStaticStruc _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMStaticPointer v) = getVarType v
+getStatType (LMTrunc _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMBitc _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMPtoI _ t) = t
+getStatType (LMAdd t _) = getStatType t
+getStatType (LMSub t _) = getStatType t
+getStatType (LMComment _) = error "Can't call getStatType on LMComment!"
+-- | Return the 'LlvmLinkageType' for a 'LlvmVar'
+getLink :: LlvmVar -> LlvmLinkageType
+getLink (LMGlobalVar _ _ l _ _ _) = l
+getLink _ = Internal
+-- | Add a pointer indirection to the supplied type. 'LMLabel' and 'LMVoid'
+-- cannot be lifted.
+pLift :: LlvmType -> LlvmType
+pLift LMLabel = error "Labels are unliftable"
+pLift LMVoid = error "Voids are unliftable"
+pLift LMMetadata = error "Metadatas are unliftable"
+pLift x = LMPointer x
+-- | Lift a variable to 'LMPointer' type.
+pVarLift :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar
+pVarLift (LMGlobalVar s t l x a c) = LMGlobalVar s (pLift t) l x a c
+pVarLift (LMLocalVar s t ) = LMLocalVar s (pLift t)
+pVarLift (LMNLocalVar s t ) = LMNLocalVar s (pLift t)
+pVarLift (LMLitVar _ ) = error $ "Can't lower a literal type!"
+-- | Remove the pointer indirection of the supplied type. Only 'LMPointer'
+-- constructors can be lowered.
+pLower :: LlvmType -> LlvmType
+pLower (LMPointer x) = x
+pLower x = pprPanic "llvmGen(pLower)"
+ $ ppr x <+> text " is a unlowerable type, need a pointer"
+-- | Lower a variable of 'LMPointer' type.
+pVarLower :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar
+pVarLower (LMGlobalVar s t l x a c) = LMGlobalVar s (pLower t) l x a c
+pVarLower (LMLocalVar s t ) = LMLocalVar s (pLower t)
+pVarLower (LMNLocalVar s t ) = LMNLocalVar s (pLower t)
+pVarLower (LMLitVar _ ) = error $ "Can't lower a literal type!"
+-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is an integer
+isInt :: LlvmType -> Bool
+isInt (LMInt _) = True
+isInt _ = False
+-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is a floating point type
+isFloat :: LlvmType -> Bool
+isFloat LMFloat = True
+isFloat LMDouble = True
+isFloat LMFloat80 = True
+isFloat LMFloat128 = True
+isFloat _ = False
+-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is an 'LMPointer' construct
+isPointer :: LlvmType -> Bool
+isPointer (LMPointer _) = True
+isPointer _ = False
+-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is an 'LMVector' construct
+isVector :: LlvmType -> Bool
+isVector (LMVector {}) = True
+isVector _ = False
+-- | Test if a 'LlvmVar' is global.
+isGlobal :: LlvmVar -> Bool
+isGlobal (LMGlobalVar _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
+isGlobal _ = False
+-- | Width in bits of an 'LlvmType', returns 0 if not applicable
+llvmWidthInBits :: DynFlags -> LlvmType -> Int
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMInt n) = n
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMFloat) = 32
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMDouble) = 64
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMFloat80) = 80
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMFloat128) = 128
+-- Could return either a pointer width here or the width of what
+-- it points to. We will go with the former for now.
+-- PMW: At least judging by the way LLVM outputs constants, pointers
+-- should use the former, but arrays the latter.
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMPointer _) = llvmWidthInBits dflags (llvmWord dflags)
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMArray n t) = n * llvmWidthInBits dflags t
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMVector n ty) = n * llvmWidthInBits dflags ty
+llvmWidthInBits _ LMLabel = 0
+llvmWidthInBits _ LMVoid = 0
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMStruct tys) = sum $ map (llvmWidthInBits dflags) tys
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMStructU _) =
+ -- It's not trivial to calculate the bit width of the unpacked structs,
+ -- since they will be aligned depending on the specified datalayout (
+ -- ). One way we could support
+ -- this could be to make the GHC.CmmToLlvm.Ppr.moduleLayout be a data type
+ -- that exposes the alignment information. However, currently the only place
+ -- we use unpacked structs is LLVM intrinsics that return them (e.g.,
+ -- llvm.sadd.with.overflow.*), so we don't actually need to compute their
+ -- bit width.
