path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
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authorSimon Marlow <>2012-02-03 15:03:06 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2012-02-08 15:50:43 +0000
commit76999b605423f530ec17562d772eda1c1672db53 (patch)
tree3ca1208d02ca753ffe07e13fe1bdbc1388d7e9cf /compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
parentcd38928495f9186646273432151259f3d654b7e2 (diff)
New stack layout algorithm
Also: - improvements to code generation: push slow-call continuations on the stack instead of generating explicit continuations - remove unused CmmInfo wrapper type (replace with CmmInfoTable) - squash Area and AreaId together, remove now-unused RegSlot - comment out old unused stack-allocation code that no longer compiles after removal of RegSlot
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs')
1 files changed, 545 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24c241ea88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, GADTs #-}
+module CmmLayoutStack (
+ cmmLayoutStack
+ ) where
+import Cmm
+import BlockId
+import CmmUtils
+import CmmLive
+import CmmProcPoint
+import SMRep
+import Hoopl
+import OptimizationFuel
+import Constants
+import UniqSupply
+import Maybes
+import UniqFM
+import Util
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Control.Monad.Fix
+import Data.Array as Array
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+data StackSlot = Occupied | Empty
+ -- Occupied: a return address or part of an update frame
+instance Outputable StackSlot where
+ ppr Occupied = ptext (sLit "XXX")
+ ppr Empty = ptext (sLit "---")
+-- All stack locations are expressed as positive byte offsets from the
+-- "base", which is defined to be the address above the return address
+-- on the stack on entry to this CmmProc.
+-- | | <- base
+-- |-----------|
+-- | ret | <- base + 8
+-- |-----------|
+-- . .
+-- . .
+-- Lower addresses have higher StackLocs.
+type StackLoc = ByteOff
+data StackMap = StackMap
+ { sm_sp :: StackLoc
+ -- ^ the offset of Sp relative to the base on entry
+ -- to this block.
+ , sm_args :: ByteOff
+ , sm_ret_off :: ByteOff
+ -- ^ the number of bytes of arguments in the area for this block
+ -- Defn: the offset of young(L) relative to the base is given by
+ -- (sm_sp - sm_args) of the StackMap for block L.
+ , sm_regs :: UniqFM (LocalReg,StackLoc)
+ -- ^ regs on the stack
+ }
+instance Outputable StackMap where
+ ppr StackMap{..} =
+ text "Sp = " <> int sm_sp $$
+ text "sm_args = " <> int sm_args $$
+ text "sm_ret_off = " <> int sm_ret_off $$
+ text "sm_regs = " <> ppr (eltsUFM sm_regs)
+cmmLayoutStack :: ProcPointSet -> ByteOff -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
+cmmLayoutStack procpoints entry_args
+ graph@(CmmGraph { g_entry = entry })
+ = do
+ pprTrace "cmmLayoutStack" (ppr entry_args) $ return ()
+ liveness <- cmmLiveness graph
+ pprTrace "liveness" (ppr liveness) $ return ()
+ let blocks = postorderDfs graph
+ (_rec_stackmaps, rec_high_sp, new_blocks) <- liftUniq $
+ mfix $ \ ~(rec_stackmaps, rec_high_sp, _new_blocks) ->
+ layout procpoints liveness entry entry_args
+ rec_stackmaps rec_high_sp blocks
+ pprTrace ("Sp HWM") (ppr rec_high_sp) $
+ return (ofBlockList entry new_blocks)
+layout :: BlockSet -- proc points
+ -> BlockEnv CmmLive -- liveness
+ -> BlockId -- entry
+ -> ByteOff -- stack args on entry
+ -> BlockEnv StackMap -- [final] stack maps
+ -> ByteOff -- [final] Sp high water mark
+ -> [CmmBlock] -- [in] blocks
+ -> UniqSM
+ ( BlockEnv StackMap -- [out] stack maps
+ , ByteOff -- [out] Sp high water mark
+ , [CmmBlock] -- [out] new blocks
+ )
+layout procpoints liveness entry entry_args final_stackmaps final_hwm blocks
+ = go blocks init_stackmap entry_args []
+ where
+ sp_high = final_hwm - entry_args
+ -- The stack check value is adjusted by the Sp offset on
+ -- entry to the proc, which is entry_args. We are
+ -- assuming that we only do a stack check at the
+ -- beginning of a proc, and we don't modify Sp before the
+ -- check.
