path: root/compiler/codeGen
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2012-07-24 20:26:52 +0100
committerIan Lynagh <>2012-07-24 20:41:06 +0100
commit229e9fc585b3003f2c26cbcf39f71a87514cd43d (patch)
tree8214619d18d6d4024dee307435ff9e46d4ee5dbb /compiler/codeGen
parent4b18cc53a81634951cc72aa5c3e2123688b6f512 (diff)
Make -fscc-profiling a dynamic flag
All the flags that 'ways' imply are now dynamic
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/codeGen')
27 files changed, 610 insertions, 504 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgCallConv.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgCallConv.hs
index c65194b62f..332ec0746a 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgCallConv.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgCallConv.hs
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import Maybes
import Id
import Name
import Util
+import DynFlags
import StaticFlags
import Module
import FastString
@@ -159,11 +160,11 @@ constructSlowCall amodes
-- | 'slowArgs' takes a list of function arguments and prepares them for
-- pushing on the stack for "extra" arguments to a function which requires
-- fewer arguments than we currently have.
-slowArgs :: [(CgRep,CmmExpr)] -> [(CgRep,CmmExpr)]
-slowArgs [] = []
-slowArgs amodes
- | opt_SccProfilingOn = save_cccs ++ this_pat ++ slowArgs rest
- | otherwise = this_pat ++ slowArgs rest
+slowArgs :: DynFlags -> [(CgRep,CmmExpr)] -> [(CgRep,CmmExpr)]
+slowArgs _ [] = []
+slowArgs dflags amodes
+ | dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags = save_cccs ++ this_pat ++ slowArgs dflags rest
+ | otherwise = this_pat ++ slowArgs dflags rest
(arg_pat, args, rest) = matchSlowPattern amodes
stg_ap_pat = mkCmmRetInfoLabel rtsPackageId arg_pat
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
index 745bf47710..ef51aaa620 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ import ClosureInfo
import OldCmmUtils
import OldCmm
+import DynFlags
import StgSyn
-import StaticFlags
import Id
import ForeignCall
import VarSet
@@ -650,13 +650,13 @@ saveCurrentCostCentre ::
CmmStmts) -- Assignment to save it
- | not opt_SccProfilingOn
- = returnFC (Nothing, noStmts)
- | otherwise
- = do { slot <- allocPrimStack PtrArg
- ; sp_rel <- getSpRelOffset slot
- ; returnFC (Just slot,
- oneStmt (CmmStore sp_rel curCCS)) }
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
+ then returnFC (Nothing, noStmts)
+ else do slot <- allocPrimStack PtrArg
+ sp_rel <- getSpRelOffset slot
+ returnFC (Just slot,
+ oneStmt (CmmStore sp_rel curCCS))
-- Sometimes we don't free the slot containing the cost centre after restoring it
-- (see CgLetNoEscape.cgLetNoEscapeBody).
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
index 8f98a5f764..7229fbdfc2 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ import Module
import ListSetOps
import Util
import BasicTypes
-import StaticFlags
import DynFlags
import Outputable
import FastString
@@ -83,10 +82,10 @@ cgTopRhsClosure id ccs binder_info upd_flag args body = do
; mod_name <- getModuleName
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let descr = closureDescription dflags mod_name name
- closure_info = mkClosureInfo True id lf_info 0 0 srt_info descr
+ closure_info = mkClosureInfo dflags True id lf_info 0 0 srt_info descr
closure_label = mkLocalClosureLabel name $ idCafInfo id
cg_id_info = stableIdInfo id (mkLblExpr closure_label) lf_info
- closure_rep = mkStaticClosureFields closure_info ccs True []
+ closure_rep = mkStaticClosureFields dflags closure_info ccs True []
; emitDataLits closure_label closure_rep
@@ -123,10 +122,10 @@ cgStdRhsClosure bndr _cc _bndr_info _fvs _args _body lf_info payload
; mod_name <- getModuleName
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let (tot_wds, ptr_wds, amodes_w_offsets)
- = mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info) amodes
+ = mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags (isLFThunk lf_info) amodes
descr = closureDescription dflags mod_name (idName bndr)
- closure_info = mkClosureInfo False -- Not static
+ closure_info = mkClosureInfo dflags False -- Not static
bndr lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds
NoC_SRT -- No SRT for a std-form closure
@@ -174,12 +173,12 @@ cgRhsClosure bndr cc bndr_info fvs upd_flag args body = do
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let bind_details :: [(CgIdInfo, VirtualHpOffset)]
(tot_wds, ptr_wds, bind_details)
- = mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info) (map add_rep fv_infos)
+ = mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags (isLFThunk lf_info) (map add_rep fv_infos)
add_rep info = (cgIdInfoArgRep info, info)
descr = closureDescription dflags mod_name name
- closure_info = mkClosureInfo False -- Not static
+ closure_info = mkClosureInfo dflags False -- Not static
bndr lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds
srt_info descr
@@ -392,7 +391,8 @@ mkSlowEntryCode cl_info reg_args
thunkWrapper:: ClosureInfo -> Code -> Code
thunkWrapper closure_info thunk_code = do
- { let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt (closureLFInfo closure_info)
+ { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt dflags (closureLFInfo closure_info)
-- HWL: insert macros for GrAnSim; 2 versions depending on liveness of node
-- (we prefer fetchAndReschedule-style context switches to yield ones)
@@ -416,7 +416,8 @@ funWrapper :: ClosureInfo -- Closure whose code body this is
-> Code -- Body of function being compiled
-> Code
funWrapper closure_info arg_regs reg_save_code fun_body = do
- { let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt (closureLFInfo closure_info)
+ { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt dflags (closureLFInfo closure_info)
live = Just $ map snd arg_regs
@@ -477,7 +478,7 @@ emitBlackHoleCode is_single_entry = do
-- Note the eager-blackholing check is here rather than in blackHoleOnEntry,
-- because emitBlackHoleCode is called from CmmParse.
- let eager_blackholing = not opt_SccProfilingOn
+ let eager_blackholing = not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
&& dopt Opt_EagerBlackHoling dflags
-- Profiling needs slop filling (to support LDV
-- profiling), so currently eager blackholing doesn't
@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@ emitBlackHoleCode is_single_entry = do
whenC eager_blackholing $ do
tickyBlackHole (not is_single_entry)
stmtsC [
- CmmStore (cmmOffsetW (CmmReg nodeReg) fixedHdrSize)
+ CmmStore (cmmOffsetW (CmmReg nodeReg) (fixedHdrSize dflags))
(CmmReg (CmmGlobal CurrentTSO)),
CmmCall (CmmPrim MO_WriteBarrier Nothing) [] [] CmmMayReturn,
CmmStore (CmmReg nodeReg) (CmmReg (CmmGlobal EagerBlackholeInfo))
@@ -510,7 +511,8 @@ setupUpdate closure_info code
dflags <- getDynFlags
if blackHoleOnEntry closure_info &&
- not opt_SccProfilingOn && dopt Opt_EagerBlackHoling dflags
+ not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) &&
+ dopt Opt_EagerBlackHoling dflags
then pushBHUpdateFrame (CmmReg nodeReg) code
else pushUpdateFrame (CmmReg nodeReg) code
@@ -575,7 +577,9 @@ link_caf cl_info _is_upd = do
; let use_cc = costCentreFrom (CmmReg nodeReg)
blame_cc = use_cc
tso = CmmReg (CmmGlobal CurrentTSO)
- ; hp_offset <- allocDynClosure bh_cl_info use_cc blame_cc [(tso,fixedHdrSize)]
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; hp_offset <- allocDynClosure bh_cl_info use_cc blame_cc
+ [(tso, fixedHdrSize dflags)]
; hp_rel <- getHpRelOffset hp_offset
-- Call the RTS function newCAF to add the CAF to the CafList
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
index 78c1934869..86e6ff8589 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ import Module
import DynFlags
import FastString
import Platform
-import StaticFlags
import Control.Monad
@@ -82,8 +81,9 @@ cgTopRhsCon id con args
lf_info = mkConLFInfo con
closure_label = mkClosureLabel name $ idCafInfo id
caffy = any stgArgHasCafRefs args
- (closure_info, amodes_w_offsets) = layOutStaticConstr con amodes
+ (closure_info, amodes_w_offsets) = layOutStaticConstr dflags con amodes
closure_rep = mkStaticClosureFields
+ dflags
dontCareCCS -- Because it's static data
caffy -- Has CAF refs
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _ con [arg_amode]
, let val_int = (fromIntegral val) :: Int
, val_int <= mAX_INTLIKE && val_int >= mIN_INTLIKE
= do { let intlike_lbl = mkCmmGcPtrLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "stg_INTLIKE_closure")
- offsetW = (val_int - mIN_INTLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize + 1)
+ offsetW = (val_int - mIN_INTLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize dflags + 1)
-- INTLIKE closures consist of a header and one word payload
intlike_amode = CmmLit (cmmLabelOffW intlike_lbl offsetW)
; returnFC (taggedStableIdInfo binder intlike_amode (mkConLFInfo con) con) }
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _ con [arg_amode]
, let val_int = (fromIntegral val) :: Int
, val_int <= mAX_CHARLIKE && val_int >= mIN_CHARLIKE
= do { let charlike_lbl = mkCmmGcPtrLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "stg_CHARLIKE_closure")
- offsetW = (val_int - mIN_CHARLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize + 1)
+ offsetW = (val_int - mIN_CHARLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize dflags + 1)
-- CHARLIKE closures consist of a header and one word payload
charlike_amode = CmmLit (cmmLabelOffW charlike_lbl offsetW)
; returnFC (taggedStableIdInfo binder charlike_amode (mkConLFInfo con) con) }
@@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _ con [arg_amode]
Now the general case.
-buildDynCon' _ _ binder ccs con args
+buildDynCon' dflags _ binder ccs con args
= do {
; let
- (closure_info, amodes_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr con args
+ (closure_info, amodes_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr dflags con args
; hp_off <- allocDynClosure closure_info use_cc blame_cc amodes_w_offsets
; returnFC (taggedHeapIdInfo binder hp_off lf_info con) }
@@ -246,12 +246,12 @@ found a $con$.
bindConArgs :: DataCon -> [Id] -> Code
bindConArgs con args
- = do
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
-- The binding below forces the masking out of the tag bits
-- when accessing the constructor field.
bind_arg (arg, offset) = bindNewToUntagNode arg offset (mkLFArgument arg) (tagForCon con)
- (_, args_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr con (addIdReps args)
+ (_, args_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr dflags con (addIdReps args)
ASSERT(not (isUnboxedTupleCon con)) return ()
mapCs bind_arg args_w_offsets
@@ -318,14 +318,14 @@ sure the @amodes@ passed don't conflict with each other.
cgReturnDataCon :: DataCon -> [(CgRep, CmmExpr)] -> Code
-cgReturnDataCon con amodes
- | isUnboxedTupleCon con = returnUnboxedTuple amodes
- -- when profiling we can't shortcut here, we have to enter the closure
- -- for it to be marked as "used" for LDV profiling.
- | opt_SccProfilingOn = build_it_then enter_it
- | otherwise
- = ASSERT( amodes `lengthIs` dataConRepRepArity con )
- do { EndOfBlockInfo _ sequel <- getEndOfBlockInfo
+cgReturnDataCon con amodes = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if isUnboxedTupleCon con then returnUnboxedTuple amodes
+ -- when profiling we can't shortcut here, we have to enter the closure
+ -- for it to be marked as "used" for LDV profiling.
+ else if dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags then build_it_then enter_it
+ else ASSERT( amodes `lengthIs` dataConRepRepArity con )
+ do { EndOfBlockInfo _ sequel <- getEndOfBlockInfo
; case sequel of
CaseAlts _ (Just (alts, deflt_lbl)) bndr
-> -- Ho! We know the constructor so we can
@@ -445,7 +445,8 @@ static closure, for a constructor.
cgDataCon :: DataCon -> Code
cgDataCon data_con
- = do { -- Don't need any dynamic closure code for zero-arity constructors
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Don't need any dynamic closure code for zero-arity constructors
; let
-- To allow the debuggers, interpreters, etc to cope with
@@ -453,10 +454,10 @@ cgDataCon data_con
-- time), we take care that info-table contains the
-- information we need.
(static_cl_info, _) =
- layOutStaticConstr data_con arg_reps
+ layOutStaticConstr dflags data_con arg_reps
(dyn_cl_info, arg_things) =
- layOutDynConstr data_con arg_reps
+ layOutDynConstr dflags data_con arg_reps
emit_info cl_info ticky_code
= do { code_blks <- getCgStmts the_code
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
index f935f95726..0a4466292e 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ import Maybes
import ListSetOps
import BasicTypes
import Util
+import DynFlags
import Outputable
-import StaticFlags
This module provides the support code for @StgToAbstractC@ to deal
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ re-enters the RTS the stack is in a sane state.
cgExpr (StgOpApp (StgFCallOp fcall _) stg_args res_ty) = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
First, copy the args into temporaries. We're going to push
a return address right before doing the call, so the args
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ cgExpr (StgOpApp (StgFCallOp fcall _) stg_args res_ty) = do
reps_n_amodes <- getArgAmodes stg_args
-- Get the *non-void* args, and jiggle them with shimForeignCall
- arg_exprs = [ (shimForeignCallArg stg_arg expr, stg_arg)
+ arg_exprs = [ (shimForeignCallArg dflags stg_arg expr, stg_arg)
| (stg_arg, (rep,expr)) <- stg_args `zip` reps_n_amodes,
nonVoidArg rep]
@@ -310,7 +311,8 @@ cgRhs name (StgRhsCon maybe_cc con args)
; returnFC (name, idinfo) }
cgRhs name (StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs upd_flag srt args body)
- = setSRT srt $ mkRhsClosure name cc bi fvs upd_flag args body
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ setSRT srt $ mkRhsClosure dflags name cc bi fvs upd_flag args body
mkRhsClosure looks for two special forms of the right-hand side:
@@ -333,10 +335,10 @@ form:
-mkRhsClosure :: Id -> CostCentreStack -> StgBinderInfo
+mkRhsClosure :: DynFlags -> Id -> CostCentreStack -> StgBinderInfo
-> [Id] -> UpdateFlag -> [Id] -> GenStgExpr Id Id
-> FCode (Id, CgIdInfo)
-mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
+mkRhsClosure dflags bndr cc bi
[the_fv] -- Just one free var
upd_flag -- Updatable thunk
[] -- A thunk
@@ -358,11 +360,11 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
lf_info = mkSelectorLFInfo bndr offset_into_int
(isUpdatable upd_flag)
- (_, params_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr con (addIdReps params)
+ (_, params_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr dflags con (addIdReps params)
-- Just want the layout
maybe_offset = assocMaybe params_w_offsets selectee
Just the_offset = maybe_offset
- offset_into_int = the_offset - fixedHdrSize
+ offset_into_int = the_offset - fixedHdrSize dflags
Ap thunks
@@ -382,7 +384,7 @@ We only generate an Ap thunk if all the free variables are pointers,
for semi-obvious reasons.
-mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
+mkRhsClosure dflags bndr cc bi
[] -- No args; a thunk
@@ -392,7 +394,8 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
&& all isFollowableArg (map idCgRep fvs)
&& isUpdatable upd_flag
&& arity <= mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE
- && not opt_SccProfilingOn -- not when profiling: we don't want to
+ && not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
+ -- not when profiling: we don't want to
-- lose information about this particular
-- thunk (e.g. its type) (#949)
@@ -410,7 +413,7 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
The default case
-mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi fvs upd_flag args body
+mkRhsClosure _ bndr cc bi fvs upd_flag args body
= cgRhsClosure bndr cc bi fvs upd_flag args body
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgExtCode.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgExtCode.hs
index c94f23701b..a651319a49 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgExtCode.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgExtCode.hs
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ import OldCmm hiding( ClosureTypeInfo(..) )
-- import BasicTypes
import BlockId
+import DynFlags
import FastString
import Module
import UniqFM
@@ -87,6 +88,10 @@ instance Monad ExtFCode where
(>>=) = thenExtFC
return = returnExtFC
+instance HasDynFlags ExtFCode where
+ getDynFlags = EC (\_ d -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return (d, dflags))
-- | Takes the variable decarations and imports from the monad
-- and makes an environment, which is looped back into the computation.
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs
index e957b90b20..4a83d86592 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import OldCmmUtils
import SMRep
import ForeignCall
import Constants
-import StaticFlags
+import DynFlags
import Outputable
import Module
import FastString
@@ -51,9 +51,10 @@ cgForeignCall
cgForeignCall results fcall stg_args live
= do
reps_n_amodes <- getArgAmodes stg_args
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
-- Get the *non-void* args, and jiggle them with shimForeignCall
- arg_exprs = [ shimForeignCallArg stg_arg expr
+ arg_exprs = [ shimForeignCallArg dflags stg_arg expr
| (stg_arg, (rep,expr)) <- stg_args `zip` reps_n_amodes,
nonVoidArg rep]
@@ -206,13 +207,14 @@ maybe_assign_temp e
emitSaveThreadState :: Code
emitSaveThreadState = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
-- CurrentTSO->stackobj->sp = Sp;
- stmtC $ CmmStore (cmmOffset (CmmLoad (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_stackobj) bWord)
- stack_SP) stgSp
+ stmtC $ CmmStore (cmmOffset (CmmLoad (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO (tso_stackobj dflags)) bWord)
+ (stack_SP dflags)) stgSp
-- and save the current cost centre stack in the TSO when profiling:
- when opt_SccProfilingOn $
- stmtC (CmmStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_CCCS) curCCS)
+ when (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) $
+ stmtC (CmmStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO (tso_CCCS dflags)) curCCS)
-- CurrentNursery->free = Hp+1;
emitCloseNursery :: Code
@@ -220,18 +222,19 @@ emitCloseNursery = stmtC $ CmmStore nursery_bdescr_free (cmmOffsetW stgHp 1)
emitLoadThreadState :: Code
emitLoadThreadState = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
tso <- newTemp bWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
stack <- newTemp bWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
stmtsC [
-- tso = CurrentTSO
CmmAssign (CmmLocal tso) stgCurrentTSO,
-- stack = tso->stackobj
- CmmAssign (CmmLocal stack) (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_stackobj) bWord),
+ CmmAssign (CmmLocal stack) (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) (tso_stackobj dflags)) bWord),
-- Sp = stack->sp;
- CmmAssign sp (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) stack_SP)
+ CmmAssign sp (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) (stack_SP dflags))
-- SpLim = stack->stack + RESERVED_STACK_WORDS;
- CmmAssign spLim (cmmOffsetW (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) stack_STACK)
+ CmmAssign spLim (cmmOffsetW (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) (stack_STACK dflags))
-- HpAlloc = 0;
-- HpAlloc is assumed to be set to non-zero only by a failed
@@ -240,9 +243,9 @@ emitLoadThreadState = do
-- and load the current cost centre stack from the TSO when profiling:
- when opt_SccProfilingOn $
+ when (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) $
stmtC $ storeCurCCS $
- CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_CCCS) bWord
+ CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) (tso_CCCS dflags)) bWord
emitOpenNursery :: Code
emitOpenNursery = stmtsC [
@@ -270,14 +273,14 @@ nursery_bdescr_free = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_free
nursery_bdescr_start = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_start
nursery_bdescr_blocks = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_blocks
-tso_stackobj, tso_CCCS, stack_STACK, stack_SP :: ByteOff
-tso_stackobj = closureField oFFSET_StgTSO_stackobj
-tso_CCCS = closureField oFFSET_StgTSO_cccs
-stack_STACK = closureField oFFSET_StgStack_stack
-stack_SP = closureField oFFSET_StgStack_sp
+tso_stackobj, tso_CCCS, stack_STACK, stack_SP :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+tso_stackobj dflags = closureField dflags oFFSET_StgTSO_stackobj
+tso_CCCS dflags = closureField dflags oFFSET_StgTSO_cccs
+stack_STACK dflags = closureField dflags oFFSET_StgStack_stack
+stack_SP dflags = closureField dflags oFFSET_StgStack_sp
-closureField :: ByteOff -> ByteOff
-closureField off = off + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
+closureField :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> ByteOff
+closureField dflags off = off + fixedHdrSize dflags * wORD_SIZE
stgSp, stgHp, stgCurrentTSO, stgCurrentNursery :: CmmExpr
stgSp = CmmReg sp
@@ -299,13 +302,13 @@ hpAlloc = CmmGlobal HpAlloc
-- value passed to the call. For ByteArray#/Array# we pass the
-- address of the actual array, not the address of the heap object.
-shimForeignCallArg :: StgArg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-shimForeignCallArg arg expr
+shimForeignCallArg :: DynFlags -> StgArg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+shimForeignCallArg dflags arg expr
| tycon == arrayPrimTyCon || tycon == mutableArrayPrimTyCon
- = cmmOffsetB expr arrPtrsHdrSize
+ = cmmOffsetB expr (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)
| tycon == byteArrayPrimTyCon || tycon == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
- = cmmOffsetB expr arrWordsHdrSize
+ = cmmOffsetB expr (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)
| otherwise = expr
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
index fd27cff766..c0c15131c4 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import Util
import Module
import Constants
import Outputable
+import DynFlags
import FastString
import Data.List
@@ -115,7 +116,8 @@ getHpRelOffset virtual_offset
layOutDynConstr, layOutStaticConstr
- :: DataCon
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> DataCon
-> [(CgRep,a)]
-> (ClosureInfo,
@@ -123,15 +125,15 @@ layOutDynConstr, layOutStaticConstr
layOutDynConstr = layOutConstr False
layOutStaticConstr = layOutConstr True
-layOutConstr :: Bool -> DataCon -> [(CgRep, a)]
+layOutConstr :: Bool -> DynFlags -> DataCon -> [(CgRep, a)]
-> (ClosureInfo, [(a, VirtualHpOffset)])
-layOutConstr is_static data_con args
- = (mkConInfo is_static data_con tot_wds ptr_wds,
+layOutConstr is_static dflags data_con args
+ = (mkConInfo dflags is_static data_con tot_wds ptr_wds,
(tot_wds, -- #ptr_wds + #nonptr_wds
ptr_wds, -- #ptr_wds
- things_w_offsets) = mkVirtHeapOffsets False{-not a thunk-} args
+ things_w_offsets) = mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags False{-not a thunk-} args
@mkVirtHeapOffsets@ always returns boxed things with smaller offsets
@@ -140,7 +142,8 @@ list
- :: Bool -- True <=> is a thunk
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is a thunk
-> [(CgRep,a)] -- Things to make offsets for
-> (WordOff, -- _Total_ number of words allocated
WordOff, -- Number of words allocated for *pointers*
@@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ mkVirtHeapOffsets
-- First in list gets lowest offset, which is initial offset + 1.
-mkVirtHeapOffsets is_thunk things
+mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags is_thunk things
= let non_void_things = filterOut (isVoidArg . fst) things
(ptrs, non_ptrs) = separateByPtrFollowness non_void_things
(wds_of_ptrs, ptrs_w_offsets) = mapAccumL computeOffset 0 ptrs
@@ -158,8 +161,8 @@ mkVirtHeapOffsets is_thunk things
(tot_wds, wds_of_ptrs, ptrs_w_offsets ++ non_ptrs_w_offsets)
- hdr_size | is_thunk = thunkHdrSize
- | otherwise = fixedHdrSize
+ hdr_size | is_thunk = thunkHdrSize dflags
+ | otherwise = fixedHdrSize dflags
computeOffset wds_so_far (rep, thing)
= (wds_so_far + cgRepSizeW rep, (thing, hdr_size + wds_so_far))
@@ -177,13 +180,14 @@ and adding a static link field if necessary.
- :: ClosureInfo
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> ClosureInfo
-> CostCentreStack
-> Bool -- Has CAF refs
-> [CmmLit] -- Payload
-> [CmmLit] -- The full closure
-mkStaticClosureFields cl_info ccs caf_refs payload
- = mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding_wds
+mkStaticClosureFields dflags cl_info ccs caf_refs payload
+ = mkStaticClosure dflags info_lbl ccs payload padding_wds
static_link_field saved_info_field
info_lbl = infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info
@@ -221,9 +225,9 @@ mkStaticClosureFields cl_info ccs caf_refs payload
| caf_refs = mkIntCLit 0
| otherwise = mkIntCLit 1
-mkStaticClosure :: CLabel -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
+mkStaticClosure :: DynFlags -> CLabel -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
-> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit]
-mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding_wds static_link_field saved_info_field
+mkStaticClosure dflags info_lbl ccs payload padding_wds static_link_field saved_info_field
= [CmmLabel info_lbl]
++ variable_header_words
++ concatMap padLitToWord payload
@@ -234,7 +238,7 @@ mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding_wds static_link_field saved_info_fi
= staticGranHdr
++ staticParHdr
- ++ staticProfHdr ccs
+ ++ staticProfHdr dflags ccs
++ staticTickyHdr
padLitToWord :: CmmLit -> [CmmLit]
@@ -290,24 +294,29 @@ hpStkCheck cl_info is_fun reg_save_code live code
{ -- Emit heap checks, but be sure to do it lazily so
-- that the conditionals on hpHw don't cause a black hole
codeOnly $ do
- { do_checks stk_words hpHw full_save_code rts_label full_live
- ; tickyAllocHeap hpHw }
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let (node_asst, full_live)
+ | nodeMustPointToIt dflags (closureLFInfo cl_info)
+ = (noStmts, live)
+ | otherwise
+ = (oneStmt (CmmAssign nodeReg (CmmLit (CmmLabel closure_lbl)))
+ ,Just $ node : fromMaybe [] live)
+ -- Strictly speaking, we should tag node here. But if
+ -- node doesn't point to the closure, the code for the closure
+ -- cannot depend on the value of R1 anyway, so we're safe.
+ full_save_code = node_asst `plusStmts` reg_save_code
+ do_checks stk_words hpHw full_save_code rts_label full_live
+ tickyAllocHeap hpHw
; setRealHp hpHw
; code }
- (node_asst, full_live)
- | nodeMustPointToIt (closureLFInfo cl_info)
- = (noStmts, live)
- | otherwise
- = (oneStmt (CmmAssign nodeReg (CmmLit (CmmLabel closure_lbl)))
- ,Just $ node : fromMaybe [] live)
- -- Strictly speaking, we should tag node here. But if
- -- node doesn't point to the closure, the code for the closure
- -- cannot depend on the value of R1 anyway, so we're safe.
closure_lbl = closureLabelFromCI cl_info
- full_save_code = node_asst `plusStmts` reg_save_code
rts_label | is_fun = CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCFun)
-- Function entry point
@@ -578,6 +587,7 @@ allocDynClosure cl_info use_cc _blame_cc amodes_with_offsets
= do { virt_hp <- getVirtHp
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let info_offset = virt_hp + 1
-- info_offset is the VirtualHpOffset of the first
-- word of the new object
@@ -585,7 +595,7 @@ allocDynClosure cl_info use_cc _blame_cc amodes_with_offsets
-- ie 1 *before* the info-ptr word of new object.
info_ptr = CmmLit (CmmLabel (infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info))
- hdr_w_offsets = initDynHdr info_ptr use_cc `zip` [0..]
+ hdr_w_offsets = initDynHdr dflags info_ptr use_cc `zip` [0..]
; profDynAlloc cl_info use_cc
@@ -596,20 +606,21 @@ allocDynClosure cl_info use_cc _blame_cc amodes_with_offsets
; hpStore base (hdr_w_offsets ++ amodes_with_offsets)
- ; setVirtHp (virt_hp + closureSize cl_info)
+ ; setVirtHp (virt_hp + closureSize dflags cl_info)
; returnFC info_offset }
-initDynHdr :: CmmExpr
+initDynHdr :: DynFlags
+ -> CmmExpr
-> CmmExpr -- Cost centre to put in object
-> [CmmExpr]
-initDynHdr info_ptr cc
+initDynHdr dflags info_ptr cc
= [info_ptr]
-- ToDo: Gransim stuff
-- ToDo: Parallel stuff
- ++ dynProfHdr cc
+ ++ dynProfHdr dflags cc
-- No ticky header
hpStore :: CmmExpr -> [(CmmExpr, VirtualHpOffset)] -> Code
@@ -620,5 +631,6 @@ hpStore base es
emitSetDynHdr :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
emitSetDynHdr base info_ptr ccs
- = hpStore base (zip (initDynHdr info_ptr ccs) [0..])
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ hpStore base (zip (initDynHdr dflags info_ptr ccs) [0..])
