path: root/compiler/cmm
diff options
authorNorman Ramsey <>2008-05-03 22:42:08 +0000
committerNorman Ramsey <>2008-05-03 22:42:08 +0000
commit4b0d51372d354687f0b2f7b2c2583bed059ce315 (patch)
tree1d860c7ec4d038e57e4be4acca907d976d0d41a2 /compiler/cmm
parentba60dc74fdb18fe655cfac605130cf6480116e47 (diff)
new version of ZipDataflow
This version combines forward/backard into a type class (actually two classes) of analysis and transformation. These type classes will always be expanded away at the client, so SLPJ may wonder why they exist: it is because the interface to this module is already very broad, and by overloading the functions for forward and backward problems, we cut the cognitive load on the clients in half.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm')
1 files changed, 865 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs b/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcddd8e072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-allow-overlapping-instances -fglasgow-exts #-}
+-- -fglagow-exts for kind signatures
+module ZipDataflow
+ ( zdfSolveFrom, zdfRewriteFrom
+ , ForwardTransfers(..), BackwardTransfers(..)
+ , ForwardRewrites(..), BackwardRewrites(..)
+ , ForwardFixedPoint, BackwardFixedPoint
+ , zdfFpFacts
+ , zdfFpOutputFact
+ , zdfGraphChanged
+ , zdfDecoratedGraph -- not yet implemented
+ , zdfFpContents
+ , zdfFpLastOuts
+ )
+import CmmTx
+import DFMonad
+import MkZipCfg
+import ZipCfg
+import qualified ZipCfg as G
+import Maybes
+import Outputable
+import Panic
+import UniqFM
+import UniqSupply
+import Control.Monad
+import Maybe
+type PassName = String
+type Fuel = OptimizationFuel
+data RewritingDepth = RewriteShallow | RewriteDeep
+-- When a transformation proposes to rewrite a node,
+-- you can either ask the system to
+-- * "shallow": accept the new graph, analyse it without further rewriting
+-- * "deep": recursively analyse-and-rewrite the new graph
+-- zdfSolveFrom is a pure analysis with no rewriting
+class DataflowSolverDirection transfers fixedpt where
+ zdfSolveFrom :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => BlockEnv a -- Initial facts (unbound == bottom)
+ -> PassName
+ -> DataflowLattice a -- Lattice
+ -> transfers m l a -- Dataflow transfer functions
+ -> a -- Fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
+ -> Graph m l -- Graph to be analyzed
+ -> fixedpt m l a () -- Answers
+-- There are exactly two instances: forward and backward
+instance DataflowSolverDirection ForwardTransfers ForwardFixedPoint
+ where zdfSolveFrom = solve_f
+instance DataflowSolverDirection BackwardTransfers BackwardFixedPoint
+ where zdfSolveFrom = solve_b
+data ForwardTransfers middle last a = ForwardTransfers
+ { ft_first_out :: a -> BlockId -> a
+ , ft_middle_out :: a -> middle -> a
+ , ft_last_outs :: a -> last -> LastOutFacts a
+ , ft_exit_out :: a -> a
+ }
+newtype LastOutFacts a = LastOutFacts [(BlockId, a)]
+ -- ^ These are facts flowing out of a last node to the node's successors.