+ panic "llvmWidthInBits: not implemented for LMStructU"
+llvmWidthInBits _ (LMFunction _) = 0
+llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMAlias (_,t)) = llvmWidthInBits dflags t
+llvmWidthInBits _ LMMetadata = panic "llvmWidthInBits: Meta-data has no runtime representation!"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ** Shortcut for Common Types
+i128, i64, i32, i16, i8, i1, i8Ptr :: LlvmType
+i128 = LMInt 128
+i64 = LMInt 64
+i32 = LMInt 32
+i16 = LMInt 16
+i8 = LMInt 8
+i1 = LMInt 1
+i8Ptr = pLift i8
+-- | The target architectures word size
+llvmWord, llvmWordPtr :: DynFlags -> LlvmType
+llvmWord dflags = LMInt (wORD_SIZE dflags * 8)
+llvmWordPtr dflags = pLift (llvmWord dflags)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * LLVM Function Types
+-- | An LLVM Function
+data LlvmFunctionDecl = LlvmFunctionDecl {
+ -- | Unique identifier of the function
+ decName :: LMString,
+ -- | LinkageType of the function
+ funcLinkage :: LlvmLinkageType,
+ -- | The calling convention of the function
+ funcCc :: LlvmCallConvention,
+ -- | Type of the returned value
+ decReturnType :: LlvmType,
+ -- | Indicates if this function uses varargs
+ decVarargs :: LlvmParameterListType,
+ -- | Parameter types and attributes
+ decParams :: [LlvmParameter],
+ -- | Function align value, must be power of 2
+ funcAlign :: LMAlign
+ }
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmFunctionDecl where
+ ppr (LlvmFunctionDecl n l c r varg p a)
+ = let align = case a of
+ Just a' -> text " align " <> ppr a'
+ Nothing -> empty
+ in ppr l <+> ppr c <+> ppr r <+> char '@' <> ftext n <>
+ lparen <> ppParams varg p <> rparen <> align
+type LlvmFunctionDecls = [LlvmFunctionDecl]
+type LlvmParameter = (LlvmType, [LlvmParamAttr])
+-- | LLVM Parameter Attributes.
+-- Parameter attributes are used to communicate additional information about
+-- the result or parameters of a function
+data LlvmParamAttr
+ -- | This indicates to the code generator that the parameter or return value
+ -- should be zero-extended to a 32-bit value by the caller (for a parameter)
+ -- or the callee (for a return value).
+ = ZeroExt
+ -- | This indicates to the code generator that the parameter or return value
+ -- should be sign-extended to a 32-bit value by the caller (for a parameter)
+ -- or the callee (for a return value).
+ | SignExt
+ -- | This indicates that this parameter or return value should be treated in
+ -- a special target-dependent fashion during while emitting code for a
+ -- function call or return (usually, by putting it in a register as opposed
+ -- to memory).
+ | InReg
+ -- | This indicates that the pointer parameter should really be passed by
+ -- value to the function.
+ | ByVal
+ -- | This indicates that the pointer parameter specifies the address of a
+ -- structure that is the return value of the function in the source program.
+ | SRet
+ -- | This indicates that the pointer does not alias any global or any other
+ -- parameter.
+ | NoAlias
+ -- | This indicates that the callee does not make any copies of the pointer
+ -- that outlive the callee itself
+ | NoCapture
+ -- | This indicates that the pointer parameter can be excised using the
+ -- trampoline intrinsics.
+ | Nest
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmParamAttr where
+ ppr ZeroExt = text "zeroext"
+ ppr SignExt = text "signext"
+ ppr InReg = text "inreg"
+ ppr ByVal = text "byval"
+ ppr SRet = text "sret"
+ ppr NoAlias = text "noalias"
+ ppr NoCapture = text "nocapture"
+ ppr Nest = text "nest"
+-- | Llvm Function Attributes.
+-- Function attributes are set to communicate additional information about a
+-- function. Function attributes are considered to be part of the function,
+-- not of the function type, so functions with different parameter attributes
+-- can have the same function type. Functions can have multiple attributes.
