path: root/compiler/cmm/Hoopl
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authorSimon Marlow <>2012-01-17 12:39:54 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2012-01-17 12:39:54 +0000
commit00c3616cfebad6b3e8bff6fa0eb1513ca0bd188c (patch)
treeb2e4867d558ac5964b237193851893e8784ff536 /compiler/cmm/Hoopl
parent46b03136fd39d033b6e0ee5e56c6df0bc4248feb (diff)
add missing files
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/Hoopl')
1 files changed, 841 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Dataflow.hs b/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Dataflow.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97806adc75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Dataflow.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs, EmptyDataDecls, PatternGuards, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 703
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprof-auto-top #-}
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
+{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
+module Hoopl.Dataflow
+ ( DataflowLattice(..), OldFact(..), NewFact(..), Fact, mkFactBase
+ , ChangeFlag(..)
+ , FwdPass(..), FwdTransfer, mkFTransfer, mkFTransfer3, getFTransfer3
+ -- * Respecting Fuel
+ -- $fuel
+ , FwdRewrite, mkFRewrite, mkFRewrite3, getFRewrite3, noFwdRewrite
+ , wrapFR, wrapFR2
+ , BwdPass(..), BwdTransfer, mkBTransfer, mkBTransfer3, getBTransfer3
+ , wrapBR, wrapBR2
+ , BwdRewrite, mkBRewrite, mkBRewrite3, getBRewrite3, noBwdRewrite
+ , analyzeAndRewriteFwd, analyzeAndRewriteBwd
+ , analyzeFwd, analyzeBwd
+ )
+import OptimizationFuel
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe
+import Compiler.Hoopl.Collections
+import Compiler.Hoopl.Fuel
+import Compiler.Hoopl.Graph hiding (Graph) -- hiding so we can redefine
+ -- and include definition in paper
+import qualified Compiler.Hoopl.GraphUtil as U
+import Compiler.Hoopl.Label
+import Compiler.Hoopl.Util
+import Compiler.Hoopl.Dataflow (
+ DataflowLattice(..), OldFact(..), NewFact(..), Fact
+ , ChangeFlag(..), mkFactBase
+ , FwdPass(..), FwdRewrite(..), FwdTransfer(..), mkFRewrite, getFRewrite3, mkFTransfer, mkFTransfer3
+ , wrapFR, wrapFR2
+ , BwdPass(..), BwdRewrite(..), BwdTransfer(..), mkBTransfer, mkBTransfer3, getBTransfer3
+ , wrapBR, wrapBR2
+ , mkBRewrite, getBRewrite3
+ )
+import Debug.Trace
+noRewrite :: a -> b -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe c)
+noRewrite _ _ = return Nothing
+noFwdRewrite :: FwdRewrite FuelUniqSM n f
+noFwdRewrite = FwdRewrite3 (noRewrite, noRewrite, noRewrite)
+-- | Functions passed to 'mkFRewrite3' should not be aware of the fuel supply.
+-- The result returned by 'mkFRewrite3' respects fuel.
+mkFRewrite3 :: forall n f.
+ (n C O -> f -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe (Graph n C O)))
+ -> (n O O -> f -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe (Graph n O O)))
+ -> (n O C -> f -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe (Graph n O C)))
+ -> FwdRewrite FuelUniqSM n f
+mkFRewrite3 f m l = FwdRewrite3 (lift f, lift m, lift l)
+ where lift :: forall t t1 a. (t -> t1 -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe a))
+ -> t -> t1 -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe (a, FwdRewrite FuelUniqSM n f))
+ lift rw node fact = liftM (liftM asRew) (withFuel =<< rw node fact)
+ asRew :: forall t. t -> (t, FwdRewrite FuelUniqSM n f)
+ asRew g = (g, noFwdRewrite)
+noBwdRewrite :: BwdRewrite FuelUniqSM n f
+noBwdRewrite = BwdRewrite3 (noRewrite, noRewrite, noRewrite)
+mkBRewrite3 :: forall n f.
+ (n C O -> f -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe (Graph n C O)))
+ -> (n O O -> f -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe (Graph n O O)))
+ -> (n O C -> FactBase f -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe (Graph n O C)))
+ -> BwdRewrite FuelUniqSM n f
+mkBRewrite3 f m l = BwdRewrite3 (lift f, lift m, lift l)
+ where lift :: forall t t1 a. (t -> t1 -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe a))
+ -> t -> t1 -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe (a, BwdRewrite FuelUniqSM n f))
+ lift rw node fact = liftM (liftM asRew) (withFuel =<< rw node fact)
+ asRew :: t -> (t, BwdRewrite FuelUniqSM n f)
+ asRew g = (g, noBwdRewrite)
+-- Analyze and rewrite forward: the interface
+-- | if the graph being analyzed is open at the entry, there must
+-- be no other entry point, or all goes horribly wrong...
