path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs
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authorSimon Marlow <>2011-12-19 15:59:56 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2011-12-19 15:59:56 +0000
commitab67c2a4c0ae4b6aeb40fe7569a95c6a3a611c59 (patch)
tree416ac322edb7b0551c09d8e2cc9985312abd4652 /compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs
parentb4018aaaebe4250e78cdcb245466fdcce8918abf (diff)
More codegen refactoring with simonpj
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs
index 73ce57e93f..a4b2bd4750 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module CmmContFlowOpt
- ( runCmmContFlowOpts
- , removeUnreachableBlocks, replaceBranches
+ ( cmmCfgOpts
+ , runCmmContFlowOpts
+ , removeUnreachableBlocks
+ , replaceLabels
@@ -28,100 +30,140 @@ runCmmContFlowOpts :: CmmGroup -> CmmGroup
runCmmContFlowOpts = map (optProc cmmCfgOpts)
cmmCfgOpts :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-cmmCfgOpts = removeUnreachableBlocks . blockConcat . branchChainElim
- -- Here branchChainElim can ultimately be replaced
- -- with a more exciting combination of optimisations
+cmmCfgOpts = removeUnreachableBlocks . blockConcat
optProc :: (g -> g) -> GenCmmDecl d h g -> GenCmmDecl d h g
optProc opt (CmmProc info lbl g) = CmmProc info lbl (opt g)
optProc _ top = top
--- Branch Chain Elimination
+-- Block concatenation
--- | Remove any basic block of the form L: goto L', and replace L with
--- L' everywhere else, unless L is the successor of a call instruction
--- and L' is the entry block. You don't want to set the successor of a
--- function call to the entry block because there is no good way to
--- store both the infotables for the call and from the callee, while
--- putting the stack pointer in a consistent place.
+-- This optimisation does two things:
+-- - If a block finishes with an unconditional branch, then we may
+-- be able to concatenate the block it points to and remove the
+-- branch. We do this either if the destination block is small
+-- (e.g. just another branch), or if this is the only jump to
+-- this particular destination block.
+-- - If a block finishes in a call whose continuation block is a
+-- goto, then we can shortcut the destination, making the
+-- continuation block the destination of the goto.
+-- Both transformations are improved by working from the end of the
+-- graph towards the beginning, because we may be able to perform many
+-- shortcuts in one go.
+-- We need to walk over the blocks from the end back to the
+-- beginning. We are going to maintain the "current" graph
+-- (BlockEnv CmmBlock) as we go, and also a mapping from BlockId
+-- to BlockId, representing continuation labels that we have
+-- renamed. This latter mapping is important because we might
+-- shortcut a CmmCall continuation. For example:
+-- Sp[0] = L
+-- call g returns to L
+-- L: goto M
--- JD isn't quite sure when it's safe to share continuations for different
--- function calls -- have to think about where the SP will be,
--- so we'll table that problem for now by leaving all call successors alone.
-branchChainElim :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-branchChainElim g
- | null lone_branch_blocks = g -- No blocks to remove
- | otherwise = {- pprTrace "branchChainElim" (ppr forest) $ -}
- replaceLabels (mapFromList edges) g
+-- M: ...
+-- So when we shortcut the L block, we need to replace not only
+-- the continuation of the call, but also references to L in the
+-- code (e.g. the assignment Sp[0] = L). So we keep track of
+-- which labels we have renamed and apply the mapping at the end
+-- with replaceLabels.
+blockConcat :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
+blockConcat g@CmmGraph { g_entry = entry_id }
+ = replaceLabels shortcut_map $ ofBlockMap new_entry new_blocks
- blocks = toBlockList g
- lone_branch_blocks :: [(BlockId, BlockId)]
- -- each (L,K) is a block of the form
- -- L : goto K
- lone_branch_blocks = mapCatMaybes isLoneBranch blocks
- call_succs = foldl add emptyBlockSet blocks
- where add :: BlockSet -> CmmBlock -> BlockSet
- add succs b =
- case lastNode b of
- (CmmCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) -> setInsert k succs
- (CmmForeignCall {succ=k}) -> setInsert k succs
- _ -> succs
- isLoneBranch :: CmmBlock -> Maybe (BlockId, BlockId)
- isLoneBranch block
- | (JustC (CmmEntry id), [], JustC (CmmBranch target)) <- blockToNodeList block
- , not (setMember id call_succs)
- = Just (id,target)
- | otherwise
- = Nothing
- -- We build a graph from lone_branch_blocks (every node has only
- -- one out edge). Then we
- -- - topologically sort the graph: if from A we can reach B,
- -- then A occurs before B in the result list.
