path: root/compiler/cmm/Hoopl
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authorSimon Marlow <>2012-07-03 15:18:33 +0100
committerSimon Marlow <>2012-07-03 15:18:33 +0100
commit85fed344855acfcee01aaae419b6a86af6c7952d (patch)
tree6c0f228a04c75fa6600bbcb58e9d04c1def7ddb2 /compiler/cmm/Hoopl
parentef81d86fc5006b71c235b7c249164a8aa3dadde7 (diff)
mainly tidyup
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/Hoopl')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Dataflow.hs b/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Dataflow.hs
index 5826d0f092..cdab2cd2fe 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Dataflow.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Dataflow.hs
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ analyzeFwd FwdPass { fp_lattice = lattice,
body :: [Label] -> Fact C f -> Fact C f
body entries f
- = fixpoint_anal Fwd lattice do_block entries blockmap f
+ = fixpointAnal Fwd lattice do_block entries blockmap f
do_block :: forall x . Block n C x -> FactBase f -> Fact x f
do_block b fb = block b entryFact
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ analyzeFwdBlocks FwdPass { fp_lattice = lattice,
body :: [Label] -> Fact C f -> Fact C f
body entries f
- = fixpoint_anal Fwd lattice do_block entries blockmap f
+ = fixpointAnal Fwd lattice do_block entries blockmap f
do_block :: forall x . Block n C x -> FactBase f -> Fact x f
do_block b fb = block b entryFact
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ analyzeBwd BwdPass { bp_lattice = lattice,
body :: [Label] -> Fact C f -> Fact C f
body entries f
- = fixpoint_anal Bwd lattice do_block entries blockmap f
+ = fixpointAnal Bwd lattice do_block entries blockmap f
do_block :: forall x . Block n C x -> Fact x f -> FactBase f
do_block b fb = mapSingleton (entryLabel b) (block b fb)
@@ -499,12 +499,14 @@ effects.)
--- fixpoint (analysis only)
+-- fixpoint
data Direction = Fwd | Bwd
-fixpoint_anal :: forall n f. NonLocal n
+-- | fixpointing for analysis-only
+fixpointAnal :: forall n f. NonLocal n
=> Direction
-> DataflowLattice f
-> (Block n C C -> Fact C f -> Fact C f)
@@ -512,33 +514,18 @@ fixpoint_anal :: forall n f. NonLocal n
-> LabelMap (Block n C C)
-> Fact C f -> FactBase f
-fixpoint_anal direction DataflowLattice{ fact_bot = bot, fact_join = join }
+fixpointAnal direction DataflowLattice{ fact_bot = bot, fact_join = join }
do_block entries blockmap init_fbase
= loop start init_fbase
- blocks = forwardBlockList entries blockmap
- n = length blocks
- ordered_blocks = case direction of
- Fwd -> blocks
- Bwd -> reverse blocks
- block_arr = {-# SCC "block_arr" #-} listArray (0,n-1) ordered_blocks
- start = {-# SCC "start" #-} [0 .. n-1]
- -- mapping from L -> blocks. If the fact for L changes, re-analyse blocks.
- dep_blocks :: LabelMap [Int]
- dep_blocks = {-# SCC "dep_blocks" #-} mapFromListWith (++)
- [ (l, [ix])
- | (b,ix) <- zip ordered_blocks [0..]
- , l <- case direction of
- Fwd -> [entryLabel b]
- Bwd -> successors b
- ]
+ blocks = sortBlocks direction entries blockmap
+ n = length blocks
+ block_arr = {-# SCC "block_arr" #-} listArray (0,n-1) blocks
+ start = {-# SCC "start" #-} [0..n-1]
+ dep_blocks = {-# SCC "dep_blocks" #-} mkDepBlocks direction blocks
- :: [Int] -- blocks still to analyse
+ :: IntHeap -- blocks still to analyse
-> FactBase f -- current factbase (increases monotonically)
-> FactBase f
@@ -550,7 +537,7 @@ fixpoint_anal direction DataflowLattice{ fact_bot = bot, fact_join = join }
out_facts = {-# SCC "do_block" #-} do_block blk fbase
!(todo', fbase') = {-# SCC "mapFoldWithKey" #-}
- mapFoldWithKey (updateFact bot join dep_blocks)
+ mapFoldWithKey (updateFact join dep_blocks)
(todo,fbase) out_facts
-- trace ("analysing: " ++ show (entryLabel blk)) $
@@ -561,40 +548,8 @@ fixpoint_anal direction DataflowLattice{ fact_bot = bot, fact_join = join }
loop todo' fbase'
--- fixpoint: finding fixed points
--- Shared by fixpoint and fixpoint_anal:
+-- | fixpointing for combined analysis/rewriting
-updateFact :: f -> JoinFun f -> LabelMap [Int]
- -> Label -> f -- out fact
- -> ([Int], FactBase f)
- -> ([Int], FactBase f)
-updateFact bot fact_join dep_blocks lbl new_fact (todo, fbase)
- = case lookupFact lbl fbase of
- Nothing -> let !z = mapInsert lbl new_fact fbase in (changed, z)
- -- Note [no old fact]
- Just old_fact ->
- case fact_join lbl (OldFact old_fact) (NewFact new_fact) of
- (NoChange, _) -> (todo, fbase)
- (_, f) -> let !z = mapInsert lbl f fbase in (changed, z)
- where
- changed = foldr insertIntHeap todo $
- mapFindWithDefault [] lbl dep_blocks
-Note [no old fact]
-We know that the new_fact is >= _|_, so we don't need to join. However,
-if the new fact is also _|_, and we have already analysed its block,
-we don't need to record a change. So there's a tradeoff here. It turns
-out that always recording a change is faster.