+-- Descriptions taken from <>
+data LlvmFuncAttr
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the inliner should attempt to inline this
+ -- function into callers whenever possible, ignoring any active inlining
+ -- size threshold for this caller.
+ = AlwaysInline
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the source code contained a hint that
+ -- inlining this function is desirable (such as the \"inline\" keyword in
+ -- C/C++). It is just a hint; it imposes no requirements on the inliner.
+ | InlineHint
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the inliner should never inline this
+ -- function in any situation. This attribute may not be used together
+ -- with the alwaysinline attribute.
+ | NoInline
+ -- | This attribute suggests that optimization passes and code generator
+ -- passes make choices that keep the code size of this function low, and
+ -- otherwise do optimizations specifically to reduce code size.
+ | OptSize
+ -- | This function attribute indicates that the function never returns
+ -- normally. This produces undefined behavior at runtime if the function
+ -- ever does dynamically return.
+ | NoReturn
+ -- | This function attribute indicates that the function never returns with
+ -- an unwind or exceptional control flow. If the function does unwind, its
+ -- runtime behavior is undefined.
+ | NoUnwind
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the function computes its result (or
+ -- decides to unwind an exception) based strictly on its arguments, without
+ -- dereferencing any pointer arguments or otherwise accessing any mutable
+ -- state (e.g. memory, control registers, etc) visible to caller functions.
+ -- It does not write through any pointer arguments (including byval
+ -- arguments) and never changes any state visible to callers. This means
+ -- that it cannot unwind exceptions by calling the C++ exception throwing
+ -- methods, but could use the unwind instruction.
+ | ReadNone
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the function does not write through any
+ -- pointer arguments (including byval arguments) or otherwise modify any
+ -- state (e.g. memory, control registers, etc) visible to caller functions.
+ -- It may dereference pointer arguments and read state that may be set in
+ -- the caller. A readonly function always returns the same value (or unwinds
+ -- an exception identically) when called with the same set of arguments and
+ -- global state. It cannot unwind an exception by calling the C++ exception
+ -- throwing methods, but may use the unwind instruction.
+ | ReadOnly
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the function should emit a stack smashing
+ -- protector. It is in the form of a \"canary\"—a random value placed on the
+ -- stack before the local variables that's checked upon return from the
+ -- function to see if it has been overwritten. A heuristic is used to
+ -- determine if a function needs stack protectors or not.
+ --
+ -- If a function that has an ssp attribute is inlined into a function that
+ -- doesn't have an ssp attribute, then the resulting function will have an
+ -- ssp attribute.
+ | Ssp
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the function should always emit a stack
+ -- smashing protector. This overrides the ssp function attribute.
+ --
+ -- If a function that has an sspreq attribute is inlined into a function
+ -- that doesn't have an sspreq attribute or which has an ssp attribute,
+ -- then the resulting function will have an sspreq attribute.
+ | SspReq
+ -- | This attribute indicates that the code generator should not use a red
+ -- zone, even if the target-specific ABI normally permits it.
+ | NoRedZone
+ -- | This attributes disables implicit floating point instructions.
+ | NoImplicitFloat
+ -- | This attribute disables prologue / epilogue emission for the function.
+ -- This can have very system-specific consequences.
+ | Naked
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmFuncAttr where
+ ppr AlwaysInline = text "alwaysinline"
+ ppr InlineHint = text "inlinehint"
+ ppr NoInline = text "noinline"
+ ppr OptSize = text "optsize"
+ ppr NoReturn = text "noreturn"
+ ppr NoUnwind = text "nounwind"
+ ppr ReadNone = text "readnone"
+ ppr ReadOnly = text "readonly"
+ ppr Ssp = text "ssp"
+ ppr SspReq = text "ssqreq"
+ ppr NoRedZone = text "noredzone"
+ ppr NoImplicitFloat = text "noimplicitfloat"
+ ppr Naked = text "naked"
+-- | Different types to call a function.
+data LlvmCallType
+ -- | Normal call, allocate a new stack frame.
+ = StdCall
+ -- | Tail call, perform the call in the current stack frame.
+ | TailCall
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Different calling conventions a function can use.
+data LlvmCallConvention
+ -- | The C calling convention.
