path: root/compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs
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authorNorman Ramsey <>2007-09-12 15:38:52 +0000
committerNorman Ramsey <>2007-09-12 15:38:52 +0000
commitb822c1e46cd64d1dba23fbab0f775b731bf0f12b (patch)
treeb7aa9101366937abc5440efdb69e1b8b5e709715 /compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs
parentd068f78b3ae99da8976e0836739cde6213c40041 (diff)
change the zipper representation of calls
This patch combines two changes: 1. As requested by SimonPJ, the redundancy inherent in having LastCall bear actual parameters has been removed. The actual parameters are now carried by a separate CopyOut node. 2. The internal (to zipper) representation of calls has changed; the representation of calling conventions is more orthogonal, and there is now no such thing as a 'safe' or 'final' call to a CallishMachOp. This change has affected the interface to MkZipCfgCmm, which now provides a static guarantee. Simon's new upstream code will be affected; I've patched the existing code in CmmCvt (which becomes ever hairier).
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs
index e2fd960f0c..18302d89e2 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs
@@ -8,25 +8,35 @@ where
import Cmm
import CmmExpr
-import PprCmm()
+import ForeignCall
+import PprCmm
import Outputable
import qualified ZipCfgCmmRep as G
import qualified ZipCfg as Z
import CmmZipUtil
+import Maybe
import UniqSet
import FastString
+-- | The purpose of this function is to print a Cmm zipper graph "as if it were"
+-- a Cmm program. The objective is dodgy, so it's unsurprising parts of the
+-- code are dodgy as well.
pprCmmGraphLikeCmm :: G.CmmGraph -> SDoc
pprCmmGraphLikeCmm g = vcat (swallow blocks)
where blocks = Z.postorder_dfs g
swallow :: [G.CmmBlock] -> [SDoc]
swallow [] = []
- swallow (Z.Block id t : rest) = tail id [] t rest
- tail id prev' (Z.ZTail m t) rest = tail id (mid m : prev') t rest
- tail id prev' (Z.ZLast Z.LastExit) rest = exit id prev' rest
- tail id prev' (Z.ZLast (Z.LastOther l))rest = last id prev' l rest
+ swallow (Z.Block id t : rest) = tail id [] Nothing t rest
+ tail id prev' out (Z.ZTail (G.CopyOut conv args) t) rest =
+ if isJust out then panic "multiple CopyOut nodes in one basic block"
+ else
+ tail id (prev') (Just (conv, args)) t rest
+ tail id prev' out (Z.ZTail m t) rest = tail id (mid m : prev') out t rest
+ tail id prev' out (Z.ZLast Z.LastExit) rest = exit id prev' out rest
+ tail id prev' out (Z.ZLast (Z.LastOther l)) rest = last id prev' out l rest
mid (G.CopyIn _ [] _) = text "// proc point (no parameters)"
mid m@(G.CopyIn {}) = ppr m <+> text "(proc point)"
mid m = ppr m
@@ -34,59 +44,57 @@ pprCmmGraphLikeCmm g = vcat (swallow blocks)
| id == Z.lg_entry g, entry_has_no_pred =
vcat (text "<entry>" : reverse prev')
| otherwise = hang (ppr id <> colon) 4 (vcat (reverse prev'))
- last id prev' l n =
+ last id prev' out l n =
let endblock stmt = block' id (stmt : prev') : swallow n in
case l of
G.LastBranch tgt [] ->
case n of
Z.Block id' t : bs
| tgt == id', unique_pred id'
- -> tail id prev' t bs -- optimize out redundant labels
+ -> tail id prev' out t bs -- optimize out redundant labels
_ -> endblock (ppr $ CmmBranch tgt)
- l@(G.LastBranch {}) -> endblock (ppr l)
+ l@(G.LastBranch {}) -> endblock $ with_out out l
l@(G.LastCondBranch expr tid fid) ->
let ft id = text "// fall through to " <> ppr id in
case n of
Z.Block id' t : bs
- | id' == fid, False ->
