path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y')
1 files changed, 890 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73618bc35b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2004
+-- Parser for concrete Cmm.
+module CmmParse ( parseCmmFile ) where
+import CgMonad
+import CgHeapery
+import CgUtils
+import CgProf
+import CgTicky
+import CgInfoTbls
+import CgForeignCall
+import CgTailCall ( pushUnboxedTuple )
+import CgStackery ( emitPushUpdateFrame )
+import ClosureInfo ( C_SRT(..) )
+import CgCallConv ( smallLiveness )
+import CgClosure ( emitBlackHoleCode )
+import CostCentre ( dontCareCCS )
+import Cmm
+import PprCmm
+import CmmUtils ( mkIntCLit )
+import CmmLex
+import CLabel
+import MachOp
+import SMRep ( fixedHdrSize, CgRep(..) )
+import Lexer
+import ForeignCall ( CCallConv(..), Safety(..) )
+import Literal ( mkMachInt )
+import Unique
+import UniqFM
+import SrcLoc
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags, DynFlag(..) )
+import Packages ( HomeModules )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_SccProfilingOn )
+import ErrUtils ( printError, dumpIfSet_dyn, showPass )
+import StringBuffer ( hGetStringBuffer )
+import FastString
+import Panic ( panic )
+import Constants ( wORD_SIZE )
+import Outputable
+import Monad ( when )
+import Data.Char ( ord )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+ ':' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar ':') }
+ ';' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar ';') }
+ '{' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '{') }
+ '}' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '}') }
+ '[' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '[') }
+ ']' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar ']') }
+ '(' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '(') }
+ ')' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar ')') }
+ '=' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '=') }
+ '`' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '`') }
+ '~' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '~') }
+ '/' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '/') }
+ '*' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '*') }
+ '%' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '%') }
+ '-' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '-') }
+ '+' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '+') }
+ '&' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '&') }
+ '^' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '^') }
+ '|' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '|') }
+ '>' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '>') }
+ '<' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '<') }
+ ',' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar ',') }
+ '!' { L _ (CmmT_SpecChar '!') }
+ '..' { L _ (CmmT_DotDot) }
+ '::' { L _ (CmmT_DoubleColon) }
+ '>>' { L _ (CmmT_Shr) }
+ '<<' { L _ (CmmT_Shl) }
+ '>=' { L _ (CmmT_Ge) }
+ '<=' { L _ (CmmT_Le) }
+ '==' { L _ (CmmT_Eq) }
+ '!=' { L _ (CmmT_Ne) }
+ '&&' { L _ (CmmT_BoolAnd) }
+ '||' { L _ (CmmT_BoolOr) }
+ 'CLOSURE' { L _ (CmmT_CLOSURE) }
+ 'else' { L _ (CmmT_else) }
+ 'export' { L _ (CmmT_export) }
+ 'section' { L _ (CmmT_section) }
+ 'align' { L _ (CmmT_align) }
+ 'goto' { L _ (CmmT_goto) }
+ 'if' { L _ (CmmT_if) }
+ 'jump' { L _ (CmmT_jump) }
+ 'foreign' { L _ (CmmT_foreign) }
+ 'import' { L _ (CmmT_import) }
+ 'switch' { L _ (CmmT_switch) }
+ 'case' { L _ (CmmT_case) }
+ 'default' { L _ (CmmT_default) }
+ 'bits8' { L _ (CmmT_bits8) }
+ 'bits16' { L _ (CmmT_bits16) }
+ 'bits32' { L _ (CmmT_bits32) }
+ 'bits64' { L _ (CmmT_bits64) }
+ 'float32' { L _ (CmmT_float32) }
+ 'float64' { L _ (CmmT_float64) }
+ GLOBALREG { L _ (CmmT_GlobalReg $$) }
+ NAME { L _ (CmmT_Name $$) }
+ STRING { L _ (CmmT_String $$) }
+ INT { L _ (CmmT_Int $$) }
+ FLOAT { L _ (CmmT_Float $$) }
+%monad { P } { >>= } { return }
+%lexer { cmmlex } { L _ CmmT_EOF }
+%name cmmParse cmm
+%tokentype { Located CmmToken }
+-- C-- operator precedences, taken from the C-- spec
+%right '||' -- non-std extension, called %disjoin in C--
+%right '&&' -- non-std extension, called %conjoin in C--
+%right '!'
+%nonassoc '>=' '>' '<=' '<' '!=' '=='
+%left '|'
+%left '^'
+%left '&'
+%left '>>' '<<'
+%left '-' '+'
+%left '/' '*' '%'
+%right '~'
+cmm :: { ExtCode }
+ : {- empty -} { return () }
+ | cmmtop cmm { do $1; $2 }
+cmmtop :: { ExtCode }
+ : cmmproc { $1 }
+ | cmmdata { $1 }
+ | decl { $1 }
+ | 'CLOSURE' '(' NAME ',' NAME lits ')' ';'
+ { do lits <- sequence $6;
+ staticClosure $3 $5 (map getLit lits) }
+-- The only static closures in the RTS are dummy closures like
+-- stg_END_TSO_QUEUE_closure and stg_dummy_ret. We don't need
+-- to provide the full generality of static closures here.
