path: root/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
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authorAustin Seipp <>2014-12-03 12:46:28 -0600
committerAustin Seipp <>2014-12-03 13:52:28 -0600
commit4d5f83a8dcf1f1125863a8fb4f847d78766f1617 (patch)
tree40aa811220bf9260c60d7ff513c08f774597db6e /compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
parentb57ff272257bba8945b4c9409585b6a1d3bed21b (diff)
compiler: de-lhs deSugar/
Signed-off-by: Austin Seipp <>
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/Check.hs')
1 files changed, 773 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7284db3bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1997-1998
+Author: Juan J. Quintela <>
+module Check ( check , ExhaustivePat ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import HsSyn
+import TcHsSyn
+import DsUtils
+import MatchLit
+import Id
+import ConLike
+import DataCon
+import PatSyn
+import Name
+import TysWiredIn
+import PrelNames
+import TyCon
+import SrcLoc
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+import BasicTypes
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+This module performs checks about if one list of equations are:
+\item Overlapped
+\item Non exhaustive
+To discover that we go through the list of equations in a tree-like fashion.
+If you like theory, a similar algorithm is described in:
+ {\em Two Techniques for Compiling Lazy Pattern Matching},
+ Luc Maranguet,
+ INRIA Rocquencourt (RR-2385, 1994)
+The algorithm is based on the first technique, but there are some differences:
+\item We don't generate code
+\item We have constructors and literals (not only literals as in the
+ article)
+\item We don't use directions, we must select the columns from
+ left-to-right
+(By the way the second technique is really similar to the one used in
+ @Match.lhs@ to generate code)
+This function takes the equations of a pattern and returns:
+\item The patterns that are not recognized
+\item The equations that are not overlapped
+It simplify the patterns and then call @check'@ (the same semantics), and it
+needs to reconstruct the patterns again ....
+The problem appear with things like:
+ f [x,y] = ....
+ f (x:xs) = .....
+We want to put the two patterns with the same syntax, (prefix form) and
+then all the constructors are equal:
+ f (: x (: y [])) = ....
+ f (: x xs) = .....
+(more about that in @tidy_eqns@)
+We would prefer to have a @WarningPat@ of type @String@, but Strings and the
+Pretty Printer are not friends.
+We use @InPat@ in @WarningPat@ instead of @OutPat@
+because we need to print the
+warning messages in the same way they are introduced, i.e. if the user
+ f [x,y] = ..
+He don't want a warning message written:
+ f (: x (: y [])) ........
+Then we need to use InPats.
+ Juan Quintela 5 JUL 1998\\
+ User-friendliness and compiler writers are no friends.
+type WarningPat = InPat Name
+type ExhaustivePat = ([WarningPat], [(Name, [HsLit])])
+type EqnNo = Int
+type EqnSet = UniqSet EqnNo
+check :: [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat], [EquationInfo])
+ -- Second result is the shadowed equations
+ -- if there are view patterns, just give up - don't know what the function is
+check qs = (untidy_warns, shadowed_eqns)
+ where
+ tidy_qs = map tidy_eqn qs
+ (warns, used_nos) = check' ([1..] `zip` tidy_qs)
+ untidy_warns = map untidy_exhaustive warns
+ shadowed_eqns = [eqn | (eqn,i) <- qs `zip` [1..],
+ not (i `elementOfUniqSet` used_nos)]
+untidy_exhaustive :: ExhaustivePat -> ExhaustivePat
+untidy_exhaustive ([pat], messages) =
+ ([untidy_no_pars pat], map untidy_message messages)
+untidy_exhaustive (pats, messages) =
+ (map untidy_pars pats, map untidy_message messages)
+untidy_message :: (Name, [HsLit]) -> (Name, [HsLit])
+untidy_message (string, lits) = (string, map untidy_lit lits)
+-- The function @untidy@ does the reverse work of the @tidy_pat@ function.