- tail id (ft fid : ppr (CmmCondBranch expr tid) : prev') t bs
- | id' == tid, Just e' <- maybeInvertCmmExpr expr, False ->
- tail id (ft tid : ppr (CmmCondBranch e' fid) : prev') t bs
- _ -> endblock (ppr l)
- l@(G.LastJump {}) -> endblock $ ppr l
- l@(G.LastReturn {}) -> endblock $ ppr l
- l@(G.LastSwitch {}) -> endblock $ ppr l
- l@(G.LastCall _ _ Nothing) -> endblock $ ppr l
- l@(G.LastCall tgt args (Just k))
+ | id' == fid, isNothing out ->
+ tail id (ft fid : ppr (CmmCondBranch expr tid) : prev') Nothing t bs
+ | id' == tid, Just e' <- maybeInvertCmmExpr expr, isNothing out->
+ tail id (ft tid : ppr (CmmCondBranch e' fid) : prev') Nothing t bs
+ _ -> endblock $ with_out out l
+ l@(G.LastJump {}) -> endblock $ with_out out l
+ l@(G.LastReturn {}) -> endblock $ with_out out l
+ l@(G.LastSwitch {}) -> endblock $ with_out out l
+ l@(G.LastCall _ Nothing) -> endblock $ with_out out l
+ l@(G.LastCall tgt (Just k))
| Z.Block id' (Z.ZTail (G.CopyIn _ ress srt) t) : bs <- n,
+ Just (conv, args) <- out,
id' == k ->
- let call = CmmCall tgt ress args (CmmSafe srt) CmmMayReturn
+ let call = CmmCall tgt' ress args (CmmSafe srt) CmmMayReturn
+ tgt' = CmmCallee tgt (cconv_of_conv conv)
ppcall = ppr call <+> parens (text "ret to" <+> ppr k)
in if unique_pred k then
- tail id (ppcall : prev') t bs
+ tail id (ppcall : prev') Nothing t bs
endblock (ppcall)
| Z.Block id' t : bs <- n, id' == k, unique_pred k,
+ Just (conv, args) <- out,
Just (ress, srt) <- findCopyIn t ->
- let call = CmmCall tgt ress args (CmmSafe srt) CmmMayReturn
+ let call = CmmCall tgt' ress args (CmmSafe srt) CmmMayReturn
+ tgt' = CmmCallee tgt (cconv_of_conv conv)
delayed =
ptext SLIT("// delayed CopyIn follows previous call")
- in tail id (delayed : ppr call : prev') t bs
- | otherwise -> endblock $ ppr l
+ in tail id (delayed : ppr call : prev') Nothing t bs
+ | otherwise -> endblock $ with_out out l
findCopyIn (Z.ZTail (G.CopyIn _ ress srt) _) = Just (ress, srt)
findCopyIn (Z.ZTail _ t) = findCopyIn t
findCopyIn (Z.ZLast _) = Nothing
- exit id prev' n = -- highly irregular (assertion violation?)
+ exit id prev' out n = -- highly irregular (assertion violation?)
let endblock stmt = block' id (stmt : prev') : swallow n in
- endblock (text "// <exit>")
- case n of [] -> [text "<exit>"]
- Z.Block id' t : bs ->
- if unique_pred id' then
- tail id (ptext SLIT("went thru exit") : prev') t bs
- else
- endblock (ppr $ CmmBranch id')
+ case out of Nothing -> endblock (text "// <exit>")
+ Just (conv, args) -> endblock (ppr (G.CopyOut conv args) $$
+ text "// <exit>")
preds = zipPreds g
entry_has_no_pred = case Z.lookupBlockEnv preds (Z.lg_entry g) of
Nothing -> True
@@ -101,5 +109,21 @@ pprCmmGraphLikeCmm g = vcat (swallow blocks)
else single
in Z.fold_blocks add Z.emptyBlockSet g
unique_pred id = Z.elemBlockSet id single_preds
+ cconv_of_conv (G.ConventionStandard conv _) = conv
+ cconv_of_conv (G.ConventionPrivate {}) = CmmCallConv -- XXX totally bogus
+with_out :: Maybe (G.Convention, CmmActuals) -> G.Last -> SDoc
+with_out Nothing l = ptext SLIT("??no-arguments??") <+> ppr l
+with_out (Just (conv, args)) l = last l
+ where last (G.LastCall e k) =
+ hcat [ptext SLIT("... = foreign "),
+ doubleQuotes(ppr conv), space,
+ ppr_target e, parens ( commafy $ map ppr args ),
+ ptext SLIT(" \"safe\""),
+ case k of Nothing -> ptext SLIT(" never returns")
+ Just _ -> empty,
+ semi ]
+ last l = ppr (G.CopyOut conv args) $$ ppr l
+ ppr_target (CmmLit lit) = pprLit lit
+ ppr_target fn' = parens (ppr fn')
+ commafy xs = hsep $ punctuate comma xs