+ :: forall n f e x . NonLocal n =>
+ FwdPass FuelUniqSM n f
+ -> MaybeC e [Label]
+ -> Graph n e x -> Fact e f
+ -> FuelUniqSM (Graph n e x, FactBase f, MaybeO x f)
+analyzeAndRewriteFwd pass entries g f =
+ do (rg, fout) <- arfGraph pass (fmap targetLabels entries) g f
+ let (g', fb) = normalizeGraph rg
+ return (g', fb, distinguishedExitFact g' fout)
+distinguishedExitFact :: forall n e x f . Graph n e x -> Fact x f -> MaybeO x f
+distinguishedExitFact g f = maybe g
+ where maybe :: Graph n e x -> MaybeO x f
+ maybe GNil = JustO f
+ maybe (GUnit {}) = JustO f
+ maybe (GMany _ _ x) = case x of NothingO -> NothingO
+ JustO _ -> JustO f
+-- Forward Implementation
+type Entries e = MaybeC e [Label]
+arfGraph :: forall n f e x . NonLocal n =>
+ FwdPass FuelUniqSM n f ->
+ Entries e -> Graph n e x -> Fact e f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
+arfGraph pass@FwdPass { fp_lattice = lattice,
+ fp_transfer = transfer,
+ fp_rewrite = rewrite } entries = graph
+ where
+ {- nested type synonyms would be so lovely here
+ type ARF thing = forall e x . thing e x -> f -> m (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
+ type ARFX thing = forall e x . thing e x -> Fact e f -> m (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
+ -}
+ graph :: Graph n e x -> Fact e f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
+ block :: forall e x .
+ Block n e x -> f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
+ body :: [Label] -> LabelMap (Block n C C)
+ -> Fact C f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C C, Fact C f)
+ -- Outgoing factbase is restricted to Labels *not* in
+ -- in the Body; the facts for Labels *in*
+ -- the Body are in the 'DG f n C C'
+ cat :: forall e a x f1 f2 f3.
+ (f1 -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e a, f2))
+ -> (f2 -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n a x, f3))
+ -> (f1 -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, f3))
+ graph GNil = \f -> return (dgnil, f)
+ graph (GUnit blk) = block blk
+ graph (GMany e bdy x) = (e `ebcat` bdy) `cat` exit x
+ where
+ ebcat :: MaybeO e (Block n O C) -> Body n -> Fact e f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e C, Fact C f)
+ exit :: MaybeO x (Block n C O) -> Fact C f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C x, Fact x f)
+ exit (JustO blk) = arfx block blk
+ exit NothingO = \fb -> return (dgnilC, fb)
+ ebcat entry bdy = c entries entry
+ where c :: MaybeC e [Label] -> MaybeO e (Block n O C)
+ -> Fact e f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e C, Fact C f)
+ c NothingC (JustO entry) = block entry `cat` body (successors entry) bdy
+ c (JustC entries) NothingO = body entries bdy
+ c _ _ = error "bogus GADT pattern match failure"
+ -- Lift from nodes to blocks
+ block BNil = \f -> return (dgnil, f)
+ block (BlockCO n b) = node n `cat` block b
+ block (BlockCC l b n) = node l `cat` block b `cat` node n
+ block (BlockOC b n) = block b `cat` node n
+ block (BMiddle n) = node n
+ block (BCat b1 b2) = block b1 `cat` block b2
+ block (BHead h n) = block h `cat` node n
+ block (BTail n t) = node n `cat` block t
+ {-# INLINE node #-}
+ node :: forall e x . (ShapeLifter e x)
+ => n e x -> f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
+ node n f
+ = do { grw <- frewrite rewrite n f
+ ; case grw of
+ Nothing -> return ( singletonDG f n
+ , ftransfer transfer n f )
+ Just (g, rw) ->
+ let pass' = pass { fp_rewrite = rw }
+ f' = fwdEntryFact n f
+ in arfGraph pass' (fwdEntryLabel n) g f' }
+ -- | Compose fact transformers and concatenate the resulting
+ -- rewritten graphs.
+ {-# INLINE cat #-}
+ cat ft1 ft2 f = do { (g1,f1) <- ft1 f
+ ; (g2,f2) <- ft2 f1
+ ; return (g1 `dgSplice` g2, f2) }
+ arfx :: forall x .