+ -- This calling convention (the default if no other calling convention is
+ -- specified) matches the target C calling conventions. This calling
+ -- convention supports varargs function calls and tolerates some mismatch in
+ -- the declared prototype and implemented declaration of the function (as
+ -- does normal C).
+ = CC_Ccc
+ -- | This calling convention attempts to make calls as fast as possible
+ -- (e.g. by passing things in registers). This calling convention allows
+ -- the target to use whatever tricks it wants to produce fast code for the
+ -- target, without having to conform to an externally specified ABI
+ -- (Application Binary Interface). Implementations of this convention should
+ -- allow arbitrary tail call optimization to be supported. This calling
+ -- convention does not support varargs and requires the prototype of al
+ -- callees to exactly match the prototype of the function definition.
+ | CC_Fastcc
+ -- | This calling convention attempts to make code in the caller as efficient
+ -- as possible under the assumption that the call is not commonly executed.
+ -- As such, these calls often preserve all registers so that the call does
+ -- not break any live ranges in the caller side. This calling convention
+ -- does not support varargs and requires the prototype of all callees to
+ -- exactly match the prototype of the function definition.
+ | CC_Coldcc
+ -- | The GHC-specific 'registerised' calling convention.
+ | CC_Ghc
+ -- | Any calling convention may be specified by number, allowing
+ -- target-specific calling conventions to be used. Target specific calling
+ -- conventions start at 64.
+ | CC_Ncc Int
+ -- | X86 Specific 'StdCall' convention. LLVM includes a specific alias for it
+ -- rather than just using CC_Ncc.
+ | CC_X86_Stdcc
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmCallConvention where
+ ppr CC_Ccc = text "ccc"
+ ppr CC_Fastcc = text "fastcc"
+ ppr CC_Coldcc = text "coldcc"
+ ppr CC_Ghc = text "ghccc"
+ ppr (CC_Ncc i) = text "cc " <> ppr i
+ ppr CC_X86_Stdcc = text "x86_stdcallcc"
+-- | Functions can have a fixed amount of parameters, or a variable amount.
+data LlvmParameterListType
+ -- Fixed amount of arguments.
+ = FixedArgs
+ -- Variable amount of arguments.
+ | VarArgs
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Linkage type of a symbol.
+-- The description of the constructors is copied from the Llvm Assembly Language
+-- Reference Manual <>, because
+-- they correspond to the Llvm linkage types.
+data LlvmLinkageType
+ -- | Global values with internal linkage are only directly accessible by
+ -- objects in the current module. In particular, linking code into a module
+ -- with an internal global value may cause the internal to be renamed as
+ -- necessary to avoid collisions. Because the symbol is internal to the
+ -- module, all references can be updated. This corresponds to the notion
+ -- of the @static@ keyword in C.
+ = Internal
+ -- | Globals with @linkonce@ linkage are merged with other globals of the
+ -- same name when linkage occurs. This is typically used to implement
+ -- inline functions, templates, or other code which must be generated
+ -- in each translation unit that uses it. Unreferenced linkonce globals are
+ -- allowed to be discarded.
+ | LinkOnce
+ -- | @weak@ linkage is exactly the same as linkonce linkage, except that
+ -- unreferenced weak globals may not be discarded. This is used for globals
+ -- that may be emitted in multiple translation units, but that are not
+ -- guaranteed to be emitted into every translation unit that uses them. One
+ -- example of this are common globals in C, such as @int X;@ at global
+ -- scope.
+ | Weak
+ -- | @appending@ linkage may only be applied to global variables of pointer
+ -- to array type. When two global variables with appending linkage are
+ -- linked together, the two global arrays are appended together. This is
+ -- the Llvm, typesafe, equivalent of having the system linker append
+ -- together @sections@ with identical names when .o files are linked.
+ | Appending
+ -- | The semantics of this linkage follow the ELF model: the symbol is weak
+ -- until linked, if not linked, the symbol becomes null instead of being an
+ -- undefined reference.
+ | ExternWeak
+ -- | The symbol participates in linkage and can be used to resolve external
+ -- symbol references.
+ | ExternallyVisible
+ -- | Alias for 'ExternallyVisible' but with explicit textual form in LLVM
+ -- assembly.