- -- - depth-first search starting from the nodes in this list.
- -- This gives us a [[node]], in which each list is a dependency
- -- chain.
- -- - for each list [a1,a2,] replace branches to ai with an.
- --
- -- This approach nicely deals with cycles by ignoring them.
- -- Branches in a cycle will be redirected to somewhere in the
- -- cycle, but we don't really care where. A cycle should be dead code,
- -- and so will be eliminated by removeUnreachableBlocks.
- --
- fromNode (b,_) = b
- toNode a = (a,a)
- all_block_ids :: LabelSet
- all_block_ids = setFromList (map fst lone_branch_blocks)
- `setUnion`
- setFromList (map snd lone_branch_blocks)
- forest = dfsTopSortG $ graphFromVerticesAndAdjacency nodes lone_branch_blocks
- where nodes = map toNode $ setElems $ all_block_ids
- edges = [ (fromNode y, fromNode x)
- | (x:xs) <- map reverse forest, y <- xs ]
+ -- we might be able to shortcut the entry BlockId itself
+ new_entry
+ | Just entry_blk <- mapLookup entry_id new_blocks
+ , Just dest <- canShortcut entry_blk
+ = dest
+ | otherwise
+ = entry_id
+ blocks = postorderDfs g
+ (new_blocks, shortcut_map) =
+ foldr maybe_concat (toBlockMap g, mapEmpty) blocks
+ maybe_concat :: CmmBlock
+ -> (BlockEnv CmmBlock, BlockEnv BlockId)
+ -> (BlockEnv CmmBlock, BlockEnv BlockId)
+ maybe_concat block unchanged@(blocks, shortcut_map) =
+ | CmmBranch b' <- last
+ , Just blk' <- mapLookup b' blocks
+ , shouldConcatWith b' blocks
+ -> (mapInsert bid (splice head blk') blocks, shortcut_map)
+ | Just b' <- callContinuation_maybe last
+ , Just blk' <- mapLookup b' blocks
+ , Just dest <- canShortcut b' blk'
+ -> (blocks, mapInsert b' dest shortcut_map)
+ -- replaceLabels will substitute dest for b' everywhere, later
+ | otherwise = unchanged
+ where
+ (head, last) = blockTail block
+ bid = entryLabel b
+ shouldConcatWith b block
+ | num_preds b == 1 = True -- only one predecessor: go for it
+ | okToDuplicate block = True -- short enough to duplicate
+ | otherwise = False
+ where num_preds bid = mapLookup bid backEdges `orElse` 0
+ canShortcut :: Block C C -> Maybe BlockId
+ canShortcut block
+ | (_, middle, CmmBranch dest) <- blockHeadTail block
+ , isEmptyBlock middle
+ = Just dest
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ backEdges :: BlockEnv Int -- number of predecessors for each block
+ backEdges = mapMap setSize $ predMap blocks
+ ToDo: add 1 for the entry id
+ splice :: Block CmmNode C O -> CmmBlock -> CmmBlock
+ splice head rest = head `cat` snd (blockHead rest)
+callContinuation_maybe :: CmmNode O C -> Maybe BlockId
+callContinuation_maybe (CmmCall { cml_cont = Just b }) = Just b
+callContinuation_maybe (CmmForeignCall { succ = b }) = Just b
+callContinuation_maybe _ = Nothing
+okToDuplicate :: Block C C -> Bool
+okToDuplicate block
+ = case blockToNodeList block of (_, m, _) -> null m
+ -- cheap and cheerful; we might expand this in the future to
+ -- e.g. spot blocks that represent a single instruction or two
+-- Map over the CmmGraph, replacing each label with its mapping in the
+-- supplied BlockEnv.
