path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
diff options
mode: <unknown>2008-10-17 17:07:07 +0000 <unknown>2008-10-17 17:07:07 +0000
commit6bc92166180824bf046d31e378359e3c386150f9 (patch)
tree20ed1d073150c1ef7ad5deb31dbfec27253b5eae /compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
parentc62b824e9e8808eb3845ddb1614494b0575eaafd (diff)
Removed warnings, made Haddock happy, added examples in documentation
The interesting examples talk about our story with heap checks in case alternatives and our story with the case scrutinee as a Boolean.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
index 173b79971c..e3d2ded59e 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ live_ptrs oldByte slotEnv areaMap bid =
if off == w && widthInBytes (typeWidth ty) == w then
(expectJust "add_slot" (lookupFM areaMap a), r, w) : rst
else panic "live_ptrs: only part of a variable live at a proc point"
- add_slot rst (CallArea Old, off, w) =
+ add_slot rst (CallArea Old, _, _) =
rst -- the update frame (or return infotable) should be live
-- would be nice to check that only that part of the callarea is live...
- add_slot rst c@((CallArea _), _, _) =
+ add_slot rst ((CallArea _), _, _) =
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ live_ptrs oldByte slotEnv areaMap bid =
-- Construct the stack maps for the given procedure.
setInfoTableStackMap :: SlotEnv -> AreaMap -> CmmTopForInfoTables -> CmmTopForInfoTables
setInfoTableStackMap _ _ t@(NoInfoTable _) = t
-setInfoTableStackMap slotEnv areaMap t@(FloatingInfoTable info bid updfr_off) =
+setInfoTableStackMap slotEnv areaMap t@(FloatingInfoTable _ bid updfr_off) =
updInfo (const (live_ptrs updfr_off slotEnv areaMap bid)) id t
setInfoTableStackMap slotEnv areaMap
- t@(ProcInfoTable (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ infoTbl) _ _ g@(LGraph entry _ blocks))
+ t@(ProcInfoTable (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ infoTbl) _ _ g@(LGraph _ _ blocks))
procpoints) =
case blockSetToList procpoints of
[bid] ->
@@ -250,9 +250,7 @@ srtToData srt = Cmm [CmmData RelocatableReadOnlyData (CmmDataLabel (lbl srt) : t
buildSRTs :: TopSRT -> FiniteMap CLabel CAFSet -> CAFSet ->
FuelMonad (TopSRT, Maybe CmmTopZ, C_SRT)
buildSRTs topSRT topCAFMap cafs =
- -- This is surely the wrong way to get names, as in BlockId
- do top_lbl <- getUniqueM >>= \ u -> return $ mkSRTLabel (mkFCallName u "srt") NoCafRefs
- let liftCAF lbl () z = -- get CAFs for functions without static closures
+ do let liftCAF lbl () z = -- get CAFs for functions without static closures
case lookupFM topCAFMap lbl of Just cafs -> z `plusFM` cafs
Nothing -> addToFM z lbl ()
sub_srt topSRT localCafs =
@@ -292,7 +290,7 @@ buildSRTs topSRT topCAFMap cafs =
-- Adapted from simpleStg/SRT.lhs, which expects Id's.
procpointSRT :: CLabel -> FiniteMap CLabel Int -> [CLabel] ->
FuelMonad (Maybe CmmTopZ, C_SRT)
-procpointSRT top_srt top_table [] =
+procpointSRT _ _ [] =
return (Nothing, NoC_SRT)
procpointSRT top_srt top_table entries =
do (top, srt) <- bitmap `seq` to_SRT top_srt offset len bitmap
@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@ to_SRT top_srt off len bmp
-- Any procedure referring to a non-static CAF c must keep live the
-- any CAF that is reachable from c.
localCAFInfo :: CAFEnv -> CmmTopZ -> Maybe (CLabel, CAFSet)
-localCAFInfo _ t@(CmmData _ _) = Nothing
+localCAFInfo _ (CmmData _ _) = Nothing
localCAFInfo cafEnv (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ infoTbl) top_l _ (LGraph entry _ _)) =
case infoTbl of
CmmInfoTable False _ _ _ ->
@@ -382,12 +380,12 @@ bundleCAFs _ t@(NoInfoTable _) = (emptyFM, t)
-- Construct the SRTs for the given procedure.