+ | External
+ -- | Symbol is private to the module and should not appear in the symbol table
+ | Private
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmLinkageType where
+ ppr Internal = text "internal"
+ ppr LinkOnce = text "linkonce"
+ ppr Weak = text "weak"
+ ppr Appending = text "appending"
+ ppr ExternWeak = text "extern_weak"
+ -- ExternallyVisible does not have a textual representation, it is
+ -- the linkage type a function resolves to if no other is specified
+ -- in Llvm.
+ ppr ExternallyVisible = empty
+ ppr External = text "external"
+ ppr Private = text "private"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * LLVM Operations
+-- | Llvm binary operators machine operations.
+data LlvmMachOp
+ = LM_MO_Add -- ^ add two integer, floating point or vector values.
+ | LM_MO_Sub -- ^ subtract two ...
+ | LM_MO_Mul -- ^ multiply ..
+ | LM_MO_UDiv -- ^ unsigned integer or vector division.
+ | LM_MO_SDiv -- ^ signed integer ..
+ | LM_MO_URem -- ^ unsigned integer or vector remainder (mod)
+ | LM_MO_SRem -- ^ signed ...
+ | LM_MO_FAdd -- ^ add two floating point or vector values.
+ | LM_MO_FSub -- ^ subtract two ...
+ | LM_MO_FMul -- ^ multiply ...
+ | LM_MO_FDiv -- ^ divide ...
+ | LM_MO_FRem -- ^ remainder ...
+ -- | Left shift
+ | LM_MO_Shl
+ -- | Logical shift right
+ -- Shift right, filling with zero
+ | LM_MO_LShr
+ -- | Arithmetic shift right
+ -- The most significant bits of the result will be equal to the sign bit of
+ -- the left operand.
+ | LM_MO_AShr
+ | LM_MO_And -- ^ AND bitwise logical operation.
+ | LM_MO_Or -- ^ OR bitwise logical operation.
+ | LM_MO_Xor -- ^ XOR bitwise logical operation.
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmMachOp where
+ ppr LM_MO_Add = text "add"
+ ppr LM_MO_Sub = text "sub"
+ ppr LM_MO_Mul = text "mul"
+ ppr LM_MO_UDiv = text "udiv"
+ ppr LM_MO_SDiv = text "sdiv"
+ ppr LM_MO_URem = text "urem"
+ ppr LM_MO_SRem = text "srem"
+ ppr LM_MO_FAdd = text "fadd"
+ ppr LM_MO_FSub = text "fsub"
+ ppr LM_MO_FMul = text "fmul"
+ ppr LM_MO_FDiv = text "fdiv"
+ ppr LM_MO_FRem = text "frem"
+ ppr LM_MO_Shl = text "shl"
+ ppr LM_MO_LShr = text "lshr"
+ ppr LM_MO_AShr = text "ashr"
+ ppr LM_MO_And = text "and"
+ ppr LM_MO_Or = text "or"
+ ppr LM_MO_Xor = text "xor"
+-- | Llvm compare operations.
+data LlvmCmpOp
+ = LM_CMP_Eq -- ^ Equal (Signed and Unsigned)
+ | LM_CMP_Ne -- ^ Not equal (Signed and Unsigned)
+ | LM_CMP_Ugt -- ^ Unsigned greater than
+ | LM_CMP_Uge -- ^ Unsigned greater than or equal
+ | LM_CMP_Ult -- ^ Unsigned less than
+ | LM_CMP_Ule -- ^ Unsigned less than or equal
+ | LM_CMP_Sgt -- ^ Signed greater than
+ | LM_CMP_Sge -- ^ Signed greater than or equal
+ | LM_CMP_Slt -- ^ Signed less than
+ | LM_CMP_Sle -- ^ Signed less than or equal
+ -- Float comparisons. GHC uses a mix of ordered and unordered float
+ -- comparisons.