+type NeedPars = Bool
+untidy_no_pars :: WarningPat -> WarningPat
+untidy_no_pars p = untidy False p
+untidy_pars :: WarningPat -> WarningPat
+untidy_pars p = untidy True p
+untidy :: NeedPars -> WarningPat -> WarningPat
+untidy b (L loc p) = L loc (untidy' b p)
+ where
+ untidy' _ p@(WildPat _) = p
+ untidy' _ p@(VarPat _) = p
+ untidy' _ (LitPat lit) = LitPat (untidy_lit lit)
+ untidy' _ p@(ConPatIn _ (PrefixCon [])) = p
+ untidy' b (ConPatIn name ps) = pars b (L loc (ConPatIn name (untidy_con ps)))
+ untidy' _ (ListPat pats ty Nothing) = ListPat (map untidy_no_pars pats) ty Nothing
+ untidy' _ (TuplePat pats box tys) = TuplePat (map untidy_no_pars pats) box tys
+ untidy' _ (ListPat _ _ (Just _)) = panic "Check.untidy: Overloaded ListPat"
+ untidy' _ (PArrPat _ _) = panic "Check.untidy: Shouldn't get a parallel array here!"
+ untidy' _ (SigPatIn _ _) = panic "Check.untidy: SigPat"
+ untidy' _ (LazyPat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: LazyPat"
+ untidy' _ (AsPat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: AsPat"
+ untidy' _ (ParPat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: ParPat"
+ untidy' _ (BangPat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: BangPat"
+ untidy' _ (ConPatOut {}) = panic "Check.untidy: ConPatOut"
+ untidy' _ (ViewPat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: ViewPat"
+ untidy' _ (SplicePat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: SplicePat"
+ untidy' _ (QuasiQuotePat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: QuasiQuotePat"
+ untidy' _ (NPat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: NPat"
+ untidy' _ (NPlusKPat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: NPlusKPat"
+ untidy' _ (SigPatOut {}) = panic "Check.untidy: SigPatOut"
+ untidy' _ (CoPat {}) = panic "Check.untidy: CoPat"
+untidy_con :: HsConPatDetails Name -> HsConPatDetails Name
+untidy_con (PrefixCon pats) = PrefixCon (map untidy_pars pats)
+untidy_con (InfixCon p1 p2) = InfixCon (untidy_pars p1) (untidy_pars p2)
+untidy_con (RecCon (HsRecFields flds dd))
+ = RecCon (HsRecFields [ L l (fld { hsRecFieldArg
+ = untidy_pars (hsRecFieldArg fld) })
+ | L l fld <- flds ] dd)
+pars :: NeedPars -> WarningPat -> Pat Name
+pars True p = ParPat p
+pars _ p = unLoc p
+untidy_lit :: HsLit -> HsLit
+untidy_lit (HsCharPrim src c) = HsChar src c
+untidy_lit lit = lit
+This equation is the same that check, the only difference is that the
+boring work is done, that work needs to be done only once, this is
+the reason top have two functions, check is the external interface,
+@check'@ is called recursively.
+There are several cases:
+\item There are no equations: Everything is OK.
+\item There are only one equation, that can fail, and all the patterns are
+ variables. Then that equation is used and the same equation is
+ non-exhaustive.
+\item All the patterns are variables, and the match can fail, there are
+ more equations then the results is the result of the rest of equations
+ and this equation is used also.
+\item The general case, if all the patterns are variables (here the match
+ can't fail) then the result is that this equation is used and this
+ equation doesn't generate non-exhaustive cases.
+\item In the general case, there can exist literals ,constructors or only
+ vars in the first column, we actuate in consequence.