+-- In particular:
+-- * CCS can always be CCS_DONT_CARE
+-- * closure is always extern
+-- * payload is always empty
+-- * we can derive closure and info table labels from a single NAME
+cmmdata :: { ExtCode }
+ : 'section' STRING '{' statics '}'
+ { do ss <- sequence $4;
+ code (emitData (section $2) (concat ss)) }
+statics :: { [ExtFCode [CmmStatic]] }
+ : {- empty -} { [] }
+ | static statics { $1 : $2 }
+-- Strings aren't used much in the RTS HC code, so it doesn't seem
+-- worth allowing inline strings. C-- doesn't allow them anyway.
+static :: { ExtFCode [CmmStatic] }
+ : NAME ':' { return [CmmDataLabel (mkRtsDataLabelFS $1)] }
+ | type expr ';' { do e <- $2;
+ return [CmmStaticLit (getLit e)] }
+ | type ';' { return [CmmUninitialised
+ (machRepByteWidth $1)] }
+ | 'bits8' '[' ']' STRING ';' { return [mkString $4] }
+ | 'bits8' '[' INT ']' ';' { return [CmmUninitialised
+ (fromIntegral $3)] }
+ | typenot8 '[' INT ']' ';' { return [CmmUninitialised
+ (machRepByteWidth $1 *
+ fromIntegral $3)] }
+ | 'align' INT ';' { return [CmmAlign (fromIntegral $2)] }
+ | 'CLOSURE' '(' NAME lits ')'
+ { do lits <- sequence $4;
+ return $ map CmmStaticLit $
+ mkStaticClosure (mkRtsInfoLabelFS $3)
+ dontCareCCS (map getLit lits) [] [] [] }
+ -- arrays of closures required for the CHARLIKE & INTLIKE arrays
+lits :: { [ExtFCode CmmExpr] }
+ : {- empty -} { [] }
+ | ',' expr lits { $2 : $3 }
+cmmproc :: { ExtCode }
+ : info '{' body '}'
+ { do (info_lbl, info1, info2) <- $1;
+ stmts <- getCgStmtsEC (loopDecls $3)
+ blks <- code (cgStmtsToBlocks stmts)
+ code (emitInfoTableAndCode info_lbl info1 info2 [] blks) }
+ | info ';'
+ { do (info_lbl, info1, info2) <- $1;
+ code (emitInfoTableAndCode info_lbl info1 info2 [] []) }
+ | NAME '{' body '}'
+ { do stmts <- getCgStmtsEC (loopDecls $3);
+ blks <- code (cgStmtsToBlocks stmts)
+ code (emitProc [] (mkRtsCodeLabelFS $1) [] blks) }
+info :: { ExtFCode (CLabel, [CmmLit],[CmmLit]) }
+ : 'INFO_TABLE' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' STRING ',' STRING ')'
+ -- ptrs, nptrs, closure type, description, type
+ { stdInfo $3 $5 $7 0 $9 $11 $13 }
+ | 'INFO_TABLE_FUN' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' STRING ',' STRING ',' INT ')'
+ -- ptrs, nptrs, closure type, description, type, fun type
+ { funInfo $3 $5 $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 }
+ | 'INFO_TABLE_CONSTR' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' STRING ',' STRING ')'
+ -- ptrs, nptrs, tag, closure type, description, type
+ { stdInfo $3 $5 $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 }
+ -- selector, closure type, description, type
+ { basicInfo $3 (mkIntCLit (fromIntegral $5)) 0 $7 $9 $11 }
+ | 'INFO_TABLE_RET' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT maybe_vec ')'
+ { retInfo $3 $5 $7 $9 $10 }
+maybe_vec :: { [CmmLit] }
+ : {- empty -} { [] }
+ | ',' NAME maybe_vec { CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabelFS $2) : $3 }
+body :: { ExtCode }
+ : {- empty -} { return () }
+ | decl body { do $1; $2 }
+ | stmt body { do $1; $2 }
+decl :: { ExtCode }
+ : type names ';' { mapM_ (newLocal $1) $2 }
+ | 'import' names ';' { return () } -- ignore imports
+ | 'export' names ';' { return () } -- ignore exports
+names :: { [FastString] }
+ : NAME { [$1] }
+ | NAME ',' names { $1 : $3 }
+stmt :: { ExtCode }
+ : ';' { nopEC }
+ | block_id ':' { code (labelC $1) }
+ | lreg '=' expr ';'
+ { do reg <- $1; e <- $3; stmtEC (CmmAssign reg e) }
+ | type '[' expr ']' '=' expr ';'
+ { doStore $1 $3 $6 }
+ | 'foreign' STRING expr '(' hint_exprs0 ')' vols ';'
+ {% foreignCall $2 [] $3 $5 $7 }
+ | lreg '=' 'foreign' STRING expr '(' hint_exprs0 ')' vols ';'
+ {% let result = do r <- $1; return (r,NoHint) in
+ foreignCall $4 [result] $5 $7 $9 }
+ | STRING lreg '=' 'foreign' STRING expr '(' hint_exprs0 ')' vols ';'
+ {% do h <- parseHint $1;
+ let result = do r <- $2; return (r,h) in
+ foreignCall $5 [result] $6 $8 $10 }
+ -- stmt-level macros, stealing syntax from ordinary C-- function calls.