+ -- They are either to be set (if they pertain to the graph currently
+ -- under analysis) or propagated out of a sub-analysis
+data BackwardTransfers middle last a = BackwardTransfers
+ { bt_first_in :: a -> BlockId -> a
+ , bt_middle_in :: a -> middle -> a
+ , bt_last_in :: (BlockId -> a) -> last -> a
+ }
+data CommonFixedPoint m l fact a = FP
+ { fp_facts :: BlockEnv fact
+ , fp_out :: fact -- entry for backward; exit for forward
+ , fp_changed :: ChangeFlag
+ , fp_dec_graph :: Graph (fact, m) (fact, l)
+ , fp_contents :: a
+ }
+type BackwardFixedPoint = CommonFixedPoint
+data ForwardFixedPoint m l fact a = FFP
+ { ffp_common :: CommonFixedPoint m l fact a
+ , zdfFpLastOuts :: LastOutFacts fact
+ }
+-- zdfRewriteFrom is an interleaved analysis and transformation
+class DataflowSolverDirection transfers fixedpt =>
+ DataflowDirection transfers fixedpt rewrites
+ (graph :: * -> * -> *) where
+ zdfRewriteFrom :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => RewritingDepth
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> PassName
+ -> DataflowLattice a
+ -> transfers m l a
+ -> rewrites m l a graph
+ -> a -- fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> FuelMonad (fixedpt m l a (Graph m l))
+-- There are currently four instances, but there could be more
+-- forward, backward (instantiates transfers, fixedpt, rewrites)
+-- Graph, AGraph (instantiates graph)
+instance DataflowDirection ForwardTransfers ForwardFixedPoint ForwardRewrites Graph
+ where zdfRewriteFrom = rewrite_f_graph
+instance DataflowDirection ForwardTransfers ForwardFixedPoint ForwardRewrites AGraph
+ where zdfRewriteFrom = rewrite_f_agraph
+instance DataflowDirection BackwardTransfers BackwardFixedPoint BackwardRewrites Graph
+ where zdfRewriteFrom = rewrite_b_graph
+instance DataflowDirection BackwardTransfers BackwardFixedPoint BackwardRewrites AGraph
+ where zdfRewriteFrom = rewrite_b_agraph
+data ForwardRewrites middle last a g = ForwardRewrites
+ { fr_first :: a -> BlockId -> Maybe (g middle last)
+ , fr_middle :: a -> middle -> Maybe (g middle last)
+ , fr_last :: a -> last -> Maybe (g middle last)
+ , fr_exit :: a -> Maybe (g middle last)
+ }
+data BackwardRewrites middle last a g = BackwardRewrites
+ { br_first :: a -> BlockId -> Maybe (g middle last)
+ , br_middle :: a -> middle -> Maybe (g middle last)
+ , br_last :: (BlockId -> a) -> last -> Maybe (g middle last)
+ , br_exit :: Maybe (g middle last)
+ }
+class FixedPoint fp where
+ zdfFpFacts :: fp m l fact a -> BlockEnv fact
+ zdfFpOutputFact :: fp m l fact a -> fact -- entry for backward; exit for forward
+ zdfGraphChanged :: fp m l fact a -> ChangeFlag
+ zdfDecoratedGraph :: fp m l fact a -> Graph (fact, m) (fact, l)
+ zdfFpContents :: fp m l fact a -> a
+ zdfFpMap :: (a -> b) -> (fp m l fact a -> fp m l fact b)
+-- solve_f: forward, pure
+solve_f :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => BlockEnv a -- initial facts (unbound == bottom)
+ -> PassName
+ -> DataflowLattice a -- lattice
+ -> ForwardTransfers m l a -- dataflow transfer functions
+ -> a
+ -> Graph m l -- graph to be analyzed
+ -> ForwardFixedPoint m l a () -- answers
+solve_f env name lattice transfers in_fact g =
+ runWithInfiniteFuel $ runDFM panic_us lattice $
+ fwd_pure_anal name env transfers in_fact g
+ where panic_us = panic "pure analysis pulled on a UniqSupply"
+rewrite_f_graph :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => RewritingDepth
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> PassName
+ -> DataflowLattice a
+ -> ForwardTransfers m l a
+ -> ForwardRewrites m l a Graph
+ -> a -- fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> FuelMonad (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l))
+rewrite_f_graph depth start_facts name lattice transfers rewrites in_fact g u =
+ runDFM u lattice $
+ do fuel <- fuelRemaining
+ (fp, fuel') <- forward_rew maybeRewriteWithFuel return depth start_facts name
+ transfers rewrites in_fact g fuel
+ fuelDecrement name fuel fuel'
+ return fp
+rewrite_f_agraph :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => RewritingDepth
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> PassName
+ -> DataflowLattice a
+ -> ForwardTransfers m l a
+ -> ForwardRewrites m l a AGraph
+ -> a -- fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> FuelMonad (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l))
+rewrite_f_agraph depth start_facts name lattice transfers rewrites in_fact g u =
+ runDFM u lattice $
+ do fuel <- fuelRemaining
+ (fp, fuel') <- forward_rew maybeRewriteWithFuel areturn depth start_facts name
+ transfers rewrites in_fact g fuel
+ fuelDecrement name fuel fuel'
+ return fp
+areturn :: AGraph m l -> DFM a (Graph m l)
+areturn g = liftUSM $ graphOfAGraph g
+graphToLGraph :: LastNode l => Graph m l -> DFM a (LGraph m l)
+graphToLGraph (Graph (ZLast (LastOther l)) blockenv)
+ | isBranchNode l = return $ LGraph (branchNodeTarget l) blockenv
+graphToLGraph (Graph tail blockenv) =
+ do id <- freshBlockId "temporary entry label"
+ return $ LGraph id $ insertBlock (Block id tail) blockenv
+-- | Here we prefer not simply to slap on 'goto eid' because this
+-- introduces an unnecessary basic block at each rewrite, and we don't
+-- want to stress out the finite map more than necessary
+lgraphToGraph :: LastNode l => LGraph m l -> Graph m l
+lgraphToGraph (LGraph eid blocks) =
+ if flip any (eltsUFM blocks) $ \block -> any (== eid) (succs block) then
+ Graph (ZLast (mkBranchNode eid)) blocks
+ else -- common case: entry is not a branch target
+ let Block _ entry = lookupBlockEnv blocks eid `orElse` panic "missing entry!"