+ (Block n C x -> f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C x, Fact x f))
+ -> (Block n C x -> Fact C f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C x, Fact x f))
+ arfx arf thing fb =
+ arf thing $ fromJust $ lookupFact (entryLabel thing) $ joinInFacts lattice fb
+ -- joinInFacts adds debugging information
+ -- Outgoing factbase is restricted to Labels *not* in
+ -- in the Body; the facts for Labels *in*
+ -- the Body are in the 'DG f n C C'
+ body entries blockmap init_fbase
+ = fixpoint Fwd lattice do_block entries blockmap init_fbase
+ where
+ lattice = fp_lattice pass
+ do_block :: forall x . Block n C x -> FactBase f
+ -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C x, Fact x f)
+ do_block b fb = block b entryFact
+ where entryFact = getFact lattice (entryLabel b) fb
+-- Join all the incoming facts with bottom.
+-- We know the results _shouldn't change_, but the transfer
+-- functions might, for example, generate some debugging traces.
+joinInFacts :: DataflowLattice f -> FactBase f -> FactBase f
+joinInFacts (lattice @ DataflowLattice {fact_bot = bot, fact_join = fj}) fb =
+ mkFactBase lattice $ map botJoin $ mapToList fb
+ where botJoin (l, f) = (l, snd $ fj l (OldFact bot) (NewFact f))
+forwardBlockList :: (NonLocal n, LabelsPtr entry)
+ => entry -> Body n -> [Block n C C]
+-- This produces a list of blocks in order suitable for forward analysis,
+-- along with the list of Labels it may depend on for facts.
+forwardBlockList entries blks = postorder_dfs_from blks entries
+-- Forward Analysis only
+-- | if the graph being analyzed is open at the entry, there must
+-- be no other entry point, or all goes horribly wrong...
+ :: forall n f e . NonLocal n =>
+ FwdPass FuelUniqSM n f
+ -> MaybeC e [Label]
+ -> Graph n e C -> Fact e f
+ -> FactBase f
+analyzeFwd FwdPass { fp_lattice = lattice,
+ fp_transfer = FwdTransfer3 (ftr, mtr, ltr) }
+ entries g in_fact = graph g in_fact
+ where
+ graph :: Graph n e C -> Fact e f -> FactBase f
+ graph (GMany entry blockmap NothingO)
+ = case (entries, entry) of
+ (NothingC, JustO entry) -> block entry `cat` body (successors entry)
+ (JustC entries, NothingO) -> body entries
+ _ -> error "bogus GADT pattern match failure"
+ where
+ body :: [Label] -> Fact C f -> Fact C f
+ body entries f
+ = fixpoint_anal Fwd lattice do_block entries blockmap f
+ where
+ do_block :: forall x . Block n C x -> FactBase f -> Fact x f
+ do_block b fb = block b entryFact
+ where entryFact = getFact lattice (entryLabel b) fb
+ block :: forall e x . Block n e x -> f -> Fact x f
+ block BNil = id
+ block (BlockCO n b) = ftr n `cat` block b
+ block (BlockCC l b n) = ftr l `cat` block b `cat` ltr n
+ block (BlockOC b n) = block b `cat` ltr n
+ block (BMiddle n) = mtr n
+ block (BCat b1 b2) = block b1 `cat` block b2
+ block (BHead h n) = block h `cat` mtr n
+ block (BTail n t) = mtr n `cat` block t
+ {-# INLINE cat #-}
+ cat ft1 ft2 f = ft2 (ft1 f)
+-- Backward Analysis only
+-- | if the graph being analyzed is open at the entry, there must
+-- be no other entry point, or all goes horribly wrong...