+ (updfr, cont_info) = collectContInfo blocks
+ init_stackmap = mapSingleton entry StackMap{ sm_sp = entry_args
+ , sm_args = entry_args
+ , sm_ret_off = updfr
+ , sm_regs = emptyUFM
+ }
+ go [] acc_stackmaps acc_hwm acc_blocks
+ = return (acc_stackmaps, acc_hwm, acc_blocks)
+ go (b0 : bs) acc_stackmaps acc_hwm acc_blocks
+ = do
+ let (entry0@(CmmEntry entry_lbl), middle0, last0) = blockSplit b0
+ pprTrace "layout" (ppr entry_lbl <+> ppr acc_stackmaps) $ return ()
+ let stack0@StackMap { sm_sp = sp0 }
+ = mapFindWithDefault
+ (pprPanic "no stack map for" (ppr entry_lbl))
+ entry_lbl acc_stackmaps
+ -- update the stack map to include the effects of assignments
+ -- in this block
+ let stack1 = foldBlockNodesF (procMiddle acc_stackmaps) middle0 stack0
+ -- insert reloads if necessary
+ let middle1 = if entry_lbl `setMember` procpoints
+ then foldr blockCons middle0 (insertReloads stack0)
+ else middle0
+ (saves, out, sp_off, last1, fixup_blocks)
+ <- handleLastNode procpoints liveness cont_info
+ acc_stackmaps stack1 last0
+ let hwm' = maximum (acc_hwm : map sm_sp (mapElems out))
+ middle2 = maybeAddSpAdj sp_off $ foldl blockSnoc middle1 saves
+ fiddle_middle = mapExpDeep (areaToSp sp0 sp_high final_stackmaps)
+ fiddle_last = mapExpDeep (areaToSp (sp0 - sp_off) sp_high
+ final_stackmaps)
+ stackmaps' = mapUnion acc_stackmaps out
+ newblock = blockJoin entry0 middle2 last1
+ newblock' = blockMapNodes3 (id, fiddle_middle, fiddle_last) newblock
+ fixup_blocks' = map (blockMapNodes3 (id, fiddle_middle, id))
+ fixup_blocks
+ pprTrace "layout2" (ppr out) $ return ()
+ go bs stackmaps' hwm' (newblock' : fixup_blocks' ++ acc_blocks)
+-- This doesn't seem right somehow. We need to find out whether this
+-- proc will push some update frame material at some point, so that we
+-- can avoid using that area of the stack for spilling. The
+-- updfr_space field of the CmmProc *should* tell us, but it doesn't
+-- (I think maybe it gets filled in later when we do proc-point
+-- splitting).
+-- So we'll just take the max of all the cml_ret_offs. This could be
+-- unnecessarily pessimistic, but probably not in the code we
+-- generate.
+collectContInfo :: [CmmBlock] -> (ByteOff, BlockEnv ByteOff)
+collectContInfo blocks
+ = (maximum ret_offs, mapFromList (catMaybes mb_argss))
+ where
+ (mb_argss, ret_offs) = mapAndUnzip get_cont blocks
+ get_cont b =
+ case lastNode b of
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Just l, .. }
+ -> (Just (l, cml_ret_args), cml_ret_off)
+ CmmForeignCall { .. }
+ -> (Just (succ, 0), updfr) -- ??