+ | LM_CMP_Feq -- ^ Float equal
+ | LM_CMP_Fne -- ^ Float not equal
+ | LM_CMP_Fgt -- ^ Float greater than
+ | LM_CMP_Fge -- ^ Float greater than or equal
+ | LM_CMP_Flt -- ^ Float less than
+ | LM_CMP_Fle -- ^ Float less than or equal
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmCmpOp where
+ ppr LM_CMP_Eq = text "eq"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Ne = text "ne"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Ugt = text "ugt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Uge = text "uge"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Ult = text "ult"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Ule = text "ule"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Sgt = text "sgt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Sge = text "sge"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Slt = text "slt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Sle = text "sle"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Feq = text "oeq"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Fne = text "une"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Fgt = text "ogt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Fge = text "oge"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Flt = text "olt"
+ ppr LM_CMP_Fle = text "ole"
+-- | Llvm cast operations.
+data LlvmCastOp
+ = LM_Trunc -- ^ Integer truncate
+ | LM_Zext -- ^ Integer extend (zero fill)
+ | LM_Sext -- ^ Integer extend (sign fill)
+ | LM_Fptrunc -- ^ Float truncate
+ | LM_Fpext -- ^ Float extend
+ | LM_Fptoui -- ^ Float to unsigned Integer
+ | LM_Fptosi -- ^ Float to signed Integer
+ | LM_Uitofp -- ^ Unsigned Integer to Float
+ | LM_Sitofp -- ^ Signed Int to Float
+ | LM_Ptrtoint -- ^ Pointer to Integer
+ | LM_Inttoptr -- ^ Integer to Pointer
+ | LM_Bitcast -- ^ Cast between types where no bit manipulation is needed
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable LlvmCastOp where
+ ppr LM_Trunc = text "trunc"
+ ppr LM_Zext = text "zext"
+ ppr LM_Sext = text "sext"
+ ppr LM_Fptrunc = text "fptrunc"
+ ppr LM_Fpext = text "fpext"
+ ppr LM_Fptoui = text "fptoui"
+ ppr LM_Fptosi = text "fptosi"
+ ppr LM_Uitofp = text "uitofp"
+ ppr LM_Sitofp = text "sitofp"
+ ppr LM_Ptrtoint = text "ptrtoint"
+ ppr LM_Inttoptr = text "inttoptr"
+ ppr LM_Bitcast = text "bitcast"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Floating point conversion
+-- | Convert a Haskell Double to an LLVM hex encoded floating point form. In
+-- Llvm float literals can be printed in a big-endian hexadecimal format,
+-- regardless of underlying architecture.
+-- See Note [LLVM Float Types].
+ppDouble :: Double -> SDoc
+ppDouble d
+ = let bs = doubleToBytes d
+ hex d' = case showHex d' "" of
+ [] -> error "dToStr: too few hex digits for float"
+ [x] -> ['0',x]
+ [x,y] -> [x,y]
+ _ -> error "dToStr: too many hex digits for float"
+ in sdocWithDynFlags (\dflags ->
+ let fixEndian = if wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags then id else reverse
+ str = map toUpper $ concat $ fixEndian $ map hex bs
+ in text "0x" <> text str)
+-- Note [LLVM Float Types]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- We use 'ppDouble' for both printing Float and Double floating point types. This is
+-- as LLVM expects all floating point constants (single & double) to be in IEEE
+-- 754 Double precision format. However, for single precision numbers (Float)
+-- they should be *representable* in IEEE 754 Single precision format. So the
+-- easiest way to do this is to narrow and widen again.
+-- (i.e., Double -> Float -> Double). We must be careful doing this that GHC
+-- doesn't optimize that away.
+-- Note [narrowFp & widenFp]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- NOTE: we use float2Double & co directly as GHC likes to optimize away
+-- successive calls of 'realToFrac', defeating the narrowing. (Bug #7600).
+-- 'realToFrac' has inconsistent behaviour with optimisation as well that can
+-- also cause issues, these methods don't.
+narrowFp :: Double -> Float
+{-# NOINLINE narrowFp #-}
+narrowFp = double2Float
+widenFp :: Float -> Double
+{-# NOINLINE widenFp #-}
+widenFp = float2Double
+ppFloat :: Float -> SDoc
+ppFloat = ppDouble . widenFp
+-- * Misc functions
+ppCommaJoin :: (Outputable a) => [a] -> SDoc
+ppCommaJoin strs = hsep $ punctuate comma (map ppr strs)
+ppSpaceJoin :: (Outputable a) => [a] -> SDoc
+ppSpaceJoin strs = hsep (map ppr strs)