+ -- Perhaps we ought to use the %%-form?
+ | NAME '(' exprs0 ')' ';'
+ {% stmtMacro $1 $3 }
+ | 'switch' maybe_range expr '{' arms default '}'
+ { doSwitch $2 $3 $5 $6 }
+ | 'goto' block_id ';'
+ { stmtEC (CmmBranch $2) }
+ | 'jump' expr {-maybe_actuals-} ';'
+ { do e <- $2; stmtEC (CmmJump e []) }
+ | 'if' bool_expr '{' body '}' else
+ { ifThenElse $2 $4 $6 }
+bool_expr :: { ExtFCode BoolExpr }
+ : bool_op { $1 }
+ | expr { do e <- $1; return (BoolTest e) }
+bool_op :: { ExtFCode BoolExpr }
+ : bool_expr '&&' bool_expr { do e1 <- $1; e2 <- $3;
+ return (BoolAnd e1 e2) }
+ | bool_expr '||' bool_expr { do e1 <- $1; e2 <- $3;
+ return (BoolOr e1 e2) }
+ | '!' bool_expr { do e <- $2; return (BoolNot e) }
+ | '(' bool_op ')' { $2 }
+-- This is not C-- syntax. What to do?
+vols :: { Maybe [GlobalReg] }
+ : {- empty -} { Nothing }
+ | '[' ']' { Just [] }
+ | '[' globals ']' { Just $2 }
+globals :: { [GlobalReg] }
+ : GLOBALREG { [$1] }
+ | GLOBALREG ',' globals { $1 : $3 }
+maybe_range :: { Maybe (Int,Int) }
+ : '[' INT '..' INT ']' { Just (fromIntegral $2, fromIntegral $4) }
+ | {- empty -} { Nothing }
+arms :: { [([Int],ExtCode)] }
+ : {- empty -} { [] }
+ | arm arms { $1 : $2 }
+arm :: { ([Int],ExtCode) }
+ : 'case' ints ':' '{' body '}' { ($2, $5) }
+ints :: { [Int] }
+ : INT { [ fromIntegral $1 ] }
+ | INT ',' ints { fromIntegral $1 : $3 }
+default :: { Maybe ExtCode }
+ : 'default' ':' '{' body '}' { Just $4 }
+ -- taking a few liberties with the C-- syntax here; C-- doesn't have
+ -- 'default' branches
+ | {- empty -} { Nothing }
+else :: { ExtCode }
+ : {- empty -} { nopEC }
+ | 'else' '{' body '}' { $3 }
+-- we have to write this out longhand so that Happy's precedence rules
+-- can kick in.
+expr :: { ExtFCode CmmExpr }
+ : expr '/' expr { mkMachOp MO_U_Quot [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '*' expr { mkMachOp MO_Mul [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '%' expr { mkMachOp MO_U_Rem [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '-' expr { mkMachOp MO_Sub [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '+' expr { mkMachOp MO_Add [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '>>' expr { mkMachOp MO_U_Shr [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '<<' expr { mkMachOp MO_Shl [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '&' expr { mkMachOp MO_And [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '^' expr { mkMachOp MO_Xor [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '|' expr { mkMachOp MO_Or [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '>=' expr { mkMachOp MO_U_Ge [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '>' expr { mkMachOp MO_U_Gt [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '<=' expr { mkMachOp MO_U_Le [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '<' expr { mkMachOp MO_U_Lt [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '!=' expr { mkMachOp MO_Ne [$1,$3] }
+ | expr '==' expr { mkMachOp MO_Eq [$1,$3] }
+ | '~' expr { mkMachOp MO_Not [$2] }
+ | '-' expr { mkMachOp MO_S_Neg [$2] }
+ | expr0 '`' NAME '`' expr0 {% do { mo <- nameToMachOp $3 ;
+ return (mkMachOp mo [$1,$5]) } }
+ | expr0 { $1 }
+expr0 :: { ExtFCode CmmExpr }
+ : INT maybe_ty { return (CmmLit (CmmInt $1 $2)) }
+ | FLOAT maybe_ty { return (CmmLit (CmmFloat $1 $2)) }
+ | STRING { do s <- code (mkStringCLit $1);
+ return (CmmLit s) }
+ | reg { $1 }