+check' :: [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)]
+ -> ([ExhaustivePat], -- Pattern scheme that might not be matched at all
+ EqnSet) -- Eqns that are used (others are overlapped)
+check' [] = ([],emptyUniqSet)
+ -- Was ([([],[])], emptyUniqSet)
+ -- But that (a) seems weird, and (b) triggered Trac #7669
+ -- So now I'm just doing the simple obvious thing
+check' ((n, EqnInfo { eqn_pats = ps, eqn_rhs = MatchResult can_fail _ }) : rs)
+ | first_eqn_all_vars && case can_fail of { CantFail -> True; CanFail -> False }
+ = ([], unitUniqSet n) -- One eqn, which can't fail
+ | first_eqn_all_vars && null rs -- One eqn, but it can fail
+ = ([(takeList ps (repeat nlWildPatName),[])], unitUniqSet n)
+ | first_eqn_all_vars -- Several eqns, first can fail
+ = (pats, addOneToUniqSet indexs n)
+ where
+ first_eqn_all_vars = all_vars ps
+ (pats,indexs) = check' rs
+check' qs
+ | some_literals = split_by_literals qs
+ | some_constructors = split_by_constructor qs
+ | only_vars = first_column_only_vars qs
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "Check.check': Not implemented :-(" (ppr first_pats)
+ -- Shouldn't happen
+ where
+ -- Note: RecPats will have been simplified to ConPats
+ -- at this stage.
+ first_pats = ASSERT2( okGroup qs, pprGroup qs ) map firstPatN qs
+ some_constructors = any is_con first_pats
+ some_literals = any is_lit first_pats
+ only_vars = all is_var first_pats
+Here begins the code to deal with literals, we need to split the matrix
+in different matrix beginning by each literal and a last matrix with the
+rest of values.
+split_by_literals :: [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> ([ExhaustivePat], EqnSet)
+split_by_literals qs = process_literals used_lits qs
+ where
+ used_lits = get_used_lits qs
+@process_explicit_literals@ is a function that process each literal that appears
+in the column of the matrix.
+process_explicit_literals :: [HsLit] -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+process_explicit_literals lits qs = (concat pats, unionManyUniqSets indexs)
+ where
+ pats_indexs = map (\x -> construct_literal_matrix x qs) lits
+ (pats,indexs) = unzip pats_indexs
+@process_literals@ calls @process_explicit_literals@ to deal with the literals
+that appears in the matrix and deal also with the rest of the cases. It
+must be one Variable to be complete.
+process_literals :: [HsLit] -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+process_literals used_lits qs
+ | null default_eqns = ASSERT( not (null qs) ) ([make_row_vars used_lits (head qs)] ++ pats,indexs)
+ | otherwise = (pats_default,indexs_default)
+ where
+ (pats,indexs) = process_explicit_literals used_lits qs
+ default_eqns = ASSERT2( okGroup qs, pprGroup qs )
+ [remove_var q | q <- qs, is_var (firstPatN q)]
+ (pats',indexs') = check' default_eqns
+ pats_default = [(nlWildPatName:ps,constraints) |
+ (ps,constraints) <- (pats')] ++ pats
+ indexs_default = unionUniqSets indexs' indexs
+Here we have selected the literal and we will select all the equations that
+begins for that literal and create a new matrix.
+construct_literal_matrix :: HsLit -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+construct_literal_matrix lit qs =
+ (map (\ (xs,ys) -> (new_lit:xs,ys)) pats,indexs)
+ where
+ (pats,indexs) = (check' (remove_first_column_lit lit qs))
+ new_lit = nlLitPat lit
+remove_first_column_lit :: HsLit
+ -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)]
+ -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)]
+remove_first_column_lit lit qs
+ = ASSERT2( okGroup qs, pprGroup qs )
+ [(n, shift_pat eqn) | q@(n,eqn) <- qs, is_var_lit lit (firstPatN q)]
+ where
+ shift_pat eqn@(EqnInfo { eqn_pats = _:ps}) = eqn { eqn_pats = ps }
+ shift_pat _ = panic "Check.shift_var: no patterns"
+This function splits the equations @qs@ in groups that deal with the
+same constructor.
+split_by_constructor :: [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> ([ExhaustivePat], EqnSet)
+split_by_constructor qs
+ | null used_cons = ([], mkUniqSet $ map fst qs)
+ | notNull unused_cons = need_default_case used_cons unused_cons qs
+ | otherwise = no_need_default_case used_cons qs
+ where
+ used_cons = get_used_cons qs
+ unused_cons = get_unused_cons used_cons
+The first column of the patterns matrix only have vars, then there is
+nothing to do.