+ in Graph entry (delFromUFM blocks eid)
+class (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l, Outputable (LGraph m l)) => DebugNodes m l
+fwd_pure_anal :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => PassName
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> ForwardTransfers m l a
+ -> a
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a ())
+fwd_pure_anal name env transfers in_fact g =
+ do (fp, _) <- anal_f name env transfers panic_rewrites in_fact g panic_fuel
+ return fp
+ where -- definitiely a case of "I love lazy evaluation"
+ anal_f = forward_sol (\_ _ -> Nothing) panic_return panic_depth
+ panic_rewrites = panic "pure analysis asked for a rewrite function"
+ panic_fuel = panic "pure analysis asked for fuel"
+ panic_return = panic "pure analysis tried to return a rewritten graph"
+ panic_depth = panic "pure analysis asked for a rewrite depth"
+-- Here beginneth the super-general functions
+-- Think of them as (typechecked) macros
+-- * They are not exported
+-- * They are called by the specialised wrappers
+-- above, and always inlined into their callers
+-- There are four functions, one for each combination of:
+-- Forward, Backward
+-- Solver, Rewriter
+-- A "solver" produces a (DFM f (f, Fuel)),
+-- where f is the fact at entry(Bwd)/exit(Fwd)
+-- and from the DFM you can extract
+-- the BlockId->f
+-- the change-flag
+-- and more besides
+-- A "rewriter" produces a rewritten *Graph* as well
+-- Both constrain their rewrites by
+-- a) Fuel
+-- b) RewritingDepth: shallow/deep
+{-# INLINE forward_sol #-}
+ :: forall m l g a .
+ (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
+ => (forall a . Fuel -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
+ -- Squashes proposed rewrites if there is
+ -- no more fuel; OR if we are doing a pure
+ -- analysis, so totally ignore the rewrite
+ -- ie. For pure-analysis the fn is (\_ _ -> Nothing)
+ -> (g m l -> DFM a (Graph m l))
+ -- Transforms the kind of graph 'g' wanted by the
+ -- client (in ForwardRewrites) to the kind forward_sol likes
+ -> RewritingDepth -- Shallow/deep
+ -> PassName
+ -> BlockEnv a -- Initial set of facts
+ -> ForwardTransfers m l a
+ -> ForwardRewrites m l a g
+ -> a -- Entry fact
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (), Fuel)
+forward_sol check_maybe return_graph = forw
+ where
+ forw :: RewritingDepth
+ -> PassName
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> ForwardTransfers m l a
+ -> ForwardRewrites m l a g
+ -> a
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (), Fuel)
+ forw rewrite name start_facts transfers rewrites =
+ let anal_f :: DFM a b -> a -> Graph m l -> DFM a b
+ anal_f finish in' g =
+ do { fwd_pure_anal name emptyBlockEnv transfers in' g; finish }
+ solve :: DFM a b -> a -> Graph m l -> Fuel -> DFM a (b, Fuel)
+ solve finish in_fact (Graph entry blockenv) fuel =
+ let blocks = G.postorder_dfs_from blockenv entry
+ set_or_save = mk_set_or_save (isJust . lookupBlockEnv blockenv)
+ set_successor_facts (Block id tail) fuel =
+ do { idfact <- getFact id
+ ; (last_outs, fuel) <-
+ case check_maybe fuel $ fr_first rewrites idfact id of
+ Nothing -> solve_tail idfact tail fuel
+ Just g ->
+ do g <- return_graph g
+ (a, fuel) <- subAnalysis' $
+ case rewrite of
+ RewriteDeep -> solve getExitFact idfact g (oneLessFuel fuel)
+ RewriteShallow ->
+ do { a <- anal_f getExitFact idfact g
+ ; return (a, oneLessFuel fuel) }
+ solve_tail a tail fuel
+ ; set_or_save last_outs
+ ; return fuel }
+ in do { (last_outs, fuel) <- solve_tail in_fact entry fuel
+ ; set_or_save last_outs
+ ; fuel <- run "forward" name set_successor_facts blocks fuel
+ ; b <- finish
+ ; return (b, fuel)
+ }
+ solve_tail in' (G.ZTail m t) fuel =
+ case check_maybe fuel $ fr_middle rewrites in' m of