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgInfoTbls.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgInfoTbls.hs
index 7cdb1b6f7e..80b3b06ce3 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgInfoTbls.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgInfoTbls.hs
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import Unique
import StaticFlags
import Constants
+import DynFlags
import Util
import Outputable
@@ -68,13 +69,14 @@ emitClosureCodeAndInfoTable cl_info args body
-- Not used for return points. (The 'smRepClosureTypeInt' call would panic.)
mkCmmInfo :: ClosureInfo -> FCode CmmInfoTable
mkCmmInfo cl_info
- = return (CmmInfoTable { cit_lbl = infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info,
- cit_rep = closureSMRep cl_info,
- cit_prof = prof,
- cit_srt = closureSRT cl_info })
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return (CmmInfoTable { cit_lbl = infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info,
+ cit_rep = closureSMRep cl_info,
+ cit_prof = prof dflags,
+ cit_srt = closureSRT cl_info })
- prof | not opt_SccProfilingOn = NoProfilingInfo
- | otherwise = ProfilingInfo ty_descr_w8 val_descr_w8
+ prof dflags | not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) = NoProfilingInfo
+ | otherwise = ProfilingInfo ty_descr_w8 val_descr_w8
ty_descr_w8 = stringToWord8s (closureTypeDescr cl_info)
val_descr_w8 = stringToWord8s (closureValDescr cl_info)
@@ -218,10 +220,11 @@ emitAlgReturnTarget name branches mb_deflt fam_sz
branches' = [(tag+1,branch)|(tag,branch)<-branches]
emitSwitch tag_expr branches' mb_deflt 1 fam_sz
else do -- no, get tag from info table
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
let -- Note that ptr _always_ has tag 1
-- when the family size is big enough
untagged_ptr = cmmRegOffB nodeReg (-1)
- tag_expr = getConstrTag (untagged_ptr)
+ tag_expr = getConstrTag dflags untagged_ptr
emitSwitch tag_expr branches mb_deflt 0 (fam_sz - 1)
; lbl <- emitReturnTarget name blks
; return (lbl, Nothing) }
@@ -240,32 +243,32 @@ emitReturnInstr live
-stdInfoTableSizeW :: WordOff
+stdInfoTableSizeW :: DynFlags -> WordOff
-- The size of a standard info table varies with profiling/ticky etc,
-- so we can't get it from Constants
-- It must vary in sync with mkStdInfoTable
+stdInfoTableSizeW dflags
= size_fixed + size_prof
size_fixed = 2 -- layout, type
- size_prof | opt_SccProfilingOn = 2
- | otherwise = 0
+ size_prof | dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags = 2
+ | otherwise = 0
-stdInfoTableSizeB :: ByteOff
-stdInfoTableSizeB = stdInfoTableSizeW * wORD_SIZE
+stdInfoTableSizeB :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+stdInfoTableSizeB dflags = stdInfoTableSizeW dflags * wORD_SIZE
-stdSrtBitmapOffset :: ByteOff
+stdSrtBitmapOffset :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
-- Byte offset of the SRT bitmap half-word which is
-- in the *higher-addressed* part of the type_lit
-stdSrtBitmapOffset = stdInfoTableSizeB - hALF_WORD_SIZE
+stdSrtBitmapOffset dflags = stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - hALF_WORD_SIZE
-stdClosureTypeOffset :: ByteOff
+stdClosureTypeOffset :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
-- Byte offset of the closure type half-word
-stdClosureTypeOffset = stdInfoTableSizeB - wORD_SIZE
+stdClosureTypeOffset dflags = stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - wORD_SIZE
-stdPtrsOffset, stdNonPtrsOffset :: ByteOff
-stdPtrsOffset = stdInfoTableSizeB - 2*wORD_SIZE
-stdNonPtrsOffset = stdInfoTableSizeB - 2*wORD_SIZE + hALF_WORD_SIZE
+stdPtrsOffset, stdNonPtrsOffset :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+stdPtrsOffset dflags = stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - 2*wORD_SIZE
+stdNonPtrsOffset dflags = stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - 2*wORD_SIZE + hALF_WORD_SIZE
@@ -283,66 +286,66 @@ entryCode :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
entryCode e | tablesNextToCode = e
| otherwise = CmmLoad e bWord
-getConstrTag :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+getConstrTag :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes a closure pointer, and return the *zero-indexed*
-- constructor tag obtained from the info table
-- This lives in the SRT field of the info table
-- (constructors don't need SRTs).
-getConstrTag closure_ptr
- = CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv halfWordWidth wordWidth) [infoTableConstrTag info_table]
+getConstrTag dflags closure_ptr
+ = CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv halfWordWidth wordWidth) [infoTableConstrTag dflags info_table]
- info_table = infoTable (closureInfoPtr closure_ptr)
+ info_table = infoTable dflags (closureInfoPtr closure_ptr)
-cmmGetClosureType :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+cmmGetClosureType :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes a closure pointer, and return the closure type
-- obtained from the info table
-cmmGetClosureType closure_ptr
- = CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv halfWordWidth wordWidth) [infoTableClosureType info_table]
+cmmGetClosureType dflags closure_ptr
+ = CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv halfWordWidth wordWidth) [infoTableClosureType dflags info_table]
- info_table = infoTable (closureInfoPtr closure_ptr)
+ info_table = infoTable dflags (closureInfoPtr closure_ptr)
-infoTable :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTable :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes an info pointer (the first word of a closure)
-- and returns a pointer to the first word of the standard-form
-- info table, excluding the entry-code word (if present)
-infoTable info_ptr
- | tablesNextToCode = cmmOffsetB info_ptr (- stdInfoTableSizeB)
+infoTable dflags info_ptr
+ | tablesNextToCode = cmmOffsetB info_ptr (- stdInfoTableSizeB dflags)
| otherwise = cmmOffsetW info_ptr 1 -- Past the entry code pointer
-infoTableConstrTag :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTableConstrTag :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes an info table pointer (from infoTable) and returns the constr tag
-- field of the info table (same as the srt_bitmap field)
infoTableConstrTag = infoTableSrtBitmap
-infoTableSrtBitmap :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTableSrtBitmap :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes an info table pointer (from infoTable) and returns the srt_bitmap
-- field of the info table
-infoTableSrtBitmap info_tbl
- = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl stdSrtBitmapOffset) bHalfWord
+infoTableSrtBitmap dflags info_tbl
+ = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl (stdSrtBitmapOffset dflags)) bHalfWord
-infoTableClosureType :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTableClosureType :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes an info table pointer (from infoTable) and returns the closure type
-- field of the info table.
-infoTableClosureType info_tbl
- = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl stdClosureTypeOffset) bHalfWord
+infoTableClosureType dflags info_tbl
+ = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl (stdClosureTypeOffset dflags)) bHalfWord
-infoTablePtrs :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-infoTablePtrs info_tbl
- = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl stdPtrsOffset) bHalfWord
+infoTablePtrs :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTablePtrs dflags info_tbl
+ = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl (stdPtrsOffset dflags)) bHalfWord
-infoTableNonPtrs :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-infoTableNonPtrs info_tbl
- = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl stdNonPtrsOffset) bHalfWord
+infoTableNonPtrs :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTableNonPtrs dflags info_tbl
+ = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl (stdNonPtrsOffset dflags)) bHalfWord
-funInfoTable :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+funInfoTable :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes the info pointer of a function,
-- and returns a pointer to the first word of the StgFunInfoExtra struct
-- in the info table.
-funInfoTable info_ptr
+funInfoTable dflags info_ptr
| tablesNextToCode
- = cmmOffsetB info_ptr (- stdInfoTableSizeB - sIZEOF_StgFunInfoExtraRev)
+ = cmmOffsetB info_ptr (- stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - sIZEOF_StgFunInfoExtraRev)
| otherwise
- = cmmOffsetW info_ptr (1 + stdInfoTableSizeW)
+ = cmmOffsetW info_ptr (1 + stdInfoTableSizeW dflags)
-- Past the entry code pointer
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgPrimOp.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgPrimOp.hs
index 641cd5d1dc..a2e50e0c0d 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgPrimOp.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgPrimOp.hs
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ import SMRep
import Module
import Constants
import Outputable
+import DynFlags
import FastString
-import StaticFlags
import Control.Monad
@@ -154,20 +154,23 @@ emitPrimOp [res] SparkOp [arg] live = do
newspark = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "newSpark")))
emitPrimOp [res] GetCCSOfOp [arg] _live
- = stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) val)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (val dflags))
- val | opt_SccProfilingOn = costCentreFrom (cmmUntag arg)
- | otherwise = CmmLit zeroCLit
+ val dflags
+ | dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags = costCentreFrom (cmmUntag arg)
+ | otherwise = CmmLit zeroCLit
emitPrimOp [res] GetCurrentCCSOp [_dummy_arg] _live
= stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) curCCS)
emitPrimOp [res] ReadMutVarOp [mutv] _
- = stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW mutv fixedHdrSize gcWord))
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW mutv (fixedHdrSize dflags) gcWord))
emitPrimOp [] WriteMutVarOp [mutv,var] live
- = do
- stmtC (CmmStore (cmmOffsetW mutv fixedHdrSize) var)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC (CmmStore (cmmOffsetW mutv (fixedHdrSize dflags)) var)
vols <- getVolatileRegs live
emitForeignCall' PlayRisky
[{-no results-}]
@@ -182,8 +185,10 @@ emitPrimOp [] WriteMutVarOp [mutv,var] live
-- #define sizzeofByteArrayzh(r,a) \
-- r = ((StgArrWords *)(a))->bytes
emitPrimOp [res] SizeofByteArrayOp [arg] _
- = stmtC $
- CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg fixedHdrSize bWord)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC $
+ CmmAssign (CmmLocal res)
+ (cmmLoadIndexW arg (fixedHdrSize dflags) bWord)
-- #define sizzeofMutableByteArrayzh(r,a) \
-- r = ((StgArrWords *)(a))->bytes
@@ -197,18 +202,21 @@ emitPrimOp [] TouchOp [_] _
-- #define byteArrayContentszh(r,a) r = BYTE_ARR_CTS(a)
emitPrimOp [res] ByteArrayContents_Char [arg] _
- = stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmOffsetB arg arrWordsHdrSize))
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmOffsetB arg (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)))
-- #define stableNameToIntzh(r,s) (r = ((StgStableName *)s)->sn)
emitPrimOp [res] StableNameToIntOp [arg] _
- = stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg fixedHdrSize bWord))
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg (fixedHdrSize dflags) bWord))
-- #define eqStableNamezh(r,sn1,sn2) \
-- (r = (((StgStableName *)sn1)->sn == ((StgStableName *)sn2)->sn))
emitPrimOp [res] EqStableNameOp [arg1,arg2] _
- = stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp mo_wordEq [
- cmmLoadIndexW arg1 fixedHdrSize bWord,
- cmmLoadIndexW arg2 fixedHdrSize bWord
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp mo_wordEq [
+ cmmLoadIndexW arg1 (fixedHdrSize dflags) bWord,
+ cmmLoadIndexW arg2 (fixedHdrSize dflags) bWord
@@ -222,7 +230,8 @@ emitPrimOp [res] AddrToAnyOp [arg] _
-- #define dataToTagzh(r,a) r=(GET_TAG(((StgClosure *)a)->
-- Note: argument may be tagged!
emitPrimOp [res] DataToTagOp [arg] _
- = stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (getConstrTag (cmmUntag arg)))
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (getConstrTag dflags (cmmUntag arg)))
{- Freezing arrays-of-ptrs requires changing an info table, for the
benefit of the generational collector. It needs to scavenge mutable
@@ -281,8 +290,9 @@ emitPrimOp [] WriteArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray [obj,ix,v] _ = doWritePtrArr
emitPrimOp [] WriteArrayArrayOp_MutableArrayArray [obj,ix,v] _ = doWritePtrArrayOp obj ix v
emitPrimOp [res] SizeofArrayOp [arg] _
- = stmtC $
- CmmAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg (fixedHdrSize + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs) bWord)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC $ CmmAssign (CmmLocal res)
+ (cmmLoadIndexW arg (fixedHdrSize dflags + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs) bWord)
emitPrimOp [res] SizeofMutableArrayOp [arg] live
= emitPrimOp [res] SizeofArrayOp [arg] live
emitPrimOp [res] SizeofArrayArrayOp [arg] live
@@ -797,13 +807,15 @@ doIndexOffAddrOp _ _ _ _
= panic "CgPrimOp: doIndexOffAddrOp"
doIndexByteArrayOp maybe_post_read_cast rep [res] [addr,idx]
- = mkBasicIndexedRead arrWordsHdrSize maybe_post_read_cast rep res addr idx
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedRead (arrWordsHdrSize dflags) maybe_post_read_cast rep res addr idx
doIndexByteArrayOp _ _ _ _
= panic "CgPrimOp: doIndexByteArrayOp"
doReadPtrArrayOp :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
doReadPtrArrayOp res addr idx
- = mkBasicIndexedRead arrPtrsHdrSize Nothing gcWord res addr idx
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedRead (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags) Nothing gcWord res addr idx
doWriteOffAddrOp, doWriteByteArrayOp
@@ -815,27 +827,29 @@ doWriteOffAddrOp _ _ _ _
= panic "CgPrimOp: doWriteOffAddrOp"
doWriteByteArrayOp maybe_pre_write_cast rep [] [addr,idx,val]
- = mkBasicIndexedWrite arrWordsHdrSize maybe_pre_write_cast rep addr idx val
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedWrite (arrWordsHdrSize dflags) maybe_pre_write_cast rep addr idx val
doWriteByteArrayOp _ _ _ _
= panic "CgPrimOp: doWriteByteArrayOp"
doWritePtrArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
doWritePtrArrayOp addr idx val
- = do mkBasicIndexedWrite arrPtrsHdrSize Nothing bWord addr idx val
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedWrite (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags) Nothing bWord addr idx val
stmtC (setInfo addr (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
-- the write barrier. We must write a byte into the mark table:
-- bits8[a + header_size + StgMutArrPtrs_size(a) + x >> N]
stmtC $ CmmStore (
- (cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB addr arrPtrsHdrSize)
- (loadArrPtrsSize addr))
+ (cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB addr (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags))
+ (loadArrPtrsSize dflags addr))
(CmmMachOp mo_wordUShr [idx,
) (CmmLit (CmmInt 1 W8))
-loadArrPtrsSize :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-loadArrPtrsSize addr = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB addr off) bWord
- where off = fixedHdrSize*wORD_SIZE + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs
+loadArrPtrsSize :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+loadArrPtrsSize dflags addr = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB addr off) bWord
+ where off = fixedHdrSize dflags * wORD_SIZE + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs
mkBasicIndexedRead :: ByteOff -> Maybe MachOp -> CmmType
-> LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
@@ -905,8 +919,9 @@ emitCopyByteArray :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> StgLiveVars
-> Code
emitCopyByteArray copy src src_off dst dst_off n live = do
- dst_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB dst arrWordsHdrSize) dst_off
- src_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB src arrWordsHdrSize) src_off
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ dst_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB dst (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) dst_off
+ src_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB src (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) src_off
copy src dst dst_p src_p n live
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -918,7 +933,8 @@ emitCopyByteArray copy src src_off dst dst_off n live = do
doSetByteArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> StgLiveVars -> Code
doSetByteArrayOp ba off len c live
- = do p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB ba arrWordsHdrSize) off
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB ba (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) off
emitMemsetCall p c len (CmmLit (mkIntCLit 1)) live
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -966,6 +982,7 @@ emitCopyArray :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> StgLiveVars
-> Code
emitCopyArray copy src0 src_off0 dst0 dst_off0 n0 live = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
-- Assign the arguments to temporaries so the code generator can
-- calculate liveness for us.
