path: root/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
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authorIan Lynagh <>2012-06-13 17:52:00 +0100
committerIan Lynagh <>2012-06-13 17:52:00 +0100
commitcd61668e5fd842546fb238df36ecc3d7385339d6 (patch)
tree0b30248ba1ed16f4d1602c1592b69acd50dd41db /compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
parentac6edfae76aac302c0190895d5203c584a3a2f4b (diff)
Remove more redundant Platform arguments
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
index fd2efdf011..183708c08e 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ import PprCmmExpr
import Util
import BasicTypes
-import Platform
import Compiler.Hoopl
import Data.List
import Prelude hiding (succ)
@@ -60,11 +59,11 @@ instance Outputable CmmStackInfo where
ppr = pprStackInfo
instance Outputable CmmTopInfo where
- ppr x = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> pprTopInfo platform x
+ ppr = pprTopInfo
instance Outputable (CmmNode e x) where
- ppr x = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> pprNode platform x
+ ppr = pprNode
instance Outputable Convention where
ppr = pprConvention
@@ -73,23 +72,23 @@ instance Outputable ForeignConvention where
ppr = pprForeignConvention
instance Outputable ForeignTarget where
- ppr x = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> pprForeignTarget platform x
+ ppr = pprForeignTarget
instance Outputable (Block CmmNode C C) where
- ppr x = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> pprBlock platform x
+ ppr = pprBlock
instance Outputable (Block CmmNode C O) where
- ppr x = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> pprBlock platform x
+ ppr = pprBlock
instance Outputable (Block CmmNode O C) where
- ppr x = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> pprBlock platform x
+ ppr = pprBlock
instance Outputable (Block CmmNode O O) where
- ppr x = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> pprBlock platform x
+ ppr = pprBlock
instance Outputable (Graph CmmNode e x) where
- ppr x = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> pprGraph platform x
+ ppr = pprGraph
instance Outputable CmmGraph where
- ppr g = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> pprCmmGraph platform g
+ ppr = pprCmmGraph
-- Outputting types Cmm contains
@@ -99,8 +98,8 @@ pprStackInfo (StackInfo {arg_space=arg_space, updfr_space=updfr_space}) =
ptext (sLit "arg_space: ") <> ppr arg_space <+>
ptext (sLit "updfr_space: ") <> ppr updfr_space
-pprTopInfo :: Platform -> CmmTopInfo -> SDoc
-pprTopInfo _ (TopInfo {info_tbl=info_tbl, stack_info=stack_info}) =
+pprTopInfo :: CmmTopInfo -> SDoc
+pprTopInfo (TopInfo {info_tbl=info_tbl, stack_info=stack_info}) =
vcat [ptext (sLit "info_tbl: ") <> ppr info_tbl,
ptext (sLit "stack_info: ") <> ppr stack_info]
@@ -108,8 +107,8 @@ pprTopInfo _ (TopInfo {info_tbl=info_tbl, stack_info=stack_info}) =
-- Outputting blocks and graphs
pprBlock :: IndexedCO x SDoc SDoc ~ SDoc
- => Platform -> Block CmmNode e x -> IndexedCO e SDoc SDoc
-pprBlock _ block
+ => Block CmmNode e x -> IndexedCO e SDoc SDoc
+pprBlock block
= foldBlockNodesB3 ( ($$) . ppr
, ($$) . (nest 4) . ppr
, ($$) . (nest 4) . ppr
@@ -117,10 +116,10 @@ pprBlock _ block
-pprGraph :: Platform -> Graph CmmNode e x -> SDoc
-pprGraph _ GNil = empty
-pprGraph _ (GUnit block) = ppr block
-pprGraph _ (GMany entry body exit)
+pprGraph :: Graph CmmNode e x -> SDoc
+pprGraph GNil = empty
+pprGraph (GUnit block) = ppr block
+pprGraph (GMany entry body exit)
= text "{"
$$ nest 2 (pprMaybeO entry $$ (vcat $ map ppr $ bodyToBlockList body) $$ pprMaybeO exit)
$$ text "}"
@@ -129,8 +128,8 @@ pprGraph _ (GMany entry body exit)
pprMaybeO NothingO = empty
pprMaybeO (JustO block) = ppr block
-pprCmmGraph :: Platform -> CmmGraph -> SDoc
-pprCmmGraph _ g
+pprCmmGraph :: CmmGraph -> SDoc
+pprCmmGraph g
= text "{" <> text "offset"
$$ nest 2 (vcat $ map ppr blocks)
$$ text "}"
@@ -153,8 +152,8 @@ pprConvention (Private {}) = text "<private-convention>"
pprForeignConvention :: ForeignConvention -> SDoc
pprForeignConvention (ForeignConvention c as rs) = ppr c <> ppr as <> ppr rs
-pprForeignTarget :: Platform -> ForeignTarget -> SDoc
-pprForeignTarget _ (ForeignTarget fn c) = ppr_fc c <+> ppr_target fn
+pprForeignTarget :: ForeignTarget -> SDoc
+pprForeignTarget (ForeignTarget fn c) = ppr_fc c <+> ppr_target fn
where ppr_fc :: ForeignConvention -> SDoc
ppr_fc (ForeignConvention c args res) =
doubleQuotes (ppr c) <+> text "arg hints: " <+> ppr args <+> text " result hints: " <+> ppr res
@@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ pprForeignTarget _ (ForeignTarget fn c) = ppr_fc c <+> ppr_target fn
ppr_target t@(CmmLit _) = ppr t
ppr_target fn' = parens (ppr fn')
-pprForeignTarget _ (PrimTarget op)
+pprForeignTarget (PrimTarget op)
-- HACK: We're just using a ForeignLabel to get this printed, the label
-- might not really be foreign.
= ppr
@@ -170,8 +169,8 @@ pprForeignTarget _ (PrimTarget op)
(mkFastString (show op))
Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction))
-pprNode :: Platform -> CmmNode e x -> SDoc
-pprNode _ node = pp_node <+> pp_debug
+pprNode :: CmmNode e x -> SDoc
+pprNode node = pp_node <+> pp_debug
pp_node :: SDoc
pp_node = case node of