+ :: forall n f e . NonLocal n =>
+ BwdPass FuelUniqSM n f
+ -> MaybeC e [Label]
+ -> Graph n e C -> Fact C f
+ -> FactBase f
+analyzeBwd BwdPass { bp_lattice = lattice,
+ bp_transfer = BwdTransfer3 (ftr, mtr, ltr) }
+ entries g in_fact = graph g in_fact
+ where
+ graph :: Graph n e C -> Fact C f -> FactBase f
+ graph (GMany entry blockmap NothingO)
+ = case (entries, entry) of
+ (NothingC, JustO entry) -> body (successors entry)
+ (JustC entries, NothingO) -> body entries
+ _ -> error "bogus GADT pattern match failure"
+ where
+ body :: [Label] -> Fact C f -> Fact C f
+ body entries f
+ = fixpoint_anal Bwd lattice do_block labels blockmap f
+ where
+ labels = map entryLabel (backwardBlockList entries blockmap)
+ do_block :: forall x . Block n C x -> Fact x f -> FactBase f
+ do_block b fb = mapSingleton (entryLabel b) (block b fb)
+ block :: forall e x . Block n e x -> Fact x f -> f
+ block BNil = id
+ block (BlockCO n b) = ftr n `cat` block b
+ block (BlockCC l b n) = ftr l `cat` block b `cat` ltr n
+ block (BlockOC b n) = block b `cat` ltr n
+ block (BMiddle n) = mtr n
+ block (BCat b1 b2) = block b1 `cat` block b2
+ block (BHead h n) = block h `cat` mtr n
+ block (BTail n t) = mtr n `cat` block t
+ {-# INLINE cat #-}
+ cat ft1 ft2 f = ft1 (ft2 f)
+-- Backward analysis and rewriting: the interface
+-- | if the graph being analyzed is open at the exit, I don't
+-- quite understand the implications of possible other exits
+ :: NonLocal n
+ => BwdPass FuelUniqSM n f
+ -> MaybeC e [Label] -> Graph n e x -> Fact x f
+ -> FuelUniqSM (Graph n e x, FactBase f, MaybeO e f)
+analyzeAndRewriteBwd pass entries g f =
+ do (rg, fout) <- arbGraph pass (fmap targetLabels entries) g f
+ let (g', fb) = normalizeGraph rg
+ return (g', fb, distinguishedEntryFact g' fout)
+distinguishedEntryFact :: forall n e x f . Graph n e x -> Fact e f -> MaybeO e f
+distinguishedEntryFact g f = maybe g
+ where maybe :: Graph n e x -> MaybeO e f
+ maybe GNil = JustO f
+ maybe (GUnit {}) = JustO f
+ maybe (GMany e _ _) = case e of NothingO -> NothingO
+ JustO _ -> JustO f
+-- Backward implementation
+arbGraph :: forall n f e x .
+ NonLocal n =>
+ BwdPass FuelUniqSM n f ->
+ Entries e -> Graph n e x -> Fact x f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, Fact e f)
+arbGraph pass@BwdPass { bp_lattice = lattice,
+ bp_transfer = transfer,
+ bp_rewrite = rewrite } entries = graph
+ where
+ {- nested type synonyms would be so lovely here
+ type ARB thing = forall e x . thing e x -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n e x, f)
+ type ARBX thing = forall e x . thing e x -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n e x, Fact e f)
+ -}
+ graph :: Graph n e x -> Fact x f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, Fact e f)
+ block :: forall e x . Block n e x -> Fact x f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, f)
+ body :: [Label] -> Body n -> Fact C f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C C, Fact C f)
+ node :: forall e x . (ShapeLifter e x)
+ => n e x -> Fact x f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, f)
+ cat :: forall e a x info info' info''.
+ (info' -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e a, info''))
+ -> (info -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n a x, info'))
+ -> (info -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e x, info''))
+ graph GNil = \f -> return (dgnil, f)
+ graph (GUnit blk) = block blk
+ graph (GMany e bdy x) = (e `ebcat` bdy) `cat` exit x
+ where
+ ebcat :: MaybeO e (Block n O C) -> Body n -> Fact C f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e C, Fact e f)
+ exit :: MaybeO x (Block n C O) -> Fact x f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C x, Fact C f)
+ exit (JustO blk) = arbx block blk
+ exit NothingO = \fb -> return (dgnilC, fb)
+ ebcat entry bdy = c entries entry
+ where c :: MaybeC e [Label] -> MaybeO e (Block n O C)
+ -> Fact C f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n e C, Fact e f)
+ c NothingC (JustO entry) = block entry `cat` body (successors entry) bdy
+ c (JustC entries) NothingO = body entries bdy
+ c _ _ = error "bogus GADT pattern match failure"
+ -- Lift from nodes to blocks
+ block BNil = \f -> return (dgnil, f)
+ block (BlockCO l b) = node l `cat` block b
+ block (BlockCC l b n) = node l `cat` block b `cat` node n
+ block (BlockOC b n) = block b `cat` node n
+ block (BMiddle n) = node n
+ block (BCat b1 b2) = block b1 `cat` block b2
+ block (BHead h n) = block h `cat` node n
+ block (BTail n t) = node n `cat` block t
+ {-# INLINE node #-}
+ node n f
+ = do { bwdres <- brewrite rewrite n f
+ ; case bwdres of
+ Nothing -> return (singletonDG entry_f n, entry_f)
+ where entry_f = btransfer transfer n f
+ Just (g, rw) ->
+ do { let pass' = pass { bp_rewrite = rw }
+ ; (g, f) <- arbGraph pass' (fwdEntryLabel n) g f
+ ; return (g, bwdEntryFact lattice n f)} }
+ -- | Compose fact transformers and concatenate the resulting
+ -- rewritten graphs.