+ | type '[' expr ']' { do e <- $3; return (CmmLoad e $1) }
+ | '%' NAME '(' exprs0 ')' {% exprOp $2 $4 }
+ | '(' expr ')' { $2 }
+-- leaving out the type of a literal gives you the native word size in C--
+maybe_ty :: { MachRep }
+ : {- empty -} { wordRep }
+ | '::' type { $2 }
+hint_exprs0 :: { [ExtFCode (CmmExpr, MachHint)] }
+ : {- empty -} { [] }
+ | hint_exprs { $1 }
+hint_exprs :: { [ExtFCode (CmmExpr, MachHint)] }
+ : hint_expr { [$1] }
+ | hint_expr ',' hint_exprs { $1 : $3 }
+hint_expr :: { ExtFCode (CmmExpr, MachHint) }
+ : expr { do e <- $1; return (e, inferHint e) }
+ | expr STRING {% do h <- parseHint $2;
+ return $ do
+ e <- $1; return (e,h) }
+exprs0 :: { [ExtFCode CmmExpr] }
+ : {- empty -} { [] }
+ | exprs { $1 }
+exprs :: { [ExtFCode CmmExpr] }
+ : expr { [ $1 ] }
+ | expr ',' exprs { $1 : $3 }
+reg :: { ExtFCode CmmExpr }
+ : NAME { lookupName $1 }
+ | GLOBALREG { return (CmmReg (CmmGlobal $1)) }
+lreg :: { ExtFCode CmmReg }
+ : NAME { do e <- lookupName $1;
+ return $
+ case e of
+ CmmReg r -> r
+ other -> pprPanic "CmmParse:" (ftext $1 <> text " not a register") }
+ | GLOBALREG { return (CmmGlobal $1) }
+block_id :: { BlockId }
+ : NAME { BlockId (newTagUnique (getUnique $1) 'L') }
+ -- TODO: ugh. The unique of a FastString has a null
+ -- tag, so we have to put our own tag on. We should
+ -- really make a new unique for every label, and keep
+ -- them in an environment.
+type :: { MachRep }
+ : 'bits8' { I8 }
+ | typenot8 { $1 }
+typenot8 :: { MachRep }
+ : 'bits16' { I16 }
+ | 'bits32' { I32 }
+ | 'bits64' { I64 }
+ | 'float32' { F32 }
+ | 'float64' { F64 }
+section :: String -> Section
+section "text" = Text
+section "data" = Data
+section "rodata" = ReadOnlyData
+section "bss" = UninitialisedData
+section s = OtherSection s
+mkString :: String -> CmmStatic
+mkString s = CmmString (map (fromIntegral.ord) s)
+-- mkMachOp infers the type of the MachOp from the type of its first
+-- argument. We assume that this is correct: for MachOps that don't have
+-- symmetrical args (e.g. shift ops), the first arg determines the type of
+-- the op.
+mkMachOp :: (MachRep -> MachOp) -> [ExtFCode CmmExpr] -> ExtFCode CmmExpr
+mkMachOp fn args = do
+ arg_exprs <- sequence args
+ return (CmmMachOp (fn (cmmExprRep (head arg_exprs))) arg_exprs)
+getLit :: CmmExpr -> CmmLit
+getLit (CmmLit l) = l
+getLit (CmmMachOp (MO_S_Neg _) [CmmLit (CmmInt i r)]) = CmmInt (negate i) r
+getLit _ = panic "invalid literal" -- TODO messy failure
+nameToMachOp :: FastString -> P (MachRep -> MachOp)
+nameToMachOp name =
+ case lookupUFM machOps name of
+ Nothing -> fail ("unknown primitive " ++ unpackFS name)
+ Just m -> return m
+exprOp :: FastString -> [ExtFCode CmmExpr] -> P (ExtFCode CmmExpr)
+exprOp name args_code =
+ case lookupUFM exprMacros name of
+ Just f -> return $ do
+ args <- sequence args_code
+ return (f args)
+ Nothing -> do
+ mo <- nameToMachOp name
+ return $ mkMachOp mo args_code
+exprMacros :: UniqFM ([CmmExpr] -> CmmExpr)
+exprMacros = listToUFM [
+ ( FSLIT("ENTRY_CODE"), \ [x] -> entryCode x ),
+ ( FSLIT("INFO_PTR"), \ [x] -> closureInfoPtr x ),
+ ( FSLIT("STD_INFO"), \ [x] -> infoTable x ),
+ ( FSLIT("FUN_INFO"), \ [x] -> funInfoTable x ),
+ ( FSLIT("GET_ENTRY"), \ [x] -> entryCode (closureInfoPtr x) ),
+ ( FSLIT("GET_STD_INFO"), \ [x] -> infoTable (closureInfoPtr x) ),
+ ( FSLIT("GET_FUN_INFO"), \ [x] -> funInfoTable (closureInfoPtr x) ),
+ ( FSLIT("INFO_TYPE"), \ [x] -> infoTableClosureType x ),