+first_column_only_vars :: [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+first_column_only_vars qs
+ = (map (\ (xs,ys) -> (nlWildPatName:xs,ys)) pats,indexs)
+ where
+ (pats, indexs) = check' (map remove_var qs)
+This equation takes a matrix of patterns and split the equations by
+constructor, using all the constructors that appears in the first column
+of the pattern matching.
+We can need a default clause or not ...., it depends if we used all the
+constructors or not explicitly. The reasoning is similar to @process_literals@,
+the difference is that here the default case is not always needed.
+no_need_default_case :: [Pat Id] -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+no_need_default_case cons qs = (concat pats, unionManyUniqSets indexs)
+ where
+ pats_indexs = map (\x -> construct_matrix x qs) cons
+ (pats,indexs) = unzip pats_indexs
+need_default_case :: [Pat Id] -> [DataCon] -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+need_default_case used_cons unused_cons qs
+ | null default_eqns = (pats_default_no_eqns,indexs)
+ | otherwise = (pats_default,indexs_default)
+ where
+ (pats,indexs) = no_need_default_case used_cons qs
+ default_eqns = ASSERT2( okGroup qs, pprGroup qs )
+ [remove_var q | q <- qs, is_var (firstPatN q)]
+ (pats',indexs') = check' default_eqns
+ pats_default = [(make_whole_con c:ps,constraints) |
+ c <- unused_cons, (ps,constraints) <- pats'] ++ pats
+ new_wilds = ASSERT( not (null qs) ) make_row_vars_for_constructor (head qs)
+ pats_default_no_eqns = [(make_whole_con c:new_wilds,[]) | c <- unused_cons] ++ pats
+ indexs_default = unionUniqSets indexs' indexs
+construct_matrix :: Pat Id -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+construct_matrix con qs =
+ (map (make_con con) pats,indexs)
+ where
+ (pats,indexs) = (check' (remove_first_column con qs))
+Here remove first column is more difficult that with literals due to the fact
+that constructors can have arguments.
+For instance, the matrix
+ (: x xs) y
+ z y
+is transformed in:
+ x xs y
+ _ _ y
+remove_first_column :: Pat Id -- Constructor
+ -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)]
+ -> [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)]
+remove_first_column (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ con, pat_args = PrefixCon con_pats }) qs
+ = ASSERT2( okGroup qs, pprGroup qs )
+ [(n, shift_var eqn) | q@(n, eqn) <- qs, is_var_con con (firstPatN q)]
+ where
+ new_wilds = [WildPat (hsLPatType arg_pat) | arg_pat <- con_pats]
+ shift_var eqn@(EqnInfo { eqn_pats = ConPatOut{ pat_args = PrefixCon ps' } : ps})
+ = eqn { eqn_pats = map unLoc ps' ++ ps }
+ shift_var eqn@(EqnInfo { eqn_pats = WildPat _ : ps })
+ = eqn { eqn_pats = new_wilds ++ ps }
+ shift_var _ = panic "Check.Shift_var:No done"
+remove_first_column _ _ = panic "Check.remove_first_column: Not ConPatOut"
+make_row_vars :: [HsLit] -> (EqnNo, EquationInfo) -> ExhaustivePat
+make_row_vars used_lits (_, EqnInfo { eqn_pats = pats})
+ = (nlVarPat new_var:takeList (tail pats) (repeat nlWildPatName)
+ ,[(new_var,used_lits)])
+ where
+ new_var = hash_x
+hash_x :: Name
+hash_x = mkInternalName unboundKey {- doesn't matter much -}
+ (mkVarOccFS (fsLit "#x"))
+ noSrcSpan
+make_row_vars_for_constructor :: (EqnNo, EquationInfo) -> [WarningPat]
+make_row_vars_for_constructor (_, EqnInfo { eqn_pats = pats})
+ = takeList (tail pats) (repeat nlWildPatName)
+compare_cons :: Pat Id -> Pat Id -> Bool
+compare_cons (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ con1 }) (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ con2 })
+ = case (con1, con2) of
+ (RealDataCon id1, RealDataCon id2) -> id1 == id2
+ _ -> False