setInfoTableSRT :: FiniteMap CLabel CAFSet -> TopSRT -> (CAFSet, CmmTopForInfoTables) ->
FuelMonad (TopSRT, [CmmTopForInfoTables])
-setInfoTableSRT topCAFMap topSRT (cafs, t@(ProcInfoTable p procpoints)) =
+setInfoTableSRT topCAFMap topSRT (cafs, t@(ProcInfoTable _ procpoints)) =
case blockSetToList procpoints of
- [bid] -> setSRT cafs topCAFMap topSRT t
- _ -> panic "setInfoTableStackMap: unexpect number of procpoints"
- -- until we stop splitting the graphs at procpoints in the native path
-setInfoTableSRT topCAFMap topSRT (cafs, t@(FloatingInfoTable info bid _)) =
+ [_] -> setSRT cafs topCAFMap topSRT t
+ _ -> panic "setInfoTableStackMap: unexpect number of procpoints"
+ -- until we stop splitting the graphs at procpoints in the native path
+setInfoTableSRT topCAFMap topSRT (cafs, t@(FloatingInfoTable _ _ _)) =
setSRT cafs topCAFMap topSRT t
setInfoTableSRT _ topSRT (_, t@(NoInfoTable _)) = return (topSRT, [t])
@@ -406,7 +404,7 @@ updInfo toVars toSrt (ProcInfoTable (CmmProc info top_l top_args g) procpoints)
ProcInfoTable (CmmProc (updInfoTbl toVars toSrt info) top_l top_args g) procpoints
updInfo toVars toSrt (FloatingInfoTable info bid updfr_off) =
FloatingInfoTable (updInfoTbl toVars toSrt info) bid updfr_off
-updInfo toVars toSrt (NoInfoTable _) = panic "can't update NoInfoTable"
+updInfo _ _ (NoInfoTable _) = panic "can't update NoInfoTable"
updInfo _ _ _ = panic "unexpected arg to updInfo"
updInfoTbl :: (StackLayout -> StackLayout) -> (C_SRT -> C_SRT) -> CmmInfo -> CmmInfo
@@ -418,7 +416,7 @@ updInfoTbl toVars toSrt (CmmInfo gc upd_fr (CmmInfoTable s p t typeinfo))
(ThunkInfo c s) -> ThunkInfo c (toSrt s)
(ThunkSelectorInfo x s) -> ThunkSelectorInfo x (toSrt s)
(ContInfo v s) -> ContInfo (toVars v) (toSrt s)
-updInfoTbl toVars toSrt t@(CmmInfo _ _ CmmNonInfoTable) = t
+updInfoTbl _ _ t@(CmmInfo _ _ CmmNonInfoTable) = t
-- Lower the CmmTopForInfoTables type down to good old CmmTopZ
-- by emitting info tables as data where necessary.
@@ -437,16 +435,16 @@ finishInfoTables (FloatingInfoTable (CmmInfo _ _ infotbl) bid _) =
extendEnvsForSafeForeignCalls :: CAFEnv -> SlotEnv -> CmmGraph -> (CAFEnv, SlotEnv)
extendEnvsForSafeForeignCalls cafEnv slotEnv g =
fold_blocks block (cafEnv, slotEnv) g
- where block b@(Block _ _ t) z =
+ where block b z =
tail ( bt_last_in cafTransfers (lookupFn cafEnv) l
, bt_last_in liveSlotTransfers (lookupFn slotEnv) l)
z head
where (head, last) = goto_end (G.unzip b)
l = case last of LastOther l -> l
LastExit -> panic "extendEnvs lastExit"
- tail lives z (ZFirst _ _) = z
+ tail _ z (ZFirst _ _) = z
tail lives@(cafs, slots) (cafEnv, slotEnv)
- (ZHead h m@(MidForeignCall (Safe bid updfr_off) _ _ _)) =
+ (ZHead h m@(MidForeignCall (Safe bid _) _ _ _)) =
let slots' = removeLiveSlotDefs slots m
slotEnv' = extendBlockEnv slotEnv bid slots'
cafEnv' = extendBlockEnv cafEnv bid cafs
@@ -489,11 +487,9 @@ data SafeState = State { s_blocks :: BlockEnv CmmBlock
, s_safeCalls :: [CmmTopForInfoTables]}
- :: ProcPointSet -> [[CmmTopForInfoTables]] ->
- CmmTopZ -> FuelMonad [[CmmTopForInfoTables]]
-lowerSafeForeignCalls _ rst t@(CmmData _ _) = return $ [NoInfoTable t] : rst
-lowerSafeForeignCalls procpoints rst
- t@(CmmProc info l args g@(LGraph entry off blocks)) = do
+ :: [[CmmTopForInfoTables]] -> CmmTopZ -> FuelMonad [[CmmTopForInfoTables]]
+lowerSafeForeignCalls rst t@(CmmData _ _) = return $ [NoInfoTable t] : rst
+lowerSafeForeignCalls rst (CmmProc info l args g@(LGraph entry off _)) = do
let init = return $ State emptyBlockEnv emptyBlockSet []
let block b@(Block bid _ _) z = do
state@(State {s_pps = ppset, s_blocks = blocks}) <- z
@@ -510,7 +506,7 @@ lowerSafeForeignCalls procpoints rst
-- Check for foreign calls -- if none, then we can avoid copying the block.
hasSafeForeignCall :: CmmBlock -> Bool
hasSafeForeignCall (Block _ _ t) = tail t
- where tail (ZTail (MidForeignCall (Safe _ _) _ _ _) t) = True
+ where tail (ZTail (MidForeignCall (Safe _ _) _ _ _) _) = True
tail (ZTail _ t) = tail t
tail (ZLast _) = False
@@ -536,7 +532,7 @@ lowerSafeCallBlock state b = tail (return state) (ZBlock head (ZLast last))
-- to lower a safe foreign call to a sequence of unsafe calls.
lowerSafeForeignCall ::
SafeState -> Middle -> ZTail Middle Last -> FuelMonad (SafeState, ZTail Middle Last)
-lowerSafeForeignCall state m@(MidForeignCall (Safe infotable updfr) _ _ _) tail = do
+lowerSafeForeignCall state m@(MidForeignCall (Safe infotable _) _ _ _) tail = do
let newTemp rep = getUniqueM >>= \u -> return (LocalReg u rep)
-- Both 'id' and 'new_base' are KindNonPtr because they're
-- RTS-only objects and are not subject to garbage collection