+ ( FSLIT("INFO_PTRS"), \ [x] -> infoTablePtrs x ),
+ ( FSLIT("INFO_NPTRS"), \ [x] -> infoTableNonPtrs x ),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_VEC"), \ [info, conZ] -> retVec info conZ )
+ ]
+-- we understand a subset of C-- primitives:
+machOps = listToUFM $
+ map (\(x, y) -> (mkFastString x, y)) [
+ ( "add", MO_Add ),
+ ( "sub", MO_Sub ),
+ ( "eq", MO_Eq ),
+ ( "ne", MO_Ne ),
+ ( "mul", MO_Mul ),
+ ( "neg", MO_S_Neg ),
+ ( "quot", MO_S_Quot ),
+ ( "rem", MO_S_Rem ),
+ ( "divu", MO_U_Quot ),
+ ( "modu", MO_U_Rem ),
+ ( "ge", MO_S_Ge ),
+ ( "le", MO_S_Le ),
+ ( "gt", MO_S_Gt ),
+ ( "lt", MO_S_Lt ),
+ ( "geu", MO_U_Ge ),
+ ( "leu", MO_U_Le ),
+ ( "gtu", MO_U_Gt ),
+ ( "ltu", MO_U_Lt ),
+ ( "flt", MO_S_Lt ),
+ ( "fle", MO_S_Le ),
+ ( "feq", MO_Eq ),
+ ( "fne", MO_Ne ),
+ ( "fgt", MO_S_Gt ),
+ ( "fge", MO_S_Ge ),
+ ( "fneg", MO_S_Neg ),
+ ( "and", MO_And ),
+ ( "or", MO_Or ),
+ ( "xor", MO_Xor ),
+ ( "com", MO_Not ),
+ ( "shl", MO_Shl ),
+ ( "shrl", MO_U_Shr ),
+ ( "shra", MO_S_Shr ),
+ ( "lobits8", flip MO_U_Conv I8 ),
+ ( "lobits16", flip MO_U_Conv I16 ),
+ ( "lobits32", flip MO_U_Conv I32 ),
+ ( "lobits64", flip MO_U_Conv I64 ),
+ ( "sx16", flip MO_S_Conv I16 ),
+ ( "sx32", flip MO_S_Conv I32 ),
+ ( "sx64", flip MO_S_Conv I64 ),
+ ( "zx16", flip MO_U_Conv I16 ),
+ ( "zx32", flip MO_U_Conv I32 ),
+ ( "zx64", flip MO_U_Conv I64 ),
+ ( "f2f32", flip MO_S_Conv F32 ), -- TODO; rounding mode
+ ( "f2f64", flip MO_S_Conv F64 ), -- TODO; rounding mode
+ ( "f2i8", flip MO_S_Conv I8 ),
+ ( "f2i16", flip MO_S_Conv I8 ),
+ ( "f2i32", flip MO_S_Conv I8 ),
+ ( "f2i64", flip MO_S_Conv I8 ),
+ ( "i2f32", flip MO_S_Conv F32 ),
+ ( "i2f64", flip MO_S_Conv F64 )
+ ]
+parseHint :: String -> P MachHint
+parseHint "ptr" = return PtrHint
+parseHint "signed" = return SignedHint
+parseHint "float" = return FloatHint
+parseHint str = fail ("unrecognised hint: " ++ str)
+-- labels are always pointers, so we might as well infer the hint
+inferHint :: CmmExpr -> MachHint
+inferHint (CmmLit (CmmLabel _)) = PtrHint
+inferHint (CmmReg (CmmGlobal g)) | isPtrGlobalReg g = PtrHint
+inferHint _ = NoHint
+isPtrGlobalReg Sp = True
+isPtrGlobalReg SpLim = True
+isPtrGlobalReg Hp = True
+isPtrGlobalReg HpLim = True
+isPtrGlobalReg CurrentTSO = True
+isPtrGlobalReg CurrentNursery = True
+isPtrGlobalReg _ = False
+happyError :: P a
+happyError = srcParseFail
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Statement-level macros
+stmtMacro :: FastString -> [ExtFCode CmmExpr] -> P ExtCode
+stmtMacro fun args_code = do
+ case lookupUFM stmtMacros fun of
+ Nothing -> fail ("unknown macro: " ++ unpackFS fun)
+ Just fcode -> return $ do
+ args <- sequence args_code
+ code (fcode args)
+stmtMacros :: UniqFM ([CmmExpr] -> Code)
+stmtMacros = listToUFM [
+ ( FSLIT("CCS_ALLOC"), \[words,ccs] -> profAlloc words ccs ),
+ ( FSLIT("CLOSE_NURSERY"), \[] -> emitCloseNursery ),
+ ( FSLIT("ENTER_CCS_PAP_CL"), \[e] -> enterCostCentrePAP e ),
+ ( FSLIT("ENTER_CCS_THUNK"), \[e] -> enterCostCentreThunk e ),
+ ( FSLIT("HP_CHK_GEN"), \[words,liveness,reentry] ->
+ hpChkGen words liveness reentry ),
+ ( FSLIT("HP_CHK_NP_ASSIGN_SP0"), \[e,f] -> hpChkNodePointsAssignSp0 e f ),
+ ( FSLIT("LOAD_THREAD_STATE"), \[] -> emitLoadThreadState ),
+ ( FSLIT("LDV_ENTER"), \[e] -> ldvEnter e ),
+ ( FSLIT("LDV_RECORD_CREATE"), \[e] -> ldvRecordCreate e ),
+ ( FSLIT("OPEN_NURSERY"), \[] -> emitOpenNursery ),