+compare_cons _ _ = panic "Check.compare_cons: Not ConPatOut with RealDataCon"
+remove_dups :: [Pat Id] -> [Pat Id]
+remove_dups [] = []
+remove_dups (x:xs) | any (\y -> compare_cons x y) xs = remove_dups xs
+ | otherwise = x : remove_dups xs
+get_used_cons :: [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> [Pat Id]
+get_used_cons qs = remove_dups [pat | q <- qs, let pat = firstPatN q,
+ isConPatOut pat]
+isConPatOut :: Pat Id -> Bool
+isConPatOut ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ RealDataCon{} } = True
+isConPatOut _ = False
+remove_dups' :: [HsLit] -> [HsLit]
+remove_dups' [] = []
+remove_dups' (x:xs) | x `elem` xs = remove_dups' xs
+ | otherwise = x : remove_dups' xs
+get_used_lits :: [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> [HsLit]
+get_used_lits qs = remove_dups' all_literals
+ where
+ all_literals = get_used_lits' qs
+get_used_lits' :: [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> [HsLit]
+get_used_lits' [] = []
+get_used_lits' (q:qs)
+ | Just lit <- get_lit (firstPatN q) = lit : get_used_lits' qs
+ | otherwise = get_used_lits qs
+get_lit :: Pat id -> Maybe HsLit
+-- Get a representative HsLit to stand for the OverLit
+-- It doesn't matter which one, because they will only be compared
+-- with other HsLits gotten in the same way
+get_lit (LitPat lit) = Just lit
+get_lit (NPat (OverLit { ol_val = HsIntegral src i}) mb _)
+ = Just (HsIntPrim src (mb_neg negate mb i))
+get_lit (NPat (OverLit { ol_val = HsFractional f }) mb _)
+ = Just (HsFloatPrim (mb_neg negateFractionalLit mb f))
+get_lit (NPat (OverLit { ol_val = HsIsString src s }) _ _)
+ = Just (HsStringPrim src (fastStringToByteString s))
+get_lit _ = Nothing
+mb_neg :: (a -> a) -> Maybe b -> a -> a
+mb_neg _ Nothing v = v
+mb_neg negate (Just _) v = negate v
+get_unused_cons :: [Pat Id] -> [DataCon]
+get_unused_cons used_cons = ASSERT( not (null used_cons) ) unused_cons
+ where
+ used_set :: UniqSet DataCon
+ used_set = mkUniqSet [d | ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon d) } <- used_cons]
+ (ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon con1), pat_arg_tys = inst_tys }) = head used_cons
+ ty_con = dataConTyCon con1
+ unused_cons = filterOut is_used (tyConDataCons ty_con)
+ is_used con = con `elementOfUniqSet` used_set
+ || dataConCannotMatch inst_tys con
+all_vars :: [Pat Id] -> Bool
+all_vars [] = True
+all_vars (WildPat _:ps) = all_vars ps
+all_vars _ = False
+remove_var :: (EqnNo, EquationInfo) -> (EqnNo, EquationInfo)
+remove_var (n, eqn@(EqnInfo { eqn_pats = WildPat _ : ps})) = (n, eqn { eqn_pats = ps })
+remove_var _ = panic "Check.remove_var: equation does not begin with a variable"
+eqnPats :: (EqnNo, EquationInfo) -> [Pat Id]
+eqnPats (_, eqn) = eqn_pats eqn
+okGroup :: [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> Bool
+-- True if all equations have at least one pattern, and
+-- all have the same number of patterns
+okGroup [] = True
+okGroup (e:es) = n_pats > 0 && and [length (eqnPats e) == n_pats | e <- es]
+ where
+ n_pats = length (eqnPats e)
+-- Half-baked print
+pprGroup :: [(EqnNo, EquationInfo)] -> SDoc
+pprEqnInfo :: (EqnNo, EquationInfo) -> SDoc
+pprGroup es = vcat (map pprEqnInfo es)
+pprEqnInfo e = ppr (eqnPats e)
+firstPatN :: (EqnNo, EquationInfo) -> Pat Id
+firstPatN (_, eqn) = firstPat eqn
+is_con :: Pat Id -> Bool
+is_con (ConPatOut {}) = True
+is_con _ = False
+is_lit :: Pat Id -> Bool
+is_lit (LitPat _) = True
+is_lit (NPat _ _ _) = True
+is_lit _ = False
+is_var :: Pat Id -> Bool
+is_var (WildPat _) = True
+is_var _ = False
+is_var_con :: ConLike -> Pat Id -> Bool
+is_var_con _ (WildPat _) = True
+is_var_con con (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ id }) = id == con
