path: root/compiler/coreSyn
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2017-04-26 16:57:15 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2017-04-28 09:55:07 +0100
commit25754c83c9be3bf843310b1c7877c42fa3f9f3c7 (patch)
tree4ac5750df24cf3297a81dcd060df0a5e15168bca /compiler/coreSyn
parent03ec7927f050c203a43843d95938ededf6d2c8f9 (diff)
Eta expansion and join points
CoreArity.etaExpand tried to deal with eta-expanding expressions with join points. For example let j x = e in \y. b But it is hard to eta-expand this in the "no-crap" way described in Note [No crap in eta-expanded code], becuase it would mean pushing the "apply to y" into the join RHS, and changing its type. And the join might be recursive, and it might have an unfolding. Moreover in elaborate cases like this I don't think we need the no-crap thing. So for now I'm simplifying the code by generating \z. (let j x = e in \y. b) z Let's see if that gives rise to any problems. See Note [Eta expansion for join points]
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/coreSyn')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs
index 3cf4743f56..17abfbeae4 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs
@@ -839,6 +839,33 @@ simplification but it's not too hard. The alernative, of relying on
a subsequent clean-up phase of the Simplifier to de-crapify the result,
means you can't really use it in CorePrep, which is painful.
+Note [Eta expansion for join points]
+The no-crap rule is very tiresome to guarantee when
+we have join points. Consider eta-expanding
+ let j :: Int -> Int -> Bool
+ j x = e
+ in b
+The simple way is
+ \(y::Int). (let j x = e in b) y
+The no-crap way is
+ \(y::Int). let j' :: Int -> Bool
+ j' x = e y
+ in b[j'/j] y
+where I have written to stress that j's type has
+changed. Note that (of course!) we have to push the application
+inside the RHS of the join as well as into the body. AND if j
+has an unfolding we have to push it into there too. AND j might
+be recursive...
+So for now I'm abandonig the no-crap rule in this case. I think
+that for the use in CorePrep it really doesn't matter; and if
+it does, then CoreToStg.myCollectArgs will fall over.
+(Moreover, I think that casts can make the no-crap rule fail too.)
Note [Eta expansion and SCCs]
Note that SCCs are not treated specially by etaExpand. If we have
@@ -912,11 +939,11 @@ etaExpand n orig_expr
sexpr = foldl App expr'' args
retick expr = foldr mkTick expr ticks
- -- Wrapper Unwrapper
+ -- Abstraction Application
-data EtaInfo = EtaVar Var -- /\a. [], [] a
- -- \x. [], [] x
- | EtaCo Coercion -- [] |> co, [] |> (sym co)
+data EtaInfo = EtaVar Var -- /\a. [] [] a
+ -- \x. [] [] x
+ | EtaCo Coercion -- [] |> sym co [] |> co
instance Outputable EtaInfo where
ppr (EtaVar v) = text "EtaVar" <+> ppr v
@@ -951,22 +978,21 @@ etaInfoApp subst (Cast e co1) eis
co' = CoreSubst.substCo subst co1
etaInfoApp subst (Case e b ty alts) eis
- = Case (subst_expr subst e) b1 (mk_alts_ty (CoreSubst.substTy subst ty) eis) alts'
+ = Case (subst_expr subst e) b1 ty' alts'
(subst1, b1) = substBndr subst b
alts' = map subst_alt alts
+ ty' = etaInfoAppTy (CoreSubst.substTy subst ty) eis
subst_alt (con, bs, rhs) = (con, bs', etaInfoApp subst2 rhs eis)
(subst2,bs') = substBndrs subst1 bs
- mk_alts_ty ty [] = ty
- mk_alts_ty ty (EtaVar v : eis) = mk_alts_ty (applyTypeToArg ty (varToCoreExpr v)) eis
- mk_alts_ty _ (EtaCo co : eis) = mk_alts_ty (pSnd (coercionKind co)) eis
etaInfoApp subst (Let b e) eis
+ | not (isJoinBind b)
+ -- See Note [Eta expansion for join points]
= Let b' (etaInfoApp subst' e eis)
- (subst', b') = etaInfoAppBind subst b eis
+ (subst', b') = substBindSC subst b
etaInfoApp subst (Tick t e) eis
= Tick (substTickish subst t) (etaInfoApp subst e eis)
@@ -984,93 +1010,14 @@ etaInfoApp subst e eis
go e (EtaVar v : eis) = go (App e (varToCoreExpr v)) eis
go e (EtaCo co : eis) = go (Cast e co) eis
--- | Apply the eta info to a local binding. Mostly delegates to
--- `etaInfoAppLocalBndr` and `etaInfoAppRhs`.