+ ( FSLIT("PUSH_UPD_FRAME"), \[sp,e] -> emitPushUpdateFrame sp e ),
+ ( FSLIT("SAVE_THREAD_STATE"), \[] -> emitSaveThreadState ),
+ ( FSLIT("SET_HDR"), \[ptr,info,ccs] ->
+ emitSetDynHdr ptr info ccs ),
+ ( FSLIT("STK_CHK_GEN"), \[words,liveness,reentry] ->
+ stkChkGen words liveness reentry ),
+ ( FSLIT("STK_CHK_NP"), \[e] -> stkChkNodePoints e ),
+ ( FSLIT("TICK_ALLOC_PRIM"), \[hdr,goods,slop] ->
+ tickyAllocPrim hdr goods slop ),
+ ( FSLIT("TICK_ALLOC_PAP"), \[goods,slop] ->
+ tickyAllocPAP goods slop ),
+ ( FSLIT("TICK_ALLOC_UP_THK"), \[goods,slop] ->
+ tickyAllocThunk goods slop ),
+ ( FSLIT("UPD_BH_UPDATABLE"), \[] -> emitBlackHoleCode False ),
+ ( FSLIT("UPD_BH_SINGLE_ENTRY"), \[] -> emitBlackHoleCode True ),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_P"), \[a] -> emitRetUT [(PtrArg,a)]),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_N"), \[a] -> emitRetUT [(NonPtrArg,a)]),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_PP"), \[a,b] -> emitRetUT [(PtrArg,a),(PtrArg,b)]),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_NN"), \[a,b] -> emitRetUT [(NonPtrArg,a),(NonPtrArg,b)]),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_NP"), \[a,b] -> emitRetUT [(NonPtrArg,a),(PtrArg,b)]),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_PPP"), \[a,b,c] -> emitRetUT [(PtrArg,a),(PtrArg,b),(PtrArg,c)]),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_NNP"), \[a,b,c] -> emitRetUT [(NonPtrArg,a),(NonPtrArg,b),(PtrArg,c)]),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_NNNP"), \[a,b,c,d] -> emitRetUT [(NonPtrArg,a),(NonPtrArg,b),(NonPtrArg,c),(PtrArg,d)]),
+ ( FSLIT("RET_NPNP"), \[a,b,c,d] -> emitRetUT [(NonPtrArg,a),(PtrArg,b),(NonPtrArg,c),(PtrArg,d)])
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Our extended FCode monad.
+-- We add a mapping from names to CmmExpr, to support local variable names in
+-- the concrete C-- code. The unique supply of the underlying FCode monad
+-- is used to grab a new unique for each local variable.
+-- In C--, a local variable can be declared anywhere within a proc,
+-- and it scopes from the beginning of the proc to the end. Hence, we have
+-- to collect declarations as we parse the proc, and feed the environment
+-- back in circularly (to avoid a two-pass algorithm).
+type Decls = [(FastString,CmmExpr)]
+type Env = UniqFM CmmExpr
+newtype ExtFCode a = EC { unEC :: Env -> Decls -> FCode (Decls, a) }
+type ExtCode = ExtFCode ()
+returnExtFC a = EC $ \e s -> return (s, a)
+thenExtFC (EC m) k = EC $ \e s -> do (s',r) <- m e s; unEC (k r) e s'
+instance Monad ExtFCode where
+ (>>=) = thenExtFC
+ return = returnExtFC
+-- This function takes the variable decarations and imports and makes
+-- an environment, which is looped back into the computation. In this
+-- way, we can have embedded declarations that scope over the whole
+-- procedure, and imports that scope over the entire module.
+loopDecls :: ExtFCode a -> ExtFCode a
+loopDecls (EC fcode) =
+ EC $ \e s -> fixC (\ ~(decls,a) -> fcode (addListToUFM e decls) [])
+getEnv :: ExtFCode Env
+getEnv = EC $ \e s -> return (s, e)
+addVarDecl :: FastString -> CmmExpr -> ExtCode
+addVarDecl var expr = EC $ \e s -> return ((var,expr):s, ())
+newLocal :: MachRep -> FastString -> ExtCode
+newLocal ty name = do
+ u <- code newUnique
+ addVarDecl name (CmmReg (CmmLocal (LocalReg u ty)))
+-- Unknown names are treated as if they had been 'import'ed.