src <- assignTemp_ src0
@@ -977,15 +994,15 @@ emitCopyArray copy src0 src_off0 dst0 dst_off0 n0 live = do
-- Set the dirty bit in the header.
stmtC (setInfo dst (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
- dst_elems_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetB dst arrPtrsHdrSize
+ dst_elems_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetB dst (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)
dst_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExprW dst_elems_p dst_off
- src_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB src arrPtrsHdrSize) src_off
+ src_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB src (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)) src_off
bytes <- assignTemp $ cmmMulWord n (CmmLit (mkIntCLit wORD_SIZE))
copy src dst dst_p src_p bytes live
-- The base address of the destination card table
- dst_cards_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExprW dst_elems_p (loadArrPtrsSize dst)
+ dst_cards_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExprW dst_elems_p (loadArrPtrsSize dflags dst)
emitSetCards dst_off dst_cards_p n live
@@ -996,6 +1013,7 @@ emitCopyArray copy src0 src_off0 dst0 dst_off0 n0 live = do
emitCloneArray :: CLabel -> CmmFormal -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> StgLiveVars -> Code
emitCloneArray info_p res_r src0 src_off0 n0 live = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
-- Assign the arguments to temporaries so the code generator can
-- calculate liveness for us.
src <- assignTemp_ src0
@@ -1006,22 +1024,22 @@ emitCloneArray info_p res_r src0 src_off0 n0 live = do
(CmmLit (mkIntCLit mUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS)))
`cmmAddWord` CmmLit (mkIntCLit 1)
size <- assignTemp $ n `cmmAddWord` card_words
- words <- assignTemp $ arrPtrsHdrSizeW `cmmAddWord` size
+ words <- assignTemp $ arrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags `cmmAddWord` size
arr_r <- newTemp bWord
emitAllocateCall arr_r myCapability words live
- tickyAllocPrim (CmmLit (mkIntCLit arrPtrsHdrSize)) (n `cmmMulWord` wordSize)
+ tickyAllocPrim (CmmLit (mkIntCLit (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags))) (n `cmmMulWord` wordSize)
(CmmLit $ mkIntCLit 0)
let arr = CmmReg (CmmLocal arr_r)
emitSetDynHdr arr (CmmLit (CmmLabel info_p)) curCCS
- stmtC $ CmmStore (cmmOffsetB arr (fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE +
+ stmtC $ CmmStore (cmmOffsetB arr (fixedHdrSize dflags * wORD_SIZE +
oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs)) n
- stmtC $ CmmStore (cmmOffsetB arr (fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE +
+ stmtC $ CmmStore (cmmOffsetB arr (fixedHdrSize dflags * wORD_SIZE +
oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_size)) size
- dst_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetB arr arrPtrsHdrSize
- src_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB src arrPtrsHdrSize)
+ dst_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetB arr (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)
+ src_p <- assignTemp $ cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB src (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags))
emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (n `cmmMulWord` wordSize)
@@ -1034,8 +1052,8 @@ emitCloneArray info_p res_r src0 src_off0 n0 live = do
stmtC $ CmmAssign (CmmLocal res_r) arr
- arrPtrsHdrSizeW = CmmLit $ mkIntCLit $ fixedHdrSize +
- (sIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs_NoHdr `div` wORD_SIZE)
+ arrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags = CmmLit $ mkIntCLit $ fixedHdrSize dflags +
+ (sIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs_NoHdr `div` wORD_SIZE)
wordSize = CmmLit (mkIntCLit wORD_SIZE)
myCapability = CmmReg baseReg `cmmSubWord`
CmmLit (mkIntCLit oFFSET_Capability_r)
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgProf.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgProf.hs
index 1a5f916dbe..2eccae7926 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgProf.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgProf.hs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import CLabel
import qualified Module
import CostCentre
-import StaticFlags
+import DynFlags
import FastString
import Module
import Constants -- Lots of field offsets
@@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ costCentreFrom :: CmmExpr -- A closure pointer
-> CmmExpr -- The cost centre from that closure
costCentreFrom cl = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB cl oFFSET_StgHeader_ccs) bWord
-staticProfHdr :: CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
+staticProfHdr :: DynFlags -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
-- The profiling header words in a static closure
-staticProfHdr ccs = ifProfilingL [mkCCostCentreStack ccs,
- staticLdvInit]
+staticProfHdr dflags ccs = ifProfilingL dflags [mkCCostCentreStack ccs,
+ staticLdvInit]
-dynProfHdr :: CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr]
+dynProfHdr :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr]
-- Profiling header words in a dynamic closure
-dynProfHdr ccs = ifProfilingL [ccs, dynLdvInit]
+dynProfHdr dflags ccs = ifProfilingL dflags [ccs, dynLdvInit]
initUpdFrameProf :: CmmExpr -> Code
-- Initialise the profiling field of an update frame
@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ initUpdFrameProf frame_amode
profDynAlloc :: ClosureInfo -> CmmExpr -> Code
profDynAlloc cl_info ccs
= ifProfiling $
- profAlloc (CmmLit (mkIntCLit (closureSize cl_info))) ccs
+ do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ profAlloc (CmmLit (mkIntCLit (closureSize dflags cl_info))) ccs
-- | Record the allocation of a closure (size is given by a CmmExpr)
-- The size must be in words, because the allocation counter in a CCS counts
@@ -118,13 +119,14 @@ profDynAlloc cl_info ccs
profAlloc :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
profAlloc words ccs
= ifProfiling $
- stmtC (addToMemE alloc_rep
- (cmmOffsetB ccs oFFSET_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc)
- (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv wordWidth alloc_rep) $
- [CmmMachOp mo_wordSub [words,
- CmmLit (mkIntCLit profHdrSize)]]))
- -- subtract the "profiling overhead", which is the
- -- profiling header in a closure.
+ do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ stmtC (addToMemE alloc_rep
+ (cmmOffsetB ccs oFFSET_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc)
+ (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv wordWidth alloc_rep) $
+ [CmmMachOp mo_wordSub [words,
+ CmmLit (mkIntCLit (profHdrSize dflags))]]))
+ -- subtract the "profiling overhead", which is the
+ -- profiling header in a closure.
alloc_rep = typeWidth REP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc
@@ -147,13 +149,13 @@ enterCostCentreFun ccs closure vols =
ifProfiling :: Code -> Code
ifProfiling code
- | opt_SccProfilingOn = code
- | otherwise = nopC
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags then code else nopC
-ifProfilingL :: [a] -> [a]
-ifProfilingL xs
- | opt_SccProfilingOn = xs
- | otherwise = []
+ifProfilingL :: DynFlags -> [a] -> [a]
+ifProfilingL dflags xs
+ | dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags = xs
+ | otherwise = []
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Initialising Cost Centres & CCSs
@@ -226,12 +228,13 @@ sizeof_ccs_words
emitSetCCC :: CostCentre -> Bool -> Bool -> Code
emitSetCCC cc tick push
- | not opt_SccProfilingOn = nopC
- | otherwise = do
- tmp <- newTemp bWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
- pushCostCentre tmp curCCS cc
- when tick $ stmtC (bumpSccCount (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
- when push $ stmtC (storeCurCCS (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
+ then do tmp <- newTemp bWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
+ pushCostCentre tmp curCCS cc
+ when tick $ stmtC (bumpSccCount (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
+ when push $ stmtC (storeCurCCS (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
+ else nopC
pushCostCentre :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CostCentre -> Code
pushCostCentre result ccs cc
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
index a869795caa..217586a9d1 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import OldCmm
import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
import Constants
+import DynFlags
import Util
import OrdList
import Outputable
@@ -286,7 +287,8 @@ pushSpecUpdateFrame lbl updatee code
when debugIsOn $ do
{ EndOfBlockInfo _ sequel <- getEndOfBlockInfo ;
; MASSERT(case sequel of { OnStack -> True; _ -> False}) }
- ; allocStackTop (fixedHdrSize +
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; allocStackTop (fixedHdrSize dflags +
sIZEOF_StgUpdateFrame_NoHdr `quot` wORD_SIZE)
; vsp <- getVirtSp
; setStackFrame vsp
@@ -311,14 +313,16 @@ emitPushUpdateFrame = emitSpecPushUpdateFrame mkUpdInfoLabel
emitSpecPushUpdateFrame :: CLabel -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
emitSpecPushUpdateFrame lbl frame_addr updatee = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
stmtsC [ -- Set the info word
CmmStore frame_addr (mkLblExpr lbl)
, -- And the updatee
- CmmStore (cmmOffsetB frame_addr off_updatee) updatee ]
+ CmmStore (cmmOffsetB frame_addr (off_updatee dflags)) updatee ]
initUpdFrameProf frame_addr
-off_updatee :: ByteOff
-off_updatee = fixedHdrSize*wORD_SIZE + oFFSET_StgUpdateFrame_updatee
+off_updatee :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+off_updatee dflags
+ = fixedHdrSize dflags * wORD_SIZE + oFFSET_StgUpdateFrame_updatee
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
index e933fedb5b..ee4144800a 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ import Type
import Id
import StgSyn
import PrimOp
+import DynFlags
import Outputable
-import StaticFlags
import Util
import Control.Monad
@@ -112,15 +112,15 @@ performTailCall fun_info arg_amodes pending_assts
| otherwise
= do { fun_amode <- idInfoToAmode fun_info
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let assignSt = CmmAssign nodeReg fun_amode
node_asst = oneStmt assignSt
node_live = Just [node]
(opt_node_asst, opt_node_live)
- | nodeMustPointToIt lf_info = (node_asst, node_live)
+ | nodeMustPointToIt dflags lf_info = (node_asst, node_live)
| otherwise = (noStmts, Just [])
; EndOfBlockInfo sp _ <- getEndOfBlockInfo
- ; dflags <- getDynFlags
; case (getCallMethod dflags fun_name fun_has_cafs lf_info (length arg_amodes)) of
-- Node must always point to things we enter
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ performTailCall fun_info arg_amodes pending_assts
-- so we can directly jump to the alternatives switch
-- statement.
jumpInstr = getEndOfBlockInfo >>=
- maybeSwitchOnCons enterClosure
+ maybeSwitchOnCons dflags enterClosure
; doFinalJump sp False jumpInstr }
-- A function, but we have zero arguments. It is already in WHNF,
@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ performTailCall fun_info arg_amodes pending_assts
fun_has_cafs = idCafInfo fun_id
untag_node = CmmAssign nodeReg (cmmUntag (CmmReg nodeReg))
-- Test if closure is a constructor
- maybeSwitchOnCons enterClosure eob
+ maybeSwitchOnCons dflags enterClosure eob
| EndOfBlockInfo _ (CaseAlts lbl _ _) <- eob,
- not opt_SccProfilingOn
+ not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
-- we can't shortcut when profiling is on, because we have
-- to enter a closure to mark it as "used" for LDV profiling
= do { is_constr <- newLabelC
@@ -251,13 +251,14 @@ directCall :: VirtualSpOffset -> CLabel -> [(CgRep, CmmExpr)]
-> [(CgRep, CmmExpr)] -> Maybe [GlobalReg] -> CmmStmts
-> Code
directCall sp lbl args extra_args live_node assts = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
-- First chunk of args go in registers
(reg_arg_amodes, stk_args) = assignCallRegs args
-- Any "extra" arguments are placed in frames on the
-- stack after the other arguments.
- slow_stk_args = slowArgs extra_args
+ slow_stk_args = slowArgs dflags extra_args
reg_assts = assignToRegs reg_arg_amodes
live_args = map snd reg_arg_amodes
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgTicky.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgTicky.hs
index 021b0e4fd9..cfef1087cc 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgTicky.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgTicky.hs
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ tickyDynAlloc cl_info
_ -> return () }
-- will be needed when we fill in stubs
- _cl_size = closureSize cl_info
+ -- _cl_size = closureSize dflags cl_info
-- _slop_size = slopSize cl_info
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
index 7a91a5e2a1..b71a722c38 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
@@ -459,14 +459,15 @@ dataConTagZ con = dataConTag con - fIRST_TAG
-mkClosureInfo :: Bool -- Is static
+mkClosureInfo :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- Is static
-> Id
-> LambdaFormInfo
-> Int -> Int -- Total and pointer words
-> C_SRT
-> String -- String descriptor
-> ClosureInfo
-mkClosureInfo is_static id lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds srt_info descr
+mkClosureInfo dflags is_static id lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds srt_info descr
= ClosureInfo { closureName = name,
closureLFInfo = lf_info,
closureSMRep = sm_rep,
@@ -480,18 +481,19 @@ mkClosureInfo is_static id lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds srt_info descr
-- anything else gets eta expanded.
name = idName id
- sm_rep = mkHeapRep is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds (lfClosureType lf_info)
+ sm_rep = mkHeapRep dflags is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds (lfClosureType lf_info)
nonptr_wds = tot_wds - ptr_wds
-mkConInfo :: Bool -- Is static
+mkConInfo :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- Is static
-> DataCon
-> Int -> Int -- Total and pointer words
-> ClosureInfo
-mkConInfo is_static data_con tot_wds ptr_wds
+mkConInfo dflags is_static data_con tot_wds ptr_wds
= ConInfo { closureSMRep = sm_rep,
closureCon = data_con }
- sm_rep = mkHeapRep is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds (lfClosureType lf_info)
+ sm_rep = mkHeapRep dflags is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds (lfClosureType lf_info)
lf_info = mkConLFInfo data_con
nonptr_wds = tot_wds - ptr_wds
@@ -503,8 +505,8 @@ mkConInfo is_static data_con tot_wds ptr_wds
-closureSize :: ClosureInfo -> WordOff
-closureSize cl_info = heapClosureSize (closureSMRep cl_info)
+closureSize :: DynFlags -> ClosureInfo -> WordOff
+closureSize dflags cl_info = heapClosureSize dflags (closureSMRep cl_info)
@@ -551,8 +553,8 @@ thunkClosureType _ = Thunk
Be sure to see the stg-details notes about these...