+ Nothing -> solve_tail (ft_middle_out transfers in' m) t fuel
+ Just g ->
+ do { g <- return_graph g
+ ; (a, fuel) <- subAnalysis' $
+ case rewrite of
+ RewriteDeep -> solve getExitFact in' g (oneLessFuel fuel)
+ RewriteShallow -> do { a <- anal_f getExitFact in' g
+ ; return (a, oneLessFuel fuel) }
+ ; solve_tail a t fuel
+ }
+ solve_tail in' (G.ZLast l) fuel =
+ case check_maybe fuel $ either_last rewrites in' l of
+ Nothing ->
+ case l of LastOther l -> return (ft_last_outs transfers in' l, fuel)
+ LastExit -> do { setExitFact (ft_exit_out transfers in')
+ ; return (LastOutFacts [], fuel) }
+ Just g ->
+ do { g <- return_graph g
+ ; (last_outs :: LastOutFacts a, fuel) <- subAnalysis' $
+ case rewrite of
+ RewriteDeep -> solve lastOutFacts in' g (oneLessFuel fuel)
+ RewriteShallow -> do { los <- anal_f lastOutFacts in' g
+ ; return (los, fuel) }
+ ; return (last_outs, fuel)
+ }
+ fixed_point in_fact g fuel =
+ do { setAllFacts start_facts
+ ; (a, fuel) <- solve getExitFact in_fact g fuel
+ ; facts <- getAllFacts
+ ; last_outs <- lastOutFacts
+ ; let cfp = FP facts a NoChange (panic "no decoration?!") ()
+ ; let fp = FFP cfp last_outs
+ ; return (fp, fuel)
+ }
+ either_last rewrites in' (LastExit) = fr_exit rewrites in'
+ either_last rewrites in' (LastOther l) = fr_last rewrites in' l
+ in fixed_point
+mk_set_or_save :: (DataflowAnalysis df, Monad (df a), Outputable a) =>
+ (BlockId -> Bool) -> LastOutFacts a -> df a ()
+mk_set_or_save is_local (LastOutFacts l) = mapM_ set_or_save_one l
+ where set_or_save_one (id, a) =
+ if is_local id then setFact id a else addLastOutFact (id, a)
+{-# INLINE forward_rew #-}
+ :: forall m l g a .
+ (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
+ => (forall a . Fuel -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
+ -> (g m l -> DFM a (Graph m l)) -- option on what to rewrite
+ -> RewritingDepth
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> PassName
+ -> ForwardTransfers m l a
+ -> ForwardRewrites m l a g
+ -> a
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l), Fuel)
+forward_rew check_maybe return_graph = forw
+ where
+ solve = forward_sol check_maybe return_graph
+ forw :: RewritingDepth
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> PassName
+ -> ForwardTransfers m l a
+ -> ForwardRewrites m l a g
+ -> a
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l), Fuel)
+ forw depth xstart_facts name transfers rewrites in_factx gx fuelx =
+ let rewrite :: BlockEnv a -> DFM a b
+ -> a -> Graph m l -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (b, Graph m l, Fuel)
+ rewrite start finish in_fact g fuel =
+ let Graph entry blockenv = g
+ blocks = G.postorder_dfs_from blockenv entry
+ in do { solve depth name start transfers rewrites in_fact g fuel
+ ; eid <- freshBlockId "temporary entry id"
+ ; (rewritten, fuel) <-
+ rew_tail (ZFirst eid) in_fact entry emptyBlockEnv fuel
+ ; (rewritten, fuel) <- rewrite_blocks blocks rewritten fuel
+ ; a <- finish
+ ; return (a, lgraphToGraph (LGraph eid rewritten), fuel)
+ }
+ don't_rewrite finish in_fact g fuel =
+ do { solve depth name emptyBlockEnv transfers rewrites in_fact g fuel
+ ; a <- finish
+ ; return (a, g, fuel)
+ }
+ inner_rew = case depth of RewriteShallow -> don't_rewrite
+ RewriteDeep -> rewrite emptyBlockEnv
+ fixed_pt_and_fuel =
+ do { (a, g, fuel) <- rewrite xstart_facts getExitFact in_factx gx fuelx
+ ; facts <- getAllFacts
+ ; changed <- graphWasRewritten
+ ; last_outs <- lastOutFacts
+ ; let cfp = FP facts a changed (panic "no decoration?!") g
+ ; let fp = FFP cfp last_outs
+ ; return (fp, fuel)
+ }
+ rewrite_blocks :: [Block m l] -> (BlockEnv (Block m l))
+ -> Fuel -> DFM a (BlockEnv (Block m l), Fuel)
+ rewrite_blocks [] rewritten fuel = return (rewritten, fuel)
+ rewrite_blocks (G.Block id t : bs) rewritten fuel =