fixpoint :: forall n f. NonLocal n
=> Direction
-> DataflowLattice f
@@ -615,24 +570,11 @@ fixpoint direction DataflowLattice{ fact_bot = bot, fact_join = join }
-- for which we have facts and which are *not* in
-- the blocks of the graph
- blocks = forwardBlockList entries blockmap
- ordered_blocks = case direction of
- Fwd -> blocks
- Bwd -> reverse blocks
- block_arr = listArray (0,n-1) ordered_blocks
- start = [0 .. n-1]
- n = length blocks
- -- mapping from L -> blocks. If the fact for L changes, re-analyse blocks.
- dep_blocks :: LabelMap [Int]
- dep_blocks = mapFromListWith (++)
- [ (l, [ix])
- | (b,ix) <- zip ordered_blocks [0..]
- , l <- case direction of
- Fwd -> [entryLabel b]
- Bwd -> successors b
- ]
+ blocks = sortBlocks direction entries blockmap
+ n = length blocks
+ block_arr = {-# SCC "block_arr" #-} listArray (0,n-1) blocks
+ start = {-# SCC "start" #-} [0..n-1]
+ dep_blocks = {-# SCC "dep_blocks" #-} mkDepBlocks direction blocks
:: IntHeap
@@ -647,7 +589,7 @@ fixpoint direction DataflowLattice{ fact_bot = bot, fact_join = join }
-- trace ("analysing: " ++ show (entryLabel blk)) $ return ()
(rg, out_facts) <- do_block blk fbase
let !(todo', fbase') =
- mapFoldWithKey (updateFact bot join dep_blocks)
+ mapFoldWithKey (updateFact join dep_blocks)
(todo,fbase) out_facts
-- trace ("fbase': " ++ show (mapKeys fbase')) $ return ()
@@ -729,6 +671,62 @@ we'll propagate (x=4) to L4, and nuke the otherwise-good rewriting of L4.
'return', and therefore have no successors, for example.
+-- Pieces that are shared by fixpoint and fixpoint_anal
+-- | Sort the blocks into the right order for analysis.
+sortBlocks :: NonLocal n => Direction -> [Label] -> LabelMap (Block n C C)
+ -> [Block n C C]
+sortBlocks direction entries blockmap
+ = case direction of Fwd -> fwd
+ Bwd -> reverse fwd
+ where fwd = forwardBlockList entries blockmap
+-- | construct a mapping from L -> block indices. If the fact for L
+-- changes, re-analyse the given blocks.
+mkDepBlocks :: NonLocal n => Direction -> [Block n C C] -> LabelMap [Int]
+mkDepBlocks Fwd blocks = go blocks 0 mapEmpty
+ where go [] !_ m = m
+ go (b:bs) !n m = go bs (n+1) $! mapInsert (entryLabel b) [n] m
+mkDepBlocks Bwd blocks = go blocks 0 mapEmpty
+ where go [] !_ m = m
+ go (b:bs) !n m = go bs (n+1) $! go' (successors b) m
+ where go' [] m = m
+ go' (l:ls) m = go' ls (mapInsertWith (++) l [n] m)
+-- | After some new facts have been generated by analysing a block, we
+-- fold this function over them to generate (a) a list of block
+-- indices to (re-)analyse, and (b) the new FactBase.
+updateFact :: JoinFun f -> LabelMap [Int]
+ -> Label -> f -- out fact
+ -> (IntHeap, FactBase f)
+ -> (IntHeap, FactBase f)
+updateFact fact_join dep_blocks lbl new_fact (todo, fbase)
+ = case lookupFact lbl fbase of
+ Nothing -> let !z = mapInsert lbl new_fact fbase in (changed, z)
+ -- Note [no old fact]
+ Just old_fact ->
+ case fact_join lbl (OldFact old_fact) (NewFact new_fact) of
+ (NoChange, _) -> (todo, fbase)
+ (_, f) -> let !z = mapInsert lbl f fbase in (changed, z)
+ where
+ changed = foldr insertIntHeap todo $
+ mapFindWithDefault [] lbl dep_blocks
+Note [no old fact]
+We know that the new_fact is >= _|_, so we don't need to join. However,
+if the new fact is also _|_, and we have already analysed its block,
+we don't need to record a change. So there's a tradeoff here. It turns
+out that always recording a change is faster.
-- DG: an internal data type for 'decorated graphs'
-- TOTALLY internal to Hoopl; each block is decorated with a fact