-nodeMustPointToIt :: LambdaFormInfo -> Bool
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFReEntrant top _ no_fvs _)
+nodeMustPointToIt :: DynFlags -> LambdaFormInfo -> Bool
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFReEntrant top _ no_fvs _)
= not no_fvs || -- Certainly if it has fvs we need to point to it
isNotTopLevel top
-- If it is not top level we will point to it
@@ -564,7 +566,7 @@ nodeMustPointToIt (LFReEntrant top _ no_fvs _)
-- non-inherited function i.e. not top level
-- the not top case above ensures this is ok.
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFCon _) = True
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFCon _) = True
-- Strictly speaking, the above two don't need Node to point
-- to it if the arity = 0. But this is a *really* unlikely
@@ -577,8 +579,8 @@ nodeMustPointToIt (LFCon _) = True
-- having Node point to the result of an update. SLPJ
-- 27/11/92.
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFThunk _ no_fvs updatable NonStandardThunk _)
- = updatable || not no_fvs || opt_SccProfilingOn
+nodeMustPointToIt dflags (LFThunk _ no_fvs updatable NonStandardThunk _)
+ = updatable || not no_fvs || dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
-- For the non-updatable (single-entry case):
-- True if has fvs (in which case we need access to them, and we
@@ -586,12 +588,12 @@ nodeMustPointToIt (LFThunk _ no_fvs updatable NonStandardThunk _)
-- or profiling (in which case we need to recover the cost centre
-- from inside it)
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFThunk _ _ _ _ _)
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFThunk _ _ _ _ _)
= True -- Node must point to any standard-form thunk
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFUnknown _) = True
-nodeMustPointToIt LFBlackHole = True -- BH entry may require Node to point
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFLetNoEscape _) = False
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFUnknown _) = True
+nodeMustPointToIt _ LFBlackHole = True -- BH entry may require Node to point
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFLetNoEscape _) = False
The entry conventions depend on the type of closure being entered,
@@ -650,7 +652,7 @@ getCallMethod :: DynFlags
-> CallMethod
getCallMethod dflags _ _ lf_info _
- | nodeMustPointToIt lf_info && dopt Opt_Parallel dflags
+ | nodeMustPointToIt dflags lf_info && dopt Opt_Parallel dflags
= -- If we're parallel, then we must always enter via node.
-- The reason is that the closure may have been
-- fetched since we allocated it.
@@ -662,10 +664,11 @@ getCallMethod _ name caf (LFReEntrant _ arity _ _) n_args
| n_args < arity = SlowCall -- Not enough args
| otherwise = DirectEntry (enterIdLabel name caf) arity
-getCallMethod _ _ _ (LFCon con) n_args
- | opt_SccProfilingOn -- when profiling, we must always enter
- = EnterIt -- a closure when we use it, so that the closure
- -- can be recorded as used for LDV profiling.
+getCallMethod dflags _ _ (LFCon con) n_args
+ -- when profiling, we must always enter a closure when we use it, so
+ -- that the closure can be recorded as used for LDV profiling.
+ | dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
+ = EnterIt
| otherwise
= ASSERT( n_args == 0 )
ReturnCon con
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
index c9b2bf8ab0..29193137a7 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ mkModuleInit dflags cost_centre_info this_mod hpc_info
; whenC (opt_Hpc) $
hpcTable this_mod hpc_info
- ; whenC (opt_SccProfilingOn) $ do
+ ; whenC (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) $ do
initCostCentres cost_centre_info
-- For backwards compatibility: user code may refer to this
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ code-generator.)
initCostCentres :: CollectedCCs -> Code
-- Emit the declarations, and return code to register them
initCostCentres (local_CCs, ___extern_CCs, singleton_CCSs)
- | not opt_SccProfilingOn = nopC
- | otherwise
- = do { mapM_ emitCostCentreDecl local_CCs
- ; mapM_ emitCostCentreStackDecl singleton_CCSs
- }
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
+ then nopC
+ else do mapM_ emitCostCentreDecl local_CCs
+ mapM_ emitCostCentreStackDecl singleton_CCSs
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
index dae0ad05ab..70892eeb5e 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
@@ -224,15 +224,16 @@ cgDataCon :: DataCon -> FCode ()
-- Generate the entry code, info tables, and (for niladic constructor)
-- the static closure, for a constructor.
cgDataCon data_con
- = do { let
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let
(tot_wds, -- #ptr_wds + #nonptr_wds
ptr_wds, -- #ptr_wds
- arg_things) = mkVirtConstrOffsets arg_reps
+ arg_things) = mkVirtConstrOffsets dflags arg_reps
nonptr_wds = tot_wds - ptr_wds
- sta_info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable data_con True ptr_wds nonptr_wds
- dyn_info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable data_con False ptr_wds nonptr_wds
+ sta_info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable dflags data_con True ptr_wds nonptr_wds
+ dyn_info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable dflags data_con False ptr_wds nonptr_wds
emit_info info_tbl ticky_code
= emitClosureAndInfoTable info_tbl NativeDirectCall []
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
index 942a780678..2bec4208a1 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ import Outputable
import FastString
import Maybes
import DynFlags
-import StaticFlags
-- Top-level bindings
@@ -79,17 +78,17 @@ cgTopRhsClosure id ccs _ upd_flag args body = do
; mod_name <- getModuleName
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let descr = closureDescription dflags mod_name name
- closure_info = mkClosureInfo True id lf_info 0 0 descr
+ closure_info = mkClosureInfo dflags True id lf_info 0 0 descr
closure_label = mkLocalClosureLabel name (idCafInfo id)
cg_id_info = litIdInfo id lf_info (CmmLabel closure_label)
caffy = idCafInfo id
info_tbl = mkCmmInfo closure_info -- XXX short-cut
- closure_rep = mkStaticClosureFields info_tbl ccs caffy []
+ closure_rep = mkStaticClosureFields dflags info_tbl ccs caffy []
; emitDataLits closure_label closure_rep
; let fv_details :: [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)]
- (_, _, fv_details) = mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info)
+ (_, _, fv_details) = mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags (isLFThunk lf_info)
(addIdReps [])
-- Don't drop the non-void args until the closure info has been made
; forkClosureBody (closureCodeBody True id closure_info ccs
@@ -161,13 +160,14 @@ cgRhs name (StgRhsCon cc con args)
= buildDynCon name cc con args
cgRhs name (StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs upd_flag _srt args body)
- = mkRhsClosure name cc bi (nonVoidIds fvs) upd_flag args body
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkRhsClosure dflags name cc bi (nonVoidIds fvs) upd_flag args body
-- Non-constructor right hand sides
-mkRhsClosure :: Id -> CostCentreStack -> StgBinderInfo
+mkRhsClosure :: DynFlags -> Id -> CostCentreStack -> StgBinderInfo
-> [NonVoid Id] -- Free vars
-> UpdateFlag
-> [Id] -- Args
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ for semi-obvious reasons.
---------- Note [Selectors] ------------------
-mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
+mkRhsClosure dflags bndr cc bi
[NonVoid the_fv] -- Just one free var
upd_flag -- Updatable thunk
[] -- A thunk
@@ -234,14 +234,14 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
lf_info = mkSelectorLFInfo bndr offset_into_int
(isUpdatable upd_flag)
- (_, _, params_w_offsets) = mkVirtConstrOffsets (addIdReps params)
+ (_, _, params_w_offsets) = mkVirtConstrOffsets dflags (addIdReps params)
-- Just want the layout
maybe_offset = assocMaybe params_w_offsets (NonVoid selectee)
Just the_offset = maybe_offset
- offset_into_int = the_offset - fixedHdrSize
+ offset_into_int = the_offset - fixedHdrSize dflags
---------- Note [Ap thunks] ------------------
-mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
+mkRhsClosure dflags bndr cc bi
[] -- No args; a thunk
@@ -251,7 +251,8 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
&& all (isGcPtrRep . idPrimRep . stripNV) fvs
&& isUpdatable upd_flag
&& arity <= mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE
- && not opt_SccProfilingOn -- not when profiling: we don't want to
+ && not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
+ -- not when profiling: we don't want to
-- lose information about this particular
-- thunk (e.g. its type) (#949)
@@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
arity = length fvs
---------- Default case ------------------
-mkRhsClosure bndr cc _ fvs upd_flag args body
+mkRhsClosure _ bndr cc _ fvs upd_flag args body
-- If the binder is itself a free variable, then don't store
-- it in the closure. Instead, just bind it to Node on entry.
@@ -289,9 +290,9 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc _ fvs upd_flag args body
descr = closureDescription dflags mod_name name
fv_details :: [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)]
(tot_wds, ptr_wds, fv_details)
- = mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info)
+ = mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags (isLFThunk lf_info)
(addIdReps (map stripNV reduced_fvs))
- closure_info = mkClosureInfo False -- Not static
+ closure_info = mkClosureInfo dflags False -- Not static
bndr lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds
@@ -335,10 +336,10 @@ cgStdThunk bndr _cc _bndr_info _body lf_info payload
mod_name <- getModuleName
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let (tot_wds, ptr_wds, payload_w_offsets)
- = mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info) (addArgReps payload)
+ = mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags (isLFThunk lf_info) (addArgReps payload)
descr = closureDescription dflags mod_name (idName bndr)
- closure_info = mkClosureInfo False -- Not static
+ closure_info = mkClosureInfo dflags False -- Not static
bndr lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds
@@ -419,8 +420,9 @@ closureCodeBody top_lvl bndr cl_info _cc args arity body fv_details
-- Emit slow-entry code (for entering a closure through a PAP)
{ mkSlowEntryCode cl_info arg_regs
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let lf_info = closureLFInfo cl_info
- node_points = nodeMustPointToIt lf_info
+ node_points = nodeMustPointToIt dflags lf_info
node' = if node_points then Just node else Nothing
; tickyEnterFun cl_info
; whenC node_points (ldvEnterClosure cl_info)
@@ -475,7 +477,8 @@ mkSlowEntryCode cl_info arg_regs -- function closure is already in `Node'
thunkCode :: ClosureInfo -> [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)] -> CostCentreStack
-> LocalReg -> Int -> StgExpr -> FCode ()
thunkCode cl_info fv_details _cc node arity body
- = do { let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt (closureLFInfo cl_info)
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt dflags (closureLFInfo cl_info)
node' = if node_points then Just node else Nothing
; tickyEnterThunk cl_info
; ldvEnterClosure cl_info -- NB: Node always points when profiling
@@ -532,7 +535,7 @@ emitBlackHoleCode is_single_entry = do
-- Note the eager-blackholing check is here rather than in blackHoleOnEntry,
-- because emitBlackHoleCode is called from CmmParse.
- let eager_blackholing = not opt_SccProfilingOn
+ let eager_blackholing = not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
&& dopt Opt_EagerBlackHoling dflags
-- Profiling needs slop filling (to support LDV
-- profiling), so currently eager blackholing doesn't
@@ -540,7 +543,7 @@ emitBlackHoleCode is_single_entry = do
whenC eager_blackholing $ do
tickyBlackHole (not is_single_entry)
- emitStore (cmmOffsetW (CmmReg nodeReg) fixedHdrSize)
+ emitStore (cmmOffsetW (CmmReg nodeReg) (fixedHdrSize dflags))
(CmmReg (CmmGlobal CurrentTSO))
emitPrimCall [] MO_WriteBarrier []
emitStore (CmmReg nodeReg) (CmmReg (CmmGlobal EagerBlackholeInfo))
@@ -561,7 +564,8 @@ setupUpdate closure_info node body
dflags <- getDynFlags
bh = blackHoleOnEntry closure_info &&
- not opt_SccProfilingOn && dopt Opt_EagerBlackHoling dflags
+ not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) &&
+ dopt Opt_EagerBlackHoling dflags
lbl | bh = mkBHUpdInfoLabel
| otherwise = mkUpdInfoLabel
@@ -638,13 +642,14 @@ link_caf :: Bool -- True <=> updatable, False <=> single-entry
-- is that we only want to update dynamic heap objects, not static ones,
-- so that generational GC is easier.
link_caf _is_upd = do
- { -- Alloc black hole specifying CC_HDR(Node) as the cost centre
+ { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Alloc black hole specifying CC_HDR(Node) as the cost centre
; let use_cc = costCentreFrom (CmmReg nodeReg)
blame_cc = use_cc
tso = CmmReg (CmmGlobal CurrentTSO)
; (hp_rel, init) <- allocDynClosureCmm cafBlackHoleInfoTable mkLFBlackHole
- use_cc blame_cc [(tso,fixedHdrSize)]
+ use_cc blame_cc [(tso,fixedHdrSize dflags)]
; emit init
-- Call the RTS function newCAF to add the CAF to the CafList
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
index 8023abddec..73b3d1639e 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
@@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ thunkClosureType _ = Thunk
-- Be sure to see the stg-details notes about these...
-nodeMustPointToIt :: LambdaFormInfo -> Bool
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFReEntrant top _ no_fvs _)
+nodeMustPointToIt :: DynFlags -> LambdaFormInfo -> Bool
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFReEntrant top _ no_fvs _)
= not no_fvs || -- Certainly if it has fvs we need to point to it
isNotTopLevel top
-- If it is not top level we will point to it
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ nodeMustPointToIt (LFReEntrant top _ no_fvs _)
-- non-inherited function i.e. not top level
-- the not top case above ensures this is ok.
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFCon _) = True
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFCon _) = True
-- Strictly speaking, the above two don't need Node to point
-- to it if the arity = 0. But this is a *really* unlikely
@@ -402,8 +402,8 @@ nodeMustPointToIt (LFCon _) = True
-- having Node point to the result of an update. SLPJ
-- 27/11/92.
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFThunk _ no_fvs updatable NonStandardThunk _)
- = updatable || not no_fvs || opt_SccProfilingOn
+nodeMustPointToIt dflags (LFThunk _ no_fvs updatable NonStandardThunk _)
+ = updatable || not no_fvs || dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
-- For the non-updatable (single-entry case):
-- True if has fvs (in which case we need access to them, and we
@@ -411,13 +411,13 @@ nodeMustPointToIt (LFThunk _ no_fvs updatable NonStandardThunk _)
-- or profiling (in which case we need to recover the cost centre
-- from inside it)
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFThunk {}) -- Node must point to a standard-form thunk
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFThunk {}) -- Node must point to a standard-form thunk
= True
-nodeMustPointToIt (LFUnknown _) = True
-nodeMustPointToIt LFUnLifted = False
-nodeMustPointToIt LFBlackHole = True -- BH entry may require Node to point
-nodeMustPointToIt LFLetNoEscape = False
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFUnknown _) = True
+nodeMustPointToIt _ LFUnLifted = False
+nodeMustPointToIt _ LFBlackHole = True -- BH entry may require Node to point
+nodeMustPointToIt _ LFLetNoEscape = False
-- getCallMethod
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ getCallMethod :: DynFlags
-> CallMethod
getCallMethod dflags _name _ lf_info _n_args
- | nodeMustPointToIt lf_info && dopt Opt_Parallel dflags
+ | nodeMustPointToIt dflags lf_info && dopt Opt_Parallel dflags
= -- If we're parallel, then we must always enter via node.