+-- This saves us a lot of bother in the RTS sources, at the expense of
+-- deferring some errors to link time.
+lookupName :: FastString -> ExtFCode CmmExpr
+lookupName name = do
+ env <- getEnv
+ return $
+ case lookupUFM env name of
+ Nothing -> CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabelFS name))
+ Just e -> e
+-- Lifting FCode computations into the ExtFCode monad:
+code :: FCode a -> ExtFCode a
+code fc = EC $ \e s -> do r <- fc; return (s, r)
+code2 :: (FCode (Decls,b) -> FCode ((Decls,b),c))
+ -> ExtFCode b -> ExtFCode c
+code2 f (EC ec) = EC $ \e s -> do ((s',b),c) <- f (ec e s); return (s',c)
+nopEC = code nopC
+stmtEC stmt = code (stmtC stmt)
+stmtsEC stmts = code (stmtsC stmts)
+getCgStmtsEC = code2 getCgStmts'
+forkLabelledCodeEC ec = do
+ stmts <- getCgStmtsEC ec
+ code (forkCgStmts stmts)
+retInfo name size live_bits cl_type vector = do
+ let liveness = smallLiveness (fromIntegral size) (fromIntegral live_bits)
+ info_lbl = mkRtsRetInfoLabelFS name
+ (info1,info2) = mkRetInfoTable info_lbl liveness NoC_SRT
+ (fromIntegral cl_type) vector
+ return (info_lbl, info1, info2)
+stdInfo name ptrs nptrs srt_bitmap cl_type desc_str ty_str =
+ basicInfo name (packHalfWordsCLit ptrs nptrs)
+ srt_bitmap cl_type desc_str ty_str
+basicInfo name layout srt_bitmap cl_type desc_str ty_str = do
+ lit1 <- if opt_SccProfilingOn
+ then code $ mkStringCLit desc_str
+ else return (mkIntCLit 0)
+ lit2 <- if opt_SccProfilingOn
+ then code $ mkStringCLit ty_str
+ else return (mkIntCLit 0)
+ let info1 = mkStdInfoTable lit1 lit2 (fromIntegral cl_type)
+ (fromIntegral srt_bitmap)
+ layout
+ return (mkRtsInfoLabelFS name, info1, [])
+funInfo name ptrs nptrs cl_type desc_str ty_str fun_type = do
+ (label,info1,_) <- stdInfo name ptrs nptrs 0{-srt_bitmap-}
+ cl_type desc_str ty_str
+ let info2 = mkFunGenInfoExtraBits (fromIntegral fun_type) 0 zero zero zero
+ -- we leave most of the fields zero here. This is only used
+ -- to generate the BCO info table in the RTS at the moment.
+ return (label,info1,info2)
+ where
+ zero = mkIntCLit 0
+staticClosure :: FastString -> FastString -> [CmmLit] -> ExtCode
+staticClosure cl_label info payload
+ = code $ emitDataLits (mkRtsDataLabelFS cl_label) lits
+ where lits = mkStaticClosure (mkRtsInfoLabelFS info) dontCareCCS payload [] [] []
+ :: String
+ -> [ExtFCode (CmmReg,MachHint)]
+ -> ExtFCode CmmExpr
+ -> [ExtFCode (CmmExpr,MachHint)]
+ -> Maybe [GlobalReg] -> P ExtCode
+foreignCall "C" results_code expr_code args_code vols
+ = return $ do
+ results <- sequence results_code
+ expr <- expr_code
+ args <- sequence args_code
+ code (emitForeignCall' PlayRisky results
+ (CmmForeignCall expr CCallConv) args vols)
+foreignCall conv _ _ _ _
+ = fail ("unknown calling convention: " ++ conv)
+doStore :: MachRep -> ExtFCode CmmExpr -> ExtFCode CmmExpr -> ExtCode
+doStore rep addr_code val_code
+ = do addr <- addr_code
+ val <- val_code
+ -- if the specified store type does not match the type of the expr
+ -- on the rhs, then we insert a coercion that will cause the type
+ -- mismatch to be flagged by cmm-lint. If we don't do this, then
+ -- the store will happen at the wrong type, and the error will not
+ -- be noticed.
+ let coerce_val
+ | cmmExprRep val /= rep = CmmMachOp (MO_U_Conv rep rep) [val]
+ | otherwise = val
+ stmtEC (CmmStore addr coerce_val)
+-- Return an unboxed tuple.
