path: root/compiler/coreSyn
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authorTobias Dammers <>2018-04-20 09:11:14 -0400
committerBen Gamari <>2018-04-20 10:29:13 -0400
commit2fbe0b5171fd5639845b630faccb9a0c3b564df7 (patch)
treefb8a7c9ff68b5b8aa7e0bdf546784c3bd2ee9a31 /compiler/coreSyn
parentb41a42e3dc0c428344c553e195b7dc91272de21e (diff)
Caching coercion roles in NthCo and coercionKindsRole refactoring
While addressing nonlinear behavior related to coercion roles, particularly `NthCo`, we noticed that coercion roles are recalculated often even though they should be readily at hand already in most cases. This patch adds a `Role` to the `NthCo` constructor so that we can cache them rather than having to recalculate them on the fly. explains the approach. Performance improvement over GHC HEAD, when compiling Grammar.hs (see below): GHC 8.2.1: ``` ghc Grammar.hs 176.27s user 0.23s system 99% cpu 2:56.81 total ``` before patch (but with other optimizations applied): ``` ghc Grammar.hs -fforce-recomp 175.77s user 0.19s system 100% cpu 2:55.78 total ``` after: ``` ../../ghc/inplace/bin/ghc-stage2 Grammar.hs 10.32s user 0.17s system 98% cpu 10.678 total ``` Introduces the following regressions: - perf/compiler/parsing001 (possibly false positive) - perf/compiler/T9872 - perf/compiler/haddock.base Reviewers: goldfire, bgamari, simonpj Reviewed By: simonpj Subscribers: rwbarton, thomie, carter GHC Trac Issues: #11735 Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/coreSyn')
4 files changed, 19 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreFVs.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreFVs.hs
index 7fcff90c71..7e7727164c 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreFVs.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreFVs.hs
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ orphNamesOfCo (AxiomInstCo con _ cos) = orphNamesOfCoCon con `unionNameSet` orph
orphNamesOfCo (UnivCo p _ t1 t2) = orphNamesOfProv p `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfType t1 `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfType t2
orphNamesOfCo (SymCo co) = orphNamesOfCo co
orphNamesOfCo (TransCo co1 co2) = orphNamesOfCo co1 `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfCo co2
-orphNamesOfCo (NthCo _ co) = orphNamesOfCo co
+orphNamesOfCo (NthCo _ _ co) = orphNamesOfCo co
orphNamesOfCo (LRCo _ co) = orphNamesOfCo co
orphNamesOfCo (InstCo co arg) = orphNamesOfCo co `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfCo arg
orphNamesOfCo (CoherenceCo co1 co2) = orphNamesOfCo co1 `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfCo co2
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.hs
index 812e1ed281..e8319aed33 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.hs
@@ -1759,12 +1759,13 @@ lintCoercion co@(TransCo co1 co2)
; lintRole co r1 r2
; return (k1a, k2b, ty1a, ty2b, r1) }
-lintCoercion the_co@(NthCo n co)
+lintCoercion the_co@(NthCo r0 n co)
= do { (_, _, s, t, r) <- lintCoercion co
; case (splitForAllTy_maybe s, splitForAllTy_maybe t) of
{ (Just (tv_s, _ty_s), Just (tv_t, _ty_t))
| n == 0
- -> return (ks, kt, ts, tt, Nominal)
+ -> do { lintRole the_co Nominal r0
+ ; return (ks, kt, ts, tt, r0) }
ts = tyVarKind tv_s
tt = tyVarKind tv_t
@@ -1778,7 +1779,8 @@ lintCoercion the_co@(NthCo n co)
-- see Note [NthCo and newtypes] in TyCoRep
, tys_s `equalLength` tys_t
, tys_s `lengthExceeds` n
- -> return (ks, kt, ts, tt, tr)
+ -> do { lintRole the_co tr r0
+ ; return (ks, kt, ts, tt, r0) }
ts = getNth tys_s n
tt = getNth tys_t n
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreOpt.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreOpt.hs
index 42cc706bff..372c2ea5aa 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreOpt.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreOpt.hs
@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ Here we implement the "push rules" from FC papers:
by pushing the coercion into the arguments
-pushCoArgs :: Coercion -> [CoreArg] -> Maybe ([CoreArg], Maybe Coercion)
+pushCoArgs :: CoercionR -> [CoreArg] -> Maybe ([CoreArg], Maybe Coercion)
pushCoArgs co [] = return ([], Just co)
pushCoArgs co (arg:args) = do { (arg', m_co1) <- pushCoArg co arg
; case m_co1 of
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ pushCoArgs co (arg:args) = do { (arg', m_co1) <- pushCoArg co arg
; return (arg':args', m_co2) }
Nothing -> return (arg':args, Nothing) }
-pushCoArg :: Coercion -> CoreArg -> Maybe (CoreArg, Maybe Coercion)
+pushCoArg :: CoercionR -> CoreArg -> Maybe (CoreArg, Maybe Coercion)
-- We have (fun |> co) arg, and we want to transform it to
-- (fun arg) |> co
-- This may fail, e.g. if (fun :: N) where N is a newtype
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ pushCoTyArg co ty
-- tyL = forall (a1 :: k1). ty1
-- tyR = forall (a2 :: k2). ty2
- co1 = mkNthCo 0 co
+ co1 = mkNthCo Nominal 0 co
-- co1 :: k1 ~N k2
-- Note that NthCo can extract a Nominal equality between the
-- kinds of the types related by a coercion between forall-types.