+ _other -> (Nothing, 0)
+maybeAddSpAdj :: ByteOff -> Block CmmNode O O -> Block CmmNode O O
+maybeAddSpAdj 0 block = block
+maybeAddSpAdj sp_off block
+ = block `blockSnoc` CmmAssign spReg (cmmOffset (CmmReg spReg) sp_off)
+procMiddle :: BlockEnv StackMap -> CmmNode e x -> StackMap -> StackMap
+procMiddle stackmaps node sm
+ = case node of
+ CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot area off) t)
+ -> sm { sm_regs = addToUFM (sm_regs sm) r (r,loc) }
+ where loc = getStackLoc area off stackmaps
+ CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) _other
+ -> sm { sm_regs = delFromUFM (sm_regs sm) r }
+ _other
+ -> sm
+getStackLoc :: Area -> ByteOff -> BlockEnv StackMap -> StackLoc
+getStackLoc Old n _ = n
+getStackLoc (Young l) n stackmaps =
+ case mapLookup l stackmaps of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "getStackLoc" (ppr l)
+ Just sm -> sm_sp sm - sm_args sm + n
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Handling stack allocation for a last node
+ :: ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv CmmLive -> BlockEnv ByteOff
+ -> BlockEnv StackMap -> StackMap
+ -> CmmNode O C
+ -> UniqSM
+ ( [CmmNode O O] -- assignments to save live variables
+ , BlockEnv StackMap -- stackmaps for the continuations
+ , ByteOff -- amount to adjust Sp before the jump
+ , CmmNode O C -- new last node
+ , [CmmBlock] -- new blocks
+ )
+handleLastNode procpoints liveness cont_info stackmaps
+ stack0@StackMap { sm_sp = sp0 } last
+ = case last of
+ -- At each return / tail call,
+ -- adjust Sp to point to the last argument pushed, which
+ -- is cml_args, after popping any other junk from the stack.
+ CmmCall{ cml_cont = Nothing, .. } -> do
+ let sp_off = sp0 - cml_args
+ return ([], mapEmpty, sp_off, last, [])
+ -- At each CmmCall with a continuation:
+ CmmCall{ cml_cont = Just cont_lbl, .. }
+ -- If we have already seen this continuation before, then
+ -- we just have to make the stack look the same:
+ | Just cont_stack <- mapLookup cont_lbl stackmaps
+ ->
+ return ( fixupStack stack0 cont_stack
+ , stackmaps
+ , sp0 - sm_sp cont_stack
+ , last
+ , [] )
+ -- a continuation we haven't seen before:
+ -- allocate the stack frame for it.
+ | otherwise -> do
+ -- get the set of LocalRegs live in the continuation
+ let target_live = mapFindWithDefault Set.empty cont_lbl
+ liveness
+ -- the stack from the base to cml_ret_off is off-limits.
+ -- our new stack frame contains:
+ -- * saved live variables
+ -- * the return address [young(C) + 8]
+ -- * the args for the call,
+ -- which are replaced by the return values at the return
+ -- point.
+ -- everything up to cml_ret_off is off-limits: mark it Occupied
+ -- stack2 contains cml_ret_off, plus everything we need to save
+ (stack2, assigs) = allocate cml_ret_off target_live stack0
+ -- Sp is currently pointing to sp0,
+ -- we want it to point to (sm_sp stack2 + cml_args)
+ -- so the difference is sp0 - (sm_sp stack2 + cml_args)
+ sp_off = sp0 - (sm_sp stack2 + cml_args)
+ -- And the Sp at the continuation is:
+ -- sm_sp stack2 + cml_ret_args
+ cont_stack = stack2{ sm_sp = sm_sp stack2 + cml_ret_args
+ , sm_args = cml_ret_args
+ , sm_ret_off = cml_ret_off
+ }
+ -- emit the necessary assignments of LocalRegs to stack slots
+ -- emit an Sp adjustment, taking into account the call area
+ --
+ return ( assigs
+ , mapSingleton cont_lbl cont_stack
+ , sp_off
+ , last
+ , [] -- no new blocks
+ )
+ CmmBranch{..} -> handleProcPoints
+ CmmCondBranch{..} -> handleProcPoints
+ CmmSwitch{..} -> handleProcPoints
+ where
+ handleProcPoints :: UniqSM ( [CmmNode O O]
+ , BlockEnv StackMap
+ , ByteOff
+ , CmmNode O C
+ , [CmmBlock] )
+ handleProcPoints = do
+ pps <- mapM handleProcPoint (successors last)
+ let lbl_map :: LabelMap Label
+ lbl_map = mapFromList [ (l,tmp) | (l,tmp,_,_) <- pps ]
+ fix_lbl l = mapLookup l lbl_map `orElse` l
+ return ( []
+ , mapFromList [ (l, sm) | (l,_,sm,_) <- pps ]
+ , 0
+ , mapSuccessors fix_lbl last
+ , concat [ blk | (_,_,_,blk) <- pps ] )
+ -- For each proc point that is a successor of this block, we need to
+ -- (a) if the proc point already has a stackmap, we need to
+ -- shuffle the current stack to make it look the same.
+ -- We have to insert a new block to make this happen.