-etaInfoAppBind :: Subst -> CoreBind -> [EtaInfo] -> (Subst, CoreBind)
-etaInfoAppBind subst (NonRec bndr rhs) eis
- = (subst', NonRec bndr' rhs')
- where
- bndr_w_new_type = etaInfoAppLocalBndr bndr eis
- (subst', bndr1) = substBndr subst bndr_w_new_type
- rhs' = etaInfoAppRhs subst bndr1 rhs eis
- bndr' | isJoinId bndr = bndr1 `setIdArity` manifestArity rhs'
- -- Arity may have changed
- -- (see etaInfoAppRhs example)
- | otherwise = bndr1
-etaInfoAppBind subst (Rec pairs) eis
- = (subst', Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss'))
- where
- (bndrs, rhss) = unzip pairs
- bndrs_w_new_types = map (\bndr -> etaInfoAppLocalBndr bndr eis) bndrs
- (subst', bndrs1) = substRecBndrs subst bndrs_w_new_types
- rhss' = zipWith process bndrs1 rhss
- process bndr' rhs = etaInfoAppRhs subst' bndr' rhs eis
- bndrs' | isJoinId (head bndrs)
- = [ bndr1 `setIdArity` manifestArity rhs'
- | (bndr1, rhs') <- bndrs1 `zip` rhss' ]
- -- Arities may have changed
- -- (see etaInfoAppRhs example)
- | otherwise
- = bndrs1
--- | Apply the eta info to a binder's RHS. Only interesting for a join point,
--- where we might have this:
--- join j :: a -> [a] -> [a]
--- j x = \xs -> x : xs in jump j z
--- Eta-expanding produces this:
--- \ys -> (join j :: a -> [a] -> [a]
--- j x = \xs -> x : xs in jump j z) ys
--- Now when we push the application to ys inward (see Note [No crap in
--- eta-expanded code]), it goes to the body of the RHS of the join point (after
--- the lambda x!):
--- \ys -> join j :: a -> [a]
--- j x = x : ys in jump j z
--- Note that the type and arity of j have both changed.
-etaInfoAppRhs :: Subst -> CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> [EtaInfo] -> CoreExpr
-etaInfoAppRhs subst bndr expr eis
- | Just arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
- = do_join_point arity
- | otherwise
- = subst_expr subst expr
- where
- do_join_point arity = mkLams join_bndrs' join_body'
- where
- (join_bndrs, join_body) = collectNBinders arity expr
- (subst', join_bndrs') = substBndrs subst join_bndrs
- join_body' = etaInfoApp subst' join_body eis
--- | Apply the eta info to a local binder. A join point will have the EtaInfos
--- applied to its RHS, so its type may change. See comment on etaInfoAppRhs for
--- an example. See Note [No crap in eta-expanded code] for why all this is
--- necessary.
-etaInfoAppLocalBndr :: CoreBndr -> [EtaInfo] -> CoreBndr
-etaInfoAppLocalBndr bndr orig_eis
- = case isJoinId_maybe bndr of
- Just arity -> bndr `setIdType` modifyJoinResTy arity (app orig_eis) ty
- Nothing -> bndr
- where
- ty = idType bndr
- -- | Apply the given EtaInfos to the result type of the join point.
- app :: [EtaInfo] -- To apply
- -> Type -- Result type of join point
- -> Type -- New result type
- app [] ty
- = ty
- app (EtaVar v : eis) ty
- | isId v = app eis (funResultTy ty)
- | otherwise = app eis (piResultTy ty (mkTyVarTy v))
- app (EtaCo co : eis) ty
- = ASSERT2(from_ty `eqType` ty, fsep ([text "can't apply", ppr orig_eis,
- text "to", ppr bndr <+> dcolon <+>
- ppr (idType bndr)]))
- app eis to_ty
- where
- Pair from_ty to_ty = coercionKind co
+etaInfoAppTy :: Type -> [EtaInfo] -> Type
+-- If e :: ty
+-- then etaInfoApp e eis :: etaInfoApp ty eis
+etaInfoAppTy ty [] = ty
+etaInfoAppTy ty (EtaVar v : eis) = etaInfoAppTy (applyTypeToArg ty (varToCoreExpr v)) eis
+etaInfoAppTy _ (EtaCo co : eis) = etaInfoAppTy (pSnd (coercionKind co)) eis
mkEtaWW :: Arity -> CoreExpr -> InScopeSet -> Type
@@ -1110,7 +1057,7 @@ mkEtaWW orig_n orig_expr in_scope orig_ty
-- eta_expand 1 e T
-- We want to get
-- coerce T (\x::[T] -> (coerce ([T]->Int) e) x)
- go n subst ty' (EtaCo co : eis)
+ go n subst ty' (pushCoercion co eis)
| otherwise -- We have an expression of arity > 0,
-- but its type isn't a function, or a binder