+ do let h = ZFirst id
+ a <- getFact id
+ case check_maybe fuel $ fr_first rewrites a id of
+ Nothing -> do { (rewritten, fuel) <- rew_tail h a t rewritten fuel
+ ; rewrite_blocks bs rewritten fuel }
+ Just g -> do { markGraphRewritten
+ ; g <- return_graph g
+ ; (outfact, g, fuel) <- inner_rew getExitFact a g fuel
+ ; let (blocks, h) = splice_head' (ZFirst id) g
+ ; (rewritten, fuel) <-
+ rew_tail h outfact t (blocks `plusUFM` rewritten) fuel
+ ; rewrite_blocks bs rewritten fuel }
+ rew_tail head in' (G.ZTail m t) rewritten fuel =
+ my_trace "Rewriting middle node" (ppr m) $
+ case check_maybe fuel $ fr_middle rewrites in' m of
+ Nothing -> rew_tail (G.ZHead head m) (ft_middle_out transfers in' m) t
+ rewritten fuel
+ Just g -> do { markGraphRewritten
+ ; g <- return_graph g
+ ; (a, g, fuel) <- inner_rew getExitFact in' g fuel
+ ; let (blocks, h) = G.splice_head' head g
+ ; rew_tail h a t (blocks `plusUFM` rewritten) fuel
+ }
+ rew_tail h in' (G.ZLast l) rewritten fuel =
+ my_trace "Rewriting last node" (ppr l) $
+ case check_maybe fuel $ either_last rewrites in' l of
+ Nothing -> -- can throw away facts because this is the rewriting phase
+ return (insertBlock (zipht h (G.ZLast l)) rewritten, fuel)
+ Just g -> do { markGraphRewritten
+ ; g <- return_graph g
+ ; ((), g, fuel) <- inner_rew (return ()) in' g fuel
+ ; let g' = G.splice_head_only' h g
+ ; return (G.lg_blocks g' `plusUFM` rewritten, fuel)
+ }
+ either_last rewrites in' (LastExit) = fr_exit rewrites in'
+ either_last rewrites in' (LastOther l) = fr_last rewrites in' l
+ in fixed_pt_and_fuel
+--lastOutFacts :: (DataflowAnalysis m, Monad (m f)) => m f (LastOutFacts f)
+lastOutFacts :: DFM f (LastOutFacts f)
+lastOutFacts = bareLastOutFacts >>= return . LastOutFacts
+{- ================================================================ -}
+solve_b :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => BlockEnv a -- initial facts (unbound == bottom)
+ -> PassName
+ -> DataflowLattice a -- lattice
+ -> BackwardTransfers m l a -- dataflow transfer functions
+ -> a -- exit fact
+ -> Graph m l -- graph to be analyzed
+ -> BackwardFixedPoint m l a () -- answers
+solve_b env name lattice transfers exit_fact g =
+ runWithInfiniteFuel $ runDFM panic_us lattice $
+ bwd_pure_anal name env transfers g exit_fact
+ where panic_us = panic "pure analysis pulled on a UniqSupply"
+rewrite_b_graph :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => RewritingDepth
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> PassName
+ -> DataflowLattice a
+ -> BackwardTransfers m l a
+ -> BackwardRewrites m l a Graph
+ -> a -- fact flowing in at exit
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> FuelMonad (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l))
+rewrite_b_graph depth start_facts name lattice transfers rewrites exit_fact g u =
+ runDFM u lattice $
+ do fuel <- fuelRemaining
+ (fp, fuel') <- backward_rew maybeRewriteWithFuel return depth start_facts name
+ transfers rewrites g exit_fact fuel
+ fuelDecrement name fuel fuel'
+ return fp
+rewrite_b_agraph :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => RewritingDepth
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> PassName
+ -> DataflowLattice a
+ -> BackwardTransfers m l a
+ -> BackwardRewrites m l a AGraph
+ -> a -- fact flowing in at exit
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> FuelMonad (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l))
+rewrite_b_agraph depth start_facts name lattice transfers rewrites exit_fact g u =
+ runDFM u lattice $
+ do fuel <- fuelRemaining
+ (fp, fuel') <- backward_rew maybeRewriteWithFuel areturn depth start_facts name
+ transfers rewrites g exit_fact fuel
+ fuelDecrement name fuel fuel'
+ return fp
+{-# INLINE backward_sol #-}
+ :: forall m l g a .
