path: root/compiler/coreSyn
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authorSamuel Bronson <>2006-11-01 00:36:49 +0000
committerSamuel Bronson <>2006-11-01 00:36:49 +0000
commite513c1cc1de895fed5796d16cb67525f4b581b2a (patch)
tree22bd9ef00c1d75bc4ee3dfd77da986fb6f264367 /compiler/coreSyn
parent2011e9b1cbe775094dc2fd7968a8175068dc0ee8 (diff)
Get External Core (-fext-core) working with readline
Had to add support for dynamic C calls and for foreign labels (Addr# constants). Actually I only did the printing side -- parsing is not done yet. But at least now you can build the libraries with -fext-core. I also got the function arrow to print out properly again (it was printing fully-qualified and z-coded!) I also added a field for calling convention name to the External data constructor in ExternalCore.Exp (for static C calls). I'm not exactly sure where to document all of this, so I haven't done that, though I did comment the code a bit.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/coreSyn')
3 files changed, 16 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/ExternalCore.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/ExternalCore.lhs
index c5035e2049..89b27125d6 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/ExternalCore.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/ExternalCore.lhs
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ data Exp
| Case Exp Vbind Ty [Alt] {- non-empty list -}
| Cast Exp Ty
| Note String Exp
- | External String Ty
+ | External String String Ty {- target name, convention, and type -}
+ | DynExternal String Ty {- convention and type (incl. Addr# of target as first arg) -}
+ | Label String
data Bind
= Vb Vbind
@@ -78,10 +80,10 @@ type Qual t = (Mname,t)
type Id = String
-primMname = "GHCziPrim"
+primMname = "base:GHC.Prim"
tcArrow :: Qual Tcon
-tcArrow = (primMname, "ZLzmzgZR")
+tcArrow = (primMname, "(->)")
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/MkExternalCore.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/MkExternalCore.lhs
index 467cff5baa..150ae16b18 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/MkExternalCore.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/MkExternalCore.lhs
@@ -105,10 +105,15 @@ make_exp (Var v) =
case globalIdDetails v of
-- a DataConId represents the Id of a worker, which is a varName. -- sof 4/02
-- DataConId _ -> C.Dcon (make_con_qid (Var.varName v))
- FCallId (CCall (CCallSpec (StaticTarget nm) _ _)) -> C.External (unpackFS nm) (make_ty (idType v))
- FCallId _ -> error "MkExternalCore died: can't handle non-static-C foreign call"
+ FCallId (CCall (CCallSpec (StaticTarget nm) callconv _))
+ -> C.External (unpackFS nm) (showSDoc (ppr callconv)) (make_ty (idType v))
+ FCallId (CCall (CCallSpec DynamicTarget callconv _))
+ -> C.DynExternal (showSDoc (ppr callconv)) (make_ty (idType v))
+ FCallId _
+ -> pprPanic "MkExternalCore died: can't handle non-{static,dynamic}-C foreign call"
+ (ppr v)
_ -> C.Var (make_var_qid (Var.varName v))
-make_exp (Lit (l@(MachLabel s _))) = error "MkExternalCore died: can't handle \"foreign label\" declarations"
+make_exp (Lit (l@(MachLabel s _))) = C.Label (unpackFS s)
make_exp (Lit l) = C.Lit (make_lit l)
make_exp (App e (Type t)) = C.Appt (make_exp e) (make_ty t)
make_exp (App e1 e2) = C.App (make_exp e1) (make_exp e2)
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/PprExternalCore.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/PprExternalCore.lhs
index fe29131499..502c26879a 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/PprExternalCore.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/PprExternalCore.lhs
@@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ pexp (Case e vb ty alts) = sep [text "%case" <+> parens (paty ty) <+> paexp e,
$$ (indent (braces (vcat (punctuate (char ';') (map palt alts)))))
pexp (Cast e co) = (text "%cast" <+> pexp e) $$ paty co
pexp (Note s e) = (text "%note" <+> pstring s) $$ pexp e
-pexp (External n t) = (text "%external" <+> pstring n) $$ paty t
+pexp (External n cc t) = (text "%external" <+> text cc <+> pstring n) $$ paty t
+pexp (DynExternal cc t) = (text "%dynexternal" <+> text cc) $$ paty t
+pexp (Label n) = (text "%label" <+> pstring n)
pexp e = pfexp e