-- The reason is that the closure may have been
-- fetched since we allocated it.
@@ -673,13 +673,14 @@ mkCmmInfo ClosureInfo {..}
-- Building ClosureInfos
-mkClosureInfo :: Bool -- Is static
+mkClosureInfo :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- Is static
-> Id
-> LambdaFormInfo
-> Int -> Int -- Total and pointer words
-> String -- String descriptor
-> ClosureInfo
-mkClosureInfo is_static id lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds val_descr
+mkClosureInfo dflags is_static id lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds val_descr
= ClosureInfo { closureName = name,
closureLFInfo = lf_info,
closureInfoLabel = info_lbl, -- These three fields are
@@ -687,8 +688,8 @@ mkClosureInfo is_static id lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds val_descr
closureProf = prof } -- (we don't have an SRT yet)
name = idName id
- sm_rep = mkHeapRep is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds (lfClosureType lf_info)
- prof = mkProfilingInfo id val_descr
+ sm_rep = mkHeapRep dflags is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds (lfClosureType lf_info)
+ prof = mkProfilingInfo dflags id val_descr
nonptr_wds = tot_wds - ptr_wds
info_lbl = mkClosureInfoTableLabel id lf_info
@@ -851,9 +852,9 @@ enterIdLabel id c
-- The type is determined from the type information stored with the @Id@
-- in the closure info using @closureTypeDescr@.
-mkProfilingInfo :: Id -> String -> ProfilingInfo
-mkProfilingInfo id val_descr
- | not opt_SccProfilingOn = NoProfilingInfo
+mkProfilingInfo :: DynFlags -> Id -> String -> ProfilingInfo
+mkProfilingInfo dflags id val_descr
+ | not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) = NoProfilingInfo
| otherwise = ProfilingInfo ty_descr_w8 val_descr_w8
ty_descr_w8 = stringToWord8s (getTyDescription (idType id))
@@ -884,8 +885,8 @@ getTyLitDescription l =
-- CmmInfoTable-related things
-mkDataConInfoTable :: DataCon -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> CmmInfoTable
-mkDataConInfoTable data_con is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds
+mkDataConInfoTable :: DynFlags -> DataCon -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> CmmInfoTable
+mkDataConInfoTable dflags data_con is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds
= CmmInfoTable { cit_lbl = info_lbl
, cit_rep = sm_rep
, cit_prof = prof
@@ -896,13 +897,13 @@ mkDataConInfoTable data_con is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds
info_lbl | is_static = mkStaticInfoTableLabel name NoCafRefs
| otherwise = mkConInfoTableLabel name NoCafRefs
- sm_rep = mkHeapRep is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds cl_type
+ sm_rep = mkHeapRep dflags is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds cl_type
cl_type = Constr (fromIntegral (dataConTagZ data_con))
(dataConIdentity data_con)
- prof | not opt_SccProfilingOn = NoProfilingInfo
- | otherwise = ProfilingInfo ty_descr val_descr
+ prof | not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) = NoProfilingInfo
+ | otherwise = ProfilingInfo ty_descr val_descr
ty_descr = stringToWord8s $ occNameString $ getOccName $ dataConTyCon data_con
val_descr = stringToWord8s $ occNameString $ getOccName data_con
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
index 03a659b2cf..3efa63d770 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
@@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ cgTopRhsCon id con args
(tot_wds, -- #ptr_wds + #nonptr_wds
ptr_wds, -- #ptr_wds
- nv_args_w_offsets) = mkVirtConstrOffsets (addArgReps args)
+ nv_args_w_offsets) = mkVirtConstrOffsets dflags (addArgReps args)
nonptr_wds = tot_wds - ptr_wds
-- we're not really going to emit an info table, so having
-- to make a CmmInfoTable is a bit overkill, but mkStaticClosureFields
-- needs to poke around inside it.
- info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable con True ptr_wds nonptr_wds
+ info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable dflags con True ptr_wds nonptr_wds
get_lit (arg, _offset) = do { CmmLit lit <- getArgAmode arg
; return lit }
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ cgTopRhsCon id con args
-- NB2: all the amodes should be Lits!
; let closure_rep = mkStaticClosureFields
+ dflags
dontCareCCS -- Because it's static data
caffy -- Has CAF refs
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _cc con [arg]
, val >= fromIntegral mIN_INTLIKE -- ...ditto...
= do { let intlike_lbl = mkCmmGcPtrLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "stg_INTLIKE_closure")
val_int = fromIntegral val :: Int
- offsetW = (val_int - mIN_INTLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize + 1)
+ offsetW = (val_int - mIN_INTLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize dflags + 1)
-- INTLIKE closures consist of a header and one word payload
intlike_amode = cmmLabelOffW intlike_lbl offsetW
; return (litIdInfo binder (mkConLFInfo con) intlike_amode, mkNop) }
@@ -197,18 +198,18 @@ buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _cc con [arg]
, val_int <= mAX_CHARLIKE
, val_int >= mIN_CHARLIKE
= do { let charlike_lbl = mkCmmGcPtrLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "stg_CHARLIKE_closure")
- offsetW = (val_int - mIN_CHARLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize + 1)
+ offsetW = (val_int - mIN_CHARLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize dflags + 1)
-- CHARLIKE closures consist of a header and one word payload
charlike_amode = cmmLabelOffW charlike_lbl offsetW
; return (litIdInfo binder (mkConLFInfo con) charlike_amode, mkNop) }
-------- buildDynCon': the general case -----------
-buildDynCon' _ _ binder ccs con args
+buildDynCon' dflags _ binder ccs con args
= do { let (tot_wds, ptr_wds, args_w_offsets)
- = mkVirtConstrOffsets (addArgReps args)
+ = mkVirtConstrOffsets dflags (addArgReps args)
-- No void args in args_w_offsets
nonptr_wds = tot_wds - ptr_wds
- info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable con False ptr_wds nonptr_wds
+ info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable dflags con False ptr_wds nonptr_wds
; (tmp, init) <- allocDynClosure info_tbl lf_info
use_cc blame_cc args_w_offsets
; regIdInfo binder lf_info tmp init }
@@ -233,10 +234,10 @@ bindConArgs :: AltCon -> LocalReg -> [Id] -> FCode [LocalReg]
-- found a con
bindConArgs (DataAlt con) base args
= ASSERT(not (isUnboxedTupleCon con))
- mapM bind_arg args_w_offsets
+ do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let (_, _, args_w_offsets) = mkVirtConstrOffsets dflags (addIdReps args)
+ mapM bind_arg args_w_offsets
- (_, _, args_w_offsets) = mkVirtConstrOffsets (addIdReps args)
tag = tagForCon con
-- The binding below forces the masking out of the tag bits
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
index 9e2b78cbbd..65e2416d2f 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
@@ -505,12 +505,12 @@ cgAlts gc_plan bndr (AlgAlt tycon) alts
emitSwitch tag_expr branches' mb_deflt 1 fam_sz
else -- No, get tag from info table
- let -- Note that ptr _always_ has tag 1
- -- when the family size is big enough
- untagged_ptr = cmmRegOffB bndr_reg (-1)
- tag_expr = getConstrTag (untagged_ptr)
- in
- emitSwitch tag_expr branches mb_deflt 0 (fam_sz - 1) }
+ do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let -- Note that ptr _always_ has tag 1
+ -- when the family size is big enough
+ untagged_ptr = cmmRegOffB bndr_reg (-1)
+ tag_expr = getConstrTag dflags (untagged_ptr)
+ emitSwitch tag_expr branches mb_deflt 0 (fam_sz - 1) }
cgAlts _ _ _ _ = panic "cgAlts"
-- UbxTupAlt and PolyAlt have only one alternative
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ cgTailCall fun_id fun_info args = do
-- A direct function call (possibly with some left-over arguments)
DirectEntry lbl arity -> do
{ tickyDirectCall arity args
- ; if node_points
+ ; if node_points dflags
then directCall NativeNodeCall lbl arity (fun_arg:args)
else directCall NativeDirectCall lbl arity args }
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ cgTailCall fun_id fun_info args = do
fun_name = idName fun_id
fun = idInfoToAmode fun_info
lf_info = cgIdInfoLF fun_info
- node_points = nodeMustPointToIt lf_info
+ node_points dflags = nodeMustPointToIt dflags lf_info
emitEnter :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs
index c67e0e0c95..8c061cf00c 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import CLabel
import SMRep
import ForeignCall
import Constants
-import StaticFlags
+import DynFlags
import Maybes
import Outputable
import BasicTypes
@@ -259,52 +259,55 @@ maybe_assign_temp e
-- This stuff can't be done in suspendThread/resumeThread, because it
-- refers to global registers which aren't available in the C world.
-saveThreadState :: CmmAGraph
-saveThreadState =
+saveThreadState :: DynFlags -> CmmAGraph
+saveThreadState dflags =
-- CurrentTSO->stackobj->sp = Sp;
- mkStore (cmmOffset (CmmLoad (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_stackobj) bWord) stack_SP) stgSp
+ mkStore (cmmOffset (CmmLoad (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO (tso_stackobj dflags)) bWord) (stack_SP dflags)) stgSp
<*> closeNursery
-- and save the current cost centre stack in the TSO when profiling:
- <*> if opt_SccProfilingOn then
- mkStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_CCCS) curCCS
+ <*> if dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags then
+ mkStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO (tso_CCCS dflags)) curCCS
else mkNop
emitSaveThreadState :: BlockId -> FCode ()
emitSaveThreadState bid = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
-- CurrentTSO->stackobj->sp = Sp;
- emitStore (cmmOffset (CmmLoad (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_stackobj) bWord) stack_SP)
+ emitStore (cmmOffset (CmmLoad (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO (tso_stackobj dflags)) bWord) (stack_SP dflags))
(CmmStackSlot (Young bid) (widthInBytes (typeWidth gcWord)))
emit closeNursery
-- and save the current cost centre stack in the TSO when profiling:
- when opt_SccProfilingOn $
- emitStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_CCCS) curCCS
+ when (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) $
+ emitStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO (tso_CCCS dflags)) curCCS
-- CurrentNursery->free = Hp+1;
closeNursery :: CmmAGraph
closeNursery = mkStore nursery_bdescr_free (cmmOffsetW stgHp 1)
-loadThreadState :: LocalReg -> LocalReg -> CmmAGraph
-loadThreadState tso stack = do
+loadThreadState :: DynFlags -> LocalReg -> LocalReg -> CmmAGraph
+loadThreadState dflags tso stack = do
-- tso <- newTemp gcWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
-- stack <- newTemp gcWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
catAGraphs [
-- tso = CurrentTSO;
mkAssign (CmmLocal tso) stgCurrentTSO,
-- stack = tso->stackobj;
- mkAssign (CmmLocal stack) (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_stackobj) bWord),
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal stack) (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) (tso_stackobj dflags)) bWord),
-- Sp = stack->sp;
- mkAssign sp (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) stack_SP) bWord),
+ mkAssign sp (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) (stack_SP dflags)) bWord),
-- SpLim = stack->stack + RESERVED_STACK_WORDS;
- mkAssign spLim (cmmOffsetW (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) stack_STACK)
+ mkAssign spLim (cmmOffsetW (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) (stack_STACK dflags))
-- and load the current cost centre stack from the TSO when profiling:
- if opt_SccProfilingOn then
+ if dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags then
- (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_CCCS) ccsType)
+ (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) (tso_CCCS dflags)) ccsType)
else mkNop]
emitLoadThreadState :: LocalReg -> LocalReg -> FCode ()
-emitLoadThreadState tso stack = emit $ loadThreadState tso stack
+emitLoadThreadState tso stack = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emit $ loadThreadState dflags tso stack
openNursery :: CmmAGraph
openNursery = catAGraphs [
@@ -334,15 +337,15 @@ nursery_bdescr_free = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_free
nursery_bdescr_start = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_start
nursery_bdescr_blocks = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_blocks
-tso_stackobj, tso_CCCS, stack_STACK, stack_SP :: ByteOff
-tso_stackobj = closureField oFFSET_StgTSO_stackobj
-tso_CCCS = closureField oFFSET_StgTSO_cccs
-stack_STACK = closureField oFFSET_StgStack_stack
-stack_SP = closureField oFFSET_StgStack_sp
+tso_stackobj, tso_CCCS, stack_STACK, stack_SP :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+tso_stackobj dflags = closureField dflags oFFSET_StgTSO_stackobj
+tso_CCCS dflags = closureField dflags oFFSET_StgTSO_cccs
+stack_STACK dflags = closureField dflags oFFSET_StgStack_stack
+stack_SP dflags = closureField dflags oFFSET_StgStack_sp
-closureField :: ByteOff -> ByteOff
-closureField off = off + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
+closureField :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> ByteOff
+closureField dflags off = off + fixedHdrSize dflags * wORD_SIZE
stgSp, stgHp, stgCurrentTSO, stgCurrentNursery :: CmmExpr
stgSp = CmmReg sp
@@ -376,19 +379,20 @@ getFCallArgs args
= return Nothing
| otherwise
= do { cmm <- getArgAmode (NonVoid arg)
- ; return (Just (add_shim arg_ty cmm, hint)) }
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; return (Just (add_shim dflags arg_ty cmm, hint)) }
arg_ty = stgArgType arg
arg_rep = typePrimRep arg_ty
hint = typeForeignHint arg_ty
-add_shim :: Type -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-add_shim arg_ty expr
+add_shim :: DynFlags -> Type -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+add_shim dflags arg_ty expr
| tycon == arrayPrimTyCon || tycon == mutableArrayPrimTyCon
- = cmmOffsetB expr arrPtrsHdrSize
+ = cmmOffsetB expr (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)
| tycon == byteArrayPrimTyCon || tycon == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
- = cmmOffsetB expr arrWordsHdrSize
+ = cmmOffsetB expr (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)
| otherwise = expr
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs
index 2151f84353..e177b72385 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import CostCentre
import Outputable
import IdInfo( CafInfo(..), mayHaveCafRefs )
import Module
+import DynFlags
import FastString( mkFastString, fsLit )
import Constants
import Util
@@ -117,7 +118,8 @@ allocDynClosureCmm info_tbl lf_info use_cc _blame_cc amodes_w_offsets
; hpStore base cmm_args offsets
- ; setVirtHp (virt_hp + heapClosureSize rep)
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; setVirtHp (virt_hp + heapClosureSize dflags rep)
-- Assign to a temporary and return
-- Note [Return a LocalReg]
@@ -126,10 +128,11 @@ allocDynClosureCmm info_tbl lf_info use_cc _blame_cc amodes_w_offsets
emitSetDynHdr :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
emitSetDynHdr base info_ptr ccs
- = hpStore base header [0..]