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ pushCoTyArg co ty
-- co2 :: ty1[ (ty|>co1)/a1 ] ~ ty2[ ty/a2 ]
-- Arg of mkInstCo is always nominal, hence mkNomReflCo
-pushCoValArg :: Coercion -> Maybe (Coercion, Maybe Coercion)
+pushCoValArg :: CoercionR -> Maybe (Coercion, Maybe Coercion)
-- We have (fun |> co) arg
-- Push the coercion through to return
-- (fun (arg |> co_arg)) |> co_res
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ pushCoValArg co
= Just (mkRepReflCo arg, Nothing)
| isFunTy tyL
- , (co1, co2) <- decomposeFunCo co
+ , (co1, co2) <- decomposeFunCo Representational co
-- If co :: (tyL1 -> tyL2) ~ (tyR1 -> tyR2)
-- then co1 :: tyL1 ~ tyR1
-- co2 :: tyL2 ~ tyR2
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ pushCoValArg co
Pair tyL tyR = coercionKind co
- :: InScopeSet -> Var -> CoreExpr -> Coercion -> Maybe (Var, CoreExpr)
+ :: InScopeSet -> Var -> CoreExpr -> CoercionR -> Maybe (Var, CoreExpr)
-- This implements the Push rule from the paper on coercions
-- (\x. e) |> co
-- ===>
@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ pushCoercionIntoLambda in_scope x e co
, Pair s1s2 t1t2 <- coercionKind co
, Just (_s1,_s2) <- splitFunTy_maybe s1s2
, Just (t1,_t2) <- splitFunTy_maybe t1t2
- = let (co1, co2) = decomposeFunCo co
+ = let (co1, co2) = decomposeFunCo Representational co
-- Should we optimize the coercions here?
-- Otherwise they might not match too well
x' = x `setIdType` t1
@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ pushCoDataCon dc dc_args co
(ex_args, val_args) = splitAtList dc_ex_tyvars non_univ_args
-- Make the "Psi" from the paper
- omegas = decomposeCo tc_arity co
+ omegas = decomposeCo tc_arity co (tyConRolesRepresentational to_tc)
(psi_subst, to_ex_arg_tys)
= liftCoSubstWithEx Representational
@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ collectBindersPushingCo e
go bs e = (reverse bs, e)
-- We are in a cast; peel off casts until we hit a lambda.
- go_c :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> Coercion -> ([Var], CoreExpr)
+ go_c :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> CoercionR -> ([Var], CoreExpr)
-- (go_c bs e c) is same as (go bs e (e |> c))
go_c bs (Cast e co1) co2 = go_c bs e (co1 `mkTransCo` co2)
go_c bs (Lam b e) co = go_lam bs b e co
@@ -1120,20 +1120,20 @@ collectBindersPushingCo e
-- We are in a lambda under a cast; peel off lambdas and build a
-- new coercion for the body.
- go_lam :: [Var] -> Var -> CoreExpr -> Coercion -> ([Var], CoreExpr)
+ go_lam :: [Var] -> Var -> CoreExpr -> CoercionR -> ([Var], CoreExpr)
-- (go_lam bs b e c) is same as (go_c bs (\b.e) c)
go_lam bs b e co
| isTyVar b
, let Pair tyL tyR = coercionKind co
, ASSERT( isForAllTy tyL )
isForAllTy tyR
- , isReflCo (mkNthCo 0 co) -- See Note [collectBindersPushingCo]
+ , isReflCo (mkNthCo Nominal 0 co) -- See Note [collectBindersPushingCo]
= go_c (b:bs) e (mkInstCo co (mkNomReflCo (mkTyVarTy b)))
| isId b
, let Pair tyL tyR = coercionKind co
, ASSERT( isFunTy tyL) isFunTy tyR
- , (co_arg, co_res) <- decomposeFunCo co
+ , (co_arg, co_res) <- decomposeFunCo Representational co
, isReflCo co_arg -- See Note [collectBindersPushingCo]
= go_c (b:bs) e co_res
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
index 3c5cb3455e..4137c1c850 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ applyTypeToArgs e op_ty args
-- | Wrap the given expression in the coercion safely, dropping
-- identity coercions and coalescing nested coercions
-mkCast :: CoreExpr -> Coercion -> CoreExpr
+mkCast :: CoreExpr -> CoercionR -> CoreExpr
mkCast e co
| ASSERT2( coercionRole co == Representational
, text "coercion" <+> ppr co <+> ptext (sLit "passed to mkCast")