+is_var_con _ _ = False
+is_var_lit :: HsLit -> Pat Id -> Bool
+is_var_lit _ (WildPat _) = True
+is_var_lit lit pat
+ | Just lit' <- get_lit pat = lit == lit'
+ | otherwise = False
+The difference beteewn @make_con@ and @make_whole_con@ is that
+@make_wole_con@ creates a new constructor with all their arguments, and
+@make_con@ takes a list of argumntes, creates the contructor getting their
+arguments from the list. See where \fbox{\ ???\ } are used for details.
+We need to reconstruct the patterns (make the constructors infix and
+similar) at the same time that we create the constructors.
+You can tell tuple constructors using
+ Id.isTupleDataCon
+You can see if one constructor is infix with this clearer code :-))))))))))
+ Lex.isLexConSym (Name.occNameString (Name.getOccName con))
+ Rather clumsy but it works. (Simon Peyton Jones)
+We don't mind the @nilDataCon@ because it doesn't change the way to
+print the message, we are searching only for things like: @[1,2,3]@,
+not @x:xs@ ....
+In @reconstruct_pat@ we want to ``undo'' the work
+that we have done in @tidy_pat@.
+In particular:
+ @((,) x y)@ & returns to be & @(x, y)@
+\\ @((:) x xs)@ & returns to be & @(x:xs)@
+\\ @(x:(...:[])@ & returns to be & @[x,...]@
+The difficult case is the third one becouse we need to follow all the
+contructors until the @[]@ to know that we need to use the second case,
+not the second. \fbox{\ ???\ }
+isInfixCon :: DataCon -> Bool
+isInfixCon con = isDataSymOcc (getOccName con)
+is_nil :: Pat Name -> Bool
+is_nil (ConPatIn con (PrefixCon [])) = unLoc con == getName nilDataCon
+is_nil _ = False
+is_list :: Pat Name -> Bool
+is_list (ListPat _ _ Nothing) = True
+is_list _ = False
+return_list :: DataCon -> Pat Name -> Bool
+return_list id q = id == consDataCon && (is_nil q || is_list q)
+make_list :: LPat Name -> Pat Name -> Pat Name
+make_list p q | is_nil q = ListPat [p] placeHolderType Nothing
+make_list p (ListPat ps ty Nothing) = ListPat (p:ps) ty Nothing
+make_list _ _ = panic "Check.make_list: Invalid argument"
+make_con :: Pat Id -> ExhaustivePat -> ExhaustivePat
+make_con (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon id) }) (lp:lq:ps, constraints)
+ | return_list id q = (noLoc (make_list lp q) : ps, constraints)
+ | isInfixCon id = (nlInfixConPat (getName id) lp lq : ps, constraints)
+ where q = unLoc lq
+make_con (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon id), pat_args = PrefixCon pats})
+ (ps, constraints)
+ | isTupleTyCon tc = (noLoc (TuplePat pats_con (tupleTyConBoxity tc) [])
+ : rest_pats, constraints)
+ | isPArrFakeCon id = (noLoc (PArrPat pats_con placeHolderType)
+ : rest_pats, constraints)
+ | otherwise = (nlConPatName name pats_con
+ : rest_pats, constraints)
+ where
+ name = getName id
+ (pats_con, rest_pats) = splitAtList pats ps
+ tc = dataConTyCon id
+make_con _ _ = panic "Check.make_con: Not ConPatOut"
+-- reconstruct parallel array pattern
+-- * don't check for the type only; we need to make sure that we are really
+-- dealing with one of the fake constructors and not with the real
+-- representation
+make_whole_con :: DataCon -> WarningPat
+make_whole_con con | isInfixCon con = nlInfixConPat name
+ nlWildPatName nlWildPatName
+ | otherwise = nlConPatName name pats
+ where
+ name = getName con
+ pats = [nlWildPatName | _ <- dataConOrigArgTys con]
+ Tidying equations
+tidy_eqn does more or less the same thing as @tidy@ in @Match.lhs@;
+that is, it removes syntactic sugar, reducing the number of cases that
+must be handled by the main checking algorithm. One difference is
+that here we can do *all* the tidying at once (recursively), rather
+than doing it incrementally.