+ (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
+ => (forall a . Fuel -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
+ -> (g m l -> DFM a (Graph m l)) -- option on what to rewrite
+ -> RewritingDepth
+ -> PassName
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> BackwardTransfers m l a
+ -> BackwardRewrites m l a g
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> a
+ -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (), Fuel)
+backward_sol check_maybe return_graph = back
+ where
+ back :: RewritingDepth
+ -> PassName
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> BackwardTransfers m l a
+ -> BackwardRewrites m l a g
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> a
+ -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (), Fuel)
+ back rewrite name start_facts transfers rewrites =
+ let anal_b :: Graph m l -> a -> DFM a a
+ anal_b g out =
+ do { fp <- bwd_pure_anal name emptyBlockEnv transfers g out
+ ; return $ zdfFpOutputFact fp }
+ subsolve :: g m l -> a -> Fuel -> DFM a (a, Fuel)
+ subsolve =
+ case rewrite of
+ RewriteDeep -> \g a fuel ->
+ subAnalysis' $ do { g <- return_graph g; solve g a (oneLessFuel fuel) }
+ RewriteShallow -> \g a fuel ->
+ subAnalysis' $ do { g <- return_graph g; a <- anal_b g a
+ ; return (a, oneLessFuel fuel) }
+ solve :: Graph m l -> a -> Fuel -> DFM a (a, Fuel)
+ solve (Graph entry blockenv) exit_fact fuel =
+ let blocks = reverse $ G.postorder_dfs_from blockenv entry
+ last_in _env (LastExit) = exit_fact
+ last_in env (LastOther l) = bt_last_in transfers env l
+ last_rew _env (LastExit) = br_exit rewrites
+ last_rew env (LastOther l) = br_last rewrites env l
+ set_block_fact block fuel =
+ let (h, l) = G.goto_end (G.unzip block) in
+ do { env <- factsEnv
+ ; (a, fuel) <-
+ case check_maybe fuel $ last_rew env l of
+ Nothing -> return (last_in env l, fuel)
+ Just g -> subsolve g exit_fact fuel
+ ; set_head_fact h a fuel
+ ; return fuel }
+ in do { fuel <- run "backward" name set_block_fact blocks fuel
+ ; eid <- freshBlockId "temporary entry id"
+ ; fuel <- set_block_fact (Block eid entry) fuel
+ ; a <- getFact eid
+ ; forgetFact eid
+ ; return (a, fuel)
+ }
+ set_head_fact (G.ZFirst id) a fuel =
+ case check_maybe fuel $ br_first rewrites a id of
+ Nothing -> do { setFact id a; return fuel }
+ Just g -> do { (a, fuel) <- subsolve g a fuel
+ ; setFact id a
+ ; return fuel
+ }
+ set_head_fact (G.ZHead h m) a fuel =
+ case check_maybe fuel $ br_middle rewrites a m of
+ Nothing -> set_head_fact h (bt_middle_in transfers a m) fuel
+ Just g -> do { (a, fuel) <- subsolve g a fuel
+ ; set_head_fact h a fuel }
+ fixed_point g exit_fact fuel =
+ do { setAllFacts start_facts
+ ; (a, fuel) <- solve g exit_fact fuel
+ ; facts <- getAllFacts
+ ; let cfp = FP facts a NoChange (panic "no decoration?!") ()
+ ; return (cfp, fuel)
+ }
+ in fixed_point
+bwd_pure_anal :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
+ => PassName
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> BackwardTransfers m l a
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> a
+ -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a ())
+bwd_pure_anal name env transfers g exit_fact =
+ do (fp, _) <- anal_b name env transfers panic_rewrites g exit_fact panic_fuel
+ return fp
+ where -- another case of "I love lazy evaluation"
+ anal_b = backward_sol (\_ _ -> Nothing) panic_return panic_depth
+ panic_rewrites = panic "pure analysis asked for a rewrite function"
+ panic_fuel = panic "pure analysis asked for fuel"
+ panic_return = panic "pure analysis tried to return a rewritten graph"
+ panic_depth = panic "pure analysis asked for a rewrite depth"
+{- ================================================================ -}
+{-# INLINE backward_rew #-}
+ :: forall m l g a .