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ hpStore base (header dflags) [0..]
- header :: [CmmExpr]
- header = [info_ptr] ++ dynProfHdr ccs
+ header :: DynFlags -> [CmmExpr]
+ header dflags = [info_ptr] ++ dynProfHdr dflags ccs
-- ToDo: Gransim stuff
-- ToDo: Parallel stuff
-- No ticky header
@@ -150,13 +153,14 @@ hpStore base vals offs
-- and adding a static link field if necessary.
- :: CmmInfoTable
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> CmmInfoTable
-> CostCentreStack
-> CafInfo
-> [CmmLit] -- Payload
-> [CmmLit] -- The full closure
-mkStaticClosureFields info_tbl ccs caf_refs payload
- = mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding
+mkStaticClosureFields dflags info_tbl ccs caf_refs payload
+ = mkStaticClosure dflags info_lbl ccs payload padding
static_link_field saved_info_field
info_lbl = cit_lbl info_tbl
@@ -197,9 +201,9 @@ mkStaticClosureFields info_tbl ccs caf_refs payload
| otherwise = mkIntCLit 1 -- No CAF refs
-mkStaticClosure :: CLabel -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
+mkStaticClosure :: DynFlags -> CLabel -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
-> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit]
-mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding static_link_field saved_info_field
+mkStaticClosure dflags info_lbl ccs payload padding static_link_field saved_info_field
= [CmmLabel info_lbl]
++ variable_header_words
++ concatMap padLitToWord payload
@@ -210,7 +214,7 @@ mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding static_link_field saved_info_field
= staticGranHdr
++ staticParHdr
- ++ staticProfHdr ccs
+ ++ staticProfHdr dflags ccs
++ staticTickyHdr
-- JD: Simon had ellided this padding, but without it the C back end asserts
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
index 9c17716b1b..0e9cebfea4 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ import Id
import Name
import TyCon ( PrimRep(..) )
import BasicTypes ( RepArity )
+import DynFlags
import StaticFlags
import Module
@@ -206,12 +207,15 @@ direct_call caller call_conv lbl arity args
= emitCall (call_conv, NativeReturn) target (nonVArgs args)
| otherwise -- Note [over-saturated calls]
- = emitCallWithExtraStack (call_conv, NativeReturn)
- target (nonVArgs fast_args) (mkStkOffsets stack_args)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitCallWithExtraStack (call_conv, NativeReturn)
+ target
+ (nonVArgs fast_args)
+ (mkStkOffsets (stack_args dflags))
target = CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
(fast_args, rest_args) = splitAt real_arity args
- stack_args = slowArgs rest_args
+ stack_args dflags = slowArgs dflags rest_args
real_arity = case call_conv of
NativeNodeCall -> arity+1
_ -> arity
@@ -273,11 +277,12 @@ just more arguments that we are passing on the stack (cml_args).
-- | 'slowArgs' takes a list of function arguments and prepares them for
-- pushing on the stack for "extra" arguments to a function which requires
-- fewer arguments than we currently have.
-slowArgs :: [(ArgRep, Maybe CmmExpr)] -> [(ArgRep, Maybe CmmExpr)]
-slowArgs [] = []
-slowArgs args -- careful: reps contains voids (V), but args does not
- | opt_SccProfilingOn = save_cccs ++ this_pat ++ slowArgs rest_args
- | otherwise = this_pat ++ slowArgs rest_args
+slowArgs :: DynFlags -> [(ArgRep, Maybe CmmExpr)] -> [(ArgRep, Maybe CmmExpr)]
+slowArgs _ [] = []
+slowArgs dflags args -- careful: reps contains voids (V), but args does not
+ | dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
+ = save_cccs ++ this_pat ++ slowArgs dflags rest_args
+ | otherwise = this_pat ++ slowArgs dflags rest_args
(arg_pat, n) = slowCallPattern (map fst args)
(call_args, rest_args) = splitAt n args
@@ -396,7 +401,8 @@ getHpRelOffset virtual_offset
; return (cmmRegOffW hpReg (hpRel (realHp hp_usg) virtual_offset)) }
- :: Bool -- True <=> is a thunk
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is a thunk
-> [(PrimRep,a)] -- Things to make offsets for
-> (WordOff, -- _Total_ number of words allocated
WordOff, -- Number of words allocated for *pointers*
@@ -412,7 +418,7 @@ mkVirtHeapOffsets
-- mkVirtHeapOffsets always returns boxed things with smaller offsets
-- than the unboxed things
-mkVirtHeapOffsets is_thunk things
+mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags is_thunk things
= let non_void_things = filterOut (isVoidRep . fst) things
(ptrs, non_ptrs) = partition (isGcPtrRep . fst) non_void_things
(wds_of_ptrs, ptrs_w_offsets) = mapAccumL computeOffset 0 ptrs
@@ -420,16 +426,16 @@ mkVirtHeapOffsets is_thunk things
(tot_wds, wds_of_ptrs, ptrs_w_offsets ++ non_ptrs_w_offsets)
- hdr_size | is_thunk = thunkHdrSize
- | otherwise = fixedHdrSize
+ hdr_size | is_thunk = thunkHdrSize dflags
+ | otherwise = fixedHdrSize dflags
computeOffset wds_so_far (rep, thing)
= (wds_so_far + argRepSizeW (toArgRep rep),
(NonVoid thing, hdr_size + wds_so_far))
-mkVirtConstrOffsets :: [(PrimRep,a)] -> (WordOff, WordOff, [(NonVoid a, VirtualHpOffset)])
+mkVirtConstrOffsets :: DynFlags -> [(PrimRep,a)] -> (WordOff, WordOff, [(NonVoid a, VirtualHpOffset)])
-- Just like mkVirtHeapOffsets, but for constructors
-mkVirtConstrOffsets = mkVirtHeapOffsets False
+mkVirtConstrOffsets dflags = mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags False
@@ -519,11 +525,12 @@ emitClosureProcAndInfoTable top_lvl bndr lf_info info_tbl args body
-- top-level binding, which this binding would incorrectly shadow.
; node <- if top_lvl then return $ idToReg (NonVoid bndr)
else bindToReg (NonVoid bndr) lf_info
- ; let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt lf_info
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt dflags lf_info
; arg_regs <- bindArgsToRegs args
; let args' = if node_points then (node : arg_regs) else arg_regs
- conv = if nodeMustPointToIt lf_info then NativeNodeCall
- else NativeDirectCall
+ conv = if nodeMustPointToIt dflags lf_info then NativeNodeCall
+ else NativeDirectCall
(offset, _) = mkCallEntry conv args'
; emitClosureAndInfoTable info_tbl conv args' $ body (offset, node, arg_regs)
@@ -544,32 +551,32 @@ emitClosureAndInfoTable info_tbl conv args body
-stdInfoTableSizeW :: WordOff
+stdInfoTableSizeW :: DynFlags -> WordOff
-- The size of a standard info table varies with profiling/ticky etc,
-- so we can't get it from Constants
-- It must vary in sync with mkStdInfoTable
+stdInfoTableSizeW dflags
= size_fixed + size_prof
size_fixed = 2 -- layout, type
- size_prof | opt_SccProfilingOn = 2
+ size_prof | dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags = 2
| otherwise = 0
-stdInfoTableSizeB :: ByteOff
-stdInfoTableSizeB = stdInfoTableSizeW * wORD_SIZE :: ByteOff
+stdInfoTableSizeB :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+stdInfoTableSizeB dflags = stdInfoTableSizeW dflags * wORD_SIZE :: ByteOff
-stdSrtBitmapOffset :: ByteOff
+stdSrtBitmapOffset :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
-- Byte offset of the SRT bitmap half-word which is
-- in the *higher-addressed* part of the type_lit
-stdSrtBitmapOffset = stdInfoTableSizeB - hALF_WORD_SIZE
+stdSrtBitmapOffset dflags = stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - hALF_WORD_SIZE
-stdClosureTypeOffset :: ByteOff
+stdClosureTypeOffset :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
-- Byte offset of the closure type half-word
-stdClosureTypeOffset = stdInfoTableSizeB - wORD_SIZE
+stdClosureTypeOffset dflags = stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - wORD_SIZE
-stdPtrsOffset, stdNonPtrsOffset :: ByteOff
-stdPtrsOffset = stdInfoTableSizeB - 2*wORD_SIZE
-stdNonPtrsOffset = stdInfoTableSizeB - 2*wORD_SIZE + hALF_WORD_SIZE
+stdPtrsOffset, stdNonPtrsOffset :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+stdPtrsOffset dflags = stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - 2*wORD_SIZE
+stdNonPtrsOffset dflags = stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - 2*wORD_SIZE + hALF_WORD_SIZE
@@ -587,65 +594,65 @@ entryCode :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
entryCode e | tablesNextToCode = e
| otherwise = CmmLoad e bWord
-getConstrTag :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+getConstrTag :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes a closure pointer, and return the *zero-indexed*
-- constructor tag obtained from the info table
-- This lives in the SRT field of the info table
-- (constructors don't need SRTs).
-getConstrTag closure_ptr
- = CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv halfWordWidth wordWidth) [infoTableConstrTag info_table]
+getConstrTag dflags closure_ptr
+ = CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv halfWordWidth wordWidth) [infoTableConstrTag dflags info_table]
- info_table = infoTable (closureInfoPtr closure_ptr)
+ info_table = infoTable dflags (closureInfoPtr closure_ptr)
-cmmGetClosureType :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+cmmGetClosureType :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes a closure pointer, and return the closure type
-- obtained from the info table
-cmmGetClosureType closure_ptr
- = CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv halfWordWidth wordWidth) [infoTableClosureType info_table]
+cmmGetClosureType dflags closure_ptr
+ = CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv halfWordWidth wordWidth) [infoTableClosureType dflags info_table]
- info_table = infoTable (closureInfoPtr closure_ptr)
+ info_table = infoTable dflags (closureInfoPtr closure_ptr)
-infoTable :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTable :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes an info pointer (the first word of a closure)
-- and returns a pointer to the first word of the standard-form
-- info table, excluding the entry-code word (if present)
-infoTable info_ptr
- | tablesNextToCode = cmmOffsetB info_ptr (- stdInfoTableSizeB)
+infoTable dflags info_ptr
+ | tablesNextToCode = cmmOffsetB info_ptr (- stdInfoTableSizeB dflags)
| otherwise = cmmOffsetW info_ptr 1 -- Past the entry code pointer
-infoTableConstrTag :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTableConstrTag :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes an info table pointer (from infoTable) and returns the constr tag
-- field of the info table (same as the srt_bitmap field)
infoTableConstrTag = infoTableSrtBitmap
-infoTableSrtBitmap :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTableSrtBitmap :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes an info table pointer (from infoTable) and returns the srt_bitmap
-- field of the info table
-infoTableSrtBitmap info_tbl
- = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl stdSrtBitmapOffset) bHalfWord
+infoTableSrtBitmap dflags info_tbl
+ = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl (stdSrtBitmapOffset dflags)) bHalfWord
-infoTableClosureType :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTableClosureType :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes an info table pointer (from infoTable) and returns the closure type
-- field of the info table.
-infoTableClosureType info_tbl
- = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl stdClosureTypeOffset) bHalfWord
+infoTableClosureType dflags info_tbl
+ = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl (stdClosureTypeOffset dflags)) bHalfWord
-infoTablePtrs :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-infoTablePtrs info_tbl
- = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl stdPtrsOffset) bHalfWord
+infoTablePtrs :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTablePtrs dflags info_tbl
+ = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl (stdPtrsOffset dflags)) bHalfWord
-infoTableNonPtrs :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-infoTableNonPtrs info_tbl
- = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl stdNonPtrsOffset) bHalfWord
+infoTableNonPtrs :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+infoTableNonPtrs dflags info_tbl
+ = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB info_tbl (stdNonPtrsOffset dflags)) bHalfWord
-funInfoTable :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+funInfoTable :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-- Takes the info pointer of a function,
-- and returns a pointer to the first word of the StgFunInfoExtra struct
-- in the info table.