+tidy_eqn :: EquationInfo -> EquationInfo
+tidy_eqn eqn = eqn { eqn_pats = map tidy_pat (eqn_pats eqn),
+ eqn_rhs = tidy_rhs (eqn_rhs eqn) }
+ where
+ -- Horrible hack. The tidy_pat stuff converts "might-fail" patterns to
+ -- WildPats which of course loses the info that they can fail to match.
+ -- So we stick in a CanFail as if it were a guard.
+ tidy_rhs (MatchResult can_fail body)
+ | any might_fail_pat (eqn_pats eqn) = MatchResult CanFail body
+ | otherwise = MatchResult can_fail body
+might_fail_pat :: Pat Id -> Bool
+-- Returns True of patterns that might fail (i.e. fall through) in a way
+-- that is not covered by the checking algorithm. Specifically:
+-- NPlusKPat
+-- ViewPat (if refutable)
+-- ConPatOut of a PatSynCon
+-- First the two special cases
+might_fail_pat (NPlusKPat {}) = True
+might_fail_pat (ViewPat _ p _) = not (isIrrefutableHsPat p)
+-- Now the recursive stuff
+might_fail_pat (ParPat p) = might_fail_lpat p
+might_fail_pat (AsPat _ p) = might_fail_lpat p
+might_fail_pat (SigPatOut p _ ) = might_fail_lpat p
+might_fail_pat (ListPat ps _ Nothing) = any might_fail_lpat ps
+might_fail_pat (ListPat _ _ (Just _)) = True
+might_fail_pat (TuplePat ps _ _) = any might_fail_lpat ps
+might_fail_pat (PArrPat ps _) = any might_fail_lpat ps
+might_fail_pat (BangPat p) = might_fail_lpat p
+might_fail_pat (ConPatOut { pat_con = con, pat_args = ps })
+ = case unLoc con of
+ RealDataCon _dcon -> any might_fail_lpat (hsConPatArgs ps)
+ PatSynCon _psyn -> True
+-- Finally the ones that are sure to succeed, or which are covered by the checking algorithm
+might_fail_pat (LazyPat _) = False -- Always succeeds
+might_fail_pat _ = False -- VarPat, WildPat, LitPat, NPat
+might_fail_lpat :: LPat Id -> Bool
+might_fail_lpat (L _ p) = might_fail_pat p
+tidy_lpat :: LPat Id -> LPat Id
+tidy_lpat p = fmap tidy_pat p
+tidy_pat :: Pat Id -> Pat Id
+tidy_pat pat@(WildPat _) = pat
+tidy_pat (VarPat id) = WildPat (idType id)
+tidy_pat (ParPat p) = tidy_pat (unLoc p)
+tidy_pat (LazyPat p) = WildPat (hsLPatType p) -- For overlap and exhaustiveness checking
+ -- purposes, a ~pat is like a wildcard
+tidy_pat (BangPat p) = tidy_pat (unLoc p)
+tidy_pat (AsPat _ p) = tidy_pat (unLoc p)
+tidy_pat (SigPatOut p _) = tidy_pat (unLoc p)
+tidy_pat (CoPat _ pat _) = tidy_pat pat
+-- These two are might_fail patterns, so we map them to
+-- WildPats. The might_fail_pat stuff arranges that the
+-- guard says "this equation might fall through".