+emitRetUT :: [(CgRep,CmmExpr)] -> Code
+emitRetUT args = do
+ tickyUnboxedTupleReturn (length args) -- TICK
+ (sp, stmts) <- pushUnboxedTuple 0 args
+ emitStmts stmts
+ when (sp /= 0) $ stmtC (CmmAssign spReg (cmmRegOffW spReg (-sp)))
+ stmtC (CmmJump (entryCode (CmmLoad (cmmRegOffW spReg sp) wordRep)) [])
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- If-then-else and boolean expressions
+data BoolExpr
+ = BoolExpr `BoolAnd` BoolExpr
+ | BoolExpr `BoolOr` BoolExpr
+ | BoolNot BoolExpr
+ | BoolTest CmmExpr
+-- ToDo: smart constructors which simplify the boolean expression.
+ifThenElse cond then_part else_part = do
+ then_id <- code newLabelC
+ join_id <- code newLabelC
+ c <- cond
+ emitCond c then_id
+ else_part
+ stmtEC (CmmBranch join_id)
+ code (labelC then_id)
+ then_part
+ -- fall through to join
+ code (labelC join_id)
+-- 'emitCond cond true_id' emits code to test whether the cond is true,
+-- branching to true_id if so, and falling through otherwise.
+emitCond (BoolTest e) then_id = do
+ stmtEC (CmmCondBranch e then_id)
+emitCond (BoolNot (BoolTest (CmmMachOp op args))) then_id
+ | Just op' <- maybeInvertComparison op
+ = emitCond (BoolTest (CmmMachOp op' args)) then_id
+emitCond (BoolNot e) then_id = do
+ else_id <- code newLabelC
+ emitCond e else_id
+ stmtEC (CmmBranch then_id)
+ code (labelC else_id)
+emitCond (e1 `BoolOr` e2) then_id = do
+ emitCond e1 then_id
+ emitCond e2 then_id
+emitCond (e1 `BoolAnd` e2) then_id = do
+ -- we'd like to invert one of the conditionals here to avoid an
+ -- extra branch instruction, but we can't use maybeInvertComparison
+ -- here because we can't look too closely at the expression since
+ -- we're in a loop.
+ and_id <- code newLabelC
+ else_id <- code newLabelC
+ emitCond e1 and_id
+ stmtEC (CmmBranch else_id)
+ code (labelC and_id)
+ emitCond e2 then_id
+ code (labelC else_id)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Table jumps
+-- We use a simplified form of C-- switch statements for now. A
+-- switch statement always compiles to a table jump. Each arm can
+-- specify a list of values (not ranges), and there can be a single
+-- default branch. The range of the table is given either by the
+-- optional range on the switch (eg. switch [0..7] {...}), or by
+-- the minimum/maximum values from the branches.
+doSwitch :: Maybe (Int,Int) -> ExtFCode CmmExpr -> [([Int],ExtCode)]
+ -> Maybe ExtCode -> ExtCode
+doSwitch mb_range scrut arms deflt
+ = do
+ -- Compile code for the default branch
+ dflt_entry <-
+ case deflt of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just e -> do b <- forkLabelledCodeEC e; return (Just b)
+ -- Compile each case branch
+ table_entries <- mapM emitArm arms
+ -- Construct the table
+ let
+ all_entries = concat table_entries
+ ixs = map fst all_entries
+ (min,max)
+ | Just (l,u) <- mb_range = (l,u)
+ | otherwise = (minimum ixs, maximum ixs)
+ entries = elems (accumArray (\_ a -> Just a) dflt_entry (min,max)
+ all_entries)
+ expr <- scrut
+ -- ToDo: check for out of range and jump to default if necessary
+ stmtEC (CmmSwitch expr entries)
+ where
+ emitArm :: ([Int],ExtCode) -> ExtFCode [(Int,BlockId)]
+ emitArm (ints,code) = do
+ blockid <- forkLabelledCodeEC code
+ return [ (i,blockid) | i <- ints ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Putting it all together
+-- The initial environment: we define some constants that the compiler
+-- knows about here.
+initEnv :: Env
+initEnv = listToUFM [
+ ( FSLIT("SIZEOF_StgHeader"),
+ CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral (fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE)) wordRep) ),
+ ( FSLIT("SIZEOF_StgInfoTable"),
+ CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral stdInfoTableSizeB) wordRep) )
+ ]
+parseCmmFile :: DynFlags -> HomeModules -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Cmm)
+parseCmmFile dflags hmods filename = do
+ showPass dflags "ParseCmm"
+ buf <- hGetStringBuffer filename
+ let
+ init_loc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 0
+ init_state = (mkPState buf init_loc dflags) { lex_state = [0] }
+ -- reset the lex_state: the Lexer monad leaves some stuff
+ -- in there we don't want.
+ case unP cmmParse init_state of
+ PFailed span err -> do printError span err; return Nothing
+ POk _ code -> do
+ cmm <- initC dflags hmods no_module (getCmm (unEC code initEnv [] >> return ()))
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm "Cmm" (pprCmms [cmm])
+ return (Just cmm)
+ where
+ no_module = panic "parseCmmFile: no module"