-funInfoTable info_ptr
+funInfoTable dflags info_ptr
| tablesNextToCode
- = cmmOffsetB info_ptr (- stdInfoTableSizeB - sIZEOF_StgFunInfoExtraRev)
+ = cmmOffsetB info_ptr (- stdInfoTableSizeB dflags - sIZEOF_StgFunInfoExtraRev)
| otherwise
- = cmmOffsetW info_ptr (1 + stdInfoTableSizeW)
+ = cmmOffsetW info_ptr (1 + stdInfoTableSizeW dflags)
-- Past the entry code pointer
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
index 15020ccf7b..e015ac7935 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ import Constants
import Module
import FastString
import Outputable
-import StaticFlags
import Util
import Control.Monad (liftM)
@@ -233,20 +232,23 @@ emitPrimOp [res] SparkOp [arg]
emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp))
emitPrimOp [res] GetCCSOfOp [arg]
- = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) val
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (val dflags)
- val | opt_SccProfilingOn = costCentreFrom (cmmUntag arg)
- | otherwise = CmmLit zeroCLit
+ val dflags
+ | dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags = costCentreFrom (cmmUntag arg)
+ | otherwise = CmmLit zeroCLit
emitPrimOp [res] GetCurrentCCSOp [_dummy_arg]
= emitAssign (CmmLocal res) curCCS
emitPrimOp [res] ReadMutVarOp [mutv]
- = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW mutv fixedHdrSize gcWord)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW mutv (fixedHdrSize dflags) gcWord)
emitPrimOp [] WriteMutVarOp [mutv,var]
- = do
- emitStore (cmmOffsetW mutv fixedHdrSize) var
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitStore (cmmOffsetW mutv (fixedHdrSize dflags)) var
[{-no results-}]
(CmmLit (CmmLabel mkDirty_MUT_VAR_Label))
@@ -255,8 +257,9 @@ emitPrimOp [] WriteMutVarOp [mutv,var]
-- #define sizzeofByteArrayzh(r,a) \
-- r = ((StgArrWords *)(a))->bytes
emitPrimOp [res] SizeofByteArrayOp [arg]
- = emit $
- mkAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg fixedHdrSize bWord)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emit $
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg (fixedHdrSize dflags) bWord)
-- #define sizzeofMutableByteArrayzh(r,a) \
-- r = ((StgArrWords *)(a))->bytes
@@ -270,18 +273,21 @@ emitPrimOp res@[] TouchOp args@[_arg]
-- #define byteArrayContentszh(r,a) r = BYTE_ARR_CTS(a)
emitPrimOp [res] ByteArrayContents_Char [arg]
- = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmOffsetB arg arrWordsHdrSize)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmOffsetB arg (arrWordsHdrSize dflags))
-- #define stableNameToIntzh(r,s) (r = ((StgStableName *)s)->sn)
emitPrimOp [res] StableNameToIntOp [arg]
- = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg fixedHdrSize bWord)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg (fixedHdrSize dflags) bWord)
-- #define eqStableNamezh(r,sn1,sn2) \
-- (r = (((StgStableName *)sn1)->sn == ((StgStableName *)sn2)->sn))
emitPrimOp [res] EqStableNameOp [arg1,arg2]
- = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp mo_wordEq [
- cmmLoadIndexW arg1 fixedHdrSize bWord,
- cmmLoadIndexW arg2 fixedHdrSize bWord
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp mo_wordEq [
+ cmmLoadIndexW arg1 (fixedHdrSize dflags) bWord,
+ cmmLoadIndexW arg2 (fixedHdrSize dflags) bWord
@@ -295,7 +301,8 @@ emitPrimOp [res] AddrToAnyOp [arg]
-- #define dataToTagzh(r,a) r=(GET_TAG(((StgClosure *)a)->
-- Note: argument may be tagged!
emitPrimOp [res] DataToTagOp [arg]
- = emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (getConstrTag (cmmUntag arg))
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (getConstrTag dflags (cmmUntag arg))
{- Freezing arrays-of-ptrs requires changing an info table, for the
benefit of the generational collector. It needs to scavenge mutable
@@ -358,7 +365,8 @@ emitPrimOp [] WriteArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray [obj,ix,v] = doWritePtrArrayO
emitPrimOp [] WriteArrayArrayOp_MutableArrayArray [obj,ix,v] = doWritePtrArrayOp obj ix v
emitPrimOp [res] SizeofArrayOp [arg]
- = emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg (fixedHdrSize + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs) bWord)
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW arg (fixedHdrSize dflags + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs) bWord)
emitPrimOp [res] SizeofMutableArrayOp [arg]
= emitPrimOp [res] SizeofArrayOp [arg]
emitPrimOp [res] SizeofArrayArrayOp [arg]
@@ -868,13 +876,15 @@ doIndexOffAddrOp _ _ _ _
doIndexByteArrayOp :: Maybe MachOp -> CmmType -> [LocalReg] -> [CmmExpr] -> FCode ()
doIndexByteArrayOp maybe_post_read_cast rep [res] [addr,idx]
- = mkBasicIndexedRead arrWordsHdrSize maybe_post_read_cast rep res addr idx
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedRead (arrWordsHdrSize dflags) maybe_post_read_cast rep res addr idx
doIndexByteArrayOp _ _ _ _
= panic "CgPrimOp: doIndexByteArrayOp"
doReadPtrArrayOp :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
doReadPtrArrayOp res addr idx
- = mkBasicIndexedRead arrPtrsHdrSize Nothing gcWord res addr idx
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedRead (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags) Nothing gcWord res addr idx
doWriteOffAddrOp :: Maybe MachOp -> [LocalReg] -> [CmmExpr] -> FCode ()
@@ -885,27 +895,29 @@ doWriteOffAddrOp _ _ _
doWriteByteArrayOp :: Maybe MachOp -> [LocalReg] -> [CmmExpr] -> FCode ()
doWriteByteArrayOp maybe_pre_write_cast [] [addr,idx,val]
- = mkBasicIndexedWrite arrWordsHdrSize maybe_pre_write_cast addr idx val
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedWrite (arrWordsHdrSize dflags) maybe_pre_write_cast addr idx val
doWriteByteArrayOp _ _ _
= panic "CgPrimOp: doWriteByteArrayOp"
doWritePtrArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
doWritePtrArrayOp addr idx val
- = do mkBasicIndexedWrite arrPtrsHdrSize Nothing addr idx val
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mkBasicIndexedWrite (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags) Nothing addr idx val
emit (setInfo addr (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
-- the write barrier. We must write a byte into the mark table:
-- bits8[a + header_size + StgMutArrPtrs_size(a) + x >> N]
emit $ mkStore (
- (cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB addr arrPtrsHdrSize)
- (loadArrPtrsSize addr))
+ (cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB addr (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags))
+ (loadArrPtrsSize dflags addr))
(CmmMachOp mo_wordUShr [idx,
) (CmmLit (CmmInt 1 W8))
-loadArrPtrsSize :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-loadArrPtrsSize addr = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB addr off) bWord
- where off = fixedHdrSize*wORD_SIZE + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs
+loadArrPtrsSize :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+loadArrPtrsSize dflags addr = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB addr off) bWord
+ where off = fixedHdrSize dflags * wORD_SIZE + oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs
mkBasicIndexedRead :: ByteOff -> Maybe MachOp -> CmmType
-> LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
@@ -976,8 +988,9 @@ emitCopyByteArray :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> FCode ()
emitCopyByteArray copy src src_off dst dst_off n = do
- dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB dst arrWordsHdrSize) dst_off
- src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB src arrWordsHdrSize) src_off
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB dst (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) dst_off
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB src (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) src_off
copy src dst dst_p src_p n
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -989,7 +1002,8 @@ emitCopyByteArray copy src src_off dst dst_off n = do
doSetByteArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> FCode ()
doSetByteArrayOp ba off len c
- = do p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB ba arrWordsHdrSize) off
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr (cmmOffsetB ba (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) off
emitMemsetCall p c len (CmmLit (mkIntCLit 1))
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1046,6 +1060,7 @@ emitCopyArray :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> FCode ()
emitCopyArray copy src0 src_off0 dst0 dst_off0 n0 = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
-- Passed as arguments (be careful)
src <- assignTempE src0
src_off <- assignTempE src_off0
@@ -1056,15 +1071,15 @@ emitCopyArray copy src0 src_off0 dst0 dst_off0 n0 = do
-- Set the dirty bit in the header.
emit (setInfo dst (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
- dst_elems_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetB dst arrPtrsHdrSize
+ dst_elems_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetB dst (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)
dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dst_elems_p dst_off
- src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB src arrPtrsHdrSize) src_off
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB src (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)) src_off
bytes <- assignTempE $ cmmMulWord n (CmmLit (mkIntCLit wORD_SIZE))
copy src dst dst_p src_p bytes
-- The base address of the destination card table
- dst_cards_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dst_elems_p (loadArrPtrsSize dst)
+ dst_cards_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dst_elems_p (loadArrPtrsSize dflags dst)
emitSetCards dst_off dst_cards_p n
@@ -1084,22 +1099,23 @@ emitCloneArray info_p res_r src0 src_off0 n0 = do
(CmmLit (mkIntCLit mUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS)))
`cmmAddWord` CmmLit (mkIntCLit 1)
size <- assignTempE $ n `cmmAddWord` card_words
- words <- assignTempE $ arrPtrsHdrSizeW `cmmAddWord` size
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ words <- assignTempE $ arrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags `cmmAddWord` size
arr_r <- newTemp bWord
emitAllocateCall arr_r myCapability words
- tickyAllocPrim (CmmLit (mkIntCLit arrPtrsHdrSize)) (n `cmmMulWord` wordSize)
+ tickyAllocPrim (CmmLit (mkIntCLit (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags))) (n `cmmMulWord` wordSize)
(CmmLit $ mkIntCLit 0)
let arr = CmmReg (CmmLocal arr_r)
emitSetDynHdr arr (CmmLit (CmmLabel info_p)) curCCS
- emit $ mkStore (cmmOffsetB arr (fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE +
+ emit $ mkStore (cmmOffsetB arr (fixedHdrSize dflags * wORD_SIZE +
oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs)) n
- emit $ mkStore (cmmOffsetB arr (fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE +
+ emit $ mkStore (cmmOffsetB arr (fixedHdrSize dflags * wORD_SIZE +
oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_size)) size
- dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetB arr arrPtrsHdrSize
- src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB src arrPtrsHdrSize)
+ dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetB arr (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW (cmmOffsetB src (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags))
emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (n `cmmMulWord` wordSize) (CmmLit (mkIntCLit wORD_SIZE))
@@ -1110,8 +1126,8 @@ emitCloneArray info_p res_r src0 src_off0 n0 = do
(CmmLit (mkIntCLit wORD_SIZE))
emit $ mkAssign (CmmLocal res_r) arr
- arrPtrsHdrSizeW = CmmLit $ mkIntCLit $ fixedHdrSize +
- (sIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs_NoHdr `div` wORD_SIZE)
+ arrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags = CmmLit $ mkIntCLit $ fixedHdrSize dflags +
+ (sIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs_NoHdr `div` wORD_SIZE)
wordSize = CmmLit (mkIntCLit wORD_SIZE)
myCapability = CmmReg baseReg `cmmSubWord`
CmmLit (mkIntCLit oFFSET_Capability_r)
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
index 9ff4d0be07..5031693cc5 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import CLabel
import qualified Module
import CostCentre
-import StaticFlags
+import DynFlags
import FastString
import Module
import Constants -- Lots of field offsets
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ costCentreFrom :: CmmExpr -- A closure pointer
-> CmmExpr -- The cost centre from that closure
costCentreFrom cl = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB cl oFFSET_StgHeader_ccs) ccsType
-staticProfHdr :: CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
+staticProfHdr :: DynFlags -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
-- The profiling header words in a static closure
-staticProfHdr ccs = ifProfilingL [mkCCostCentreStack ccs,
- staticLdvInit]
+staticProfHdr dflags ccs
+ = ifProfilingL dflags [mkCCostCentreStack ccs, staticLdvInit]
-dynProfHdr :: CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr]
+dynProfHdr :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr]
-- Profiling header words in a dynamic closure
-dynProfHdr ccs = ifProfilingL [ccs, dynLdvInit]
+dynProfHdr dflags ccs = ifProfilingL dflags [ccs, dynLdvInit]
initUpdFrameProf :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
-- Initialise the profiling field of an update frame
@@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ We want this kind of code:
saveCurrentCostCentre :: FCode (Maybe LocalReg)
-- Returns Nothing if profiling is off
- | not opt_SccProfilingOn
- = return Nothing
- | otherwise
- = do { local_cc <- newTemp ccType
- ; emitAssign (CmmLocal local_cc) curCCS
- ; return (Just local_cc) }
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
+ then return Nothing
+ else do local_cc <- newTemp ccType
+ emitAssign (CmmLocal local_cc) curCCS
+ return (Just local_cc)
restoreCurrentCostCentre :: Maybe LocalReg -> FCode ()
restoreCurrentCostCentre Nothing
@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ restoreCurrentCostCentre (Just local_cc)
profDynAlloc :: SMRep -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
profDynAlloc rep ccs
= ifProfiling $
- profAlloc (CmmLit (mkIntCLit (heapClosureSize rep))) ccs
+ do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ profAlloc (CmmLit (mkIntCLit (heapClosureSize dflags rep))) ccs
-- | Record the allocation of a closure (size is given by a CmmExpr)
-- The size must be in words, because the allocation counter in a CCS counts
@@ -170,15 +171,16 @@ profDynAlloc rep ccs
profAlloc :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
profAlloc words ccs
= ifProfiling $
- emit (addToMemE alloc_rep
- (cmmOffsetB ccs oFFSET_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc)
- (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv wordWidth (typeWidth alloc_rep)) $
- [CmmMachOp mo_wordSub [words,
- CmmLit (mkIntCLit profHdrSize)]]))
- -- subtract the "profiling overhead", which is the
- -- profiling header in a closure.
+ do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emit (addToMemE alloc_rep
+ (cmmOffsetB ccs oFFSET_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc)
+ (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv wordWidth (typeWidth alloc_rep)) $
+ [CmmMachOp mo_wordSub [words,
+ CmmLit (mkIntCLit (profHdrSize dflags))]]))
+ -- subtract the "profiling overhead", which is the
+ -- profiling header in a closure.
- alloc_rep = REP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc
+ alloc_rep = REP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Setting the current cost centre on entry to a closure
@@ -190,13 +192,15 @@ enterCostCentreThunk closure =
ifProfiling :: FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling code
- | opt_SccProfilingOn = code
- | otherwise = nopC
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
+ then code
+ else nopC
-ifProfilingL :: [a] -> [a]
-ifProfilingL xs
- | opt_SccProfilingOn = xs
- | otherwise = []
+ifProfilingL :: DynFlags -> [a] -> [a]
+ifProfilingL dflags xs
+ | dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags = xs
+ | otherwise = []
@@ -206,9 +210,10 @@ ifProfilingL xs
initCostCentres :: CollectedCCs -> FCode ()
-- Emit the declarations
initCostCentres (local_CCs, ___extern_CCs, singleton_CCSs)
- = whenC opt_SccProfilingOn $
- do { mapM_ emitCostCentreDecl local_CCs
- ; mapM_ emitCostCentreStackDecl singleton_CCSs }
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ whenC (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) $
+ do mapM_ emitCostCentreDecl local_CCs
+ mapM_ emitCostCentreStackDecl singleton_CCSs
emitCostCentreDecl :: CostCentre -> FCode ()
@@ -272,12 +277,13 @@ sizeof_ccs_words
emitSetCCC :: CostCentre -> Bool -> Bool -> FCode ()
emitSetCCC cc tick push
- | not opt_SccProfilingOn = nopC
- | otherwise = do
- tmp <- newTemp ccsType -- TODO FIXME NOW
- pushCostCentre tmp curCCS cc
- when tick $ emit (bumpSccCount (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
- when push $ emit (storeCurCCS (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if not (dopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
+ then nopC
+ else do tmp <- newTemp ccsType -- TODO FIXME NOW
+ pushCostCentre tmp curCCS cc
+ when tick $ emit (bumpSccCount (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
+ when push $ emit (storeCurCCS (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
pushCostCentre :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CostCentre -> FCode ()
pushCostCentre result ccs cc
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
index 698bf32709..ec8f674555 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ tickyDynAlloc rep lf
| otherwise -> return ()
-- will be needed when we fill in stubs
- _cl_size = heapClosureSize rep
+-- _cl_size = heapClosureSize rep
-- _slop_size = slopSize cl_info