+ (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
+ => (forall a . Fuel -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
+ -> (g m l -> DFM a (Graph m l)) -- option on what to rewrite
+ -> RewritingDepth
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> PassName
+ -> BackwardTransfers m l a
+ -> BackwardRewrites m l a g
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> a
+ -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l), Fuel)
+backward_rew check_maybe return_graph = back
+ where
+ solve = backward_sol check_maybe return_graph
+ back :: RewritingDepth
+ -> BlockEnv a
+ -> PassName
+ -> BackwardTransfers m l a
+ -> BackwardRewrites m l a g
+ -> Graph m l
+ -> a
+ -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l), Fuel)
+ back depth xstart_facts name transfers rewrites gx exit_fact fuelx =
+ let rewrite :: BlockEnv a
+ -> Graph m l -> a -> Fuel
+ -> DFM a (a, Graph m l, Fuel)
+ rewrite start g exit_fact fuel =
+ let Graph entry blockenv = g
+ blocks = reverse $ G.postorder_dfs_from blockenv entry
+ in do { solve depth name start transfers rewrites g exit_fact fuel
+ ; eid <- freshBlockId "temporary entry id"
+ ; (rewritten, fuel) <- rewrite_blocks blocks emptyBlockEnv fuel
+ ; (rewritten, fuel) <- rewrite_blocks [Block eid entry] rewritten fuel
+ ; a <- getFact eid
+ ; return (a, lgraphToGraph (LGraph eid rewritten), fuel)
+ }
+ don't_rewrite g exit_fact fuel =
+ do { (fp, _) <-
+ solve depth name emptyBlockEnv transfers rewrites g exit_fact fuel
+ ; return (zdfFpOutputFact fp, g, fuel) }
+ inner_rew = case depth of RewriteShallow -> don't_rewrite
+ RewriteDeep -> rewrite emptyBlockEnv
+ inner_rew :: Graph m l -> a -> Fuel -> DFM a (a, Graph m l, Fuel)
+ fixed_pt_and_fuel =
+ do { (a, g, fuel) <- rewrite xstart_facts gx exit_fact fuelx
+ ; facts <- getAllFacts
+ ; changed <- graphWasRewritten
+ ; let fp = FP facts a changed (panic "no decoration?!") g
+ ; return (fp, fuel)
+ }
+ rewrite_blocks :: [Block m l] -> (BlockEnv (Block m l))
+ -> Fuel -> DFM a (BlockEnv (Block m l), Fuel)
+ rewrite_blocks bs rewritten fuel =
+ do { env <- factsEnv
+ ; let rew [] r f = return (r, f)
+ rew (b : bs) r f =
+ do { (r, f) <- rewrite_block env b r f; rew bs r f }
+ ; rew bs rewritten fuel }
+ rewrite_block env b rewritten fuel =
+ let (h, l) = G.goto_end (G.unzip b) in
+ case maybeRewriteWithFuel fuel $ either_last env l of
+ Nothing -> propagate fuel h (last_in env l) (ZLast l) rewritten
+ Just g ->
+ do { markGraphRewritten
+ ; g <- return_graph g
+ ; (a, g, fuel) <- inner_rew g exit_fact fuel
+ ; let G.Graph t new_blocks = g
+ ; let rewritten' = new_blocks `plusUFM` rewritten
+ ; propagate fuel h a t rewritten' -- continue at entry of g
+ }
+ either_last _env (LastExit) = br_exit rewrites
+ either_last env (LastOther l) = br_last rewrites env l
+ last_in _env (LastExit) = exit_fact
+ last_in env (LastOther l) = bt_last_in transfers env l
+ propagate fuel (ZHead h m) a tail rewritten =
+ case maybeRewriteWithFuel fuel $ br_middle rewrites a m of
+ Nothing ->
+ propagate fuel h (bt_middle_in transfers a m) (ZTail m tail) rewritten
+ Just g ->
+ do { markGraphRewritten
+ ; g <- return_graph g
+ ; my_trace "Rewrote middle node"
+ (f4sep [ppr m, text "to", pprGraph g]) $
+ return ()
+ ; (a, g, fuel) <- inner_rew g a fuel
+ ; let Graph t newblocks = G.splice_tail g tail
+ ; propagate fuel h a t (newblocks `plusUFM` rewritten) }
+ propagate fuel (ZFirst id) a tail rewritten =
+ case maybeRewriteWithFuel fuel $ br_first rewrites a id of
