path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs
diff options
mode: <unknown>2008-08-14 12:40:27 +0000 <unknown>2008-08-14 12:40:27 +0000
commit176fa33f17dd78355cc572e006d2ab26898e2c69 (patch)
tree54f951a515eac57626f8f15d57f7bc75f1096a7a /compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs
parente06951a75a1f519e8f015880c363a8dedc08ff9c (diff)
Merging in the new codegen branch
This merge does not turn on the new codegen (which only compiles a select few programs at this point), but it does introduce some changes to the old code generator. The high bits: 1. The Rep Swamp patch is finally here. The highlight is that the representation of types at the machine level has changed. Consequently, this patch contains updates across several back ends. 2. The new Stg -> Cmm path is here, although it appears to have a fair number of bugs lurking. 3. Many improvements along the CmmCPSZ path, including: o stack layout o some code for infotables, half of which is right and half wrong o proc-point splitting
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs
index 293c20367f..7c8f2b3ce4 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ module CmmLint (
import BlockId
import Cmm
import CLabel
-import MachOp
import Maybe
import Outputable
import PprCmm
@@ -32,17 +31,22 @@ import Control.Monad
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Exported entry points:
-cmmLint :: GenCmm d h (ListGraph CmmStmt) -> Maybe SDoc
-cmmLint (Cmm tops) = runCmmLint $ mapM_ lintCmmTop tops
+cmmLint :: (Outputable d, Outputable h)
+ => GenCmm d h (ListGraph CmmStmt) -> Maybe SDoc
+cmmLint (Cmm tops) = runCmmLint (mapM_ lintCmmTop) tops
-cmmLintTop :: GenCmmTop d h (ListGraph CmmStmt) -> Maybe SDoc
-cmmLintTop top = runCmmLint $ lintCmmTop top
+cmmLintTop :: (Outputable d, Outputable h)
+ => GenCmmTop d h (ListGraph CmmStmt) -> Maybe SDoc
+cmmLintTop top = runCmmLint lintCmmTop top
-runCmmLint :: CmmLint a -> Maybe SDoc
-runCmmLint l =
- case unCL l of
- Left err -> Just (ptext (sLit "Cmm lint error:") $$ nest 2 err)
- Right _ -> Nothing
+runCmmLint :: Outputable a => (a -> CmmLint b) -> a -> Maybe SDoc
+runCmmLint l p =
+ case unCL (l p) of
+ Left err -> Just (vcat [ptext $ sLit ("Cmm lint error:"),
+ nest 2 err,
+ ptext $ sLit ("Program was:"),
+ nest 2 (ppr p)])
+ Right _ -> Nothing
lintCmmTop :: (GenCmmTop h i (ListGraph CmmStmt)) -> CmmLint ()
lintCmmTop (CmmProc _ lbl _ (ListGraph blocks))
@@ -64,40 +68,33 @@ lintCmmBlock labels (BasicBlock id stmts)
-- Checks whether a CmmExpr is "type-correct", and check for obvious-looking
-- byte/word mismatches.
-lintCmmExpr :: CmmExpr -> CmmLint MachRep
+lintCmmExpr :: CmmExpr -> CmmLint CmmType
lintCmmExpr (CmmLoad expr rep) = do
lintCmmExpr expr
- when (machRepByteWidth rep >= wORD_SIZE) $
+ when (widthInBytes (typeWidth rep) >= wORD_SIZE) $
cmmCheckWordAddress expr
return rep
lintCmmExpr expr@(CmmMachOp op args) = do
- mapM_ lintCmmExpr args
- if map cmmExprRep args == machOpArgReps op
- then cmmCheckMachOp op args
- else cmmLintMachOpErr expr (map cmmExprRep args) (machOpArgReps op)
+ tys <- mapM lintCmmExpr args
+ if map (typeWidth . cmmExprType) args == machOpArgReps op
+ then cmmCheckMachOp op args tys
+ else cmmLintMachOpErr expr (map cmmExprType args) (machOpArgReps op)
lintCmmExpr (CmmRegOff reg offset)
- = lintCmmExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep)
+ = lintCmmExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep)
[CmmReg reg, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral offset) rep)])
- where rep = cmmRegRep reg
-lintCmmExpr lit@(CmmLit (CmmInt _ rep))
- | isFloatingRep rep