+ {-# INLINE cat #-}
+ cat ft1 ft2 f = do { (g2,f2) <- ft2 f
+ ; (g1,f1) <- ft1 f2
+ ; return (g1 `dgSplice` g2, f1) }
+ arbx :: forall x .
+ (Block n C x -> Fact x f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C x, f))
+ -> (Block n C x -> Fact x f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C x, Fact C f))
+ arbx arb thing f = do { (rg, f) <- arb thing f
+ ; let fb = joinInFacts (bp_lattice pass) $
+ mapSingleton (entryLabel thing) f
+ ; return (rg, fb) }
+ -- joinInFacts adds debugging information
+ -- Outgoing factbase is restricted to Labels *not* in
+ -- in the Body; the facts for Labels *in*
+ -- the Body are in the 'DG f n C C'
+ body entries blockmap init_fbase
+ = fixpoint Bwd (bp_lattice pass) do_block (map entryLabel (backwardBlockList entries blockmap)) blockmap init_fbase
+ where
+ do_block :: forall x. Block n C x -> Fact x f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C x, LabelMap f)
+ do_block b f = do (g, f) <- block b f
+ return (g, mapSingleton (entryLabel b) f)
+backwardBlockList :: (LabelsPtr entries, NonLocal n) => entries -> Body n -> [Block n C C]
+-- This produces a list of blocks in order suitable for backward analysis,
+-- along with the list of Labels it may depend on for facts.
+backwardBlockList entries body = reverse $ forwardBlockList entries body
+The forward and backward cases are not dual. In the forward case, the
+entry points are known, and one simply traverses the body blocks from
+those points. In the backward case, something is known about the exit
+points, but this information is essentially useless, because we don't
+actually have a dual graph (that is, one with edges reversed) to
+compute with. (Even if we did have a dual graph, it would not avail
+us---a backward analysis must include reachable blocks that don't
+reach the exit, as in a procedure that loops forever and has side
+-- fixpoint (analysis only)
+ -- See Note [TxFactBase invariants]
+updateFact :: DataflowLattice f
+ -> LabelSet
+ -> Label -> f -- out fact
+ -> ([Label], FactBase f)
+ -> ([Label], FactBase f)
+-- See Note [TxFactBase change flag]
+updateFact lat newblocks lbl new_fact (cha, fbase)
+ | NoChange <- cha2, lbl `setMember` newblocks = (cha, fbase)
+ | otherwise = (lbl:cha, mapInsert lbl res_fact fbase)
+ where
+ (cha2, res_fact) -- Note [Unreachable blocks]
+ = case lookupFact lbl fbase of
+ Nothing -> (SomeChange, new_fact_debug) -- Note [Unreachable blocks]
+ Just old_fact -> join old_fact
+ where join old_fact =
+ fact_join lat lbl
+ (OldFact old_fact) (NewFact new_fact)
+ (_, new_fact_debug) = join (fact_bot lat)
+-- this doesn't work because it can't be implemented
+class Monad m => FixpointMonad m where
+ observeChangedFactBase :: m (Maybe (FactBase f)) -> Maybe (FactBase f)
+data Direction = Fwd | Bwd
+fixpoint_anal :: forall n f. NonLocal n
+ => Direction
+ -> DataflowLattice f
+ -> (Block n C C -> Fact C f -> Fact C f)
+ -> [Label]
+ -> LabelMap (Block n C C)
+ -> Fact C f -> FactBase f
+fixpoint_anal direction lat do_block entries blockmap init_fbase
+ = loop init_fbase entries setEmpty
+ where
+ -- mapping from L -> Ls. If the fact for L changes, re-analyse Ls.