+tidy_pat (NPlusKPat id _ _ _) = WildPat (idType (unLoc id))
+tidy_pat (ViewPat _ _ ty) = WildPat ty
+tidy_pat (ListPat _ _ (Just (ty,_))) = WildPat ty
+tidy_pat (ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ (PatSynCon syn), pat_arg_tys = tys })
+ = WildPat (patSynInstResTy syn tys)
+tidy_pat pat@(ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ con, pat_args = ps })
+ = pat { pat_args = tidy_con con ps }
+tidy_pat (ListPat ps ty Nothing)
+ = unLoc $ foldr (\ x y -> mkPrefixConPat consDataCon [x,y] [ty])
+ (mkNilPat ty)
+ (map tidy_lpat ps)
+-- introduce fake parallel array constructors to be able to handle parallel
+-- arrays with the existing machinery for constructor pattern
+tidy_pat (PArrPat ps ty)
+ = unLoc $ mkPrefixConPat (parrFakeCon (length ps))
+ (map tidy_lpat ps)
+ [ty]
+tidy_pat (TuplePat ps boxity tys)
+ = unLoc $ mkPrefixConPat (tupleCon (boxityNormalTupleSort boxity) arity)
+ (map tidy_lpat ps) tys
+ where
+ arity = length ps
+tidy_pat (NPat lit mb_neg eq) = tidyNPat tidy_lit_pat lit mb_neg eq
+tidy_pat (LitPat lit) = tidy_lit_pat lit
+tidy_pat (ConPatIn {}) = panic "Check.tidy_pat: ConPatIn"
+tidy_pat (SplicePat {}) = panic "Check.tidy_pat: SplicePat"
+tidy_pat (QuasiQuotePat {}) = panic "Check.tidy_pat: QuasiQuotePat"
+tidy_pat (SigPatIn {}) = panic "Check.tidy_pat: SigPatIn"
+tidy_lit_pat :: HsLit -> Pat Id
+-- Unpack string patterns fully, so we can see when they
+-- overlap with each other, or even explicit lists of Chars.
+tidy_lit_pat lit
+ | HsString src s <- lit
+ = unLoc $ foldr (\c pat -> mkPrefixConPat consDataCon
+ [mkCharLitPat src c, pat] [charTy])
+ (mkPrefixConPat nilDataCon [] [charTy]) (unpackFS s)
+ | otherwise
+ = tidyLitPat lit
+tidy_con :: ConLike -> HsConPatDetails Id -> HsConPatDetails Id
+tidy_con _ (PrefixCon ps) = PrefixCon (map tidy_lpat ps)
+tidy_con _ (InfixCon p1 p2) = PrefixCon [tidy_lpat p1, tidy_lpat p2]
+tidy_con con (RecCon (HsRecFields fs _))
+ | null fs = PrefixCon (replicate arity nlWildPatId)
+ -- Special case for null patterns; maybe not a record at all
+ | otherwise = PrefixCon (map (tidy_lpat.snd) all_pats)
+ where
+ arity = case con of
+ RealDataCon dcon -> dataConSourceArity dcon
+ PatSynCon psyn -> patSynArity psyn
+ -- pad out all the missing fields with WildPats.
+ field_pats = case con of
+ RealDataCon dc -> map (\ f -> (f, nlWildPatId)) (dataConFieldLabels dc)
+ PatSynCon{} -> panic "Check.tidy_con: pattern synonym with record syntax"
+ all_pats = foldr (\(L _ (HsRecField id p _)) acc
+ -> insertNm (getName (unLoc id)) p acc)
+ field_pats fs
+ insertNm nm p [] = [(nm,p)]
+ insertNm nm p (x@(n,_):xs)
+ | nm == n = (nm,p):xs
+ | otherwise = x : insertNm nm p xs