path: root/compiler/cmm
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authorBen Gamari <>2017-02-07 22:56:36 -0500
committerBen Gamari <>2017-02-08 10:26:00 -0500
commit3328ddb88b6eb11cb1f6e844f883e7e9d2b8f21b (patch)
tree3bb04ff1f086a95e8f93041d13a10af7ec1f9011 /compiler/cmm
parent733e845d0f66541a06415c6b420e51fc99eb9d95 (diff)
Cmm: Add support for undefined unwinding statements
And use to mark `stg_stack_underflow_frame`, which we are unable to determine a caller from. To simplify parsing at the moment we steal the `return` keyword to indicate an undefined unwind value. Perhaps this should be revisited. Reviewers: scpmw, simonmar, austin, erikd Subscribers: dfeuer, thomie Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm')
5 files changed, 28 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
index fbd1d71cfb..f59daad64d 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ makeFixupBlock dflags sp0 l stack tscope assigs
let sp_off = sp0 - sm_sp stack
maybeAddUnwind block
| debugLevel dflags > 0
- = block `blockSnoc` CmmUnwind [(Sp, unwind_val)]
+ = block `blockSnoc` CmmUnwind [(Sp, Just unwind_val)]
| otherwise
= block
where unwind_val = cmmOffset dflags (CmmReg spReg) (sm_sp stack)
@@ -805,9 +805,10 @@ manifestSp dflags stackmaps stack0 sp0 sp_high
-- Add unwind pseudo-instructions at the beginning of each block to
-- document Sp level for debugging
add_unwind_info block
- | debugLevel dflags > 0 =
- CmmUnwind [(Sp, sp_unwind)] : block
- | otherwise = block
+ | debugLevel dflags > 0
+ = CmmUnwind [(Sp, Just sp_unwind)] : block
+ | otherwise
+ = block
sp_unwind = CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal Sp) (sp0 - wORD_SIZE dflags)
final_middle = maybeAddSpAdj dflags sp_off
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs
index 7acf4c6d8b..a3393903ad 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ data CmmNode e x where
-- debugger to "walk" the stack.
-- See Note [What is this unwinding business?] in Debug
- CmmUnwind :: [(GlobalReg, CmmExpr)] -> CmmNode O O
+ CmmUnwind :: [(GlobalReg, Maybe CmmExpr)] -> CmmNode O O
CmmAssign :: !CmmReg -> !CmmExpr -> CmmNode O O
-- Assign to register
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ mapExp :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> CmmNode e x -> CmmNode e x
mapExp _ f@(CmmEntry{}) = f
mapExp _ m@(CmmComment _) = m
mapExp _ m@(CmmTick _) = m
-mapExp f (CmmUnwind regs) = CmmUnwind (map (fmap f) regs)
+mapExp f (CmmUnwind regs) = CmmUnwind (map (fmap (fmap f)) regs)
mapExp f (CmmAssign r e) = CmmAssign r (f e)
mapExp f (CmmStore addr e) = CmmStore (f addr) (f e)
mapExp f (CmmUnsafeForeignCall tgt fs as) = CmmUnsafeForeignCall (mapForeignTarget f tgt) fs (map f as)
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ mapExpM :: (CmmExpr -> Maybe CmmExpr) -> CmmNode e x -> Maybe (CmmNode e x)
mapExpM _ (CmmEntry{}) = Nothing
mapExpM _ (CmmComment _) = Nothing
mapExpM _ (CmmTick _) = Nothing
-mapExpM f (CmmUnwind regs) = CmmUnwind `fmap` mapM (\(r,e) -> f e >>= \e' -> pure (r,e')) regs
+mapExpM f (CmmUnwind regs) = CmmUnwind `fmap` mapM (\(r,e) -> mapM f e >>= \e' -> pure (r,e')) regs
mapExpM f (CmmAssign r e) = CmmAssign r `fmap` f e
mapExpM f (CmmStore addr e) = (\[addr', e'] -> CmmStore addr' e') `fmap` mapListM f [addr, e]
mapExpM _ (CmmBranch _) = Nothing
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ foldExp :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> CmmNode e x -> z -> z
foldExp _ (CmmEntry {}) z = z
foldExp _ (CmmComment {}) z = z
foldExp _ (CmmTick {}) z = z
-foldExp f (CmmUnwind xs) z = foldr f z (map snd xs)
+foldExp f (CmmUnwind xs) z = foldr (maybe id f) z (map snd xs)
foldExp f (CmmAssign _ e) z = f e z
foldExp f (CmmStore addr e) z = f addr $ f e z
foldExp f (CmmUnsafeForeignCall t _ as) z = foldr f (foldExpForeignTarget f t z) as
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
index cfadc61e84..69925811ce 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
@@ -639,12 +639,20 @@ stmt :: { CmmParse () }
{ $2 >>= code . emitUnwind }
- :: { CmmParse [(GlobalReg, CmmExpr)] }
- : GLOBALREG '=' expr ',' unwind_regs
+ :: { CmmParse [(GlobalReg, Maybe CmmExpr)] }
+ : GLOBALREG '=' expr_or_unknown ',' unwind_regs
{ do e <- $3; rest <- $5; return (($1, e) : rest) }
- | GLOBALREG '=' expr
+ | GLOBALREG '=' expr_or_unknown
{ do e <- $3; return [($1, e)] }
+-- | Used by unwind to indicate unknown unwinding values.
+ :: { CmmParse (Maybe CmmExpr) }
+ : 'return'
+ { do return Nothing }
+ | expr
+ { do e <- $1; return (Just e) }
foreignLabel :: { CmmParse CmmExpr }
: NAME { return (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel $1 Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction))) }
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/Debug.hs b/compiler/cmm/Debug.hs
index 02daa3686c..79026949f6 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/Debug.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/Debug.hs
@@ -403,9 +403,11 @@ instance Outputable UnwindPoint where
pprUw (g, expr) = ppr g <> char '=' <> ppr expr
-- | Maps registers to expressions that yield their "old" values
--- further up the stack. Most interesting for the stack pointer Sp,
--- but might be useful to document saved registers, too.
-type UnwindTable = Map.Map GlobalReg UnwindExpr
+-- further up the stack. Most interesting for the stack pointer @Sp@,
+-- but might be useful to document saved registers, too. Note that a
+-- register's value will be 'Nothing' when the register's previous
+-- value cannot be reconstructed.
+type UnwindTable = Map.Map GlobalReg (Maybe UnwindExpr)
-- | Expressions, used for unwind information
data UnwindExpr = UwConst !Int -- ^ literal value
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/MkGraph.hs b/compiler/cmm/MkGraph.hs
index ed795a1d3e..f77392fbc2 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/MkGraph.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/MkGraph.hs
@@ -271,8 +271,10 @@ mkJumpReturnsTo dflags f callConv actuals ret_lbl ret_off updfr_off = do
mkUnsafeCall :: ForeignTarget -> [CmmFormal] -> [CmmActual] -> CmmAGraph
mkUnsafeCall t fs as = mkMiddle $ CmmUnsafeForeignCall t fs as
+-- | Construct a 'CmmUnwind' node for the given register and unwinding
+-- expression.
mkUnwind :: GlobalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
-mkUnwind r e = mkMiddle $ CmmUnwind [(r, e)]
+mkUnwind r e = mkMiddle $ CmmUnwind [(r, Just e)]