path: root/compiler/cmm
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authorNorman Ramsey <>2007-09-17 16:17:15 +0000
committerNorman Ramsey <>2007-09-17 16:17:15 +0000
commit4b0d76295acb46696d297192c9178b460d2472b8 (patch)
treee97fa5183c593021e865bd35c396d02b89187f26 /compiler/cmm
parentbbd857519eb2960476ef67b935a632983f2d84f6 (diff)
tightened some dataflow code as part of preparing a talk
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm')
2 files changed, 29 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
index d8108e94ed..dedef086aa 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
@@ -150,35 +150,33 @@ insertSpillsAndReloads = BComp "CPS spiller" exit last middle first
middleInsertSpillsAndReloads :: DualLive -> M -> Maybe (Graph M Last)
middleInsertSpillsAndReloads _ (Spill _) = Nothing
middleInsertSpillsAndReloads _ (Reload _) = Nothing
-middleInsertSpillsAndReloads live (NotSpillOrReload m) = middle m
- where middle (MidAssign (CmmLocal reg') _) =
- if reg' `elemRegSet` on_stack live then -- must spill
- my_trace "Spilling" (f4sep [text "spill" <+> ppr reg',
+middleInsertSpillsAndReloads live m@(NotSpillOrReload nsr) = middle nsr
+ where middle (MidAssign (CmmLocal reg) _) =
+ if reg `elemRegSet` on_stack live then -- must spill
+ my_trace "Spilling" (f4sep [text "spill" <+> ppr reg,
text "after", ppr m]) $
- Just $ graphOfMiddles [NotSpillOrReload m, Spill $ mkRegSet [reg']]
+ Just $ graphOfMiddles [m, Spill $ mkRegSet [reg]]
middle (CopyIn _ formals _) =
-- only 'formals' can be in regs at this point
let regs' = kill formals (in_regs live) -- live in regs; must reload
is_stack_var r = elemRegSet r (on_stack live)
- needs_spilling = -- a formal that is expected on the stack; must spill
- foldRegsUsed (\rs r -> if is_stack_var r then extendRegSet rs r
- else rs) emptyRegSet formals
+ needs_spilling = filterRegsUsed is_stack_var formals
+ -- a formal that is expected on the stack; must spill
in if isEmptyUniqSet regs' && isEmptyUniqSet needs_spilling then
- let reload = if isEmptyUniqSet regs' then []
- else [Reload regs']
- spill_reload = if isEmptyUniqSet needs_spilling then reload
- else Spill needs_spilling : reload
- middles = NotSpillOrReload m : spill_reload
+ let code = if isEmptyUniqSet regs' then []
+ else Reload regs' : []
+ code' = if isEmptyUniqSet needs_spilling then code
+ else Spill needs_spilling : code
my_trace "At CopyIn" (f4sep [text "Triggered by ", ppr live,
ppr (Reload regs' :: M),
ppr (Spill needs_spilling :: M),
text "after", ppr m]) $
- Just $ graphOfMiddles middles
+ Just $ graphOfMiddles (m : code')
middle _ = Nothing
-- | For conversion back to vanilla C--
@@ -284,13 +282,26 @@ insertLateReloads g = mapM_blocks insertM g
let (h', fuel') = maybe_add_reload h avail l fuel in
(zipht h' (ZLast l), fuel')
maybe_add_reload h avail node fuel =
- let used = foldRegsUsed
- (\u r -> if elemAvail avail r then extendRegSet u r else u)
- emptyRegSet node
+ let used = filterRegsUsed (elemAvail avail) node
in if fuel == 0 || isEmptyUniqSet used then (h, fuel)
else (ZHead h (Reload used), fuel-1)
+_lateReloadsWithoutFuel :: LGraph M Last -> LGraph M Last
+_lateReloadsWithoutFuel g = map_blocks insert g
+ where env = cmmAvailableReloads g
+ avail id = lookupBlockEnv env id `orElse` AvailRegs emptyRegSet
+ insert (Block id tail) = propagate (ZFirst id) (avail id) tail
+ propagate h avail (ZTail m t) =
+ propagate (ZHead (maybe_add_reload h avail m) m) (middleAvail m avail) t
+ propagate h avail (ZLast l) =
+ zipht (maybe_add_reload h avail l) (ZLast l)
+ maybe_add_reload h avail node =
+ let used = filterRegsUsed (elemAvail avail) node
+ in if isEmptyUniqSet used then h
+ else ZHead h (Reload used)
removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads :: BPass M Last DualLive
removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads = a_ft_b dualLiveness remove_deads
where remove_deads = BComp "dead-assignment & -reload elim" exit last middle first
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs b/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs
index 2b7cb14779..efe9365664 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs
@@ -298,8 +298,7 @@ refine_b_anal comp graph initial =
set_block_fact () b@(G.Block id _) =
let (h, l) = G.goto_end (G.unzip b) in
do env <- factsEnv
- let block_in = head_in h (last_in comp env l) -- 'in' fact for the block
- setFact id block_in
+ setFact id $ head_in h (last_in comp env l) -- 'in' fact for the block
head_in (G.ZHead h m) out = head_in h (bc_middle_in comp out m)
head_in (G.ZFirst id) out = bc_first_in comp out id