+ dep_blocks :: LabelMap [Label]
+ dep_blocks = mapFromListWith (++)
+ [ (l, [entryLabel b])
+ | b <- mapElems blockmap
+ , l <- case direction of
+ Fwd -> [entryLabel b]
+ Bwd -> successors b
+ ]
+ loop
+ :: FactBase f -- current factbase (increases monotonically)
+ -> [Label] -- blocks still to analyse (Todo: use a better rep)
+ -> LabelSet
+ -> FactBase f
+ loop fbase [] _newblocks = fbase
+ loop fbase (lbl:todo) newblocks = do
+ case mapLookup lbl blockmap of
+ Nothing -> loop fbase todo newblocks
+ Just blk ->
+ -- trace ("analysing: " ++ show lbl) $ return ()
+ let out_facts = do_block blk fbase
+ (changed, fbase') = mapFoldWithKey
+ (updateFact lat newblocks)
+ ([],fbase) out_facts
+ in
+ -- trace ("fbase': " ++ show (mapKeys fbase')) $ return ()
+ -- trace ("changed: " ++ show changed) $ return ()
+ let to_analyse
+ = filter (`notElem` todo) $
+ concatMap (\l -> mapFindWithDefault [] l dep_blocks) changed
+ in
+ -- trace ("to analyse: " ++ show to_analyse) $ return ()
+ let newblocks' = setInsert lbl newblocks
+ in
+ loop fbase' (todo ++ to_analyse) newblocks'
+-- fixpoint: finding fixed points
+ -- See Note [TxFactBase invariants]
+updateFact_anal :: DataflowLattice f
+ -> LabelMap (DBlock f n C C)
+ -> Label -> f -- out fact
+ -> ([Label], FactBase f)
+ -> ([Label], FactBase f)
+-- See Note [TxFactBase change flag]
+updateFact_anal lat newblocks lbl new_fact (cha, fbase)
+ | NoChange <- cha2, lbl `mapMember` newblocks = (cha, fbase)
+ | otherwise = (lbl:cha, mapInsert lbl res_fact fbase)
+ where
+ (cha2, res_fact) -- Note [Unreachable blocks]
+ = case lookupFact lbl fbase of
+ Nothing -> (SomeChange, new_fact_debug) -- Note [Unreachable blocks]
+ Just old_fact -> join old_fact
+ where join old_fact =
+ fact_join lat lbl
+ (OldFact old_fact) (NewFact new_fact)
+ (_, new_fact_debug) = join (fact_bot lat)
+-- this doesn't work because it can't be implemented
+class Monad m => FixpointMonad m where
+ observeChangedFactBase :: m (Maybe (FactBase f)) -> Maybe (FactBase f)
+fixpoint :: forall n f. NonLocal n
+ => Direction
+ -> DataflowLattice f
+ -> (Block n C C -> Fact C f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C C, Fact C f))
+ -> [Label]
+ -> LabelMap (Block n C C)
+ -> (Fact C f -> FuelUniqSM (DG f n C C, Fact C f))
+fixpoint direction lat do_block entries blockmap init_fbase
+ = do
+ -- trace ("fixpoint: " ++ show (case direction of Fwd -> True; Bwd -> False) ++ " " ++ show (mapKeys blockmap) ++ show entries ++ " " ++ show (mapKeys init_fbase)) $ return()
+ (fbase, newblocks) <- loop init_fbase entries mapEmpty
+ -- trace ("fixpoint DONE: " ++ show (mapKeys fbase) ++ show (mapKeys newblocks)) $ return()
+ return (GMany NothingO newblocks NothingO,
+ mapDeleteList (mapKeys blockmap) fbase)
+ -- The successors of the Graph are the the Labels
+ -- for which we have facts and which are *not* in
+ -- the blocks of the graph
+ where
+ -- mapping from L -> Ls. If the fact for L changes, re-analyse Ls.
+ dep_blocks :: LabelMap [Label]
+ dep_blocks = mapFromListWith (++)
+ [ (l, [entryLabel b])
+ | b <- mapElems blockmap
+ , l <- case direction of
+ Fwd -> [entryLabel b]
+ Bwd -> successors b
+ ]
+ loop
+ :: FactBase f -- current factbase (increases monotonically)
+ -> [Label] -- blocks still to analyse (Todo: use a better rep)
+ -> LabelMap (DBlock f n C C) -- transformed graph
+ -> FuelUniqSM (FactBase f, LabelMap (DBlock f n C C))
+ loop fbase [] newblocks = return (fbase, newblocks)
+ loop fbase (lbl:todo) newblocks = do
+ case mapLookup lbl blockmap of
+ Nothing -> loop fbase todo newblocks
+ Just blk -> do
+ -- trace ("analysing: " ++ show lbl) $ return ()
+ (rg, out_facts) <- do_block blk fbase
+ let (changed, fbase') = mapFoldWithKey
+ (updateFact_anal lat newblocks)
+ ([],fbase) out_facts
+ -- trace ("fbase': " ++ show (mapKeys fbase')) $ return ()
+ -- trace ("changed: " ++ show changed) $ return ()
+ let to_analyse
+ = filter (`notElem` todo) $
+ concatMap (\l -> mapFindWithDefault [] l dep_blocks) changed
+ -- trace ("to analyse: " ++ show to_analyse) $ return ()
+ let newblocks' = case rg of
+ GMany _ blks _ -> mapUnion blks newblocks
+ loop fbase' (todo ++ to_analyse) newblocks'
+{- Note [TxFactBase invariants]
+The TxFactBase is used only during a fixpoint iteration (or "sweep"),
+and accumulates facts (and the transformed code) during the fixpoint
+* tfb_fbase increases monotonically, across all sweeps
+* At the beginning of each sweep
+ tfb_cha = NoChange
+ tfb_lbls = {}
+* During each sweep we process each block in turn. Processing a block
+ is done thus:
+ 1. Read from tfb_fbase the facts for its entry label (forward)
+ or successors labels (backward)
+ 2. Transform those facts into new facts for its successors (forward)
+ or entry label (backward)
+ 3. Augment tfb_fbase with that info
+ We call the labels read in step (1) the "in-labels" of the sweep
+* The field tfb_lbls is the set of in-labels of all blocks that have
+ been processed so far this sweep, including the block that is
+ currently being processed. tfb_lbls is initialised to {}. It is a
+ subset of the Labels of the *original* (not transformed) blocks.