- = cmmLintErr (text "integer literal with floating MachRep: " <> ppr lit)
+ where rep = typeWidth (cmmRegType reg)
lintCmmExpr expr =
- return (cmmExprRep expr)
+ return (cmmExprType expr)
-- Check for some common byte/word mismatches (eg. Sp + 1)
-cmmCheckMachOp :: MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> CmmLint MachRep
-cmmCheckMachOp op args@[CmmReg reg, CmmLit (CmmInt i _)]
+cmmCheckMachOp :: MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> [CmmType] -> CmmLint CmmType
+cmmCheckMachOp op args@[CmmReg reg, CmmLit (CmmInt i _)] _
| isWordOffsetReg reg && isOffsetOp op && i `rem` fromIntegral wORD_SIZE /= 0
= cmmLintDubiousWordOffset (CmmMachOp op args)
-cmmCheckMachOp op [lit@(CmmLit (CmmInt { })), reg@(CmmReg _)]
- = cmmCheckMachOp op [reg, lit]
-cmmCheckMachOp op@(MO_U_Conv from to) args
- | isFloatingRep from || isFloatingRep to
- = cmmLintErr (text "unsigned conversion from/to floating rep: "
- <> ppr (CmmMachOp op args))
-cmmCheckMachOp op _args
- = return (resultRepOfMachOp op)
+cmmCheckMachOp op [lit@(CmmLit (CmmInt { })), reg@(CmmReg _)] tys
+ = cmmCheckMachOp op [reg, lit] tys
+cmmCheckMachOp op _ tys
+ = return (machOpResultType op tys)
isWordOffsetReg :: CmmReg -> Bool
isWordOffsetReg (CmmGlobal Sp) = True
@@ -134,24 +131,26 @@ lintCmmStmt labels = lint
lint (CmmComment {}) = return ()
lint stmt@(CmmAssign reg expr) = do
erep <- lintCmmExpr expr
- if (erep == cmmRegRep reg)
+ let reg_ty = cmmRegType reg
+ if (erep `cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood` reg_ty)
then return ()
- else cmmLintAssignErr stmt
+ else cmmLintAssignErr stmt erep reg_ty
lint (CmmStore l r) = do
lintCmmExpr l
lintCmmExpr r
return ()
lint (CmmCall target _res args _ _) =
- lintTarget target >> mapM_ (lintCmmExpr . kindlessCmm) args
+ lintTarget target >> mapM_ (lintCmmExpr . hintlessCmm) args
lint (CmmCondBranch e id) = checkTarget id >> lintCmmExpr e >> checkCond e
lint (CmmSwitch e branches) = do
mapM_ checkTarget $ catMaybes branches
erep <- lintCmmExpr e
- if (erep == wordRep)
+ if (erep `cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood` bWord)
then return ()
- else cmmLintErr (text "switch scrutinee is not a word: " <> ppr e)
- lint (CmmJump e args) = lintCmmExpr e >> mapM_ (lintCmmExpr . kindlessCmm) args
- lint (CmmReturn ress) = mapM_ (lintCmmExpr . kindlessCmm) ress
+ else cmmLintErr (text "switch scrutinee is not a word: " <> ppr e <>
+ text " :: " <> ppr erep)
+ lint (CmmJump e args) = lintCmmExpr e >> mapM_ (lintCmmExpr . hintlessCmm) args
+ lint (CmmReturn ress) = mapM_ (lintCmmExpr . hintlessCmm) ress
lint (CmmBranch id) = checkTarget id
checkTarget id = if elemBlockSet id labels then return ()
else cmmLintErr (text "Branch to nonexistent id" <+> ppr id)
@@ -188,16 +187,21 @@ addLintInfo info thing = CmmLint $
Left err -> Left (hang info 2 err)
Right a -> Right a
-cmmLintMachOpErr :: CmmExpr -> [MachRep] -> [MachRep] -> CmmLint a
+cmmLintMachOpErr :: CmmExpr -> [CmmType] -> [Width] -> CmmLint a
cmmLintMachOpErr expr argsRep opExpectsRep
= cmmLintErr (text "in MachOp application: " $$
nest 2 (pprExpr expr) $$
(text "op is expecting: " <+> ppr opExpectsRep) $$
(text "arguments provide: " <+> ppr argsRep))
-cmmLintAssignErr :: CmmStmt -> CmmLint a
-cmmLintAssignErr stmt = cmmLintErr (text "in assignment: " $$
- nest 2 (pprStmt stmt))
+cmmLintAssignErr :: CmmStmt -> CmmType -> CmmType -> CmmLint a
+cmmLintAssignErr stmt e_ty r_ty
+ = cmmLintErr (text "in assignment: " $$
+ nest 2 (vcat [pprStmt stmt,
+ text "Reg ty:" <+> ppr r_ty,
+ text "Rhs ty:" <+> ppr e_ty]))
cmmLintDubiousWordOffset :: CmmExpr -> CmmLint a
cmmLintDubiousWordOffset expr