+ -- (b) otherwise, call "allocate live stack0" to make the
+ -- stack map for the proc point
+ handleProcPoint :: BlockId
+ -> UniqSM (BlockId, BlockId, StackMap, [CmmBlock])
+ handleProcPoint l
+ | not (l `setMember` procpoints) = return (l, l, stack0, [])
+ | otherwise = do
+ tmp <- getUniqueM
+ let tmp_lbl = mkBlockId tmp
+ (assigs, stack3) = case mapLookup l stackmaps of
+ Just pp_sm -> (fixupStack stack0 pp_sm, pp_sm)
+ Nothing -> pprTrace "first visit to proc point" (ppr l <+> ppr live $$ ppr stack1) $ (assigs, stack2)
+ where
+ live = mapFindWithDefault Set.empty l liveness
+ (stack1, assigs) = allocate (sm_ret_off stack0) live stack0
+ cont_args = mapFindWithDefault 0 l cont_info
+ stack2 = stack1 { sm_sp = sm_sp stack1 + cont_args
+ , sm_args = cont_args
+ }
+ sp_off = sp0 - sm_sp stack3
+ block = blockJoin
+ (CmmEntry tmp_lbl)
+ (maybeAddSpAdj sp_off (blockFromList assigs))
+ (CmmBranch l)
+ --
+ return (l, tmp_lbl, stack3, [block])
+ passthrough :: BlockEnv StackMap
+ passthrough = mapFromList (zip (successors last) (repeat stack0))
+-- | create a sequence of assignments to establish the new StackMap,
+-- given the old StackMap.
+fixupStack :: StackMap -> StackMap -> [CmmNode O O]
+fixupStack old_stack new_stack = concatMap move new_locs
+ where
+ old_map :: Map LocalReg ByteOff
+ old_map = Map.fromList (stackSlotRegs old_stack)
+ new_locs = stackSlotRegs new_stack
+ move (r,n)
+ | Just m <- Map.lookup r old_map, n == m = []
+ | otherwise = [CmmStore (CmmStackSlot Old n)
+ (CmmReg (CmmLocal r))]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Updating references to CallAreas
+After running layout, we need to update all the references to stack areas.
+Sp(L) is the Sp offset on entry to block L relative to the base of the
+OLD area.
+SpArgs(L) is the size of the young area for L, i.e. the number of
+ - in block L, each reference to (OldArea[N]) turns into
+ [Sp + Sp(L) - N]
+ - in block L, each reference to (Young(L')[N]) turns into
+ [Sp + Sp(L) - Sp(L') + SpArgs(L') - N]
+ - be careful with the last node of each block: Sp has already been adjusted
+ to be Sp + Sp(L) - Sp(L')
+areaToSp :: ByteOff -> ByteOff -> BlockEnv StackMap -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+areaToSp sp_old _sp_hwm stackmaps (CmmStackSlot area n) =
+ cmmOffset (CmmReg spReg) (sp_old - area_off - n)
+ where
+ area_off = case area of
+ Old -> 0
+ Young l ->
+ case mapLookup l stackmaps of
+ Just sm -> sm_sp sm - sm_args sm
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "areaToSp(2)" (ppr l)
+areaToSp _ sp_hwm _ (CmmLit CmmHighStackMark) = CmmLit (mkIntCLit sp_hwm)
+areaToSp _ _ _ other = other
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Saving live registers
+-- | Given a set of live registers and a StackMap, save all the registers
+-- on the stack and return the new StackMap and the assignments to do
+-- the saving.
+allocate :: ByteOff -> RegSet -> StackMap -> (StackMap, [CmmNode O O])
+allocate ret_off live stackmap@StackMap{ sm_sp = sp0
+ , sm_regs = regs0 }
+ =
+ pprTrace "allocate" (ppr live $$ ppr stackmap) $
+ -- we only have to save regs that are not already in a slot
+ let to_save = filter (not . (`elemUFM` regs0)) (Set.elems live)
+ regs1 = filterUFM (\(r,_) -> elemRegSet r live) regs0
+ in
+ -- make a map of the stack
+ let stack = reverse $ Array.elems $
+ accumArray (\_ x -> x) Empty (1, toWords (max sp0 ret_off)) $
+ ret_words ++ live_words
+ where ret_words =
+ [ (x, Occupied)
+ | x <- [ 1 .. toWords ret_off] ]
+ live_words =
+ [ (toWords x, Occupied)
+ | (r,off) <- eltsUFM regs1,
+ let w = localRegBytes r,
+ x <- [ off, off-wORD_SIZE .. off - w + 1] ]
+ in
+ -- Pass over the stack: find slots to save all the new live variables,
+ -- choosing the oldest slots first (hence a foldr).
