path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs
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authorSimon Marlow <>2012-07-30 11:05:30 +0100
committerSimon Marlow <>2012-07-30 11:56:20 +0100
commit938833720a5a3cf65ddf74a54da2f4f9f6629c97 (patch)
tree8ea4e68761f8ea1abd4258bc7647ca72f0bc7f80 /compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs
parente26161ff1c27a140fe64b34cb2e24b7da8939c3d (diff)
bug fixes for the sinker
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs
index ce1dfb46a8..033a8f6df5 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ import CmmUtils
import Hoopl
import UniqFM
-import Unique
-import Outputable
+-- import Outputable
import Data.List (partition)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@@ -67,6 +66,7 @@ cmmSink graph = ofBlockList (g_entry graph) $ sink mapEmpty $ blocks
liveness = cmmLiveness graph
+ getLive l = mapFindWithDefault Set.empty l liveness
blocks = postorderDfs graph
@@ -75,10 +75,11 @@ cmmSink graph = ofBlockList (g_entry graph) $ sink mapEmpty $ blocks
succ_counts = foldr (\l -> mapInsertWith (+) l 1) mapEmpty all_succs
join_pts = mapFilter (>1) succ_counts
sink :: BlockEnv [Assignment] -> [CmmBlock] -> [CmmBlock]
sink _ [] = []
sink sunk (b:bs) =
- pprTrace "sink" (ppr lbl) $
+ -- pprTrace "sink" (ppr lbl) $
blockJoin first final_middle last : sink sunk' bs
lbl = entryLabel b
@@ -86,30 +87,48 @@ cmmSink graph = ofBlockList (g_entry graph) $ sink mapEmpty $ blocks
(middle', assigs) = walk ann_middles emptyBlock
(mapFindWithDefault [] lbl sunk)
- live = Set.unions [ mapFindWithDefault Set.empty l liveness | l <- succs ]
- live_middle = gen_kill last live
+ succs = successors last
+ -- Annotate the middle nodes with the registers live *after*
+ -- the node. This will help us decide whether we can inline
+ -- an assignment in the current node or not.
+ live = Set.unions (map getLive succs)
+ live_middle = gen_kill last live
ann_middles = annotate live_middle (blockToList middle)
- getLive l = mapFindWithDefault Set.empty l liveness
- succs = successors last
+ -- We cannot sink into join points (successors with more than
+ -- one predecessor), so identify the join points and the set
+ -- of registers live in them.
(joins, nonjoins) = partition (`mapMember` join_pts) succs
- live_in_nonjoins = concatMap (Set.toList . getLive) nonjoins
- live_in_joins :: [LocalReg]
- live_in_joins = concatMap (Set.toList . getLive) joins
+ live_in_joins = Set.unions (map getLive joins)
+ -- We do not want to sink an assignment into multiple branches,
+ -- so identify the set of registers live in multiple successors.
+ -- This is made more complicated because when we sink an assignment
+ -- into one branch, this might change the set of registers that are
+ -- now live in multiple branches.
+ init_live_sets = map getLive nonjoins
+ live_in_multi live_sets r =
+ case filter (Set.member r) live_sets of
+ (_one:_two:_) -> True
+ _ -> False
+ -- Now, drop any assignments that we will not sink any further.
+ (dropped_last, assigs') = dropAssignments drop_if init_live_sets assigs
+ drop_if a@(r,rhs,_) live_sets = (should_drop, live_sets')
+ where
+ should_drop = a `conflicts` last
+ || {- not (isTiny rhs) && -} live_in_multi live_sets r
+ || r `Set.member` live_in_joins
- -- multilive is a list of registers that are live in more than
- -- one successor branch, and we should therefore drop them here.