+* The tfb_cha field is set to SomeChange iff we decide we need to
+ perform another iteration of the fixpoint loop. It is initialsed to NoChange.
+ Specifically, we set tfb_cha to SomeChange in step (3) iff
+ (a) The fact in tfb_fbase for a block L changes
+ (b) L is in tfb_lbls
+ Reason: until a label enters the in-labels its accumuated fact in tfb_fbase
+ has not been read, hence cannot affect the outcome
+Note [Unreachable blocks]
+A block that is not in the domain of tfb_fbase is "currently unreachable".
+A currently-unreachable block is not even analyzed. Reason: consider
+constant prop and this graph, with entry point L1:
+ L1: x:=3; goto L4
+ L2: x:=4; goto L4
+ L4: if x>3 goto L2 else goto L5
+Here L2 is actually unreachable, but if we process it with bottom input fact,
+we'll propagate (x=4) to L4, and nuke the otherwise-good rewriting of L4.
+* If a currently-unreachable block is not analyzed, then its rewritten
+ graph will not be accumulated in tfb_rg. And that is good:
+ unreachable blocks simply do not appear in the output.
+* Note that clients must be careful to provide a fact (even if bottom)
+ for each entry point. Otherwise useful blocks may be garbage collected.
+* Note that updateFact must set the change-flag if a label goes from
+ not-in-fbase to in-fbase, even if its fact is bottom. In effect the
+ real fact lattice is
+ bottom
+ the points above bottom
+* Even if the fact is going from UNR to bottom, we still call the
+ client's fact_join function because it might give the client
+ some useful debugging information.
+* All of this only applies for *forward* ixpoints. For the backward
+ case we must treat every block as reachable; it might finish with a
+ 'return', and therefore have no successors, for example.
+-- DG: an internal data type for 'decorated graphs'
+-- TOTALLY internal to Hoopl; each block is decorated with a fact
+type Graph = Graph' Block
+type DG f = Graph' (DBlock f)
+data DBlock f n e x = DBlock f (Block n e x) -- ^ block decorated with fact
+instance NonLocal n => NonLocal (DBlock f n) where
+ entryLabel (DBlock _ b) = entryLabel b
+ successors (DBlock _ b) = successors b
+--- constructors
+dgnil :: DG f n O O
+dgnilC :: DG f n C C
+dgSplice :: NonLocal n => DG f n e a -> DG f n a x -> DG f n e x
+---- observers
+normalizeGraph :: forall n f e x .
+ NonLocal n => DG f n e x
+ -> (Graph n e x, FactBase f)
+ -- A Graph together with the facts for that graph
+ -- The domains of the two maps should be identical
+normalizeGraph g = (graphMapBlocks dropFact g, facts g)
+ where dropFact :: DBlock t t1 t2 t3 -> Block t1 t2 t3
+ dropFact (DBlock _ b) = b
+ facts :: DG f n e x -> FactBase f
+ facts GNil = noFacts
+ facts (GUnit _) = noFacts
+ facts (GMany _ body exit) = bodyFacts body `mapUnion` exitFacts exit
+ exitFacts :: MaybeO x (DBlock f n C O) -> FactBase f
+ exitFacts NothingO = noFacts
+ exitFacts (JustO (DBlock f b)) = mapSingleton (entryLabel b) f
+ bodyFacts :: LabelMap (DBlock f n C C) -> FactBase f
+ bodyFacts body = mapFoldWithKey f noFacts body
+ where f :: forall t a x. (NonLocal t) => Label -> DBlock a t C x -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
+ f lbl (DBlock f _) fb = mapInsert lbl f fb
+--- implementation of the constructors (boring)
+dgnil = GNil
+dgnilC = GMany NothingO emptyBody NothingO
+dgSplice = U.splice fzCat
+ where fzCat :: DBlock f n e O -> DBlock t n O x -> DBlock f n e x
+ fzCat (DBlock f b1) (DBlock _ b2) = DBlock f (b1 `` b2)
+-- Utilities
+-- Lifting based on shape:
+-- - from nodes to blocks
+-- - from facts to fact-like things
+-- Lowering back:
+-- - from fact-like things to facts
+-- Note that the latter two functions depend only on the entry shape.