+ let
+ save slot ([], stack, n, assigs, regs) -- no more regs to save
+ = ([], slot:stack, n `plusW` 1, assigs, regs)
+ save slot (to_save, stack, n, assigs, regs)
+ = case slot of
+ Occupied -> (to_save, Occupied:stack, n `plusW` 1, assigs, regs)
+ Empty
+ | Just (stack', r, to_save') <-
+ select_save to_save (slot:stack)
+ -> let assig = CmmStore (CmmStackSlot Old n')
+ (CmmReg (CmmLocal r))
+ n' = n `plusW` 1
+ in
+ (to_save', stack', n', assig : assigs, (r,(r,n')):regs)
+ | otherwise
+ -> (to_save, slot:stack, n `plusW` 1, assigs, regs)
+ -- we should do better here: right now we'll fit the smallest first,
+ -- but it would make more sense to fit the biggest first.
+ select_save :: [LocalReg] -> [StackSlot]
+ -> Maybe ([StackSlot], LocalReg, [LocalReg])
+ select_save regs stack = go regs []
+ where go [] no_fit = Nothing
+ go (r:rs) no_fit
+ | Just rest <- dropEmpty words stack
+ = Just (replicate words Occupied ++ rest, r, rs++no_fit)
+ | otherwise
+ = go rs (r:no_fit)
+ where words = localRegWords r
+ -- fill in empty slots as much as possible
+ (still_to_save, save_stack, n, save_assigs, save_regs)
+ = foldr save (to_save, [], 0, [], []) stack
+ -- push any remaining live vars on the stack
+ (push_sp, push_assigs, push_regs)
+ = foldr push (n, [], []) still_to_save
+ where
+ push r (n, assigs, regs)
+ = (n', assig : assigs, (r,(r,n')) : regs)
+ where
+ w = typeWidth (localRegType r)
+ n' = n + widthInBytes w
+ assig = CmmStore (CmmStackSlot Old n')
+ (CmmReg (CmmLocal r))
+ trim_sp
+ | not (null push_regs) = push_sp
+ | otherwise
+ = case break notEmpty save_stack of
+ (empties, rest) -> n `plusW` (- length empties)
+ final_regs = regs1 `addListToUFM` push_regs
+ `addListToUFM` save_regs
+ in
+ -- XXX should be an assert
+ if ( n /= max sp0 ret_off ) then pprPanic "allocate" (ppr n <+> ppr sp0 <+> ppr ret_off) else
+ ( stackmap { sm_regs = final_regs , sm_sp = trim_sp }
+ , push_assigs ++ save_assigs )
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+plusW :: ByteOff -> WordOff -> ByteOff
+plusW b w = b + w * wORD_SIZE
+dropEmpty :: WordOff -> [StackSlot] -> Maybe [StackSlot]
+dropEmpty 0 ss = Just ss
+dropEmpty n (Empty : ss) = dropEmpty (n-1) ss
+dropEmpty n _ = Nothing
+pushEmpty :: ByteOff -> [StackSlot] -> [StackSlot]
+pushEmpty n stack = replicate (toWords n) Empty ++ stack
+notEmpty :: StackSlot -> Bool
+notEmpty Empty = False
+notEmpty _ = True
+localRegBytes :: LocalReg -> ByteOff
+localRegBytes r = widthInBytes (typeWidth (localRegType r))
+localRegWords :: LocalReg -> WordOff
+localRegWords = toWords . localRegBytes
+toWords :: ByteOff -> WordOff
+toWords x = x `quot` wORD_SIZE
+insertReloads :: StackMap -> [CmmNode O O]
+insertReloads stackmap =
+ [ CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot Old sp)
+ (localRegType r))
+ | (r,sp) <- stackSlotRegs stackmap
+ ]
+stackSlotRegs :: StackMap -> [(LocalReg, StackLoc)]
+stackSlotRegs sm = eltsUFM (sm_regs sm)