- multilive = [ r | (r,n) <- ufmToList livemap, n > 1 ]
- where livemap = foldr (\r m -> addToUFM_C (+) m r (1::Int))
- emptyUFM live_in_nonjoins
+ live_sets' | should_drop = live_sets
+ | otherwise = map upd live_sets
- (dropped_last, assigs') = dropAssignments drop_if assigs
+ upd set | r `Set.member` set = set `Set.union` live_rhs
+ | otherwise = set
- drop_if a@(r,_,_)
- = a `conflicts` last
- || (getUnique r `elem` multilive)
- || (r `elem` live_in_joins)
+ live_rhs = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet emptyRegSet rhs
final_middle = foldl blockSnoc middle' dropped_last
@@ -117,6 +136,11 @@ cmmSink graph = ofBlockList (g_entry graph) $ sink mapEmpty $ blocks
mapFromList [ (l, filterAssignments (getLive l) assigs')
| l <- succs ]
+-- tiny: an expression we don't mind duplicating
+isTiny :: CmmExpr -> Bool
+isTiny (CmmReg _) = True
+isTiny (CmmLit _) = True
+isTiny _other = False
-- annotate each node with the set of registers live *after* the node
annotate :: RegSet -> [CmmNode O O] -> [(RegSet, CmmNode O O)]
@@ -143,18 +167,26 @@ walk ((live,node):ns) block as
where usages :: UniqFM Int
usages = foldRegsUsed addUsage emptyUFM node
- (dropped, as') = dropAssignments (`conflicts` node1) as1
+ (dropped, as') = dropAssignmentsSimple (`conflicts` node1) as1
block' = foldl blockSnoc block dropped `blockSnoc` node1
tryToInline :: RegSet -> UniqFM Int -> CmmNode O x -> [Assignment]
-> (CmmNode O x, [Assignment])
-tryToInline live usages node []
+tryToInline _live _usages node []
= (node, [])
-tryToInline live usages node ((l,rhs,_) : rest)
- | not (l `elemRegSet` live),
- Just 1 <- lookupUFM usages l
- = tryToInline live' usages' node' rest
+tryToInline live usages node (a@(l,rhs,_) : rest)
+ | occurs_once_in_this_node = inline_and_discard
+ | False {- isTiny rhs -} = inline_and_keep
+ -- ^^ seems to make things slightly worse
+ inline_and_discard = tryToInline live' usages' node' rest
+ inline_and_keep = (node'', a : rest')
+ where (node'',rest') = inline_and_discard
+ occurs_once_in_this_node =
+ not (l `elemRegSet` live) && lookupUFM usages l == Just 1
live' = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet live rhs
usages' = foldRegsUsed addUsage usages rhs
@@ -162,33 +194,40 @@ tryToInline live usages node ((l,rhs,_) : rest)
where inline (CmmReg (CmmLocal l')) | l == l' = rhs
inline (CmmRegOff (CmmLocal l') off) | l == l' = cmmOffset rhs off
inline other = other
-tryToInline live usages node (assig : rest)
+tryToInline live usages node (assig@(_,rhs,_) : rest)
= (node', assig : rest')
- where (node', rest') = tryToInline live usages node rest
+ where (node', rest') = tryToInline live usages' node rest
+ usages' = foldRegsUsed addUsage usages rhs
addUsage :: UniqFM Int -> LocalReg -> UniqFM Int
addUsage m r = addToUFM_C (+) m r 1
shouldSink :: CmmNode e x -> Maybe Assignment
shouldSink (CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) e) | no_local_regs = Just (r, e, exprAddr e)
- where no_local_regs = foldRegsUsed (\_ _ -> False) True e
+ where no_local_regs = True -- foldRegsUsed (\_ _ -> False) True e
shouldSink _other = Nothing
toNode :: Assignment -> CmmNode O O
toNode (r,rhs,_) = CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) rhs
-dropAssignments :: (Assignment -> Bool) -> [Assignment] -> ([CmmNode O O], [Assignment])
-dropAssignments should_drop assigs
+dropAssignmentsSimple :: (Assignment -> Bool) -> [Assignment] -> ([CmmNode O O], [Assignment])
+dropAssignmentsSimple f = dropAssignments (\a _ -> (f a, ())) ()
+dropAssignments :: (Assignment -> s -> (Bool, s)) -> s -> [Assignment] -> ([CmmNode O O], [Assignment])
+dropAssignments should_drop state assigs
= (dropped, reverse kept)
- (dropped,kept) = go assigs [] []
+ (dropped,kept) = go state assigs [] []
- go [] dropped kept = (dropped, kept)
- go (assig : rest) dropped kept
- | conflict = go rest (toNode assig : dropped) kept
- | otherwise = go rest dropped (assig:kept)
+ go _ [] dropped kept = (dropped, kept)
+ go state (assig : rest) dropped kept
+ | conflict = go state' rest (toNode assig : dropped) kept
+ | otherwise = go state' rest dropped (assig:kept)
- conflict = should_drop assig || any (assig `conflicts`) dropped
+ (dropit, state') = should_drop assig state
+ conflict = dropit || any (assig `conflicts`) dropped
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | @conflicts (r,e) stmt@ is @False@ if and only if the assignment
-- @r = e@ can be safely commuted past @stmt@.