replaceLabels :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-replaceLabels env =
- replace_eid . mapGraphNodes1 txnode
+replaceLabels env g
+ | isEmptyMap env = g
+ | otherwise = replace_eid . mapGraphNodes1 txnode
replace_eid g = g {g_entry = lookup (g_entry g)}
lookup id = mapLookup id env `orElse` id
txnode :: CmmNode e x -> CmmNode e x
txnode (CmmBranch bid) = CmmBranch (lookup bid)
- txnode (CmmCondBranch p t f) = CmmCondBranch (exp p) (lookup t) (lookup f)
+ txnode (CmmCondBranch p t f) = mkCmmCondBranch (exp p) (lookup t) (lookup f)
txnode (CmmSwitch e arms) = CmmSwitch (exp e) (map (liftM lookup) arms)
txnode (CmmCall t k a res r) = CmmCall (exp t) (liftM lookup k) a res r
txnode fc@CmmForeignCall{} = fc{ args = map exp (args fc)
@@ -133,81 +175,18 @@ replaceLabels env =
exp (CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young id)) i) = CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young (lookup id))) i
exp e = e
-replaceBranches :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-replaceBranches env g = mapGraphNodes (id, id, last) g
- where
- last :: CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C
- last (CmmBranch id) = CmmBranch (lookup id)
- last (CmmCondBranch e ti fi) = CmmCondBranch e (lookup ti) (lookup fi)
- last (CmmSwitch e tbl) = CmmSwitch e (map (fmap lookup) tbl)
- last l@(CmmCall {}) = l
- last l@(CmmForeignCall {}) = l
- lookup id = fmap lookup (mapLookup id env) `orElse` id
- -- XXX: this is a recursive lookup, it follows chains until the lookup
- -- returns Nothing, at which point we return the last BlockId
+mkCmmCondBranch :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+mkCmmCondBranch p t f = if t == f then CmmBranch t else CmmCondBranch p t f
-- Build a map from a block to its set of predecessors. Very useful.
predMap :: [CmmBlock] -> BlockEnv BlockSet
predMap blocks = foldr add_preds mapEmpty blocks -- find the back edges
where add_preds block env = foldl (add (entryLabel block)) env (successors block)
add bid env b' =
mapInsert b' (setInsert bid (mapLookup b' env `orElse` setEmpty)) env
--- Block concatenation
--- If a block B branches to a label L, L is not the entry block,
--- and L has no other predecessors,
--- then we can splice the block starting with L onto the end of B.
--- Order matters, so we work bottom up (reverse postorder DFS).
--- This optimization can be inhibited by unreachable blocks, but
--- the reverse postorder DFS returns only reachable blocks.
--- To ensure correctness, we have to make sure that the BlockId of the block
--- we are about to eliminate is not named in another instruction.
--- Note: This optimization does _not_ subsume branch chain elimination.
-blockConcat :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-blockConcat g@(CmmGraph {g_entry=eid}) =
- replaceLabels concatMap $ ofBlockMap (g_entry g) blocks'
- where
- blocks = postorderDfs g
- (blocks', concatMap) =
- foldr maybe_concat (toBlockMap g, mapEmpty) $ blocks
- maybe_concat :: CmmBlock -> (LabelMap CmmBlock, LabelMap Label) -> (LabelMap CmmBlock, LabelMap Label)
- maybe_concat b unchanged@(blocks', concatMap) =
- let bid = entryLabel b
- in case blockToNodeList b of
- (JustC h, m, JustC (CmmBranch b')) ->
- if canConcatWith b' then
- (mapInsert bid (splice blocks' h m b') blocks',
- mapInsert b' bid concatMap)
- else unchanged
- _ -> unchanged
- num_preds bid = liftM setSize (mapLookup bid backEdges) `orElse` 0
- canConcatWith b' = b' /= eid && num_preds b' == 1
- backEdges = predMap blocks
- splice :: forall map n e x.
- IsMap map =>
- map (Block n e x) -> n C O -> [n O O] -> KeyOf map -> Block n C x
- splice blocks' h m bid' =
- case mapLookup bid' blocks' of
- Nothing -> panic "unknown successor block"
- Just block | (_, m', l') <- blockToNodeList block
- -> blockOfNodeList (JustC h, (m ++ m'), l')