+class ShapeLifter e x where
+ singletonDG :: f -> n e x -> DG f n e x
+ fwdEntryFact :: NonLocal n => n e x -> f -> Fact e f
+ fwdEntryLabel :: NonLocal n => n e x -> MaybeC e [Label]
+ ftransfer :: FwdTransfer n f -> n e x -> f -> Fact x f
+ frewrite :: FwdRewrite m n f -> n e x
+ -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x, FwdRewrite m n f))
+-- @ end node.tex
+ bwdEntryFact :: NonLocal n => DataflowLattice f -> n e x -> Fact e f -> f
+ btransfer :: BwdTransfer n f -> n e x -> Fact x f -> f
+ brewrite :: BwdRewrite m n f -> n e x
+ -> Fact x f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x, BwdRewrite m n f))
+instance ShapeLifter C O where
+ singletonDG f n = gUnitCO (DBlock f (BlockCO n BNil))
+ fwdEntryFact n f = mapSingleton (entryLabel n) f
+ bwdEntryFact lat n fb = getFact lat (entryLabel n) fb
+ ftransfer (FwdTransfer3 (ft, _, _)) n f = ft n f
+ btransfer (BwdTransfer3 (bt, _, _)) n f = bt n f
+ frewrite (FwdRewrite3 (fr, _, _)) n f = fr n f
+ brewrite (BwdRewrite3 (br, _, _)) n f = br n f
+ fwdEntryLabel n = JustC [entryLabel n]
+instance ShapeLifter O O where
+ singletonDG f = gUnitOO . DBlock f . BMiddle
+ fwdEntryFact _ f = f
+ bwdEntryFact _ _ f = f
+ ftransfer (FwdTransfer3 (_, ft, _)) n f = ft n f
+ btransfer (BwdTransfer3 (_, bt, _)) n f = bt n f
+ frewrite (FwdRewrite3 (_, fr, _)) n f = fr n f
+ brewrite (BwdRewrite3 (_, br, _)) n f = br n f
+ fwdEntryLabel _ = NothingC
+instance ShapeLifter O C where
+ singletonDG f n = gUnitOC (DBlock f (BlockOC BNil n))
+ fwdEntryFact _ f = f
+ bwdEntryFact _ _ f = f
+ ftransfer (FwdTransfer3 (_, _, ft)) n f = ft n f
+ btransfer (BwdTransfer3 (_, _, bt)) n f = bt n f
+ frewrite (FwdRewrite3 (_, _, fr)) n f = fr n f
+ brewrite (BwdRewrite3 (_, _, br)) n f = br n f
+ fwdEntryLabel _ = NothingC
+class ShapeLifter e x where
+ singletonDG :: f -> n e x -> DG f n e x
+instance ShapeLifter C O where
+ singletonDG f n = gUnitCO (DBlock f (BlockCO n BNil))
+instance ShapeLifter O O where
+ singletonDG f = gUnitOO . DBlock f . BMiddle
+instance ShapeLifter O C where
+ singletonDG f n = gUnitOC (DBlock f (BlockOC BNil n))
+-- Fact lookup: the fact `orelse` bottom
+getFact :: DataflowLattice f -> Label -> FactBase f -> f
+getFact lat l fb = case lookupFact l fb of Just f -> f
+ Nothing -> fact_bot lat
+{- Note [Respects fuel]
+-- $fuel
+-- A value of type 'FwdRewrite' or 'BwdRewrite' /respects fuel/ if
+-- any function contained within the value satisfies the following properties:
+-- * When fuel is exhausted, it always returns 'Nothing'.
+-- * When it returns @Just g rw@, it consumes /exactly/ one unit
+-- of fuel, and new rewrite 'rw' also respects fuel.
+-- Provided that functions passed to 'mkFRewrite', 'mkFRewrite3',
+-- 'mkBRewrite', and 'mkBRewrite3' are not aware of the fuel supply,
+-- the results respect fuel.
+-- It is an /unchecked/ run-time error for the argument passed to 'wrapFR',
+-- 'wrapFR2', 'wrapBR', or 'warpBR2' to return a function that does not respect fuel.