path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs
diff options
authorPeter Wortmann <>2014-10-14 23:11:43 +0200
committerAustin Seipp <>2014-12-16 15:02:28 -0600
commit7ceaf96fde63bd45dfc1e08a975cba0ee280eb7b (patch)
treecf7c4b7c3c062ed751aabc563ae2ccc149a6820b /compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs
parenta0895fcb8c47949aac2c5e4a509d69de57582e76 (diff)
Source notes (Cmm support)
This patch adds CmmTick nodes to Cmm code. This is relatively straight-forward, but also not very useful, as many blocks will simply end up with no annotations whatosever. Notes: * We use this design over, say, putting ticks into the entry node of all blocks, as it seems to work better alongside existing optimisations. Now granted, the reason for this is that currently GHC's main Cmm optimisations seem to mainly reorganize and merge code, so this might change in the future. * We have the Cmm parser generate a few source notes as well. This is relatively easy to do - worst part is that it complicates the CmmParse implementation a bit. (From Phabricator D169)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs
index 34e22cecfb..e8fc5da50e 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs
@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ import Prelude hiding (iterate, succ, unzip, zip)
import Hoopl hiding (ChangeFlag)
import Data.Bits
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Word
+import qualified Data.Map as M
import Outputable
import UniqFM
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ my_trace = if False then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a
-- TODO: Use optimization fuel
elimCommonBlocks :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-elimCommonBlocks g = replaceLabels env g
+elimCommonBlocks g = replaceLabels env $ copyTicks env g
env = iterate hashed_blocks mapEmpty
hashed_blocks = map (\b -> (hash_block b, b)) $ postorderDfs g
@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ hash_block block =
hash_lst m h = hash_node m + h `shiftL` 1
hash_node :: CmmNode O x -> Word32
- hash_node (CmmComment _) = 0 -- don't care
+ hash_node n | dont_care n = 0 -- don't care
hash_node (CmmAssign r e) = hash_reg r + hash_e e
hash_node (CmmStore e e') = hash_e e + hash_e e'
hash_node (CmmUnsafeForeignCall t _ as) = hash_tgt t + hash_list hash_e as
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ hash_block block =
hash_node (CmmCall e _ _ _ _ _) = hash_e e
hash_node (CmmForeignCall t _ _ _ _ _ _) = hash_tgt t
hash_node (CmmSwitch e _) = hash_e e
+ hash_node _ = error "hash_node: unknown Cmm node!"
hash_reg :: CmmReg -> Word32
hash_reg (CmmLocal _) = 117
@@ -127,6 +130,13 @@ hash_block block =
hash_list f = foldl (\z x -> f x + z) (0::Word32)
cvt = fromInteger . toInteger
+-- | Ignore these node types for equality
+dont_care :: CmmNode O x -> Bool
+dont_care CmmComment {} = True
+dont_care CmmTick {} = True
+dont_care _other = False
-- Utilities: equality and substitution on the graph.
-- Given a map ``subst'' from BlockID -> BlockID, we define equality.
@@ -143,7 +153,6 @@ lookupBid subst bid = case mapLookup bid subst of
eqMiddleWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool)
-> CmmNode O O -> CmmNode O O -> Bool
-eqMiddleWith _ (CmmComment _) (CmmComment _) = True
eqMiddleWith eqBid (CmmAssign r1 e1) (CmmAssign r2 e2)
= r1 == r2 && eqExprWith eqBid e1 e2
eqMiddleWith eqBid (CmmStore l1 r1) (CmmStore l2 r2)
@@ -178,10 +187,12 @@ eqExprWith eqBid = eq
-- IDs to block IDs.
eqBlockBodyWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool) -> CmmBlock -> CmmBlock -> Bool
eqBlockBodyWith eqBid block block'
- = and (zipWith (eqMiddleWith eqBid) (blockToList m) (blockToList m')) &&
+ = and (zipWith (eqMiddleWith eqBid) nodes nodes') &&
eqLastWith eqBid l l'
where (_,m,l) = blockSplit block
+ nodes = filter (not . dont_care) (blockToList m)
(_,m',l') = blockSplit block'
+ nodes' = filter (not . dont_care) (blockToList m')
@@ -202,3 +213,19 @@ eqMaybeWith :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Bool
eqMaybeWith eltEq (Just e) (Just e') = eltEq e e'
eqMaybeWith _ Nothing Nothing = True
eqMaybeWith _ _ _ = False
+-- | Given a block map, ensure that all "target" blocks are covered by
+-- the same ticks as the respective "source" blocks. This not only
+-- means copying ticks, but also adjusting tick scopes where
+-- necessary.
+copyTicks :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
+copyTicks env g
+ | mapNull env = g
+ | otherwise = ofBlockMap (g_entry g) $ mapMap f blockMap
+ where blockMap = toBlockMap g
+ revEnv = mapFoldWithKey insertRev M.empty env
+ insertRev k x = M.insertWith (const (k:)) x [k]
+ f block = case M.lookup (entryLabel block) revEnv of
+ Nothing -> block
+ Just ls -> let findTicks l = blockTicks $ fromJust $ mapLookup l blockMap
+ in annotateBlock (concatMap findTicks ls) block