+ Nothing -> do { checkFactMatch id a
+ ; return (insertBlock (Block id tail) rewritten, fuel) }
+ Just g ->
+ do { markGraphRewritten
+ ; g <- return_graph g
+ ; my_trace "Rewrote first node"
+ (f4sep [ppr id <> colon, text "to", pprGraph g]) $ return ()
+ ; (a, g, fuel) <- inner_rew g a fuel
+ ; checkFactMatch id a
+ ; let Graph t newblocks = G.splice_tail g tail
+ ; let r = insertBlock (Block id t) (newblocks `plusUFM` rewritten)
+ ; return (r, fuel) }
+ in fixed_pt_and_fuel
+{- ================================================================ -}
+instance FixedPoint CommonFixedPoint where
+ zdfFpFacts = fp_facts
+ zdfFpOutputFact = fp_out
+ zdfGraphChanged = fp_changed
+ zdfDecoratedGraph = fp_dec_graph
+ zdfFpContents = fp_contents
+ zdfFpMap f (FP fs out ch dg a) = FP fs out ch dg (f a)
+instance FixedPoint ForwardFixedPoint where
+ zdfFpFacts = fp_facts . ffp_common
+ zdfFpOutputFact = fp_out . ffp_common
+ zdfGraphChanged = fp_changed . ffp_common
+ zdfDecoratedGraph = fp_dec_graph . ffp_common
+ zdfFpContents = fp_contents . ffp_common
+ zdfFpMap f (FFP fp los) = FFP (zdfFpMap f fp) los
+dump_things :: Bool
+dump_things = True
+my_trace :: String -> SDoc -> a -> a
+my_trace = if dump_things then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a
+-- | Here's a function to run an action on blocks until we reach a fixed point.
+run :: (Outputable a, DebugNodes m l) =>
+ String -> String -> (Block m l -> b -> DFM a b) -> [Block m l] -> b -> DFM a b
+run dir name do_block blocks b =
+ do { show_blocks $ iterate (1::Int) }
+ where
+ -- N.B. Each iteration starts with the same transaction limit;
+ -- only the rewrites in the final iteration actually count
+ trace_block b block =
+ my_trace "about to do" (text name <+> text "on" <+> ppr (blockId block)) $
+ do_block block b
+ iterate n =
+ do { markFactsUnchanged
+ ; b <- foldM trace_block b blocks
+ ; changed <- factsStatus
+ ; facts <- getAllFacts
+ ; let depth = 0 -- was nesting depth
+ ; ppIter depth n $
+ case changed of
+ NoChange -> unchanged depth $ return b
+ SomeChange ->
+ pprFacts depth n facts $
+ if n < 1000 then iterate (n+1)
+ else panic $ msg n
+ }
+ msg n = concat [name, " didn't converge in ", show n, " " , dir,
+ " iterations"]
+ my_nest depth sdoc = my_trace "" $ nest (3*depth) sdoc
+ ppIter depth n = my_nest depth (empty $$ text "*************** iteration" <+> pp_i n)
+ pp_i n = int n <+> text "of" <+> text name <+> text "on" <+> graphId
+ unchanged depth = my_nest depth (text "facts are unchanged")
+ pprFacts depth n env =
+ my_nest depth (text "facts for iteration" <+> pp_i n <+> text "are:" $$
+ (nest 2 $ vcat $ map pprFact $ ufmToList env))
+ pprFact (id, a) = hang (ppr id <> colon) 4 (ppr a)
+ graphId = case blocks of { Block id _ : _ -> ppr id ; [] -> text "<empty>" }
+ show_blocks = my_trace "Blocks:" (vcat (map pprBlock blocks))
+ pprBlock (Block id t) = nest 2 (pprFact (id, t))
+f4sep :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+f4sep [] = fsep []
+f4sep (d:ds) = fsep (d : map (nest 4) ds)
+subAnalysis' :: (Monad (m f), DataflowAnalysis m, Outputable f) =>
+ m f a -> m f a
+subAnalysis' m =
+ do { a <- subAnalysis $
+ do { a <- m; facts <- getAllFacts
+ ; my_trace "after sub-analysis facts are" (pprFacts facts) $
+ return a }
+ ; facts <- getAllFacts
+ ; my_trace "in parent analysis facts are" (pprFacts facts) $
+ return a }
+ where pprFacts env = nest 2 $ vcat $ map pprFact $ ufmToList env
+ pprFact (id, a) = hang (ppr id <> colon) 4 (ppr a)